To get a perfect approval rating, you must do the following tasks. There are two major tasks that will boost your approval by a large margin once.
The other menial tasks listed however can be repeated until you get 100%. You don’t have to do all the tasks listed; if it is convenient to you, you can just do one or two of those repeatable tasks.
Omg thats so kawaii
-tiefab [color=red][/color]
i love is this game
Is it just me or are the first few days always the most fun?
how kown if four leaf clover is right one help me out ok
I like ACNL
Isabelle, if you ask her about citizen satisfaction, can give you things like watering cans, ask you to get her a shell from the beach, but to get 100% approval, every single day, you need to:
Water flowers
Pull weeds
Write on the bulletin board
And roses things will help you get a higher rating!
hey guy dohey Guy[color=red][/color]
hey Guy Ruby 30.000
And what's wrong with Isabella having a crush on the mayor, even if you're a girl. Homophobe. XD
i played animal crossing new leaf before and i almost completed my house, got all gyroids, gotten all achievements, and got all fortunes i love the game, but a couple days later i was really md because my data got corrupted and i had to start all over. I almost torched the game, but i just wanted to play the game and get my stuff back. Also does anyone realize that Isabella, your secretary, secretly has a crush on your character that is mayor.
Are you kidding me?!?! That's soooo cute!!! Awwww
I just got acnl and I love it!!
does going to residents houses count as helping them
i love this game