Walk around your apartment and sit on your bed, sob in your pillow, grab your guitar in the living room (near the mirrored glass) and jam on it. Move to the corner of the living room (near the TV) to try and reason (or get angry) with Cole. Alas, to no positive effect. Try knocking on the door, making clear you want out, then switch to Aiden and smash up the apartment. It doesn't really make a difference, so you'll have to reach for more desperate measures; take hold of Cole and let Jodie out.
Make your way to the end of the hall and go through the double doors with Cole's pass. You'll be stopped in your tracks just before you can go out. It's possible to skip a whole portion of this chapter by NOT letting Cole 'speak'. You'll then be sent back to your room. Otherwise, make him 'speak' to go outside. The latter also allows you to get the 'Together Forever' trophy, so it's worth your while. You'll also be able to find a blue orb to unlock another bonus.
Get in the car's trunk and drive away, then walk Cole into the forest. Enter the bar with Jodie and go to the toilet for a short scene. Switch to Aiden and look in the men's restroom for a [BLUE ORB]. Sit down at one of the tables and converse however you wish, then start a game of pool with the guys. Of course things go wrong, so as Aiden interact with the objects in the bar. When they try to escape you can either choose to wait (and let them escape) or to kill them all (the latter is required in an 'evil playthrough' for the trophy 'Uncontrollable').
I wanted to add that playing pool with the guys isn't required, you can just walk out. This influences a scene in the DINNER chapter with Ryan. Also, it shortens Jodie's 'conversation' with Aiden, after Ryan calls her up, taking out the "F--- you for reminding me!" part which references what happens at the bar if things get ugly.