The Top 10 Mistakes that New Pokemon Trainers Make

06. Type Ignorance

This one will hit and hurt hard - and often comes as a painful surprise to new Trainers when they suddenly realize that even their heavy-hitting Starter Pokemon is not only type-weak to certain Pokemon, but can be taken down like a wet paper sack in a heartbeat when they run up against just the wrong type!

The first and most basic rule you need to understand is that the Elements play a major role in move effectiveness and the results of an attack and defense...

Each Pokemon has a type (for dual types there are two types but one tends to dominate) and each type has beneficial and negative Elemental connections. The same holds true for moves - as each move that a Pokemon learns will cause whatever sort of elemental damage it is based upon. The two are obviously related.

The next rule that needs to be embraced and understood is that each type is strong against other types, but some types are neutral - which means they only obtain a very basic level of offense or defense in an encounter. Finally of course your Pokemon type has weaknesses against certain other types - and when they face off against them - or their element - they will very quickly obtain damage or even get KOd!

When a Pokemon is at max-type-advantage facing a Pokemon that is at type-disadvantage, the dominant Pokemon will actually do up to two-times (2x) the damage than normal!

For example when an Electric-type attacks a Normal-type Pokemon the elemental relationship is a Neutral one - and when the Electric-type attacks a Water-type it gets double-damage as it is type-srong versus it. When your Pokemon attacks a Pokemon who is type-strong against them (meaning that yours is type-weak) you will be lucky if they can do 1/2 the amount of damage that a Neutral could do!

Type-Immunity from Attack

Finally there are some types that are completely immune to attacks from other types. Ghost-type is a perfect example here but there are others too.

For Ghost-type they are totally immune from being attacked and damaged by Fighting and Normal -type (basically physical attacks don't work against the Ghost-type), and conversely Ghost-type cannot use Ghost-type moves to damage Normal-type Pokemon.

Other type-based immunities include Ground-type being immune to attacks from Electric-type, Psychic-type being immune from attack by Dark-types, and for X & Y there is even an immunity granted the newest type of Pokemon, the Fairy-type - which is immune to attacks from Dragon-types.

Learning the Types

As a new trainer the very first thing that you should do is go online and find a Pokemon Type Chart for Pokemon X and Y and print it out. Take it to your local office supply store after you trim it to size and have it laminated so you can carry it in your pocket / day pack and pull it out as needed as you learn the various rules and relationships.

This is crucial for new trainers, especially because these type-relationships are multiple-sided. For example there can be very different results in terms of Offense / Defense with very different results depending upon the Pokemon.

You may find that while your Pokemon is strong against the type it is facing in terms of not taking damage itself, its moves set is actually weak versus that type - so while they can stand there and soak up the damage from their opponent, they cannot dish out hardly ANY damage in return!

We'll use the Dragon-type as our example - but eventually you will learn all of this to heart as you experience it and memorize it all...

Fire-type Example

The Fire-type is one of the most sexy of all Pokemon types. They look good, they often attack good, and all-in-all they provide a pleasant game play experience. Well, for the most part. But let's take a look at their functional reality:

Strong Offense: Bug / Grass / Ice / Steel.

Weak Offense: Dragon / Fire / Rock / Water.

Strong Defense: Bug / Fairy / Fire / Grass / Ice / Steel.

Weak Defense: Ground / Rock / Water.

The type-chart match-ups reveal that your Fire-type would be ideal for battle with Bug, Grass, Ice, and Steel-types, but no so much when facing off against Dragon-type, and very not-so-much versus Rock and Water-types!

Comedienne Ron White built a major part of his routine and act on the simple concept that “You can't fix stupid” and that is probably true.but it also nicely emphasises that there is a cure for being Type-Ignorant! And that cure is knowledge.

Type-Ignorance is a serious mistake that new trainers make and on a common basis. Printing out a Type-chart is the first step to correcting that minor weakness and making yourself into very effective trainer!

Posted: 16th Apr 2015 by CMBF
Pokemon Omega Ruby,