180 Game 100% complete.Complete everything in the game!
20 Bespin - undefeated.Complete this level without dying. No Extras should be turned on.
20 Carkoon - undefeated.Complete this level without dying. No Extras should be turned on.
20 Cloud City Trap - undefeatedComplete this level without dying. No Extras should be turned on.
20 Dagobah - undefeated.Complete this level without dying. No Extras should be turned on.
20 Death Star Escape - undefeated.Complete this level without dying. No Extras should be turned on.
20 Death Star II - undefeated.Complete this level without dying. No Extras should be turned on. (4)
20 Echo Base - undefeated.Complete this level without dying. No Extras should be turned on.
20 Endor - undefeated.Complete this level without dying. No Extras should be turned on.
20 Facon Flight - undefeated.Complete this level without dying. No Extras should be turned on.
20 Game 20% complete.Complete 20% of the game.
20 Hoth Battle - undefeated.Complete this level without dying. No Extras should be turned on.
20 Jabba's Palace - undefeated.Complete this level without dying. No Extras should be turned on.
20 Jedi Destiny - undefeated.Complete this level without dying. No Extras should be turned on.
20 Jundland Wastes - undefeated.Complete this level without dying. No Extras should be turned on.
20 Mos Eisley - undefeated.Complete this level without dying. No Extras should be turned on.
20 Rebel Attack - undefeated.Complete this level without dying. No Extras should be turned on.
20 Rescue the Princess - undefeatedComplete this level without dying. No Extras should be turned on.
20 Secret Plans - undefeated.Complete this level without dying. No Extras should be turned on. (3)
20 Secret Plans level completeComplete the first level of the game - Secret Plans.
20 Speeder Showdown - undefeated.Complete this level without dying. No Extras should be turned on.
40 Bounty Hunter missions completeComplete all of the ten Bounty Hunter Missions.
40 Game 40% completeComplete 40% of the game.
50 Episode IV complete.Complete all six levels in this Episode in Story Mode.
50 Episode V complete.Complete all six levels in this Episode in Story Mode.
50 Episode VI complete.Complete all six levels in this Episode in Story Mode.
50 LEGO City complete.Complete the LEGO City level.
60 Game 60% complete.Complete 60% of the game.
80 Game 80% complete.Complete 80% of the game.