Mission 12 - Operation Dragon Breath
Arnaud Durand “WALRUS” (SU-34 Fullback)
This is the most sensitive condition to achieve in this mission since you need to ensure that Stonehenge doesn’t get damaged, even once. This means you have to eliminate a majority of the ground forces, choppers, and more importantly, the TU-95 bombers quickly. Bring in powerful air-to-ground weapons to quickly deal with the ground targets. The F-22A’s XSDB or other planes’ XAGM are excellent choices for this attempt.
You have to prioritize intercepting the bombers and prevent them from getting close to the facility. If you see them from afar, it’s recommended to intercept them immediately. Ignore their escorts if you can. When if the condition is met, WALRUS will appear along the two helicopter squadrons from the northeast of the operation area, near the end of the first phase of the mission.