* Mission Name: Beach Bonfire
* Mission Area: Havana
* Rewards: 1000 + 500 if stayed out of combat
Go to the southern beach first. Encircle the restricted zone, then tag the target. Grab your pistol and take the headshot form afar, ending the contract safely and soundly. This mission can be done very safely as long as you keep your enough and proper distance.
* Mission Name: A Shipment of Powder
* Mission Area: Havana
* Rewards: 1000 + 500 if stayed out of combat
Go the eastern docks. Climb atop the roof of the harbourmaster’s store near the restricted zone. Utilize eagle vision and tag the target. Swim in the waters and go around the dock's end. Wait for the incoming boat, then running assassinate the target fast and silent.
* Mission Name: The Spanish Commander
* Mission Area: Havana
* Rewards: 1000 + 500 if stayed out of combat
Go to southwestern courtyard within the target area. Go up to the roof, then tag the target walking down the western area. Utilize the trees connecting to the stalking zones down the place. Kill the target when he gets near.
* Mission Name: Unlicensed Dealer
* Mission Area: Havana
* Rewards: 1000 + 500 if stayed out of combat
The restricted zone is in the northeastern square. Make your way through the south, hiring dancers to distract the guards away from entrance. Rush inside when security clears up, go up beams among the right-hand cannons. Take the trees from here, tag the target, then air assassinate the vulnerable target.
* Mission Name: No More Taxes
* Mission Area: Havana
* Rewards: 1000 + 500 if stayed out of combat
Travel to the northern small market. Use the rooftops from the pigeon marker to land on the restricted courtyard. Tag the target on a shelter, blend among civilians, then use the bushes to inch your way in, finally running assassinate the target.
* Mission Name: A Botched Escape
* Mission Area: Havana
* Rewards: 1000
Head to the restricted zone by the western city walls. Enter the green area and turn on Eagle vision to find the target in the stalking area. Just chase him after he runs away, then tackle him to render him unconscious. Kill him or knock him out afterwards.