* Mission Name: The Pirate Captain
* Mission Area: Nassau
* Rewards: 1000 + 500 if stayed out of combat
Head to the restricted zone by the northern grassy area. Use the eastern to access the place. Use the trees first, then the branches to the west. Tag the target from here, then approach the enemy. Air assassinate him when you get the chance to do so.
* Mission Name: The Outlaws
* Mission Area: Nassau
* Rewards: 1000 + 500 if stayed out of combat
Go to the huge western estate house. Enter the area and take out the guard at the entrance. Climb atop the ladder and go up the roof. Next up, silently go up the viewpoint. You can tag the target from up here, so do so to save you the trouble. Close in now, then when the enemy reaches the stairs of the home he is patrolling, air assassinate him.