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Base Building Basics

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In order to be able to attack other players, and to defend yourself appropriately, you have to establish a strong and secure base. The center of this is the Town Hall, which awards 1 star to a player if they are able to destroy it while attacking you.

Around this you also need Resource Collectors, Extractors and Storage, depending on the resource in question. A Barracks is required to train troops, an Army Camp to house them while they wait to go into battle, and a whole host of defensive structures, from Walls to Cannons and Mortars.

As you progress through the game you can upgrade all of these structures at a cost, in both time and resources. Higher level buildings also become available, such as the Laboratory. To be able to build or upgrade a structure, a Builder is required to carry out the work.

TIP: Do not advanced to the next level Town Hall without upgrading ALL of your offensive troops, buildings, and walls!

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7 comments, latest first.
Apr 6th 2015 Guest
Doesn't show me pictures on how to make my base better nothing is working
ID #538581
Nov 7th 2014 Guest
there are cheats but there hard to find[color=red][size=12][/size] [/color]
ID #468399
Oct 26th 2014 Guest
There are no cheats DO NOT watse your time looking
ID #463665
Oct 6th 2014 emptyold
help me pleaze

ID #455710
Jun 21st 2014 Guest
What's the number for

ID #403476
May 28th 2014 Guest
This is SPARTA!!!!!!!!!!

ID #390246
Mar 30th 2014 Guest

ID #369760
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