Batman: Arkham City is an action-adventure game that is based on the DC Comics superhero Batman. The main storyline revolves around Batman's imprisonment in Arkham City, a super-prison enclosing the decaying urban slums of fictional Gotham City. He must uncover the secret behind a sinister scheme orchestrated by the facility's warden, Hugo Strange. Batman: Arkham City is available on PlayStation 3, X360, Wii U, Mac, and PC. Take a look at our tips to get help in the game.
We have 13 cheats and tips on PS3. If you have any cheats or tips for Batman: Arkham City please send them in here. We also have cheats for this game on : PC : Xbox 360
You can also ask your question on our Batman: Arkham City Questions & Answers page.
To find a secret hideout, climb to the top of the boat in the industrial district, by two cranes.
Once there, use the Cryptographic Sequencer and manipulate the letters until the message "City Of Terror" is displayed.
A secret path will appear on the boat, allowing you to climb down into a infested hull. You can pick up a medical form for Jonathan Crane and see a scarecrow that reacts when you zoom in on him.
Watch the following video if you want to know how to get to the Riddler's hideout in Batman Arkham City.
To get a second hidden message, use the Cryptographic Sequencer and get coordinates 500,900.
This will return the following numbers:
To decode it, use the following number pattern, where 1 = C, 2 = B, 3 = A, 4 = Z, etc.
Once you have worked out the code, it will read: "YOU WILL PAY FOR WHAT YOU HAVE DONE TO ME".
Search the coordinates X: 200.00, Y: 500.00 on the Cryptographic Sequencer to unearth a hidden message to decode.
Message: 3-20-26-18-26-16-24-1-11-4-24-9-3-8-5-2-12-18-6-16-7-11-3-10-17-5-13-4-21-8
Search for the coordinates X700, Y490 on the Cryptographic Sequencer to intercept a radio frequency that contains the following repeating numbers: 9, 23, 9, 12, 12, 18, 5, 20, 21, 18, 14, 2, 1, 20, 13, 1, 14. The message is decoded as 'I WILL RETURN BATMAN'.
If you are struggling with the game then watch the following video as it shows and explains ALL the cheat codes for Batman: Arkham City.
0:03 - Big Head Mode
2:18 - Select Skin Cheat
3:41 - Taunt / Action Camera Cheat
To unlock the alternative ending for Arkham City, you need to have access to the Catwoman DLC. With this done, on Catwoman's third mission, head right when you are given the choice of right or left.
This will set up the alternate ending - remember that you can revert following this so it doesn't change the rest of the main game.
You can make Batman's (and everyone else's) heads ginormous by using the cryptographic sequencer and holding L1 and R1.
Rotate the left analog stick anti-clockwise, and the right clockwise.Soon, you will see Batman's head become much larger - as will all your enemies'!
When the game has been completed under the Normal or Hard difficulty setting you will be able to retain any previously earned Experience points and gadgets. In New Game Plus mode there will not be any counter icons on thugs and they will have different configurations and be tough to defeat from the start of the game. The Bosses will also be tougher.
Watch the video below to find a secret hatch.
There are various secret costumes or skins that are available for Arkham City through preordering or the Collector's Edition:
1970s Batman:
Preorder at EB Games (AU)
Preorder at ShopTo (UK)
Preorder at Toys 'R' Us (US)
Animated Series:
Preorder at JB HiFi (AU)
Preorder at MightyApe (NZ)
Batman Beyond:
Preorder at Game (AU)
Preorder at GameStop (UK)
Preorder at MightyApe (NZ)
Earth One:
Preorder at JB HiFi (AU)
Preorder at MightyApe (NZ)
Red Robin:
Preorder at Game or Gamestation (UK)
Preorder at Best Buy (US)
Sinestro Corps Skin (PS3):
Included with Green Lantern on Blu-ray (Best B..
First,unlock the remote crontrol,you have to go to the hole in the industrial district and enter the sewer system.then,go to the jail cell to the right with a red button behind it and use the remote control baterang to hit it and killer croc breaks through the wall.This only works when you already dealt with ra's al ghul.
First find a billboard, then go on it, go all the way to the left or the right on it (sit on the billboard facing off the edge), then look up and rapidly spam ice grenades(R2). Once you get above the smog of the city start gliding around out the map P.S. You can't touch the ground
There are 71 trophies for Batman: Arkham City.
Click here to see them all.
We have 132 questions and 220 answers for Batman: Arkham City. Check them out to find answers or ask your own to get the exact game help you need.
How do I get into the iceberg lounge? |
There is a door that leads directly to the Iceberg lounge on the side of the museum. Leave the museum completely, then go to the right side of the museum and you'll see a door. |
Entering Museum. I can't get into the museum to find penguin n fr.. |
To get in to find Penguin you need to use the decryptor to unlock the door, but once you get inside you will see that the tool is being jammed. You need to then leave, track down the jamming devices and shut them down. |
I cannot access my cryptographic sequencer from my gadgets direc |
To get in to find Penguin you need to use the decryptor to unlock the door, but once you get inside you will see that the tool is being jammed. You need to then leave, track down the jamming devices and shut them down. |
How do I get the cryptographic sequencer |
This is unlocked as you progress the story mode - just keep playing through the game and complete the active missions. |
elevator not going up in gladiator pit |
That is a bug - reverting to a previous save and replaying that section is the solution. |
Can you help answer any of these questions?
How to skip riddler trophies |
Why does my Batman Arkham city on Xbox one block my c.. |
How to locate Ra’s al Ghul |
How to unlok catwoumen |
Cat women code pls |
We have 4 Walkthroughs for Batman: Arkham City.
By abaddononion2Combat Mechanics Guide (PS3)
By Axel7174Walkthrough (PS3)
By ExtremePhobiaWalkthrough (X360)
By omegamustardAchievement Guide (X360)
Click here for all walkthroughs
You will probably be really interested in this guide if you are currently playing Arkham City. The..