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Best Gifts Guide

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In our Support System Guide, we have covered the various methods of improving unit supports and one of them is through giving gifts. Each character in the game has their own preferred gifts; moreso hated ones. In our Best Gifts guide, we will list down the various gifts you can give to each character in the game, including tips on how and where to get them.

Fire Emblem Engage is a latest installation for the critically-acclaimed Fire Emblem series, offering a fresh approach to the tried-and tested tactical, turn-based JRPG formula fans have seen in recent years. Players are treated with the return of the Triangle System, weapons with no durability, and of course, the fresh new Emblem/Bond Ring mechanic.

Spirit Gems and Pretty Pebbles

These two items are loved and liked by all characters respectively - meaning you can give them to anyone and get a positive increase to their support/relationship. They can only be picked up around Somniel so don’t laze around ignoring the shiny spots on the ground since they can be anything! These item spots also get reset after every battle (regardless if they’re story-related or ordinary skirmishes).

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Horse Manure

This a universally appalling gift item that doesn’t have any redeeming factor aside from getting hilarious reactions from characters who receive them. Support “points” and levels don’t go down in the game thankfully so you can give this item only if you want to see your allies’ reactions or just want to annoy a specific character. Horse manure can only be obtained from Somniel’s item spots, like Spirit Gems and Pretty Pebbles.

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Out of all the characters in your party, only Fogado and Lapis will not react negatively and will even provide somewhat of a positive feedback. This is because of Lapis' “country bumpkin” background which explains a lot of interesting things about her, ranging from her being a reliable jack-of-all trades girl, inhuman strength (fighting bears), and humble musings.

Timerra Flea Market

After clearing Chapter 14, Timerra will open a small flea market beside Somniel’s pool. Here, you can use gold to purchase various gift items you can find in this list. The inventory will refresh with random content after every battle. Gold can be hard to come by early on and spending them for gifts is understandably not the immediate priority of every player so spend wisely!

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Gift List

Before we start, we will list down all characters (including those you possibly wouldn’t expect joining) so here’s our SPOILER WARNING. We will feature them in the bottom of the page in their own separate section but still, be warned. These are the gifts we tested so it might also be possible that we’re missing a few items per character. Nevertheless, even focusing on the gifts listed here alone is guaranteed enough to increase their support.

Character Preferred Gifts
Alcryst Elyos History, Fairy-Tale Book, Fine Quill Pen, Poetry Book, Philosophy Book,
Alfred Bandages, Muscle Balm, Training Weight, Dragon Scripture, Sun Visor, Lentil Flower, White Clover
Amber Animal Treats, Butterfly Net, Roasted Yam, Bear Carving, Field Guide, Utility Knife, White Clover, Yogurt
Anna Cute Apron, Landscape Art, Lovely Candle, Large Plate, Sharp Chisel, Sewing Kit, Sheep Wool, Quality Kerchief, Utility Knife
Boucheron Dragon Scripture, Elyos History, Fairy-Tale Book, Poetry Book, Landscape Art
Bunet Dried Meat, Desert Marigold, Large Plate, Roasted Yam, Sun Visor, Tea Leaves, Yogurt, White Clover
Céline Antler Earrings, Dragon Scripture, Elyos History, Flower Wreath, Lentil Flower, Lovely Candle, Quality Kerchief, Strong Perfume, Tea Leaves
Chloé Animal Treats, Butterfly Net, Dragon Scripture, Dried Meat, Fairy-Tale Book, Poetry Book, Spicy Seasonings,
Citrinne Elyos History, Flower Wreath, Fine Quill Pen, Lily, Lovely Candle, Philosophy Book, Quality Kerchief, Tea Leaves
Clanne Dragon Scripture, Fairy-Tale Book, Poetry Book, Fine Quill Pen, Large Plate, Quality Kerchief, Tea Leaves, White Clover
Diamant Bandages, Muscle Balm, Elyos History, Fine Quill Pen, Fishing Bait, Utility Knife, Sharp Chisel, Fancy Dagger, Training Weight,
Etie Bandages, Dried Meat, Dragon Scripture, Flower Wreath, Lentil Flower, Muscle Balm, Training Weight, Tea Leaves
Fogado Antler Earrings, Dried Meat, Desert Marigold, Flower Wreath, Horn, Playing Cards
Framme Dragon Scripture, Chrysanthemum, Flower Wreath, Lovely Candle, Muscle Balm, Quality Kerchief, Strong Perfume, Sun Visor, Training Weight
Goldmary Antler Earrings, Cute Apron, Lupine Flower, Flower Wreath, Landscape Art, Lovely Candle, Quality Kerchief, Strong Perfume, Sun Visor, Tea Leaves, White Clover
Hortensia Antler Earrings, Cute Apron, Flower Wreath, Lovely Candle, Lupine Flower, Quality Kerchief, Strong Perfume
Ivy Fairy-Tale Book, Fine Quill Pen, Dragon Scripture, Elyos History, Landscape Art, Poetry Book, Philosophy Book, Tea Leaves, White Clover
Jade Bear Carving, Butterfly Net, Elyos History, Fine Quill Pen, Fairy-Tale Book, Field Guide, Muscle Balm, Poetry Book
Jean Butterfly Net, Bear Carving, Dragon Scripture, Elyos History, Fine Quill Pen, Field Guide, Philosophy Book, Poetry Book, Tea Leaves
Kagetsu Playing Cards, Landscape Art, Lovely Candle, Sharp Chisel, Utility Knife, Fancy Dagger, Bandages, Muscle Balm, Training Weight
Lapis Animal Treats, Bear Carving, Roasted Yam, Butterfly Net, Utility Knife, Sharp Chisel, Sewing Kit, Sheep Wool, Field Guide, Training Weight, Muscle Balm
Lindon Fairy-Tale Book, Elyos History, Fine Quill Pen, Landscape Art, Large Plate, Philosophy Book, Poetry Book, Sharp Chisel, White Clover
Louis Dragon Scripture, Flower Wreath, Lentil Flower, Poetry Book, Tea Leaves, White Clover
Merrin Animal Treats, Antler Earrings, Bear Carving, Butterfly Net, Dried Meat, Horn, Utility Knife, Fancy Dagger, Sharp Chisel
Pandreo Antler Earrings, Dragon Scripture, Fairy-Tale Book, Horn, Playing Cards, Lovely Candle, Yogurt
Panette Antler Earrings, Butterfly Net, Dried Meat, Fancy Dagger, Sharp Chisel, Spicy Seasonings, Spooky Scroll, Utility Knife
Rosado Antler Earrings, Bear Carving, Cute Apron, Lupine Flower, Flower Wreath, Landscape Art, Lovely Candle, Quality Kerchief, Strong Perfume
Saphir Bandages, Training Weight, Muscle Balm, Fishing Bait, Utility Knife, Fancy Dagger, Roasted Yam, Yogurt
Seadall Antler Earrings, Dried Meat, Elyos History, Horn, Lovely Candle, Poetry Book, Quality Kerchief, Strong Perfume, White Clover
Timerra Antler Earrings, Bear Carving, Butterfly Net, Horn, Quality Kerchief, Playing Cards, Large Plate, Strong Perfume
Vander Sewing Kit, Sheep Wool, Quality Kerchief, Fine Quill Pen, Dragon Scripture
Yunaka Bandages, Muscle Balm, Horn, Fancy Dagger, Utility Knife, Sharp Chisel, Training Weight
Zelkov Poetry Book, Elyos History, Landscape Art, Utility Knife, Sharp Chisel, Sewing Kit, Sheep Wool
Veyle Chrysanthemum, Desert Marigold, Elyos History, Fairy-Tale Book, Flower Wreath, Lentil Flower, Lily, Lovely Candle, Lupine Flower, Playing Cards
Mauvier Chrysanthemum, Desert Marigold, Flower Wreath, Lentil Flower, Lupine Flower, Dried Meat, Bandages, Training Weight, Muscle Balm, Utility Knife, Fancy Dagger, Sharp Chisel

This concludes our Best Gifts Guide for Fire Emblem Engage. Please check out our other pages for the game for more Fire Emblem Engage content!

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