Big Game Hunter
Borderlands Walkthrough and Guide
by swaggers
Big Game Hunter
Location: Dahl Headlands
GIVER: Ernest Whitting
LVL: 20
$: 4823
EXP: 5280
REWARD: Sniper Rifle
Skagzilla. This guy is a BEAST. Literally. Be sure to be on full ammo before you start this. First head to the small outpost where the bait is being held. Kill everyone and then grab the skag. The entrance to the Skagzilla arena is right by the big jump in the Dahl Headlands. Just take the small metal walkway and drop into the arena. Then place the bait and Skagzilla will appears. Constantly be jumping out of the way and try to time your jump to match when Skagzilla lands to reduce damage. Go for body shots whenever possible and eventually he'll go down.
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