Blair Witch is a first-person survival horror game that is set in 1996. The story revolves around the disappearance of a young boy named Peter in the Black Hills Forest near Burkittsville, Maryland. You play the role of a troubled former police officer suffering from PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) who along with his German Shepherd named Bullet join a search party for the missiong boy. What begins as an ordinary investigation soon escalates into a nightmare as you confront your fears and the Blair Witch, a mysterious force that haunts the woods with nothing at your disposal but a flashlight, radio, and your old school cell phone. Check out our walkthrough, guide, strategy page to get some tips on playing this supernatural thriller.
Actions Matter
Your actions during the game are constantly evaluated and your ending is detimined by them. It is therefore important that you think things through before you perform an action as it will affect the outcome of the game. Actions include how you use the radio, treat your dog, talk to your wife, or whether you destroy the stick figures or not.
Use the Dog to Search Areas
Make sure during your search you use Bullet - the dog, as often as possible to search your surrounding area as your four-legged companion has the ability to locate useful items such as videotapes.
Watch the Videotapes
As you progress through the game Bullet will find tapes that relate to the boy's disappearance and also tell you more about the whole story. Make sure you watch these videotapes so you can manipulate reality and move the plot along.
No Map
Blair Witch does not give you a map for when you get lost. This is not a problem as the game has been designed with all sorts of passages that often lead to the exit point, you just need to find them in the surrounding darkness of the forest.
Use the Camera instead of the Flashlight
Initially you will be wondering aournd the forest in darkness save for your flashlight. However when you reach chapter 3 you will also get a night vision camera which you will be able to replace the flashlight and get a wider range of vision that will allow you to see things you wouldn't normally be able to see.
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