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Bonfires are similar to the towers that were present in the recent Far Cry games. They provide some XP, Population, a fast travel point you can essentially teleport to on the map, a place to rest to change the time of day, and a stash so you can access the reward stash from away from home.

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These bonfires usually consist of a few enemies in a small space. You can capture bonfires by defeating every enemy around it and then lighting the big pyramid-like structure on fire.

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TIP:Aside from the rewards previously stated, bonfires also reveal some special places of interest, most notably, Spirit Totems. If you use our Guide and can't find the spirit totem icon anywhere, you may have to capture a bonfire in the surrounding areas to reveal them.

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1 comments, latest first.
Aug 8th 2023 GRLpGpAG
ID #780574
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