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Breakable Objects (F)

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These are militia shields that you need to blast away with the Batmobile's cannon. Every island has 15 militia shields and every five of them you destroy, you complete a Riddler Challenge.

  1. On the wall of one of the smaller old buildings in the lower street, near the Knight Time AR Challenge.

  2. NE wall of the Cityvision Construction building.

  3. Western tunnel entrance of the Lex Corp building

  4. One of the inner walls of the Gotham Stock Exchange building.

  5. On the wall of the old tower building, west of Goth Corp

  6. In the underground circular road, SW of the Wayne International Plaza

  7. In one of the older plaza buildings, southern Otisburg

  8. One of the container vans in NE Port Adams.

  9. One of the container vans in NW Port Adams.

  10. On the cargo crane SW of the island.

  11. Under the overhead walkway, east of Calle-Anderson Pharmaceuticals

  12. The remaining militia shields are located in the Subway tunnels under construction. Use the lift in Port Adams to reach it again. On top of the three air ventilation fans near the tunnel entrance.

  13. Midway in the tunnel, you'll have to use a ramp to cross a section. The shield is located on the wall to the south. (to your right)

  14. Shortly after passing the loading ramp, continue along the tunnel until you find a portion where you have to make the batmobile run on the walls again. Turn around to find shield above the passageway.

  15. In the cavern to the NE corner.

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2 comments, latest first.
Jul 31st 2015 Guest
Solved all riddlers riddles except one he tells me im missing one on founders island i go there then he tells me i need one on magani island id like to 100% the game so if i can get a clue to what it is im suppose to do that will be awsome. Thanks!!!
ID #591814
Aug 22nd 2015 Guest
Did you get the trophy and riddle in the place where you find he pig guy?
ID #601180
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