Breezy Hollow is located right beside your camp (east). It’s set up with a forest-like landscape and features different fruit bearing and non-fruit bearing trees. These trees allow the player to harvest some fruit or earn some random bags of Bells (non-fruit bearing trees) every 3 hours.
Characters & Animal Friends
Same as with to other 3 locations in the Map (Lost Lure Creek, Sunburst Island, and Saltwater Shore) where you basically do your foraging activities, you'll find a random player character that you can befriend or give your kudos with, and an animal friend that you can perform his/her requests with. These characters are rotated every 3 hours, so make sure to make the most out of the 3 hours with them and check the spots every after 3 hours for new characters.
Breezy Hollow has all the collection of fruit bearing trees (Peach, Orange, Cherry, Apple, Pear) in the game but usually 1 of each type of fruit. To save up on your inventory space, you can shake the fruits and have them occupy the space on the ground as they wont expire there. Not unless an animal requests for a particular fruit, you really don't need to put them in your inventory (except if you are on the latter levels of friendship with them -- where they tend to ask a great volume of these fruits at a time). Another 2 non-fruit bearing trees can be found there, which you may also shake for a random drop of Bells.