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Can you tell me a funny phrase for the little girl Plz don't take me..

Question asked by dudeboydanny on
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Question for Pokemon Emerald

Can you tell me a funny phrase for the little girl

Plz don't take me to a site just tell me

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BlazedChild answered:

Well the 'phrase' is not really a phrase but actually a bunch of rubbish letters. The reward is a new background for your PC. But you must decide on which background you want before you type in your 'phrase'. So you have to find out from a site to know which phrase gives you which background.

gba_dude answered:

Its completly at random.
Just try any phrase.

Cross Stinger answered:

It depends on your ID and the pattern you want for the box wallpaper you get in return from her father, so I have no other choice....

This is the only answer we can possibly give you.

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Guest said: 15th Aug 2015 | REPORT
Well wtf did u put is what ppl atr asking freaking stupid no one can just answer a simple question
Zelda Fan answered:

I don't think you can make her laugh.

annefranman52 answered:

I think you have to have a certain ID, and something about the wallpaper in your boxes... That's all I know.

sk8tiger answered:

You have to go to that site... I don't remember what it is though; check the previous question pages.

jisifredo answered:

I know how, I made her laugh 3 times. First go to and if there's more to the web site and it doesn't work email me at [email protected] and tell me. Then if it does work just enter your trainer id and some other stuff that just takes like 1 minute.

Aeon-Flux answered:

Try listening to what your friends say that makes you laugh and fit it in the phrase boxes.

Guest answered:

Shamallama DingDong is certainly the correct phrase.

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Guest said: 27th Feb 2015 | REPORT
it doesnt even fit in the box
Guest answered:

I've been saying "your fat" and nothing happens

Guest answered:

The reason this prompt comes up is to give you an opportunity to design your own box designs. You can look up a website, but just as an example here’s one I made. BWQBGBkQSThQVch It’s case sensitive, but I hope this helps. Also, hello from the future, it’s pretty terrible here tbh.

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Guest said: 17th Aug 2021 | REPORT
You're a liar. It didn't work. That code you said.

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