Chapter 15
Dead Space 2 Walkthrough and Guide
by vhayste
Chapter 15
You need to run through the walkway and fight your way against hordes of advanced necromorphs and the Ubermorph. Keep running until you reach a lift. The last collectible log should be on the floor before the lift. (Tidemann's Last Hope)Take the lift to go up and save your game. Go through the corridors again and destroy the fuses to create pathways for you. This is actually the perfect place to take out the Ubermorph once and for all. Refer to this guide's Necromorph list for more details. Head to the light and win the sequence with Tiedemann. Next, you'll need to fight something...
You need to shoot Nicole to expose the marker's “core”. Once its exposed, shoot the core. Repeat the process and prevent her from getting near you. The Pulse Rifle will do its job here, especially if you fully upgraded it already. Just keep repeating the process until the core explodes and frees you.
The Final Sacrifice
Once done, stay put but don't relax yet. Ellie will come to rescue you; control Isaac and steer him towards the gunship. Enjoy the credits!
Save your cleared game file.
New Game
Elite Engineering Suit and Riot Security Suit
Hardcore Mode.
(Elite Engineering Suit schematic available in the room with the first store. )
Note: New Game not only carries all the weapons, armor and items you bought, but also the number of power nodes you have stored from your last save. The items in your inventory and storage will remain as is, and all the upgrades applied to your equipment will be retained as well. The credits you're carrying will be carried over as well.
All the unlocked schematics in the previous playthrough will be retained so there's no need to collect them again. If you happen to come across the schematic locations, you'll find other goodies instead, usually semi-conductors.
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