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Chapter 2: The Children

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At this point, you arrive with Harvey. Harvey expresses his concern and tells you how he has done everything to help you. You express appreciation. But he asks what it really is and you tell him that it is a personal matter. Gordon shows up shortly and tells you that he is only allowing Bruce to meet because of the information you provided. Harvey says he is surprised but you say that you were going to tell him eventually. On your way to Falcone, you have a small chat with Sgt. Renee Montoya who expresses her support for your family despite all the negative media.

You finally make it inside Falcone’s room, Falcone is surprised to see you. You say that you wanted to talk to him. Falcone says that you are practically family. Bruce tries to remind him about what Falcone hiring Chill to kill his father. Falcone asks you to give him morphine and we respond by giving him enough morphine to take so you would have him coherent. Falcone says that your kind gesture reminded him of Martha Wayne. Falcone says that Thomas Wayne was ruthless.

Later Falcone admits that he did not order the assassination of his parents. Falcone says that Bruce shouldn’t trust anyone in Gotham especially those who are friends. Suddenly shots are fired at Falcone by Renee Montoya.

After the gruesome scene, Gordon and Harvey expresses such disappointment about what happened. Harvey tries his best to keep it from getting out. You say that something is wrong with her and that she seemed very different from how she was earlier. Gordon agrees with your observation. You say that you need to get the facts straight first. Gordon and Harvey exit the room to meet Falcone’s lawyers.

While they’re gone, you investigate Montoya with Alfred’s help. You look at a fresh injection site and some marks on Montoya’s mouth. You send the substance sample to Alfred. Montoya wakes up shortly and she says that she doesn’t understand anything. You ask her to try remember what she can. You say that you were drugged. Montoya says that she remembers that after a sharp pain, she could feel light and that she did not have to worry about any consequences. As you urge her to try to remember more, she remembers someone talking about a revolution. As soon as Harvey and Gordon come back, you mention about the needle marks and about a man talking about a “revolution”.

On your way out, you see Vicki and try to brush her off by saying you are in a rush. She probes some more but you try to avoid her some more by asking where she got that information. Vicki asks that you give her more information. We say that we don’t have time for this. Vicki says that she is quite disappointed.

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