This was a long and complicated game to play through, and while in many ways it faithfully observed the traditions that were established in the previous titles in the series, in many ways it violated them as well as it sought to find a new middle-ground so that a wider selection of gamers could play and enjoy it and for that we must praise the developers.
AC3 was three years in the making – which leaves me stunned by the large amount of bugs that were still in the game. I was also stunned when they quickly patched the game to make specific missions less difficult than they were at the release date. While I understand why they did that, I am never going to really understand why they did that. But we now live in an era in which the anger of gamers can (and does) impact how the companies that make the games react, and in this case they reacted to the overall frustration of the gamers – whether that turns out to be a good thing or a bad thing only time will tell.
The process of making this guide took in excess of 120 hours of actual game play and in the end left me with mixed emotions about the story and how it played out. There is really nothing served in revealing the ending, or in offering you an opinion of it, but suffice it to say that I was really not all that surprised by the choices that were made. Anyone who played the games from the beginning of the series should not be.
Thank you for reading this guide, and for the comments and the emails you send. It is my fondest hope that you get from this as much pleasure as I did in the making of it.