Cosmic Wars: The Galactic Battle is a post-apocalyptic turn-based RPG and a Base Builder set in space where your objective is to survive the battles against various forces, space monsters, and other users who wander throught he universe. You begin the game with a small vessel which you build into a huge fearsome warship loaded with destructive firepower. There are no rules and no blueprints to tell you what type of ship you can build, you just let your creative juices flow. Check out our Cosmic Wars: The Galactic Battle Walkthrough and Guide to get help in the game.
Find the Billboard for Rewards
Head to the Adventure or Sector screen and look around for a strange looking ship with the name Billboard. Once you have found it you can tap or touch it to watch a video advertisement in return for free rewards which could be one of food, Iron, Uranium, Core or C-Class Machine Component. You can watch these video advertisements and claim their rewards 20 times a day. All of these rewards are useful so try to watch as many of these video advertisements as possible each day you play.
Balance your Upgrades
In Cosmic Wars: The Galactic Battle your SP, HP, DPS, Production, and Storage Capacity is increased by upgrading the related parts on your ship. For example, defense (HP) is improved by installing and upgrading defensive parts while Storage Capacity is increased by upgrading the command center of functional facilities (resources). We recommend that you balance all the upgrades to your ship rather than focussing on one area.
Best Ships Guide
You can always get ideas for builing your ship by going to the Menu and selecting the Legendary Ships tab from the Black Market. There you will find the top 100 builds that are currently being used by other players in Cosmic Wars: The Galactic Battle. By tapping on any of these ships and then tapping on any of its parts you will be able to learn the procedure to assemble them the correct way.
The Command Center
In Cosmic Wars: Galactic Battle the Command Center is your ship's headquarters and you should build around it to ensure that it is protected. An effective way to shield the Command Center from the enemy is to surround it with disposable structures that will not affect the performance of your ship too much if they are damaged.
Build More Parts
To progress in Cosmic Wars: The Galactic Battle you need to complete the quests and build what they ask you to. You will also be able to unlock and build more parts to your ship by upgrading your Command center. Make sure that when you unlock better weapons you add them to your ship.
Protect your Weapons
Your weapons should be built in the safer parts of your ship so they are better protected from the enemy who will likely target them first when they attack to try and leave you defenseless. Not having any weapons to fend off attacks will make you easy prey.
Complete the Quests
Complete the various quests in order to get free rewards in the form of resources, items, and Uranium, the premium in-game currency. To access the Quest menu tap on the Menu button (four horizontal lines) located on the right-centre of the screen.
Fight Lower Level Enemies
A sensible strategy is to avoid engaging in fights with enemies that are a higher or equal level than you because they will likely have stronger weapons which will result in you losing the battle. The enemies will have their level shown right next to their name so make sure you check this before challenging them.
Elite and Cargo Ships
Be wary of ships that have the Elite tag as their DPS and HP will likely be high regardless of their appearance. Also avoid getting into battless with cargo ships unless you are 1-2 levels higher than them and have made plenty of upgrades. Cargo ships are identified by an orange name and although they can potentially give you plenty of resources they are difficult to take down.
Watch your Health Bar
On the upper left side of the screen is your ship's Health bar (HP) along with the DPS and SP. It is important that you keep a close eye on these bars during battle as they indicate how much damage your turrets have taken and how much health your ship has remaining. If your DPS bar reaches 0 your turrets will be damaged to the point they will no longer function and if your HP bar reaches 0 you lose the battle.
Check your Battle Log
Regularly check your Battle Log to keep an eye on the battle records. Victory in battles gives you medals, the number of medals you earn determines how high you climb up the league and how much Uranium you recieve as a reward.
Make Repairs
Make sure you always repair your ship whenever it gets damaged in battle so you can continue battling other players and get more resources. You can quickly make repairs to your ship by going to the Construction Ship and selecting the Repair option. If you then tap the Auto-Repair button the parts of your ship that have been damaged will automatically be fixed.
Recover Durability
The parts of your ship will lose durability from the battles they participate in. To recover their durability and keep them in good working order will require spending a specified amount of resources, to find out exactly what the repair entails tap on a part and then tap the Repair button.
Save your Uranium
The premium in-game currency in Cosmic Wars: The Galactic Battle is Uranium and it should be used wisely. Avoid the temptation of using it for instant upgrades and instead save it for later in the game and premium upgrdes like Construction Ship Service.
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