Crates and Barrels provide targets for your ninja to hit. When he succeeds in breaking one of these he earns an XP reward. They range from wooden and flimsy to stone and strong. You can see a list of the Crates and Barrels in clumsy Ninja below:
Cost: 25 Coins for three
Earns: 25 XP per crate
Unlocks: Level 4
Cost: 100 Coins for 5
Earns: 630 XP
Unlocks: Level 11
Cost: 150 Coins or 6 Gems for 5
Earns: 1,100 XP
Unlocks: Level 14
Cost: 400 Coins or 8 Gems for 5
Earns: 3,000 XP
Unlocks: Level 23
Cost: 600 Coins or 10 Gems
Earns: 4,300 XP
Unlocks: Level 26
Cost: 800 Coins or 10 Gems
Earns: 5,800 XP
Unlocks: Level 29
Cost: 1,000 Coins or 12 Gems
Earns: 7,500 XP
Unlocks: Level 32
Cost: 1,500 Coins or 15 Gems
Earns: 14,000 XP
Unlocks: Level 43