Datapads: 11
#1-6: Continue along the mission until you trigger a secondary objective. Open your map and go there. Hack the first turret to the west so you can climb up the ledge and enter the building to find an ammo cache and nanosuit upgrade module inside.
Proceed to the secondary mission marker and disable the second turret. Kill the two guards and find several Datapads in the vicinity. Three will be near the helicopter wreck while the other three is found in the building ruins nearby. There are four datapads here, one will be needed for completing the secondary mission.
#7. After completing the secondary objective, continue forth to your main objective and you'll spot a heavily defended building, beside the chinese structure/arch. There are also Collectibles inside. Proceed there and find the Propaganda Poster in the lower floor, on the wall facing the archway. Proceed to the third floor to find a nanosuit upgrade module and another datapad. Use your nanovisor to tag their Locations.
#8. You’ll eventually get the objective to approach the ceph mindcarrier. Check the room behind it to find another datapad.
#9: After getting datapad #8, continue to the main objective and you'll see some CELL troops getting incinerated. Pull up your nanovisor here and continue walking forth. You'll find a nanosuit upgrade inside the building to the left. Past that is a CELL weapon cache. You can pick up another datapad on the table in the building ahead, next to the ammo cache.
#10-11. After entering the Pit (skinning lab), you'll be riding the elevator down with Psycho. After disembarking, you can open your nanovisor to tag the last three Collectibles. Go downstairs and find the fourth Blackbox beside the doctor. Go through the curtains and move around the to the right to find the 10th datapad. Continue downstairs and you should be able to pick up the last datapad and a nanosuit upgrade on the wall in the same room.