Day 1: Getting Answers
Day 1: Getting Answers
Primary Objectives: Defend the Door / Stop the Agent
Secondary Objectives: Defend Lift Generator
This guide assumes that you went ahead and played Freeplay to boost yourself to Level 20 -- thus gaining access to the special Rank 5 abilities that you really do need for the Campaign. You should therefore at a minimum have the following abilities unlocked and purchased:
-- Universal > Downed Fire
-- Soldier > Satchel Charge
-- Engineer > Extra Landmine
-- Engineer > Gatling Turret
There are others you will have (and want to have) like the Kevlar, the Supply abilities, and the extra clip etc., but the above are the keys to success in the Campaign as they make life so much easier and, without them some of the missions are very painful if largely impossible to complete. Assuming you are all set and ready to go, let's begin!
Making sure that the Agent does not get Captured
-- The Introduction from Chen --
You learn from Chen that for months the Resistance has had an Agent in the enemy camp -- the Agent is coming out with Intel you need, and you must either help the Agent escape -- or kill him.
After a CS in which doubts are expressed, you begin the level armed and eager!
First you need to follow your crew through the halls and down the stairwell to the first contact point with Security -- at this point you need to decide which mission you want to actively participate in.
Once you have selected an objective to complete -- you will notice that the objective point is highlighted on the screen, even through walls, which means you now know where you need to go! The objectives are easy to find but not so easy to fully complete on your own... But give it a shot anyway, just remember that you can fail one part of the mission and, as long as the Agent does not escape, still win the mission -- you just do not get the points for the failed objectives.
-- Dealing with the Agent --
If for whatever reason you fail to stop them from opening the door, you will have to pursue and take out the Agent before they can get him to their evacuation boat -- basically you have to shoot him to incapacitate him so that they cannot get him to the boat as you run the timer out.
Spotting the Agent is not a problem -- he glows yellow and green -- and has Security trying to keep him buffed up and in motion! When you reach the Agent escaping stage, just keep shooting him to keep him from moving and let the timer run down and you win! Of course you also have to defend yourself from Security, which is not as easy as you might think...
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