Day 5: Prison Break
Day 5: Prison Break
Primary Objectives: Defend the Conduit / Defend the Safe / Defend the Pass Code / Stop the Prisoner
Secondary Objectives: None
No Secondary Objectives to tempt you for this one -- just the need to defend the different objectives and keep the Prisoner from escaping!
When this mission gets complicated it is only because you are making it complicated -- all that you need to do here is defuse any charge that is placed on the gate or the conduit and guard the conduit to prevent the enemy from placing a charge on it! Easy-peasy Lemon-squeazy!
Defending the Conduit
Start out the level by changing to Engineer -- that way you actually can defuse a charge if one gets placed. The Gate is not important -- if they blow it that will not stop you from completing the mission with a success -- so do not worry about the Gate. Instead worry about the Conduit!
Your mates are actually useful in this mission, keeping the enemy bottled up around the fences, and setting up turrets in the area above that the enemy cannot reach easily to disarm. They also construct a gun nest up there that you can use if you like, but my strategy for this was not to stay above and shoot from relative safety and comfort -- my strategy was to go down and take cover by the Conduit and take out the bad guys as they approach.
The video for this mission perfectly illustrates this tactic -- once you begin the mission go to the nearby Console and change to Engineer Class, then jump off of the upper area down to the Conduit and take cover behind the concrete pillar there, and take out the enemy at your liesure.
None should get close enough to you to hurt you if you are doing it right -- just mind the flashbang grenades as those will blind you. Learn to fire defensively when you are blind (as illustrated in the video) and you will be fine! Take your place, defend the Conduit, and let the timer run out to win.
Success in this mission will unlock a needed Audio Journal Entry -- Founder Barbara Elmhurts's 01/16/45 entry in which she talks about consultation meetings with the Resistance.
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