Erwin Smith was a character in the manga and anime series Attack on Titan. He was the supreme commander of the Exploration Corps and known for his brilliant and resourceful mind, having created new tactics that greatly reduced loses during operations. Although he had the capacity to be exceptionally ruthless in his pursuit of protecting humanity, he cared for his men. Erwin was a kind, honest, intelligent and very cunning man who knew how to make important decisions and then take charge of the consequences. He was also a master strategist who was able to clearly express his thoughts and desires, managing to convince many people with his speech.
Erwin was a man of tall stature with average build, he had blond hair and blue eyes and would always appear serious and calm. He dressed in the uniform of the Exploration Corps and would wear a necklace with a green gem embedded around his neck. Erwin lost his right arm to shoulder height from being attacked by a Titan during the rescue of Eren Jaeger and Reiss History.
188 cm
92 kg
October 14th
- Expert swordsman
- Titan combat
- Expert strategist
- High intelligence
- Manipulation
- Decent teamwork
- Nerves of steel
Take a look at our Top 10 Best Attack On Titan Characters guide to see who we consider to be the most colorful and interesting characters in the series.