Can someone tell me which stones will evolve which pokemon?
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I cannot tell you all the Pokemon that each stone evolves, but I can give you a few examples, that should help you out a bit.
Fire Stone evolves: Vulpix into Ninetales. Growlithe into Arcanine. Eevee into Flareon.
Water Stone: Eevee into Vaporeon. Shellder into Cloyster. Poliwhirl into Poliwrath.
Leaf Stone: Weepingbell into Victribell. Gloom into Vileplume. Nuzleaf into Shiftry. Thunder Stone: Pikachu into Raichu. Eevee into Jolteon. Moon stone: Jigglypuff nito Wigglytuff. Clefairy into Clefable. Nidorana nito Nidoqueen. Nidorino into Nidoking. Skitty into Delkatty. Sun stone: Gloom into Bellosom. Sunkern into Sunflora. That is all I can think of at the moment, hope that helps.
Including the Emerald version Pokemons...
Fire Stone- Growlithe, Eevee and Vulpix
Water Stone- Eevee , Poliwhirl
Thunder Stone- Pikachu, Eevee
Moon Stone- Clefairy, Jigglypuff, Nidorina, Nidorino, Skitty,
Leaf Stone- Gloom, Exeggecute, Weepingbell, Nuzleaf
Sun Stone- Gloom and Sunkern
There might be more but I can't remember more...
Fire stone for fire type, leaf stone for leaf type, water stone for water type, and etc. There will be a few that will require different stones then their types, but you can find that out when you try to put the stone on them.
Um, well I couldn't tell you them all, but I'm a PokeManiac haha, I didn't know that the Water Stone evolved Shellder. Anywho, I know a Moon Stone evolves CLEFAIRY and JIGGLYPUFF, and that a Fire Stone evolves GROWLITHE, and a Water Stone evolves POLIWHIRL, I'm more of a egg Maniac, eggs are fun to hatch, but hard, also a handy tip, you can catch one of the legendary dogs depending on which Starter you started with, Charmander = Suicune.
Bulbasaur = Entei.
SWUIRTLE = Raikou. Hope it helped
One Pokemon everyone forgot is exeggcute which evolves into exeggutor (pardon the spelling mistakes if any) by using the leaf stone.
Nidoran (male or female) into Nidoqueen and Nidoking from using moonstone
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