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by DynamixDJ

1-                                                                         -79
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                     ..              Remember to 'Rate' 'Recommend' or 'Like'!


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|                                                                            |
|      Highlight the braces {}, then press CNTL + C  CNTL + F  CNTL + V      |
|                                                                            |
|                                                                            |
| {A} - VERSION HISTORY                                                      |
| {B} - INTRODUCTION                                                         |
| {C} - TROPHY/ACHIEVEMENT CHECKLISTS                                        |
| {D} - WALKTHROUGH                                                          |
|                                                                            |
|       {D1} - DISK 1                                                        |
|                                                                            |
|       {D1.01} - To Blow Up a Mako Reactor                                  |
|       {D1.02} - Sector 7 Slums                                             |
|       {D1.03} - To Blow Up Another Mako Reactor                            |
|       {D1.04} - Sector 6 & Wall Market                                     |
|       {D1.05} - Return To Sector 7                                         |
|       {D1.06} - Shinra HQ                                                  |
|       {D1.07} - Kalm                                                       |
|       {D1.08} - Chocobo Ranch & Fort Condor                                |
|       {D1.09} - Junon                                                      |
|       {D1.10} - Costa Del Sol & Mt. Corel                                  |
|       {D1.11} - Gold Saucer & Corel Prison                                 |
|       {D1.12} - Optional Sidequests No.1                                   |
|       {D1.13} - Gongaga                                                    |
|       {D1.14} - Cosmo Canyon                                               |
|       {D1.15} - Nibelheim                                                  |
|       {D1.16} - Rocket Town                                                |
|       {D1.17} - Optional Sidequests No.2                                   |
|       {D1.18} - Yuffie's Sidequest                                         |
|       {D1.19} - Gold Saucer Re-visited                                     |
|       {D1.20} - The Temple of the Ancients                                 |
|       {D1.21} - The Forgotten Capitol                                      |
|                                                                            |
|       {D2} - DISK 2                                                        |
|                                                                            |
|       {D2.01} - Icicle Inn                                                 |
|       {D2.02} - The Great Glacier                                          |
|       {D2.03} - The Promised Land                                          |
|       {D2.04} - Escape!                                                    |
|       {D2.05} - Optional Sidequests No.3                                   |
|       {D2.06} - Mideel                                                     |
|       {D2.07} - North Corel & Fort Condor Reactors                         |
|       {D2.08} - Into the Lifestream                                        |
|       {D2.09} - Underwater Reactor                                         |
|       {D2.10} - Optional Sidequests No.4                                   |
|       {D2.11} - Cid! The Astronaut!                                        |
|       {D2.12} - The Forgotten Capitol Re-visited                           |
|       {D2.13} - Midgar Re-visited                                          |
|                                                                            |
|       {D3} - DISK 3                                                        |
|                                                                            |
|       {D3.01} - Optional Sidequests Re-cap                                 |
|       {D3.02} - The North Crater                                           |
|       {D3.03} - The Final Battle                                           |
|       {D3.04} - The Final Grind                                            |
|                                                                            |
| {E} - EXTRAS AND MINI GUIDES                                               |
|                                                                            |
|       {E.01} - The Affection Game                                          |
|       {E.02} - Limit Breaks                                                |
|       {E.03} - Turtle Paradise Mini-Game                                   |
|       {E.04} - Cross Dressing Mechanics                                    |
|       {E.05} - Elements                                                    |
|       {E.06} - Fort Condor Mini-Game                                       |
|       {E.07} - Obtaining Yuffie Kisaragi                                   |
|       {E.08} - Gold Saucer                                                 |
|       {E.09} - Statuses                                                    |
|       {E.10} - Obtaining Vincent Valentine                                 |
|       {E.11} - Yuffie's Materia 'Pick List'                                |
|       {E.12} - Bone Village Digging Mini-Game                              |
|       {E.13} - Ultimate Weapons                                            |
|       {E.14} - Chocobo Breeding                                            |
|       {E.15} - Materia Caves                                               |
|       {E.16} - Defeating Emerald, Ruby and Ultimate WEAPON                 |
|       {E.17} - Ultimate Materia Set-Ups                                    |
|       {E.18} - Lucky 7's, W-Item and Other Tricks and Exploits             |
|       {E.19} - Modes of Transport                                          |
|       {E.20} - Optional Places to Visit                                    |
|                                                                            |
| {F} - FF VII WORLD MAP                                                     |
|                                                                            |
|       {F.01} - Eastern Continent                                           |
|       {F.02} - Central Continent                                           |
|       {F.03} - Western Continent                                           |
|       {F.04} - Northern Continent                                          |
|       {F.05} - South-Eastern Continent                                     |
|       {F.06} - Ocean Floor                                                 |
|       {F.07} - Great Glacier                                               |
|       {F.08} - Bone Village                                                |
|                                                                            |
| {G} - GAME DATA                                                            |
|                                                                            |
|       {G.01} - Characters                                                  |
|       {G.02} - Enemy Skill List                                            |
|       {G.03} - Materia                                                     |
|       {G.04} - Items                                                       |
|       {G.05} - Weapons                                                     |
|       {G.06} - Armour                                                      |
|       {G.07} - Accessories                                                 |
|       {G.08} - Shops                                                       |
|       {G.09} - Enemies and Encounters                                      |
|       {G.10} - Useful Stuff                                                |
|                                                                            |
| {H} - RANTS                                                                |
| {I} - QUICK-SEARCH INDEX                                                   |
| {J} - SPECIAL THANKS                                                       |
| {K} - LEGAL                                                                |

 NOTE - If you are playing on the Steam or PS4 version, then the game will be 
        comprised of 'sections' as opposed to 'disks'. For this guide I will 
        be referring each section as a disk ('cus I'm old-skool).

If you are viewing this guide on a mobile, remember to switch to desktop 
version to view this guide in its correct format. Alternatively, click 'view 

This guide has been written in anticipation of the PS4 port released 05/Dec/15


|<:                                                                        :>|
|<:                                                                        :>|
|<:  {A}                       VERSION HISTORY                             :>|
|<:                                                                        :>|
|<                                                       {Version History} :>|

All criticism welcome: - [email protected]


V1.03 - Uploaded 31/Jan/2016

Amendments made:

 - Many small tweaks and revisions.
 - Special Thanks section revised.
 - Version History shortened.
 - Accidentally deleted paragraph fixed.
 - Materia Combo's section expanded.
 - PS4 & Steam controller mapping added.

I have uploaded V1.03 earlier than anticipated in light of the accidentally 
deleted paragraph at the beginning of the walkthrough.


V1.02 - Uploaded 14/Jan/2016

Amendments made:

 - Section F Finished 21/Oct/2015 - Detailed ASCII artwork of each continent 
                                    of the World Map.

 - Revised load-out strategies.
 - Many amendments and tweaks made for PS4 version.
 - Slight tweak to the legal notice.
 - Grammar and spelling corrections, and a lot of error fixes.
 - Amendments to some of the ASCII artwork, including redesign of front page.
 - Additional sub-contents included within each main section.
 - All capitalisation�s of the first letter of the words 'Materia' and 
   'Chocobo', and de-capitalisation of the word 'gil'.
 - Reworked Midgar Zolom strategy.
 - Slightly reworked 'Affection Game' ratings.
 - Reworked chocobo breeding strategies.
 - Corrected errors with the end-game bosses, and reworked end-game 
 - Quotes for each section finished.
 - The inclusion of a newly found hidden Potion in Sector 7.

Thank you to friends and forum contributors who have helped me to make my 
guide better by pointing out some of the errors and inconsistencies to me.

V1.01 - Uploaded 11/Oct/2015

Started 28/Mar/2015.
Disk 1 Finished 02/May/2015
Disk 2 Finished 25/May/2015
Disk 3 Finished 30/May/2015
FF VII Finished 07/Jun/2015
Section E started 07/Jun/2015, still incomplete.....

This walkthrough has been written in anticipation of the Playstation 4 Port 
released on the 16th October 2015. (correction - 5th Dec 2015)


 Please don't send a PSN friend request to DynamixDJ as it is *NOT* my PSN ID


|<:                                                                        :>|
|<:                                                                        :>|
|<:  {B}                         INTRODUCTION                              :>|
|<:                                                                        :>|
|<:                                                         {Introduction} :>|

  Final Fantasy VII is now approaching two decades old. 'Why am I investing 
hundreds of hours into a walkthrough for a game that is nearly 20 years old', 
I find myself asking, and the answer is... I don't entirely know. All I know 
is that I've never felt for a game the way I have felt for Final Fantasy VII. 
In fact, be it game, book, film, TV series; nothing has ever compelled or 
intrigued, scratch that, nothing has ever left me thinking �how in the flying 
funk did they ever come up with this???� Welcome to the impossibly brilliant, 
expertly paced, masterfully executed nostalgic global phenomenon that is FF7. 

  'And given the fact that the game is getting a HD upscaled version 
   brought out to the PS4 *with trophies* this winter (2015), I 
   thought to myself �hey, why not scratch that age old itch and write
   the most comprehensive, detailed walkthrough I am capable of 
   writing?� Why not indeed....'

I may be over selling the game a little; for those who are completely new to 
the game I'm not going to beat around the bush. The graphics are outdated; 
the battle system is (by today's standards) way too easy; and the Japanese to 
English translation is some-what flawed. 'So why should I invest time into 
the game then', you may be asking? Because, if one was to make a 'Games to 
play before you die list', then FF7 would have to be at the top of every 
list. �BUT WHY??� I hear you screaming. Because...    never    before or 
since has a story-plot twist literally blown my mind to the point where even 
now, having played the game for around the 20th time, I am still learning 
elements of the story that are completely new to me; I am still marvelling at 
sub-contextual dialogue that I'd previously missed and/or not fully 
understood before; and I am still finding more of the hundreds upon hundreds 
of hidden secrets that the game harvests. Seasoned player or not, one will 
still be able to appreciate FF7 for what it naturally is - a humorous and 
sometimes promiscuous but fascinatingly deep and compelling, well-paced 
story; an immensely huge and rewarding collectible system; a diverse and 
balanced battle system with engrossing tactics and strategies; beautifully 
pre-rendered background graphics that give the game a certain 'magical' feel; 
and the most awesome midi soundtrack that you will most likely ever hear in a 
game! And remember folks - be like Jesus. Save often!

  'Whether you're playing the game for the first time ever, you've 
   played it a few times as a kid but didn't really get into it 
   properly, or you're a FF7 veteran and (like me) you're overjoyed at
   the prospect of having actual Playstation trophies for the game, I 
   can guarantee this: Using this guide you *will* experience the game 
   to its absolute fullest, and regardless of how much you think you 
   know about the game, you *will* learn something that you hadn't 
   previously. This has been my endeavour.'

        If you find this walkthrough to be helpful, please remember to        
                           rate/recommend/like it!                           

Dear reader: During the development of this guide, I came about some great 
             tools that have been developed solely for the purpose of 
             understanding Final Fantasy VII's scripting and mechanics. So, 
             the majority of the 'factual' data contained within this guide 
             can be trusted, as it has been obtained *from source*. 

             Of course, I didn't come across these tools until quite soon 
             into the guide, and there may still be a few grey-areas that 
             I've missed. If you notice something that doesn't quite add-up 
             to your own knowledge and understanding of the game, the please 
             feel free to get in touch with me and I would be more than happy 
             to look into the games mechanics - [email protected]

             Acknowledgements for the tools that I have been using can be 
             found in section J - Special Thanks.

!                                                                            !
!  Disclaimer                                                                !
!                                                                            !
!  Please note that while I have used and credited various sources for       !
!  the making of this guide, absolutely nothing has been copied and          !
!  pasted from one website/FAQ to this one. All box layouts and              !
!  information have been designed and in-putted by myself, should you        !
!  wish to copy and paste my work then you can do so ONLY the condition      !
!  that ALL credit for my work is given as appropriate. I wholeheartedly     !
!  object to someone using my work for their own personal gain without my    !
!  expressed permission given first, and I only freely permit you to use my  !
!  work for personal, private use.                                           !
!                                                                            !
!  I reserve my rights to request that someone remove my work from their     !
!  guide/website should I feel it has been improperly used. This walkthrough !
!  is copyrighted, and all legal jargon can be found at the very back of the !
!  walkthrough. THE ONLY Websites that I permit to host my guide are:        !
!                                                                            !
!  -                                                         !
!  -                                                       !
!  -                                                             !
!  -                                                     !
!                                                                            !


|<:                                                                        :>|
|<:                                                                        :>|
|<:  {C}                TROPHY/ACHIEVEMENT CHECKLISTS                      :>|
|<:                                                                        :>|
|<:                                                                        :>|

The PS4 release and the Steam release have varying Trophy/Achievement lists. 

The Steam version has an Achievement list that really doesn't require a 
'specialised' guide that differs from any other guide out there, as every 
single Achievement is straight forward and easy enough to figure out WITH THE 
EXCEPTION OF MATERIA OVERLORD! I have made the relevant notifications for 
that achievement throughout the guide.

The PS4 version on the other hand has 'specific' requirements, and without a 
guide you could find yourself re-playing the game to clean up on missed 

This guide will walk you through the PS4 version's Trophy list, assuring that 
you won't miss a single one!

 PS4 TROPHIES: (32 in total)                                {TROPHY CHECKLIST}
P |_| GAIA'S GUARDINAN             - Obtain all trophies                     
B |_| FIRST BLOOD                  - Emerge victorious from your first battle 
B |_| BREAKING NEW GROUND          - Use a Limit Break              
B |_| CONSUMMATE CROSS-DRESSER     - Get  to choose Cloud over the two females
B |_| FLEDGLING SUMMONER           - Use a summon Materia in battle
B |_| MATERIA MASTERMIND           - Raise a Materia to Lv. 5             
B |_| BEST BROMANCE                - Go on a date with Barret in the Gold 
B |_| CHOCOCHAMPION                - Win the Chocobo Racing mini-game 
B |_| COREL'S ANGEL                - Score 10,050 points or more in G-Bike at 
                                     the Gold Saucer
B |_| SHURIKEN JOIN US             - Have Yuffie join your party          
B |_| WON'T YOU BE MY VALENTINE?   - Have Vincent join your party    
B |_| MAKING WAVES                 - Obtain the Leviathan Materia 
B |_| WAITING IN THE WINGS         - Obtain the Bahamut Materia       
S |_| COMING UP ALL NINES          - Obtain 99,999,999 gil           
S |_| LIEGE OF LEVELING            - Reach Lv. 99 with one character     
S |_| BAHUMUTYPE-0                 - Obtain the Bahamut ZERO Materia    
S |_| ROUNDTABLE DESTRUCTION       - Obtain the Knights of the Round Materia
S |_| THE SLASH TO END ALL SLASHES - Learn Cloud's last Limit Break
S |_| LOOSE CANNON                 - Learn Barret's last Limit Break
S |_| PACKING A PUNCH              - Learn Tifa's last Limit Break
S |_| SEE THE LIGHT                - Learn Aeris's last Limit Break
S |_| A UNIVERSE OF PAIN           - Learn Red XIII's last Limit Break
S |_| MEET YOUR MAKER              - Learn Yuffie's last Limit Break
S |_| WHELL OF FORTUNE             - Learn Cait Sith's last Limit Break
S |_| INNER DEMONS                 - Learn Vincent's last Limit Break
S |_| GALE WARNING                 - Learn Cid's last Limit Break
G |_| TRANSCENDANT CONVOKER        - Obtain the Master Summon Materia
B |_| DIAMOND DISINTERGRATOR       - Defeat the Diamond Weapon (Hidden)
B |_| RUBY RENDER                  - Defeat the Ruby Weapon (Hidden)
B |_| EMERALD EVISCERATOR          - Defeat the Emerald Weapon (Hidden)
B |_| FAILURE IS AN OPTION         - Have your whole party fall in battle

 STEAM ACHIEVEMENTS: (36 in total)                     {Achievement Checklist}
 |_| END OF PART I        - Complete the first part of the game
 |_| END OF PART II       - Complete the second part of the game
 |_| END OF GAME          - Complete Final Fantasy VII
 |_| MASTER MATERIA       - Reach The Maximum level of any Materia
 |_| MASTER OF GIL        - 99,999,999 gil
 |_| TOP LEVEL            - Reach level 99 with any character
 |_| KNIGHTS OF THE ROUND - Get Materia Knights of the Round
 |_| OMNISLASH            - Get Cloud's last Limit Break
 |_| CATASTROPHE          - Get Barret's last Limit Break
 |_| CHAOS                - Get Vincent's last Limit Break
 |_| GREAT GOSPEL         - Get Aeris's last Limit Break
 |_| HIGHWIND             - Get Cid's last Limit Break
 |_| FINAL HEAVEN         - Get Tifa's last Limit Break
 |_| ALL CREATION         - Get Yuffie's last Limit Break
 |_| COSMO MEMORY         - Get Red XIII's last Limit Break
 |_| SLOTS                - Get Cait Sith's last Limit Break
 |_| BAHAMUT ZERO         - Get the Materia Bahamut Zero
 |_| ULTIMATE WEAPON      - Defeat the Ultimate WEAPON
 |_| DIAMOND WEAPON       - Defeat the Diamond WEAPON
 |_| RUBY WEAPON          - Defeat the Ruby WEAPON
 |_| EMERALD WEAPON       - Defeat the Emerald WEAPON
 |_| VINCENT              - Get Vincent on your team
 |_| YUFFIE               - Get Yuffie on your team
 |_| MATERIA OVERLORD     - Master all Materia
 |_| BATTLE SQUARE        - Start a battle in the Battle Square
 |_| GOLD CHOCOBO         - Get a Gold Chocobo
 |_| WON 1ST BATTLE       - Win your first battle
 |_| BRAVER               - Use Cloud's 1st Limit
 |_| BIG SHOT             - Use Barret's 1st Limit
 |_| GALIAN BEAST         - Use Vincent's 1st Limit
 |_| HEALING WOUND        - Use Aeris's 1st Limit
 |_| BOOST JUMP           - Use Cid's 1st Limit
 |_| BEAT RUSH            - Use Tifa's 1st Limit
 |_| GREASED LIGHTNING    - Use Yuffie's 1st Limit
 |_| SLED FANG            - Use Red XIII 1st Limit
 |_| DICE                 - Use Cait Sith's 1st Limit

  {MATERIA OVERLORD CHECKLIST} - Steam version only:
Seeing as you start the game with Lightning and Ice you can cross these off 
your list straight away. Also, Underwater, Master Magic, Master Command and 
Master Summon do not require Mastering.

 Anything with a * by it is permanently miss-able, there are 83 pieces in 
 total to collect:

|    MAGIC     |   SUPPORT    |    COMMAND     |  INDEPENDENT  |    SUMMON   
| (Green - 22) | (Blue - 13)  | (Yellow - 14)  | (Purple - 17) |  (Red - 17)  
|              |              |                |               |               
| Master Magic | Quadra Magic | Master Command | HP<->MP       | Master Summon 
|*Ultima       |*Steal as Well|*Enemy Skill    |*Underwater    | KOTR          
| Shield       | Added Cut    | Mime           | Cover         | Bahamut Zero  
| Full Cure    | Final Attack | Manipulate     | Counter Attack| Typoon        
| Contain      | Sneak Attack | Deathblow      | Mega All      | Hades         
| Destruct     |*Added Effect |*Morph          | Long Range    |*Neo Bahamut 
| Time         | Elemental    | Throw          | Pre-Emptive   | Phoenix       
| Comet        | HP Absorb    | Sense          | Chocobo Lure  | Alexander     
| Barrier      |*MP Absorb    | Steal          | Enemy Lure    | Kjata      
| Gravity      |*MP Turbo     | W-Item         | Enemy Away    |*Bahamut    
| Poison       | Magic Counter| W-Summon       | Gil Plus      |*Leviathan 
| Exit         | Counter      | W-Magic        | EXP Plus      | Odin         
| Transform    | All          | Double Cut     |*Luck Plus     | Titan        
| Mystify      |              | Slash-All      | Magic Plus    |*Ramuh    
| Seal         |              |                | Speed Plus    |*Ifrit    
| Revive       |              |                | HP Plus       | Shiva     
| Heal         |              |                | MP Plus       | Choco/Mog 
| Restore      |              |                |               |           
| Lightning    |              |                |               |           
| Earth        |              |                |               |         
| Ice          |              |                |               |         
| Fire         |              |                |               |         


Ifrit            - Disk 1 - This must be obtained before leaving the Cargo 
                            Ship after defeating Jenova-BIRTH.

Ramuh            - Disk 1 - This must be obtained before leaving the Jockey's 
                            Room in the Gold Saucer after defeating Dyne.

Added Effect     - Disk 1 - This must be obtained whilst navigating the Cave 
                            of the Gi in Cosmo Canyon.

Luck Plus \  
Morph      -     - Disk 1 - These must all be obtained whilst traversing the 
Bahamut   /                 Temple of the Ancients.

Enemy Skill      - Disk 2 - If you didn't learn it from the Materia Keeper in
Trine                       Mt. Nibel, and you've already defeated Godo in 
                            the Pagoda in Wutai, then the Stilva in Gaea's 
                            Cliff will be the last place that you can learn 

MP Turbo    \ _  - Disk 2 - These must be obtained whilst navigating the 
Neo Bahamut /               Whirlwind Maze in the North Crater.

Ultima           - Disk 2 - During the North Corel Huge Materia mission, you 
                            must catch up to the second train otherwise 
                            you'll never be able to buy Ultima from the kid.

Underwater       - Disk 2 - If you did not obtain the Morph Materia from the 
                            Temple of The Ancients, then you subsequently 
                            would not be able to Morph a Ghost Ship for the 
                            Guide Book to exchange for the Underwater Materia.

Steal as Well    - Disk 2 - You must obtain the Leviathan Scales from the 
                            Underwater Reactor to put out the flames in the 
                            Da-chao cavern.
MP Absorb        - Disk 2 - You must complete Yuffie's sidequest before 
                            raiding Midgar at the end of Disk 2. Note that 
                            you can still complete the Pagoda Challenge at any
                            point in the game regardless of whether or not 
                            you have completed the main part to Yuffie's 
                            Sidequest first.

Enemy Skill      - Disk 3 - The Dragon Zombie you encounter at the Northern
Pandora's Box               Cave will use this move ONCE PER GAME ONLY! If you
                            defeated it on your first encounter without 
                            learning Pandora's Box then re-load your save.
                            You have been warned!


|<:                                                                        :>|
|<:                                                                        :>|
|<:  {D}                         WALKTHROUGH                               :>|
|<:                                                                        :>|
|<:                                                          {Walkthrough} :>|

Welcome to the wonderful and alluring world that is Final Fantasy VII, I hope 
you thoroughly enjoy it! Before scrolling down to the walkthrough itself, I 
suggest spending a few brief moments to familiarise yourself with the way in 
which I've designed my guide:-

Every area that you enter you will be faced with a brief run-down of the 
enemies you will encounter, as follows:

|                           >  ENEMIES:                          **********  <
|      NOTE ON ENEMIES:     >           [           ENEMY NAME] [TOXIC FROG] <
|                           >                                    **********  <
| Here you can find a brief > ------Lv: [Enemies Current Level] [--------26] <
| description of the        > ------HP: [-------Enemies Max HP] [-------500] <
| enemies that you will be  > ------MP: [-------Enemies Max MP] [-------100] <
| facing. Note that if you  > -----EXP: [----Experience Gained] [-------420] <
| see stars above an        > ------AP: [Ability Points Gained] [--------30] <
| enemies name as shown in  > -----GIL: [-----------Gil Gained] [-------260] <
| the example then it means > ---STEAL: [---Item You Can Steal] [---Impaler] <
| an Enemy Skill can be     > ---MORPH: [---Item You Can Morph] [----Remedy] <
| learned from that enemy.  > ----DROP: [-Item That Is Dropped] [---Impaler] <
| Also, you'll need the     > --ABSORB: [---Elemental Strength] [-------PSN] <
| Steal Materia to be able  > -NULLIFY: [---Elemental Strength] [----------] <
| to steal, and you'll need > ---HALVE: [---Elemental Strength] [----------] <
| the Morph Materia to be   > --DOUBLE: [---Elemental Weakness] [-------ICE] <
| able to morph.            > -E-SKILL: [--Enemy Skill Learned] [-FROG SONG] <

I have abbreviated each Element as follows:

Fire      = FRE  |  Gravity     = GRV
Ice       = ICE  |  Water       = WTR
Lightning = LHT  |  Wind        = WND
Earth     = ERT  |  Holy        = HLY
Poison    = PSN  |  Restorative = RES

If you are unfamiliar with the Restorative Element then please visit section 
E.05 for more details on obscure Elements, or use QSI Link [Restorative].

Quick Searching - Don't forget to make use of Control + F!!! If you see a 
                  comment that suggests for you to visit section E.01 (for 
                  example), when copying E.01 into the search bar be sure to 
                  manually add the braces {} around E.01 yourself. This way 
                  you'll jump straight to the desired section, as opposed to 
                  filtering through all the references to section E.01 that 
                  are mentioned throughout the walkthrough. Note that the 
                  braces are the keys above [], not the brackets above 9 & 0.

!!!!!!!!!! I have now added what I call a 'Quick-Search Index Link' system (or 
!        ! QSI Link). You can now type something into the search field such as 
!  QUICK ! Omnislash, Confusion, or Zeio Nut (for example), then surround the 
! SEARCH ! criteria  with braces {} (not the () brackets). You will then jump 
!  INDEX ! directly to that relevant section within the guide! Whenever you 
!  LINKS ! see 'QSI [link]' you'll know that you are looking at a 'Quick-
!        ! Search Index Link' reference. Try typing the word Link into the 
!!!!!!!!!! search field surrounded by {} to jump straight to the Index.
]                                                                            [
] SIDE NOTES                                                                 [
]                                                                            [
] You'll be seeing a lot of these side notes throughout this walkthrough.    [
] If you are new to the game then be sure to take the time to read through   [
] these notes. If however you are a seasoned player and you think you know   [
] all there is to know about the game, then I would still advise you to skim [
] through them, as some of the contents are strategy based, and future       [
] comments such as 'as previously mentioned' would not make a great deal of  [
] sense otherwise.                                                           [

|                                                                            |
|                                  CONTROLS                                  |

|                                                                            |
|                                PSX DEFAULT:                                |
|__________________________________________ _________________________________|
|                                          |                                 |
|   FIELD CONTROLS:                        |   MENU CONTROLS:                |
|                                          |                                 |
| D-Pad     | Direction                    | Triangle | Un-equips Materia or |
| X         | Cancel/Run                   |          | Accessory            |
| O         | Confirm / Interact           |          |                      |
| Triangle  | Open Menu                    | Square   | Toggles Between      |
| Square    | ------                       |          | Materia Screen &     |
| L1 / R1   | Alters Movement Diagonally   |          | Weapon Screen        |
| L2 / R2   | ------                       |          |                      |
| Start     | ------                       | L1 / R1  | Toggles Between      |
| Select    | Displays Helpful Indicators  |          | Characters / Quick   |
|                                          |          | Scroll               |
|                                          |_________________________________|
|   BATTLE CONTROLS:                       |
|                                          | * * * * IMPORTANT NOTICE * * * *
| D-Pad     | Menu Selection               | *
| X         | Cancel                       | * DO NOT alter the controls 
| O         | Confirm Selection            | * within the menus as it will 
| Square    | Hold To Hide Battle Menu     | * heavily impair some of the 
| Triangle  | Toggle Between Character     | * controls for certain minigames.
| L1 / R1   | Quick Scroll                 | 
| L2        | ------                       | If you are playing Final Fantasy 
| R2        | Displays 'Target' Icon       | VII on a PS1, PS1 emulator, or  
| Start     | Pause                        | through the PSN, then remember
| Select    | Toggles Status Bar On/Off    | that you can press Start, Select, 
|                                          | R1, R2, L1 & L2 simultaneously to 
| Holding L1 + R1 together will make you   | perform a soft reset of the game 
| flee from battle.                        | bringing you back to the title 
|                                          | screen.

|                                                                            |
|                               STEAM DEFAULT:                               |
|__________________________________________ _________________________________|
|                                          |                                 |
|   FIELD CONTROLS:                        |   MENU CONTROLS:                |
|                                          |                                 |
| U D L R   | Direction                    | V        | Un-equips Materia or |
| C         | Cancel/Run (X)               |          | Accessory            |
| X         | Confirm / Interact (O)       |          |                      |
| V         | Open Menu (Triangle)         | Insert   | Toggles Between      |
| Insert    | Switch (Square)              |          | Materia Screen &     |
| Page Up   | Alters Movement Left (L1)    |          | Weapon Screen        |
| Page Down | Alters Movement Right (R1)   |          |                      |
| Home      | ------ (L2)                  | Page U/D | Toggles Between      |
| End       | ------ (R2)                  |          | Characters / Quick   |
| B         | ------ (Start)               |          | Scroll               |
| Delete    | Assist (Select)              |_________________________________|
|                                          |                                  
|                                          | Feel free to map the control     
|   BATTLE CONTROLS:                       | settings how you please; doing so
|                                          | won't impair some of the mini-
| U D L R   | Menu Selection               | games as it would have done in 
| C         | Cancel                       | the previous versions.
| X         | Confirm Selection            |                                  
| Insert    | Hold To Hide Battle Menu     |                                  
| V         | Toggle Between Character     |                                  
| Page U/D  | Quick Scroll (L1/R1)         | 
| Home      | ------ (L2)                  |                                  
| End       | Displays 'Target' Icon (R2)  |                                  
| B         | Pause                        |                                   
| Delete    | Toggles Status Bar On/Off    |                                   
|                                          |                                   
| Holding Page Up and Down together will   |                                  
| make you flee from battle.               |                                  
|                                          |                                  

|                                                                            |
|                                PS4 DEFAULT:                                |
|__________________________________________ _________________________________|
|                                          |                                 |
|   FIELD CONTROLS:                        |   MENU CONTROLS:                |
|                                          |                                 |
| D-Pad     | Direction                    | Triangle | Un-equips Materia or |
| Analogue  | Direction (auto-run)         |          | Accessory            |
| O         | Cancel/Run                   |          |                      |
| X         | Confirm / Interact           | Square   | Toggles Between      |
| Triangle  | Open Menu                    |          | Materia Screen &     |
| Square    | ------                       |          | Weapon Screen        |
| R1 / L1   | Alters Movement Diagonally   |          |                      |
| R2 / L2   | ------                       | R1 / L1  | Toggles Between      |
| Start     | ------                       |          | Characters / Quick   |
| Select    | Displays Helpful Indicators  |          | Scroll               |
|                                          |_________________________________|
|                                          |                                  
|   BATTLE CONTROLS:                       |              CHEATS!
|                                          | 
| D-Pad     | Menu Selection               | CHEATING TAKES THE FUN OUT OF THE
| Analogue  | Menu Selection               | GAME, AND AT NO POINT WILL I EVER
| O         | Cancel                       | SUGGEST THE USE OF THE BUILT-IN
| X         | Confirm Selection            | CHEATS AS A STRATEGY!
| Square    | Hold To Hide Battle Menu     | 
| Triangle  | Toggle Between Character     | L3    - Activates 3x Speed     
| R1 / L1   | Quick Scroll                 | R3    - Activates 'God' Mode  
| L2        | ------                       | L3&R3 - Toggles random encounters
| R2        | Displays 'Target' Icon       |                              
| Start     | Pause                        | God mode will keep your HP/MP and
| Select    | Toggles Status Bar On/Off    | Limit bars topped up, but you 
|                                          | can still get taken out in one 
| Holding R1 + L1 together will make you   | hit if the move is powerful 
| flee from battle.                        | enough.                          

  The control map for the PS4 cannot be adjusted. The X and O buttons have 
  been reversed from their original settings.



 - Make the most of the quick-search feature! This walkthrough is immensely 
   huge, and utilising Control + F will save you a lot of time and headaches. 
   I have tentatively set-up a feature that allows for effective use of quick-
   searching, see the index for more info.

 - Save often. There is no auto-save feature, so forgetting to make use of a 
   save point could be costly. I also recommend making multiple save files.

 - Your kills count towards Leveling up your Limit Breaks! Try to bear that 
   in mind when choosing which player to be the main attacker.

 - Press Select whilst in the field to bring up the helpful arrow indicators.

 - Arranging your Items by 'Type' in the Item Menu is always a good idea.

 - You can change the speed of the battle in the 'Config' menu. You can also 
   fiddle with the colour of the window, just don't touch the button config.

 - When swapping your characters over, be sure to also swap their current 
   Armour and Accessory over too.

 - You can use the 'Exchange' tab in the Materia menu to arrange your Materia 
   around with characters that aren't currently in your party.

 - Whilst in the PHS menu you can press confirm twice on a character to see 
   what current equipment they have on them, without having to put them in 
   your party first.

These tips are just scratching the surface, I've included within the 
walkthrough all of the useful things that you will need to know about the 

!                                                                            !
!                               SPECIAL THANKS                               !
!                                                                            !
! While I have made sure to credit every source as appropriate in the final  !
! section of this guide, I have also made sure to mention various sources    !
! throughout the walkthrough.                                                !
!                                                                            !
! I would like to say now that a huge shout out goes to Absolute Steve for   !
! the absolute power-house of information contained within his walkthrough/  !
! FAQ, and also MGSB for his excellent Training/Random Encounter FAQ. NTIFC1 !
! has been a great help by answering many questions regarding the inner      !
! mechanics of the game, although TFergusson probably deserves the most      !
! amount of praise for his Mechanic FAQs, and for being a recurring 'source  !
! of a source'.                                                              !
!                                                                            !
! Lastly, I'd like to send my most heartfelt thank you out to the developers !
! of the game - Square (Soft), Hironobu Sakaguchi, Yoshinori Kitase,         !
! Kazushige Nojima, Nobuo Uematsu and the rest of the Development Team.      !
! Although the final product was rather hurried and riddled with             !
! imperfections, you guys have single-handedly created a game that has       !
! revolutionised the way westerners view Role Playing Games, and you have    !
! left us with a story that will continue to boggle our minds for years to   !
! come.                                                                      !
!                                                                            !
!  �I've been here since the beginning and I still don't know what the       !
!   hell's goin' on�                                                (Barret) !
!                                                                            !

 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
'                                                                            '
'                                GET IN TOUCH!                               '
'                                                                            '
' Noticed a platform variation that I haven't made a not of? Discovered a    '
' better strategy to the one I have suggested? Or if you've just got some    '
' overall feedback, my inbox is always open - [email protected]          '
'                                                                            '
' All feedback is very much appreciated, and massively helps to improve my   '
' guide!                                                                     '
'_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ '

                        And now for the main feature!     

)                                                                            (
)       If you find this walkthrough to be helpful, please remember to       (
)                            rate/recommend/like                             (
)                                                                            (


|<:                                                                        :>|
|<:                                                                        :>|
|<:  {D1}                           DISK 1                                 :>|
|<:                                                                        :>|
|<:                                                               {Disk 1} :>|
|                                                                            |
|                                  CONTENTS                                  |
| - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  |
| {D1.01} - To Blow Up a Mako Reactor                                        |
| {D1.02} - Sector 7 Slums                                                   |
| {D1.03} - To Blow Up Another Mako Reactor                                  |
| {D1.04} - Sector 6 & Wall Market                                           |
| {D1.05} - Return To Sector 7                                               |
| {D1.06} - Shinra HQ                                                        |
| {D1.07} - Kalm                                                             |
| {D1.08} - Chocobo Ranch & Fort Condor                                      |
| {D1.09} - Junon                                                            |
| {D1.10} - Costa Del Sol & Mt. Corel                                        |
| {D1.11} - Gold Saucer & Corel Prison                                       |
| {D1.12} - Optional Sidequests No.1                                         |
| {D1.13} - Gongaga                                                          |
| {D1.14} - Cosmo Canyon                                                     |
| {D1.15} - Nibelheim                                                        |
| {D1.16} - Rocket Town                                                      |
| {D1.17} - Optional Sidequests No.2                                         |
| {D1.18} - Yuffie's Sidequest                                               |
| {D1.19} - Gold Saucer Re-visited                                           |
| {D1.20} - The Temple of the Ancients                                       |
| {D1.21} - The Forgotten Capitol                                            |

                                PLEASE INSERT:                                
|/ DISK 1 \/\/\ DISK 1 /\/\/ DISK 1 \/\/\ DISK 1 \/\/\ DISK 1 /\/\/ DISK 1 /\|
|                                                                            |
| {D1.01} - To Blow Up a Mako Reactor                                        |
|                                                                            |
| ITEMS:                                                                     |
|         |_|Potion            |_|Phoenix Down        |_|Restore Materia     |
|         |_|Potion            |_|Potion              |_|Assault Gun (Boss)  |

--D1.01 A - Our First Reactor                   (�The planet's dyin', Cloud!�)

|                           >  ENEMIES:                                      <
|      NOTE ON ENEMIES:     >           [     MP] [GUARD HOUND] [MONO DRIVE] <
|                           >                                                <
| There's really not much   > ------Lv: [------2] [----------3] [---------2] <
| to any of these enemies,  > ------HP: [-----30] [---------42] [--------28] <
| there's no need to use    > ------MP: [-------] [-----------] [--------28] <
| any of Ex-SOLDIER'S       > -----EXP: [-----16] [---------20] [--------18] <
| magic, his basic attacks  > ------AP: [------2] [----------2] [---------3] <
| are strong enough to do   > -----GIL: [-----10] [---------12] [---------8] <
| the job. MP stands for    > ----DROP: [-Potion] [-----Potion] [----Potion] <
| Military Police by the    > -NULLIFY: [-------] [-----------] [-------ERT] <
| way.                      > --DOUBLE: [-------] [-----------] [-------WND] <

--Items - Potion x 2
--Extra - Iron Bangle (recruit equipment)

  After watching the intro FMV you'll eventually have control of your blond, 
spiky haired character. First things first, press select to bring up the 
'Finger Indicator' above his head, and more importantly the 'Red Indicator' 
which marks the entry/exit point on any screen. This will be particularly 
useful to any newcomers to the game.

Lastly, go into the main menu (with Triangle) then goto Config. Here you can 
change the window colour if you like, amongst other things. Just don't change 
the button configuration, as it'll make things really confusing later on (PS4 
players won't be able to change the controls, and Steam/PC users can change 
the controls how they wish).

Change the ATB to wait, move the Battle Speed bar 4/5's to the left (to 
increase the speed), leave Battle Message as is, move field message 2/3's to 
the left and finally change the Magic Order to No.4: Attack, Restore, 
Indirect. These are just my recommended settings, you can fiddle with these 
later on if you like. 

 NOTE - We will be bringing the battle speed down eventually, I've sped it up 
        just for now to make for a smoother gaming experience.

There's nothing left to do in the menus, so back out then run over to the 
first unconscious soldier that you see to search him for a [POTION]. Then 
search him again for a second [POTION] (The cancel button is to run by the 

Run towards the exit to engage in our first battle encounter - 2 x MPs. Press 
SELECT during battle to make the status bar appear; this will help for later 
on. If you like, you can also make a 'target' icon appear over the enemies 
with R2. As I mentioned earlier, just use Ex-SOLDIER's basic attacks to kill 
these foes, unless of course you're curious to see what his Bolt/Ice attacks 
looks like, in which case fire away! Once the battle is done, you may be 
rewarded with a Potion from one of the enemies.

 NOTES - Newcomers to the game, I know what you're thinking, and trust me, the
         battle system does get better. It'll eventually develop into one of 
         the most intricate and ingeniously thought out battle systems that
         you'll ever play, you'll just have to put up with the relatively 
         boring and comparatively simple 'introductory' system for now. It's 
         the same as most old-skool turn-based RPGs, really; It'll break you 
         in bit-by-bit, piece-by-piece.

       - PS4 players will just have unlocked the First Blood Trophy for 
         winning their first battle.

Once escaping to the second screen, you'll have some dialogue with your 
comrades, then you'll be able to name your characters [CLOUD] and [BARRET]. 
Once you regain control of Cloud, consider tuning down the field message 
setting if it's too quick for you, you really are going to want to follow the 
story in this game (as opposed to flashing through the dialogue boxes as 
quickly as possible). You'll be missing out hugely otherwise!

Follow your posse to the next screen fighting enemies along the way to come 
to a T-shaped bridge. Head north into the Reactor, and after some dialogue 
with Barret he'll join your team.

--D1.01 B - �This isn't just a reactor!!�  (...)

|                                 >  ENEMIES:                                <
|         NOTE ON ENEMIES:        >           [1ST RAY] [  GRUNT] [ SWEEPER] <
|                                 >                                          <
| The Mono Drive can also be      > ------Lv: [------4] [------7] [-------8] <
| fought here. If you really want > ------HP: [-----18] [-----40] [-----140] <
| to see what Cloud's magic looks > -----EXP: [-----12] [-----22] [------27] <
| like then by all means use it!  > ------AP: [------1] [------2] [-------3] <
| The 1st Ray and the Sweeper are > -----GIL: [------5] [-----15] [------30] <
| weak against your Bolt attack,  > ----DROP: [-------] [-Potion] [--------] <
| try it for double damage! Just  > --DOUBLE: [----LHT] [-------] [-----LHT] <
| remember to save enough MP      >                                          <
| (Magic Points) for the Boss.    >                                          <

--Items - Phoenix Down, Potion, Restore Materia
--Boss  - Guard Scorpion Lv 12 (Assault Gun)

  Before continuing, consider which row you'd like to put Barret in.
]                                                                            [
] SIDE NOTE - FRONT AND BACK ROWS                                            [
]                                                                            [
] Players in the front row dish out and receive more damage from physical    [
] attacks while players in the back row will dish out and receive less       [
] damage. All magic spells are completely unaffected by which row you're     [
] in. You can change your characters row by selecting 'Order' in the menus.  [
] Position a character to the left to place him in the front row, and right  [
] for the back row.                                                          [
]                                                                            [
] Note that you can change a characters row mid battle by selecting 'Change' [
] (left on the d-pad); after the battle they'll be back in their original    [
] row. Also, by pressing right on the d-pad you can have your player defend  [
] for one turn thus receiving 1/2 damage from physical attacks.              [

Now, most guides at this stage would recommend you to put Barret in the back 
row and leave him there seeing as most of his weapons are long range, and 
long range weapons will do the same damage from either row. This guide 
however suggests considering a slightly different approach:
]                                                                            [
] SIDE NOTE - LIMIT BREAK TRAINING No.1 - The Basics                         [
]                                                                            [
] There's too much to cover at this stage, so I won�t be going into great    [
] depth just yet, just know that there are two ways in which we can level up [
] our Limits:                                                                [
]                                                                            [
] 1. By using your basic Limit Break x amount of times.                      [
]                                                                            [
] 2. By getting x amount of kills.                                           [
]                                                                            [
] Both run coherently; we don't have to complete 1 before we start 2. So,    [
] what I'd like you to do at this stage is to leave Barret in the front row  [
] as so that he actually takes more damage. This way his Limit gauge will    [
] fill up more quickly in battle and he'll be able to use his Limits more    [
] often. Also, I'd like you to let Barret and Barret only get all the kills; [
] Cloud is in your party for 90% of the game and his Limits will level up    [
] eventually of their own accord. Don't even have Cloud defend, the only     [
] times that I want you to use Cloud is to either weaken the enemy or when   [
] his Limit gauge has filled up; use it straight away.                       [
]                                                                            [
] This is a completely optional way of training of course, and if you start  [
] to run low on potions then you can just fight normally, but I do enjoy     [
] battling this way because it gives me something to focus on at this early  [
] stage of the game. Once the whole magic system gets under-way however I    [
] won�t put as much focus into the Limit Breaks, but for now  I like to get  [
] a head start on them. Try to get at least one use out of both Barret's and [
] Cloud's Limit Breaks before the up-coming Boss.                            [

Now that we're finally prepared, talk to Biggs then Jessie, respectively. 
Before following them east to the elevator shaft, head south to find a 
treasure chest containing a [PHOENIX DOWN]. Note - These are to be used if 
you get KO'd during a battle.

Now head into the elevator shaft and press then blue and purple arrow button 
on the far wall to descend. After some dialogue with Barret you'll emerge on 
top of a giant complex of sorts. 

 NOTE - When you do use your Limit Break for the first time, you'll unlock 
        the Breaking New Ground Trophy.

Follow the path down two giant sets of stairs into the next area (remember to 
have pressed select to enable the red exit arrow/triangles). Note the green 
arrow here, it indicates a climbable object, in this case a ladder. Talk to 
Jessie then follow her down grabbing the [POTION] near to where she stops.

 NOTE - Remember to talk to Jessie on your way out, you won�t be able to
        progress otherwise.

Head down the remaining two sets of ladders, then save using the weird pink 
and purple ? mark. Before heading down to the next screen (to the boss), 
consider battling around here for a while getting some Barret only kills and 
aim to progress only after you've used both Cloud's and Barret's Limit Break 
once. Entirely optional, of course. The sweeper deals a nice amount of 
damage. Don't just stand there taking hits though, keep getting a constant 
flow of kills with Barret. Make sure not to run out of potions, keep at least 

 NOTES - After the boss battle we will have a 10 minute time limit in which we
         must escape the reactor. You should have plenty of time, but by all 
         means you can start using Cloud again during this time. The count 
         down timer will continually run down even whilst you're in the 
         menus, so if you do wish to completely pause the game then you can
         do so by pressing START whilst in battle. Also, when a battle begins
         you can keep the action button held down to auto-attack.

       - During the boss battle you can let it annihilate Cloud and Barret 
         if you wish to unlock the Failure IS an Option Trophy. Just make 
         sure to have saved beforehand!!!!
]                                                                            [
] SIDE NOTE - ESCAPING FROM BATTLES                                          [
]                                                                            [
] O.K., it is highly recommended that you don't get into the habit of        [
] running away from every other battle you encounter, you won�t earn any EXP [
] etc. that way. Hold L1 + R1 to start running away, it may take 10 seconds  [
] or so. Only consider doing this at certain times in the game i.e. because  [
] you're on a time limit.                                                    [

When you're ready, save-up and potion-up then head south east to the 
following screen. Grab the [RESTORE MATERIA] (we can't use this just yet..), 
then attempt to interact with the valve. After hearing a (mysterious voice) 
you'll be up against your first boss of the game! How I still love this sound 

*        ________  ________  ________   ________           ___               *
*       |\   __  \|\   __  \|\   ____\ |\   ____\         |\  \              *
*       \ \  \|\ /\ \  \|\  \ \  \___|_\ \  \___|_        \ \  \             *
*        \ \   __  \ \  \\\  \ \_____  \\ \_____  \        \ \__\            *
*         \ \  \|\  \ \  \\\  \|____|\  \\|____|\  \        \|__|            *
*          \ \_______\ \_______\____\_\  \ ____\_\  \            ___         *
*           \|_______|\|_______|\_________\\_________\          |\__\        *
*                              \|_________\|_________|          \|__|        *
*  _________________________________________   ______________ _____________  *
* |                                         | |              |             | *
* |             GUARD SCORPION              | | BOSS BATTLE: | 01          | *
* |_________________________________________| |______________|_____________| *
*                                             |              |             | *
* The main thing to point out about this Boss | ---------Lv: | 12--------- | *
* is that it's weak against Lightning, so     | ---------HP: | 800-------- | *
* have Cloud pummel him with his Bolt attack  | --------EXP: | 100-------- | *
* while Barret deals normal, physical damage. | ---------AP: | 10--------- | *
* if your health drops below 100 then make    | --------GIL: | 100-------- | *
* sure to heal. He only has one move you need | -------DROP: | Assault Gun | *
* to be wary of, and this is his Tail Laser   | ----NULLIFY: | GRV-------- | *
* which he will only use as a counter attack  | -----DOUBLE: | LHT-------- | *
* if his tail is raised in the air (some bad  |____________________________| *
* translation here), which it will do after                                  *
* four turns.                                                                *
*                                                                            *
* Some would advise at that stage not to attack it until its tail has        *
* lowered, however if you were to attack it once, whilst making sure that    *
* your HP was above 100, then his counter will more than likely fill up      *
* Cloud and Barret's Limit Breaks with one hit. Once its tail is down you    *
* can unleash hell, it'll die fairly quickly after this. Your reward will be *
* a new weapon for Barret, the [ASSAULT GUN].                                *
*                                                                            *


 1.) Equip Barret's new weapon, the Assault Gun.
 2.) Head back to the save point and make use of it.
 3.) Head up two of the three sets of ladders then talk to Jessie.
 4.) Make your way up the third set of ladders, out and up the two long
     flights of stairs and into the elevator once again.
 5.) Once out the elevator, talk to Jessie then Biggs, respectively.

You should now have roughly 6 - 7 Minutes left on the clock, possibly longer. 
Depending on how many potions/time you have left I'd say battle it out until 
about 2 minutes is left on the clock, getting some Barret only kills. It's 
completely up to you. The next time we fight our HP/MP will be restored. Note 
that it is absolutely fine to use up all of your potions at this stage.

When you're ready, head outside to the T-shaped bridge to finish the section. 
You'll then view a short FMV.

|                                                                            |
| {D1.02} - Sector 7 Slums                                                   |
|                                                                            |
| ITEMS:                                                                     |
|         |_|Potion             |_|Ether              |_|Potion              |
|         |_|All Materia                                                     |

--D1.02 A - The Aftermath   (�This train. It can't run anywhere except where 
                                                           its rails take it�)
|                                                      >  ENEMIES:           <
|                   NOTE ON ENEMIES:                   >           [     MP] <
|                                                      >                     <
| These are the exact same MPs from Reactor 1. Bolt    > ------Lv: [------2] <
| or Ice may be a little excessive, so don't waste     > ------HP: [-----30] <
| your MP on these MPs!                                > -----EXP: [-----16] <
|                                                      > ------AP: [------2] <
|                                                      > -----GIL: [-----10] <
|                                                      > ----DROP: [-Potion] <

--Items   - Potion

  After a few scripted events have played out, you'll have control of Cloud 
again. Head up the stairs to the following screen to engage in some multiple 
choice dialogue with the Flower Girl.
]                                                                            [
] SIDE NOTE - THE AFFECTION GAME                                             [
]                                                                            [
] The choices that you make throughout the majority of the first disk can    [
] play a part in how certain characters feel about you. If you're new to the [
] game, then I suggest just playing it through naturally; it has absolutely  [
] no effect on the story or the gameplay in any way shape or form. If you're [
] familiar with the game however, and you wish to manipulate the choices you [
] make in order to affect the outcome of the affection game, then cast your  [
] eyes to the back of this guide under section E.01 (remember to use Control [
] + F to quick search).                                                      [

?       _______________        _______________        _______________        ?
?       !!TROPHY NOTE!!        !!TROPHY NOTE!!        !!TROPHY NOTE!!        ?
?       ```````````````        ```````````````        ```````````````        ?
?                                                                            ?
?   TROPHY NOTE - BEST BROMANCE                                              ?
?                                                                            ?
?   If you are looking to complete the PS4 trophy list, then you must make   ?
?   it so that Barret wins the affection game as to unlock the Best Bromance ?
?   trophy. Whenever you see (Best Bromance - choose option 1) then you'll   ? 
?   know which dialogue option to choose to manipulate it in Barret's        ?
?   favour. If you are *not* playing this on the PS4 however, then you can   ?
?   completely ignore these 'Best Bromance' references, as this Trophy isn't ?
?   available in the Steam version.                                          ?
?       _______________        _______________        _______________        ?
?       !!TROPHY NOTE!!        !!TROPHY NOTE!!        !!TROPHY NOTE!!        ?
?       ```````````````        ```````````````        ```````````````        ?

 NOTE - Due to the simplicity of the Trophy list, you won�t see many of these 
        Trophy Notes floating about.

Once you've finished conversing (Best Bromance - choose option 2, then 1, 
then buy a flower for 1 gil), follow the Flower Girl to the adjoining screen. 
Head south, obtaining a [POTION] to the left along the way.

In the next screen you will have the choice between fighting or running from 
3 sets of guards. I always choose to fight for the EXP (and more importantly 
for the kills), but the choice is yours to make - make it quickly! Note that 
the MPs here are exactly the same as the ones you fought inside the reactor.

Once you've battled/ran from the guards, a few animated events play out 
followed by some dialogue, then you'll have control of Cloud again on a 
train. Head south to the next screen.

You can talk to whomever you like here, when you're ready to continue talk to 
Jessie who is at the front right of the screen. She'll give you a guided 
virtual tour of Midgar. When you have control of Cloud again, talk to Jessie 
once more (Best Bromance - choose option 2, �Looking forward to it�), then 
talk to Barret. Next stop, Sector 7!

--D1.02 B - Tifa's Bar                       (�I want to talk about my money�)

|                           >  ENEMIES:                                      <
|      NOTE ON ENEMIES:     >           [SWEEPER] [GUARD HOUND] [MONO DRIVE] <
|                           >                                                <
| All of these enemies you  > ------Lv: [------8] [----------3] [---------2] <
| have fought before, and   > ------HP: [----140] [---------42] [--------28] <
| they are just as easy     > ------MP: [-------] [-----------] [--------28] <
| now as they were then.    > -----EXP: [-----27] [---------20] [--------18] <
|                           > ------AP: [------3] [----------2] [---------3] <
|                           > -----GIL: [-----30] [---------12] [---------8] <
|                           > --DROP 1: [-------] [-----Potion] [----Potion] <
|                           > --DROP 2: [-------] [-----------] [-----Ether] <
|                           > -NULLIFY: [-------] [-----------] [-------ERT] <
|                           > --DOUBLE: [----LHT] [-----------] [-------WND] <

--Items - All Materia, Ether, Potion
--Extra - 1500 gil, Bronze Bangle (recruit equipment)

  Once you've hopped off the train, make your way west. You'll head back 
through to the eastern screen a little later on. In the next screen, head 
north to save your game, and if you wish to see a long winded scene of the 
overhead support tower then you can talk to kid that's standing by the save 

We can't go south, so head west. In the next screen talk to Barret to enter 
the bar, we won�t be bothering to explore here just yet. Here you'll be able 
to name a new character [TIFA], and if you bought a flower earlier you can 
choose to give it to her, raising her affinity towards you (Best Bromance - 
give the flower to Marlene instead). Try to leave and Barret will come 
barging in, remarking that he wants to start the meeting. You can have a 
drink with Tifa before going down if you like (Best Bromance - choose option 
1, �I don't feel like it�), otherwise just interact with the pinball machine 
to descend.

After some dialogue you'll try to leave the bar. Tifa will stop you (Best 
Bromance - when prompted, select option 2 '...Sorry'), and you'll end up in a 
flashback. Although it may seem a little cheesy, there's actually a lot more 
going on here than meets the eye. Once the flashback has finished, and after 
receiving Barret's stash of [1500 GIL], you'll (eventually) have control of 
Cloud again after sleeping the night.

When you awake, ascend the pinball machine. (Best Bromance - Before anything 
else talk to Tifa and choose option 1, �Barret's snoring kept me up...�) As 
you try to leave you'll have to talk to Barret once more and he'll ask you to 
explain to him (and to us) how Materia works. If you're completely knew to 
this game then you may wish to view this tutorial, although it is slightly 
long. Afterwards, check the Menus to see that we will now have access to the 
Materia option, whoopee! Time to go shopping. 

Head outside and into the south-western most building. Buy yourself 1 x 
Restore Materia and 1 x Lightning Materia.

 NOTE - Robotic based creatures are usually weak against Lightning based
        attacks, and there's a fair few robots to fight soon which is why I've
        advised you to by a second Lightning as opposed to a Fire which we
        haven't yet obtained. We will soon enough though, patience my friends. 
        I'll also give a full Elemental breakdown when I feel the time is 

Then, head over to the store just east from the one you were in and talk to 
the guy on the left. Buy from him 3 x Iron Bangles. If you talk to the kid 
here he'll let you rest up for 10 gil, this'll come in handy for later.

Head to the second floor to find a bouncing save point. This is the 
[BEGINNERS HALL], and straight off the bat GRAB THAT MATERIA! the [ALL 
MATERIA] to the right. Then straight after grab the [ETHER] from the falling 
chest (this restores MP). If you talk to the people in this room then you 
will learn more about the mechanics of how the game works, although this 
walkthrough should cover most of what you will need to know as you're going 

?       _______________        _______________        _______________        ?
?       !!TROPHY NOTE!!        !!TROPHY NOTE!!        !!TROPHY NOTE!!        ?
?       ```````````````        ```````````````        ```````````````        ?
?                                                                            ?
?   TROPHY NOTE - GRAB THAT MATERIA!                                         ?
?                                                                            ?
?   Whenever you see GRAB THAT MATERIA! make sure to do exactly that. There  ?
?   are several Materias in this game that can be permanently missed, so if  ?
?   you're going for the Materia Overlord Achievement then you're really not ?
?   going to want to miss a single piece. Note that Materia Overlord is only ?
?   available on the Steam version; you don't need to acquire every piece if ?
?   you are playing the PS4 version, although it's still advised.            ?
?                                                                            ?
?       _______________        _______________        _______________        ?
?       !!TROPHY NOTE!!        !!TROPHY NOTE!!        !!TROPHY NOTE!!        ?
?       ```````````````        ```````````````        ```````````````        ?

 NOTE - The All Materia is the best piece of Materia for this early stage in 
        the game, and will dominate your battle strategy for a while.

If you have 0 Potions in your inventory, you could talk to the big guy 
standing next to the dog for a free [POTION]! Select the option �How to heal 
your allies?�, just bear in mind that you can only obtain the one. Shout out 
to Ex-SOLDIER-13 for finding this potion (that's his online tag; I'm not 
thanking Cloud...)!

There's nothing left to do here now, although feel free to explore the rooms 
I haven't gone into yet to converse with various NPCs (you can also talk to 
Johnny at the top of the screen). When you're ready, equip everyone with the 
Iron Bangle, then give Barret All and Lightning making sure that they are 
'paired', Barret's Bolt attack will now hit all enemies! Give Cloud Restore & 
Ice and give Tifa Restore and Lighting.

 NOTES - Any blue (Support) Materia we obtain has to be paired with another 
         green (Magic) or red (Summon) Materia in order for them to take 
         affect; they will not work independently (some yellow (Command) 
         Materias can also be paired, but not all).

       - The AP we gain during battles stands for Ability Points, they go 
         into Leveling up our Materia. At Lv 1, All can only be used to target
         all enemies once per battle, this will increase as the Alls' level 

       - Any magic that is linked to All will deal 66% of its normal power. 
         You can toggle All�s in-battle effect using R1.

Time to save the game!

Before heading out onto the train, consider heading east to the Train 
Graveyard in order to get some kills with Barret's All set up. All of the 
enemies here are ones we've fought before, except now some of them are 
dropping Ethers. Battle here for a bit, when Barret's MP runs out head back 
to the inn to rest up for 10 gil (talk to the boy in the weapon shop then 
climb to the third floor). You don't want to spend too long training here 
though because there is an awesome training spot coming up which will 
eliminate the 'random encounter' regime; we will get non-stop uninterrupted 
battles! We won't be able to rest there though so when our MP runs low we'll 
be relying on Ethers which is why it's good to try to get a one or two now 
from the enemies, I left with 3.

When you're ready, rest, save, then head out onto the train to begin the next 
mission. One last top tip to give to you before moving on, a tip that'll save 
you from ever having to use Potions outside of battle again!
]                                                                            [
] SIDE NOTE - THE 'ALL TRICK'                                                [
]                                                                            [
] When your characters healths start to run low, equip Cloud (who has the    [
] highest magic stat at this stage) with All and pair it with Restore. Now,  [
] go into 'Magic' from the main menu and select Cloud. Then select Magic,    [
] Cure, then when the finger prompts you to choose which party member it is  [
] you wish to heal, press R1 to activate the All�s effect. You have just     [
] healed your entire party for 4 MP! This is how you're going to want to     [
] heal outside of battle from now on. Once you're done, don't forget to give [
] the All back to Barret!                                                    [

|                                                                            |
| {D1.03} - To Blow Up Another Mako Reactor                                  |
|                                                                            |
| ITEMS:                                                                     |
|         |_|Phoenix Down       |_|Potion            |_|Ether                |
|         |_|Hi-Potion          |_|Tent              |_|Titan Bangle (Boss)  |
|         |_|Ether                                                           |

--D1.03 A - We've Been Made!    (�The hell you so calm? You're bustin' up my 

|                            >  ENEMIES: [ROCKET                 [SPECIAL    <
|                            >                                               <
| First thing to mention     > ------Lv: [-------5] [---------8] [--------9] <
| about these enemies is     > ------HP: [------50] [--------42] [-------60] <
| that the Grashtrike can    > -----EXP: [------13] [--------20] [-------28] <
| inflict Silk upon you      > ------AP: [-------3] [---------2] [--------3] <
| which will slow down your  > -----GIL: [-------7] [--------20] [-------40] <
| ATB (Active Time Battle)   > --DROP 1: [--------] [Spider Web] [--Grenade] <
| gauge, so to combat this   > --DROP 2: [--------] [----------] [-Antidote] <
| I suggest going back into  > --DOUBLE: [-----LHT] [----------] [---------] <
| Config and speeding up     #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#
| up the Battle Speed all                                                    |
| the way to the left. Also, the Rocket Launcher here are weak vs Lightning  |
| (LHT), so be sure to have the All=Lightning combo equipped.                |

--Items - Phoenix Down, Hi-Potion

  Once you've regained control of Cloud, Tifa will want you to talk to her. 
Before doing so, read the following first:

Eventually we're going to be on another time limit, this time we'll be 
jumping from cart to cart whilst obtaining items by talking to individuals 
along the way as quickly as we can. I'll number bullet point this section 
again for simplicity. 

 NOTES -  Getting caught early will mean that you'll be dropped off further 
          south of your target than if you'd stayed on until the end, but 
          subsequently closer to the aforementioned training spot. Also, if 
          you get caught you will not gain a boost to your friends affinity 
          rating (Best Bromance - stay on till the final cart; don't get 

       -  The Cart that you come in on is considered as Cart No.1. 

Talk to Tifa when you are ready.

CART 1.) Head back and talk to the guy at the back and on the right for a
         [PHOENIX DOWN]
CART 2.) Head down and talk to the guy at the front left of the screen for a
CART 3.) A guy (Johnny) will run past you stealing 100 gil in the process.
         Run back to him and select option no.2 to reclaim your d'oh.
CART 4.) Nothing

When you get to cart 5 you'll eventually end up jumping out of the (speeding) 
train onto some train tracks, relatively unscathed!

To the north is our destination, and to the south is that training spot I 
mentioned earlier, and there are roughly 7 screens separating the two. The 
longer you stayed on the train, the further you'll have to double back on 
yourself, unless you wanted to continue on with the mission, in which case 
head a few screens north. Either way, make sure to have sped up the Battle 
Speed in the options as previously advised as to deal with the Grashtrike. 

Heading south, you'll eventually end up at a guard post, here you can enter 
into an infinite number of battles!

 NOTES - For these battles keep everyone in the front row. Before using
         Barret's Bolt have every player weaken 1 enemy first, having Cloud 
         attack the enemy in the back row (always have your strongest attacker 
         hitting the enemies in the back row). When you get round to using 
         Cloud as your main attacker, note that his magic is strong enough to 
         kill all of them in one hit.
       - (Cheers to Vinny 1983 for this tip) Equip the Bronze Bangles for 
         these battles to reduce you defence, resulting in more damage taken, 
         which will fill your Limit bars up more quickly!! Just don't forget 
         to re-equip the Iron Bangles when you're done.

And this, my friends, is the perfect time to give you guys (and gals) another 
Limit Break rundown:
]                                                                            [
] SIDE NOTE - LIMIT BREAK TRAINING No.2 - Requirements of Leveling up        [
]                                                                            [
] So, there as two things that we need to focus on in order to level our     [
] Limit Breaks up. The first being the amount of times we use our basic      [
] (default) Limit Break. For example, once Barret has used his Big Shot      [
] (also known as his 1-1 Limit) 9 times he will unlock his 1-2 Limit,        [
] Mindblow. Once he has then acquired 80 kills he'll unlock his 2-1 Limit,   [
] Grenade Bomb. There are 2 things to remember for now:                      [
]                                                                            [
] 1.) You don't HAVE to unlock a character�s 1-2 Limit in order to unlock    [
]     their 2-1 Limit. Meaning, if you get 80 kills with Barret before you   [
]     have used Big Shot 9 times then you can just skip out Mindblow         [
]     altogether. This is inadvisable, firstly because Mindblow is quite a   [
]     handy skill to have, and secondly because the prerequisite for         [
]     learning a Level 4 Limit Break is that all previous Limits have been   [
]     learned.                                                               [
]                                                                            [
] 2.) You must manually set your Limit Breaks when acquiring a new level!    [
]     Very soon (if you've been following my advice) you're going to unlock  [
]     Barret's 2-1 Limit, I then recommend using Big Shot the required       [
]     amount of times to unlock Mindblow. When you are ready, go into        [
]     'Limit' in the main menu and 'set' your Limit Break to level 2; your   [
]     kills won�t start counting towards your level 3 Limit's otherwise.     [
]                                                                            [
] Sadly, Tifa doesn't have a 'paired' Materia slot at this stage, so we      [
] won't be utilising the All=Lightning combo for her. Cloud on the other     [
] hand does, so once you've gained 80 kills with Barret be sure to swap your [
] Materia around to start letting Cloud rack up some kills. It's worth       [
] pointing out that Tifa's Limits are unique in the sense that they will     [
] 'stack' against each other, use Beat Rush 9 times to unlock her 1-2 Limit  [
] and then use her Limit in-battle to learn what I mean. Also, Tifa's Level  [
] 1 Limit gauge requires the least amount of damage to fill up (40% of max   [
] HP), so you should fly through to her 1-2 Limit. Keep her in the front     [
] row.                                                                       [

For a full guide on Limit Breaks see section E.02. For the sake of 
helpfulness, I have decided to include a Limit Break description for each 
character depicting how many kills/uses required for each Limit. Every new 
character that you acquire you will see their Limit info displayed like so:

   CLOUD STRIFE                                                               
  |                                     |                                  |  
  | 1-1  BRAVER                         | 2-1  BLADE BEAM                  |  
  |      (default)                      |      (120 kills)                 |  
  |                                     |                                  |  
  |   Attacks one opponent              |   Diffuses after hitting one     |  
  |                                     |   opponent                       |  
  | 1-2  CROSS-SLASH                    | 2-2  CLIMHAZZARD                 |  
  |      (use 1-1 8 times)              |      (use 2-1 7 times)           |  
  |                                     |                                  |  
  |   Attacks and Paralyzes one         |    Attacks one opponent          |  
  |   opponent                          |                                  |  
  |                                     |                                  |  
  |                                     |                                  |  
  | 3-1  METEORAIN                      | 4  OMNISLASH                     |  
  |      (320 kills)                    |                                  |  
  |                                     |   Damages all opponents          |  
  |   Attacks all opponents             |                                  |  
  |                                     | Use the item Omnislash           |  
  |`````````````````````````````````````|                                  |  
  | 3-2  FINISHING TOUCH                | Won from the Battle Square from  |  
  |      (use 3-1 6 times)              | Disk 1 onwards                   |  
  |                                     |                                  |  
  |   Blows away all opponents          |                                  |  
  |                                     |                                  |  
  |                                     |                                  |  
   BARRET WALLACE                                                             
  |                                     |                                  |  
  | 1-1  BIG SHOT                       | 2-1  GRENADE BOMB                |  
  |      (default)                      |      (80 kills)                  |  
  |                                     |                                  |  
  |   Attacks one opponent              |   Attacks all opponents          |  
  |                                     |                                  |  
  | 1-2  MINDBLOW                       | 2-2  HAMMERBLOW                  | 
  |      (use 1-1 9 times)              |      (use 2-1 8 times)           |  
  |                                     |                                  |  
  |   Reduces one opponent's MP         |    Blows away one opponent       |  
  |                                     |                                  |  
  |                                     |                                  |  
  | 3-1  SATELLITE BEAM                 | 4 - CATASTROPHE                  |  
  |      (160 kills)                    |                                  |  
  |                                     |   Damages all opponents          |  
  |   Attacks all opponents             |                                  |  
  |                                     | Use the item Catastrophe         |  
  |`````````````````````````````````````|                                  |  
  | 3-2  ANGERMAX                       | Found on Disk 2 in Corel after   |  
  |      (use 3-1 6 times)              | the Train Ride Event by talking  |  
  |                                     | to a small girl                  |  
  |   Attacks all opponents             |                                  |  
  |                                     |                                  |  
  |                                     |                                  |  
   TIFA LOCKHEART                                                             
  |                                     |                                  |  
  | 1-1  BEAT RUSH                      | 2-1  WATERKICK                   |  
  |      (default)                      |      (96 kills)                  |  
  |                                     |                                  |  
  |   Attacks an opponent               |   Attacks an opponent            |  
  |                                     |                                  |  
  | 1-2  SOMERSAULT                     | 2-2  METEODRIVE                  |  
  |      (use 1-1 9 times)              |      (use 2-1 7 times)           |  
  |                                     |                                  |  
  |   Attacks an opponent               |    Attacks an opponent           |  
  |                                     |                                  |  
  |                                     |                                  |  
  | 3-1  DOLPHIN BLOW                   | 4 - FINAL HEAVEN                 |  
  |      (192 kills)                    |                                  |  
  |                                     |   Attacks an opponent            |  
  |   Attacks an opponent               |                                  |  
  |                                     | Use the item Final Heaven        |  
  |`````````````````````````````````````|                                  |  
  | 3-2  METEOR STRIKE                  | Found on Disk 2 in Nibelheim     |  
  |      (use 3-1 6 times)              | after the Life Stream Events by  |  
  |                                     | playing Tifa's piano             |  
  |   Attacks an opponent               |                                  |  
  |                                     |                                  |  

So! Battling it out with the special combatants, I was able to get Barret's 
80 kills, unlocking grenade bomb with 30MP to spare for the boss. Nice! (LAST 
reminder, set the Limit Break manually to Lv 2 in the menus!!!) If you run 
out of MP with Barret and you haven't unlocked his Lv 2-1 Limit, don't bother 
giving him an Ether, there'll be plenty of chances to train him up later on.

Before leaving this area I decided to whack All=Lightning onto Cloud, and I 
left just before he had reached Level 12. Barret was Lv 11 and Tifa was Lv 
10. Once you've had enough, head 7-8 screens north until you come to a grate. 
There's really nothing left to do here now, so once you're ready jump down 
into to the area below.

 NOTE - Try getting a few Spiders Webs from the Grashtrike, they can slow 
        down the ATB of most enemies, even some Bosses!

--D1.03 B - Sector 4 Platforms    (�Sephiroth... SOLDIER... Mako Reactors... 
                                                Everything! I hate them all!�)

>  ENEMIES:                            [BLOOD      [PROTO                    <
>           [    BLUGU] [     SMOGGER]      TASTE]  MACHINEGUN] [CHUSE TANK] <
>                                                                            <
> ------Lv: [--------4] [-----------8] [--------8] [---------4] [---------6] <
> ------HP: [------120] [----------90] [-------72] [-------100] [--------36] <
> -----EXP: [-------18] [----------32] [-------24] [--------16] [--------23] <
> ------AP: [--------2] [-----------3] [--------2] [---------2] [---------2] <
> -----GIL: [-------35] [----------60] [-------32] [--------15] [--------30] <
> ----DROP: [---Potion] [Deadly Waste] [-Antidote] [----------] [----Potion] <
> --ABSORB: [---------] [---------PSN] [---------] [----------] [----------] <
> -NULLIFY: [------ERT] [------------] [---------] [----------] [----------] <
> --DOUBLE: [-WND--LHT] [------------] [---------] [-------LHT] [----------] <
|                              NOTE ON ENEMIES:                              |
|                                                                            |
| The Rocket Launcher can also be fought here. Make sure to sue your Bolt    |
| Magic. The Blugu can put you to sleep, and the Smogger can poison you      |
| which you can fix with an Antidote.                                        |

--Items - Ether x 2, Potion, Tent
--Boss  - Air Buster Lv 15 (Titan Bangle)

  Follow the tunnel picking up an [ETHER] along the way, then descend into a 
large construction-like area. Head west and you'll find two ladders along the 
way, along with Wedge. It doesn't matter which ladder you climb, they'll both 
lead to the same place.

You'll either see Jessie in front of you, or to (our) right depending on 
which ladder you climbed. Either way, grab the [POTION] you see to the left 
of her, then carry on west and down the ladder until you come to a save 
point, picking up a [TENT] along the way.
]                                                                            [
] SIDE NOTE - BACK ATTACKS                                                   [
]                                                                            [
] If you haven't had one yet, you soon will. There are two things to note    [
] about enemies that like to attack you from the rear:                       [
]                                                                            [
] You're rows will have swapped. If you're really bothered by it, select     [
] change (left) to swap them back, or just attack for less damage (magic is  [
] unaffected).                                                               [
]                                                                            [
] With your back to the enemy, they'll hit you for more damage. You can      [
] negate this by momentarily holding down L1+R1 as if to run away, then when [
] you release you'll be facing the enemy, they'll then hit you for normal    [
] damage. I'm trying to get my Limit Breaks up, so for now I'm just gonna    [
] let them hit me for more damage. That's just for now, though.              [

Climb the ladder next to Biggs (if you talk to him he'll run away for some 
reason), then in the next screen slide all the way down the long chute 
(weeee). Start heading south-west then north-west and you should start to 
recognise where we are.

 DON'T FRET! If you're new to this game and you're thinking 'Oh God, not 
             another game that uses repeated scenery over and over and over', 
             then I assure you that this isn't one of them. This is probably 
             the only time in the game that we will see a 'screen repeat'.

Head down into the reactors core, saving along the way. This time we won�t 
have any Guard Scorpion to fight, there'll be no time limit to escape but we 
will have another one of Cloud's 'moments' (this is the second time in the 
game that we hear the name Sephiroth, the first being the flashback at the 

Once the bomb has been placed, make your way outside of the reactors core, up 
the elevator shaft once more, back into what initially may look like a 
different room from before but actually turns out to be the same room just 
from a different perspective. Grab the [ETHER] from the visible chest.

Head NW, and you characters will try to operate the nearby panel. After 
pushing confirm on the last dialogue box, wait roughly 2 seconds then press 
confirm again. It's a pretty easy mini-game to be honest, you'll figure it 
out in no time. Before heading out to the T-shaped bridge, change your Load 
out for the upcoming boss (or battle around for a bit first, I'm not 

 Cloud  - All=Restore, Lightning
 Barret - Ice, Restore
 Tifa   - Lightning
Remember to heal using the All trick I showed you, also if you haven't done 
so already then go into Config and slow the Battle Speed down to about 3/4 to 
the left; we don't need it as quick as it is, the enemies will overtake us 
when we hesitate otherwise. Make sure to do this.

Use an Ether on Cloud if necessary, save the game, then head outside for some 
dialogue (there's that name Sephiroth again), eventually we'll be up against 
a Boss! Finish this boss to finish up this section of the walkthrough (Best 
Bromance - when prompted, choose option 1, �Be strong�).

*        ________  ________  ________   ________           ___               *
*       |\   __  \|\   __  \|\   ____\ |\   ____\         |\  \              *
*       \ \  \|\ /\ \  \|\  \ \  \___|_\ \  \___|_        \ \  \             *
*        \ \   __  \ \  \\\  \ \_____  \\ \_____  \        \ \__\            *
*         \ \  \|\  \ \  \\\  \|____|\  \\|____|\  \        \|__|            *
*          \ \_______\ \_______\____\_\  \ ____\_\  \            ___         *
*           \|_______|\|_______|\_________\\_________\          |\__\        *
*                              \|_________\|_________|          \|__|        *
*  ________________________________________   ______________ ______________  *
* |                                        | |              |              | *
* |               AIR BUSTER               | | BOSS BATTLE: | 02           | *
* |________________________________________| |______________|______________| *
*                                            |              |              | *
* You'll attack this boss from both sides,   | ---------Lv: | 15---------- | *
* Cloud on the right and Tifa & Barret on    | ---------HP: | 1200-------- | *
* the left. Like all robots, this boss is    | --------EXP: | 180--------- | *
* weak against Lightning (we don't have any  | ---------AP: | 16---------- | *
* Earth or Gravity spells just yet so don't  | --------GIL: | 150--------- | *
* pay any attention to its strengths). Have  | -------DROP: | Titan Bangle | *
* Cloud and Tifa use Bolt while Barret just  | ----NULLIFY: | ERT--GRV---- | *
* attacks, try to strike him with Barret     | ------HALVE: | FRE--------- | *
* while his back is turned for more damage,  | -----DOUBLE: | LHT--------- | *
* his counter attacks can be quite deadly    |_____________________________| *
* though, so watch out!                                                      *
*                                                                            *
* When one person gets low on HP have Barret cure him/her, but when both     *
* Tifa and Barret's health runs low cast Cloud's Cure All on them (remember, *
* you can choose to cancel the Alls' effect in a battle by pressing R1).     *
* Once the battle is over you will be rewarded with the [TITAN BANGLE]!      *
*                                                                            *

|                                                                            |
| {D1.04} - Sector 6 & Wall Market                                           |
|                                                                            |
| ITEMS:                                                                     |
|         |_|Cover Materia      |_|Phoenix Down      |_|Phoenix Down         |
|         |_|Ether              |_|Ether             |_|Hyper                |
|         |_|Potion                                                          |

--D1.04 A - Aeris's House                             (�Just the same as him�)

>  ENEMIES:                                                                  <
>           [HEDGEHOG PIE] [WHOLE EATER] [       HELL HOUSE] [         VICE] <
>                                                                            <
> ------Lv: [-----------6] [----------9] [---------------11] [------------7] <
> ------HP: [----------40] [---------72] [--------------450] [-----------68] <
> ------MP: [----------52] [-----------] [-----------------] [-------------] <
> -----EXP: [----------20] [---------24] [---------------44] [-----------24] <
> ------AP: [-----------3] [----------2] [----------------6] [------------3] <
> -----GIL: [----------25] [---------70] [--------------250] [-----------80] <
> ---STEAL: [-------Ether] [-----Potion] [-----------------] [--Speed Drink] <
> ---MORPH: [-------Ether] [-----Potion] [-----------Potion] [-------Potion] <
> ----DROP: [------Potion] [-----------] [Hi-Potion, Potion] [-------Potion] <
> --DOUBLE: [---------ICE] [-----------] [-----------------] [-------------] <
|                              NOTE ON ENEMIES:                              |
|                                                                            |
| Not much to mention about this foes other than the Hell House that you     |
| meet in Sector 6, it delivers some fairly strong attacks that are good for |
| Limit Leveling. Oh, and unlike the most of Midgar, you will be able to     |
| revisit this small section again much, much later on in the game which is  |
| why some of the enemies here can be morphed and stolen from, but you don't |
| need to worry about that for now. The Vice can steal items from you so     |
| watch out for them. Also, the Hedgehog Pie is vulnerable to Ice attacks,   |
| so have an All=Ice Combo equipped.                                         |
|                                                                            |
|  NOTE - Most of the enemies that you have previously encountered can be    |
|         stolen and/or morphed from, however you don't currently have the   |
|         required Materia to do so. I will only show those particular       |
|         details once the respective Materia has been acquired, unless the  |
|         area (like this one) is re-visitable.                              |

--Items - Cover Materia, Ether, Potion, Phoenix Down,
--Extra - 5 gil (Leave), Turtle Paradise Poster #1, Bronze Bangle (recruit 

  After hearing some strange things from the (mysterious voice), we'll 
finally awaken. Talk; name a character [AERIS]; then talk some more to 
eventually flee to the back of the church. (Take note of Aeris's comment 
regarding her mother's 'useless' Materia)

Before doing anything, go into 'Order' in the menus and place Aeris into the 
front row. Then, equip Cloud with the Titan Bangle then Aeris with the Iron 
Bangle. Lastly, equip All=Ice, Restore & Lightning onto Cloud, and Restore & 
Lightning onto Aeris. I suggest leaving Aeris in the front row for now; her 
later Limit Breaks are awesome and we're going to want to start Leveling them 
up straight away.

 NOTE - (Best Bromance) - in this next section, it's *very important* that 
        you tell Aeris to Hold on a minute!, and then purposely push the 
        wrong barrel 3 times.

Jump across to the central platform and ascend the stairs and eventually 
Cloud and Aeris will get split up. You'll then have three choices to make:
 -Hold on a minute!
 -Fight 'em!
I always choose fight 'cus I'm after the kills (running always results in a 
fight aswell). There are Guard Hounds and MPs from Reactor 1 here for Aeris 
to fight, nothing too hard. Aeris is worth grinding from the word go, but if 
you want to avoid fighting and play a small mini-game at the same time then 
here's how:

Choose 'Hold on' or Run, then run to the top platform to find 4 barrels. Hit 
the western one first, then the northern one followed by the eastern one last 
(or hit the wrong ones if you're going for the Best Bromance trophy). Bear in 
mind that Cloud can also run into Hedgehog Pies here. Afterwards, you'll have 
crushed all 3 Shinra scum and you'll be reunited with Aeris again. (What did 
they say, something about an Ancient?...)

So, they were the Turks! Well at least one of them was, anyway. Spies that 
generally involve themselves the Shinra's dirty work. This time they�re after 
Aeris, but why...? After doing some roof-jumping, you'll have control of 
Cloud on the ground again (Loving the beat).

 NOTE - Every piece of green (and red) Materia we equip decreases our
        physical stats whilst at the same time raising our magical stats. At 
        this early stage in the game we really don't need to worry too much 
        about this, it's just something worth bearing in mind once the whole 
        magic system really gets under-way. For now I suggest keeping everyone 
        equipped with Materia as so that the Materia can level up with AP.

Head west, save the game, then feast your eyes on Aeris's Limit Break list:

   AERIS GAINSBOROUGH                                                         
  |                                     |                                  |  
  | 1-1  HEALING WIND                   | 2-1  BREATH OF EARTH             |  
  |      (default)                      |      (80 kills)                  |  
  |                                     |                                  |  
  |   Restore HP of all allies          |   Cure all Status ailments of    |  
  |                                     |   all allies                     |  
  | 1-2  SEAL EVIL                      | 2-2  FURY BRAND                  |  
  |      (use 1-1 8 times)              |      (use 2-1 6 times)           |  
  |                                     |                                  |  
  |   Constrains and stops magic of all |    Fills up rest of party's      |  
  |   opponents                         |    Limit gauge                   |  
  |                                     |                                  |  
  |                                     |                                  |  
  | 3-1  PLANET PROTECTOR               | 4 - GREAT GOSPEL                 |  
  |      (160 kills)                    |                                  |  
  |                                     |   Makes all allies invincible    |  
  |   Makes all allies invincible for   |   for one time and fully         |  
  |   one time                          |   restores all allies            |  
  |                                     |                                  |  
  |                                     | Use the item Great Gospel        |  
  |`````````````````````````````````````|                                  |  
  | 3-2  PULSE OF LIFE                  | Found on Disk 1 by Gongaga from  |  
  |      (use 3-1 5 times)              | the Blacksmith. After obtaining  |  
  |                                     | the buggy and then the Mythril,  |  
  |   Fully restores all allies         | exchange the Mythril for the     |  
  |                                     | Great Gospel                     |  
  |                                     |                                  |  

Head west to a fork, then north to find yourself in the slums. Head into the 
pipe on the left to find a sick guy with a numbered tattoo on him. (Note 
Aeris - 'This guy are sick'. This is an infamous grammar mistake within 
FFVII, along with �Attack while its tail is up�. In the PS4/Steam version the 
grammar mistake was fixed).

Next head into the south western house, the Materia Shop to buy yourself 1 x 
Ice and 1 x Fire (or 2 Fire if you can afford it, the game will give us our 
second Fire eventually though, plus you'll want to save around 3000 gil for 
the Wall Market). There's nothing worth grabbing from the next shop along, 
the Item Shop (unless you want to stock up on a few Phoenix Downs), so 
instead head into the eastern house. Upstairs, IF you were to talk to the 
sleeping kid and then check the small drawers you can take his 5 gil. DON'T 
DO THIS! Leaving this small amount of cash here now will make it worth a lot 
more when you revisit this area later on (you must may sure to have examined 
the draws here first, mind)!

Why have I brought you into this house then, you ask? It's so that you can 
read the [Turtle Paradise Poster #1] at the top of the stairs, of course!
]                                                                            [
] SIDE NOTE - TURTLE PARADISE SIDE QUEST                                     [
]                                                                            [
] Along your travels you are going to come across several news leaflets from [
] the Turtle Paradise. Finding all of these leaflets will result in some     [
] pretty cool items down the line! Note that one of these leaflets is        [
] permanently missable, and although none of the items that are obtained     [
] are unique, they are valuable enough for you to want to complete this side [
] quest! For a full rundown on where every single newsletter is and the      [
] prizes up for grabs, see section E.03 or us QSI Link [Turtle Paradise      [
] Mini-Game].                                                                [
|                                                                            |
| !! IMPORTANT NOTE !! QUICK SEARCH INDEX LINKS                              |
|                                                                            |
| Whenever you see 'QSI Link', you'll be able to jump directly to the        |
| relevant section within the guide by firstly pressing Control + F to open  |
| the search field, then enter the criteria (i.e. Turtle Paradise Mini-      |
| Game), but replace the [] with {}. These are the keys above [], not the    |
| keys above 9 & 0. You will then jump straight to that section!             |
|                                                                            |
| At the very back of the guide you'll find the Quick Search Index, where    |
| you'll be able to see every QSI link found within the guide.               |

The last place to visit is the Weapon Shop up north. Now, you could buy a 
Titan Bangle or two, but very shortly on were going to be able buy the 
Mythril Armlet which is better than the Titan Bangle. So, instead of visiting 
the Weapon Shop let�s just head straight through the north-eastern exit into 
a flowery, colourful area with a big house and a waterfall in the background 
(how tranquil). Before heading into Aeris's house, head past the house and up 
the ladders and round to the bottom garden to pick up the [COVER MATERIA] on 
the left and an [ETHER] on the right. Save and then head into the house.

After some dialogue (Best Bromance - choose option 2, �Yeah, that's right�), 
head upstairs to rest up. In the night, you'll hear the (mysterious voice) 
once more in your dreams. Once you awake,  before leaving, pick up the white 
package in your bedroom by the door which contains a [POTION] and a [PHOENIX 
DOWN]. Then, WALK along the northern side by the railings (or you'll get 
caught by Aeris) and make your way down the stairs and out the house.

Make your way back through the slums and down to the crossroads we came to 
before, this time heading west at the fork to find someone waiting for us.

The next screen is the only screen where you can fight the Hell House, which 
an enemy that has a fair amount of HP but also delivers some pretty damaging 
moves. You can probably get 2 uses out of Aeris's 1-1 Limit before the next 
screen. Equip Aeris with the Cover Materia also to help her take more damage. 
Try and have at least 3020 gil before moving on.

Make your way through to the next screen, and after a few scripted events 
have played out (Best Bromance - choose option 1, �See her home�), you'll be 
taking Cloud two screens further north to the Wall Market!

--D1.04 B - Wall Market (�You can't change anything by just sitting back and 
                                                              looking at it.�)

|                                    >  ENEMIES:                             <
|          NOTE ON ENEMIES:          >           [CORNEO'S LACKEY] [ SCOTCH] <
|                                    >                                       <
| These foes are really simple,      > ------Lv: [--------------8] [-----11] <
| you won�t struggle with them.      > ------HP: [-------------42] [----150] <
|                                    > -----EXP: [--------------8] [-----22] <
|                                    > -----GIL: [-------------10] [-----60] <

--Items        - Ether, Phoenix Down, Hyper
--Required gil - 3020
--Extra        - Silk Dress    OR Satin Dress    OR Cotton Dress,
                 Blonde Wig    OR Dyed Wig       OR Wig, Pharmacy Coupon,
                 Digestive     OR Deodorant      OR Disinfectant,
                 Sexy Cologne  OR Flower Cologne OR Cologne,
                 Diamond Tiara OR Ruby Tiara     OR Glass Tiara, Members Card,
                 Bikini Briefs OR Lingerie

  Welcome to Wall Market, home of raunchy brothels, funky reggae and The Don!

Feel free to explore if you wish, just bear in mind that we'll be visiting 
each shop in due course anyway. Firstly, we'll need to enquire about Tifa. 
Save, then head to the south eastern corner to arrive at The Honey Bee Inn. 
Talk to the big guy in the purple jacket and grey hair to continue with the 
story. You can also talk to Johnny on the left as well if you like (isn't 
that the same Johnny that tried to rob us on the train earlier?).

Time to go shopping! head back to the markets then enter the shop just north 
of the item shop, which subsequently happens to be, the Item Shop (the first 
one was a fake)! We're going to have to watch how much we spend here, make 
sure to leave 2020 gil minimum. Depending on whether or not you bought a Fire 
earlier you should have roughly 3000 - 3500 gil to play with. Buy from the 
item shop 5 x Hypers and 5 x Tranquilizers costing 100 each if you can afford 
them, or at least 2 Hypers and 3 Tranquilizers. These will help for later on.

Next up is the oh-so-crucial-at-this-stage Weapon Shop! Head north to the 
next screen, then enter the second shop on your right and buy yourself:

1 x Mythril Rod     O=O  - Aeris           370 gil
1 x Metal Knuckle   O=O  - Tifa            320 gil
3 x Mythril Armlet  O=O  - Armour         1050 gil
                                  Total - 1740 gil         

 NOTE - Another top tip here - you can equip Materia onto a character that
        isn't currently a party member! A little later on, there'll be some 
        short moments in which we can set up Tifa prior to a Boss fight. You 
        don't have to wait till she's in your party to do this though! Go to 
        'Materia' in the menus, select 'Arrange' then 'Exchange'. Here we 
        can equip all of our characters with Materia regardless of whether or 
        not they're in our party. We can also exchange Materia from one 
        character to another either piece by piece, row by row or even all at 
        the same time! Give Tifa some Restore.

After equipping your new weapons and armour (now everyone can have a paired 
slot, yippee!), head out of the shop and then all the way to the north. The 
eastern exit is a dead end so just ignore it for now. Chat to the guy you 
find to at the very top to further the story. (lol)

So, the main thing to point out her is that you only need to obtain a dress 
and a wig in order to enter Don's mansion, however there are a number of 
optional accessories you can obtain that will change the future outcome (call 
this a mini-game if you will). You also get varying qualities of these items; 
choose the best items to get the most comical and shortest events, get the 
shabbier items to have some extra battles and a Phoenix Down! Note that the 
Phoenix Down can be obtained a little later on in the game if you miss it 
here due to you opting for the 'best' outcome. Also note that you can 
sometimes get the best outcome even if you got one or two variations of the 
available items.

For a full run down on how the whole scoring system works for each item look 
in section E.04.

?       _______________        _______________        _______________        ?
?       !!TROPHY NOTE!!        !!TROPHY NOTE!!        !!TROPHY NOTE!!        ?
?       ```````````````        ```````````````        ```````````````        ?
?                                                                            ?
?   TROPHY NOTE - CONSUMMATE CROSS-DRESSER                                   ?
?                                                                            ?
?   If you are playing the PS4 version, then you are going to want to obtain ?
?   all of the best items for Cloud for the Consummate Cross-Dresser trophy. ?
?                                                                            ?
?       _______________        _______________        _______________        ?
?       !!TROPHY NOTE!!        !!TROPHY NOTE!!        !!TROPHY NOTE!!        ?
?       ```````````````        ```````````````        ```````````````        ?

 1 - Obtaining the Dress:

Head down to the main markets, then enter the most north western shop. Talk 
to the guy at the counter, once he's done you'll have to head back the way 
you came, towards Don's mansion taking a left at the bar for a quick pint and 
a chat.

Talk to the man on the right, and eventually you'll have 2 dialogue options:

*1.) Choose 'soft' and 'shimmers' for the Silk Dress.*
 2.) Choose 'soft' and 'shiny' for the Satin Dress.
 3.) Choose 'clean' and 'shiny/shimmers' for the Cotton Dress.

 NOTE - To get the 'best' outcome you'll need to get the best clothing.
        Choose all the options that are star'd if this is the outcome you'd 
        like (required for aforementioned Trophy). 

Head back to the Clothing Shop to obtain your dress.

 2- Obtaining the Wig:

If you're after the best items then you'll want to save your game at this 
point. Head through the north exit, this time taking your first right into 
the gym. Talk to the only person who is fully clothed to engage in a mini-

If you're new to this game then just select practise to get the jist of how 
it works. You'll have to press Sq, X then O in that order with about 3/4 
seconds between button presses.
*1.) Beat your opponent to obtain the Blonde Wig.*
 2.) Draw with your opponent to obtain the Dyed wig.
 3.) Lose to your opponent to obtain the Wig.

Now that you have obtained the bare minimum, you could, if you wished, head 
over to the Clothing Shop to get changed to finish up with the Wall Market 
section. Just head over to Don's mansion after you've dressed. I don't 
recommend doing this however as you'll miss out on some fairly comical stuff 
otherwise. Note that all of the following accessories can be obtained in any 

 3 - Obtaining the Cologne:

Head back over to the bar and talk to the shuffling guy on the upper left 
side to find out that someone is hogging the toilet. Open the toilet door 
then talk to the person inside, you'll then be sent on an errand.

Head back to the Markets and enter the most central hut on the north side, 
just left of the save point (if you talk to the chap outside he'll tell you 
there's a 'Free Coupon' deal going on). Enter and sit down. It doesn't matter 
which meal you order, just splash out 70 gil and make sure to pay a 
compliment (option 2) when you've finished eating to receive the Pharmacy 

Now head south to the Item Shop (the actual item shop, not the fake one) and 
speak to the clerk to exchange your coupon:

*1.)Select Digestive for the Sexy Cologne.*
 2.)Select Deodorant for the Flower Cologne.
 3.)Select Disinfectant for the Cologne.

Make your way back to the toilets in the bar and speak to the sick person to 
receive your fragrance.

 4 - Obtaining the Tiara:

Head back to the Markets and into the north east shop, the Materia Shop, then 
talk to the shop owner inside to be sent on another errand. Now head to the 
Inn on the south west side and spend the night there for 10 gil.

During the night you'll be able to choose the following from the dispenser:

*1.)Spend 200 gil to receive the Diamond Tiara.*
 2.)Spend 100 gil to receive the Ruby Tiara
 3.) Spend 50 gil to receive the Glass Tiara.

Head back to the Materia Shop to claim your headpiece, then have a quick save 
if you wish. Only one more piece to get now! (this next bit is my favourite 

 NOTE - The Materia Shop is currently closed, and won't re-open for some time.

 5 - Obtaining the Underwear and Make-Up:

>From the save point head south and talk to the biggish guy at the bottom of 
the screen. You'll receive the Members Card to the Honey Bee Inn to the 
right. Head over there, once inside you'll have two rooms to pick from. it 
doesn't matter which one you pick; you just need to have obtained one of the 
two items that are available (note that you can peek through the keyholes of 
the NE and NW rooms for some rather peculiar scenes). You'll only be able to 
choose one room, mind (I always choose the NW door).

1.) Choose the SW door for the Group Room. Here you'll receive the Bikini 
Briefs and watch a very funny and slightly uncomfortable scene involving 
Clouds' good time being interrupted by a bunch of men.

2.) Choose the NW door for the &$#% Room. Here you'll receive the Lingerie 
and watch a scene where Cloud has another one of his moments hearing from the 
(mysterious voice) once more. I always prefer this option, but that's only 
because I have a firm grasp on what the hell is actually going on in this 
crazy, crazy story. MAKE SURE to talk to the Honey Bee on your way out to 
obtain the lingerie; it is missable.

Before you leave the Honey Bee Inn, head into the northern room to have the 
left most Honey Bee apply make-up onto you. 

You're all set! Head back to the Clothing Shop to get changed. Note that you 
won�t be able to leave Wall Market once you are dressed as a woman, so if 
there's any reason you'd like to go back to Sectors 6 & 5, do so now before 
you get changed.

Once you're in your attire, head back to Don's mansion. Once inside and you 
have control of Cloud, head up the stairs and into the left doorway, then 
down a long flight of steps. After some more talking, you'll have a chance to 
grab the [ETHER] that you can see flashing on the left.

Once you're ready to head out, whack the Menu up to kit Tifa out before the 
Boss. You will get another chance to do this btw. Equip Tifa with the Metal 
Knuckle and the Mythril Armlet, then take note of the Materia set-up I had:

 Cloud - Lv 12 - All=Restore, Fire
 Tifa  - Lv 11 - Restore, Cover, Lightning, Ice 
 Aeris - Lv  8 - Lightning, Ice (if you bought a second Fire earlier then 
                                 equip it instead of Ice)

Cloud's magic stat is the highest at the this stage, that's why I like him to 
be the healer of the group. Others prefer Aeris. And also I want Tifa to take 
the damage which is why I've given her Cover Materia, I really want her 1-2 
Limit asap!

If you have gone for the less glamorous attire because you wanted some extra 
battles, then swap Cloud's All=Restore with All=Lightning to deal with the 
upcoming goons. Head back up the long flight of stairs and enter into Don 
Corneo's office. 

If Cloud is wearing the Silk Dress, Blonde Wig, Sexy Cologne, Diamond Tiara, 
a piece of underwear and some make-up then he will get chosen. If that 
happens then you can skip the next 2 paragraphs. Cloud could have a few 
variations of his clothing and still get picked.

Here is how the scoring system works:


+5 - Silk Dress   (Soft, Shimmers)
+3 - Satin Dress  (Soft, Shiny)
+1 - Cotton Dress (Clean)


+5 - Blonde Wig (Beat Big Bro)
+3 - Dyed Wig   (Draw with Big Bro)
+1 - Wig        (Lose to Big Bro)


+5 - Sexy Cologne   (Digestive)
+3 - Flower Cologne (Deodorant)
+1 - Cologne        (Disinfectant)


+5 - Diamond Tiara (200 gil)
+3 - Ruby Tiara    (100 gil)
+1 - Glass Tiara   (50 gil)


+0 - Bikini Briefs (Group Room)
+0 - Lingerie      (&$#% Room)

 Note - The Bikini Briefs were supposed to grant you +5, the Mystery Panties 
        was supposed to grant you +3 and the Lingerie was supposed to grant 
        you +1 but for unknown reasons the scoring system along with the 
        Mystery Panties was phased out of the final game.


+5 - 25% chance (Wind sound, difficult to hear)
+3 - 38% chance (Healing sound)
+1 - 38% chance ('Tink' sound)

  FINAL SCORE -If cloud has:

  2 - 11: Tifa  will be chosen as Don's date
 12 - 18: Aeris will be chosen as Don's date
 19 - 25: Cloud will be chosen as Don's date

If Tifa or Aeris got picked then you'll wind up in a room with a bunch of 
guys 'zombified' by your presence. Pick up the [PHOENIX DOWN] on the far 
right, then talk to a few of the gropers. After a while, you'll talk to 
Scotch and engage in 2 battles.

Once they've been defeated (and their bodies have mysteriously vanished), 
head out of the room to find yourself on the Mansion's top floor. Head left 
and then down the long flight of stairs once more. After some (affection) 
dialogue, you can grab the Ether if you missed it before, otherwise head 
through to the back of Don's office.

After the rather hilarious interrogation (Best Bromance - if Cloud was chosen 
then remember to pick option 2 then option 2, �Yeah his name is Barret...�), 
you'll have a window of opportunity to grab the well hidden [HYPER] hiding 
behind the shrivelled Don's bed. Change Cloud's Materia back to All=Restore 
if you'd changed it earlier, then try to leave. It doesn't matter which 
dialogue option you choose next, all three will end the same way (option 2 is 
the correct one btw).

|                                                                            |
| {D1.05} - Return To Sector 7                                               |
|                                                                            |
| ITEMS:                                                                     |
|         |_|Potion             |_|Potion             |_|Hi-Potion           |
|         |_|Steal Materia      |_|Potion             |_|Turbo Ether         |
|         |_|Hi-Potion          |_|Potion             |_|Ether               |
|         |_|Hi Potion          |_|Ether              |_|Sense Materia       |
|         |_|Echo Screen                                                     |

--D1.05 A - The Sewers & Train Graveyard (�Don't give up, never give up hope�)

> ENEMIES:                                                                   <
>          [      CEASAR] [SAHAGIN] [     DEENGLOW] [     GHOST] [ CRIPSHAY] <
>                                                                            <
> -----Lv: [-----------8] [-----10] [-----------10] [--------10] [--------8] <
> -----HP: [---------120] [----150] [----------120] [-------130] [------100] <
> -----MP: [------------] [-------] [-----------72] [--------80] [---------] <
> ----EXP: [----------23] [-----30] [-----------35] [--------30] [-------26] <
> -----AP: [-----------2] [------3] [------------4] [---------3] [--------3] <
> ----GIL: [----------55] [-----89] [-----------70] [--------22] [-------53] <
> --STEAL: [Tranquilizer] [--Hyper] [--------Ether] [Ghost Hand] [---Potion] <
> -DROP 1: [------Potion] [-Potion] [----Graviball] [Ghost Hand] [---Potion] <
> -DROP 2: [Tranquilizer] [--Hyper] [-------------] [----------] [---------] <
> -ABSORB: [------------] [----WTR] [----------ICE] [-------RES] [---------] <
> NULLIFY: [------------] [-------] [GRV--WTR--ERT] [--ERT--WTR] [---------] <
> --HALVE: [------------] [-------] [-------------] [-------ICE] [---------] <
> -DOUBLE: [---------ICE] [-------] [----------WND] [--HLY--FRE] [---------] <
>                                                                            <
>                           #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#
>          [        ELIGOR] <                NOTE ON ENEMIES:                |
>                           <                                                |
> -----Lv: [------------12] <  Whilst in the sewers you'll encounter the     |
> -----HP: [-----------300] <  Ceasar and the Sahagin, equip an All=Ice      |
> -----MP: [------------67] <  combo. When you obtain the Steal Materia you  |
> ----EXP: [------------36] <  can try to steal a few Hypers from Sahagin    |
> -----AP: [-------------4] <  and Tranquilizers from Ceasar. Once you get   |
> ----GIL: [-----------120] <  to the Train Graveyard switch to an All=Fire  |
> --STEAL: [Striking Staff] <  combo. If you happen encounter an Eligor then |
> ---DROP: [---Echo Screen] <  make sure to steal the Striking Staff, a nice |
> -HALVES: [-----------GRV] <  weapon for Aeris that we won�t be able to     |
#~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#  obtain until Junon otherwise. Eligors aren't  |
|                              very common however, you may have to battle   |
| around for a while if you really want the Staff! Remember to have pressed  |
| 'Select' in battle to have the enemies name appear on the Status Bar.      |
|                                                                            |
|  NOTE - If an enemy absorbs Restorative, then you can use curative items/  |
|         spells to harm them. Try using Cure or a Potion on the Ghost.      |

--Items - Potion x 4, Steal Materia, Hi-Potion x 3, Echo Screen, Ether
--Boss  - Aps Lv 18

  After watching a scene in which an executive named Reeve was disagreeing 
with some of President Shinra�s' decisions, you'll finally awaken in the 
sewers. This is your last chance to Equip everyone if you haven't already. 
Before you talk to your buddies, go into the Item menu and give everyone a 
Hyper. Why? (I smell a Side note coming on...)
]                                                                            [
] SIDE NOTE - LIMIT BREAK TRAINING No.3 - Hypers & Tranquilizers             [
]                                                                            [
] It is advised that you keep your characters inflicted with Fury to help    [
] them reach their 1-2 Limit Breaks.                                         [
]                                                                            [
] Hyper - Cures Sadness, induces Fury.                                       [
]                                                                            [
]         Whilst your characters are inflicted with Fury their Limit gauges  [
]         will fill up much quicker than normal! The downside to this is     [
]         that your players physical and magical attacks are 30% more likely [
]         to miss.                                                           [
]                                                                            [
] Tranquilizer - Cures Fury, Induces Sadness.                                [
]                                                                            [
]         Whilst inflicted with Sadness your characters Limit gauge will     [
]         fill up much slower than normal. The flip-side being that they     [
]         will also receive 30% less damage than they normally would from    [
]         both physical and magical attacks! This can be particularly useful [
]         against certain bosses (such as the Midgar Zolom).                 [
]                                                                            [
] Once any character has levelled up their Limit to 1-2, you should treat    [
] their Fury with a Tranquilizer immediately as Fury will impair the         [
] fluidity of the battle system. At least that is until they have unlocked   [
] their 2-1 Limit by reaching their kill threshold and they are ready to     [
] start working on their 2-2 Limit, of course! Fury and Sadness are the only [
] 'permanent' Statuses, all other Statuses will wear off once the battle has [
] finished.                                                                  [

Now talk to your allies to engage in a Boss battle (Best Bromance - talk to 
Tifa first)!

*        ________  ________  ________   ________           ___               *
*       |\   __  \|\   __  \|\   ____\ |\   ____\         |\  \              *
*       \ \  \|\ /\ \  \|\  \ \  \___|_\ \  \___|_        \ \  \             *
*        \ \   __  \ \  \\\  \ \_____  \\ \_____  \        \ \__\            *
*         \ \  \|\  \ \  \\\  \|____|\  \\|____|\  \        \|__|            *
*          \ \_______\ \_______\____\_\  \ ____\_\  \            ___         *
*           \|_______|\|_______|\_________\\_________\          |\__\        *
*                              \|_________\|_________|          \|__|        *
*  ________________________________________   ______________ ______________  *
* |                                        | |              |              | *
* |                  APS                   | | BOSS BATTLE: | 03           | *
* |________________________________________| |______________|______________| *
*                                            |              |              | *
* This boss has one move that you'll need to | ---------Lv: | 18---------- | *
* be wary of, his Sewer Tsunami attack which | ---------HP: | 1800-------- | *
* damages both us and him. This attack will  | --------EXP: | 240--------- | *
* sweep either from left to right or vice-   | ---------AP: | 22---------- | *
* versa, and depending on which side the     | --------GIL: | 253--------- | *
* Tsunami comes from it'll either damage him | -------DROP: | Phoenix Down | *
* critically or us critically; we receive    | ----NULLIFY: | GRV--------- | *
* more damage from back attacks remember.    | -----DOUBLE: | FRE--------- | *
* You should be able to rely on Aeris's      |_____________________________| *
* Healing Wind to keep your HP topped up,                                    *
* otherwise use Cloud's All=Restore combo. Just keep pummelling him with     *
* your magic (Fire works best) and using your Limit Breaks and he'll soon    *
* start flashing red.                                                        *
*                                                                            *

After this battle I unlocked Cross-Slash, Cloud's 1-2 Limit! You shouldn't be 
too far off yourself now. When you do unlock it remember to give Cloud a 
Tranquilizer to clear his Fury Status.

We're definitely going to want to start getting some Aeris kills now, so heal 
up using the 'All Trick' with Cloud if you need to then give Aeris the 
All=Ice combo. Just note that when all players are Fury'd the battle system 
get can get a little messy. You should be able to absolutely storm through to 
their 1-2 in no time though, so Fury shouldn't be too much of a hindrance. 

Grab the [POTION] on the left if you haven't already. I unlocked Tifa's 
Somersault in the next battle, when you achieve Tifa's 1-2 remember to give 
the Cover Materia to Aeris.

Traverse through the mucky sewers until you reach the [STEAL MATERIA]. Guess 
what? The battle system just got more interesting. Equip this onto Cloud and 
have him steal on every turn, just let the girls get the kills (Aeris first, 
always Aeris first, Tifa can weaken). Try to steal a few Hypers and 
Tranquilizers before leaving the sewers if you can.

 NOTE - If you steal an item from an enemy then that enemy will no longer 
        drop an item. Also, the character that is the highest level has the 
        best chance of stealing, which is why I suggest making Cloud your 
        main thief.

Drop down to the next screen then make your way up the ladders and out into 
the Train Graveyard. Save your game here.

Before continuing change from an All=Ice combo to an All=Fire combo, Aeris 
can take out the Ghosts one hit that way. If you happen to come across the 
Eligor make sure to steal a Striking Staff from it. Aeris won�t acquire a 
better weapon for quite some time.

Head through the train cart by the save point and inspect the barrel on the 
left for a [HI-POTION].

Head back the way you came then up the ladders to the right of the save point 
for another [HI-POTION]. Keep heading north until you find another barrel 
containing an [ECHO SCREEN].

Now head under the bridge and into the middle cart for a [POTION]. Follow the 
path through until you've traversed the set of train carts to the right, 
eventually coming to a [POTION] just before the next screen.

In the next screen you'll see a flashing item to the left, make your way 
round to it for a [POTION], then head over to the western barrel for an 

 NOTE - In the menus, try arranging your items by 'Type' for the best 

Now make your way to the east. The pre-rendered backgrounds should make it 
fairly obvious what to do here, I'll walk you through it just in case. Hop 
into the first train, once it has finished moving hop back into it to move it 
back into its original position. Now make your way into the newly accessible 
train, and finally head up the ladders for the [HI-POTION].

Before heading through to the next screen (it should start looking familiar 
now), consider battling around for the Eligor if you haven't already obtained 
the Striking Staff. This would also be a good time also to try to work on 
Aeris's 80 kills. Don't worry too much about it though, we've a long 
adventurous journey ahead of us! Also, stocking up on a few Graviballs from 
the Deenglow can help out for certain bosses (in fact, if you want to obtain 
a powerful skill a little later on then I suggest walking away with at least 
2). Lastly, if you want to obtain one of everything then I suggest walking 
away with at least one Ghost Hand (obtained from the Ghost). You'll get one 
more chance to obtain a Ghost Hand. 

 NOTE - When you do head back through to Sector 7 (the next screen), Aeris
        will leave your party for a while. Any Materia she may be carrying at 
        the time will be deposited back into your stock, so you don't need to 
        worry about that, however you do want to replace her Mythril Armlet 
        with something less worthy; you'll need the Mythril Armlet for Barret.

--D1.05 B - Sector 7 Slums Revisited  (�In my veins courses the blood of the
                                          ancients. I am one of the rightful
                                                       heirs to this planet!�)

|                                               >  ENEMIES:                  <
|                NOTE ON ENEMIES:               >           [AERO COMBATANT] <
|                                               >                            <
| The Aero Combatant has a decent amount of HP, > ------Lv: [------------11] <
| and when they are first hit they have a 50/50 > ------HP: [-----------190] <
| chance of falling to the ground. When they do > -----EXP: [------------40] <
| their magic defence will double, so just rely > ------AP: [-------------4] <
| on physical attacks from that point onwards.  > -----GIL: [-----------110] <
|                                               > ---STEAL: [--------Potion] <
|                                               > ----DROP: [--------Potion] <
|                                               > -NULLIFY: [-----------ERT] <
|                                               > --DOUBLE: [------WND--GRV] <

--Boss - Turks: Reno Lv 17

  After some short events have played out, you'll regain control of Cloud. 
Talk to the guy with grey hair to stock up on a few Hypers and Tranquilizers 
if you wish, then save.

We won�t be able to revisit the slums to the left so we have no choice but to 
ascend the support tower. Along the way you'll fight Aero Combatants, they 
have a decent amount of HP. You can also talk to the other Avalanche members 
as you climb the structure.

Once at the top, you'll have a brief opportunity to equip your characters. I 
suggest you make use of it. After equipping Barret with the Mythril Armlet, 
give him a Hyper and then set up you Materia something like this:

 Cloud  - Lv 14 - All=Restore, Fire, Steal
 Barret - Lv 12 - Ice, Lightning, Cover
 Tifa   - Lv 13 - Ice, Restore, Lightning

Use the 'All Trick' to heal up Cloud and Tifa (In case you've forgotten how 
to do this, go into 'Magic' in the menus then go to use Cloud's Cure, and 
before selecting a party member press R1 to select everybody simultaneously). 
Note that the following boss is strong against Lighting so we won�t be using 
it, I've only equipped it for the AP.

*        ________  ________  ________   ________           ___               *
*       |\   __  \|\   __  \|\   ____\ |\   ____\         |\  \              *
*       \ \  \|\ /\ \  \|\  \ \  \___|_\ \  \___|_        \ \  \             *
*        \ \   __  \ \  \\\  \ \_____  \\ \_____  \        \ \__\            *
*         \ \  \|\  \ \  \\\  \|____|\  \\|____|\  \        \|__|            *
*          \ \_______\ \_______\____\_\  \ ____\_\  \            ___         *
*           \|_______|\|_______|\_________\\_________\          |\__\        *
*                              \|_________\|_________|          \|__|        *
*  ______________________________________________   ____________ __________  *
* |                                              | |            |          | *
* |                  TURKS  01                   | |    BOSS    |  RENO I  | *
* |                                              | | BATTLE: 04 |          | *
* |______________________________________________| |____________|__________| *
*                                                  |            |          | *
* This boss isn't too hard, as long as you know    | -------Lv: | 17------ | *
* what you're doing. Reno will use some fairly     | -------HP: | 1000---- | *
* strong attacks, if one of your players gets      | ------EXP: | 290----- | *
* Paralyzed then there's not much you can do but   | -------AP: | 22------ | *
* with that person but wait until they have        | ------GIL: | 500----- | *
* recovered. Don't use Bolt, it will only do half  | -----DROP: | ETHER--- | *
* its normal damage, just use Fire and Ice and of  | --NULLIFY: | GRV----- | *
* course your Limit Breaks. When he uses Pyramid   | ----HALVE: | LHT----- | *
* on you the afflicted player will effectively be  |_______________________| *
* out of the battle. The way to cure the afflicted                           *
* player is to have an ally attack that player as to remove the pyramid. You *
* shouldn't struggle with Reno, Once he's had enough he'll do a runner from  *
* the battle.                                                                *
*                                                                            *
*  NOTE - If all three characters are inflicted with Pyramid, it's game      *
*         over, so watch out!                                                *
*                                                                            *

After the fight we'll have to talk to Tifa, then after an animated scene 
followed by an amount of dialogue, we'll eventually regain control of Cloud 
again (I'd be worried if we didn't).

We'll grab the yellow Materia you saw in the previous screen a little later 
on. Head south for now, and after a moment where Cloud remembers something 
that Sephiroth once said, Tifa & Barret will join you. Equip an All=Ice 
combo. If you really want to grab that command Materia now, by all means do 
so, otherwise make your way back to Sector 5 Slums.

--D1.05 C - I Hope Marlene's Alright   (�Oh yeah? Well to me it looks like a 
                                                  golden shiny wire of hope.�)
>  ENEMIES:                                                                  <
>           [HEDGEHOG PIE] [WHOLE EATER] [       HELL HOUSE] [         VICE] <
>                                                                            <
> ------Lv: [-----------6] [----------9] [---------------11] [------------7] <
> ------HP: [----------40] [---------72] [--------------450] [-----------68] <
> ------MP: [----------52] [-----------] [-----------------] [-------------] <
> -----EXP: [----------20] [---------24] [---------------44] [-----------24] <
> ------AP: [-----------3] [----------2] [----------------6] [------------3] <
> -----GIL: [----------25] [---------70] [--------------250] [-----------80] <
> ---STEAL: [-------Ether] [-----Potion] [-----------------] [--Speed Drink] <
> ---MORPH: [-------Ether] [-----Potion] [-----------Potion] [-------Potion] <
> ----DROP: [------Potion] [-----------] [Hi-Potion, Potion] [-------Potion] <
> --DOUBLE: [---------ICE] [-----------] [-----------------] [-------------] <
|                              NOTE ON ENEMIES:                              |
|                                                                            |
| You have fought all of these enemies before, but now you have the Steal    |
| Materia, so try to steal a few Speed Drinks from the Vice as this is the   |
| only way to inflict Haste on yourselves at this stage in the game.         |

--Items   - Turbo Ether, Ether, Sense Materia
--Extra   - Batteries x 3

  If you had left that 5 gil in the chest from before then you can revisit 
the boys room to receive a [TURBO ETHER]. Examine the Turtle Paradise poster 
now if you didn't previously. Then head over To Aeris's house, having a quick 
save along the way.

When you enter (Oh God, the music), you'll have to listen to Elmyra's story, 
then eventually you can control Cloud. Head upstairs and talk to Barret (Best 
Bromance - choose option 1, �I don't know�). You can rest here for free if 
you like, just run over to the bed you slept in before. Then head outside and 
Tifa will suggest heading over to the Wall Market.

If you encounter the Vice be sure to steal from them. If you didn't pick it 
up earlier, now is the time to pick up the [SENSE MATERIA] from the park. 
Note that once you have sensed an enemy during a battle you won't need to 
sense it a second time. Just make sure that the Status Bar is open (Select) 
and you'll be able to see an enemies remaining HP.

When you return to Wall Market you'll notice that peoples disposition towards 
you will have changed. The stunt you played before has earned you a bit of a 
reputation! The Materia Shop is now open, but unless you're wanting to buy 
another Cover Materia then there's really nothing worth going in there for. 
My advice is to buy a 2nd piece, as the effects stack against each other, but 
it's up to you!

Head up to the Weapon Shop again and this time talk to the guy on the left. 
He'll ask you if you want to buy some batteries - buy them! You won�t be able 
to progress otherwise.

As you head north towards Don's mansion you will be beckoned by a bunch of 
kids. If you didn't pick up the Phoenix Down from earlier because Cloud was 
chosen by the Don then you can go and grab it now. Head into the mansion, up 
the stairs and into the room on the right. If you were then to head down the 
long flight of stairs once more, you could engage in some optional dialogue. 
Head to the eastern dead-end that the kids were mentioning when you're ready.

After hearing Barret's famous Shiny Golden Wire speech, you'll be able to 
climb this wire (which wasn't there before btw). When you get to the top make 
your way over to the lit area on the bottom right. Insert the battery to make 
the propeller blade start to spin, once it has stopped you can climb up it. 
Place the second battery at the top also.

This next bit can be a little bit tricky, keep climbing until you come to a 
swinging rod. You have to time it so that you push the action button at the 
exact moment the rod touches the other object of similar colour to the left 
(or just slightly before). Once across, you can make your way up to the next 

Before heading all the way up here, follow the rope back down to the third 
battery slot to receive an [ETHER]. Head back down to the previous screen to 
do the whole rod swinging thing again, once you've completely ascended you'll 
finally arrive at the Shinra HQ!

|                                                                            |
| {D1.06} - Shinra HQ                                                        |
|                                                                            |
| ITEMS:                                                                     |
|       |_|Elixir            |_|Ether               |_|Potion                |
|       |_|Elemental Materia |_|Poison Materia      |_|Potion                |
|       |_|Star Pendant      |_|Enemy Skill Materia |_|Mythril Armlet (Boss) |
|       |_|Four Slots        |_|Talisman (Boss)     |_|Protect Vest (Boss)   |
|       |_|All Materia       |_|Potion              |_|Star Pendant (Boss)   |
|       |_|Phoenix Down      |_|Potion                                       |

--D1.06 A - Fight or Flight of Stairs (�The Promised Land will soon be ours.�)

>  ENEMIES: [GRENADE                                                         <
>                                                                            <
> ------Lv: [-----------10] [-----------12] [-----------11] [------------12] <
> ------HP: [----------130] [----------230] [----------160] [-----------210] <
> -----EXP: [-----------42] [-----------50] [-----------39] [------------43] <
> ------AP: [------------4] [------------5] [------------6] [-------------5] <
> -----GIL: [-----------72] [-----------98] [-----------90] [------------80] <
> -STEAL 1: [-Tranquilizer] [-Tranquilizer] [--------Hyper] [---Echo Screen] <
> -STEAL 2: [-------------] [------Grenade] [-------------] [--------------] <
> ----DROP: [------Grenade] [-Tranquilizer] [----Loco Weed] [----Loco Weed]] <
> -NULLIFY: [-------------] [-------------] [----------ERT] [--------------] <
> --DOUBLE: [-------------] [-------------] [-------------] [-----------LHT] <
|                              NOTE ON ENEMIES:                              |
|                                                                            |
| The Hammer Blaster can inflict a nasty Status on you, Confusion, but they  |
| can also be taken out with one Bolt blast. Sword Dance can inflict Fury    |
| on you aswell which could save on a few Hypers. Try to steal a few from    |
| them, also, aswell as some Echo Screens from the Hammer Blaster.           |
|                                                                            |
|  NOTE - Try to get at least one Loco Weed from the Sword Dance as it'll    |
|         help out for one battle. Just remember, if you steal from an enemy |
|         then it won't drop an item.                                        |
|                                                                            |

--Items - Elixir, Elemental Materia, Star Pendant, Four Slots, All Materia, 
          Phoenix Down, Ether
--Extra - Turtle Paradise Poster #2, Keycard 60, Keycard 62, Keycard 65, 
          A Coupon, B Coupon, C Coupon, Midgar Parts x 5, Keycard 66

  When you first arrive at the Shinra's HQ you'll have the option to bust in 
guns blazin', or sneak in through the back. Obviously you know which my 
choice is gonna be, I'm looking on getting some Tifa kills with the 
All=Lightning combo at this point, so I'm bustin in through the front. You'll 
be able to come back for the item in the back entrance later on.

 NOTE - Your choice here will not affect Tifa's or Barret's affection towards 
        you. Also, if you choose one route, you can still opt to change your 

The Back Entrance.

 Head left, you have a long climb ahead of you. Just after half way up the 
 tremendously long stair case you'll come across an [Elixir] for you 
 troubles. When you (finally) get to the top, you'll have to fight 3 Mighty 
 Grunts in order to obtain the Keycard 60.

The Front Entrance.

 As you enter, you'll have defeat a few Grenade Combatants. Once they're out 
 of the way, head north west on the 1st Floor to the big billboard to read 
 the [Turtle Paradise Poster #2]. Then, head up to the 2nd Floor and into 
 the shop to stock up on a few Eyedrops (I bought 8). You won�t be able to 
 open those chests just yet, but you can watch a few promotional Shinra vids 
 from the terminals to the left.

 There is nothing on the 3rd Floor, so just head into the lifts. On your way 
 up you'll have to fight a number of enemies until you finally reach the 59th 
 Floor, where you'll then have to kill 3 x Mighty Grunts for the Keycard 60.

Whichever path you took, consider now tracing back to the other path; if you 
bust your way in all guns blazin', you could now head down the huge staircase 
on the left if you wanted to for the Elixir roughly half way down (it's 
quicker to double back once you've obtained it).

If you�d sneaked in through the back entrance then at this point you are 
really going to want to head back down to the 1st floor in the elevator to 
visit the shop for a few Eyedrops, but more importantly the Billboard on the 
1st Floor for the Turtle Paradise Poster #2.

 NOTE - This Turtle Paradise Poster is permanently missable! Don't worry
        if you did miss it here, as you will get one more chance in the game 
        to examine it. This won�t be until much, much later on though.

 Shinra HQ - 60th Floor:

We now have a series of floors we must ascend by finding their corresponding 
Key cards on the floors below them. Whilst on the 60th Floor, you will have 2 
sets of guards that you must navigate past. It's simple enough to work out. 
If you get caught you will have to fight them, and if you get caught 4 times 
then they will have vanished completely after the battle (unfortunately). Now 
Head up to the 61st Floor.

 Shinra HQ - 61st Floor:

All you have to do here is talk to the guy walking around in the grey suit. 
Simply choose dialogue option 2 and he'll give you Keycard 62.

 Shinra HQ - 62nd Floor:

There is a highly missable piece of Materia here, so head back to the 1st 
floor and save your game. Then head back up to the 62nd Floor and talk to the 
Mayor on the left side to engage him in a quiz. Guess right and he'll give 
you Keycard 65. Guess right on the 1st try then he'll throw in the highly 
under-rated [ELEMENTAL MATERIA]. The answer changes from game to game so if 
you don't guess correctly on your first try then just keep guessing until 
you've got the right answer, then reload your save. You WILL be thankful you 
did this. I'll explain the most proficient ways of using the Elemental 
Materia a little later on (when we obtain the Choco/Mog Materia).

 NOTE - There is a way to know the password on the first try. Go to the upper-
        right room (Space Dev. Research Library) and check the middle left 
        bookshelf. if the file is :
          2 Economic Report: Space Dev Program      Password  BEST
          1 Result of failed space mission �YA-79�  Password  KING
          1 Breakdown of SOLDIER members by class   Password  BOMB
         10 New plans for urban planning            Password  MAKO
                                                Thanks to BrutalAl on this one

 Shinra HQ - 63rd Floor:

The next two floors are optional but I highly recommend that you don't skip 
them as you'll being missing out otherwise. Examine the terminal on the right 
to start a Mini-Game of sorts. You have three doors to open and three items 
to obtain. If you mess up you can reset the doors by using the terminal to 
try again.

First head all the way east then north round to the upper most door. Open it, 
from there you should be able to get into the western most room by opening 
one more door. Pick up Coupon A which can be exchanged for the [STAR PENDANT] 
(don't exchange it just yet).

Then head into the air-duct and make you way east and then north to bring you 
out at the eastern room containing Coupon B which can be exchanged for the 
[FOUR SLOTS]. Head out of this room and open your last door for Coupon C 
which can be exchanged for the [ALL MATERIA].

Now head back into the air-duct and this time take the route back to the 
terminal. Here you can exchange your Coupons for their prizes. My suggestion 
is to give Cloud the second All combined with Restore so we don't have to 
keep swapping our Materia around every time we want do the 'All Trick'. Also, 
Four Slots is a piece of armour that has (you guessed it) four Materia slots, 
but also has low defence stats. The Star Pendant can be equipped as an 
accessory which can protect you from Poison, this will help a little later. 
Equip it to Cloud, if you wish.

 Shinra HQ - 64th Floor

Not much to do here. You can head to the left to rest up for free, just 
remember that you may need to give someone a Hyper if you're Limit Training 
them as resting will cure you of Fury Status. Save if you wish, then head to 
the northern room with all of the lockers in. Search the southern strip for a 
[PHOENIX DOWN], the middle strip for an [ETHER] and the northern strip for a 
Megaphone that Cloud has no use for at this moment in time.

 NOTE - *Make sure* to try to use the vending machine in the gym. Bang on it 
        if you have to, nothing will come out of it, yet..... (but do bang 
        on it)

 Shinra HQ - 65th Floor

You can encounter enemies here by the way. Dotted around the room are several 
chests, only one will be open at a time (at random). Once you've found the 
unlocked chest, take its contents to the middle room where you will be able 
to place it down, thereby opening up another chest. Repeat this process until 
all but one piece has been placed (because there is no Sector 7 anymore), and 
the chest by the stairs will unlock granting us the Keycard 66. 

 Shinra HQ - 66th Floor

Here you are required to spy on a meeting. Head over to the toilet cubicles 
at the top left of the screen and examine one of the cubicles to climb up. 
Crawl down the shaft to eves-drop on President Shinra's meeting. Here is 
where we first meet Professor Hojo and also learn the name of Aeris's 
biological mother, Ifalna. Once the meeting has finished follow Hojo up to 
the next floor and into his lab.

--D1.06 B - Hojo's Laboratory   (�They called themselves the Cetra and lived 
                                                     thousands of years ago.�)

>  ENEMIES:                               [WARNING     [LASER      [MACHINE  <
>           [ MOTH SLASHER] [SOLDIER:3RD]     BOARD] +   CANNON] +      GUN] <
>                                                                            <
> ------Lv: [-----------13] [---------13] [------12]   [------8]   [------8] <
> ------HP: [----------260] [--------250] [-----270]   [-----55]   [----155] <
> ------MP: [-------------] [---------40] [--------]   [-------]   [-------] <
> -----EXP: [-----------46] [---------54] [------38]   [------5]   [------5] <
> ------AP: [------------5] [----------6] [-------4]   [------4]   [------4] <
> -----GIL: [-----------75] [--------116] [------75]   [-------]   [-------] <
> ---STEAL: [Carbon Bangle] [---Hardedge] [--------]   [-------]   [-------] <
> ----DROP: [-------------] [--Loco Weed] [--------]   [-------]   [-------] <
> -NULLIFY: [-------------] [-----------] [-----LHT]   [-------]   [-------] <
> --DOUBLE: [----------LHT] [--------FRE] [--------]   [----LHT]   [----LHT] <
|                              NOTE ON ENEMIES:                              |
|                                                                            |
| Change to an All=Fire set-up here and make sure to try and steal a Carbon  |
| Bangle or 3 from the Moth Slasher, and 1 Hardedge from the SOLDIER:3rd     |
| (this can be easier said than done). Don't cast Bolt on the Warning Board  |
| either, however the Laser Cannon and the Machine Gun it spawns are weak    |
| against lightning.                                                         |

--Items - Poison Materia, Enemy Skill Materia, Potion x 4
--Boss  - Sample:H0512 Lv 19 (Talisman) + Sample:H0512 Opt Lv 7 x 3
--Extra - Mythril Armlet (recruit equipment), Sense Materia (recruit 
          equipment), All Materia (recruit equipment), Fire Materia (recruit 
          equipment), Keycard 68

  When you make your way up to the new floor, it would be advisable at this 
point to battle around for a bit to try and steal 3 Carbon Bangles from the 
Moth Slashers. Equip your new armour, then head west and after hiding from 
Hojo, Cloud will examine the nearby tank to see some weird creature named 
Jenova incubating inside. 

Once you have regained control of Cloud, head north to find a chest 
containing the [POISON MATERIA] and a save point. One of your teammates is 
going to have to leave us in just a sec so decide now which one you want that 
to be (Best Bromance - choose Barret) and remove any good armour and Materia 
that they have. Heal up, then make your way into the lift.

Once you've reached the top you'll engage in some conflict with Hojo, then 
you'll be able to name a new character [RED XIII]. Without much of a chance 
to set up you'll be flung into a boss battle!

*        ________  ________  ________   ________           ___               *
*       |\   __  \|\   __  \|\   ____\ |\   ____\         |\  \              *
*       \ \  \|\ /\ \  \|\  \ \  \___|_\ \  \___|_        \ \  \             *
*        \ \   __  \ \  \\\  \ \_____  \\ \_____  \        \ \__\            *
*         \ \  \|\  \ \  \\\  \|____|\  \\|____|\  \        \|__|            *
*          \ \_______\ \_______\____\_\  \ ____\_\  \            ___         *
*           \|_______|\|_______|\_________\\_________\          |\__\        *
*                              \|_________\|_________|          \|__|        *
*                                ____________ ______________ ______________  *
* This Boss will most likely    |            |              |              | *
* use his Shady Breath in order |    BOSS    | SAMPLE:H0512 | SAMPLE:H0512 | *
* to inflict you with Poison.   | BATTLE: 05 |              |   OPT X 3    | *
* This shouldn't be too much of |____________|______________|______________| *
* a problem. If you'd equipped  |            |              |              | *
* the Star Pendant to Cloud     | -------Lv: | 19---------- | 7----------- | *
* that you obtained earlier     | -------HP: | 1000-------- | 300--------- | *
* from the 63rd Floor then he   | -------MP: | 120--------- | 48---------- | *
* won�t be affected by the      | ------EXP: | 300--------- | 20---------- | *
* Poison Status. You don't have | -------AP: | 30---------- | 2----------- | *
* to kill the smaller samples;  | ------GIL: | 250--------- | ------------ | *
* once the main foe at the back | -----DROP: | Talisman---- | ------------ | *
* is destroyed then all the     | ---ABSORB: | PSN--------- | ------------ | *
* rest shall follow. You can    | --NULLIFY: | GRV--------- | ERT--------- | *
* however kill the little       | ----HALVE: | LHT--------- | ------------ | *
* critters if you like for a    |__________________________________________| *
* small amount of extra EXP and                                              *
* AP. The main Boss will revive them straight away initially, but he will    *
* eventually run out of MP and when he does it'll just be him left. Don't    *
* use Poison on him. Once he is done for you shall receive the [TALISMAN].   *
*                                                                            *

After the battle you shall get an opportunity to arrange the characters that 
you would like to have in your party. I decided to have Barret and Red XIII 
(Best Bromance - choose the same party members), so first I put Tifa in party 
then I used the 'Remove All' option (from the 'Arrange' tab in 'Materia'), 
then I exchanged her armour and removed her accessory. Once Red XIII and 
Barret were loaded with the best equipment, I set up my Materia with the 

 1) Cloud - Lv 15 (Front)

     Buster Sword  - All=Restore
     Carbon Bangle - Fire, Lightning, Steal
     Star Pendant

 2) Barret - Lv 14 (Front)

     Assault Gun   - All=Fire
     Carbon Bangle - Elemental=Poison, Ice

 3) Red XIII - Lv 15 (Front)

     Mythril Clip - All=Lightning, Sense
     Four Slots   - Restore, Ice, Cover, Cover 

 NOTE - Equipping the Elemental combo onto a character's armour will have a
        different affect to placing it on a characters weapon. This doesn't 
        matter for now, I just thought I'd mention it. I'm only equipping 
        Elemental now as so that it starts receiving AP. More Elemental 
        details on the way. Also note that Red XIII came with an All, so we 
        can now have one on each character!

GRAB THAT MATERIA! Pick up the [ENEMY SKILL MATERIA] that you see in the test 
chamber. You don't need to worry about equipping this just yet, I'll explain 
what it's all about in a short while (Enemy Skill does not gain AP!).

   RED XIII                                                                   
  |                                     |                                  |  
  | 1-1  SLED FANG                      | 2-1  BLOOD FANG                  |  
  |      (default)                      |      (72 kills)                  |  
  |                                     |                                  |  
  |   Attacks one opponent              |   Attacks and drains the HP/MP   |  
  |                                     |   from one opponent              |  
  | 1-2  LUNATIC HIGH                   | 2-2  STARDUST RAY                |  
  |      (use 1-1 8 times)              |      (use 2-1 7 times)           |  
  |                                     |                                  |  
  |   Casts [Haste] and raises          |    Attacks all opponents         |  
  |   �Defence %� for all allies        |                                  |  
  |                                     |                                  |  
  |                                     |                                  |  
  | 3-1  HOWLING MOON                   | 4 - COSMO MEMORY                 |  
  |      (144 kills)                    |                                  |  
  |                                     |   Attacks all opponents          |  
  |   Begins fighting wildly            |                                  |  
  |                                     | Use the item Cosmo Memory        |  
  |`````````````````````````````````````|                                  |  
  | 3-2  EARTH RAVE                     | Found on Disk 1 in Nibelheim     |  
  |      (use 3-1 6 times)              | in the Shinra mansion by opening |  
  |                                     | the safe on the 2nd floor        |  
  |   Attacks all opponents             |                                  |  
  |                                     |                                  |  

Battle around for a little while until you encounter SOLDIER:3rd. You are 
going to want to try to steal a weapon for Cloud - the Hardedge from them, 
although it can be notoriously hard to do so. It took me roughly 10 minutes! 
Try to get a few uses of Red XIII's 1-1 while your here, if you can.

Head south from where you picked up the Enemy Skill to find a set of stairs 
leading to 2 [POTIONS]. You can talk to the chap in the Control Centre for 
the Keycard 68. Head back down the stairs and then to the right to find 
another 2 [POTIONS]. 

Now head back to the main elevator shaft, remembering to equip Cloud's 
Hardedge if you managed to obtain one. Also un-equip any armour/accessories  
you have equipped on Red or Barret. We're about to run into a small bit of 

 NOTE - You won�t be able to encounter the enemies that drop the Carbon Bangle
        and the Hardedge past this point.

--D1.06 C - Escaping From Shinra  (�A little fear will control the minds of
                                                         the common people.�)

|                  >  ENEMIES:                                               <
| NOTE ON ENEMIES: >           [VARGID POLICE] [   BRAIN POD] [      ZENENE] <
|                  >                                                         <
| Make sure to     > ------Lv: [------------9] [----------15] [----------14] <
| have a Star      > ------HP: [----------140] [---------240] [---------250] <
| Pendant          > ------MP: [-----------28] [----------46] [----------93] <
| equipped, and    > -----EXP: [-----------44] [----------52] [----------58] <
| make sure *not*  > ------AP: [------------7] [-----------6] [-----------6] <
| to have on       > -----GIL: [-----------40] [----------95] [----------60] <
| All=Fire. The    > ---STEAL: [-Tranquilizer] [----Antidote] [Deadly Waste] <
| Zenene and the   > --DROP 1: [-Phoenix Down] [Deadly Waste] [-------Ether] <
| Brain Pod can    > --ABSORB: [-------------] [----PSN--RES] [----PSN--RES] <
| both be damaged  > -NULLIFY: [-------------] [---------ERT] [------------] <
| by using Cure    > ---HALVE: [-------------] [------------] [---------FRE] <
| on them seeing   > --DOUBLE: [-------------] [---------HLY] [---------HLY] <
| as they are      #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#
| Zombie based                                                               |
| creatures. Also, having Elemental=Poison on someones Armour will help.     |

--Boss - Hundred Gunner Lv 18 + Heli Gunner Lv 19 (Mythril Armlet),
         Rufus Lv 21 (Protect Vest) + Dark Nation Lv 18,
         Motor Ball Lv 19 (Star Pendant)

  So you've wound up in Shinra's Security cells. Bummer. You can talk to your 
friends here for some (affection) dialogue, then when you're ready you can 
get some shut-eye. (Best Bromance - When talking to Tifa, choose option 2, 
�Kinda Hard�. Then think of Barret first, and Red XIII second)

 NOTE - There is a glitch you can exploit here to raise Tifa's affection 
        towards you indefinitely. See section E.01 B for more details, or use 
        QSI Link [Speed Dating]. Remember, copy Speed Dating into the search 
        field, replacing the [] with {} to jump straight to that relevant 
        section. This does work in the Steam/PS4 versions.

When you awaken you'll notice something weird is going on. Take a look around 
and eventually you'll have to follow RED XIII out of the cells. Set up your 
new party with the best equipment and give both girls the All=Ice combo, not 
forgetting to give Hypers out to those who are Limit Leveling!

Make your way round to Hojo's lab to find out the possible cause for all the 
weirdness. Head to the northern lift. Follow the trail of blood all the way 
to the 69th Floor where you can save; I recommend doing so. Also, replace 
Tifa's Carbon Bangle with something else before moving up to the 70th Floor.

 NOTE - When we continue on all of our HP & MP will be restored.

Head upstairs to find a few shocking revelations and then head through the 
northern door. Eventually you will have the option to remove all of Cloud and 
Tifa's Materia. Select yes, give Barret the Carbon Bangle then consider the 
following set up (And yes I am equipping certain Materias just for the sake 
of equipping them, like Enemy Skill):

 1) Aeris - Lv 12 (Front)

     Striking Staff - All=Restore, Sense, Steal
     Carbon Bangle  - Lightning, Poison, Enemy Skill

 2) Barret - Lv 14 (Back)

     Assault Gun   - Elemental=Lightning
     Carbon Bangle - All=Ice, Fire 

 3) Red XIII - Lv 15 (Front)

     Mythril Clip  - All=Restore, Sense
     Carbon Bangle - Ice, Fire, Cover
]                                                                            [
] SIDE NOTE - ELEMENTAL MATERIA                                              [
]                                                                            [
] It is crucial to point out that I have equipped Barret with the            [
] Elemental=Lightning combo on his weapon and not his armour. The following  [
] few Bosses are weak vs Lightning attacks and with this combo attached to   [
] Barret's weapon it will make his attacks lightning based hitting for extra [
] damage. If you had attached it to his armour by mistake then he would be   [
] defending from Lightning based attacks which would be pointless at this    [
] stage.                                                                     [

Depending on where you are with your Limit Breaks and how many Hypers you 
have remaining, you may want to give Barret and/or Red XIII one to get a few 
uses from their Limits. When you're ready, head over to the elevators to 
engage in not one but two Boss battles! (Even though the battle music 
suggests otherwise...)

*        ________  ________  ________   ________           ___               *
*       |\   __  \|\   __  \|\   ____\ |\   ____\         |\  \              *
*       \ \  \|\ /\ \  \|\  \ \  \___|_\ \  \___|_        \ \  \             *
*        \ \   __  \ \  \\\  \ \_____  \\ \_____  \        \ \__\            *
*         \ \  \|\  \ \  \\\  \|____|\  \\|____|\  \        \|__|            *
*          \ \_______\ \_______\____\_\  \ ____\_\  \            ___         *
*           \|_______|\|_______|\_________\\_________\          |\__\        *
*                              \|_________\|_________|          \|__|        *
*                                   ____________ _________ ________________  *
* Ok, so you'll have to defeat     |            |         |                | *
* these robots one after the       |    BOSS    | HUNDRED |      HELI      | *
* other. The main thing to point   | BATTLE: 06 | GUNNER  |     GUNNER     | *
* out about them is that only long |____________|_________|________________| *
* range weapons can attack them,   |            |         |                | *
* this means Barret! If you have   | -------Lv: | 18----- | 19------------ | *
* the Elemental=Lightning combo on | -------HP: | 1600--- | 1000---------- | *
* his weapon then he should be     | ------EXP: | 330---- | 250----------- | *
* able to plough through these     | -------AP: | 35----- | 25------------ | *
* sucka's with ease. Also Remember | ------GIL: | 300---- | 200----------- | *
* that if you need to heal just 1  | -----DROP: | ------- | Mythril Armlet | *
* player you can negate the All's  | --NULLIFY: | ------- | ERT----------- | *
* effect with R1. Have Aeris cast  | ----HALVE: | GRV---- | -------------- | *
* Bolt and Red XIII cast Ice/Fire  | ---DOUBLE: | LHT---- | LHT--WND------ | *
* while Barret just attacks until  |_______________________________________| *
* Hundred gunner is no more, then                                            *
* Heli Gunner will rear its ugly machine butt!                               *
*                                                                            *
*  NOTE - Don't forget you can sense the enemy to see their remaining HP, so *
*         long as you have the status bar open (with select).                *
*                                                                            *
* This Boss has less HP but can inflict a few Status changes to you. He's    *
* still fairly easy though, take care of him in the same fashion as you did  *
* the Hundred Gunner and hopefully you'll get a few uses of Red XIII's       *
* Limits along the way (provided you gave him a Hyper earlier). You'll be    *
* rewarded with a [MYTHRIL ARMLET] when you're done.                         *
*                                                                            *

As soon as this battle has finished you'll be back with Cloud and Rufus. 
Press Sq when prompted to remove everyone's Materia, then set Cloud up with 
something like this:

 1) Cloud - Lv 15 (Front)

     Hardedge      - All=Poison, Restore, Ice
     Carbon Bangle - Elemental=Lightning, Fire
     Star Pendant

And without further ado, we have another Boss battle:

*        ________  ________  ________   ________           ___               *
*       |\   __  \|\   __  \|\   ____\ |\   ____\         |\  \              *
*       \ \  \|\ /\ \  \|\  \ \  \___|_\ \  \___|_        \ \  \             *
*        \ \   __  \ \  \\\  \ \_____  \\ \_____  \        \ \__\            *
*         \ \  \|\  \ \  \\\  \|____|\  \\|____|\  \        \|__|            *
*          \ \_______\ \_______\____\_\  \ ____\_\  \            ___         *
*           \|_______|\|_______|\_________\\_________\          |\__\        *
*                              \|_________\|_________|          \|__|        *
*                                ____________ ______________ ______________  *
* As soon as the battle begins  |            |              |              | *
* cast Bio and hopefully you'll |    BOSS    |    RUFUS     | DARK NATION  | *
* inflict Rufus with Poison.    | BATTLE: 07 |              |              | *
* His companion, Dark Nation,   |____________|______________|______________| *
* can cast some rather annoying |            |              |              | *
* spells, namely Barrier and    | -------Lv: | 21---------- | 18---------- | *
* MBarrier which will half the  | -------HP: | 500--------- | 140--------- | *
* damage of your physical and   | -------MP: | ------------ | 80---------- | *
* magical attacks respectively. | ------EXP: | 240--------- | 70---------- | *
* If you had equipped           | -------AP: | 35---------- | 7----------- | *
* Elemental=Lightning on your   | ------GIL: | 400--------- | 250--------- | *
* armour then you will half the | -----DROP: | Protect Vest | Guard Source | *
* damage you take from Dark     | --NULLIFY: | GRV--------- | ------------ | *
* Nation's Bolt attack. Just    |__________________________________________| *
* like with Sample:H0512                                                     *
* earlier we don't have to kill the main Boss's companion, but we will gain  *
* extra EXP, AP and gil if we do, not to mention a Guard Source. Rufus       *
* himself is really easy and once you have weakened him enough he'll flee    *
* from the battle leaving behind a [PROTECT VEST] for you.                   *
*                                                                            *

As soon as the battle is done head back down to the 69th Floor. Save if you 
wish then talk to Tifa to make our POV change to our other team. After a cool 
FMV you'll have an opportunity to swing your sword about a bit, and set up a 
party. I went with:

 1) Cloud - Lv 16 (Back)

     Hardedge      - All=Restore, Lightning, Ice
     Carbon Bangle - Elemental=Fire, Enemy Skill
     Star Pendant

 2) Barret - Lv 14 (Front)

     Assault Gun   - All=Restore         
     Carbon Bangle - All=Fire, Steal

 3) Red XIII - Lv 15 (Back)

     Mythril Clip  - Lightning, Ice, Sense
     Carbon Bangle - Poison, Sense, Cover, Cover
     Protect Vest

I have set up my party in the reverse of their normal rows for this fight for 
reasons that'll make sense in just a sec, for now we have a Mini-Game to play!
]                                                                            [
] SIDE NOTE - G-BIKE MINI GAME                                               [
]                                                                            [
] Ahh, I can still remember playing this for the first time roughly 18 years [
] ago. O.k., so there are going to be two types of bikers that are going to  [
] try to attack your blue truck that has your companions in, and the more    [
] health taken out of the truck the less health your players will have going [
] into the Boss battle at the end (ha ha at Red XIII's Pic). Press Sq to     [
] swing to the left and O to swing to the right. Sounds simple enough,       [
] right?                                                                     [
]                                                                            [
] Orange Bike - The easier of the two. These bikes have a fairly predictable [
]               pattern and shouldn't be too difficult for you to take out,  [
]               you just have to time you swings right.                      [
]                                                                            [
] Red Bike - These are the bikes that will cause you problems. Instead of    [
]            attacking your blue truck, these bikers will draw you away from [
]            your comrades, and while you�re busy trying to take out the red [
]            bikes the orange bikes will sneak up without you noticing. Just [
]            stay by you team, let the bikes come to you.                    [
]                                                                            [
] Blue Bike - These only appear on the Steam/PS4 version, and appear to act  [
]             identical to the orange bikes.                                 [
]                                                                            [
] don't forget you can cause a 'domino affect' by lining them up right. Once [
] you reach the end of the Highway you'll be instantly engaged in a Boss     [
] battle!                                                                    [

*        ________  ________  ________   ________           ___               *
*       |\   __  \|\   __  \|\   ____\ |\   ____\         |\  \              *
*       \ \  \|\ /\ \  \|\  \ \  \___|_\ \  \___|_        \ \  \             *
*        \ \   __  \ \  \\\  \ \_____  \\ \_____  \        \ \__\            *
*         \ \  \|\  \ \  \\\  \|____|\  \\|____|\  \        \|__|            *
*          \ \_______\ \_______\____\_\  \ ____\_\  \            ___         *
*           \|_______|\|_______|\_________\\_________\          |\__\        *
*                              \|_________\|_________|          \|__|        *
*  ________________________________________   ______________ ______________  *
* |                                        | |              |              | *
* |               MOTOR BALL               | | BOSS BATTLE: | 08           | *
* |________________________________________| |______________|______________| *
*                                            |              |              | *
* This boss has an incredibly powerful       | ---------Lv: | 19---------- | *
* attack, Rolling Fire which can deliver     | ---------HP: | 2600-------- | *
* roughly 250HP to all allies, so make sure  | ---------MP: | 120--------- | *
* to keep your HP topped up. Your rows will  | --------EXP: | 440--------- | *
* be automatically reversed to whatever you  | ---------AP: | 45---------- | *
* had set them to, which is why I'd advised  | --------GIL: | 350--------- | *
* you to put your characters in the back row | -------DROP: | Star Pendant | *
* earlier. Bolt is your best friend here, so | ----NULLIFY: | GRV--------- | *
* just let Cloud and Red XIII fry the Motor  | ------HALVE: | FRE--------- | *
* Ball while Barret heals the group and then | -----DOUBLE: | LHT--------- | *
* attacks him normally. Don't forget to      |_____________________________| *
* sense him aswell so that you can see his                                   *
* remaining HP. He can deliver a few powerful Fire based moves here, which   *
* is why I'd recommended the Elemental=Fire combo on Cloud's armour. Lastly, *
* don't use Fire based spells as they will inflict 1/2 the normal damage.    *
* Once he's been annihilated you'll be rewarded with the [STAR PENDANT].     *
*                                                                            *

Once you've jumped down to the outskirts of Midgar you'll be able to engage 
in some optional dialogue. When you're ready, go to leave the south screen to 
be prompted to set up a party (Best Bromance - choose Barret & Red XIII). 
When you're ready, head outside to the vast and wonderful World Map!

 NOTES - Very shortly we will gain the ability to swap our players around at
         will, so don't worry trying to decide on the best character to pick 
         just yet.

       - There are two amazing spots in this game for Leveling up our Limit 
         Breaks, the first of which we will be arriving at pretty shortly. 

       - Red XIII's 1-2 Limit is a really effective method to defeating one 
         soon-to-fight mega hard boss, as it will caste Haste and raise the 
         defence of all allies, so try to learn it soon (8 uses of Sled Fang).

|                                                                            |
| {D1.07} - Kalm                                                             |
|                                                                            |
| ITEMS:                                                                     |
|         |_|Megalixir          |_|Ether              |_|Peacemaker          |
|         |_|Ether              |_|Guard Source       |_|Ether               |

--D1.07 A - Matra Magic (Yes it does deserve its own sub-section!)

     >  ENEMIES:              ***************                           <
     >                        ***************                           <
     > ------Lv: [-------12] [-------------15] [-------10] [--------13] <
     > ------HP: [------150] [------------300] [------160] [-------240] <
     > ------MP: [---------] [------------100] [---------] [----------] <
     > -----EXP: [-------55] [-------------63] [-------53] [--------60] <
     > ------AP: [--------5] [--------------7] [--------5] [---------6] <
     > -----GIL: [------160] [------------120] [-------92] [-------100] <
     > ---STEAL: [----Ether] [Atomic Scissors] [----Ether] [-Hi-Potion] <
     > ---MORPH: [Hi-Potion] [-------X-Potion] [Hi-Potion] [-Hi-Potion] <
     > ----DROP: [---Potion] [---------Potion] [---Potion] [----Potion] <
     > --DOUBLE: [---------] [------------LHT] [------FRE] [----------] <
     > -E-SKILL: [---------] [----MATRA MAGIC] [---------] [----------] <
|                              NOTE ON ENEMIES:                              |
|                                                                            |
| While you are engaging the Custom sweeper you are going to want to steal   |
| the Atomic Scissors from it whilst waiting for it to cast Matra Magic.     |
| This weapon for Barret will save you 1400 gil and at the same time it'll   |
| sell for 700 gil should you wish to stock up on a few. Other than that,    |
| watch out for the prowler; if it steals from you then make sure to kill it |
| before it can run away.                                                    |

  Now the we have access to the World Map, now we can truly feel as though we 
are playing a vintage Final Fantasy game. Up until now the game has been 
fairly linear, it's about to massively open itself up! I have designed a map 
of every part of the World Map, visit section F.01 for a map of the continent 
you're on!

3 things to point out about the World Map:

 1 - You can save at any point whilst on the World Map.
 2 - Press Select once to bring up the Mini Map, press Select again to bring
     up the Full Map.
 3 - Pressing R1/L1 will rotate your camera's view of the map. Pressing R2 
     will change the camera back to the annoying overhead view.

Our next destination, Kalm, is east north-east from Midgar. Equip an All=Fire 
combo for the Kalm Fangs and an All=Lightning combo for the Custom Sweeper, 
also make sure to equip the Enemy Skill Materia and then battle around until 
you engage with the Custom Sweeper!
]                                                                            [
] SIDE NOTE - ENEMY SKILL                                                    [
]                                                                            [
] Probably one of the most diverse pieces of Materia in the whole game, the  [
] Enemy Skill will allow you to learn certain moves that the enemies can     [
] cast. The player must survive the move and the battle must be won in order [
] for the skill to be learned. There are 24 moves to obtain in total, two of [
] which are permanently missable (Trine and Pandora's Box). There are 4      [
] Enemy Skill Materias to collect and only one needs to be filled in order   [
] to achieve the Materia Overlord Achievement, however I highly recommend    [
] that you set your sights on filling all 4 pieces up. Some of the moves     [
] that you can learn can be incredibly useful, like for example, Matra       [
] Magic!                                                                     [
]                                                                            [
] Matra Magic will be our best friend for now, it does non-elemental damage  [
] to all foes for 8MP! Nice! Eventually it'll become obsolete as we obtain   [
] bigger and badder Enemy Skills, but for now it'll do just nicely.          [

So, you've learned the Enemy Skill Matra Magic and you've stolen the Atomic 
Scissors (which isn't long range btw), and now you're ready to head to Kalm. 
There are just 2 more points and a Side Note to mention before concluding 
this incredibly short mini sub-section:

 1 - I feel as though now is a good time to slow the battle speed down a
     little bit. our characters are starting to level up nicely which means
     their ATB gauge will start filling up quicker. We can afford to bring
     the Battle Speed down to roughly 3/5's maybe slightly quicker.
     Reason being, we don't want the enemies to overtake us when we hesitate.

 2 - You'll have picked up a Guard Source along the way whilst in the Shinra
     building. This is an item that will permanently increase one of your
     stats! Most people whack these straight onto Cloud, my suggestion
     however is to leave every single one of these 'sources' that you find 
     until you get to a certain point, deep into the game (and the Ocean), 
     The Sunken Gelnika!
]                                                                            [
] SIDE NOTE - UNDERSTANDING WHAT THE STATS MEAN                              [
]                                                                            [
] Go into 'Status' in the main menu to view your stats. I've been using      [
] these stats to help me decide on my battle plans so far. Here is what they [
] mean:                                                                      [
]                                                                            [
] Strength - The higher your Strength stat the more damage you will deliver  [
]            from your physical based attacks. Your Attack stat is directly  [
]            linked to your Strength.                                        [
]                                                                            [
] Dexterity - The higher your Dexterity Stat the quicker your ATB gauge will [
]             fill up. Also, you will be more likely to evade physical       [
]             attacks as your Defence% stat is directly linked to your       [
]             Dexterity and Luck.                                            [
]                                                                            [
] Vitality - The higher your Vitality stat the less damage you will receive  [
]            from physical based attacks. Your Defence stat is directly      [
]            linked to your Vitality.                                        [
]                                                                            [
] Magic - The higher your Magic stat the more damage you will deliver from   [
]         you magical based attacks. Your Magic Attack stat is directly      [
]         linked to your Magic                                               [
]                                                                            [
] Spirit - The higher your Spirit stat the less damage you will receive from [
]          magical based attacks. Your Magic Defence stat is always          [
]          identical to your Spirit.                                         [
]                                                                            [
] Luck - The higher your Luck stat the more likely you are to land a         [
]        critical hit. Also, you will be more likely to evade physical       [
]        attacks as your Defence% stat is directly linked to your Dexterity  [
]        and Luck                                                            [
]                                                                            [
] The are only two stats that aren't directly linked:                        [
]                                                                            [
] Attack% - The higher your Attack% stat the less likely you are to miss     [
]           with your physical based attacks.                                [
]                                                                            [
] Magic Defence% - The higher your Magic Defence% stat the more likely you   [
]                  are to evade magical based attacks.                       [
]                                                                            [
] So, Strength - Luck, our main attributes, are our 'base' stats if you      [
] will. These stats will only increase by Leveling up (usually). Our Attack  [
] - Magic Defence stats are variable based on our weapons and armour. As     [
] your base stats increase, so will the variable stats, of which will also   [
] increase as we obtain better equipment. This doesn't apply to Magic        [
] Defence. For some reason that stat is fixed to our Spirit stat and won�t   [
] budge due to a glitch, which was fixed with the Steam/PS4 release.         [
]                                                                            [
] Lastly, whilst in the Status screen you can toggle through with confirm to [
] see your Elemental and Status strengths' and weaknesses. More on these to  [
] follow.                                                                    [

Head into Kalm. We can explore around a little later on, for now head into 
the Inn and you'll eventually be venturing inside another flashback!

--D1.07 B - The Nibelheim Incident      (�and not once, did the light in the 
                                                          basement go out...�)
--Items        - Megalixir, Ether x 3, Guard Source, Peacemaker
--Required gil - 4200

  I've decided to keep this section as brief as possible, namely because I 
don't want you to spend too much time reading this guide. I want instead for 
you to immerse yourself in what's taking place; understanding the events that 
unfolded 5 years ago are extremely important to understanding the story as a 
whole. Make sure to pay attention.

After an easy battle you'll wind up in a town called Nibelheim. 

Explore the town if you want, *making sure* to visit Tifa's house. Go into 
her bedroom and interact with the piano you see in the corner to 'jam on it'. 
You can play the following notes:

X, Sq, Tr, R1+Tr, R1+Sq, X, Sq, Tr, R1+X, O, X, Sq, X

Although not much happens now, you will be returning to this piano later 
Read a letter from Tifa's desk and check her wardrobe if you want, once 
you've finished exploring the Town head into the Inn to rest.

 NOTE - If you do not jam on Tifa's piano now then you will not be able to 
        obtain a certain valuable item later on!

The next morning you'll venture out to search for the Mako Reactor in Mt. 
Nibel. Along the way you'll run into some misfortune, whilst learning 
something new about Materia. Eventually, you'll reach the reactor. It is here 
that we will first learn the name Professor Gast...

 NOTE - It's worth noting that if you were to take a look through the menus 
        you'd be able to view Sephiroth's stats and Materia, although you 
        wouldn't be able to swap any of it around. You'll also be able to see 
        what Materia Cloud was getting excited about earlier on - the Pre-
        Emptive Materia (which isn't that great to be fair).

Save the game when prompted. Then.....

You'll eventually get to a point where you are required to explore a creepy 
mansion. Look around, eventually you will find a passage that leads to an 
underground tunnel (2nd floor). Here you will find Sephiroth, and he will 
uncover some shocking truths regarding his mother. Then leave the basement.

Once you've awakened, visit Sephiroth in the basement once more. Once he has 
finished, head outside. You shouldn't need to pick up this walkthrough until 
the flashback has finished and you have received the APS system (Best 
Bromance - after the flashback, choose option 1, �Wait a sec�, followed by 
option 1, �Beautiful, just beautiful� when talking to Barret)!

Wow! So now we know why Cloud feels compelled to pursue his old friend and 
now arch-rival, Sephiroth! For us, however it's time to retrieve some items 
and buy some weapons in Kalm!

 NOTE - Make use of the PHS! If you're looking to obtain the Best Bromance 
        Trophy, then you're going to want to place Barret and Red XIII in 
        your party now. Go out to the world map to make use of the PHS system.

Head back into the 2nd Floor of the Inn to find a cabinet on the west side. 
Search it multiple times, and eventually you will be able to obtain the 
[MEGALIXIR] inside.

Now make your way to the next house along on the right. Search underneath the 
stairs on the 1st Floor to find an [ETHER] (Best Bromance - then talk to the 
woman on the left and choose option 2, �You're full of it�, then head 
upstairs and talk to the girl choosing option 1, �Yeah, maybe� (make sure to 
have Barret and Red XIII in your party)).

Search the next house along on the 2nd Floor and you'll find a cabinet 
containing another [ETHER].

In the third house along you'll find a [GUARD SOURCE] in a cabinet on the 2nd 
Floor. Head back down to the 1st Floor and on the left hand side you'll find 
a spiral staircase. Take it to the top to find a [PEACEMAKER], a weapon we 
cannot use just yet. 

Finish of the rounds by grabbing the last [ETHER] from the south eastern 
house on the 1st Floor.

Now to spend some gil. Head up the main set of stairs that you see and enter 
the shop on the left, the Item Shop. I suggest stocking up on 15 Hypers 
amounting to 1500 gil. These will definitely come in handy later on.

Now head to the next shop along, the Materia Shop, and buy yourself:

1 x Earth Materia - 1500 gil
1 x Steal Materia - 1200 gil
1 x Heal  Materia - 1500 gil
            Total - 4200 gil
]                                                                            [
] SIDE NOTE - ESUNA                                                          [
]                                                                            [
] Whilst Heal at Lv 1 will only cure of the Poison Status, Lv 2 Heal, Esuna, [
] will cure you of any Status! Equip Heal straight away and don't take her   [
] out until she's levelled up. Esuna is crucial to any battle strategy.      [

You should now head into the Weapon Shop just right of the Materia Shop to 
sell some weapons. You shouldn't need to buy the following:

 1) Mythril Saber for Cloud assuming you were able to steal the Hardedge from 
     the SOLDIER:3rd in the Shinra building.
 2) Cannon Ball for Barret assuming you were able to steal the Atomic Scissors 
     from the Custom Sweeper in Midgar Area
 3) Full Metal Staff for Aeris assuming you were able to steal the Striking 
     Staff from Eligor in the Train Graveyard, and 
 4) Mythril Armlet assuming you were able to steal 3 Carbon Bangles from the
     Moth Slasher in the Shinra building.

The only weapon you won�t have is the Mythril Claw for Tifa, but don't worry, 
we're going to be stealing a much better weapon than that very shortly anyway.
]                                                                            [
] SIDE NOTE - SELLING UNWANTED WEAPONS & AMOUR                               [
]                                                                            [
] I guess the golden rule here is to NEVER sell anything that has got either [
] a Double or Triple growth stat against it (which we currently don't have). [
] In fact, there are only three points in this game where I feel it is       [
] necessary to sell my inventory, now is one of them. For peace of mind, I   [
] suggest you only ever sell what is recommended in this guide to sell. And  [
] make a fresh Save, aswell. Sell non listed items at your peril.            [
]                                                                            [
] First, go to 'Item', then 'Arrange', then arrange by 'Type'. Next, goto    [
] any shop to sell your items. Sell the following (assuming you've been      [
] following my guide to the letter so far):                                  [
]                                                                            [
] * = Unique item, cannot obtain again                                       [
]                                                                            [
] *Guard Stick    x 1   -   70 gil                                           [
] *Iron Bangle    x All -   80 gil Each (I had 3)                            [
]  Mythril Armlet x All -  175 gil Each (I had 4)                            [
] *Leather Glove  x 1   -   60 gil                                           [
]  Mythril Rod    x 1   -  185 gil                                           [
] *Bronze Bangle  x All -   50 gil Each (I had 4)                            [
] *Titan Bangle   x All -  140 gil Each (I had 3)                            [
]  Star Pendant   x 2   - 2000 gil Each                                      [
]                 Total - 5875 gil                                           [
]                                                                            [
] Note that you **must leave at least two pieces of armour** available for   [
] your players to get changed into whilst you're swapping them around. I     [
] made sure to be left with 1 x Carbon Bangle and 1 x Four Slot in my        [
] inventory. Also, I left Barret's Assault Gun because it is long ranged and [
] we'll need it for later!                                                   [
]                                                                            [
] If you're concerned about not having a full end-game inventory, then only  [
] sell everything that you have more than one of, with the exception of the  [
] Star Pendant which at this stage in the game is only good for selling for  [
] gil. We'll obtain another one soon enough.                                 [

We're all done with Kalm now, nothing left to do but to set up our team and 
to make our way over to the Chocobo Ranch!

|                                                                            |
| {D1.08} - Chocobo Ranch & Fort Condor                                      |
|                                                                            |
| ITEMS:                                                                     |
|         |_|Choco/Mog Materia   |_|Tent              |_|Elixir              |
|         |_|Long Range Materia  |_|Mind Source       |_|Hi Potion           |
|         |_|Ether                                                           |

--D1.08 A - Chocobo Ranch (�It's a serpent-like creature over 30 feet tall!!�)

>  ENEMIES:              **********                                          <
>           [ LEVRIKON] [        MU] [ ELFADUNK] [MANDRAGORA] [CHOCOBO Lv13] <
>                        **********                                          <
> ------Lv: [-------14] [--------12] [-------141 [--------10] [----------13] <
> ------HP: [------200] [-------210] [------220] [-------120] [---------130] <
> ------MP: [---------] [--------52] [-------34] [----------] [----------13] <
> -----EXP: [-------65] [--------54] [-------64] [--------55] [----------10] <
> ------AP: [--------7] [---------6] [--------7] [---------6] [-----------1] <
> -----GIL: [------128] [-------130] [------140] [-------135] [-----------1] <
> ---STEAL: [----Ether] [----------] [Hi-Potion] [-Lasan Nut] [------------] <
> ---MORPH: [Hi-Potion] [----------] [---------] [-----Ether] [------------] <
> ----DROP: [Hi-Potion] [-Hi-Potion] [---Potion] [-Lasan Nut] [------------] <
> -E-SKILL: [---------] [L4 SUICIDE] [---------] [----------] [------------] <
>                                                                            <
>            ************  #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#
>           [CHOCOBO Lv16] <                 NOTE ON ENEMIES:                |
>            ************  <                                                 |
> ------Lv: [----------16] <  Make sure that the person who has the Enemy    |
> ------HP: [---------160] <  Skill Materia equipped is not currently at a   |
> ------MP: [----------16] <  level that is divisible by 4 (i.e. Lv 16).     |
> -----EXP: [----------10] <  When Mu Casts L4 Suicide, any player that is   |
> ------AP: [-----------1] <  Lv 16, Lv 20 etc. will have their health       |
> -----GIL: [-----------1] <  dropped right down to critical, and can also   |
> -E-SKILL: [-CHOCOBUCKLE] <  inflict the Status Small. This can be a very   |
#~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#  useful Enemy Skill to have.                    |
|                                                                            |
| The Elfadunk has a move that can inflict you with Sadness, which is the    |
| opposite of Fury. The Levrikon can inflict Fury, the opposite of Sadness.  |

--Items        - Choco/Mog Materia
--Required gil - 2500
--Extra        - Chocobo Lure Materia (cost 2000 gil)

  Before heading out, now that we have the ability to change our characters 
around whenever we want using the PHS (provided we are at a save point), I'd 
like to make a quick note regarding the most efficient ways of swapping you 
party around.
]                                                                            [
]                                                                            [
] Before changing a players armour and accessory you're going to want to     [
] explore the quickest way of swapping your Materia around. Some people like [
] to us the 'Remove All' feature, others like to 'Exchange' their Materia    [
] all in one go.                                                             [
]                                                                            [
] For me, I've found that the quickest way is to first 'Arrange' my Materia. [
] Then, I'll select the top-left piece of Materia of the character that I'd  [
] like to swap out, then I'll press R1 to scroll down to an empty inventory  [
] space. Then I'll press O, Right, O, Down, O, Right, O, Down etc. (or X if  [
] I'm playing the PS4 version) until all of my Materia has been removed in   [
] order. Then, pressing Square I'll jump straight over to the Equipment      [
] menu, where I'll remove any Accessory using Triangle and replace the good  [
] Armour with something less fancy.                                          [
]                                                                            [
] This way I can set my new player up with everything that the old player    [
] had in less than 60 sec. I find that the 'Exchange' way of doing it can    [
] sometimes be a little tedious due to the fact that not everyone has the    [
] same amount of Materia Slots. Each to their own, I suppose. I'm sure       [
] you'll find the quickest way that works for you.                           [
]                                                                            [
]  NOTE - Whilst in the PHS menu you can press confirm twice against a       [
]         character to see what equipment and Materia they have on them      [
]         without having to place them in your party. Also, any party member [
]         not in your team will receive 1/2 the amount of EXP that your team [
]         does.                                                              [

O.K., so we're finally ready to head on. Take a quick look at my set-up, give 
people Hypers that need them and then make your way south-east to the Chocobo 

 1) Cloud - Lv 16 (Front)

     Hardedge      - All=Restore, Sense Steal
     Carbon Bangle - All=Lightning, Heal

 2) Aeris - Lv 13 (Front)

     Striking Staff - Poison, Ice, Fire, Enemy Skill
     Carbon Bangle  - Elemental=Earth, Lightning

 3) Red XIII - Lv 16 (Front)

     Mythril Clip  - All=Fire, Ice
     Four Slots    - Restore, Steal, Cover, Cover
     Protect Vest

 NOTE - There are only certain stages in the game that it is necessary to 
        have Barret in your party to earn the Best Bromance Trophy. This 
        *isn't* one of them.

Along the way you should encounter the Mu. Don't forget to learn the Enemy 
Skill L4 Suicide from him, although it could take a while as it has a 1 in 14 
chance of using it. 

When you get near to the Chocobo ranch you may notice the huge swamp to the 
west; don't venture out into it or you'll be attacked by a giant snake 
(Midgar Zolom)! We are going to have to get across somehow, perhaps a Chocobo 
could get us across? Let's enquire at the Ranch.

 NOTES - When I was roughly 12 years old (1999) I spent ages trying to see if 
         it was possible to dash across the swamp on foot without the Zolom 
         catching me. It is possible. It's incredibly difficult to do however, 
         you have to time your run just when the Solid Snake is all the way 
         over to the left of you. For what it's worth, just catch a Chocobo.

       - The Midgar Zolom has a powerful Enemy Skill called Beta,and is 
         perhaps the strongest magic you'll obtain for a good long while. 
         I'll walk you through how to obtain it shortly.

GRAB THAT MATERIA! Once you have reached the Chocobo Ranch you can talk to 
the nearest Chocobo, select option 1 (wark) to receive the [CHOCO/MOG 
MATERIA]. Not only is this our first summon Materia, but it is also our first 
Materia that is Wind based!
]                                                                            [
] SIDE NOTE - SUMMON MATERIA                                                 [
]                                                                            [
] 18 Years ago these in-battle sequences blew me away. Today, However they   [
] just seem to go on a little bit too long for me to be bothered to cast     [
] them, ESPECIALLY given the fact that they can be incredibly detrimental to [
] our physical stats. Take a look at Choco/Mog:                              [
]                                                                            [
]   Magic  + 1                                                               [
]   Max HP - 02%                                                             [
]   Max MP + 02%                                                             [
]                                                                            [
] So we can see that whilst having a negative effect on our physical stats,  [
] we are also receiving a positive effect on our magical stats. The stronger [
] the Materia, the stronger the effect on our stats will be. Down the line,  [
] we will find that our max HP could be dropped by as much as 10%! Because   [
] of this, you should be very wary when choosing to overload someone with    [
] Materia.                                                                   [
]                                                                            [
] BUT!!!                                                                     [
]                                                                            [
] Summon Materia will sometimes have an Element property, and Choco/Mog is   [
] our first Wind based Materia, of which more enemies are weak against than  [
] any other Element in the game! Additionally, the Fledgling Summoner Trophy [
] can be obtained by casting a summon in-battle (which we're going to be     [
] doing shortly).                                                            [

]                                                                            [
] SIDE NOTE - ELEMENTS AND MATERIA'S                                         [
]                                                                            [
] As you know by now many enemies will have various Elemental strengths and  [
] weaknesses. Here is every Element in the game, my abbreviation of that     [
] Element, and all of the Materia associated with that Element (S = Summon): [
]                                                                            [
]  FIRE      (FRE) - Fire (Fire), Contain (Flare), Ifrit (S), Phoenix (S),   [
]                    Kjata (S), E-Skill: Flamethrower, Beta, Magic Breath    [
]                                                                            [
]  ICE       (ICE) - Ice (Ice), Contain (Freeze), Shiva (S),                 [
]                    E-Skill: Magic Breath                                   [
]                                                                            [
]  LIGHTNING (LHT) - Lightning (Bolt), Ramuh (S), Kjata (S),                 [
]                    E-Skill: Trine, Magic Breath                            [
]                                                                            [
]  EARTH     (ERT) - Earth (Quake), Contain (Break), Titan (S), Kjata (S)    [
]                                                                            [
]  POISON    (PSN) - Poison (Bio)                                            [
]                                                                            [
]  GRAVITY   (GRV) - Gravity (Demi)                                          [
]                                                                            [
]  WATER     (WTR) - Leviathan (S), E-Skill: Aqualung                        [
]                                                                            [
]  WIND      (WND) - Contain (Tornado), Choco/Mog (S), Typhoon (S)           [
]                                                                            [
]  HOLY      (HLY) - Alexander (S)                                           [
]                                                                            [
] O.K. so there are a few things here to point out:                          [
]                                                                            [
]  1.) Contain has four different spells to cast that each have a different  [
]      Elemental property, aswell as casting Status changes. This makes it   [
]      one of the most useful magic Materias to have in the game.            [
]                                                                            [
]  2.) There are two Materias that can inflict multiple Elements in one go.  [
]      These are:                                                            [
]                                                                            [
]        Kjata - Hits with Fire, Ice, lightning & Earth.                     [
]        E-Skill Magic Breath - Hits with Fire, Ice & Lightning.             [
]                                                                            [
]  3.) Once you've finished setting up your characters you can check that    [
]      you have set them up correctly by viewing their Elemental Strengths   [
]      and Weaknesses in the 'Status' menu. Press confirm once to flick to   [
]      the Elemental window. As your Elemental Materia levels up, so does    [
]      the  effect of placing the combo on your Armour:                      [
]                                                                            [
]        Lv 1 - 1/2's the damage taken from the paired Element.              [
]        Lv 2 - Nullifies the damage taken from the paired Element.          [
]        Lv 3 - Absorbs the damage taken from the paired Element.            [
]                                                                            [
]      So in theory, once you had obtained a level 3 Elemental you could     [
]      equip it with Fire onto your Armour and then use your Fire spell to   [
]      heal yourself. Nice!                                                  [
]                                                                            [
]  4.) Poison is the only Element on this game that weirdly enough also      [
]      considered a Status. So, you could have the Elemental=Poison set up   [
]      on your weapon and you would be inflicting physical damage that is    [
]      Poison based (if a creature is weak vs Psn). Or, you could equip the  [
]      Added Effect=Poison combo on your weapon to have a chance of          [
]      inflicting your enemies with the poison Status when you attack (if    [
]      they are not immune to Poison). More on Statuses and the Added Effect [
]      Materia once we receive it later on.                                  [ 
]                                                                            [
] There is still a lot more to learn about Elements, for a full rundown      [
] visit section E.05.                                                        [

Phew, side-note overload. We are now getting to a stage in the game where 
these side notes should start to ease up a little, now that we're getting 
quite adept to the game. there is one long Limit Break training note coming 
shortly though, you have been warned!!

So, if you wanted to rest up for 100 gil then you can do so in the smaller 
building on the left. Otherwise head into the barn to talk to Choco Billy to 
request a Chocobo. You must buy a the [CHOCOBO LURE MATERIA] at this stage 
for 2000 gil in order to proceed. Also, stock up on a few Gysahl greens, 5 
should be enough for now. When you're ready to leave you can just exit 
through the NE side of the screen, no need to run all the way back round the 

 NOTE - Chocobuckle is an Enemy Skill that will deal damage proportionate to 
        the amount of times you have fled from battle (so in other words it's 
        useless). And considering how much of a pain in the backside it is to 
        obtain, I suggest leaving it for now and coming back to learn it once 
        you have obtained all 4 Enemy Skill Materias, so you only have to 
        learn it once (by equipping all 4 E-Skills onto one character). If 
        you really must learn it now, however, then here's how:

 First, make sure to have the ATB set to 'Wait' in Config (if you haven't 
 already), then purchase a Mimett Green from Choco Billy. These cost 1500 
 gil, so they're not cheap. Then, you're going to want to equip the Chocobo 
 Lure Materia and battle around until you come across a Lv16 Chocobo.

 You'll know if it's a Lv16 or a Lv13 without having to use Sense simply by 
 the companions it keeps; If it is accompanied by either two Levrikons or two 
 Elfadunks then it's Lv16. If you see any other enemies with it then it's a  
 Lv13. Throw the Mimett Green immediately, once the Chocobo is fed cast L4 
 Suicide. If done correctly, the Chocobo will retaliate with the move 
 Chocobuckle. Congrats! You've just acquired the most useless Enemy Skill in 
 the game!

Now, back to the quest, it's time to learn a much more worth-while Enemy 
Skill; Beta! Bear in mind that we will be returning to this area shortly on 
in the game, and when we do we'll have a second Enemy Skill Materia to learn 
Beta on, so you could just wait until then. Or grab it now. It's up to you.

 NOTE - Beta is a ridiculously over-powered move, and will make an easy game 
        even easier. I suggest refraining from Beta-spamming your way through 
        your play-through; it'll take all of the fun out of it!

Still want to learn Beta? Here's how:

1) Make sure to have unlocked Red XIII's 1-2 Limit Break, Lunatic High.

2) Make a party consisting of Cloud, Barret and Red XIII, then fill their 
   Limit Breaks up all the way.

3) Give everyone Tranquilizers to inflict them with Sadness. If you don't 
   have any Tranquilizers then the Elfadunk can inflict Sadness on you.

4) Slow the battle speed right down. This is a good tip for any hard boss 

5) Put everyone in the back row.

6) Now set up the following:

 1) Cloud - Lv 16 (Back)

     Hardedge      - All=Restore, Poison, Steal
     Carbon Bangle - Lightning, Ice, Heal 
     Protect Vest

 2) Red XIII - Lv 16 (Back)

     Mythril Clip   - All=Restore, Enemy Skill                   
     Carbon Bangle  - Elemental=Fire, Sense      

 3) Barret - Lv 15 (Back)

     Atomic Scissors - All=Ice, Earth, Lightning
     Carbon Bangle   - Fire, Steal, Choco/Mog          

The reason I've chosen Red XIII to be the Enemy Skill bearer is not only 
because he has the highest amount of HP, but also because he has one of the 
highest Spirit stats (2nd to Aeris, who doesn't have enough HP to withstand 
Beta). Accompanied by the fact that he has the Talisman, Elemental=Fire in is 
armour, along with Sadness (which reduces all damage taken by 30%) he should 
be able to withstand Beta!

Now, heal yourself using the Restore Materia (don't use the Inn at the 
Chocobo Ranch, or you'll clear the Sadness status), then save the game. It's 
time for the hardest boss battle yet!

 NOTES - In order to successfully learn Beta, you must first make sure that 
         the Enemy Skill bearer has survived the attack itself. You must also 
         make sure to actually win the battle. The Midgar Zolom will 'flick' 
         one of the players out of battle, and if that person happens to be 
         the Enemy Skill bearer, then you'll have to battle it again I'm 
         afraid (even if the character was able to learn the move).

       - If there was ever a time to make use of your Hi-Potions, Elixir or 
         Megalixir then now would be that time!

*        ________  ________  ________   ________           ___               *
*       |\   __  \|\   __  \|\   ____\ |\   ____\         |\  \              *
*       \ \  \|\ /\ \  \|\  \ \  \___|_\ \  \___|_        \ \  \             *
*        \ \   __  \ \  \\\  \ \_____  \\ \_____  \        \ \__\            *
*         \ \  \|\  \ \  \\\  \|____|\  \\|____|\  \        \|__|            *
*          \ \_______\ \_______\____\_\  \ ____\_\  \            ___         *
*           \|_______|\|_______|\_________\\_________\          |\__\        *
*                              \|_________\|_________|          \|__|        *
*  ____________________________________________   ______________ __________  *
* |                                            | |              |          | *
* |                MIDGAR ZOLOM                | | BOSS BATTLE: | 09 A     | *
* |____________________________________________| |______________|__________| *
*                                                |              |          | *
* To defeat the Midgar Zolom you must first      | ---------Lv: | 26------ | *
* understand how its AI works. After 1000HP has  | ---------HP: | 4000---- | *
* been taken out of it, it'll change its stance. | ---------MP: | 348----- | *
* Once another 1000HP has been taken out (so it  | --------EXP: | 250----- | *
* is at 50%), it'll 'flick' the last player to   | ---------AP: | 25------ | *
* have attacked it out of battle (the move       | --------GIL: | 400----- | *
* itself is called Blown Away). This player is   | ------MORPH: | X-Potion | *
* then regarded to have fled from battle, and if | ENEMY SKILL: | BETA---- | *
* the remaining two players are then KO'd, you   |_________________________| *
* would return to the world map as opposed to                                *
* meeting a game-over screen. Once the Zolom's HP reaches 1500, it'll cast   *
* Beta as a counter attack, which it can only do once per battle. At any     *
* point during the battle after it has stood up, it may flick a player out   *
* of battle (at random), however the chances of it doing so increase after   *
* Beta has been cast. It will not use Blown Away more than twice per battle, *
* and if it does use Blown Away prior to its health being knocked below 50%, *
* it'll not use the move as a Counter Attack as its HP falls below 2000.     *
*                                                                            *
*  NOTES - This can be a dangerous strategy, but if you are brave then you   *
*          could cast a Loco Weed on your characters to inflict the Status   *
*          'Confusion' upon them (provided you were able to obtain one from  *
*          the Hammer Blaster earlier on). After selecting the command, but  *
*          before the item has been used, make sure to have another          *
*          character use a Hyper. If you're lucky, when that character       *
*          becomes confused the Hyper will be cast on the Midgar Zolom,      *
*          thereby reducing its accuracy by 30%! This can be tricky because  *
*          you then need to inflict physical damage on a character to negate *
*          the effects of Confusion, and things could get messy in that      *
*          time. Thank BrutalAl for this Zolom tip!                          *
*                                                                            *
*        - If Beta is cast, and it misses the target who is wearing the      *
*          Enemy Skill Materia, then the move will still be learnt.          *
*                                                                            *
* As soon as the battle begins you're going to want to cast Lunatic High,    *
* followed by Sense. If you had obtained 2 Graviballs as previously advised, *
* then now would be the time to use them, as doing so will drop its health   *
* down to 2250. You can then have Barret use his Limit Break and/or cast     *
* Choco/Mog to bring its health down to 2000, thereby triggering Blown Away. *
* If you hadn't acquired any Graviballs earlier, then I'm sure you'll be     *
* able to chip at its health however you see fit (Poison works really well   *
* here). Just make sure that Barret is the one to bring its HP past 2000.    *
*                                                                            *
*  NOTE - Casting a Summon will unlock the Fledging Summoner Trophy for the  *
*         PS4 players (or as Sony would rather me refer to them as - 'the    *
*         players').                                                         *
*                                                                            *
* Now try to inflict the Zolom with Poison if he hasn't already been         *
* poisoned, and *make sure* that Red XIII is at full health as the Zolom's   *
* HP drops below 1500, as it'll use Beta as a counter attack. Beta isn't     *
* considered as a turn for the Zolom, so it'll usually follow on to use its  *
* Bite attack after casting Beta, which could easily kill Red if you're not  *
* careful. Now it's just a case of trying to revive Cloud whilst not being   *
* caught in a revive-die-revive-die loop (use your Megalixir if you have     *
* to), once both players have fully recovered you should be able to take     *
* care of the snake by using Lighting and Bio. The biggest concern now is    *
* Blown Away, as every three or four turns it'll have a 25% chance of        *
* casting it, and if Red happens to be the one that gets flicked, you'll     *
* have to try all over again!                                                *
*                                                                            *

 NOTES - If you manage to defeat the Midgar Zolom, another one will spawn in, 
         making this battle repeatable.

       - Remember to set the battle speed back to normal.

Time to catch yourself a Chocobo. Equip the Chocobo Lure Materia and then 
battle around until you hear the funky music. Then, cast a Gysahl green on 
the Chocobo (be quick) and defeat the foes whilst the Chocobo is grazing. 
Once the enemies have been defeated and it's just you and the Chocobo left, 
you'll have captured it, meaning that you can ride around on the back of a 
Chocobo, battle free! Just note that when you get off your Chocobo it'll run 
off, and you'll have to catch another one should you want one. Note - if 
you're quick and strong enough you don't actually have to use a Green. 
Remember this for later.

Make your way across the swamp avoiding the Solid Snake (or more accurately, 
Midgar Zolom) to the other side. Note that once you have jumped off your 
Chocobo, you won�t be able to return to the Chocobo Ranch or Kalm again until 
much later on in the disk.

 NOTE - If you had decided to skip out Kalm altogether, when you go to 
        disembark from your Chocobo, it would not run away; instead Cloud 
        will remark that he may have forgotten something, and will ask the 
        Chocobo to hang around. When you enter the Mythril Mines your party 
        stops you from venturing further.

--D1.08 B - Mythril Mine           (�...Elena. You don't seem to understand.�)

      >  ENEMIES:                                        ************  <
      >           [CASTANETS] [    MADOUGE] [  CRAWLER] [  ARK DRAGON] <
      >                                                  ************  <
      > ------Lv: [-------15] [---------16] [-------15] [----------18] <
      > ------HP: [------190] [--------220] [------140] [---------280] <
      > ------MP: [---------] [-----------] [-------48] [---------124] <
      > -----EXP: [-------65] [---------70] [-------56] [----------84] <
      > ------AP: [--------7] [----------8] [--------6] [----------10] <
      > -----GIL: [------113] [--------150] [-------65] [---------180] <
      > ---STEAL: [---------] [Grand Glove] [---------] [-------Ether] <
      > ---MORPH: [---------] [--Hi-Potion] [---------] [Phoenix Down] <
      > --DROP 1: [Hi-Potion] [--Hi-Potion] [Hi-Potion] [Phoenix Down] <
      > --DROP 2: [---------] [-----------] [---------] [-------Ether] <
      > --ABSORB: [---------] [-----------] [---------] [---------FRE] <
      > -NULLIFY: [---------] [-----------] [---------] [---------ERT] <
      > ---HALVE: [---------] [-----------] [------ICE] [------------] <
      > --DOUBLE: [------FRE] [-----------] [------ERT] [---------WND] <
      > -E-SKILL: [---------] [-----------] [---------] [FLAMETHROWER] <
|                              NOTE ON ENEMIES:                              |
|                                                                            |
| Have an All=Fire combo for the Castanets and an All=Earth combo for the    |
| Crawlers. Also, having an Elemental=Choco/Mog on someone's weapon is ideal |
| for the Ark Dragons. Make sure to Steal a weapon for Tifa, the Grand Glove |
| from the Madouge. You can cast L4 Suicide on them aswell. There are some   |
| fairly strong foes here, so watch out!                                     |

--Items - Long Range Materia, Ether, Tent, Mind Source, Elixir, Hi-Potion

  After witnessing the might of Sephiroth, you'll be able to set foot inside 
the Mythril Mines. My load out looks a little like this:

 1) Cloud - Lv 17 (Front)

     Hardedge      - All=Restore, Sense Steal
     Carbon Bangle - Ice, Poison, Heal

 2) Aeris - Lv 14 (Front)

     Striking Staff - Ice, Fire, Sense, Enemy Skill
     Carbon Bangle  - All=Fire, Lightning

 3) Red XIII - Lv 16 (Front)

     Mythril Clip  - Elemental=Choco/Mog, Restore
     Carbon Bangle - All=Earth, Steal
     Protect Vest

Red XIII will now do additional damage to the Ark Dragons who are weak 
against Wind. Head right first, and in the adjoining screen climb the vine 
that you see on your left and GRAB THAT MATERIA! the [LONG RANGE MATERIA]. 
Bear in mind that the Mythril Mines are re-visitable.

 NOTE - The Long Range Materia acts as if you had equipped a long ranged 
        weapon onto someone. This also applies against flying creatures that 
        normally only Barret etc. would be able to hit.

Make sure to steal a Grand Glove from the Madouge and to learn the Enemy 
Skill Flamethrower from the Ark Dragon here. Head back down the vine and grab 
the green [ETHER] on the floor on the right and the [TENT] from the chest up 
the stairs.
]                                                                            [
] SIDE NOTE - OUR MATERIA LEVELS UP!                                         [
]                                                                            [
] It is always around this point in the game where my first Materia will     [
] level itself up - the All Materia. We can now use the paired spell twice   [
] during battle! Leveling up Materia is crucial to advancing in the game,    [
] pretty soon we're going to see what our upgraded versions of Bolt, Fire &  [
] Ice look will like. When a Materia levels up all the way ('Mastered'), it  [
] will spring fourth a brand new little baby Materia.                        [
]                                                                            [
]  NOTE - The All Materia requires the least amount of AP to master compared [
]         to most other Materias, and given that it sells for a whopping     [
]         1.4 Million gil, it is definitely worth considering mastering as   [
]         many of these as possible!                                         [

Head back to the previous screen and head all the way south east to find a 
chest containing a [MIND SOURCE]. Then head west to the next screen to bump 
into some people we'd really rather not bump into.

Once we've met the new recruit, head north first to an area containing a 
chest with an [Elixir] inside as you enter, and a blue [HI-POTION] to the 
right. Now head back, up the vines and out the exit to the World Map.

 NOTE - The Mythril Mines are a great place to do some Limit Leveling, but 
        I'd hold fire for now, as the forests just up ahead are better in my 
        opinion, but only slightly.

--D1.08 C - Fort Condor (�It seems the Shinra doesn't like the idea of having 
                                             a condor on top of the reactor.�)

>  ENEMIES:                 *************                                    <
>           [NEROSUFEROTH] [    ZEMZELETT] [HELL RIDER VR2] [    FORMULA]    <
>                           *************                                    <
> ------Lv: [----------16] [-----------17] [------------18] [---------16]    <
> ------HP: [---------150] [----------285] [-----------350] [--------240]    <
> ------MP: [----------20] [-----------36] [------------50] [--------100]    <
> -----EXP: [----------53] [-----------70] [------------72] [---------65]    <
> ------AP: [-----------5] [------------7] [-------------8] [----------7]    <
> -----GIL: [---------146] [----------165] [-----------130] [--------120]    <
> ---STEAL: [------------] [-------------] [-----Hi-Potion] [--Boomerang]    <
> ---MORPH: [------------] [----Hi-Potion] [-----Hi-Potion] [Speed Drink]    <
> ----DROP: [---Hi-Potion] [----Hi-Potion] [--------Potion] [--Hi-Potion]    <
> -NULLIFY: [------------] [GRV--WTR--ERT] [--------------] [--------ERT]    <
>----HALVE: [------------] [-------------] [-----------GRV] [-----------]    <
> --DOUBLE: [------------] [----------WND] [--------------] [--------WND]    <
> -E-SKILL: [------------] [---WHITE WIND] [--------------] [-----------]    <
>                                                                            <
>                                                 #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#
>           [CAPPARWIRE] [CHOCOBO  [MYSTERY       <                          |
>                           Lv 19]  NINJA Lv 17]  <     NOTE ON ENEMIES:     |
>                                                 <                          |
> ------Lv: [--------15] [-----19] [----------17] <  We won�t be able to     |
> ------HP: [-------210] [----190] [---------600] <  learn White Wind just   |
> ------MP: [--------20] [-----30] [---------117] <  yet because the         |
> -----EXP: [--------60] [-----10] [---------160] <  Zemzelett must be       |
> ------AP: [---------6] [------1] [----------20] <  manipulated in order    |
> -----GIL: [-------103] [------1] [---------400] <  for him to cast the     |
> ---STEAL: [-----Ether] [-------] [------------] <  move on us, and we      |
> ----DROP: [----Potion] [-------] [------------] <  don't currently have    |
#~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#  the Manipulate Materia. |
|                                                    Also, the Zemzelett can |
| sometimes fly, meaning only long range weapons can harm him. This could    |
| hinder your Elemental=Choco/Mog combo.                                     |
|                                                                            |
| Avoid having a quake combo, and make sure to steal a Boomerang from the    |
| Formula. These sell for 700 gil each, so stock up on a few. Elemental=     |
| Choco/Mog is one effective way of dealing with them, L4 Suicide is         |
| another.                                                                   |
|                                                                            |
| The Capparwire can be found in groups of 5 when training in the forest     |
| area, making this a great place to stop and Limit Break train for a while. |
| They can all be taken out with one Matra Magic Blast.                      |
|                                                                            |
| The Mystery Ninja is actually a recruit-able character, and although she   |
| doesn't have to be recruited just yet it is advisable to recruit her as    |
| soon as possible. Why? No reason. I just like to have her as early as she  |
| is available. Note that her stats are variable depending on Cloud's        |
| current level. If you are a much higher level to the level I currently am  |
| with Cloud (Lv17), then expect her stats to increase. Details on how to    |
| recruit her below. She has a 12.5% encounter rate chance.                  |

--Required gil - 4000 (Reserve)
--Extra        - Carbon Bangle (recruit equipment), Throw Materia (recruit 
                 Fort Condor Battle #1 - Magic Comb

  Just west of us is Junon, our next destination. Before heading over, there 
are a few things to do first. Make your way your way south-west to a weird 
looking structure that is actually a huge bird on top of a reactor (Best 
Bromance - make a party of Barret and Red XIII, no need to swap 

As you enter you'll have to agree to lend a helping hand if you want to step 
inside. Once inside, climb the long ladder rope and talk to the guy sitting 
down. Once you've agreed to help him (Best Bromance - choose option 1, �I 
guess so�, followed by option 1, �All right�), you'll now have access to the 
save point and the beds just below. And, you can sleep for free aswell! 

Head up the ladder on the right hand side for the Item Shop and the Materia 
Shop. *Make sure* to save 4000 gil before deciding to spend frivolously; you 
won't be able to take part in the optional battle otherwise! Stock up on 
Hypers, Tranquilizers, and Phoenix Downs. 10 of each should be enough. If you 
really wanted to you could buy one more Fire, Ice, Lightning and/or Restore 
to complete 3 sets of 'basic' Materia, but I don't think it's necessary; I'm 
not bothering. Plus, as mentioned, you'll need to save 4000 gil as a reserve.

Now head back down the rope ladder and up the ladder to the left. Follow the 
stairs up, it's time to take part in an optional Mini-Game! If you don't 
fancy doing these for whatever reason then I suggest you at least consider 
doing 7 of them due to the prizes that are up for grabs, or at the very least 
]                                                                            [
] SIDE NOTE - THE 'FORT CONDOR BATTLE' MINI-GAME                             [
]                                                                            [
] These Mini-Games are completely optional, and while most of the prizes are [
] fairly boring, some of them are worth getting. After finishing one battle, [
] you will have to wait until you have progressed to a certain trigger point [
] in the main story before you can return to complete the next battle        [
] sequence.                                                                  [
]                                                                            [
]  NOTE - If you miss a battle then the prize you would've won will still be [
]         available on your next battle, it's the final prize that you'll    [
]         be missing out on (if that makes sense). If you complete the first [
]         battle for the Magic comb and don't comeback until say, battle     [
]         eight then you'll still receive the prize for the 2nd battle, the  [
]         Peace Ring (which is a must have).                                 [
]                                                                            [
] Here are the prizes you can win in the order that you win them:            [
]                                                                            [
]  1.) Magic Comb (Weapon for Red XIII)                                      [
]  2.) Peace Ring (VERY useful accessory)                                    [
]  3.) Ether (even though it'll say Trincture)                               [
]  4.) Megalixir                                                             [
]  5.) 5 x Potions (Glitch - you actually get 5 x Hi-Potions)                [
]  6.) 5 x Potions (Glitch - you actually get 5 x Hi-Potions)                [
]  7.) Superball (Weapon for Yuffie)                                         [
]  8.) 3 x Turbo Ethers                                                      [
]  9.) 3 x Turbo Ethers                                                      [
] 10.) 5 x X-Potions (although the game will indicate otherwise)             [
] 11.) 5 x X-Potions (although the game will indicate otherwise)             [
] 12.) 5 x X-Potions (although the game will indicate otherwise)             [
] 13.) 3 x Elixirs                                                           [
] 14.) 3 x Elixirs                                                           [
]                                                                            [
] There is also one final compulsory battle in which you will be rewarded    [
] with the Phoenix Materia. Apart from this last battle, you will need 4000  [
] gil in your wallet to play this game. It won�t cost you 4000 however, you  [
] just need it in your pocket as reserve.                                    [
]                                                                            [
] Strategy:                                                                  [
]                                                                            [
] It's basically a Point-and-Click strategy type game, it's not too          [
] complicated to work out and you really will get the hang of it just by     [
] playing it. All I need to say for now is think of it as a rock paper       [
] scissors type strategy:                                                    [
]                                                                            [
]  440 gil - Attackers - Beats Beast                                         [
]                        Loses to Barbarian                                  [
]                                                                            [
]  440 gil - Defender  - Beats Barbarian                                     [
]                        Loses to Wyvern                                     [
]                                                                            [
]  520 gil - Shooter   - Beats Wyvern                                        [
]                        Loses to Beast                                      [
]                                                                            [
] Set up 2/3 groups of each type in clusters as far down the hill as you are [
] able to. Once the battle has started, press R1 a couple of times to speed  [
] up the battle, then move your units in to play according to which type of  [
] enemy shows. You'll get the hang of it. When the big boss appears at the   [
] end have everyone jump him, and don't let an enemy slip by you, keep the   [
] bunker covered at all times.                                               [
]                                                                            [
]  NOTE - I'll update you with strategy tips as you play it more.            [
]                                                                            [
] If there are any surviving units on the field after the battle has         [
] finished then 200 gil per unit will be refunded back to you, meaning that  [
] once you really get the hang of the strategy you'll be able to defeat the  [
] Shinra fairly cheaply.                                                     [
]                                                                            [
] If the enemies make it to the bunker then you will have to fight the boss, [
] the CMD. Grand Horn. You will not win the prize if this happens, you must  [
] be victorious if you wish to claim the goodies. If you lose any of the     [
] first four battles you'll have to fight the CMD Grand Horn Lv19, after     [
] that it'll be the CMD Grand Horn Lv25. The final battle would throw you    [
] the CMD Grand Horn Lv37:                                                   [
]                                                                            [
]  #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#   [
]  >  ENEMIES: [CMD.              [CMD.              [CMD.               <   [
]  >            GRAND HORN Lv 19]  GRAND HORN Lv 25]  GRAND HORN Lv 37]  <   [
]  >                                                                     <   [
]  > ------Lv: [--------------19] [--------------25] [--------------37]  <   [
]  > ------HP: [------------2000] [------------4000] [------------8000]  <   [
]  > ------MP: [-------------100] [-------------200] [-------------300]  <   [
]  > -----EXP: [-------------200] [-------------400] [-------------800]  <   [
]  > ------AP: [--------------20] [--------------40] [--------------80]  <   [
]  > -----GIL: [------------2400] [------------4800] [------------9600]  <   [
]  > ----DROP: [---Vagyrisk Claw] [----------------] [--Imperial Guard]  <   [
]  #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#   [
]                                                                            [
] I will make you aware of every-time a new battle is available and the      [
] prize that is up for grabs. For now, the prize is the Magic Comb, a Weapon [
] for Red XIII that has DOUBLE GROWTH, meaning any Materia you put on it     [
] will earn double the AP! Whack Heal on there, now!                         [
]                                                                            [
] For a much more detailed guide see section E.06.                           [

 NOTE - The Vagyrisk Claw is a very elusive item to obtain, and it is very 
        worth while considering purposely losing one of the first few battles 
        as to fight the CMD. Grand Horn Lv 19 to obtain one from them.

Once you've finished up at Fort Condor it is now time to recruit an optional 
character, Yuffie! To recruit her you must first defeat her, you'll find her 
wandering in the forest area on your way to Junon. You may encounter her in 
the first battle, it may be the 10th (she has a 1/8 chance of appearing)!. 
You ARE going to want to work on Aeris's Limits here, the Capparwire comes in 
groups of 5!
]                                                                            [
] SIDE NOTE - LIMIT BREAK TRAINING No.4 - Junon Area and the Capparwire      [
]                                                                            [
] This is it folks, the first of two great training spots of the game, the   [
] Junon Area forests. You'll be able to fight 5 x Capparwire here whilst at  [
] the same time obtaining a new character, Yuffie. When you do engage the    [
] Mystery Ninja, make sure to have read the section below to find out how to [
] recruit her. You're also going to want to steal as many Boomerangs as      [
] possible from the Formulas as these sell for 700 gil each!                 [
]                                                                            [
] Try to get Aeris's 2-2 Fury Brand up as soon as possible; the ability to   [
] instantly fill up the other 2 players Limit gauge is key to flying through [
] at least the first stage of your character's Limit Levels. Be mindful of   [
] her 2-1 though, as it will cure your party members of their Fury Statuses. [
] Make sure to have stocked up on Hypers, Tranquilizers & Phoenix Downs. Use [
] Cloud's All=Restore Combo outside of battle to keep yourselves healed,     [
] and should you need to obtain a few Ethers you can steal them from         [
] Capparwire.                                                                [
]                                                                            [
] The most important thing here is to remember not to overdo it, as you      [
] could be in danger of becoming too over-powered otherwise. Try not to let  [
] Cloud get past Lv 20. Also, feel free to revisit the northern cavern of    [
] the Mythril Mine if you like, it's almost as good as the forests, plus I   [
] kinda like the music there as it reminds me of what's to come. Along the   [
] way you should start to level up quite a few pieces of Materia; it's not   [
] just about Limits! Lastly, don't forget to manually set the Limit's when   [
] your characters level up, it's very easily forgotten.                      [

 TIP - Remember to try out variations of battle strategies - you can try 
       having one attacking, one defending and one acting passively, or you 
       could try Physical attacker, Magical attacker and defender...
]                                                                            [
] SIDE NOTE - OBTAINING YUFFIE                                               [
]                                                                            [
] Yuffie can be obtained at almost any area on the World Map where there is  [
] forest, and the longer you wait to find her the more likely she is to      [
] appear. Meaning, that at this stage in the game we may have to battle for  [
] a little while before we get a chance to destroy her. Also note that when  [
] Cloud reaches a certain Level Yuffie's level will increase also, so her    [
] above stats might not be entirely accurate.                                [
]                                                                            [
] Once Yuffie has been defeated you will be taken to a non-World Map screen. [
] DO NOT use the save point, Yuffie will mug you otherwise. In fact, don't   [
] even open the Menus. Choose the following dialogue options to recruit      [
] Yuffie (any deviation will result in having to battle her again and a loss [
] of gil):                                                                   [
]                                                                            [
]  1) �Not Interested.�  (2)                                                 [
]  2) �.....Petrified.�  (1)                                                 [
]  3) �Wait a Second!�   (2)                                                 [
]  4) �....That's right� (1)                                                 [
]  5) �Let's hurry on.�  (2)                                                 [
]                                                                            [
] If done correctly you will be able to name [YUFFIE], then she will become  [
] a member of your team! There are many other areas in which to obtain       [
] Yuffie, for a full run down see section E.07.                              [
]                                                                            [
]  NOTES - When you obtain Yuffie you'll unlock the Shuriken Join Us Trophy. [
]                                                                            [
]        - There is an exploit that can be performed here. Search for        [
]          'Yuffie Warping' for more info.                                   [

   YUFFIE KISARAGI                                                            
  |                                     |                                  |  
  | 1-1  GREASED LIGHTNING              | 2-1  LANDSCAPER                  |  
  |      (default)                      |      (64 kills)                  |  
  |                                     |                                  |  
  |   Attacks opponent with weapon      |   Attacks all opponents          |  
  |   after cutting them                |                                  |  
  | 1-2  CLEAR TRANQUIL                 | 2-2  BLOOD FEST                  |  
  |      (use 1-1 8 times)              |      (use 2-1 7 times)           |  
  |                                     |                                  |  
  |   Restores HP of all allies         |    Continuously attacks all      |  
  |                                     |    opponents                     |  
  |                                     |                                  |  
  |                                     |                                  |  
  | 3-1  GAUNTLET                       | 4 - ALL CREATION                 |  
  |      (128 kills)                    |                                  |  
  |                                     |   Attacks all opponents          |  
  |   Attacks all opponents             |                                  |  
  |                                     | Use the item All Creation        |  
  |`````````````````````````````````````|                                  |  
  | 3-2  DOOM OF THE LIVING             | Found on Disk 1 in Wutai after   |  
  |      (use 3-1 6 times)              | completing the Pagoda Challenge. |  
  |                                     |                                  |  
  |   Continuously attacks all          |                                  |  
  |   opponents                         |                                  |  
  |                                     |                                  |  

So, You've obtained Yuffie, you're content with your Limit Levels and now 
you're ready to continue with the game. Here is what my players looked like 
by the time I was ready to continue:
    Cloud: Lv 19 Limit 2-1 Blade Beam  
   Barret: Lv 17 Limit 2-2 Hammerblow
     Tifa: Lv 18 Limit 1-2 Somersault 
    Aeris: Lv 17 Limit 2-2 Fury Brand
 Red XIII: Lv 18 Limit 1-2 Lunatic High
   Yuffie: Lv 18 Limit 1-2 Clear Tranquil

Before heading to Junon, consider the following set-up for the Boss battle. 
This boss is a flying creature which is why I have Barret and Yuffie, they 
are the only characters that can use Attacks on this beast with their long 
range weapons. And just in case you hadn't noticed by now, nearly all flying 
creatures are weak against Wind and strong against Earth. 

 1) Cloud - Lv 19 (Back)

     Hardedge      - All=Restores, Enemy Skill, Sense
     Carbon Bangle - Lightning, Poison, Long Range
     Protect Vest

 2) Yuffie - Lv 18 (Back)

     Boomerang     - Elemental=Choco/Mog, Heal, Ice
     Carbon Bangle - Lightning, Fire, Steal

 3) Barret - Lv 17 (Back)

     Assault Gun   - All=Restore
     Carbon Bangle - All=Ice, Sense 

 NOTE - We've now reached a stage in the game I feel where we can start 
        putting our Long Ranged characters in the back row, if you haven't 
        already. Also, once we have obtained the 2nd Enemy Skill Materia and 
        the Manipulate Materia we will be heading back to this area to obtain 
        a few things.

|                                                                            |
| {D1.09} - Junon                                                            |
|                                                                            |
| ITEMS:                                                                     |
|        |_|Power Wrist (Boss)  |_|Power Source         |_|Ether             |
|        |_|Shiva Materia       |_|Guard Source         |_|All Materia       |
|        |_|1/35 Soldier        |_|Enemy Skill Materia  |_|Wind Slash        |
|        |_|Mind Source         |_|Speed Source         |_|White Cape (Boss) |
|        |_|Luck Source         |_|1/35 Soldier         |_|Ifrit Materia     |

--D1.09 A - Junon Harbour                   (�Why don't you try asking Tifa?�)

--Items - Power Wrist, Shiva Materia
--Boss  - Bottomswell Lv 23 (Power Wrist)
--Extra - Shiva Materia
          Fort Condor Battle #2 - Peace Ring
          Fort Condor Battle #3 - 3x Ethers

  Junon Harbour can be found on the far west of the continent. Bring up the 
mini-map if you're struggling to find it, or alternatively look in section 
F.01 for a map of the continent. Once you've arrived you can look around if 
you like but there's not much to see. Head west down to the beach area and 
talk to the girl there.

*        ________  ________  ________   ________           ___               *
*       |\   __  \|\   __  \|\   ____\ |\   ____\         |\  \              *
*       \ \  \|\ /\ \  \|\  \ \  \___|_\ \  \___|_        \ \  \             *
*        \ \   __  \ \  \\\  \ \_____  \\ \_____  \        \ \__\            *
*         \ \  \|\  \ \  \\\  \|____|\  \\|____|\  \        \|__|            *
*          \ \_______\ \_______\____\_\  \ ____\_\  \            ___         *
*           \|_______|\|_______|\_________\\_________\          |\__\        *
*                              \|_________\|_________|          \|__|        *
*  _________________________________________   ______________ _____________  *
* |                                         | |              |             | *
* |               BOTTOMSWELL               | | BOSS BATTLE: | 10          | *
* |_________________________________________| |______________|_____________| *
*                                             |              |             | *
* Summon Choco/Mog straight away, then have   | ---------Lv: | 23--------- | *
* Yuffie just attack. Having Yuffie equipped  | ---------HP: | 2500------- | *
* with the Elemental=Choco/Mog combo will     | ---------MP: | 100-------- | *
* make her attacks hit for roughly 210HP!     | --------EXP: | 550-------- | *
* Cloud should be able to attack if you gave  | ---------AP: | 52--------- | *
* him the Long Range Materia, otherwise have  | --------GIL: | 1000------- | *
* him cast his strongest magic, Bolt2 works   | -------DROP: | Power Wrist | *
* well (if you have unlocked it). Have Barret | ----NULLIFY: | ERT-------- | *
* cast Ice2/Fire2, or just attack normally.   | ------HALVE: | GRV-------- | *
* Keep your HP above 150.                     | -----DOUBLE: | WND-------- | *
*                                             |____________________________| *
* Similar to the Reno fight earlier on, this                                 *
* boss can cast a spell that will trap a player inside a bubble, except this *
* time they'll have their health rapidly drop. Also, you'll have to cast a   *
* magic spell to free the afflicted player, as opposed to attacking them     *
* physically. Use Barret's All=Ice or Cloud's Matra magic to damage          *
* Bottomswell and free up the player simultaneously. This boss's Big Wave    *
* attack will sweep across the screen causing damage to all players. Once    *
* defeated, you'll receive the [POWER WRIST].                                *
*                                                                            *

After the battle you'll have to partake a really boring and pointless mini-
game that involves pressing Square.... then pressing Square again roughly 10 
seconds later. Repeat about 6 times. 

Once you've finished reviving Priscilla, head back to town and into the 
southern house after talking to the NPC outside. After choosing to rest, then 
hearing the (mysterious voice) once more, you'll be beckoned by Tifa to see 
what's going on outside.

Head up the flight of stairs that all of your comrades are gathered by to 
talk to Priscilla. She will be so thankful that you rescued her that she will 
give you the [SHIVA MATERIA], a Summon that is best used paired with 
Elemental to give ourselves Ice based attacks.
]                                                                            [
] SIDE NOTE - FORT CONDOR BATTLE No.2                                        [
]                                                                            [
] Make your way back over to Fort Condor should you wish to receive a [PEACE [
] RING]. I highly suggest that you obtain this, even if you don't plan on    [
] completing anymore Fort Condor battles. You must do this before stepping   [
] into the water with Mr Dolphin. Also, make sure to equip Cloud with the    [
] Power Wrist as he'll be running back on his own.                           [
]                                                                            [
]  NOTES - The Peace Ring is slightly glitched. It will read 'Protects       [
]          against [Berserk/Fury/Sadness]' but it will also protect you from [
]          Confusion, and it's the Confusion Status that we really need      [
]          protecting from later on in the game. If you wish to confirm this [
]          for yourself then equip the Peace Ring and go into Status to view [
]          your Status immunities.                                           [
]                                                                            [
]        - If you missed this battle, then you'll still be able to get the   [
]          Peace Ring the next time you partake in a battle.                 [

After everyone has finished spurring Cloud on head back to the beach to go 
swimming with Mr Dolphin. This can be rather tricky if you don't know what 
you're doing, luckily you're reading a walkthrough so you shouldn't really 
struggle. Unless I decide not to tell you. Hmmmmmm.
]                                                                            [
] SIDE NOTE - FORT CONDOR BATTLE No.3                                        [
]                                                                            [
] This time your reward will be an Ether, even though the game will tell you [
] that you have received a 'Tincture'. You must complete this after getting  [
] in the water with Mr Dolphin but before jumping up onto the beam.          [
]                                                                            [
] Remember that the Vagyrisk Claw is extremely difficult to come by, and if  [
] wish to obtain one you must fight the CMD. Grand Horn before four battles  [
] have taken place.                                                          [
]                                                                            [
]  Strategy Update - You'll have to fight more Shinra troops this time, so   [
]   it may be advisable to slow down the speed gauge then speed it back up   [
]   accordingly to the situation. Go all out on the offensive, as soon as    [
]   you see an enemy appear send your troops out to them, don't wait for     [
]   them to come to you. Remember - If you see a beast send an Attacker, if  [
]   you see a Barbarian send a Defender and if you see a Wyvern send a       [
]   Shooter. Lastly, your troops will auto-attack the enemy, you don't have  [
]   to keep commanding them to attack each turn.                             [

Once you've made it onto the beam (It was the very southern part of the 
screen, near the centre btw), climb up the ladder to the left to see a nice 
FMV of the Highwind!

--D1.09 B - Junon                            (�Stop that stupid horse laugh.�)

--Items        - 1/35 Soldier x 2, Mind Source, Luck Source, Power Source, 
                 Guard Source, Enemy Skill Materia, Speed Source
--Required gil - 6000+
--Extra        - 5000 Gil OR 6 x Ether OR 6 x Potion, OR Grenade
                 Force Stealer OR HP Plus Materia OR Silver Glasses

  Head south and then over to the chest to find out that it isn't actually a 
chest but a switch to operate the platform. Head down into the compound and 
then into the changing room to the NW. After you've gotten changed make sure 
to save your game to the east before continuing.

The south east exit leads to a cargo lift that we could go down now but we 
wouldn't be allowed to exit at the other end (it leads back to Junon 
Harbour). Head west and follow the troops until you have to go through a back 
alley. The following mini-game can be rather annoying to get the hang of, a 
youtube vid would explain it far better than I can in writing, but I'll give 
it a go anyway.
]                                                                            [
] SIDE NOTE - JUNON 'TV RATING'S' MINI-GAME                                  [
]                                                                            [
] Where you position Cloud isn't crucial, it's the timing of your button     [
] pushing that will make the TV ratings soar. Ignore the instruction from    [
] the other troop, you don't want to run around the back. Just run in a      [
] straight line south roughly 1 second after you are told to and start       [
] *walking* left when you are roughly in position. Try to start pushing      [
] confirm as soon as you can, but don't button bash! Space them out every    [
] 3/4 of a second or so. If you time it right the points will shoot up every [
] time you press confirm.                                                    [
]                                                                            [
] Here are the prizes up for grabs:                                          [
]                                                                            [
]  <22% - 1 x Grenade                                                        [
]   22% - 39% - 6 x Potions                                                  [
]   40% - 50% - 6 x Ethers                                                   [
]  >50% - 5000 gil                                                           [
]                                                                            [
] If you're struggling with this then just settle for the Ethers. You should [
] have plenty of gil if you've been following my Limit Training advice, I    [
] had 11,000 gil at this stage, you can also sell the Ethers for 750 gil     [
] each if you're desperate.                                                  [
]                                                                            [
]  NOTE - PS4 players - use the D-Pad here. Hold down cancel to run into     [
]         position, then release cancel to begin walking. Using the analogue [
]         stick is too tricky.                                               [

After the parade has finished you'll watch a scene involving Rufus and 
Heidegger, then you'll have a multiple choice dialogue option. It doesn't 
matter which one you choose, the outcome will be the same. 

You will now have to practise for a mini-game that we'll have to play shortly 
(yes, FF7 is jam packed full of mini-games).

 NOTE - Make sure to have the original controls for this bit. If you had 
        messed with the controls earlier then you'll have to work out which 
        command corresponds to which button according to your button 

Now it' time to do a bit of shopping! Save if you wish and head back into 
Upper Junon. I'll number bullet point each shop , 1 being the first shop we 

1) Materia Shop. Talk to the guy outside to enter, and buy from him a Seal 
   Materia (3000 gil) and a Revive Materia (3000 gil). You'll want to start 
   Leveling up Revive straight away. When a player is KO'd, remember that 
   you can use Revive outside of battle under the 'Magic' sub-menu.

2) Head into the back alley to enter the Weapon Shop. If you've been 
   following my guide exactly then you should have obtained all but one 
   of the weapons that are available here (Diamond Pin). Buy what you need to 
   buy, and don't forget to sell all of your surplus Boomerangs, I had 4 to 
   sell. There's nothing to do in the basement.

3) Item Shop. Make sure to stock up on a few Phoenix Downs, Hypers & 
   Tranquilizers here. If you can afford it try to stock up on a few tents 
   aswell, I left with 4.

4) First head up the stairs and look around for a [1/35 SOLDIER] (does 
   nothing), a [MIND SOURCE] and a [LUCK SOURCE]. Then head to the top floor 
   for a [POWER SOURCE] and a [GUARD SOURCE].

   Now head back down to the ground floor and talk to the Shinra soldier you
   see to descend into Beginner's Hall (Intermediate). GRAB THAT MATERIA! 
   Pick up the [ENEMY SKILL MATERIA] on the bottom right, then if you wish to 
   learn more about the games mechanics you can talk to the NPCs here.

    NOTE - If you hadn't obtained the free Potion from the NPC at the 
           beginners hall in Sector 7, then you can obtain it here by talking 
           to the south-most shimmering NPC. You must have 0 Potions in your 
           inventory to obtain it mind, which makes it pretty pointless, but 
           it's handy to know for those looking for a 'perfect game'.

Now head left 4 screens until you come to Lower Junon, ignoring the T fork 
along the way. You could talk to the guy at the end of the T fork if you 
wanted to find out that the Service lift to the underwater Mako Reactor is 
out of service. Note that you won�t need to equip the second Enemy Skill 
until you get a bit further ahead in the story.

 5) Nothing to do in here other than to talk to some acquaintances.

 6) On the ground floor you can rest and save if you like. The second floor
    is the Materia Shop but isn't as good as the one we previously visited, 
    and the top floor is the Accessory shop. Only if you've got the cash 
    would I suggest buying the Silver Glasses and the Headband for 3000 gil 
    each, they will help a little bit later on.

 7) On the ground floor you'll find a [SPEED SOURCE], and on the second floor 
    you'll find a [1/35 SOLDIER].

 8) Weapon Shop. Not even worth visiting.

Now head back to 6) and save your game, we're about to take part in the 
aforementioned mini-game. Head all the way to the west to the docks to give 
Rufus one hell of a send-off (possible exaggeration).
]                                                                            [
] SIDE NOTE - RUFUS SEND OFF MINI GAME                                       [
]                                                                            [
] This one is much more simple to explain than the previous mini-game. This  [
] time all we must do is press certain buttons as we are instructed to press [
] them. It really couldn't be more simple. Just bear in mind that the 2nd    [
] prize is actually the best prize:                                          [
]                                                                            [
]    0-50 - Silver Glasses                                                   [
]   60-90 - HP Plus Materia                                                  [
]    100+ - Force Stealer                                                    [
]                                                                            [
]  The Force Stealer is a weapon for Cloud that has Double Growth stats and  [
]  can be purchased very shortly on in the game for 2200 gil.                [
]                                                                            [
]  The HP Plus Materia will give you 10% extra HP which will increase by 10% [
]  every time it levels up, meaning that we want to start Leveling it up     [
]  now. Also, it won�t be available until later on in the game (Cosmo        [
]  Canyon) and will cost 8000 gil.                                           [
]                                                                            [
] It really is a no brainer, purposely mess up a few commands so that you    [
] keep the 'mood' below 100. Unless of course you're not bothered by the     [
] extra HP and you'd rather start getting some Double AP from the Force      [
] Stealer. Remember that if you'd completed the first Fort Condor mission    [
] then you'll already have a Double growth weapon for Red XIII, the Magic    [
] Comb.                                                                      [
]                                                                            [
]  NOTE - Once the game has finished you can make Cloud do some rather funny [
]         poses!                                                             [

After the mini-game has finished Heidegger will reward you with your prize. 
There's nothing left to do now other than to head into the cargo ship (notice 
Red XIII hiding in the background).

--D1.09 C - Cargo Ship                        (�....the now.....�)

|                                    >  ENEMIES:                             <
|          NOTE ON ENEMIES:          >           [     MARINE] [SCRUTIN EYE] <
|                                    >                                       <
| The Marines Machine Gun move can   > ------Lv: [---------16] [---------15] <
| inflict Sleep and Darkness onto    > ------HP: [--------300] [--------240] <
| your characters, so if you'd       > ------MP: [---------20] [---------60] <
| bought the Silver Glasses and      > -----EXP: [---------75] [---------80] <
| Headband earlier then you should   > ------AP: [----------8] [----------8] <
| equip them. From now on I'm going  > -----GIL: [--------150] [--------120] <
| to stop pointing which combo's     > ---STEAL: [Shinra Beta] [------Ether] <
| you should use, you can see for    > ----DROP: [--Eye Drops] [------Ether] <
| yourself that the Scrutin Eye is   > -NULLIFY: [-----------] [---ERT--WTR] <
| weak vs Wind, so the Elemental=    > --DOUBLE: [-----------] [--------WND] <
| Choco/Mog is the ideal set up to   #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#
| have on your weapon. I'm sure                                              |
| you're all experienced enough now to develop your own strategies and       |
| tactics! Oh, steal a few Shinra Betas aswell, and don't forget about L4    |
| Suicide.                                                                   |

--Items - Ether, All Materia, Wind Slash, Ifrit Materia
--Boss  - Jenova-BIRTH Lv 25 (White Cape)

  Open the chest you see on your left for an [ETHER]. You won�t be able to 
grab the All Materia that you see because it is blocked by none other than 
Yuffie (if you'd recruited her)! You can talk to all of your comrades here to 
affect their feelings towards you, although they'll be in disguise (Best 
Bromance - When talking to Yuffie, select option 2, �Nope�, when talking to 
Aeris select option 2, �I dunno...�, and when talking to Tifa select option 
2, �I don't know�. Make sure to engage in these optional conversations).

Head upstairs and chat to the people on board, you'll eventually find Red 
XIII by the save point. There will be a man on the lower left side that is 
blocking our way for now. After talking to Red XIII head back down to the 
lower deck to talk to Aeris again. When you check upstairs again you'll find 
that the man blocking our path has disappeared.

After a small amount of commotion you'll be able to pick your team again. 
First choose the same team that you had going into Junon Harbour (Barret & 
Yuffie) and remove their Armours and Accessories. Then speak to one of the 
characters that you didn't choose to re-assign your party again. I chose Tifa 
and Red XIII for the following Boss Battle:

 1) Cloud - Lv 20 (Back)

     Hardedge      - All=Restore, Steal, Shiva
     Carbon Bangle - All=Lightning, Long Range (The All is obtained shortly)

 2) Tifa - Lv 18 (Front)

     Grand Glove   - Elemental=Choco/Mog, Restore, Enemy Skill
     Carbon Bangle - All=Ice, HP Plus
     Silver Glasses

 3) Red XIII - Lv 18 (Front)

     Magic Comb    - Revive, Heal, Steal
     Carbon Bangle - All=Fire, Sense
     Power Wrist

You can talk to one of the crew on the top deck here to shop for Potions & 
Phoenix Downs and also to restore your HP/MP for 250 gil. When you are set up 
head back to the lower decks and grab the [ALL MATERIA] that was previously 
blocked by Yuffie (or not). Equip this to Cloud if you're going with my 
advised set-up, then head through the previously blocked door to the north.

Once inside the Control room you will encounter enemies. Use the Seal Materia 
to send the Marine to sleep then steal a few Shinra Betas from them; a piece 
of Armour that has 4 Materia slots but weak Magic Defence. Equip them if you 
want and then fill up your new slots with Materia as to keep them Leveling up.

Before talking to the Red Captain, head up the ladder and follow the cat walk 
round to a chest containing the [WIND SLASH], a weapon for Yuffie that has 
Double Growth! Then make your way back around and down the ladder. Make sure 
you have stolen a few Shinra Betas before continuing, then heal up then talk 
the Captain to engage in a Boss Battle with an abnormal sound track!

*        ________  ________  ________   ________           ___               *
*       |\   __  \|\   __  \|\   ____\ |\   ____\         |\  \              *
*       \ \  \|\ /\ \  \|\  \ \  \___|_\ \  \___|_        \ \  \             *
*        \ \   __  \ \  \\\  \ \_____  \\ \_____  \        \ \__\            *
*         \ \  \|\  \ \  \\\  \|____|\  \\|____|\  \        \|__|            *
*          \ \_______\ \_______\____\_\  \ ____\_\  \            ___         *
*           \|_______|\|_______|\_________\\_________\          |\__\        *
*                              \|_________\|_________|          \|__|        *
*  __________________________________________   ______________ ____________  *
* |                                          | |              |            | *
* |               JENOVA-BIRTH               | | BOSS BATTLE: | 11         | *
* |__________________________________________| |______________|____________| *
*                                              |              |            | *
* Open up with Shiva then just keep using your | ---------Lv: | 25-------- | *
* strongest magic. Flamethrower does a nice    | ---------HP: | 4000------ | *
* amount of damage here, as does Beta if you   | ---------MP: | 110------- | *
* were able to obtain it. This battle is       | --------EXP: | 680------- | *
* fairly straight forward, just make sure your | ---------AP: | 64-------- | *
* HP is above 400 as Jenova has some really    | --------GIL: | 800------- | *
* powerful attacks. I'd be surprised if you    | -------DROP: | White Cape | *
* struggled with this one, especially if       | ----NULLIFY: | GRV--PSN-- | *
* you've been training your characters up as I |___________________________| *
* have. Once you have annihilated Jenova you                                 *
* will be rewarded with the [WHITE CAPE], which will massively come in handy *
* later on.                                                                  *
*                                                                            *

After the Battle has finished you will have the option to let Cloud explain 
the story to date. Before leaving, GRAB THAT MATERIA! the [IFRIT MATERIA], 
then head out of the Control room to finally arrive at Costa Del Sol. If you 
missed Ifrit here then you *won't* get another opportunity to obtain it. (Did 
anyone else notice that Sephiroth's speech boxes had no name above them? 

|                                                                            |
| {D1.10} - Costa Del Sol & Mt. Corel                                        |
|                                                                            |
| ITEMS:                                                                     |
|         |_|Power Source       |_|Star Pendant       |_|Tent                |
|         |_|Fire Ring          |_|Turbo Ether        |_|Mind Source         |
|         |_|Motor Drive        |_|Transform Materia  |_|Power Source        |
|         |_|Wizard Staff       |_|Phoenix Down x 10  |_|Ether               |
|         |_|W Machine Gun                                                   |

--D1.10 A - Costa Del Sol       (�Have you ever had the feeling something is 
                           calling you, or that you had to visit some place?�)

>  ENEMIES:                                                    ***********   <
>                                                              ***********   <
> ------Lv: [-----------16] [-----------15] [-------------14] [---------16]  <
> ------HP: [----------550] [----------330] [------------110] [--------200]  <
> ------MP: [-----------60] [-----------40] [-------------20] [--------100]  <
> -----EXP: [-----------88] [-----------77] [-------------66] [---------95]  <
> ------AP: [-----------10] [------------8] [--------------6] [---------10]  <
> -----GIL: [----------220] [----------110] [-------------55] [--------155]  <
> ---STEAL: [-------------] [-------------] [---------------] [-----------]  <
> ---MORPH: [-------------] [-------------] [---------------] [Turbo Ether]  <
> ----DROP: [----Hi-Potion] [----Hi-Potion] [---------Potion] [--Hi-Potion]  <
> -NULLIFY: [GRV--ERT--WTR] [GRV--ERT--WTR] [--GRV--ERT--WTR] [-----------]  <
> -E-SKILL: [-------------] [-------------] [---------------] [--BIG GUARD]  <
>                                                                            <
|                              NOTE ON ENEMIES:                              |
|                                                                            |
| You won�t be able to obtain the Big Guard Enemy Skill until you have       |
| obtained the Manipulate Materia. The Grangalan will spawn in the Grangalan |
| Jr, then the Grangalan Jr will spawn in the Grangalan JR JR x 3. They can  |
| be quite annoying, try to take out the Grangalan quickly to avoid          |
| unnecessary battles. You can only engage the Beachplug on the beach.       |

--Items        - Power Source, Fire Ring, Motor Drive
--Required gil - 1150

  When you regain control of Cloud head into the Villa across the bridge. You 
can talk to the owner here to find out that he is selling the place and will 
offer to sell it to you for a whopping 300,000 gil! Obviously we can't afford 
it now, but when we do eventually buy it we will be able to sleep here for 
free (hardly seems worth it). Head downstairs to rob some items, a [POWER 
SOURCE], a [FIRE RING], and a [MOTOR DRIVE] which is a Double Growth weapon 
for Tifa!

 NOTE - A few scenes here will play out slightly differently depending on who 
        is and isn't in your party at the minute. Also, you could buy a few 
        Platinum Bangles from the guy in the bar (to the left), or you could 
        wait to steal them a little later on. They do have Double Growth 
        slots, so you may wish to buy a few now to start reaping their 

You can have a look around now if you want, enter the house next to Red XIII 
(interact with the ball for jokes) and you can talk to (Johnny) once more. 
Back outside you can talk to the girl behind the counter next to the Inn to 
buy some Softs. I recommend stocking up on a minimum of 6.

Head down to the beach when you're ready to talk to a certain somebody, then 
head out of Costa Del Sol to the World Map by heading underneath the bridge 
in the previous screen. Set yourselves up with whoever you see fit, I'm 
taking Aeris & Yuffie.

 NOTE - We are going to be obtaining our first Lv4 Limit Break item quite 
        soon on - the Great Gospel for Aeris, so she'll be staying in my team 
        for now. I want to get her to Limit Level 3 asap. Here was my set-up 
        heading out:

 1) Cloud - Lv 20 (Front)

     Hardedge    - All=Restore, Earth, Steal
     Shinra Beta - All=Lightning, Cover, Cover

 2) Aeris - Lv 18 (Back)

     Striking Staff - Elemental=Choco/Mog, Seal, Enemy Skill
     Shinra Beta    - All=Poison, HP Plus, Long Range
     Power Wrist

 3) Yuffie - Lv 19 (Back)

     Wind Slash  - Revive, Heal, Restore
     Shinra Beta - All=Ice, Sense, Steal
     Protect Vest

Start making your way south west towards the river then follow the winding 
path right and then over a bridge until eventually you'll wind up at the 
entrance to Mt. Corel. Note that whilst crossing the bridge you may encounter 
the Needle Kiss and/or Cokatolis as noted below.

--D1.10 B - Mt. Corel/North Corel    (�Don't waste your time talkin' to that 

>  ENEMIES:                                                                  <
>                                                                            <
> ------Lv: [---------17] [-------17] [----------16] [----------16]          <
> ------HP: [--------180] [------420] [---------150] [---------450]          <
> ------MP: [---------40] [---------] [----------30] [----------60]          <
> -----EXP: [---------75] [-------97] [----------80] [---------110]          <
> ------AP: [----------8] [-------10] [-----------8] [----------11]          <
> -----GIL: [--------130] [------168] [---------111] [---------120]          <
> ---STEAL: [-------Soft] [-----Soft] [-Turbo Ether] [-Diamond Pin]          <
> ---MORPH: [-----Remedy] [-----Soft] [---Hi-Potion] [Guard Source]          <
> ----DROP: [-Bolt Plume] [-----Soft] [---Hi-Potion] [---Hi-Potion]          <
> -NULLIFY: [---ERT--LHT] [---------] [------------] [----FRE--GRV]          <
> ---HALVE: [-----------] [---------] [---------FRE] [------------]          <
> --DOUBLE: [--------WND] [---------] [------------] [---------ICE]          <
>                                                                            <
>                                    #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#
>           [BLOATFLOAT] [     BOMB] <            NOTE ON ENEMIES:           |
>                                    <                                       |
> ------Lv: [--------18] [-------18] <  As you can see, Fire seems to be a   |
> ------HP: [-------240] [------600] <  common enemy strength as does Earth. |
> ------MP: [----------] [-------30] <  Stick to Wind and Ice Elements.      |
> -----EXP: [--------90] [------150] <  Watch out for the Cokatolis, they    |
> ------AP: [---------9] [-------20] <  can Petrify you (that's what the     |
> -----GIL: [-------125] [------192] <  Softs will be used for). The Needle  |
> ---STEAL: [------Soft] [Right Arm] <  Kiss uses Lightning based attacks,   |
> ---MORPH: [-Hi-Potion] [-Shrapnel] <  and will Nullify your Bolt attacks.  |
> ----DROP: [-Hi-Potion] [-Shrapnel] <  The Bloatfloat has a powerful move   |
> -NULLIFY: [-------ERT] [-FRE--ERT] <  called Spiky Hell, so watch your HP. |
> --DOUBLE: [-------WND] [---------] <  Make sure to steal a weapon for Red  |
#~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#  XIII, the Diamond Pin from the       |
|                                       Bagnadrana. The Search Crown and the |
| Bagnadrana are susceptible to L4 Suicide. Be wary of the Bomb also, as     |
| they will explode causing massive damage when their health falls past 25%. |

--Items - Wizard Staff, W Machine Gun, Star Pendant, Turbo Ether, Transform
          Materia, Phoenix Down x 10, Tent, Mind Source, Power Source

  As you enter you'll see a man sitting by a rock. Talk to him to learn that 
Sephiroth has passed through this way. As you make your way forward you'll 
come across another Mako Reactor, it is here that you will encounter the 
Bagnadrana, so make sure to steal a Diamond Pin from it (steal a few, they 
sell for 650 gil). 

In the next screen along you can make your way around and back to the open 
area near the reactor if you want, but there really is nothing to do there. 
Instead, head along the bridge to the next screen to find a save point.

As you progress you will be prompted to press confirm to jump across a gap in 
the tracks. *Don't jump*. Instead, allow yourself to fall and as you are 
falling rapidly press confirm whilst holding Left and you will land on the 
side containing the [WIZARD STAFF] (Double Growth weapon for Aeris). The next 
time you fall tap confirm and hold Right for the [STAR PENDANT]. There are 
three of these falls in total so if you do mess one up you will get one extra 

Head to the upper tracks first to find a chest containing a Double Growth 
weapon for Barret, the [W MACHINE GUN]. Then head back down to the lower set 
of tracks and as you progress you'll be able to double back to pick up the 

Now head along the upper right path. If you were to take the lower path you 
could to talk to your team mates to PHS if you wanted. Head along upper the 
bridge and into the small shack to operate the lower bridge.

Before heading back, climb up the side wall that *isn't* indicated with a 
green arrow. It's just to the south and on the right from where the shack 
was, and you'll hear chirping when you're in the right place. Here you will 
have the option to leave or take some treasure. If you take the treasure you 
will have to fight a Cokatolis. Your companions will dislike you for it but 
you will receive 10 [PHOENIX DOWN'S] (note that their affection rating isn't 
affected by this action)!

Now head back to the previous screen and make your way to the lower side of 
the tracks. Then head to the right side of the screen and take the left fork, 
then follow it round to find a well hidden crevice containing a [TENT], [MIND 

Now make your way back and take the right fork to find yourself on a long 
bridge. Watch out for the bomb here, he has a suicide move that can do a lot 
of damage. Try to steal a few Right Arms from them, they will prove 
invaluable later on. I left with 5. Head south to the other side of the 
bridge to enter into North Corel.

After a rather rude greeting, we'll be able to talk to the guys behind the 
counters on the lower left. Here is where we can buy the Force Stealer for 
Cloud if you didn't win it from Heidegger at the Rufus send-off. Stock up on 
a few Cornucopias and Maidens Kiss's, and if you like you can sleep for 50 
gil on the top level. Feel free to sell any surplus Diamond Pins that you 

 NOTE - Thanks to Ultimate Steve for this one. There is an extremely obscure 
        item hidden here that very few know about. Enter the far right house. 
        See the vase on the top right corner? You have to wait for the woman 
        on the left to move, then stand next to her and when she moves again 
        she will walk around you leaving you free to search the vase for an 

When you're ready, head outside to the World Map by heading east, then save 
your game. There's nothing to do out here just yet, so after you've saved 
head back through North Corel to the left to arrive at the rope-way station 
to the Gold Saucer. Listen to Barret's story, then hop on the cart for a cool 

 NOTE - If you wanted to, you could make your way out to obtain the Aqualung 
        Enemy Skill, but there wouldn't be much need (especially if you had 
        obtained Beta). Aqualung is a powerful Water based attack, and if you 
        were interested in learning it early then skip down to section D1.12 
        A to learn how (the 'Desert' can be found directly south of North 

|                                                                            |
| {D1.11} - Gold Saucer & Corel Prison                                       |
|                                                                            |
| ITEMS:                                                                     |
|         |_|Silver Armlet (Boss)  |_|Ramuh Materia                          |

--D1.11 A - Gold Saucer   (�What you pursue will be yours. But you will lose 
                                                             something dear.�)

--Required gil - 3000
--Extra        - Silver Armlet (recruit equipment), Manipulate Materia 
                 (recruit equipment), Transform Materia (recruit equipment)

  Welcome to the Gold Saucer. The entrance fee is 3000 gil, or you can buy a 
lifetime pass for 30,000 gil. I'm expecting you to not have a spare 30,000 
knocking about, so just buy the single pass for now. Note that like many 
things in the Gold Saucer, you have to pay for the save point using GP. GP 
being the currency used here and it is obtained either by playing arcade 
games in the Wonder Square or by winning at the Chocobo Races.
]                                                                            [
] SIDE NOTE - CONVERTING GIL INTO GP EASILY                                  [
]                                                                            [
] Very uncommonly you'll see a man standing beside the save point who will   [
] convert 100 gil into 1 GP, with a maximum of 100 GP for 10,000 gil. To     [
] save any confusion, this man will NOT appear until you are at a certain    [
] point on Disk 2. A lot of people tend to waste time here running back and  [
] forth from screen to screen trying to make him appear on Disk 1, all in    [
] vein.                                                                      [

As you enter into the foyer you'll have some dialogue to read, then Barret'll 
storm off through the Wonder Square portal. Pick one character that you'd 
like to accompany you then follow Barret through the giant hole to the Wonder 
Square (Best Bromance - Speak to Tifa first then choose not to go with her. 
it doesn't matter who you choose after that, so long as you have declined 
Tifa first. Only speak to Tifa first if you've been following my guide to the 
very letter, if you've made a few mistakes then talk to Aeris first and tell 
her not to go with you).

 NOTE - There is a lot to do in the Gold Saucer, and when the time is right I 
        will guide you through to all of the places of interest. For now 
        however this is going to be a relatively short visit.

When we get to the Wonder Square We'll meet a new character [CAIT SITH]. Once 
he has joined your party you can look at his Materia to see that you have now 
obtained the Manipulate Materia! Yesss. Feel free to head further into the 
Wonder Square, there are a number of mini-games to play here. Again, we will 
be visiting this area more in depth a little later on.

 NOTE - If you can master the Super Dunk game now you can save a bit of time 
        later on. Try to save up as much GP as possible, you'll need it for 
        the Battle Square (If you happen to be using an emulator you can 
        quite easily rack up loads of GP very quickly here due to the fact 
        that you'd be able save and load your state. You could also then buy 
        the Golden Ticket from the clerk by the Arm Wrestling machine).

You can (optionally) head over to the Speed Square to speak to the owner of 
the Gold Saucer to learn a few things about our adversary. Then head over to 
the Battle Square and after a few scenes have played out you will get thrown 
down the Gateway To Heaven (why couldn't Cloud have just used Bolt?).

   CAIT SITH                                                                  
  |                                     |                                  |  
  | 1-1  DICE                           | 2-1  SLOTS                       |  
  |      (default)                      |      (40 kills)                  |  
  |                                     |                                  |  
  |   Every 10 levels Cait Sith gains,  |   Similar to Tifa's Limit only   |  
  |   an extra die is added with a      |   this time it's more like a     |  
  |   maximum of six. The sum of the    |   fruit machine. If all 3 slots  |  
  |   dice times by the quantity of     |   are different then Cait Sith   |  
  |   'repeat' numbers times by 100     |   will use Toy Box which will    |  
  |   will be the resulting damage      |   cast one of 7 different basic  |  
  |   total. So, 1,2,2,2,4,6 would be:  |   attacks. If all three should   |  
  |   17 x 3 x 100 = 5100 damage        |   match, however:                |  
  |                                     |                                  |  
  |++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++                                  |  
  |                                                                        |  
  |   3 x STARS - The party's HP/MP & Status is fully restored.            |  
  |                                                                        |  
  |   3 x CROWNS - Attacks all enemies for heavy damage.                   |  
  |                                                                        |  
  |   3 x BARS - A random Summon will be used.                             |  
  |                                                                        |  
  |   3 x MOG - Cait Sith turns into a giant!                              |  
  |                                                                        |  
  |   3 x HEARTS - Lucky Girl. Every player will have 100% critical hits.  |  
  |                                                                        |  
  |   3 x CAIT SITH - All enemies are instantly killed                     |  
  |                                                                        |  
  |   2 x CAIT SITH 1 x BAR - All allies are instantly killed, Game Over.  |  
  |                                                                        |  

--D1.11 B - Corel Prison                 (�...Don't ever make her....cry....�)

>  ENEMIES:                                                                  <
>           [  BANDIT] [     2-FACED] [    LAND WORM] [    CACTUAR]          <
>                                                                            <
> ------Lv: [------17] [----------18] [-----------22] [---------20]          <
> ------HP: [-----360] [---------330] [---------1500] [--------200]          <
> ------MP: [--------] [----------80] [-----------80] [---------20]          <
> -----EXP: [------99] [---------110] [----------400] [----------1]          <
> ------AP: [------10] [----------10] [-----------40] [----------1]          <
> -----GIL: [-----220] [---------156] [----------256] [------10000]          <
> ---STEAL: [X-Potion] [Phoenix Down] [--Turbo Ether] [-----------]          <
> ---MORPH: [--------] [------------] [----Fire Fang] [--Hi-Potion]          <
> ----DROP: [----Tent] [---Hi-Potion] [--------Ether] [-----------]          <
> --ABSORB: [--------] [------------] [----------ERT] [-----------]          <
> -NULLIFY: [--------] [---------ERT] [-------------] [ALL BUT PSN]          <
> ---HALVE: [--------] [------------] [-----FRE--GRV] [-----------]          <
> --DOUBLE: [--------] [------------] [----------ICE] [-----------]          <
>                                                                            <
>            ***********   ***************  #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#
>           [  BULLMOTOR] [     DEATH CLAW] <        NOTE ON ENEMIES:        |
>            ***********   ***************  <                                |
> ------Lv: [---------19] [-------------19] <  You'll find Bandits and 2-    |
> ------HP: [--------420] [------------400] <  Faced in the Town area, Land  |
> ------MP: [---------96] [------------120] <  Worms & Cactuars in the main  |
> -----EXP: [---------92] [-------------96] <  Desert and Bullmotors & Death |
> ------AP: [----------9] [-------------10] <  Claws on your way to the      |
> -----GIL: [--------140] [------------168] <  scrapyard. Bandits can Mug    |
> ---STEAL: [---X-Potion] [Platinum Bangle] <  you so disperse of them       |
> ----DROP: [------Ether] [------Hi-Potion] <  quickly. Cactuars have        |
> -E-SKILL: [MATRA MAGIC] [----------LASER] <  enormous amounts of gil but   |
#~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#  make a very rare appearance   |
|                                              and can be quite hard to      |
| kill, L4 Suicide does the trick. Try to manipulate the Land Worm to steal  |
| a Turbo Ether or two. Make Sure to steal a few Platinum Bangles from the   |
| Death Claw as it is a piece of armour that has Double Growth! Make sure to |
| have both Enemy Skills equipped so you can learn Laser - a move that will  |
| lessen an opponent's HP by half. You can also learn Matra Magic for your   |
| second E-Skill. Lastly, try to steal a few X-Potions from the Bullmotor,   |
| they'll come in handy for later.                                           |
|                                                                            |
|  NOTE - Various sources suggest that one can encounter a Griffon here, not |
|         to be confused with the Griffin that can be fought it the Cosmo    |
|         area. I myself have never seen one, but if someone can confirm for |
|         me that they are indeed found here then be sure to let me know and |
|         I will update this section.                                        |

--Boss - Dyne Lv 23 (Silver Armlet)

  What a terrible judicial system the Gold Saucer has! No trial or nothing!?! 
Now that we have seen what Barret may be capable of, it's time to find out 
what his side of the story is. Head south to have a quick moment with the 
troubled fella, then follow him south to the next screen.

Unless you're planning to use Cait Sith, I suggest removing his Silver 
Armlet. If you wanted to you could head into the lorry to the south to have a 
quick chat with Mr Coates about possibly leaving the prison, and you can also 
rest up in the cab of the truck for free. Head into the south eastern house 
to buy a few items, and when you're ready to continue head into the larger 
house just north of the previous one (this happens to be the same house from 
the flashback).

Now you'll see another flashback that will uncover certain truths to the 
whole story. Select your 3rd party member then set yourselves up something 
like this: (Note that you can talk to your other team mates to re-select your 
party) (Best Bromance - choose Red XIII to accompany you and Barret. *DO NOT* 
choose Aeris, as she gains a huge boost if you do, and you'll have completely 
ruined your progress so far)

 1) Cloud - Lv 21 (Front) 

     Hardedge    - All= Fire, Revive, Heal   
     Shinra Beta - All=Restore, Earth, Steal

 2) Red XIII - Lv 20 (Back) 

     Diamond Pin   - Elemental=Shiva, Seal, Enemy Skill
     Silver Armlet - All=Lightning, Manipulate, Long Range
     Power Wrist

 3) Barret - Lv 19 (Front)

     Atomic Scissors - Poison, Restore, HP Plus, Steal
     Shinra Beta     - All=Ice, Enemy Skill, Sense 
     Protect Vest

 NOTES - Make sure that Barret doesn't have the empty Enemy Skill equipped.

       - The southern house has a bar where you can buy a few worthless 
         items. It's not really worth visiting.

Once you're all set make your way north. Here you'll see a well, you can take 
a look inside if you wish but there's not much to see other than an empty 
chest. The skeleton that you see here is actually the remains of a the 'Test 
0' enemy. This well was basically a testing ground for the Developers, and in 
the original Japanese version you could still fight these test enemies here; 
they had extremely high amounts of HP and would not attack. There is also a 
very weird looking hidden 'Red Man' hiding in the background layers of the 
graphics. Trivia over.

You'll have a choice in which way to go next; take the left path to continue 
on with the story (scrapyard), or take the right path to engage in some 
optional battles with the Land Worm to try and steal some Turbo Ethers, and 
the Cactuar to try and earn some gil (10,000 per battle). Note that after a 
dozen screens or so a Chocobo carriage will appear to take you back to the 
central prison. Also, you may end up randomly appearing at the scrapyard 
(left path).

 NOTE - Once you have finished up with Corel Prison you will never be able to 
        return to it. You will however be able to return to the desert to 
        fight the Land Worm and Cactuar again, so if you don't want to battle 
        them now then that's fine. You can come back once you have obtained 
        the Enemy Skills Big Guard and White Wind. The scrapyard cannot be  

Take the left path and then follow the fence through the opening to the north 
of the fissure to wind up in the scrapyard. Do not go into the next screen 
until you have obtained all of the Steals and Enemy Skills that you plan to 
obtain (Platinum Bangle, Laser and Matra Magic). Remember you can manipulate 
your foes to make them cast the spell of your choice, on the party member of 
your choice. If you don't get the Laser E-Skill here then you won�t be able 
to obtain it until you reach disk 3, and you really are going to want to 
learn it here as it depletes an enemies HP by 50%.

 NOTE - As with the Steal Materia, the Manipulate has a higher chance of 
        success the higher the users Lv is.

If you'd set up Barret as I'd advised earlier then you shouldn't need to swap 
anything around, otherwise bear in mind that the following Boss battle is a 
Barret only battle, so make sure Barret has the 'better' Enemy Skill 
equipped, and that he has full HP. Head north and you'll engage with one of 
Barret's old friends. Unfortunately, things don't quite turn out for the best.

*        ________  ________  ________   ________           ___               *
*       |\   __  \|\   __  \|\   ____\ |\   ____\         |\  \              *
*       \ \  \|\ /\ \  \|\  \ \  \___|_\ \  \___|_        \ \  \             *
*        \ \   __  \ \  \\\  \ \_____  \\ \_____  \        \ \__\            *
*         \ \  \|\  \ \  \\\  \|____|\  \\|____|\  \        \|__|            *
*          \ \_______\ \_______\____\_\  \ ____\_\  \            ___         *
*           \|_______|\|_______|\_________\\_________\          |\__\        *
*                              \|_________\|_________|          \|__|        *
*  _______________________________________   ______________ _______________  *
* |                                       | |              |               | *
* |                 DYNE                  | | BOSS BATTLE: | 12            | *
* |_______________________________________| |______________|_______________| *
*                                           |              |               | *
* Dyne isn't too tough of Boss, just make   | ---------Lv: | 23----------- | *
* sure to keep your HP above 300 and you    | ---------HP: | 1200--------- | *
* should be O.K. Start the fight by         | ---------MP: | 20----------- | *
* Poisoning him and then just blast him     | --------EXP: | 600---------- | *
* with your best magic. Ice2 works well     | ---------AP: | 55----------- | *
* here, Laser doesn't. Make sure to         | --------GIL: | 750---------- | *
* prioritise your health, Dyne has a few    | -------DROP: | Silver Armlet | *
* moves that he can pull off in rapid       | ----NULLIFY: | GRV---------- | *
* succession and if you're not careful he   |______________________________| *
* could get the better of you. Keep Barret                                   *
* in the back row, and with not a lot of HP Dyne shouldn't pose too much of  *
* a threat. After the battle you'll be rewarded with the [SILVER ARMLET].    *
*                                                                            *

--D1.11 C - Chocobo Racing to Freedom!    (�Why don't you get his autograph?�)

--Items - Ramuh Materia

  Once the battle has finished you'll have a few touching scenes followed by 
an amount of dialogue including a lesson on how to ride Chocobos. When you 
finally regain control of Cloud in the Jockey's room, GRAB THAT MATERIA! 
You'll be able to make out the shining [RAMUH MATERIA] at the top right of 
the screen (grab it). We now have a Lightning based Summon, hoo-rah(muh)! If 
you missed it here then it is lost forever and you'll have to reload your 

After all the Jockeys have left Ester will come and grab you to enter you 
into the race. You can listen again on how to ride a Chocobo, or you can 
listen to my expert advice:
]                                                                            [
] SIDE NOTE - CHOCOBO RACING                                                 [
]                                                                            [
] The main thing to remember is to keep R1+R2 held down at all times, this   [
] will gradually refill your Stamina bar. As soon as the race begins press   [
] Select to gain manual control of the Chocobo, then press Square a number   [
] of times until he is running as fast as he can go. With R1+R2 held down he [
] should still be regaining Stamina, so every now and then hold down O in    [
] short bursts to sprint, making sure to save enough for the final dash.     [
] Once you and Number 2 have crossed the finish line you can press Start to  [
] end the race. It really isn't too hard, but if you do lose you will be     [
] able to try again until you win.                                           [

After the race you'll be told that there is a gift waiting for us... A buggy 
(along with the Chocochampion Trophy)! We can now cross Deserts and Rivers! 
That, accompanied by the fact that we now have the Manipulate Materia means 
that there is a world of side-quests for us to now do! Bear in mind that you 
can still engage in random battles whilst driving around in your buggy.

|                                                                            |
| {D1.12} - Optional Sidequests No.1                                         |
|                                                                            |
|                                                                            |
| QUESTS:                                                                    |
|                                                                            |
| A - E-Skill Aqualung   E - Fort Condor Battle 4  I - Stealing Turbo Ethers |
| B - E-Skill Big Guard  F - E-Skill Flamethrower  J - Gold Saucer Stuff     |
| C - Mythril            G - E-Skill Beta          K - E-Skill Frog Song     |
| D - E-Skill White Wind H - Junon Power Battles                             |
|                                                                            |
| ITEMS:                                                                     |
|         |_|Mythril            |_|Umbrella           |_|Enemy Lure          |
|         |_|Bolt Ring          |_|Champion Belt      |_|Sprint Shoes        |

--D1.12 A - Obtaining The Enemy Skill Aqualung

>  ENEMIES:                                      **************  [CHOCOBO    <
>           [FLAPBEAT] [    JOKER] [   SPENCER] [         HARPY]      Lv 22] <
>                                                **************              <
> ------Lv: [------18] [-------18] [--------17] [------------18] [-------22] <
> ------HP: [-----330] [------370] [-------250] [-----------800] [------220] <
> ------MP: [------60] [---------] [----------] [-----------200] [------100] <
> -----EXP: [-----140] [------150] [-------110] [-----------148] [-------10] <
> ------AP: [------15] [-------30] [--------11] [------------14] [--------1] <
> -----GIL: [-----186] [------260] [-------175] [-----------210] [--------1] <
> ---STEAL: [T/S Bomb] [---------] [Saraha Nut] [Striking Staff] [---------] <
> ---MORPH: [T/S Bomb] [---------] [----------] [--------Elixir] [---------] <
> ----DROP: [T/S Bomb] [Hi-Potion] [Saraha Nut] [-----Hi-Potion] [---------] <
> -NULLIFY: [-----ERT] [------ERT] [----------] [--------------] [---------] <
> ---HALVE: [--------] [---------] [----------] [-----------GRV] [---------] <
> --DOUBLE: [-----WND] [------WND] [----------] [--------------] [---------] <
> -E-SKILL: [--------] [---------] [----------] [------AQUALUNG] [---------] <
>                                                                            <
|                              NOTE ON ENEMIES:                              |
|                                                                            |
| The Harpy can be found if you have the Chocobo Lure Materia equipped and   |
| you are on Chocobo tracks. It can also be found by driving in your buggy   |
| around the desert. The joker has a move that can kill you in one, so watch |
| out. If you were to explore the beaches you would find Beachplugs &        |
| Grangalans.                                                                |

  From leaving the Desert, head east towards the peninsula that contains 
Chocobo tracks. Make sure to have the Chocobo Lure Materia equipped and 
battle around until you meet the Harpy (or alternatively you could just drive 
around in the desert on the World Map). They are reasonably powerful, you can 
Manipulate it if you like, or just wait for it to cast Aqualung. Make sure to 
have both Enemy Skills equipped, and make sure to have full HP as Aqualung 
could take you out in one hit.

 NOTE - There are only two magic spells that we can cast that are water 
        based, Aqualung being one of them and the other being the Leviathan 
        (Summon) Materia.

--D1.12 B - Obtaining The Enemy Skill Big Guard 

--Enemies - Beachplug

  Now head to the Beach Area either near the Desert or near Costa Del Sol to 
fight with the Beachplugs. Manipulate one and then have it cast Big Guard on 

This is probably one of the best Enemy Skills in the game. It will cast 
Haste, Barrier & MBarrier on all of your players! Although at 56MP it may 
seem a little pricey, eventually you'll get to a point where the cost won�t 
seem so steep. When your players have levelled up you'll find yourself using 
this move more and more often.

--D1.12 C - Obtaining The Mythril

--Items - Mythril, Bolt Ring

  Head north over the river to head back to Costa Del Sol. Drive your buggy 
straight into Costa from the World Map, then head back to the harbour. Talk 
to the guy you see in front of the ship and he'll charge you 100 gil to stow 
you (and your buggy) back to Junon.

Once at Junon head right one screen to talk to the air conductor flapping his 
arms about. He'll call in a helicopter that'll take you all the way to the 
World Map for free!. Now make your way back to the forest area we were 
training in before, then cross the river that you see. Keep heading north 
east to come to a cave.

Inside this cave is the Sleeping Man. Talk to him for a random game stat. The 
stat we're after is our battle count. If he tells you something else then run 
out then back in again to hear him give us a different stat. When I came here 
he told me that I'd fought 193 times.

If the last two digits are the same he'll give you one of two prizes, the 
prize depends on whether the last two digits are odd or even. If they are 
even then he will give you the [BOLT RING] which is an accessory that 
nullifies Lightning attacks and can be bought again later on disk 2. You will 
not receive the Bolt Ring if the last two digits are 00, and he will not give 
you more than one.

If the last two digits are odd then he'll give you the Mythril, which is what 
we came here for. If you got lucky and you are nearer to your kills being odd 
as opposed to even then you don't have to battle around for the Bolt Ring 
unless you really want to, it's not that great of an accessory. The Mythril 
will be used a little later on to obtain an incredibly valuable item.

 NOTE - If you want to complete your inventory list, but don't want to battle 
        around for ages then know that you'll be able to buy one from Mideel 
        on Disk 2.

Whilst battling around to get your kill count up you're going to want to do 
some Limit Training in the nearby forests. If your kill count is way out, 
then read below to obtain the Enemy Skills White Wind & Flamethrower, just 
make sure not to forget about your kill count.

--D1.12 D - Obtaining The Enemy Skill White Wind

--Enemies - Zemzelett

  Whilst battling around you're going to want to learn White Wind from the 
Zemzelett right outside the Sleeping Man's cave. Manipulate it then have it 
cast White wind, a move that'll heal all of your party members and clear them 
of any Statuses all for 34MP, a very valuable Enemy Skill indeed!

 NOTE - The amount of HP healed is equal to the casters current HP. So in 
        other words, always have the person with the highest HP cast White 
        Wind. Also, casting White Wind on Undead creatures will not only harm 
        them but will also Petrify them, which is nice to know.

--D1.12 E - Fort Condor Battle No. 4

  This time your reward will be 1 Megalixir. Be warned, the battles are 
starting to get a little bit tougher now. Make sure to stock up on an few 
Tents, Hypers and Tranquilizers before heading out. This will become 
unavailable once you set foot in Cosmo Canyon.

--D1.12 F - Obtaining The Enemy Skill Flamethrower

--Enemies - Ark Dragon

  You should have already obtained this once so you'll know where to get it 
from. Note that the Ark Dragon only appears in the northern rooms of the 
Mythril Mines.

--D1.12 G - Obtaining The Enemy Skill Beta

--Boss - Midgar Zolom Lv 26

  If you've already beaten the Zolom before then you should find it much, 
much easier now, especially seeing as you have Laser which will drop its HP 
by 50%. You're still going to want to take the following precautionary 

 1) Make sure to have filled everyone's Limit gauge up all the way. 
    Manipulating an Ark Dragon and using Flamethrower is the best way to do 

 2) Make sure to have given everyone Tranquilizers to inflict them with 
    Sadness. This will make them take 30% less damage, which is crucial.

 3) Make sure to have the Fire Ring equipped and Elemental=Fire on someone's 
    armour. It's the only way to survive Beta unless you have Aeris's 3-1.

 4) Make sure *not* to have both Enemy Skill Materias attached to one person 
    if one of the Enemy Skills has already learned Beta.

 5) Make sure to have everyone in the back row.

This is the set-up I had:

 1) Cloud - Lv 23 (Back) 

     Force Stealer - Revive, Heal, Ice        
     Shinra Beta   - All=Restore, Poison, Enemy Skill
     Fire Ring   

 2) Red XIII - Lv 21 (Back)  

     Diamond Pin   - All=Restore, Sense, Lightning
     Silver Armlet - Elemental=Fire, HP Plus, Long Range

 3) Barret - Lv 20 (Back) 

     W Machine Gun - Seal, Transform, Earth
     Silver Armlet - All=Lightning, Ice, Sense
     Power Wrist 

Some of the Materia are equipped just for the sake of equipping them. Use a 
Tent and then save!

*        ________  ________  ________   ________           ___               *
*       |\   __  \|\   __  \|\   ____\ |\   ____\         |\  \              *
*       \ \  \|\ /\ \  \|\  \ \  \___|_\ \  \___|_        \ \  \             *
*        \ \   __  \ \  \\\  \ \_____  \\ \_____  \        \ \__\            *
*         \ \  \|\  \ \  \\\  \|____|\  \\|____|\  \        \|__|            *
*          \ \_______\ \_______\____\_\  \ ____\_\  \            ___         *
*           \|_______|\|_______|\_________\\_________\          |\__\        *
*                              \|_________\|_________|          \|__|        *
*  ____________________________________________   ______________ __________  *
* |                                            | |              |          | *
* |                MIDGAR ZOLOM                | | BOSS BATTLE: | 09 B     | *
* |____________________________________________| |______________|__________| *
*                                                |              |          | *
* Provided you learnt the Laser Enemy Skill at   | ---------Lv: | 26------ | *
* the scrapyard in Corel Prison you should be    | ---------HP: | 4000---- | *
* fine, as Laser will deplete 50% of its targets | ---------MP: | 348----- | *
* current HP. Note that even though the Midgar   | --------EXP: | 250----- | *
* Zolom is programmed to use Blown Away after    | ---------AP: | 25------ | *
* its HP has fallen below 2000, it *cannot* use  | --------GIL: | 400----- | *
* the move as a counter attack on the first or   | ------MORPH: | X-Potion | *
* second uses of Laser, however it will use      | ENEMY SKILL: | BETA---- | *
* Blown Away the third time Laser is used. Beta  |_________________________| *
* will be used as a counter attack the fourth                                *
* time Laser is used. So long as the Enemy Skill bearer isn't the third      *
* player to attack the Zolom, he/she/ won't get flicked away. Once you have  *
* used Laser 4 times, feel free to cast Beta to finish off the Midgar Zolom! *
*                                                                            *

Once the battle is done remember to relieve you players of their Sadness. The 
reason that they're sad is because we can't cross the marsh to learn L4 
Suicide from Mu, unless of course you're prepared to defeat the Zolom 
multiple times, which isn't too difficult in all honesty, I was able to make 
it across within three battles.

Just as a reference, here is the Materia set-up that I had after battling the 
Midgar Zolom:

 1) Cloud - Lv 24 (Front) 

     Force Stealer - Earth, Revive, Heal   
     Shinra Beta   - All=Restore, Fire, Steal

 2) Tifa - Lv 21 (Back)  

     Grand Glove   - Elemental=Shiva, Long Range, Transform
     Silver Armlet - All=Lightning, Enemy Skill, Manipulate
     Power Wrist

 3) Red XIII - Lv 21 (Front) 

     Magic Comb    - Poison, Steal, HP Plus
     Silver Armlet - All=Restore, Enemy Skill, Sense
     Protect Vest

--D1.12 H - Experience & AP Grinding in Junon

|                                 >  ENEMIES:  *************                 <
|         NOTE ON ENEMIES:        >           [DEATH MACHINE] [      SLALOM] <
|                                 >            *************                 <
| Keep your HP topped up and      > ------Lv: [-----------35] [----------37] <
| heal after every battle,        > ------HP: [---------2500] [--------1600] <
| that's my main advice. This is  > ------MP: [----------150] [----------30] <
| a brilliant place to level up   > -----EXP: [----------900] [---------700] <
| people's X-2 Limit Break,       > ------AP: [-----------80] [----------70] <
| aswell as their Materia and     > -----GIL: [---------1200] [--------1500] <
| Experience. Smoke Bombs are     > ---STEAL: [W Machine Gun] [--Smoke Bomb] <
| great item to stock up on too.  > ---MORPH: [-------------] [---Hi-Potion] <
|                                 > ----DROP: [-------------] [Deadly Waste] <
|                                 > --ABSORB: [-------------] [---------PSN] <
|                                 > -E-SKILL: [--MATRA MAGIC] [------------] <

  Make your way back to Junon in your buggy and drive into the Town. You can 
rest for free in the house on the left as you enter, you could also ride on 
the back Mr Dolphin all the way to the Cargo Ship. If you did that then you 
would be missing out on an amazing training spot!

Head to the main elevator shaft and pay the guy there 100 gil to ride it to 
the top. SAVE YOUR GAME! We're about to fight some of the hardest enemies 
available at this point in the game. Keep heading west until you come to the 
T Fork. Head west to see a bunch of Shinra being drilled. To the left of them 
is a red panel, activate it to set off the alarm. You can now fight the Death 
Machine and the Slalom.

The important thing here is not to over-kill it, I only stayed for 3-4 
battles or so. If you experience grind too much now then you'll just end up 
becoming over powered, subsequently making the game way too easy. This is an 
excellent way to level up your Materia though, the Slaloms comes in 3's which 
will give you 210AP per battle, that's 420 if you've equipped a Double Growth 
weapon! That's Crazy AP for where we are in the game. Make sure to try to 
steal as many Smoke Bombs as you can, they'll massively help for the Battle 
Square at the Gold Saucer. I left with 4.

If you like you can also take the tram that Rufus and Heidegger rode up on 
earlier, but there really is nothing much to see up there. When you're ready 
to continue, head over to the Cargo Ship to ride to Costa Del Sol Once more.

--D1.12 I - Stealing a Turbo Ether or Two

--Enemies - Land Worm, Cactuar

  Now that we have the Enemy Skills Big Guard and White wind it would be 
advisable to consider heading back into Corel Desert on your buggy to try to 
steal some more Turbo Ethers from the Land Worms. You don't have to steal 
bucket loads, it's just good to stock up on a few of these now seeing as they 
cannot be bought from any shop. I left with 7. Have someone Manipulate it 
while someone else casts Big Guard and you should be able to steal these with 

You can always return here once you've been to the Gold Saucer and acquired 
the Champion Belt, an accessory which will give us +30 Strength and +30 
Vitality! Remember to equip the Elemental=Shiva combo and you'll be 
destroying these Land Worms with ease!

 NOTES - I'm using Shiva as opposed to Ice due to the fact that Ice will give 
         you a -1 Strength penalty whereas Shiva will not.

       - If you come across a Cactuar, smile, they drop 10,000 gil, which 
         will massively help a little later on. Cast L4 Suicide on them.

Once you've had enough simply run for 12 screens or so and eventually a 
Chocobo Cart will escort you back to your buggy on the World Map.

(Thanks to PMMCL for this Turbo Ether trick, I wouldn't have known about it 

--D1.12 J - Gold Saucer Stuff

--Items - Umbrella, Champion Belt, Enemy Lure Materia, Sprint Shoes
--Extra - Turtle Paradise Poster #3

  For now, I'll only go into a short amount of detail regarding each section 
of the Gold Saucer. I'll make sure to include everything you need to know for 
know, but if you want a complete rundown then visit section E.08. As a 
reminder, head north from Corel Desert to find North Corel, then head through 
the ropeway to get to the Gold Saucer (remember about the map section F.02).

Before heading into the Gold Saucer strip everyone down of their Materia and 
Armour, then set Cloud up like this:

 Cloud - Lv 25 (Back)

     Force Stealer - Heal, Restore, Enemy Skill
     Silver Armlet - All=Lightning, HP Plus, Long Range
     White Cape

The White Cape and Poisona will come in handy for the Battle Square, and I'm 
only using the Force Stealer because it has the best stats; the Double Growth 
matters not. 

Now rest up at North Corel so that you enter into the Gold Saucer with full 
HP/MP. Head up the rope-way and pay the 3000 gil to get inside (unless you 
obtained a Gold Ticket earlier, highly doubtful. If you do have over 30,000 
gil, I suggest holding onto it for the shops at Cosmo Canyon).
The thing to point out is that the main reason we are here is to claim the 
prizes that are available at the Battle Square. The only problem is that we 
have to pay GP to fight as opposed to gil (10GP a fight). The other problem 
is that once we leave the Battle Square our BP (Battle Points) become 
invalid. Meaning, we'll have to make sure to have saved up enough GP prior to 
entering the Battle Square, and making sure that we have enough time to 
acquire what we're after in one sitting (roughly 1 & a half hours).

Before we get to the Battle Square, I'd like to give you a quick description 
of the other areas there are to visit:

 Chocobo Square - Pop in, have a look, pop right back out again. If you like 
    you can put a quick bet on but you'll soon realise why it's pointless 
    coming here now. The Chocobo races only become worthwhile once you've 
    obtained your own Chocobos, which won�t be until Disk 2. Note that there 
    are certain Materia's that can only be obtained within the Chocobo 
    Square, the only one that is available to us now being the Enemy Away 
    Materia. And the chances of us getting this now are sooo slim...

    Also note that the Chocobo Races are the only way to gain GP at the moment 
    other than the Wonder Square, so if you get tired of the Super Dunk game 
    then you could always try your luck here!

     UPDATE - I have worked out a formula that has a 40% chance of winning a 
              bet at the Chocobo races. Use QSI Link [Chocobo Square] for 
              more details.

 Ghost Square - This is basically the scariest hotel you'll ever spend the 
    night in. Here you can rest for 5 GP, you can stock up on a few items and 
    you can also read the [Turtle Paradise Poster #3]. Make sure to read 

 Round Square - Nothing much to do here other than to waste 3GP on a ride 
    that will show you the sights of The Gold Saucer. Don't bother, it's a 
    waste of time.

 Speed Square - This is where you'll want to go if you've got any left over 
    GP. for 10GP you can play a roller coaster shoot-em-up game where you have 
    to shoot flying targets for points. If you score over 3000 points then 
    you'll receive either a Super Sweeper, 1/35 Soldier or a Masamune Blade. 
    All of which are completely useless and do absolutely nothing.

    If you are just that good enough however, and you can score 5000+ then you 
    will receive the [UMBRELLA], a weapon for Aeris that has very high attack 
    power, but no Materia slots. You have to be insatiably skilled (or using 
    an emulator) to pull that off though, you have to hit almost every single 
    target. Tip for the space ship at the end - just keep tapping confirm 
    without letting your bar run down more than an eighth (or less) and he 
    should pop right at the last second for 1000 points. There are a few 
    targets remaining after him aswell. A youtube would help here more than I 
    could, nevertheless, see section E.08 G for more details.

     NOTES - PS4/PC users - you can shoot something called the Zeppelin 
             propeller to gain a crazy amount of points! It appears to the 
             right just after the giant red 'frog' type thing, and can be 
             quite hard to hit.

           - There is a glitch that occurs on the PS4 version that involves 
             you getting stuck at the giant UFO part. If this happens, you 
             must change the PS4's system clock to a date *after* 5th Dec 
             2015, but before 1st Jan 2016. This should fix the glitch (it 
             did with me). Thank you Elatreus for finding the fix! 
             Additionally, you don't have to quit the game first, you can 
             change the system's clock whilst 'stuck', and when you re-open 
             the application you'll become un-stuck (not 100% confirmed; 
             works for some).

 Event Square - This is where shows and concerts are held, and right now 
    there's a phat lot of nothing going on.

 Wonder Square - This is where the GP will be coming from for now. The most 
    efficient way of gaining GP is with the Super Dunk game, but I think I'll 
    give you a very quick rundown of the games that are on offer:

    Arm Wrestling - You earn 1 GP for beating the Sumo Wrestler and 2GP for 
                    beating the Wrester. Complete waste of time.

 NOTE - Talk to the woman standing next to the Arm Wrestling machine to 
        exchange your GP for prizes (if you wanted to). There will be more 
        prizes available later on in the game, for now the only item of 
        interest is the Golden Ticket (300GP), but to be honest you'd be 
        better of saving your GP for the Battle Square and buying the Golden
        Ticket for 30,000 gil later on. the '??????' prize is a Carob Nut
        which is very easily obtained elsewhere.

    Super Dunk - 
        This is where the real grind wants to come from. You'll very quickly 
        get the hang of what to do here, just hold down O for roughly half a 
        second and then release. I find it easier to maintain the zone by not 
        concentrating on the game at all, I'll be reading my E-Mails on my 
        phone in one hand while pressing O with the other. I've managed to 
        chain the maximum of 44 a few times this way, netting a nice 300GP 
        each time. This takes quite a bit of practise though..

     NOTE - Thank xPsychoMantis a huge amount for this!
            Go to and set it to 120 BPM. It 
            will take a while to get used to but eventually you will start to 
            find a rhythm where you'll be scoring every time. It also helps 
            greatly if you mute the Gold Saucer backing music. Simply push O 
            for one beat. Try not to over think it; in fact try to think 
            about something else while you are playing. Look away from the 
            screen and nod your head slightly to the beep, but don't close 
            your eyes.

            Another way to master the Super Dunk is to look at the ball in 
            relation to Cloud's front hair-spike.

    Wonder catcher - 
        Again, complete waste of time (almost).

    G-Bike - 
        (You guessed it) This is basically the same game as the one we played 
        whilst escaping from Midgar, only now when we take out the other 
        bikers we gain points. The first time you play this you will always 
        receive a Speed Source, so it is highly recommended that you play at 
        least once. You'll receive 2GP for scoring 5000+ and 10GP for scoring 

        PS4 players - score 10,500 or more to unlock the Corel's Angel Trophy.

    Crystal Fortune - 
        This will tell you something that is relevant to your current 
        progression in the story, and will change every time you hit a 
        certain trigger point in the game.

    Mog's House - 
        Complete this game and you'll receive 30GP, but only once. You'll get 
        no reward for completing it a second time. It's fairly simple really, 
        you just have to keep feeding Mog until his belly stops rumbling (5 
        nuts). Then do it again (3 nuts). Viola! Make sure to talk to the 
        girl standing by the machine to claim your prize.

    3D Battler - 
        Rock, Paper, Scissors type game that can be incredibly difficult to 
        beat. Defeating the 2nd guy nets you 3GP, the 3rd guy 30GP and the 
        4th guy 300GP, but he's that notoriously difficult to beat that the 
        5th guy is more of a joke than an opponent, he's completely invisible 
        and cannot be beaten.

 Battle Square - As previously mentioned, your BP will remain valid until you 
    leave the Battle Square. So, before heading into the Battle Square, make 
    sure to have saved up a decent whack of GP, I'd say 150-200 should be 
    plenty, and make sure to have saved your game aswell (using the save point
    at the entrance to the Gold Saucer that costs 5GP). If you mess up and 
    run out of GP whilst falling a few thousand BP short of the required 
    amount (46,080), then the last thing you want is to have to accumulate 
    all of that hard earned GP again. 

     NOTE - Use QSI Link [Battle Square] to view an in-depth explanation to 
            everything the Battle Square has to offer.

    MAKE SURE to talk to the woman standing at the bottom of the stairs 
    leading up to the Battle Square, she'll say 'I like fighters, but not 
    ones that are all talk'. Make sure that she has said this.

    To fight at the Battle Square you must first pay 10GP, then you'll be 
    placed into 8 consecutive battles receiving random handicaps after each 
    battle. The higher the handicap, the higher the BP reward, but only the 
    final two really make an impact on your overall BP. The enemies here are 
    all ones we've faced before, and none of them pose much of a threat. For 
    a full listings of which enemies are likely to appear look in section 
    E.08 D. Just note that the enemies will increase in difficulty eventually, 
    so it's worth taking advantage now of the weaker enemies now. 

    The main thing to point out is that for the first 6 fights you're going 
    to want to try to get the easiest handicaps, but for the final two you 
    are going to want to try to get the more extreme handicaps. if you see 
    'All Materia Broken' pop up then try to get it, you'll get 10,000BP if you 
    do so on the final battle. 'Magic Materia Broken' will also net you 
    decent amount. Avoid 'Cure' or 'Lucky Seven' on your final 2 fights. 
    Also, a handicap can appear more than once, so don't try to save the 
    'best' handicaps for later as the h/cap that you get will have no affect 
    whatsoever on the following reel; it's all scripted in from the beginning.
     NOTE - You can slow the reels down by tapping square.

    If you were able to steal some Smoke Bombs earlier from the Slaloms then 
    you could use them to escape from the Battle Arena whilst retaining all 
    of you BP. This is particularly useful if you're on the final battle, 
    you've received the 'All Materia Broken', you're up against a Harpy and 
    you think you may lose. Try to have beaten all 8 battles at least once, 

     NOTE - Using a Smoke Bomb will constitute as an escape, so if you're 
            looking for that 'perfect game', then don't use them (the 
            sleeping man that gives us the Mythril will tell you your escape 

    When in battle cast Big guard straight away. Even though the Barrier and 
    MBarrier will run out quite quickly, the Haste effect will last for the 
    whole 8 fights. The enemies will have more HP than before and will 
    deliver more damage, so watch your HP. If you'd equipped the White Cape 
    earlier as advised then you don't have to worry about the Frog/Small 
    Status ruining your day. If you find that all of your attacks are missing 
    for some reason then it's probably because you've been Fury'd by the Sword 
    Dance and you need to use a Tranquilizer (or cast White Wind).

    If you get the 'All Materia Broken' or 'Independent (Purple) Materia 
    Broken' handicap then remember to change Cloud into the front row (if you 
    had placed him in the back previously). Then, Unless you're planning on 
    healing I suggest just holding down confirm, you'll auto-attack that way 
    without wasting any time. Make sure to have full health when fighting the 
    Harpy aswell, his Aqualung can take you out in one hit of you're not 
    careful. If you were able to accumulate any Right Arms earlier from the 
    Bombs then they will prove useful here as they will hit all enemies for 
    very high damage. Lastly, any Enemy Skills that you learned within the 
    Battle Square will not keep.

    You need to save up a total of 46,080BP, 40,960BP for the Champion 
    Belt, an Accessory that will really turn the tide in your favour, and 
    5120BP for the Enemy Lure Materia which will make grinding A LOT quicker 
    down the line as 2 mastered versions of these will stack with each other.
    I suggest using any leftover BP on buying a few Shrapnels which will 
    really help out when certain handicaps have removed our ability to 
    damage all opponents. We shall return later on to get the Pre-Emptive 
    Materia and the Speed Plus Materia. The Fury Ring can be bought a little 
    later on. The items used whilst battling within the Battle Square are 
    perishable btw, but your HP and MP will reset back to whatever they were 
    before you went into the battle. Also, if you were to steal an item 
    whilst in the Battle Square then it would keep once the battle has 

    If you were able to win all 8 battles then on your way out make sure to 
    talk to the woman at the bottom of the stairs again and she will be so 
    impressed that you were able to beat the Battle Arena that she will 
    reward you with the [SPRINT SHOES], an EXTREMELY useful accessory that 
    will automatically put a character into Haste!

There will be a new set of prizes up for grabs quite soon in the game, for 
now though just try to obtain the Champion Belt (if you're feeling really 
ambitious try to get two!) and the Enemy Lure Materia, then you're good to 
go. If you have got some left over GP then you don't have to worry about 
using it now, it will still be there when you next return to the Gold Saucer 
(unlike BP). You may however wish to try your skills at the Speed Square, if 
you are super-hot at it then maybe you could score 5000 and win the Umbrella 
for Aeris? Otherwise, time to pack up and move onto the next side quest.

Oh, and one last thing, now that you can give +30 Strength to someone equip 
them with Elemental=Shiva and fight a few Land Worms to steal a few Turbo 
Ethers. Equip Cloud (or whoever you have stealing) with the Sprint Shoes and 
you'll absolutely obliterate these things. Here is the Materia set up I have 
for my characters upon leaving the Gold Saucer:

 1) Cloud - Lv 25 (Front)

     Force Stealer - Revive, Heal, Steal     
     Silver Armlet - All=Restore, Poison, Steal
     Sprint Shoes  

 2) Tifa - Lv 23 (Back)

     Grand Glove   - Elemental=Earth, Enemy Skill, Manipulate
     Silver Armlet - All=Fire, Long Range, HP Plus
     Champion Belt

 3) Aeris - Lv 23 (Front) 

     Striking Staff - All=Restore, Lightning, Steal
     Shinra Beta    - All=Ice, Enemy Skill, Sense
     White Cape

 NOTE - These set-ups are purely here as a reference only, you do not have 
        to set your characters up as I have. In fact, I encourage you to 
        experiment with what you can do. When we are about to face a Boss, 
        however, the set-ups that I give then will be more of a suggestion 
        than a reference, but again you can fiddle with it as you see fit. 

--D1.12 K - Obtaining The Enemy Skill Frog Song

    >  ENEMIES:                            *************  [MYSTERY       <
    >           [GAGIGHANDI] [GRAND HORN] [     TOUCH ME]   NINJA Lv 22] <
    >                                      *************                 <
    > ------Lv: [--------19] [--------19] [-----------18] [----------22] <
    > ------HP: [-------480] [-------460] [----------300] [---------800] <
    > ------MP: [--------55] [--------43] [-----------74] [---------150] <
    > -----EXP: [-------173] [-------180] [----------170] [---------240] <
    > ------AP: [--------18] [--------15] [-----------23] [----------40] <
    > -----GIL: [-------220] [-------240] [----------180] [---------800] <
    > ---STEAL: [------Soft] [----------] [------Impaler] [------------] <
    > ---MORPH: [----Remedy] [-Hi-Potion] [-------Remedy] [------------] <
    > --DROP 1: [------Soft] [-Hi-Potion] [Maiden's Kiss] [------------] <
    > --DROP 2: [----------] [--War Gong] [-------------] [------------] <
    > -E-SKILL: [----------] [----------] [----FROG SONG] [------------] <
|                              NOTE ON ENEMIES:                              |
|                                                                            |
| The Touch Me will only be found in the Forests, the Beachplug and the      |
| Grangalan can be found at the beaches. The Gagighandi can cause Slow-      |
| Petrify so be sure to have some Softs with you. MAKE SURE to save before   |
| fighting in the Forests as the Touch Mes have a 6x formation that can      |
| really ruin your day, especially if you'd forgotten to equip the White     |
| Cape. This is the second point in the game where Yuffie can be recruited,  |
| and her stats may vary depending on Cloud's Level. She has a 25% encounter |
| rate chance.                                                               |

  As mentioned, the 6x Frog formation can be incredibly annoying, so make 
sure to save your game and also to have the White Cape on before venturing 
into the forests. Frog song will send your character to sleep and also cast 
frog on them. Not the best of E-Skills to have but certainly not the worst.

If you look to the east you'll be able to see a lone house. There's no-one 
home at the minute so it looks like we'll have to return later! And that just 
about wraps up my optional sidequest section! Even though technically 
speaking Gongaga *is* considered a sidequest and can be skipped, it is 
considered a 'Major' sidequest and as such it gets its own section (as will 
Yuffie's sidequest later on).

|                                                                            |
| {D1.13} - Gongaga                                                          |
|                                                                            |
| ITEMS:                                                                     |
|         |_|Fairy Tale (Boss)   |_|X-Potion           |_|Deathblow Materia  |
|         |_|Titan Materia       |_|White M-Phone                            |

--D1.13 A - The Reactor  (�What I'm looking for is big, large, Huge Materia. 
                                                               You seen any?�)

>  ENEMIES: [FLOWER      [FLOWER      [FLOWER                                <
>               PRONG S]     PRONG M]     PRONG L] [KIMARA BUG]              <
>                                                                            <
> ------Lv: [--------19] [--------19] [--------19] [--------19]              <
> ------HP: [-------550] [-------550] [-------550] [-------700]              <
> ------MP: [--------68] [--------68] [--------68] [--------25]              <
> -----EXP: [-------240] [-------220] [-------200] [-------190]              <
> ------AP: [--------24] [--------22] [--------20] [--------19]              <
> -----GIL: [-------400] [-------350] [-------300] [-------278]              <
> ---STEAL: [----------] [----------] [----------] [Spider Web]              <
> ---MORPH: [----------] [----------] [----------] [-Hourglass]              <
> ----DROP: [Earth Drum] [Earth Drum] [Earth Drum] [-Hi-Potion]              <
> --ABSORB: [-------PSN] [-------PSN] [-------PSN] [----------]              <
> -NULLIFY: [----------] [----------] [----------] [-------GRV]              <
> --DOUBLE: [--ERT--FRE] [--ERT--FRE] [--ERT--FRE] [----------]              <
>                                                                            <
>                          #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#
>           [  HEAVY TANK] <                 NOTE ON ENEMIES:                |
>                          <                                                 |
> ------Lv: [----------21] <  Stocking up on Earth Drums and Spider Webs can |
> ------HP: [--------1600] <  be useful for the Battle Arena. We don't have  |
> ------MP: [----------25] <  the Morph Materia just yet but when we do we   |
> -----EXP: [---------340] <  can return here to gain some Power Sources     |
> ------AP: [----------45] <  from the Heavy Tank. You could also wait until |
> -----GIL: [--------1300] <  Disk 2 when you have retrieved Yuffie's        |
> ---STEAL: [Phoenix Down] <  Conformer... More on that later on. We'll also |
> ---MORPH: [Power Source] <  find the Touch Me here also, so keep the White |
> ----DROP: [---Hi-Potion] <  Cape equipped.                                 |
> -NULLIFY: [---------GRV] <                                                 |

--Items - Titan Materia
--Boss  - Turks: Reno Lv 22 (Fairy Tale) + Rude Lv 23

  You will see Gongaga directly in front of you as you cross the southern 
river from the Gold Saucer Desert. It is a round village surrounded by forest 
(2nd chance to recruit Yuffie). Save and set up your Materia and accessories 
to defend against Fire, as soon as you enter you'll have to fight:

*        ________  ________  ________   ________           ___               *
*       |\   __  \|\   __  \|\   ____\ |\   ____\         |\  \              *
*       \ \  \|\ /\ \  \|\  \ \  \___|_\ \  \___|_        \ \  \             *
*        \ \   __  \ \  \\\  \ \_____  \\ \_____  \        \ \__\            *
*         \ \  \|\  \ \  \\\  \|____|\  \\|____|\  \        \|__|            *
*          \ \_______\ \_______\____\_\  \ ____\_\  \            ___         *
*           \|_______|\|_______|\_________\\_________\          |\__\        *
*                              \|_________\|_________|          \|__|        *
*  _________________________________   ____________ __________ ____________  *
* |                                 | |            |          |            | *
* |            TURKS  02            | |    BOSS    |  RUDE I  |  RENO  II  | *
* |                                 | | BATTLE: 13 |          |            | *
* |_________________________________| |____________|__________|____________| *
*                                     |            |          |            | *
* This is a fairly easy fight even if | -------Lv: | 23------ | 22-------- | *
* you are battling two Turks at once  | -------HP: | 2000---- | 2000------ | *
* this time. Start the battle as you  | -------MP: | 135----- | 80-------- | *
* would any Boss Battle; by using Big | ------EXP: | 720----- | 660------- | *
* Guard. They use a fair amount of    | -------AP: | 70------ | 60-------- | *
* fire based attacks so a Fire Ring   | ------GIL: | 2000---- | 1500------ | *
* wouldn't go amiss, also having the  | -----DROP: | X-Potion | Fairy Tale | *
* Sprint Shoes on someone helps. Rude | --NULLIFY: | GRV----- | GRV------- | *
* is the healer of the two, but don't |____________________________________| *
* finish one off before the other                                            *
* because as soon as one of them has been defeated they'll both run off      *
* together, meaning you won't get EXP, AP etc. for the pair of them. In      *
* other words, wait until both of their health is below 800 then cast Beta   *
* or Aqualung to kill them both in one hit and thus getting the max amount   *
* of rewards. Reno will drop the [FAIRY TALE] for Aeris which has 8 slots!   *
*                                                                            *

When the battle has finished make sure to set up your Materia for Fire based 
attacks, then head to the right. As you make your way down into the ruined 
reactor you'll have to hide from the Shinra whilst listening in on their 

After Scarlett and Tseng have departed, search the spot where Scarlett was 
standing to GRAB THAT MATERIA! - the [TITAN MATERIA]! We now have an Earth 
based Summon! Too bad that a heap of enemies are strong vs Earth, oh well! 
Now make your way back to the crossroads where you met the Turks.

--D1.13 B - Gongaga Village            (�You ever hear of a Zack in SOLDIER?�)

--Items        - X-Potion, White M-Phone, Deathblow Materia
--Required gil - 17,000

 NOTE - (Best Bromance) Make a party of Aeris and Tifa and save your game.

  Make your way left at the first fork and then Right on the second fork. 
Welcome to Gongaga, a broken rundown town, and it's all thanks to the Shinra. 

Head into the first hut on the left to buy two new pieces of Materia - 
Mystify - 6000 gil and Time - 6000 gil. You can buy a Fury Ring for 5000 gil 
which save us having to win it at the Battle Square. You can also buy another 
White Cape here for 5000 gil if you wish (I'm not bothering).
]                                                                            [
] SIDE NOTE - TIME MATERIA                                                   [
]                                                                            [
] You can now cast Haste for 18MP instead of having to use Big Guard, so     [
] whack an All=Time combo on someone and never take it out of your battle    [
] strategy! Also, if you're trying to learn an Enemy Skill from an enemy     [
] that can't be manipulated, you can cast Haste on them to make them attack  [
] you more frequently.                                                       [

You could climb up the pole here for the Weapon Shop, but it doesn't stock 
anything new. Head to the western most hut to rest for 80 gil, and also to 
loot a chest containing an [X-POTION].

Now head into the hut just north of the inn to find another chest containing 
a weapon for Cait Sith, the [WHITE M-PHONE].

Now head to the south eastern huts and enter into the northern hut first to 
stock up on a few items. I suggest leaving with a minimum of 10 Tents, 
Maiden's Kiss's, Cornucopias, Softs & Phoenix Downs. Remember you can sell a 
few Ethers for 750 gil if you must.

Now head into the last hut to find out a little bit about a character named 
(Zack). Again, this scene will play out differently depending on who is in 
your party, and you may need to talk to you friends first before they'll re-
join you. 

 NOTE - (Best Bromance) Leave Gongaga now without talking to Aeris or Tifa. 
        Although their affection value will drop, you'll be missing out on a 
        small amount of dialogue, so If you're keen on hearing what they have 
        to say then you can talk to them now, but then you'll have to re-load 
        your save so that you can completely ignore them (you do have a small 
        margin for error with this trophy by the way).

We're all done with Gongaga now, well almost. Head out of the village and 
this time take the left (and last) fork picking up the [DEATHBLOW MATERIA] 
along the way. 

Head out of Gongaga and travel west through the forest to eventually be able 
to cross a river.

 NOTE - Although Deathblow is a handy Materia to have, it doesn't get its own 
        side note box or anything, just a few line breaks & spaces as it 
        isn't really all that game-changing. You will hit with a critical 
        blow IF you hit; your accuracy drops by 33% (only while you are using 
        Deathblow, selecting your normal attack will still retain its normal 
        accuracy). The best use for Deathblow is when you have your Limit 
        Break up and you�re saving it for a Boss, you can use Deathblow as an 
        alternative to attacking.

|                                                                            |
| {D1.14} - Cosmo Canyon                                                     |
|                                                                            |
| ITEMS:                                                                     |
|         |_|Elixir                |_|Ether        |_|Turbo Ether            |
|         |_|Added Effect Materia  |_|X-Potion     |_|Wizer Staff (Boss)     |
|         |_|Black M-Phone         |_|Fairy Ring   |_|Gravity Materia        |

--D1.14 A - Welcome Home Nanaki (�When it's time for the Planet to die, 
                                            you'll understand that you know 
                                                         absolutely nothing.�)

>  ENEMIES:                                                                  <
>           [    SKEESKEE] [     GRIFFIN] [DESERT SAHAGIN] [      GOLEM]     <
>                                                                            <
> ------Lv: [----------20] [----------21] [------------20] [---------24]     <
> ------HP: [---------540] [---------760] [-----------580] [-------1000]     <
> ------MP: [------------] [----------40] [--------------] [-----------]     <
> -----EXP: [---------222] [---------260] [-----------230] [--------300]     <
> ------AP: [----------22] [----------25] [------------21] [---------22]     <
> -----GIL: [---------222] [---------350] [-----------300] [--------500]     <
> ---STEAL: [Tranquilizer] [Phoenix Down] [--------Potion] [Turbo Ether]     <
> ---MORPH: [-------Hyper] [Phoenix Down] [-----Fire Veil] [-----------]     <
> ----DROP: [-------Hyper] [Phoenix Down] [--------Potion] [--Hi-Potion]     <
> --ABSORB: [------------] [------------] [-----------WTR] [-----------]     <
> ---HALVE: [------------] [------------] [-----------FRE] [-----------]     <
> --DOUBLE: [------------] [------------] [-----------ICE] [-----------]     <
>                                                                            <
>                                          #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#
>           [      BAGRISK] [ CROWN LANCE] <         NOTE ON ENEMIES:        |
>                                          <                                 |
> ------Lv: [-----------19] [----------20] <  The Silver Glasses will help   |
> ------HP: [----------400] [---------440] <  protect you from Darkness from |
> ------MP: [-----------50] [----------70] <  the Desert Sahagin. They can   |
> -----EXP: [----------240] [---------225] <  be hit with L4 Suicide along   |
> ------AP: [-----------30] [----------23] <  with Skeeskee and Crown Lance. |
> -----GIL: [----------275] [---------400] <  You will only find the Crown   |
> -STEAL 1: [---------Soft] [------------] <  lance at the beaches, and the  |
> -STEAL 2: [Vagyrisk Claw] [------------] <  Bagrisk in the rocky area just |
> ---MORPH: [-------Remedy] [Dream Powder] <  west of the Cosmo 'twilight'.  |
> ----DROP: [---------Soft] [---Hi-Potion] <  The Vagyrisk Claw is a rare    |
> --ABSORB: [-------------] [---------LHT] <  item stolen from the Bagrisk,  |
> -NULLIFY: [-------------] [---------ERT] <  and you won't be able steal    |
> --DOUBLE: [-------------] [---------FRE] <  them once you reach level 78.  |
#~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#                                 |
|                                                                            |
| NOTE - If you were to sense the Desert Sahagin then you would discover     |
|        that they are weak against 'Punch'. This is likely to be a mistake  |
|        left in the game accidentally by the developers, as the 5 physical  |
|        Elements - 'Cut / Punch / Hit / Shoot / Shout' were supposed to     |
|        have been phased out of the final edit of the game. See section     |
|        E.05 C for more info.                                               |

--Items        - Elixir
--Required gil - 19,400+
--Extra        - Turtle Paradise Poster #4, Turtle Paradise Poster #5
                 Fort Condor Battle #5 - 5x Hi potions

  Make your way round the mountain side until you eventually come to a huge 
observatory. **DO NOT drive past it**. If you do the buggy will breakdown and 
you will not be able to complete one of the Fort Condor Battles. Park up just 
outside and then enter the Cosmo Canyon, the place that Barret has always 
dreamed of visiting (Best Bromance - make sure that he is in your party as 
you enter)!

?       _______________        _______________        _______________        ?
?       !!TROPHY NOTE!!        !!TROPHY NOTE!!        !!TROPHY NOTE!!        ?
?       ```````````````        ```````````````        ```````````````        ?
?                                                                            ?
?   TROPHY NOTE - MAKE A FRESH SAVE!                                         ?
?                                                                            ?
?   Make a fresh save before entering Cosmo Canyon and don't save over it.   ?
?   If you've mess up your choices for the Best Bromance Trophy then you can ?
?   come back to this point to exploit a glitch that raises Barret's         ?
?   affection each time you use it, just be warned - excessive use if this   ?
?   glitch will make Barret's affection exceed it's cap. If this happens     ?
?   then the trophy will be prevented from popping! See section E.01 B for   ?
?   more details.                                                            ?
?                                                                            ?
?       _______________        _______________        _______________        ?
?       !!TROPHY NOTE!!        !!TROPHY NOTE!!        !!TROPHY NOTE!!        ?
?       ```````````````        ```````````````        ```````````````        ?

As you enter you'll find out that the Cosmo Canyon is actually a home-town of 
one of your companions. If (Nanaki) was in your party when you had entered 
then you'd have to choose another party member temporarily. Once inside you 
could head up the far right ladder to stock up on a few items, but there is 
nothing new here.

 NOTE - The Green Indicator within the item shop signifies that there is 
        another part to the shop. We won't be able to access this however 
        until Disk 2.

In the next house down in-between the two sets of ladders you'll find the inn 
where you can rest for 100 gil. More importantly, you can examine the [Turtle 
Paradise Poster #5] just to the left of the counter. Head to the back room on 
the 2nd floor and examine the left hand side of the couch at the bottom for 
an [Elixir].

Now head up the stairs on the left and talk to Red XIII. He'll explain a 
little bit about himself, then your other two Party members will disperse. 
Follow them up the stairs to a save point and  the [Turtle Paradise Poster 
#4] just left of the counter. Don't bother with Tiger Lily's Weapon Shop for 
now, we'll return here very shortly.

Head to the back of Tiger Lily's Shop to talk to Barret if you like (Best 
Bromance - choose option 1, �Go on�, then option 1, �And then�), then head to 
the left of her shop and up two flights of stairs. 

 NOTE - To exploit the aforementioned glitch to boost Barret's affection 
        rating indefinitely, you would have to pick option 1 followed by 
        option 2, then run out of the room and re-enter. Rinse and repeat. 
        Again, don't exploit it too heavily as doing so would cause Barret's 
        affection to exceed its limit, preventing the Best Bromance Trophy 
        from popping.

The first shop on the right is the Materia Shop, again we'll return here very 
soon (trust me). The second shop is a kitchen, nothing to do here just yet. 
Then large door is sealed and the left exit leads to a viewpoint.

So, head up the ladder and into the observatory to talk to Red XIII and 
Bugenhagen. After a short amount of conversing, you'll have to choose two 
companions to accompany you. Head back down the ladders and run into the 
kitchen (right of the big sealed door). Here you can talk to Cait Sith to 
arrange your party (you could talk to any one of your teammates, Cait Sith 
just happens to be the closest one to talk to).

Once you've selected your party (I chose Barret & Aeris) you can head back up 
to the observatory to view Bugenhagen's machinery.

Once the lesson has finished make your way back down to the entrance to Cosmo 
Canyon to find all of your comrades sat around a giant flame. Before heading 
over to the flame yourself, head into the inn to talk to one of the elders to 
learn a bit about the Ancients. This is the only time in the game you can 
hear this dialogue.

Talk to all of everybody saving Red XIII till last. When you do talk to Red, 
Bugenhagen will turn up wanting to show you something. Form a party and 
follow him up to the big sealed door. When he asks you if you're ready, tell 
him that you are. Once you have gone through the door **TURN AROUND!!!*** 
There's a few thing you'll want to do first:

 NOTE - If you only wanted to do 7 of the Fort Condor battles to obtain all 
        of the unique items available, then it would be absolutely fine for 
        you to sit out the next 3 battles, as the travelling time can be a 
        little bit arduous.
]                                                                            [
] SIDE NOTE - FORT CONDOR BATTLE No.5                                        [
]                                                                            [
] The prize will read 5 x Potions even though you actually receive 5 x Hi-   [
] Potions. Note that there is an extremely tight window in which this battle [
] can be completed, and if your buggy has broken down (because you drove     [
] past the Cosmo Canyon) then this battle is lost forever (forfeiting the    [
] final 'optional' prize; the actual final battle/prize is mandatory). Make  [
] sure that Bugenhagen has unsealed the giant door before heading out.       [
]                                                                            [
] Remember also that on your return through Junon you can hitch a ride to    [
] the World Map using the helicopter, and using Mr Dolphin you can jump      [
] straight to the Cargo Ship (using 'Square' to blow the whistle).           [

Once you've finished the (optional) Fort Condor battle, make a dash over to 
Tiger Lily's Weapon Shop and make a fresh save. Also make sure to have a 
minimum of 19,400 gil on you. Buy the following:

 NOTE - If you're reluctant to sell any of your weapons (which is completely  
        understandable), then you're going to want to save 16,000 gil for the 
        materia shop. It may be that you just buy the weapons for the 
        characters in your party, then buy the remaining equipment after the 
        forthcoming dungeon.

1 x Butterfly Edge   O=O O=O  - Cloud      - 2800 gil
1 x Tiger Fang       O=O O=O  - Tifa       - 2500 gil
1 x Heavy Vulcan     O=O O=O  - Barret     - 2700 gil
1 x Prism Staff      O=O O=O  - Aeris      - 2600 gil
1 x Silver Barrette  O=O O=O  - Red XIII   - 2500 gil
1 x Pinwheel         O=O O=O  - Yuffie     - 2600 gil
1 x Green M-Phone    O=O O=O  - Cait Sith  - 2400 gil
1 x Silver Armlet    O=O O O  - Armour     - 1300 gil
                                   Total - 19,400 gil

If you're selling your weapons head back to the Cosmo Flame and talk to you 
team to change your Party and equip every single one of your characters with 
their new weapons. Equip your selected team with Silver Armlets and everyone 
else with Carbon Bangles. Now arrange your items by 'Type' and get ready to 
sell the following:

 NOTES - This is the second and last time that I plan to sell my weapons, we 
         shouldn't need to worry about gil too much pretty soon. So far we 
         have been collecting Double Growth weapons with 3 Materia slots. We 
         are about to collect Double Growth 4-slotted weapons for everyone, so 
         I'm selling all of my current Double Growth weapons. Also, MAKE SURE 
         to leave a few pieces of armour (Platinum Bangles) to get changed 
         into. Don't sell any of you accessories. Sell anything that isn't on 
         this list at your peril.

* = Unique Item

 Cloud    - Hardedge        -  750 gil | Aeris   - Striking Staff   -  650 gil
            Force Stealer   - 1100 gil |           Wizard Staff     -  900 gil
 Tifa     - Metal Knuckle   -  160 gil | Yuffie  -*4 Point Shuriken -  300 gil
            Mythril Claw    -  375 gil |           Boomerang        -  700 gil
            Grand Glove     -  600 gil |           Wind Slash       - 1000 gil
           *Motor Drive     -  900 gil |
                                       | Cait Sith - Yellow M-Phone -  250 gil
 Barret   - Assault Gun     -  175 gil |             White M-Phone  - 1150 gil
            Atomic Scissors -  700 gil |
            W Machine Gun   - 1000 gil | Other - Mythril Armlet - 175 gil (x2)
                                       |         Carbon Bangle -  400 gil (x1)
 Red XIII -*Mythril Clip    -  400 gil |        *Shinra Beta   -  475 gil (x4)
            Diamond Pin     -  650 gil |         Four Slots    -  650 gil (x1)
            Magic Comb      - 1000 gil |                                       
                                       |                    Total = 16,060 gil

I appreciate that some may have a hard time parting with one of a kind 
weapons that can never be obtained again. If that's you then don't fret, 
there are other ways of earning gil....

Make your way up to the Materia Shop near the unsealed door and to buy two HP 
Plus Materias for 8000 gil each. These things really want Leveling up 
straight away, and although it's setting me back 16,000 gil, it's completely 
justifiable. I'll be returning to purchase the MP Plus's a little later on 
(If you can afford 1 x MP Plus then go right ahead. Equip it on Red XIII).
Here is my set-up going into the cave:

 1) Cloud - Lv 26 (Front) 

     Butterfly Edge - All=Fire, All=Time
     Silver Armlet  - All=Restore, Lightning, HP Plus
     Sprint Shoes

 2) Red XIII - Lv 23 (Back)

     Silver Barrette - Elemental=Ifrit, Enemy Skill, Deathblow
     Silver Armlet   - All=Ice, HP Plus, Long Range
     Champion Belt

 3) Barret - Lv 22 (Back) 

     Heavy Vulcan  - Revive, Heal, Transform, Enemy Skill
     Silver Armlet - Steal, Manipulate, Sense, HP Plus
     Star Pendant

Before entering I suggest sleeping at the Inn (or just use a tent), and then 
saving by Tiger Lily's before heading into the Cave of the Gi!

 NOTE - We're not far off getting our first Level 4 Limit manual, the Cosmo 
        Memory for Red XIII! For now, Red and Red alone shall be getting all 
        of the kills.

--D1.14 B - The Cave of The Gi       (�The vengeful spirits of the Gi didn't 
                                       disappear, and couldn't return to the 

   >  ENEMIES:              **************   **************               <
   >           [      HEG] [   SNEAKY STEP] [    GI SPECTOR] [   STINGER] <
   >                        **************   **************               <
   > ------Lv: [-------22] [------------21] [------------23] [--------25] <
   > ------HP: [------400] [-----------600] [-----------450] [------2200] <
   > ------MP: [---------] [------------65] [------------88] [--------60] <
   > -----EXP: [------250] [-----------270] [-----------260] [-------290] <
   > ------AP: [-------20] [------------24] [------------20] [--------25] <
   > -----GIL: [------240] [-----------330] [-----------150] [-------358] <
   > ---STEAL: [---------] [--------------] [--------------] [-----Ether] <
   > ----DROP: [Hi-Potion] [---M-Tentacles] [----Smoke Bomb] [-Hi-Potion] <
   > --ABSORB: [------PSN] [--------------] [-----------RES] [----------] <
   > --DOUBLE: [------ICE] [--------------] [------HLY--FRE] [----------] <
   > -E-SKILL: [---------] [DEATH SENTENCE] [DEATH SENTENCE] [----------] <
|                              NOTE ON ENEMIES:                              |
|                                                                            |
| Death Sentence will basically be a countdown timer above your head         |
| counting down till you are dead (uh). Manipulate your foe to learn it      |
| quicker. I recommend one person being Ice based and one person being Fire  |
| based to deal with the creatures here. Equipping a Star Pendant will help  |
| against the enemies Poison attacks, just bear in mind that the Fairy Ring  |
| we obtain will also protect against Poison (and Darkness). Lastly, the     |
| Stinger can be 'Transformed', so cast Small on it when you encounter one   |
| (thank MGSB for that), and watch out for its Sting Bomb attack.            |
|                                                                            |
|  NOTE - Smoke Bombs and M-Tentacles are amazingly good for the Battle      |
|         Arena.                                                             |
|                                                                            |

--Items - Added Effect Materia, Black M-Phone, Ether, X-Potion, Fairy Ring, 
          Turbo Ether, Gravity Materia
--Boss  - Gi Nattak Lv 29 (Wizer Staff) + Soul Fire Lv 21 x 2
--Extra - Seraph Comb

  Make you war down the rope and into the depths of the cave. As you enter 
you will notice a few rocks with cracks in them, along with a blue Support 

There are four rocks in total, exploring the correct one will result in the 
secret passageway opening, while the other three will result in a battle. 
Figure it out for yourselves; you probably need the gil (I know I do), 
besides, battling is fun!

Once you've opened the way to the next area you can explore the remaining 
cracks if any, then head through. Make your way left at the fork and WALK 
across the oil slick, then head south. If you run through it you'll be flung 
into a Spike Trap swiping out roughly a third of everyone's HP. Follow the 
path to the previous screen to GRAB THAT MATERIA! the [ADDED EFFECT MATERIA]! 
The game just got more advanced. Adhere to the fact that should you miss 
Added Effect here then you'll have missed it forever.
]                                                                            [
] SIDE NOTE - STATUSES & THE ADDED EFFECT MATERIA                            [
]                                                                            [
] Just like with the Elemental Materia, the Added Effect Materia will have a [
] different effect when adding it onto your weapon as opposed to your        [
] armour. The main difference being that we can now inflict Status changes   [
] to our opponents just by attacking them and defend against their Status    [
] changing attacks! As the game progresses, the possibilities become         [
] seemingly endless.                                                         [
]                                                                            [
] For now though you would do well to equip Added Effect=Poison onto         [
] someone's armour, making sure that it isn't the same person who has the    [
] Star Pendant. Poison isn't exactly the worst Status in the world, so it's  [
] not that crucial to equip it, just bear in mind (again) that Poison is the [
] only Materia in the game that is both an Element and a Status, and is the  [
] only Materia that will work when paired with both Elemental and Added      [
] Effect.                                                                    [
]                                                                            [
]  NOTE - A Lv 2 Elemental linked with Poison in your armour will also       [
]         protect you from the Poison Status, whereas a Lv 3 Elemental would [
]         make you absorb the poison damage (when poisoned)!                 [
]                                                                            [
] For what it's worth, here is a list of all of the *main* negative Statuses [
] in the game, their affect and the associated Materia:                      [
]                                                                            [
]  DEATH       | The Character is instantly K.O'd | Destruct, Flash, Odin (S)[
]              |                                  | E-Skills L5 Death,       [
]              |                                  | Roulette                 [
]  SLEEP       | The player cannot attack until   | Seal, Hades (S),         [
]              | the Sleep has worn off or they   | E-Skills Bad Breath,     [
]              | are attacked by a physical       | Frog Song                [
]              | attack                           |                          [
]  POISON      | The character will periodically  | Poison, Hades (S),       [
]              | lose 1/32 of their health        | E-Skill Bad Breath       [
]  SADNESS     | Your Limit gauge will fill up at |                          [
]              | half its normal rate but you     |                          [
]              | will also receive 30% less       |                          [
]              | damage                           |                          [
]  FURY        | Your Limit gauge will fill at    |                          [
]              | twice its normal rate but you    |                          [
]              | accuracy will drop by 30%        |                          [
]  CONFUSION   | You will lose control of the     | Mystify, Contain,        [
]              | afflicted player and they will   | Hades (S), E-Skill Bad   [
]              | spin around in circles. When the | Breath                   [
]              | player's ATB gauge fills up      |                          [
]              | whoever they are looking at will |                          [ 
]              | then get attacked by the player. |                          [
]              | If they attack themselves then   |                          [
]              | they will be cured of the Status |                          [
]  SILENCE     | You will not be able to cast     | Seal, Hades (S)          [
]              | magic spells                     |                          [
]  SLOW        | The player's ATB gauge will fill | Time, Hades (S)          [
]              | up at a slower rate              |                          [
]  STOP        | The Player's ATB gauge will stop | Time, Contain,           [
]              | filling up all-together          | Choco/Mog (S)            [
]  FROG        | All Materia is broken and attack | Transform, Hades (S),    [
]              | power is greatly reduced         | E-Skills Bad Breath,     [
]              |                                  | Frog Song                [
]  SMALL       | Attack damage reduced to 1       | Transform, Hades (S)     [
]              |                                  | E-Skills Bad Breath,     [
]              |                                  | L4 Suicide               [
]  PETRIFY     | Basically the same as being      | Contain                  [
]              | K.O'd only you won�t lose your   |                          [
]              | Limit gauge progress, and it can |                          [
]              | be cured by other means i.e.     |                          [
]              | Soft instead of Phoenix Down. If |                          [
]              | all three characters are         |                          [
]              | Petrified then it's game over    |                          [
]  SLOW-NUMB   | The same as Petrify only a       |                          [
]              | countdown timer will appear      |                          [
]              | above your head                  |                          [
]  DEATH -     | The same as Death only a         | E-Skill Death Sentence   [
]  SENTENCE    | countdown timer will appear      |                          [
]              | above your head                  |                          [
]  BERSERK     | You will lose control of the     | Mystify                  [
]              | player and they will attack      |                          [
]              | automatically when their ATB     |                          [
]              | gauge fills up for 1.5x their    |                          [
]              | normal damage                    |                          [
]  PARALYZED   | Virtually the same as Stop, just | Hades (S)                [
]              | doesn't last as long and your    |                          [
]              | Limit gauge won�t fill up        |                          [
]  DARKNESS    | Halves the accuracy of your      |                          [
]              | physical attacks. Enemies are    |                          [
]              | not affected by Darkness         |                          [
]                                                                            [
] The Contain Materia really is one of the best Materias in the game as it   [
] also inflicts Status changes as well as having Elemental properties. Hades [
] is a Summon that can also be linked to our weapon or armour with Added     [
] Effect to attack/protect with/from some nasty Statuses. Don't forget White [
] Wind and Esuna can cure you from most Statuses.                            [
]                                                                            [
] 91% of all enemies are vulnerable to Slow, 73% are vulnerable to Silence,  [
] 67% are vulnerable to Sleep and 62% are vulnerable to Stop, making the     [
] Time Materia or the Seal Materia the best pieces to attach onto your       [
] weapon for now, at least until you obtain Contain and Hades on Disk 2.     [
]                                                                            [
] Adding Choco/Mog to your weapon with Added Effect will add the 'Stop'      [
] Status to your attacks, which is pointless seeing as you could just        [
] combine Time to your weapon to have a chance of inflicting Stop & Slow.    [
] The level of the Time Materia doesn't matter btw; a level 1 Materia will   [
] still pair all the Statuses attributed to that Materia. You can check the  [
] 'Status' tab in the menus to see for yourself.                             [
]                                                                            [
] Lastly, there is an incredibly useful accessory out there called a Ribbon. [
] This little beauty can protect you from virtually any harmful Status, and  [
] there are a total of 2 to collect. Additionally, they can be morphed from  [
] two different creatures.                                                   [
]                                                                            [
] A comprehensive guide to Statuses can be found in section E.09.            [

Wow that was a long side note. I feel it's more important to learn the game 
bit by bit instead of having all the information crammed into one large 
section either at the front or the back of a guide which probably won�t get 
read until one has finished the game and by that point it was too late, one 
has already missed out on some crucial information yadayada.....

Love me or hate me, I acknowledge that my explanations can be slightly long-
winded. And with that in mind, let's crack on with the game shall we! 

Set up the Added Effect Materia (or don't), then walk back over the oil slick 
and to the right. Follow the path north, then down the visible flight of 
steps to the south to come to a chest containing the [BLACK M-PHONE], which 
is the first 4 slotted double growth weapon.

Then head north, past the flight of steps to the visible chest that contains 
an [ETHER]. Now make your way back up the flight of steps and head north to 
the next screen.

Here you will see a 'knuckle duster' like branching in the caves. Number them 
1 to 5, left to right. 1 basically leads back round to 5, and 3 is a dead 
end. Head through 4 first and fight the Stinger that lays waiting for you. 
Don't forget to cast Mini on it (Frog Song also works well), and head up the 
path to grab an [X-POTION] from the chest.

Now head back down to the knuckle duster, this time going through 2 to fight 
the second Stinger. Then head west, then south through the rocks, then bear 
right to find a fork in the path leading to the chest that contains a [FAIRY 
RING], which is basically an upgraded version of the Star Pendant.

Now make your way north to the third and final Stinger's web, then head 
through a hidden split in the rocks to the left to grab a [TURBO ETHER] from 
the visible chest.

Time to heal-up and Ether-up, we're about to fight a boss. Change to 
Elemental=Choco/Mog on someone's weapon, equip someone with the Fire ring and 
replace Transform with Shiva. If anyone has the All=Fire set up then change 
it for All=Ice. In fact stay away from Fire altogether. Head to the north 
screen and eventually you'll be face to face with:

*        ________  ________  ________   ________           ___               *
*       |\   __  \|\   __  \|\   ____\ |\   ____\         |\  \              *
*       \ \  \|\ /\ \  \|\  \ \  \___|_\ \  \___|_        \ \  \             *
*        \ \   __  \ \  \\\  \ \_____  \\ \_____  \        \ \__\            *
*         \ \  \|\  \ \  \\\  \|____|\  \\|____|\  \        \|__|            *
*          \ \_______\ \_______\____\_\  \ ____\_\  \            ___         *
*           \|_______|\|_______|\_________\\_________\          |\__\        *
*                              \|_________\|_________|          \|__|        *
*                                     ____________ _____________ __________  *
* As you can see, Beta and Aqualung  |            |             |          | *
* are off the table. Stick to mainly |    BOSS    |      GI     |   SOUL   | *
* Ice attacks and you should be      | BATTLE: 14 |    NATTAK   | FIRE X 2 | *
* fine. Cast Haste and then open     |____________|_____________|__________| *
* with Shiva. You only have to       |            |             |          | *
* destroy the main guy at the back   | -------Lv: | 29--------- | 21------ | *
* but killing his pets will net you  | -------HP: | 5500------- | 1300---- | *
* extra EXP etc. That's what the     | -------MP: | 200-------- | 220----- | *
* Elemental=Choco/Mog is for. The    | ------EXP: | 1400------- | 200----- | *
* fact that this boss can drain your | -------AP: | 150-------- | 10------ | *
* MP, aswell as the fact that Soul   | ------GIL: | 3000------- | 100----- | *
* Fire can 'posses' you means that   | -----DROP: | Wizer Staff | -------- | *
* you may want to consider finishing | ---ABSORB: | RES-------- | FRE----- | *
* him off as quickly as poss. He is  | NULLIFY 1: | GRV--ERT--- | PSN--GRV | *
* weak against Holy which means      | NULLIFY 2: | WTR-------- | ERT--WTR | *
* casting cure or White Wind on him  | ---DOUBLE: | HLY-------- | HLY--WND | *
* will damage him, you could even    |_____________________________________| *
* kill him in one hit with an                                                *
* X-Potion, but where's the fun in that? Once he is finito you will be       *
* rewarded with your second 4-slot Double Growth weapon, the [WIZER STAFF].  *
*                                                                            *

GRAB THAT MATERIA! After the Boss you will be able to pick up the [GRAVITY 
MATERIA]. Note that if you missed it here you *will* have another chance of 
obtaining one. A few scenes will play out and eventually you will have to 
select your party.

Once you're ready you can now purchase any weapons that you didn't buy 
earlier, and make sure to leave with at least 1 MP Plus Materia (you should 
already have 3 HP Plus's). 

Now make your way out of Cosmo Canyon to have Red XIII re-join the group. 
You'll now have the Seraph Comb in your equipment, which is a weapon for Red 

 NOTE - If you encounter the Bagrisk, try to steal a Vagyrisk Claw from it. 
        This can be much easier said than done, as your steal attempt is 
        broken into three steals - the first two are for a Soft, the third 
        for the Vagyrisk Claw, and the higher the level of the thief, the 
        higher the chance of obtaining a Soft on the first two attempts.

|                                                                            |
| {D1.15} - Nibelheim                                                        |
|                                                                            |
| ITEMS:                                                                     |
|       |_|Luck Source      |_|Magic Source        |_|Powersoul              |
|       |_|Turbo Ether      |_|Enemy Launcher      |_|Elixir                 |
|       |_|Platinum Fist    |_|Cosmo Memory (Boss) |_|Elemental Materia      |
|       |_|Elixir           |_|Odin Materia        |_|Sniper CR              |
|       |_|Luck Source      |_|Destruct Materia    |_|All Materia            |
|       |_|Silver M-Phone   |_|Rune Blade          |_|Jem Ring (Boss)        |
|       |_|Twin Viper       |_|Plus Barrette       |_|Counter Attack Materia |

--D1.15 A - A Not So Welcome Home (�As previously reported, the 'CLONES' seem 
                                                    to be sensing something.�)

|                                      >  ENEMIES:                           <
|           NOTE ON ENEMIES:           >           [ NIBEL WOLF] [   VALRON] <
|                                      >                                     <
| The Valron's Demi3 move can be quite > ------Lv: [---------23] [-------24] <
| deadly, so set up Elemental=Gravity  > ------HP: [--------700] [------950] <
| in someone's armour. He can also     > ------MP: [-----------] [-------80] <
| deliver a powerful move called Dive  > -----EXP: [--------265] [------300] <
| Kick, so if you were working towards > ------AP: [---------24] [-------30] <
| someone's Limits then he is great    > -----GIL: [--------260] [------300] <
| for filling up the gauge as it will  > ---STEAL: [Luchile Nut] [---------] <
| drain 25% of your max HP. The Crown  > ---MORPH: [--Hi-Potion] [Hi-Potion] <
| Lance can be found at the beach.     > ----DROP: [Luchile Nut] [Hi-Potion] <

--Items - Luck Source x 2, Turbo Ether, Platinum Fist, Elixir
--Extra - Fort Condor Battle #6 - 5x Hi potions

  Before doing anything else, it's time for another...
]                                                                            [
] SIDE NOTE - FORT CONDOR BATTLE No.6                                        [
]                                                                            [
] Like before, your prize will be will be 5 x Hi-Potions although it'll tell [
] you that you've received 5 x Potions. This must be completed before        [
] talking to Shera in Rocket Town.                                           [

Now make your way north to head towards Nibelheim, the home-town of Cloud and 
Tifa. As you enter you will notice something isn't quite right...

Go into the house on the right and head up the stairs. In the attic you'll 
find two weird looking things, one of them will give you a [LUCK SOURCE] if 
you talk to it.

Now head into the next house along, Tifa's house and go into the kitchen. 
Another, larger black blob at the back here will give you a [TURBO ETHER]. He 
has the number 11 tattooed on him. (Hang on a minute, didn't a guy in Midgar 
Sector 7 have a tattoo on him? hmmm...)

Now head up the stairs and in the northern bedroom to grab the [PLATINUM 
FIST] from number '4'. You can head into Tifa's bedroom if you like and play 
her piano again, aswell as reading an incredibly interesting note left on her 
writing desk.

The next house along is Cloud's old house, there's nothing much here other 
than a bit of weird banter, so head into the next house on the other side of 
the street to grab an [ELIXIR] from number '12'. You can also buy a few items 
from here.

Now head into the inn and grab a [LUCK SOURCE] from number '6'. You can rest 
here for 100 gil if you like, I suggest doing so as the next area can get 
rather tricky.

Make your way north to the Shinra Mansion. If you were to talk to one of the 
blobs outside you'll learn that Sephiroth is inside. I suppose we'd better 
take a look inside then. Save first.

--D1.15 B - Shinra Mansion (�This mansion is the beginning of your nightmare�)

>  ENEMIES:                                ***********                       <
>           [  DORKY FACE] [  GHIROFELGO] [     JERSEY] [   BLACK BAT]       <
>                                          ***********                       <
> ------Lv: [----------23] [----------26] [---------25] [----------25]       <
> ------HP: [---------520] [--------1600] [--------500] [---------550]       <
> ------MP: [----------80] [------------] [--------100] [------------]       <
> -----EXP: [---------300] [---------380] [--------320] [---------270]       <
> ------AP: [----------35] [----------44] [---------30] [----------24]       <
> -----GIL: [---------202] [---------300] [--------384] [----------80]       <
> ---STEAL: [-Echo Screen] [------------] [Turbo Ether] [------------]       <
> ---MORPH: [---Mute Mask] [------------] [-----------] [Vampire Fang]       <
> ----DROP: [Phoenix Down] [Phoenix Down] [Turbo Ether] [Vampire Fang]       <
> --ABSORB: [------------] [------------] [-----------] [---------RES]       <
> -NULLIFY: [------------] [---------ERT] [-----------] [---------ERT]       <
> --DOUBLE: [------------] [---------GRV] [-----------] [----HLY--WND]       <
> -E-SKILL: [------------] [------------] [-------????] [------------]       <
>                                                                            <
>                                       #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#
>           [ MIRAGE] [  YING] [  YANG] <          NOTE ON ENEMIES:          |
>                                       <                                    |
> ------Lv: [-----24] [----24] [----24] <  These are the enemies nightmares  |
> ------HP: [----570] [--1200] [--1200] <  are made of. The Dorky Face and   |
> ------MP: [-------] [------] [---220] <  the Ghirofelgo can first be found |
> -----EXP: [----290] [---400] [---300] <  downstairs, the Jersey and the    |
> ------AP: [-----22] [----30] [----40] <  Mirage can be found on the 2nd    |
> -----GIL: [----280] [---400] [---400] <  floor and the Black Bat and Ying  |
> ----DROP: [-Mirror] [------] [------] <  + Yang can be found in the        |
> ---HALVE: [-------] [---GRV] [---GRV] <  basement.                         |
#~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#                                    |
|                                                                            |
| The Jersey will only use ???? if their left counter is down, which will be |
| as soon as the battle begins. When their left counter is down they will    |
| only use be hurt by physical attacks. When their right counter is down     |
| they will only use and be hurt by Magic attacks. ???? will deal damage     |
| equal to your Max HP - Current HP.                                         |
|                                                                            |
| The Dorky Face can really ruin you if you're not prepared. MAKE SURE to    |
| equip the Peace Ring on someone and to have the Added Effect=Mystify combo |
| on someone else's armour. For the Ghirofelgo have Gravity on you weapon,   |
| you can also cast the E-Skill Laser to damage it critically. Oh, and for   |
| the Mirage, DON'T cast L4 Suicide on them, it'll just mirror back to you.  |
|                                                                            |
| For the Ying Yangs just cast Beta then attack like mad, don't mess around. |
| They are the most annoying enemy in the game. Yang is resistant to Magic   |
| and Ying is resistant to physical attacks.                                 |

--Items - Silver M-Phone, Twin Viper, Magic Source, Enemy Launcher,
          Odin Materia, Destruct Materia
--Boss  - Lost Number Lv 35 (Cosmo Memory)
--Extra - Basement Key, Silver Armlet (recruit equipment)

  Make note of my set-up before going inside:

 1) Cloud - Lv 28 (Front) 

     Butterfly Edge - All=Time, Sense, Steal
     Silver Armlet  - All=Restore, HP Plus, MP Plus
     Sprint Shoes

 2) Tifa - Lv 25 (Front)

     Tiger Fang    - Elemental=Gravity, Deathblow, Enemy Skill
     Silver Armlet - Added Effect=Mystify, HP Plus, MP Plus  
     Champion Belt

 3) Red XIII - Lv 26 (Front) 

     Seraph Comb   - Revive, Heal, Manipulate, Enemy Skill 
     Silver Armlet - All=Lightning, HP Plus, MP Plus
     Peace Ring  

First things first, let's scoop up all of the items. Head through the right 
door on the 1st floor to come to a chest containing a [SILVER M-PHONE].

Now make your way back round to the northern hallway on the 1st floor to 
obtain the chest to the east that you saw just containing the [TWIN VIPER].

Now make your way to the eastern wing on the 2nd floor and enter the northern 
room for a chest containing a [MAGIC SOURCE]. If you encounter the Jersey, 
you can learn ???? from them, which they will use if they haven't yet been 

Lastly, head to the western wing on the 2nd floor for a chest containing the 
]                                                                            [
] SIDE NOTE - OBTAINING VINCENT                                              [
]                                                                            [
] We are now about to recruit our 2nd optional character in the game,        [
] Vincent Valentine. In order to do this we have to embark on a mini-game.   [
] First head to the bottom left of the screen of the entrance to find a      [
] note. Contained within the note are some clues that will lead to the       [
] combination of a safe found on the 2nd floor western wing.                 [
]                                                                            [
] For what it's worth I'm not going to help you out..... just yet. See if    [
] you can figure it out yourself. If you think you've cracked it then try to [
] open the safe to fight the Boss, Lost Number. Otherwise skip down to just  [
] below the Boss section where I shall reveal the combination and how you    [
] were to have figured it out. Just remember that whilst inputting the       [
] numbers you cannot go past the correct digit, otherwise you'll have to     [
] start over.                                                                [
]                                                                            [
]  NOTE - Equip Added Effect=Choco/Mog on to someone's weapon, this Boss is  [
]         vulnerable to Stop. Elemental=Lightning in you armour would be     [
]         good too.                                                          [

*        ________  ________  ________   ________           ___               *
*       |\   __  \|\   __  \|\   ____\ |\   ____\         |\  \              *
*       \ \  \|\ /\ \  \|\  \ \  \___|_\ \  \___|_        \ \  \             *
*        \ \   __  \ \  \\\  \ \_____  \\ \_____  \        \ \__\            *
*         \ \  \|\  \ \  \\\  \|____|\  \\|____|\  \        \|__|            *
*          \ \_______\ \_______\____\_\  \ ____\_\  \            ___         *
*           \|_______|\|_______|\_________\\_________\          |\__\        *
*                              \|_________\|_________|          \|__|        *
*  ________________________________________   ______________ ______________  *
* |                                        | |              |              | *
* |              LOST NUMBER               | | BOSS BATTLE: | 15           | *
* |________________________________________| |______________|______________| *
*                                            |              |              | *
* Cast Choco/Mog to try to cast Stop on him. | ---------Lv: | 35---------- | *
* Usual deal, crack out some Big Guard and   | ---------HP: | 7000-------- | *
* just focus on using magic attacks to begin | ---------MP: | 300--------- | *
* with. When his HP has ran below 50% one    | --------EXP: | 2000-------- | *
* half of him will die. If you last attacked | ---------AP: | 80---------- | * 
* him with magic (Beta) then the Purple side | --------GIL: | 2000-------- | *
* of him will die leaving just the Red side  | -------DROP: | Cosmo Memory | *
* of him which is weak against physical      | ----NULLIFY: | GRV--------- | *
* attacks and strong against Magic attacks.  |_____________________________| *
* This is the side we want to be left with.                                  *
* If our last blow was a physical attack then the Red side will die leaving  *
* the Purple side which is weak against Magic attacks but strong against     *
* Physical attacks. This is the side we don't want to be left with (phew).   *
* Upon defeat he'll leave you with your first Level 4 Limit manual, [COSMO   *
* MEMORY] (have a guess who it's for)!                                       *
*                                                                            *

O.K., so you've either figured out the puzzle on your own in which case you 
can skip out the next paragraph, or you've given up (or you're just lazy) and 
you want to know the combination the easy way. Here's how to solve it:

 Dial 1 - Right 36 - 'The lid of the box with the most oxygen.' This was the 
                     treasure chest we opened on the western side of the 2nd 

 Dial 2 -  Left 10 - 'Behind the ivory's short of tea and ray.' This was 
                     written on the floor behind the piano on the 1st Floor 
                     on the western side.

  NOTE - This is left to the number 10 (so left 26 clicks).

 Dial 3 - Right 59 - 'The creek in the floor board near the chair on the 
                     second floor... Then to the left five steps, up nine 
                     steps, left two steps and up six steps.' This is the one 
                     I remember struggling with. In the eastern room on the 
                     2nd floor, search the hallway in line with the chest.

 Dial 4 - Right 97 - 'The fourth has been written in invisible ink....' When 
                     selecting which clue you'd like to read you can bring 
                     the finger cursor down to the fourth line which will 
                     give the answer away in invisible ink.

|/\/\/\/\/\/\/| RIGHT 36     LEFT 10     RIGHT 59     RIGHT 97 |/\/\/\/\/\/\/|

Now that you have opened the safe and defeated Lost Number, set your Materia 
back to the way it was and GRAB THAT MATERIA! the [ODIN MATERIA], and also 
the 'Key to the Basement' from the safe itself. If you've unlocked all of Red 
XIII's Limit Breaks then you can go ahead and teach him Cosmo Memory (by 
selecting it from the item menu), unlocking the 'A Universe Of Pain' Trophy.

 NOTE - Odin can be paired with Added Effect for the 'Death' Status.

Now head down the spiral staircase on the eastern 2nd floor wing, and into 
the basement. Before reaching the lab, go through the now open door leading 
to a coffin. inspect the coffin to talk to the man residing inside about 

After he has finished, inspect the coffin one more to name [VINCENT]. When 
you get the dialogue box �let me sleep� it's time to leave. Congratulations, 
you've now acquired Vincent! He'll join your party as you leave the basement 
(unlocking the Won't You be My Valentine? Trophy). Before doing that however, 
head into the laboratory to the east for an encounter with someone..... 
(There's that name again, Professor Gast..)

After he has finished confusing Cloud talking about Jenova and Reunion, he'll 
leave behind the [DESTRUCT MATERIA]. Before making your way out you can 
examine various reports in the main office, and you can also examine the two 
test tubes in the lower right corner of the lab.

That's just about all there is to do here for now. Head out of the Shinra 
Mansion (grabbing ???? from the Jersey on the 2nd floor if you haven't 
already), rest up at the inn and head out of Nibelheim through the northern 
exit to the World Map. Follow the mountain path north until you reach Mt. 

   VINCENT VALENTINE                                                          
  |                                     |                                  |  
  | 1 - GALIAN BEAST                    | 2 - DEATH GIGAS                  |  
  |     (default)                       |     (40 kills)                   |  
  |                                     |                                  |  
  |   Turns into a Galian Beast         |   Turns into a Death Gigas       |  
  |                                     |                                  |  
  |                                     |                                  |  
  |                                     |                                  |  
  | 3 - HELLMASKER                      | 4 - CHAOS                        |  
  |     (96 kills)                      |                                  |  
  |                                     |   Turns into Chaos               |  
  |   Turns into a Hellmasker           |                                  |  
  |                                     | Use the item Chaos               |  
  |                                     |                                  |  
  |                                     | Found on Disk 2 in Lucrecia's    |  
  |                                     | Cave after obtaining the         |  
  |                                     | Submarine                        |  
  |                                     |                                  |  
  |                                     |                                  |  

--D1.15 C - Mt. Nibel       (�I will go North past Mt. Nibel. If you wish to 
                                                      know... then follow...�)

>  ENEMIES:                             ************                         <
>           [KYUVILDUNS] [SONIC SPEED] [      DRAGON] [    SCREAMER]         <
>                                       ************                         <
> ------Lv: [--------24] [---------26] [----------32] [----------26]         <
> ------HP: [-------800] [--------750] [--------3500] [---------800]         <
> ------MP: [----------] [---------50] [---------250] [----------40]         <
> -----EXP: [-------340] [--------370] [---------900] [---------400]         <
> ------AP: [--------34] [---------28] [---------110] [----------33]         <
> -----GIL: [-------368] [--------330] [--------1400] [---------400]         <
> ---STEAL: [----------] [------Ether] [-Gold Armlet] [------------]         <
> ---MORPH: [-Hi-Potion] [Speed Drink] [------------] [Power Source]         <
> ----DROP: [-Hi-Potion] [--Hi-Potion] [---Fire Fang] [--Earth Drum]         <
> --ABSORB: [----------] [-----------] [---------FRE] [------------]         <
> -NULLIFY: [----------] [--------ERT] [---------GRV] [---------GRV]         <
> --DOUBLE: [-------FRE] [--------WND] [------------] [------------]         <
> -E-SKILL: [----------] [-----------] [FLAMETHROWER] [------------]         <
>                                                                            <
>                                     #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#
>           [ TWIN BRAIN] [      ZUU] <           NOTE ON ENEMIES:           |
>                                     <                                      |
> ------Lv: [---------25] [-------27] <  Now is yet another chance to grab   |
> ------HP: [--------400] [-----1200] <  the Flamethrower E-Skill if you     |
> ------MP: [---------20] [-------40] <  haven't already. The dragons are    |
> -----EXP: [--------340] [------450] <  extremely powerful, but so is L4    |
> ------AP: [---------32] [-------38] <  Suicide against them. Make sure to  |
> -----GIL: [--------320] [------430] <  steal 3 x Gold Armlets from the     |
> ---STEAL: [------Ether] [Bird Wing] <  Dragons, this is where Manipulate   |
> ---MORPH: [Turbo Ether] [Bird Wing] <  comes in handy. Also, equipping a   |
> ----DROP: [------Ether] [Bird Wing] <  Fire Ring would be advisable.       |
> -NULLIFY: [-----------] [-ERT--GRV] <                                      |
> --DOUBLE: [-----------] [------WND] <  Try to go with Long Range players   |
#~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#  as the Zuu is a flying creature.    |
|                                        Consider revisiting this place once |
| you've obtained the Morph Materia as you can gain quite a few Power        |
| Sources from the Screamer's! The Zuu is found on the bridge and at the     |
| reactor, the Screamer is found at the reactor and the paths leading to the |
| reactor, and the Dragon is found in the mountain caves and on the path to  |
| the reactor.                                                               |
|                                                                            |
|  NOTE - The Dragon will drop a Fire Fang if you haven't stolen from it, so |
|         don't steal more Gold Armlets than you actually need as the Fire   |
|         Fangs can help in the Battle Square.                               |

--Items - Rune Blade, Plus Barrette, Powersoul, Elixir, Elemental Materia, 
          Sniper CR, All Materia, Counter Attack Materia
--Boss  - Materia Keeper Lv 38 (Jem Ring)

  This is my set up going into Mt. Nibel:

 1) Cloud - Lv 30 (Back) 

     Butterfly Edge - All=Fire, Heal, Steal
     Silver Armlet  - All=Restore, Long Range, HP Plus
     Sprint Shoes

 2) Vincent - Lv 29 (Back)

     Peacemaker    - Elemental=Choco/Mog, Enemy Skill, Sense
     Silver Armlet - Manipulate, Deathblow, HP Plus, MP Plus
     Champion Belt

 3) Yuffie - Lv 25 (Back)  

     Pinwheel      - Added Effect=Time, Revive, Enemy Skill
     Silver Armlet - All=Ice, Steal, HP Plus
     Fire Ring  

Traverse through the winding paths of Mt. Nibel until you come to a path 
leading up the mountain. Having the Finger Indicator enabled with SELECT 
helps here. At the top of the mountain you'll find a chest containing the 

Make you way back round the mountain side and back down onto the main path. 
Head towards the bridge on the left and just before you reach it you'll 
notice a path that bears off to the north. Make your way up the second 
mountain to obtain the [PLUS BARRETTE]. These paths can be slightly tricky to 
navigate, so once you do finally make your way back down to the main path 
head up and over the bridge.

 NOTE - The soundtrack here, 'Under The Rotting Pizza' is one of my fav in 
        the game. For a midi soundtrack that was made in the 90's, you can't 
        help but appreciate the suspense and the tension that the track 
        holds, not to mention the reverb of the bass and the crisp-ness of 
        the drums (I have made music in the past so I can appreciate good 
        production value. In fact, making this walkthrough isn't too dis-
        similar from making a track). 

You'll eventually come to a large cavern with 5 pipes. Only number 2 and 
number 4 lead to treasure, the other three lead to nowhere special. Head down 
number 2 first to land on a rock containing the [POWERSOUL]. We'll circle 
back round for the remaining treasure a little later on.

 NOTE - The Powersoul is a weapon for Tifa that doubles in power if she is 
        either in critical HP, and quadruples if she is inflicted with Death 
        Sentence (effects stack for 8x power). It is also double growth.

I never fight the Boss here straight away for some reason, although feel free 
to do so if you wish. Save the game regardless and then head through the 
southern screen. Drop down to the path below and head though the opening on 
the right. Had you ventured to see what was on the left you would have found 
the place where Sephiroth & co. had landed after the bridge had collapsed 
during the flashback.

In this screen you can make your way round to the top of the screen, and then 
double back through the not-so-obvious path to the opening on the left. 
Follow the path south to emerge at a chest containing an [ELIXIR].

Make your way back through to progress into the next screen. It seems that 
the 'knowledge of the Ancients that is contained within the Materia' (quote) 
has taken form. Just to the left of the life stream fountain is (breath in) 
GRAB THAT MATERIA! the [ELEMENTAL MATERIA]! (If you missed it at the Shinra 
HQ and you didn't 'jam on the piano' during the flashback then this will be 
the only place to obtain the Elemental Materia. This area is revisit-able.)

The next screen along takes you to a mini maze of sorts, follow your 
instincts to the chest containing the [SNIPER CR], a weapon for Vincent that 
has the max stat (255) for his attack%. Meaning, he'll never miss a shot with 
this weapon equipped! Try pairing it with Deathblow for the ultimate combo 
(at this stage). Note that Vincent *may* miss a shot with Deathblow (although 
it's rare), it's only his normal attacks that are impossible to miss.

The next screen leads to another winding path. There's nothing to find on the 
right, so head west to eventually arrive at the reactor. You can take a look 
around inside if you like, but there's nothing to obtain. When you're ready, 
head past the reactor to return to the cavern with 5 shoots, a save point and 
the Materia Keeper!

 NOTE - If you haven't managed to steal 3 Gold Armlets yet then don't worry, 
        you'll be able to buy them for 2000 gil each in the next town along.

If you're planning on doing the Fort Condor battles then I suggest that you 
*make sure* to interact with the lower ladder to release its latch (do it 
anyway even if you aren't doing the FC battles). Now head up the other ladder 
to return to the shoots, this time sliding down No. 4. After picking up the 
[ALL MATERIA], head over to the save point and take a leak. No I mean, errr, 
save your game, obviously. It's time to come face to face with............   

                                                                A Trophy Note?

?       _______________        _______________        _______________        ?
?       !!TROPHY NOTE!!        !!TROPHY NOTE!!        !!TROPHY NOTE!!        ?
?       ```````````````        ```````````````        ```````````````        ?
?                                                                            ?
?   TROPHY NOTE - ENEMY SKILL TRINE                                          ?
?                                                                            ?
?   There are two Enemy Skills that are permanently missable, and Trine is   ?
?   one of them. Make sure to have at least one Enemy Skill Materia equipped ?
?   going into the upcoming Boss. You ARE going to want Trine on all of your ?
?   Enemy Skills mind, seeing as it is the Lightning version of Beta. There  ?
?   will be 2 more opportunities in which to obtain Trine.                   ?
?                                                                            ?
?    NOTE - You could learn Trine later on in the Battle Arena at the Gold   ?
?           Saucer. Unfortunately though, the E-Skills learnt in the Battle  ?
?           Arena (like BP) will stay in the Battle Arena.                   ?
?                                                                            ?
?       _______________        _______________        _______________        ?
?       !!TROPHY NOTE!!        !!TROPHY NOTE!!        !!TROPHY NOTE!!        ?
?       ```````````````        ```````````````        ```````````````        ?

Make sure to have Sense and both Enemy Skills equipped, use a tent and then 
take a deep breath as you run into the jaws of the Materia Keeper!

*        ________  ________  ________   ________           ___               *
*       |\   __  \|\   __  \|\   ____\ |\   ____\         |\  \              *
*       \ \  \|\ /\ \  \|\  \ \  \___|_\ \  \___|_        \ \  \             *
*        \ \   __  \ \  \\\  \ \_____  \\ \_____  \        \ \__\            *
*         \ \  \|\  \ \  \\\  \|____|\  \\|____|\  \        \|__|            *
*          \ \_______\ \_______\____\_\  \ ____\_\  \            ___         *
*           \|_______|\|_______|\_________\\_________\          |\__\        *
*                              \|_________\|_________|          \|__|        *
*  ____________________________________________   ______________ __________  *
* |                                            | |              |          | *
* |               MATERIA KEEPER               | | BOSS BATTLE: | 16       | *
* |____________________________________________| |______________|__________| *
*                                                |              |          | *
* This boss has some fairly powerful moves, so   | ---------Lv: | 38------ | *
* keep your players in the back row and keep     | ---------HP: | 8400---- | *
* your Big Guard topped up. Weaken him but DON'T | ---------MP: | 300----- | *
* kill him accidentally before he has used       | --------EXP: | 3000---- | *
* Trine, sense him to know what his current HP   | ---------AP: | 200----- | *
* is. When his HP starts to run low he'll use    | --------GIL: | 2400---- | *
* cure on himself so make sure to do the same    | -------DROP: | Jem Ring | *
* (cure yourselves, not the Materia Keeper,      | -----ABSORB: | FRE----- | *
* obviously) and stay away from Fire attacks.    | ----NULLIFY: | GRV----- | *
* Deathblow works nicely here with your          | ENEMY SKILL: | TRINE--- | *
* character that has the Champion Belt, and you  |_________________________| *
* can also Poison him once you've learned Trine.                             *
* He'll drop the [JEM RING] once it's over.                                  *
*                                                                            *

Before continuing make sure to GRAB THAT MATERIA! the [COUNTER ATTACK 
MATERIA] that the Materia Loser drops behind. Now follow the new path to 
eventually emerge out onto the World Map. Counter Attack can also be won at 
the Chocobo Races.

 NOTE - (sigh) The Counter Attack Materia. It may sound pleasing at first, 
        the idea of having a 30% chance to Counter each time the bearer is 
        hit. That is unless of course your trying to steal an item from your 
        enemy. Or you are trying to fill your Limits up, or if you are 
        trying to learn an Enemy Skill and you keep accidentally killing your 
        opponent. only equip it if you are 100% sure that you actually want 
]                                                                            [
] SIDE NOTE - COUNTER ATTACK COMBO                                           [
]                                                                            [
]  A mastered Counter Attack Materia will have a 100% success rate of        [
]  countering, and the more you equip on one character the more times they   [
]  will counter. if you were to equip 8 mastered Counter Attacks onto one    [
]  person along with HP Plus and Cover, then they would retaliate to being   [
]  hit once with 8 attacks! 8 is the maximum you can equip by the way; any   [
]  more and they will not take effect.                                       [

|                                                                            |
| {D1.16} - Rocket Town                                                      |
|                                                                            |
| ITEMS:                                                                     |
|         |_|Yoshiyuki          |_|Drill Arm          |_|Edincoat (Boss)     |
|         |_|Power Source                                                    |

--D1.16 A - Meet the Captain, Cid! (�The Moon... Outer Space... My Dreams...�)

>  ENEMIES:                                                 [MYSTERY         <
>           [ BATTERY CAP] [ BAHBA VELAMYU] [ VELCHER TASK]     NINJA Lv 27] <
>                                                                            <
> ------Lv: [----------24] [------------23] [-----------26] [------------27] <
> ------HP: [---------640] [-----------640] [----------900] [----------1120] <
> ------MP: [----------58] [------------40] [-----------28] [-----------190] <
> -----EXP: [---------270] [-----------285] [----------320] [-----------320] <
> ------AP: [----------32] [------------20] [-----------31] [------------60] <
> -----GIL: [---------386] [-----------280] [----------350] [----------1200] <
> ---STEAL: [------Dazers] [--------------] [-------Remedy] [--------------] <
> ---MORPH: [------------] [-----Mute Mask] [-------Remedy] [--------------] <
> --DROP 1: [----Eye Drop] [-----Mute Mask] [----Hi-Potion] [--------------] <
> --DROP 2: [------Dazers] [--------------] [-------------] [--------------] <
> --ABSORB: [------------] [--------------] [----------PSN] [--------------] <
>                                                                            <
>                                                                 [CHOCOBO   <
>           [ CROWN LANCE] [ NIBEL WOLF] [   VALRON] [KYUVILDUNS]     Lv 22] <
>                                                                            <
> ------Lv: [----------20] [---------23] [-------24] [--------24] [------22] <
> ------HP: [---------440] [--------700] [------950] [-------800] [-----220] <
> ------MP: [----------70] [-----------] [-------80] [----------] [-----100] <
> -----EXP: [---------225] [--------265] [------300] [-------340] [------10] <
> ------AP: [----------23] [---------24] [-------30] [--------34] [-------1] <
> -----GIL: [---------400] [--------260] [------300] [-------368] [-------1] <
> ---STEAL: [------------] [Luchile Nut] [---------] [----------] [--------] <
> ---MORPH: [Dream Powder] [--Hi-Potion] [Hi-Potion] [-Hi-Potion] [--------] <
> ----DROP: [---Hi-Potion] [Luchile Nut] [Hi-Potion] [-Hi-Potion] [--------] <
> --ABSORB: [---------LHT] [-----------] [---------] [----------] [--------] <
> -NULLIFY: [---------ERT] [-----------] [---------] [----------] [--------] <
> --DOUBLE: [---------FRE] [-----------] [---------] [-------FRE] [--------] <
|                              NOTE ON ENEMIES:                              |
|                                                                            |
| There are a number of new enemies here as aswell as old ones. Remember     |
| that the Mystery Ninja's Lv will vary depending on Cloud's current Lv      |
| (unless of course you've already obtained Yuffie).                         |
|                                                                            |
|  Large Forest - Bahba Velamyu, Battery Cap, Valron, Mystery Ninja (25%)    |
|  Small Forest - Velcher Task, Kyuvilduns, Valron, Mystery Ninja (100%)     |
|  Beaches      - Crown Lance                                                |
|  Grass        - Velcher Task, Nibel Wolf, Chocobo Level 22                 |
|                                                                            |
| The larger forest is probably the best Limit Break training ground in the  |
| entire game! You will encounter the Battery Caps that have a 6x formation  |
| and can be hit with L4 Suicide. Also, the Valron here will take out 1/4 of |
| your max HP with his Dive Kick move. Steal a few remedies from the Velcher |
| Task as they can cure you of any Status. The Chocobo tracks west of Rocket |
| Town holds the exact same Chocobo we encountered at the Gold Saucer Area.  |
| Lastly, equip items/Materia that protect you from Darkness (Battery Cap),  |
| Slow (Bahba Velamyu) and Poison (Velcher Task). Oh, and don't forget the   |
| Kyuvilduns are weak against Fire.                                          |

--Items        - Yoshiyuki, Power Source, Drill Arm
--Boss         - Palmer Lv 38 (Edincoat)
--Required gil - 36,600 (or less)
--Extra        - Gold Armlet (recruit equipment)
                 Fort Condor Battle #7 - Superball

  As mentioned, the forest area is the absolute number 1 spot in the game for 
Limit Break Leveling. Don't spend any time in there now, however, there's 
still a few things to do and collect before we're ready to blast it here 
properly. For now, head clock-wise around the mountains in a reverse 'C' 
shape to eventually arrive at Rocket Town.

Head into the first house on the right to rest up for 100 gil. Then leave the 
Inn and head into the Weapon Shop on the left. Buy the following, deducting 
any Gold Armlets that you stole from the Dragons in Mt. Nibel (you're about 
to recruit someone that has a Gold Armlet equipped, also) :

1 x Shotgun      O=O O=O  - Vincent    - 3100 gil
2 x Gold Armlet  O=O O=O  - Armour     - 2000 gil each 
1 x Earring               - Accessory  - 7500 gil
                               Total - 16,600 gil

 NOTE - You can also buy a few Power Wrists here if you want, just bear in 
        mind that the Champion Belt from the Gold Saucer will go down in 
        price very shortly, and I do intend to take you to get a second one. 
        Also, equip the healer of the group with the Earring as so they can 
        heal more HP per Cure.

Equip your characters with their new wears, then head a little to the north 
to see a man standing outside of a house. Talk to him twice to look up at the 
rocket with him, and he'll willingly give you the [YOSHIYUKI], a weapon for 
Cloud that will double in power when one of Cloud's companions are KO'd, and 
will triple in power when both are KO'd.

Now head inside the house he old man was standing on front of, which turns 
out to be the Item Shop. Here we can buy a few new pieces of Materia, Barrier 
(10,000 gil) and Exit (10.000 gil). Exit will make you can escape from 
battles without having to hold down L1+R1 (so basically it's useless), and 
Barrier will do the same as Big Guard but without the Haste effect. You only 
really need to buy these to complete your Materia collection, although a 
levelled up Barrier can be quite useful.

 NOTE - The Exit Materia can be used during the Battle Square to escape 
        whilst still retaining all of your current BP, so it probably is 
        worth getting. Just remember that if you escape the normal way 
        (L1+R1) then you shall lose all of the BP earned in that battle.

There is absolutely nothing to do in the western house, so head over to the 
eastern most house and search the chest on the right for a [POWER SOURCE].	

Now head into the final house on the north to find a chest containing the 
[DRILL ARM]. That's it for the miscellaneous things to do in Rocket Town so 
head out of the house you're in via the back door to talk to Shera.

After learning that the Shinra are expected to pay a visit to Rocket Town, 
you are advised to speak to Cid who is up in his Rocket. Not before.....
]                                                                            [
] SIDE NOTE - FORT CONDOR BATTLE No.7                                        [
]                                                                            [
] Aside from being the longest trek back to the Junon area, this will also   [
] be your last. If you had forgotten to flip the ladder down in Mt. Nibel    [
] then you'll have to go the long way round (at least you'd get to hear the  [
] beat a little more). Your prize for this battle will be the Superball, a   [
] weapon for Yuffie. This has to be fought after talking to Shera but before [
] talking to Cid.                                                            [
]                                                                            [
]  NOTE - In case you hadn't noticed by now, most of the weapons we obtain   [
]         come in batches. By that I mean the previous batch was 4 slotted   [
]         Double Growth weapons for everyone. The next batch will be the     [
]         same as the Superball - zero Materia slots but very high attack    [
]         power (just like the Umbrella for Aeris). These will help for a    [
]         certain quest.                                                     [

When you return to Rocket Town make sure to rest at the Inn as there is a 
(very easy) Boss coming up. Enjoying the reggae attempt once more, head north 
towards the leaning Shin-Ra Type 26 to speak to The Captain. After naming him 
[CID], you will have a dialogue option come up. To continue with the story, 
choose option 1.

Head back into the northern house and make your way to the back to trigger a 
sequence involving yet another flashback. One of the things that I truly love 
about this game is how deep the side-characters stories are, Cid's is no 
different. Once you've regained control of Cloud head out to the front of the 

Once Shera has beckoned you back into the house you will have time to set up 
for a particularly easy Boss battle, then head out through the back door and 
talk to Palmer.

 NOTE - Palmer will take double damage from Sleep based attacks. Equip Added 
        Effect with Seal on your weapon to see for yourself!

*        ________  ________  ________   ________           ___               *
*       |\   __  \|\   __  \|\   ____\ |\   ____\         |\  \              *
*       \ \  \|\ /\ \  \|\  \ \  \___|_\ \  \___|_        \ \  \             *
*        \ \   __  \ \  \\\  \ \_____  \\ \_____  \        \ \__\            *
*         \ \  \|\  \ \  \\\  \|____|\  \\|____|\  \        \|__|            *
*          \ \_______\ \_______\____\_\  \ ____\_\  \            ___         *
*           \|_______|\|_______|\_________\\_________\          |\__\        *
*                              \|_________\|_________|          \|__|        *
*  ____________________________________________   ______________ __________  *
* |                                            | |              |          | *
* |                   PALMER                   | | BOSS BATTLE: | 17       | *
* |____________________________________________| |______________|__________| *
*                                                |              |          | *
* Ummm, I don't really know what to say Palmer   | ---------Lv: | 38------ | *
* is that easy. Use Big Guard, Beta & (Limit)    | ---------HP: | 6000---- | *
* Breaks. You could cast Stop on him via         | ---------MP: | 240----- | *
* Choco/Mog but it really isn't necessary. Keep  | --------EXP: | 1800---- | *
* your HP above 500, when he tries to run off    | ---------AP: | 98------ | *
* (lol) you'll be rewarded with the [EDINCOAT],  | --------GIL: | 5000---- | *
* a piece of armour that has 7 unpaired slots.   | -------DROP: | Edincoat | *
*                                                | ----NULLIFY: | GRV----- | *
*                                                |_________________________| *
*                                                                            *

After watching a short FMV you will finally be able to fly the Tiny Bronco! 
Well, maybe not fly, more like swim about in shallow water, but it still 
beats the buggy. Disembark on the nearby land mass to save, but DO NOT head 
north up the hill, otherwise you will trigger the start of a sidequest that 
must be completed before anything else can be done, and there's still a few 
things I wish for you to do before we embark on that adventure. Time to head 
anti-clockwise around the World Map for a load more optional sidequests!

 NOTE - If you wanted to, you could battle around on the beaches where you 
        landed (Wutai Area) to fight the Adamantaimai. Manipulate it, then 
        have it cast Death Force on your characters to learn the Enemy Skill 
        Death Force. Steal an Adaman Bangle from it aswell. We'll be 
        returning here shortly anyway, so you can learn it then if you like, 
        but it will help at the Battle Square if you plan to return there 
        (which I advise to).

 UPDATE - I have now created a map section! For a detailed ASCII map of the 
          world broken into 5 segments, visit section F, or use QSI link 
          [Maps]. Here you will be able to plot your course accordingly, as 
          you'll be able to clearly see the routes of shallow water that are 

One last thing to mention before moving on, we have now recruited every 
character in the game! Assuming of course that you have recruited the two 
optional characters, Yuffie & Vincent. This shall be the last Limit Break 
rundown of the walkthrough:

   CID HIGHWIND                                                               
  |                                     |                                  |  
  | 1-1  BOOST JUMP                     | 2-1  HYPER JUMP                  |  
  |      (default)                      |      (60 kills)                  |  
  |                                     |                                  |  
  |   Attacks an opponent               |   Attacks all opponents,         |  
  |                                     |   sometimes dealing [Death]      |  
  | 1-2  DYNAMITE                       | 2-2  DRAGON                      |  
  |      (use 1-1 7 times)              |      (use 2-1 6 times)           |  
  |                                     |                                  |  
  |   Attacks all opponents             |    Attacks and drains the HP/MP  |  
  |                                     |    from one opponent             |  
  |                                     |                                  |  
  |                                     |                                  |  
  | 3-1  DRAGON DIVE                    | 4 - HIGHWIND                     |  
  |      (136 kills)                    |                                  |  
  |                                     |   Causes big damage to all       |  
  |   Continuously attacks, sometimes   |   opponents                      |  
  |   dealing [Death]                   |                                  |  
  |`````````````````````````````````````| Use the item Highwind            |  
  | 3-2  BIG BRAWL                      |                                  |  
  |      (use 3-1 5 times)              | Found on Disk 2 in the Sunken    |  
  |                                     | Gelnika                          |  
  |   Attacks all opponents             |                                  |  
  |                                     |                                  |  

|                                                                            |
| {D1.17} - Optional Sidequests No.2                                         |
|                                                                            |
|                                                                            |
| QUESTS:                                                                    |
|                                                                            |
|        A - Great Gospel            D - Bone Village                        |
|        B - Fort Condor Battle 8    E - Limit Break Training No. 5          |
|        C - Gil Farming in Mideel   F - Battle Square                       |
|                                                                            |
| ITEMS:                                                                     |
|         |_|Great Gospel     |_|Champion Belt       |_|Pre-emptive Materia  |
|         |_|Kjata Materia    |_|Speed Plus Materia                          |

 NOTE - If you decide to venture into the Gold Saucer then *make sure* not to 
        head into Dio's Showroom in the Battle Square, as that will further 
        the main story and you won�t be able to remove Aeris from your party 
        for quite some time after.

--D1.17 A - Obtaining The Great Gospel

--Items - Great Gospel

  From the shores that you crashed near, make your way east and you should 
start to recognise the Cosmo Canyon Area. Now head towards Nibelheim and cut 
through the river near to where your buggy will be parked to emerge near 
Gongaga and the Gold Saucer area (make note of the lagoon to the left along 
the way). Straight in front of you should be a lone house.

Now that the weapon seller is home, we can enquire about the 'Keystone'. 
Choose options 1 then 2 to learn a few interesting things (namely the 
'Ultimate Destruction Magic'), then choose 3 to trade in the Mythril that you 
acquired earlier from the sleeping man near Junon (read below if you haven't 
done that yet). You will then be permitted to open either the smaller box on 
the 2nd floor or the larger box on the ground floor.

The larger box merely contains a Gold Armlet, so go for the smaller box to 
obtain Aeris's Lv4 Limit Break manual, the Great Gospel. If you have learned 
all 6 of her previous Limits then you can go ahead and have her learn this 
straight away! Remember that you can make use of the bed here aswell.

 NOTES - You can actually go back to the sleeping man for an infinite amount 
         of Mythril, although you can only carry one at a time. If you wanted 
         to you could go back to Junon in your buggy (you can't access it via 
         plane), talk to the sleeping man in the cave found across the river 
         by the forests to hear your battle count stat. Then battle around 
         until the final two digits of your battle count are odd to obtain 
         another Mythril.

       - Every time you learn a Lv 4 Limit Break, you'll unlock a trophy. 
         When you learn Great Gospel you'll obtain the See The Light Trophy.

--D1.17 B - Fort Condor Battle No. 8

  From the lone house head south first and then east. You'll eventually come 
to a pyramid surrounded by forest. Remember its location and keep heading 
around it to navigate the tight gulley. Disembark at the beaches near to Fort 
Condor, your prize this time will be 3 x Turbo Ethers. If you've missed out a 
few battles, then I suggest completing the next few battles until you at 
least obtain the Superball.

 NOTE- If you have less than 4000 Gil, read the next section to learn how to 
       raise some in the shortest amount of time possible!

 Strategy Update - You should really be getting the hang of this now. What 
  I'm doing is creating 3 x Attackers scattered across the map, and as soon 
  as the battle begins I'm slowing the speed down to one (with L1). I'll then 
  command each troop to make their way down the hill as far is they can go. As 
  enemies appear I will create a new soldier as far downhill as I can that is 
  suited to the enemy that awaits. 

  If you haven't realised by now, you can end the battle prematurely by 
  wiping out every single opponent in play. This is what you want to be 
  aiming for, there's no need to hang around for the Boss. Just go all out on 
  the offensive, and keep instructing your troops to head south. Speed the 
  battle bar up to 4 once all commands have been given, then slow it back 
  down when you need to give more commands. With this strategy you should 
  never need to buy anything other than the three 'elemental' types (or 'rock-
  paper-scissors' types, you know what I mean), although feel free to 
  experiment if you'd like to spice things up a little bit.

--D1.17 C - Gil Farming in Mideel

  >  ENEMIES:                                                              <
  >           [     SEA WORM] [      SPIRAL] [ HIPPOGRIFF] [  HEAD HUNTER] <
  >                                                                        <
  > ------Lv: [-----------22] [----------39] [---------37] [-----------30] <
  > ------HP: [---------9000] [--------2800] [-------3000] [---------2000] <
  > ------MP: [----------200] [---------100] [--------280] [----------100] <
  > -----EXP: [---------1300] [---------700] [--------800] [----------650] <
  > ------AP: [----------200] [----------80] [---------80] [-----------80] <
  > -----GIL: [---------5000] [--------1300] [-------1500] [---------1000] <
  > ---STEAL: [Dragon Scales] [----X-Potion] [-----------] [-Tranquilizer] <
  > ---MORPH: [Dragon Scales] [Guard Source] [-----------] [-------------] <
  > ----DROP: [--Turbo Ether] [---Hi-Potion] [Echo Screen] [--------Ether] <
  > --ABSORB: [----------ERT] [------------] [-----------] [-------------] <
  > -NULLIFY: [----------GRV] [------------] [-----------] [-------------] <
  > ---HALVE: [----------FRE] [------------] [-----------] [-------------] <
  > --DOUBLE: [----------ICE] [------------] [-----------] [-------------] <
|                              NOTE ON ENEMIES:                              |
|                                                                            |
| Make sure to have either the Peace Ring or Added Effect=Mystify equipped   |
| to protect you from the Hippogriff's L2 Confuse. That person also ideally  |
| wants to have an Enemy Skill equipped (for White Wind) or All=Heal (Esuna) |
| to be able to cure your characters from Confusion. You may want to equip a |
| Fairy Ring to protect you from the Sea Worm's Sandstorm move, which by the |
| way can only be fought at the beaches. Equip Elemental=Shiva on your       |
| strongest character, as well as Counter Attack. The Head Hunter can only   |
| be found in grassy areas.                                                  |

  Follow the coastline around Fort Condor whilst heading for the land mass in 
the south eastern corner of the map. If you pass the Chocobo Ranch then 
you've gone too far. You should be able to disembark on the beaches of a dirt 
area with a small bit of grass. You'll know if you're in the correct area 
because it'll read 'Mideel Area' in the Menus.

You won't be able to access Mideel just yet, but you can fight the Sea Worm 
on the beaches for 5000 gil a pop! Not to mention 200AP! The Dragon Scales 
will help for the Battle Square, but they won't drop Turbo Ethers if you 
steal from them. With a whopping 9000HP, you may want to equip Ice on the 
character/s that don't have the Elemental=Shiva combo. The Sea Worms will be 
our main source of gil for the time being. Don't forget about the Enemy Lure 

The Spirals give out tremendous amounts of EXP, but we really, really don't 
want that just yet. The only reason you'd want to battle them is for their X-
Potions. They come in formations of 2 and 3, so two battles with them will 
net you 4 - 6 X-Potions, which will help for later.

**I CAN'T STRESS THIS ENOUGH** DO NOT spend a lot of time here. I battled the 
Sea Worms until I had 30,000 gil and I'd stolen 4 X-Potions then I left. The 
higher the level we become the easier (and subsequently more boring) the game 
will become. Make sure to leave with a minimum of 20,600 gil. It may be worth 
killing off one or two of your players so that they don't earn any Exp 
(remember that everyone who isn't in your party receives 0.5x the Exp earned 

 NOTES - If you *haven't* been following this guide to the letter, and you're 
         a low levelled wuss that plans to train here for a bit, then make 
         sure to swing by Bone Village once you have 20,600 gil. You can buy 
         some great Double Growth Armour there!
       - We're going to be spending a little bit of time Limit Leveling 
         shortly on, so don't worry too much if you don't raise a shed load 
         of gil now. You'll need 20K for Bone Village, 30K for a Golden 
         Ticket, 5K to play with in the Gold Saucer and 12K for the remaining 
         2 MP Plus's (unless you've already obtained them). The Golden Ticket 
         is optional at this stage, and you could just spend 3K for the 
         entrance fee.

       - BIG THANKS to trueOgre_Killer for pointing this out - an incredibly 
         easy way to earn gil without Leveling up is to battle around near 
         Bone Village until you encounter 2 x Trickplay (Steal from the 
         Vlakorados if you encounter it). The trickplay have a 17.4% chance 
         of using Gold Mountain, which will add 800 to their value. In one 
         battle I was able to walk away with roughly 40,000 gil, and less 
         than 1000 EXP! Nice! Just watch out for L4 Suicide. Gold Mountain 
         costs them 0MP to cast, so they can keep using it indefinitely.

       - If an enemy has more than 20,000 HP, which the Vlakorados has, then 
         you will not be able to cast Sense on that enemy.

--D1.17 D - Bone Village

--Items        - Kjata Materia
--Required gil - 20,600

  From Mideel head north along the eastern side of the continent. If you 
wanted to you could stop off by the Chocobo Ranch to learn L4 Suicide and/or 
Chocobuckle for your 2nd Enemy Skill if you haven't already, but it isn't 
necessary just yet. You could also learn Matra Magic near Midgar if for some 
weird reason you haven't obtained it already.

If you wanted to, you could stop by at Kalm to buy another Steal Materia (to 
make 3) for 1200 gil each. Not only will this help us when we need to steal 
rare items, but also...
]                                                                            [
] SIDE NOTE - MUG                                                            [
]                                                                            [
] Just like with the Counter Attack Materia, we kind of do and don't want    [
] Mug, which is what Steal will become once it's levelled up. Yes it's nice  [
] being able to weaken our opponent whilst also attempting to steal from     [
] them, but it can be rather frustrating when you end up killing them with a [
] critical blow. My advice is that when you level Steal up, keep it equipped [
] but also equip another Lv 1 Steal onto someone else.                       [

>From Kalm head north then west passing Midgar to your left. If you haven't 
already, enable the mini-map in the lower right corner and head for the 
marked area on the Northern Continent. You'll know if you're in the right 
area because you'll see some giant dinosaur bones surrounded by a peculiar 

 NOTES - I don't plan on battling here, so I won't give an enemy description 
         until we revisit this place during the story. Just note that if you  
         encounter the Vlakorados (a red dragon) here then you may wish to 
         consider escaping from these things as they have an insatiable 
         33,333 HP! Do steal a Carob Nut from them however....

       - As mentioned, the Trickplay a great source of Gil at this stage in 
         the game.

Once inside Bone Village you can talk to the guy on the right to enquire 
about Sephiroth, otherwise talk to the guy sitting down on the left to buy 
3 x Diamond Bangles (3200 each) and 3 x Rune Armlet (3700 each) coming to 
20,600 gil. We now have 4-slotted Double Growth Armour for everyone, yippee!

Now climb up the ladders to the right and head through the exit on the left. 
After heading through one screen, you'll arrive in the sleeping forest. You 
won't be able to progress just yet, but you can obtain the Kjata Materia 
here. Stand at the base of the first tree you see on the left and after about 
4 seconds a red Materia orb will start floating upwards. GRAB THAT MATERIA! 
the [KJATA MATERIA]. If you don't get it now then you can get it later on.

 NOTES - If you're Materia inventory is full then the game would normally 
         disallow you from picking up any more pieces. Kjata unfortunately is 
         glitched, and if you were to pick it up with a full Materia 
         inventory then you would remove Kjata from the screen without adding 
         it to your inventory, thereby losing it forever.

       - Kjata will hit for Fire, Ice, Lightning & Earth. This isn't always a 
         good thing as the enemies strengths could end up softening the blow. 
         Equipping Kjata with the Elemental Materia has absolutely no affect 

       - Kjata has been re-translated as 'Kujata' in the Steam/PS4 release. 
         I'll be referring to the summon as its original, mis-spelt name - 

--D1.17 E - Limit Break Training No. 5

  This will be the last time this guide will focus on Limit Break training as 
the large forest near Rocket Town/Mt. Nibel is the ultimate spot that you can 
keep coming back to (head west from Bone village). Do not spend more time 
here now than is necessary, in fact I'm only getting a few kills with Vincent 
and a few uses of Cid's 1-1 then I'm moving on. Once Cloud hits 35, stop 
training (even that may be a little too high). This is a very long game, and 
right now we're roughly a third of the way through it, so there's no need to 
Limit level everyone to the max straight away.

If you are planning to level up here then I suggest you make use of the Rune 
Armlets, and don't forget about the Enemy Lure Materia. Trine will take out 
the 6 x Battery caps in one hit, and Manipulating the Valrons is the best way 
to fill up your Limits. Here is my set up:

 1) Cloud - Lv 33 (Back) 

     Rune Blade  - Gravity, Heal, Restore, Manipulate
     Rune Armlet - Steal, Long Range, Enemy Lure, HP Plus

 2) Vincent - Lv 32 (Back)

     Sniper CR   - All=Restore, Enemy Skill, MP Plus
     Rune Armlet - Revive, Deathblow, Counter Attack, HP Plus
     Champion Belt

 3) Cid - Lv 32 (Front)

     Spear       - All=Time, Enemy Skill, Cover
     Rune Armlet - Poison, Earth, Elemental, HP Plus
     Sprint Shoes

Just to re-cap, here is a table listing the requirements of each Limit Level. 
The same table can be found in section E.02.
              _________ _________ ___________ _________ ___________ _________ 
             |         |         |           |         |           |         |
             | Lv 1-1  | Lv 1-2  | Lv 2-1    | Lv 2-2  | Lv 3-1    | Lv 3-2  |
 | Cloud     | Default | 8 Uses  | 120 Kills | 7 Uses  | 320 Kills | 6 Uses  |
 | Barret    | Default | 9 Uses  | 80 Kills  | 8 Uses  | 160 Kills | 6 Uses  |
 | Tifa      | Default | 9 Uses  | 96  Kills | 7 Uses  | 192 Kills | 6 Uses  |
 | Aeris     | Default | 8 Uses  | 80  Kills | 6 Uses  | 160 Kills | 5 Uses  |
 | Red XIII  | Default | 8 Uses  | 72  Kills | 7 Uses  | 144 Kills | 6 Uses  |
 | Yuffie    | Default | 8 Uses  | 64  Kills | 7 Uses  | 128 Kills | 6 Uses  |
 | Cait Sith | Default | N/A     | 40  Kills | N/A     | N/A       | N/A     |
 | Vincent   | Default | N/A     | 40  Kills | N/A     | 96  Kills | N/A     |
 | Cid       | Default | 7 Uses  | 60  Kills | 6 Uses  | 136 Kills | 5 Uses  |

Here are my Limit levels once I was done:
    Cloud: Lv 35 Limit 2-2 Climhazzard 
   Barret: Lv 30 Limit 2-2 Hammerblow
     Tifa: Lv 31 Limit 2-2 Meteodrive 
    Aeris: Lv 30 Limit 4-1 Great Gospel 
 Red XIII: Lv 32 Limit 2-2 Stardust Ray
   Yuffie: Lv 31 Limit 1-2 Clear Tranquil
Cait Sith: Lv 29 Limit 1   Dice
  Vincent: Lv 34 Limit 2   Death Gigas
      Cid: Lv 33 Limit 1-2 Dynamite

Once you're happy with your Levels and you're ready to move on you'll have a 
few options available to you. If you weren't too keen on grinding the Super 
Dunk machine at the Gold Saucer and you don't fancy bashing it out some more 
to obtain some prizes at the Battle Square, then you can skip out the next 
section and jump straight to Yuffie's Sidequest. Just bear in mind that the 
Champion Belt has now gone down in price and can be obtained for 25,600 BP, 
and having two of these will massively help for Yuffie's Sidequest.

 NOTE - If you're passing through Cosmo Canyon, you should stop by to grab 
        some MP Plus Materias so that you own 3.

      - (Best Bromance) If you have been following my guide to the letter, 
        then you should have done everything necessary to secure Barret as 
        the winner of the affection game, however completing Yuffie's 
        sidequest will boost her affection towards you. This shouldn't 
        matter, but If you wish to play it safe, then I suggest (after you've 
        finished up with the optional Gold Saucer stuff) skipping down to 
        section D1.19 - Gold Saucer Re-visited before doing Yuffie's 

--D1.17 F - Battling it Out at The Battle Square (again)

--Items - Champion Belt (25,600 BP), Speed Plus Materia (12,800 BP), 
          Pre-Emptive Materia (6400 BP)

  Now that all of the prizes have gone down in price I recommend heading back 
to the Gold Saucer. Before heading to the rope-way, first equip all three 
characters with the Steal Materia and head to the rope bridge just past North 
Corel. Battle around to steal some Right Arms from the Bombs here, they 
really do tremendous amounts of damage to all enemies.

Once you're ready to head up the rope-way, set Cloud up with the following 
and rest in North Corel so that you enter the Gold Saucer with max HP/MP.

 Cloud - Lv 35 (Back)

     Butterfly Edge - Heal, Restore, Enemy Skill, Deathblow
     Diamond Bangle - Added Effect=Time, Counter Attack, Long Range, HP Plus
     White Cape                                                        

Inflict Cloud with Sadness after you have slept in the Inn.

If you don't have enough to buy the Gold Ticket for 30,000 gil, then don't 
fret. As soon as you enter the Gold Saucer, head over to the Ghost Square to 
stock up on items, particularly Echo Screens. Then head to the Wonder Square 
to accumulate roughly 150 GP from the Super Dunk Game.

When you're ready, head back to the station and save your game for 5GP, then 
head to the Battle Square. **DO NOT** head into the showroom to the right of 
the arena as that will further the story, which will mean that you will not 
be able to take Aeris out of your party until after the Temple of the 

The enemies here now are quite harder, and you will probably find yourself 
dying more than you did previously. Trine will be your best friend. Use the 
Exit Materia or Smoke Bombs if you have any to escape from the battle whilst 
retaining all of your BP. Always play it safe, cast Big Guard on the 7th 
battle to prepare yourself for the 'All Materia Broken Handicap', and 
remember, the harder the handicap the higher the BP reward. That only really 
matters for the final two handicaps though.

Remember to use Laser on the Ghirofelgo, and L4 Suicide on the Dragon and 
Ying Yang.

You'll notice that Cloud's Level 4 Limit Break, Omnislash is now available 
for a whopping 51,200 BP! This will go down in price eventually, and we will 
be able to gain GP much more easily when that does happen, so unless you've 
got a lot of time to spare then I suggest just getting a 2nd Champion Belt, 
the Speed Plus Materia and the Pre-Emptive Materia for a total of 44,800 BP.

Use any BP that you have left over on buying another Enemy Lure to make three 
in total as the effects will stack with each other, then buy Bird Wings and 
Remedys. The S-Mines are a waste of BP. If you have any GP left over then I 
suggest trying to score over 5000 in the Speed Square to obtain the Umbrella, 
just remember to save first. If you do manage to nab the weapon then it will 
help later on, but it's so bloody hard to do so that I wouldn't blame you if 
you decided to give up! I managed to obtain it by watching more than a few 
youtube vids more than a few times.

 NOTE - If you're playing on the PC/PS4 version, then you can shoot the 
        Zeppelin propeller to gain a ridiculous amount of points, making the 
        Umbrella easily obtainable. Look it up!

And that just about wraps up all of the optional Sidequests, for now. That is 
of course excluding Yuffie's Sidequest, probably the biggest sidequest of the 
game. You have a few varying options available to you now. Seeing as you can 
complete her sidequest at any point before the end of Disk 2, you could if 
you wanted to come back later on to complete it. If this is what you want to 
do then head into Dio's Showroom to continue on with the story and skip to 
section D1.19 - Gold Saucer Re-visited. Otherwise head back to the Tiny 
Bronco and then make your way to the land mass west of Rocket Town.

 NOTES - If your characters are currently at a fairly low level then it would 
         be worth considering completing the Temple of the Ancients first 
         before doing Yuffie's sidequest. The weapons found there, like the 
         Umbrella, will massively help out.

       - If you plan on taking Aeris along to do Yuffie's sidequest, then I 
         would advise continuing on with the main part of the story, as it 
         requires you coming back to the Gold Saucer to engage in a battle at 
         the Battle Arena. Doing so now would save you having to re-equip 
         yourself, and would also save you the entrance fee (assuming you 
         haven't bought a Golden Ticket yet). Skip down to D1.19 if this is 
         for you. This is also recommended if you're after the Best Bromance 
         Trophy. Once you commit yourself to the next step of the story, you 
         won't be able to remove Aeris from your party until after the Temple 
         of The Ancients. 

|                                                                            |
| {D1.18} - Yuffie's Sidequest                                               |
|                                                                            |
| ITEMS:                                                                     |
|         |_|Magic Shuriken     |_|Elixir             |_|HP Absorb Materia   |
|         |_|Hairpin            |_|Dragoon Lance      |_|Ice Ring [Boss]     |
|         |_|MP Absorb Materia  |_|Peace Ring (Boss)  |_|All Creation (Boss) |
|         |_|Swift Bolt                                                      | 

--D1.18 A - Wutai (�After the war, we got peace, but we lost something else. 
                                                        Now look at Wutai...�)

  >  ENEMIES:  *************                                 ************  <
  >            *************                                 ************  <
  > ------Lv: [-----------30] [----------28] [----------28] [----------27] <
  > ------HP: [---------1600] [---------800] [---------960] [--------1000] <
  > ------MP: [----------240] [----------80] [------------] [---------145] <
  > -----EXP: [----------720] [---------385] [---------440] [---------375] <
  > ------AP: [----------100] [----------36] [----------36] [----------30] <
  > -----GIL: [---------2000] [---------420] [---------380] [---------350] <
  > ---STEAL: [Adaman Bangle] [--Bolt Plume] [------------] [------------] <
  > ---MORPH: [-------------] [--Swift Bolt] [------------] [------------] <
  > --DROP 1: [Dragon Scales] [---Hi-Potion] [Phoenix Down] [---Hi-Potion] <
  > --DROP 2: [-Phoenix Down] [-Echo Screen] [------------] [Tranquilizer] <
  > --DROP 3: [-------------] [--Bolt Plume] [------------] [---Loco Weed] <
  > --ABSORB: [-------------] [---------LHT] [------------] [------------] <
  > -NULLIFY: [----------GRV] [------------] [------------] [------------] <
  > -E-SKILL: [--DEATH FORCE] [------------] [------------] [MAGIC HAMMER] <
  >                                                                        <
  >                                                                        <
  >           [BIZARRE BUG] [  EDGEHEAD] [ ATTACK SQUAD] [CHOCOBO Lv 30]   <
  >                                                                        <
  > ------Lv: [---------28] [--------27] [-----------34] [-----------30]   <
  > ------HP: [--------975] [-------900] [---------1300] [----------300]   <
  > ------MP: [-----------] [--------80] [----------100] [----------100]   <
  > -----EXP: [--------420] [-------370] [----------300] [-----------10]   <
  > ------AP: [---------40] [--------36] [-----------10] [------------1]   <
  > -----GIL: [--------340] [-------385] [----------420] [------------1]   <
  > ---STEAL: [-----------] [----------] [8-Inch Cannon] [-------------]   <
  > --DROP 1: [---X-Potion] [Smoke Bomb] [-Tranquilizer] [-------------]   <
  > --DROP 2: [-----------] [----------] [-------S-Mine] [-------------]   <
  > --ABSORB: [-----------] [-------LHT] [-------------] [-------------]   <
|                              NOTE ON ENEMIES:                              |
|                                                                            |
| Both Death Force and Magic hammer can only be learnt by Manipulating the   |
| enemy. Death Force will make you invulnerable to 'Death' for one battle    |
| which can prove quite useful. Not nearly as useful as Magic Hammer which   |
| will drain 100MP out of all opponents! This should save on Ethers, just    |
| bear in mind that it costs 3MP to cast. The Adaman Bangles are worth       |
| Stealing, also.                                                            |

--Items - Magic Shuriken, Hairpin, MP Absorb, Swift Bolt, Elixir
--Extra - Turtle Paradise Poster #6

  If you're struggling to find the shoreline that you're supposed to be 
looking for, then head for the ocean closest to Cosmo Canyon. With Cosmo 
directly behind you, head west to find the dirt beach that you're after on 
the left. Oh, and it goes without saying that you must have recruited Yuffie 
in order to embark on this quest. If for some weird reason you still haven't 
then head to the forests near Rocket Town, now!

 NOTES - While Yuffie's sidequest doesn't have to completed now, it does has 
         to be done prior to the end-of-Disk-2 events. If you fail to partake 
         in the sidequest then you shall be forever missing out on the MP 
         Absorb Materia. You *can* still partake in the added mini-quest (The 
         Pagoda) on Disk 3 if you haven't completed Yuffie's main sidequest 

       - For a detailed map of Wutai see section F.03.

Before making your way up the hill, battle around on the shoreline to 
encounter the Adamantaimai to steal 3 x Adaman Bangles from them, and to 
learn the Enemy Skill Death Force if you haven't already. The Adaman Bangles 
have very high defence from physical attacks, but only two Materia Slots. 
Remember that the Magic Defence stat is always fixed to your Spirit level, so 
you don't actually lose anything even though the weapon stat for Magic Def 
will be in red (this bug has been fixed in the Steam/PS2 versions). You won�t 
encounter the Razor Weed until further up past the dirt area.

 NOTE - I sometimes arrange my Party according to what's about to happen in 
        the storyline. I have always brought Tifa & Aeris along on this one, 
        although I have a feeling Barret & Red XIII were meant to tag along...

Start heading up the hill to engage in an altercation with two Shinra Guards. 
You'll have to fight the Attack Squads which are fairly easy.... but some-
thing's missing....

Wait, what the..... That #%*%&!!! Ok, so now you know why I've recommended a 
2nd Champion Belt, we're going to be relying on pure strength for this side 
quest. Equip the Adaman Bangles too, and also any high attack-powered weapons 
(like the Umbrella). If you had Yuffie in your party when you went into the 
fight then she will leave your party and Barret will join once the fights 
over. Unless Barret was already in your party, in which case Red XIII shall 

 NOTE - Yuffie can only steal 48 pieces of Materia, if you have more then 48 
        then you will be left with a few to play with. There is a particular 
        order to the Materia she take:
 _____________________ __________________ ___________________ _______________
|                     |                  |                   |               |
| 01 Master Summon    | 22 Slash-All     | 43 Odin           | 64 Cover      |
| 02 Knights of Round | 23 EXP Plus      | 44 MP Turbo       | 65 Destruct   |
| 03 Master Command   | 24 Alexander     | 45 Titan          | 66 Gravity    |
| 04 Master Magic     | 25 Kjata         | 46 Ramuh          | 67 Time       |
| 05 Bahamut ZERO     | 26 Bahamut       | 47 Deathblow      | 68 Barrier    |
| 06 W-Summon         | 27 W-Item        | 48 Ifrit          | 69 Exit       |
| 07 W-Magic          | 28 Contain       | 49 gil Plus       | 70 Transform  |
| 08 Mega-All         | 29 HP<->MP       | 50 Counter Attack | 71 Mystify    |
| 09 Counter          | 30 Morph         | 51 Shiva          | 72 Seal       |
| 10 Typoon           | 31 Steal As Well | 52 Long Range     | 73 Revive     |
| 11 Hades            | 32 Added Cut     | 53 Pre-emptive    | 74 Earth      |
| 12 Quadra Magic     | 33 Final Attack  | 54 Chocobo Lure   | 75 Poison     |
| 13 Mime             | 34 Manipulate    | 55 Choco/Mog      | 76 Sense      |
| 14 Magic Counter    | 35 Sneak Attack  | 56 Enemy Away     | 77 Steal      |
| 15 Ultima           | 36 Added Effect  | 57 Luck Plus      | 78 Heal       |
| 16 Shield           | 37 Comet         | 58 Magic Plus     | 79 Restore    |
| 17 Full Cure        | 38 Elemental     | 59 Speed Plus     | 80 Lightning  |
| 18 Neo Bahamut      | 39 Throw         | 60 Enemy Lure     | 81 Ice        |
| 19 Phoenix          | 40 Leviathan     | 61 All            | 82 Fire       |
| 20 Enemy Skill      | 41 HP Absorb     | 62 HP Plus        | 83 Underwater |
| 21 Double Cut       | 42 MP Absorb     | 63 MP Plus        |               |

This was my load-out following the fight:

 1) Cloud - Lv 36 (Front)

     Yoshiyuki     - Ice, Fire
     Adaman Bangle - Sense, Steal                            
     Fury Ring   

 2) Tifa - Lv 32 (Front)

     Tiger Fang    - Heal, Restore, Ice, Fire         
     Silver Armlet - Sense, Steal               
     Champion Belt

 3) Aeris - Lv 31 (Front)

     Umbrella      -                                      
     Adaman Bangle - Restore, Steal                     
     Champion Belt

Obviously having the Fury Ring attached to Cloud will make his Materia set-up 
obsolete, but at least they will still receive AP. It's completely up to you 
of course, the Sprint Shoes or the Power Wrist would make a suitable 

Make your way across two bridges, then head south and under the bridge you 
just crossed. Now make your way north to cross a third bridge then keep 
heading north to eventually arrive at Yuffie's home-town, Wutai!
]                                                                            [
] SIDE NOTE - MATERIA CAVES                                                  [
]                                                                            [
] Dotted around the map are 4 Materia caves that can only be accessed by     [
] 'special' means. You'll probably spot one these caves whilst on your way   [
] to Wutai. You would've also spotted one on your way to North Corel. The    [
] Materia held within these caves are quite special, more on how to obtain   [
] them later on. (You just gotta love this game for its  abundance of        [
] collectibles and things to do, if nothing else!)                           [

As soon as you enter the tranquil town of Wutai you'll see Yuffie. We're 
going to be visiting each house soon enough, so for now make just your way to 
the save point then head north west to the tall Pagoda. 

In the next screen along head into the house on your right where you can rest 
for free in the room just on the left. Once you've slept, head through the 
concealed passage way on the left to find a chest containing the [MAGIC 

Now head back to the entrance and this time go right. You'll see an obviously 
hidden door on the lower right of the screen, head down another passage way 
for the [HAIRPIN].

Back out of the corridor then talk to the sleeping man in the northern room 
several times. He will eventually reveal himself to have been lying, and once 
Godo and Yuffie have finished arguing make your way back into the main part 
of Wutai (you could chase after Yuffie if you wanted to, but it would be in 

Before continuing, stop by the south western most building which just so 
happens to be - the Turtle Paradise! Here you can engage in some dialogue 
with the Turks here, you can also read their promotional advert just outside 
on the billboard (make sure to do this). 

When you're ready, head into the house next to the save point and open the 
chest for the [MP ABSORB MATERIA], GRAB THAT MATERIA! We can buy items from 
the shop a little later on, but for now we just want our Materia back!

Head to the very entrance of Wutai and enter the house on the right. You'll 
find Yuffie hiding behind the curtain rack. Next make your way over to the 
Turtle Paradise. In case you didn't spot it yourself, she's hiding in the pot 
just outside. Smash it a few times to annoy Yuffie, she'll then concede and 
agree to give you your Materia back.

After watching a commotion stirring with the Turks, you'll eventually regain 
control of Cloud. Head downstairs and check the notice just outside for the 
[Turtle Paradise Poster #6]. It doesn't matter which switch you pull here, 
the outcome is always the same. Flick the switch once more, then leave 
Yuffie's house.

Head all the way back to the tall Pagoda, but this time head to the structure 
on the left. Ring the bell here to open up (yet another) secret passageway. 
After bumping into a certain randy little fellow, you'll be able to open the 
chests here for a [SWIFT BOLT] and an [Elixir].

Head upstairs now to somehow end up in a fight with the Shinra. It'll be the 
same Attack Squads that you fought near the bridges earlier. Once you've 
annihilated them step outside and talk to Reno, then head over to the save 
point and save.

Now would be a good time to head into the shop to the left to stock up on a 
few Fire Veils and Swift Bolts. Also, you can buy the Choco Feather here for 
10,000 gil, but if you've got the Sprint Shoes then it isn't really 
necessary. Plus, you'll have a shot at obtaining one for free the next time 
we visit the Gold Saucer, anyway (which really isn't that hard).

 NOTE - I know I have recommended Aeris & Tifa for this sidequest, just bear 
        in mind the upcoming Boss is pretty solid, especially with your lack 
        of Materia. If you're a low level, consider choosing your strongest 
        and preferably long ranged characters to have by your side. I'm more 
        than confident with my current level, so I'm sticking with Tifa & 

--D1.18 B - Da-chao Statue            (�I think I've just found a new HOBBY!�)

>  ENEMIES:                                                 ************     <
>           [  JAYJUJAYME] [    FOULANDER] [       GARUDA] [  RAZOR WEED]    <
>                                                           ************     <
> ------Lv: [----------28] [-----------27] [-----------29] [----------27]    <
> ------HP: [---------640] [----------800] [---------1400] [--------1000]    <
> ------MP: [----------20] [----------100] [----------200] [---------145]    <
> -----EXP: [---------410] [----------440] [----------520] [---------375]    <
> ------AP: [----------35] [-----------34] [-----------30] [----------30]    <
> -----GIL: [---------350] [----------460] [----------520] [---------350]    <
> --DROP 1: [Deadly Waste] [Lunar Curtain] [Light Curtain] [---Hi-Potion]    <
> --DROP 2: [------Remedy] [----Fire Veil] [----Mute Mask] [Tranquilizer]    <
> --DROP 3: [----X-Potion] [-------------] [---Bolt Plume] [---Loco Weed]    <
> --DROP 4: [------------] [-------------] [--Ice Crystal] [------------]    <
> --ABSORB: [------------] [----------FRE] [-----LHT--ICE] [------------]    <
> -NULLIFY: [------------] [-------------] [----------ERT] [------------]    <
> --DOUBLE: [------------] [-------------] [----------WND] [------------]    <
> -E-SKILL: [------------] [-------------] [-------------] [MAGIC HAMMER]    <
>                                                                            <
>                         #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#
>           [BIZARRE BUG] <                  NOTE ON ENEMIES:                |
>                         <                                                  |
> ------Lv: [---------28] <  With little to no Materia there isn't much      |
> ------HP: [--------975] <  strategy to talk about. Try to obtain a few     |
> -----EXP: [--------420] <  Fire Veils and Bolt Plumes as they'll help for  |
> ------AP: [---------40] <  the upcoming Boss.                              |
> -----GIL: [--------340] <                                                  |
> ----DROP: [---X-Potion] <                                                  |

--Items - Dragoon Lance
--Boss  - Rapps Lv 39 (Peace Ring)

  Make your way north from the save point over a bridge to arrive at the foot 
of the statue. Heading left towards the Goku statue leads to nothing, so head 
along the right path. Heading right once more will lead to nothing so keep 
heading round to the left.

Heading north leads to nothing, so head into the cave. Here you'll find a 
green chest containing the [DRAGOON LANCE]. We'll be returning to this spot 
much later on in the game to put those flames out; there are some pretty 
decent items concealed behind them.

Now head out of the caves but, before heading south consider battling until 
all of your Limit Breaks are full, this is going to be one tricky Boss! If 
you've still got the Fury Ring equipped onto Cloud then I suggest replacing 
it with the Sprint Shoes. Also, put all of your characters in the back row 
and arrange your items by 'Type'. Don't forget to heal.

When you're ready head into the southern screen to see what Don Corneo's up 
to, he'll eventually release his new pet, Rapps (as opposed to 'Aps', Boss 
Battle 3)!

*        ________  ________  ________   ________           ___               *
*       |\   __  \|\   __  \|\   ____\ |\   ____\         |\  \              *
*       \ \  \|\ /\ \  \|\  \ \  \___|_\ \  \___|_        \ \  \             *
*        \ \   __  \ \  \\\  \ \_____  \\ \_____  \        \ \__\            *
*         \ \  \|\  \ \  \\\  \|____|\  \\|____|\  \        \|__|            *
*          \ \_______\ \_______\____\_\  \ ____\_\  \            ___         *
*           \|_______|\|_______|\_________\\_________\          |\__\        *
*                              \|_________\|_________|          \|__|        *
*  __________________________________________   ______________ ____________  *
* |                                          | |              |            | *
* |                  RAPPS                   | | BOSS BATTLE: | 18         | *
* |__________________________________________| |______________|____________| *
*                                              |              |            | *
* This is one tough Boss!. He will use his     | ---------Lv: | 39-------- | *
* Aero 3 move which will inflict roughly 1500  | ---------HP: | 6000------ | *
* HP, so be very careful. You may get through  | ---------MP: | 300------- | *
* a few Phoenix Downs here. Limit Breaks will  | --------EXP: | 3200------ | *
* be your best friend, so try to make sure to  | ---------AP: | 33-------- | *
* keep your characters alive as you don't want | --------GIL: | 20000----- | *
* their Limit gauges to deplete. If one of     | -------DROP: | Peace Ring | *
* your characters do die however, then Cloud's | ----NULLIFY: | GRV------- | *
* weapon, the Yoshiyuki, will do 2x damage,    |___________________________| *
* and if two characters were to die then it                                  *
* would deliver 3x damage. A risky strategy, but effective. Don't forget to  *
* use your battle items such as Swift Bolts and Fire Veils. Once he is       *
* destroyed you'll receive another [PEACE RING], as well as a whopping       *
* 20,000 gil!                                                                *
*                                                                            *

After the Boss you'll have the same dialogue options as that you had the last 
time you encountered Don Corneo, and like before it doesn't matter which one 
you choose although 2 is the correct answer. Eventually, Yuffie will have 
given you back your Materia and you'll have control of Cloud again on the 
World Map. We're not quite finished with Wutai just yet, so head back inside.

--D1.18 C - The Pagoda (�Come as if you're trying to kill me! If you don't... 
                                                 then I'll have to kill you!�)

--Items        - HP Absorb Materia
--Boss         - Gorkii Lv 30, Shake Lv 32, Chekhov Lv 34 (Ice Ring), 
                 Staniv Lv 36, Godo Lv 41 (All Creation)
--Required gil - 54,800
--Extra        - Turtle Paradise Poster #7, Turtle Paradise Reward:
                 Power Source, Guard Source, Magic Source, Mind Source, 
                 Speed Source, Luck Source & Megalixir.
                 Leviathan Materia

  Run directly north from the entrance to enter the house that's full of 
cats. The stairs that are right in front of you were previously blocked, but 
you can now climb them to find a chest containing the [HP ABSORB MATERIA], 

Now head back outside and enter the building to the left of the entrance 
which is the now opened Weapon Shop. Every weapon here is new, but they also 
come with a hefty price tag:

1 x Murasame         O=O O=O O  - Cloud      - 6500 gil
1 x Diamond Knuckle  O=O O=O O  - Tifa       - 5800 gil
1 x Chainsaw         O=O O=O O  - Barret     - 6300 gil
1 x Aurora Rod       O=O O=O O  - Aeris      - 5800 gil
1 x Gold Barrette    O=O O=O O  - Red XIII   - 6000 gil
1 x Slash Lance      O=O O=O O  - Cid        - 6500 gil
1 x Blue M-Phone     O=O O=O O  - Cait Sith  - 5500 gil
1 x Razor Ring       O=O O=O O  - Yuffie     - 6000 gil
1 x Shortbarrel      O=O O=O O  - Vincent    - 6400 gil
                                     Total - 54,800 gil

 NOTES - In my opinion the Murasame is the baddest looking sword for Cloud, 
         probably because it's a perfect copy of Sephiroth's Masamune Blade.

       - If you can't afford every item, then be sure to grab Yuffie's Razor 

Purchase what you will, just remember that you have a limitless gil supply 
from the Sea Worms in Mideel, and Trickplay near Bone Village. Next make your 
way into the Turtle Paradise to read the final [Turtle Paradise Poster #7] 
just outside on a billboard if you haven't already. Now head inside to claim 
your prize!
]                                                                            [
]                                                                            [
] If you've been paying close attention to this guide then you will have     [
] read all 6 Turtle Paradise Newsletters that are scattered across Gaia, and [
] also the promotional newsletter just outside of the Turtle Paradise. Talk  [
] to the guy behind the counter to claim your prize:                         [
]                                                                            [
] 1 x Power Source, 1 x Guard Source, 1 x Magic Source, 1 x Mind Source,     [
] 1 x Speed Source, 1 x Luck Source & 1 x Megalixir. Not bad, eh'?           [
]                                                                            [
] If you have missed a newsletter then you will not be able to claim your    [
] prize. Here is a recap of where you can find all 7:                        [
]                                                                            [
] 1.) Midgar - Sector 5 Slums in the Sleeping Boy's room. If you missed this [
]     the first time around then you can revisit this area much later on     [
]     during Disks 2 + 3.                                                    [
]                                                                            [
] 2.) Midgar - 1st Floor of the Shinra HQ. You only have 2 opportunities in  [
]     the game in which you can read this. If you missed it the first time   [
]     around then you'll have to wait until the end of Disk 2 when you       [
]     re-visit Midgar.                                                       [
]                                                                            [
] 3.) Gold Saucer - Ghost Square in the Hotel Lobby.                         [
]                                                                            [
] 4.) Cosmo Canyon - Tiger Lily's Weapon Shop to the left of the counter.    [
]                                                                            [
] 5.) Cosmo Canyon - The Inn near the Cosmo Flame. Just left of the counter. [
]                                                                            [
] 6.) Wutai - Yuffie's house in the basement.                                [
]                                                                            [
] 7.) Wutai - Outside the Turtle Paradise on a billboard.                    [
]                                                                            [
] NOTE - Just in case you'd forgotten, keep stock piling up all of your      [
]        Sources. You can start using them when you are ready to Source farm [
]        on Disk 2/3 in the Sunken Gelnika.                                  [

Now it's time to embark on the added mini-quest following Yuffie's sidequest, 
the 5 Levels of the Pagoda! Here we have to battle 5 Bosses one after the 
other whilst they become increasingly harder, and we can only use Yuffie! Set 
Yuffie up with the best equipment and Materia, save and then head to the 
Pagoda. Don't forget to rest in the building to the right of the Pagoda 

 NOTE - If you failed to complete Yuffie's sidequest prior to Disk 3, then 
        this added mini-quest will still be available to do.

Here is my set-up going in. Note that all of these Bosses are vulnerable to 
Slow and Poison.

 Yuffie - Lv 32 (Back)

     Razor Ring     - Elemental=Choco/Mog, Added Effect=Time, Poison
     Diamond Bangle - Elemental=Gravity, Enemy Skill, Counter Attack, HP Plus 
     Champion Belt

If you wanted to you could just go all out on the offensive with the 
Superball (if you had obtained it from the 7th Fort Condor Battle), but I 
don't think it's necessary. *Note* that my Lv 2 Elemental is in my armour and 
my Lv 1 Elemental is in my weapon. this will nullify any Gravity based 
attacks, whereas a Lv 1 Elemental would just halve it. There is no varying 
effect when placing an Elemental of varying levels in your weapon.

 NOTE - Losing any of the following battles will *not* result in a Game Over.

Speak to Gorky, the first boss of the Pagoda (although when you battle him 
his name will appear as Gorkii).

*        ________  ________  ________   ________           ___               *
*       |\   __  \|\   __  \|\   ____\ |\   ____\         |\  \              *
*       \ \  \|\ /\ \  \|\  \ \  \___|_\ \  \___|_        \ \  \             *
*        \ \   __  \ \  \\\  \ \_____  \\ \_____  \        \ \__\            *
*         \ \  \|\  \ \  \\\  \|____|\  \\|____|\  \        \|__|            *
*          \ \_______\ \_______\____\_\  \ ____\_\  \            ___         *
*           \|_______|\|_______|\_________\\_________\          |\__\        *
*                              \|_________\|_________|          \|__|        *
*  ____________________________________________   ______________ __________  *
* |                                            | |              |          | *
* |                   GORKII                   | | BOSS BATTLE: | 19       | *
* |____________________________________________| |______________|__________| *
*                                                |              |          | *
* Gorkii (or Gorky) is basically a tougher       | ---------Lv: | 30------ | *
* version of the Valron fought in the Nibel Area | ---------HP: | 3000---- | *
* and Rocket Town forests. He's a particularly   | ---------MP: | 150----- | *
* tough battle for the first one, that is unless | --------EXP: | 1500---- | *
* of course you've got the recommended set-up.   | ---------AP: | 50------ | *
* Open with Bio2 and Big Guard then just attack  | -------DROP: | X-Potion | *
* as normal. Even with his Barrier you should    | ----NULLIFY: | ERT--GRV | *
* still be able to wipe the floor with him using | -----DOUBLE: | WND----- | *
* Wind based attacks and Limits. Just make sure  |_________________________| *
* to use White Wind when your health drops below                             *
* 1/2.                                                                       *
*                                                                            *

After the Battle has finished, equip Cloud with Restore and use his Cure to 
heal Yuffie. Then remove all of her Elemental Combo's and replace them with 
some more HP Plus's, Restore and whatever else you want. I whacked on MP 
Absorb and linked it with Poison. Then head upstairs and speak to Shake, the 
second Boss of the Pagoda.

*        ________  ________  ________   ________           ___               *
*       |\   __  \|\   __  \|\   ____\ |\   ____\         |\  \              *
*       \ \  \|\ /\ \  \|\  \ \  \___|_\ \  \___|_        \ \  \             *
*        \ \   __  \ \  \\\  \ \_____  \\ \_____  \        \ \__\            *
*         \ \  \|\  \ \  \\\  \|____|\  \\|____|\  \        \|__|            *
*          \ \_______\ \_______\____\_\  \ ____\_\  \            ___         *
*           \|_______|\|_______|\_________\\_________\          |\__\        *
*                              \|_________\|_________|          \|__|        *
*  _________________________________________   ______________ _____________  *
* |                                         | |              |             | *
* |                 SHAKE                   | | BOSS BATTLE: | 20          | *
* |_________________________________________| |______________|_____________| *
*                                             |              |             | *
* Shake is basically a tougher version of the | ---------Lv: | 32--------- | *
* Skeeskee found in the Cosmo Area. Much      | ---------HP: | 4000------- | *
* easier than Gorkii, Shake's only real       | ---------MP: | 180-------- | *
* threat is the fact that she can inflict     | --------EXP: | 2200------- | *
* Yuffie with Fury, but let's face it, it's   | ---------AP: | 50--------- | *
* not really the worst Status in the World.   | -------DROP: | Turbo Ether | *
* If you're that bothered by it then you can  | ----NULLIFY: | GRV-------- | *
* equip a Peace Ring, but I think I'll stick  |____________________________| *
* with my Champion Belt. In fact, with Bio2,                                 *
* Big Guard, Belts and Limit Breaks, you should see Shake's beak break so    *
* she can't call her team mates (uh)!                                        *
*                                                                            *

After the battle, cure Yuffie of her Fury Status and then heal. You may need 
to use an Ether or two, or you could just head back to the mattresses to 
sleep. Equip a Jem Ring to protect you from being Paralyzed, then head to the 
next floor to speak to Chekhov, the third Boss of the Pagoda.

*        ________  ________  ________   ________           ___               *
*       |\   __  \|\   __  \|\   ____\ |\   ____\         |\  \              *
*       \ \  \|\ /\ \  \|\  \ \  \___|_\ \  \___|_        \ \  \             *
*        \ \   __  \ \  \\\  \ \_____  \\ \_____  \        \ \__\            *
*         \ \  \|\  \ \  \\\  \|____|\  \\|____|\  \        \|__|            *
*          \ \_______\ \_______\____\_\  \ ____\_\  \            ___         *
*           \|_______|\|_______|\_________\\_________\          |\__\        *
*                              \|_________\|_________|          \|__|        *
*  ____________________________________________   ______________ __________  *
* |                                            | |              |          | *
* |                  CHEKHOV                   | | BOSS BATTLE: | 21       | *
* |____________________________________________| |______________|__________| *
*                                                |              |          | *
* Chekhov is basically a tougher version of the  | ---------Lv: | 34------ | *
* Twin Brain we encountered in Mt. Nibel. As     | ---------HP: | 5000---- | *
* long as you've got the Jem Ring equipped then  | ---------MP: | 210----- | *
* you shouldn't have any problems. Mix in a bit  | --------EXP: | 2900---- | *
* of Beta and Trine seeing as your physical      | ---------AP: | 50------ | *
* attacks are now weaker due to lacking the      | -------DROP: | Ice Ring | *
* Champion Belt. If you've still got the Added   | ----NULLIFY: | GRV----- | *
* Effect=Time combo on your weapon then you'll   |_________________________| *
* have a chance of slowing or even stopping him                              *
* every time you attack. You'll be rewarded with the [ICE RING] once he's    *
* been vanquished, which will complete your collection of having a Fire, Ice *
* & Bolt Ring (assuming you got your last two digits of your battle count    *
* to be even whilst obtaining the Mythril).                                  *
*                                                                            *

Restore your HP/MP and equip the Champion Belt. The next enemy will inflict 
you with Sadness, but I wouldn't bother equipping a Peace Ring as it's not 
the most detrimental Status to have. Head upstairs to face Staniv, the fourth 
Boss of the Pagoda.

*        ________  ________  ________   ________           ___               *
*       |\   __  \|\   __  \|\   ____\ |\   ____\         |\  \              *
*       \ \  \|\ /\ \  \|\  \ \  \___|_\ \  \___|_        \ \  \             *
*        \ \   __  \ \  \\\  \ \_____  \\ \_____  \        \ \__\            *
*         \ \  \|\  \ \  \\\  \|____|\  \\|____|\  \        \|__|            *
*          \ \_______\ \_______\____\_\  \ ____\_\  \            ___         *
*           \|_______|\|_______|\_________\\_________\          |\__\        *
*                              \|_________\|_________|          \|__|        *
*  ______________________________________________   ______________ ________  *
* |                                              | |              |        | *
* |                    STANIV                    | | BOSS BATTLE: | 22     | *
* |______________________________________________| |______________|________| *
*                                                  |              |        | *
* Staniv is basically a tougher version of the     | ---------Lv: | 36---- | *
* Screamer that we fought in Mt. Nibel. He's also  | ---------HP: | 6000-- | *
* probably the easiest of the 5 Bosses. Just do    | ---------MP: | 240--- | *
* exactly what you've been doing so far and he'll  | --------EXP: | 3600-- | *
* be flashing red before you know it.              | ---------AP: | 50---- | *
*                                                  | -------DROP: | Elixir | *
*                                                  | ----NULLIFY: | GRV--- | *
*                                                  |_______________________| *
*                                                                            *

Now we only have one fight left, but I strongly suggest leaving this battle 
until later on in the game!
]                                                                            [
] SIDE NOTE - TRINE                                                          [
]                                                                            [
] If you are a completionist like myself then you are going to want to leave [
] this battle until you have obtained all 4 Enemy Skill Materias. Godo is    [
] the second of three enemies that will use Trine, and although the third    [
] enemy to use the move will do so *after* we've obtained the third Enemy    [
] Skill, we won't be able to revisit that particular area once the fourth    [
] and final E-Skill Materia has been obtained. And we've already killed the  [
] Materia Keeper, leaving Godo as the last remaining creature to learn Trine [
] from.                                                                      [ 
]                                                                            [
] Only one E-Skill is required to be filled for the Materia Overlord         [
] Achievement, but for reasons not worth going into at this stage in the     [
] game I suggest filling all of them up (it'll help for an end-game battle). [
] If you were to decide to just finish the Pagoda sidequest now then not     [
] much harm would come of it, although I am leaving it until later.          [

If you do decide to battle the final Boss then take heed, this Boss is hard 
and requires preparation. You are going to want to save before the fight as 
well as restoring your HP/MP at the beds. Set your Materia up accordingly:

 Yuffie - Lv 33 (Back)

     Razor Ring     - Time, Poison, Restore, Enemy Skill, Counter Attack
     Diamond Bangle - Elemental=Gravity, Added Effect=Transform, HP Plus 
     Peace Ring   

*        ________  ________  ________   ________           ___               *
*       |\   __  \|\   __  \|\   ____\ |\   ____\         |\  \              *
*       \ \  \|\ /\ \  \|\  \ \  \___|_\ \  \___|_        \ \  \             *
*        \ \   __  \ \  \\\  \ \_____  \\ \_____  \        \ \__\            *
*         \ \  \|\  \ \  \\\  \|____|\  \\|____|\  \        \|__|            *
*          \ \_______\ \_______\____\_\  \ ____\_\  \            ___         *
*           \|_______|\|_______|\_________\\_________\          |\__\        *
*                              \|_________\|_________|          \|__|        *
*  ________________________________________   ______________ ______________  *
* |                                        | |              |              | *
* |                  GODO                  | | BOSS BATTLE: | 23           | *
* |________________________________________| |______________|______________| *
*                                            |              |              | *
* Godo is by far the toughest Boss yet. In   | ---------Lv: | 41---------- | *
* fact, all of the 4 previous Bosses could   | ---------HP: | 10000------- | *
* probably be referred to as Sub-Bosses      | ---------MP: | 1000-------- | *
* compared to Godo. He has three faces and   | --------EXP: | 5000-------- | *
* will only use certain moves according to   | ---------AP: | 60---------- | *
* what face is showing, and he can switch    | --------GIL: | 40000------- | *
* faces at any time. Make sure to have the   | -------DROP: | All Creation | *
* Peace Ring equipped.                       |_____________________________| *
*                                                                            *
*  Red Face - Beast Sword, Trine                                             *
*  Gold Face - Sleepel/Confu, Mini                                           *
*  White Face - Drain, Bio2, Demi3                                           *
*                                                                            *
* Open by casting Slow on him, then Bio2 and then Big Guard. Keep your HP    *
* topped up above 1000 as Trine will hit hard. If you've unlocked Regen then *
* use it, otherwise use Cure2 and White Wind to heal and to cure you from    *
* Poison (respectively). This Boss does have one major weakness that you can *
* exploit, unlike most other bosses in the game it won't nullify your        *
* Gravity based attacks which means you can use Laser and Demi to massively  *
* weaken him.                                                                *
*                                                                            *
* The most annoying thing about him is his ability to cure himself, which he *
* will do so a lot. He'll also cure Yuffie if her health is minimal. Beta    *
* works really well here, and so does Yuffie's 2-2 Limit Bloodfest if you've *
* managed to unlock it. Once he's been defeated you will receive the [ALL    *
* CREATION] which is Yuffie's Lv 4 Limit Break Manual, along with a whopping *
* 40,000 gil!                                                                *
*                                                                            *

Once Godo is finished he will also hand over the Leviathan (Summon) Materia 
which is our second (and last) Water based Materia. This will unlock the 
Making Waves Trophy.

That just about wraps up everything there is to do in Wutai, well for now 
anyway. We'll return once we have acquired the Leviathan Scales to obtain the 
items within the cavern behind the flames, and also to defeat Godo if you 
haven't already. Rest up and then head out of Wutai.

 NOTES - If you have been following this guide in the order intended then your 
         next stop will be the Gold Saucer. Here we are going to have to 
         compete in a mandatory Battle in the Battle Arena, so don't spend a 
         great deal of time setting up your Materia. 

       - Do however whack your Enemy Skills and Manipulate on and battle 
         around near Wutai in the grass area to learn the Magic Hammer Enemy 
         Skill from the Razor Weed, and Death Force from the Adamantaimai if 
         you haven't already.. Oh, and also..
]                                                                            [
] SIDE NOTE - SUPPORT MATERIA COMBOS                                         [
]                                                                            [
] you can link multiple Support (blue) Materias to one magic. For example,   [
] should you have 2 x Lv 2 Ice Materias to hand then you can Link one of     [
] them with All, and the other one with HP Absorb. You will then enable a x2 [
] combo where you will absorb the HP from all of the enemies, as well as     [
] hitting them all with Ice.                                                 [
]                                                                            [
] There are restrictions when combining Materia this way. For example, if    [
] one of the Ices was at Lv2 and one of them was at Lv 1 then the x2 combo   [
] would only take effect when you cast Ice (as opposed to Ice2). Basically,  [
] the combo would only be as strong as its weakest Ice Materia. Much later   [
] on in the game we'll be able to utilise up to 8x combo's for devastating   [
] effect!!                                                                   [

 NOTE - You can also equip HP/MP Absorb to Deathblow or Steal! That would
        probably be a better choice for now. I just wanted to make you aware 
        of some of the ways in which Support Materia can be used seeing as 
        the Materia system really is starting to get under-way quite nicely.

|                                                                            |
| {D1.19} - Gold Saucer Re-visited                                           |
|                                                                            |
| ITEMS:                                                                     |
|         |_|Elixir                                                          |

--D1.19 A - The Battle                        (�Heh, heh, heh. Entertain me!�)

--Extra - Keystone, Protect Vest, Choco Feather

  Now make your way back to the Gold Saucer remembering to cut through the 
river that separates Nibelheim from Cosmo Canyon. As mentioned, you'll have a 
mandatory battle with just Cloud, so set up the following. Note that the 
Choco/Mog set-up here is optional. Remember to save and then rest up at North 
Corel, if you win all 8 battles you'll be rewarded with a little extra!

 Cloud - Lv 38 (Back)

     Murasame       - Added Effect=Time, Elemental=Choco/Mog, Enemy Skill
     Diamond Bangle - Heal, Restore, Counter Attack, Long Range, HP Plus     
     White Cape

Make your way into the showroom which can be found to the right as you enter 
the Battle Square. Inspect the blue Keystone you see here to barter with Dio 
for it. Agree to entertain him and you'll wind up in the Battle Arena. Don't 
forget to use the newly acquired Death Force Enemy Skill, as well as Regen if 
you have it.

 NOTE - You don't keep the BP you earn during this battle, so you don't need 
        to try to get the 'harder' handicaps. Also, it doesn't matter if you 
        finish or not, you'll get the Keystone either way, but you do need to 
        finish all eight battles for Dio to throw in a Protect Vest and a 
        Choco Feather on top.

After receiving the Keystone head back to the rope-way to find some bad news. 
Oh well, at least we get to spend the night for free!

--D1.19 B - The Date    (�I been here since the beginnin', an' I still don't 
                                       know what the hell's goin' on either.�)

--Items - Elixir
--Extra - Fort Condor Battle #9 - 3x Turbo Ethers

  Whilst in the Hotel I suggest letting Cloud tell his version of the story 
so far, you'll find it to be very interesting I'm sure. Once you're in your 
room you'll be visited by one of your teammates...   And so concludes the 
Affection Game!
]                                                                            [
] SIDE NOTE - GOLD SAUCER DATING GAME                                        [
]                                                                            [
] So, since the very beginning of the game our character's affection         [
] ratings have been going up and down according to the decisions we've been  [
] making throughout. The outcome of this mini-game is a date from the        [
] character that has the highest affinity towards you when you re-visit the  [
] Gold Saucer. Only four characters are candidates for this date, and they   [
] are Aeris Tifa Yuffie & Barret (If you've been following my Best Bromance  [
] Trophy notes, then Barret will be your date for the evening, and the       [
] trophy will pop as soon as you enter the foyer. For more information on    [
] how to date the character of your choice, read section E.01 for more info. [
] Note the Red XIII, Cid, Vincent and Cait Sith have no affection ratings    [
] whatsoever.                                                                [

 NOTE - If Barret wasn't chosen, then you can revert back to your save 
        outside of Cosmo Canyon to make you of the glitch there. See section 
        E.01 B for more info.

The date will begin with a trip to the Event Square. You can play along with 
the dialogue options here, or you can mess them up. Messing them up can be 
rather funny (this scene won't occur if Barret is your date).

Afterwards you'll take a ride on the Gondola within the Round Square. You'll 
see a few pretty sights as well as listening to some pretty deep dialogue 
with either Tifa or Aeris, or some fairly comical dialogue with Barret or 
Yuffie. You'll have to understand the story much more in-depth to fully 
understand what Aeris or Tifa actually meant.

As you leave the Round Square you'll see none other than Cait Sith. Wait, 
what's that he's holding? Chase after him until you get to the Chocobo Square 
where he'll reveal to you his true motives and plans. Not cool Cait Sith, not 
cool. Back in the hotel you'll get one chance to grab the [ELIXIR] that's 
hiding in the cupboard in the top right corner.

When you leave your room you'll have to form a party consisting of Aeris. 
Make sure to stock up on Tranquilizers and other items before heading out. 
Now make your way to the Tiny Bronco and then head for that pyramid that you 
saw earlier on the way to Fort Condor (you probably figured out then that it 
was The Temple of The Ancients), and scoot right past it to Fort Condor once 
]                                                                            [
] SIDE NOTE - FORT CONDOR BATTLE No.9                                        [
]                                                                            [
] You must complete this before entering the Temple of The Ancients. Your    [
] prize will be 3 x Turbo Ethers (unless of course you've missed out a       [
] battle, in which case your prize will be the previous one).                [

|                                                                            |
| {D1.20} - The Temple of the Ancients                                       |
|                                                                            |
| ITEMS:                                                                     |
|         |_|Trident            |_|Morph Materia    |_|Megalixir             |
|         |_|Mind Source        |_|Nail Bat         |_|Work Glove            |
|         |_|Silver Rifle       |_|Princess Guard   |_|Dragon Armlet (Boss)  |
|         |_|Turbo Ether        |_|Ribbon           |_|Bahamut Materia       |
|         |_|Rocket Punch       |_|Trumpet Shell    |_|Gigas Armlet (Boss)   |
|         |_|Luck Plus Materia                                               |

--D1.20 A - The Ancient Temple          (�I am becoming one with the planet.�)

>  ENEMIES:                                                                  <
>                                                                            <
> ------Lv: [-------30] [-------30] [----------29] [--------30] [-------29]  <
> ------HP: [-----1600] [-----2500] [--------1400] [-------800] [------900]  <
> ------MP: [---------] [---------] [---------140] [----------] [-------50]  <
> -----EXP: [------600] [------550] [---------440] [-------410] [------370]  <
> ------AP: [-------45] [-------45] [----------45] [--------35] [-------30]  <
> -----GIL: [------600] [------500] [---------420] [-------400] [------450]  <
> ---STEAL: [Bird Wing] [Pepio Nut] [------Remedy] [--Antidote] [---------]  <
> ---MORPH: [---------] [---------] [------Remedy] [--Antidote] [----Hyper]  <
> ----DROP: [Bird Wing] [Pepio Nut] [------Remedy] [----Potion] [Hi-Potion]  <
> -NULLIFY: [-ERT--WTR] [---------] [------------] [----------] [------ERT]  <
> --DOUBLE: [------WND] [---------] [------------] [----------] [------WND]  <
>                                                                            <
>           [MYSTERY                    **********  #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#
>             NINJA Lv 32] [ DOORBULL] [TOXIC FROG] <    NOTE ON ENEMIES:    |
>                                       **********  <                        |
> ------Lv: [----------32] [-------35] [--------26] <  A White Cape here is  |
> ------HP: [--------1500] [-----2800] [-------500] <  crucial, and make     |
> ------MP: [---------234] [------160] [-------100] <  sure that whoever has |
> -----EXP: [---------480] [------760] [-------420] <  the White Cape either |
> ------AP: [----------80] [-------50] [--------30] <  has All=Heal or White |
> -----GIL: [--------1600] [------680] [-------260] <  Wind, there are some  |
> ---STEAL: [------------] [Hi-Potion] [---Impaler] <  nasty Status changes  |
> ---MORPH: [------------] [---------] [----Remedy] <  here. protection from |
> ----DROP: [------------] [Hi-Potion] [---Impaler] <  Petrify/Slow-Numb     |
> --ABSORB: [------------] [------FRE] [-------PSN] <  (the Jem Ring) will   |
> -NULLIFY: [------------] [------GRV] [----------] <  also help. The Slaps  |
> --DOUBLE: [------------] [---------] [-------ICE] <  can inflict you with  |
> -E-SKILL: [------------] [---------] [-FROG SONG] <  Berserk, which isn't  |
#~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#  the worst Status in   |
|                                                      the world.            |
|  Beach - Tonadu                                                            |
|  Grass Area - Dual Horn & Under Lizard                                     |
|  Dirt Area - Tonadu & Under Lizard                                         |
|  Forest Area - Kelzmelzer, Slaps, Mystery Ninja Lv 32 (50%)                |
|  Inside TOTA - Doorbull, Toxic Frog, Under Lizard, Kelzmelzer              |

--Items - Trident, Mind Source, Silver Rifle, Turbo Ether, Rocket Punch, 
          Luck Plus Materia, Morph Materia,

  This was my set-up going into the Temple of The Ancients:

 1) Cloud - Lv 38 (Front)

     Murasame       - All=Restore, All=Heal, Sense                       
     Diamond Bangle - All=Gravity, Steal, Speed Plus, HP Plus              
     Jem Ring  

 2) Aeris - Lv 34 (Back)

     Umbrella      -      
     Edincoat      - Ice, E-Skill, Manipulate, Steal, Long Range, HP Plus, 
     Champion Belt                                                     MP Plus

 3) Red XIII - Lv 35 (Front)

     Gold Barrette  - Elemental=Choco/Mog, Added Effect=Time, Enemy Skill
     Diamond Bangle - HP Absorb=Deathblow, Steal, HP Plus, MP Plus
     White Cape

?       _______________        _______________        _______________        ?
?       !!TROPHY NOTE!!        !!TROPHY NOTE!!        !!TROPHY NOTE!!        ?
?       ```````````````        ```````````````        ```````````````        ?
?                                                                            ?
?   TROPHY NOTE - MAKE A FRESH SAVE                                          ?
?                                                                            ?
?   Make a fresh save before heading into the Temple of The Ancients, and    ?
?   don't save over it. Don't ask questions. Applies to Steam and PS4 users. ?
?                                                                            ?
?       _______________        _______________        _______________        ?
?       !!TROPHY NOTE!!        !!TROPHY NOTE!!        !!TROPHY NOTE!!        ?
?       ```````````````        ```````````````        ```````````````        ?

Make your way into the Temple of the Ancients. As you enter you'll have a 
small amount of dialogue to read, you'll then have to place the keystone into 
the alter. Once this is done you will be transported deep within the TOTA, 
and you won�t be able to leave until you've progressed with the story.

This area looks a lot less linear than it actually is. Follow the path to 
descend down the vine, then head to the right for a chest containing the 
[TRIDENT]. Then climb up the long vine to come to an impassable door. (I 
believe the quote is a reference to the game Chrono Trigger).

Now climb the second vine to grab the [MIND SOURCE], then head through the 
archway to the left. Here can talk to the weird looking Temple Keeper, then 
talk to him a second time to either save, rest or buy a few items. When you 
are finished grab the chest to the right for the [SILVER RIFLE].

Now head back out and down the vine, this time heading through the archway to 
pick up the [TURBO ETHER]. Now head down the long flight of stairs and keep 
following the path round to come to a chest containing the [ROCKET PUNCH].

Climb the small vine then head up the stairs and through the unmarked alcove. 
Following it round to the right climb the large vine, then head to the end of 
the path to GRAB THAT MATERIA! the [LUCK PLUS MATERIA] (even though it'll 
read 'Lucky Plus Materia', fixed on the Steam PS4 version). If you miss this 
piece here then you'll never be able to come back for it.

Now make your way back round to the marked alcove that the Temple Keeper went 
through, we'll return to the visible chest very shortly.

This next room has a fairly obvious mini-game. Simply run at the right time 
to avoid the rolling boulders, stopping to GRAB THE MATERIA! the [MORPH 
MATERIA] (at last). When you make it to the other end the boulders will stop 
falling and Aeris will get worried, then she'll insist that you look into the 
pool of spirit energy.
]                                                                            [
] SIDE NOTE - MORPH                                                          [
]                                                                            [
] Morph will basically hit you opponent for roughly 12.5% of is normal       [
] power, but if delivers the final blow then your opponent will be           [
] transformed into an item (if applicable, not all enemies can be morphed).  [
] Some of the items that are obtained this way can be incredibly valuable.   [
] Moves such as L4 Suicide, Demi and Laser help out also.                    [
]                                                                            [
]  NOTE - There is a weapon for Yuffie called the Conformer which is the     [
]         only weapon in the game that can Morph for normal damage, and      [
]         because of this awesomeness Yuffie will be in my final team.       [

After you have viewed the events that have taken place, head right to the 
Temple Keeper to rest and save, but you can no longer buy items from him 
(what, did he lose his merchandise or something? Or did you just buy it 
all...). Head down into the next room to enter into the clock room.

--D1.20 B - The Time Guardian  (�There's plenty if stuffed toys like my body 
                                            around, but there's only one me!�)

     >  ENEMIES:                                                        <
     >           [ANCIENT DRAGON] [       8 EYE] [JEMNEZMY] [ DOORBULL] <
     >                                                                  <
     > ------Lv: [------------34] [----------30] [------24] [-------35] <
     > ------HP: [----------2400] [---------500] [-----800] [-----2800] <
     > ------MP: [-----------450] [---------220] [------80] [------160] <
     > -----EXP: [-----------800] [--------1000] [-----510] [------760] <
     > ------AP: [------------80] [---------100] [------50] [-------50] <
     > -----GIL: [-----------800] [---------720] [-----400] [------680] <
     > ---STEAL: [--------------] [------------] [--------] [Hi-Potion] <
     > ---MORPH: [--------------] [Magic Source] [--------] [---------] <
     > ----DROP: [---Turbo Ether] [------------] [--------] [Hi-Potion] <
     > --ABSORB: [--------------] [------------] [--------] [------FRE] <
     > -NULLIFY: [------ERT--WTR] [---------GRV] [-----ICE] [------GRV] <
     > --DOUBLE: [------GRV--WND] [------------] [--------] [---------] <
     > ---DEATH: [--------------] [---------PSN] [-----PSN] [---------] <
|                              NOTE ON ENEMIES:                              |
|                                                                            |
| The 8 eye and the Jemnezmy are one time encounters only but the Ancient    |
| Dragon can be fought randomly in the Mural room along with the Doorbull.   |
| For the first time in the game we have encountered enemies that are weak   |
| against Poison (the Element, not the Status), so make sure to have it      |
| equipped, Also, make good use of the Morph Materia and morph yourself a    |
| few Magic Sources from the 8 eye (remove counter attack).                  |

--Items - Nail Bat, Princess Guard, Ribbon, Trumpet Shell, Megalixir,
          Work Glove, Bahamut Materia,
--Boss  - Red Dragon Lv 39 (Dragon Armlet), Demons Gate Lv 45 (Gigas Armlet)

   /_\ to move the clock hands manually
    O  to spin them randomly
    X  to proceed

  The first thing that you're going to want to do is to press X to proceed, 
then stand on the hour hand and wait for the second hand to sweep you off. 
When you land you'll have to fight 2 x Ancient Dragons, then you'll be able 
to open the chest containing the [NAIL BAT]. (We're starting to complete our 
collection of 0 slotted, high attack powered weapons)

Exit to find yourself back within the stairs and vines area (you just came 
through the 'sealed' door from earlier). Make your way back round to the 
boulder room and then save. Now head into the clock room and set the minute 
hand to I.

Room I - Battle encounter with 1 x Jemnezmy and 2 x Toxic Frogs. Use Bio2 
         to kill Jemnezmy instantly.

Now head back into the clock room and without changing the clock hands run 
straight back into the boulder room. Then you can run back into the clock 
room to just change the minute hand once, this is the quickest way of 
navigating the Time Guardian. Save using the Temple Keeper, also.

Room II   - Dead End.

Room III  - Battle encounter with 2 x 8 eye. I suggest weakening them with 
            moves like Matra Magic first, then just using morph so that you 
            obtain a few Magic Sources. If you're not bothered by this then 
            you can just use Bio2 to obliterate them. Their drain move is 
            excellent for filling up Limit Breaks aswell.

Room IV   - Chest containing the [PRINCESS GUARD]. This is Aeris's ultimate 
            weapon, equip it if you don't have the Umbrella for her. As with 
            the Yoshiyuki, this weapon will double in power when one of 
            Aeris's companions are KO'd, and will triple in power when 2 are 

Room V    - Leads back to the chest in the 'stairs and vines' area we saw 
            earlier containing the [RIBBON]. Equip it now!

Room VI   - We'll return here shortly.

Room VII  - Chest containing the [TRUMPET SHELL].

Room VIII - Chest containing the Squall Lionheart. Joke, it's a [MEGALIXIR].

Room IX   - Dead End.

Room X    - Boulder Room.

Room XI   - Dead End.

Room XII  - We'll return here later.
]                                                                            [
] SIDE NOTE - RIBBON                                                         [
]                                                                            [
] This is probably the best accessory in the game as it will protect against [
] all abnormal Statuses. To be precise, it will defend against:              [
]                                                                            [
] Sleep, Poison, Sadness, Fury, Confusion, Silence, Frog, Small, Slow-Numb,  [
] Petrify, Death-Sentence, Berserk, Paralyzed & Darkness.                    [
]                                                                            [
]  NOTE - You can still inflict Fury and Sadness upon yourself as long as    [
]         you do so outside of battle. The Ribbon will only prevent an enemy [
]         from inflicting them upon you. Also, the Ribbon won't protect you  [
]         from Death, so using the Death Force E-Skill, or equipping Added   [
]         Effect=Destruct to ones armour would be advisable against enemies  [
]         that can cause instant death.                                      [

Head into room VI to find that the Temple keeper has locked the door. There 
are 9 exits here, you'll have to number the exits from 1-9, left to right top 
to bottom. Whichever exit the Keeper took, run through the corresponding door 
as below:

 1 = 4
 2 = 7
 3 = 9
 4 = 2
 5 = 6
 6 = 3
 7 = 8
 8 = 5
 9 = 1

Once you've caught him he'll unlock the door for you. Don't forget that you 
can jump down to the lower level on the left, do so to grab the chest at the 
bottom for the [WORK GLOVE]. Rest and save, then head into the Mural room to 
learn a great deal about Sephiroth's plan. After Cloud has had another little 
episode, you'll eventually be face to face with:

*        ________  ________  ________   ________           ___               *
*       |\   __  \|\   __  \|\   ____\ |\   ____\         |\  \              *
*       \ \  \|\ /\ \  \|\  \ \  \___|_\ \  \___|_        \ \  \             *
*        \ \   __  \ \  \\\  \ \_____  \\ \_____  \        \ \__\            *
*         \ \  \|\  \ \  \\\  \|____|\  \\|____|\  \        \|__|            *
*          \ \_______\ \_______\____\_\  \ ____\_\  \            ___         *
*           \|_______|\|_______|\_________\\_________\          |\__\        *
*                              \|_________\|_________|          \|__|        *
*  _______________________________________   ______________ _______________  *
* |                                       | |              |               | *
* |               RED DRAGON              | | BOSS BATTLE: | 24            | *
* |_______________________________________| |______________|_______________| *
*                                           |              |               | *
* This Boss isn't too hard. You can poison  | ---------Lv: | 39----------- | *
* him from then start and then just chip    | ---------HP: | 6800--------- | *
* away at him however you see fit. Just     | ---------MP: | 300---------- | *
* stay away from fire based attacks. Trine  | --------EXP: | 3500--------- | *
* and Aqualung are probably your best bet.  | ---------AP: | 200---------- | *
* Once done for, you'll receive the [DRAGON | --------GIL: | 1000--------- | *
* ARMLET] which will halve any Fire/Ice/    | -------DROP: | Dragon Armlet | *
* Lightning based attacks!                  | ------ABSORB | FRE---------- | *
*                                           | ----NULLIFY: | GRV---------- | *
*                                           |______________________________| *
*                                                                            *

GRAB THAT MATERIA! Once the battle has finished make sure to grab the 
[BAHAMUT MATERIA] (unlocking the Waiting in the Wings Trophy). This bad-boy 
summon is permanently missable. 

Now head over to the right to inspect the floating object on the small alter. 
You have to trust Cait Sith here, when you are ready, leave the Mural room. 
It wouldn't be the worst idea in the world to battle around for a bit to try 
and fill up your Limit Breaks before leaving. Heal and save aswell.

 NOTE - Just as in Sector 7 right at the beginning of the game, Aeris will be 
        leaving your party again. And just like before, you are going to lose 
        whatever Armour she is wearing, although her Materia and Accessory 
        will be returned to you, so make sure that she isn't wearing 
        something unique like the Edincoat. I equipped her with the Silver 
        Armlet. The annoying thing is that we won't get a chance to un-equip 
        Aeris after the upcoming Boss battle, so you'll have to step into it 
        without your optimal set-up. Note that you can actually un-equip 
        Aeris after the battle, but the window in which to do this is so 
        tight that you'd be better off just playing it on the safe side by un-
        equipping her now.

Make your way back to the Clock Room to find that the hands are fixed at 12 
o'clock. Equip the Bahamut Materia and head through to door 12, after an 
amount of dialogue you'll be up against:

*        ________  ________  ________   ________           ___               *
*       |\   __  \|\   __  \|\   ____\ |\   ____\         |\  \              *
*       \ \  \|\ /\ \  \|\  \ \  \___|_\ \  \___|_        \ \  \             *
*        \ \   __  \ \  \\\  \ \_____  \\ \_____  \        \ \__\            *
*         \ \  \|\  \ \  \\\  \|____|\  \\|____|\  \        \|__|            *
*          \ \_______\ \_______\____\_\  \ ____\_\  \            ___         *
*           \|_______|\|_______|\_________\\_________\          |\__\        *
*                              \|_________\|_________|          \|__|        *
*  _______________________________________   ______________ _______________  *
* |                                       | |              |               | *
* |              DEMONS GATE              | | BOSS BATTLE: | 25            | *
* |_______________________________________| |______________|_______________| *
*                                           |              |               | *
* With very high Def and Mag Def this Boss  | ---------Lv: | 45----------- | *
* is fairly tough, make sure to have your   | ---------HP: | 10000-------- | *
* Barrier and MBarrier topped up at all     | ---------MP: | 400---------- | *
* times, and also remember to cast Slow on  | --------EXP: | 3800--------- | *
* him. Use Bahamut early on, and have Regen | ---------AP: | 220---------- | *
* active to help with healing (if you've    | --------GIL: | 4000--------- | *
* unlocked it). Aeris Lv4 Limit, Great      | -------DROP: | Gigas Armlet- | *
* Gospel, works really well here, just      | ----NULLIFY: | PSN--GRV----- | *
* watch out for his Demons Rush move that   | ------HALVE: | ERT---------- | *
* will inflict a lot of damage to all       |______________________________| *
* player . Make sure that someone has a                                      *
* Ribbon and someone else has a Jem Ring to protect you from Slow-Numb.      *
*                                                                            *
* If you're really struggling to defeat him then you can try slowing the     *
* battle speed right down and inflicting your characters with Sadness by     *
* using Tranquilizers. If you need to level up then you can do so in the     *
* Mural Room. Once he has been defeated you'll receive the [GIGAS ARMLET],   *
* which will boost you Strength by +30, but has 0 growth (so your Materia    *
* won't level up).                                                           *
*                                                                            *

After you have defeated the Demons Gate some crucially important events will 
unfold. You won�t need to pick up this walkthrough again until you have 
regained control of Cloud in Gongaga Village.

|                                                                            |
| {D1.21} - The Forgotten Capitol                                            |
|                                                                            |
| ITEMS:                                                                     |
|       |_|Water Ring     |_|Guard Source         |_|Comet Materia           |
|       |_|Magic Source   |_|Elixir               |_|Wizard Bracelet (Boss)  |
|       |_|Aurora Armlet  |_|Enemy Skill Materia                             |

--D1.21 A - Bone Village (Re-visited)     (�You can go in, but you may never
                                                                 come out...�)

|                          >  ENEMIES:                           **********  <
|     NOTE ON ENEMIES:     >           [   TONADU] [VLAKORADOS] [ TRICKPLAY] <
|                          >                                     **********  <
| My advice here is to     > ------Lv: [-------30] [--------33] [--------24] <
| try to not engage in     > ------HP: [-----1600] [-----33333] [------1500] <
| battles at all, as the   > ------MP: [---------] [-------333] [-------100] <
| Vlakorados will take a   > -----EXP: [------600] [-------510] [-------480] <
| very long time to kill.  > ------AP: [-------45] [--------40] [--------35] <
| If you do engage them    > -----GIL: [------600] [-------460] [-------800] <
| however, be sure to      > ---STEAL: [Bird Wing] [-Carob Nut] [----------] <
| steal a Carob Nut from   > ---MORPH: [---------] [----Elixir] [----------] <
| them, these will help    > ----DROP: [Bird Wing] [-Carob Nut] [-Hi-Potion] <
| later on. The Trickplay  > --ABSORB: [---------] [----------] [-------ERT] <
| uses a move called Gold  > -NULLIFY: [-ERT--WTR] [----------] [----------] <
| Fountain, which adds 800 > ---HALVE: [---------] [-------GRV] [----------] <
| gil onto your reward     > --DOUBLE: [------WND] [----------] [----------] <
| with each use.           > -E-SKILL: [---------] [----------] [L4 SUICIDE] <

--Items - Kjata Materia (Unless you've already obtained it)
--Extra - Buntline, Mop, Megalixir, Lunar Harp
          Fort Condor Battle #10 - 5x X-potions
          Fort Condor Battle #11 - 5x X Potions

 NOTE - Now that you have the Morph Materia it wouldn't be the worst idea in 
        the world to head to ruined reactor before leaving Gongaga. Here you 
        can fight the Heavy Tank which can be morphed into Power Sources. 
        They have 1600 HP, and if you decide not to spend time here now then 
        definitely come back once you've obtained Yuffie's Conformer.

  Once you leave Gongaga you will find your plane to the south. PHS in 
whichever party you desire, I'm sticking with Barret & Tifa. Jump into the 
Tiny Bronco and start making your way to Fort Condor. This is my set-up 
heading out:

 1) Cloud - Lv 40 (Back)

     Murasame       - All=Restore, Heal, Morph, Sense           
     Diamond Bangle - Added Effect=Transform, HP Plus, MP Plus, Long Range     
     Champion Belt

 2) Barret - Lv 33 (Front)

     Chainsaw       - All=Time, Revive, Enemy Skill, Manipulate
     Diamond Bangle - HP Absorb=Deathblow, Elemental=Ice, HP Plus
     Champion Belt

 3) Tifa - Lv 36 (Front)

     Work Glove    -                                
     Dragon Armlet - All=Gravity, E-Skill, Steal, Speed Plus, HP Plus
]                                                                            [
] SIDE NOTE - FORT CONDOR BATTLE No. 10                                      [
]                                                                            [
] Your prize this time will be 5 x X-Potions even though the game will       [
] indicate otherwise. You must complete this before using the Lunar Harp in  [
] Bone Village.                                                              [

Now make your way up to the Northern Continent. If you've been following my 
guide exactly then you should remember how to get there from before. If not 
then just keep heading north along the east side of the Eastern Continent, 
past the Chocobo Ranch and Kalm to eventually come to some huge dinosaur 
bones surrounded by forest. Again, avoid battling here, just head straight 
into Bone Village.

You can talk to the guy on the right her more info if you like, otherwise 
talk to the foreman on the left. Here you'll be able to search for either the 
Lunar Harp (which is required to continue with the game), good treasure or 
normal treasure.

This is how this mini-game works -  when you order a search in a particular 
spot a worker will then come and stand in that spot, costing you 100 gil. 
Once all 5 workers have been placed you'll be able detonate a bomb, all of 
the workers will then look at a particular spot. The treasure that they have 
located will have be dug up in that spot. You don't have to buy all the 
workers if you don't want to, in fact you can even dig for free but your 
chances of finding something will be remote, unless of course you happen to 
have a strategy guide knocking about. You do? Goody goody.

There are only certain items that we can obtain at this point in the game, 
I'll update you when it is necessary to. For a complete rundown see section 
E.12. For now, here's a map of what's up for grabs, and where you can find 
them: (The same map can be found in section F.08.)

|\@#\\#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@______  _ __@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@|
||#@| |#/#@#______#@ /  | | \   \    \#@\@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@/|#@#|
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|  || | |  | \/   | | \ \  \ |       \  \_|                 /__/            ||
|  || |_|__|      |/\  \ \__\|   ___  \    \                                ||
|  ||/            / /\  \_  _   |\  |  \  |_\                               ||
|_/               |/  |   /| |  | | |   \ |                                 ||
|                 /  /|  / | |  | | |    \|                   _            / |
|            _     \/_| /__|_| /| | |                        / \          |  |
|           / \       |/     |/ | |                         ( 5 )         |  |
|          ( 8 )                                             \_/          |  |
|           \_/                                                           |  |
|                                                                         |  |
|                  _           _                                          |  |
|                 / \         / \          ___               ____        /___|
|_____     _     ( 7 )       ( 6 ) _______/SSS|        |\___/    \_________  |
| \SSS\___/ \____ \_/       **\_/ /        /SS|========|       /SSS\       \_|
|  \SSS\   /     \________  ***  /      __/SSS|        |     /SSSSSSS\       |
|\  \SSS\/       /SSSSSSSS\_____/      /SSSSS/|========|   /SSSSSSSSSSS\     |
|S\  \S/ \_    / \SSSSSSSSS\___      _/SSSS/  |        |  |SSSSSSSSSSSSS\    |
|\S\ /     \ / \/SSSSSSSSSSSSSS\____/SSSS/ \  |========|  \SSSS ___SSSSSS\   |
| \/ \_    /S\/SSS\-----\S\--\ SSSSSSSS/    \ |        |   \SSS/   \SSSSSSS\ |
|/     \ /\SSSSSSSS\     \S\  \SSSSSS/  __\  \|========|    \S/     \SSSSSSSS|
|\_    /\/SSS/---\SS\  ___/ \  \SSS/   |   |  |        |     /       \SSS/\SS|
|  \ /\SSSSS/     \SS\/      \  \SS    |===|  |========|             /SS/  \S|
|  / \SSS/ S|      \S|       /\__|_____|   |__|        |     __     /SS/    \|
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|SSSSSS/     |       \ _____|/         _                \ \   \S\ /SSSSS/\   |
|/-----\      |       /               / \               / \SSSSSS/SSSSS/  \ /|
|__     \     |      /    _          ( 4 )            _/_  \SSSSSSSSSS/   /  |
|  \_    \    |_____/    / \          \_/            /      \SSSSSSSS/  /  / |
|    \    \   |         ( 3 )                  _____/       |SSSSSSS/ /  / / |
|     \    \ /           \_/                  /             /       /  /  /  |
|\     |    |         _                   ___/             /      /  /   /  /|
||     |    |        / \                 /                /     /  /    /  /S|
||_____|     \      ( 2 )               /____    ______   |            /  /SS|
|#@#@#@#@#@#@#|      \_/            _      | \  /     /   /    _______/  /SSS|
|@#@#@#@#@#@#@|                    / \     |  \/     /  //    /          |SSS|
|#@#@#@#@#@#@#|                   ( 1 )   /  /|     /  /   __/   |       |SSS|
|@#@#@#@#@#@#@|                    \_/   /  / |     |  /  /    __|       |SSS|
|#@#@#@#@#@#@#\                         /  /  |     |  / / /==/          |SSS|
|@#@#@#@#@#@#@#\                       /  /   |    / \  / /==/           /SSS|
|#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#\                     /  /     \  /___\/|/==/           /SSSS|
|@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#\                   |  /       \|\||||||__/           /SSSSS|
|#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#\          __       \/         \|    |/             /SSSSSS|
|@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#\______   \/                  /'    '              |SSSSSS|

Spot 1 - Normal Treasure. Just to the right of the entrance.
         Elixir (14%, unlimited supply), Nothing (85%)

Spot 2 - Normal Treasure. Just to the left of the entrance.
         Potion (50%, unlimited supply), Nothing (50%) [default]

Spot 3 - Good Treasure. Just to the right of where the foreman sits.
         Megalixir (100%, once only), Nothing (100% afterwards)

Spot 4 - Good Treasure. Base of the ladders and to the left on the 'X'.
         Mop (100%, Once only), Nothing (100% afterwards)

Spot 5 - Good Treasure. Top of the ladders and to the right.
         Buntline (100%, once only), Nothing (100% afterwards)

Spot 6 - Normal Treasure. Top of the ladders just right of the black mound.
         Turbo Ether (8%, unlimited supply), Ether (92%, unlimited supply)

Spot 7 - Normal Treasure. Just to the left of the black mound.
         Ether (30%, unlimited supply), Nothing (70%)

Spot 8 - Lunar Harp. Just NW of spot 7.
         Lunar Harp (100%, once only), Nothing (100% afterwards)

So, as you can see there are 3 good treasure spots and 4 normal treasure 
spots. you will respectively have around a 33% chance or 25% chance of a 
particular spot to get chosen, but only if you actually order worker to 
search (this only applies to normal treasure).

With the good treasure you'll have to place one staff next to each spot to 
ascertain as to which of the three spots holds the treasure, whereas with 
normal treasure you could just keep going to spot 6, selecting option 2 
(done) then search there for an infinite number of free Ethers! This is a 
mediocre way to obtain gil without becoming overpowered through battling, as 
they sell for 750 each!.

Note that if you'd positioned yourself incorrectly, thereby missing the 
correct search spot completely then by default your prize will be as if they 
had searched spot 2.

 NOTE - When you use the excavation site, you also spend the night there, 
        restoring your HP/MP!

After obtaining the Lunar Harp, I suggest searching for the three available 
good treasures to obtain the Megalixir (spot 3), the Mop (spot 4) and the 
Buntline (Spot 5). Once you are ready to continue, head into the sleeping 

After you have awoken the sleeping forest you can grab the Kjata/Kujata 
Materia that you will see floating around, if you haven't done so already. If 
you've been doing all of the Fort Condor Battles so far, then now is the time 
to do a U turn.
]                                                                            [
] SIDE NOTE - FORT CONDOR BATTLE No. 11                                      [
]                                                                            [
] Your prize this time will be 5 x X-Potions even though the game will       [
] indicate otherwise. You must complete this before sleeping in the          [
] Forgotten Capitol.                                                         [

--D1.21 B - Corral Valley/City of The Ancients  (�Because, Cloud. You are...
                                                                   a puppet.�)

|                      >  ENEMIES:  **************                           <
|   NOTE ON ENEMIES:   >           [      BOUNDFAT] [  MALLDANCER] [ HUNGRY] <
|                      >            **************                           <
| Watch out for the    > ------Lv: [------------27] [----------32] [-----33] <
| Hungry, they will    > ------HP: [-----------500] [---------600] [---2000] <
| first cast Small on  > ------MP: [------------80] [---------100] [----100] <
| you then they'll     > -----EXP: [-----------420] [---------500] [----700] <
| swallow you whole,   > ------AP: [------------40] [----------56] [-----60] <
| effectively          > -----GIL: [-----------350] [---------700] [----600] <
| removing that        > ---STEAL: [--------Dazers] [Phoenix Down] [-------] <
| character from       > ---MORPH: [--------Dazers] [----X-Potion] [-------] <
| battle.              > ----DROP: [--------Dazers] [---Hi-Potion] [--Ether] <
|                      > --ABSORB: [-----------ICE] [------------] [-------] <
|                      > -NULLIFY: [--------------] [----ERT--WTR] [-------] <
|                      > -E-SKILL: [DEATH SENTENCE] [------------] [-------] <

--Items - Water Ring, Magic Source, Aurora Armlet, Guard Source, Elixir, 
          Enemy Skill Materia, Comet Materia
--Boss  - Jenova-LIFE Lv 50 (Wizard Bracelet)
--Extra - Fort Condor Battle #12 - 5x X-Potions

  The first screen you see is, according to Metal Gear Solid Boy's 
Training/Random encounter FAQ, the best area in the whole of disk 1 to train. 
With between 4 and 5 enemies per battle you'll be raking in those kills, not 
to mention AP & EXP. Only consider training here if you're at a low level.

First run under the log bridge to open the chest containing the [WATER RING]. 
This will drain water based attacks. Now head up and through the log to the 
next screen. Follow the spiny path to exit on the World Map in a small ravine 
just north of Bone Village.

Head into the circular object to enter into Forgotten Capitol. Here the path 
will split 3 ways, take the left path first. You will come to a tall house, 
enter inside to find a save point, a crystal harbouring the words of the 
Ancients, and a chest containing a [MAGIC SOURCE].

Now head out of the house and make your way to the right to enter a large 
cavern. You can explore around here if you like, but other than the chest at 
the bottom containing the [AURORA ARMLET], there's not much to do here now. 
The Aurora Armlet will drain Ice based attacks, and it also has very high 
defence. Remember that the Magic Defence stat means nothing, it is always 
equal to your Spirit (unless you're playing the Steam/PS4 version).

Now make your way back to the 3 way split, this time heading right. In the 
first house (well, more like giant shell) you'll find more unrecognisable 
words from the Ancients, as well as a chest on the top floor containing a 

Head back outside. You could dash straight past the next shell, but there 
wouldn't be any need. Heading down the west path would bring you to the 
opposite entrance to the cavern you just explored, and heading north is 
impossible at this stage as one of your comrades will stop you from venturing 
further on. So, head into the middle shell and pick up the [ELIXIR] from the 
chest on the right.

Now head up the ladders to get some rest. During the night Cloud will wake up 
in distress. Before doing anything else, look behind the top bed for the 
third [ENEMY SKILL MATERIA]. GRAB (and equip) THAT MATERIA! Now head back to 
the 3 way split, but don't go north just yet, instead, head back to the World 

Regardless of whether or not you're planning to do Fort Condor Battle 12, I 
suggest making a quick round trip across the coastlines of Gaia picking up 
some of the better Enemy Skills along the way. Heading clockwise, stop off at 
Midgar first.

1.) - Matra Magic - Midgar Area, Custom Sweeper. O.K., not the best of
      E-Skills to have at this point in the game, but grab it none the less.

2.) - Beta - Marshes near the Chocobo Ranch, Midgar Zolom. An absolute must, 
      you shouldn't find him a problem now. I wouldn't bother with L4 Suicide.
      Just remember that you may end up kill it too quickly, the easiest way 
      to ensure that it uses Beta before dying is to use Laser or Demi2.

3.) - White Wind - Junon Area, Zemzelett.
]                                                                            [
] SIDE NOTE - FORT CONDOR BATTLE No. 12                                      [
]                                                                            [
] Your prize this time will be 5 x X-Potions even though the game will       [
] indicate otherwise. You must complete this before the end of Disk 1.       [

4.) - Big Guard - Beaches of Gongaga/Gold Saucer Area, Beachplug. Don't 
      bother learning Aqualung, we'll be able to learn it very shortly anyway.

5.) - Death Force - Shores of Wutai, Adamantaimai.

6.) - Magic Hammer - Grass area near Wutai Village, Razor Weed. It's a bit of 
      a trek, but worth it. Then again, we do have Ethers..

You can now continue clockwise to the Northern Continent and into the 
sleeping forest once more. You can also learn Death Sentence from the 
Boundfat if you really like, but it isn't that great of an E-Skill to have. 
We'll obtain the remaining E-Skills once we've acquired the fourth and final 
Enemy Skill Materia.

Once you're back at the 3 way split, head north. Note that we are now in the 
final stages of disk 1, and if there's anything you wanted to do then now is 
the time to do it. If you didn't talk to the man in Rocket town to obtain 
Cloud's Yoshiyuki then it will be lost forever. If you're ready to continue 
then keep heading north until you arrive at the tranquil shell 'mansion'. 
Check the top floor to GRAB THAT MATERIA! the [COMET MATERIA].

 NOTE - Lv 2 Comet (Comet2) is probably one of the best magic spells in the 
        game. Just as with Revive, I suggest placing Comet in your arsenal 
        and leaving it there until it has levelled up.

Now make your way down the blue stairway to emerge at a type of underworld 
(The under-lair of The Ancients?). Keep descending until you arrive at a save 
point. You'll have to fight one last boss before disk 1 has finished, and 
this boss uses mainly water based attacks. Set yourselves up accordingly, 
bearing in mind that I'm taking advantage of the boss's high AP drop by using 
Double Growth weapons:

 1) Cloud - Lv 40 (Front)

     Murasame      - Elemental=Titan, HP Absorb=Deathblow, Enemy Skill
     Aurora Armlet - Counter Attack, Luck Plus, HP Plus, MP Plus        
     Champion Belt

 2) Barret - Lv 34 (Front)

     Chainsaw    - Elemental=Earth, Added Effect=Time, Enemy Skill
     Rune Armlet - Barrier, Speed Plus, HP Plus, MP Plus
     Champion Belt

 3) Tifa - Lv 37 (Back)

     Platinum Fist - Comet, Revive, HP Plus, MP Plus
     Dragon Armlet - All=Restore, (new) Enemy Skill, Sense, Long Range, 
     Water Ring                                                        Bahamut

Don't forget to use a tent before saving. You won�t be able to PHS here, 
either. Once you have defeated this final boss you won't need to pick this 
guide up again until you have gained control of Cloud on disk 2. Just sit 
back, relax and enjoy the amazing, ahead of its time fantasy that only 
Hironobu Sakaguchi, Kazushige Nojima & Yoshinori Kitase can bring (the games 
story writers). Not forgetting Nobuo Uematsu and Minoru Akao for the amazing 
music score! (This is basically SquareSoft/Enix in its prime.)

*        ________  ________  ________   ________           ___               *
*       |\   __  \|\   __  \|\   ____\ |\   ____\         |\  \              *
*       \ \  \|\ /\ \  \|\  \ \  \___|_\ \  \___|_        \ \  \             *
*        \ \   __  \ \  \\\  \ \_____  \\ \_____  \        \ \__\            *
*         \ \  \|\  \ \  \\\  \|____|\  \\|____|\  \        \|__|            *
*          \ \_______\ \_______\____\_\  \ ____\_\  \            ___         *
*           \|_______|\|_______|\_________\\_________\          |\__\        *
*                              \|_________\|_________|          \|__|        *
*  _____________________________________   ______________ _________________  *
* |                                     | |              |                 | *
* |             JENOVA-LIFE             | | BOSS BATTLE: | 26              | *
* |_____________________________________| |______________|_________________| *
*                                         |              |                 | *
* If you've equipped the Water Ring then  | ---------Lv: | 50------------- | *
* this fight is impossible to lose as all | ---------HP: | 10000---------- | *
* of Jenova's attacks are water based. If | ---------MP: | 300------------ | *
* you haven't learned Aqualung on your    | --------EXP: | 4000----------- | *
* 3rd E-Skill then now is the time, just  | ---------AP: | 350------------ | *
* make sure to have equipped it on the    | --------GIL: | 1500----------- | *
* same person who has the Water Ring.     | -------DROP: | Wizard Bracelet | *
* Open with the same move as always, Big  | -----ABSORB: | WTR------------ | *
* Guard and then cast your Summons. You   | ----NULLIFY: | GRV------------ | *
* can then cast Slow on her, or just wait | -----DOUBLE: | ERT------------ | *
* until Barret's Added Effect=Time is     | ENEMY SKILL: | AQUALUNG------- | *
* successful (if you'd equipped that      |________________________________| *
* combo), just make sure that Jenova                                         *
* hasn't set up her reflect, otherwise it'll bounce back to the caster. Have *
* Barret and Cloud just attack, whilst Tifa just keeps using Comet and other *
* magic spells (like Beta), and don't forget to use Regen. Once she's been   *
* downed your reward will be the [WIZARD BRACELET), an 8 Materia slotted     *
* piece of armour with very low Defence.                                     *
*                                                                            *
*  NOTE - Jenova has a higher chance of using Aqualung if her HP is below    *
*         25%.                                                               *
*                                                                            *
         _______   ______     ____  ______   ____  _________ __ __    ___
        / ____/ | / / __ \   / __ \/ ____/  / __ \/  _/ ___// //_/   <  /
       / __/ /  |/ / / / /  / / / / /_     / / / // / \__ \/ ,<      / / 
      / /___/ /|  / /_/ /  / /_/ / __/    / /_/ // / ___/ / /| |    / /  
     /_____/_/ |_/_____/   \____/_/      /_____/___//____/_/ |_|   /_/   

                                                   Disk 1 Finished 02/May/2015

)                                                                            (
)    If you're finding this walkthrough to be helpful, please remember to    (
)                            rate/recommend/like                             (
)                                                                            (


|<:                                                                        :>|
|<:                                                                        :>|
|<:  {D2}                           DISK 2                                 :>|
|<:                                                                        :>|
|<:                                                               {Disk 2} :>|
|                                                                            |
|                                  CONTENTS                                  |
| - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  |
| {D2.01} - Icicle Inn                                                       |
| {D2.02} - The Great Glacier                                                |
| {D2.03} - The Promised Land                                                |
| {D2.04} - Escape!                                                          |
| {D2.05} - Optional Sidequests No.3                                         |
| {D2.06} - Mideel                                                           |
| {D2.07} - North Corel & Fort Condor Reactors                               |
| {D2.08} - Into the Lifestream                                              |
| {D2.09} - Underwater Reactor                                               |
| {D2.10} - Optional Sidequests No.4                                         |
| {D2.11} - Cid! The Astronaut!                                              |
| {D2.12} - The Forgotten Capitol Re-visited                                 |
| {D2.13} - Midgar Re-visited                                                |

                                PLEASE INSERT:                                
|/ DISK 2 \/\/\ DISK 2 /\/\/ DISK 2 \/\/\ DISK 2 \/\/\ DISK 2 /\/\/ DISK 2 /\|
|                                                                            |
| {D2.01} - Icicle Inn                                                       |
|                                                                            |
| ITEMS:                                                                     |
|         |_|Viper Halberd     |_|Magic Plus Materia  |_|Hero Drink          |
|         |_|Bolt Armlet       |_|Power Source        |_|Vaccine             |
|         |_|HypnoCrown        |_|Turbo Ether         |_|X-Potion            |
|         |_|Megalixir                                                       |

--D2.01 A - Corral Valley Cave    (�Sephiroth... I wonder which way he went?�)

>  ENEMIES:                           **********   **************            <
>                                     **********   **************            <
> ------Lv: [--------35] [-------31] [--------24] [------------27] [-----33] <
> ------HP: [------2400] [------880] [------1500] [-----------500] [---2000] <
> ------MP: [-------220] [------120] [-------100] [------------80] [----100] <
> -----EXP: [-------800] [------600] [-------480] [-----------420] [----700] <
> ------AP: [--------90] [-------45] [--------35] [------------40] [-----60] <
> -----GIL: [------1200] [------560] [-------800] [-----------350] [----600] <
> ---STEAL: [Water Ring] [--Shrivel] [----------] [--------Dazers] [-------] <
> ---MORPH: [----------] [---------] [----------] [--------Dazers] [-------] <
> ----DROP: [----------] [--Shrivel] [-Hi-Potion] [--------Dazers] [--Ether] <
> --ABSORB: [-------WTR] [---------] [-------ERT] [-----------ICE] [-------] <
> -NULLIFY: [-------GRV] [---------] [----------] [--------------] [-------] <
> -E-SKILL: [----------] [---------] [L4 SUICIDE] [DEATH SENTENCE] [-------] <
|                              NOTE ON ENEMIES:                              |
|                                                                            |
| Make sure to have protection from Small as the Hungry like to eat you once |
| they've made you small. The Grimguard uses Ice2 & Bolt2, so equipping the  |
| Dragon Armlet will help, also the Grimguard's shield will shift from       |
| having high physical defence to having high magic defence with every few   |
| hits. The water Armlet can be sold for 5000 gil each, so try to steal a    |
| few from the Acrophies.                                                    |

--Items - Viper Halberd, Bolt Armlet, HypnoCrown, Megalixir, Magic Plus 
          Materia, Power Source
--Extra - Fort Condor Battle #13 - 3x Elixirs

  So, now you know why I told you to make a fresh save just before the Temple 
of The Ancients. Maybe you already saw it coming, maybe you didn't, either 
way, if you haven't taught Aeris her Lv 4 Limit Break - Great Gospel, then 
make sure to find the time to train her up in the forest area by Rocket Town 
from that save (if you're trying to obtain the See the Light Trophy). Then 
come back to your main save when you are ready to continue.

After you've finished shedding your tears, set up your Materia however you 
see fit. Here's how I set mine up:

 1) Cloud - Lv 41 (Front)

     Murasame        - All=Restore, Heal, Enemy Skill, Morph   
     Wizard Bracelet - All=Gravity, MP Absorb=Steal, Sense, Speed Plus, 
     Champion Belt                                            HP Plus, MP Plus

 2) Barret - Lv 35 (Front)

     Chainsaw       - Added Effect=Time, Enemy Skill, Manipulate, Luck Plus
     Diamond Bangle - HP Absorb=Deathblow, Elemental=Ice, HP Plus
     Champion Belt

 3) Tifa - Lv 37 (Back)

     Diamond Knuckle - All=Fire, Comet, Revive, Enemy Skill
     Dragon Armlet   - Elemental=Shiva, Steal, Long Range, HP Plus, MP Plus

Now run into the middle shell-house and rest. You can now follow Sephiroth 
north if you like, or you can head completely back around in the opposite 
direction once more...
]                                                                            [
] SIDE NOTE - FORT CONDOR BATTLE No. 13                                      [
]                                                                            [
] Your prize this time will be 3 x Elixirs. You must complete this before    [
] obtaining talking to the guy at the top of the snowboarding cliff in the   [
] Icicle Inn. There is only one more optional battle after this one.         [

 NOTES - Before heading back to the Northern Continent, it might be worth 
         heading to Mideel to fight the Sea Worms to raise some gil, the next 
         shop will demand an enormous 93,000 gil from us. Do not fret though, 
         there is an enemy that we will encounter which carry Water Rings 
         which we can steal from which can be sold for 5000 gil each. We can 
         also sell our weapons, I know I said that I wasn't going to do that 
         again, but I've just worked out that you can make roughly 54,650 gil 
         that way (depending on how many pieces of amour you have). 

       - If you don't want to level up, and you don't want to sell your 
         weapons, then you can dig Ethers at the Bone VIllage dig site (dig 
         spot 6) for free, selling them for 750 gil each. Or you could just 
         battle the Trickplay near Bone Village (their Gold Mountain move 
         increases their value by 800 gil each time they cast it).

       - Very shortly, our modes of transport are going to be replaced with 
         bigger and better things (respectively). The only bad news is that 
         the Corel Desert (near to the Gold Saucer, not Corral as in where we 
         are now) will be permanently un-accessible. So, if you did wish to 
         steal a few Turbo Ethers from the Land Worms, then now would be your 
         final chance.

Now make your way along the path you saw Sephiroth take to come to a screen 
with a giant shell in the middle. To get to the chest on the right side you 
have to run up the small slope on the left, then head around the inside of 
the shell (as opposed to the outside bit at the top of the slope). It can be 
quite tricky to navigate to, your reward will be the [VIPER HALBERD].

Retrace your steps, then ascend the ladder like structure of the shell to 
come to the next screen. This cave has many cracks that can be climbed, take 
the left crack first then jump to the left at the top. Now climb the crack to 
the left that you see all the way to the top to grab the [BOLT ARMLET] from 
the chest here.

 NOTE - As mentioned, you're going to need a fair amount of gil if you wish 
        to buy the next set of weapons for everyone, so make sure to steal a 
        few Water Rings from the Acrophies if & when you encounter them. 

Now head down and right. Run all the way over to the right and head down, 
then left to grab the chest containing the [HYPNOCROWN]. Then head all the 
way back up to grab the [MEGALIXIR] from the chest on the right.

Jump to the left and then take the final crack to the top. Run over to the 
ladders and descend all the way tom the bottom to GRAB THAT MATERIA! the 
[MAGIC PLUS MATERIA]. Yes, this area is re-visitable. T

Lastly, take the ladders all the way to the top, grab the chest in the next 
screen containing the [POWER SOURCE], and then exit out to the World Map!

--D2.01 B - Icicle Inn (�Weapon cannot vanish. ...It remains asleep somewhere 
                                                              on the planet.�)

|                      >  ENEMIES:                                 [CHOCOBO  <
|   NOTE ON ENEMIES:   >           [BANDERSNATCH] [       JUMPING]    Lv 33] <
|                      >                                                     <
| Equip Fire for the   > ------Lv: [----------30] [------------24] [-----33] <
| sake of it, or       > ------HP: [---------860] [-----------999] [----330] <
| don't, you should    > ------MP: [---------100] [--------------] [----100] <
| be killin' it by     > -----EXP: [---------510] [-----------400] [-----10] <
| now. Just don't use  > ------AP: [----------40] [------------30] [------1] <
| Ice. Protection from > -----GIL: [---------600] [------------50] [------1] <
| Confusion is advised > ---MORPH: [-Ice Crystal] [Antarctic Wind] [-------] <
| as the Bandersnatch  > ----DROP: [---Hi-Potion] [-----Hi-Potion] [-------] <
| will 'Bite' you,     > ---HALVE: [---------ICE] [--------------] [-------] <
| causing Confusion.   > --DOUBLE: [---------FRE] [--------------] [-------] <

--Items        - Turbo Ether, Hero Drink, Vaccine, X-Potion
--Required gil - 93,000
--Extra        - Glacier Map, Snowboard

  Making your way west, you should be able to follow the hills round until 
you come to the Icicle Inn. Take note of the fact that when you proceed past 
the Icicle you won�t be able to change your party for a while, plus, you'll 
be on a time limit of sorts. I suggest choosing your strongest party for 
this, but there's no point in setting up your Materia just yet, we've a shed 
load of weapons to buy first!

Before we start, I'd first like to say that you should have 2 Peace Rings at 
this stage. You only need one seeing as you can use the Ribbon and Added 
Effect for the other two players, so that can be sold.
Secondly, you can sell any Star Pendants that you have, the Fairy ring does 
the job plus more.
Thirdly, if you were able to steal an amount of Water Rings then you can sell 
them, but that shouldn't be necessary if you're selling your weapons.
Lastly, ...erm, we don't really need Aeris's weapons now, do we? Well, I'm 
not really asking, I'm telling you that we won�t need them anymore because 
she's gone and she's never ever coming back, so sell sell sell!!! (It's what 
she would want you to do). Just remember that your inventory may vary 
depending on which weapon you had equipped to Aeris when you went into the 
Demons Gate battle.

Run into the first house you see on the left for the Weapon Shop. Here is a 
list of weapons I have tentatively selected to sell. Note that you'll need to 
remove some of the weapons in order to be able to sell them. Also, remember 
to arrange your items by type, and to have saved your game.

* = Unique item

 Cloud    - Butterfly Edge   - 1400 gil | Yuffie    - Pinwheel      - 1300 gil
                                        |             Razor Ring    - 3000 gil
 Tifa     - Tiger Fang       - 1250 gil |
            Diamond Knuckle  - 2900 gil | Cait Sith - Green M-Phone - 1200 gil
                                        |             Blue M-Phone  - 2750 gil
 Barret   - Heavy Vulcan     - 1350 gil |                                     
            Chainsaw         - 3150 gil | Vincent   - Quicksilver   -  500 gil
                                        |            *Shotgun       - 1550 gil
 Red XIII - Gold Barrett     - 3000 gil |             Peacemaker    - 1750 gil
                                        |             Shortbarrel   - 3200 gil
 Aeris    - Fairy Tale       - 1250 gil |                                      
            Prism Staff      - 1300 gil | Other  - Silver Armlet -  650 gil x3
            Wizer Staff      - 1600 gil |          Gold Armlet   - 1000 gil x4
            Aurora Rod       - 2900 gil |          Star Pendant  - 2000 gil x1
           *Princess Guard   - 3750 gil | (keep 1) Peace Ring    - 3750 gil x1
 Cid      - Spear            -  600 gil |          
            Slash Lance      - 3250 gil |                   Total = 54,650 gil

You can also sell any surplus Water Rings you are carrying. You should now 
maybe have the required 93,000 gil to purchase all of weapons on offer here 
(it's a bit of a remote place to stock such high value weapons, don't you 
think? He'd be better off selling his goods somewhere like Junon, or Midgar):

1 x Organics     O=O O=O O O  - Cloud      - 12,000 gil
1 x Dragon Claw  O=O O=O O O  - Tifa       - 10,000 gil
1 x Microlaser   O=O O=O O O  - Barret     - 12,000 gil
1 x Adaman Clip  O=O O=O O O  - Red XIII   - 11,000 gil
1 x Hawkeye      O=O O=O O O  - Yuffie     - 12,000 gil
1 x Red M-Phone  O=O O=O O O  - Cait Sith  - 11,000 gil
1 x Mast Axe     O=O O=O O O  - Cid        - 13,000 gil
1 x Lariat       O=O O=O O O  - Vincent    - 12,000 gil
                                     Total - 93,000 gil

Now that you've fully cleaned out your, wallet, it's time to head outside and 
set up your new party. This was the load out I had:

 1) Cloud - Lv 42 (Front)

     Organics      - All=Restore, All=Time, Heal, Enemy Skill, Sense
     Aurora Armlet - Steal, Magic Plus, HP Plus, MP Plus

 2) Vincent - Lv 38 (Back)

     Sniper CR     - Elemental=Ifrit, Enemy Skill, Counter Attack
     Dragon Armlet - All=Gravity, HP Absorb=Deathblow, Luck Plus, HP Plus
     Champion Belt

 3) Cid - Lv 38 (Back)  
                                                        Long Range, Speed Plus
     Dragoon Lance   - Comet, Revive, Enemy Skill, Manipulate, Morph, Steal, 
     Wizard Bracelet - Elemental=Shiva, All=Fire, Added Effect=Mystify, 
     Champion Belt                                            HP Plus, MP Plus

Now that we're finally set up and ready to go, head into the house just past 
the weapon shop. On the bottom floor here is a [TURBO ETHER]. This house 
contains a treasure house of knowledge, I highly suggest that you play the 
four videos that are available on the upper floor. You will learn a great 
deal about the Cetra, Aeris, Jenova, WEAPON, Professor Gast and Ifalna by 
watching them.

 NOTE - After watching the videos, you will have had a few things clarified 
        for you. Back in the Shinra Mansion 5 years ago, Sephiroth stated that 
        Jenova was an Ancient, and that he himself carried Jenova's DNA which 
        subsequently made him an ancient aswell. This is not the case. 
        Sephiroth was infused with Jenova's DNA at fetal stage, but the DNA 
        was not that of an Ancient, rather, an alien (or, 'crisis from the 
        sky'). A planet destroyer if you will, going from planet to planet 
        devouring the spirit energy of that planet and then moving on to the 
        next. Sephiroth, however, has slightly different motives...

We'll come back to the middle house in just a sec, for now head to the 
eastern house with the snowman outside. You should be able to make out a map 
on one of the walls, grab the Glacier Map as it'll come in handy later on. 
Now look inside the room to grab a [HERO DRINK] on the right, and a [VACCINE] 
on the left. The Hero Drink is a great item, save it for much later.

Now head over to the north eastern most house. You can sleep here for 200 
gil, I suggest doing so. You can head downstairs to the bar to hear some 
local gossip if you like, otherwise head to the top floor and look at the 
window sill for an [X-POTION].

Make sure that you're fully kitted out and healed up, then save your game. 
This is the last point in the game in which you'll be able to use your buggy 
and plane. If there's anything left that you want to do on the World Map (as 
it currently is) then do it now. When you're ready, talk to the guy at the 
very north end of the screen. Choose option 1 - 'I'm still going' to 
continue. When you do, some uninvited guests turn up..

You can dodge her punch by pressing up, left or right but you'll have to be 
quick! If you weren't fast enough then you'll wake up in Gast�s old house, 
otherwise you'll continue on from where you left off. Either way, the town is 
now under the command of the Shinra and you cannot leave!

Run into the middle house that we skipped out earlier and head into the back 
room. Talk to the boy here to receive his snowboard, it's time to do some 
snowboarding!! We're now finished with Icicle Inn, so make sure that you're 
ready, then head north to run behind the guy to start the snowboarding 
challenge. Before scooting down the mountainside however, you must be aware 
of a few things:

 NOTES - There are various routes you can take whilst snowboarding, and 
         depending on the route you take will you'll land in one of four 
         places within the Glacier. The Glacier can be, to put it mildly, a 
         bit of a nightmare to navigate. Firstly, its labyrinth like structure 
         can easily get you lost and disorientated. Secondly, you will pass 
         out every 544 steps that you take, waking up in a cabin to the far 
         north. It is possible to pick up all (but one) of the items in one 
         swoop, but if you do pass out then you'll have find your way back to 
         where you left off.

       - I'd decided that I wasn't going to mention any exploits during this 
         guide other than the W-Item trick, but what the hey, if you're into  
         that sort of thing then you can perform a few infinite item glitches 
         here. Check section E.18 for more info.
]                                                                            [
] SIDE NOTE - SNOWBOARDING MINI-GAME                                         [
]                                                                            [
] Yes, this game will reappear it the Wonder Square at the Gold Saucer.      [
] There's not much to this really, press Up to get yourself going, X to      [
] jump, Square or Down to break and R1 to turn sharply. And obviously Left   [
] and Right to turn right and left, un-respectively.                         [
]                                                                            [
] You'll receive no reward of any type for hitting all of the balloons or    [
] anything, that'll come later on at the Wonder Square. For now, all you     [
] need to worry about is the route that you want to take. LEFT + LEFT is the [
] optimal route, if you mess up and take the wrong path by mistake then you  [
] can either pick the trail back up, or you can return to Icicle Inn to have [
] another go. More details on how to do that below.                          [

|                                                                            |
| {D2.02} - The Great Glacier                                                |
|                                                                            |
| ITEMS:                                                                     |
|         |_|Mind Source        |_|Added Cut Materia  |_|Alexander Materia   |
|         |_|Potion             |_|All Materia        |_|Elixir              |
|         |_|Safety Bit                                                      |

--D2.02 A - The Glacier That is Great   (�When you think of it that way, the 
                                                 Shinra don't seem so bad...�)

>  ENEMIES:                                                                  <
>           [ FROZEN NAIL] [        SHRED] [      MAGNADE] [        JUMPING] <
>                                                                            <
> ------Lv: [----------28] [-----------32] [-----------35] [-------------24] <
> ------HP: [--------1300] [----------900] [---------1000] [------------999] <
> ------MP: [---------100] [----------100] [----------100] [---------------] <
> -----EXP: [---------520] [----------500] [----------980] [------------400] <
> ------AP: [----------50] [-----------40] [-----------50] [-------------30] <
> -----GIL: [---------800] [----------950] [---------1200] [-------------50] <
> ---STEAL: [------------] [-------------] [-Phoenix Down] [---------------] <
> ---MORPH: [------------] [-------------] [-------------] [-Antarctic Wind] <
> ----DROP: [------------] [--------Ether] [-----X-Potion] [------Hi-Potion] <
> -NULLIFY: [------------] [ICE--WTR--ERT] [-------------] [---------------] <
> --DOUBLE: [------------] [-----WND--FRE] [-----GRV--FRE] [---------------] <
>                                                                            <
>           [        SNOW] [ ICE GOLEM] [      LESSALOPLOTH] [ BANDERSNATCH] <
>                                                                            <
> ------Lv: [----------32] [--------40] [----------------34] [-----------30] <
> ------HP: [--------4000] [------4000] [--------------2000] [----------860] <
> ------MP: [---------160] [-------300] [---------------400] [----------100] <
> -----EXP: [---------500] [------1000] [---------------920] [----------510] <
> ------AP: [----------42] [--------70] [----------------65] [-----------40] <
> -----GIL: [---------700] [------1500] [--------------1000] [----------600] <
> ---STEAL: [-----Circlet] [-Hi-Potion] [------Phoenix Down] [-------------] <
> ---MORPH: [------------] [----------] [------------------] [--Ice Crystal] <
> --DROP 1: [-Ice Crystal] [-Hi-Potion] [------Phoenix Down] [----Hi-Potion] <
> --DROP 2: [------------] [----------] [-------------Ether] [-------------] <
> --ABSORB: [---------ICE] [-------ICE] [------------------] [-------------] <
> -NULLIFY: [------------] [----------] [ICE--GRV--WTR--ERT] [-------------] <
> ---HALVE: [------------] [----------] [------------------] [----------ICE] <
> --DOUBLE: [---------FRE] [----------] [---------------WND] [----------FRE] <
|                              NOTE ON ENEMIES:                              |
|                                                                            |
| The Bandersnatch and the Jumping are the same from as the ones we fought   |
| at the Icicle Area. Obviously equip the Elemental=Ifrit combo, remembering |
| that Ifrit will not penalise your strength whereas the Fire Materia will.  |
| Jumping, Ice Golem, Snow & Shred can all be hit with L4 Suicide. The       |
| Magnade have very high physical evade, so cast Demi on them. Lastly, make  |
| sure to steal a few Circlets from the Snow Witches, these are the          |
| magicians equivalent of the Champion Belt, increasing Magic and Spirit by  |
| +30!                                                                       |

  As mentioned, you only have 544 steps before you pass out, which equates to 
roughly 2 and a half minutes of movement. When you do pass out, you'll awaken 
in a shack at the base of Gaea's Cliff. You don't have to back track for the 
missing items if you don't want to, but obviously I would advise grabbing 
everything you possibly can. 

 NOTE - If you mess up the snowboarding challenge and you'd rather try again 
        to take the advised path (left, left), then you can exit to the World 
        Map either from the entrance, or even more comically from the area 
        east of the entrance. Head into the cavern on the right to find a 
        shoot that will project Cloud out into the World Map. Here you can 
        head back to Icicle Inn to try the snowboarding game again.

This map should explain where to go far better than I could using just 
                                  (This same map can be found in section F.07)

      (A) Mind Source, (B) Potion, (C) Safety Bit, (D) Added Cut Materia,      
               (E) All Materia, (F) Alexander Materia, (G) Elixir              

 Every 544 steps you take  |          10          |                   N
 you'll pass out. This  >>>| Base of Gaea's Cliff |                   |   
 is where you'll wake up.  |_________    _________|                W--+--E
              _____________|  /\  /\      /\  /\  |___________        |     
             |  \/  \/  \/   /  \/  \/  \/  \/  \   \/  \/  \/|       S     
             |  /\  /\  /\  /\  /\  /____\  /\  /\  /\  /\  /\|   __________ 
             |\/  \/  \/  \/  \/  \// 8  \\/  \/  \/  \/  \/  |__|          |
  ___________|/\  Snow Fields /\  /\| E  |/\  /Snow Fields/\   __ \      9  |
 | __________|  \/  \/  \/  \/  \/  \____/  \/  \/  \/  \/  \ |  |\\    __  |
 |/      ____   /\  /\  /\  /\  /\  /\  /\  /\  /\  /\  /\  /\|  | \\  /  \_|
 | Moai |    |_\/_\/__\/__\/__\/__\/_    _\/__\/__\/__\/__\/__|  |  \\/ ()  | 
 | Face  \___                        |  |      ___________       |___|   F \|_
 |__ ______  \                       |  |_____|''''\      | 6 D  |__________ |
   //       \ \                      |________ ___  \     |< < < < < < < < <||
  //         \ \____________                  |   \  \____|       __________||
 //_______    \   \         |                 |7 * \ Hot  |______|______    ||
 |  __|\  |    |   |     ___|                 |    /Springs______ ___   \  / |
 | |   |  |    |   |____/   |     ______      |___/_______|     _|___\   \/ /|
 | | G |  |__  |   .----.   |____/ ____ \    ___________       /_ ____      _|
 |  \_/ 11 __\ |   |    |    _____/    \ \__| Lone Tree |_____// |    \    /|
 |___  ___|  \\|   |    |   |           \___      ,      _____/  | 5   \  / |
     \ \      \___/______\__|     ________  |    /_\    |        |______|/__|
  ____\ \_____                   | / __ \ | | 4   |  RL |               ||
 |         |  |                  |/C(__) \| |_______ ___|               //
 |\__     /   |                  |___  3  |_____    ||                 //
 |   \___\  __|                      |     B |  |__//                 //
 |     __\\/  |__    ___________    _|    __/    __/                 //
 | ___/        __\  |     A     |  /_  __/      |                   //
 |/_  ________|  \\_|__Forest___|_// |/       2 |                  // 
   / /            '-:-.\    /.--:-'  |________ _|                 //
   | |              |LL\\__//   |             \\____________     //
   | |              |   \\//  1 |              \       \____|___//
   | |              |____\\_____|               | \      ___ __ /
   | |                    \\                    | |      \__|   
   | |                     \\                   | |       __ \   ______
   | |                  ____\\_____________     | /   RR /__|\\ /    _\\__
   |  \__              |                   |    |/__      __| \\|    |\\  \__ 
    \__  \____         |                   |________\    /    |\   __| ||    |
       \____  \________|          LR        ____________/     |_______/||\___|
            \__________  ____              |       ____________________||_____
                       | |__| Entrance     |                                  
                       |_________  ________|       To World Map and Icicle Inn

                    To World Map and Icicle Inn


                             If you'd taken the :-                             

    Left + Right path you would have landed at the entrance. Head north to
    continue on from the forest.                          

    Right + Left path you would have landed at the Lone Tree. Head south, 
    then west to continue on from the forests.

    Left + Left path (as advised) you would have landed in the forest.

    Right + Right path you would have landed east of the entrance. Make your 
    way through the south screen to arrive at the entrance then continue 
    north to come to the forest.

Take as much time as you need to study this map, you aren't on a time limit 
or anything. You can also bring up the Glacier Map that you stole by using 
Square. Your aim is to make it to area 9 without passing out as it's 
extremely difficult to pick up the final item at 11 (Elixir) in one trip.

 NOTE - Some screens will have more exits than are marked on this map. Most 
        of them will lead back to the same routes. For example, when you get 
        to 11, there will be three northern exits all of which will lead back 
        to the same route in the screen north of 11 with the Moai face on it. 
        Don't be put off by the orientation of the through-screens, either.

 1.) At the very north of the screen in the forests, you'll be able to pick up 
     (A), the [MIND SOURCE]. Now head east two screens to 2.

 2.) To the north east of the screen you'll be able to pick up (B), the 
     [POTION]. By not pressing confirm a second time, you can add one to your 
     inventory whilst retaining the Potion's 'source'. Meaning, it'll still 
     be there when you run back. Now head north west to 3.

 3.) You'll have to step on the ice blocks in a certain sequence here to be 
     able to get to the other side. The same goes for on the way back. In the 
     cave ahead you'll be able to find (C), the [SAFETY BIT] (be sure to get 

   Heading North:
    Up, Left, Down, Left, Up, Right, Up, Up, Up, Left, Down, Right, Right , Up

   Heading South:
    Left, Down, Right, Right, Down, Left, Down, Right, Down, Left

 4.) Picking a second 'infinite' potion as you return through section 3, make
     your way east two screens to the Lone Tree.

 5.) Heading east, make your way 4 screens up to the far eastern mountainside 

 6.) Now head through the far eastern exit, this is a one way path that can 
     only be travelled on from screen 5. Along the path on the second screen 
     to the right, you'll just about to be able to make out (D), the [ADDED 
     CUT MATERIA] in the snow. GRAB THAT AWESOME MATERIA! This whole area is 
     re-visit able.

  NOTE - Added Cut can be paired with Deathblow for devastating effect. In 
         fact, it's the only reason I've taken Vincent along with me, if 
         you've followed the exact set-up that I've had (with the Sniper CR) 
         then replace HP Absorb with Added Cut, Now! Also, you could pair it 
         with Steal instead if you wished to turn it into 'Mug'.

 7.) You should now emerge at the hot springs. MAKE SURE to examine the left 
     side of it to 'touch it' as you won�t be able to grab the Alexander 
     Materia otherwise. Then make your way 3 screens to the north to come to 
     the snow fields.

 8.) Every second or so press confirm to lay down a marker. When the wind 
     throws you off direction, stop moving. Use the markers that you have 
     placed to pick up your orientation. Firstly, head north to find and 
     igloo type cavern containing (E) the [ALL MATERIA] (it's not like we 
     need anymore of these things).

 9.) Now head out of the igloo and head east. After you've travelled through 
     4 screens you'll find yourself on more mountain side paths. Head into 
     the eastern cavern and replace Counter Attack with Steal. As long as you 
     touched the hot springs earlier, then you can fight the Snow here, and 
     even though the music suggests a boss battle it's actually just the same 
     Snow as listed above. Make sure to steal a Circlet from her. Once she 
     has been defeated she'll leave behind (F), the [ALEXANDER MATERIA]. 
     Although you can return to this area later on in the game, GRAB THAT 
     MATERIA! now anyway to save yourselves the hassle (naturally).

  NOTE - We now have our first and only piece of Holy Materia! Use it wisely.

 10.) As long as you've managed to grab the Alexander Materia without passing 
      out then you'll have succeeded in grabbing as much as I intended for 
      you to grab. Don't even attempt to make your way over to the remaining 
      can make use of there, however. I suggest at this point either making
      your way back to the Snow Fields and then north to find Holzoff's 
      cabin, or just running around until you pass out, you'll then awaken in 
      his cabin.

      Once at the cabin, you'll have to listen to Holzoff's story to 
      continue. After spending the night there, head outside to hear Barret 
      embarrass himself, then your teammates will join you. If you're really 
      not that bothered by the Elixir nor the exploit, then you can continue 
      down to section D2.03, otherwise head south back to the Snow Fields. 
      When you head back out you'll have a fresh 544 steps to play with.

 11.) From the Snow Fields head all the way to the west 3 screens to arrive at 
      more cliff sides. Note the face in the northern cliff is a Moai face 
      that is actually a recurring easter egg found throughout the FF series. 
      They serve no purpose, and can usually be found in remote locations. The 
      only other Moai face found in VII is during the Chocobo Races (Ok, not 
      so remote. Try looking on the bottom of the ocean or on the moon, as in 
      previous FF's).

      Now make your way west 3 screens to arrive at a cavern that can be 
      entered from both sides. the final item here, the [ELIXIR] (G) can be 
      duplicated as many times as you please, so long as you don't pick up 
      the source (exactly like the Potion we saw earlier, but unfortunately 
      not the Mind Source). Press confirm once to have the message 'Received 
      Elixir' appear, but DON'T press confirm a second time. Instead, run out 
      of the cavern and back in again. The Elixir will still be there, and 
      you'll have added one to your count. As long as you don't accidentally 
      pick up the source of the eternal Elixir, then you'll be able to keep 
      coming to this spot as many times as you like. This also applies to the 
      Steam/PS4 versions.

  NOTE - If you're interested in item duplication, then just remember there's 
         a far, far quicker way of doing so at the end of Disk 2 once you've 
         obtained the W-Item Materia. Probably the oldest trick in the 
         walkthrough-book, the W-Item trick will duplicate any item in less 
         than a second so long as it can be used in battle. Also note that 
         there are other ways of duplicating rare items such as the Alexander 
         Materia, but they are so complicated and difficult to perform that 
         I'm not going to even bother to go into it. For more info see 
         section E.18.

That just about wraps up everything there is to do within the Great Glacier, 
so head over to the base of Gaea's Cliff and into Holzoff's Cabin once more. 
Alternatively, you can just run around until you pass out.

|                                                                            |
| {D2.03} - The Promised Land                                                |
|                                                                            |
| ITEMS:                                                                     |
|         |_|Ribbon       |_|Speed Source          |_|Ether                  |
|         |_|Javelin      |_|Enhance Sword         |_|Kaiser Knuckles        |
|         |_|Elixir       |_|Protect Ring (Boss)   |_|Reflect Ring (Boss)    |
|         |_|Fire Armlet  |_|Neo Bahamut Materia   |_|MP Turbo Materia       |
|         |_|Megalixir    |_|Hi-Potion             |_|Poison Ring            |

--D2.03 A - Gaea's Cliff            (�Next time the wound won't be so small.�)

>  ENEMIES:                              ***********   ************          <
>           [  HEADBOMBER] [ZOLOKALTER] [    MALBORO] [      STILVA]         <
>                                        ***********   ************          <
> ------Lv: [----------35] [--------30] [---------44] [----------40]         <
> ------HP: [--------1600] [-------950] [-------4400] [--------2000]         <
> ------MP: [---------200] [--------90] [--------900] [---------300]         <
> -----EXP: [---------640] [-------700] [-------1000] [--------1000]         <
> ------AP: [----------64] [--------60] [--------100] [---------110]         <
> -----GIL: [---------460] [-------700] [--------100] [--------1100]         <
> ---STEAL: [Tranquilizer] [----------] [M-Tentacles] [------------]         <
> ---MORPH: [Tranquilizer] [--Antidote] [-----------] [--Holy Torch]         <
> --DROP 1: [-------Hyper] [--X-Potion] [M-Tentacles] [--------Tent]         <
> --DROP 2: [------------] [----------] [Echo Screen] [------------]         <
> --ABSORB: [------------] [-------PSN] [--------PSN] [------------]         <
> -NULLIFY: [------------] [----------] [--------GRV] [---------GRV]         <
> --DOUBLE: [------------] [----------] [--------WTR] [------------]         <
> E-SKILL1: [------------] [----------] [-BAD BREATH] [MAGIC BREATH]         <
> E-SKILL2: [------------] [----------] [-----------] [-------TRINE]         <
>                                                                            <
>                                                                            <
>           [     EVILHEAD] [        CUAHL] [   BLUE DRAGON] [       ICICLE] <
>                                                                            <
> ------Lv: [-----------28] [-----------33] [------------41] [-----------30] <
> ------HP: [----------740] [---------1300] [----------8800] [---------3000] <
> ------MP: [-----------45] [-----------60] [-----------500] [----------300] <
> -----EXP: [----------650] [----------720] [----------1200] [----------500] <
> ------AP: [-----------50] [-----------70] [-----------200] [-------------] <
> -----GIL: [----------400] [----------800] [----------1000] [-------------] <
> ---STEAL: [-------------] [-Tranquilizer] [--------------] [-------------] <
> ---MORPH: [---Holy Torch] [-Tranquilizer] [--------------] [-------------] <
> ----DROP: [-Vampire Fang] [----Hi-Potion] [-Dragon Armlet] [-------------] <
> --ABSORB: [-------------] [-------------] [-----------ICE] [----------ICE] <
> -NULLIFY: [-------------] [-------------] [-----------GRV] [-------------] <
> --DOUBLE: [-------------] [-------------] [--------------] [ERT--GRV--FRE] <
|                              NOTE ON ENEMIES:                              |
|                                                                            |
| Make sure that someone has a Ribbon on at all times, and to defend against |
| Ice. This is the last place in the game where you can learn Trine, so if   |
| you have defeated the enemy Godo in Wutai then make sure to learn Trine    |
| now. Also, equip the Elemental=Leviathan combo to deal with the Malboro if |
| you have it, otherwise just use Aqualung. Bad breath will inflict 8        |
| different Status changes, while Magic Breath will inflict Fire Ice &       |
| Lightning damage. When fighting the Malboro you can use L4 Suicide         |
| straight away as they more likely to use Bad Breath when their health is   |
| low, you can also use Magic Hammer against them to use him as a source of  |
| MP. Make sure to obtain a few Dragon Armlets from the Blue Dragon, also.   |
|                                                                            |
| Note that the Blue Dragon uses the Enemy Skill Dragon Force which raises   |
| the Def and Mag Def of one character, but due its resistance to being      |
| Manipulated you won�t be able to learn it until you face a different enemy |
| in Disk 3.                                                                 |
|                                                                            |
| Grab yourself a Holy Torch while you're here; morphed from the Evilhead or |
| the Stilva. You will be able to grab one again from the Battle Square, but |
| it's easier to pick one up here. The Unknown 3 in the Sunken Gelnika also  |
| drops them.                                                                |

--Items - Ribbon, Javelin, Elixir, Fire Armlet, Megalixir, Speed Source, 
          Enhance Sword
--Boss  - Schizo (Left) Lv 43 & Schizo (Right) Lv 43 (Protect Ring)

  When you are ready, form a party of your choice and then set up your 
Materia, rest (by talking to Holzoff) and then finally save. The following 
area is *not* re-visitable, so make sure to grab all the collectibles along 
the way. This was my set-up heading out, bearing mind that I'm only using 
these two characters because I haven't used them in a while, and I'm also 
only equipping the All Materias purely for AP, remember that they're worth 
1.4 million gil once mastered!

 1) Cloud - Lv 43 (Front)

     Organics      - All=Restore, Comet, Heal, Enemy Skill, Sense
     Aurora Armlet - Steal, Magic Plus, HP Plus, MP Plus

 2) Cait Sith - Lv 36 (Front)
                                                                    Speed Plus
     Red M-Phone   - Added Effect=Time, Counter Attack, Long Range, Luck Plus, 
     Dragon Armlet - Added Cut=Deathblow, Enemy Skill, Manipulate, HP Plus,    
     Champion Belt                                                     MP Plus

 3) Yuffie - Lv 37 (Back)

     Hawk Eye        - All=Barrier, All=Gravity, Revive, Enemy Skill
     Wizard Bracelet - Elemental=Shiva, All=Poison, Morph, Steal, HP Plus,   
     Champion Belt                                                     MP Plus

When you reach the base of the cliff you will notice that your body temp is 
on display. Every time you get to a ledge you're going to want to bash Square 
to raise you temp up to around 35 degrees. If it falls below 26 then you'll 
collapse and return to Holzoff's Cabin. 
After the fourth ledge you'll find the entrance to a cavern.

Head through the archway directly north of the entrance. In the next screen, 
head up the stairs on the left, and then through the southern exit. Back at 
the first screen, head over the bridge on the right, and search for the very 
well hidden passage on the other side for a chest containing a [RIBBON]. I 
suggest equipping it now. 

Now head back to the main screen. Follow the path north and you should be 
able to make out a chest slightly off route. Make your way round to it for 
the [JAVELIN]. This weapon for Cid is the best Double Growth weapon in the 
game, as it has five slots, four of which are linked.

Now head through the opening on the left to arrive back at the 2nd screen, 
but this time to the right of where you were initially. Head north through 
the archway that is indicated with a green arrow, then run round to the top 
ledge. You'll be able to push the boulder here to free up the previously 
blocked path. Now follow your way back round to head to the newly opened path.

 NOTE - The Stilva basically looks like a small red version of the Materia 
        Keeper. When you run into her, don't forget to manipulate her to 
        learn Magic Breath, and more importantly Trine. This is the only time 
        you'll be able to learn the E-skill Trine in a random battle 

      - Magic Breath is perhaps one of the strongest Enemy Skills in the 
        game, and surpasses Beta! It does cost a whopping 75MP to cast, 

The new path will lead you back round to the first screen, then back outside 
for some more climbing. Hitch yourself up then choose 'up' when prompted. On 
the next ledge, climb up on the left side and choose 'right' when prompted. 
Now climb to the next ledge, then climb up the left side of the ledge to 
climb to one final ledge followed by a large cave.

Head to the right first to grab an [ELIXIR] sitting inside a chest. You can 
then save if you want using the save point to the north, otherwise just head 
through the exit to east. Note that this next screen outside with the two 
snowy paths is the only screen in which the Malboro can be fought, so make 
sure to learn Bad Breath as it will cause Poison, Sleep, Small, Frog, 
Darkness, Silence, Berserk and Confusion! BE SURE to be wearing a Ribbon or 
two. You can fight the Malboro again on Disk 3 if you missed them here.

In the cave above you'll see four giant crystals hanging from the roof. You 
can equip Elemental=Titan if you like, but it probably isn't necessary. I did 
anyway on Cait Sith just for the sake of it. You'll have to fight these giant 
icicles on by one, but first open the chest on the right containing the [FIRE 

Like with previous foes, if you kill the main enemy then the fight will end, 
but you won�t reap all of the rewards had you killed them all, plus, the 
battle spoils here aren't too shabby either. One good blast of Beta should 
wipe the floor with 'em. Don't jump to the lower level when prompted, instead 
fight all four of them and then continue to the end for a chest containing a 
[MEGALIXIR], even though it'll display 'Last Elixir' (fixed in current 

Now make your way to the right of the screen to jump down to the giant cavern 
below to out find that the icicles have created new paths for us! First head 
to the left of the save point to find a chest containing a [SPEED SOURCE]. 

Then head out of the newly accessible exit to come to a chest in the snowy 
paths area containing the [ENHANCE SWORD], then follow the path round to the 
next area.

Once outside, you'll have to do the old climbing thing again. This time head 
'up', then head 'up' again, and don't forget to keep your body temperature 
up. You'll soon come to a save point and a spring in which you can restore 
your HP/MP. I suggest doing so, as there is a boss battle ahead!

 NOTE - These next two screens are the only two in which the Blue Dragons 
        can be fought, and they will drop a Dragon Armlet 100% of the time. I 
        suggest collecting a couple now as you won�t be able to obtain these 
        again until Disk 3 otherwise.

Some walkthroughs would advise getting them for the upcoming boss battle, I 
reckon you don't need 'em. In fact, I think the following set-up is slightly 
better (note the armour & accessories that I've chosen):

 1) Cloud - Lv 45 (Front)

     Organics      - All=Restore, Comet, Enemy Skill, Sense, Steal
     Aurora Armlet - Elemental=Earth, Magic Plus, HP Plus
     Fire Ring   

 2) Cait Sith - Lv 39 (Front)

     Red M-Phone   - Added Effect=Time, Revive, Steal, Luck Plus, Speed Plus
     Dragon Armlet - Added Cut=Deathblow, Enemy Skill, Manipulate, HP Plus,    
     Champion Belt                                                     MP Plus

 3) Yuffie - Lv 40 (Back)

     Hawk Eye    - All=Barrier, All=Poison, Enemy Skill, Steal
     Fire Armlet - Elemental=Titan, HP Plus, MP Plus
     Ice Ring

Restore your HP/MP, save, then head to the next screen for the next boss!

*        ________  ________  ________   ________           ___               *
*       |\   __  \|\   __  \|\   ____\ |\   ____\         |\  \              *
*       \ \  \|\ /\ \  \|\  \ \  \___|_\ \  \___|_        \ \  \             *
*        \ \   __  \ \  \\\  \ \_____  \\ \_____  \        \ \__\            *
*         \ \  \|\  \ \  \\\  \|____|\  \\|____|\  \        \|__|            *
*          \ \_______\ \_______\____\_\  \ ____\_\  \            ___         *
*           \|_______|\|_______|\_________\\_________\          |\__\        *
*                              \|_________\|_________|          \|__|        *
*                                 ____________ _____________ ______________  *
* First things first, steal the  |            |             |              | *
* [PROTECT RING] from Schizo     |    BOSS    |   SCHIZO    |    SCHIZO    | *
* (Right). If you've followed my | BATTLE: 27 |   (LEFT)    |    (RIGHT)   | *
* recommended set-up then you    |____________|_____________|______________| *
* should be adequately prepared  |            |             |              | *
* for the Elements it'll throw   | -------Lv: | 43--------- | 43---------- | *
* at you. Schizo (Left) is Ice   | -------HP: | 18000------ | 18000------- | *
* based and Schizo (Right) is    | -------MP: | 350-------- | 350--------- | *
* Fire based, and they can also  | ------EXP: | 2200------- | 2200-------- | *
* hit you with Quake2. Keep Big  | -------AP: | 120-------- | 120--------- | *
* Guard topped up anyway as its  | ------GIL: | 1500------- | 1500-------- | *
* final move can hit for high    | ----STEAL: | ----------- | Protect Ring | *
* amounts of HP.                 | -----DROP: | Dragon Fang | ------------ | *
*                                | ---ABSORB: | ICE-------- | FRE--------- | *
*                                | --NULLIFY: | GRV-------- | GRV--------- | *
*                                |_________________________________________| *
*                                                                            *

Once you've defeated the twin headed-serpent, head back to the spring to 
change your party. In the next section along Tifa will force herself into 
your party, so you might aswell have her set up now! This was my set-up, 
again I'm equipping a lot of Materia here just for the sake of gaining AP:

 1) Cloud - Lv 46 (Front)

     Organics        - All=Restore, Comet, Enemy Skill, Sense, Steal
     Wizard Bracelet - All=Heal, All=Gravity, Manipulate, Magic Plus, HP Plus,
     Ribbon                                                            MP Plus

 2) Tifa - Lv 41 (Front)
                                                                    Speed Plus
     Dragon Claw   - Added Effect=Time, Revive, Enemy Skill, Luck Plus,
     Dragon Armlet - Added Cut=Deathblow, Elemental=Fire, Morph, HP Plus
     Champion Belt                                                             

 3) Red XIII - Lv 40 (Front)

     Seraph Comb   - Enemy Skill, Steal, HP Plus, MP Plus        
     Dragon Armlet - All=Barrier, All=Poison, Elemental=Ifrit
     Champion Belt

Once you've healed and saved head past the place where you fought Schizo to 
come to the final climbing section, not before grabbing a Dragon Armlet from 
the Blue Dragon as this will be your last chance to do so. There is no body 
temp gauge here as we're virtually at the top. Once you're at the top you'll  
view a cool bit of CGI.

--D2.03 B - Whirlwind Maze      (�What I have shown you is reality. What you 
                                             remember, that is the illusion.�)

  >  ENEMIES:                                                              <
  >           [       GIGAS] [  GRENADE] [ GREMLIN] [     IRONITE]         <
  >                                                                        <
  > ------Lv: [----------40] [-------32] [------36] [----------30]         <
  > ------HP: [--------3500] [-----2000] [----1500] [--------2400]         <
  > ------MP: [---------100] [---------] [-----100] [---------100]         <
  > -----EXP: [---------840] [------900] [-----750] [---------900]         <
  > ------AP: [----------84] [------100] [------60] [----------48]         <
  > -----GIL: [---------560] [------400] [-----750] [---------680]         <
  > ---STEAL: [Gigas Armlet] [Right Arm] [----Tent] [Phoenix Down]         <
  > ---MORPH: [------------] [Right Arm] [X-Potion] [------------]         <
  > ----DROP: [Earth Mallet] [Right Arm] [-Shrivel] [---Hi-Potion]         <
  > -NULLIFY: [---------GRV] [------ERT] [--------] [------------]         <
  > ---HALVE: [------------] [------FRE] [--------] [------------]         <
  >                                                                        <
  >                                                                        <
  >           [   SCULPTURE] [    KILLBIN] [ DRAGON RIDER] [    WIND WING] <
  >                                                                        <
  > ------Lv: [----------32] [---------30] [-----------35] [-----------36] <
  > ------HP: [--------1700] [-------3200] [---------3500] [---------1900] <
  > ------MP: [---------100] [--------380] [----------180] [----------350] <
  > -----EXP: [---------860] [--------700] [---------1000] [----------800] <
  > ------AP: [----------60] [--------150] [-----------80] [-----------60] <
  > -----GIL: [---------640] [-------1000] [----------690] [----------500] <
  > ---STEAL: [------------] [Turbo Ether] [----Hi-Potion] [----Hi-Potion] <
  > ---MORPH: [------------] [Mind Source] [--Mind Source] [-Phoenix Down] <
  > ----DROP: [Tranquilizer] [------Ether] [----Hi-Potion] [-Phoenix Down] <
  > --ABSORB: [------------] [-----------] [-------------] [-------------] <
  > -NULLIFY: [------------] [-----------] [GRV--ERT--WTR] [-------------] <
  > ---HALVE: [------------] [-----------] [-------------] [-------------] <
  > --DOUBLE: [------------] [-----------] [----------WND] [-------------] <
|                              NOTE ON ENEMIES:                              |
|                                                                            |
| There aren't many Elemental weaknesses to exploit here, so stick your      |
| Elemental Materias in your armour paired with Fire and Ifrit. The Grenade, |
| like the Bomb in North Corel will explode after being hit twice for large  |
| amounts of damage. You can try to morph a few Mind Sources from the Dragon |
| Riders and Killbins too, but definitely steal a few Gigas Armlets from the |
| Gigas. Whilst increasing your strength by +30 you'll also gain 0 AP for    |
| Materia linked to that armour, so swings and roundabouts 'eh? Lastly, the  |
| Wind Wing carries the enemy Skill White Wind, but the command isn't        |
| available when manipulated for some reason. Oh, and protect yourselves     |
| from Sleep, caffeine should do the trick.                                  |
|                                                                            |
|  NOTE - This is the only place in the game to obtain the Earth Mallet;     |
|         dropped from the Gigas.                                            |

--Items - Neo Bahamut Materia, Hi-Potion, Ether, Kaiser Knuckles, MP Turbo 
          Materia, Poison Ring
--Boss  - Jenova-Death Lv 55 (Reflect Ring)

  Wow, surely this must be the Promised Land? As you descend the hill you'll 
come across another black caped thing similar to the ones we saw earlier in 
Nibelheim. The next screen along is where Tifa would've joined you had you 
decided to not put her in your party earlier.

 NOTE - If you're after a Gigas Armlet or two then you must fight the Gigas 
        in the first screen only. As the name suggests, they are huge!

In the next screen along, drop down and follow the path to GRAB THAT 
MATERIA!, the [NEO BAHAMUT MATERIA]. Now jump over to the save point, as you 
make your way to the next screen you'll see a little scene involving one of 
Cloud's adversaries.

In the next screen you'll have to time your runs. When the wind dies down, 
you'll be able to dash through, it may seem easy now but it'll get slightly 
more tricky soon. Talk to the hooded creature on the right for a [HI-POTION] 
and the one on the left for an [ETHER].

I can't imagine you messing it up, but if you did somehow manage to run into 
the wind (probably because you're so not used to pre-rendered graphics 
anymore), then you would be forced to fight the Wind Wing. Once you're in the 
next screen you'll see a load more caped men, follow the winding path round 
to a chest containing the [KAISER KNUCKLE].

In the next screen along you'll come to another wind barrier, this one 
slightly more difficult than the last. Once you're through, you're going to 
want to prepare for a boss battle. Make sure to have some sort of Fire 
defence on each character, aswell as Silence defence. Try equipping your new 
Summon Neo Bahamut aswell. You'll have some fairly strange dialogue, then 
you'll be up against:

*        ________  ________  ________   ________           ___               *
*       |\   __  \|\   __  \|\   ____\ |\   ____\         |\  \              *
*       \ \  \|\ /\ \  \|\  \ \  \___|_\ \  \___|_        \ \  \             *
*        \ \   __  \ \  \\\  \ \_____  \\ \_____  \        \ \__\            *
*         \ \  \|\  \ \  \\\  \|____|\  \\|____|\  \        \|__|            *
*          \ \_______\ \_______\____\_\  \ ____\_\  \            ___         *
*           \|_______|\|_______|\_________\\_________\          |\__\        *
*                              \|_________\|_________|          \|__|        *
*  ________________________________________   ______________ ______________  *
* |                                        | |              |              | *
* |              JENOVA-DEATH              | | BOSS BATTLE: | 28           | *
* |________________________________________| |______________|______________| *
*                                            |              |              | *
* You know the drill, Big Guard followed by  | ---------Lv: | 55---------- | *
* Slow then perhaps Regen. She will use only | ---------HP: | 25000------- | *
* fire based attacks so be sure to make use  | ---------MP: | 800--------- | *
* of your Elemental knowledge to overcome    | --------EXP: | 6000-------- | *
* this. Now and then she'll use Silence on   | ---------AP: | 400--------- | *
* you, White wind or Esuna will cure this.   | --------GIL: | 500--------- | *
* Try out Neo Bahamut here if you wish, also | -------DROP: | Reflect Ring | *
* Magic Breath doesn't work too badly. when  | ----NULLIFY: | GRV--------- | *
* she's finished dissipating into red-ness   |_____________________________| *
* you'll be rewarded with the [REFLECT RING].                                *
*                                                                            *

 NOTE - the music here I find to be incredible. I had the notion years ago to 
        make a song based on the Jenova Theme. Unfortunately, I didn't follow 
        it up, and a dubstep producer named Datsik beat me to it, although his 
        tune was, well there's only one word to describe 'Jenova Project'. 
        Aggy. The lesson is, if you have a creative itch, scratch it, it's 
        why you're reading this walkthrough right now.

Once Jenova is defeated, Cloud will realise that the real Sephiroth is 
further within the whirlwind maze. You'll then be given the choice of who you 
wish to give the Black Materia to. Try as you might to give it away, only Red 
XIII or Barret will up to the task. Once you've made your choice, talk to 
Tifa in order to proceed.

GRAB THAT MATERIA! Pick up the yellow [MP TURBO MATERIA] that you see on the 
floor (even though MP Turbo is a support 'blue' Materia), then head up to the 
save point to save. 

Open the chest to the left for a [POISON RING], then head into the next 
screen for one more wind barrier. Before progressing, remove Cloud's armour 
and accessory, and also everyone's Materia. Using the 'Exchange' tab, equip 
Barret and/or Cait Sith with a few basic bits of Materia.

When you progress to the next screen you will engage in a series of events 
that will massively shape your knowledge of the story as a whole, so pay 
close attention. You won�t need to pick up this walkthrough again until you 
have gained control of Tifa in the next section of the game.

 NOTE - Sometimes, sometimes Sephiroth is telling the truth and sometimes 
        Sephiroth is lying. And sometime when Sephiroth is lying he is doing 
        so because he believes it to be the truth, and other times he is 
        lying because he likes to confuse Cloud. In other words, don't take 
        all of what Sephiroth says as gospel, but also at the same time 
        listen to every single god-dam word that he is saying! 

|                                                                            |
| {D2.04} - Escape!                                                          |
|                                                                            |
| ITEMS:  None                                                               |

--D2.04 A - WEAPON     (�People are ignorant. They'll feel better as long as 
                                                        someone is punished.�)

  Before we continue, there's a few things I would first like to mention 
about the storyline thus far. Make sure not to read the following section 
until you have gained control of Tifa in Junon�s prison cells. Also, a lot 
more of the story is yet to be revealed as you play on, so I'll be wary to 
not to go into too much depth here.
]                                                                            [
] SIDE NOTE - STORYLINE CLARIFICATION                                        [
]                                                                            [
] Some incredibly shocking revelations have just taken place, and the whole  [
] story has just twisted and flipped upside down. Please understand that     [
] there's a lot that you are supposed to know at this stage, that you may    [
] not have fully realised due to misleading context:                         [
]                                                                            [
] Sephiroth - When Sephiroth fell into the Lifestream 5 years ago, he never  [
]             emerged from it. When we were in the Temple of The Ancients    [
]             Seph', stated the he had become a traveller of Lifestream,     [
]             absorbing the wisdom of the Ancients, which he did. He'd spent [
]             5 years recovering whilst encapsulated deep within the         [
]             North Crater until his will was strong enough. Then he was     [
]             able to make copies of himself out of the caped figures we've  [
]             been seeing, he was even strong enough to make a copy of       [
]             himself from Jenova. In fact, when we saw Sephiroth on the     [
]             Cargo Ship for the first time (and there was no name above the [
]             text dialogue), this was actually Jenova in the form of        [
]             Sephiroth, being controlled by Sephiroth (crazy, 'eh?). Jenova [
]             herself even spoke to Cloud at the end of Disk 1 - �Because,   [
]             Cloud. You are... a puppet.�                                   [
]                                                                            [
] Tifa - Throughout the course of the game Tifa has been harbouring some     [
]        very deep and personal feelings for Cloud, which has been very      [
]        cleverly masked as a love angle. The very first flashback of the    [
]        game at the well, the date, all of the obscure times that Tifa has  [
]        started to say something but then hesitated, all was because she    [
]        knew that something was seriously wrong with Cloud (�All the things [
]        you didn't know that you should, and other things you shouldn't     [
]        know that you did.�). She desperately wanted to address these       [
]        issues but was worried that something terrible would happen if she  [
]        did. Tifa thinks that it's been 7 years that her and Cloud have     [
]        been apart as opposed to 5 years because she doesn't remember Cloud [
]        ever coming to Nibelheim 5 years ago... More on that later on.      [
]                                                                            [
] Reunion - When Jenova has finished sucking the Lifestream from a planet,   [
]           she will beckon for all beings that contain her DNA (remember    [
]           what you learnt in Professor Gast's Lab in the Icicle Inn) to    [
]           return to her, she will then move onto another planet. This is   [
]           called 'reunion'. Seeing as Professor Gast mistook the           [
]           lobotomised Jenova for an Ancient, he began experimenting on     [
]           infusing Jenova's DNA with condensed Mako energy, then spraying  [
]           a small amount of that onto a human being. The result was        [
]           SOLDIER. Believing he was creating synthesised Cetra (my         [
]           terminology), Gast was actually creating Jenova clones, and      [
]           seeing as Sephiroth is a perfect clone of Jenova, Seph' was able [
]           to summon every being on the planet that contained Jenova's DNA  [
]           to return to him, with the Black Materia. And of course, Cloud   [
]           is just another Sephiroth/Jenova Clone.                          [
]                                                                            [
] WEAPON - As you've been able to tell by now, the Planet (Gaia) is no       [
]          ordinary planet. In fact, two thousand years ago, she created a   [
]          defence mechanism dubbed 'WEAPON'. These were intended to defeat  [
]          Jenova, however the Cetra were able to finish the job and WEAPON  [
]          was not needed, so the beasts of ultimate destruction lay dormant [
]          for 2 millennia. Sensing impending danger as Sephiroth summons    [
]          Meteor, Gaia reawakened its defence mechanism and the 5 WEAPONs   [
]          were called upon once more to protect the planet. (There are      [
]          actually more than five if you look into the FF VII universe,     [
]          however in this game you'll only encounter 5.) After watching     [
]          probably one of the coolest bits of CGI in the game, you'll have  [
]          seen Ruby, Emerald, Diamond, Sapphire and Ultimate WEAPON fly off [
]          in various directions.                                            [
]                                                                            [
] Cloud - There is still more to learn about Cloud. Just know for now that   [
]         Cloud was being beckoned to Sephiroth right from the word go.      [
]         Aside from testing Cloud's memory, the sole purpose of Tifa asking [
]         Cloud to recall his promise to her at the well was to persuade     [
]         Cloud to stay with them. There is a very strong chance that if     [
]         Tifa had been unsuccessful in her persuasions, and Cloud had left  [
]         Avalanche, he would have headed north.                             [

O.K., now that you're (almost) fully aware of what's going on, you should now 
be at a stage in the game where you are playing as Tifa and you're held 
captive by the Shinra. Cloud is nowhere to be found, and there is a huge ball 
of doom lingering in the sky. Things really are starting to look bleak.

You'll eventually take control of Barret. Follow Tifa and the Shinra guard, 
saving along the way until you come to a press room. After an amount of 
dialogue, you'll have to fight a couple of Attack Squads using Barret and 
Cait Sith.

Once they're defeated, inspect the gas chamber door to try to make it budge. 
It won�t. You'll then have some more super cool CGI to sit through. For a 
game that's approaching 2 decades old, you really can't help but appreciate 
how aesthetically pleasing the cut-scenes are. I suppose you have to pretend 
that it's 1997 again.

--D2.04 B - The Gas Chamber     (�You'd better watch my back till the end... 

|                               >   ENEMIES:                                 <
|        NOTE ON ENEMIES:       >            [SOLDIER:2ND] [ROULETTE CANNON] <
|                               >                                            <
| If you encounter 2 x SOLDIER: > -------Lv: [---------35] [-------------38] <
| 2nds, then try manipulating   > -------HP: [-------4000] [-----------3000] <
| one of them, then have him    > -------MP: [--------340] [------------200] <
| hit the other, the result is  > ------EXP: [-------1000] [-----------1200] <
| rather comical, they will     > -------AP: [---------85] [------------100] <
| just keep attacking each      > ------GIL: [--------750] [-----------1600] <
| other until one of them is    > ----STEAL: [-----Remedy] [---------------] <
| dead. You won�t be using      > -----DROP: [---X-Potion] [-------X-Potion] <
| Barret and Cait Sith for      > --NULLIFY: [-----------] [------------PSN] <
| very long, so Elemental=      > ---DOUBLE: [-----------] [------------LHT] <
| Lightning/Ramuh in their      >                                            <
| weapons and a few other bits  >                                            <
| will suffice.                 >                                            <

  Once you have control of Barret, set himself and Cait Sith up accordingly. 
When you make your way out of the press room, Scarlett will lock the door 
from the inside. Make your way to the right and outside to bump into a 
reporter that you happen to know, then watch some more CGI.

Make your way to the next screen which happens to be the airport. Make your 
way up the service lift to come to a dead-end. The POV will switch back to 
Tifa now. Note that you could return to this airport landing later on in the 
game, and while the enemies won�t have changed, their formations will have, 
granting you much more EXP than is currently on offer.

Whilst controlling Tifa, you will have to try to pick the key up and then 
free yourself. It should be pretty easy to work out, plus you're not on a 
timer or anything. I don't know what type of gas Scarlett is using but it 
sure isn't lethal.. Once you're free , inspect the orange light to the left, 
and then check the door. You'll then watch even more CGI!

In case you can't work out how to free yourself, the sequence is X, X, Tr, X 
+ Tr, Sq + Tr, Sq. Descend down the outside of Junon until you arrive at the 
Sister Ray (or Mako Cannon). 

Keep following the cannon to the end to end up in a turn based slap fight 
with Scarlett, and after a few nail biting scenes you'll eventually be on-
board the Highwind!

Make your way to the cockpit to talk to Cid. Once he's finished, talk to Red 
XIII, and then to Cid again. Now talk to the pilot next to Cid, then head out 
of the cockpit and into the room marked up 'operations'. 

Here you can form a party, save and restore your HP/MP. Make sure to remove 
everybody's amour and accessory that you've been using, and then form a party 
to continue. If you haven't defeated Godo in Wutai yet then be sure to bring 
Yuffie along, as we're about to obtain the fourth and final Enemy Skill 

As you can imagine, there are a number of optional thing for us to do now, 
but we won�t be able to do everything until we've obtained Cloud back in our 
party. For now, this would be a perfect time to let the rest of your team 
catch up with Cloud (in terms of Lv)! Don't forget also, that when navigating 
in the Highwind, you can hold down square to side strafe left, right and even 

 NOTES - Now that some major changes have happened in the game, you will find 
         that people's disposition towards you will have changed. Everyone 
         that you speak to will now be worried and perturbed by the impending 
         extinction level event hanging above their heads. The Gold Saucer is 
         also closed off at this point too btw.

       - Although most of the following sidequests are optional, you are going 
         to have to do some of them in order to complete your Materia 
         collection. I will be giving you a full re-cap on Disk 3 of 
         everything there is to do, so don't feel as though you have to do 
         everything now.

       - I suggest equipping a double growth weapon or armour, and whacking 
         an All Materia on it now; the sooner you master one the better!

|                                                                            |
| {D2.05} - Optional Sidequests No.3                                         |
|                                                                            |
|                                                                            |
| QUESTS:                                                                    |
|                                                                            |
| A - Chocobo Sage         E - Costa Del Sol          I - Chocobo Breeding 1 |
| B - E-Skill Trine        F - Shop in Cosmo Canyon   J - Goblin Island      |
| C - Rocket Town          G - Cactus Island          K - Collect E-Skills   |
| D - Tifa's Piano         H - Fort Condor Battle 19                         |
|                                                                            |
| ITEMS:                                                                     |
|     |_|Enemy Skill Materia  |_|Guard Source       |_|Magic Source          |
|     |_|All Creation         |_|Elemental Materia  |_|Full Cure Materia     |
|     |_|Leviathan Materia    |_|Elixir             |_|Chocobo Lure Materia  |
|     |_|Fourth Bracelet                                                     |

--D2.05 A - Visiting The Chocobo Sage            

--Items - Enemy Skill Materia

  In your newly acquired mode of transport, head to the Northern Continent. 
Just north west of Bone Village you should find a lone house with a patch of 
green grass that you can land on. This is the Chocobo Sage's house.

Inside you will find a green Chocobo. Interact with it to receive the [ENEMY 
SKILL MATERIA]. You can now talk to the Sage if you like, enquire about the 
Chocobo and he will tell you that he doesn't remember anything. 

What happens now, is every 5 or so battles his memory will refresh and he'll 
give you a new piece of information on breeding Chocobos. Obviously you don't 
need to do any of that seeing as you have this guide, but that's how you 
would've figured out how to breed Chocobos otherwise. You can also buy some 
expensive Greens from him, but again we won't need to do that until the time 
comes for us to Chocobo breed.

To see all of the Chocobo Sage's quotes, use QSI link [Chocobo Sage]

--D2.05 B - Obtaining the Enemy Skill Trine

--Items - Leviathan Materia
--Boss  - Godo Lv 41 (All Creation)

  Assuming you've been following my guide, you will still have Godo left to 
defeat. Whack Yuffie in your party (if she isn't already) and make your way 
over to Wutai. At your current level you shouldn't struggle with him now, 
just make sure to equip a Ribbon.

If 2 of your Enemy Skills had Trine and 2 didn't, if say you were to equip 
all four of them on to character then none of the E-Skills would learn Trine. 
If you're going to equip more than one E-Skill on a person then make sure 
that the Materia is identical, or that the E-Skill you're trying to learn 
hasn't already been learnt on one of them.

You shouldn't need to spend ages setting yourselves up, just remember that 
Demi2 or Laser will weaken him tremendously, then a bit of Added 
Cut=Deathblow should finish him off. See section D1.18 C for a full boss 

He has 10,000 HP and will drop a massive 40,000 gil once he's been defeated, 
you'll also receive Yuffie's Lv 4 Limit Break [ALL CREATION], as well as the 
only Water based Materia in the game, the [LEVIATHAN MATERIA]. 

Now make your way over to Rocket Town.

--D2.05 C - Rocket Town

--Items - Fourth Bracelet, Guard Source

  Head into the Weapon Shop which is the first house on your left as you 
enter, then head into the room on the left to open a chest containing the 
[FOURTH BRACELET], a piece of armour that has very high Def.

Now run into the Item Shop (the one with the old man standing outside) and 
run into the room on the right. Open the chest here for a [GUARD SOURCE]. The 
item shop owner now sells a few pieces of Materia that he didn't sell before, 
such as Deathblow and Manipulate, I've bought an extra Deathblow. I plan to 
buy a few more later on aswell.

If you were thinking of working on Leveling your Limit Breaks up, then now 
would be the perfect time. Head over to the forest area near Mt. Nibel and 
make sure to equip Manipulate and to also give Hypers to those that need 
them. Don't forget to equip your Alls on double growth weapons.

--D2.05 D - Playing Tifa's Piano in Nibelheim

--Items - Elemental Materia

  Make the short flight over to Nibelheim, then head into Tifa's house. It 
seems as though all of the caped figures (or Sephiroth clones) have made it 
to the reunion at the Northern Crater, seeing as there's none left here. Head 
into her bedroom and inspect the piano. As long as you 'jammed on the piano' 
during the flashback at Kalm earlier, you'll now complete your set of 
[ELEMENTAL MATERIA]s. Note that this can only be obtained whilst playing as 
Tifa; if you miss it now then you won't be able to grab it later on!

So it seems that just by playing music you can pass on the 'knowledge of the 
Ancients' into the instrument you are playing, and that knowledge will then 
Materialise into Materia over the course of 5 years. And there was me 
thinking that Materia had to be formed by a Lifestream fountain, or Mako 
energy. I've always known that music is powerful, but I had no idea it was 
that powerful!

--D2.05 E - New Weapons in Costa Del Sol

--Required gil - 72,000

  Head into the bar and talk to the guy on the left to purchase the next set 
of weapons, 8 slotted with medium attack power:

1 x Solid Bazooka    O=O O=O O=O O=O  - Barret     - 16,000 gil
1 x Centclip         O O O O O O O O  - Red XIII   - 14,000 gil
1 x Spiral Shuriken  O=O O O O O O O  - Yuffie     - 14,000 gil
1 x Long Barrel R    O=O O=O O=O O=O  - Vincent    - 13,000 gil
1 x Gold M-Phone     O=O O=O O=O O=O  - Cait Sith  - 15,000 gil
                                             Total - 72,000 gil

 NOTES - After this set of weapons there will only be one more set to buy 
         which will have stronger attack power but fewer Materia slots. This 
         final hoard will set us back a staggering 190,400 gil, so be prepared 
         to sell one of your mastered Alls if you have one. Speaking of which,
         don't forget to buy the Shinra Villa in Costa Del Sol for 300,000 
         gil when you do sell an All for 1.4 Mil gil. Although completely 
         pointless and trivial, it is something to spend your dosh on. 

       - The Long Barrel R is the 2nd weapon in the game that has 255 Attack%.

--D2.05 F - Entering The Back of The Item Shop in Cosmo Canyon

--Item - Elixir, Magic Source, Full Cure Materia

  Now head over to Cosmo Canyon. In case you hadn't noticed, the Highwind can 
only land in grassy areas, so you'll need to run a short distance. Once at 
Cosmo Canyon, head up to the far right ladder and into the Item Shop. You'll 
notice that the red barrier that previously blocked our path has now been 

Head through the door indicated with a green arrow to emerge in a room 
containing an [ELIXIR], a [MAGIC SOURCE] and the [FULL CURE MATERIA]. GRAB 
THAT MATERIA! I would advise against equipping it as it's extremely 
detrimental to on one's strength and HP, unless of course you have a 
dedicated magic caster and you don't mind the penalisation. Plus, you'll need 
to level the Materia up before you can even use it, so I suggest saving it 
for later on in the game.

--D2.05 G - Cactus Island

|                          >  ENEMIES:                 [UNDER                <
|     NOTE ON ENEMIES:     >           [      CACTUER]   LIZARD] [DUAL HORN] <
|                          >                                                 <
| Like the Cactuar in      > ------Lv: [-----------40] [-----29] [-------30] <
| Corel Desert, the        > ------HP: [---------6000] [---1400] [-----2500] <
| Cactuer has extremely    > ------MP: [----------120] [----140] [---------] <
| high defence%, which     > -----EXP: [---------1000] [----440] [------550] <
| means it will dodge      > ------AP: [----------100] [-----45] [-------45] <
| most of your attacks.    > -----GIL: [---------1000] [----420] [------500] <
| L4 Suicide is your best  > ---STEAL: [-------------] [-Remedy] [Pepio Nut] <
| friend here, then just   > ---MORPH: [Tetra Element] [-Remedy] [---------] <
| keep using Morph until   > ----DROP: [-------------] [-Remedy] [Pepio Nut] <
| you hit it. The Under    #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#
| Lizard and the Dual Horn                                                   |
| will only be fought on the grassy area, and are the same ones from the     |
| Woodlands area surrounding the Temple of The Ancients.                     |

  From Cosmo Canyon, head directly south until you come to a small dirt 
island with a patch of grass to land on. Make sure to have Morph equipped, 
then go into battle with the Cactuer 3 times to Morph them into 3 Tetra 
Elements (or just two - you'll obtain one right at the end of the game). 

This is an accessory that will absorb Fire, Ice & Lightning based attacks, so 
basically they're awesome! Also, the 1000 Needle attack is a great way of 
getting your Limits up. Unfortunately, the Cactuer (unlike the Cactuar) 
doesn't drop 10,000 gil, they only drop 1000.

 NOTE - I tried equipping Vincent with the Long Barrel R, seeing as it is the 
        weapon with the highest Attack%. It seemed to make a bit of an 
        improvement on the hit ratio , but I'm not entirely sure. Also, 
        Manipulating the Cactuer drops its Def%.

--D2.05 H - Fort Condor Battle No. 19

  So this is the last optional Fort Condor Battle, the next one we do after 
this will be mandatory and will also be the final one of the game. Your prize 
this time will be 3 x Elixirs. This must be done before heading into Mideel.

When you arrive at the cabin the guy there will tell you that the Shinra have 
attacked 5 times since you were last there. These attacks took place whilst 
Tifa was unconscious for the last 7 days, and there's nothing you could've 
done about it.

Fort Condor will also have updated its Materia shop, although none of the 
pieces here will be new to us. On a side note, if you did fancy doing some 
experience farming, then the Heli-pad in Junon would be the best place to 
visit, you'll receive shed loads of EXP. Junon will also have updated all of 
its weapons and armour shops, although none of the weapons you see will be 

--D2.05 I - Chocobo Breeding Step 1

--Items        - Chocobo Lure Materia
--Required gil - 60,000

  Make your way to the Chocobo Ranch and as you enter look to the right for 
the [CHOCOBO LURE MATERIA]. Now, there are a few things I'd like to point out 
before we start the Chocobo Breeding process.

 NOTE - To the veteran players out there, it's worth pointing out at this 
stage that it is possible to breed a Gold Chocobo *WITHOUT HAVING TO COMPLETE 
A SINGLE CHOCOBO RACE*. Use QSI link [RNG] for more info.
]                                                                            [
] SIDE NOTE - CHOCOBO BREEDING                                               [
]                                                                            [
] 1) Chocobo breeding is said to be one of the more tedious mini-games,      [
]    which is why it's much more preferable to complete it in sections as    [
]    opposed to doing it all in one sitting. We are currently very limited   [
]    in how far we can progress anyway due to the fact that the Gold Saucer  [
]    is currently closed.                                                    [
]                                                                            [
] 2) You're going to need to spend somewhere in the region of 500,000 gil+   [
]    to obtain a Gold Chocobo. You are required to increase your Chocobos    [
]    stats before breeding them, and the only way to do that is to feed them [
]    Greens. The Sylkis Greens that are available from the Chocobo Sage are  [
]    the best ones to buy, costing 5000 gil each!                            [ 
]                                                                            [
] 3) Chocobo racing is a triple-edged sword. In order to condition our wild  [
]    Chocobos to breed, we must first race them in the Chocobo races at the  [
]    Gold Saucer. In doing so we will upgrade their class, once they're at   [
]    class A they are ready to breed. Using Greens is mandatory prior to     [
]    racing your Chocobos as Greens will increase you Chocobos racing stats, [
]    failure to do so will result in a lot of lost races!                    [
]                                                                            [
]    There are certain unique Materias that are only available within the    [
]    Chocobo Square. Whilst Leveling up your Chocobos, you're also going to  [
]    want to be completing you Materia collection, and it's the pieces here  [
]    that could end up driving you insane. You might get lucky and obtain    [
]    every piece that's available by the time you've finished breeding, but  [
]    then again you might not.                                               [
]                                                                            [
]    Every time you win a Chocobo race you will be given the choice of       [
]    exchanging your winnings for an item or GP. Obviously if a rare item    [
]    pops up then you're going to want to consider choosing that, but most   [
]    of the time you're going to want to pick the GP option. So, whilst      [
]    Leveling up Chocobos and obtaining rare Materias, we're also            [
]    stockpiling a load of GP for the Battle Square. When you think about    [
]    it, Chocobo breeding is quite a well-structured, balanced system with a [
]    lot of incentive to want to partake in it.                              [
]                                                                            [
] 4) There are 4 Materia Caves scattered about the map, and certain ones can [
]    only be accessed by certain Chocobos. A green Chocobo can cross         [
]    mountains and is used to access the Materia cave near Wutai. A blue     [
]    Chocobo can cross shallow water and is used to access the Materia cave  [
]    near Mideel, a black Chocobo can cross both mountains and shallow water [
]    and can access the cave near North Corel, and lastly a gold Chocobo can [
]    go absolutely anywhere and is used to access the Round Island in the    [
]    far north east corner of the map.                                       [
]                                                                            [
] 5) You can actually acquire a gold Chocobo for free by defeating one of    [
]    the hardest bosses in the game, Ruby WEAPON. The boss is completely     [
]    optional, and is not required to complete the game, although you are    [
]    required to beat it for the Ruby Render Trophy. Although you could skip [
]    out the whole Chocobo breeding process altogether this way, you would   [
]    still need to race at the Chocobo Square in order to obtain every piece [
]    of Materia, and the gold Chocobo that you receive from defeating Ruby   [
]    is an absolutely terrible racing Chocobo. I suggest just obtaining a    [
]    gold Chocobo the old fashioned way, by breeding.                        [
]                                                                            [
] For a full rundown on how to Chocobo breed, see section E.14.              [

| During this walkthrough, I will explain how to breed a Gold Chocobo, step- |
| by-step. If you're familiar with the Chocobo breeding process, and you     |
| wish to learn how to breed the 'Ultimate' racing Chocobo, then follow QSI  |
| Link [Ultimate Racing Chocobo]. As a reminder, you use a QSI link by       |
| replacing the [] with {} in the search bar (CNTRL +F).                     |

So, the first thing that we are required to do is to buy some stables. First 
head into the house on the left to talk to Chocobo Bill. Select option 1 to 
rent a stable for 10,000 gil. Repeat this process 6 times if you can afford 
to, otherwise just buy two seeing as two is all we'll need for now. You will 
probably want to buy all 6 at some point.

 NOTE - If you were to head into the stables and talk to the girl at the back 
        (Chloe) then she would tell you that the white Chocobo likes to be 
        scratched behind its ears, anywhere else and it'll get mad. Remember 
        this for later on. Also, any information that you've learned from the 
        Chocobo Sage will be relayed back to you by Chloe. Oh, and don't 
        forget to stock up on Gysahl Greens, and also buy around 3 Mimett 

Now we need to go and catch a few Chocobos. Every Chocobo we catch will be 
rated from Weak - Wonderful. Right now we are after two Great Chocobos.

 NOTES - equipping both Chocobo Lure Materias here is advised as the effects 
         will stack against each other, as with the Enemy Lure Materias. 
         Also, you shouldn't need to feed the Chocobos Greens here seeing as 
         you should be strong enough to just wipe out the opposition before 
         the Chocobo flees.

       - Save yourself the hassle for later on, make sure to have all Enemy 
         Skills equipped to one character (presuming that none of them have 
         already learned Chocobuckle). When you encounter a Chocobo alongside 
         1 or 2 Spirals (which will be Lv 36), first throw a Mimett Green at 
         it, then have the Enemy Skill bearer cast L4 suicide. The Chocobo 
         will retaliate with Chocobuckle.

Great Chocobos can be found near Rocket Town alongside 2 x Valrons or 2 x 
Kyuvilduns. You can also encounter Great Chocobos near Mideel which is the on 
the south-eastern most continent alongside 1 or 2 x Spirals. You will earn 
more EXP and AP here, just don't visit the actual town of Mideel yet as you 
will progress with the story that way (it's our next stop). The sooner you 
master an All the better, so I'd suggest goto the Mideel Area, but it's up to 
you, just bear in mind that you'll probably need to start using Greens again 
here seeing as the Spirals can be quite tough to beat.

When you disembark from a Chocobo, you will now have the option to send it 
back to the Ranch or let it go.

Back at the ranch, SAVE YOUR GAME!!! When you talk to Chocobo Billy select 
option 3 to move a Chocobo into the stables. A gender will then be chosen at 
random, if the wrong genders are chosen then just reset your game and re-
enter the Chocobo Ranch, no need to catch them again. You can also name your 
Chocobos whatever you want, I named mine GreatM and GreatF just to make 
things easier.

 NOTES - Sometimes the 'RNG' (Random Number Generator) can get stuck, 
         resulting in the same sex of Chocobo being chosen every time you 
         move them. If this happens then try performing a 'soft reset' 
         (L1+R1+L2+R2+Start+Select, or 'Quit Game' for Steam/PS4 users).
         If this fails then try a hard reset (resetting the PS1, or for 
         PC/PS4 users you must close the application then reboot it).

       - If you missed the Choco/Mog Materia the first time round then you 
         could grab it now by talking to a Chocobo in your pen.

The last thing to do at this stage is to acquire some nuts. These are 
required for breeding, and in total we need 3 x Carob Nuts and 1 x Zeio Nut. 
You can buy the Carob Nuts from the Gold Saucer for 300GP, or, you could just 
steal them from the Vlakorados in the grassy area near Bone Village.

 NOTES - Comet2, Magic Breath, Laser/Gravity and other powerful moves are the 
         quickest way to defeat the Vlakorados, seeing as they have 33,333 
         HP. Don't hold back, if you run out of MP just use a Tent or run 
         into Bone Village and play the excavation game to sleep for free! 
         Also, here is where I mastered my first All, I flew straight over to 
         the Chocobo sage to buy 99 x Sylkis Greens for 495,000, then I went 
         and bought the 'Villa Cloud' in Costa Del Sol for 300,000! Then I 
         went and bought some Tents... some Hypers... some Fire Veils.....
         Yeeeah baby! Livin' the dream!

       - PS4 players - don't forget you can earn gil whilst being away from 
         the controller! When you encounter 2x Trickplay, cast Haste on them, 
         active '3x speed' (L3) and 'battle boosters' (R3), and every time 
         the Trickplay cast Gold Mountain their value increases by 800.

Finally, let's go and obtain a Zeio Nut. To do that we must visit Goblin 

--D2.05 J - Goblin Island

    >  ENEMIES:  ************                             [MYSTERY       <
    >           [      GOBLIN] [UNDER LIZARD] [DUAL HORN]   NINJA Lv 37] <
    >            ************                                            <
    > ------Lv: [----------40] [----------29] [-------30] [----------37] <
    > ------HP: [--------2000] [--------1400] [-----2500] [--------1950] <
    > ------MP: [----------80] [---------140] [---------] [---------280] <
    > -----EXP: [----------20] [---------440] [------550] [---------640] <
    > ------AP: [----------20] [----------45] [-------45] [---------100] <
    > -----GIL: [----------20] [---------420] [------500] [--------2000] <
    > ---STEAL: [----Zeio Nut] [------Remedy] [Pepio Nut] [------------] <
    > ---MORPH: [------------] [------Remedy] [---------] [------------] <
    > ----DROP: [----Zeio Nut] [------Remedy] [Pepio Nut] [------------] <
    > -E-SKILL: [GOBLIN PUNCH] [------------] [---------] [------------] <
|                              NOTE ON ENEMIES:                              |
|                                                                            |
| As you've probably figured out by now, the Under Lizard and the Dual Horn  |
| are the same ones from before. Protect yourselves from Sleep. The Mystery  |
| Ninja could also be fought here with a 50% encounter rate chance.          |

  From the Chocobo Ranch, head north to come to a few islands, one of which 
has a forest in the middle of it. Land on that island, then battle around in 
the forests to encounter the Goblin. You only need one Zeio Nut, so you 
should only need to battle here once.

The Enemy Skill Goblin Punch will cost 0 MP, and will do a large amount of 
damage if your Lv is the same as the enemy's Lv. Make sure to have all 4 
Enemy Skills equipped, and also to have Manipulate. You could now head over 
to Mideel to crack on with the game if you wished, but I like to do one last 
thing before moving on:-

--D2.05 K - Obtaining Every Enemy Skill Available

  Here is a list of every Enemy Skill that is currently available to get, in 
order that you can get them starting off from Midgar. Remember to have all 4 
Enemy Skill Materias equipped, but also remember that if one person has two 
Enemy Skills equipped, then an Enemy Skill won't be learnt if one of the 
Materias has already learnt it. Also, you won�t be able to re-acquire Laser, 
Bad Breath nor Magic Breath until Disk 3.

 NOTE - You'll earn quite a bit of AP during the following battles, I suggest 
        equipping things like Fire, Ice, Lightning, Quake, Demi, Enemy Lure, 
        (All!!) and any other Materias that are currently falling behind as 
        you are going to want to get these to Lv 3 at some point.
 1  MATRA MAGIC    - CUSTOM SWEEPER - Midgar Area (Dirt Area only)
 2  L4 SUICIDE     - MU             - Grasslands Area (near Chocobo Ranch)
 3  CHOCOBUCKLE    - CHOCOBO Lv 16  - Grasslands Area (near Chocobo Ranch)
 4  BETA           - MIDGAR ZOLOM   - Marsh (near Chocobo Ranch)
 5  FLAMETHROWER   - ARK DRAGON     - Mythril Mine (Northern caverns)
 6  WHITE WIND     - ZEMZELETT      - Junon Area
 7  BIG GUARD      - BEACHPLUG      - Gold Saucer Area (Beaches)
 8  AQUALUNG       - HARPY          - Gold Saucer Area (Chocobo Tracks only)
 9  FROG SONG      - TOUCH ME       - Gongaga Forests
10  ????           - JERSEY         - Shinra Mansion (in Nibelheim, 2nd floor)
11  DEATH FORCE    - ADAMANTAIMAI   - Wutai Beaches
12  MAGIC HAMMER   - RAZOR WEED     - Wutai Area
13  DEATH SENTENCE - BOUND FAT      - Corral Valley (past Bone Village)
14  GOBLIN PUNCH   - GOBLIN         - Goblin Island


  3 - Chocobuckle - You need a Mimett Green to use on a Lv 16 Chocobo which 
                    will only appear alongside 2 x Levrikon or Elfadunk, then 
                    cast L4 Suicide. You can also learn this on the Chocobo 
                    tracks near Mideel from a Chocobo fighting alongside the 
                    Spirals. Remember that the Chocobo will cast Chocobuckle 
                    on the person who cast L4 Suicide only.

  4 - Beta - Use Laser or Demi2 four times to trigger a casting of Beta.

  6 - White Wind - Must be Manipulated

  7 - Big Guard - Must be Manipulated

  8 - Aqualung - The Harpy will only be found on the Chocobo tracks alongside 
                 a Chocobo.

 10 - ???? - Remember, the Jersey will only use ???? if they haven't been 
             hit. Also, they can only be found on the 2nd floor of the Shinra 
             Mansion. Be sure to be wearing Ribbons.

 11 - Death Force - Must be Manipulated

 12 - Magic Hammer - Must be Manipulated

And so concludes yet another side-quest section of this walkthrough. Onwards! 
Hop into your aircraft and head to the South-Eastern Continent to find the 
remote village that is Mideel!

|                                                                            |
| {D2.06} - Mideel                                                           |
|                                                                            |
| ITEMS:                                                                     |
|         |_|Contain Materia    |_|Curse Ring         |_|Elixir              |

--D2.06 A - Cloudy With a Chance of Tifa   (�But remember, the light of hope 
                                                      can be found anywhere.�)

>  ENEMIES:                                                                  <
>           [     SEA WORM] [      SPIRAL] [ HIPPOGRIFF] [ HEAD HUNTER]      <
>                                                                            <
> ------Lv: [-----------22] [----------39] [---------37] [----------30]      <
> ------HP: [---------9000] [--------2800] [-------3000] [--------2000]      <
> ------MP: [----------200] [---------100] [--------280] [---------100]      <
> -----EXP: [---------1300] [---------700] [--------800] [---------650]      <
> ------AP: [----------200] [----------80] [---------80] [----------80]      <
> -----GIL: [---------5000] [--------1300] [-------1500] [--------1000]      <
> ---STEAL: [Dragon Scales] [----X-Potion] [-----------] [Tranquilizer]      <
> ---MORPH: [Dragon Scales] [Guard Source] [-----------] [------------]      <
> ----DROP: [--Turbo Ether] [---Hi-Potion] [Echo Screen] [-------Ether]      <
> --ABSORB: [----------ERT] [------------] [-----------] [------------]      <
> -NULLIFY: [----------GRV] [------------] [-----------] [------------]      <
> ---HALVE: [----------FRE] [------------] [-----------] [------------]      <
> --DOUBLE: [----------ICE] [------------] [-----------] [------------]      <
>                                                                            <
>                          [MYSTERY        *************  #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#
>           [    CRYSALES]   NINJA Lv 42] [CHOCOBO Lv 36] < NOTE ON ENEMIES: |
>                                          *************  <                  |
> ------Lv: [----------37] [----------42] [-----------36] < This is the last |
> ------HP: [--------1500] [--------2400] [----------360] < time I shall     |
> ------MP: [---------100] [---------325] [----------100] < list the Mystery |
> -----EXP: [---------800] [---------720] [-----------10] < Ninja as this is |
> ------AP: [----------80] [---------120] [------------1] < the highest      |
> -----GIL: [---------600] [--------2400] [------------1] < level you can    |
> ---MORPH: [Dream Powder] [------------] [-------------] < encounter her    |
> ----DROP: [-------Ether] [------------] [-------------] < at, she has a    |
> -E-SKILL: [------------] [------------] [--CHOCOBUCKLE] < 50% encounter    |
>                                                         < rate chance.     |

--Items        - Contain Materia, Curse Ring, Elixir
--Required gil - 190,400
--Extra        - Beat-up Useless Old Key

  Before entering into Mideel, first make sure that you have at least one 
Mimett Green, and then make sure to strip Tifa of her accessory and armour 
(and everything else) then step into the small resort of Mideel.

Head into the first shop you see, the Item Shop. If you've managed to sell 
one of your Alls then I suggest stocking up on plenty of Ethers, Tents and 
Remedys. In every shop you come to, *be sure* to talk to the frantic kid who 
is flapping about like a headless Chocobo. This will help for later.

You should be able to see a small white Chocobo running around also. Interact 
with it to feed it some a Mimett Green (even though it will display Samolen 
Green, fixed in later versions), you'll then have the option to tickle the 
Chocobo in a particular area. If you've been paying close attention then 
you'll already know to tickle it behind it's ears. GRAB THAT MATERIA! Once 
you've tickled it it'll give to you the [CONTAIN MATERIA].
]                                                                            [
] SIDE NOTE - CONTAIN MATERIA                                                [
]                                                                            [
] Whilst being highly detrimental to your physical stats, Contain is highly  [
] recommended to start Leveling up asap as it is one of the few Materias in  [
] the game that will hit with Wind damage. You *can't* pair it with          [
] Elemental, but you *can* pair it with Added Effect to attack with/defend   [
] against Confusion, Petrify and Stop.                                       [
]                                                                            [
]  Lv 1 - Freeze. Strong Ice damage, can cause Stop                          [
]                                                                            [
]  Lv 2 - Break. Strong Earth damage, can cause Petrify.                     [
]                                                                            [
]  Lv 3 - Tornado. Strong Wind damage, can cause Confusion.                  [
]                                                                            [
]  Lv 4 - Flare. Strong Fire damage.                                         [
]                                                                            [
] The main downside to Contain is that it cannot be paired with All, so the  [
] attacks will only ever hit one enemy. You could link it with MP Turbo to   [
] make the attacks even stronger, but me personally I'd just keep it paired  [
] with Added Effect. That is until I obtain Hades, of course.                [

Now head out of the Item shop and make your way over to the shop on the 
right. This is the Materia Shop, and although there is nothing new here to 
buy here, do make sure to talk to the frantic kid again.

Now head up the stairs and into the Weapon Shop. First, talk to the frantic 
kid, then inspect the door at the back to discover that it is locked. Then 
talk to Weapon Shop owner, but only if you have the required funds. As 
mentioned, this'll be the last time we'll need to buy any weapons from a shop:

1 x Crystal Sword    O=O O=O O=O      - Cloud      - 18,000 gil
1 x Crystal Glove    O=O O=O O=O      - Tifa       - 16,000 gil
1 x AM Cannon        O=O O=O O=O      - Barret     - 18,000 gil
1 x Crystal Comb     O=O O=O O=O      - Red XIII   - 17,000 gil
1 x Crystal Cross    O=O O=O O=O      - Yuffie     - 18,000 gil
1 x Crystal M-Phone  O=O O=O O=O      - Cait Sith  - 18,000 gil
1 x Partisan         O=O O=O O=O      - Cid        - 19,000 gil
1 x Winchester       O=O O=O O=O      - Vincent    - 18,000 gil
3 x Crystal Bangle   O=O O=O O=O      - Armour     -  4,800 gil Each
2 x Wizard Bracelet  O=O O=O O=O O=O  - Armour     - 12,000 gil Each
                                            Total - 180,400 gil

 NOTE - It wouldn't be the worst idea in the world to buy 7 Wizard Bracelets 
        instead of just 2, as so that any player not in your team can be 
        wearing an 8 slotted piece of armour. This will help you to use the 
        'Exchange' tab more effectively. We will be able to steal a Wizard 
        Bracelet from a random encounter, not too far into the game.

Now head over the bridge. Just to the left of where the guy is standing you 
should be able to hear a slight 'click' as you run over one of the wooden 
boards. Examine it to find the 'Beat-up Useless Old Key'. Now head into the 
house on the left.

Although this may look like an ordinary house, it's actually the Accessory 
Shop. Speak to the girl at the stove to buy a new piece, the Amulet for 
10,000 gil which will increase your luck by +10 (good for whomever has 
Deathblow). You can also buy a Bolt Ring if here if you didn't manage to 
obtain one from the sleeping man that gives you Mythril.

Now head back into the Weapon Shop. Try to use the beat up old key on the 
door at the back to accidentally brake the key in the lock. Clumsy #!$#! When 
the store keeper confronts you, be sure to come clean with him. He'll give 
you the [CURSE RING] if you do, otherwise you'll get squat!

 NOTES - The Curse Ring is better than the Champion Belt in terms of its 
         stats boost, however it will give you a 60 second Death Sentence 
         penalty each match. Which is an absolutely minor problem seeing as 
         the Enemy Skill Death Force will clear it, plus, how often does a 
         battle actually go on for more than a minute? The stat boost you 
         receive is +35 Strength, +15 Dexterity, +15 Vitality, +35 Magic, +15 
         Spirit and +15 Luck.

       - If you equip Tifa with the Powersoul then the damage she will deal 
         will be doubled if her HP is critical, and quadrupled when she is 
         inflicted with the Status Death Sentence.... These will stack for a 
         total of 8x normal damage.

Now head over into the final house to automatically start petting a dog. 
After an amount of dialogue you'll wind up back on the Highwind. Cait Sith 
will inform you that Heidegger and Scarlett (Gya ha ha & Kya ha ha) are up to 
something fishy. Eventually you'll have control of Cid as the party leader.

 NOTE - It isn't made fairly obvious during the game, but the Turk that you 
        saw standing at the back was the same Turk that was against the 
        destruction of the Sector 7 support plate at the beginning of the 
        game. His name is Reeve, and he is the one who controls Cait Sith. 
        How? Nobody knows. Also, take note of Red XIII's comment, 'when small 
        Materia nears the larger Materia, something should happen.' Yes 
        indeed, something should happen. More on that later on (Now we know 
        what Scarlett and Tseng were looking for way back when we were in 

So, it appears that Cloud has suffered from Mako poisoning as a result of 
being subjected high densities of Lifestream for a protracted period of time. 
Bummer. The Huge Materia from Nibelheim has already been retrieved by the 
ShinRa, so it looks like we're going to be heading to North Corel. Make your 
way to operations to form a party, then head back into the cockpit to fly the 

Before continuing, land the Highwind once more and run back into Mideel. Head 
back over to the house that you were about to explore earlier on to find an 
[ELIXIR] sitting on the bed. When you leave you'll be accused by the old man, 
choose either option to continue, both are fairly comical.

|                                                                            |
| {D2.07} - North Corel & Fort Condor Reactors                               |
|                                                                            |
| ITEMS:                                                                     |
| |_|Ultima Materia  |_|Phoenix Materia (Recommended to leave for now)       |
| |_|Catastrophe     |_|Imperial Guard (Boss, Optional)                      |

--D2.07 A - Huge Materia at North Corel     (�Hey, do you know who I am? I'm 
                                             Cid - that's who the hell I am!�)

|                    >  ENEMIES:                                             <
|                    >                                                       <
| Aside from the new > ------Lv: [--------42] [---------43] [------------46] <
| enemies listed     > ------HP: [------3000] [------10000] [---------17000] <
| above you will     > ------MP: [-------200] [--------200] [------------50] <
| still fight all    > -----EXP: [-------900] [------10000] [----------2000] <
| of the previous    > ------AP: [--------75] [--------100] [------------90] <
| enemies that you   > -----GIL: [------1100] [--------600] [----------3800] <
| encountered here   > ---STEAL: [----------] [-----------] [Warrior Bangle] <
| the first time     > ----DROP: [----------] [-----------] [------X-Potion] <
| round. The new     > --ABSORB: [-------PSN] [-----------] [--------------] <
| enemies are one    > -NULLIFY: [----------] [-----------] [------WTR--ERT] <
| time encounters    > --DOUBLE: [----------] [--------WTR] [-----------LHT] <
| only fought on     #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#
| top of the coal                                                            |
| train. Be sure to steal the Warrior Bangle, a 4 slotted piece of armour    |
| that has incredibly high defence, but 0 growth.                            |

--Items - Ultima Materia, Catastrophe
--Extra - Huge Materia

  Make your way over to the Mt. Corel Reactor. I'd advise landing the 
Highwind by North Corel as opposed to the Costa Del Sol side, then taking the 
long route back to the reactor. Make sure to save beforehand, here was my set-
up going in:

 1) Cid - Lv 45 (Back)
     Partisan        - All=Time, Enemy Skill, Morph, Sense, Steal  
     Wizard Bracelet - Elemental=Lightning, All=Earth, Long Range, Speed Plus,
     Champion Belt                                            HP Plus, MP Plus

 2) Barret - Lv 43 (Back)
     AM Cannon       - Added Effect=Contain, Elemental=Leviathan, All=Gravity
     Wizard Bracelet - Added Cut=Deathblow, Enemy Skill, Manipulate, Steal
     Curse Ring                                    Luck Plus, HP Plus, MP Plus

 3) Yuffie - Lv 49 (Back)
                                                              HP Plus, MP Plus
     Spiral Shuriken - All=Heal, Revive, Enemy Skill, Steal, Magic Plus,
     Wizard Bracelet - Elemental=Ramuh, All=Restore, All=Lightning, 
     Circlet                                                    MP Turbo=Comet

 NOTE - It is possible to fail this upcoming section. You *MUST* make it to 
        the second train cart (it would be almost impossible to fail this 
        unless you were trying to). For what it's worth, if you do mess the 
        whole thing up then I suggest just reloading your save and trying 

As you make your way into the reactor you'll be likely to encounter the 
Bagnadrana, you can cast L4 Suicide on them then use Morph to gain yourselves 
a few Guard Sources. As you approach the entrance to the reactor you'll have 
to engage a couple of Attack Squads. These are the same ones the you've 
fought many times before.

After the a battle has finished a train will depart the reactor moving very, 
very slowly. Instead of jumping on it, Cid decides to hijack his own train 
cart instead (if Cloud can jump onto a speeding train in Midgar then surely 
Cid must be able to). 

You are about to engage in a 10 minute race to catch up with the other train, 
board it and then bring it to a halt before it demolishes North Corel. Again, 
as long as you make it to cart 2 then it doesn't matter if you fail, but I'd 
strongly advise against that.

1.) Alternate between pressing Up and Triangle at a steady pace to increase 
    the carts speed. Once you have gained enough momentum you will catch up 
    to the train carrying the Huge Materia.

2.) In the 1st cart you'll have to fight 1 x Gas Ducter. Just don't use Bio.

3.) You'll have to fight 2 x Gas Ducter in the 2nd cart. Don't mess about, 
    Magic Breath will work just fine here.

4.) In the 3rd cart you'll have a Wolfmeister to fight. You should've had 
    Water set up in your weapons, if not just use Aqualung.

5.) Make sure to steal a Warrior Bangle from the Eagle Gun in the 4th cart. 
    Don't use Water, do use Laser, Demi3, Trine and Bolt3.

6.) You will now have to fight one more Attack Squad.

7.) Lastly, when prompted press Up and Triangle simultaneously to speed up 
    the train, then Down and X to speed it up even more.

Once the action has finished, you'll receive the [ULTIMA MATERIA] as a 
reward, as well as a free night's rest.

If you'd ran out of time, then you will have ruined a town that's already in 
shambles and Barret will feel like killing himself, not to mention losing out 
on the Huge Materia (seriously consider re-loading your save). Once you've 
left the Inn, you can talk to the kid sitting in the train cart. Instead of 
giving you the Ultima Materia he'll sell it to you for 50,000 gil (believe 
me, it's worth it), unless of course you didn't even make it to the 2nd 
train, in which case you will get NOTHING!

Either way, once you're ready to continue head into the house on the second 
floor. Talk to the woman on the left and she'll give you Barret's Lv 4 Limit 
Break, the [CATASTROPHE].

 NOTE - If you miss one of the four Huge Materias then it will not affect 
        you trophy progress, however it will mean that you will have a much, 
        much harder time obtaining the Bahamut ZERO Materia, so I suggest 
        making sure that you obtain every one.
]                                                                            [
] SIDE NOTE - ULTIMA MATERIA                                                 [
]                                                                            [
] Probably one of the most powerful spells in the game, Ultima is well....   [
] Ultimate! Unfortunately, just like with Full Cure Materia Ultima needs to  [
] be levelled up before it can be used, aswell as heavily penalising your    [
] physical stats. It will boost your magical stats though.                   [
]                                                                            [
]  NOTE - If you plan to Source farm later on in the Sunken Gelnika then you [
]         can boost your Magic stat quite high, in which case Ultima will    [
]         cease to be the strongest magic you own, and Comet2 will take its  [
]         place.                                                             [

--D2.07 B - Huge Materia at Fort Condor           (�Gotta have that Materia!�)

|                                              >  ENEMIES:                   <
|                NOTE ON ENEMIES:              >           [CMD. GRAND HORN] <
|                                              >                             <
| You'll only have to fight the CMD. Grand     > ------Lv: [-------------37] <
| Horn if the Shinra troops reach your shack.  > ------HP: [-----------8000] <
|                                              > ------MP: [------------300] <
|                                              > -----EXP: [------------800] <
|                                              > ------AP: [-------------80] <
|                                              > -----GIL: [-----------9600] <
|                                              > ----DROP: [-Imperial Guard] <

--Items - Phoenix Materia (leave)
--Extra - Huge Materia

  Once You're ready to leave you can head outside and jump into the 
Highwind... if you'd taken my advice earlier on and parked up just outside 
North Corel. If not then you'll have to trek back through Mt. Corel until you 
reach your Highwind. Now head over to Fort Condor saving before you head in, 
and also make sure to have plenty of gil. This will be the final Fort Condor 

 NOTES - During the battle here, let the enemies over-run the shack so that 
         you can defeat the CMD. Grand Horn for the Imperial Guard. This is 
         probably the best piece of armour in  the game, and it is possible to 
         obtain a set of three but you'll have to obtain one of them right 
         here and now! You'll still receive the Huge Materia this way.

       - If you were to lose to the CMD. Grand Horn, then you would lose out 
         on the Huge Materia, and you would also be banned from ever re-
         entering the Fort Condor.

If you're not bothered about the Imperial Guard, and you want to defeat the 
Shinra normally then here's how:

If you've been taking part in all of the previous battles then you should 
have the strategy down to a fine art. Seeing as this is the final battle and 
all, expect a much tougher challenge. Try throwing in a few Fighters, 
Tristoners and Fire Catapults to spice things up a bit.

If you're completely new to the battles, then the main thing that you need to 
remember is that it is essentially a rock, paper, scissors type strategy:

Attacker - beats Beast     - loses to Barbarian
Defender - beats Barbarian - loses to Wyvern
Shooter  - beats Wyvern    - loses to Beast

Start off by placing three Attackers across the field as far down as you 
possibly can. Begin the battle by pressing X, then slow the battle speed down 
by pressing L1. Command each attacker (by pointing and clicking) to march as 
far down as they can go. Once each Attacker has received his instructions, 
speed the game up all the way with R1.

When the enemies are about to collide, slow the game right down again and 
create some new soldiers that are suited to the enemies in play. Just make 
sure you have enough space to create new enemies and you should be fine. Just 
stay on the offensive, keep your troops travelling south and keep ganging up 
on the enemy, if you play it correctly then you'll have finished the battle 
before the Boss even shows, if not then you'll have to surround him with 
every troop you've got.

Once you have one the battle, either by taking out all of the Shinra's troops 
or by defeating the CMD. Grand Horn, you will see some cool CGI of the Condor. 

 NOTE - If you don't mind making use of exploits, then refrain from grabbing 
        the Materia as instructed below; doing so will really help later on!

When you gave control of Cid again, head out through the door and up to the 
top of the reactor to EAT THAT BIRD! I mean GRAB THAT MATERIA! the [PHOENIX 
MATERIA] which will cause Fire damage to the enemy whilst reviving and fully 
restoring all fallen teammates in the process...... Before grabbing it 
however, you may wish to know:

 NOTE - If you had missed out on the Phoenix Materia because you'd lost to 
        the CMD. Grand Horn, then you can re-obtain the Phoenix Materia later 
        on at Bone Village. You can also duplicate it by *not* picking it up 
        here now, wait until Disk 3 when you'll be able to dig up a copy from 
        Bone Village, then return to Fort Condor to obtain a second non-
        mastered Phoenix. I Recommended this for beating Emerald WEAPON.

On your way out *Make Sure* to talk to the guy sitting at the table, he'll 
hand over the Huge Materia as a way of saying thanks. Your team will hint 
that the next place to go is the Underwater Reactor, but first it's time to 
check up on Cloud and Tifa. Hop in the Highwind and head down south to Mideel 
once more.
]                                                                            [
] SIDE NOTE - OBSCURE ELEMENTS                                               [
]                                                                            [
] There are a number of Elemental properties that aren't listed in any part  [
] of the game. These are speculated to have been left in the game either as  [
] a mistake or as an unfinished project. Either way, it's interesting to     [
] know that these Elements can still be implemented into your battle plan.   [
]                                                                            [
] On top of the main 9 Elements, you also have:                              [
]                                                                            [
] Restorative:                                                               [
]  If an enemy is weak against holy then it will take double the damage from [
]  Holy based spells, the only one of which being Alexander. On top of that, [
]  some will also absorb the 'Restorative' Element. This double positive     [
]  will act as a negative, meaning you can use items such as Phoenix Downs,  [
]  Elixirs etc. to damage your opponent.                                     [
]                                                                            [
] Cut/Hit/Punch/Shoot/Shout:                                                 [
]  All of your characters will hit with at least one of the Elements above,  [
]  although various weapons will hit with different properties. Certain      [
]  enemies are weak vs Punch, this is suspected to be accidentally left in.  [
]  An incredibly large amount of enemy attacks will hit with one of the      [
]  above Elements, and the Ziedrich armour which we will obtain shortly will [
] halve all of the basic 9 Elements, as well as the 5 listed above.          [
]                                                                            [
] Hidden:                                                                    [
]  'Hidden', or the '10th Element' is activated when you attach the          [
]  Elemental Materia to your armour paired with any Materia that doesn't     [
]  have an Elemental property, such as Contain, Luck Plus, anything you want [
]  really. Basically anything other than another support Materia. There is   [
]  only one move that is really known about in the game that uses the hidden [
]  Element, and that is Ultimate WEAPON's Ultima Beam. Seeing as we're about [
]  to face Ultimate Weapon, try equipping Elemental=HP Plus in your armour   [
]  for all three characters. Equip Steal also.                               [

|                                                                            |
| {D2.08} - Into the Lifestream                                              |
|                                                                            |
| ITEMS:                                                                     |
|         |_|Curse Ring (Boss)                                               |

--D2.08 A - Mideel Re-visited     (�Tender memories... no one can ever know.�)

--Boss - Ultimate WEAPON Lv 61 (Curse Ring)

 Before heading into Mideel make sure that everyone has Steal equipped, and 
also make sure to have saved your game. Once inside head straight over to the 
Doctor's to check up on Cloud. Talk to the nurse on the left to rest, then 
talk to Tifa to continue.

Once you have regained control of Cid, run outside. Amongst all the 
commotion, Ultimate WEAPON will decide to rear its ugly head.

*        ________  ________  ________   ________           ___               *
*       |\   __  \|\   __  \|\   ____\ |\   ____\         |\  \              *
*       \ \  \|\ /\ \  \|\  \ \  \___|_\ \  \___|_        \ \  \             *
*        \ \   __  \ \  \\\  \ \_____  \\ \_____  \        \ \__\            *
*         \ \  \|\  \ \  \\\  \|____|\  \\|____|\  \        \|__|            *
*          \ \_______\ \_______\____\_\  \ ____\_\  \            ___         *
*           \|_______|\|_______|\_________\\_________\          |\__\        *
*                              \|_________\|_________|          \|__|        *
*  __________________________________________   ______________ ____________  *
* |                                          | |              |            | *
* |             ULTIMATE WEAPON              | | BOSS BATTLE: | 29 A       | *
* |__________________________________________| |______________|____________| *
*                                              |              |            | *
* This battle cannot be won at this stage due  | ---------Lv: | 61-------- | *
* to the fact that Ultimate Weapon shall flee  | ---------HP: | 100,000--- | *
* from battle after using Quake2, Claw then    | ---------MP: | 400------- | *
* Ultima Beam. All you need to concentrate on  | ------STEAL: | Curse Ring | *
* at this stage is stealing the [CURSE RING]   | ----NULLIFY: | GRV------- | *
* from it. Make sure to keep Big Guard up at   |___________________________| *
* all times, it's Quake attack will hit hard,                                *
* as will his Ultima Beam, unless of course you followed the Elemental       *
* advice I gave earlier (pairing the Elemental Materia with HP Plus to       *
* defend from the 'hidden' Element). If it flies off before you successfully *
* steal from it from then just re-load your save. We will have to defeat     *
* him later on in the game, so any HP you knock off him now will make it     *
* easier for later. If you deplete 20,000 HP out of it then it will flee     *
* from battle automatically.                                                 *
*                                                                            *

After the fight the POV will change to Tifa (notice the Battle Square theme), 
and after a few short animations you will find yourself, well, somewhere else. 

What takes place now is the unveiling of the truth, so make sure to pay close 
attention. I won�t be guiding you through this one because I don't want you 
to be distracted by this guide, you can pick it up again when you are on-
board the Highwind.

When you try to leave operations, you'll have to form a party, then head over 
to the cockpit to learn where the next Huge Materia is. You can head back 
into Mideel before continuing if you like, you'll find it completely 
destroyed. All of the shops now have a minimal stock, aside from the hyper 
kid with the white Chocobo who'll stock every single item/weapon/Materia that 
was previously available, provided that you'd spoken to him in each shop 
previously. He can be found at the top of the hill on the far left, alongside 
the doctor and the nurse, and if you were to talk to the nurse you would be 
able to rest for free.
]                                                                            [
] SIDE NOTE - STORYLINE CLARIFICATION                                        [
]                                                                            [
] If this is your first time playing the game then the events that have just [
] unfolded may leave you with some questions. I will try to clarify things   [
] for you, just make sure to not start reading this until you are on-board   [
] the Highwind.                                                              [
]                                                                            [
] All throughout the game Tifa has desperately wanted to confront Cloud with [
] the truth that he never came to Nibelheim 5 years ago (or so she thought), [
] but was �afraid that if I told you.... something terrible would happen.�   [
] This explains Tifa's dialogue during the dating sequence in the Gold       [
] Saucer. If you had dated Aeris, then she (Aeris) would have told Cloud     [
] that he reminds her of 'him', this is referring to her first boyfriend,    [
] Zack (remember in Gongaga). Aeris also remarks that she is looking for the [
] 'real' Cloud.                                                              [
]                                                                            [
] What isn't explained at all here is what took place after the Nibelheim    [
] incident of 5 years ago. Barely alive, Cloud and Zack (Cloud must have     [
] turned Super Saiyan or something to have done what he did to Sephiroth)    [
] were taken by Hojo as his lab guinea pigs. Whilst Zack had already had his [
] body infused with Jenova cells and was able to resist Hojo's 'Sephiroth    [
] Cloning' experiments, Cloud on the other hand had suffered serious side    [
] effects, and as a result he completely lost his mind. He was only able to  [
] stabilise his mentality by infusing the memories of Zack's as his own. So  [
] when Sephiroth stated that Cloud had made up his memories by listening to  [
] Tifa's stories, they were all LIES! There is still a little bit to         [
] discover about these events later on in the game, so I'll stop explaining  [
] this part of the story now.                                                [
]                                                                            [
]  NOTE - Thanks to DoomSD for pointing this out - Do you recall the piece   [
]         of Materia that Cloud (Zack) had equipped on his Buster Sword      [
]         during the flashback (the one he was excited about using)? It was  [
]         the Pre-Emptive Materia! That's how he (Cloud) was able to sneak   [
]         up on Sephiroth the way he did!!!                                  [
]                                                                            [
] The mysterious voice that Cloud has been hearing is the 'real Cloud'       [
] trying to get out. In fact, when Cloud was handing the Sephiroth clone the [
] Black Materia at the Temple of The Ancients, the child Cloud that you      [
] momentarily had control of was the same Cloud during the Lifestream        [
] events. Also, when you fell through the church roof at the beginning of    [
] the game, this voice tells you that 'you could have gotten by with scraped [
] knees back then', which is a reference to the events where Cloud and Tifa  [
] fell off the cliff-side. Also, I suspect that one of the three boys that   [
] Tifa hung around with was Johnny, who we've met several times during the   [
] beginning of the game.                                                     [
]                                                                            [
] Lastly, it is speculated that the contraption that was in Sephiroth's hand [
] just before Cloud was able to toss him over the side of the reactor was    [
] merely the device that the Cetra had used to lobotomise Jenova, and        [
] Sephiroth had removed it in order to free her from her mental prison.      [
] Others speculate that it was the head of Jenova itself, and due to         [
] graphical limitations the Dev's weren't able to pixelate a decent enough   [
] Jenova head, so they left it looking like the headpiece. This would        [
] explain why Jenova is headless during your first visit to the Shinra HQ,   [
] although the truth remains unclear to me.                                  [

|                                                                            |
| {D2.09} - Underwater Reactor                                               |
|                                                                            |
| ITEMS:                                                                     |
|         |_|God's Hand (Boss)  |_|Scimitar           |_|Leviathan Scales    |
|         |_|Battle Trumpet                                                  |

--D2.09 A - Chocobo Breeding Step 2

  There are actually a number of sidequests available for us to do now that 
we have Cloud back in our party, although I feel that it is best to do the 
next part of the storyline first, seeing as even more optional sidequests 
will then open themselves up to us, which we can blast in one hit. For now, 
seeing as the Gold Saucer has re-opened we can take part in the next stage of 
Chocobo breeding process!

I'm going to assume at this stage that you have mastered one of your Alls and 
you have sold it for 1.4 Mil gil, and that you have also captured 2 Great 
chocobos. If you haven't mastered an All yet then you are going to need 
approximately 250,000 gil.

First head over to the Chocobo Sage's house to buy either 99 Sylkis Greens, 
or a minimum of 16. Then head over to the Chocobo Ranch and buy either 99 or 
30 Pahsana Greens, then  buy 99 Curiel Greens. You are going to have to feed 
your Chocobos somewhere in the region of:

 8 x Sylkis  Greens each to max out Speed
15 x Pahsana Greens each to raise Intelligence
60 x Curiel  Greens each to raise Stamina
25 x Mimett  Greens each to raise Acceleration

 NOTES - The Mimett Greens have a 25% chance of increasing Acceleration by +1, 
         and a 75% chance that they'll do nothing. Also, the game won't 
         actually state that you have received a boost, so there is no way of 
         telling whether or not you have maxed it out!!!

         It doesn't matter if you fully max out Intelligence, Stamina or 
         Acceleration at this stage, all that matters is that you max out 
         Speed. See section E.14 G for a full rundown on how each Green 
         modifies which stat.

Some of the names will vary when you go to feed them, for example Curiel 
Greens will appear as Kurie Greens. Even though the Chocobos won't accept 
anymore Curiel Greens to improve their Stamina once you've maxed it out, 
feeding them Sylkis or Reagan Greens will keep boosting their Stamina 
seemingly indefinitely. This won�t be necessary (just yet).

Now that you've raised/maxed out your Chocobos stats, it's time to race them 
in the Chocobo Races. Also, due to the fact that you've obtained the 
Highwind, there are a few new things to do in the Gold Saucer. I will cover 
these during the upcoming sidequests section, for now just head straight for 
the Chocobo Square, not forgetting to save beforehand. Note that the man who 
will convert gil into GP will now sometimes appear standing behind the save 
point in the Gold Saucer. He has a 1 in 8 chance of appearing and will 
convert a maximum of 10,000 gil into 100 GP (Buy as much GP from him as often 
as you can - there are some expensive prizes in the Wonder Square).

When you get to the Chocobo Square, talk to Ester who is standing by the 
Jockey room. It is here where we can register our Chocobos for the races, 
they'll start off as C class and go up a class every 3 wins that you get. 
These don't have to be consecutive, and you don't have to get these Chocobos 
higher than class B if you don't want to but I suggest getting them both to 
class A for reasons:

1) The GP reward is greater in the higher classes, therefore better preparing 
   us for the Battle Square later on.
2) The Enemy Away Materia can only be obtained in the Chocobo Races, and is 
   only available as a prize from B class upwards. You are going to want to 
   get this out of the way sooner rather than later, again it's completely 
   pot luck! You may get 3 of these by the time you've finished breeding, you 
   may get none (and yes the effects do stack btw).

 NOTE - If the combined wins for the Chocobos totals 4 or more, then you will 
        guarantee a 'special' Chocobo (Green/Blue only).

Whilst racing, you can get away with just keeping it set to Auto for C class, 
but you are going to want to set it to manual for B and above. As long as 
you've fed them the required Greens as above, you should be fine, just 
remember to keep R1+R2 held down to keep replenishing your Stamina. Press 
Square several times at the start of the race aswell to max out you running 
speed, and watch out for the black Chocobo Teioh, as he can be a real pain at 
times to beat (his stats are ALWAYS better than yours).

Once both your Chocobos are class A, you are ready to breed them! Head over 
to the Chocobo Ranch and SAVE before entering. Talk to Billy to select Mating 
Chocobos, then select GreatM and GreatF to breed. Finally, choose the Carob 
Nut, and viola! And brand new (and rather large) baby Chocobo. The breed of 
Chocobo will be chosen at random, you'll either get a green or blue Chocobo, 
and we'll need to wait until the parents are ready to breed again before we 
can obtain the chocobo of opposite gender (I got a male Green). 

You could take your new Chocobo out for a spin, but I suggest just heading on 
to the next section of the game for now, which is Junon.

 NOTES - A Chocobo that has just mated will not be ready to mate again until 
         you have encountered (and won) between 3 to 10 battles. A baby 
         Chocobo will not be ready to mate until you have fought (and won) 
         between 3 to 19 battles.

       - A newborns Acceleration, Stamina and Intelligence will always be the 
         average of its' parents, Cooperation will always be 0, and the 'cap' 
         of its Max Sprint speed and Max Running speed will vary depending on 
         the type of Nut you use. Refer to QSI Link [Nuts] for more info.

       - If you talk to Chloe she will tell you which of your chocobos has 
         the best stats, but only if you've talked to the Chocobo Sage first. 
         When you breed you'll have approximately 20% chance of boosting 
         Sprint, and a 15% chance of boosting Run. You *don't* have to have 
         fed the newborn Greens beforehand, just talk to Chloe and she'll 
         tell you if the newborn is the fastest. If the newborn hasn't 
         received a boost, perform a soft-reset and try again.

       - If you keep getting the same results, try running in and out the 
         barn once before breeding. The try twice, then try three times (to 
         keep the RNG advancing)

--D2.09 B - Descending to The Ocean Floor       (�Doesn't it feel like we're 
                                                          missing something?�)

  >  ENEMIES:                 *************                                <
  >           [      SLALOM] [DEATH MACHINE] [ SOLDIER:2ND] [GUARD SYSTEM] <
  >                           *************                                <
  > ------Lv: [----------37] [-----------35] [----------35] [----------35] <
  > ------HP: [--------1600] [---------2500] [--------4000] [--------2200] <
  > ------MP: [----------30] [----------150] [---------340] [---------200] <
  > -----EXP: [---------700] [----------900] [--------1000] [--------1100] <
  > ------AP: [----------70] [-----------80] [----------85] [----------80] <
  > -----GIL: [--------1500] [---------1200] [---------750] [--------1200] <
  > ---STEAL: [--Smoke Bomb] [W Machine Gun] [------Remedy] [------------] <
  > ---MORPH: [---Hi-Potion] [-------------] [------------] [------------] <
  > ----DROP: [Deadly Waste] [-------------] [----X-Potion] [-----Molotov] <
  > --ABSORB: [---------PSN] [-------------] [------------] [------------] <
  > -NULLIFY: [------------] [-------------] [------------] [---------LHT] <
  > -E-SKILL: [------------] [--MATRA MAGIC] [------------] [------------] <
  >                                                                        <
  >                                                                        <
  >                                                                        <
  > ------Lv: [------------32] [--------38] [----------44] [-----------36] <
  > ------HP: [----------1500] [------2800] [--------6600] [---------3200] <
  > ------MP: [------------85] [-------100] [---------100] [----------260] <
  > -----EXP: [-----------850] [------1340] [--------1600] [---------1050] <
  > ------AP: [------------80] [--------60] [----------60] [-----------60] <
  > -----GIL: [-----------500] [------1250] [--------2000] [---------2200] <
  > ---STEAL: [-8-Inch Cannon] [----------] [Phoenix Down] [--------Hyper] <
  > ---MORPH: [--------------] [----------] [--Guide Book] [Light Curtain] <
  > --DROP 1: [--------S-Mine] [--X-Potion] [Phoenix Down] [----Loco Weed] <
  > --DROP 2: [---Shinra Beta] [----------] [------------] [-------------] <
  > --ABSORB: [--------------] [----------] [---------RES] [-------------] <
  > -NULLIFY: [--------------] [-------ERT] [----GRV--ERT] [----------ERT] <
  > ---HALVE: [--------------] [-------WTR] [---------WTR] [----------WTR] <
  > --DOUBLE: [--------------] [----------] [---------HLY] [-------------] <
|                              NOTE ON ENEMIES:                              |
|                                                                            |
| None of the enemies here pose a threat, but whack lightning in your        |
| weapons anyway. You've fought the SOLDIER:2nd, Death Machine and Slalom    |
| before. Make sure to have Ribbons equipped, and MAKE SURE to Morph the     |
| Ghost Ship into a Guide Book, we will need this for later. Watch out, as   |
| the Ghost Ship uses a move called Goannai, which will remove one player    |
| from battle.                                                               |
|                                                                            |
| The Guard System is much like the Warning Board from the Shinra HQ in the  |
| sense that it can spawn in 2 enemies - Quick Machine Gun or the Rocket     |
| Launcher which are both weak against lightning. Neither pose a threat, and |
| I didn't have room to fit them in but their details can be found in        |
| section G.09. Saying that, the Rocket Launcher can inflict you with        |
| Confusion.                                                                 |
|                                                                            |
| Lastly, the Corvette is weak against Confusion, which means equipping      |
| Added Effect with Mystify will result in double damage!                    |

  Here was my set-up going into Junon:

 1) Cloud - Lv 48 (Front)
     Crystal Sword   - Elemental=Lightning, Enemy Skill, Morph, Sense Steal
     Wizard Bracelet - All=Restore, MP Turbo=Comet, Ultima, Magic Plus,  
     Circlet                                                  HP Plus, MP Plus

 2) Cait Sith - Lv 45 (Back)
                                                                      HP Plus  
     Crystal M-Phone - Elemental=Alexander. Added Effect=Contain, Luck Plus,
     Gigas Armlet    - Added Cut=Deathblow, Enemy Skill, Manipulate, Steal, 
     Curse Ring                                                     Long Range

 3) Red XIII - Lv 47 (Front)
     Crystal Comb    - Elemental=Ramuh, Revive, Enemy Skill, Steal, Speed Plus
     Wizard Bracelet - All=Time, All=Heal, All=Gravity, HP Plus, MP Plus

Talk to the Shinra guard at the far end to ride the elevator to upper Junon. 
As you make your way through you'll notice that something is missing. Head to 
the T-shaped tunnel, as you make your way south you'll be encounter a fleet 
of Shinra guards.

Although they might run in the opposite direction, the Slaloms won't. Be sure 
to steal some Smoke Bombs from them for the Battle Square later on. When 
you're ready head into the service lift at the far end to fight 2 x Submarine 

At the base of the lift you'll have to fight another 2 Submarine Crew. Once 
they've been taken care of, follow the screens down until you reach a save 
point (don't worry about the dog blocking the passageway). In the next screen 
you'll be able to descend the cargo lift, then follow the path to reach an 
underwater pipeline, follow this to reach the reactor. 

 NOTES - Before heading into the reactor, you are going to want to morph the 
         Ghost Ship into a Guide Book, and these two screens are the only two 
         that you'll be able to encounter it at. This area is re-visitable, 
         but it's a rather annoyingly long way to travel if you miss it now. 
         L4 Suicide will do the trick nicely.

       - Although the underwater tunnel is re-visitable, the reactor itself 
         isn't so make sure to pick everything up along the way.

--D2.09 C - The Reactor                (�Maybe we shouldn't piss them off...�)

>  ENEMIES:                                                                  <
>                                                                            <
> ------Lv: [----------35] [---------39] [-----------32] [------40]          <
> ------HP: [--------2600] [-------3400] [---------2500] [----4000]          <
> ------MP: [---------245] [--------240] [----------150] [-----340]          <
> -----EXP: [---------930] [--------860] [----------750] [-----940]          <
> ------AP: [----------90] [---------75] [-----------58] [------60]          <
> -----GIL: [---------800] [-------1600] [----------600] [-----500]          <
> ----DROP: [------------] [-----S-Mine] [------Molotov] [--------]          <
> ---HALVE: [---------WTR] [-----------] [-----WTR--FRE] [--------]          <
> --DOUBLE: [------------] [--------LHT] [-------------] [--------]          <
>                                                                            <
>                                          #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#
>           [UNDERWATER MP] [     CAPTAIN] <         NOTE ON ENEMIES:        |
>                                          <                                 |
> ------Lv: [-----------34] [----------34] <  Not much to note other than to |
> ------HP: [---------1000] [--------2000] <  steal a few Shinra Alphas      |
> ------MP: [----------100] [----------90] <  from the Underwater MPs.       |
> -----EXP: [----------820] [---------850] <                                 | 
> ------AP: [-----------80] [----------84] <                                 |
> -----GIL: [----------600] [--------1050] <                                 |
> ---STEAL: [-Shinra Alpha] [Steal Shinra] <                                 |
> ----DROP: [------Grenade] [------S-Mine] <                                 |

--Items - Battle Trumpet, Scimitar, Leviathan Scales
--Boss  - Carry Armor Lv 45 (God's Hand)  

  Once Inside the reactor push the purple switch on the far wall. Plunge even 
further down to emerge on a catwalk. Follow it all the way to the west to 
come to a save point. Make use of it.

Follow the path to the next screen which looks vaguely like the No 1 reactor 
that we blew up in Midgar. Here you will have to fight two lots of Submarine 
Crews and 1 lot of Underwater MPs. Make sure to steal a few Shinra Alphas 
from them.
Once you�re at the _|  shaped bridge you'll see the Huge Materia. You'd 
better be prepared because there's a Boss up ahead. Following the bridge 
you'll come to none other than Reno, and he'll have brought a playmate for us!

*        ________  ________  ________   ________           ___               *
*       |\   __  \|\   __  \|\   ____\ |\   ____\         |\  \              *
*       \ \  \|\ /\ \  \|\  \ \  \___|_\ \  \___|_        \ \  \             *
*        \ \   __  \ \  \\\  \ \_____  \\ \_____  \        \ \__\            *
*         \ \  \|\  \ \  \\\  \|____|\  \\|____|\  \        \|__|            *
*          \ \_______\ \_______\____\_\  \ ____\_\  \            ___         *
*           \|_______|\|_______|\_________\\_________\          |\__\        *
*                              \|_________\|_________|          \|__|        *
*                           ____________ ____________ __________ __________  *
* You must be on point     |            |            |          |          | *
* whilst fighting Carry    |    BOSS    |    CARRY   |  RIGHT   |   LEFT   | *
* Armor seeing as it can   | BATTLE: 30 |    ARMOR   |   ARM    |   ARM    | *
* pick up two of your      |____________|____________|__________|__________| *
* characters, effectively  |            |            |          |          | *
* removing them from       | -------Lv: | 45-------- | 45------ | 45------ | *
* battle until you have    | -------HP: | 24000----- | 10000--- | 10000--- | *
* killed the arm holding   | -------MP: | 200------- | 100----- | 100----- | *
* the character. Make sure | ------EXP: | 2800------ | 1400---- | 1500---- | *
* to keep Big Guard on at  | -------AP: | 240------- | 95------ | 90------ | *
* all times, and also      | ------GIL: | 4000------ | -------- | -------- | *
* remember to cast Slow on | -----DROP: | God's Hand | -------- | -------- | *
* Carry Armor. As with     | --NULLIFY: | GRV--PSN-- | GRV--PSN | GRV--PSN | *
* previous boss battles,   | ---DOUBLE: | LHT------- | LHT----- | LHT----- | *
* you will receive greater |_______________________________________________| *
* EXP etc. if you defeat                                                     *
* it's counter parts before defeating the main boss, but it isn't mandatory. *
* Comet2, Magic Breath, Bolt3 etc. should finish it off fairly quickly,      *
* you'll receive Tifa's [GOD'S HAND] once he's finished, the 3rd and final   *
* weapon in the game to have 255 Attack% (along with Vincent's Sniper CR and *
* Long Barrel R).                                                            *
*                                                                            *

After the battle has ended you will realise that the Submarine with the Huge 
Materia has departed. Head to the left first off to open the chest containing 
the [BATTLE TRUMPET], a strong weapon for Cait Sith with 0 growth. 

Then head through to the next screen to come to a chest containing Cid's 
[SCIMITAR], which is our first Triple Growth weapon of the game! This will 
REALLY help for later on, and as previously mentioned is the reason why Cid 
will be in my final team.

Before heading into the Sub, BE SURE to grab the final chest on the left 
which contains a Key Item, the [LEVIATHAN SCALES]. This is required to put 
the flames out at the Da-chao cavern in Wutai. 

Now head up the staircase to fight two more sets of Submarine Crew, you'll 
then board the Sub. Inside you'll have another set of Submarine Crew to face, 
then make use of the save point.

Head into the Operations room to engage in an optional battle with the troops 
that you were entertaining Rufus with when you were sneaking onto the Cargo 
Ship on Disk 1. I suggest sparing them, but it'll make no difference either 
way, unless you wanted to steal another Shinra Alpha from the Captain (you'll 
get another chance to steal one later on). 

Head up to the control seat, after Cloud has a minor panic attack he'll then 
be eager to control the Sub, so sit in the driver�s seat and enjoy another 
]                                                                            [
] SIDE NOTE - SUBMARINE MINI GAME                                            [
]                                                                            [
] This game is fairly straight forward, press triangle to speed up, X to     [
] slow down and Square to fire a torpedo. Watch out for mines, pressing up   [
] will make you descend and pressing down will make you ascend (the way it   [
] should be). You can locate the Red sub using R1, when you see it simply    [
] blast it to hell, you can ignore all of the other yellow submarines. If    [
] you don't manage to destroy it within the 10 minute time limit then the    [
] Huge Materia is lost forever and you should consider re-loading your save. [
]                                                                            [
]  NOTE - If you're not bothered about Huge Materia then it is worth         [
]         pointing out that if you fail this mission then you can return to  [
]         Junon's pathways leading up to the reactor to find that the path   [
]         that was previously blocked by the barking dog will now be         [
]         unblocked, and when you go through you can steal the Red           [
]         Submarine, although the Huge Materia will not be inside.           [

Once the Red Submarine has been destroyed Cloud will remark that we should 
forget about the Huge Materia at the bottom of the sea for now. We'll come 
back to grab it shortly. There is one last thing to do before finishing up 
with this section, and that is to head into Junon and ride the cargo lift to 
the top (note that this is optional btw). 

Head outside to the airport to see a short sequence of one of Junon's 
Gelnikas departing with the Huge Materia on board. Looks like it's headed 
towards Rocket Town which is our next destination, but not before embarking 
on a world of excitement first!

 NOTE - As previously mentioned, If you don't do everything now then I'll 
        give you a full re-cap on Disk 3 of everything there is to get.

|                                                                            |
| {D2.10} - Optional Sidequests No.4                                         |
|                                                                            |
| QUESTS:                                                                    |
|                                                                            |
| A - Chocobo Breeding 3    G - Da-chao Fire Cavern  L - Under The Ocean     |
| B - Key to Sector 5       H - Chocobo Breeding 4   M - The Sunken Gelnika  |
| C - Premium Heart         I - Lucrecia's Cave I    N - Lucrecia's Cave II  |
| D - Kalm Traveller        J - Ancient Forest       O - Chocobo Breeding 5  |
| E - Final Heaven          K - The Materia Caves    P - Round Island        |
| F - Shinra Mansion Secrets                         Q - More Gold Saucer    |
|                                                                            |
| ITEMS:                                                                     |
| |_|Key To Sector 5      |_|Mime Materia        |_|Highwind                 |
| |_|Premium Heart        |_|Quadra Magic Materia|_|Death Penalty            |
| |_|Sneak Glove          |_|Huge Materia        |_|Chaos                    |
| |_|Underwater Materia   |_|Key to Ancients     |_|Knights of Round Materia |
| |_|Final Heaven         |_|Heaven's Cloud      |_|Flayer                   |
| |_|Oritsuru             |_|Escort Guard        |_|Sprint Shoes             |
| |_|Steal as Well Materia|_|Conformer           |_|Precious Watch           |
| |_|Supershot ST         |_|Double Cut Materia  |_|Cat's Belt               |
| |_|Spring Gun Clip      |_|Megalixir           |_|Chocobracelet            |
| |_|Slash-All Materia    |_|Touph Ring (Boss)   |_|Counter Attack Materia   |
| |_|Minerva Band         |_|Ziedrich (Boss)     |_|Gil Plus Materia         |
| |_|Typoon Materia       |_|Megalixir           |_|EXP Plus Materia         |
| |_|Apocalypse           |_|Spirit Lance        |_|Omnislash                |
| |_|Elixir               |_|Hades Materia       |_|W-Summon Materia         |
| |_|HP<->MP Materia      |_|Outsider                                        |

--D2.10 A - Chocobo Breeding Step 3

  Head over to the Chocobo Ranch making sure to save before entering. Now you 
should be able to mate the same two Chocobos that you did previously, again 
using a Carob Nut. You must make sure to obtain a Chocobo that is of a 
different breed and gender to its sibling. For example, earlier on I obtained 
a green male, so this time they must produce a blue female (yes we are going 
to mate brothers and sisters). This may take some time, so be patient.

 NOTE - If you find that you keep producing the same sex and/or breed of 
        Chocobo, then remember that the RNG can get stuck. Talk to Chocobo 
        Billy and feed a random Green to a random Chocobo, then save your 
        game, then try a soft reset. This should fix the problem. If it 
        doesn't, try a hard reset, followed by running in and out of the pen 
        area a few times.

Now feed the Green + Blue Chocobos the following:

 9 x Sylkis  Greens to max out Speed + Intelligence
30 x Mimett  Greens to max out Acceleration
50 x Curiel  Greens to max out Stamina

 NOTE - Remember, once you have maxed out both parents stats for Intelligence, 
        Acceleration, and Stamina, the new-born will also be born with those 
        stats maxed out.

Now make your way over to the Chocobo Square. Same drill here, race both of 
your Chocobos until they are class A (they'll need 9 wins minimum between 
them). Once you've done that you'll have quite a few battles to complete 
before you can breed these new Chocobos, but there is one more thing you can 
do for now:- head over to the small grassy area closest to the Icicle Inn.

You're going to want to try to capture a Wonderful Chocobo, so equip the 
Chocobo Lure Materias and head towards the Icicle Inn. Before heading east, 
you should see the tracks to your left, battle around until you encounter 
either 1 or 2 Jumping alongside the Chocobo, then capture it for a Wonderful 
Chocobo. Once you've caught one, don't move it from your pen into the stables 
just yet, instead head over to Bone Village.

--D2.10 B - Obtaining the Key to Sector 5

  There is now a new item available to be dug up in the excavation site. Head 
over to the foreman and ask him to search for normal treasure. There are 
three places where the Key To Sector 5 can be dug up, the easiest of which is 
just to the right of the entrance, above where the guy was digging (Spot 1). 
Once you've dug up the key you can return to Midgar, yaaay!

 NOTE - It's very note-worthy to point out that if you had missed out on the 
        Phoenix Materia earlier on because you'd lost to the CMD. Grand Horn 
        at Fort Condor, then you could dig it up at the excavation site when 
        you reach Disk 3. The same goes for two other pieces of Materia,
        W-Item and Bahamut ZERO. I also heard somewhere that you can dig up 
        the Weapon and Armour that Aeris was wearing when you lost her, I 
        also heard that you could dig up a Steal Materia here. All lies 

--D2.10 C - Obtaining Tifa's Premium Heart

--Items        - Premium Heart, Sneak Glove
--Required gil - 129,000

As you head into Midgar you will now be able to return through door '7' to 
return to Sector 5. If you were to head into the church you would see a small 
surprise, but it's just an illusion. Keep making your way through to the Wall 
Market. Wow. How different does the game feel now compared to earlier when we 
were first travelling around this part of Midgar?

 NOTES - If you put Cid and Tifa in your party then you'll view an additional 
         comical scene.

       - Remember to win as many battles as you can, as they will count 
         towards your Chocobos being ready to breed again. 

If you wanted to, you could have a little look around Sector 5's Slums 
although not much will have changed. Elmyra and Marlene are no-where to be 
found, in fact the last thing I remember about them is that Cait Sith (aka 
Reeve) had them held hostage somewhere, what ever happened to that anyway... 

Once you're in the Wall Market head into the shop marked ITEM outside. 
Interact with the terminal here to receive Tifa's Ultimate Weapon, the 
[PREMIUM HEART]! This weapon will get stronger as Tifa's Limit gauge fills up.
Keep reading to learn exactly how the damage output is modified:
]                                                                            [
] SIDE NOTE - ULTIMATE WEAPON'S                                              [
]                                                                            [
] Every character will have an Ultimate Weapon, and these weapons will have  [
] devastating attack power. Unfortunately though, they will also have 0      [
] Growth, meaning any Materia equipped to the weapon will not level up.      [
] Swings and roundabouts, I suppose.                                         [
]                                                                            [
] Every ultimate weapon will have stronger attack power when a certain       [
] condition is met. These conditions are as follows:                         [
] Cloud - Ultima Weapon                                                      [
]     The damage dealt is proportionate to Cloud's current HP, and is        [
]     indicated by the colour of the sword. Bright blue and white when       [
]     Cloud's HP is full, and dark blue and purple when his HP is critical.  [
]                                                                            [
]     At full HP Cloud's damage will triple, at 2/3's HP his damage will     [
]     double, and 1/3 HP his attack power will be normal. Anything less than [
]     1/3 will result in lower than normal attack power.                     [
] Barret - Missing Score                                                     [
]     The damage dealt is proportionate to the amount of AP equipped to      [
]     Barret's weapon, so equipping mastered Materia would be a good idea    [
]     seeing as this weapon has 0 growth. Master Magic/Command/Summon,       [
]     Underwater and Enemy Skill will not contribute to the attack bonus.    [
]                                                                            [
]     With 640,000 AP Barret's attack damage will quadruple, with 320,000 AP [
]     his damage will double and with 160,000 AP his attack power will be    [
]     normal. Anything less 160,000 AP will result in less than normal       [
]     attack power.                                                          [
]                                                                            [
]     Barret's Ultimate weapon is regarded as one of the strongest in the    [
]     game, and it is possible to cause damage overflow. You can kill        [
]     Emerald in one hit by equipping 5 mastered Knights of the Round        [
]     Materias and using 4 Hero Drinks (Strength must be 255).               [
] Tifa - Premium Heart                                                       [
]     The damage dealt is proportionate to Tifa's Limit gauge.               [
]                                                                            [
]     With Limit Level 4 selected, Tifa's damage will quadruple if her gauge [
]     is full, double if her gauge was at 1/2, and will be normal if her     [
]     gauge is at 1/4. Anything less than 1/4 will result in lower than      [
]     normal attack power.                                                   [
]                                                                            [
]     With Limit Level 3 selected, Tifa's damage will triple if her gauge is [
]     full, double if her gauge was at 2/3's, and will be normal if her      [
]     gauge is at 1/3. Anything less than 1/3 will result in lower than      [
]     normal attack power.                                                   [
] Aeris - Princess Guard                                                     [
]     The damage dealt is increased when one or two party members are KO'd.  [
]                                                                            [
]     With two if Aeris's companions her attack power will triple, and with  [
]     one of Aeris's companions KO'd her attack power will double.           [
] Red XIII - Limited Moon                                                    [
]     The damage dealt is proportionate to Red XIII's current MP.            [
]                                                                            [
]     At full MP Red XIII's damage will triple, at 2/3's MP his damage will  [
]     double, and 1/3 MP his attack power will be normal. Anything less than [
]     1/3 will result in lower than normal attack power.                     [
] Yuffie - Conformer                                                         [
]     The damage dealt is proportionate to the targets average level. Also,  [
]     the command Morph will hit for the same amount of damage as a normal   [
]     attack would.                                                          [
]                                                                            [
]     Yuffie's attack power will quadruple with her targets level at 64,     [
]     double with her targets level at 32, and will be normal at level 16.   [
]     Anything less than Lv 16 will result in lower than normal attack       [
]     power.                                                                 [
]                                                                            [
]     If Yuffie targets a single enemy, then only that enemies Lv is taken   [
]     into account. If she targets all enemies, then an average Lv is taken. [
] Cait Sith - HP Shout                                                       [
]     The damage dealt is proportionate to Cait Sith's current HP.           [
]                                                                            [
]     At full HP Cait Sith's damage will triple, at 2/3's HP his damage will [
]     double, and 1/3 HP his attack power will be normal. Anything less than [
]     1/3 will result in lower than normal attack power.                     [
] Vincent - Death Penalty                                                    [
]     The damage dealt is proportionate to the amount of kills Vincent has.  [
]                                                                            [
]     With 6912 kills Vincent's attack power will quadruple, with 2816 kills [
]     his attack power will double, and with 786 kills his attack power will [
]     be normal. Anything less 786 kills will result in less than normal     [
]     attack power, with a minimum of 62.5% of normal damage output.         [
]                                                                            [
]     Vincent's Death Penalty is the only weapon other than the Missing      [
]     Score that can cause damage overflow. By feeding him 4 Hero Drinks, he [
]     would need to have 16,896 kills to one-hit kill Emerald, along with    [
]     255 Strength, Berserk and land a critical hit (and have in the front   [
]     row, oddly enough).                                                    [
] Cid - Venus Gospel                                                         [
]     The damage dealt is proportionate to Cid's current MP.                 [
]                                                                            [
]     At full MP Cid's damage will triple, at 2/3's MP his damage will       [
]     double, and 1/3 MP his attack power will be normal. Anything less than [
]     1/3 will result in lower than normal attack power.                     [

 NOTE - Due to the Premium Heart's unusual damage modifier, a lot of people 
        veer away from the weapon. Just after Tifa has used her Limit Break, 
        she could be hitting for as low as 200HP. The thing is though, only 
        Barret, Vincent, Yuffie and Tifa can reach quadruple power, so the 
        best thing to do would be to equip Tifa with Added Cut and Deathblow, 
        then let her (Lv4) Limit bar fill up and don't use it.

The last thing to do in Midgar is to head into the Weapon Shop. Talk to the 
guy on the left here (the same one who sold you the batteries earlier) and he 
will offer you something for 129,000 gil! Buy it, it's the [SNEAK GLOVE], an 
accessory which will greatly increase your chances of stealing. There is no 
'Shiny Golden wire of hope' leading up to the Shinra HQ anymore, so we can do 
nothing more in Midgar (for now). Make your way back to the World Map and 
then over to Kalm.

--D2.10 D - The Kalm Traveller

--Items - Underwater Materia

  Head into the eastern-most house in Kalm and make your way to the top 
floor. The man here remarks that he is looking for the Guidebook, the Desert 
Rose the Earth Harp. You should have morphed a Ghost Ship by now, so talk to 
him a second time and he'll trade you his [UNDERWATER MATERIA] for the 

If you hadn't morphed the Ghost Ship earlier on then you'll have to make your 
way back down to the underwater reactor the long way, via Upper Junon. Or you 
could just wait to face one at the Battle Square to morph it then. The 
Underwater Materia will help us for one battle only, and doesn't require 
mastering for the Materia Overlord Achievement.

--D2.10 E - Obtaining Tifa's Final Heaven

--Items - Final Heaven

  Now make your way over to Nibelheim. Make sure that Tifa is in your party 
and head into Tifa's house to play on her piano once more. Do you remember 
the notes from earlier? They are:

X, Sq, Tr, L1+Tr, L1+Sq, x, Sq, Tr, L1+X, O, X, Sq, X

After playing these notes press Start to finish, Tifa will then read an 
important letter from her mentor, Zangan. She'll then receive her Lv 4 Limit 
Break, [FINAL HEAVEN]! Go ahead and teach it to her if she is ready to learn 
it (also obtaining the Packing A Punch Trophy).

--D2.10 F - Shinra Mansion Secrets

  Make the short journey over to the Shinra Mansion and head into the 
basement. As you make your way into Hojo's lab you'll have a very important 
flashback to watch, perhaps even the final flashback of the game!

*Don't* continue reading until the flashback has finished.

Just so you are made aware, Final Fantasy VII Crisis Core for the PSP is 
basically the events of 5 years ago leading up to the point you just saw 
whilst playing as Zack. After Sephiroth had burned down Nibelheim, Zack and 
Cloud were held in the test tubes for nearly 4 years!! They then spent 
roughly 8 months travelling until they eventually reached Midgar, Cloud was 
then able to re-stabilise his poisoned mind, after watching the traumatic 
event of Zack's death, fusing the stories and plans that Zack had fed him as 
his own. This took place probably roughly 4 weeks before the start of the 

I have never played/watched/read a story like FF VII, and even playing it now 
after all these years I find myself revelling in how deep and well thought 
out the plot is. And there's still more to go! For now, you can examine the 
test tubes once more, Specimen B is 'codeC' (Cloud) and Specimen A is 'codeZ' 
(Zack). You can then read the reports in the library at the back pertaining 
to Zack's execution before moving on if you wish.

--D2.10 G - Da-chao Fire Cavern

--Items - Oritsuru, Steal as Well Materia

  Now that we have the Leviathan Scales we can now put out the flames in 
Wutai's Fire Cavern (we will also be visiting the Materia Cave very shortly). 
If for some bizarre reason you haven't done Yuffie's Sidequest, then now is 
the time to do it (section D1.18), as it won't be available after you've re-
enter Midgar later on.

Heap up the Da-chao Statue and into the Fire Cavern once more. Run into the 
roaring flame to make 'the scale of the sea God shine', then run into the 
second flame to reveal a chest containing the [ORITSURU], Yuffie's strongest 
weapon after her Ultimate Weapon, and also the strongest weapon in the game 
to have both Normal Growth and 8 Materia slots (although only 4 are linked).

Now run round to put out the 3rd and final flame to GRAB THAT MATERIA! the 
[STEAL AS WELL MATERIA]. You can pair this with steal if you wish to enable a 
double steal attempt every time you steal! Just bear in mind that a second 
steal animation will not take place, so even though it may look like just one 
steal attempt you're actually attempting to steal twice. Also, thanks to 
trueOgre_Killer for pointing out the fact that when you link Steal as Well 
with Comet2, you get a steal attempt per Comet hit.

--D2.10 H - Chocobo Breeding Step 4

  You should now be ready to breed your Green and Blue Chocobos. Head over to 
the Chocobo Ranch making sure to save before entering, then mate them using a 
Carob Nut. This should produce a Black Chocobo which can cross mountains and 
rivers! Your chances of breeding a Black Chocobo should be 100%, so if for 
some reason you don't then you probably haven't won enough races (they'll 
need to win a total of 9 between them).

 NOTES - If your Chocobos aren't ready to be mated yet then head outside and 
         engage in four or five battles, or skip down to the Ancient Forest 
         section (D2.10 J).
       - Remember, if you want a Chocobo that has better Top Sprint than its' 
         parents, then talk to Chloe. If she doesn't tell you that the 
         newborn is the fastest, soft-reset and try again, running in and out 
         of the stables more times than you did previously.

Once you have your Black Chocobo head outside and save. Now re-enter the 
Ranch and move your Wonderful Chocobo into the stables, making sure that it 
is the opposite sex to the Black Chocobo. You can also release your Good and 
Great Chocobos back into the wild now.

The last step to obtain a Gold Chocobo is to breed your Black Chocobo with 
your Wonderful Chocobo, but obviously you'll need to feed them Greens and 
then race them at the races to class A first. Feed the Black Chocobo:

 9 x Sylkis  Greens to max out Speed
99 x Curiel  Greens to max out Stamina (or Kurie Greens)

Feed the Wonderful Chocobo:

 9 x Sylkis  Greens to max out Speed
30 x Pahsana Greens to max out Intelligence
75 x Mimett  Greens to max out Acceleration (it'll say 'no improvement')
99 x Curiel  Greens to max out Stamina (or Kurie Greens)

Before leaving the Chocobo Ranch, speak to Billy and select 'Riding 
Chocobos'. Now take your Black Chocobo out for a spin, you can ride it 
straight onto the Highwind if you wish, when you disembark from the Highwind 
you'll be riding your Chocobo. Pressing Triangle whilst on the Highwind will 
bring you to the cockpit, you can then head to the right of Operations to pet 
your Chocobo.

The last thing to do now is to race them both to class A. Your Black Chocobo 
should be quick enough to hold its own in the class A races, so if you wanted 
to you could race it to class S. So long as both Chocobos 'wins' total 12 
then you will guarantee a Gold Chocobo when you breed them.

 NOTES - The Sneak Attack Materia, along with the Enemy Away Materia, are only 
         available in the Chocobo Square. The Enemy Away is available from 
         class B upwards, but the Sneak Attack is only available from class A 
         upwards. Once you have obtained these two pieces, you won't need to 
         worry about grinding away at the Chocobo Races post-breeding, 
         although you will need a fair amount of GP (over 3000) to obtain 
         everything from the Wonder Square. Also, you can obtain Magic 
         Counter at the races which won't be obtainable until much later on 
         in the game, and also Counter Attack (which is spelt Counter). Grab 
         as many of these as you can. Sprint Shoes are also worth grabbing.

       - If you have either Cid or Tifa in your party then they will 
         occasionally request to try their luck on the back of a Chocobo. If 
         you have both Cid and Tifa in then Tifa will always be the one to 

--D2.10 I - Lucrecia's Cave I

  After finishing up at the Chocobo Races (I got lucky and walked away with   
1 x Sneak Attack Materia and 1 x Sprint Shoes), head out of North Corel and 
jump on your Black Chocobo. Now head south to come to a waterfall, jump off 
your Chocobo and stick Vincent in your party.

 NOTE - You could also have come to this waterfall in your submarine, but it 
        can be a little bit long-winded to get to.

Here you will learn a great deal about Vincent's past, and how he, like 
Sephiroth came to be. We shall be returning to Lucrecia's Cave shortly...

--D2.10 J - Ancient Forest

|                        >  ENEMIES:                                         <
|    NOTE ON ENEMIES:    >           [ RILFSAK] [  DIABLO] [       EPIOLNIS] <
|                        >                                                   <
| Some the enemies here  > ------Lv: [------40] [------41] [-------------36] <
| have very high         > ------HP: [----2000] [----4000] [-----------1800] <
| Defence%, so weapons   > ------MP: [-----500] [-----200] [-------------90] <
| with 255 Attack% work  > -----EXP: [----1000] [----1100] [------------950] <
| well here (such as     > ------AP: [------70] [------70] [-------------70] <
| Tifa's God's Hand or   > -----GIL: [-----900] [----1100] [-----------1500] <
| the Long Barrel R),    > ---STEAL: [--------] [--------] [Wizard Bracelet] <
| also equip a few       > ----DROP: [X-Potion] [--------] [---------------] <
| Ribbons as the enemies > --ABSORB: [--------] [--------] [------------PSN] <
| can inflict you with   > -NULLIFY: [-----ERT] [FRE--ICE] [---------------] <
| Darkness.              >                                                   <

--Items - Supershot ST, Spring Gun Clip, Slash-All Materia, Minerva Band, 
          Typoon Materia, Apocalypse, Elixir

  You are going to want to come to this forest as early on in the game as 
possible, namely for the Slash-All Materia, and the Apocalypse which is the 
second and last Triple Growth weapon in the game (for Cloud). If you haven't 
as of yet obtained a 'special' Chocobo, then bear in mind that you will be 
able visit here without the need for one shortly on in the game.

If you have managed to breed a Green, Black or Gold Chocobo, then you can 
climb the ridge just south of Cosmo Canyon to find the Ancient Forest. Here 
you will have a series of puzzles which you must try to work out. If you mess 
up then remember that you can reset the puzzle by pressing Square, this will 
then take you back to the entrance.


There are various life forms in the forest, I'll explain what each is for 
along the way. First off, head over the bridge to come to a giant flytrap. 
*Walk* into the flytrap whilst pressing confirm to pick up the [SUPERSHOT ST] 
in the centre of it.

  Giant Flytrap:
    Running into a giant flytrap is a bad idea seeing as it will simply chew 
    off a large chunk of your HP and then spit you right back out again.

Now head back over the bridge collecting an insect along the way (ignoring 
the frog), then head back round under the bridge.

    Insects are used for accessing new areas. If you've used all the insects 
    in an area the you'll need to press Square to reset the screen if you've 
    missed something.

Now run up the slight hill and place the insect *near* the hanging plant 
using confirm, but not too close otherwise it'll get swallowed by the plant.

  Hanging Plant:
    Used as pathways to get to new areas. If an insect is placed in near one 
    then it'll get swallowed by the plant and its lid will close, which can 
    then be jumped on to reach a new area. After roughly 10 seconds, the 
    insect will get digested and the hanging plant will then open its lid 
    closing off the pathway.

Now run back and do the same thing for the remaining two insects. Without 
hesitation, release the first insect into the first hanging plant, run back 
to pick up the second insect for the second hanging plant, and then finally 
the third insect will close the third plant to complete the bridge.

On the other side, head down to the spring plant (still ignoring the frogs) 
to jump to the other side. Before heading through to the next screen be sure 
to grab the [SPRING GUN CLIP] just north of the tree.

  Spring Plant:
    These can usually be used to access new nearby ledges but can even 
    sometimes be used to access new areas.  


Pick up the first insect you see, then use the spring plant to reach the 
higher ledge. Then release the insect to be able to jump across the two 
hanging plants past the giant flytrap (ignore the yellow orb for now). Then 
pick up a frog.

    A frog, like an insect can be used to close the lids on hanging plants. 
    The only difference being, when lid opens if Cloud is standing on it then 
    he will get launched to new areas. Also, the frog will still be alive as 
    the hanging plants cannot swallow a frog.

Climb the small green ledge and place the frog in the left hanging plant 
first. Jump on the plant, and when the frog is spat out Cloud will land on 
the upper ledge containing the beehive. Pick it up then jump back down to the 

    Beehives are used to permanently close the giant flytraps.

Place the beehive near the flytrap to close it off, then you can GRAB THAT 
MATERIA! the [SLASH-ALL MATERIA]. I suggest equipping it right away. Now pick 
up the frog once more and use it on the right hanging plant to jump over the 
flytrap. We'll return for the pouch a little later on.


As in the first screen, catch then release the insect near the hanging plant 
without feeding to the plant, then head right for a second insect. Now 
release both insects into each hanging plant to reach the spring plant.

In the treetops, head left then down to reach the previously unattainable 
pouch that you saw, the [MINERVA BAND]. This piece of armour will nullify 
Fire/Ice/Gravity/Holy and can only be worn by women.

Now make your way back to the third screen using the frog again, then use the 
spring plant as you did before to head back up to the treetops.

This time head left, up, then right, ignoring the fork leading back down to 
the third screen. Head right to jump over 3 spring plants, here you be able 
to GRAB THAT MATERIA! the [TYPOON MATERIA] which is our second and last Wind 
based Materia that can be paired with Elemental (Contain doesn't count).

 NOTE - The Steam/PS4 release has had the spelling corrected for the name 

Now head back over to the fork and head down to a new area in the third 
screen. After descending the tight-rope, pick up the nearest insect and use 
it to jump on the two hanging plants to the right (one of which is already 

Grab the beehive at the top, then use it to close the giant flytrap to the 
left. Now use the second insect to jump back to the first half of this area, 
then run to the left and pick up the insect you see.

You can use the insect to lure the frog out of the hole in the tree. Now use 
the frog to jump over to the right side again, then use the frog on the 
furthest hanging plant on the right to projectile over to the next screen.


It's safe to say that you don't need my help for this one. Simply open the 
two chests that you see, one containing the [APOCALYPSE] which is Cloud's 
Triple Growth weapon, and the other containing an [ELIXIR]. Now head through 
the northern exit to return to the World Map.

 NOTE - Although you can return here as many times as you wish, you shouldn't 
        have any need to unless you'd missed something.

--D2.10 K - The Materia Caves

--Items - HP<->MP Materia, Mime Materia, Quadra Magic Materia

  From the Ancient Forest, head north on your Black Chocobo to reach the 
Materia Cave just north of North Corel. Here you will find the [HP<->MP 
MATERIA]. This piece doesn't have many practicalities seeing as it will 
simply switch your total HP with your total MP.

Now ride your Chocobo back to the Highwind and head for Wutai. Landing near 
Wutai itself, head south and to the east you will see a huge peninsula, the 
Materia Cave is at the end. Here you will find the [MIME MATERIA]. This is 
probably the most practical piece to find from the Materia Caves, as it will 
mimic the move made by the previous ally, so you can Morph, Steal etc. You 
ARE going to want to master two of these.

Now make your way to Mideel to visit the third of four Materia Caves. In the 
Highwind, make your way to the northern tip of the continent to find the 
Materia Cave, then head to the closest grassy area to land the Highwind. 
Inside you'll find the [QUADRA MAGIC MATERIA]. It does what it says on the 
tin - uses paired magic four times!

The last Materia Cave is situated in the far north-eastern corner of the map 
and can only be reached using a Gold Chocobo. You'll have to wait and see 
what prize awaits...

--D2.10 L - Under The Ocean  

--Key Items - Huge Materia, Key to Ancients

  Now is the time to grab the Huge Materia that Cloud mentioned earlier. Get 
into your sub, and when you submerge you'll be given a quick tutorial on how 
to operate the submarine, then SAVE YOUR GAME! You'll see a huge beast 
underwater, this is Emerald WEAPON, and is considered the hardest boss in the 

 NOTE - If you pilot your sub at maximum height, you'll avoid Emerald 

Avoiding this super-boss, head to the southern part of the map to find the 
Red Submarine along the ridges, approach it to obtain the [HUGE MATERIA]. 
Here is a Map of the ocean floor: (The same map can be found in section F)

|                                                                            |
| +-------------------+                             ____                     |
| | PLACES OF INTERES |                            /  E |  Bone Village      |
| +-------------------+                       ____/__^^^|                    |
|                                        ____/____/  \__|                    |
| A = RED SUBMARINE (HUGE MATERIA)  ____/..__/                               |
| B = SUNKEN GELNIKA               /...___/                                  |
| C = JUNON UNDERWATER REACTOR    |...|                           N          |
|     (INACCESSIBLE)              |...|__                         |          |
| D = LUCRECIA'S CAVE             |......\_                    W--+--E       |
| E = KEY TO ANCIENTS              \___....\____                  |          |
|                                      \........|                 S          |
|                                      |......./                             |
| +---------------------------+        |.......|                             |
| | EMEARLD'S SPAWN LOCATIONS |        |.......|                             |
| +---------------------------+       /........\                             |
|                                    /......__..\                            |
| 1 = In the middle of the crater   |....._/  |..\_                          |
| 2 = Circulating clockwise     ___/...../   /.....|______            Midgar |
| 3 = Sat in front of Gelnika  /......../    |............\                  |
|                            _/........|    /..............\                 |
|         North            _/........_/     |...............|                |
|         Corel           /.......__/      /.............../                 |
|                        |......_/   Costa |...............\___              |
|       _________________/.....|      Del  |...................|_            |
|      /_________________...../       Sol  |.....................\__         |
|     //                 \___/             \........................|        |
|    ||                                     \_________..............|_       |
|    ||                                     /;;;;;;;;;|...............|__    |
|    \\                                ____/;;;;;;;;;;|..................\   |
|    /.\                             _/.....\_;;;;;;;/.2.................|   |
|   /...\                           /.........\;;;;;;|...2...............|   |
|   | D |                          |.../|__....\;;;;;2\..................|   |
|   |^^^|                          |../    \....|;;;;;;|..2........__..../   |
|   \.../                       __/...|    |....|;;;2;;|..........|  \__/    |
|    \_/             Submarine /...../     |....|;;;;;;;\__2...   |          |
|                       Dock  |...../      |.....\;2;;;;;;;;|.  C | Junon    |
|            Gold             |... .|      /.....|;;;;;;;;;2|___^^\          |
|            Saucer           \.. 3 |     /......\2;;;;;;;;;;;;;\_/ Submarine|
|                              |  B/      \.......\;;;;;;_2_______| Dock     |
|                               \_^|       |.....2.\____/.........|          |
|                                 \|       ..............2.........\         |
|                                          |...__2............../\..\        |
|                                          /../   \.....2....../  \__\       |
|                                          \ /  1 2\..2........|             |
|                                           \\ ^^^ /....... ___/             |
|                                           /.\___/......../                 |
|                                          /............../                  |
|                                        _|...............|                  |
|                                     __|................_|                  |
|                                    |..................|                    |
|                  Blacksmith         \................/                     |
|                                     /..............__|                     |
|                                    |............__/                        |
|                                    /.........._|                           |
|                                ___/........../                             |
|                                \.........   /                Temple of     |
|    Gongaga                      \.......  A|               The Ancients    |
|                                 |________^^/                               |

Once you have obtained the Huge Materia you can the head all the way to the 
north to find the small opening leading to the [KEY TO ANCIENTS]. This will 
be used later on.

--D2.10 M - The Sunken Gelnika

>  ENEMIES:                                                                  <
>           [      UNKNOWN] [    UNKNOWN 2] [   UNKNOWN 3] [    BAD RAP]     <
>                                                                            <
> ------Lv: [-----------50] [-----------51] [----------52] [---------38]     <
> ------HP: [--------11000] [--------13000] [-------15000] [-------9000]     <
> ------MP: [----------110] [----------130] [---------150] [--------120]     <
> -----EXP: [---------1500] [---------3000] [---------900] [-------1100]     <
> ------AP: [----------150] [----------300] [---------200] [---------70]     <
> -----GIL: [---------5000] [--------10000] [--------7500] [-------2500]     <
> ---STEAL: [--Fire Armlet] [Aurora Armlet] [-Bolt Armlet] [--------Ink]     <
> ---MORPH: [-Power Source] [-Guard Source] [Magic Source] [Luck Source]     <
> ----DROP: [Light Curtain] [Lunar Curtain] [--Holy Torch] [-----Dazers]     <
> --ABSORB: [----------FRE] [----------PSN] [---------LHT] [--------PSN]     <
>                                                                            <
>                           *************  #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#
>           [     POODLER] [      SERPENT] <          NOTE ON ENEMIES:       |
>                           *************  <                                 |
> ------Lv: [----------42] [-----------40] <  Earlier on I mentioned that    |
> ------HP: [--------6000] [--------14000] <  the Shinra Mansion held the    |
> ------MP: [---------220] [----------290] <  enemies nightmares were made   |
> -----EXP: [---------900] [---------1400] <  from. Well you can forget      |
> ------AP: [----------70] [-----------70] <  about nightmares, these        |
> -----GIL: [--------2500] [---------2500] <  monsters are straight out of   |
> ---STEAL: [-Turbo Ether] [---Water Ring] <  hell. BE SURE to have a ribbon |
> ---MORPH: [Speed Source] [--Mind Source] <  equipped, and expect to die    |
> --DROP 1: [----X-Potion] [Dragon Scales] <  here a few times if you're a   |
> --DROP 2: [------------] [-----Stardust] <  low level, you've really got   |
> --ABSORB: [------------] [----------WTR] <  to be careful! Stick all of    |
> -NULLIFY: [------------] [-----GRV--ERT] <  your players in the back row   |
> --DOUBLE: [------------] [----------WND] <  and start every battle off     |
> -E-SKILL: [------------] [-----AQUALUNG] <  with Big guard then Regen, and |
#~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#  don't forget to heal after     |
|                                             every battle.                  |
|                                                                            |
| As you are probably more than aware by now, this really is the place to    |
| boost your stats for later on in the game. Be sure to morph everything you |
| see, and also steal from Unknowns 1, 2 & 3 and the Serpent. Also, the      |
| Unknown 3 & the Serpent can be hit with L4 Suicide. Demi3 works well.      |

--Items - Heaven's Cloud, Escort Guard, Conformer, Double Cut Materia, 
          Megalixir x 2, Spirit Lance, Hades Materia, Outsider, Highwind
--Boss  - Turks: Reno Lv 42 (Touph Ring) + Rude Lv 49 (Ziedrich)

  So we finally get around to visiting the legendary Sunken Gelnika. Head 
over to the Gold Saucer area in your Sub un-submerged and Save Your Game! If 
you bump into Emerald WEAPON by mistake you WILL die. Also, make sure to have 
Yuffie and preferably Cid in your party. If you sub-merge near the submarine 
dock you should be able to see the Gelnika in plain sight (mind the pun).

 NOTE - If you were to battle Emerald now then you would see a 20 minute 
        countdown timer in the top right corner of the screen. This is what 
        the Underwater Materia is used for; removing the time limit for 
        defeating Emerald WEAPON, and nothing else.

This was my set-up heading into my sub:

 1) Cloud - Lv 52 (Back)
     Apocalypse      - MP Turbo, Slash-All, Magic Plus
     Wizard Bracelet - All=Restore, Added Effect=Contain, HP Absorb=Steal,
     Circlet                                              Enemy Skill, HP Plus

 2) Yuffie - Lv 49 (Back)
                                                             Sense, Manipulate
     Oritsuru        - Added Cut=Deathblow, Steal as well=Morph, Enemy Skill
     Wizard Bracelet - Elemental=Leviathan, All=Heal, Steal, Luck Plus,
     Ribbon                                                   HP Plus, MP Plus

 3) Cid - Lv 50 (Back)
     Scimitar        - Mime, Quadra Magic                                      
     Wizard Bracelet - Sneak Attack=Mug, Enemy Skill, Revive, Gravity,      
     Ribbon                                       Speed Plus, HP Plus, MP Plus

If Emerald WEAPON happens to be sat in front of it then simply emerge then 
submerge to make him appear elsewhere.

Once on board make use of the save point, you'll definitely need it. Then 
open the nearby chest for the [HEAVEN'S CLOUD]. 

Go through the northern door next and head right opening the chest containing 
the [ESCORT GUARD], which is the men's version of the Minerva Band.

Then head down the stairs, and check the top left corner for a hidden chest 
containing Yuffie's ultimate weapon, the legendary [CONFORMER]!
]                                                                            [
] SIDE NOTE - THE CONFORMER                                                  [
]                                                                            [
] At last, we finally have our hands on the Conformer! Although it has 0     [
] growth, the Conformer is the only weapon in the game that can Morph for    [
] the same amount of damage as normal, and I very strongly doubt that this   [
] weapon was placed here, the treasure house of morphing, accidentally.      [
] Equip it to her right away to start Source farming, not forgetting to      [
] steal from the 3 Unknowns and the Serpents.                                [
]                                                                            [
]  NOTE - The Conformer will deal damage based on the enemies Lv; the higher [
]         their Lv is the more powerful the Conformer will become. If Yuffie [
]         attacks multiple foes then an average is taken. If the enemies Lv  [
]         is 64 then Yuffie's attack power quadruples, Lv 32 Yuffie's attack [
]         doubles, and Lv 16 would be normal attack power. Anything below    [
]         Lv 16 and Yuffie's attack power would be less than normal.         [

When you're ready to move on head to the top right of the screen to GRAB THAT 
MATERIA! the [DOUBLE CUT MATERIA]. You can fill Yuffie with whatever Materia 
you like, just bear in mind that none of the Materia linked to her weapon 
will level up so long as you have the Conformer equipped.

Now head back to the top floor and follow the catwalk round to the chest 
containing the [MEGALIXIR]. Ignore the suspiciously interesting looking 
yellow light, it's nothing, instead head back to the entrance and save. When 
you head through to the next screen you'll have a familiar Boss battle on 
your hands.

 NOTE - You can revisit the Sunken Gelnika as many times as you like, but if 
        you visit after the raid on Midgar later on then this boss battle 
        won�t be here.

*        ________  ________  ________   ________           ___               *
*       |\   __  \|\   __  \|\   ____\ |\   ____\         |\  \              *
*       \ \  \|\ /\ \  \|\  \ \  \___|_\ \  \___|_        \ \  \             *
*        \ \   __  \ \  \\\  \ \_____  \\ \_____  \        \ \__\            *
*         \ \  \|\  \ \  \\\  \|____|\  \\|____|\  \        \|__|            *
*          \ \_______\ \_______\____\_\  \ ____\_\  \            ___         *
*           \|_______|\|_______|\_________\\_________\          |\__\        *
*                              \|_________\|_________|          \|__|        *
*  _________________________________   ____________ __________ ____________  *
* |                                 | |            |          |            | *
* |            TURKS  04            | |    BOSS    | RUDE III |  RENO III  | *
* |                                 | | BATTLE: 31 |          |            | *
* |_________________________________| |____________|__________|____________| *
*                                     |            |          |            | *
* Make sure to steal the amazing      | -------Lv: | 49------ | 42-------- | *
* [ZIEDRICH], aswell as the [TOUPH    | -------HP: | 20000--- | 15000----- | *
* RING] before doing anything else.   | -------MP: | 280----- | 230------- | *
* The Ziedrich will 1/2 all Elemental | ------EXP: | 5500---- | 5000------ | *
* attacks, including the obscure ones | -------AP: | 360----- | 300------- | *
* I mentioned earlier on. Once you've | ------GIL: | 5000---- | 4000------ | *
* obtained these items you can then   | ----STEAL: | Ziedrich | Touph Ring | *
* just unleash hell, I'm sure you     | -----DROP: | Elixir-- | Elixir---- | *
* know what you're doing by now.      | --NULLIFY: | GRV----- | GRV------- | *
*                                     |____________________________________| *
*                                                                            *

 NOTES - If you're wondering why you've only fought Rude twice yet the above 
         states that this is your 3rd Rude encounter, it's because the game 
         actually intends for you to fight Rude in Rocket Town first before 
         coming to the Gelnika.

       - This hallway is the only place in which you can encounter the Bad 
         Rap and the Poodler to Morph for Speed and Luck Sources. Bear in 
         mind that it's much easier to farm here once you've obtained the 
         Mega-All Materia.

       - I haven't misspelt it, it really is called the 'Touph Ring' 
         (spelling fixed in later versions).

Head into the final Cargo Room and open the chest on the left for a 
[MEGALIXIR]. Then follow the top pathway round to a chest containing the 

Now head into the pit that is the cargo room and GRAB THAT MATERIA! the just 
visible [HADES MATERIA] on the right.

]                                                                            [
] SIDE NOTE - HADES MATERIA                                                  [
]                                                                            [
] Without a doubt this is the best Materia to combine with the Added Effect  [
] Materia. It will protect you from or allow you attack with:                [
]                                                                            [
] Sleep, Poison, Confusion, Silence, Frog & Small                            [

Now head south and open the chest on the left for the [OUTSIDER] and the 
chest on the right for the [HIGHWIND], Cid's Lv 4 Limit Break. Use it if 
you're ready to unlock the Gale Warning Trophy.

We're now done with the Gelnika, for now. Unless you wish to Source farm some 
more, head out to the save point. Make sure to save as Emerald WEAPON may be 
waiting directly outside the Gelnika.

Now is the time to evaluate how many Sources you have. At this stage, I had:

 7 x Power Sources - all to Yuffie
 8 x Guard Sources - all to Yuffie
 6 x Magic Sources - all to Cloud
 7 x Mind Sources  - 3 to Yuffie and 3 to Cid
 4 x Speed Sources - all to Cid
 4 x Luck Sources  - all to Yuffie

game party, then decide how you wish to use you characters:

I'm giving Yuffie the Power Sources because I want her to be my strongest 
physical character, the Magic Sources to Cloud because I want him to be my 
main sorcerer, the Luck Sources to Yuffie to help with her critical hits and 
the rest were distributed to even out the stats.

Lastly, here is a list of random battle encounters in which you can morph 

Power Source -      Heavy Tank - Reactor in Gongaga
                      Screamer - Mt. Nibel, winding pathway to rector
                       Unknown - Sunken Gelnika Cargo Room

Guard Source -     Bagnadrana  - Mt. Corel Reactor               
                        Spiral - Mideel Area
                     Unknown 2 - Sunken Gelnika Cargo Room
               Maximum Kimaira - Midgar Mako Cannon Area (& Battle Square)
                 Armored Golem - Northern Cave

Magic Source -           8 eye - Temple of The Ancients (& Battle Square)
                     Unknown 3 - Sunken Gelnika Cargo Room

Mind Source  -   Dragon Rider - Whirlwind Maze (& Battle Square)
                      Killbin - Whirlwind Maze (Can't re-visit)
                      Serpent - Sunken Gelnika Cargo Room

Speed Source -        Poodler - Sunken Gelnika Hallway

Luck Source  -        Bad Rap - Sunken Gelnika Hallway

So as you can see, the Magic, Mind, Speed and Luck Sources can only be farmed 
right here, in the Gelnika, unless you were to try Morphing at the Battle 
Square. If however you wanted an easier time obtaining Power Sources then I 
suggest fighting the Heavy Tank in Gongaga, and if you wanted easier Guard 
Sources then I suggest fighting the Spiral in the Dirt Area near Mideel.

 NOTES - If you wanted to, you could head over to Gongaga now before doing 
         anything else to obtain a few Power Sources from the Heavy Tanks. I 
         got Yuffie's base level up to 85 before I moved on (equip Sneak 
         Attack and Morph, if you have Sneak Attack that is). 

       - If you wanted to, you could utilise the Extended W-Item Trick once 
         you've obtained the W-Item Materia to duplicate Power Sources and 
         Magic Sources with ease. Use QSI Link [Extended W-Item Trick] for 
         more info.

--D2.10 N - Lucrecia's Cave II

--Items - Death Penalty, Chaos

  Jump back on your Chocobo and return to Lucrecia's cave with Vincent in 
your party once more. Provided you've engaged in roughly 10 battles, Lucrecia 
will have left you two items, the [DEATH PENALTY] which is Vincent's ultimate 
weapon, and [CHAOS], Vincent's Lv 4 Limit Break. The Death Penalty's attack 
power will increase with the total amount of kills Vincent has; with 6912 
kills Vincent's attack quadruples, with 2816 kills his attack doubles, and 
with 786 kills his attack is normal. If Vincent has fewer then 786 kills then 
his attack power will be less than normal, with a minimum of 62.5% da,age 

Due to the absurd amount of kills required before the Death Penalty becomes 
useful to us, most people don't bother with it. It is useful to know that if 
you were prepared to get roughly 17,000 kills with Vincent, then you could 
send his damage counter into overflow, causing a 1 hit kill to Emerald WEAPON 
(you'd also need Vincent to have 255 strength, be in Berserk and land a 
critical hit, as well as being in the front row).

Teach Vincent Chaos to unlock the Inner Demons Trophy.

 NOTES - It's around this time that I mastered Revive. As soon as you do, 
         equip the new Revive and start mastering that one too. In fact, any 
         Materia that you've mastered should be swapped out with the new one 
         if it's a unique piece.

--D2.10 O - Chocobo Breeding Step 5

  Head over to the Chocobo Ranch. If all is well, you should now be able to 
breed your Black Chocobo with your Wonderful Chocobo using a Zeio Nut to make 
a Gold Chocobo (obviously save before you try). You will have a 3.1% chance 
of getting a Gold Chocobo if both Chocobos 'wins' total *less* than 12 
between them.

 NOTE - You *MUST* select the Black Chocobo first, regardless of whether or 
        not you've won 12 combined races .

If the Black Chocobo is still too young to breed, then battle around for a 
while or consider continuing on with the story. When you have your Gold 
Chocobo, feed it 25 Sylkis Greens to max out Speed, Stamina & Co-op, all 
other stats (Acceleration & Intelligence) should already be maxed if they 
were for the parents. You may need to feed a few Curiel Greens to max out 
Stamina if it isn't at 999.

Congratulations, not only do you have an awesome racing Chocobo, but you also 
have a Chocobo that can go almost anywhere on the World Map!

--D2.10 P - Round Island

--Items - Knights of The Round Materia

  Take your brand new Chocobo out for a ride, then head directly north-east 
until you get to the corner of the map. Here you should see a huge round 
island, climb it to find the Materia Cave. Inside you'll discover the 
[KNIGHTS OF ROUND MATERIA], which is the most powerful and most painstakingly 
long-winded Summon in the game, not just in terms of how long it takes for 
the animation to play out, but also how long it takes to master; It requires 
an insatiable 500,000 AP!

Note that you can encounter the Goblin and the Mystery Ninja on this island. 
When you are ready, head over to the Gold Saucer for the final section of the 

--D2.10 Q - More Gold Saucer Stuff

--Items - Sprint Shoes, Precious Watch, Cat's Belt, Chocobracelet, 
          Counter Attack Materia, Flayer, Gil Plus Materia, EXP Plus Materia, 
          Omnislash, W-Summon Materia, 

  There is a reason why I have chosen the Gold Saucer section till last, and 
that is because I don't expect you to get it all done in one sitting if you 
don't want to. You should have stockpiled a fair whack of GP by now, so now 
is the time to fight in the Battle Square some more. Set Yuffie up this time 
and save before heading into the Gold Saucer, making sure that she has the 
Conformer equipped. Here was my set-up:

 Yuffie - Lv 50 (Back)
                                                        Enemy Skill, Slash-All
    Conformer      - Added Effect=Hades, Added Cut=Deathblow, Heal, Restore,
    Imperial Guard - Steal as well=Morph, Counter Attack, Counter Attack, 
    Ribbon                                                   HP Plus, MP Plus

 NOTE - The second Counter Attack Materia has come from the Chocobo Races, or 
        rather, will come. I haven't actually obtained it yet.

Here's a rundown of what's new in the Gold Saucer:

 Chocobo Square - 
    O.k. so I know you're probably already familiar with how the Chocobo 
    Races work by now, but I just wanted to fill you in on a few things. If 
    you win 10 times with the same Chocobo in class S then you will receive 
    the Sprint Shoes, Precious Watch, Cat's Bell, Chocobracelet and the 
    Counter Attack Materia!

     NOTE - Common misconception is that you are required to win 10 races in 
            a row whilst in S Class to receive the prizes as mentioned. This 
            is false. The criteria is that you need to have won 19 races with 
            one Chocobo.

    As previously mentioned, you're going to want to save up over 3000 GP to 
    obtain everything there is to obtain at the Wonder Square and Battle 
    Square, so hopefully by that time you will have obtained the two 
    exclusive items found only at the Chocobo Square by the time you are 
    done - the Sneak Attack Materia and the Enemy Away Materia. Also, try your 
    hardest to get at least one, if not two Magic Counters as they will 
    greatly help for later, as will Counter Attacks.

 Speed Square - 
    If you were skilled enough to obtain 5000 points last time around for the 
    Umbrella, then you're going to want to try it again to obtain a weapon 
    for Cid, the [FLAYER] which is the strongest weapon in the game to have 
    normal growth. Just make sure to save enough GP for the Battle Square

     NOTE - Remember - PS4/PC users will be able to hit the 'Zeppelin 
            Propellor' to earn a crazy amount of points, and also, if the 
            game bugs out at the big UFO part, remember to set the date 
            manually to a date after 5th Dec 2015 but before 1st Jan 2016.

 Wonder Square - 
    There are a few new games and prizes available to us now, these are:
    Snow Game - 
        This is basically the same as the snowboarding game that we played at 
        the Icicle Inn, and is probably the most entertaining of all the 
        games at the Wonder Square. There are 3 courses, and scoring 70+ on 
        any course will unlock the next one.

        Your overall score is based on 3 things - how many balloons you hit, 
        your finishing time and how many obstacles you didn't hit. If you 
        score 90+ then you will win a prize, the prizes are as follows:

        Course A -  30GP & Safety Bit
        Course B - 100GP & All Materia
        Course C - 300GP & Crystal Bangle

        I recommend obtaining the Safety Bit, as they will help out for the 
        final dungeon. You can always buy them from Rocket Town, of course!

        You can also unlock a time attack mode, although no new prizes can be 
        won that way. If you have Tifa or Cid in your party then they will 
        occasionally request to have a go. To learn more about Time Attack 
        mode use QSI Link [Snowboarding].

    Torpedo Attack - 
        If you found the Red Submarine chase to be fairly boring then you'll 
        probably find this to be quite boring too seeing as it's basically 
        the same game. Each difficulty that you beat it on you'll receive 
        20GP and a prize (once only), the prizes are as follows:

        Stage 1 - 20GP & an Ink
        Stage 2 - 20GP & a T/S Bomb
        Stage 3 - 20GP & a Dragon Fang
        Stage 4 - 20GP & a Dragon Scales
        Stage 5 - 20GP & a Cauldron

        You don't need to beat the next difficulty along to win the next 
        prize, you could just keep beating it on the lowest setting to get 
        all 5 prizes if you wish!

    GP Exchange - 
        Talk to the woman standing by the Arm Wrestling machine to find a few 
        new prizes up for grabs:

        Gil Plus Materia - 1000GP
        EXP Plus Materia - 2000GP

        I don't expect you to be able to afford to buy them right away, but 
        you will need to buy these at some point as they aren't obtainable 
        anywhere else in the game. This is where the Chocobo grinding comes 
        into play, also, don't forget about the man who can convert gil into 

        As you can probably ascertain for yourself, these two pieces of 
        Materia will GREATLY help for some of the more 'grindy' trophies.

 Battle Square - 
    There are a few new prizes available to us now, the most prestigious 
    being the W-Summon Materia for 64,000BP! Note that Clouds Lv 4 Limit 
    Break, Omnislash has now gone down in price to 32,000 BP, so make that 
    your first target. You can also get Remedys for 100 BP, these are good 
    to spend your left over BP on.

    The monsters here are much harder, if you were able to stock up on Smoke 
    Bombs earlier on then they will really help. Remember, the bigger the 
    handicap, the bigger the reward. There are two unique monsters found only 
    at the Battle Square, and they are Ho-chu and Tonberry. Ho-chu looks a 
    little bit like the Malboro's cousin, and the Tonberry shouldn't be 
    confused with the Master Tonberry found in the North Crater:

    #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#  Make sure to do the usual stuff 
    >  ENEMIES: [ HO-CHU] [   TONBERRY] <  such as Big Guard, Regen, etc. and 
    >                                   <  use Death Force if you see the 
    > ------Lv: [-----39] [---------25] <  Tonberry, he'll kill you in one 
    > ------HP: [---4300] [------15000] <  move otherwise. Don't hold back on 
    > ------MP: [----290] [--------250] <  using your strongest magic, 
    > -----EXP: [----750] [--------999] <  Aqualung and Magic Breath will work 
    > ------AP: [-----70] [---------99] <  well. Also, if you encounter the 
    > -----GIL: [---2500] [--------999] <  Ghost Ship don't forget to cast L4 
    > ---STEAL: [Circlet] [Turbo Ether] <  Suicide on it (and then morph it if 
    > ---MORPH: [-Ribbon] [-----Elixir] <  you haven't already). Don't forget
    > --ABSORB: [----PSN] [-----------] <  that the Dragon Riders can be
    > -NULLIFY: [----GRV] [--------GRV] <  morphed into Mind Sources, and the
    > --DOUBLE: [----WTR] [-----------] <  8 eye can be morphed into Magic 
    #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#  Sources.        

    Remember - you can see which handicap yields the highest BP rewards by 
               visiting section E.08 D.

    After you have obtained the Omnislash and W-Summon, you must then return
    once you have obtained Cloud's ultimate weapon, which is called Ultima 
    Weapon, and is obtained by defeating... Ultimate WEAPON (I'm not lying). 
    You can then talk to the clerk to engage in a special match, winning this 
    match will result in the Final Attack Materia which can't be obtained 

     NOTE - If you were to win 10 of these special battles in a row you would 
            earn the special prize of a Ribbon. Or, you could just simply 
            Morph a Ho-chu when you see one. It's up to you. To be honest, 
            the only reason I'm choosing Yuffie for these battles is so that 
            I can obtain a third Ribbon now the easy way, by morphing a 

And that just about concludes perhaps the longest sidequest section of the 
game, and quite possibly the last (or not..)! Note that if you fancy saving 
some of the grinding for later on then that's absolutely fine, we'll have to 
return later on anyway once we've obtained Cloud's Ultima Weapon. I'm only 
grabbing Omnislash for now (which will also net me The Slash to End All 
Slashes Trophy).

Next stop, Rocket Town! Make sure to have Cid in your party and then set up 
for a fairly easy Boss Battle! Make sure to have Steal equipped, also.

|                                                                            |
| {D2.11} - Cid! The Astronaut!                                              |
|                                                                            |
| ITEMS:                                                                     |
|         |_|Ziedrich (Boss)    |_|Venus Gospel                              |

--D2.11 A - The Final Frontier (�Science just might be what saves the planet�)
--Items - Venus Gospel
--Boss  - Turks: Rude Lv 42 (Ziedrich)
--Extra - Huge Materia

  Note that you will fight the same Senior Grunts and Attack Squads here that 
you've fought before, and neither enemies pose much of a threat. Although 
load-out advice probably isn't necessary here, I'll tell you my set-up anyway:

 1) Cloud - Lv 53 (Front)
     Heaven's Cloud - Full Cure, Contain, Enemy Skill, Mime, Sense, Magic Plus
     Crystal Bangle - All=Restore, Sneak Attack=Steal, HP Plus, MP Plus 

 2) Barret - Lv 48 (Back)
     AM Cannon    - Added Effect=Hades, Revive, Heal, Slash-All, Steal      
     Shinra Alpha - Added Cut=Deathblow, Enemy Skill, Luck Plus, HP Plus, 
     Curse Ring                                                        MP Plus

 3) Cid - Lv 51 (Front)
     Spirit Lance    - All=Time, MP Turbo=Comet                               
     Wizard Bracelet - Steal as Well=Mug, Enemy Skill, Manipulate, Sense, 
     Curse Ring                                Double Cut, Speed Plus, HP Plus

If you missed the Fourth Bracelet and Guard Source then you can pick them up 
from the Weapon Shop and the Item Shop, respectively. Otherwise, make your 
way to the Shin-Ra Type 26, and as you ascend the rocket you'll have to fight 
2 x Attack Squads twice, followed by a third fight with 2 x Attack Squads and 
1 x Senior Grunt. 

Then you'll have to fight one of the Turks.

*        ________  ________  ________   ________           ___               *
*       |\   __  \|\   __  \|\   ____\ |\   ____\         |\  \              *
*       \ \  \|\ /\ \  \|\  \ \  \___|_\ \  \___|_        \ \  \             *
*        \ \   __  \ \  \\\  \ \_____  \\ \_____  \        \ \__\            *
*         \ \  \|\  \ \  \\\  \|____|\  \\|____|\  \        \|__|            *
*          \ \_______\ \_______\____\_\  \ ____\_\  \            ___         *
*           \|_______|\|_______|\_________\\_________\          |\__\        *
*                              \|_________\|_________|          \|__|        *
*  _____________________________________________   ____________ ___________  *
* |                                             | |            |           | *
* |                  TURKS  03                  | |    BOSS    |  RUDE II  | *
* |                                             | | BATTLE: 32 |           | *
* |_____________________________________________| |____________|___________| *
*                                                 |            |           | *
* You'll have to destroy the Attack Squads before | -------Lv: | 42------- | *
* you can hit Rude, unless of course you use      | -------HP: | 9000----- | *
* magic. Make sure to use Death Force if you have | -------MP: | 240------ | *
* the Curse Ring equipped, and also make sure to  | ------EXP: | 3400----- | *
* steal the precious [ZIEDRICH]. Other than that, | -------AP: | 80------- | *
* this boss shouldn't be difficult at all.        | ------GIL: | 3000----- | *
*                                                 | ----STEAL: | Ziedrich- | *
*                                                 | -----DROP: | Hi-Potion | *
*                                                 | --NULLIFY: | GRV------ | *
*                                                 |________________________| *
*                                                                            *

After you've taken care of Rude, head inside the rocket to take out one more 
Senior Grunt. Then head through into the shuttle's control room and after 
some dialogue and an FMV you'll have control of Cloud again (how the hell did 
Palmer survive the truck incident on Disk 1???)

Note that it makes no difference to the *story* whether you take the Huge 
Materia here or not, the outcome is the same (however your still going to 
want to obtain the Huge Materia for 'other' purposes). Head to the right and 
then climb the ladder to find the chamber holding the Huge Materia. You'll 
now have three minutes to try to work out the correct sequence of buttons 
whilst Cid will shout out clues.

To be honest, this is probably one of the hardest mini-games in the game 
seeing as it's pretty much based on pot luck, Cid's 'clues' aren't really 
that much help. If you give up then the sequence is  O, Sq, X, X. Again, if 
you fail this mini-game then it will not affect you trophy progress, it'll 
just make it that much harder to obtain the Bahamut ZERO Materia, so do make 
sure to walk away the fourth and final Huge Materia.

Once you've finished, head back down the ladder and into the Control Room, 
then head south and down another ladder. You shouldn't need this guide now 
for the following events, you can pick it up once you have regained control 
of Cloud on the Highwind.

Before continuing, head back into Rocket Town (your Chocobo will be still be 
there if you'd left one outside). Talk to the man that you spoke to before 
who gave you the Yoshiyuki. After speaking to him 3 times he'll give you 
Cid's ultimate weapon, the [VENUS GOSPEL]. The more MP Cid has, the stronger 
this weapon will become; with full MP Cid's attack power triples, at 2/3's it 
doubles, and at 1/3 it is normal. Anything below 1/3 MP will result in lower 
than normal attack power.

|                                                                            |
| {D2.12} - The Forgotten Capitol Re-visited                                 |
|                                                                            |
| ITEMS:                                                                     |
|  |_|Bahamut ZERO Materia  |_|Circlet (Boss)       |_|Ultima Weapon (Boss)  |
|  |_|Rising Sun (Boss)     |_|Reflect Ring (Boss)  |_|Final Attack Materia  |

--D2.12 A - Bugenhagen's Laboratory    (�You haven't remembered. You haven't 
--Items - Bahamut ZERO Materia

  If you hadn't obtained the Key to Ancients as advised earlier during the 
sidequest section, then now is the time to do so. Head over to where your 
submarine is docked and save your game (just in case you bump into WEAPON). 
Keep heading north until you come to an underwater ravine. If you were to 
head left you would come to a long tunnel leading to Lucrecia's Cave. 
Instead, keep heading north to come to a much shorter tunnel leading to the 
'Key to Ancients'. Look in section F.06 for a map.

 Note  - It is at this point in the game where you are intended to pick up the 
         Huge Materia from the red submarine along the depths of the southern 
         ridges, and also explore the Sunken Gelnika to the west, so do so 
         now if you haven't already. (Technically speaking, the game intends 
         for you to get to a point in the Forgotten Capitol where you cannot 
         progress any further without the key, and then you would have been 
         expected to explore underwater until you found it. I'm just making 
         it so you can do the Forgotten Capitol section in one visit.)

Now head over to Cosmo Canyon. You don't have to bring Red XIII along if you 
don't want to, but I shall along with Tifa. By now you should have all 4 Huge 
Materias, you can check by looking under the Key Items tab in 'Items'. Make 
your way up to Bugenhagen's observatory then head into his 'machine' to talk 
to him.

After an amount of dialogue, Cloud will ask if he can store the Huge Materia 
within the machine. If you'd missed one (it doesn't matter which) then you 
would have missed out on the Huge Blue Materia, if you'd missed two then 
you'd lose the Huge Red & Blue Materia, three you'd lose the Huge Red, Blue & 
Green Materia and (obviously) if you'd missed all 4 then you'd get squat 
(losing the Yellow Materia, also)!
]                                                                            [
] SIDE NOTE - HUGE MATERIA                                                   [
]                                                                            [
] Huge Yellow Materia - When you have mastered most (but not all) Command    [
]                       Materias, you can then exchange them for the Master  [
]                       Command Materia. This will equip: Coin, Deathblow,   [
]                       Manipulate, Mime, Morph, Sense, Steal and Throw to   [
]                       one character (these are the ones that need          [
]                       mastering).                                          [
]                                                                            [
] Huge Green Materia - When you have mastered all Magic Materias, you can    [
]                      then exchange them for the Master Magic Materia. This [
]                      will equip every single Magic spell available to one  [
]                      character.                                            [
]                                                                            [
] Huge Red Materia - When you have mastered all Summon Materias, you can     [
]                    then exchange them for the Master Summon Materia. This  [
]                    will equip every single Summon spell available to one   [
]                    character.                                              [
]                                                                            [
] Huge Blue Materia - If you have obtained the Bahamut and Neo Bahamut       [
]                     Materias then you will be rewarded with the Bahamut    [
]                     ZERO Materia (whilst still retaining Bahamut and Neo   [
]                     Bahamut).                                              [
]                                                                            [
] Bone Village - If you failed to obtain the Huge Blue Materia then you will [
]                be able to dig up Bahamut ZERO from the Excavation Site on  [
]                Disk 3, although there will only be a 4% chance of finding  [
]                it so you could be there for a while.                       [
]                                                                            [
] Kalm Traveller - If you failed to receive one of the other 3 Huge          [
]                  Materias then you will still be able to receive one set   [
]                  of Master Materia from the Kalm Traveller by trading him  [
]                  the Earth Harp. More info on how to obtain that later on. [
]                                                                            [
]  NOTE - You will need to have in your possession at least one set of       [
]         Master Materia for the Materia Overlord Achievement to pop.        [

As the side note suggests, EXAMINE THAT HUGE BLUE MATERIA! to obtain the 
[BAHAMUT ZERO MATERIA], provided of course that you have obtained all four 
Huge Materias and the Bahamut & Neo Bahamut Materias (you'll also unlock the 
Bahamutype-0 Trophy). Then examine one of the Huge Materias to descend back 
to the lower level, as you leave you'll be transported back to the Highwind.

 NOTE - You can return to Bugenhagen's machine any time you like, you just 
        need to operate the switch on the right.

Before continuing you can make use of Operations to restore your HP/MP if you 
wish, then you can head to the cockpit. Try talking to your comrades to hear 
their thoughts on Aeris before taking off, you can also talk to Yuffie if you 
wish to hear Cloud talk about SOLDIER as if he still thinks he was in it...

Make sure to pick up your Chocobo from Cosmo Canyon assuming you had one, 
then head over to Bone Village, but instead of heading through the Excavation 
Site and then Corral Valley you can simply land your Highwind in the small 
area between Corral Valley and the Forgotten Capitol.

 NOTE - You could also return to the Great Glacier by using a Chocobo (or by 
        snowboarding) if you wished, but you can only go as far as the base 
        of Gaea's Cliff (Holzoff won't allow you to go any further).

--D2.12 B - Aeris's Prayer (�When the time comes, we must search for 'Holy'.�)

  At the three-way split, take the left path and follow it round until you 
come to the giant cave. As before, I'm not going to walk you through this 
part, just *make sure* to pay attention as you'll learn a lot about Aeris.

When you try to leave you'll get a phone call from Cait Sith. After an 
impressive FMV you'll then get some dialogue from the Shinra. Once that's all 
finished, make your way back out to the World Map, and then board the 

--D2.12 C - Diamond & Ultimate WEAPON       (�No, it's... feeling something.
                                                  ...Yeah, it senses murder.�)

--Items - Final Attack Materia
--Boss  - Diamond WEAPON Lv 49 (Rising Sun), 
          Ultimate WEAPON Lv 61 (Circlet, Reflect Ring, Ultima Weapon)

  After watching Diamond Weapon emerge from the ocean, head over to Midgar to 
await its painfully slow march towards land. You can try ramming it with the 
Highwind, you can even running up to it in a Gold Chocobo, it'll all be a 
waste of time. Instead, try setting up yourselves with Triple and Double 
Growth weapons and armour, the next two boss battles will give out huge 
amounts of AP:

 1) Cloud - Lv 54 (Front)
     Apocalypse  - Quadra Magic, Mime, Double Cut                      
     Rune Armlet - Contain, Sneak Attack, Steal, Hades              
     Curse Ring                                                           

 2) Yuffie - Lv 50 (Back)
     Oritsuru    - All=Restore, Elemental=Ramuh, Comet, Enemy Skill, Morph,
     Rune Armlet - Revive, Added Cut, MP Turbo, Speed Plus

 3) Cid - Lv 51 (Front)
     Scimitar    - Added Effect, Knights of Round                         
     Rune Armlet - Ultima, Steal, Long Range, Luck Plus
     Curse Ring                                                                

Some of my selections have been purely based on my end-game strategies (which 
materias I want duplicates of), others are to do with the upcoming boss. Make 
sure that each character has a strong magic spell that they can hit with, and 
make sure to have Steal equipped. When Diamond has reached the shores, run 
into him to engage him.

*        ________  ________  ________   ________           ___               *
*       |\   __  \|\   __  \|\   ____\ |\   ____\         |\  \              *
*       \ \  \|\ /\ \  \|\  \ \  \___|_\ \  \___|_        \ \  \             *
*        \ \   __  \ \  \\\  \ \_____  \\ \_____  \        \ \__\            *
*         \ \  \|\  \ \  \\\  \|____|\  \\|____|\  \        \|__|            *
*          \ \_______\ \_______\____\_\  \ ____\_\  \            ___         *
*           \|_______|\|_______|\_________\\_________\          |\__\        *
*                              \|_________\|_________|          \|__|        *
*  __________________________________________   ______________ ____________  *
* |                                          | |              |            | *
* |              DIAMOND WEAPON              | | BOSS BATTLE: | 33         | *
* |__________________________________________| |______________|____________| *
*                                              |              |            | *
* The first thing you're going to want to do   | ---------Lv: | 49-------- | *
* is cast Big Guard followed Death Force       | ---------HP: | 30000----- | *
* followed by Regen with Yuffie, while the     | ---------MP: | 30000----- | *
* other two attempt to steal the [RISING SUN]. | --------EXP: | 35000----- | *
* This boss will be impervious to physical     | ---------AP: | 3500------ | *
* attacks to begin with, so just blast him     | --------GIL: | 25000----- | *
* with your strongest magic moves. When he     | ------STEAL: | Rising Sun | *
* uses Diamond Flash he will drain your        | -----HALVES: | FRE------- | *
* characters HP to critical whilst also        | ----NULLIFY: | GRV------- | *
* casting Silence, at this stage have Yuffie   | -----DOUBLE: | LHT------- | *
* cast White Wind (if you gave her the Ribbon  |___________________________| *
* as advised). From this point onwards,                                      *
* Diamond WEAPON will now be impervious to magic attacks, so just keep       *
* attacking it physically until it is dead.                                  *
*                                                                            *
*  NOTE - Once you've stolen the Rising Sun, you could just cast Knights of  *
*         The Round once to finish it off in one go, but it'll probably take *
*         just as long as the method shown above. Also, Diamond won't use    *
*         Diamond Flash if no-one has used a Summon or Limit Break. Once     *
*         defeated PS4 players will receive the Diamond Disintegrator        *
*         Trophy.                                                            *
*                                                                            *

Once you have defeated Diamond Weapon  you will see some things happening 
with President Rufus, and After a few FMVs you'll be back on board the 
Highwind. The game intends for you to approach the North Crater, but instead 
we're going to take out Ultimate Weapon who has now appeared near Junon.

 NOTE - Make a fresh save for this bit. *If* you were to fly up to the 
        North Crater, and then fly over Midgar you would trigger the point 
        of no return for Disk 2, and there's still a few things left to do 
        first so make sure to not accidentally progress with the storyline. 
        There's a fair amount of flying around to do, also.

What proceeds now is a series of fights in which you gain 0 AP, it's not 
until the final fight that you'll receive the huge rewards. This is my 
temporary load-out, bearing in mind that I'm protecting myself from the 
'Hidden' Element:

 1) Cloud - Lv 55 (Back)
                                                                       MP Plus
     Heaven's Cloud - Ultima, Contain, Enemy Skill, Long Range, Magic Plus,
     Shinra Alpha   - Elemental=HP Plus, All=Restore, Sneak Attack=Mug       
     Sneak Gloves                                                        

 2) Yuffie - Lv 52 (Back)
                                                            Double Cut, Typoon
     Conformer      - All=Barrier, MP Turbo=Comet, Revive, Enemy Skill, 
     Crystal Bangle - Elemental=HP Plus, Steal, Counter Attack, MP Plus,     
     Champion Belt                                                Bahamut Zero

 3) Vincent - Lv 50 (Back)
                                                    Counter Attack, Speed Plus
     Death Penalty  - All=Time, Steal as Well=Steal, Enemy Skill, Mime,
     Imperial Guard - Elemental=HP Plus, Added Cut=Deathblow, Luck Plus,
     Champion Belt                                                     MP Plus

When you're ready, save the game then head over to the small crater near 
Junon to find Ultimate WEAPON waiting.

*        ________  ________  ________   ________           ___               *
*       |\   __  \|\   __  \|\   ____\ |\   ____\         |\  \              *
*       \ \  \|\ /\ \  \|\  \ \  \___|_\ \  \___|_        \ \  \             *
*        \ \   __  \ \  \\\  \ \_____  \\ \_____  \        \ \__\            *
*         \ \  \|\  \ \  \\\  \|____|\  \\|____|\  \        \|__|            *
*          \ \_______\ \_______\____\_\  \ ____\_\  \            ___         *
*           \|_______|\|_______|\_________\\_________\          |\__\        *
*                              \|_________\|_________|          \|__|        *
*  _______________________________________   ______________ _______________  *
* |                                       | |              |               | *
* |            ULTIMATE WEAPON            | | BOSS BATTLE: | 29 B          | *
* |_______________________________________| |______________|_______________| *
*                                           |              |               | *
* NOTE - Ultimate will only be immune to    | ---------Lv: | 61----------- | *
*        water and earth when he is aerial. | ---------HP: | 100,000------ | *
*                                           | ---------MP: | 400---------- | *
* This boss will not be defeated in one go. | --------EXP: | 35000-------- | *
* After either 5 turns, or 20,000 HP has    | ---------AP: | 3500--------- | *
* been knocked off, he will flee, you'll    | --------GIL: | 25000-------- | *
* then have to chase him to ram into him.   | ----STEAL 1: | Circlet------ | *
* After being rammed a few times he'll then | ----STEAL 2: | Reflect Ring- | *
* fly over to a fixed location, and         | -------DROP: | Ultima Weapon | *
* depending on his location he'll either be | ----NULLIFY: | GRV--WTR--ERT | *
* aerial or on the ground. This is why the  | ENEMY SKILL: | SHADOW FLARE- | *
* Long Range Materia is advised.            |______________________________| *
*                                                                            *
* Here is where he can be found:                                             *
*                                                                            *
* Near Gongaga      - Ground Battle                                          *
* Near Fort Condor  - Ground Battle                                          *
* Near Midgar       - Ground Battle                                          *
* North Crater      - Ground Battle                                          *
* Near Junon        - Aerial Battle                                          *
* Near Mideel       - Aerial Battle                                          *
* Near North Corel  - Aerial Battle                                          *
* Near Cosmo Canyon - Final, Aerial Battle.                                  *
*                                                                            *
* If you are fighting him on the ground then you can steal the [REFLECT      *
* RING], and if he's in the air then you can steal the [CIRCLET]. He'll have *
* something on him every time you battle him, so try to steal 2 Reflect      *
* Rings from him. Save before every battle, then straight after the battle   *
* make sure not to lose sight of him, he can be a real pain to track down    *
* otherwise. Only save the game when he is stationary.                       *
*                                                                            *
*  NOTE - Be wary when searching for him to not accidentally progress with   *
*         the story. If you find yourself parachuting into Midgar then       *
*         re-load your save.                                                 *
*                                                                            *
* In terms of strategy there's nothing really to tell you other than to do   *
* what you know to do; Big Guard, Regen etc. Yuffie s Conformer works the    *
* best here seeing as its attack power grows if it's up against a high       *
* levelled enemy. Remember, you won't receive any battle rewards until the   *
* final fight, which will be after his HP has dropped to below 20,000. He    *
* will then fly over to the area near Cosmo Canyon.                          *
*                                                                            *
* You'll need to be more careful in this final fight seeing as before he     *
* dies he'll use one final attack which will be the Enemy Skill Shadow       *
* Flare. This is an extremely powerful attack, but it'll only hit the last   *
* player to have hit him. If the player dies from the attack then you won�t  *
* learn the skill, so make sure to have the Reflect Ring equipped. You'll    *
* also get the rewards for this final fight, so make sure to have changed    *
* your load-out, mine was:                                                   *
*                                                                            *
*  NOTE - Ultimate will not have a stealable on him for this final battle.   *
*         Also, setting up the Reflect Ring will result in Shadow Flare      *
*         reflected back unto Ultimate, but you'll still learn the Enemy     *
*         Skill!                                                             *
*                                                                            *
*  1) Cloud - Lv 55 (Back)                                                   *
*                                                                            *
*      Apocalypse     - Quadra Magic, Mime, Double Cut,                      *
*      Imperial Guard - All=Restore, Enemy Skill, Enemy Skill, Enemy Skill,  *
*      Reflect Ring                                              Enemy Skill *
*                                                                            *
*  2) Yuffie - Lv 52 (Back)                                                  *
*                                                                            *
*      Rising Sun  - Sneak Attack=Morph, Added Cut, Speed Plus               *
*      Rune Armlet - Revive, Heal, Counter Attack, Magic Plus                *
*      Champion Belt                                                         *
*                                                                            *
*  3) Cid - Lv 53 (Back)                                                     *
*                                                                            *
*      Scimitar    - Added Effect, Knights of Round                          *
*      Rune Armlet - Contain, Comet, Slash-All, Counter Attack               *
*      Champion Belt                                                         *
*                                                                            *
* Make sure that Cloud gets the final blow as so that all four Enemy Skills  *
* learn Shadow Flare, although you can learn it again on Disk 3. Once it is  *
* dealt with you'll receive Cloud's ultimate weapon, [ULTIMA WEAPON] which   *
* will gain higher attack power the higher Cloud's HP is: at full HP Cloud's *
* attack power triples, and 2/3's it doubles and at 1/3 it is normal. Below  *
* 1/3 HP and Cloud's attack power will be less than normal.                  *
*                                                                            *
*  NOTE - Shadow Flare is regarded as one of the strongest Enemy Skills in   *
*         the game, although it'll only target one opponent.                 *
*                                                                            *

After the battle has finished Ultimate WEAPON will crash into the canyon 
leaving a huge clearing in its path. If you hadn't been Chocobo breeding then 
now would be the time to visit the Ancient Forest seeing as you'll now have 
access to it, see section D2.10 J - Ancient Forest for the walkthrough.

 NOTES - Now that you have defeated Ultimate WEAPON, Ruby WEAPON will now have 
         appeared in Corel Desert near the Gold Saucer. Be warned, if you 
         accidentally fly into this thing then you WILL get wiped out, just as 
         you would if you tried to fight Emerald WEAPON now (the underwater 

       - Ruby will not appear until you have engaged in one random encounter.

There are two things that I suggest doing before continuing on with the 
story. Now that you have the Ultima Weapon for Cloud, you can finish 
obtaining the W-Summon Materia and/or Omnislash at the Battle Arena, then you 
can talk to the clerk to engage in an extra battle that only Cloud can 
partake in. The battle sequence is fixed:

Round 1 - Sea Worm
Round 2 - Ho-chu
Round 3 - Unknown 3
Round 4 - Serpent
Round 5 - Wolfmeister 
Round 6 - Behemoth
Round 7 - Maximum Kimaira
Round 8 - Proud Clod

 NOTE - You don't need to have W-Summon or Ultima Weapon equipped, but you DO 
        have to have learned Omnislash before you can partake in the special 
        battle. If Cloud isn't ready to learn Omnislash then I suggest 
        heading over to the forests near Rocket town to fight and Manipulate 
        the Valron.

Upon winning the battle you'll be rewarded with the [FINAL ATTACK MATERIA], 
start Leveling it up immediately! If you win 10 of these battles then you 
would be rewarded with a Ribbon, but there are easier ways of getting them 
(like morphing a Ho-chu). I also suggest finishing up all of the other things 
to do in the Chocobo Square and the Wonder Square, but it's entirely up to 
you whether you do them now or later on (I'll give a full side-quest recap 
when we get to Disk 3).

If you're skilled enough, try scoring 5000 at the Speed Square for the 
Flayer, the strongest weapon in the game to have normal growth (for Cid - 6 
un-paired slots). Also, try to obtain a Sneak Attack  a and Magic Counter or 
two from the Chocobo Races, if you haven't already. When you're ready, head 
over to the North Crater to continue on with the story.

 NOTE - There's an interesting but pointless glitch here. If you were to hold 
        down the 'right' direction whilst the following scenes take place 
        then you would skip out the entire Midgar sequence, and jump straight 
        to the boss! Pointless, because you'd be missing out some great 
        weapons that you won't be able to go back for, so this glitch isn't 
        advised unless you're going for a speed-run. Confirmed to work on the 
        PS4 version, too.

?       _______________        _______________        _______________        ?
?       !!TROPHY NOTE!!        !!TROPHY NOTE!!        !!TROPHY NOTE!!        ?
?       ```````````````        ```````````````        ```````````````        ?
?                                                                            ?
?   TROPHY NOTE - YUFFIE'S SIDEQUEST                                         ?
?                                                                            ?
?   You should be aware by now that Yuffie's sidequest will only be          ?
?   available until you return to Midgar at the end if Disk 2. That time is  ?
?   nigh, so if for some freak-ish reason you still haven't barked up that   ?
?   tree then do so now, otherwise the MP Absorb Materia will be permanently ?
?   missed, making it impossible to obtain the Materia Overlord Achievement. ?
?   You'll still be able to complete the Pagoda Sidequest, meaning the       ?
?   Making Waves Trophy (Obtain Leviathan) and the Meet Your Maker Trophy    ?
?   (learn Yuffie's last limit) will still be obtainable.                    ?
?                                                                            ?
?       _______________        _______________        _______________        ?
?       !!TROPHY NOTE!!        !!TROPHY NOTE!!        !!TROPHY NOTE!!        ?
?       ```````````````        ```````````````        ```````````````        ?

After watching a few scenes involving Heidegger, Scarlett and Reeve you'll 
have to make your way back to Midgar. When you fly over the round city you 
will have effectively reached the point of no return for Disk 2, so if 
there's anything you wish to do make sure to do it now. Otherwise, save your 
game then set up your party, I'm bringing Barret and Vincent along.

 NOTES - There is a weapon for Barret coming up that is only available if you 
         have Barret in your team. You have time between now and then to 
         change your party around, but for what it's worth I'm sticking him in 
         now so I don't have to change things around later on.

       - If you've mastered you HP Plus Materias or you're about to master 
         them, be sure to equip the new HP Plus's to start mastering those 

       - Should you talk to the pilot before dropping into Midgar, you'll 
         notice he has his Limit Break up!

|                                                                            |
| {D2.13} - Midgar Re-visited                                                |
|                                                                            |
| ITEMS:                                                                     |
|         |_|Elixir            |_|Magic Source         |_|Speed Source       |
|         |_|Megalixir         |_|W-Item Materia       |_|HP Shout           |
|         |_|Aegis Armlet      |_|Ziedrich (Boss)      |_|Grow Lance         |
|         |_|Starlight Phone   |_|Touph Ring (Boss)    |_|Behemoth Horn      |
|         |_|Elixir            |_|Minerva Band (Boss)  |_|Ragnarok (Boss)    |
|         |_|Max Ray           |_|Pile Bunker          |_|Elixir             |
|         |_|Power Source      |_|Master Fist          |_|Mystile            |
|         |_|Guard Source      |_|Mind Source          |_|Missing Score      |
|         |_|Mind Source                                                     |

--D2.13 A - Sector 8    (�Hey, hey, whaddaya think we have the Highwind for?�)
    >  ENEMIES:                            ************                  <
    >           [   CRAZY SAW] [ MANHOLE] [    BEHEMOTH] [     CROMWELL] <
    >                                      ************                  <
    > ------Lv: [----------44] [------35] [----------45] [-----------42] <
    > ------HP: [--------3900] [----2500] [--------7000] [---------3500] <
    > ------MP: [---------340] [-----110] [---------400] [----------120] <
    > -----EXP: [---------800] [-----900] [--------1500] [----------800] <
    > ------AP: [----------80] [------80] [---------100] [-----------80] <
    > -----GIL: [--------1300] [----3000] [--------2200] [---------1500] <
    > -STEAL 1: [---Mute Mask] [--------] [Phoenix Down] [-------------] <
    > -STEAL 2: [------------] [--------] [----War Gong] [-------------] <
    > ---MORPH: [-Turbo Ether] [--------] [------------] [-------------] <
    > --DROP 1: [Phoenix Down] [X-Potion] [----Stardust] [8-Inch Cannon] <
    > --DROP 2: [-------Ether] [--------] [------------] [-------------] <
    > --DOUBLE: [---------LHT] [--------] [------------] [----------LHT] <
    > -E-SKILL: [------------] [--------] [--------????] [-------------] <
|                              NOTE ON ENEMIES:                              |
|                                                                            |
| Stick Lightning in your weapon and make sure someone has a Ribbon. If you  |
| weren't able to learn ???? from the Jersey in the Shinra Mansion then now  |
| would be your chance.                                                      |

--Items - Elixir x 2, Megalixir, Aegis Armlet, Starlight Phone, Max Ray

  Before parachuting your way into Midgar, you're going to want to set up a 
solid load-out. Here was mine:

 1) Cloud - Lv 57 (Back)
     Crystal Sword   - Elemental=Lightning, All=Restore, Final Attack=Revive
     Wizard Bracelet - Steal as well=Comet, Enemy Skill, Mime, Counter
     Ribbon                            Attack, Long Range, Magic Plus, HP Plus

 2) Vincent - Lv 51 (Back)
                                                        Sneak Attack=Deathblow
     Long Barrel R   - Elemental=Ramuh, Added Effect=Hades, Sneak Attack=Mug,
     Wizard Bracelet - Added Cut=Deathblow, Enemy Skill, Slash-All, Counter 
     Sprint Shoes                           Attack, Luck Plus HP Plus, MP Plus

 3) Barret - Lv 50 (Back)
     AM Cannon      - Elemental=Lightning, All=Time, Enemy Skill, Sense  
     Imperial Guard - Steal, Double Cut, Counter Attack, Speed Plus, HP Plus, 
     Ribbon                                                            MP Plus

Save your game, then fly over the top of Midgar. Note that this whole area 
ISN'T re-visitable, so make sure to grab everything along the way. After 
watching a cool FMV you'll regain control of Cloud in the slums of Midgar. 
Follow Cait Sith to a save point, then talk to him again to have him open the 

As you descend you'll come to a huge area filled with long ladders and 
stairways. Before heading down the long stairway, head right along the 

When you come to a T-fork, head left to open the chest containing an 
[ELIXIR]. Then head all the way right behind the support column for another 
chest containing a [MEGALIXIR].

Now make your way make to the entrance, this time heading down the stairway. 
At the bottom, hitch up to the ladder to descend into the next screen. 

Head left first to come to the very long ladder that you saw in the first 
screen. At the top you'll find a chest containing the [AEGIS ARMLET], which 
has great stats but low Materia slots. Now head back down the ladder.

Now run past the first ladder to the right, and as you jump on the platform 
it'll lower down, forcing you to head to the left. Climb the two sets of 
ladders here back to the first screen. Now follow the pathway round to the 
hug chute, when you emerge you'll be able to grab the [STARLIGHT PHONE] from 
the chest on the left and an [ELIXIR] from the chest on the right.

Head down the southern ladders and jump into 'Chute 42' on the right. Back at 
the first screen you can follow the path round to another long ladder, at the 
top you'll find a incredibly strong weapon for Barret, the [MAX RAY], I 
suggest equipping it. (this isn't the aforementioned obtainable that is only 
found when Barret is in your party btw, no that weapon would be the Missing 
Score and is Barret's ultimate weapon).

 NOTE - The Max Ray is the third strongest weapon in the game to have normal 
        growth (1st being Cid's Flayer, and the 2nd being Cloud's Ragnarok, 
        which we'll be obtaining shortly).

There's nothing left to collect in this area now, so head back down to 
'Chute  42' and ascend the ladder. Now climb the long stairway to come to the 
save point you saw earlier. Make use of it, then head through the exit. crawl 
through the crawlspace to emerge in some winding tunnels very similar to the 
ones at the beginning of the game.

--D2.13 B - Winding Tunnels                   (�...Elena, don't act so weak.�)
|                                  >  ENEMIES:                               <
|         NOTE ON ENEMIES:         >           [   CRAZY SAW] [SHADOW MAKER] <
|                                  >                                         <
| Shadow Makers will drop Turbo    > ------Lv: [----------44] [----------42] <
| Ethers 100% of the time, so      > ------HP: [--------3900] [--------2000] <
| battling here isn't the worst    > ------MP: [---------340] [---------120] <
| thing in the world (unless of    > -----EXP: [---------800] [---------500] <
| course you're planning on using  > ------AP: [----------80] [----------25] <
| the W-Item Materia trick, which  > -----GIL: [--------1300] [---------500] <
| we'll obtain very shortly).      > ---STEAL: [---Mute Mask] [---Graviball] <
| Wear Ribbons and/or Sprint       > ---MORPH: [-Turbo Ether] [------------] <
| Shoes.                           > --DROP 1: [Phoenix Down] [-Turbo Ether] <
|                                  > --DROP 2: [-------Ether] [------------] <
|                                  > --DOUBLE: [---------LHT] [---------LHT] <

--Items - Power Source, Guard Source, Mind Source, Magic Source, 
          W-Item Materia
--Boss  - Turks: Rude Lv 51 (Ziedrich) + Reno Lv 50 (Touph Ring) +
                 Elena Lv 53 (Minerva Band)

  So, just like the first time we were in the winding tunnels, north is the 
direction we want to be travelling in, but not before heading south first. 
This time however we won't have an infinite battle encounter waiting for us, 
instead we'll have some goodies to collect.

Make your way south one screen and you'll notice the number 7 sprawled across 
the northern wall (presumably it means Sector 7). Keep making your way south 
until you get to number 3, here you'll find a chest containing a [POWER 
SOURCE]. You'll also see various teammates along your travels.

Head south two more screens (to number 2) to find a chest containing a [GUARD 
SOURCE]. Now head to number 1 to find two more chests, one containing a [MIND 
SOURCE] and the other containing a [MAGIC SOURCE]. Lastly, head south one 
more screen to find a save point and the infamous [W-ITEM MATERIA]. GRAB THAT 

 NOTE - As with the Phoenix Materia and Bahamut ZERO, if you missed W-Item 
        here now then you can dig it up from the Excavation Site in Bone 
        Village on Disk 3.
]                                                                            [
] SIDE NOTE - THE W-ITEM TRICK                                               [
]                                                                            [
] Those of you who are not in favour of using exploits to further you        [
] progress, look away now. This glitch has been known about for many years,  [
] and is probably the oldest glitch in the book.                             [
]                                                                            [
] So how exactly do you do the W-Item Trick? Well first off, make sure that  [
] you have your ATB settings to 'Wait' (in the Config options). Then,        [
] arrange your items by 'Type'. Equip the W-Item Materia and get into a      [
] battle. What we are now going to do is duplicate a usable item.            [
]                                                                            [
] First, select the item that you wish to duplicate (such as a Megalixir or  [
] Turbo Ether), then select another item. Before confirming the target       [
] that you would like to use the second item on, press cancel to return to   [
] item selection. Your *Megalixir* will now have increased by one. Rinse and [
] repeat until you have 99 Turbo Ethers, Sylkis Greens, whatever!            [
]                                                                            [
] There are various ways of exploiting the W-Item glitch, and the above only [
] shows how to duplicate items that are usable in-battle. To learn how to    [
] use the Extended W-Item glitch to duplicate Sources, Weapons, Armour,      [
] Accessories, and even fill two inventory slots with the same item, use QSI [
] link [Extended W-Item Trick].                                              [
]                                                                            [
] SIDE NOTE - Lucky 7's                                                      [
]                                                                            [
] While I'm on the topic, I feel now is a good time to educate you about     [
] Lucky 7's. This isn't really a glitch as such, more of a fun easter egg.   [
] If your characters current HP lands on 7777, then his/her Status will      [
] change for the better.                                                     [
]                                                                            [
] They will enter into '7777 fever' mode, and will continuously hit for 7777 [
] damage until every enemy is dead (or nearly dead if it's a super boss -    [
] the player/s will attack 64 times to inflict 497,728 HP). It's like being  [
] in ultimate Berserk mode as you will also lose control of the afflicted    [
] player. Once the battle has finished the players HP will have reduced to   [
] 1.                                                                         [
]                                                                            [
] One way that people will invoke Lucky 7's is to have run away from 2222    [
] battles, this will make the Enemy Skill Chocobuckle hit for 2222 HP. Once  [
] you've managed to max out your HP (which is 9999), you could then use      [
] Chocobuckle on yourself to leave you with bang on 7777 HP.                 [
]                                                                            [
] For more ways of setting up All Luck 7's, see section E.18 A.              [
]                                                                            [
]  NOTE - Thanks to James Baxter's 7777 FAQ on, I now have a     [
]         method for setting up All Lucky 7's with minimal effort! See 'The  [
]         Super-Duper-Quick And Easy But Long To Explain' method contained   [
]         within section E.18 A to find out how to use HP Plus's and Magic/  [
]         Summon Materia to manipulate your HP accordingly (content of       [
]         JBaxter's 7777 FAQ has been used with permission).                 [

O.K., back to the game. Head all the way back to the crawlspace that you 
entered from then hold tight, as you progress you'll have to fight the Turks. 
This is your hardest Turk battle yet, although they still shouldn't pose too 
much of a challenge, just make sure to have Steal equipped and also take out 
your Elemental=Lightning combo. Make sure to have Ribbons equipped on 
everyone aswell, and a few powerful Summons wouldn't go amiss.

DON'T FORGET TO SAVE! Head back through the crawlspace to save your game, you 
are going to want to gain all of the items up for grabs here, not to mention 
the battle rewards. When you're ready head back to the Winding Tunnel and 
head north slightly to engage the Turks.

 NOTES - If you've completed Yuffie's sidequest then you'll have the option to 
         not fight them. I advise against this as there are some pretty nifty 
         items that you can steal from them.
       - The main reason I equipped Steal as well with Comet2 was for this 

       - Another pointless glitch - if you were to run around the inside of 
         the support beam (so basically touching it) then you could skip out 
         this boss battle altogether!

*        ________  ________  ________   ________           ___               *
*       |\   __  \|\   __  \|\   ____\ |\   ____\         |\  \              *
*       \ \  \|\ /\ \  \|\  \ \  \___|_\ \  \___|_        \ \  \             *
*        \ \   __  \ \  \\\  \ \_____  \\ \_____  \        \ \__\            *
*         \ \  \|\  \ \  \\\  \|____|\  \\|____|\  \        \|__|            *
*          \ \_______\ \_______\____\_\  \ ____\_\  \            ___         *
*           \|_______|\|_______|\_________\\_________\          |\__\        *
*                              \|_________\|_________|          \|__|        *
*  __________________   ____________ __________ ____________ ______________  *
* |                  | |            |          |            |              | *
* |     TURKS 05     | |    BOSS    | RUDE IV  |  RENO  IV  |    ELENA     | *
* |                  | | BATTLE: 34 |          |            |              | *
* |__________________| |____________|__________|____________|______________| *
*                      |            |          |            |              | *
* This will be your    | -------Lv: | 51------ | 50-------- | 53---------- | *
* final Turk battle,   | -------HP: | 28000--- | 25000----- | 30000------- | *
* so hit them with     | -------MP: | 250----- | 200------- | 100--------- | *
* everything you've    | ------EXP: | 5500---- | 4500------ | 6400-------- | *
* got, not before      | -------AP: | 600----- | 450------- | 800--------- | *
* stealing the         | ------GIL: | 5000---- | 3000------ | 7000-------- | *
* [ZIEDRICH], [TOUPH   | ----STEAL: | Ziedrich | Touph Ring | Minerva Band | *
* RING] and [MINERVA   | -----DROP: | -------- | Elixir---- | ------------ | *
* BAND] first. Stay    | ---ABSORB: | FRE----- | LHT------- | ICE--------- | *
* away from the basic  | --NULLIFY: | GRV----- | GRV------- | GRV--------- | *
* 3 Elements, other    |___________________________________________________| *
* than that go all                                                           *
* out, just remember to try to kill all three at once. If you deplete on of  *
* the Turks HP then the other two will flee, reducing the amount of EXP etc. *
* gained. Moves such as Bahamut ZERO, Ultima and Comet2 work well.           *
*                                                                            *
* Trying to finish them all off in one go can be a bit of a pain, I suggest  *
* saving Bahamut Zero till the end. Take 5000 from Elena first, then 3000    *
* from Rude to level out their HP. Try to use moves that take out a fixed    *
* amount of damage to each character, such as Aqualung. You may need to do a *
* practise run to see how much Bahamut Zero inflicts; I was hitting for      *
* 9999, so once I estimate their health is in the 4 figure range, boom! 1850 *
* AP!                                                                        *
*                                                                            *

Once the battle has finished make sure to set up your lightning based attacks 
once more, the majority of the enemies we face will be weak vs lightning. Now 
make your way north to reach a the V section. Heading north west would 
continue on with the story, which we're not quite ready to do just yet. 
Instead, head north east, and then north west (NE twice would have taken you 
to a dead-end). Climb the ladder you see here to arrive back at the Shinra HQ.

--D2.13 C - Return to Shinra HQ             (�The Sister Ray's not this way!�)

--Items - Pile Bunker, Master Fist, Mind Source, Speed Source, HP Shout, Grow 
          Lance, Behemoth Horn

  Note that all of the enemies you fight here will be the same as the ones 
you fought the first time round. Also, you can now encounter enemies on the 
63rd Floor, which you couldn't previously. Firstly, if you'd missed the 
**'Turtle Paradise News No.2'** on the northern billboard on the 1st Floor 
then now's the time to grab it, you won�t get another chance after now.

Next head up to the shop on the 2nd Floor. Remember those two chests that 
were previously locked? Well now there not, so grab the one on the left for 
the relatively worthless [PILE BUNKER] for Barret (seeing as we have just 
picked up the Max Ray), and the oh-so spectacular [MASTER FIST].
]                                                                            [
] SIDE NOTE - TIFA'S MASTER FIST                                             [
]                                                                            [
] Earlier on I told you that Tifa's Powersoul would quadruple in attack      [
] power if she was wearing the Curse Ring. Well the Master Fist will triple  [
] in attack power, and given its base damage this makes it potentially the   [
] strongest weapon in the game.                                              [
]                                                                            [
]       The Master Fist will double in power if Tifa is inflicted with:      [
]             Near-Death, Poison, Sadness, Silence, Slow and/or Darkness     [
]                                                                            [
]       The Master Fist will triple in power if Tifa is inflicted with:      [
]             Death Sentence and/or Slow-Numb                                [
]                                                                            [
] And yes, the effects do stack. So to start off with, equip Tifa with the   [
] Curse Ring and then give her a Tranquilizer to send her attack power       [
] sky-rocketing.                                                             [

So, it looks like most of the Shinra HQ is deserted following Diamond 
WEAPON's attacks, and now we have free reign to do as we please. Well, not 
quite, we can only go as far as the 65th Floor, above that and we'll get 
stuck in the stairwell.

 NOTE - I find it quite amusing to revisit Hojo's laboratory on the 68th 
        Floor. Even though we can't fully explore everywhere, it is rather 
        comical to find out that no-one has cleaned up since the Sephiroth 
        incident which must have happened months ago.

When you're ready, head to the 64th Floor. If you'd put some gil into the 
vending machine on your first visit to the Shinra HQ then you could check it 
now for it to dispense a [MIND SOURCE] and a [SPEED SOURCE].

Now head into the northern locker room. Check the very back wall roughly in 
the middle to find Cait Sith's ultimate weapon, [HP SHOUT]. As with Cloud's 
Ultima Weapon, the HP Shout will increase in attack power if Cait Sith's HP 
is full; at full HP Cait Sith's attack power triples, and 2/3's it doubles 
and at 1/3 it is normal. Below  1/3 HP and Cait Sith's attack power will be 
less than normal.

Now head to the 63rd Floor. You'll now find that all of the doors have been 
lowered, and in the eastern room you be able to grab the [GROW LANCE] for Cid.

Lastly, head down to the 59th Floor. Take the stairwell down once more, and 
after descending 4 screens you'll come to the [BEHEMOTH HORN]. It's quicker 
then to run back to the top to then take the elevator back down to the 1st 
floor seeing as we are now finished with the Shinra HQ, so wave goodbye as 
it's the last time you'll see it!

 NOTE - The Behemoth Horn can sometimes be 'bugged'. Make sure that you're 
        running from the 59th Floor down, and not from the 1st Floor up as it 
        sometimes won�t appear that way. Also, if you missed the Elixir the 
        first time round, you can grab it now.

--D2.13 D - The Mako Cannon (�What are we all fighting for? I want us all to 
                                                            understand that.�)

>                      BIG]         MOBILE]          SMALL] [ SOLDIER:1ST]   <
>                                                                            <
> ------Lv: [-----------46] [-----------50] [-----------42] [----------44]   <
> ------HP: [---------4600] [--------10000] [---------2900] [--------5000]   <
> ------MP: [----------200] [----------300] [----------160] [---------400]   <
> -----EXP: [----------800] [----------400] [----------600] [---------960]   <
> ------AP: [-----------80] [-----------80] [-----------80] [----------90]   <
> -----GIL: [---------2100] [---------1400] [----------700] [--------2400]   <
> ---STEAL: [-------------] [-------------] [-------------] [Shinra Alpha]   <
> ----DROP: [8-Inch Cannon] [-------------] [-------------] [------------]   <
> --DOUBLE: [----------LHT] [----------LHT] [----------LHT] [------------]   <
>                                                                            <
>                                           #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#
>           [    XCANNON] [MAXIMUM KIMAIRA] <        NOTE ON ENEMIES:        |
>                                           <                                |
> ------Lv: [---------46] [-------------49] <  The Grosspanzer can only be   |
> ------HP: [------20000] [-----------4000] <  found on the screen where you |
> ------MP: [--------100] [------------350] <  find the Mystile, and         |
> -----EXP: [-------2000] [-----------1200] <  according to MGSB this is the |
> ------AP: [---------90] [-------------90] <  best place on Disk 2 to       |
> -----GIL: [-------3000] [-----------3800] <  train, provided you kill      |
> ---STEAL: [-----------] [---------------] <  every part of the             |
> ---MORPH: [-----------] [---Guard Source] <  Grosspanzer. Use moves such   |
> ----DROP: [Turbo Ether] [---------------] <  as Magic Breath and Trine and |
> --DOUBLE: [--------LHT] [---------------] <  you'll find yourself earning  |
#~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#  very high amounts of AP, not  |
|                                              to mention EXP and gil (not   |
|                                              that we need those anymore).  |
|                                                                            |
| Make sure to steal a third Shinra Alpha from the SOLDIER:1st if you        |
| haven't obtained three already, this is the only place in the game where   |
| you'll encounter them. Make sure to wear Ribbons aswell, and unless you're |
| bringing Yuffie then don't bother trying to Morph the Kimaira, there's     |
| much easier places to get Sources from!                                    |

--Items - Elixir, Mystile, Missing Score
--Boss  - Proud Clod Lv 53 (Ragnarok), Hojo Lv 50, 
          Heretic Hojo Lv 55 + Left Arm + Right Arm, Lifeform Hojo Lv 58

  Back in the Winding Tunnels head south three screens then head north west. 
Before climbing the structure as indicated, make sure to prepare yourself for 
the upcoming boss battle. He isn't too tough, I replaced my 
Elemental=Lightning set-up for Quadra Magic=Contain for Cloud, HP 
Absorb=Ultima for Vincent and Bahamut Zero and Destruct for Barret.

 NOTE - Make Sure to equip the Destruct Materia.

When you're ready make your way up the structure to fight a boss that I 
believe may have had his name misspelt!

*        ________  ________  ________   ________           ___               *
*       |\   __  \|\   __  \|\   ____\ |\   ____\         |\  \              *
*       \ \  \|\ /\ \  \|\  \ \  \___|_\ \  \___|_        \ \  \             *
*        \ \   __  \ \  \\\  \ \_____  \\ \_____  \        \ \__\            *
*         \ \  \|\  \ \  \\\  \|____|\  \\|____|\  \        \|__|            *
*          \ \_______\ \_______\____\_\  \ ____\_\  \            ___         *
*           \|_______|\|_______|\_________\\_________\          |\__\        *
*                              \|_________\|_________|          \|__|        *
*                                         ____________ __________ _________  *
* This Boss's high amount of HP is       |            |          |         | *
* probably the scariest thing about him. |    BOSS    |  PROUD   |  JAMAR  | *
* His attacks won't cause too much       | BATTLE: 35 |   CLOD   |  ARMOR  | *
* damage, and as long as you're careful  |____________|__________|_________| *
* you really shouldn't struggle, just    |            |          |         | *
* remember to keep Big Guard and Regen   | -------Lv: | 53------ | 62----- | *
* up. The most annoying thing Proud Clod | -------HP: | 60000--- | 20000-- | *
* can do is cast Reflect on one of your  | -------MP: | 320----- | 300---- | *
* characters, when this happens you      | ------EXP: | 7000---- | 8000--- | *
* won�t be able to cure that character.  | -------AP: | 1000---- | 1500--- | *
* Don't fret, simply cast DeBarrier to   | ------GIL: | 10000--- | 10000-- | *
* remove the effect. Make sure to finish | -----DROP: | Ragnarok | ------- | *
* off Jamar Armor so that you receive    | --NULLIFY: | GRV----- | GRV---- | *
* all of the battle rewards, when Proud  |_________________________________| *
* Clod is finished you'll receive                                            *
* Cloud's [RAGNAROK], which is the 2nd strongest normal growth weapon after  *
* the Flayer! Equip it straight away.                                        *
*                                                                            *

After obtaining the Ragnarok you can then make your way to Ultimecia's 
Castle, not before obtaining some GFs first.... Oh wait, wrong Ragnarok, my 
bad. Simply *equip* the Ragnarok (that was from FF8 btw) then change back to 
your Elemental=Lightning combos. Note that this is the same screen from the 
beginning of the game where Cloud jumped onto a moving train to get away from 
the Shinra after blowing up Reactor No.1 (I believe, anyway).

Head north to find two chests, one containing an [ELIXIR] and another 
containing the [MYSTILE] which is rated as the best piece of armour in the 
game. Its defence isn't as high as the Imperial Guard, but remember that 
magic defence doesn't matter as your Magic Def and Spirit are always 
identical (unless playing the Steam/PS4 version). The Mystile does have the 
highest Defence% and Magic Def%, which means your enemies will have a very 
hard time hitting you.

Make use of the save point here, and *MAKE SURE* to put Barret into your 
party, that weapon I mentioned earlier is about to be obtained. Note that 
this is the only screen in which you can fight the Grosspanzer (rated as the 
best place in Disk 2 for training, but you must kill the Grosspanzer Mobile 

Head up the stairs to have Cait Sith beckon you on, then make your way into 
the next screen. After one flight of stairs you'll come to the chest 
containing the [MISSING SCORE], but as mentioned, it'll only appear if Barret 
is in your party. 

This weapon is only marginally stronger than the Max Ray, which btw has 
normal growth whereas the Missing Score has 0. But, the more AP you feed into 
the Missing Score, the stronger it becomes, so lots of mastered Materia would 
indeed make it stronger (I'm sticking with the Max Ray)! With 640,000 AP 
equipped to it the weapons damage output would quadruple, with 320,000 AP 
equipped to it the output would double. Anything less than 160,000 AP and his 
attack power would be less than normal.

 NOTES - Before continuing make sure to steal a Shinra Alpha or two before 
         continuing as this is the only screen in which you'll encounter the 
         SOLDIER:1st in the whole game (other than in Cloud's warped mind).
       - There is a glitch involving the Missing Score that enables you to 
         send Barret's damage into overflow. To activate the glitch, you must 
         place 5 mastered Knight of The Rounds on his weapon, then give him 4 
         Hero Drinks in-battle. He'll now kill anything with one hit 
         (including Emerald, but not Ruby)!

Make sure to have Ribbons equipped to all three characters, other than that 
there's not much preparation needed for the upcoming boss, although feel free 
to remove your Lightning combo's for anything you like (Summons, etc.).

When you're ready, approach Hojo to talk to him. After an amount if 
fascinating dialogue you'll have to fight Him!

*        ________  ________  ________   ________           ___               *
*       |\   __  \|\   __  \|\   ____\ |\   ____\         |\  \              *
*       \ \  \|\ /\ \  \|\  \ \  \___|_\ \  \___|_        \ \  \             *
*        \ \   __  \ \  \\\  \ \_____  \\ \_____  \        \ \__\            *
*         \ \  \|\  \ \  \\\  \|____|\  \\|____|\  \        \|__|            *
*          \ \_______\ \_______\____\_\  \ ____\_\  \            ___         *
*           \|_______|\|_______|\_________\\_________\          |\__\        *
*                              \|_________\|_________|          \|__|        *
*                                                                            *
*  As long as you have Ribbons equipped you should be fine for this battle.  *
*  Hojo is fought in three stages:                                           *
*  __________   _______ _________ _________                                  *
* |   BOSS   | |       |         |         | Hojo:                           *
* |  BATTLE: | | HOJO  | POODLER | BAD RAP |                                 *
* |    36    | |       | SAMPLE  | SAMPLE  | Probably the easiest of the     *
* |__________| |_______|_________|_________| three, Hojo should be defeated  *
* |          | |       |         |         | in no time. Use this time to    *
* | -----Lv: | | 50--- | 42----- | 34----- | cast Big Guard and Regen. When  *
* | -----HP: | | 13000 | 10000-- | 11000-- | he creates his Bad Raps and     *
* | -----MP: | | 250-- | 200---- | 120---- | Poodlers, cast Bad Breath on    *
* | NULLIFY: | | GRV-- | ------- | ------- | them to put them to sleep, then *
* |__________| |___________________________| just concentrate on Hojo.       *
*               __________ _______ _______                                   *
*              |          |       |       | Helletic Hojo + Left & Right Arm *
*              | HELLETIC | LEFT  | RIGHT |                                  *
*              |   HOJO   | ARM   |  ARM  | The main thing to do here is to  *
*  __________  |__________|_______|_______| take out the Right Arm as        *
* |          | |          |       |       | quickly as possible; it has the  *
* | -----Lv: | | 55------ | 55--- | 55--- | lowest amount of HP and delivers *
* | -----HP: | | 26000--- | 24000 | 5000- | the strongest blow. After that   *
* | -----MP: | | 200----- | 400-- | 300-- | you can just take care of        *
* | NULLIFY: | | GRV----- | GRV-- | GRV-- | Helletic Hojo without having to  *
* |__________| |__________________________| worry about his Left Arm.        *
*               _______________                                              *
*              |               | Lifeform Hojo:                              *
*              | LIFEFORM HOJO |                                             *
*  __________  |_______________| Just blast him with things like Shadow      *
* |          | |               | Flare, Ultima etc. he shouldn't pose too    *
* | -----Lv: | | 58----------- | much of a threat, just so long as you are   *
* | -----HP: | | 30000-------- | wearing Ribbons. Counter Attack works well  *
* | -----MP: | | 100---------- | here as his 4-hit combo can be countered on *
* | ----EXP: | | 25000-------- | every hit.                                  *
* | -----AP: | | 2500--------- |                                             *
* | ----GIL: | | 6000--------- |                                             *
* | ---DROP: | | Power Source- |                                             *
* | NULLIFY: | | GRV---------- |                                             *
* |__________| |_______________|                                             *
*                                                                            *

After Hojo is defeated you will have effectively finished Disk 2! Sit back, 
relax and enjoy the upcoming events and I'll see you on the other side once 
you have gained control of Cloud on Disk 3!

 NOTE - If Tifa's affection towards you is high enough (+50) then you will 
        experience a very slightly different set of event.

         _______   ______     ____  ______   ____  _________ __ __    ___ 
        / ____/ | / / __ \   / __ \/ ____/  / __ \/  _/ ___// //_/   |__ \
       / __/ /  |/ / / / /  / / / / /_     / / / // / \__ \/ ,<      __/ /
      / /___/ /|  / /_/ /  / /_/ / __/    / /_/ // / ___/ / /| |    / __/ 
     /_____/_/ |_/_____/   \____/_/      /_____/___//____/_/ |_|   /____/ 

                                                   Disk 2 Finished 25/May/2015

)                                                                            (
)    If you're finding this walkthrough to be helpful, please remember to    (
)                            rate/recommend/like                             (
)                                                                            (


|<:                                                                        :>|
|<:                                                                        :>|
|<:  {D3}                           DISK 3                                 :>|
|<:                                                                        :>|
|<:                                                               {Disk 3} :>|
|                                                                            |
|                                  CONTENTS                                  |
| - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  |
| {D3.01} - Optional Sidequests Re-cap                                       |
| {D3.02} - The North Crater                                                 |
| {D3.03} - The Final Battle                                                 |
| {D3.04} - The Final Grind                                                  |

                                PLEASE INSERT:                                
|/ DISK 3 \/\/\ DISK 3 /\/\/ DISK 3 \/\/\ DISK 3 \/\/\ DISK 3 /\/\/ DISK 3 /\|
|                                                                            |
| {D3.01} - Optional Sidequests Re-cap                                       |
|                                                                            |
| ITEMS:                                                                     |
|         |_| Limited Moon      |_| Phoenix Materia   |_| Phoenix Materia    |

  If you've been following this walkthrough to the letter then there will be 
three things for you to do now, however if you've been holding off on a few 
side quests until later on then now's the time to do them. I'll very briefly 
go over all that there is to do (welcome to Disk 3 btw), for now just resist 
the urge to descend down the ladder and instead make your way to the cockpit 
of the Highwind.


Stick Red XIII in your party and make your way up to Bugenhagen's 
Observatory. You'll watch a few touching scenes, after which you'll receive 
the [LIMITED MOON], which is Red XIII's ultimate weapon. As with Cid's Venus 
Gospel, the more current MP Red XIII has, the stronger the Limited Moon will 
become; with full MP Red XIII's attack power triples, at 2/3's it doubles, 
and at 1/3 it is normal. Anything below 1/3 MP will result in lower than 
normal attack power.

 NOTE - You should have now completed your collection of Level 4 Limit Break 
        manuals and Ultimate Weapons for each character, if you think you 
        are missing any then check sections E.02 and E.13 (respectively) for 
        a full rundown.


Now that you're on Disk 3, it's time to go digging at Bone Village. You'd 
only want to do this if you had missed the Phoenix Materia (as previously 
advised), the Bahamut ZERO Materia, and/or the W-Item Materia.

Spot 3 - Good Treasure. Just to the right of where the foreman sits.
         Bahamut ZERO (4%, once only), Nothing (100% afterwards)

Spot 4 - Good Treasure. Base of the ladders and to the left on the 'X'.
         W-Item (100%, Once only), Nothing (100% afterwards)

Spot 5 - Good Treasure. Top of the ladders and to the right.
         Phoenix Materia (100%, once only), Nothing (100% afterwards)

Once you've dug up your first copy of the Phoenix Materia, you can make your 
way over to Fort Condor. Head out of the open door of the shack, and make 
your way up to grab your second copy of the [PHOENIX MATERIA].

 NOTES - If you are absolutely sure at this stage that you have done every 
         single optional quest available then by all mean you can jump down to 
         section D3.02 - Decent Into Madness.


Back at Bone Village, ask to search for normal treasure and search just above 
where they guy at the entrance was digging. This should bag you the Key to 
Sector 5, allowing you entrance to a small part of Midgar.


Just north west of Bone Village you'll find the Chocobo Sage's house. Head 
inside and pet the Green Chocobo to receive the 4th Enemy Skill Materia. Make 
sure to buy at least 1 Sylkis Green before you leave.


Make your way over to Midgar. Using the key you found at the excavation site 
you should be able to run through the previously locked heavy duty door. Make 
your way through to the Wall Market and head into the 'ITEM' shop. Examine 
the previously broken terminal to receive Tifa's ultimate weapon, the Premium 

 NOTE - You can talk to the guy who sold you the batteries in the Weapon Shop 
        to buy a Sneak Glove for 129,000 gil. It may seem like a lot, but 
        believe me it's worth it.


If you haven't obtained a Guidebook by now then head through Junon's 
passageways to reach the underwater tunnel leading up to the reactor. Here 
you can fight the Ghost Ship to morph one into the Guidebook.

Now head over to Kalm where you can trade the guidebook for the Underwater 
Materia. This will remove the time limit whilst fighting Emerald Weapon.

 NOTE - The Earth Harp is obtained by defeating Emerald WEAPON and can be 
        exchanged for a Master Magic, Master Command and Master Summon 
        Materia. The Desert Rose is obtained by defeating Ruby WEAPON and can 
        be exchanged for a Gold Chocobo.


Put Vincent in your party and head over to the Gold Saucer Area. If you have 
a Green, Black or Gold Chocobo then you can look for the enclosed waterfall 
near Gongaga, if not then you'll have to look for it in your submarine. Enter 
the cave and you'll learn about Vincent's past. Leave the cave and re-enter 
after you've fought roughly 10 battles to receive the Death Penalty and 
Chaos, Vincent's Ultimate Weapon and Lv 4 Limit Break.


If you haven't already grabbed the Full Cure Materia from the back of the 
Item Shop then do so now, it can be found at the top of the far ladders on 
the right past the Cosmo Flame. You can also find a pouch containing an 
Elixir and a Guard Source here.


Head over to Nibelheim and make your way into the Shinra Mansion. Run down 
the Hojo's laboratory to view some extra scenes involving Cloud and Zack.


Head into Tifa's house in Nibelheim and play the following notes to obtain 
Tifa's Lv 4 Limit Break, Final Heaven:

X, Sq, Tr, L1+Tr, L1+Sq, x, Sq, Tr, L1+X, O, X, Sq, X


Head into Rocket Town and talk to the man standing outside the Item Shop 3 
times to receive Cid's ultimate weapon, the Venus Gospel. Don't forget to 
grab the Fourth Bracelet and Guard Source from the chests inside the Weapon 
Shop and Item Shop.


If you had missed out on the Newsletter at the Shinra HQ the first time 
round, and you managed to grab it the second time then now would be the time 
to claim your reward - one of each of the Sources and a Megalixir. Head over 
to the Turtle Paradise in Wutai.


If you'd obtained the Leviathan Scales whilst you were in the Underwater 
Reactor at Junon then you could put out the flames in the Fire Cavern in the 
Da-chao Statue. This would bag you the Oritsuru, a weapon for Yuffie, and the 
Steal As Well Materia. (I'm going to assume that you've done the Pagoda Side-
quest so I'm not even going to bother listing it.)


If you haven't done so already, head over to the bar and talk to the man on 
the left. Buy from him the Long Barrel R which is a weapon for Vincent that 
has 255 Attack%, meaning he'll rarely miss (this means Deathblow). Also, If 
you've sold one of your Alls you can buy the Villa for 300,000 gil.


If you haven't already beaten him then head over to the large crater near 
Junon, Ultimate should be waiting for you there. Ram into him to fight him, 
after so many turns he'll flee from battle. You can then chase him all over 
the map until finally he will rest at Cosmo Canyon, defeat him there to 
receive Cloud's ultimate weapon, Ultima Weapon.


You'll need to have either beaten Ultimate Weapon or obtained a Green, Black 
or Gold Chocobo to be able to access the forest just east of Cosmo Canyon. 
See section D2.10 J - Ancient Forest for the full walkthrough.


If you haven't already visited the depths of despair then see section D2.10 
M - The Sunken Gelnika for the full walkthrough.


 NOTE - If you haven't as yet bred a Gold Chocobo then take the time now to 
        make use of the W-Item glitch (unless you find it morally dis-
        pleasing). Duplicate yourself 99 Sylkis Greens, and while you're at 
        it duplicate 99 Megalixirs aswell.

Here is the whole Chocobo Breeding process in 10 simple steps:

 1) Catch 2 Great Chocobos from Mideel Area (alongside 1 or 2 Spirals) making 
    sure they are opposite sex.

 2) Feed both of them enough Greens to max out their stats, then race them 
    both at the Chocobo Square until they are both A Class.

 3) Head over to Bone Village and battle around until you fight the 
    Vlakorados, steal 3 x Carob Nuts from them.

 4) Now mate the Great Chocobos using a Carob Nut. This should produce either 
    a Blue or Green Chocobo.

 5) When they are ready to mate again, save the game and keep trying until you 
    get a Chocobo of opposite gender and breed.

 6) Feed the Green and Blue Chocobos to max out their stats, then race them 
    both to A Class. Then mate them using a Carob Nut for a Black Chocobo.

 7) Catch a Wonderful Chocobo from the Icicle Inn Area (alongside 1 or 2 
    Jumpings) making sure it's the opposite gender to the Black Chocobo.

 8) Head over to Goblin Island (north of the Chocobo Ranch). Here you can 
    fight the Goblin, steal 1 x Zeio Nut from them.

 9) Feed the Black and Wonderful Chocobos to max out their stats, then race 
    them both to S Class (if you can). 

10) Now breed the Black and Wonderful Chocobo using the Zeio Nut and Hey' 
    Presto! A brand new chirping Gold Chocobo!


Once you have a Gold Chocobo you can head over to the Materia Cave near Wutai 
for the Mime Materia, the Materia Cave near North Corel holds the HP<->MP 
Materia, the Materia Cave near Mideel holds the Quadra Magic Materia and the 
Round Island in the far north east corner of the map holds the Knights of 
Round Materia.


Just in case you're missing a few here is a copy and paste from the earlier 
sidequest section D2.05 K - Obtaining Every Enemy Skill Available:

 1  MATRA MAGIC    - CUSTOM SWEEPER - Midgar Area (Dirt Area only)
 2  L4 SUICIDE     - MU             - Grasslands Area (near Chocobo Ranch)
 3  CHOCOBUCKLE    - CHOCOBO Lv 16  - Grasslands Area (near Chocobo Ranch)
 4  BETA           - MIDGAR ZOLOM   - Marsh (near Chocobo Ranch)
 5  FLAMETHROWER   - ARK DRAGON     - Mythril Mine (Northern caverns)
 6  WHITE WIND     - ZEMZELETT      - Junon Area
 7  BIG GUARD      - BEACHPLUG      - Gold Saucer Area (Beaches)
 8  AQUALUNG       - HARPY          - Gold Saucer Area (Chocobo Tracks only)
 9  FROG SONG      - TOUCH ME       - Gongaga Forests
10  ????           - JERSEY         - Shinra Mansion (in Nibelheim)
11  DEATH FORCE    - ADAMANTAIMAI   - Wutai Beaches
12  MAGIC HAMMER   - RAZOR WEED     - Wutai Area
13  DEATH SENTENCE - BOUND FAT      - Corral Valley (past Bone Village)
14  GOBLIN PUNCH   - GOBLIN         - Goblin Island

 NOTE - All of the remaining 9 Enemy Skills are available at the Northern 
        Crater. If you're thinking 'But there's 24 Enemy Skills', then 
        that's because Trine isn't on this list, nor can it be learnt at the 
        North Crater.


Perhaps the longest of all things optional to complete, here is a re-cap on 
everything there is to obtain from the Gold Saucer (always save the best till 

 NOTE - If you haven't yet obtained all there is to obtain from the Battle 
        Square yet then I suggest waiting until you have obtained the final 
        few bits of Materia from the North Crater (i.e. Mega-All).

    Speed Square - Flayer (Optional) - Score 5000+ on the rollercoaster

    Battle Square - Enemy Lure Materia   -    250 BP
                    Pre-emptive Materia  -   1000 BP
                    Speed Plus Materia   -   4000 BP
                    Omnislash            - 32,000 BP
                    W-Summon Materia     - 64,000 BP
                    Final Attack Materia - Bonus Round:

        After you have obtained Omnislash, W-Summon and Ultima Weapon 
        (Omnislash must be learnt) you will be invited to fight in an 
        optional battle. Defeating this will net you the Final Attack 
        Materia. Omnislash must be learned.

    Chocobo Square - Enemy Away Materia
                     Sneak Attack Materia

        Winning 19 races with the same Chocobo will net you the Sprint Shoes, 
        Precious Watch, Cat's Bell, Chocobracelet and Counter Attack Materia. 
        Also, try to win as many Counter Attacks and Magic Counters as you 

    Wonder Square - Gil Plus Materia - 1000BP
                    EXP Plus Materia - 2000BP

You should now be ready to finish the game! Note that you can descend pretty 
far down into the crater before hitting the point of no return, and you can 
rest assured that I'll make you aware of that point before you get to it.

|                                                                            |
| {D3.02} - The North Crater                                                 |
|                                                                            |
| ITEMS:                                                                     |
|        |_|Save Crystal       |_|Elixir                 |_|Shield Materia   |
|        |_|Guard Source       |_|Remedy                 |_|Imperial Guard   |
|        |_|Guard Source       |_|X-Potion               |_|Hero Drink       |
|        |_|Mind Source        |_|Turbo Ether            |_|W-Magic Materia  |
|        |_|Magic Source       |_|Vaccine                |_|Counter Materia  |
|        |_|Elixir             |_|Magic Counter Materia  |_||Mystile         |
|        |_|Power Source       |_|X-Potion               |_|Elixir           |
|        |_|HP Absorb Materia  |_|Turbo Ether            |_|Speed Source     |
|        |_|Mind Source        |_|Mega All Materia       |_|Tetra Element    |
|        |_|Megalixir          |_|Speed Source           |_|Megalixir        |
|        |_|Hero Drink         |_|Magic Source           |_|Megalixir        |
|        |_|Guard Source       |_|Remedy                 |_|Luck Source      |
|        |_|Power Source       |_|Vaccine                                    |

--D3.02 A - Decent Into Madness          (�Now don't any of you die on me...�)

>  ENEMIES:  *************              ************                         <
>           [  DARK DRAGON] [GARGOYLE] [    PARASITE] [   SCISSORS]          <
>            *************              ************                         <
> ------Lv: [-----------57] [------43] [----------51] [---------33]          <
> ------HP: [--------14000] [----2000] [--------6000] [-------2900]          <
> ------MP: [----------600] [-----200] [---------300] [---------88]          <
> -----EXP: [---------5000] [-----800] [--------1100] [-------4400]          <
> ------AP: [----------350] [------80] [---------100] [--------360]          <
> -----GIL: [---------2500] [----2500] [--------1000] [-------5600]          <
> ---STEAL: [Dragon Armlet] [X-Potion] [------Remedy] [------Ether]          <
> ---MORPH: [------Vaccine] [--------] [------Remedy] [-----------]          <
> --DROP 1: [-------Elixir] [X-Potion] [------Remedy] [---X-Potion]          <
> --DROP 2: [-------------] [--Remedy] [------------] [-----------]          <
> -NULLIFY: [----------LHT] [--------] [---------ERT] [-----------]          <
> --DOUBLE: [-------------] [--------] [----WND--HLY] [-----------]          <
> E-SKILL1: [-DRAGON FORCE] [--------] [MAGIC BREATH] [-----------]          <
> E-SKILL2: [--------LASER] [--------] [----L5 DEATH] [-----------]          <
>                                                                            <
>           [MASTER     #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#
>             TONBERRY] <                  NOTE ON ENEMIES:                  |
>                       <                                                    |
> ------Lv: [-------77] <  O.K. this is it; the ultimate training ground!    |
> ------HP: [----44444] <  Here you will meet enemies that will test every   |
> ------MP: [------100] <  element of your battle strategy. Make sure to     |
> -----EXP: [-----6000] <  have Ribbons equipped all around. Manipulate the  |
> ------AP: [------200] <  Dark Dragon to learn Laser and Dragon Force, the  |
> -----GIL: [-----6800] <  latter of which will raise your Def and Mag Def   |
> ---STEAL: [---Elixir] <  by 50%, and can be used twice in battle to raise  |
> ---MORPH: [---Ribbon] <  them by 100%.                                     |
> --DROP 1: [Megalixir] <                                                    |
> -NULLIFY: [------GRV] <  The Parasite, the Maser Tonberry, the Scissors    |
#~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#  and the Gargoyle all use moves that can finish    |
|                          you in one hit. The Gargoyle will use L4 Death as |
| a finishing move when it dies, killing any player whose level is divisible |
| by four, and the Parasite will use L5 Death (I'm sure you can work out     |
| what that does). The scissor will instantly kill the last player to have   |
| attacked it when it splits in to two pieces, and the Master Tonberry will  |
| use Knife on a random character, killing him/her instantly. Use Safety     |
| Safety Bits, Death Force and Added Effect=Destruct to protect yourselves.  |
|                                                                            |
|  NOTE - Remember that using White Wind will clear your immunity to death   |
|         if you've cast Death Force (Safety Bits and Added Effect are       |
|         unaffected.                                                        |

--Items - Save Crystal, Guard Source x 3, Mind Source x2, Magic Source, 
          Elixir, Power Source x 2, HP Absorb Materia, Megalixir, Hero Drink 

 NOTE - Aside from the trophy related side-quests (reach Lv 99, obtain 
        99,999,99 gil etc.) the ONLY optional quests that the game has left 
        to offer is the Emerald and Ruby WEAPON quests. Technically speaking, 
        as far as super-mega bosses go they aren't that hard to defeat, they 
        just require A LOT of preparation. More on that to come.

  Before descending you are going to want to set up a party, and this time 
you don't have a say in who you bring. You HAVE to bring along Cait Sith and 
Barret. The reason being is that we'll be able to (legitimately) duplicate 
some of the items that are obtainable down below, but to do this we must have 
certain players 'not' in our party. It'll make more sense later on, just 
trust me for now, my set-up is as follows:

 1) Cloud - Lv 61 (Front)
     Ragnarok      - Elemental=Typoon, Enemy Skill, Double Cut, MP Turbo=KOTR
     Dragon Armlet - All=Restore, Sneak Attack=Mug, EXP Plus, HP Plus
     Safety Bit                                                               

 2) Barret - Lv 55 (Back)
                                                       Enemy Skill, Manipulate
     Max Ray         - Elemental=Alexander, Steal as well=Deathblow,
     Wizard Bracelet - Added Effect=Destruct, Added Cut=Deathblow, Morph,
     Ribbon                                          Sense, Luck Plus, HP Plus

 3) Cait Sith - Lv 54 (Front)
                                       Magic Counter, Enemy Skill, Enemy Skill
     Starlight Phone - Elemental=Choco/Mog, Final Attack=Revive, Quadra Magic, 
     Mystile         - Mime, Mug, W-Item, Slash-All, Speed Plus, HP Plus
     Safety Bit                                           

 NOTES - Make sure to have two identical Enemy Skills equipped to one 
         character. If one Enemy Skill has learned a move that the other 
         hasn't, then the skill won't be learned.

       - Quadra Magic can be a pain to master 2 copies of, so I suggest 
         equipping it now for the AP. Same goes for KOTR (Knights of The 
         Round), and Magic Counter (if you were able to obtain one from the 
         Gold Saucer).

Before heading down the rope ladder, head into operations to restore your 
HP/MP and save. To access the North Crater you must hover the Highwind over 
it and press cancel to descend into the realms of insanity.

Once you've climbed down the rope ladder, head south. When prompted to, 
choose 'let's go' to descend into the crater. In the next screen, you could 
head through then opening to return to the Highwind if you wanted to, 
otherwise open the chest for the [SAVE CRYSTAL].

 NOTES - The Save Crystal can be used anywhere within the North Crater to 
         create a save point in a location of your desire. It can only be used 
         once, and I strongly recommend using it near the screen where you 
         encounter the Magic Pots and Movers. I'll explain why shortly.

       - The Save Crystal can be duplicated using an exploit, see section 
         E.18 for more info.

Now make your way anti-clockwise until you come to a chest containing a 
[GUARD SOURCE]. Keep proceeding downwards until you come to the next screen 
(don't forget to manipulate the Dark Dragon to learn Dragon Force and Laser, 
and the Parasite to learn L5 Death and Magic Breath).

Head right first and keep dropping down until you reach a chest containing a 
[GUARD SOURCE]. Then drop down even further for a [MIND SOURCE].

Now make your way left and climb up the ridges to reach the visible chest 
containing a [MAGIC SOURCE]. Keep heading up for two more chests, one 
containing an [ELIXIR] and the other a [POWER SOURCE].

Notice the blue orb embedded into the rocks? Before jumping down from the 
Power Source chest run behind the rocks to grab the [HP ABSORB MATERIA]. Now 
you can descend to the next screen (it's quicker to climb back up and head to 
the right).

Drop down from the ledge then head to the right. Drop down to reach a chest 
containing a [MIND SOURCE]. Then inch to the right, but before dropping down 
jump up to the left. Follow the path to drop down to the other side, then 
enter into the cave to find a chest containing a [MEGALIXIR].

Back out of the cave and drop down on the left. Then head to the right to 
open the chest containing a [HERO DRINK].

Now head into the cave and open the visible chest for a [GUARD SOURCE]. Then 
head upwards and enter the hole you see to find a chest containing a [POWER 
SOURCE]. Now head out of the northern exit.

Head over to the right and drop down twice. Go through the opening to enter 
the cave once more, then head south through the opening. Keep dropping down 
until you come to the next screen, which will be a meeting point for you and 
your buddies.

We have now come to the infamous left & right fork option of the North 
Crater. It is here that you will have the choice to send your squad in 
different directions, and as your teammates go off in their respective 
directions they will pick up various items for you long the way.

 NOTE - I have always used my Save Crystal here when playing as a kid. *DO 
        NOT* I repeat *DO NOT* use it here.
]                                                                            [
] SIDE NOTE - THE {LEFT AND RIGHT FORK}                                      [
]                                                                            [
] You now have three paths to choose from, the right path, the upper-left    [
] path and the lower-left path. You also have to choose which path to send   [
] your teammates on, and depending on which route you sent them on will      [
] depend on the items that they obtain, which can then be duplicated. The    [
] results are as follows:                                                    [
]                                                                            [
]  NOTES - If you travel the same route that you send a teammate on then     [
]          that teammate will not collect any items on that route for you,   [
]          meaning you cannot duplicate that item.                           [
]                                                                            [
]        - If you send Yuffie on her own, then she will not hand over any    [
]          Materia to you that she found. Always send her with someone else. [
]              _____________ _________________ __________________ _________  [
] * = Unique  |             |                 |                  |         | [
]     Item    | Right Path  | Upper-Left Path | Lower-Left Path  | Optimal | [
]  ___________|_____________|_________________|__________________|_________| [
] |           |             |                 |                  |         | [
] | Tifa      |*Mystile     | Hero Drink      | Turbo Ether      | Right   | [
] |___________|_____________|_________________|__________________|_________| [
] |           |             |                 |                  |         | [
] | Barret    | Guard Source| Vaccine         | Remedy           | Right?  | [
] |___________|_____________|_________________|__________________|_________| [
] |           |             |                 |                  |         | [
] | Red XIII  | Mind Source |*Shield Materia  | Speed Source     | U-Left  | [
] |___________|_____________|_________________|__________________|_________| [
] |           |             |                 |                  |         | [
] | Yuffie    | Megalixir   |*Counter Materia | Vaccine          | U-Left  | [
] |___________|_____________|_________________|__________________|_________| [
] |           |             |                 |                  |         | [
] | Cait Sith | Elixir      | Remedy          | X-Potion         | Right?  | [
] |___________|_____________|_________________|__________________|_________| [
] |           |             |                 |                  |         | [
] | Cid       | Speed Source|*Imperial Guard  | Elixir           | U-Left  | [
] |___________|_____________|_________________|__________________|_________| [
] |           |             |                 |                  |         | [
] | Vincent   | Megalixir   | Magic Source    |*Mega All Materia | L-Left  | [
] |___________|_____________|_________________|__________________|_________| [
]                                                                            [
] The main problem here is Vincent. You're going to have to make a choice on [
] whether you want to lose a duplicate of the Mega All Materia, the Imperial [
] Guard or the Mystile.                                                      [
]                                                                            [
] Mega All - This will make nearly very attack you perform hit every enemy,  [
]            including Deathblow, Morph even your basic attacks! But to be   [
]            honest, as long as you have one other person with Slash-All and [
]            the other with Mime, you don't really need to duplicate this    [
]            item, especially seeing as you can master it for a second and   [
]            third copy.                                                     [
]                                                                            [
] Imperial Guard - This piece of armour has the highest defence in the game  [
]                  to have 6 Materia slots, and as such is definitely worth  [
]                  getting a second and third copy now (assuming you         [
]                  obtained your first copy by fighting the CMD. Grand Horn  [
]                  earlier on at the Fort Condor Huge Materia mission).      [
]                                                                            [
] Mystile - Regarded as the best piece of armour in the game, this little    [
]           beauty gives you amazing Defence% and Magic Def%, meaning the    [
]           enemies will have a very difficult time attacking you. Make sure [
]           to send Tifa right and to not travel that way yourself.          [
]                                                                            [
] So to conclude you're going to want to send your characters as follows:    [
]                                                                            [
]  Tifa     - Right      - Mystile                                           [
]  Red XIII - Upper-Left - Shield Materia                                    [
]  Yuffie   - Upper-Left - Counter Materia                                   [
]  Cid      - Upper-Left - Imperial Guard                                    [
]  Vincent  - Upper-Left - Magic Source                                      [
]                                                                            [
] And then you're going to want to travel the lower right path yourself with [
] Barret and Cait Sith.                                                      [
]                                                                            [
]  NOTE - If you were to travel along the right path then anyone you sent    [
]         left would have a 50% chance of taking the upper-left or lower-    [
]         left path.                                                         [
]                                                                            [
] If you're feeling incredibly brave you could send Barret and Cait Sith     [
] with Tifa along the right path and then travel alone for an extra Guard    [
] Source and Elixir, but c'mon, it's really not that worth it. Also, make    [
] sure not to progress past a certain point up ahead as all of the chests    [
] will open and you'll lose the ability to duplicate the items.              [

So, after sending Tifa right and after everyone else left head to the left 
path yourself. Then send everyone else on the upper path leaving Cloud, 
Barret and Cait Sith on the lower path. 

 NOTES - If you are playing on the Steam/PS4 version then a small easter egg 
         will occur when you create your save point in this cavern (the room 
         with the second fork). The area will be titled as 'Secret Cow Level' 
         in the menus, which is a reference to the game Diablo. I advise on 
         saving your Save Crystal for a little later.

       - I had to mention this. A very funny post left by Silver_Dragon_ on 
         GameFaq message boards reads:

   Cloud: �Let's split up into 2 teams. Team 1 will consist of myself, 
           Barret, Red XIII, Yuffie, Cait Sith, Vincent and Cid. 
           Team 2 will consist of... Tifa.�                                lol

--D3.02 B - The Lower-Left Path

    >  ENEMIES:                                             [MASTER      <
    >                                                                    <
    > ------Lv: [-------48] [-----------60] [-----------41] [--------45] <
    > ------HP: [-----8000] [--------18000] [--------10000] [-----44444] <
    > ------MP: [------200] [----------560] [----------200] [-------100] <
    > -----EXP: [-----1300] [---------2000] [---------2500] [------6000] <
    > ------AP: [------100] [----------250] [----------100] [-------200] <
    > -----GIL: [-----1360] [----------950] [---------2680] [------6800] <
    > ---STEAL: [-Eye Drop] [-Phoenix Down] [--Turbo Ether] [----Elixir] <
    > ---MORPH: [---------] [-------------] [-Guard Source] [----Ribbon] <
    > ----DROP: [-Eye Drop] [-----X-Potion] [--Echo Screen] [-Megalixir] <
    > -NULLIFY: [------ERT] [-------------] [-------------] [-------GRV] <
    > ---HALVE: [---------] [----------GRV] [-------------] [----------] <
    > --DOUBLE: [------WND] [-------------] [-------------] [----------] <
|                              NOTE ON ENEMIES:                              |
|                                                                            |
| The Master Tonberry has a move called Everyone's Grudge which will         |
| multiply the total amount of kills its target has by 10 and will attack    |
| for that amount of damage, which he will only use as a counter attack if   |
| he has been attacked twice in one turn. If you wanted a few Guard Sources  |
| and/or Ribbons then equip Morph. These enemies can be fought in every area |
| on the upper and lower left-paths apart from the two 'swampy' areas on the |
| upper-left route.                                                          |

--Items - Elixir, Remedy, X-Potion x 2, Turbo Ether x 2, Vaccine, Magic 
          Counter Materia, Mega All Materia, Speed Source

  After jumping down the rocks head over to the right to pick up a chest 
containing an [ELIXIR]. Then head over to the left for a chest containing a 
[REMEDY], and finally search the third chest at the bottom of the screen to 
find an [X-POTION] inside. Now head south to the next screen.

Run straight down to jump off at the end of the raised circular platform to 
land to the right of the chest containing a [TURBO ETHER]. If you jumped off 
early and landed above the chest then you can make your way round to the 
chest following the right path, otherwise head to the right for another chest 
holding a [VACCINE].

Now head over to the Lifestream waterfall, and on the very left you should 
just be able to make out the [MAGIC COUNTER MATERIA], although it is very 
difficult to spot. GRAB THAT MATERIA! and start Leveling it up straight sway!

Follow the path to the next screen, then jump down do grab an [X-POTION]. 
Keep following the path round until you grab the chest containing a [TURBO 
ETHER] (who puts all the chests down here anyway?).

For this next bit you have to time when you press confirm in order to GRAB 
THAT MATERIA! the [MEGA ALL MATERIA] that you see floating in front of the 
Lifestream waterfall. Just before you hear the first footstep sound effect, 
press confirm. Once you've obtained it, pick up the chest on the left for a 
]                                                                            [
] SIDE NOTE - MEGA ALL MATERIA                                               [
]                                                                            [
] Attack becomes Slash-All whilst Mug/Steal, Sense, Manipulate, Morph and    [
] Deathblow will now hit all targets. Also, every magic spell will now hit   [
] all targets so long as the magic spell is compatible with All.             [

I swapped Barret's Sense for the Mega All, this really is one of the best 
Materias in the game. Now head through to the next screen and *STOP! TURN 
AROUND* and head back the way you came until you come to the second fork, 
then take the upper-left path saving along the way.

 NOTES - If you were to have headed clockwise around the Bottom of the 
         Northern Cave area you would  have triggered your allies to join you. 
         This would subsequently remove the items from the field, but only 
         after you've received the items from them, and only the item that 
         they give you is removed, as you receive it.

       - You must have entered into this final bottom screen (where the music 
         stops) before making your way back up. 

--D3.02 C - The Upper-Left Path

>  ENEMIES:                                     ************  [MASTER        <
>           [             MOVER] [  MAGIC POT] [ CHRISTOPHER]    TONBERRY]   <
>                                               ************                 <
> ------Lv: [----------------59] [---------41] [----------34] [--------45]   <
> ------HP: [--------------3000] [-------4096] [--------6000] [-----44444]   <
> ------MP: [---------------120] [--------128] [---------200] [-------100]   <
> -----EXP: [------------------] [-------8000] [--------1300] [------6000]   <
> ------AP: [---------------800] [-------1000] [----------80] [-------200]   <
> -----GIL: [-------------30000] [-------8500] [---------800] [------6800]   <
> ---STEAL: [-------Turbo Ether] [-----------] [--Earth Drum] [----Elixir]   <
> ---MORPH: [------Protect Ring] [-----------] [------------] [----Ribbon]   <
> --DROP 1: [-------Turbo Ether] [Turbo Ether] [Phoenix Down] [-Megalixir]   <
> --DROP 2: [------------------] [-----------] [-------Ether] [----------]   <
> -NULLIFY: [------------------] [-----------] [------------] [-------GRV]   <
> ---HALVE: [FRE--ICE--LHT--ERT] [-----------] [------------] [----------]   <
> -E-SKILL: [------------------] [-----------] [---FROG SONG] [----------]   <
>                                                                            <
>                                 #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#
>           [ALLEMAGNE] [ GIGHEE] <               NOTE ON ENEMIES:           |
>                                 <                                          |
> ------Lv: [-------48] [-----34] <  The enemies listed above can only be    |
> ------HP: [-----8000] [---5500] <  fought on the first two screens as you  |
> ------MP: [------200] [----100] <  enter the upper-left path. The movers,  |
> -----EXP: [-----1300] [----700] <  although rare come in groups of 3,      |
> ------AP: [------100] [-----60] <  offering 2400 AP per battle! Combine    |
> -----GIL: [-----1360] [----600] <  that with a triple growth weapon and    |
> ---STEAL: [-Eye Drop] [-Elixir] <  you're talking 7200 AP, which is        |
> ----DROP: [-Eye Drop] [--Ether] <  absolutely ridiculous!!!                |
> -NULLIFY: [------ERT] [-------] <                                          |
> --DOUBLE: [------WND] [-------] <  The Magic Pots also give out high       |
#~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#  amounts of AP too but cannot be touched |
|                                    until you have fed them an Elixir       |
| (which you can steal from the Gighee, Master Tonberry, or just use the     |
| W-Item trick), but not a Megalixir. Be very wary of their counter attacks  |
| in which they will steal one of your precious items (such as you ultimate  |
| weapons etc.) then disappear from battle completely, losing the stolen     |
| item forever.                                                              |

--Items - Magic Source, Remedy, Vaccine, Shield Materia, Imperial Guard, Hero 
          Drink, W-Magic Materia, Counter Materia

 NOTE - If you hadn't visited the screen at the bottom of the crater then you 
        will not be allowed to visit the upper-left area. Cloud will simply 
        say �Cid will handle this� (or whichever party member you sent down 
        that path).

  It's in these first two screens that you'll be spending a fair amount of  
time grinding in. Just remember to save every few battles or so, there's 
nothing worse than having a Magic pot steal one your most valuable weapons, 
forcing you to re-load your previous save, unless of course you've been 
saving regularly. Note that you cannot PHS whilst in the North Crater.

 NOTE - I advise on using your Save Crystal in the first screen, near the 
        entrance. Save into new slot also, just in case you sent somebody the 
        wrong way by mistake.

First head right and jump over to the visible chest for a [MAGIC SOURCE], 
then head to the left and jump up to the slightly raised area. As you run 
north you'll dive into the water, emerging on the pathway to the right. 
follow the path round to the left for a chest containing a [REMEDY].

Now make your way east to the next screen. As you enter, head north west 
first to the far chest containing a [VACCINE]. Then head round to the rock 
face and GRAB THAT MATERIA!, the [SHIELD MATERIA] that you see sitting there.

>From the rack face, head south west to dive into the water again, you will 
emerge at the nearest chest which contains the amazing [IMPERIAL GUARD]. Dive 
back into the water then climb the rock face to the top. 

Now head back to the middle fork this time heading right to a chest 
containing a [HERO DRINK]. Then make your way north and east to the next 

Just to the north beneath the undergrowth you should be able to make out the 
purple orb, this is the [W-MAGIC MATERIA]. Now head to the left but before 
going through the opening, head down to the centre of the glowing Lifestream 
to pick up the [COUNTER MATERIA]. This is the last piece of Materia in the 
game. GRAB THAT LAST MATERIA! You still have the 'Master Materia' to obtain, 
but they are not obtained through conventional means; more to follow.

 NOTE - (Command) Counter is a support Materia that can be linked with moves  
        such as Mug, Morph, Deathblow etc. I suggest equipping with Deathblow 
        right away.

You don't need to head through the opening on the left as it will lead down 
to the bottom of the Northern Cave area, so instead turn around and start 
making your way back to the initial fork, this time taking the right path 
(saving along the way).

--D3.02 D - The Right Path

>  ENEMIES:  *************   *************   *************   ************    <
>            *************   *************   *************   ************    <
> ------Lv: [-----------54] [-----------48] [-----------41] [----------51]   <
> ------HP: [--------13000] [---------7000] [---------4000] [--------6000]   <
> ------MP: [----------400] [----------400] [----------220] [---------300]   <
> -----EXP: [---------4000] [---------1800] [---------1000] [--------1100]   <
> ------AP: [----------300] [----------200] [----------100] [---------100]   <
> -----GIL: [---------2800] [---------1200] [---------1000] [--------1000]   <
> ---STEAL: [-----Cauldron] [--Turbo Ether] [--------Hyper] [------Remedy]   <
> ---MORPH: [------Vaccine] [-------------] [-------------] [------Remedy]   <
> --DROP 1: [-----Cauldron] [Kiss Of Death] [-----X-Potion] [------Remedy]   <
> --DROP 2: [-----X-Potion] [-----X-Potion] [-------------] [------------]   <
> --ABSORB: [----------RES] [-------------] [----------FRE] [------------]   <
> -NULLIFY: [-------------] [----------RES] [-------------] [---------ERT]   <
> --DOUBLE: [----------HLY] [-------------] [-------------] [----WND--HLY]   <
> E-SKILL1: [PANDORA'S BOX] [-------------] [-------------] [MAGIC BREATH]   <
>                                                                            < 
>            ***********  #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#
>           [    MALBORO] <                 NOTE ON ENEMIES:                 |
>            ***********  <                                                  |
> ------Lv: [---------44] <  Make sure to have Ribbons equipped as the       |
> ------HP: [-------4400] <  Malboro's Bad Breath can cause a whole world of |
> ------MP: [--------900] <  nasty Statuses. The Pollensalta's Angel         |
> -----EXP: [-------1000] <  Whisper is one of the best Enemy Skills in the  |
> ------AP: [--------100] <  game as it will revive and/or fully restore a   |
> -----GIL: [--------100] <  players HP and Status.                          |
> ---STEAL: [M-Tentacles] <                                                  |
> --DROP 1: [M-Tentacles] <  If your Luck is too high then you will have a   |
> --DROP 2: [Echo Screen] <  hard time learning Roulette as the move favours |
> --ABSORB: [--------PSN] <  those with low Luck (it's basically a cross     |
> -NULLIFY: [--------GRV] <  between spin the bottle and Russian roulette).  |
> --DOUBLE: [--------WTR] <  To make things easier, put all four Enemy       |
> -E-SKILL: [-BAD BREATH] <  Skills on the player with the lowest Luck, and  |
#~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#  remember to use Death Force! (or a Safety Bit,  |
|                            or Added Effect=Destruct.)                      |
|                                                                            |
| The Dragon Zombie can be quite powerful, so watch out! It is classed as an |
| Undead creature, so you can use things such as Cure3 and White Wind (which |
| will Petrify it). If you missed Shadow Flare from Ultimate Weapon then now |
| would be the time to learn it, not to mention....                          |

?       _______________        _______________        _______________        ?
?       !!TROPHY NOTE!!        !!TROPHY NOTE!!        !!TROPHY NOTE!!        ?
?       ```````````````        ```````````````        ```````````````        ?
?                                                                            ?
?   TROPHY NOTE - PANDORA'S BOX                                              ?
?                                                                            ?
?   At some point during your descent down the right path you are going to   ?
?   bump into the Dragon Zombie. MAKE SURE to have all four Enemy Skills     ?
?   equipped as Pandora's Box is programmed to only ever be used ONCE PER    ?
?   GAME. It will be used as a counter attack once the final blow has been   ?
?   struck, and it'll never use the move again. Pandora's Box will hit all   ?
?   targets.                                                                 ?
?                                                                            ?
?       _______________        _______________        _______________        ?
?       !!TROPHY NOTE!!        !!TROPHY NOTE!!        !!TROPHY NOTE!!        ?
?       ```````````````        ```````````````        ```````````````        ?

 NOTE - Ok, so I've read a few reports saying that the Dragon Zombie will 
        very un-occasionally use Pandora's Box a second time, I've also read 
        reports saying that it's never used it because he was defeated too 
        quickly on the first encounter, and they were never able to complete 
        their Enemy Skill Materia on that play-through. These are all false; 
        it is scripted into the enemy AI for Pandora's Box to be used as a 
        finishing move *every time you encounter it*, UNLESS the 'Pandora's 
        Box' flag is highlighted. This flag is highlighted automatically 
        after the move is cast the first time, thereby making it impossible 
        to be used again.

--Items - Mystile, Elixir, Speed Source, Tetra Element, Megalixir x 2,
          Luck Source

  First make your way down the spiralling path to the next screen. When 
prompted, jump down to the landing below. First open the chest on your left 
for the [MYSTILE], then grab the [ELIXIR] on the right. I suggest equipping 
the Mystile straight way.

Keep spiralling your way down to the next screen to grab the visible chest 
containing a [SPEED SOURCE] (it seems as though the North Crater is the 
'source' for Sources, aside from the Gelnika that is). Now head over south 
east for a chest containing the [TETRA ELEMENT]. Tetra Elements can also be 
morphed from the Cactuer on an island south of Cosmo Canyon.

Now head north until you come to a chest containing a [MEGALIXIR].

Then run south slightly, and head all the way west to reach another chest 
containing a another [MEGALIXIR], then make your way back east and then north 
to the next screen.

 NOTE - There should only be four enemies left to obtain Enemy Skills from, 
        see the enemy listings above. By the time you reach the 'meeting 
        point' in the bottom screen you should have obtained all Enemy Skills!

Make your way down the huge bone structure until you come to the bottom of 
the northern cave area once more. As you make your way round, pick up the 
[LUCK SOURCE] from the chest. You've now finished collecting all the items 
from the North Crater, hoo-rah! Head clockwise around the opening to trigger 
your comrades to appear.

 NOTE - Interesting fact, if you had decided to leave the crater and return 
        to the Highwind prior to reaching the final screen, when you returned 
        to the left and right fork, you would be able to re-select which 
        paths you wanted to send everyone down. If however you'd decided to 
        return to the Highwind *after* you'd reach the final screen (but 
        before triggering everyone's appearance), then it would mess with the 
        games mechanics slightly. When you did triggered everyone's 
        appearance, the game would think that Cloud has travelled the right 
        path, and sent everyone else left. You would then receive an item 
        from each character (even the ones that travelled with you), and each 
        item would have a 50/50 chance of being an item from the upper left 
        path or the lower left path, regardless of which path you initially 
        sent them down.

Now is the time to collect all of your duplicated items. If you've done 
everything correctly then you can talk to:
Cid      for the Imperial Guard
Tifa     for the Mystile (although it'll read 'Mythril')
Red XIII for the Shield Materia
Vincent  for the Magic Source &
Yuffie   for the Counter Materia (although she'll be very reluctant to hand  
                                  it over)


 NOTE - A glitch would have occurred if you had sent Cait Sith down the lower-
        left path; he would have handed over an X-Potion, although the Turbo 
        Ether would have been removed from the field.

You are now going to want to make the long ascent out of the North Crater so 
that you can PHS. The upcoming boss battle will be very unique in the sense 
that you will be able to use more than one party whilst fighting it, so 
you're going to want to set-up everyone beforehand (although you will get 
another opportunity to later on, it's just easier to do it this way. Besides, 
I'm itching to get Cait Sith out of my party now).

 NOTE - You actually have a choice to make. You can either finish the game 
        now at a level where Sephiroth will still pose a challenge, THEN you 
        can re-load your save to finish grinding for 99,999,999 gil, raising 
        Cloud to level 99 and defeating Emerald and Ruby WEAPON. OR you can 
        skip down to section D3.04 - The Final Grind now to do all the above 
        and then come back to finish the game when you will be ridiculously 
        over-powered, but for the sake of continuity I'd advise finishing the 
        game now.

|                                                                            |
| {D3.03} - The Final Battle                                                 |
|                                                                            |
| ITEMS:  None                                                               |

--D3.03 A - Getting Set-Up

  Before heading down to face Sephiroth please bear in mind the following:

There are four boss battles in total, and the battle strategies that you 
adopted in the first fight will directly affect the difficulty of the 
following fights. Your party's average level and whether or not Yuffie and 
Vincent have been recruited also play a part in the difficulty.

Battle 1 - Jenova-Synthesis
Battle 2 - Bizarro-Sephiroth
Battle 3 - Safer-Sephiroth
Battle 4 - Sephiroth

Bizarro Sephiroth will either be fought with one, two or three parties, and 
the more parties you fight with, the tougher the challenge will be. The 
following conditions will determine how many parties are chosen:

If ANY one of the following occurs then it'll be a ONE party battle:

- Jenova-Synthesis managed 13 turns before she activated the Ultima countdown.
- The lowest levelled player is level 34 or lower.
- The average level is level 53 or lower (add up every characters level then 
  divide by the amount of characters, rounded down).

 NOTE - Aeris's level does not factor into any of these figures, nor will 
        Yuffie's and/or Vincent's had you not obtained them.

If you DON'T meet the criteria for a one party battle but ANY one of the 
following occurs then it'll be a TWO party battle:

- You have failed to obtain either Yuffie or Vincent (or both).
- The lowest levelled player is level 44 or lower.
- The average level is level 67 or lower.

All of the following must occur for it to be a three party battle:

- Yuffie and Vincent must have been obtained
- Jenova-Synthesis managed 12 turns or less before she activated the Ultima 
- The lowest levelled player is level 45 or higher.
- The average level is level 68 or higher.

I worked out that my average level was 61 at this stage, so I decided to 
place my lowest levelled characters in my party and train until my average 
level was 68 seeing as I enjoy the more difficult version of Bizarro-
Sephiroth. Magic Pots, Master Tonberrys, Dark Dragons, Scissors and Dragon 
Zombies all give out high amounts of EXP, don't forget to equip the EXP Plus 
Materia also.

 NOTE - It is completely optional whether or not you train to get your 
        average level up to 68 or not, just bear in mind that if you are 
        going to train then you're going to want to start to think about 
        which Materias you want mastering. Concentrate on the following:

        Revive        (Lv 2) x 3  |  Mime                    x 3*  
        Added Effect         x 3  |  Morph                   x 3*
        Quadra Magic  (Lv 5) x 2* |  Counter Attack   (Lv 5) x 9
        Final Attack  (Lv 5) x 3  |  Hades                   x 3
        Magic Counter (Lv 5) x 3* |  HP Plus          (Lv 5) x 8
        Sneak Attack  (Lv 5) x 3  |  Mega All         (Lv 5) x 3
        Counter       (Lv 5) x 3  |  Knights of Round (Lv 5) x 1*

        * = Equip on a triple growth weapon.

        I'll go into more detail as to the exact reasons for the above 
        choices a little later on, for now don't be afraid to use Rune 
        Armlets if you really want some decent AP!

Once I had met the criteria for a three party battle I set my three teams up 
as follows (you may need to head over to Fort Condor to buy a few pieces of 


 1) Cloud - Lv 77 (Front)
                                                       Enemy Skill, Double Cut
     Ultima Weapon - All=Restore, Steal as Well=Deathblow, Sneak Attack=Mug,
     Mystile       - Counter=Deathblow, Counter Attack, Magic Plus,
     Safety Bit                                               HP Plus, MP Plus

 2) Yuffie - Lv 65 (Back)
                                                           Speed Plus, HP Plus
     Conformer - Added Cut=Deathblow, Enemy Skill, Mime, EXP Plus, Luck Plus,
     Mystile   - Added Effect=Odin, Counter=Deathblow, Counter Attack, 
     Champion Belt                                                    Mega All

 3) Cid - Lv 68 (Front) 
     Venus Gospel   - All=Time, All=Heal, Final Attack=Revive, MP Turbo=Comet, 
     Imperial Guard - Added Effect=Destruct, Slash-All, HP Plus, Bahamut ZERO,
     Ribbon                                                   Knights of Round

TEAM 2: 

 1) Barret - Lv 68 (Back)
                                                          HP Plus, Neo Bahamut
     Missing Score - All=Barrier, HP Absorb=Deathblow, W-Item, Counter Attack,
     Ziedrich      -                                                         
     Champion Belt                                                             

 2) Tifa - Lv 67 (Back)
                                                 W-Summon, Bahamut ZERO, Hades
     Premium Heart - HP Absorb=Ultima, Full Cure, Revive, Enemy Skill,
     Mystile       - Magic Counter=Contain, Long Range, Magic Plus, HP Plus,
     Ribbon                                                            MP Plus

 3) Red XIII - Lv 63 (Front)
                                                                       HP Plus
     Limited Moon - All=Restore, All=Ice, Quadra Magic=Ice, Deathblow,
     Ziedrich     -                                                    
     Sprint Shoes                                         


 1) Vincent - Lv 64 (Back)
                                                              HP Plus, Phoenix
     Death Penalty - All=Restore, Enemy Skill, Deathblow, Mug, Counter Attack,
     Ziedrich      -                                                         

 2) Cait Sith - Lv 67 (Front)
                                                             Typoon, Alexander
     HP Shout       - All=Restore, Revive, Deathblow, Counter Attack, MP Plus,
     Imperial Guard - Elemental=Gravity, All=Lightning, 
     Sprint Shoes                                      Magic Counter=Lightning

 NOTE - Don't forget to use your Sources as appropriate. 

This set-up should see you back through the North Crater and all 4 bosses 
without having to change anything. You may want to change to normal growth 
weapons for your descent, but any AP gained after the save point will be 
lost, so switch back to your ultimate weapons after saving.

--D3.03 B - Inside The Planet            (�All right, everyone, let's mosey.�)

|                    >  ENEMIES:                  *************              <
|                    >                            *************              <
| Not that it        > ------Lv: [-----------46] [-----------54] [-------48] <
| matters now but    > ------HP: [--------20000] [--------13000] [-----8000] <
| you can still      > ------MP: [----------100] [----------400] [------200] <
| learn the Enemy    > -----EXP: [--------10000] [---------4000] [-----1300] <
| Skills Pandora's   > ------AP: [----------150] [----------300] [------100] <
| Box and Shadow     > -----GIL: [----------600] [---------2800] [-----1360] <
| Flare if you       > ---STEAL: [-------Elixir] [-----Cauldron] [-Eye Drop] <
| haven't already    > ---MORPH: [-Escort Guard] [------Vaccine] [---------] <
| (heavily assuming  > --DROP 1: [-Phoenix Down] [-----Cauldron] [-Eye Drop] <
| that you haven't   > --DROP 2: [-------------] [-----X-Potion] [-Eye Drop] <
| already            > --ABSORB: [-------------] [----------RES] [---------] <
| permanently lost   > -NULLIFY: [-------------] [-------------] [------ERT] <
| Pandora's Box).    > ---HALVE: [ERT--ICE--FRE] [-------------] [---------] <
| Use Aqualung on    > --DOUBLE: [----------WTR] [----------HLY] [------WND] <
| the Iron Man, or   > E-SKILL1: [-------------] [PANDORA'S BOX] [---------] <
| alternatively use  > E-SKILL2: [-------------] [-SHADOW FLARE] [---------] <
| Leviathan.         >                                                       <

--Boss - Jenova-Synthesis Lv 61

   Make your way back down to the bottom of the northern cave, when prompted 
choose 'Let's get going' to head past the point of no return. After an amount 
of dialogue you'll find yourself jumping down a series of floating platforms.

Every time you jump on a platform you will have a 30% chance of fighting an 
enemy, and there are 3 enemies to fight. The chance of fighting each enemy is 
as follows:

1 x Iron Man      - 50%
1 x Dragon Zombie - 40%
1 x Allemagne     - 10%

There are 13 platforms in total, once you have reached the bottom remember to 
use a Megalixir then jump to the final landing. Here you will be attacked by 

*        ________  ________  ________   ________           ___               *
*       |\   __  \|\   __  \|\   ____\ |\   ____\         |\  \              *
*       \ \  \|\ /\ \  \|\  \ \  \___|_\ \  \___|_        \ \  \             *
*        \ \   __  \ \  \\\  \ \_____  \\ \_____  \        \ \__\            *
*         \ \  \|\  \ \  \\\  \|____|\  \\|____|\  \        \|__|            *
*          \ \_______\ \_______\____\_\  \ ____\_\  \            ___         *
*           \|_______|\|_______|\_________\\_________\          |\__\        *
*                              \|_________\|_________|          \|__|        *
*                                ____________ _____________ _______ _______  *
* Start the boss battle as you  |            |             |       |       | *
* would any boss battle, by     |    BOSS    |   JENOVA-   | LEFT  | RIGHT | *
* casting Big Guard and also    | BATTLE: 37 | SYNTHESIS A | ARM B | ARM C | *
* Dragon Force/Shield , then    |____________|_____________|_______|_______| *
* pummel her with everything    |            |             |       |       | *
* you've got. Take out the two  | -------Lv: | 61--------- | ----- | ----- | *
* tentacles first, eventually   | -------HP: | 60000------ | 10000 | 8000- | *
* they will get revived by the  | -------MP: | 600-------- | ----- | ----- | *
* main body and when that       | ------EXP: | 60000------ | ----- | ----- | *
* happens just take them out    | -------AP: | 1000------- | 500-- | 500-- | *
* again. Once you've depleted   | ---ABSORB: | PSN-------- | ----- | ----- | *
* her health to 15,000 she'll   | --NULLIFY: | ERT-------- | ----- | ----- | *
* begin a countdown timer which | ----HALVE: | GRV-------- | ----- | ----- | *
* will last 5 turns. If you     |__________________________________________| *
* haven't destroyed her in that                                              *
* time then she will cast Ultima, then her health will drain to 0 ending the *
* battle. You will not receive any EXP this way (which may affect the amount *
* of parties you go into the next battle with). All in all, this really is   *
* an easy battle.                                                            *
*                                                                            *
*  NOTES - If you cast Knights of the Round then you will grant Bizarro-     *
*          Sephiroth an additional 60,000HP and Safer-Sephiroth an           *
*          additional 80,000HP! If you fancy a challenge, then by all means  *
*          use KOTR to finish Jenova-Synthesis off in one hit, making the    *
*          next two boss battles that much harder.                           *
*                                                                            *
*        - If you fail to drain Jenova's HP to 15,000 within 13 turns        *
*          (meaning she won't have started the countdown) then you will be   *
*          forced to go into the next boss battle with one party only.       *
*                                                                            *
*        - The Left and Right arm do not have their own ATB; all of the      *
*          attacks come from Jenova herself.                                 *
*                                                                            *

After Jenova-Synthesis has been defeated you'll sink further into the planet.

--D3.03 C - Bizarro

--Boss - Bizarro-Sephiroth Lv 61, Safer-Sephiroth Lv 87, Sephiroth Lv 50

  After Sephiroth has decided to show himself, you will be given the option 
of choosing your party/ies. If you've followed my guide then you should be 
able to pick three parties, if not you'll (possibly) only be able to pick 
just one or two. 

Just to re-cap, my parties were Cloud Yuffie & Cid, and then Barret Tifa and 
Red XIII, and lastly Vincent and Cait Sith.

 NOTES - When battling with two or three parties the battle's POV will change 
         from one party to the next. When this happens, Bizarro-Sephiroth's HP 
         status will be saved for that party, then a fully replenished 
         Sephiroth will face the other teams but with varying stats to the 

       - For every player at Lv 99, Bizarro's health will increase by a fixed 
         amount. This amount may vary depending on how many parties and which 
         team of that party you are currently fighting with. The following 
         information should clarify everything:
                 _________ _________________ __________________________
                |         |                 |                          |
  Additional HP | 1 PARTY |    2 PARTIES    |        3 PARTIES         |
  per character |         |-----------------+--------------------------|
  at level 99   |         | Team 1 . Team 2 | Team 1 . Team 2 . Team 3 |
|               |         |        .        |        .        .        |
| Main Body     | 5000    | 5000   . 5000   | 5000   . 4000   . 3000   |
|               |         |        .        |        .        .        |
| Head          | 250     | 250    . 250    | 250    . 250    . 250    |
|               |         |        .        |        .        .        |
| Core          | 1250    | 1750   . 1500   | 2000   . 1500   . 1500   |
|               |         |        .        |        .        .        |
| Right Magic   | 500     | 750    . 750    | 1000   . 1000   . 1000   |
|               |         |        .        |        .        .        |
| Left Magic    | 500     | 500    . 500    | 1000   . 750    . 750    |

The Main Body will also receive an additional 60,000 HP (Team 1 only) if 
Knights if the Round was used on Jenova-Synthesis, giving Bizarro Sephiroth a 
minimum total HP of 60,000 and a maximum total HP of 208,000.

When using various teams, the Right Magic/Left Magic may change to Right 
Shoulder/Right Arm or Left Shoulder/Left Arm respectively, depending on the 
POV of the team.

|>   1 PARTY  <|

*        ________  ________  ________   ________           ___               *
*       |\   __  \|\   __  \|\   ____\ |\   ____\         |\  \              *
*       \ \  \|\ /\ \  \|\  \ \  \___|_\ \  \___|_        \ \  \             *
*        \ \   __  \ \  \\\  \ \_____  \\ \_____  \        \ \__\            *
*         \ \  \|\  \ \  \\\  \|____|\  \\|____|\  \        \|__|            *
*          \ \_______\ \_______\____\_\  \ ____\_\  \            ___         *
*           \|_______|\|_______|\_________\\_________\          |\__\        *
*                              \|_________\|_________|          \|__|        *
*  ______________ ________   ______________________________________________  *
* |              |        | |                                              | *
* | BOSS BATTLE: | 38 A   | |              BIZARRO-SEPHIROTH               | *
* |______________|________| |______________________________________________| *
*                 _____________ _________ ___________ __________ __________  *
*                |             |         |           |          |          | *
*                | MAIN BODY A | HEAD B  | CORE C    | RIGHT D  | LEFT E   | *
*  ______________|_____________|_________|___________|__________|__________| *
* |              |             |         |           |          |          | *
* | ---------Lv: | 61--------- | ------- | --------- | -------- | -------- | *
* | -----MIN HP: | 40000------ | 2000--- | 10000---- | 4000---- | 4000---- | *
* | -----MAX HP: | 140000----- | 4000--- | 20000---- | 8000---- | 8000---- | *
* | ---------MP: | 400-------- | ------- | --------- | -------- | -------- | *
* | -----ABSORB: | ----------- | ------- | --------- | LHT--ICE | FRE--ERT | *
* | ----NULLIFY: | GRV-------- | GRV---- | GRV------ | GRV----- | GRV----- | *
* |________________________________________________________________________| *
*                                                                            *
* Before you can damage the Main Body you need to take out the Core which    *
* will impervious to attacks until the Right and Left Magic have been taken  *
* out, so just focus on big attacks whilst keeping your Big Guard and HP     *
* topped up. The Core will heal the Main Body for roughly 7000 every turn,   *
* so trying to defeat the Main Body before the Core will be very difficult   *
* (but not impossible). You can destroy the Head if you want to, but it'll   *
* just rejuvenate itself eventually. Slash-All, Summons, Comet2, Pandora's   *
* Box and Ultima work very well here, the battle will end when the Main Body *
* is destroyed.                                                              *
*                                                                            *

|>   2 PARTIES   <|

*        ________  ________  ________   ________           ___               *
*       |\   __  \|\   __  \|\   ____\ |\   ____\         |\  \              *
*       \ \  \|\ /\ \  \|\  \ \  \___|_\ \  \___|_        \ \  \             *
*        \ \   __  \ \  \\\  \ \_____  \\ \_____  \        \ \__\            *
*         \ \  \|\  \ \  \\\  \|____|\  \\|____|\  \        \|__|            *
*          \ \_______\ \_______\____\_\  \ ____\_\  \            ___         *
*           \|_______|\|_______|\_________\\_________\          |\__\        *
*                              \|_________\|_________|          \|__|        *
*  ______________ ________   ______________________________________________  *
* |              |        | |                                              | *
* | BOSS BATTLE: | 38 B   | |              BIZARRO-SEPHIROTH               | *
* |______________|________| |______________________________________________| *
*                 _________________________________________________________  *
*                |                                                         | *
*                |                         PARTY 1                         | *
*                |_____________ _________ ___________ __________ __________| *
*                |             |         |           |          |          | *
*                | MAIN BODY A | HEAD B  | CORE C    | R SHL D  | R ARM E  | *
*  ______________|_____________|_________|___________|__________|__________| *
* |              |             |         |           |          |          | *
* | ---------Lv: | 61--------- | ------- | --------- | -------- | -------- | *
* | -----MIN HP: | 40000------ | 2000--- | 14000---- | 6000---- | 4000---- | *
* | -----MAX HP: | 140000----- | 4000--- | 28000---- | 12000--- | 8000---- | *
* | ---------MP: | 400-------- | ------- | --------- | -------- | -------- | *
* | -----ABSORB: | ----------- | ------- | --------- | LHT--ICE | LHT--ICE | *
* | ----NULLIFY: | GRV-------- | GRV---- | GRV------ | GRV----- | GRV----- | *
* |________________________________________________________________________| *
*                 _________________________________________________________  *
*                |                                                         | *
*                |                         PARTY 2                         | *
*                |_____________ _________ ___________ __________ __________| *
*                |             |         |           |          |          | *
*                | MAIN BODY A | HEAD B  | CORE C    | L SHL D  | L ARM E  | *
*  ______________|_____________|_________|___________|__________|__________| *
* |              |             |         |           |          |          | *
* | ---------Lv: | 61--------- | ------- | --------- | -------- | -------- | *
* | -----MIN HP: | 35000------ | 2000--- | 12000---- | 6000---- | 4000---- | *
* | -----MAX HP: | 75000------ | 4000--- | 24000---- | 12000--- | 8000---- | *
* | ---------MP: | 400-------- | ------- | --------- | -------- | -------- | *
* | -----ABSORB: | ----------- | ------- | --------- | GRV--FRE | GRV--FRE | *
* | ----NULLIFY: | GRV-------- | GRV---- | GRV------ | GRV----- | GRV----- | *
* |________________________________________________________________________| *
*                                                                            *
* A slightly different strategy is required when using two parties. each     *
* party will have to defeat the Shoulder and the Arm before the Core will    *
* become vulnerable, and the Core is required to be defeated for both        *
* parties before you can start attacking the Main Body with party 1. Just    *
* focus on big attacks whilst keeping your Big Guard and HP topped up. The   *
* Core will heal the Main Body for roughly 7000 every turn, so trying to     *
* defeat the Main Body before the Core will be very difficult (but not       *
* impossible). You can destroy the Head if you want to, but it'll just       *
* rejuvenate itself eventually. Slash-All, Summons, Comet2, Pandora's Box    *
* and Ultima work very well here, the battle will end when the Main Body is  *
* destroyed.                                                                 *
*                                                                            *

|>   3 PARTIES   <|

*        ________  ________  ________   ________           ___               *
*       |\   __  \|\   __  \|\   ____\ |\   ____\         |\  \              *
*       \ \  \|\ /\ \  \|\  \ \  \___|_\ \  \___|_        \ \  \             *
*        \ \   __  \ \  \\\  \ \_____  \\ \_____  \        \ \__\            *
*         \ \  \|\  \ \  \\\  \|____|\  \\|____|\  \        \|__|            *
*          \ \_______\ \_______\____\_\  \ ____\_\  \            ___         *
*           \|_______|\|_______|\_________\\_________\          |\__\        *
*                              \|_________\|_________|          \|__|        *
*  ______________ ________   ______________________________________________  *
* |              |        | |                                              | *
* | BOSS BATTLE: | 38 C   | |              BIZARRO-SEPHIROTH               | *
* |______________|________| |______________________________________________| *
*                 _________________________________________________________  *
*                |                                                         | *
*                |                         PARTY 1                         | *
*                |_____________ _________ ___________ __________ __________| *
*                |             |         |           |          |          | *
*                | MAIN BODY A | HEAD B  | CORE C    | RIGHT D  | LEFT E   | *
*  ______________|_____________|_________|___________|__________|__________| *
* |              |             |         |           |          |          | *
* | ---------Lv: | 61--------- | ------- | --------- | -------- | -------- | *
* | -----MIN HP: | 40000------ | 2000--- | 16000---- | 8000---- | 8000---- | *
* | -----MAX HP: | 140000----- | 4000--- | 32000---- | 16000--- | 16000--- | *
* | ---------MP: | 400-------- | ------- | --------- | -------- | -------- | *
* | -----ABSORB: | ----------- | ------- | --------- | LHT--ICE | LHT--ICE | *
* | ----NULLIFY: | GRV-------- | GRV---- | GRV------ | GRV----- | GRV----- | *
* |________________________________________________________________________| *
*                 _________________________________________________________  *
*                |                                                         | *
*                |                         PARTY 2                         | *
*                |_____________ _________ ___________ __________ __________| *
*                |             |         |           |          |          | *
*                | MAIN BODY A | HEAD B  | CORE C    | R SHL D  | R ARM E  | *
*  ______________|_____________|_________|___________|__________|__________| *
* |              |             |         |           |          |          | *
* | ---------Lv: | 61--------- | ------- | --------- | -------- | -------- | *
* | -----MIN HP: | 35000------ | 2000--- | 12000---- | 8000---- | 6000---- | *
* | -----MAX HP: | 67000------ | 4000--- | 24000---- | 16000--- | 12000--- | *
* | ---------MP: | 400-------- | ------- | --------- | -------- | -------- | *
* | -----ABSORB: | ----------- | ------- | --------- | LHT--ICE | LHT--ICE | *
* | ----NULLIFY: | GRV-------- | GRV---- | GRV------ | GRV----- | GRV----- | *
* |________________________________________________________________________| *
*                 _________________________________________________________  *
*                |                                                         | *
*                |                         PARTY 3                         | *
*                |_____________ _________ ___________ __________ __________| *
*                |             |         |           |          |          | *
*                | MAIN BODY A | HEAD B  | CORE C    | L SHL D  | L ARM E  | *
*  ______________|_____________|_________|___________|__________|__________| *
* |              |             |         |           |          |          | *
* | ---------Lv: | 61--------- | ------- | --------- | -------- | -------- | *
* | -----MIN HP: | 30000------ | 2000--- | 12000---- | 8000---- | 6000---- | *
* | -----MAX HP: | 54000------ | 4000--- | 24000---- | 16000--- | 12000--- | *
* | ---------MP: | 400-------- | ------- | --------- | -------- | -------- | *
* | -----ABSORB: | ----------- | ------- | --------- | FRE--ERT | FRE--ERT | *
* | ----NULLIFY: | GRV-------- | GRV---- | GRV------ | GRV----- | GRV----- | *
* |________________________________________________________________________| *
*                                                                            *
* Again, a more complicated strategy is required when using three parties as *
* opposed to one or two party/ies. To begin with, start damaging the Left    *
* and Right Magic (D & E), then switch over to the other team when prompted. *
* You must then defeat the Cores on the outer sides using your back up       *
* parties. To do that you must first defeat the Shoulder and Arm to remove   *
* the Core's invulnerability. Once the Core has been destroyed for the 2nd   *
* party switch to the 3rd party to destroy the Shoulder and Arm there, and   *
* then destroy the Core (don't switch to party 3 until the core for party 2  *
* has been destroyed). Once the two 'outer' Cores have been destroyed you    *
* can then switch back to Cloud's party to destroy the third and final Core  *
* (not before taking out the Left and Right Magic), thus enabling you to     *
* damage the Main Body with team 1.                                          *
*                                                                            *
* The Core is required to be defeated before you can start attacking the     *
* Main Body as the Core will heal the Main Body every turn for roughly 7000  *
* HP, so trying to defeat the Main Body before the Core will be very         *
* difficult (but not impossible). Just focus on big attacks whilst keeping   *
* your Big Guard and HP topped up. You can destroy the Head if you want to,  *
* but it'll just rejuvenate itself eventually. Slash-All, Summons, Comet2,   *
* Pandora's Box and Ultima work very well here, the battle will end when the *
* Main Body is destroyed.                                                    *
*                                                                            *

Wow, that was by far the hardest boss of the game to try to have to explain. 
the next boss should be far simpler, and will take place straight after this 
one has finished.

Every character that is at level 99 will boost Safer-Sephiroth's HP by 
30,000, aswell as Attack by 2, Defence by 20, Magic by 5 and Magic Defence by 
16. Also, if Knights of the Round was used on Jenova-Synthesis then Safer's 
HP will be boosted by an additional 80,000.

Lastly, every time that you were able to destroy the Head of Bizarro, Safer's 
HP will be reduced by 100, up to a maximum of 24,900 HP. This gives Safer-
Sephiroth a range between 80,000 and 400,000 HP!

 NOTE - This third battle is technically considered the final battle of the 
        game seeing as the fourth battle isn't really considered a battle as 
        such, but more of an ending. In other words, go all out on Safer-
        Sephiroth and don't hold anything back!

*        ________  ________  ________   ________           ___               *
*       |\   __  \|\   __  \|\   ____\ |\   ____\         |\  \              *
*       \ \  \|\ /\ \  \|\  \ \  \___|_\ \  \___|_        \ \  \             *
*        \ \   __  \ \  \\\  \ \_____  \\ \_____  \        \ \__\            *
*         \ \  \|\  \ \  \\\  \|____|\  \\|____|\  \        \|__|            *
*          \ \_______\ \_______\____\_\  \ ____\_\  \            ___         *
*           \|_______|\|_______|\_________\\_________\          |\__\        *
*                              \|_________\|_________|          \|__|        *
*  ____________________________________________   ______________ __________  *
* |                                            | |              |          | *
* |               SAFER-SEPHIROTH              | | BOSS BATTLE: | 39       | *
* |____________________________________________| |______________|__________| *
*                                                |              |          | *
* Safer's MP will replenish after every turn,    | ---------Lv: | 87------ | *
* meaning it'll never deplete. Cast a Megalixir  | -----MIN HP: | 80000--- | *
* to begin with if your players are beaten up    | -----MAX HP: | 400000-- | *
* from the last battle, then cast Slow on Safer  | ---------MP: | 680----- | *
* Sephiroth. Follow up with the usual dose of    | ----NULLIFY: | GRV--ERT | *
* Big Guard, then use Reflect (or use a Mirror   |_________________________| *
* if you have one) followed by Dragon Force                                  *
* twice on every one.                                                        *
*                                                                            *
* Whilst two people stay on the defensive for the first few turns, have one  *
* person go on the offensive. This boss has a very predictable pattern which *
* it will repeat over and over again until the battle ends, making this      *
* penultimate battle not so difficult:                                       *
*                                                                            *
*  Turn 1: Alternates between Wall and DeSpell. He'll usually start by       *
*          casting Wall on himself, then on the next cycle he'll cast        *
*          DeSpell on your party. If he is under Slow then he will always    *
*          cast DeSpell on himself.                                          *
*                                                                            *
*  Turn 2: If he used Wall on his previous turn then he'll use Shadow Flare. *
*          If he used DeSpell on his previous turn then he'll use Deen.      *
*                                                                            *
*  Turn 3: Physical Attack.                                                  *
*                                                                            *
*  Turn 4: He will become airborne, meaning only long-ranged players can     *
*          attack him.                                                       *
*                                                                            *
*  Turn 5: He will use Pale Horse. This will cause Sadness Frog & Small,     *
*          aswell as taking out roughly 2500HP.                              *
*                                                                            *
*  Turn 6: He will use Super Nova. This will cause Confusion Silence and     *
*          Slow, aswell as taking out 15/16th's of everyone's HP.            *
*                                                                            *
*  Turn 7: If Safer's HP is above 25% then he will cast Break.               *
*          If Safer's HP is below 25% then he will cast Heartless Angel.     *
*                                                                            *
*  Turn 8: He will land back on the ground, no longer being long-ranged.     *
*                                                                            *
* So you can use DeBarrier to void his Wall and then cast Slow on him        *
* afterwards. I can�t stress this enough, keep your HP topped up as Shadow   *
* Flare can wipe out one of you characters in one hit. Use your strongest    *
* moves such as Bahamut ZERO, Comet2, Shadow Flare or just even 4xCut (or    *
* 2xCut if you haven t unlocked it yet).                                     *
*                                                                            *

Once you have defeated Safer-Sephiroth you will be back at the base of the 
North Crater. After watching some CGI you will find yourself in one final 
battle with Sephiroth, and this battle is impossible to lose.

*        ________  ________  ________   ________           ___               *
*       |\   __  \|\   __  \|\   ____\ |\   ____\         |\  \              *
*       \ \  \|\ /\ \  \|\  \ \  \___|_\ \  \___|_        \ \  \             *
*        \ \   __  \ \  \\\  \ \_____  \\ \_____  \        \ \__\            *
*         \ \  \|\  \ \  \\\  \|____|\  \\|____|\  \        \|__|            *
*          \ \_______\ \_______\____\_\  \ ____\_\  \            ___         *
*           \|_______|\|_______|\_________\\_________\          |\__\        *
*                              \|_________\|_________|          \|__|        *
*  ____________________________________________   ______________ __________  *
* |                                            | |              |          | *
* |                 SEPHIROTH                  | | BOSS BATTLE: | 40       | *
* |____________________________________________| |______________|__________| *
*                                                |              |          | *
* As previously mentioned, this battle is        | ---------Lv: | 50------ | *
* impossible to lose. As soon as the battle      | ---------HP: | 1------- | *
* begins Cloud's Limit gauge will gradually fill |______________|__________| *
* up completely, and even if you hadn't obtained                             *
* the Omnislash Limit Break for Cloud it will become available for this one  *
* fight only. Enjoy killing Sephiroth!                                       *
*                                                                            *
*  NOTES - If you hadn't previously unlocked the Omnislash Achievement       *
*          (Steam version) then it would pop now. Why did I put you through  *
*          all that trouble in the Battle Arena then you ask? Because you    *
*          needed Omnislash to enter into  he 'Special Battle', which was    *
*          needed for the Final Attack Materia, which is needed for the      *
*          Materia Overlord Achievement (so there)!                          *
*                                                                            *
*        - If you'd decided to just stand there not using Omnislash, then    *
*          Sephiroth would use his Cut attack reducing Cloud's HP to         *
*          critical. After which, Cloud would counter killing Sephiroth in   *
*          one hit (regardless of whether you had Counter Attack equipped or *
*          not).                                                             *
*                                                                            *

Congratulations, you have just completed Final Fantasy VII! It isn't over yet 
however, there's still an amount of optional things to do (such as defeating 
the WEAPONS). For now, just relax and enjoy the cinematics brought to you by 
Hironobu Sakaguchi and co. and I'll reconvene with you once you've reloaded 
your save in the North Crater.

 NOTE - After the credits have finished rolling you will get an extra short 
        bit of footage which is worth hanging on for. When you get to the 
        shooting stars screen you can reset the game as this screen will 
        never end (newer versions will not have the 'never ending' screen, and 
        instead the game will reset).

         _______   ______     ____  ______   ____  _________ __ __    _____    
        / ____/ | / / __ \   / __ \/ ____/  / __ \/  _/ ___// //_/   |__  /
       / __/ /  |/ / / / /  / / / / /_     / / / // / \__ \/ ,<       /_ < 
      / /___/ /|  / /_/ /  / /_/ / __/    / /_/ // / ___/ / /| |    ___/ / 
     /_____/_/ |_/_____/   \____/_/      /_____/___//____/_/ |_|   /____/  

                                                          Finished 30/May/2015

)                                                                            (
)    If you're finding this walkthrough to be helpful, please remember to    (
)                            rate/recommend/like                             (
)                                                                            (
|                                                                            |
| {D3.04} - The Final Grind                                                  |
|                                                                            |
| ITEMS:                                                                     |
|         |_| Desert Rose       |_| Earth Harp        |_| Master Command     |
|         |_| Gold Chocobo      |_| Master Magic      |_| Master Summon      |


I plan to divide this final section into 5 sub-sections, but before doing 
anything else I'd just like to quickly conclude the storyline: 

 NOTE - In the final scene with Red XIII, I'm sure the cliff side that they 
        all convened on was the exact same cliff where Zack had died...

The very final fight in the game appears to be a fight of the mind, there are 
numerous things pointing towards this. After all, Sephiroth's main weapon 
throughout the game was his will, remember he remained encapsulated within 
the North Crater the entire time whilst creating copies of himself using only 
the power of his mind (cast your own mind back to the quote from your first 
visit to Wall Market - �It's started moving�, this was a reference to 
Sephiroth's awakening). I believe that Cloud had destroyed what remained of 
Sephiroth's psyche during that final fight, once he was defeated there was 
nothing holding the White Materia back from activating Holy.

 NOTE - I find it interesting to see blood on Sephiroth's face. So if blood 
        was acceptable on a Teen rated game in 1997, why then did Aeris shed 
        no blood when Sephiroth penetrated her with his long Masamune blade? 
        Maybe the Cetra can't shed blood, or maybe it wasn't the real Aeris, 
        it was just an Aeris-bot of which the Shinra had mass produced 
        thousands of on the down-low. Or more realistically, maybe the Dev's 
        had filled Disk 1 up with so much info that they just couldn't 
        squeeze that extra little bit of red-ness onto Sephiroth's sword?!?

Black Materia. Used for summoning the 'Ultimate Destruction Magic' (or 
Meteor), which will cause mass destruction to the planet. White Materia. Used 
for summoning 'Ultimate White Magic' (or Holy), which will save the planet 
from Meteor, as well as anything else that the Planet deems to be 'bad' for 
it. As Sephiroth killed Aeris she was seemingly praying, but what she was 
actually doing was asking the planet to activate her White Magic. Just before 
she died the Planet had received Aeris's prayer and activated the White 
Materia, however Sephiroth's will was suppressing its effects, meaning that 
Holy could not be summoned. That was just a re-cap of what you learned at the 
Forgotten Capitol with Bugenhagen.

After Cloud had defeated Sephiroth's will, the White Materia was no longer 
subdued and the power of Holy was released. This was the blue wave that you 
saw destroy the Meteor's red tornadoes. Unfortunately, Meteor was already too 
close to hitting the planet and Holy's power alone wasn't enough to defeat it 
(not without gravely harming the Planet anyway). The thing that isn't clearly 
explained to us is what takes place next. Aeris, although dead hasn't fully 
returned to the planet yet, and sensing the Planets need for help she summons 
the power of Lifestream to aid Holy. The Lifestream then pushed Meteor back 
far enough for Holy to work its magic, thus destroying Meteor for good. What 
remains of the White and Black Materia remains unknown, what is known is that 
the planet decided to spare the humans and life on the planet continued.

 NOTES - As explained in the film Final Fantasy VII Advent Children, when 
         Cloud defeated Sephiroth his remnants still remained within the 
         Lifestream, and as a result of Lifestream flooding the planet many 
         people got sick with a disease called Geostigma. Subsequently, the 
         Jenova DNA that was contained within the Geostigma was enough for a 
         second reunion to take place two years after the events of FF VII.

       - Advent Children was crap, so don't waste your time on it. If you 
         want something to watch then check out Final Fantasy VII Last Order 
         which is a 25 minute manga-style film based on the events of the 
         Nibelheim Incident 5 years ago. Or even watch Crisis Core: Final 
         Fantasy VII Full Film [HD] if you have the time, it's a 2 and a half 
         hour film taken from the game Crisis Core.

--D3.04 A - The Swamp Part I - Preparing for the Gelnika

|                                                                            |
|                              NOTE TO READERS:                              |
|                                                                            |
| My end-game methods focus more on becoming an FFVII God, as opposed to     |
| walking you through the necessary steps for defeating the WEAPONS, and     |
| only the hardcore players should follow the following sub-sections to the  |
| letter. I pride myself however in offering the 'Ultimate' Emerald WEAPON   |
| strategy!!                                                                 |
|                                                                            |
| For much easier methods for defeating the WEAPONS visit section E.16, or   |
| alternatively you can skim through the final portion of my guide, picking  |
| and choosing how much of it you actually complete (recommended). OR, you   |
| can do everything I suggest, but the choice is always yours!!!             |

#                                                                            #
#                                                                            #
#   Make sure to sell any Alls that have been mastered, and if you find      #
#   yourself running low on space then be sure to equip some of the players  #
#   not in your team (using the 'Exchange' tab) with some obsolete Materia.  #
#                                                                            #
#   Refrain from selling any pieces other than All, regardless of how full   #
#   your inventory becomes. If you do have to resort to selling your Materia #
#   then only sell ones that can easily be re-bought from a shop. I stress   #
#                                                                            #

  The first thing you're going to want to do is to ascend all the way to the 
top of the crater so you can PHS and strip everybody down. Make sure to equip 
everyone who isn't in your team with 8-slotted weapons and armour. If you're 
not using the W-Item trick, then I highly suggest stocking up on a load of 
Tents right about now.

Set up a party with Yuffie and Cid and then make your way to the swamp area 
on the upper-left path. What we are mainly concentrating on here is preparing 
for the Gelnika whilst loosely thinking about the WEAPON battles. Here is the 
load-out I recommend starting out with:

 1) Cloud - Lv 78 (Front)
     Apocalypse  - Quadra Magic, Sneak Attack, Magic Counter,                 
     Rune Armlet - Mime, Counter Attack, Mega All, EXP Plus         
     Safety Bit                                                                

 2) Yuffie - Lv 67 (Back)
     Rising Sun  - Final Attack=Revive, Added Effect=Hades              
     Rune Armlet - Magic Counter, Counter, Slash-All, Enemy Lure            
     Curse Ring                                                                

 3) Cid - Lv 70 (Front)
     Scimitar    - Morph, Knights of the Round                           
     Rune Armlet - Added Cut, Counter, Double Cut, Counter Attack

This load-out should make it so you can still defend yourself adequately in 
battle whilst also Leveling up the Materia necessary for becoming a God. Note 
that Knights of the Round must stay in your load out as it requires by far 
the most amount of AP to master - 500,000!

 NOTES - Ruby and Emerald WEAPON will each give 50,000 AP. Combine that with 
         Triple Growth weapons and you're talking 300,000  AP!

       - Go into Config and turn the Battle Speed up all the way.

Your main goal is to obtain the following before heading out of the North 

3 x Morph
1 x Sneak Attack (Mastered)
1 x Counter (Mastered)
2 x Mime

If you wanted to master 3 Morphs for a fourth copy so that you can pair one 
with Steal as well then that would be fine (the first two are being paired 
with 2 Sneak Attacks, and third is being paired with Counter). Also, aim to 
get three Added Effects with Hades as they are awesome. You cannot use 
Counter Attacks in the Gelnika as it will ruin your Morphing chances so try 
to Master a few now, you're eventually going to want 9 of them mastered in 
total (for Emerald). 3 Final Attacks with 3 Revives should be on your to-get 
list, and also 2 mastered Enemy Lures (as they will stack).

                  Watch your Elixir count! There's nothing worse than being 
                  in a battle with the Magic Pots with no Elixirs; they'll 
 WORD OF WARNING! steal from you then they'll run away, so your only option 
                  would be to flee yourself before they've stolen your most 
                  valuable weapon!!!
]                                                                            [
] SIDE NOTE - EXTENDED W-ITEM TRICK (works on PS4 version)                   [
]                                                                            [
] While the W-Item trick is widely known about, not a great deal of folk are [
] aware of some of the more practical uses of how it can work; I wasn't when [
] I first wrote this portion of the guide, so I've include it now as an      [
] addition. I'm now going to breakdown exactly how to use the Extended       [
] W-Item trick to explain how to duplicate yourself every type of Source     [
] MUCH quicker than the 'Sunken Gelnika' method:                             [
]                                                                            [
]   First make sure that you have *one* expendable item at the top of the    [
]   inventory list (such as a Potion), then make sure that you have 0 of     [
]   the item you wish to duplicate (say, a Power Source). Depending on the   [
]   enemy formation, you may have a few variations to set-up for. Set the    [
]   ATB to wait.                                                             [
]                                                                            [
]  MULTIPLE GROUPS OF ENEMIES (Power, Guard, Speed and Luck Source)          [
]                                                                            [
] Set Yuffie up with Morph, Cloud with Manipulate and player 3 with W-Item.  [
] When you engage the enemy, make sure to kill off all but 2 of them, and    [
] Manipulate one of them. Now have Yuffie cast Morph. Before the move is     [
] executed, have player 3 use W-Item, and use the single Potion as your      [
] first item. Now wait for the enemy to be Morphed into the Source.          [
]                                                                            [
] If done correctly, the Source will fill the same inventory slot that was   [
] occupied by the Potion. You can now select and cancel another item,        [
] thereby duplicating the Power Sources up to 99.                            [
]                                                                            [
]  - Power Source - Screamer, Mt Nibel,       Screen with the Reactor        [
]  - Guard Source - Spiral,   Mideel Area,    Dirt tracks                    [
]  - Speed Source - Poodler,  Sunken Gelnika, Hallway                        [
]  - Luck  Source - Poodler,  Sunken Gelnika, Hallway                        [
]                                                                            [
]  INDIVIDUAL ENEMY (Mind Source)                                            [
]                                                                            [
] As before, make sure to have *one* expendable item at the top of the       [
] inventory list, and to have 0 of the item you wish to duplicate. Set Cloud [
] up with Final Attack=Revive and Quadra Magic=Revive. Set Yuffie up with    [
] Final Attack=Morph, and lastly set player 3 up with W-Item. *MAKE SURE*    [
] that Yuffie is player 1 (at the top) so that she uses Morph before Cloud   [
] uses Life2. Remember to equip Enemy Skill, Cure and to have some Phoenix   [
] Downs.                                                                     [
]                                                                            [
] Enter into battle with the Serpent. Make sure that Cloud's and Yuffie's HP [
] are in critical, then start bringing the Serpent's HP down using L4        [
] Suicide; it is more likely to cast Aqualung that way. The idea is to have  [
] Cloud and Yuffie KO'd at the same time. Yuffie will then retaliate by      [
] Morphing the Serpent into a Mind Source, and Cloud will cast Life2 four    [
] times.                                                                     [
]                                                                            [
] Prior to Yuffie using Morph, make sure that player 3 is sitting in the     [
] W-Item screen with the Potion 'used', awaiting input of the second item.   [
] If done correctly, the Potion's inventory slot will be filled with the     [
] Mind Source, you will then have time to dupe yourself 50 of them while     [
] Cloud casts Life2.                                                         [
]                                                                            [
] The Serpent's attacks are dependent on your party's average current HP and [
] the Serpents Current HP. If the Serpent's current HP is:                   [
]                                                                            [
]  -  0% -  20% of party's current HP, Dragon Dance is used.                 [
]  - 21% -  40% of party's current HP, Huge Tidal Wave is used.              [
]  - 41% -  80% of party's current HP, Aqualung is used.                     [
]  - 81% - 100% of party's current HP, Viper Breath is used.                 [
]                                                                            [
] Using L4 Suicide and Cure, you should be able to regulate the Serpent's HP [
] until it uses Aqualung.                                                    [
]                                                                            [
]  NOTES - If you happen to be playing on a Playstation console, then you    [
]          can simply open the lid, thereby not allowing the battle to       [
]          finish. This way you can dupe the Source without having to go     [
]          through the Final Attack method.                                  [
]                                                                            [
]        - Each additional Quadra Magic that you pair with Revive gives      [
]          Cloud *one* additional casting, for a maximum of 8; so 5 Quadra   [
]          Magics paired with Revive would enable Cloud to cast Revive 8     [
]          times, which would be enough to gain 99 Mind Sources in a single  [
]          battle.                                                           [
]                                                                            [
]  BATTLE ARENA (Magic Source)                                               [
]                                                                            [
] The only way to encounter a 'group' of enemies that can be morphed into a  [
] Magic Source is at the Battle Square - The 8 eye. These can be encountered [
] in round 3, and you have a 1/4 chance of fighting them. For this battle    [
] you must set Yuffie up with (mastered) Counter=Morph. It is imperative     [
] that you cast Stop, Sleep or Paralyzed on one of the 8 Eyes. When the      [
] other attacks, select the single Potion then wait for Yuffie to counter    [
] with Morph. So long as the other 8 Eye cannot attack, you will be able to  [
] dupe yourself 99 Magic Sources. Don't equip Mega All, do equip Seal and    [
] (obviously) W-Item.                                                        [
]                                                                            [
] To read up on a few more uses for the Extended W-Item Trick, such as       [
] duplicating Weapons, Armour and Accessories, use QSI Link [Extended W-Item [
] Trick].                                                                    [

If you're not keen on making use of exploits, and you'd rather obtain your 
Sources the old fashioned way, then continue reading. If you're not bothered 
about Source farming in the slightest then skip to section D3.04 C.

--D3.04 B - The Sunken Gelnika Re-visited

  Before making you way to your sub I suggest making a stop at the reactor in 
Gongaga to fight the Heavy Tank. This is (in my opinion) the easiest way to 
obtain Power Sources (without using exploits) and will help you get Yuffie's 
base damage to 9999 on her attacks. I obtained 50 of them and gave every 
single one of them to her. Alternatively you can use the aforementioned 
Extended W-Item trick to duplicate them using the Screamers in Mt. Nibel.

Here's a tip: With your Gold Chocobo on board your Highwind, land the 
aircraft near the Desert surrounding the Gold Saucer. Then, ride your Gold 
Chocobo over to your sub, then navigate the sub to the dock near the Gold 
Saucer. Now go and retrieve your Gold Chocobo; you've now 'parked' your sub 
much closer to the Sunken Gelnika!

I advise a set-up similar to the following: (M) = Master

 1) Cloud - Lv 82 (Front)
     Apocalypse  - Quadra Magic, Final Attack, Magic Counter            
     Rune Armlet - Added Effect, Mime, EXP Plus, Hades           

 2) Yuffie - Lv 69 (Back)
                                      Enemy Lure(M), Enemy Lure(M), HP PLus(M)
     Conformer - Sneak Attack(M)=Morph(M), Counter(M)=Morph(M), Enemy Skill,
     Mystile   - Sneak Attack=Morph, MP Turbo=Ultima, Contain, Revive, 
     Ribbon                                                           Mega All

 3) Cid - Lv 73 (Front)
     Scimitar    - Added Cut=Knights of Round                            
     Rune Armlet - Comet, Magic Counter, Counter, Double Cut                

 NOTES - This set-up will allow you to occasionally Morph your enemy twice 
         from the outset, which will make the Gelnika a walk in the park!

       - Steam users - it's time to start mastering all of our Materia for 
         the Materia Overlord Achievement, so you're going to want to start 
         working your way down your Materia list soon. 

       - PS4 users you have a choice - you can obtain the Transcendant 
         Convoker Trophy (obtain the Master Summon Materia) by defeating 
         Emerald WEAPON, then trading the item it gives you for the Master 
         Materia, so you don't *have* to master one of every Materia. I would 
         however advise considering mastering your Materia to obtain multiple 
         sets of Master Materia as to become a God.

       - TAKE NOTE of the requirement list found the next section, D3.04 C.

Now make your way over to your sub and SAVE BEFORE SUBMERGING. You don't want 
to lose all of those Power Sources do you? Avoiding Emerald, make your way 
over to the Sunken Gelnika. 

 NOTE - The amount of time you spend in the Gelnika is entirely up to you and 
        it isn't at all necessary to max out your stats in order to defeat 
        the WEAPONs; if you really don't want to spend too long down there 
        then that's fine. Remember that if you get bored then you can 
        alternate between training at the North Crater and the Gelnika  
        (see the section below), and you can always make use of the Extended 
        W-Item Trick.

How you distribute your Sources is up to you, but try to raise everyone�s 
Strength so that they are hitting for 9999 each. I'm giving Cloud *most* of 
my Magic Sources, but again, I'm keen to raise Cid's and Yuffie's stats up 
too (Magic Sources are much harder to come by than Power Sources, unless you 
used the Extended W-Item trick on the 8 eye). Give Yuffie the first 20 or so 
Luck and Speed Sources to keep her hitting for critical damage, hastily, then 
spread the rest out evenly. Mind Sources and Guard Sources can also be evenly 

Here is a re-cap of the enemies you can fight here:


 Poodler - 6000 HP - 70 AP - Morph: Speed Source - Steal: Turbo Ether
 Bad Rap - 9000 HP - 70 AP - Morph: Luck Source  - Steal: Ink

  CARGO ROOM/RESEARCH ROOM: (The Serpent can only be fought in the Cargo 

 Unknown   - 10,000 HP - 150 AP - Morph: Power Source - Steal: Fire Armlet
 Unknown 2 - 13,000 HP - 300 AP - Morph: Guard Source - Steal: Aurora Armlet
 Unknown 3 - 15,000 HP - 200 AP - Morph: Magic Source - Steal: Bolt Armlet
 Serpent   - 14,000 HP -  70 AP - Morph: Mind  Source - Steal: Water Ring 

When I was ready to continue my base stats looked like this (remember to 
remove all Materia and accessories when viewing your stats, aswell as any 
stat altering weapons/armour such as the Apocalypse):

 NOTE - These are the stats I had *without* using the Extended W-Item trick, 
        on my first playthrough:
             _____________ ______________ ___________
            | Cloud Lv 97 | Yuffie Lv 82 | Cid Lv 84 |
|           |             |              |           |
| Strength- | 116-------- | 166--------- | 106------ |
| Dexterity | 86--------- | 91---------- | 82------- |
| Vitality- | 109-------- | 104--------- | 105------ |
| Magic---- | 142-------- | 99---------- | 90------- |
| Spirit--- | 104-------- | 104--------- | 100------ |
| Luck----- | 61--------- | 65---------  | 63------- |

 NOTE - These are the stats I had *with* using the Extended W-Item trick, on 
        my second playthrough:
             _____________ ______________ ___________
            | Cloud Lv 83 | Yuffie Lv 72 | Cid Lv 75 |
|           |             |              |           |
| Strength- | 148-------- | 170--------- | 129------ |
| Dexterity | 147-------- | 166--------- | 126------ |
| Vitality- | 121-------- | 119--------- | 117------ |
| Magic---- | 161-------- | 119--------- | 119------ |
| Spirit--- | 97--------- | 110--------- | 108------ |
| Luck----- | 54--------- | 87---------  | 53------- |

**Don't forget to save before you exit.**

Here is a quick re-cap of where each Source can be morphed:
(* = Extended W-Item Trick)

Power Source -  Heavy Tank - Reactor in Gongaga
               *Screamer   - Mt. Nibel, winding pathway to rector
                Unknown    - Sunken Gelnika Cargo Room

Guard Source - *Bagnadrana      - Mt. Corel Reactor               
               *Spiral          - Mideel Area
                Unknown 2       - Sunken Gelnika Cargo Room
                Maximum Kimaira - Midgar Mako Cannon Area (& Battle Square)
                Armored Golem   - Northern Cave

Magic Source -  Unknown 3 - Sunken Gelnika Cargo Room
               *8 eye     - Temple of The Ancients (& Battle Square)

Mind Source  -  Dragon Rider - Whirlwind Maze (& Battle Square)
                Killbin      - Whirlwind Maze (Can't re-visit)
               *Serpent      - Sunken Gelnika Cargo Room

Speed Source - *Poodler - Sunken Gelnika Hallway

Luck Source  - *Bad Rap - Sunken Gelnika Hallway 

 NOTES - The dirt area near Mideel is the optimal place to battle the Spirals, 
         which is preferable to fighting the Bagnadrana as they won�t appear 
         as often as the Spirals.

       - Have you noticed how 3 different reactors all have enemies that can 
         be morphed into Sources? Corel, Gongaga & Nibelheim!

--D3.04 C - The Swamp Part II - Preparing for the WEAPONs

  Before doing anything else head over to Mideel and talk to the hyperactive 
kid (or go to Costa Del Sol ). Buy 1 Gravity. If you don't already own 4 
Deathblows then head over to Fort Condor to stock up on them.

 NOTE - The Allemagne (flying round creature) will may use L3 Flare as a 
        counter to being hit with magic. Be very wary of L3 Flare as it can 
        wipe your whole team out - stick to physical attacks

I'm not going to bother suggesting a load-out to you now as mine is 
consistently changing. Right now you want to be concentrating on mastering 
one of every Materia for the Materia Overlord Achievement (Steam), as well as 
preparing yourself for Emerald and Ruby WEAPON.

It's worth noting that whilst Cloud's Apocalypse will give you 3 slots of 
triple growth (meaning the equivalent of 9 slots), Cid's Scimitar will only 
give you the equivalent of 6 slots (2 x triple growth). 
Therefore, I highly recommend switching to Cid's Javelin as it offers 5 slots 
at double growth, meaning it'll have the equivalent of 10 slots, which is the 
most amount of AP that can be earned from one weapon. Just remember to keep 
KOTR on a triple growth weapon.

 NOTES - Remember that Ruby and Emerald will each give out 50,000 AP, and in 
         terms of preparation Ruby is by far the easiest. You could if you 
         wanted to, hold out on Leveling up a few of the below Materias all 
         the way (such as Magic Counter and Quadra Magic) for now, and use 
         Ruby to finish Leveling them up seeing as you'll only really need 1x 
         Knights of the Round and 3x Mime for her (and a few other bits). 

       - I am preparing for the ultimate battle plan for Emerald WEAPON, 
         which is why the following lists may look a little tedious. If 
         you're familiar with the game and you have your own strategy then 
         feel free to amend the following lists as you see fit. If you are 
         new to the WEAPONs however then I recommend obtaining every single 
         piece as listed.

       - Heard of All Lucky 7's? Visit section E.18 A and scroll down to 
         method 5 to find an incredibly easy way to active 7777 fever, 
         courtesy of James Baxter! Using Lucky 7's will make the WEAPONs that 
         much easier...

       - Keep the EXP Plus and Gil Plus equipped to help for the relevant 
         trophies. Enemy Lure help, also. Bear in mind that mastering All 
         Materias is the easiest way to gain 99,999,999 gil...

Don't leave the Swamp until you have ticked off all of the following:
(again I emphasise the fact that this list is only necessary for the 
'ultimate' strategy)

2 x Contain (Lv 4)
2 x Gravity (Lv 3)
3 x Revive (Lv 2)*
3 x Lightning (Lv 3)
3 x Quadra Magic (Mastered) Keep it in a triple growth weapon
3 X Final Attack (Lv 4)*
1 x MP Turbo (Mastered)*
3 x Magic Counter (Mastered) Keep in a triple growth weapon
3 x Counter (Mastered)
3 x Mime*
9 x Counter Attack (Mastered)
1 x Knights of Round (Mastered)* Keep in a triple growth weapon
                            * = All that is required for defeating Ruby WEAPON

The following isn't mandatory for beating the WEAPONs but will help:

2 x Mega All
1 x Double Cut (Lv 2) Remember - Mega All will override Double Cut.
2 x Long Range
2 x Magic Plus (Mastered)
1 x Phoenix (Mastered) (For Emerald WEAPON only)

The following won�t be used in either WEAPON battle, but you will want to try 
to fulfil this list only if you want to be a FF VII God:

3 x Ultima
3 x Contain (Lv 4)
3 x Steal as Well
3 x Added Cut
3 x Sneak Attack (Mastered)
3 x Added Effect
3 x Elemental (Mastered)
3 x HP Absorb
3 x MP Absorb
3 x MP Turbo (Mastered)
6 x Counter (Mastered)
5 x Morph
3 x Double Cut (Lv 2)
3 x Mega All
2 x Pre-Emptive (Mastered)
3 x Long Range
3 x Hades


3 x Seal - Works brilliantly with Added Effect on all three players, can be 
           bought from Costa Del Sol and Junon
7 x Fire, Ice, Lightning, Earth, Gravity or Poison (Lv 3) - for an Ultimate 
                                                           Materia Combination
3 x Alexander - For Holy Element
3 x Leviathan - For Water Element
3 x Choco/Mog - For Wind Element (or Typoon)

If Yuffie gets to level 99 then feel free to swap her over with your lowest 
levelled player.


Before heading over to defeat the WEAPONs you may want to consider stopping 
off at the Gelnika one last time to give yourselves a quick stat boost. If 
you are planning on doing this then I suggest walking away from the North 
Crater at this stage with 4 Morphs, 2 to go with Mastered Sneak Attacks, 1 to 
go with Steal as Well and one to go with a Mastered Counter. 

Naturally, you could just make use of the Extended W-Item trick to gain one 
more 'sweep' of Sources, just for the extra bit of unnecessary Over-Powered-
ness. During the course of everything I expect you to reach Lv 99 with Cloud, 
unlocking the Liege of Leveling Trophy.


By the time I was ready to face the WEAPONs I'd managed to complete the first 
and second list, with the exception of Magic Counter and Quadra Magic which 
I'm using Ruby to help me finish off. 

These were my finishing stats (at base level) on my first playthrough, 
*without* using the Extended W-Item Trick:
             _____________ ______________ ___________
            | Cloud Lv 99 | Yuffie Lv 99 | Cid Lv 99 |
|           |             |              |           |
| Strength- | 148-------- | 187--------- | 137------ |
| Dexterity | 91--------- | 94---------- | 90------- |
| Vitality- | 134-------- | 134--------- | 135------ |
| Magic---- | 142-------- | 105--------- | 105------ |
| Spirit--- | 110-------- | 109--------- | 111------ |
| Luck----- | 71--------- | 72---------  | 75------- |

These were my finishing stats on my second playthrough *with* the Extended W-
Item trick:
             _____________ ______________ ___________
            | Cloud Lv 99 | Yuffie Lv 85 | Cid Lv 88 |
|           |             |              |           |
| Strength- | 196-------- | 214--------- | 197------ |
| Dexterity | 185-------- | 170--------- | 147------ |
| Vitality- | 167-------- | 158--------- | 152------ |
| Magic---- | 210-------- | 142--------- | 143------ |
| Spirit--- | 141-------- | 130--------- | 128------ |
| Luck----- | 95--------- | 105--------  | 95------- |

The highest any stat can reach is 255.

--D3.04 D - The Ultimate Battles

--Items - Gold Chocobo, Master Magic, Master Command, Master Summon
--Boss  - Ruby WEAPON Lv 59 (Desert Rose), Emerald WEAPON Lv 99 (Earth Harp)


  Make sure that you have at least on Dazers and one Spider Web in your 
inventory, then duplicate them both to around 25 (using the W-Item trick). If 
you haven't got any then head over to Corral Valley (past Bone Village) to 
fight the Boundfat for Dazers which you can steal, morph or simply wait for 
them to drop one. Then head over to Gongaga to fight the Kimara Bug to steal 
the Spider Web. Be sure to have roughly 15 Megalixirs also.

 NOTES - Go into your Item menu and re-arrange your items to suit. Place the 
         Spider Web at the top, the Dazers second and the Megalixirs third.

       - Yuffie's Limit 3-2 Doom of The Living is actually better than her Lv 
         4 Limit Break, All Creation!

Now fill up Yuffie�s Limit gauge by giving her a Hyper, putting her in the 
front row and then manipulating the Valrons near Nibelheim to make use of 
their Dive Kick move. Now head over to the desert surrounding the Gold Saucer 
to prepare yourself for the battle. 

The first thing you are going to want to do is to kill off Cloud and Cid 
(it'll make sense momentarily), then turn the Battle Speed all the way down 
to 0 (trust me on this one). Afterwards you can set-up accordingly:

 1) Cloud (Back, KO'd)              
   ____________________ __________________________________________________
  | Apocalypse:        | Wizard Bracelet:                                 |
  |                    |                                                  |
  | Magic Counter Lv 4 | MP Turbo Master  = Knights of the Round Master   |
  | W-Summon Lv 1      | HP Absorb Lv 1 = Knights of the Round Lv 1       |
  | W-Magic Lv 1       | Enemy Skill                                      |
  |                    | Mime Lv 1                                        |
  |                    | Magic Plus Master                                |
  |                    | HP Plus Master                       Acc: Ribbon |

 2) Yuffie (Back)                 
   ______________________________________ _________________________________
  | Conformer:                           | Rune Armlet:                    |
  |                                      |                                 |
  | Final Attack Master = Revive Master  | Choose any 4 Summons that you   |
  | Sneak Attack Master = Time Lv 1 or 2 | would like to give 100,000 AP   |
  | Enemy Skill                          | to                              |
  | Mime Master                          |                                 |
  | Mega All Master                      |                                 |
  | HP Plus Master                       |                     Acc: Ribbon |

 3) Cid (Back, KO'd)       
   ______________________________________ _________________________________ 
  | Venus Gospel:                        | Rune Armlet:                    |
  |                                      |                                 |
  | Final Attack Master = Revive Master  | W-Item Lv 1                     |
  | All Mastered        = Restore Master |                                 |
  | Enemy Skill                          | Choose any 3 Summons that you   |
  | Mime Master                          | would like to give 100,000 AP   |
  | Speed Plus Master                    | to                              |
  | HP Plus Master                       |                     Acc: Ribbon |

 NOTE - Make sure that the Time you have given to Yuffie is Lv 1 or 2.

When you are ready, save your game and fly into the red object you see 
squirming about in the middle of the desert (or alternatively bump into it 
with your Gold Chocobo).

*        ________  ________  ________   ________           ___               *
*       |\   __  \|\   __  \|\   ____\ |\   ____\         |\  \              *
*       \ \  \|\ /\ \  \|\  \ \  \___|_\ \  \___|_        \ \  \             *
*        \ \   __  \ \  \\\  \ \_____  \\ \_____  \        \ \__\            *
*         \ \  \|\  \ \  \\\  \|____|\  \\|____|\  \        \|__|            *
*          \ \_______\ \_______\____\_\  \ ____\_\  \            ___         *
*           \|_______|\|_______|\_________\\_________\          |\__\        *
*                              \|_________\|_________|          \|__|        *
*                                 ___________ ______________ ______________  *
* The first thing you need to    |           |              |              | *
* know about this mega-boss is   |   BOSS    | RUBY WEAPON  |    RUBY'S    | *
* that it will be completely     | BATTLE:41 |              | TENTACLE x 2 | *
* impervious to attacks until it |___________|______________|______________| *
* has buried both if its         |           |              |              | *
* Tentacles into the ground,     | ------Lv: | 59---------- | 37---------- | *
* which it won't do unless two   | ------HP: | 800,000----- | 40000------- | *
* of the three players are       | ------MP: | 2560-------- | 1000-------- | *
* either dead or removed from    | -----EXP: | 45000------- | ------------ | *
* battle. If you were to go into | ------AP: | 50000------- | ------------ | *
* the battle with all 3 players  | -----GIL: | 30000------- | ------------ | *
* alive then it will likely use  | ----DROP: | Desert Rose- | ------------ | *
* its Whirlsand move, which will | ABSORB 1: | FRE--ICE---- | ------------ | *
* permanently remove a player    | ABSORB 2: | LHT--ERT---- | ------------ | *
* from the fight, so if you want | -NULLIFY: | GRV--WTR---- | GRV--WTR---- | *
* the maximum amount of battle   | -E-SKILL: | SHADOW FLARE | ------------ | *
* rewards the I suggest entering |_________________________________________| *
* the fight with Cloud and Cid                                               *
* KO'd. After 25, then 32 turns it will use Whirlsand again.                 *
*                                                                            *
* The attacks that the Tentacles use actually comes from Ruby itself, the    *
* tentacles are just there for appearance, although you can still attack     *
* them. All of the moves Ruby performs through her Tentacles are gravity     *
* based, and therefore cannot kill you. Once they have been defeated Ruby    *
* will remove them from the ground, thus making her use Whirlsand again (but *
* not becoming invincible), so it's advised that you just concentrate on     *
* Ruby leaving the Tentacles alone. Its attacks can be extraordinarily       *
* powerful, and should you cast KOTR on it then it'll counter attack by      *
* using Ultima. So how then do you defeat Ruby WEAPON? Here's how:           *
*                                                                            *
* Ruby has three Status weaknesses, two of which we can exploit - Slow and   *
* Paralyze (Darkness cannot be exploited). As soon as the battle begins      *
* Yuffie should automatically put herself into Haste, then Ruby will bury    *
* its tentacles into the sand. Without hesitation, revive Cid and Cloud      *
* (using Life2 & Mega All), then use Yuffie's Limit Break. Have Cid cast     *
* W-Items Spider Web and then Dazers on it (in that order) to Slow then      *
* Paralyze it, followed by Big Guard from Cloud.                             *
*                                                                            *
* Provided Ruby has been successfully Paralyzed, you can now go ahead and    *
* have Cloud W-Summon Knights of the Round. The MP Turbo accompanied with    *
* Magic Plus should be enough to have Cloud hit for 9999 every hit, not to   *
* mention restoring half of Cloud's HP in the process with the HP Absorb     *
* combo.                                                                     *
*                                                                            *
* Next it's just a simple case of using Mime until it is dead. If it manages *
* to break free from its paralysis then don't hesitate to use more Dazers    *
* and Spider Webs (the Slow Status will prolong the Paralyzed Status),       *
* you'll then have to re-initiate the KOTR mime loop once more. After        *
* roughly 7 - 8 uses of KOTR, it'll finally start to flash red you'll be     *
* rewarded with the [DESERT ROSE] for your effort.                           *
*                                                                            *
*  NOTE - Using Dazers on Ruby will not 'reset' her paralysis; you must wait *
*         until she has broken free before inflicting her with Paralyze      *
*         again.                                                             *
*                                                                            *

 NOTES - The above strategy is by far the easiest (and by contrast the most 
         popular), and is also by far the longest. There are alternative ways 
         in which you can defeat Ruby that prove to be more of a challenge, if 
         you're interested then goto section E.16 C.

       - You should now have unlocked the Ruby Render Trophy.

Now that you have defeated Ruby, head over to Kalm to talk to the Kalm 
Traveller (eastern-most house). You can now exchange the Desert Rose for a 
Gold Chocobo, after it's finished climbing the stairs you'll be able to run 
over to it to name it. If you hadn't any room in your stables then it'll be 
kept in your pen at the Chocobo Ranch for the time being. Note that this 
Chocobo is a completely useless racing Chocobo.


  The first thing you are going to need to grab the Underwater Materia from 
the Kalm Traveller if you hadn't already done so. Head through Junon until 
you reach the sea bed, then Morph a Ghost Ship for the Guide Book. This can 
be then be exchanged for the Underwater Materia (which will remove the 20 
minute countdown timer when battling Emerald).

  NOTE - With the following strategy, you don't actually need the Underwater 
         Materia, I was able to defeat him in 13 minutes. It's just handy to 
         have equipped as a precautionary.

The preparation for Emerald is almost the same as Ruby, except you don't need 
to kill off 2 of your characters and you don't need to worry about having any 
Dazers or Spider Webs, although you would do well to bring around 20 Hero 
Drinks with you into battle (remember that it raises one players Attack, 
Defence, Magic and Magic Defence by 30%, and can be used up to four times in 
battle for a maximum of 100%). Don't forget to slow the ATB gauge down all 
the way.

You are going to want to make sure that each players Limit gauge is filled to 
the max, after that you're going to want to give everyone Tranquilizers to 
inflict them with Sadness. Now you're going to want to set yourself up with 
the following:

 1) Cloud (Back)              
 _____________________________________ ______________________________________
| Ultima Weapon:                      | Wizard Bracelet:                     |
|                                     |                                      |
| Final Attack Master = Phoenix Mstr  | Quadra Magic Mstr = Lightning Master |
| Counter Master = Deathblow Master   | MP Turbo Master = Lightning Master   |
| Counter Attack Master               | Magic Counter Mstr = Lightning Mstr  | 
| Counter Attack Master               | Mega All Lv 3                        |
| Counter Attack Master               | HP Plus Master                       |
| Magic Plus Master                   |                    Acc: Sprint Shoes |

 2) Yuffie (Back)                 
 _____________________________________ ______________________________________
| Conformer:                          | Wizard Bracelet:                     |
|                                     |                                      |
| Counter Master = Deathblow Master   | Final Attack Master = Revive Master  |
| Counter Master = Deathblow Lv 1     | Quadra Magic Lv 2 = Contain Master   |
| Enemy Skill                         | Magic Counter Master = Contain Mstr  |
| Counter Attack Master               | Mega All Master                      |
| Counter Attack Master               | HP Plus Master                       |
| Counter Attack Master               |                    Acc: Sprint Shoes |

 3) Cid (Back)       
 _____________________________________ ______________________________________ 
| Venus Gospel:                       | Wizard Bracelet:                     |
|                                     |                                      |
| Final Attack Master = Revive Master | Quadra Magic Master = Gravity Master |
| Counter Master = Deathblow Master   | Magic Counter Master = Gravity Mstr  |
| Counter Attack Master               | Underwater                           |
| Counter Attack Master               | HP Plus Master                       |
| Counter Attack Master               | Choose 2 Materia to gain 50,000 AP   |
| Mega All Master                     |                    Acc: Sprint Shoes |

 NOTE - The Phoenix Materia will fully revive all players, and will hit 
        Emerald with Fire damage (Ruby absorbs Fire damage, so Phoenix is 
        only good against Emerald). The downside is that it can only be used 
        as many times as it has levelled up, and mastering a Phoenix Materia 
        takes a lot longer than the Revive Materia.

The above set-up should max Cloud's Magic to 255, if not either equip a 
Circlet or spend a little bit more time in the Gelnika. When you are ready, 
save your game and jump in your submarine. Emerald WEAPON, here we come!!! 
(It's about damn time.)

*        ________  ________  ________   ________           ___               *
*       |\   __  \|\   __  \|\   ____\ |\   ____\         |\  \              *
*       \ \  \|\ /\ \  \|\  \ \  \___|_\ \  \___|_        \ \  \             *
*        \ \   __  \ \  \\\  \ \_____  \\ \_____  \        \ \__\            *
*         \ \  \|\  \ \  \\\  \|____|\  \\|____|\  \        \|__|            *
*          \ \_______\ \_______\____\_\  \ ____\_\  \            ___         *
*           \|_______|\|_______|\_________\\_________\          |\__\        *
*                              \|_________\|_________|          \|__|        *
*                                      ____________ ____________ __________  *
* *Note* - All bosses will nullify    |            |            |          | *
* Gravity, apart from Emerald (and    |    BOSS    |   EMERALD  | EYE X 4  | *
* Godo). Instead, Emerald will halve  | BATTLE: 42 |   WEAPON   |          | *
* Gravity based attack as opposed to  |____________|____________|__________| *
* completely nullifying them, so      |            |            |          | *
* technically speaking gravity would  | -------Lv: | 99-------- | 50------ | *
* be classed as one of Emerald's      | -------HP: | 1,000,000  | 25000--- | *
* strengths, although the fact that   | -------MP: | 100------- | 100----- | *
* it can still be damaged by gravity  | ------EXP: | 50000----- | -------- | *
* means we can still use Demi for     | -------AP: | 50000----- | -------- | *
* 9999 every turn, branding it as an  | ------GIL: | 50000----- | -------- | *
* exploitable weakness.               | -----DROP: | Earth Harp | -------- | *
*                                     | ---ABSORB: | ICE--WTR-- | ICE--WTR | *
* There's no need for Ribbons here as | --NULLIFY: | ERT------- | ERT----- | *
* he cannot inflict Status changes    | ----HALVE: | **GRV**--- | -------- | *
* (he can only clear them), nor is    | ---DOUBLE: | LHT------- | FRE----- | *
* there any need for Big Guard as he  |____________________________________| *
* can easily remove it using Emerald                                         *
* Shoot, although he won't use it when any of his eyes are open. Every turn  *
* you get make sure to use a Hero Drink until all 3 players have used 2-3    *
* Hero Drinks each, making sure to use Megalixirs as necessary. Emerald can  *
* also be inflicted with Slow.                                               *
*                                                                            *
* Emerald Weapon only has a few attacks:                                     * 
*                                                                            *
* Emerald Shoot - Used when its eyes are shut. Will cause around 7000 damage *
* to one character whilst also removing Barrier, MBarrier, Shield, Death     *
* Force and Resist.                                                          *
*                                                                            *
* Emerald Beam - Used when at least one eye is open. Will hit all players    *
* for 63% of their current HP whilst also removing Regen.                    *
*                                                                            *
* Revenge Stamp - Used as a counter attack when its eyes are open and will   *
* hit all players for roughly 2500 HP whilst also removing Haste.            *
*                                                                            *
* Aire Tam Storm - (Materia spelt backwards) Uncommonly used as a counter    *
* attack, Aire Tam will hit all players for 1111 HP PER MATERIA EQUIPPED! So *
* make sure to have Final Attack=Revive/Phoenix equipped. It will also       *
* remove nearly all positive Statuses.                                       *
*                                                                            *
* Blue Eye (A & D) - Damages one player for roughly 4000 HP                  *
*                                                                            *
* Yellow Eye (B & C) - Damages one player for roughly 650 MP                 *
*                                                                            *
* He also uses an unnamed attack called Foot Stamp which takes out roughly   *
* 2500HP to all characters. He'll only use this move if all eyes are shut.   *
*                                                                            *
* So long as you have followed the exact set-up as above you really          *
* shouldn't struggle, in fact I find it to be tremendously funny watching my *
* party go into counter attack overdrive mode every time they are attacked,  *
* and it's far more entertaining to watch than the KOTR + Mime strategy.     *
* Just keep using defensive moves whilst occasionally using Deathblow or a   *
* Limit Break, once he is finished you will receive the [EARTH HARP].        *
*                                                                            *
*  NOTES - One strategy is to use Lucky 7's to greatly damage Emerald. This  *
*          is activated by equipping a player with no more than 2 lots of    *
*          Materia, one of which being HP Plus (to make that persons HP      *
*          9999). When Emerald uses Aire Tam it will inflict 2222 worth of   *
*          damage, reducing the targets HP down to 7777, activating 7777     *
*          Fever. The combined damage won't be enough to kill Emerald, but   *
*          it will be enough to greatly damage it (it's worth pointing this  *
*          out just in case you were curious to see what Lucky 7's looked    *
*          like, if nothing else).                                           *
*                                                                            *
*        - Aire Tam will only be used if he's used two consecutive Emerald   *
*          Beams with all of the eyes open, or if he's used Revenge Stamp 10 *
*          times, or if he's taken 500,000 HP of damage from Knights of the  *
*          Round (with his eyes open). The easiest way to get him to use     *
*          Aire Tam is to wait until he has opened his eyes, kill all but    *
*          one of them (leave a yellow one alive) then just wait.            *
*                                                                            *

 NOTES - As with Ruby, there are varying methods to dealing with Emerald. See 
         section E.16 B for more info.

       - You should now have unlocked the Emerald Eviscerator Trophy.

       - Don't forget to turn the ATB back up!

CONGRATULATIONS! You've defeated the two supreme bosses of the game, you are 
now an FF VII legend. Head over to Kalm to claim your prize from the Kalm 
[MASTER SUMMON MATERIA]. Hoo-rah (PS4 players will unlock the Transcendant 
Convoker Trophy).
]                                                                            [
] SIDE NOTE - MASTER MAGIC                                                   [
]                                                                            [
] Master Magic, Command and Summon give players the ability to possess every [
] single Magic and Summon, but not Command. Specifically, the Commands that  [
] are equipped are Mime, Manipulate, Morph, Sense, Steal, Deathblow, Throw.  [
] These are the same Command Materias (and only these Command Materias) that [
] can be paired with Support Materia.                                        [
]                                                                            [
]  NOTE - If you pair HP Absorb, MP Absorb, Steal as Well and/or Added Cut   [
]         to Master Command, you will find that the Support Materia's effect [
]         would apply to every available command, including Attack, Magic,   [
]         Summon and Item.                                                   [
]                                                                            [
] Should you wish to acquire a second and third set of these then you will   [
] have to trade in one of every single piece of Mastered Magic Materia to    [
] obtain the Master Magic Materia, the same goes for Summon Materia, however [
] you'll only need to trade in the Command Materia mentioned above for the   [
] Master Command. Where do you trade these in I hear you asking? Why, in     [
] Bugenhagen's Observatory of course. Interact with the Huge Materia to be   [
] prompted to 'Materia Blend'.                                               [
]                                                                            [
]  NOTE - Losing all of your mastered Magic, Summon and (some) Command       [
]         Materia will free up your inventory loads, so you shouldn't need   [
]         to worry anymore about running out of room, just *MAKE SURE* to    [
]         have unlocked the Materia Overlord Achievement first.              [

Surprisingly enough, there is still a little bit more that we can squeeze 
from this game!

--D3.04 E - Completion

  I've decided to split this final sub-section into lots of smaller sub-final 
sub sections followed by a final ultimate final load out suggestion with lots 
of smaller penultimate sub-suggestions finalising with one climatic great, 


Thank you for taking the time to immerse yourself in the world that is Final 
Fantasy VII once more (or for the first time), and thank you for choosing my 
guide in which to enjoy it with. I hope I have been as helpful as I initially 
set myself out to be, and I hope that you didn't find the game too easy as a 
result of me being too overly helpful.

 NOTE - Other than obtaining 99,999,999 gil for the Coming Up All Nines 
        Trophy, the following quests are completely optional and are only 
        required if you'd really like to feel as though you've done 
        absolutely every single thing that the game has to offer (aside from 
        all of the 'custom' challenges that are out there, such as low-level 
        challenges, 'Perfect Game' challenges etc).

1.) Mastering the last of your Materia.

  If you need to free up some Materia slots then DO NOT exchange your 
  mastered Materia for the Master Materia at Bugenhagen's Observatory until 
  you have the Materia Overlord Achievement. I suggest selling a few Counter 
  Attacks, HP Plus's, Alls etc. Just *MAKE SURE* to leave one un-mastered 
  copy in your inventory. I cannot stress this enough.

  I advise sticking with Cloud and Cid for their triple growth weapons, but 
  feel free to swap Yuffie out if you wish. I whacked in Tifa and equipped 
  her with the Powersoul which is double growth and will quadruple in attack 
  power when equipped with the Curse Ring, and then double in attack power 
  again when she has critical health for 8x her normal strength!

 NOTE - Materia Overlord Achievement. When you master a piece of Materia a 
        check is performed to see if every other piece is mastered or not. 
        This also checks to see if at least one Enemy Skill is completely 
        filled and that the Master Magic, Master Command, Master Summon and 
        Underwater are present, but doesn't check to see how much AP they 
        have. You must also have the Materia either in your inventory or 
        equipped onto a player, so if you'd sold, trashed or exchanged (at 
        Bugenhagen's Observatory) any mastered piece then you would have to 
        re-master that piece, unless you already have another copy mastered.

2.) Obtaining a second set of Master Materia.

  I suggest now heading over to Cosmo Canyon to exchange all of your 
  mastered Magic, Summon, and some of your Command Materia for the Master 
  Magic, Summon and Command Materia respectively. This should help you free 
  up a load of inventory slots. 

3.) Training until your heart is content in the Sunken Gelnika.

  Although a long-winded challenge, you could try and obtain enough Sources 
  to max out your teams stats to 255. Should you wish to obtain a third and 
  final of Master Materia set then I suggest working towards that now

  Those of the exploitive nature could always use the Extended W-Item Trick 
  to max out their characters stats to 255!

4.) Training everyone up to level 99.

  You're still going to want to train in the swamp for this, those Magic Pots 
  really do give out the most of EXP aswell as AP. Make sure to continuously 
  level up all of your Materia again, excluding support and independent 

5.) Obtaining you third set of Master Materia.

  Once you are ready head over to Bugenhagen's Observatory once more to 
  exchange your Materia for a third set of Master Materia. Congratulations, 
  you are now an FF VII God.

6.) Obtaining 99,999,999 gil.

  I saved this one till last so that you wouldn't have to spend as long 
  grinding away, as you should be roughly 20 - 30% of the way towards your 
  target. 98 Sylkis Greens will sell for 245,000 gil, so you'll net 1 million 
  every four battles. You may be here for a little while... The other 
  alternative is to master as many Alls as you can. The latter is probably 
  the preferred strategy.

  Have you just earned the Coming Up All Nines Trophy? Then congrats - You've 
  just also unlocked the platinum, Gaia's Guardian Trophy! Well done!

7.) Defeating the final bosses one last time.

  This is it, one final ultimate battle to end all battles. With every 
  player at level 99, Bizarro and Safer Sephiroth will have the maximum amount 
  of HP possible, and therefore posing the biggest challenge. Don't forget to 
  cast Knights of The Round on Jenova-Synthesis to give Bizarro and Safer 
  that extra boost in HP!

Before anything else, I would just like to demonstrate my perfect load-outs:



 Cloud - Lv 99 (Front)
                                       Added Effect=Hades, Added Cut=Deathblow
    Ultima Weapon - Master Magic, Master Command, Master Summon, Enemy Skill,
    Mystile       - Counter=Deathblow, Counter Attack, Counter Attack,
    Ribbon                                                  Mega All, HP Plus,



 1) Cloud - Lv 99 (Back)
                                       Added Effect=Hades, Added Cut=Deathblow
     Ultima Weapon - Master Magic, Master Command, Master Summon, Enemy Skill,
     Mystile       - Final Attack=Revive, W-Magic, Long Range, Mega All, 
     Ribbon                                                            HP Plus

 2) Yuffie - Lv 99 (Back)
                                        Added Effect=Hades, Sneak Attack=Morph
     Conformer - Master Magic, Master Command, Master Summon, Enemy Skill,
     Mystile   - Counter=Morph, Steal as well=Morph, Mega All, HP Plus 

 3) Cid - Lv 99 (Back)
                                        Added Effect=Hades, W-Item, Double Cut
     Venus Gospel - Master Magic, Master Command, Master Summon, Enemy Skill,
     Mystile      - Counter=Mug, Counter Attack, Long Range, Speed Plus, 
     Ribbon                                                            HP Plus


    So now all that is left to do is to whoop Sephiroth's backside one last
                time and you are officially done with the game!
                                  Once again,

       _______ _   _        _   _ _  _     _   _ __  _   _    _   _   _       
      |__   __| |_| |  /\  | \ | | |/ /   | \_/ |  \| | | |  | | | | | |       
         | |  |  _  | /  \ |  \| |   /     \   / /\ \ | | |  | | | | | |       
         | |  | | | |/ /\ \| |\  | |\ \     | |\ \/ / |_| |  |_| |_| |_|       
         |_|  |_| |_|_/  \_|_| \_|_| \_|    |_| \__/\_____/  |_| |_| |_|       
                            for choosing Guides by                    
                ___                             _           ___ __  
               /   \_   _ _ __   __ _ _ __ ___ (_)_  __    /   \\ \ 
              / /\ / | | | '_ \ / _` | '_ ` _ \| \ \/ /   / /\ / \ \
             / /_//| |_| | | | | (_| | | | | | | |>  <   / /_//\_/ /
            /___,'  \__, |_| |_|\__,_|_| |_| |_|_/_/\_\ /___,'\___/            

                             [email protected]                            


        _______   ______     ____  ______   ____________   _    __________
       / ____/ | / / __ \   / __ \/ ____/  / ____/ ____/  | |  / /  _/  _/
      / __/ /  |/ / / / /  / / / / /_     / /_  / /_      | | / // / / /  
     / /___/ /|  / /_/ /  / /_/ / __/    / __/ / __/      | |/ // /_/ /   
    /_____/_/ |_/_____/   \____/_/      /_/   /_/         |___/___/___/   


                                                  FF VII Finished 07/June/2015

)                                                                            (
)     If you've found this walkthrough to be helpful, please remember to     (
)                            rate/recommend/like                             (
)                                                                            (


Fancy something new? If you own either of the PC versions then you may wish 
to explore some of the modifications that are available at

New Threat - A complete difficulty overhaul, the New Threat Mod is for those 
             feeling a bit jaded with the game. Packed with new and revised 
             enemies and bosses, new side-quests, optional cutscene skips and 
             a whole lot more! 
             Made by Sega Chief:

Beacause - Let's face it, an absolutely terrible job was done of the 
           localisation, and many times we've found ourselves marvelling at 
           blatant errors such as �This guy is sick�. The 'beacause' mod is a 
           complete front-to-back re-localisation, and every single text has 
           been looked at and corrected based on the original Japanese. 
           Something to make Hironobu Sakaguchi proud!
           Made by Daniel Burke: (part of the �Reunion� package


|<:                                                                        :>|
|<:                                                                        :>|
|<:  {E}                    EXTRAS AND MINI GUIDES                         :>|
|<:                                                                        :>|
|<:                                                               {Extras} :>|
|                                                                            |
|                                  CONTENTS                                  |
| - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  |
| {E.01} - The Affection Game                                                |
| {E.02} - Limit Breaks                                                      |
| {E.03} - Turtle Paradise Mini Game                                         |
| {E.04} - Cross Dressing Mechanics                                          |
| {E.05} - Elements                                                          |
| {E.06} - Fort Condor Mini Game                                             |
| {E.07} - Obtaining Yuffie Kisaragi                                         |
| {E.08} - Gold Saucer                                                       |
| {E.09} - Statuses                                                          |
| {E.10} - Obtaining Vincent Valentine                                       |
| {E.11} - Yuffie's Materia 'Pick List'                                      |
| {E.12} - Bone Village Digging Mini-Game                                    |
| {E.13} - Ultimate Weapons                                                  |
| {E.14} - Chocobo Breeding                                                  |
| {E.15} - Materia Caves                                                     |
| {E.16} - Defeating Emerald, Ruby and Ultimate WEAPON                       |
| {E.17} - Ultimate Materia Set-Ups                                          |
| {E.18} - Lucky 7's, W-Item and Other Tricks and Exploits                   |
| {E.19} - Modes of Transport                                                |
| {E.20} - Optional Places To Visit                                          |

|                                                                            |
| {E.01} - The Affection Game                                                |
|                                                                            |
|  A - The Basics                                                            |
|  B - Speed Dating (The easy way to date a character)                       |
|  C - Every Decision and its Outcome                                        |
|  D - Hidden Extras                                                         |
|  E - Take The Time to Get to Know Me (The long way to date a character)    |
|  F - Gold Saucer Date Script                                               |
|                                                                   {Dating} |

--E.01 A - The Basics

  The first thing to point out is the fact that it's actually called the Gold 
Saucer Dating Game, but in the interest of protecting those who are new to 
the game I decided to change the title to something more obscure as to not 
reveal anything.

Throughout the first two thirds of Disk 1 you will have many opportunities to 
raise or lower certain character's affection towards you through the dialogue 
choices you make, including choices regarding who you have in your party for 
certain events. The character with the highest rating at the time in which 
you re-visit the Gold Saucer after obtaining the Tiny Bronco will be chosen 
as your lucky partner for the evening. There are only four characters however 
that can be chosen as a date, and they are Aeris, Tifa, Yuffie & (even) 
Barret. Their starting values are as follows:

 Aeris  - 50
 Tifa   - 30
 Yuffie - 10
 Barret - 0

If you wish to date either Aeris or Tifa then you won�t really need a guide, 
just be particularly pleasant to either character whilst being mean to 
everybody else. If you wish to date Yuffie or Barret however then you 
probably will need to use this guide. Note that if you date Tifa or Aeris 
then you will experience dialogue within the date that is quite deep in 
relation to the storyline, but if you date Yuffie or Barret then you will 
have a much more comical experience.

 NOTE - If you have the PS4 version, then you will want Barret to win the 
        Affection Game for the Best Bromance Trophy!

Red XIII, Cait Sith, Vincent and Cid do not have an affection rating 
whatsoever, so nothing you do or say will affect them in any way shape or 
form. If two of the applicable characters finish with matching values then 
the character with the highest priority is chosen, and the priority order 
goes Aeris, Tifa, Yuffie then Barret. 

                                                                {Speed Dating}
--E.01 B - Speed Dating (The easy way to date a character)

Aeris: There is no secret to dating Aeris. She starts off 20 points in the 
       lead so if you fail to date Aeris then you really need some lessons in 

Tifa: Whilst locked up in the Shinra HQ you can talk to Tifa an infinite 
      amount of times to boost her score by +1 each time by selecting �Leave 
      it to me�. Selecting �Kinda hard� will lower her score by -1 each time.

Yuffie: Don't recruit Yuffie until you have passed Mt. Nibel. Then fight in 
        the smaller of the two forests near Rocket Town to encounter Yuffie 
        100% of the time. Respond correctly to the first four choices to gain 
        +8 (2 per choice), then choose incorrectly for the final choice to 
        have her steal some gil from you. Keep doing this until you are 
        satisfied that her score is high enough, then recruit her. She will 
        then return all that she has stolen from you. Her affection rating 
        cannot be raised higher than 30 this way.

Barret: Make sure that Barret is in your party when you first enter Cosmo 
        Canyon, then head over to the back of Tiger Lily's Weapon Shop to 
        find Barret. Listen to him talk about Avalanche, then when prompted 
        choose dialogue option 1 to hear more about his story, boosting his 
        affection towards you by +3. When prompted a second time, choose 
        option 2 �Yeah, whatever...�, then run outside and back in again to 
        reset the dialogue sequence. Keep doing this to raise Barret's 
        affinity +3 each time.

        *DO NOT* attempt this if you are trying to achieve the Best Bromance 
        Trophy, as reports suggest that doing so prevents the trophy from 
        unlocking if Barret's affection rating exceeds its limit. Only 
        attempt this if you have messed up your choices along the way, and 
        don't want to start a fresh game.

--E.01 C - Every Decision and its Outcome

  Below is the outcome of every single choice you make, note that if 
something isn't listed then it won't have an effect on anyones rating.

--D1.02 A - The Aftermath

     01   Whilst talking to Jessie on the train, choose:
          - �Thanks anyway�          NO EFFECT
          - �Looking forward to it�  TIFA -3

--D1.02 B - Tifa's Bar

     02   If you'd bought a flower from Aeris, choose:
          - �Give it to Tifa�     TIFA +5
          - �Give it to Marlene�  BARRET +5

     03   Talk to Tifa before descending in the pinball machine:
          - �I don't feel like it�    NO EFFECT
          - �Give me something hard�  TIFA +5

     04   When Cloud is accused of abandoning his childhood friend:
          - �How can you say that�  TIFA +5
          - �...Sorry�              NO EFFECT

     05   When Tifa asks Cloud how he slept last night, choose:
          - �Barret's snoring kept me up...�  BARRET +5
          - �Next to you, who wouldn't?�      TIFA +5

--D1.03 A - We've Been Made!

     06   Making it to the final train carriage without being detected by the
          security ID check -  TIFA +5,  BARRET +5

--D1.03 B - An Even Bigger Explosion!

     07   When hanging on for dear life after defeating Air Buster:
          - �(Be strong)�                      BARRET +2
          - �(I don't know if I can hold on)�  BARRET -3,  TIFA +1

--D1.04 A - Aeris's House

     08   Whilst Aeris is fleeing from the Turks in the back of the church:
          - Wrong barrel pushed                        AERIS -3
          - Ask Aeris to fight                         AERIS -1
          - Ask Aeris to run                           NO EFFECT
          - Ask Aeris to run but she ends up fighting  AERIS -1
          - Correct barrel pushed                      AERIS +1

     09   Aeris asks if Tifa is his girlfriend:
          - �No way!�             AERIS +1
          - �Yeah, that's right�  AERIS -5

     10   Whilst chatting in the playground in Sector 6:
          - �See her home�       NO EFFECT
          - �Go on to Sector 7�  AERIS + 1

--D1.04 B - Wall Market

     11a  Tifa gets chosen as Corneo's bride. When rescuing Aeris choose:
          - �You alright?�         AERIS +3
          - �We gotta help Tifa!�  AERIS -2

     11b  Aeris gets chosen as Corneo's bride. When rescuing Tifa choose:
          - �You alright?�          TIFA -2                                    
          - �We gotta help Aeris!�  TIFA +3                                   

     11c  Cloud gets chosen by Corneo, when asked if he's got a boyfriend:
          - �Yeah his name is Barret...�  BARRET +5

--D1.05 A - The Sewers & Train Graveyard

     12   After you land in the sewers, before fighting Aps talk to:
          - Aeris first  AERIS +3
          - Tifa first   TIFA +3

--D1.05 C - I Hope Marlene's Alright

     13   When Marlene remarks that Aeris may like Cloud, choose:
          - �I don't know�   TIFA +3,  AERIS -3
          - �Let's hope so�  TIFA -3,  AERIS +3

--D1.06 B - Hojo's Laboratory

     14   After meeting Red XIII, whilst deciding who to look after of Aeris:
         - �Tifa, I'm countin' on you!�  TIFA -2                             
         - �Barret, take care of her!�   BARRET +2                           

     15   After defeating Sample:H0512, putting any of the following in your 
          party will result in -  TIFA +2,  BARRET +2,  and/or  AERIS +2

--D1.06 C - Escaping From Shinra

     16   Whilst held captive in the security cells, talk to Tifa:
          - �Leave it to me�  TIFA +1 (GLITCHED use as many times as you like)
          - �Kinda Hard�      TIFA -1 (GLITCHED use as many times as you like)

     17   When Cloud has the choice of who to think of first:
          - Aeris first   AERIS +3
          - Barret first  BARRET +3

     18   When Cloud has the choice of who to think of second:
          - Aeris second   AERIS +1
          - Barret second  BARRET +1

     19   Whilst leaving Midgar after the G-Bike sequence putting any of the 
          following in your party will result in -  AERIS +1,  TIFA +1, and/or
                                                    BARRET +1

--D1.07 B - The Nibelheim Incident

     20a  After the flashback, Barret remarks that he is leaving:
          - �Wait a sec�  NO EFFECT (leads to further dialogue)
          - �Right�       BARRET +1

     20b  After choosing �Wait a sec� in the previous dialogue choice:
          - �Beautiful, just beautiful�  BARRET +3
          - �Is that all?�               BARRET -1

     21   Whilst exploring the houses of Kalm, a woman will ask for your 
          thoughts on the convenience of Mako energy:
          - �Yeah, Maybe�       BARRET -2, AERIS -1, TIFA -1, and/or YUFFIE +1
          - �You're full of it� BARRET +2, AERIS +1, TIFA +1, and/or YUFFIE -1
          NOTE - Only characters in your party will be affected.

     22   In the same house, another woman will ask for your thoughts on 'the 
          old ways':
          - �Yeah, maybe�  BARRET +2,  AERIS +1,  TIFA +1,  and/or  YUFFIE -1
          - �No way�       BARRET -2,  AERIS -1,  TIFA -1,  and/or  YUFFIE +1
          NOTE - Only characters in your party will be affected.

--D1.08 C - Fort Condor 

     23   When you first talk to the old guy:
          - �I guess so�     BARRET +5,  AERIS +3,  TIFA +3  and/or  YUFFIE +2
          - �Not interested� BARRET -5,  AERIS -3,  TIFA -3  and/or  YUFFIE -2
          NOTE - Only characters in your party will be affected.

     24   When the old guy discusses his problem:
          - �All right�      BARRET +5,  AERIS +3,  TIFA +3  and/or  YUFFIE +2
          - �Not interested� BARRET -5,  AERIS -3,  TIFA -3  and/or  YUFFIE -2
          NOTE - Only characters in your party will be affected.

          This is basically the same responses for recruiting Yuffie:

     25a  After defeating the Mystery Ninja in the screen with the save point:
          - �All right�       NO EFFECT
          - �Not interested�  YUFFIE +2

     25b  After selecting �Not interested�:
          - �......petrified�          YUFFIE +2
          - �You're gonna lose again�  NO EFFECT

     25c  After selecting �......petrified�:
          - �Go ahead�        NO EFFECT
          - �Wait a second!�  YUFFIE +2

     25d  After selecting �Wait a second!�:
          - �......That's right�  YUFFIE +2
          - �You kiddin'?�        NO EFFECT

     25e  After selecting �......That's right�:
          - �......What's your name?�  NO EFFECT
          - �......Let's hurry on�     YUFFIE +2

          NOTE - You could purposely select the incorrect response on the 
                 final choice if you wanted to. This will retain the +8 
                 points for Yuffie that you have gained, you can then repeat 
                 to keep raising her affection towards you indefinitely.

--D1.09 C - Cargo Ship

     26   When Yuffie asks for some Tranquilizers, choose:
          - �Here, use this�  YUFFIE +4
          - �Nope�            YUFFIE -2

     27   When Aeris talks about the Highwind, choose:
          - �I'll take you someday�  AERIS +2
          - �I dunno...�             AERIS -2

     28   When Tifa remarks how much she hates war, choose:
          - �Yeah...�       TIFA +2
          - �I don't know�  TIFA -2

--D1.11 A - Gold Saucer 

     29   The first character that you choose to talk to will get either +3 
          or -2, depending on whether or not you choose them to accompany you.
          No other rating value shall change after the first dialogue choice 
          has been made.

          NOTE - If you choose no-one then the person with the highest 
                 affinity towards you will be chosen as your accompaniment. 
                 If this person is Barret then Red XIII will be chosen.

--D1.11 B - Corel Prison

     30   The character chosen to accompany you to fight Dyne will receive:
          AERIS +10,  TIFA +3  or  YUFFIE +2

--D1.13 B - Gongaga Village

          Having Tifa and/or Aeris in your party when you first talk to  
          Zack's parents will result in some optional dialogue with them:

     31a  Talk to Tifa:
          - �I just got lucky�      TIFA +1
          - �I worked hard for it�  TIFA +1

     31b  Talk to Aeris:
          - �Poor Guy�                 AERIS +1
          - �...jealous...envious...�  AERIS +2

          Should you choose to simply ignore either one of them then you will 
          receive -3 for the character/s that you blanked (simply leave 
          Gongaga without talking to them).

--D1.14 A - Welcome Home Nanaki

          Make sure that Barret is in your party when first entering Cosmo 
          Canyon, then speak to him in the back of Tiger Lily's Weapon Store:

     32a  After Barret has finished talking for the first time:
          - �Go on�       BARRET +3 (GLITCHED use as many times as you like)
          - �Not Really�  NO EFFECT

     32b  After Barret has finished talking for the second time:
          - �And then�           BARRET +3
          - �Yeah, whatever...�  NO EFFECT  *Choose this option for the glitch

          After selecting Option 1 followed by option 2 you can leave and re-
          enter the room to repeat the dialogue sequence, gaining +3 each 
          time. The glitch ends once you select option 1 twice consecutively.

--D1.18 A - Wutai

     33   Finishing Yuffie's sidequest will result in +10 for Yuffie.

WEIRDLY ENOUGH you do not receive any affection boost/drops for the choices 
you make in the church in Sector 5 when you first meet Aeris, so you can go 
ahead and call her a drunk if you like and it'll make no difference 
whatsoever. Nor does the dialogue choices you make in Costa Del Sol have any 
impact on the outcome. Lastly, Mt. Corel. It doesn't matter at all whether 
you take the 10 Phoenix Downs or not, your characters will still love you 
just the same (bizarre, I know).

--E.01 D - Hidden Extras

 If Tifa's affection value is above 50 after the date (even if she wasn't 
your date) then you will get a slight variation in the scenes at the end of 
Disk 2. This occurs when Cloud and Tifa get back on board the Highwind after 
spending some alone time together.

If you were to raise Tifa's affection to above 120 before entering Gongaga 
for the first time (by rinsing the exploit in the jail cells at the Shinra 
HQ) then her dialogue will be slightly different. The same applies for Aeris, 
although there is no possible way of raising her affection to 120 without 
using cheats/game hacks.

Also coded into the game is a 'Battle Affection' system (Thank TFergusson for 
his Gold Saucer Date Guide Faq for this info) that kept a separate score for 
certain actions performed in-battle. This system was designed to run 
coherently with the main scoring system, and when a date was chosen it 
would've taken into account both values. As it transpires, the game still 
keeps track of the four characters battle affection ratings, although they 
are completely disregarded when a date is selected and as such serve no 
purpose within the game whatsoever. The actions/rewards are as follows:

   - Cloud revives a teammate                     +4 Battle Affection
   - Cloud successfully uses Cover on a teammate  +3 Battle Affection
   - Cloud restores a teammates HP                +2 Battle Affection
   - Cloud wounds a teammate                      -2 Battle Affection
   - Cloud kills a teammate                       -4 Battle Affection
   - A teammate is KO'd at the end of a battle    -5 Battle Affection

--E.01 E - Take The Time to Get to Know Me (The long way to date a character)

  Below is an in-depth guide to boosting a particular characters rating to 
the max whilst reducing all others as much as possible:

 NOTE - For more info on how to get Don Corneo to select the bride of your 
        choice, see section E.04.

                                           _________ ________________________ 
                                          |         |                        | 
             {DATING BARRET}:             | EFFECT: |     CURRENT SCORE:     |
|                                         |         |                        | 
|01) In the train whilst talking to       |TIFA   -3| A=50  T=27  Y=10  B=00 | 
|    Jessie choose �Looking forward to it�|         |                   *    | 
|02) Buy a flower from Aeris and give it  |BARRET +5| A=50  T=27  Y=10  B=05 | 
|    to Marlene                           |         |                   *    | 
|03) Don't talk to Tifa before riding the |NO EFFECT| A=50  T=27  Y=10  B=05 | 
|    pinball machine                      |         |                   *    | 
|04) When Tifa remarks that Cloud is      |NO EFFECT| A=50  T=27  Y=10  B=05 | 
|    abandoning his childhood friend,     |         |                   *    | 
|    select �...Sorry�                    |         |                        | 
|05) When Tifa asks how Cloud slept,      |BARRET +5| A=50  T=27  Y=10  B=10 | 
|    select �Barret's snoring kept me     |         |                   *    | 
|    up...�                               |         |                        | 
|06) Make it past the security ID check   |BARRET +5| A=50  T=32  Y=10  B=15 | 
|    on the trains                        |TIFA +5  |                   *    | 
|07) After defeating Air Buster select    |BARRET +2| A=50  T=32  Y=10  B=17 | 
|    �(Be strong)�                        |         |                   *    | 
|08) Tell Aeris to Hold on a minute, then |AERIS  -9| A=41  T=32  Y=10  B=17 | 
|    push the incorrect barrel 3 times    |         |                   *    | 
|09) Tell Aeris that Tifa is your         |AERIS  -5| A=36  T=32  Y=10  B=17 | 
|    girlfriend                           |         |                   *    | 
|10) Whilst chatting in the playground    |NO EFFECT| A=36  T=32  Y=10  B=17 | 
|    choose �See her home�                |         |                   *    | 
|11) Make sure Cloud gets chosen by Don   |BARRET +5| A=36  T=32  Y=10  B=22 | 
|    Corneo, then select �Yeah his name   |         |                   *    | 
|    is Barret...� when talking to Don    |         |                        | 
|12) After landing in the sewers talk to  |TIFA   +3| A=36  T=35  Y=10  B=22 | 
|    Tifa first                           |         |                   *    | 
|13) When Marlene remarks that Aeris      |AERIS  -3| A=33  T=38  Y=10  B=22 | 
|    likes Cloud, choose �I don't know�   |TIFA   +3|                   *    | 
|14) After meeting Red XIII send Barret   |BARRET +2| A=33  T=38  Y=10  B=24 | 
|    off to look after Aeris              |         |                   *    | 
|15) After defeating Sample:H0512 make a  |BARRET +2| A=33  T=38  Y=10  B=26 | 
|    team of Barret & Red XIII            |         |                   *    | 
|16) Talk to Tifa in the cells and choose |TIFA   -1| A=33  T=37  Y=10  B=26 | 
|    �Kinda hard�                         |         |                   *    | 
|17) Think of Barret first in the cells   |BARRET +3| A=33  T=37  Y=10  B=29 | 
|18) Think of Red XIII second             |NO EFFECT| A=33  T=37  Y=10  B=29 | 
|19) After escaping the Shinra HQ, make a |BARRET +1| A=33  T=37  Y=10  B=30 | 
|    team of Red XIII and Barret          |         |                   *    | 
|20) After the flashback in Kalm, choose  |BARRET +3| A=33  T=37  Y=10  B=33 | 
|    �Wait a sec� and then �beautiful,    |         |                   *    | 
|    just beautiful� when talking to      |         |                        | 
|    Barret                               |         |                        |
|21) Form a party of Red XIII and Barret, |BARRET +2| A=33  T=37  Y=10  B=35 | 
|    then tell the woman in Kalm who asks |         |                   *    | 
|    about Mako that she's full of it     |         |                        | 
|22) Then talk to the person upstairs and |BARRET +2| A=33  T=37  Y=10  B=37 | 
|    select �Yeah, maybe�                 |         |                   *    | 
|23) Make a party of Barret and Red XIII  |BARRET +5| A=33  T=37  Y=10  B=42 | 
|    then enter Fort Condor. When talking |         |                   *    | 
|    to the old guy select �I guess so�   |         |                        | 
|24) Select �All right� as your second    |BARRET +5| A=33  T=37  Y=10  B=47 | 
|    choice at Fort Condor                |         |                   *    | 
|25) Don't recruit Yuffie.                |NO EFFECT| A=33  T=37  Y=10  B=47 | 
|26) If you did recruit Yuffie don't give |YUFFIE -2| A=33  T=37  Y=10  B=47 | 
|    her any Tranquilizers on the Ship    |         |         (or Y=18) *    | 
|27) Tell Aeris that you dunno if you'll  |AERIS  -2| A=31  T=37  Y=10  B=47 | 
|    take her on the Highwind             |         |                   *    | 
|28) When Tifa tells you how much she     |TIFA   -2| A=31  T=35  Y=10  B=47 | 
|    hates war, choose �I don't know�     |         |                   *    | 
|29) Speak to Tifa first and decline her  |TIFA   -2| A=31  T=33  Y=10  B=47 | 
|    offer to go together                 |         |         (or Y=18) *    | 
|30) Choose Red XIII or Cait Sith to      |NO EFFECT| A=31  T=33  Y=10  B=47 | 
|    accompany you in Corel Prison        |         |                   *    | 
|31) Enter Gongaga with Aeris and Tifa.   |AERIS  -3| A=31  T=30  Y=10  B=47 | 
|    Completely ignore both of them       |TIFA   -3|                   *    | 
|32) Bring Barret with you to Cosmo       |BARRET +6| A=31  T=30  Y=10  B=53 | 
|    Canyon. Talk to him in the back of   |         |                        |
|    Tiger Lily's and select �Go on�,     |         |                        |
|    then �And then�                      |         |                        |
|33) Don't complete Yuffie's sidequest    |NO EFFECT| A=31  T=30  Y=10  B=53 | 
|    until after the date                 |         |                   *    | 
|     ENDING VALUES:  AERIS: 31    TIFA: 30    YUFFIE: 10/18 BARRET: 53      | 

                                           _________ ________________________ 
                                          |         |                        | 
             {DATING YUFFIE}:             | EFFECT: |     CURRENT SCORE:     |
|                                         |         |                        |
|01) In the train whilst talking to       |TIFA   -3| A=50  T=27  Y=10  B=00 | 
|    Jessie choose �Looking forward to it�|         |             *          | 
|02) Don't buy a flower from Aeris        |NO EFFECT| A=50  T=27  Y=10  B=00 | 
|03) Don't talk to Tifa before riding the |NO EFFECT| A=50  T=27  Y=10  B=00 | 
|    pinball machine                      |         |             *          | 
|04) When Tifa remarks that Cloud is      |NO EFFECT| A=50  T=27  Y=10  B=00 | 
|    abandoning his childhood friend,     |         |             *          | 
|    select �...Sorry�                    |         |                        | 
|05) When Tifa asks how Cloud slept,      |BARRET +5| A=50  T=27  Y=10  B=05 | 
|    select �Barret's snoring kept me     |         |             *          | 
|    up...�                               |         |                        | 
|06) Don't make it past the security ID   |NO EFFECT| A=50  T=27  Y=10  B=05 | 
|    check on the trains                  |         |             *          | 
|07) After defeating Air Buster select    |BARRET +2| A=50  T=27  Y=10  B=07 | 
|    �(Be strong)�                        |         |             *          | 
|08) Tell Aeris to Hold on a minute, then |AERIS  -9| A=41  T=27  Y=10  B=07 | 
|    push the incorrect barrel 3 times    |         |             *          | 
|09) Tell Aeris that Tifa is your         |AERIS  -5| A=36  T=27  Y=10  B=07 | 
|    girlfriend                           |         |             *          | 
|10) Whilst chatting in the playground    |NO EFFECT| A=36  T=27  Y=10  B=07 | 
|    choose �See her home�                |         |             *          | 
|11) Make sure Tifa gets chosen by Don    |AERIS  -2| A=34  T=27  Y=10  B=07 | 
|    Corneo, then select �We gotta help   |         |             *          | 
|    Tifa� when rescuing Aeris            |         |                        | 
|12) After landing in the sewers talk to  |TIFA   +3| A=34  T=30  Y=10  B=07 | 
|    Tifa first                           |         |             *          | 
|13) When Marlene remarks that Aeris      |AERIS  -3| A=31  T=33  Y=10  B=07 | 
|    likes Cloud, choose �I don't know�   |TIFA   +3|             *          | 
|14) After meeting Red XIII send Tifa off |TIFA   -2| A=31  T=31  Y=10  B=07 | 
|    to look after Aeris                  |         |             *          | 
|15) After defeating Sample:H0512 make a  |BARRET +2| A=31  T=31  Y=10  B=09 | 
|    team of Barret & Red XIII            |         |             *          | 
|16) Talk to Tifa in the cells and choose |TIFA   -1| A=31  T=30  Y=10  B=09 | 
|    �Kinda hard�                         |         |             *          | 
|17) Think of Red XIII 1st in the cells   |NO EFFECT| A=31  T=30  Y=10  B=09 | 
|18) Think of Barret 2nd                  |BARRET +1| A=31  T=30  Y=10  B=10 | 
|19) After escaping the Shinra HQ, make a |BARRET +1| A=31  T=30  Y=10  B=11 | 
|    team of Red XIII and Barret          |         |             *          | 
|20) After the flashback in Kalm, choose  |BARRET -1| A=31  T=30  Y=10  B=10 | 
|    �Wait a sec� and then �Is that all?� |         |             *          | 
|    when talking to Barret               |         |                        | 
|NOTE - Do not talk to the women in Kalm until you have obtained Yuffie. You |
|       will have to run across the marsh battling the Zolom along the way.  |
|21) Form a party of Tifa and Yuffie,     |YUFFIE +1| A=31  T=29  Y=11  B=10 | 
|    then say to the woman in Kalm who    |TIFA   -1|             *          | 
|    asks about Mako �Yeah, maybe�        |         |                        | 
|22) Then talk to the person upstairs and |YUFFIE +1| A=31  T=28  Y=12  B=10 | 
|    select �No way�                      |TIFA   -1|             *          | 
|23) Make a party of Tifa and Aeris then  |AERIS  -3| A=28  T=25  Y=12  B=10 | 
|    enter Fort Condor. When talking to   |TIFA   -3|             *          | 
|    the old guy select �Not interested�  |         |                        | 
|24) Select �Not interested� a second     |AERIS  -3| A=25  T=23  Y=12  B=10 | 
|    time at Fort Condor                  |AERIS  -3|             *          | 
|25) Recruit Yuffie                       |YUFFIE+10| A=25  T=23  Y=22  B=10 | 
|26) Give Yuffie some Tranquilizers       |YUFFIE +4| A=25  T=23  Y=26  B=10 | 
|    whilst on board the cargo ship       |         |             *          | 
|27) Tell Aeris that you dunno if you'll  |AERIS  -2| A=23  T=23  Y=26  B=10 | 
|    take her on the Highwind             |         |             *          | 
|28) When Tifa tells you how much she     |TIFA   -2| A=23  T=21  Y=26  B=10 | 
|    hates war, choose �I don't know�     |         |             *          | 
|29) Speak to Yuffie first and accept her |YUFFIE +3| A=23  T=21  Y=29  B=10 | 
|    offer to go together                 |         |             *          | 
|30) Choose Yuffie to accompany you in    |YUFFIE +2| A=23  T=21  Y=31  B=10 | 
|    Corel Prison                         |         |             *          | 
|31) Enter Gongaga with Aeris and Tifa.   |AERIS  -3| A=20  T=18  Y=31  B=10 | 
|    Completely ignore both of them       |TIFA   -3|             *          | 
|32) Don't talk to Barret in Cosmo Canyon |NO EFFECT| A=20  T=18  Y=31  B=10 | 
|33) Complete Yuffie's sidequest          |YUFFIE+10| A=20  T=18  Y=41  B=10 |
|     ENDING VALUES:  AERIS: 20    TIFA: 18   YUFFIE: 41    BARRET: 0        | 

                                           _________ ________________________ 
                                          |         |                        | 
              {DATING TIFA}:              | EFFECT: |     CURRENT SCORE:     | 
|                                         |         |                        | 
|01) In the train whilst talking to       |NO EFFECT| A=50  T=30  Y=10  B=00 | 
|    Jessie choose �Thanks anyway�        |         |       *                | 
|02) Buy a flower from Aeris and give it  |TIFA  +5 | A=50  T=35  Y=10  B=00 | 
|    to Tifa                              |         |       *                |
|03) Talk to Tifa before riding the       |TIFA  +5 | A=50  T=40  Y=10  B=00 | 
|    pinball machine and choose �Give me  |         |       *                | 
|    something hard�                      |         |                        |
|04) When Tifa remarks that Cloud is      |TIFA  +5 | A=50  T=45  Y=10  B=00 | 
|    abandoning his childhood friend,     |         |       *                | 
|    select �How can you say that�        |         |                        | 
|05) When Tifa asks how Cloud slept,      |TIFA  +5 | A=50  T=50  Y=10  B=00 | 
|    select �Next to you, who wouldn't?�  |         |       *                | 
|06) Make it past the security ID check   |TIFA   +5| A=50  T=55  Y=10  B=05 | 
|    on the trains                        |BARRET +5|       *                | 
|07) After defeating Air Buster select    |TIFA   +1| A=50  T=56  Y=10  B=02 | 
|    �(I don't know if I can hold on)�    |BARRET -3|       *                | 
|08) Tell Aeris to Hold on a minute, then |AERIS  -9| A=41  T=56  Y=10  B=02 | 
|    push the incorrect barrel 3 times    |         |       *                | 
|09) Tell Aeris that Tifa is your         |AERIS  -5| A=36  T=56  Y=10  B=02 | 
|    girlfriend                           |         |       *                | 
|10) Whilst chatting in the playground    |NO EFFECT| A=36  T=56  Y=10  B=02 | 
|    choose �See her home�                |         |       *                | 
|11) Make sure Aeris gets chosen by Don   |TIFA   +3| A=36  T=59  Y=10  B=02 | 
|    Corneo, then select �We gotta help   |         |       *                | 
|    Aeris� when rescuing Tifa            |         |                        | 
|12) After landing in the sewers talk to  |TIFA   +3| A=36  T=62  Y=10  B=02 | 
|    Tifa first                           |         |       *                | 
|13) When Marlene remarks that Aeris      |AERIS  -3| A=33  T=65  Y=10  B=02 | 
|    likes Cloud, choose �I don't know�   |TIFA   +3|       *                | 
|14) After meeting Red XIII send Barret   |BARRET +2| A=33  T=65  Y=10  B=04 | 
|    off to look after Aeris              |         |       *                | 
|15) After defeating Sample:H0512 make a  |TIFA   +2| A=33  T=67  Y=10  B=04 | 
|    team of Tifa & Red XIII              |         |       *                | 
|16) Talk to Tifa in the cells and choose |TIFA   +1| A=33  T=68  Y=10  B=04 | 
|    �Leave it to me�                     |         |       *                | 
|17) Think of Red XIII 1st in the cells   |NO EFFECT| A=33  T=68  Y=10  B=04 | 
|18) Think of Barret 2nd                  |BARRET +1| A=33  T=68  Y=10  B=05 | 
|19) After escaping the Shinra HQ, make a |TIFA   +1| A=33  T=69  Y=10  B=05 | 
|    team of Red XIII and Tifa            |         |       *                | 
|20) After the flashback in Kalm, choose  |BARRET -1| A=33  T=69  Y=10  B=04 | 
|    �Wait a sec� and then �Is that all?� |         |       *                | 
|    when talking to Barret               |         |                        | 
|21) Form a party of Red XIII and Tifa,   |TIFA   +1| A=33  T=70  Y=10  B=04 | 
|    then tell the woman in Kalm who asks |         |       *                | 
|    about Mako that she's full of it     |         |                        | 
|22) Then talk to the person upstairs and |TIFA   +1| A=33  T=71  Y=10  B=04 | 
|    select �Yeah, maybe�                 |         |       *                | 
|23) Make a party of Barret and Aeris then|BARRET -5| A=30  T=71  Y=10  B=00 | 
|    enter Fort Condor. When talking to   |AERIS  -3|       *                | 
|    the old guy select �Not interested�  |         |                        | 
|24) Select �Not interested� a second     |BARRET -5| A=27  T=71  Y=10  B=00 | 
|    time at Fort Condor                  |AERIS  -3|       *                | 
|25) Don't recruit Yuffie                 |NO EFFECT| A=27  T=71  Y=10  B=00 | 
|26) If you did recruit Yuffie don't give |YUFFIE -2| A=27  T=71  Y=10  B=00 | 
|    her any Tranquilizers on the Ship    |         |       * (or Y=18)      | 
|27) Tell Aeris that you dunno if you'll  |AERIS  -2| A=25  T=71  Y=10  B=00 | 
|    take her on the Highwind             |         |       *                | 
|28) When Tifa tells you how much she     |TIFA   +2| A=25  T=73  Y=10  B=00 | 
|    hates war, choose �Yeah...�          |         |       *                | 
|29) Speak to Tifa first and accept her   |TIFA   +3| A=25  T=76  Y=10  B=00 | 
|    offer to accompany you               |         |       * (or Y=18)      | 
|30) Choose Tifa to accompany you in      |TIFA   +3| A=25  T=79  Y=10  B=00 | 
|    Corel Prison                         |         |       *                | 
|31) Enter Gongaga with Aeris and Tifa.   |TIFA   +1| A=22  T=80  Y=10  B=00 | 
|    After talking to Zack's parents talk |AERIS  -3|       *                | 
|    to Tifa and select either option.    |         |                        | 
|    You can ignore Aeris completely      |         |                        | 
|32) Don't talk to Barret in Cosmo Canyon |NO EFFECT| A=22  T=80  Y=10  B=00 | 
|33) Don't complete Yuffie's sidequest    |NO EFFECT| A=22  T=80  Y=10  B=00 | 
|    until after the date                 |         |       *                | 
|      ENDING VALUES:  AERIS: 22    TIFA: 80    YUFFIE: 10   BARRET: 0       | 

                                           _________ ________________________ 
                                          |         |                        |
              {DATING AERIS}:             | EFFECT: |     CURRENT SCORE:     | 
|                                         |         |                        | 
|01) In the train whilst talking to       |TIFA   -3| A=50  T=27  Y=10  B=00 | 
|    Jessie choose �Looking forward to it�|         | *                      | 
|02) Don't buy a flower from Aeris        |NO EFFECT| A=50  T=27  Y=10  B=00 | 
|03) Don't talk to Tifa before riding the |NO EFFECT| A=50  T=27  Y=10  B=00 | 
|    pinball machine                      |         | *                      | 
|04) When Tifa remarks that Cloud is      |NO EFFECT| A=50  T=27  Y=10  B=00 | 
|    abandoning his childhood friend,     |         | *                      | 
|    select �...Sorry�                    |         |                        | 
|05) When Tifa asks how Cloud slept,      |BARRET +5| A=50  T=27  Y=10  B=05 | 
|    select �Barret's snoring kept me     |         | *                      | 
|    up...�                               |         |                        | 
|06) Don't make it past the security ID   |NO EFFECT| A=50  T=27  Y=10  B=05 | 
|    check on the trains                  |         | *                      | 
|07) After defeating Air Buster select    |BARRET +2| A=50  T=27  Y=10  B=07 | 
|    �(Be strong)�                        |         | *                      | 
|08) Push the correct barrel 3 times      |AERIS  +3| A=53  T=27  Y=10  B=07 | 
|09) Tell Aeris that Tifa isn't your      |AERIS  +1| A=54  T=27  Y=10  B=07 | 
|    girlfriend                           |         | *                      | 
|10) Whilst chatting in the playground    |AERIS  +1| A=55  T=27  Y=10  B=07 | 
|    choose �Go on to Sector 7�           |         | *                      | 
|11) Make sure Tifa gets chosen by Don    |AERIS  +3| A=58  T=27  Y=10  B=07 | 
|    Corneo, then select �You alright?�   |         | *                      | 
|    when rescuing Aeris                  |         |                        | 
|12) After landing in the sewers talk to  |AERIS  +3| A=61  T=27  Y=10  B=07 | 
|    Aeris first                          |         | *                      | 
|13) When Marlene remarks that Aeris      |AERIS  +3| A=64  T=24  Y=10  B=07 | 
|    likes Cloud, choose �Let's hope so�  |TIFA   -3| *                      | 
|14) After meeting Red XIII send Tifa off |TIFA   -2| A=64  T=22  Y=10  B=07 | 
|    to look after Aeris                  |         | *                      | 
|15) After defeating Sample:H0512 make a  |AERIS  +2| A=66  T=22  Y=10  B=07 | 
|    team of Aeris & Red XIII             |         | *                      | 
|16) Talk to Tifa in the cells and choose |TIFA   -1| A=66  T=21  Y=10  B=07 | 
|    �Kinda hard�                         |         | *                      | 
|17) Think of Aeris first in the cells    |AERIS  +3| A=69  T=21  Y=10  B=07 | 
|18) Think of Red XIII second             |NO EFFECT| A=69  T=21  Y=10  B=07 | 
|19) After escaping the Shinra HQ, make a |AERIS  +1| A=70  T=21  Y=10  B=07 | 
|    team of Red XIII and Aeris           |         | *                      | 
|20) After the flashback in Kalm, choose  |BARRET -1| A=70  T=21  Y=10  B=06 | 
|    �Wait a sec� and then �Is that all?� |         | *                      | 
|    when talking to Barret               |         |                        | 
|21) Form a party of Red XIII and Aeris,  |AERIS  +1| A=71  T=21  Y=10  B=06 | 
|    then tell the woman in Kalm who asks |         | *                      | 
|    about Mako that she's full of it     |         |                        | 
|22) Then talk to the person upstairs and |AERIS  +1| A=72  T=21  Y=10  B=06 | 
|    select �Yeah, maybe�                 |         | *                      | 
|23) Make a party of Barret and Tifa then |BARRET -5| A=72  T=18  Y=10  B=01 | 
|    enter Fort Condor. When talking to   |TIFA   -3| *                      | 
|    the old guy select �Not interested�  |         |                        | 
|24) Select �Not interested� a second     |BARRET -5| A=72  T=15  Y=10  B=00 | 
|    time at Fort Condor                  |TIFA   -3| *                      | 
|25) Don't recruit Yuffie                 |NO EFFECT| A=72  T=15  Y=10  B=00 | 
|26) If you did recruit Yuffie don't give |YUFFIE -2| A=72  T=15  Y=10  B=00 | 
|    her any Tranquilizers on the Ship    |         | *       (or Y=18)      | 
|27) Tell Aeris that you'll take her on   |AERIS  +2| A=74  T=15  Y=10  B=00 | 
|    the Highwind someday                 |         | *                      | 
|28) When Tifa tells you how much she     |TIFA   -2| A=74  T=13  Y=10  B=00 | 
|    hates war, choose �I don't know�     |         | *                      | 
|29) Speak to Aeris first and accept her  |AERIS  +3| A=77  T=13  Y=10  B=00 | 
|    offer to accompany you               |         | *       (or Y=18)      | 
|30) Choose Aeris to accompany you in     |AERIS +10| A=87  T=13  Y=10  B=00 | 
|    Corel Prison                         |         | *                      | 
|31) Enter Gongaga with Aeris and Tifa.   |AERIS  +2| A=89  T=10  Y=10  B=00 | 
|    After talking to Zack's parents talk |TIFA   -3| *                      | 
|    to Aeris and select �...jealous...   |         |                        | 
|    envious...�. Ignore Tifa completely  |         |                        | 
|32) Don't talk to Barret in Cosmo Canyon |NO EFFECT| A=89  T=10  Y=10  B=00 | 
|33) Don't complete Yuffie's sidequest    |NO EFFECT| A=89  T=10  Y=10  B=00 | 
|    until after the date                 |         | *                      | 
|       ENDING VALUES:  AERIS: 89    TIFA: 10   YUFFIE: 10   BARRET: 0       | 

--E.01 F -  Gold Saucer Date Script

  Ok, so there is a fair amount of script that takes place during the date 
sequence, I only intend to narrate the bit that really matters - the 
conversation on the Gondola. There is a fair amount of sub-context in regards 
to Tifa's and Aeris's date, whereas Yuffie and Barret's date is purely 

If I get a strong enough demand to, I will take the time to write up the 
whole script of each date sequence, including the whole EDK bit, but only if 
enough people want me to.

  {DATING AERIS}: |___________________________________________________________

Aeris: Wow, how nice.
Aeris: Oh! Look, Cloud.
Aeris: It's so pretty.
Aeris:'s beautiful, isn't it?
Aeris: ......first off, it bothered me how you looked exactly alike.
Aeris: Two completely different people, but look exactly the same.
Aeris: The way you walk, gesture...
Aeris: I think I must have seen him again, in you...
Aeris: But you're different.
Aeris: Things are different...
Aeris: Cloud...
Aeris: I'm searching for you.
Cloud: .............?
Aeris: I want to meet you.
Cloud: But I'm right here.
Aeris: (I know, I know...what I mean is...)
Aeris: I want to
  {DATING TIFA}: |____________________________________________________________

Tifa:  Oh, how pretty.
Tifa:  Look, Cloud.
Tifa:  Oh, Cloud.
Tifa:'s really pretty, isn't it?
Tifa:  Ok, I'm going to just go ahead and say it...
Cloud: ...what?
Tifa:  Aeris would be able to just come out and say it, probably.
Tifa:  Cloud...?
Tifa:  Sometimes being old friends is hard.
Tifa:  I mean, timing is everything.
Cloud: Yeah...
Tifa:  Cloud...?
Tifa:  I......
Tifa:  ............ ..................
  {DATING YUFFIE}: |__________________________________________________________

Yuffie: Wow!
Yuffie: Geez!!
Yuffie: Cloud!
Yuffie: Cloud......? (Yuffie kisses Cloud on the cheek)
Cloud:  ............
Yuffie: I just felt like doing that.
Cloud:  ............
Yuffie: That's all.
Cloud:  ............
Yuffie: H, hey!! Say something, why don't you!
Cloud:  ............
Yuffie: ............gawd, I could just die.
Cloud:  ............
Yuffie: Say something, PLEASE!
Cloud:  ...................something.
  {DATING BARRET}: |__________________________________________________________

Barret: Hey foo. What you wanna see fireworks with me for?
Cloud:  Not having fun?
Barret: You should've asked one or the other!
Cloud:  Which would you have asked?
Barret: Oh man, there just ain't no choice!
Barret: Tifa, Aeris.
Barret: Ah, Yuffie? (If you've recruited Yuffie)
Cloud:  (hoo boy)
Barret: What the hell's that supposed to mean?
Barret: Hey, you don't mean...Marlene?
Barret: NO WAY! Forget it!
Barret: There ain't no way I'm lettin' a wacko like you anywhere near my 
        little Marlene!
Barret: She's my baby. My prized possession.
Barret: .......Marlene.
Barret: Wish I could've brought Marlene here. She'd love the fireworks.
Barret: Why the hell do I gotta be here with a foo like you...!
Barret: Shit...the more I think 'bout it the madder I get!
Barret: Damn fireworks anyways.
Barret: Shut up!!

|                                                                            |
| {E.02} - Limit Breaks                                                      |
|                                                                            |
|  A - About Limit Breaks                                                    |
|  B - Leveling Up Your Limits                                               |
|  C - Best Places to Limit Train                                            |
|  D - Level 4 Limit Breaks                                                  |
|  E - The Limit Breaks Themselves                                           |
|                                                             {Limit Breaks} |

--E.02 A - About Limit Breaks

  Limit Breaks are powerful techniques that your players can use once their 
Limit gauge has completely filled up. In order to fill up your Limit gauge 
you must first receive enough damage; every time they get hit their Limit 
gauge will fill up slightly. The rate at which the gauge fills is 
proportionate to how much HP has been drained as a % of you max HP, aswell as 
the current Limit level that you have set for that character. To use your 
Limit Break you must select it as it appears in place of your basic attack, 
should you wish to save your Limit for later on (for say, a boss) then you 
will have to find a different command to select.

Here is a chart depicting how much HP must be drained for each character for 
their Limit gauge to be filled up completely:
                      _______ _______ _______ _______ 
                     |       |       |       |       |                 
                     | Lv 1: | Lv 2: | Lv 3: | Lv 4: |
         | Cloud     | 47%   | 108%  | 144%  | 168%  |
         | Barret    | 43%   | 80%   | 124%  | 149%  |
         | Tifa      | 40%   | 111%  | 169%  | 188%  |
         | Aeris     | 66%   | 94%   | 107%  | 145%  |
         | Red XIII  | 65%   | 100%  | 129%  | 161%  |
         | Yuffie    | 66%   | 100%  | 133%  | 159%  |
         | Cait Sith | 53%   | 60%   | N/A   | N/A   |
         | Vincent   | 67%   | 81%   | 106%  | 141%  |
         | Cid       | 66%   | 93%   | 126%  | 159%  |

Note that all figures have been rounded. Also note that Tifa requires the 
least amount of damage at level 1 whilst requiring the most amount of damage 
at level 4.

When your gauge has been filled to the max and your Limit becomes available, 
your gauge will start flashing rainbow colours. When this happens, the ATB 
(Active Time Battle) gauge will fill up at twice its normal rate allowing you 
to hastily use your Limit Break. Should you choose to save your Limit for 
another turn, the ATB will not fill up as quickly again until you've used 
your Limit and you've filled up the gauge once more. Once you have opted to 
use your Limit Break the said character will take priority over every other 
command, meaning he/she will always attack next even if it wasn't his/her 
turn to do so.

There are two Statuses that can affect the rate in which your Limit gauge 
fills up, these are Fury and Sadness. Fury will double the rate at which your 
gauge will fill whilst at the same time reducing the player's accuracy by 
30%, whereas Sadness will halve the time it takes for your Limit to fill 
whilst reducing the amount of damage you take by 30%. You can inflict Fury on 
a character by using a Hyper, which can also be used to cure you of Sadness. 
You can inflict Sadness on a character by using a Tranquilizer, which can 
also be used to cure you of Fury. Unlike every other Status in the game Fury 
and Sadness are the only ailments that will not be removed from a character 
once a battle has finished, and will carry over to each forthcoming battle 
until the character/s have been cured.

It is also worth noting that a fair whack of the trophies that can be 
obtained a related to the Limit Breaks. In fact, 18 of the 36 trophies (50%) 
are Limit related; simply use each of the 9 character's first and last Limit 
Break to gain half of the available trophies.

--E.02 B - Leveling Up Your Limits

  There are four Limit levels available for each character (excluding Cait 
Sith & Vincent), levels 1, 2 & 3 contain two commands to select from in-
battle, and level 4 (being the ultimate level) only has one command to choose 
from. To see what levels are currently available for a character, goto 
'Limit' in the main menus. When a character's Limit Break levels up you must 
manually set the Limit to the new level within this menu. This also enables 
you to backtrack to previous levels; some Limit Breaks hold unique 
properties, such as Aeris's Fury Brand and Barret's Mindblow.

There are two ways of Leveling up your Limit Breaks: 1) by getting x amount 
of kills and 2) by using your Limits x amount of times. Here is a chart 
depicting the required amount of kills and uses required to level up your 
              _________ _________ ___________ _________ ___________ _________ 
             |         |         |           |         |           |         |
             | Lv 1-1  | Lv 1-2  | Lv 2-1    | Lv 2-2  | Lv 3-1    | Lv 3-2  |
 | Cloud     | Default | 8 Uses  | 120 Kills | 7 Uses  | 320 Kills | 6 Uses  |
 | Barret    | Default | 9 Uses  | 80 Kills  | 8 Uses  | 160 Kills | 6 Uses  |
 | Tifa      | Default | 9 Uses  | 96  Kills | 7 Uses  | 192 Kills | 6 Uses  |
 | Aeris     | Default | 8 Uses  | 80  Kills | 6 Uses  | 160 Kills | 5 Uses  |
 | Red XIII  | Default | 8 Uses  | 72  Kills | 7 Uses  | 144 Kills | 6 Uses  |
 | Yuffie    | Default | 8 Uses  | 64  Kills | 7 Uses  | 128 Kills | 6 Uses  |
 | Cait Sith | Default | N/A     | 40  Kills | N/A     | N/A       | N/A     |
 | Vincent   | Default | N/A     | 40  Kills | N/A     | 96  Kills | N/A     |
 | Cid       | Default | 7 Uses  | 60  Kills | 6 Uses  | 136 Kills | 5 Uses  |

 NOTE - To unlock the 3-1 Limit Break you must acquire the above kill count as 
        a total, not including the 2-1 kill count i.e. Cloud requires 320 
        kills to unlock his 3-1, NOT 440.

So in order to unlock Limit 1-2 for Cloud, you must first use his 1-1 Limit 8 
times. It is possible to unlock a character's 2-1 Limit before their 1-2 
Limit by reaching the kill threshold prior to using the required amount of 
Limits, however you manually 'Set' your Limit Breaks in the menus to level 2 
otherwise you will be stuck with your level 1 Limit Break/s. You also *must* 
unlock all 6 Limit Breaks in order to learn the ultimate level 4 Limit Break, 
more on that to follow.

Whilst trying to level up your 1-2 / 2-2 / 3-2 Limit it is highly recommended 
that you have your characters inflicted with Fury, aswell as keeping them in 
the front row. Cover works really well too. Once they have achieved the next 
level it is recommended that you remove the Fury Status as it can sometimes 
make the battle system a little fragmented. Whilst working towards your 2-1 / 
3-1 Limit just concentrate on magic spells that will attack every character 
like Matra Magic, Trine or All=Lightning (for example).

There are other ways to help to level up your Limits. Aeris's 2-2 Fury Brand 
for example will completely fill up the other two characters Limit gauge to 
the maximum, meaning you can fly through to your X-2 Limits in no time. The 
Manipulate Materia is another great way to help with filling you Limit 
gauges. Seeing as a character's gauge will not fill up at all if you select 
another player to hit that character, being able to manipulate a powerful 
enemy (like the Valron) to hit that character instead is the best way to 
quickly fill up you Limit gauge.

Thanks to GideonD's Limit Break Mechanic FAQ I now know that the following 

 - Kills made using Odin's Steel Cutting Sword will *not* count towards your 
   your kill total.
 - Kills made by poisoning an enemy will *not* count towards your kill total 
   provided that the enemy died due to the Status effects of the Poison.
 - Kills made whilst initially casting Bio *will* count towards your kill 
 - Kills made using an enemy that is manipulated will *not* count towards 
   your kill total.
 - Kills made using Death Sentence will *not* count towards your kill total.
 - Kills made using the spell Death *will* count towards your kill total.
 - Kills made using Flash *will* count towards your kill total.
 - Kills and Limit Break uses gained in the Battle Arena will *not* count 
   towards your kill total or your Limit Break use total.
 - Bizarrely enough, if you mimic a Limit Break then the character that used 
   Mimic will be unable to perform the initial casters move, but it will 
   still count towards the mimickers Limit Break 'uses'.

--E.02 C - Best Places to Limit Train

 1) Sector 4 Winding Tunnels

      After playing the game from the start for roughly an hour or so you 
      will find yourself in the Winding Tunnels after having jumped off a 
      moving train (unscathed). North will be your destination, however south 
      will lead you to the only place in the game where you can encounter an 
      infinite amount of enemies, continuously, uninterrupted. No need to run 
      around in circles, you can simply select the option to fight the 3 x 
      Special Combatants as many times as you wish, or you can run away to 
      continue on with the mission.

      The main drawback here is that you cannot readily heal yourself, nor 
      can you save the game in this area (once you continue on you will not 
      be able to revisit the area). So basically, once you have run out of 
      MP, Ethers and Potions you're screwed. Note that in the following area 
      you will eventually find your first Tent of the game (next to the save 
      point), so if you are desperate then you will have the chance to 
      completely restore yourself. You'll also find an Ether as soon as you 
      drop from the Winding Tunnels.

 2) Mythril Mine (North-Western Cave)

      After crossing the Midgar Zolom marsh on the back of a Chocobo you will 
      come to the Mythril Mine. Head left one screen, then head into the 
      northern cave. There are some fairly powerful foes here, such as the 
      Ark Dragon whose Flamethrower attack will pack a punch. You can also 
      encounter enemy formations in groups of 5, which is very useful indeed. 
      Elemental=Choco/Mog in someone's weapon is the best way to deal with 
      the Ark Dragon, All=Fire for the Castanets and All=Earth for the 
      Crawlers. Don't forget to steal as many Grand Gloves as possible from 
      the Madouge as they sell for 600 gil each.

 3) Junon Area Forests

      The 5 x Capparwire that you encounter here are awesome, as their Grand 
      Spark move will deliver quite a lot of damage, making this area one of 
      the best Limit training grounds on Disk 1 (in my opinion). The 
      Formulas carry Boomerangs which can be sold for 700 gil each, and 
      they can also hit all allies for medium damage with their Cross Impulse 

 4) Mt. Corel Drawbridge Area

      This is the same area where you can steal the 10 x Phoenix Downs. Here 
      you will encounter Search Crowns in formations of 5, you'll also find 
      the Bagnadrana which can deliver a fair amount of damage with their 
      Poison Breath. Both enemies are susceptible to L4 Suicide.

 5) Under Junon ('T' Intersection)

      After obtaining the buggy you can return to Junon by driving your buggy 
      into Costa Del Sol, then bribing the man at the docks to let you 
      stowaway in the cargo ship. Then head to the 'T' intersection in 
      between upper and lower Junon and head south to come to a red panel 
      near to where the troops are being drilled. Activate the panel to 
      sound the alarm which will enable random encounters. Here you will 
      engage with the strongest foes to date, the Death Machine and the 

      Although you'll only encounter enemies in groups of as much as 3, the 
      Death Machine can deliver a punch with its W Machine Gun attack. Make 
      sure to steal a few Smoke Bombs from the Slaloms aswell as they 
      massively help out at the Battle Arena. I wouldn't recommend training 
      here for too long though as they EXP gained here is way too high, and 
      if you power level here too much then you'll just end up making the 
      game way too easy.

 6) Mt. Nibel (Inner Caves)

      With enemy formations of 5 this is a great place to train, although the 
      EXP gained is a little high. The Dragon's Flamethrower (Enemy Skill) is 
      quite powerful, and the Kyuvilduns are weak against fire. Both enemies 
      are susceptible to L4 Suicide.

 7) Nibel/Rocket Town Forests

      This is without a doubt the best Limit training ground in the whole 
      game as the Battery Caps will come in groups of 6, which is the only 
      place in the game where you can randomly encounter enemies with a 6 x 
      formation. You can also manipulate the Valron to have it use its Dive 
      Kick move which is Gravity based; it will always take out 25% of your 
      max HP. It doesn't matter how far into the game you are, this should 
      always be your first choice to train your Limits.

                                                        {Level 4 Limit Breaks}
--E.02 D - Level 4 Limit Breaks

  Each character's level 4 Limit Break must be learned by first obtaining a 
special item called a Limit Break Manual, you must then unlock all 6 previous 
Limit Breaks for that character before they can learn their ultimate Limit 
Breaks. Vincent has only 3 Limit Breaks to unlock before he can learn his 
level 4 Limit as he does not have X-2 Limits to learn. Cait Sith does not 
have a level 4 Limit Break; in fact Cait Sith only has two Limits in total to 
choose from (Dice and Slots).

Once you have obtained the Limit Manual you will be able to find it within 
the 'Item' menu. If you try to use the manual on either a character that 
isn't ready to use it yet, or on the wrong character entirely then you will 
hear an error sound followed by a negative quote from that character, but if 
he/she is ready to learn it then you will get a positive quote and a 
'success' sound. The level 4 Limit will then be available to select in the 
'Limit' menu.

Here is how to obtain each characters Level 4 Limit Manual:

 Cloud - {Omnislash}  (�OK, I got it!�)
                      (�I'm not too sure but...�)
                      (�Don't really care.�)

         Obtained in the Battle Arena at the Gold Saucer. This prize is first 
         available in Disk 1 after you have obtained the Tiny Bronco and will 
         cost a whopping 51,200 BP, so you'd better refine your Super Dunk 
         skills if you want it that early on. Alternatively, come back once 
         you've obtained the Highwind to see the price reduced to 32,000 BP.

 Barret - {Catastrophe}  (�Heh! No sweat!�)
                         (�D-d-d-damn! My head hurts!�)
                         (�Got nuthin' to do with me!�)

         Obtained after the Huge Materia quest in Mt. Corel on Disk 2. After 
         you have saved North Corel (or not) you can talk to the woman in the
         house on the second floor to receive Barret's Catastrophe.

 Tifa - {Final Heaven}  (�Hmm, so that's it.�)
                        (�I'm not too sure, but...�)
                        (�I've got the wrong person.�)

         Obtained on Disk 2 after you have Cloud back from Mideel. Head over 
         to Nibelheim to play on Tifa's piano, then play the notes:

         X, Sq, Tr, L1+Tr, L1+Sq, X, Sq, Tr, L1+X, O, X, Sq, X

         You will then receive a note from Tifa's mentor, along with her Level 
         4 Limit Manual, Final Heaven.

 Aeris - {Great Gospel}  (�This should be okay.�)
                         (�Not quite ready yet.�)
                         (�It isn't me.�)

         Obtained on Disk 1 by firstly obtaining the Mythril which can then 
         be traded for the Great Gospel. Once you have escaped from the Corel 
         Prison on Disk 1 you will have the buggy, you can then return to 
         Junon by driving the buggy directly into Costa Del Sol, then 
         speaking to one of the sailors on the docks to travel back to 
         Junon. When you leave Junon you will be in your buggy, head towards 
         the larger forest and you'll find part of the river that can be 
         crossed, head over it and then travel north to find a secret cave.

         Inside the cave you will find a sleeping man who will disclose to 
         you one of your battle stats. If he tells you a stat other than your 
         battle count then leave the cave and re-enter until he tells you how 
         many times you have fought. If the last two digits are identical 
         (i.e. 111, 255, 477 etc.) then he will give you one of two prizes. 
         If both digits are even then you will receive a Bolt Ring, if they 
         are odd however then you shall receive the Mythril.

         You won�t be able to do anything with the Mythril until you have 
         obtained the Tiny Bronco, you can then visit the lone house south of 
         Gongaga to talk to the weapon seller. He will happily exchange the 
         contents of one of his boxes for the Mythril, the larger of the two 
         boxes contains a measly Gold Armlet (which can be bought from Rocket 
         Town for 2000 gil), however the smaller of the two chests on the 2nd 
         floor holds Aeris's Level 4 Limit Manual, the Great Gospel.

 Red XIII - {Cosmo Memory}  (�Right, I've got it!�)
                            (�I don't get it.�)
                            (�It has nothing to do with me�.)

         Obtained on Disk 1 after defeating Lost Number in the Shinra Mansion 
         in Nibelheim. Cosmo Memory is the first Level 4 Limit Manual 
         available in the game, followed by Aeris's Great Gospel. In the 
         western wing of the 2nd floor of the Shinra Mansion you will find a 
         safe, enter the following combination:
         Right 36, Left 10, Right 59, Right 97

         You must not go past the correct digit or you will fail the sequence 
         and have to start over. Once the correct code has been entered you 
         will have to fight a boss, Lost Number who will drop Cosmo Memory.

 Yuffie - {All Creation}  (�Cool! This should do it!�)
                          (�Nope! I don't get it!�)
                          (�Oh wow, I'm totally clueless!�)

         Obtained after completing Yuffie's optional sidequest in Wutai on 
         Disk 1. Once you have regained all of your Materia, equip Yuffie 
         with your best load out and head over to the large pagoda. Here you 
         can face 5 bosses. After defeating Godo, the final boss, you will 
         receive Yuffie's All Creation.

 Cait Sith - N/A  (�It's got nothing to do with me.�)

             Cait Sith does not have a level 4 Limit.

 Vincent - {Chaos}  (�I'm becoming less human...�)
                    (�I'm still not ready.�)
                    (�It has nothing to do with me.�)

         Obtained on Disk 2 after gaining Cloud back from Mideel. You will 
         need to then obtain a Chocobo that can climb mountains, or continue 
         on with the story until you have obtained the submarine. Directly 
         south of North Corel you fill find a closed off Lagoon, head to it 
         on your Chocobo to find Lucrecia's Cave. Alternatively you can dive 
         in you submarine and head north until you reach an underwater 
         ravine, then take a sharp left to come to a long underwater tunnel 
         which will lead to the aforementioned Lagoon.

         Make sure that Vincent is in you party before entering the cave. 
         When you enter you will learn a bit about Vincent and his past. Then 
         head out of the cave and complete 10 random battles which cannot be 
         done in the grassy area outside of the cave as no enemies lurk 
         there. Once you're ready, head back into the cave to find that 
         Lucrecia has left Vincent's ultimate weapon, Death Penalty along 
         with his Level 4 Limit Manual, Chaos.

 Cid - {Highwind}  (�Hey I like this! Lemme use it!�)
                   (�Hmph, don't quite get it but...�)
                   (�Not me! Give it to someone else!�)

         Obtained on Disk 2 once you have obtained the submarine. Head over to 
         the submarine dock near the Gold Saucer then submerge to find the 
         Sunken Gelnika. Be wary as sometimes Emerald Weapon is sitting 
         right in front of the crashed plane. You will find the Level 4 Limit 
         Manual in a chest in the Cargo Room.

--E.02 E - The Limit Breaks Themselves

  CLOUD STRIFE                                                               
   Level 1: (47% of max HP to fill)                                     
  ____________________________________ ____________________________________   
 |                                    |                                    |  
 | 1-1  {BRAVER}                      | 1-2  {CROSS-SLASH}                 |  
 |        default                     |        use Braver 8 times          |  
 | +--------------------------------+ | +--------------------------------+ |  
 | | Attacks one opponent           | | | Attacks and Paralyzes one      | |  
 | +--------------------------------+ | | opponent                       | |  
 |                                    | +--------------------------------+ |  
 | Single attack dealing 3x normal    |                                    |  
 | damage.                            | Single attack dealing 3.25x normal |  
 |                                    | damage and inflicting Paralyze     |
 |                                    | 100% of the time.                  |  
   Level 2: (108% of max HP to fill)                                          
  ____________________________________ ____________________________________   
 |                                    |                                    |  
 | 2-1  {BLADE BEAM}                  | 2-2  {CLIMHAZZARD}                 |  
 |        120 kills                   |        use Blade Beam 7 times      |  
 | +--------------------------------+ | +--------------------------------+ |  
 | | Diffuses after hitting one     | | | Attacks one opponent           | |  
 | | opponent                       | | +--------------------------------+ |  
 | +--------------------------------+ |                                    |  
 |                                    | Single attack dealing 4.375x       |  
 | After hitting 1 target for 3.5x    | normal damage.                     |  
 | normal damage, every remaining     |                                    |  
 | enemy is hit for 1x damage.        |                                    |  
 |                                    |                                    |  
   Level 3: (144% of max HP to fill)                                          
  ____________________________________ ____________________________________   
 |                                    |                                    |  
 | 3-1  {METEORAIN}                   | 3-2  {FINISHING TOUCH}             |  
 |        320 kills                   |        use Meteorain 6 times       |  
 | +--------------------------------+ | +--------------------------------+ |  
 | | Attacks all opponents          | | | Blows away all opponents       | |  
 | +--------------------------------+ | +--------------------------------+ |  
 |                                    |                                    |  
 | 6 attacks hitting random targets   | Any enemies that are vulnerable to |  
 | dealing 1.625x normal damage.      | death will be killed instantly,    |  
 |                                    | all others will be hit for 3.125x  |  
 |                                    | normal damage.                     |  
   Level 4: (168% of max HP to fill)                                          
 |                                                                          |  
 | 4  {OMNISLASH}                        Use the item Omnislash:            |  
 |                                                                          |  
 | +--------------------------------+   Won from the Battle Square from     |  
 | | Slices up all opponents        |   Disk 1 onwards                      |  
 | +--------------------------------+                                       |  
 |                                                                          |  
 | 15 attacks hitting random targets for critical hits dealing 0.75x        |  
 | normal damage.                                                           |
]                                                                            [
] Every single one of Cloud's Limit Breaks are offensive making Cloud a very [
] strong player, especially once he's unlocked Meteorain. Omnislash is by    [
] far his best Limit Break and can even be stronger than Knights of the      [
] Round, but seeing as it can be quite gruelling to obtain on Disk 1 I       [
] recommend unlocking Meteorain asap then sticking with that for the         [
] duration until you have obtained the Highwind on Disk 2.                   [

   Level 1: (43% of max HP to fill)                                          
  ____________________________________ ____________________________________   
 |                                    |                                    |  
 | 1-1  {BIG SHOT}                    | 1-2  {MINDBLOW}                    |  
 |        default                     |        use Big Shot 9 times        |  
 | +--------------------------------+ | +--------------------------------+ |  
 | | Attacks one opponent           | | | Reduces one opponent's MP      | |  
 | +--------------------------------+ | +--------------------------------+ |  
 |                                    |                                    |
 | Single attack dealing 3.25x normal | Single Gravity based attack        |  
 | damage.                            | dealing MP damage.                 |  

   Level 2: (80% of max HP to fill)
  ____________________________________ ____________________________________
 |                                    |                                    |
 | 2-1  {GRENADE BOMB}                | 2-2  {HAMMERBLOW}                  |  
 |        80 kills                    |        use Grenade Bomb 8 times    |  
 | +--------------------------------+ | +--------------------------------+ |  
 | | Attacks all opponents          | | |  Blows away one opponent       | |  
 | +--------------------------------+ | +--------------------------------+ |  
 |                                    |                                    |  
 | Single attack hitting all enemies  | If an enemy is vulnerable to death |  
 | dealing up to 3.375x normal damage | then it will be killed instantly.  |  
 | (more targets equals less damage). |                                    |  

   Level 3: (124% of max HP to fill)
  ____________________________________ ____________________________________
 |                                    |                                    |  
 | 3-1  {SATELLITE BEAM}              | 3-2  {ANGERMAX}                    |  
 |        160 kills                   |        use Satellite Beam 6 times  |  
 | +--------------------------------+ | +--------------------------------+ |  
 | | Attacks all opponents          | | | Attacks all opponents          | |  
 | +--------------------------------+ | +--------------------------------+ |  
 |                                    |                                    |  
 | Single attack hitting all enemies  | 18 attacks hitting random targets  |  
 | for critical hits dealing 2.1875x  | dealing 0.5x normal damage.        |  
 | normal damage.                     |                                    |  

   Level 4: (149% of max HP to fill)
 |                                                                          |
 | 4 - {CATASTROPHE}                     Use the item Catastrophe:          | 
 |                                                                          | 
 | +--------------------------------+   Found on Disk 2 in Corel after the  | 
 | | Damages all opponents          |   Train Ride Event by talking to a    |
 | +--------------------------------+   girl in one of the houses           | 
 |                                                                          |
 | 10 attacks hitting random targets dealing 1.25x normal damage.           |
]                                                                            [
] Barret's Limits are mainly offensive which is consistent with his heavy    [
] hitting persona. Hammerblow isn't that great whilst Angermax and           [
] Catastrophe are awesome. Don't underestimate Mindblow as it is one of the  [
] few moves that can deplete an enemy�s MP whilst also being obtainable at a [
] very early stage in the game.                                              [

  TIFA LOCKHEART                                                             

   Level 1: (40% of max HP to fill)
  ____________________________________ ____________________________________   
 |                                    |                                    |  
 | 1-1  {BEAT RUSH}                   | 1-2  {SOMERSAULT}                  |  
 |        default                     |        use Beat Rush 9 times       |  
 | +--------------------------------+ | +--------------------------------+ |  
 | | Attacks an opponent            | | | Attacks an opponent            | |  
 | +--------------------------------+ | +--------------------------------+ |  
 |                                    |                                    |  
 | Single attack hitting a random     | Single attack hitting a random     |  
 | target dealing 1.25x normal        | target dealing 1.375x normal       |  
 | damage.                            | damage.                            |  
 |                                    |                                    |  
 |                                    |                                    |  

   Level 2: (111% of max HP to fill)
  ____________________________________ ____________________________________
 |                                    |                                    |  
 | 2-1  {WATERKICK}                   | 2-2  {METEODRIVE}                  |  
 |        96 kills                    |        use Waterkick 7 times       |  
 | +--------------------------------+ | +--------------------------------+ |  
 | | Attacks an opponent            | | |  Attacks an opponent           | |  
 | +--------------------------------+ | +--------------------------------+ |  
 |                                    |                                    |  
 | Single attack hitting a random     | Single attack hitting a random     |  
 | target dealing 1.5x normal damage. | target dealing 1.625x normal       |  
 |                                    | damage.                            |  

   Level 3: (169% of max HP to fill)
  ____________________________________ ____________________________________ 
 |                                    |                                    |  
 | 3-1  {DOLPHIN BLOW}                | 3-2  {METEOR STRIKE}               |  
 |        192 kills                   |        use Dolphin Blow 6 times    |  
 | +--------------------------------+ | +--------------------------------+ |  
 | | Attacks an opponent            | | | Attacks an opponent            | |  
 | +--------------------------------+ | +--------------------------------+ |   
 |                                    |                                    |  
 | Single attack hitting a random     | Single attack hitting a random     |  
 | target dealing 1.75x normal        | target dealing 1.875x normal       |  
 | damage.                            | damage.                            |  
 |                                    |                                    |   

   Level 4: (188% of max HP to fill)
 |                                                                          | 
 | 4 - {FINAL HEAVEN}                     Use the item Final Heaven:        | 
 |                                                                          | 
 | +--------------------------------+   Found on Disk 2 in Nibelheim after  | 
 | | Attacks an opponent            |   the Life Stream Events by playing   |
 | +--------------------------------+   Tifa's piano                        | 
 |                                                                          | 
 | Single attack hitting a random target dealing 2.625x normal damage.      | 
]                                                                            [
] Tifa's Limit Breaks are fairly unique in the sense that they will 'stack'. [
] When a new Limit is learned Tifa will still hit with all of her previous   [
] Limits she has learned to date, including the new one learnt. When using   [
] her Limit Break in-battle a fruit machine style slot game will initiate.   [
] Stopping one of the reels on 'hit' will mean she will use that Limit for   [
] normal damage, landing on 'miss' means that she will not use that Limit    [
] at all and landing on 'yeah' will result in double damage for that Limit.  [
] The later Limits will have 'yeah's' that are surrounded by 'miss's'.       [
]                                                                            [
] It's worth noting that you'll need to have her Limit Break set to the      [
] level that you wish to learn for her Limit uses to count. Let's say you    [
] had acquired 96 kills before using Beat Rush 9 times and you had then set  [
] her Limit to level 2. The game would then stop counting the times that you [
] used Beat Rush and you would not be able to unlock Somersault until you    [
] had set her Limit to level 1 again. Also, if you land on a 'miss' then the [
] game would not regard that as a use of that Limit and would not add one to [
] the Limit Break count.                                                     [


   Level 1: (66% of max HP to fill)
  ____________________________________ ____________________________________  
 |                                    |                                    |  
 | 1-1  {HEALING WIND}                | 1-2  {SEAL EVIL}                   |  
 |        default                     |        use Healing Wind 8 times    |  
 | +--------------------------------+ | +--------------------------------+ |  
 | | Restore HP of all allies       | | | Constrains and stops magic of  | |  
 | +--------------------------------+ | | all opponents                  | | 
 |                                    | +--------------------------------+ |  
 | Restores all party member HP by    |                                    |  
 | 50% of their max HP.               | Inflicts all enemies with          |  
 |                                    | Paralyze and Silence.              |  

   Level 2: (94% of max HP to fill)
  ____________________________________ ____________________________________
 |                                    |                                    |
 | 2-1  {BREATH OF EARTH}             | 2-2  {FURY BRAND}                  |  
 |        80 kills                    |        use Breath of Earth 6 times |  
 | +--------------------------------+ | +--------------------------------+ |  
 | | Cure all Status ailments of    | | | Raises party's Limit gauge to  | |  
 | | all allies                     | | | the max, except yours          | | 
 | +--------------------------------+ | +--------------------------------+ |  
 |                                    |                                    |  
 | Cures all party members of any     | Fills up the other two allies      |  
 | Status ailments.                   | Limit gauges to the maximum.       |  

   Level 3: (107% of max HP to fill)
  ____________________________________ ____________________________________
 |                                    |                                    |  
 | 3-1  {PLANET PROTECTOR}            | 3-2 {PULSE OF LIFE}                |  
 |        160 kills                   |       use Planet Protector 5 times |  
 | +--------------------------------+ | +--------------------------------+ |  
 | | Makes all allies invincible    | | | Fully restores all allies      | |  
 | | one time                       | | +--------------------------------+ |  
 | +--------------------------------+ |                                    |  
 |                                    | Revives and cures all party        |  
 | Temporarily makes all allies       | members whilst removing all Status |  
 | invincible.                        | ailments.                          |  

   Level 4: (145 % of max HP to fill)
 |                                                                          |  
 |                                       Use the item Great Gospel:         | 
 | 4 - {GREAT GOSPEL}                                                       | 
 |                                      Found on Disk 1 by Gongaga from the |  
 | +--------------------------------+   Blacksmith. After obtaining the     |
 | | Fully restores all allies,     |   buggy and then the Mythril, you can |
 | | makes them invincible one time |   exchange the Mythril for the        |  
 | +--------------------------------+   Great Gospel                        |  
 |                                                                          |  
 | Temporarily makes all allies invincible whilst reviving and curing all   |  
 | party members and removing any Status ailments.                          |  
]                                                                            [
] Regarded as the White Mage of the game, Aeris's Limits are primarily       [
] defensive with the exception of Seal Evil. Whilst her 1-1 Healing Wind has [
] its uses, it's only when we get to 2-2 and above however that Aeris really [
] starts to shine. Whether you're Limit Break training or battling a boss,   [
] the ability to fill your other two players Limit's gauge up to the max is  [
] incredibly useful. Also, Aeris's Lv 4 Limit is available very early on in  [
] the game. In fact, there's only three other character's that can get their [
] Lv 4 Limit on the go as early as Disk 1! Planet Protector and Great Gospel [
] are the only moves in the game that can inflict the Peer-less Status       [
] (invincibility).                                                           [


   Level 1: (65% of max HP to fill)
  ____________________________________ ____________________________________  
 |                                    |                                    |  
 | 1-1  {SLED FANG}                   | 1-2  {LUNATIC HIGH}                |  
 |        default                     |        use Sled Fang 8 times       |  
 | +--------------------------------+ | +--------------------------------+ |  
 | | Attacks one opponent           | | | Casts [Haste] and raises       | |  
 | +--------------------------------+ | | �Defence %� for all allies     | |  
 |                                    | +--------------------------------+ |  
 | Single attack dealing 3x normal    |                                    |  
 | damage.                            | Casts Haste on all party members   |  
 |                                    | and raises Red XIII's defence% by  |  
 |                                    | 50% for every player still alive.  |  

   Level 2: (100% of max HP to fill)
  ____________________________________ ____________________________________
 |                                    |                                    |
 | 2-1  {BLOOD FANG}                  | 2-2  {STARDUST RAY}                |  
 |        72 kills                    |        use Blood Fang 7 times      |  
 | +--------------------------------+ | +--------------------------------+ |  
 | | Attacks and drains the HP/MP   | | | Attacks all opponents          | |  
 | | from one opponent              | | +--------------------------------+ |  
 | +--------------------------------+ |                                    |  
 |                                    | 10 attacks hitting random targets  |  
 | Single attack dealing 1.25x normal | dealing 0.625x normal damage.      |  
 | damage whilst draining HP and MP   |                                    |  
 | at the same time.                  |                                    |  

   Level 3: (129% of max HP to fill)
  ____________________________________ ____________________________________
 |                                    |                                    |  
 | 3-1  {HOWLING MOON}                | 3-2  {EARTH RAVE}                  |  
 |        144 kills                   |        use Howling Moon 6 times    |  
 | +--------------------------------+ | +--------------------------------+ |  
 | | Begins fighting wildly         | | | Attacks all opponents          | |  
 | +--------------------------------+ | +--------------------------------+ |  
 |                                    |                                    |  
 | Casts Haste and Berserk on Red     | 5 attacks hitting random targets   |  
 | XIII whilst also boosting his      | dealing 0.875x normal damage.      |  
 | attack by 60%                      |                                    |

   Level 4: (161% of max HP to fill)
 |                                                                          |
 | 4 - {COSMO MEMORY}                    Use the item Cosmo Memory:         |  
 |                                                                          |  
 | +--------------------------------+   Found on Disk 1 in Nibelheim        |  
 | | Attacks all opponents          |   in the Shinra mansion by opening    |  
 | +--------------------------------+   the safe on the 2nd floor           |  
 |                                                                          |  
 | Single attack hitting all enemies dealing 7.8125x normal damage.         | 
]                                                                            [
] Red XIII's Limit's are mainly offensive with the exception of Lunatic High [
] and Howling Moon. The fact that Red XIII's Level 4 Limit Manual is         [
] obtainable before any other characters is the reason I like to have him on [
] my team early-on alongside Aries. Given the strength of Cosmo Memory you   [
] should be able to hit with 9999 damage whilst still being a relatively low [
] level. Once Red XIII starts to level up however I would recommend using    [
] Earth Rave or even Stardust Ray seeing as the damage inflicted will        [
] surpass Cosmo Memory's, not to mention the fact that the Limit gauge is    [
] easier to fill at lower levels. Lunatic High is also great as it gives you [
] the ability to cast Haste early on in the game.                            [

  YUFFIE KISARAGI                                                            
   Level 1: (66% of max HP to fill)
  ____________________________________ ____________________________________  
 |                                    |                                    |  
 | 1-1  {GREASED LIGHTNING}           | 1-2 {CLEAR TRANQUIL}               |  
 |        default                     |      use Greased Lightning 8 times |  
 | +--------------------------------+ | +--------------------------------+ |  
 | | Attacks opponent with weapon   | | | Restores HP of all allies      | |  
 | | after cutting them             | | +--------------------------------+ |
 | +--------------------------------+ |                                    |  
 |                                    | Restores all party member HP by    |  
 | Single attack dealing 3.125x       | 50% of their max HP.               |  
 | normal damage.                     |                                    |  

   Level 2: (100% of max HP to fill)
  ____________________________________ ____________________________________
 |                                    |                                    |  
 | 2-1  {LANDSCAPER}                  | 2-2  {BLOOD FEST}                  |  
 |        64 kills                    |        use Landscaper 7 times      |  
 | +--------------------------------+ | +--------------------------------+ |  
 | | Attacks all opponents          | | |  Continuously attacks all      | |  
 | +--------------------------------+ | |  opponents                     | |  
 |                                    | +--------------------------------+ |  
 | Single Earth based attack hitting  |                                    |  
 | all enemies dealing 3x normal      | 10 attacks hitting random targets  |  
 | damage.                            | dealing 0.625x normal damage.      |  

   Level 3: (133% of max HP to fill)
  ____________________________________ ____________________________________ 
 |                                    |                                    |  
 | 3-1  {GAUNTLET}                    | 3-2  {DOOM OF THE LIVING}          |  
 |        128 kills                   |        use Gauntlet 6 times        |  
 | +--------------------------------+ | +--------------------------------+ |  
 | | Attacks all opponents          | | | Continuously attacks opponents | |  
 | +--------------------------------+ | +--------------------------------+ |  
 |                                    |                                    |  
 | Single attack hitting all enemies  | 15 attacks hitting random targets  |  
 | dealing 1.75x normal damage with   | dealing 0.625x normal damage.      |  
 | critical hits whilst ignoring      |                                    |  
 | enemies defence.                   |                                    |  

   Level 4: (159% of max HP to fill)
 |                                                                          |  
 | 4 - {ALL CREATION}                    Use the item All Creation          |  
 |                                                                          |  
 | +--------------------------------+                                       |  
 | | Attacks all opponents          |   Found on Disk 1 in Wutai after      |  
 | +--------------------------------+   completing the Pagoda Challenge.    |  
 |                                                                          |  
 | Single attack hitting all enemies dealing 8x normal damage.              |  
]                                                                            [
] With the exception of Clear Tranquil all of Yuffie's Limit Breaks are      [
] offensive. As with Red XIII, Yuffie's level 4 Limit will hit for           [
] tremendous damage and can be obtained relatively early on in the game      [
] (after you have obtained the Tiny Bronco). As Yuffie levels up along with  [
] her Attack power, I suggest reverting back to her 3-2 Doom of the Living   [
] as it will deliver more overall damage whilst requiring less HP damage for [
] the Limit gauge to fill.                                                   [
]                                                                            [
] Note that in order to obtain All Creation you must first beat the boss     [
] Godo, and if you were to do so before obtaining the Enemy Skill Trine then [
] you may have jeopardised your chance to obtain the Materia Overlord        [
] Achievement as Godo is one of three enemies that will use Trine. For what  [
] it's worth, I suggest waiting until you have obtained the Highwind before  [
] defeating Godo for the All Creation Limit Break Manual as so that you can  [
] obtain Trine for all four Enemy Skill Materias. See section G.02 for more  [
] info.                                                                      [


   Level 1: (67% of max HP to fill)
 |                                                                          |  
 | 1 - {GALIAN BEAST}                                                       |  
 |       default                                                            |  
 | +--------------------------------+     20% increase to Defence           |  
 | | Turns into Galian Beast!       |     50% increase to Dexterity         |  
 | +--------------------------------+    130% increase to HP                |  
 |                                                                          | 
 | Berserk Dance - Physical attack - 70% chance                             |  
 |                Single attack hitting one target for 1.5x normal damage.  |  
 |                                                                          |  
 | Beast Flare - Magic attack, Fire based - 30% chance                      |  
 |               Single attack hitting all targets for 3.75x normal damage. | 

   Level 2: (81% of max HP to fill)
 |                                                                          |  
 | 2 - {DEATH GIGAS}                                                        |  
 |       40 kills                         50% increase to Defence           |  
 | +--------------------------------+     70% decrease to MDefence          |  
 | | Turns into Death Gigas!        |     20% decrease to Dexterity         |  
 | +--------------------------------+    200% increase to HP                |  
 |                                                                          |  
 | Gigadunk - Physical attack - 70% chance                                  |  
 |            Single attack hitting one target for 2.625x normal damage.    |  
 |                                                                          |  
 | Lie Wire - Magic attack, Lightning based - 30% chance                    |  
 |            Single attack hitting all targets for 4.375x normal damage.   |  

   Level 3: (106% of max HP to fill)
 |                                                                          |  
 | 3 - {HELLMASKER}                                                         |  
 |       96 kills                                                           |  
 | +--------------------------------+                                       |  
 | | Turns into Hellmask!           |     50% increase to Defence           |  
 | +--------------------------------+     50% increase to MDefence          |  
 |                                                                          |  
 | Splattercombo - Physical attack - 70% chance                             |  
 |                 5 attacks hitting random targets for 0.5x normal damage. |  
 |                                                                          |  
 | Nightmare - Indirect attack - 30% chance                                 |  
 |             Inflicts one target with Sleep, Poison, Silence, Confusion   |  
 |             Frog and Small.                                              | 

   Level 4: (141% of max HP to fill)
 |                                                                          |  
 | 4 - {CHAOS}                           Use the item Chaos:                |  
 |                                      Found on Disk 2 in Lucrecia's Cave  |  
 | +--------------------------------+                                       |
 | | Transforms to Chaos!           |    100% increase to Defence           |  
 | +--------------------------------+    100% increase to MDefence          |  
 |                                                                          |
 | Chaos Saber - Physical attack - 70% chance                               |  
 |               Single attack hitting all enemies dealing 2.5x normal      |  
 |               damage.                                                    |  
 |                                                                          |
 | Satan Slam - Physical attack - 30% chance                                |  
 |              Any enemies that are vulnerable to death will be killed     |  
 |              instantly, all others will be hit for 5.625x normal damage. |  
]                                                                            [
] Vincent, like Cait Sith has an unusual Limit Break system in more ways     [
] than one. Firstly there is no X-2 to Vincent's Limit's, and secondly the   [
] Limit's he uses can be very unpredictable. Similar to the Status Berserk,  [
] you will lose control of Vincent for the remainder of the battle whilst he [
] transforms himself into a beast that is capable of performing deadly       [
] attacks on your enemies. The biggest hindrance being that some of these    [
] moves have Elemental properties, and you could find yourself healing your  [
] foes instead of harming them. The two moves that have Elemental properties [
] are 1-1 Beast Flare which uses Fire and 2-1 Live Wire which uses           [
] Lightning.                                                                 [
]                                                                            [
] When Vincent transforms his HP will be restored, however if Vincent were   [
] to be killed during the battle then he would resort back to his former     [
] self. Whilst transformed, you will not be able to choose which attack      [
] Vincent uses; he will have a 70% chance of using is primary attack and a   [
] 30% chance of using his secondary attack. He will also be immune to        [
] Berserk, Confusion and Frog.                                               [

  CID HIGHWIND                                                               
   Level 1: (66% of max HP to fill)
  ____________________________________ ____________________________________  
 |                                    |                                    |  
 | 1-1  {BOOST JUMP}                  | 1-2  {DYNAMITE}                    |  
 |        default                     |        use Boost Jump 7 times      |  
 | +--------------------------------+ | +--------------------------------+ |  
 | | Attacks an opponent            | | | Attacks all opponents          | |  
 | +--------------------------------+ | +--------------------------------+ |  
 |                                    |                                    |  
 | Single attack dealing 3.25x normal | Single attack hitting all enemies  |  
 | damage.                            | dealing 2.25x normal damage.       |   

   Level 2: (93% of max HP to fill)
  ____________________________________ ____________________________________
 |                                    |                                    |
 | 2-1  {HYPER JUMP}                  | 2-2  {DRAGON}                      |  
 |        60 kills                    |        use Hyper Jump 6 times      |  
 | +--------------------------------+ | +--------------------------------+ |  
 | | Attacks all opponents,         | | |  Attacks and drains the HP/MP  | |  
 | | sometimes dealing [Death]      | | |  from one opponent             | |  
 | +--------------------------------+ | +--------------------------------+ |  
 |                                    |                                    |  
 | Single attack hitting all enemies  | Single attack dealing 1.25x normal |  
 | dealing 3.5x normal damage and     | damage whilst draining HP and MP   |  
 | inflicting Death 20% of the time.  | at the same time.                  |  

   Level 3: (126% of max HP to fill)
  ____________________________________ ____________________________________
 |                                    |                                    |  
 | 3-1  {DRAGON DIVE}                 | 3-2  {BIG BRAWL}                   |  
 |        136 kills                   |        use Dragon Dive 5 times     |  
 | +--------------------------------+ | +--------------------------------+ |  
 | | Continuously attacks,          | | | Attacks all opponents          | |  
 | | sometimes dealing [Death]      | | +--------------------------------+ |  
 | +--------------------------------+ |                                    |  
 |                                    | 8 attacks hitting random targets   |  
 | 6 attacks hitting random targets   | dealing 1.125x normal damage.      |  
 | dealing 1.4375x normal damage and  |                                    | 
 | inflicting Death 28% of the time.  |                                    |  

   Level 4: (159% of max HP to fill)
 |                                                                          |  
 | 4 -  {HIGHWIND}                       Use the item Highwind:             |  
 |                                                                          |  
 | +--------------------------------+   Found on Disk 2 in the Sunken       |  
 | | Causes big damage to all       |   Gelnika                             |  
 | | opponents                      |                                       |  
 | +--------------------------------+                                       |  
 |                                                                          |  
 | 18 attacks hitting random enemies dealing 0.6875x normal damage.         |  
]                                                                            [
] Cid's earlier Limit Breaks aren't jaw-dropping, however his later Limits   [
] prove to be extremely powerful. Being able to hit 18 times, Cid's Highwind [
] could potentially be the strongest Limit Break in the game, closely        [
] followed by Barret's Angermax and Cloud's Omnislash.                       [

  CAIT SITH                                                                  
   Level 1: (53% of max HP to fill)
 |                                    |                                        
 | 1-1  {DICE}                        |                                        
 |        default                     |                                      
 | +--------------------------------+ |                                      
 | | Rolls the dice, damage         | |                                      
 | +--------------------------------+ |_____________________________________ 
 |                                                                          |  
 | Cait Sith starts off with 2 dice and every 10 levels he gains he         |  
 | receives an extra die with a maximum of six. He will gain an extra dice  |  
 | at level 30, 40, 50 & 60.                                                |  
 |                                                                          |  
 | The sum of the dice multiplied by the quantity of 'repeat' numbers       |  
 | multiplied by 100 will be the resulting damage total to a single enemy.  |  
 | So, if you were to roll 1,2,2,2,4,6 then the resulting damage would be   |  
 | 17 x 3 x 100 = 5100 HP. 17 is the sum of the die and 3 is the amount of  | 
 | times the number two landed, hence 17 x 3 x 100.                         |
 |                                                                          |  
 |  2 dice damage range -  300 to 2400. Average -  817 HP                   |  
 |  3 dice damage range -  600 to 5400. Average - 1546 HP                   |  
 |  4 dice damage range - 1000 to 9600. Average - 2554 HP                   | 
 |  5 dice damage range - 1500 to 9999. Average - 3743 HP                   |  
 |  6 dice damage range - 2100 to 9999. Average - 5026 HP                   |  
   Level 2: (60% of max HP to fill)
 |                                    |                                        
 | 2-1  {SLOTS}                       |                                        
 |        40 kills                    |                                        
 | +--------------------------------+ |                                        
 | | What'll come out next...?      | |                                        
 | +--------------------------------+ |_____________________________________   
 |                                                                          |  
 | Similar to Tifa's Limit only this time it's even more like a fruit       |  
 | machine in the sense that you are aiming to match 3 slots together in a  |  
 | row. If all 3 slots are different then Cait Sith will use Toy Box which  |
 | will cast one of 7 different basic attacks:                              |
 |                                                                          |  
 |   Boulder     - Single attack hitting one target  for 2x   normal damage |  
 |                                                                          |  
 |   Icicles     - Single attack hitting one target  for 2.5x normal damage |  
 |                                                                          |  
 |   Weight      - Single attack hitting all targets for 3x   normal damage |  
 |                                                                          |  
 |   Hammer      - Single attack hitting one target  for 3.5x normal damage |  
 |                                                                          |  
 |   Fat Chocobo - Single attack hitting one target  for 4x   normal damage |  
 |                                                                          |  
 |   Hell House  - Single attack hitting one target  for 4.5x normal damage |  
 |                                                                          |  
 |   Comets      - Single attack hitting one target  for 5x   normal damage |  
 |                                                                          |  
 | Should all three symbols match however then Cait Sith will use one of    |  
 | his special attacks:                                                     |  
 |                                                                          |  
 |   3 x STAR - Mog Dance:                                                  |
 |              The party's HP/MP & Status is fully restored.               |  
 |                                                                          |  
 |   3 x CROWN - Toy Soldier:                                               |
 |               Single attack hitting all targets for 5x normal damage.    |  
 |                                                                          |  
 |   3 x BAR - Summon:                                                      |
 |             A random Summon will be used costing 0 MP. The higher the    |
 |             level of Cait Sith, the higher the chance will be of getting |
 |             a better summon.                                             |
 |                                                                          |  
 |   3 x MOG - Transform:                                                   |
 |             Cait Sith morphs with the other two characters to become one |
 |             big giant! His new stats are the combined stats of all three |
 |             players, without exceeding 9999HP, 999MP or 255 strength etc.|
 |                                                                          |  
 |   3 x HEART - Lucky Girl:                                                |
 |               Every player will have 100% critical hits until the battle |
 |               ends or the character dies.                                |
 |                                                                          |  
 |   3 x CAIT SITH - Game Over:                                             |
 |                   All enemies are instantly killed provided that they    |
 |                   are attacking from the same side. Overrides Death      |
 |                   immunity, making Game Over very useful indeed.         |  
 |                                                                          |  
 |   2 x CAIT SITH, 1 x BAR - Death Joker:                                  |
 |                            All allies are instantly killed provided that |  
 |                            they are attacking from the same side.        |  
 |                            Overrides Death immunity, making Death Joker  |  
 |                            very frustrating indeed.                      |  
]                                                                            [
] Cait Sith is the only Character in the game that doesn't have a Level 4    [
] Limit Break. In fact, seeing as he has a move that can end the game        [
] instantly, I'd say that Cait Sith is probably one of the more obsolete     [
] characters in the game, although if you know how to use him correctly Cait [
] Sith could be regarded as an asset to your squad. Requiring only 60% to    [
] fill his level 2 Limit (which is the least of all characters Lv 2 Limits), [
] Cait Sith's Slots offers a variety of 'random' goodies with the exception  [
] of the Death Joker (save often if your using Cait Sith). Here's how to     [
] manipulate the reels to land on the sequence your choice:                  [
]                                                                            [
]  The first trick to mention is the Square trick. By pressing square you    [
]  will stop the reels completely, and by repeatedly pressing square you can [
]  slow the reels right down which will make it easier to memorise the       [
]  pattern. This trick can also be used whilst in the Battle Arena when      [
]  trying to land on a specific handicap, and can also be applied when using [
]  Tifa's Limit Breaks.                                                      [
]                                                                            [
]  The main problem is the so called 'Evil Flag'. When the Evil Flag is      [
]  turned off then the second and third reel will automatically align        [
]  themselves to match the first symbol you landed on, provided that you     [
]  stopped the 2nd and 3rd reels within 5 symbols of the matching symbol.    [
]  When the Evil Flag is activated however, the 2nd and 3rd reel will stop   [
]  in the exact place that you selected it to, making it very difficult to   [
]  match up three symbols. To make it harder still, if you did manage to     [
]  align the first two symbols then the third reel will jump one place after [
]  the one you selected.                                                     [
]                                                                            [
]  The Evil Flag's status is determined firstly by which symbol you have     [
]  landed on, and secondly by the internal game clock:                       [
]                                                                            [
]  - Crown     - Evil Flag is off                                            [
]  - Star      - Evil Flag is off                                            [
]  - BAR       - Evil Flag is off if Game Time is divisible by 2 (50%)       [
]  - Mog       - Evil Flag is off if Game Time is divisible by 2 (50%)       [
]  - Heart     - Evil Flag is off if Game Time is divisible by 4 (25%)       [
]  - Cait Sith - Evil Flag is off if Game Time is divisible by 64 (1.5625%)  [
]                                                                            [
]  Now to learn the reels themselves. Each reel has 16 symbols in the        [
]  following order:                                                          [
]                                                                            [
]    REEL 1:         REEL 2:         REEL 3:                                 [
]                                                                            [
]    ==BAR==         ==BAR==         ==BAR==                                 [
]    Crown           Crown           Heart                                   [
]    Star            Star            Crown                                   [
]    Cait Sith       Cait Sith       Star                                    [
]    ==BAR==         Crown           ==BAR==                                 [
]    Heart           ==BAR==         Crown                                   [
]    Mog             Heart           Mog                                     [
]    Crown           Mog             Crown                                   [
]    Star            Star            Star                                    [
]    Cait Sith       Cait Sith       Heart                                   [
]    Mog             Crown           Crown                                   [
]    ==BAR==         ==BAR==         ==BAR==                                 [
]    Crown           Mog             Star                                    [
]    Mog             Star            Cait Sith                               [
]    Star            Crown           Mog                                     [
]    Heart           Heart           Crown                                   [
]                                                                            [
]  How to land on the desired sequence:                                      [
]                                                                            [
]   3 x Star - Mog Dance - Fully recovers all party members                  [
]                                                                            [
]  Reel 1: Look for Cait Sith                                                [
]  Reel 2: Look for Bar                                                      [
]  Reel 3: Look for Mog (Evil Flag is always off :)                          [
]                                                                            [
]   3 x Crown - Toy Soldier - Attacks all opponents for 5x damage            [
]                                                                            [
]  Reel 1: Look for Star after Cait Sith                                     [
]  Reel 2: Look for Mog                                                      [
]  Reel 3: Press confirm at any time (Evil Flag is always off :)             [
]                                                                            [
]   3 x Bar - Summon - Casts a random Summon                                 [
]                                                                            [
]  Reel 1: Look for Crown after Mog OR Heart after Mog                       [
]  Reel 2: Look for Star                                                     [
]  Reel 3: Look for Mog (Evil Flag has a 50% chance of being off)            [
]                                                                            [
]   3 x Mog - Transform - Cait Sith absorbs the other two party members to   [
]                         become a giant!                                    [
]                                                                            [
]  Reel 1: Look for BAR after Crown OR Crown after Star OR Star after Heart  [
]  Reel 2: Look for BAR after Mog                                            [
]  Reel 3: Look for Heart (Evil Flag has a 50% chance of being off)          [
]                                                                            [
]   3 x Heart - Lucky Girl - All players attack with critical hits until the [
]                            battle ends or a player is killed               [
]                                                                            [
]  Reel 1: Look for Mog after Crown                                          [
]  Reel 2: Look for Cait                                                     [
]  Reel 3: Look for Cait (Evil Flag has a 25% chance of being off :(         [
]                                                                            [
]   3 x Cait Sith - Game Over - All enemies are instantly killed, regardless [
]                               of Status immunities                         [
]                                                                            [
]  Reel 1: Look for BAR after Heart OR Mog after BAR                         [
]  Reel 2: Look for Mog                                                      [
]  Reel 3: Look for BAR after Heart (Evil Flag has a 1.5625% chance of being [
]                                    off)                                    [
]                                                                            [
]   2 x Cait Sith, 1 x Bar - Death Joker - All allies are instantly killed,  [
]                                          regardless of Status immunities   [
]                                                                   (WHY???) [
]  Reel 1: Look for BAR after Heart OR Mog after BAR                         [
]  Reel 2: Look for Crown after BAR                                          [
]  Reel 3: Look for Crown after Mog OR Star after Cait Sith (Evil Flag has a [
]                                               1.5625% chance of being off) [
]                                                                            [
] That just about concludes my Cait Sith Limit Break explanation. Although   [
] the above info should make it easier for you to get the desired sequence,  [
] it can still be fairly tricky and requires an amount of practise and       [
] patience before you have mastered Cait Sith's slots. Regard it as training [
] for the slots in the Battle Arena in the Gold Sauce seeing as the          [
] mechanics work the same in regards to tapping square to slow the reels     [
] down, and landing on the correct handicap will result in large amounts of  [
] BP.                                                                        [
For a much better visual description please visit Wikia's:                                           
or alternatively:                                                 's_Slots_Limi
|                                                                            |
| {E.03} - Turtle Paradise Mini-Game                                         |
|                                                {Turtle Paradise Mini-Game} |

  The Turtle Paradise Mini-Game is basically a quest to find 6 posters dotted 
around the world (well, technically there are 7 posters). Once you have found 
all 7 you can enter the Turtle Paradise located on the western side of Wutai 
to talk to the bar tender to claim your prizes:

Power Source, Guard Source, Magic Source, Mind Source, Speed Source, Luck 
Source and a Megalixir

 NOTE - You will not be able to enter Wutai until you have obtained the Tiny 
        Bronco around 3/4 into Disk 1.

Here are the locations of all posters found around Gaia:
 1) | Turtles Paradise News             |
    | No.1                              |
    |                                   |
    | For delicious wine                |
    | with a nice zing to it��.         |
    |                                   |
    | Stop by the �Turtle's Paradise�!! |

    Found in Midgar in Sector 5 just after you meet Aeris properly. Search 
    the top floor of the south-eastern house in the markets. At the top of 
    the stairs of the boys room you will find {Turtle Paradise Poster #1}.

    If you missed it the first time then you will get another chance when you 
    revisit the area a little later on with Barret and Tifa. If you missed it 
    that time round then you will have to return once you have obtained the 
    Key to Sector 5 on Disk 2, see section E.20 for info on how to obtain it.

 2) | Turtle's Paradise Newsletter              |
    | No. 2                                     |
    |                                           |
    | The end of another hard day. Wouldn't you |
    | like to sit back with a tall cool one?    |
    |                                           |
    | You can at the Turtles Paradise!!         |
    | Stop in today!                            |
    |                                           |
    | There's nothing like                      |
    | a smooth one after work!                  |

    The first opportunity you will 
    get to read this will be during your first raid on the Shinra HQ early on 
    Disk 1. On the first floor on the north-east corner you will find a huge 
    bulletin board. Search it thoroughly to find {Turtle Paradise Poster #2}.

    If you missed it the first time round then you will have to wait until 
    you are near to the end of Disk 2 when you raid the Shinra HQ for a 
    second time. If you miss it here then you will have failed this side quest 

 3) | [Turtle's Paradise]     |
    | No. 3                   |
    |                         |
    | Forget the bad times    |
    | with a nice drink�      |
    |                         |
    | Only thing missing      |
    | in Gold Saucer is��     |
    |                         |
    | A pub with good drinks  |
    | and a great atmosphere! |
    |                         |
    | Stop in the             |
    | �Turtle's Paradise�!    |

    This can be found in the lobby of the hotel in the Gold Saucers Ghost 
    Square. Look to the left-hand side of the screen for 
    {Turtle Paradise Poster #3}.

 4) | [Turtle's Paradise Newsletter]   |
    | Number 4                         |
    |                                  |
    | Now hiring!                      |
    |                                  |
    | Looking for someone who          |
    | can stand long hours of boredom! |
    |                                  |
    | For details, contact             |
    | the �Turtle's Paradise�!!        |

    This can be found in Cosmo Canyon. Just to the left of the counter of 
    Tiger Lily's Weapon Shop will be {Turtle Paradise Poster #4}.

 5) | [Turtle's Paradise]       |
    | No. 5                     |  
    |                           |
    | Our cocktails are good    |
    | but our wine is the best! |
    |                           |
    | Please stop in the        |
    | �Turtle's Paradise�!!     |

    This can also be found in Cosmo Canyon. Just to the left of the counter of 
    the Inn will be {Turtle Paradise Poster #5}.

 6) | [Turtle's Paradise]              |
    | No. 6                            |
    |                                  |
    | Drink at the �Turtle's Paradise� |
    | and talk about Wutai!            |
    |                                  |
    | To find �Turtle's Paradise�,     |
    | look for the big pot outside!!   |

    In order to find this poster you must have recruited Yuffie and you must 
    also have engaged in her sidequest. Whilst in Yuffie's house be sure to 
    read {Turtle Paradise Poster #6} on the wall in the basement.

 7) | Pub [Turtle's Paradise]                    |
    | Publicity Flyers!                          |
    | Notice                                     |
    |                                            |
    | [Turtle's Paradise] is now having a        |
    | publicity campaign.                        |
    |                                            |
    | Flyer's will be posted all over the world. |
    | So make sure you look for our              |
    | flyers that say �Turtle's Paradise�        |
    |                                            |
    | �There's six in all.                       |
    |   If you find them all,                    |
    |   make sure to let the owner of Turtle's   |
    |   Paradise know. You can win a prize!�     |
    |                                            |
    | �All you have to do is read them.          | 
    |   Please don't take them down              |
    |   or rip them up!!�                        |
    | Owner, Turtle's Paradise                   |

    Be sure to read the contest flyer itself - {Turtle Paradise Poster #7}! 
    This can be found in Wutai just outside the Turtle Paradise on a bulletin 

|                                                                            |
| {E.04} - Cross Dressing Mechanics                                          |
|                                                 {Cross Dressing Mechanics} |

  During section D1.04 B - Wall Market you will have to dress Cloud up as a 
woman in order to proceed with the game, and you can vary the selection of 
attire he wears. Depending on your selection, either Cloud, Tifa or Aeris 
will be chosen to be Don Corneo's 'date' for the evening.

The minimum requirement to enter Don Corneo's mansion is just a dress and a 
wig, however you could if you wished enter the mansion with a dress, wig, 
cologne, tiara, underwear and make-up. Each choice you make will have an 
effect on the scoring system, and your final score will affect the outcome:

  2 - 11: Tifa  will be chosen as Don's date
 12 - 18: Aeris will be chosen as Don's date
 19 - 25: Cloud will be chosen as Don's date

Having Cloud chosen will unlock PS4 users the Consummate Cross-dresser Trophy.

Here is how the scoring system works:


+5 - Silk Dress   (Soft, Shimmers)
+3 - Satin Dress  (Soft, Shiny)
+1 - Cotton Dress (Clean)


+5 - Blonde Wig (Beat Big Bro)
+3 - Dyed Wig   (Draw with Big Bro)
+1 - Wig        (Lose to Big Bro)


+5 - Sexy Cologne   (Digestive)
+3 - Flower Cologne (Deodorant)
+1 - Cologne        (Disinfectant)


+5 - Diamond Tiara (200 gil)
+3 - Ruby Tiara    (100 gil)
+1 - Glass Tiara   (50 gil)


+0 - Bikini Briefs (Group Room)
+0 - Lingerie      (&$#% Room)

 Note - The Bikini Briefs were supposed to grant you +5, the Mystery Panties 
        was supposed to grant you +3 and the Lingerie was supposed to grant 
        you +1 but for unknown reasons the scoring system along with the 
        Mystery Panties was phased out of the final game.


+5 - 25% chance (Wind sound, difficult to hear)
+3 - 38% chance (Healing sound)
+1 - 38% chance ('Tink' sound)

|                                                                            |
| {E.05} - Elements                                                          |
|                                                                            |
|  A - About Elements                                                        |
|  B - Elemental Materia                                                     |
|  C - Obscure Elements                                                      |
|  D - The Elements Themselves                                               |
|  E - Battle Items, Accessories And Materia List                            |
|                                                                 {Elements} |

--E.05 A - About Elements

  Elements are a recurring theme for the Final Fantasy series. The most 
notorious of these are Fire, Ice and Lightning, and many enemies will have 
Elemental attributes that will affect the way the battle system plays out. 

The 4 variables are:

Absorb  - The damage dealt will be absorbed.
Nullify - The damage dealt will be 0.
Halve   - The damage dealt will be halved
Double  - The damage dealt will be doubled.

There are nine basic Elements in Final Fantasy VII and a number of obscure 
Elements that will be detailed further on. In the order that they are 
obtainable these 9 Elements are:

Lightning   Ice   Fire   Poison   Earth   Wind   Water   Gravity   Holy
LHT         ICE   FRE    PSN      ERT     WND    WTR     GRV       HLY

All of the Elemental attributes of all enemies are listed area-by-area 
throughout the walkthrough using the abbreviations as shown above. You should 
always try to use Elements that an enemy is weak against whilst veering away 
from Elements that an enemy is strong against. Remember that by using the 
Elemental Materia you can protect yourself from Elemental attacks by 
equipping it to your armour, and you can also add an Element onto your basic 
physical attacks by equipping it to your weapon. More on the Elemental 
Materia below.

It's important to note that Poison is also a Status, however an enemy�s 
Elemental strength/weakness to poison will not correlate to the enemies 
immunity/vulnerability to the poison Status, although a mastered Elemental 
Materia placed in your armour paired with Poison *will* protect you from both 
the Element and the Status Poison.

A few other things to point out - nearly all Bosses are immune to Gravity, 
with the exception of the Midgar Zolom, Godo and Emerald Weapon. Similarly, 
virtually all flying creatures are weak against Wind but will nullify Earth 
based attacks. Also, Vincent's Level 1 Limit Break, Galian Beast, has an 
attack called Beast Flare that will hit with Fire damage, and his Level 2 
Limit Death Gigas has an attack called Live Wire that will hit with Lightning 
damage. Yuffie's 2-1 Limit Break is Earth based.

Lastly, there are more Elements in play than the basic 9 as listed above, the 
most notable being the Restorative Element (RES). See the Obscure Elements 
below for more details.

--E.05 B - Elemental Materia

  The Elemental Materia is easily one of the most under-rated Materias in the 
game and is easily missed during the assault on the Shinra HQ early on in the 
game. There are 3 in total to collect:

1) D1.06 A - Fight or Flight of Stairs

   Floor 62. Whilst speaking to the Mayor you can obtain the Elemental 
   Materia by guessing his password on the first try; the password is 
   different from game to game. The  most simple way to do this would be to 
   save just before talking to him, then guessing until you get the correct 
   password. Finally, reload your save then talk to the Mayor selecting the 
   correct password on the first try for the Elemental Materia.

2) D1.15 C - Mt. Nibel

   During your travels you will eventually come to the same place where Cloud 
   and Sephiroth and co. stopped to admire a Lifestream fountain. Five years 
   later the energy from the fountain will have formed into the Elemental 

3) D1.07 B - The Nibelheim Incident

   During the flashback from 5 years ago you must enter into Tifa's house and 
   interact with her piano in the second floor. Make sure to 'jam on it' 
   otherwise you won't be able to retrieve the 3rd and final Elemental 

   D2.05 D - Playing Tifa's Piano in Nibelheim

   You can only do this whilst playing as Tifa on Disk 2 just after you've 
   received the Highwind. Interact with her piano once more to receive the 
   Elemental Materia so long as you followed the prerequisite as above.

Pairing the Elemental Materia to another piece of Materia that has an 
Elemental attribute will either protect you from the Element, or make your 
physical attacks hit with that Element, depending on whether you have 
equipped the Materias onto you armour or weapon, respectively.

When you place the Elemental Materia in your weapon, the level of the 
Elemental will not vary the effect of the attack, however when placed in your 
armour the current level of the Elemental will vary the effect. At level 1 
you will take halve the damage of the Element that it is paired with, at 
level 2 you will nullify the damage and at level 3 you will absorb the 
damage. Remember that you can view your current Elemental strengths in the 
'Status' menu; press confirm to scroll through the three tabs.

 NOTE - Pairing Fire with the Elemental on your armour is the only way to 
        obtain the Enemy Skill Beta from the Midgar Zolom at a low level 
        (along with the Status Sadness).

Remember that some Summons also have Elemental properties. Below is a list of 
every 'pairable' Materia:

    ELEMENT:   |  MAGIC:     |  SUMMON:
               |             |
    Lightning  |  Lightning  |  Ramuh
    Ice        |  Ice        |  Shiva
    Fire       |  Fire       |  Ifrit, Phoenix
    Poison     |  Poison     |  --------
    Earth      |  Earth      |  Titan
    Wind       |  ---------  |  Choco/Mog, Typoon
    Water      |  ---------  |  Leviathan
    Gravity    |  Gravity    |  ---------
    Holy       |  ---------  |  Alexander

 - It is recommended that you equip the Elemental Materia with Lightning as 
   soon as you obtain it seeing as many enemies in the Shinra HQ are weak 
   against lightning.
 - Once you receive the Choco/Mog Materia in the Chocobo ranch you can switch 
   to Wind based attacks seeing as a large amount of enemies from that point 
   on are 'flying', meaning they will beak weak vs Wind but strong vs Earth.
 - The Great Glacier on Disk 2 is home to many creatures that are weak 
   against Fire.

Remember that it is always advisable to pair a Summon as opposed to Magic 
with your Elemental Materia seeing as you are not penalised as much.

Lightning will have the following effect on your stats:
Strength -1, Magic +1, Max HP -2%, Max MP +2%.
Ramuh will *not* affect your strength but will affect your Magic, Max HP and 
Max MP by the same values.

Below is a chart depicting the quantity of enemies that are weak and strong 
against each Element:

            +----------------------------------+ +--------+
            | Absorb | Nullify | Halve | Total | | Double |
+-----------+--------+---------+-------+-------| |--------|
| Fire      |     12 |       4 |    12 |    28 | |     15 |
|-----------+--------+---------+-------+-------| |--------|
| Ice       |     11 |       5 |     5 |    21 | |      8 |
|-----------+--------+---------+-------+-------| |--------|
| Lightning |      7 |       5 |     3 |    15 | |     28 |
|-----------+--------+---------+-------+-------| |--------|
| Earth     |      4 |      52 |     3 |    59 | |      4 |
|-----------+--------+---------+-------+-------| |--------|
| Poison    |     17 |       6 |     0 |    23 | |      2 |
|-----------+--------+---------+-------+-------| |--------|
| Gravity   |      0 |      70 |    12 |    82 | |      5 |
|-----------+--------+---------+-------+-------| |--------|
| Water     |      5 |      18 |     5 |    28 | |      4 |
|-----------+--------+---------+-------+-------| |--------|
| Wind      |      0 |       1 |     0 |     1 | |     29 |
|-----------+--------+---------+-------+-------| |--------|
| Holy      |      0 |       1 |     0 |     1 | |     10 |
+----------------------------------------------+ +--------+

So you can see that Wind, Lightning and Holy are the favourable Elements to 
equip with the Elemental onto your weapon, whilst Earth, Gravity, Water and 
Fire should be avoided, with the exception of certain areas (like the Great 

--E.05 C - Obscure Elements

  There are 7 Elements that go relatively unknown, these are:


It is suspected that the developers had initially intended for every single 
physical attack to use the Element Cut, Hit, Punch, Shoot or Shout, and 
certain enemies would have varying strengths/weaknesses to these 'Physical' 
Elements. Even though they had decided in the end that it was too 
complicated, there are still a few enemies that are weak against certain 
Elements (like the Desert Sahagin which is weak against Punch). Nearly all of 
the characters weapons will conform to one of these Elements and a vast 
majority of enemies will use attacks with one of these properties, however 
Restorative and Hidden work slightly differently.

 NOTE - The Ziedrich is a piece of armour that will halve all Elemental 
        attacks, and this includes any of the above Elements excluding 
        Restorative and Hidden. The Ziedrich is considered to be one of the
        best defensive armour in the game, the drawback being that it doesn't 
        have any Materia slots.


 If an enemy is weak against the Element Holy then there is a strong chance 
 that the enemy will also absorb the Restorative Element, which means that 
 curative items and spells will harm the enemy as opposed to healing it (the 
 double positive makes a negative). Enemies that conform to this would be 
 considered 'Undead', and this is a familiar trait with the Final Fantasy 

 Of all 10 enemies that are weak against Holy, only two of them do *not* 
 absorb the Restorative Element, and these two are Soul Fire and Parasite. 
 It's worth noting that pairing Elemental with Restore will have no effect 
 whatsoever. Also, using items such as Ethers and Turbo Ethers will deplete 
 your opponents MP, and casting a Megalixir/Elixir/X-Potion or Phoenix Down 
 will cause instant Death to your opponent. Regen is *not* of the restorative 
 Element and therefore it won't act to gradually deplete your opponents HP.

 More on Restorative below.


 The Cut Element is primarily attributed to attacks that 'slice' such as 
 swords, namely all of Cloud's weapons, one of Barret's and one of Cid's. 
 There are 36 enemy attacks that use the Cut Element.


 Hit is one of the most used Physical attacks in the game, and is primarily 
 attributed to attacks that use blunt force such as clubs or batons. Most of 
 Tifa's weapons, some of Barret's, all of Aeris's, most of Red XIII, all of 
 Cait Sith's and one of Cid's use the Hit Element. There are 103 enemy 
 attacks that use the Hit Element.


 Surprisingly enough, Tifa's attacks do not conform to the Punch Element. 
 Thrust would have been a more appropriate title seeing as attacks that 
 penetrate fall under the Punch Element, such as daggers and spears. 3 of 
 Barret's weapons, two of Tifa's and most of Cid's fall under the Punch 
 category. 31 enemy attacks use the Punch Element.

 Some enemies will be weak against Punch, such as the Desert Sahagin found 
 near Cosmo Canyon. When you attack it with one of Cid's weapons, you will 
 not do double damage, rather, you will have a 100% attack rate instead. The 
 same applies to the Sahagin and the Ceasar found in Sector 6 Sewers. Thanks 
 to NFITC1 for clarifying some of that up.


 All attacks that are made from a distance are considered to be of the 
 Element Shoot, such as guns or shurikens. Most of Barret's weapons, one of 
 Red XIII's, all of Yuffie's and all of Vincent's are considered to be of the 
 Element Shoot. 82 enemy attacks fall under the Shoot Element.


 Attacks that are made through sound are considered to be Shout, and weirdly 
 enough that doesn't mean Cait Sith (probably because Cait's in-battle 
 animation is to hit his target as opposed to shout at it). No allies use 
 Shout and only 12 enemy attacks fall under the Shout Element.


 Interestingly enough, Hidden isn't actually called Hidden, it just the title 
 that has been dubbed for this Element seeing as it doesn't actually have a 
 name. It is also sometimes referred to as 'The 10th Element'. Obviously this 
 Element was intended to be removed from the final cut of the game, but like 
 many other 'elements' (or fragments) of the game this was slightly hurried 
 and was probably left in the game due to time pressure.

 To protect yourself from Hidden you would need to pair Elemental with any 
 *non* Elemental Materia, with the exception of Restore and any Support 
 (blue) Materia. So, if you were to link Elemental=Luck Plus (for example) on 
 your armour then you would then be protected from any attacks that use the 
 Hidden Element. Seeing as there are no enemies that are weak against Hidden, 
 linking Elemental=(Hidden) to your weapon would be pointless.

 In the Japanese original version of the game there were 15 direct attacks 
 that used the Hidden Element, but in the later SCEA/SCEE (or NTSC/PAL) 
 versions all but one of these moves had the Hidden Element removed from 
 their attacks. The attack that was left in the game was Ultimate WEAPON's 
 'Ultima Beam', and you can still absorb/nullify/halve the effects of this 
 attack by protecting yourself from Hidden. There are also a number of 
 passive attacks that use Hidden such as Status changes and Status 
 protection, however you cannot defend yourself from a 'Hidden' attack if no 
 damage is being directly dealt.

--E.05 D - The Elements Themselves

  Below you will find a complete run-down of every appearance of each 
Element, from equippable Materia to battle items to enemy attributes. It is 
important to note that several attacks/Summons will yield more than one 
Elemental property, which isn't always a good thing due to the fact that if 
an enemy can absorb one of the Elements then the entire attack will be 
absorbed (or nullifies, or halved).

Magic Breath - Enemy Skill. Hits with Lightning, Ice & Fire 
Kjata        - Summon.      Hits with Lightning, Ice & Fire               
Typoon       - Summon.      Hits with Lightning, Ice, Fire & Earth

It is also important to note that while Choco/Mog may be a Wind based 
Materia, when you cast Choco/Mog in battle neither of its attacks will be 
Wind based. You will only be able to utilise the Wind Element when pairing 
Choco/Mog with the Elemental Materia. The same goes for Typoon, even though 
it is classed as a Wind Based Materia, when used in-battle it will not attack 
with Wind. 

Lastly, due to the complexity of Bizarro-Sephiroth's varying forms I haven't 
included any of his Elemental strengths/weaknesses in the following data, 
however I have included his Elemental attacks.

|   {FIRE}:    FRE    |

There are 15 enemies that are weak against Fire and 28 enemies that are 
strong against Fire. The best time to equip Fire would be in the Great 
Glacier early on in Disk 2. Vincent's Level 1 Limit Break, Galian Beast uses 
a move called Beast Flare which is Fire based. Ifrit is the only Fire based 
Summon in the game and uses an attack called Hellfire.

Fire is first available from the Materia Shop in Sector 7, but will also be 
obtained via Red XIII's initial equipment whilst raiding the Shinra HQ. 
Notable Fire based enemies include Motor Ball, Ark Dragon, Bomb, Soul Fire, 
Dragon, Foulander and Grenade.
|                                                                            |
|                             Associated Materia:                      (FRE) |
|                                                                            |
| Magic       - Fire, Fire2, Fire3 (Fire), Flare (Contain Lv 4)              |
| Enemy Skill - Beta, Flamethrower, Magic Breath                             |
| Summon      - Ifrit, Phoenix, Kjata, Typoon                                |
|                                                                            |
|                              Associated Items:                       (FRE) |
|                                                                            |
|   Battle Items:-                                                           |
|                                                                            |
| Fire Fang - Uses Fire2 on all enemies                                      | 
| Fire Veil - Uses Fire3 on all enemies                                      |
| Molotov   - Fire damage on one opponent                                    |
|                                                                            |
|   Armour:-                                                                 |
|                                                                            | 
| Ziedrich      - Halves all Elemental attacks (including obscure Elements)  |
| Dragon Armlet - Halves Lightning, Ice & Fire based attacks                 |
| Fire Armlet   - Absorbs Fire based attacks                                 |
| Minerva Band  - Nullifies Ice, Fire, Gravity & Holy based attacks          |
|                 Can only be worn by females                                |
|                                                                            |
|   Accessories:-                                                            |
|                                                                            |
| Fire Ring     - Nullifies Fire based attacks                               |
| Tetra Element - Absorbs Lightning, Ice, Fire & Earth based attacks         |
|                                                                            |
|                             Associated Enemies:                      (FRE) |
|                                                                            |
|   Strong Against = 28   [A] Absorb = 12  [N] Nullify = 4   [H] Halve = 12  |
|                                                                            |
| [H] Air Buster     - Sector 5 Reactor (BOSS)                               |
| [H] Zenene         - Hojo's Laboratory                                     |
| [H] Motor Ball     - Midgar Highway (BOSS)                                 |
| [A] Ark Dragon     - Mythril Mines                                         |
| [N] Bagnadrana     - Mt. Corel                                             |
| [H] Search Crown   - Mt. Corel                                             |
| [N] Bomb           - Mt. Corel Bridge                                      |
| [H] Land Worm      - Corel Prison Desert                                   |
| [N] Cactuar        - Corel Prison Desert                                   |
| [H] Desert Sahagin - Cosmo Canyon Area (World Map)                         |
| [A] Soul Fire      - Cave of The Gi (BOSS)                                 |
| [A] Dragon         - Mt. Nibel                                             |
| [A] Materia Keeper - Mt. Nibel (BOSS)                                      |
| [H] Sea Worm       - Beaches near Mideel (World Map)                       |
| [A] Foulander      - Da-chao Statue                                        |
| [A] Doorbull       - Temple of The Ancients                                |
| [A] Red Dragon     - Temple of The Ancients (BOSS)                         |
| [A] Schizo Right   - Gaea's Cliff (BOSS)                                   |
| [H] Grenade        - Whirlwind Maze                                        |
| [H] Hard Attacker  - Underwater Reactor                                    |
| [N] Diablo         - Ancient Forest                                        |
| [A] Unknown        - Sunken Gelnika                                        |
| [H] Diamond WEAPON - Midgar Area (World Map) (BOSS)                        |
| [A] Rude IV        - Winding Tunnels Re-visited (BOSS)                     |
| [H] Mover          - North Crater Swamp Area                               |
| [A] Pollensalta    - North Crater Right Path                               |
| [H] Iron Man       - Inside The Planet                                     |
| [A] Ruby WEAPON    - Gold Saucer Desert (World Map) (BOSS)                 |
|                                                                            |
|                                                                            |
|   Weak Against = 15 (Double)                                               |
|                                                                            |
|  Aps                   - Sector 6 Sewers (BOSS)                            |
|  Ghost                 - Sector 6 Train Graveyard                          |
|  SOLDIER:3rd           - Hojo's Laboratory                                 |
|  Kalm Fang             - Midgar Area (World Map)                           |
|  Castanets             - Mythril Mine                                      |
|  Flower Prong S/M/L    - Gongaga                                           |
|  Crown Lance           - Beaches near Nibelheim (World Map)                |
|  Gi Spector            - Cave of The Gi                                    |
|  Kyuvilduns            - Mt. Nibel                                         |
|  Bandersnatch          - Icicle Area (World Map), Great Glacier            |
|  Shred                 - Great Glacier                                     |
|  Magnade               - Great Glacier                                     |
|  Snow                  - Great Glacier                                     |
|  Icicle                - Gaea's Cliff                                      |
|  Emerald WEAPON's Eyes - Sea Floor (Submarine Only) (BOSS)                 |
|                                                                            |
|* = Enemy Skill           Associated Enemy Attacks:                   (FRE) |
|                                                                            |
| Fire              - Weak dmg        - Mono Drive       (Sector 1 Reactor)  |
| Fire              - Weak dmg        - Hedgehog Pie     (Sector 6 Slums)    |
| Fire              - Weak dmg        - Ghost            (Train Graveyard)   |
| Fire              - Weak dmg        - Sample:H0512-opt (Hojo's Lab)        |
| Ghengaga          - Weak dmg        - Zenene           (Hojo's Lab)        |
| Rolling Fire      - Weak dmg to all - Motor Ball       (Midgar Highway)    |
| Twin Burner       - Weak dmg to all - Motor Ball       (Midgar Highway)    |
|*Beta              - Med  dmg to all - Midgar Zolom     (Midgar Marshes)    |
|*Flamethrower      - Weak dmg        - Ark Dragon       (Mythril Mines)     |
| Fire Fang         - Med  dmg        - Mystery Ninja    (Forests)           |
| Fire Fang         - Big  dmg to all - Mystery Ninja    (Forests)           |
| Heatwing          - Weak dmg        - Nerosuferoth     (Junon Area)        |
| Fire2             - Med  dmg        - Scrutin Eye      (Cargo Ship)        |
| Fireball          - Med  dmg        - Bomb             (Mt. Corel Bridge)  |
| Fire              - Weak dmg        - Rude I           (Gongaga Jungle)    |
| Fire2             - Med  dmg        - Soul Fire        (Cave of the Gi)    |
| Fire2             - Med  dmg        - Jersey           (Shinra Mansion)    |
|*Flamethrower      - Weak dmg        - Dragon           (Mt. Nibel)         |
| Fire              - Weak dmg        - Palmer           (Rocket Town)       |
| Flame Dance       - Med  dmg        - Foulander        (Da-chao Statue)    |
| Fire Shell        - Med  dmg        - Doorbull         (Temple of Ancients)|
| Red Dragon Breath - Big  dmg        - Red Dragon       (Temple of Ancients)|
| Magma             - Med  dmg        - Trickplay        (Icicle Area)       |
|*Magic Breath      - Big  dmg to all - Stilva           (Gaea's Cliff)      |
| Right Breath      - Med  dmg        - Schizo Right     (Gaea's Cliff)      |
| Double Breath     - Med  dmg        - Schizo Left      (Gaea's Cliff)      |
| Gush              - Med  dmg        - Grenade          (Whirlwind Maze)    |
| Fire Shell        - Med  dmg        - Sculpture        (Whirlwind Maze)    |
| Fire2             - Med  dmg        - Killbin          (Whirlwind Maze)    |
| Red Light         - Med  dmg        - Jenova-DEATH     (Whirlwind Maze)    |
| Tropic Wind       - Med  dmg        - Jenova-DEATH     (Whirlwind Maze)    |
| Oil               - Weak dmg        - Hard Attacker    (Underwater Reactor)|
| Flame             - Med  dmg        - Diablo           (Ancient Forest)    |
| Fire2             - Med  dmg        - Rude III         (Sunken Gelnika)    |
| Fire              - Weak dmg        - Poodler          (Sunken Gelnika)    |
| Diamond Fire      - Med  dmg        - Diamond WEAPON   (Midgar Area)       |
| Flare             - Huge dmg        - Behemoth         (Midgar Sector 8)   |
| Fire2             - Med  dmg        - Manhole          (Midgar Sector 8)   |
| Throw             - Med  dmg to all - Elena            (Winding Tunnels)   |
| Napalm Bomb       - Big  dmg        - Grosspanzer-Mobile (Mako Cannon)     |
| Fire2             - Med  dmg        - Poodler Sample     (Mako Cannon)     |
| Fire2             - Med  dmg        - Bad Rap Sample     (Mako Cannon)     |
| Fire3             - Big  dmg        - Pollensalta        (North Crater)    |
|*Magic Breath      - Big  dmg to all - Parasite           (North Crater)    |
| Lv 3 Flare        - Huge dmg        - Allemagne          (North Crater)    |
| Fire3             - Big  dmg        - Bizarro Sephiroth  (North Crater)    |
| Ruby Flame        - Huge dmg        - Ruby WEAPON      (Gold Saucer Desert)|

|   {ICE}:    ICE    |

There are 8 enemies that are weak against Ice and 21 enemies that are strong 
against Ice. The majority of Fire based creatures are vulnerable to Ice, 
which unfortunately are few and far between. Shiva is the only Ice Summon in 
the game and can damage all foes with her Diamond Dust move.

Ice is initially equipped on Cloud at the beginning of the game, and is 
available from most Materia Shops in Midgar. Notable Ice based enemies 
include Boundfat, Snow, Ice Golem, Lessaloploth and Icicle.

|                                                                            |
|                             Associated Materia:                      (ICE) |
|                                                                            |
| Magic       - Ice, Ice2, Ice3 (Ice), Freeze (Contain Lv 1)                 |
| Enemy Skill - Magic Breath                                                 |
| Summon      - Shiva, Kjata, Typoon                                         |
|                                                                            |
|                              Associated Items:                       (ICE) |
|                                                                            |
|   Battle Items:-                                                           |
|                                                                            |
| Antarctic Wind - Uses Ice2 on all enemies                                  | 
| Ice Crystal    - Uses Ice3 on all enemies                                  |
|                                                                            |
|   Armour:-                                                                 |
|                                                                            | 
| Ziedrich      - Halves all Elemental attacks (including obscure Elements)  |
| Aurora Armlet - Absorbs Ice based attacks                                  |
| Dragon Armlet - Halves Lightning, Ice & Fire based attacks                 |
| Minerva Band  - Nullifies Ice, Fire, Gravity & Holy based attacks          |
|                 Can only be worn by females                                |
|                                                                            |
|   Accessories:-                                                            |
|                                                                            |
| Ice Ring      - Nullifies Ice based attacks                                |
| Tetra Element - Absorbs Lightning, Ice, Fire & Earth based attacks         |
|                                                                            |
|                             Associated Enemies:                      (ICE) |
|                                                                            |
|   Strong Against = 21   [A] Absorb = 11  [N] Nullify = 5   [H] Halve = 5   |
|                                                                            |
| [A] Deenglow       - Sector 6 Sewers                                       |
| [H] Ghost          - Sector 6 Train Graveyard                              |
| [H] Crawler        - Mythril Mine                                          |
| [N] Cactuar        - Corel Prison Desert                                   |
| [A] Garuda         - Da-chao Statue (Wutai)                                |
| [N] Jemnezmy       - Inside The Temple of The Ancients                     |
| [A] Boundfat       - Corral Valley                                         |
| [H] Bandersnatch   - Icicle Area (World Map), Great Glacier                |
| [A] Snow           - Great Glacier                                         |
| [A] Ice Golem      - Great Glacier                                         |
| [N] Shred          - Great Glacier                                         |
| [N] Lessaloploth   - Great Glacier                                         |
| [A] Blue Dragon    - Gaea's Cliff                                          |
| [A] Icicle         - Gaea's Cliff                                          |
| [A] Schizo Left    - Gaea's Cliff (BOSS)                                   |
| [N] Diablo         - Ancient Forest                                        |
| [A] Elena          - Winding Tunnels Re-visited (BOSS)                     |
| [H] Mover          - North Crater Swamp Area                               |
| [H] Iron Man       - Inside The Planet                                     |
| [A] Ruby WEAPON    - Gold Saucer Desert (World Map) (BOSS)                 |
| [A] Emerald WEAPON - Sea Floor (Submarine Only) (BOSS)                     |
|                                                                            |
|   Weak Against = 8  (Double)                                               |
|                                                                            |
|  Hedgehog Pie   - Sector 6 Slums                                           |
|  Ceasar         - Sector 6 Sewers                                          |
|  Bagnadrana     - Mt. Corel                                                |
|  Land Worm      - Corel Prison Desert                                      |
|  Desert Sahagin - Cosmo Canyon Area (World Map)                            |
|  Heg            - Cave of The Gi                                           |
|  Sea Worm       - Beaches near Mideel (World Map)                          |
|  Toxic Frog     - Inside The Temple of The Ancients                        |
|                                                                            |
|* = Enemy Skill           Associated Enemy Attacks:                   (ICE) |
|                                                                            |
| Ice                - Weak dmg       - Deenglow         (Train Graveyard)   |
| Ice2               - Med  dmg       - Soldier:3RD      (Hojo's Lab)        |
| Ice                - Weak dmg       - Sample:H0512-opt (Hojo's Lab)        |
| Cold Breath        - Weak dmg       - Crawler          (Mythril Mine)      |
| Ice2               - Med  dmg       - Scrutin Eye      (Cargo Ship)        |
| Ice                - Weak dmg       - Beachplug        (Gongaga Beaches)   |
| Ice2               - Med  dmg       - Yang             (Shinra Mansion)    |
| Ice                - Weak dmg       - Palmer           (Rocket Town)       |
| Ice2               - Med  dmg       - Garuda           (Da-chao Statue)    |
| Cold Breath        - Weak dmg       - Jemnezmy         (Temple of Ancients)|
| Southern Cross     - Med  dmg       - Ancient Dragon   (Temple of Ancients)|
| Cave-In            - Big  dmg       - Demons Gate      (Temple of Ancients)|
| Ice2               - Med  dmg       - Boundfat         (Corral Valley)     |
| Ice2               - Med  dmg       - Grimguard        (Corral Valley Cave)|
| Ice2               - Med  dmg        - Snow             (Great Glacier)    |
| Cold Breath        - Weak dmg        - Snow             (Great Glacier)    |
| Cold Snap          - Med  dmg        - Ice Golem        (Great Glacier)    |
| Avalanche          - Big  dmg to all - Lessaloploth     (Great Glacier)    |
|*Magic Breath       - Big  dmg to all - Stilva           (Gaea's Cliff)     |
| Blue Dragon Breath - Med  dmg to all - Blue Dragon      (Gaea's Cliff)     |
| Frozen Beam        - Big  dmg        - Malboro          (Gaea's Cliff)     |
| Left Breath        - Big  dmg        - Schizo Left      (Gaea's Cliff)     |
| Double Breath      - Big  dmg        - Schizo Right     (Gaea's Cliff)     |
| Ice2               - Med  dmg        - Killbin          (Whirlwind Maze)   |
| Cold               - Med  dmg        - Diablo           (Ancient Forest)   |
| Ice2               - Med  dmg        - Rude III         (Sunken Gelnika)   |
| Viper Breath       - Med  dmg        - Serpent          (Sunken Gelnika)   |
| Ice2               - Med  dmg        - Manhole          (Sector 8)         |
| Freeze             - Huge dmg        - Maximum Kimaira  (Mako Cannon)      |
|*Magic Breath       - Big  dmg to all - Parasite         (North Crater)     |
| Cold Breath        - Weak dmg        - Pollensalta      (North Crater)     |
| Ice3               - Big  dmg        - Bizarro-Sephiroth (North Crater)    |

|   {LIGHTNING}:    LHT    |

There are 28 enemies that are weak against Lightning and 15 enemies that are 
strong against Lightning. Most mechanical creatures are weak to Bolt, and the 
majority of these enemies can be found in Midgar at the beginning of the 
game, and then again in Midgar towards the end of Disk 2. Vincent's Level 2 
Limit Break, Death Gigas uses a move called Live Wire which is Lightning 
based. Ramuh is the Lightning based Summon and he will strike down on his 
foes with his mighty Judgement Bolt.

Lightning is initially equipped on Cloud at the beginning of the game, and is 
available from most Materia Shops in Midgar. Notable Lightning based 
creatures include Needle Kiss, Crown Lance, Thunder Bird and Garuda.

|                                                                            |
|                             Associated Materia:                      (LHT) |
|                                                                            |
| Magic       - Bolt, Bolt2, Bolt3 (Lightning)                               |
| Enemy Skill - Trine, Magic Breath                                          |
| Summon      - Ramuh, Kjata, Typoon                                         |
|                                                                            |
|                              Associated Items:                       (LHT) |
|                                                                            |
|   Battle Items:-                                                           |
|                                                                            |
| Bolt Plume  - Uses Bolt2 on all enemies                                    |
| Swift Bolt  - Uses Bolt3 on all enemies                                    |
| Dragon Fang - Lightning damage against all opponents                       |
|                                                                            |
|   Armour:-                                                                 |
|                                                                            |
| Ziedrich      - Halves all Elemental attacks (including obscure Elements)  |
| Bolt Armlet   - Absorbs Lightning based attacks                            |
| Dragon Armlet - Halves Lightning, Ice & Fire based attacks                 |
| Escort Guard  - Nullifies Lightning, Poison, Earth & Water based attacks   |
|                 Can only be worn by males                                  |
|                                                                            |
|   Accessories:-                                                            |
|                                                                            |
| Bolt Ring     - Nullifies Lightning based attacks                          |
| Tetra Element - Absorbs Lightning, Ice, Fire & Earth based attacks         |
|                                                                            |
|                             Associated Enemies:                      (LHT) |
|                                                                            |
|   Strong Against = 15   [A] Absorb = 7   [N] Nullify = 5   [H] Halve = 3   |
|                                                                            |
| [H] Reno I        - Sector 7 Support Tower (BOSS)                          |
| [N] Warning Board - Hojo's Laboratory                                      |
| [H] Sample:H0512  - Hojo's Laboratory (BOSS)                               |
| [N] Needle Kiss   - Mt. Corel                                              |
| [N] Cactuar       - Corel Prison Desert                                    |
| [A] Crown Lance   - Beaches near Nibelheim (World Map)                     |
| [A] Thunderbird   - Wutai area (World Map)                                 |
| [A] Edgehead      - Wutai Area (World Map)                                 |
| [A] Garuda        - Da-chao Statue (Wutai)                                 |
| [N] Guard System  - Paths to Junon's Underwater Reactor                    |
| [A] Unknown 3     - Sunken Gelnika                                         |
| [A] Reno IV       - Winding Tunnels Re-visited (BOSS)                      |
| [N] Dark Dragon   - North Crater                                           |
| [H] Mover         - North Crater Swamp Area                                |
| [A] Ruby WEAPON   - Gold Saucer Desert (World Map) (BOSS)                  |
|                                                                            |
|   Weak Against = 28 (Double)                                               |
|                                                                            |
|  1st Ray            - Sector 1 Reactor                                     |
|  Sweeper            - Sector 1 Reactor                                     |
|  Guard Scorpion     - Sector 1 Reactor (BOSS)                              |
|  Rocket Launcher    - Sector 4 Winding Tunnels                             |
|  Blugu              - Sector 4 Platforms                                   |
|  Proto Machinegun   - Sector 4 Platforms                                   |
|  Air Buster         - Sector 5 Rector (BOSS)                               |
|  Hammer Blaster     - Shinra HQ                                            |
|  Moth Slasher       - Hojo's Laboratory                                    |
|  Laser Cannon       - Hojo's Laboratory                                    |
|  Machine Gun        - Hojo's Laboratory                                    |
|  Hundred Gunner     - Shinra HQ Elevators (BOSS)                           |
|  Heli Gunner        - Shinra HQ Elevators (BOSS)                           |
|  Motor Ball         - Midgar Highway (BOSS)                                |
|  Custom Sweeper     - Midgar Area (World Map)                              |
|  Roulette Cannon    - Upper Junon (Disk 2)                                 |
|  Eagle Gun          - Mt. Corel Train (Disk 2)                             |
|  Gun Carrier        - Junon's Underwater Reactor                           |
|  Carry Armor        - Junon's Underwater Reactor (BOSS)                    |
|  Diamond WEAPON     - Midgar Area (World Map) (BOSS)                       |
|  Crazy Saw          - Sector 8                                             |
|  Cromwell           - Sector 8                                             |
|  Shadow Maker       - Winding Tunnels (Re-visited)                         |
|  Grosspanzer-BIG    - Mako Cannon Base                                     |
|  Grosspanzer-MOBILE - Mako Cannon Base                                     |
|  Grosspanzer-SMALL  - Mako Cannon Base                                     |
|  X-Cannon           - Mako Cannon                                          |
|  Emerald WEAPON     - Sea Floor (Submarine Only) (BOSS)                    |
|                                                                            |
|* = Enemy Skill           Associated Enemy Attacks:                   (LHT) |
|                                                                            |
| Electro-Mag Rod - Weak dmg        - Reno I             (Sector 7)          |
| Bolt2           - Med  dmg        - Soldier:3RD        (Hojo's Laboratory) |
| Bolt            - Weak dmg        - Dark Nation        (Rufus Boss Fight)  |
| Scissor Spark   - Weak dmg        - Castanets          (Mythril Mines)     |
| Swift Bolt      - Big  dmg to all - Mystery Ninja      (Forests)           |
| Thunderbolt     - Med  dmg        - Zemzelett          (Junon Area)        |
| Thunder Kiss    - Weak dmg        - Needle Kiss        (Mt. Corel)         |
| Electroprod     - Weak dmg        - Reno II            (Gongaga Jungle)    |
| Bolt            - Weak dmg        - Crown Lance        (Nibelheim Beaches) |
| Bolt2           - Med  dmg        - Lost Number        (Shinra Mansion)    |
| Bolt2           - Med  dmg        - Yang               (Shinra Mansion)    |
|*Trine           - Med  dmg to all - Materia Keeper     (Mt. Nibel)         |
| Bolt2           - Med  dmg        - Palmer             (Rocket Town)       |
| Lightning       - Med  dmg to all - Thunderbird        (Wutai Area)        |
| Electric Burst  - Med  dmg        - Edgehead           (Wutai Area)        |
| Bolt2           - Med  dmg        - Garuda             (Da-chao Statue)    |
|*Trine           - Med  dmg to all - Godo               (Wutai Pagoda)      |
| Bolt Ball       - Med  dmg        - Vlakorados         (Bone Village Area) |
| Bolt2           - Med  dmg        - Grimguard          (Corral Valley Cave)|
| Wide Grazer     - Med  dmg to all - Ice Golem          (Great Glacier)     |
|*Trine           - Med  dmg to all - Stilva             (Gaea's Cliff)      |
|*Magic Breath    - Big  dmg to all - Stilva             (Gaea's Cliff)      |
| Left Breath 2   - Big  dmg to all - Schizo Left        (Gaea's Cliff)      |
| Right Breath 2  - Big  dmg to all - Schizo Right       (Gaea's Cliff)      |
| Bolt2           - Med  dmg        - Rude II            (Rocket Town)       |
| Bolt2           - Med  dmg        - Rude III           (Sunken Gelnika)    |
| Electroprod 2   - Big  dmg        - Reno III           (Sunken Gelnika)    |
| Bolt2           - Med  dmg        - Unknown 3          (Sunken Gelnika)    |
| Thunderball     - Big  dmg        - Ultimate WEAPON    (Aerial Battle)     |
| Electroprod     - Big  dmg        - Reno IV            (Winding Tunnels)   |
|*Magic Breath    - Big  dmg to all - Parasite           (North Crater)      |
| Bolt3           - Big  dmg        - Christopher        (North Crater Swamp)|
| Bolt3           - Big  dmg        - Bizarro-Sephiroth  (North Crater)      |

|   {EARTH}:    ERT    |

There are 4 enemies that are weak against Earth and 59 enemies that are 
strong against Earth, making Earth one of the worst Elements in the game. All 
flying creatures are immune to Earth, whilst at the same time being weak 
against Wind. Yuffie's 2-1 Limit Break, Landscaper hits with Earth damage. 
Titan is the only Earth based Summon using his Anger of The Land attack.

Earth can first be bought from the Materia Shop in Kalm. Notable Earth based 
creatures include Land Worm and Sea Worm.
|                                                                            |
|                             Associated Materia:                      (ERT) |
|                                                                            |
| Magic  - Quake, Quake2, Quake3 (Earth), Break (Contain Lv 2)               |
| Summon - Titan, Typoon                                                     |
|                                                                            |
|                              Associated Items:                       (ERT) |
|                                                                            |
|   Battle Items:-                                                           |
|                                                                            |
| Earth Drum   - Uses Quake2 on all enemies                                  | 
| Earth Mallet - Uses Quake3 on all enemies                                  |
|                                                                            |
|   Armour:-                                                                 |
|                                                                            | 
| Ziedrich     - Halves all Elemental attacks (including obscure Elements)   |
| Escort Guard - Nullifies Lightning, Poison, Earth & Water based attacks    |
|                Can only be worn by males                                   |
|                                                                            |
|   Accessories:-                                                            |
|                                                                            |
| Tetra Element - Absorbs Lightning, Ice, Fire & Earth based attacks         |
|                                                                            |
|                             Associated Enemies:                      (ERT) |
|                                                                            |
|   Strong Against = 59   [A] Absorb = 4   [N] Nullify = 52  [H] Halve = 3   |
|                                                                            |
| [N] Mono Drive          - Sector 1 Reactor                                 |
| [N] Blugu               - Sector 4 Platforms                               |
| [N] Air Buster          - Sector 5 Reactor (BOSS)                          |
| [N] Deenglow            - Train Graveyard                                  |
| [N] Ghost               - Train Graveyard                                  |
| [N] Aero Combatant      - Sector 7 Support Tower                           |
| [N] Sword Dance         - Shinra HQ                                        |
| [N] Sample:H0512-opt    - Hojo's Laboratory (BOSS)                         |
| [N] Brain Pod           - Hojo's Laboratory                                |
| [N] Heli Gunner         - Shinra HQ Elevators (BOSS)                       |
| [N] Ark Dragon          - Mythril Mines                                    |
| [N] Zemzelett           - Junon Area (World Map)                           |
| [N] Formula             - Junon Area (World Map)                           |
| [N] Bottomswell         - Junon Harbour (BOSS)                             |
| [N] Scrutin Eye         - Cargo Ship                                       |
| [N] Grangalan /Jr/Jr Jr - Corel Area (World Map)                           |
| [N] Needle Kiss         - Mt. Corel                                        |
| [N] Bloatfloat          - Mt. Corel                                        |
| [N] Bomb                - Mt. Corel                                        |
| [N] 2-Faced             - Corel Prison                                     |
| [A] Land Worm           - Corel Prison Desert                              |
| [N] Cactuar             - Corel Prison Desert                              |
| [N] Flapbeat            - Gold Saucer Area (World Map)                     |
| [N] Joker               - Gold Saucer Area (World Map)                     |
| [N] Crown Lance         - Beaches Near Nibelheim (World Map)               |
| [N] Gi Nattak           - Cave of The Gi (BOSS)                            |
| [N] Soul Fire           - Cave of The Gi (BOSS)                            |
| [N] Ghirofelgo          - Shinra Mansion                                   |
| [N] Black Bat           - Shinra Mansion                                   |
| [N] Sonic Speed         - Mt. Nibel                                        |
| [N] Zuu                 - Mt. Nibel                                        |
| [A] Sea Worm            - Beaches Near Mideel (World Map)                  |
| [N] Garuda              - Da-chao Statue                                   |
| [N] Gorkii              - Wutai Pagoda (BOSS)                              |
| [N] Tonadu              - Beaches Near Temple of Ancients (World Map)      |
| [N] Slaps               - Forests Near Temple of Ancients (World Map)      |
| [N] Ancient Dragon      - Temple of The Ancients                           |
| [H] Demons Gate         - Temple of The Ancients (BOSS)                    |
| [A] Trickplay           - Icicle Area (World Map)                          |
| [N] Malldancer          - Corral Valley                                    |
| [N] Shred               - Great Glacier                                    |
| [N] Lessaloploth        - Great Glacier                                    |
| [N] Grenade             - Whirlwind Maze                                   |
| [N] Dragon Rider        - Whirlwind Maze                                   |
| [N] Eagle Gun           - Mt. Corel Train (Disk 2)                         |
| [N] Divers Nest         - Pathway to Underwater Reactor                    |
| [N] Ghost Ship          - Pathway to Underwater Reactor                    |
| [N] Corvette            - Pathway to Underwater Reactor                    |
| [N] Rilfsak             - Ancient Forest                                   |
| [N] Serpent             - Sunken Gelnika                                   |
| [N] Ultimate WEAPON     - Aerial Battle (BOSS)                             |
| [N] Parasite            - North Crater                                     |
| [N] Allemagne           - North Crater                                     |
| [H] Mover               - North Crater Swamp Area                          |
| [H] Iron Man            - Inside The Planet (BOSS)                         |
| [N] Jenova-SYNTHESIS    - Inside The Planet (BOSS)                         |
| [N] Safer-Sephiroth     - Inside The Planet (BOSS)                         |
| [A] Ruby WEAPON         - Gold Saucer Desert (World Map) (BOSS)            |
| [N] Emerald WEAPON      - Sea Floor (Submarine Only) (BOSS)                |
|                                                                            |
|   Weak Against = 4  (Double)                                               |
|                                                                            |
|  Crawler            - Mythril Mines                                        |
|  Flower Prong S/M/L - Gongaga                                              |
|  Jenova-LIFE        - City of The Ancients                                 |
|  Icicle             - Gaea's Cliff                                         |
|                                                                            |
|                          Associated Enemy Attacks:                   (ERT) |
|                                                                            |
| Suicide Drop - Weak dmg to all - Hell House        (Sector 6 Slums)        |
| Sinking      - Weak dmg        - Mu                (Chocobo Ranch Area)    |
| Earthquake   - Weak dmg to all - Land Worm         (Corel Prison Desert)   |
| Sandstorm    - Med  dmg to all - Land Worm         (Corel Prison Desert)   |
| Club         - Med  dmg        - Joker             (Gold Saucer Area)      |
| Grand Punch  - Med  dmg        - Grand Horn        (Gongaga Area)          |
| Quake2       - Med  dmg        - Bagrisk           (Cosmo Canyon Area)     |
| Quake2       - Med  dmg        - Lost Number       (Shinra Mansion)        |
| Iron Attack  - Med  dmg        - Screamer          (Mt. Nibel)             |
| Earthquake   - Weak dmg to all - Sea Worm          (Mideel Beaches)        |
| Sandstorm    - Med  dmg to all - Sea Worm          (Mideel Beaches)        |
| Iron Attack  - Med  dmg        - Staniv            (Wutai Pagoda)          |
| Sinking      - Weak dmg        - Trickplay         (Icicle Area)           |
| Squash       - Med  dmg        - Gigas             (Whirlwind Maze)        |
| Quake3       - Big  dmg to all - Gigas             (Whirlwind Maze)        |
| Quake2       - Med  dmg        - Ultimate WEAPON   (Ground Battle)         |
| Quake3       - Big  dmg to all - Bizarro-Sephiroth (North Crater)          |
| Break        - Huge dmg        - Safer-Sephiroth   (North Crater)          |
| Tremor       - Med  dmg to all - Schizo Left       (Gaea's Cliff)          |
| Tremor       - Med  dmg to all - Schizo Right      (Gaea's Cliff)          |

|    POISON :    PSN    |                                     {Poison Element}

There are 2 enemies that are weak against Poison and 23 enemies that are 
strong against Poison. Whilst the Poison Element and the Poison Status are 
completely separate, there are instances where the two are linked. For 
example, a mastered Elemental paired with Poison in ones armour will also 
defend against the Status Poison. Similarly, if you were to pair the Added 
Effect Materia with Poison you would also nullify the Elemental damage.

Poison is first available from a chest in Hojo's Laboratory in the Shinra HQ 
and can then be bought from Kalm. Notable Poison based creatures include 
Brain Pod, Zenene, Flower Prong, Slalom and Malboro.
|                                                                            |
|                             Associated Materia:                      (PSN) |
|                                                                            |
| Magic - Bio, Bio2, Bio3 (Poison)                                           |
|                                                                            |
|                              Associated Items:                       (PSN) |
|                                                                            |
|   Battle Items:-                                                           |
|                                                                            |
| Deadly Waste - Uses Bio2 on all enemies                                    | 
| M-Tentacles  - Uses Bio3 on all enemies                                    |
|                                                                            |
|   Armour:-                                                                 |
|                                                                            | 
| Ziedrich     - Halves all Elemental attacks (including obscure Elements)   |
| Escort Guard - Nullifies Lightning, Poison, Earth & Water based attacks    |
|                Can only be worn by males                                   |
|                                                                            |
|   Accessories:-                                                            |
|                                                                            |
| Poison Ring - Absorbs Poison based attacks                                 |
|                                                                            |
|                             Associated Enemies:                      (PSN) |
|                                                                            |
|   Strong Against = 23   [A] Absorb = 17  [N] Nullify = 6   [H] Halve = 0   |
|                                                                            |
| [A] Smogger            - Sector 5 Reactor                                  |
| [A] Sample:H0512       - Hojo's Laboratory (BOSS)                          |
| [A] Brain Pod          - Hojo's Laboratory                                 |
| [A] Zenene             - Hojo's Laboratory                                 |
| [N] Jenova-BIRTH       - Cargo Ship (BOSS)                                 |
| [A] Slalom             - Pathway to Underwater Reactor                     |
| [N] Cactuar            - Corel Prison Desert                               |
| [A] Flower Prong S/M/L - Gongaga                                           |
| [A] Heg                - Cave of The Gi                                    |
| [N] Soul Fire          - Cave of the Gi (BOSS)                             |
| [A] Velcher Task       - Rocket Town Area (World Map)                      |
| [A] Toxic Frog         - Temple of The Ancients                            |
| [N] Demons Gate        - Temple of The Ancients (BOSS)                     |
| [A] Zolokalter         - Gaea's Cliff                                      |
| [A] Malboro            - Gaea's Cliff / North Crater Right Path            |
| [N] Roulette Cannon    - Upper Junon (Disk 2)                              |
| [A] Eagle Gun          - Mt. Corel Train (Disk 2)                          |
| [A] Ho-chu             - Battle Square                                     |
| [N] Carry Armor        - Underwater Reactor (BOSS)                         |
| [A] Epiolnis           - Ancient Forest                                    |
| [A] Unknown 2          - Sunken Gelnika                                    |
| [A] Bad Rap            - Sunken Gelnika                                    |
| [A] Jenova-SYNTHESIS   - Inside The Planet                                 |
|                                                                            |
|   Weak Against = 2  (Death)                                                |
|                                                                            |
|  8 eye    - Temple of The Ancients                                         |
|  Jemnezmy - Temple of The Ancients                                         |
|                                                                            |
|                          Associated Enemy Attacks:                   (PSN) |
|                                                                            |
| Refuse        - Weak dmg  + Poison/Sleep - Brain Pod       (Hojo's Lab)    |
| Piazzo Shower - Weak dmg  + Poison       - Zenene          (Hojo's Lab)    |
| Poison Breath - Med  dmg  + Poison       - CMD. Grand Horn (Fort Condor)   |
| Poison Breath - Med  dmg  + Poison       - Bagnadrana      (Mt. Corel)     |
| Bio2          - Med  dmg  + Poison       - Flower Prong    (Gongaga Jungle)|
| Poison Fang   - Med  dmg  + Poison       - Heg             (Cave of The Gi)|
| Bio2          - Med  dmg  + Poison       - Lost Number     (Shinra Mansion)|
| Toxic Powder  - Med  dmg  + Poison       - Bizarre Bug     (Wutai Area)    |
| Bio2          - Med  dmg  + Poison       - Godo            (Wutai Pagoda)  |
| Bio2          - Med  dmg  + Poison       - Malboro         (Gaea's Cliff)  |
| Acid Rain     - Med  dmg  + Poison       - Epiolnis        (Ancient Forest)|
| Evil Poison   - Med  dmg  + Darkness     - Bad Rap         (Sunken Gelnika)|
| Poison Fang   - Huge dmg  + Poison       - Unknown 3       (Sunken Gelnika)|
| Bio2          - Med  dmg  + Poison       - Malboro         (North Crater)  |
| Poison Fang   - Huge dmg  + Poison       - Dragon Zombie   (North Crater)  |
| Bio2          - Med  dmg  + Poison       - Jenova-SYNTHESIS (North Crater) |
|                                                                            |
|  NOTE - There are more attacks that are Poison based than is shown above,  |
|         however I have only listed the moves that attack with the          |
|         Poison Element (and therefore damages). A full list of Poison      |
|         based Status changing attacks can be found in section E.09.        |

|   {GRAVITY}:    GRV    |

There are 5 enemies that are weak against Gravity and a whopping 82 enemies 
that are strong against Gravity. Seeing as the majority of Bosses are immune 
to Gravity based attacks (46 to be precise) Demi should be avoided, unless of 
course you're in a regular battle; in which case Gravity can be quite useful. 
The nature of Gravity is that it doesn't deal direct damage, instead it deals 
damage that is proportionate to ones max HP, meaning a tough enemy can be 
made not so tough using the right Gravity based attack (such as Laser, which 
is identical to Demi2).

Demi will drain 1/4 of your opponents max HP, Demi2 & Laser will drain 1/2 of 
your opponents Max HP and Demi3 will drain 3/4 of your opponents max HP, 
without breaking the 9999 cap. Emerald WEAPON is one of the few Bosses to 
Halve Gravity as opposed to completely nullifying it, meaning you can still 
use Gravity to inflict 9999 each hit. Pairing Gravity with the Elemental 
Materia on your weapon will only make your physical attacks deal double 
damage against enemies weak to Gravity, your attacks won�t become completely 
Gravity based if that makes sense; you won�t start attacking for damage 
proportionate to your targets Max HP.

You can first obtain a Gravity based attack when you reach Corel Prison by 
learning Laser from Death Claw, you can then obtain the Gravity Materia when 
you reach the Cave of The Gi. Notable Gravity based creatures include Valron. 
That's it, just Valron.

|                                                                            |
|                             Associated Materia:                      (GRV) |
|                                                                            |
| Magic       - Demi, Demi2, Demi3 (Gravity)                                 |
| Enemy Skill - Laser                                                        |
|                                                                            |
|                              Associated Items:                       (GRV) |
|                                                                            |
|   Battle Items:-                                                           |
|                                                                            |
| Graviball - Uses Demi on all enemies                                       |
| T/S Bomb  - Uses Demi2 on all enemies                                      |
|                                                                            |
|   Armour:-                                                                 |
|                                                                            | 
| Ziedrich     - Halves all Elemental attacks (including obscure Elements)   |
| Minerva Band - Nullifies Ice, Fire, Gravity & Holy based attacks           |
|                Can only be worn by females                                 |
|                                                                            |
|                             Associated Enemies:                      (GRV) |
|                                                                            |
|   Strong Against = 82   [A] Absorb = 0   [N] Nullify = 70  [H] Halve = 12  |
|                                                                            |
| [N] Guard Scorpion         - Sector 1 Reactor (BOSS)                       |
| [N] Air Buster             - Sector 5 Reactor (BOSS)                       |
| [N] Aps                    - Sector 6 Sewers (BOSS)                        |
| [N] Deenglow               - Train Graveyard                               |
| [H] Eligor                 - Train Graveyard                               |
| [N] Reno I                 - Sector 7 Support Tower (BOSS)                 |
| [N] Sample:H0512           - Hojo's Laboratory (BOSS)                      |
| [H] Hundred Gunner         - Shinra HQ Elevators (BOSS)                    |
| [N] Rufus                  - Shinra HQ Rooftop (BOSS)                      |
| [N] Motor Ball             - Midgar Highway                                |
| [N] Zemzelett              - Junon Area (World Map)                        |
| [H] Hell Rider VR2         - Junon Area (World Map)                        |
| [H] Bottomswell            - Junon Harbour (BOSS)                          |
| [N] Jenova-BIRTH           - Cargo Ship (BOSS)                             |
| [N] Grangalan / Jr / Jr Jr - Corel Area (World Map)                        |
| [N] Bagnadrana             - Mt. Corel                                     |
| [H] Land Worm              - Corel Prison Desert                           |
| [N] Cactuar                - Corel Prison Desert                           |
| [N] Dyne                   - Corel Prison (Desert)                         |
| [H] Harpy                  - Gold Saucer Area (World Map)                  |
| [N] Kimara Bug             - Gongaga                                       |
| [N] Heavy Tank             - Gongaga                                       |
| [N] Rude I                 - Gongaga (BOSS)                                |
| [N] Reno II                - Gongaga (BOSS)                                |
| [N] Gi Nattak              - Cave of The Gi (BOSS)                         |
| [N] Soul Fire              - Cave of The Gi (BOSS)                         |
| [H] Ying                   - Shinra Mansion                                |
| [H] Yang                   - Shinra Mansion                                |
| [N] Lost Number            - Shinra Mansion (BOSS)                         |
| [N] Dragon                 - Mt. Nibel                                     |
| [N] Screamer               - Mt. Nibel                                     |
| [N] Zuu                    - Mt. Nibel                                     |
| [N] Materia Keeper         - Mt. Nibel (BOSS)                              |
| [N] Palmer                 - Rocket Town (BOSS)                            |
| [N] Sea Worm               - Beaches Near Mideel (World Map)               |
| [N] Adamantaimai           - Beaches Near Wutai (World Map)                |
| [N] Rapps                  - Da-chao Statue (BOSS)                         |
| [N] Gorkii                 - Wutai Pagoda (BOSS)                           |
| [N] Shake                  - Wutai Pagoda (BOSS)                           |
| [N] Chekhov                - Wutai Pagoda (BOSS)                           |
| [N] Staniv                 - Wutai Pagoda (BOSS)                           |
| [N] Doorbull               - Temple of The Ancients                        |
| [N] 8 eye                  - Temple of The Ancients                        |
| [N] Red Dragon             - Temple of The Ancients (BOSS)                 |
| [N] Demons Gate            - Temple of The Ancients (BOSS)                 |
| [H] Vlakorados             - Bone Village Area (World Map)                 |
| [N] Jenova-LIFE            - City of The Ancients (BOSS)                   |
| [N] Acrophies              - Corral Valley Cave                            |
| [N] Lessaloploth           - Great Glacier                                 |
| [N] Malboro                - Gaea's Cliff / North Crater Right Path        |
| [N] Stilva                 - Gaea's Cliff                                  |
| [N] Blue Dragon            - Gaea's Cliff                                  |
| [N] Schizo Left            - Gaea's Cliff (BOSS)                           |
| [N] Schizo Right           - Gaea's Cliff (BOSS)                           |
| [N] Gigas                  - Whirlwind Maze                                |
| [N] Dragon Rider           - Whirlwind Maze                                |
| [N] Jenova-DEATH           - Whirlwind Maze (BOSS)                         |
| [N] Ultimate WEAPON        - All Battles (BOSS)                            |
| [N] Ho-chu                 - Battle Square                                 |
| [N] Tonberry               - Battle Square                                 |
| [N] Ghost Ship             - Pathway to Underwater Reactor                 |
| [N] Carry Armor            - Underwater Reactor (BOSS)                     |
| [N] Rude II                - Rocket Town (Disk 2) (BOSS)                   |
| [N] Serpent                - Sunken Gelnika                                |
| [N] Rude III               - Sunken Gelnika (BOSS)                         |
| [N] Reno III               - Sunken Gelnika (BOSS)                         |
| [N] Diamond WEAPON         - Midgar Area (World Map (BOSS)                 |
| [N] Rude IV                - Winding Tunnels Re-visited (BOSS)             |
| [N] Reno IV                - Winding Tunnels Re-visited (BOSS)             |
| [N] Elena                  - Winding Tunnels Re-visited (BOSS)             |
| [N] Proud Clod             - Mako Cannon Base (BOSS)                       |
| [N] Jamar Armor            - Mako Cannon Base (BOSS)                       |
| [N] Hojo                   - Mako Cannon (BOSS)                            |
| [N] Helletic Hojo          - Mako Cannon (BOSS)                            |
| [N] Lifeform Hojo          - Mako Cannon (BOSS)                            |
| [N] Master Tonberry        - North Crater                                  |
| [H] King Behemoth          - North Crater                                  |
| [H] Jenova-Synthesis       - Inside The Planet (BOSS)                      |
| [N] Safer-Sephiroth        - Inside The Planet (BOSS)                      |
| [N] Ruby WEAPON            - Gold Saucer Desert (World Map) (BOSS)         |
| [N] Ruby WEAPON's Tentacle - Gold Saucer Desert (World Map) (BOSS)         |
| [H] Emerald WEAPON         - Sea Floor (Submarine Only) (BOSS)             |
|                                                                            |
|   Weak Against = 5   (Double)                                              |
|                                                                            |
|  Aero Combatant - Sector 7 Support Tower                                   |
|  Ghirofelgo     - Shinra Mansion                                           |
|  Ancient Dragon - Temple of The Ancients                                   |
|  Magnade        - Great Glacier                                            |
|  Icicle         - Gaea's Cliff                                             |
|                                                                            |
|* = Enemy Skill           Associated Enemy Attacks:                   (GRV) |
|                                                                            |
| Demi      - Drains 1/4 HP - Deenglow    (Train Graveyard)                  |
|*Laser     - Drains 1/2 HP - Death Claw  (Corel Prison)                     |
| Dive Kick - Drains 1/4 HP - Valron      (Forests Near Rocket Town)         |
| Demi3     - Drains 3/4 HP - Valron      (Forests Near Rocket Town)         |
| Dive Kick - Drains 1/4 HP - Gorkii      (Wutai Pagoda)                     |
| Demi2     - Drains 1/2 HP - Gorkii      (Wutai Pagoda)                     |
| Demi3     - Drains 3/4 HP - Godo        (Wutai Pagoda)                     |
|*Laser     - Drains 1/2 HP - Dark Dragon (North Crater)                     |

|   {WATER}:    WTR    |

There are 4 enemies that are weak against Water and 28 enemies that are 
strong against Water making Water a terrible Element to use. The only Water 
based Summon is Leviathan who uses a move called Tidal Wave.

You can first obtain a Water based attack when you reach the Gold Saucer Area 
by learning Aqualung from the Harpy. Notable Water based creatures include 
Sahagin, Desert Sahagin, Jenova-LIFE, Acrophies and Serpent.
|                                                                            |
|                             Associated Materia:                      (WTR) |
|                                                                            |
| Enemy Skill - Aqualung                                                     |
| Summon      - Leviathan                                                    |
|                                                                            |
|                              Associated Items:                       (WTR) |
|                                                                            |
|   Battle Items:-                                                           |
|                                                                            |
| Dragon Scales - Uses Aqualung on all enemies                               | 
|                                                                            |
|   Armour:-                                                                 |
|                                                                            | 
| Ziedrich     - Halves all Elemental attacks (including obscure Elements)   |
| Escort Guard - Nullifies Lightning, Poison, Earth & Water based attacks    |
|                Can only be worn by males                                   |
|                                                                            |
|   Accessories:-                                                            |
|                                                                            |
| Water Ring - Absorbs Water based attacks                                   |
|                                                                            |
|                             Associated Enemies:                      (WTR) |
|                                                                            |
|   Strong Against = 28   [A] Absorb = 5   [N] Nullify = 18  [H] Halve = 5   |
|                                                                            |
| [A] Sahagin                - Sector 6 Sewers                               |
| [N] Deenglow               - Train Graveyard                               |
| [N] Ghost                  - Train Graveyard                               |
| [N] Zemzelett              - Junon Area (World Map)                        |
| [N] Scrutin Eye            - Cargo Ship                                    |
| [N] Grangalan / Jr / Jr Jr - Corel Area (World Map)                        |
| [N] Cactuar                - Corel Prison Desert                           |
| [A] Desert Sahagin         - Cosmo Canyon Area (World Map)                 |
| [N] Gi Nattak              - Cave of The Gi (BOSS)                         |
| [N] Soul Fire              - Cave of The Gi (BOSS)                         |
| [N] Tonadu                 - Beaches Near Temple of Ancients (World Map)   |
| [N] Ancient Dragon         - Temple of The Ancients                        |
| [N] Malldancer             - Corral Valley                                 |
| [A] Jenova-LIFE            - City of The Ancients (BOSS)                   |
| [A] Acrophies              - Corral Valley Cave                            |
| [N] Shred                  - Great Glacier                                 |
| [N] Lessaloploth           - Great Glacier                                 |
| [N] Dragon Rider           - Whirlwind Maze                                |
| [N] Eagle Gun              - Mt. Corel Train (Disk 2)                      |
| [H] Diver Nest             - Pathway to Underwater Reactor                 |
| [H] Ghost Ship             - Pathway to Underwater Reactor                 |
| [H] Corvette               - Pathway to Underwater Reactor                 |
| [H] Senior Grunt           - Underwater Reactor                            |
| [H] Hard Attacker          - Underwater Reactor                            |
| [A] Serpent                - Sunken Gelnika                                |
| [N] Ultimate WEAPON        - Aerial Battle (BOSS)                          |
| [N] Ruby WEAPON            - Gold Saucer Desert (World Map) (BOSS)         |
| [N] Ruby WEAPON's Tentacle - Gold Saucer Desert (World Map) (BOSS)         |
|                                                                            |
|   Weak Against = 4   (Double)                                              |
|                                                                            |
|  Malboro     - Gaea's Cliff / North Crater Right Path                      |
|  Wolfmeister - Mt. Corel Train (Disk 2)                                    |
|  Ho-chu      - Battle Square                                               |
|  Iron Man    - Inside The Planet                                           |
|                                                                            |
|* = Enemy Skill           Associated Enemy Attacks:                   (WTR) |
|                                                                            |
| Sewer Tsunami   - Weak dmg to all - Aps           (Sector 6 Sewer)         |
| Bubble          - Weak dmg        - Ceasar        (Sector 6 Sewers)        |
| Sewer           - Med  dmg        - Mu            (Chocobo Ranch Area)     |
| Leviathan Scales- Med  dmg to all - Mystery Ninja (Forests)                |
| Big Wave        - Med  dmg to all - Bottomswell   (Junon Harbour)          |
|*Aqualung        - Med  dmg to all - Harpy         (Gold Saucer Area)       |
|*Aqualung        - Med  dmg to all - Jenova-LIFE   (City of The Ancients)   |
| Blue Flame      - Med  dmg        - Jenova-LIFE   (City of The Ancients)   |
| Blue Light      - Med  dmg        - Jenova-Life   (City of The Ancients)   |
| Huge Tidal Wave - Med  dmg to all - Acrophies     (Corral Valley Cave)     |
| Sewer           - Med  dmg        - Trickplay     (Icicle Area)            |
| Big Wave        - Weak dmg to all - Diver Nest (Path to Underwater Reactor)|
|*Aqualung        - Med  dmg to all - Serpent       (Sunken Gelnika)         |
| Huge Tidal Wave - Huge dmg to all - Serpent       (Sunken Gelnika)         |

|   {WIND}:    WND    |

There are 29 enemies that are weak against Wind and 1 enemy that is strong 
against Wind, making Wind probably the best Element to have in the game. All 
flying creatures are weak against Wind, whilst at the same time being strong 
against Earth. Although Choco/Mog's in-battle attacks are non-elemental, you 
will still be able to pair it with the Elemental Materia for Wind based 
attacks/defence. The same applies for Typoon.

You can first obtain a Wind based Materia (Choco/Mog) at the Chocobo Ranch. 
It is recommended that you equip it straight away as a lot of enemies from 
that point onwards will be weak against Wind. Notable Wind based creatures 
include Formula, Zuu & Tonadu (although all will be weak vs Wind).
|                                                                            |
|                             Associated Materia:                      (WND) |
|                                                                            |
| Magic  - Tornado (Contain Lv3)                                             |
| Summon - Choco/Mog, Typoon                                                 |
|                                                                            |
|                              Associated Items:                       (WND) |
|                                                                            |
|   Battle Items:-                                                           |
|                                                                            |
| Bird Wing - Inflicts medium damage to all enemies                          | 
|                                                                            |
|   Armour:-                                                                 |
|                                                                            | 
| Ziedrich - Halves all Elemental attacks (including obscure Elements)       |
|                                                                            |
|                             Associated Enemies:                      (WND) |
|                                                                            |
|   Strong Against = 1    [A] Absorb = 0   [N] Nullify = 1   [H] Halve = 0   |
|                                                                            |
| [N] Cactuar       - Corel Prison Desert                                    |
|                                                                            |
|   Weak Against = 29  (Double)                                              |
|                                                                            |
|  Mono Drive     - Sector 1 Reactor                                         |
|  Blugu          - Sector 4 Platforms                                       |
|  Deenglow       - Train Graveyard                                          |
|  Aero Combatant - Sector 7 Support Tower                                   |
|  Heli Gunner    - Shinra HQ Elevators (BOSS)                               |
|  Ark Dragon     - Mythril Mines                                            |
|  Zemzelett      - Junon Area (World Map)                                   |
|  Formula        - Junon Area (World Map)                                   |
|  Bottomswell    - Junon Harbour (BOSS)                                     |
|  Scrutin Eye    - Cargo Ship                                               |
|  Needle Kiss    - Mt. Corel                                                |
|  Bloatfloat     - Mt. Corel                                                |
|  Flapbeat       - Gold Saucer Area (World Map)                             |
|  Joker          - Gold Saucer Area (World Map)                             |
|  Soul Fire      - Cave of The Gi (BOSS)                                    |
|  Black Bat      - Shinra Mansion                                           |
|  Sonic Speed    - Mt. Nibel                                                |
|  Zuu            - Mt. Nibel                                                |
|  Garuda         - Da-chao Statue                                           |
|  Gorkii         - Wutai Pagoda (BOSS)                                      | 
|  Tonadu         - Beaches Near Temple of The Ancients (World Map)          |
|  Slaps          - Forests Near Temple of The Ancients (World Map)          |
|  Ancient Dragon - Temple of The Ancients                                   |
|  Shred          - Great Glacier                                            |
|  Lessaloploth   - Great Glacier                                            |
|  Dragon Rider   - Whirlwind Maze                                           |
|  Serpent        - Sunken Gelnika                                           |
|  Parasite       - North Crater                                             |
|  Allemagne      - North Crater                                             |
|                                                                            |
|                          Associated Enemy Attacks:                   (WND) |
|                                                                            |
| Flying Sickle - Med  dmg        - SOLDIER:3rd (Hojo's Lab)                 |
| Cross Impulse - Weak dmg to all - Formula     (Junon Area)                 |
| Blue Impulse  - Weak dmg to all - Formula     (Junon Area)                 |
| Air Bomber    - Weak dmg        - Formula     (Junon Area)                 |
| Clap          - Weak dmg to all - Zemzelett   (Junon Area)                 |
| Flying Sickle - Med  dmg        - Flapbeat    (Gold Saucer Area)           |
| Sonic Attack  - Weak dmg        - Sonic Speed (Mt. Nibel)                  |
| Great Gale    - Med  dmg to all - Zuu         (Mt. Nibel)                  |
| Aero3         - Big  dmg        - Rapps       (Da-chao Statue)             |
| Big Sound     - Weak dmg        - Tonadu      (Beaches Near TOTA)          |
| Great Gale    - Med  dmg to all - Tonadu      (Beaches Near TOTA)          |
| Flying Sickle - Med  dmg        - Frozen Nail (Great Glacier)              |
| Great Gale    - Big  dmg to all - Blue Dragon (Gaea's Cliff)               |
| Aero3         - Big  dmg        - Wind Wing   (Whirlwind Maze)             |
| Tornado Wave  - Med  dmg        - Diver Nest  (Path to Underwater Reactor) |

|   {HOLY}:    HLY    |

There are 10 enemies that are weak against Holy and 1 enemy that is strong 
against Holy. Enemies that are weak against Holy are usually regarded as 
Undead, but not always. Annoyingly enough, by the time you obtain the only 
Holy based Materia in the game you'll have already encountered the majority 
of enemies that are weak to Holy. The Materia in question is Alexander, and 
can rain damage with his attack 'Judgement'.

The important thing to note is to not confuse Holy with the Restorative 
Element. *Most* enemies that are weak against Holy will also absorb the 
Restorative Element, meaning that Potions and other healing moves will harm 
your enemy. Most, but not all. The Parasite for example (North Crater) and 
the Soul Fire (Cave of The Gi) will take double damage should you pair 
Alexander with Elemental on your weapon, while Curative items and spells will 
just heal them normally.

It's also worth pointing out that not a single enemy contains an attack that 
is Holy based, so the Holy Nullifying effect of the Minerva Band is 
effectively pointless. You can first obtain the only Holy based Summon, 
Alexander whilst traversing through the Great Glacier on Disk 2. There are no 
Holy based creatures in the game.

|                                                                            |
|                             Associated Materia:                      (HLY) |
|                                                                            |
| Summon - Alexander                                                         |
|                                                                            |
|                              Associated Items:                       (HLY) |
|                                                                            |
|   Armour:-                                                                 |
|                                                                            | 
| Ziedrich     - Halves all Elemental attacks (including obscure Elements)   |
| Minerva Band - Nullifies Ice, Fire, Gravity & Holy based attacks           |
|                Can only be worn by females                                 |
|                                                                            |
|                             Associated Enemies:                      (HLY) |
|                                                                            |
|   Strong Against = 1    [A] Absorb = 0   [N] Nullify = 1   [H] Halve = 0   |
|                                                                            |
| [N] Cactuar       - Corel Prison Desert                                    |
|                                                                            |
|   Weak Against = 10  (Double)                                              |
|                                                                            |
|  Ghost         - Train Graveyard                                           |
|  Brain Pod     - Hojo's Laboratory                                         |
|  Zenene        - Hojo's Laboratory                                         |
|  Gi Spector    - Cave of The Gi                                            |
|  Gi Nattak     - Cave of The Gi (BOSS)                                     |
|  Soul Fire     - Cave of The Gi (BOSS)                                     |
|  Black Bat     - Shinra Mansion                                            |
|  Ghost Ship    - Pathway to Underwater Reactor                             |
|  Parasite      - North Crater                                              |
|  Dragon Zombie - North Crater Right Path                                   |
|                                                                            |
|                          Associated Enemy Attacks:                   (HLY) |
|                                                                            |
| There are no Holy based enemy attacks in Final Fantasy VII!                |

|   {RESTORATIVE}:    RES    |

There are 8 enemies in the game that can absorb the Restorative Element, and 
as such can be harmed by healing moves and items. These enemies are generally 
considered to be 'Undead' creatures. Notable Undead creatures include Ghost, 
Gi Nattak and Dragon Zombie.

Note that casting White Wind on Undead creatures will deal damage equal to 
the casters current HP, whilst at the same time causing Petrify.

|                                                                            |
|                             Associated Materia:                      (RES) |
|                                                                            |
| Magic       - Cure, Cure2, Cure3 (Restore), Life Life2 (Revive)            |
| Enemy Skill - Angel Whisper, White Wind                                    |
|                                                                            |
|                              Associated Items:                       (RES) |
|                                                                            |
|   Battle Items:-                                                           |
|                                                                            |
| Potion         - Damages one opponent  for 100 HP                          | 
| Hi-Potion      - Damages one opponent  for 500 HP                          |
| X-Potion       - Damages one opponent  for all of their HP (Death)         |
| Ether          - Damages one opponent  for 100 MP                          |
| Turbo Ether    - Damages one opponent  for all of their MP                 |
| Elixir         - Damages one opponent  for all of their HP (Death)         |
| Megalixir      - Damages all opponents for all of their HP (Death)         |
| Phoenix Down   - Damages one opponent  for all of their HP (Death)         |
| Sylkis  Greens - Damages one opponent  for 100 HP                          |
| Mimett  Greens - Damages one opponent  for 100 HP                          |
| Reagan  Greens - Damages one opponent  for 100 HP                          |
| Curiel  Greens - Damages one opponent  for 100 HP                          |
| Pahsana Greens - Damages one opponent  for 100 HP                          |
| Tantai  Greens - Damages one opponent  for 100 HP                          |
| Krakka  Greens - Damages one opponent  for 100 HP                          |
| Gysahl  Greens - Damages one opponent  for 100 HP                          |
|                                                                            |
|                             Associated Enemies:                      (RES) |
|                                                                            |
|   Weak Against = 8  (Absorb)                                               |
|                                                                            |
|  Ghost         - Train Graveyard                                           |
|  Brain Pod     - Hojo's Laboratory                                         |
|  Zenene        - Hojo's Laboratory                                         |
|  Gi Spector    - Cave of The Gi                                            |
|  Gi Nattak     - Cave of The Gi (BOSS)                                     |
|  Black Bat     - Shinra Mansion                                            |
|  Ghost Ship    - Pathway to Underwater Reactor                             |
|  Dragon Zombie - North Crater Right Path                                   |
|                                                                            |
|                          Associated Enemy Attacks:                   (RES) |
|                                                                            |
| Reanimagic         - Revives all Sample:H0512-opts    - Sample:H0512       |
| Hot Springs        - Restores a medium amount of HP   - Mu / Trickplay     |
| Heart              - Restores a medium amount of HP   - Joker              |
| Howling            - Revives Nibel Wolf               - Nibel Wolf         |
| Howling            - Revives Bandersnatch             - Bandersnatch       |
| Capsule            - Revives Poodler or Bad Rap       - Hojo               |
| Emperor            - Restores a large amount of HP    - Death Dealer       |
| Left Hand Revived  - Revives Left Hand                - Jenova-Synthesis   |
| Right Hand Revived - Revives Right Hand               - Jenova-Synthesis   |
| Aurora Fence       - Cures parties Statuses & revives - Bizarro-Sephiroth  |
| Bizarro Enegy      - Cures Main Body's HP             - Bizarro-Sephiroth  |

--E.05 E - Battle Items, Accessories And Materia List

|                                                                            |
|                  ALL ELEMENTAL MAGIC, ITEMS & ACCESSORIES                  |
|                                                                            |
|   MAGIC:-                                                                  |
|                                                                            |
| Fire, Fire2, Fire3, Flare       (Fire)                                     |
| Ice, Ice2, Ice3, Freeze         (Ice)                                      |
| Bolt, Bolt2, Bolt3              (Lightning)                                |
| Quake, Quake2, Quake3, Break    (Earth)                                    |
| Bio, Bio2, Bio3                 (Poison)                                   |
| Demi, Demi2, Demi3              (Gravity)                                  |
| Tornado                         (Wind)                                     |
| Cure, Cure2, Cure3, Life, Life2 (Restorative)                              |
|                                                                            |
|   ENEMY SKILL:-                                                            |
|                                                                            |
| Beta, Flamethrower        (Fire)                                           |
| Trine                     (Lightning)                                      |
| Laser                     (Gravity)                                        |
| Aqualung                  (Water)                                          |
| Magic Breath              (Fire Ice and Lightning)                         |
| Angel Whisper, White Wind (Restorative)                                    |
|                                                                            |
|   SUMMON:-                                                                 |
|                                                                            |
| Ifrit, Phoenix (Fire)                                                      |
| Shiva          (Ice)                                                       |
| Ramuh          (Lightning)                                                 |
| Titan          (Earth)                                                     |
| Leviathan      (Water)                                                     |
| Choco/Mog,     (Wind)                                                      |
| Alexander      (Holy)                                                      |
| Kjata          (Fire Ice and Lightning)                                    |
| Typoon         (Fire Ice Lightning and Earth) (Wind)                       |
|                                                                            |
|   BATTLE ITEMS:-                                                           |
|                                                                            |
| Antarctic Wind - Uses Ice2 on all enemies                                  | 
| Bird Wing      - Inflicts medium damage to all enemies                     | 
| Bolt Plume     - Uses Bolt2 on all enemies                                 |
| Deadly Waste   - Uses Bio2 on all enemies                                  | 
| Dragon Fang    - Lightning damage against all opponents                    |
| Dragon Scales  - Uses Aqualung on all enemies                              | 
| Earth Drum     - Uses Quake2 on all enemies                                | 
| Earth Mallet   - Uses Quake3 on all enemies                                |
| Fire Fang      - Uses Fire2 on all enemies                                 | 
| Fire Veil      - Uses Fire3 on all enemies                                 |
| Graviball      - Uses Demi on all enemies                                  |
| Ice Crystal    - Uses Ice3 on all enemies                                  |
| M-Tentacles    - Uses Bio3 on all enemies                                  |
| Molotov        - Fire damage on one opponent                               |
| Swift Bolt     - Uses Bolt3 on all enemies                                 |
| T/S Bomb       - Uses Demi2 on all enemies                                 |
|                                                                            |
| *All healing items are associated with the Restorative Element.            |
|                                                                            |
|   ARMOUR:-                                                                 |
|                                                                            | 
| Aurora Armlet - Absorbs Ice based attacks                                  |
| Bolt Armlet   - Absorbs Lightning based attacks                            |
| Dragon Armlet - Halves Lightning, Ice & Fire based attacks                 |
| Escort Guard  - Nullifies Lightning, Poison, Earth & Water based attacks   |
|                 Can only be worn by males                                  |
| Fire Armlet   - Absorbs Fire based attacks                                 |
| Minerva Band  - Nullifies Ice, Fire, Gravity & Holy based attacks          |
|                 Can only be worn by females                                |
| Ziedrich      - Halves all Elemental attacks (including obscure Elements)  |
|                                                                            |
|   ACCESSORIES:-                                                            |
|                                                                            |
| Bolt Ring     - Nullifies Lightning based attacks                          |
| Fire Ring     - Nullifies Fire based attacks                               |
| Ice Ring      - Nullifies Ice based attacks                                |
| Poison Ring   - Absorbs Poison based attacks                               |
| Tetra Element - Absorbs Lightning, Ice, Fire & Earth based attacks         |
| Water Ring    - Absorbs Water based attacks                                |
|                                                                            |
|   LIMIT BREAKS:-                                                           |
|                                                                            |
| Yuffie   2-1  Landscaper   - Deals Earth damage                            |
| Vincent  Lv1  Galian Beast - Beast Flare deals Fire damage                 |
| Vincent  Lv2  Death Gigas  - Live Wire deals Lightning damage              |

|                                                                            |
| {E.06} - Fort Condor Mini-Game                                             |
|                                                                            |
|  A - Fort Condor Itself                                                    |
|  B - The Prizes                                                            |
|  C - About The Battles                                                     |
|  D - Battle Strategies                                                     |
|                                                      {Fort Condor Battles} |

--E.06 A - Fort Condor Itself

  Fort condor is basically a Shinra Reactor with a giant Condor 'nesting' its 
egg upon the top of it! FC can be found in Junon Area and can fist be visited 
just after exiting the Mythril Mines. Although FC is a completely optional 
mini-quest, you will have to visit FC as part of the story line mid-way 
through Disk 2. FC also serves as a brilliant resting spot whilst attempting 
to recruit Yuffie (see section E.07), or whilst training in the Forests near 
Junon which serve as an excellent training spot when you first arrive in this 

When you first enter Fort Condor you will have some dialogue that will affect 
certain players 'rating' towards you (see section E.01). You will be asked if 
you're willing to assist a small rebel faction take stand against the Shinra 
to protect the Condor (of course you're going to say yes) and its egg, once 
you have accepted you will then be able to make use of the beds on the lower-
right floor along with the save point (for free). You can also make use of 
the shops on the upper-right floor.

Here is what you can buy from Fort Condor:

  DISC 1:

+-------------------------+  +--------------------------+
|        ITEM SHOP        |  |       MATERIA SHOP       |
|-------------------------|  |--------------------------|     
|       Potion |  50 gil  |  |       Fire | 600 gil     |
| Phoenix Down | 300 gil  |  |  Lightning | 600 gil     |
|        Hyper | 100 gil  |  |        Ice | 600 gil     |
| Tranquilizer | 100 gil  |  |    Restore | 750 gil     |
|         Tent | 500 gil  |  |____________|_____________|

  DISC 2 & 3:

+-------------------------+  +--------------------------+
|        ITEM SHOP        |  |       MATERIA SHOP       |
|-------------------------|  |--------------------------|  
|       Potion |   50 gil |  |       Throw | 10,000 gil |
| Phoenix Down |  300 gil |  |  Manipulate | 10,000 gil |
|        Ether | 1500 gil |  |   Deathblow | 10,000 gil |
|        Hyper |  100 gil |  |    Destruct |   9000 gil |
| Tranquilizer |  100 gil |  |         All | 20,000 gil |
|         Tent |  500 gil |  |_____________|____________|
|       S-Mine | 1000 gil |

On the upper-left shack you'll be able to view the Condor and its egg by 
sitting at the viewpoint. You can also talk to the man there that will 
trigger a Shinra attack, allowing you to take part in the Fort Condor Mini-

Before engaging in battle you must have 4000 gil as a reserve in your wallet. 
If you wanted to you could just let the FC faction 'handle it themselves', 
but to do this they must have 3000 gil in their wallet. Select 'Contribute 
gil' to see how much funding they currently have, and to donate amounts of 
500, 1000, 2000, 3000 or 5000 gil. You will not receive any battle prizes 
this way, and therefore  this is a pointless way to defeat the Shinra.

 NOTE - There will be battles that will be impossible to win seeing as you 
        won�t actually be able to take part in them for various reasons. These 
        battles will be considered as 'won' provided the faction had enough 
        gil to fight the Shinra, so make sure to donate at some point! No 
        prizes will be given for these battles however.

--E.06 B - The Prizes

  There are some pretty decent prizes up for grabs, but you must win the mini-
game in order to win the prize; the game is considered 'lost' if one of the 
enemies makes it to the shack, resulting in a mandatory battle with the CMD. 
Grand Horn. Also, the battles themselves are usually only available for a 
small window, and are very easy to miss completely.

If you were to lose/miss a battle then it is worth noting that you would not 
lose the prize that was available, rather you would lose the final prize (if 
that makes sense). So, let's say you took part in and won 10 battles, but you 
had missed 3 of them along the way then your prize for your 10th battle would 
be the same prize for the 10th battle, and *not* the 13th battle.

 NOTE - The final 'mandatory' battle is the only battle that is *not* 
        considered lost if the CMD. Grand Horn reaches the shack; you'll still 
        be able to retrieve the prizes (Huge Materia and Phoenix Materia). 
        This is actually the recommended strategy as he'll drop the Imperial 
        Guard, which is an awesome piece of armour.
|                                                                            |
| BATTLE 01 - This battle is fought when you first visit Fort Condor after   |
|             the Mythril Mines but before resting at Junon.                 |
|   Enemies - 11                                                             |
|     Prize - Magic Comb (Double growth weapon for Red XIII)                 |
|                                                                            |
| BATTLE 02 - This battle is fought after resting at Junon but before        |
|             entering into the water with Mr Dolphin.                       |
|   Enemies - 20                                                             |
|     Prize - Peace Ring (Protects from Berserk, Confusion, Fury and Sadness)|
|                                                                            |
| BATTLE 03 - This battle is fought after getting in the water with Mr       |
|             Dolphin but before jumping to the upper platform.              |
|   Enemies - 20                                                             |
|     Prize - 3 x Ethers (although the game will display 'Tincture')         |
|                                                                            |
| BATTLE 04 - This battle is fought after obtaining the Buggy but before     |
|             entering Cosmo Canyon.                                         |
|   Enemies - 25                                                             |
|     Prize - 1 x Megalixir                                                  |
|                                                                            |
| BATTLE 05 - This battle is fought after Bugenhagen opens the door leading  |
|             to the Cave of The Gi but before descending the rope. You      |
|             must not drive past the Cosmo Canyon before entering otherwise |
|             the Buggy will break down and you won't be able to return to   |
|             Junon.                                                         |
|   Enemies - 25                                                             |
|     Prize - 5 x Hi-Potions (although the game will display 5 Potions)      |
|                                                                            |
| BATTLE 06 - This battle is fought after completing The Cave of The Gi but  |
|             before talking to Shera in Rocket Town.                        |
|   Enemies - 25                                                             |
|     Prize - 5 x Hi-Potions (although the game will display 5 Potions)      |
|                                                                            |
| BATTLE 07 - This battle is fought after talking to Shera but before        |
|             talking to Cid. This is the longest (and last) hike back to    |
|             Fort Condor.                                                   |
|   Enemies - 30                                                             |
|     Prize - Superball (Powerful weapon for Yuffie)                         |
|                                                                            |
| BATTLE 08 - This battle is fought after obtaining the Tiny Bronco but      |
|             before obtaining the Keystone from the Gold Saucer.            |
|   Enemies - 30                                                             |
|     Prize - 3 x Turbo Ethers                                               |
|                                                                            |
| BATTLE 09 - This battle is fought after the Date at the Gold Saucer but    |
|             before entering the Temple of The Ancients.                    |
|   Enemies - 30                                                             |
|     Prize - 3 x Turbo Ethers                                               |
|                                                                            |
| BATTLE 10 - This battle is fought after completing The Temple of The       |
|             Ancients but before using the Lunar Harp in the Sleeping       |
|             Forest.                                                        |
|   Enemies - 35                                                             |
|     Prize - 5 x X-Potions (although the game will display nothing)         |
|                                                                            |
| BATTLE 11 - This battle is fought after using the Lunar Harp in the        |
|             Sleeping Forest but before sleeping in the Forgotten Capitol.  |
|   Enemies - 35                                                             |
|     Prize - 5 x X-Potions (although the game will display nothing)         |
|                                                                            |
| BATTLE 12 - This battle is fought after sleeping in the Forgotten Capitol  |
|             but before descending to fight Jenova-LIFE.                    |
|   Enemies - 35                                                             |
|     Prize - 5 x X-Potions (although the game will display nothing)         |
|                                                                            |
| BATTLE 13 - This battle is fought at the beginning of Disk 2 before        |
|             entering the Icicle Inn.                                       |
|   Enemies - 40                                                             |
|     Prize - 3 x Elixirs                                                    |
|                                                                            |
| BATTLE 14 - This battle cannot be fought seeing as it takes place whilst   |
|             Tifa and Barret are being held captive by the Shinra.          |
|                                                                            |
| BATTLE 15 - This battle cannot be fought seeing as it takes place whilst   |
|             Tifa and Barret are being held captive by the Shinra.          |
|                                                                            |
| BATTLE 16 - This battle cannot be fought seeing as it takes place whilst   |
|             Tifa and Barret are being held captive by the Shinra.          |
|                                                                            |
| BATTLE 17 - This battle cannot be fought seeing as it takes place whilst   |
|             Tifa and Barret are being held captive by the Shinra.          |
|                                                                            |
| BATTLE 18 - This battle cannot be fought seeing as it takes place whilst   |
|             Tifa and Barret are being held captive by the Shinra.          |
|                                                                            |
| BATTLE 19 - This battle is fought after obtaining the Highwind but before  |
|             visiting Mideel.                                               |
|   Enemies - 40                                                             |
|     Prize - 3 x Elixirs                                                    |
|                                                                            |
| BATTLE 20 - This battle cannot be fought seeing as it takes place whilst   |
|             Tifa and Cloud are in Mideel.                                  |
|                                                                            |
| !!FINAL BATTLE!!                                                           |
|                                                                            |
| BATTLE 21 - This is a mandatory battle that is fought during the Huge      |
|             Materia Quest. You must fight and defeat the CMD. Grand Horn   |
|             in order to obtain the Imperial Guard.                         |
|   Enemies - 45                                                             |
|     Prize - Huge Materia, Phoenix Materia, Imperial Guard                  |

For the final fight you will not need to have 4000 gil as a reserve. Also, if 
you were to lose to the CMD. Grand Horn then you would not be met with a 
'Game Over' screen, instead you would just be kicked out of Fort Condor 
forever, also losing the Huge Materia. If this happens then you can still 
obtain the Phoenix Materia from Bone Village, see section E.12 for more info.

 NOTE - Although many of the items look fairly basic it is definitely worth 
        completing at least 7 battles to obtain Yuffie's Superball, Red 
        XIII's Magic Comb and the Peace Ring (the Peace Ring will massively 
        help out at the Shinra Mansion in Nibelheim).

--E.06 C - About The Battles

  Including the final battle there are 15 battles to be fought. In order to 
succeed you must defend yourself against a horde of Shinra that will try to 
make their way up the side of the Reactor. If any single enemy makes it to 
the shack at the top then you have lost the battle and will have to fight the 
CMD. Grand Horn. To win you must defeat all enemies that appear, including 
the Commander that appears at the very end. 

 NOTE - It is possible to avoid fighting the Commander. If you were to defeat 
        every single enemy that is in play before the Commander was to show 
        up then you will win the battle automatically, regardless of how far 
        into the battle you are; to do this you would have to go all out on 
        the offensive. Similarly, if the Commander were to appear and you 
        were able to defeat him then the battle would end instantly, 
        regardless of how many other enemies were still left in play.

Before the battle begins you will be given the opportunity to place as many 
units as you please (with a limit of 20), provided you have enough gil as 
placing units down will cost you. This is why a 4000 gil reserve is necessary 
to take part. You will only be able to plant your units roughly half way down 
the field, a red line will indicate how far down you can go. You will also be 
able to plant down units mid-battle, so you don't have to spend a bucket-load 
before the battle has begun (I usually just plant 3). 

**Any remaining units that are still alive at the end of the battle will be 
  refunded to you at 200 gil per unit, regardless of how much they initially 

Once you have your starting line ready you can begin the game with X. Once 
the battle has begun you can speed up the game by pressing R1 and slow it 
down using L1, a white indicator at the bottom right hand side of the screen 
will indicate the current game speed. The bar on the left hand side will 
indicate how many enemies and allies are on the field along with the how far 
up the Reactor the enemy is; once the enemy is roughly 7/8ths of the way up a 
'warning' indicator will start flashing. Make sure to plant some units by the 
shack if this happens. Note that you can also pause the game using Start.

To give a unit a command simply click and point to send one of your units 
marching downhill towards the enemy. As your troops move downhill so will the 
'red line', meaning you can plant fresh units right in the middle of the 
battle ground if you wish. When a unit encounters an enemy a turn-based 
battle will begin. You can take part manually by pressing confirm when 
prompted, or you can let it play out automatically by pressing cancel 
(recommended). By letting the battle play out automatically you will have the 
time to keep your eye on what's going on over the whole playing field, you 
can also try slowing down the speed whilst making decisions then speeding it 
back up again when you're ready to proceed.

When it comes to choosing which units to select there should only be 3 that 
you are interested in - The Attacker, The Defender and The Shooter. Think of 
it as Rock, Paper Scissors; the three enemy types that you will encounter 
(aside from the Commander) are Beast, Barbarian and Wyvern.

  Attacker - Defeats Beast     - Defeated by Barbarian - Cost 420 gil
  Defender - Defeats Barbarian - Defeated by Wyvern    - Cost 440 gil
  Shooter  - Defeats Wyvern    - Defeated by Beast     - Cost 520 gil

The Attacker moves the quickest, The Defender hits the strongest and The 
Shooter can hit from afar. Also, The Fighter costs 400 gil, and while it has 
no strengths/weaknesses it does hit for quite a lot and has decent HP. An 
enemy that is weak against one of your units will receive double damage from 
that unit whilst at the same time only delivering half damage, and vice-
versa. All of the other units aren't really that great, but can be used to 
help you out if you wish. As you progress and complete more battles new types 
of deployable units will become available, but as long as you know what 
you're doing you should only ever have to rely on the 3 units as mention 

Here is a list of each unit available:
 _________________ __________ _______ _____ _______ ___________ ___________  
|      UNIT       |   COST   | POWER | HP  | RANGE | STRONG VS |  WEAK VS  |
| {Fighter}       |  400 gil | 30    | 200 | 1     | N/A       | N/A       |
| {Attacker}      |  420 gil | 25    | 180 | 1     | Beast     | Barbarian |
| {Defender}      |  440 gil | 35    | 220 | 1     | Barbarian | Wyvern    |
| {Shooter}       |  520 gil | 20    | 160 | 1 - 3 | Wyvern    | Beast     |
| {Repairer}      |  480 gil | 10    | 160 | 1     | N/A       | N/A       | 
| {Worker}        |  400 gil | 10    | 160 | 1     | N/A       | N/A       |
| {Stoner}        |  480 gil | 20    | 100 | 1 - 4 | N/A       | N/A       |
| {Tristoner}     | 1000 gil | 35    | 150 | 1 - 5 | N/A       | N/A       |
| {Catapult}      |  480 gil | 18    | 100 | 1 - 5 | N/A       | N/A       |
| {Fire Catapult} |  600 gil | 25    | 120 | 1 - 6 | N/A       | N/A       |

 NOTE - The Tristoner is available after you have completed your 4th battle 
        and the Fire Catapult is available after you have completed your 7th 
        battle. They will both be available for the final battle regardless 
        of whether or not you'd previously unlocked them.

A repairer will heal an ally for 10 HP per move. A worker will place a bomb 
to surprise the enemy (allies cannot be harmed by bombs). The bottom 4 units 
will all hit enemies from a distance, and are fairly useless although there 
are times that their range comes in handy.

Here is a list of enemy units:
 _____________ _______ _____ _______ ___________ __________  
|    UNIT     | POWER | HP  | RANGE | STRONG VS | WEAK VS  |
| {Beast}     | 25    | 180 | 1     | Shooter   | Attacker |
| {Barbarian} | 15    | 130 | 1 - 3 | Attacker  | Defender |
| {Wyvern}    | 20    | 140 | 1     | Defender  | Shooter  |
| {Commander} | 60    | 230 | 1     | N/A       | N/A      |

Here is how much HP each unit takes and receives against each enemy:

 (The first entry is how much damage the *Beast* will *take* from the fighter)
                   _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________
                  |    BEAST    |  BARBARIAN  |    WYVERN   |  COMMANDER  |
|      UNIT       | TAKE : DEAL | TAKE : DEAL | TAKE : DEAL | TAKE : DEAL |  
|-----------------+- - - : - - -|- - - : - - -|- - - : - - -|- - - : - - -|
|  Fighter        |  30  :  25  |  30  :  15  |  27  :  20  |  15  :  50  | 
|  Attacker       |  40  :  12  |  27  :  22  |  20  :  22  |  12  :  50  | 
|  Defender       |  30  :  25  |  52  :   7  |  24  :  30  |  17  :  50  | 
|  Shooter        |  10  :  37  |  16  :  15  |  30  :  10  |   6  :  50  | 
|  Repairer       |  10  :  25  |  10  :  15  |   9  :  20  |   5  :  50  |  
|  Worker         |  15  :  25  |  15  :  15  |  13  :  20  |   7  :  50  | 
|  Stoner         |  20  :  25  |  16  :  15  |   6  :  20  |  10  :  50  | 
|  Tristoner      |  30  :  25  |  24  :  15  |   9  :  20  |  15  :  50  | 
|  Catapult       |  18  :  25  |  14  :  15  |   14 :  20  |  12  :  50  | 
|  Fire Catapult  |  25  :  25  |  20  :  15  |   20 :  20  |  12  :  50  | 
|  Worker's Bomb  |  15  :      |  15  :      |   13 :      |  17  :      | 

--E.06 D - Battle Strategies

  STRATEGY 1:- The Impatient  '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

This is basically the quickest and most offensive way to end the game and is 
the strategy I always use. It is also the most proficient way to defeat the 

1.) Before the battle begins place 3 Attackers as far down as they you can, 
    spread evenly across the field (Attackers move the quickest).

2.) When the battle begins slow the speed right down then select each unit to 
    move down towards the enemy. Speed the battle up again.

3.) Just before the troops engage each other, deploy some units that match 
    the enemies weaknesses. Try not to over-populate the field; leave some 
    space for new units to be placed.

4.) The idea is to completely over-run the enemy. As soon as they appear they 
    are overwhelmed, and if the strategy is executed correctly then you 
    should have won the battle in no time, ages before the Commander even 

5.) If the Commander does appear then select every unit in play to gang up 
    upon him, but try to do so all at the same time. If anything, pull back 
    certain units as so that they don't get wiped out, then when all of your 
    units are close enough to him have every single one of them rush the 
    Commander and he'll drop in no time.

  STRATEGY 2:- The Conservationist  '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

This is the most defensive strategy, and while not being the quickest or 
cheapest it sure is the safest way to win.

1.) Before the battle begins set up a line of Fighters, Shooters, Stoners, 
    Tristoners, Catapults and Fire Catapults.

2.) Once the battle has begun speed up the gauge all the way and just let the 
    enemy come to you.

3.) As the enemy draws near make sure to deploy a few units that match the 
    enemies weaknesses, although they should be fairly weakened by the time 
    they engage you, provided you have placed all of your long ranged 
    artillery in strategically advantageous spots.

4.) Don't be afraid to use a few Repairers seeing as they'll have enough time 
    to do some healing, just don't forget to command them to do so.

5.) As with Strategy 1, when the Commander arrives have every ally cluster 
    together whilst waiting for him to approach, then when he is close enough 
    have every unit attack him. With Catapults, Stoners etc. he should fall 
    without too much trouble.

Here are the enemy formations as they appear, this should help you with the 
first two strategies (credit goes to Absolute Steve as the source):
 _______________________   _______________________   _______________________
|                       | |                       | |                       |
|       BATTLE 01:      | |     BATTLE 02-03:     | |     BATTLE 04-06:     |
|       11 ENEMIES      | |      20 ENEMIES       | |      25 ENEMIES       |
|_______________________| |_______________________| |_______________________|
|           |           | |           |           | |           |           |
| Left:     | Right:    | | Left:     | Right:    | | Left:     | Right:    |
|-----------+-----------| |-----------+-----------| |-----------+-----------|
| Beast     | Beast     | | Wyvern    | Beast     | | Beast     | Barbarian |
| Beast     | Beast     | | Barbarian | --------- | | --------- | Wyvern    |
| Wyvern    | Wyvern    | | Wyvern    | Beast     | | Barbarian | Beast     |
| Beast     | Beast     | | --------- | Wyvern    | | --------- | Wyvern    |
| Wyvern    | Beast     | | Beast     | Beast     | | Beast     | Beast     |
| --------- | CMD       | | Beast     | Wyvern    | | --------- |           |
|___________|___________| | Barbarian | Barbarian | | Barbarian | Barbarian |
                          | Wyvern    | Barbarian | | --------- | Wyvern    |
 ***********************  | Beast     | Wyvern    | | --------- | Wyvern    |
 _______________________  | Barbarian | --------- | | --------- | Wyvern    |
|                       | | --------- | Beast     | | --------- | Wyvern    |
|     BATTLE 07-09:     | | Beast     | --------- | | --------- | Wyvern    |
|      30 ENEMIES       | | --------- | CMD       | | Barbarian | Barbarian |
|_______________________| |___________|___________| | Beast     | Beast     |
|           |           |                           | --------- | Beast     |
| Left:     | Right:    |  ***********************  | Barbarian | --------- |
|-----------+-----------|  _______________________  | Wyvern    | Barbarian |
| Wyvern    | Wyvern    | |                       | | --------- | CMD       |
| Barbarian | Barbarian | |     BATTLE 10-12:     | |___________|___________|
| Beast     | Beast     | |      35 ENEMIES       |                            
| Wyvern    | Wyvern    | |_______________________|  *********************** 
| Wyvern    | Wyvern    | |           |           |  _______________________ 
| Barbarian | Barbarian | | Left:     | Right:    | |                       |
| Barbarian | Barbarian | |-----------+-----------| |     BATTLE 13-14:     |
| Beast     | Beast     | | Barbarian | Barbarian | |      40 ENEMIES       |
| Beast     | Beast     | | Barbarian | --------- | |_______________________|
| Barbarian | Beast     | | Barbarian | Barbarian | |           |           |
| Wyvern    | Barbarian | | Wyvern    | --------- | | Left:     | Right:    |
| Beast     | Barbarian | | Wyvern    | Wyvern    | |-----------+-----------|
| Wyvern    | Wyvern    | | Wyvern    | --------- | | Beast     | Beast     |
| Wyvern    | Wyvern    | | Wyvern    | Wyvern    | | Beast     | Beast     |
| Barbarian | --------- | | Wyvern    | Wyvern    | | Beast     | --------- |
| --------- | CMD       | | --------- | Wyvern    | | Barbarian | Barbarian |
|___________|___________| | Wyvern    | Wyvern    | | Barbarian | Barbarian |
                          | --------- | Beast     | | Barbarian | --------- |
 ***********************  | Beast     | --------- | | Wyvern    | Wyvern    |
 _______________________  | --------- | Beast     | | Wyvern    | Wyvern    |
|                       | | Beast     | --------- | | Wyvern    | --------- |
|    !!FINAL BATTLE!!   | | --------- | Beast     | | Beast     | --------- |
|       BATTLE 15:      | | Beast     | --------- | | Beast     | Beast     |
|       45 ENEMIES      | | --------- | Beast     | | Beast     | Beast     |
|_______________________| | Beast     | --------- | | Beast     | Beast     |
|           |           | | --------- | Barbarian | | Barbarian | --------- |
| Left:     | Right:    | | --------- | Barbarian | | Barbarian | Barbarian |
|-----------+-----------| | --------- | Barbarian | | Barbarian | Barbarian |
| Barbarian | Beast     | | Wyvern    | --------- | | Barbarian | Barbarian |
| Barbarian | Beast     | | --------- | Wyvern    | | Wyvern    | --------- |
| Wyvern    | Beast     | | Beast     | Beast     | | Wyvern    | Wyvern    |
| Beast     | Barbarian | | Beast     | Beast     | | Wyvern    | Wyvern    |
| Barbarian | Beast     | | Beast     | --------- | | Wyvern    | Wyvern    |
| Beast     | Barbarian | | --------- | CMD       | | --------- | Beast     | 
| Beast     | --------- | |___________|___________| | Barbarian | Beast     | 
| Barbarian | --------- |                           | --------- | CMD       | 
| Wyvern    | --------- |                           |___________|___________| 
| Beast     | --------- | 
| Barbarian | --------- | 
| Wyvern    | --------- | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.
| Beast     | --------- | STRATEGY 3:- The 'Can't Be Bothered'  '~~~~~~~~~~~~~
| Barbarian | --------- |                                                     
| --------- | Wyvern    |  1.) Before the battle begins, do nothing!          
| --------- | Beast     |  
| --------- | Barbarian |  2.) When the battle begins speed up the gauge all  
| --------- | Wyvern    |      the way. Do nothing else.                      
| --------- | Beast     |  
| --------- | Barbarian |  3.) When the enemy reaches the shack, defeat the   
| Barbarian | Barbarian |      CMD. Grand Horn. That's it!
| Barbarian | Barbarian |  
| Barbarian | Barbarian |  This strategy is only recommended for two things. 
| Beast     | Beast     |  Firstly, there is a very difficult to obtain item 
| Beast     | Beast     |  called the Vagyrisk Claw, and although it can be 
| Beast     | Beast     |  stolen from an enemy called Bagrisk it is much 
| Wyvern    | Wyvern    |  easier to obtain by defeating a low level CMD. 
| Wyvern    | Wyvern    |  Grand Horn. Just remember that you will not   
| Wyvern    | --------- |  receive the prize for that battle if you opt to do 
| --------- | CMD       |  this.                                             
Secondly, when you are obtaining the Huge Materia you can acquire a very good 
piece of armour called the Imperial Guard from the CMD. Grand Horn Lv 37, and 
unlike the previous battles you *will* receive the prizes up for grabs if you 
lose the Fort Condor Battle, which is the Huge Materia and the Phoenix 
Materia. You must defeat the CMD. Grand Horn however or you would be forever 
banned from re-entering Fort Condor!
|                                                                            |
| CMD. GRAND HORN                                                            |
|                                                                            |
|    Here is what the CMD. Grand Horn's stats look like:                     |
|                                                                            |
|   #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#   |
|   >           [CMD.              [CMD.              [CMD.              <   |
|   >            GRAND HORN Lv 19]  GRAND HORN Lv 25]  GRAND HORN Lv 37] <   |
|   >                                                                    <   |
|   > ------Lv: [--------------19] [--------------25] [--------------37] <   |
|   > ------HP: [------------2000] [------------4000] [------------8000] <   |
|   > ------MP: [-------------100] [-------------200] [-------------300] <   |
|   > -----EXP: [-------------200] [-------------400] [-------------800] <   |
|   > ------AP: [--------------20] [--------------40] [--------------80] <   |
|   > -----GIL: [------------2400] [------------4800] [------------9600] <   |
|   > ----DROP: [---Vagyrisk Claw] [----------------] [--Imperial Guard] <   |
|   #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#   |
|                                                                            |
| The CMD. Grand Horn Lv 37 will only be fought during the final battle for  |
| the Huge Materia, and cannot be fought prior to this battle.               |
|                                                                            |
|                                                                            |
| There are the 3 varying factors that contribute to whether you fight CMD.  |
| Grand Horn  Lv 19 or Lv 25.                                                |
| In the order that they are taken into consideration:                       |
|                                                                            |
| - The number of party members in the team                                  |
| - The Average party level.                                                 |
| - The battle rank alongside the quantity of enemies you killed in the Fort | 
|   Condor Battle before an enemy reached the shack.                         |
|                                                                            |
|   If there are less than 3 members in the team then you will always face   |
|   the Lv 19 CMD. Grand Horn. This will take place during battles 2 & 3.    |
|                                                                            |
|   If the average party level is below 19 then you will always face the     |
|   level 19 CMD. Grand Horn. If the average party level is above 25 then    |
|   you will always face the CMD. Grand Horn level 25.                       |
|                                                                            |
|   If your average party level is between 19 - 25 then the battle ranking   |
|   system comes into play:                                                  |
|                                                                            |
|                                                                            |
| Battles 1-3 - Rank 1 - CMD. Grand Horn Lv 19 is always fought.             |
|                                                                            |
| Battles 4-6 - Rank 2 - CMD. Grand Horn Lv 19 is fought if 15+ enemies have |
|                        been killed, otherwise a CMD. Grand Horn Lv 25 is   |
|                        fought.                                             |
|                                                                            |
| Battles 7-9 - Rank 3 - CMD. Grand Horn Lv 19 is fought if 20+ enemies have |
|                        been killed, otherwise a CMD. Grand Horn Lv 25 is   |
|                        fought.                                             |
|                                                                            |
| Battles 10+ - Rank 4 - CMD. Grand Horn Lv 19 is fought if 25+ enemies have |
|                        been killed, otherwise a CMD. Grand Horn Lv 25 is   |
|                        fought.                                             |
|                                                                            |
| For some reason Aeris's level is not counted when finding the parties      |
| average level, although the sum will still be divided by three meaning you |
| will have a much greater chance of fighting a Lv 19 CMD. Grand Horn which  |
| is very handy to know if you're trying to obtain the Vagyrisk Claw.        |

The last thing I'd like to mention before finishing with this section is 
regarding a small glitch involving the Phoenix Materia. If you wish to 
duplicate it (once only) then you mustn't run out of the shack to claim it 
after winning the final Fort Condor Battle. Instead, leave it where it is and 
wait until you get to Disk 3 (you'll still be able to grab the Huge Materia). 
Then, dig up the Phoenix Materia from Bone Village (see section E.12). Return 
to Fort Condor and run outside the shack to grab a 2nd copy of the Phoenix 
Materia! For more glitches and exploits visit section E.18

|                                                                            |
| {E.07} - Obtaining Yuffie Kisaragi                                         |
|                                                                            |
|  A - How To Obtain Yuffie                                                  |
|  B - Where To Obtain Yuffie                                                |
|  C - Yuffie's Stats                                                        |
|  D - Glitches                                                              |
|                                                        {Recruiting Yuffie} |

--E.07 A - How To Obtain Yuffie

  Yuffie Kisaragi is one of two 'hidden' characters that can be recruited, 
along with Vincent Valentine. See section E.10 for details on how to recruit 
Vincent. Yuffie can first be obtained when Cloud reaches Junon Area just 
after the Mythril Mine. It is very possible that you could miss out on 
recruiting her at this stage, so take note of the fact that she can be 
recruited at any point during in the game where Forests can be located. 
Recruiting Yuffie will unlock the 'Yuffie' Trophy.

To obtain Yuffie you must first battle around in the forests until you 
encounter the Mystery Ninja. Once she has been defeated you will be brought 
to a non-World Map screen with a save point. *DO NOT* attempt to use the save 
point as Yuffie will steal 200 gil from you and then flee from the screen. In 
fact don't open the menu or do anything else that involves taking your eyes 
off her; she is an expert thief after all.

 NOTE - If she does steal from you then you will have to battle around again 
        until you re-encounter the Mystery Ninja. Also, when you have 
        finished recruiting her she will return any gil to you that she had 
        previously stolen.

When prompted, select the following dialogue choices to recruit Yuffie:

Yuffie: �You spikey-headed jerk! One more time, let's go one more time!�
 Cloud: �Not Interested�

Yuffie: �You're pretty scared of me, huh!?�
 Cloud: �......petrified�

Yuffie: �I'm really gonna leave! REALLY!�
 Cloud: �Wait a second!�

Yuffie: �You want me to go with you?�
 Cloud: �......That's right�

Yuffie: �All right! I'll go with you!�
 Cloud: �......Let's hurry on�

 - Choosing an incorrect answer on the first question will result in you 
   being forced into the menus, she'll then steal 200 gil from you.
 - An incorrect second response will lead to her running away stealing 500 
 - An incorrect third or fourth response will lead to her just running away, 
   stealing nothing.
 - An incorrect fifth response will lead to you entering Yuffie's name. When 
   you come out of that screen Yuffie will have stolen 700 gil from you.
 - If you attempt to make use of the save point then she'll steal 200 gil 
   from you.

Also, each correct response given will raise Yuffie's affection towards you 
by +2.

--E.07 B - Where To Obtain Yuffie

  Yuffie can be recruited in any of the 8 forests scattered around the World, 
and various forests have varying encounter rate:

       Junon Area Forests - 12.5% Encounter Rate
     Gongaga Area Forests -   25% Encounter Rate
       Nibel Area Forests -   25% Encounter Rate (Large Forest)
 Rocket Town Area Forests - 99.6% Encounter Rate (Small Forest)
   Woodlands Area Forests -   50% Encounter Rate (Near Temple of The Ancients)
      Mideel Area Forests -   50% Encounter Rate
    Goblin Island Forests -   50% Encounter Rate
     Round Island Forests -   50% Encounter Rate

--E.07 C - Yuffie's Stats

  Yuffie's stats will vary depending on what Cloud's current level is when 
they battles each other:

 Cloud Lv  1-20 | Yuffie Lv 17
 Cloud Lv 21-25 | Yuffie Lv 22
 Cloud Lv 26-30 | Yuffie Lv 27
 Cloud Lv 31-35 | Yuffie Lv 32
 Cloud Lv 36-40 | Yuffie Lv 37
 Cloud Lv 40-99 | Yuffie Lv 42

>              NINJA]     NINJA]     NINJA]     NINJA]     NINJA]     NINJA] <
>                                                                            <
> -----Lv: [------17] [------22] [------27] [------32] [------37] [------42] <
> -----HP: [-----600] [-----800] [----1120] [----1500] [----1950] [----2400] <
> -----MP: [-----117] [-----150] [-----190] [-----234] [-----280] [-----325] <
> ----EXP: [-----160] [-----240] [-----320] [-----480] [-----640] [-----720] <
> -----AP: [------20] [------40] [------60] [------80] [-----100] [-----120] <
> ----GIL: [-----400] [-----800] [----1200] [----1600] [----2000] [----2400] <
|                              NOTE ON ENEMIES:                              |
|                                                                            |
| At any level the Mystery Ninja will use the attacks 'Fight', 'Throw', and  |
| 'Spider Web' which inflicts Slow. A level 17 or 22 MN will also use an     |
| 'Impaler' which inflicts Frog, and also a 'Fire Fang' which inflicts weak  |
| Fire damage. A level 27, 32, 37 or 42 MN will use a 'Fire Veil' which      |
| inflicts moderate Fire damage, 'Leviathan Scales' which inflict Water      |
| damage and a 'Swift Bolt' which inflicts Lightning damage.                 |
|                                                                            |

When you recruit Yuffie she will have equipped on her the Throw Materia, a 
Carbon Bangle and the 4-Point Shuriken. All of Yuffie's weapons are long 
ranged, and her Ultimate Weapon, The Conformer is the only weapon in the game 
that can deal regular damage whilst using the Command 'Morph' (as opposed to 
hitting for 1/8th of normal damage).

Yuffie also has a side quest that is regarded as the biggest side quest of 
the game, and is mandatory to take part in should you wish to obtain every 
piece of Materia. You will also not be able to complete the Turtle Paradise 
Mini-Game (section E.03) if you do not partake in her sidequest. If you 
haven't completed it by the time you have parachuted in on Midgar towards the 
end of Disk 2 then you will have missed out on the quest completely.

--E.07 D - Glitches

  There are two glitches that are pertaining to the Yuffie recruiting process:

1.) More of an exploit than a glitch. To keep boosting Yuffie's affection 
    towards you to am max of 30, you can choose the correct response 4 times, 
    thus raising her affection value towards you by +8 in total. You can then 
    select the incorrect response on the final option, rinse and repeat.

    The drawback is that she will steal 700 gil from you each time, although 
    she will return all that she has stolen when you finally do recruit her. 
    This is easiest to do in the Rocket Town Forests (the smaller of the two) 
    when you will have a 100% succession rate of encountering her.

2.) Definitely regarded as a glitch, YUFFIE WARPING is something that can 
    only be done on the PC version of the game. It involves warping your 
    whole team, inventory, stats etc. from one save file to another. So 
    basically, you could if you wanted to warp a save file containing Aeris to 
    the beginning of Disk 2, or you could warp a level 99 Cloud back to the 
    beginning of the game.

    This is done due to the fact that whilst recruiting Yuffie you are coming 
    from a World Map screen (before the battle) to a Field screen (after the 
    battle), and this is the only place in the game where this will occur. 
    Poor programming allows the glitch to occur, see section E.18 for a full 
    rundown on how to perform the glitch. Here is a simplified version:

First you'll need to prime the save that you wish to load *FROM*. Make sure 
that you haven't recruited Yuffie and that you have reached Rocket Town. Save 
the game in the smaller of the two forests (where you'll encounter Yuffie 
99.6% of the time). 

Then load the save game that you wish to warp *TO*. Make sure to engage in a 
non-World Map battle (World Map battle encounters will void the glitch). 
During this battle you must allow all three characters to die as to return to 
the main menu. Then load up the 'primed' save file. Battle around until you 
face Yuffie, once she has been defeated instead of exiting to the save point 
'recruiting' screen, you will have instead been warped to the battle that you 
had previously died on. On the other save file! It's that simple!

|                                                                            |
| {E.08} - Gold Saucer                                                       |
|                                                                            |
|  A - About The Gold Saucer                                                 |
|  B - Chocobo Square                                                        |
|  C - Wonder Square                                                         |
|  D - Battle Square                                                         |
|  E - Ghost Square                                                          |
|  F - Round Square                                                          |
|  G - Speed Square                                                          |
|  H - Event Square                                                          |
|                                                              {Gold Saucer} |

--E.08 A - About The Gold Saucer 

  The Gold Saucer is situated in the middle of Corel Desert and can only be 
accessed via North Corel which is just north of the desert. Here you'll be 
able to ride the tram up to the Gold Saucer, which is Final Fantasy VII's 
epicentre of fun and games, not to mention great prizes. The Amusement Park 
is spread across 8 floors. When you first enter the Gold Saucer you'll be 
roughly 1/2 way into the first Disk, although you won't be able to explore it 
properly until you have obtained the buggy.

When you arrive at the Gold Saucer you must pay 3000 gil to enter, or if you 
can afford it you can choose to pay 30,000 gil for a lifetime pass (aka 
Golden Ticket). You'll also notice a save point in the background, this can 
only be used by spending 5GP.

GP (Gold Points) serve as the Gold Saucers form of currency, and until you 
get to Disk 2 they can be very difficult to obtain; you must either win at 
the Chocobo Races or win at the arcade games in the Wonder Square. When you 
do reach Disk 2 you can amass large amounts of GP much more easily by 
manually racing your own Chocobos at the Chocobo Square, until then the Super 
Dunk game in the Wonder Square is probably your best option for racking up GP 
early on in the game.

You can also exchange gil for GP by talking to the man that will appear 
behind the save point at the Ropeway Station. This man will only appear from 
Disk 2 onwards and has a 15% chance of appearing (roughly). He will exchange 
100 gil for 1GP with a maximum of 100GP for 10,000 gil.

The main two reasons that you would want to amass a large amount of GP are 
for the prizes that are available at the Wonder Square (obtained by trading 
in your GP), and the prizes that are available at the Battle Square (costs 
10GP to partake in a battle). There are also some great prizes that can be 
won at the Chocobo Square, but these are more easily obtained once you have 
started the whole Chocobo breeding process.

                                                              {Chocobo Square}
--E.08 B - Chocobo Square

--Items of Interest - Sneak Attack Materia, Enemy Away Materia, Sprint Shoes
                      Magic Counter Materia
  BETTING: |_________________________________________________________________

Before you have obtained your own Chocobos on Disk 2, the only way in which 
you can partake in Chocobo Racing is to place a bet at the main central 
Bookmaker's Office. The ranks are divided up into C, B, A and S ranks, the 
higher the rank the better the rewards but the more the bet costs. On Disk 1 
you will only have rank C & B to choose from.

To enter into the bets you'll need to pay 200 gil, then you have to pay an 
additional price to place a bet; the price of the bet depends on which Class 
you select:

 Class C - 100 gil
 Class B - 200 gil
 Class A - 300 gil
 Class S - 500 gil

Every time you bet on a race you will have a grid of 15 squares to choose 
from; each square represents one possible outcome of the race and you can 
select up to three of them. If you determine Chocobo 1, 4 & 5 to be the 
Chocobos with the highest chance of winning, then you should put your money 
on squares 1-4, 1-5 and 4-5.

7 of the 15 squares will yield a 'common' item, 5 will yield an 'uncommon' 
item and 3 will yield a 'rare' item. The available items for that particular 
race are chosen at random and are displayed in the bottom left hand corner of 
the lobby screen.

| Chance of Winning...                      | Cumulative Chance: |
|            A Prize - 20 %   (3 out of 15) | 20%                |
|     A Common Prize - 46.6 % (7 out of 15) | 9.3%               |
|  An Uncommon Prize - 33.3 % (5 out of 15) | 6.6%               |
|       A Rare Prize - 20 %   (3 out of 15) | 4%                 |

 TIP - Thanks to the help of Bellfell and Phiefer3, I have been able to work
       out a formula that yields a 40% average win ratio:

Find X using the table below, then multiply that figure by Stamina. Repeat 
the process for all 6 Chocobos, then bet on the three with the highest result.

| CLASS C:                           | CLASS B:                              |
|                                    |                                       |
| Top Speed - X                      | Top Speed - X                         |
|                                    |                                       |
| 73 KPH    - 415                    | 88  KPH   - 500                       |
| 74 KPH    - 420                    | 89  KPH   - 506                       |
| 75 KPH    - 426                    | 90  KPH   - 511                       |
| 76 KPH    - 432                    | 91  KPH   - 517                       |
| 77 KPH    - 438                    | 92  KPH   - 523                       |
| 78 KPH    - 443                    | 93  KPH   - 528                       |
| 79 KPH    - 449                    | 94  KPH   - 534                       |
| 80 KPH    - 455                    | 95  KPH   - 540                       |
| 81 KPH    - 460                    | 96  KPH   - 545                       |
| 82 KPH    - 466                    | 97  KPH   - 551                       |
| 83 KPH    - 472                    | 98  KPH   - 557                       |
| 84 KPH    - 477                    | 99  KPH   - 563                       |
| 85 KPH    - 483                    | 100 KPH   - 568                       |
| 86 KPH    - 489                    | 101 KPH   - 574                       |
| 87 KPH    - 494                    | 102 KPH   - 580                       |
| 88 KPH    - 500                    | 103 KPH   - 585                       |
|                                    | 104 KPH   - 591                       |
| Stamina Range: 250 - 279           | 105 KPH   - 597                       |
| Result Range: 10.36% - 14.%        |                                       |
|                                    | Stamina Range - 300 - 329             |
|                                    | Result Range: 15.% - 19.64%           |
| CLASS A:                           | CLASS S:                              |
|                                    |                                       |
| Top Speed - X                      | Top Speed - X                         |
|                                    |                                       |
| 102 KPH   - 580                    | 147 KPH   - 835                       |
| 103 KPH   - 585                    | 148 KPH   - 841                       |
| 104 KPH   - 591                    | 149 KPH   - 847                       |
| 105 KPH   - 597                    | 150 KPH   - 852                       |
| 106 KPH   - 602                    | 151 KPH   - 858                       |
| 107 KPH   - 608                    | 152 KPH   - 864                       |
| 108 KPH   - 614                    | 153 KPH   - 869                       |
| 109 KPH   - 619                    | 154 KPH   - 875                       |
| 110 KPH   - 625                    | 155 KPH   - 881                       |
| 111 KPH   - 631                    | 156 KPH   - 886                       |
| 112 KPH   - 636                    | 157 KPH   - 892                       |
| 113 KPH   - 642                    | 158 KPH   - 898                       |
| 114 KPH   - 648                    | 159 KPH   - 903                       |
| 115 KPH   - 653                    | 160 KPH   - 909                       |
| 116 KPH   - 659                    | 161 KPH   - 915                       |
| 117 KPH   - 665                    | 162 KPH   - 920                       |
| 118 KPH   - 670                    | 163 KPH   - 926                       |
| 119 KPH   - 676                    | 164 KPH   - 932                       |
| 120 KPH   - 682                    | 165 KPH   - 938                       |
| 121 KPH   - 688                    | 166 KPH   - 943                       |
| 122 KPH   - 693                    | 167 KPH   - 949                       |
| 123 KPH   - 699                    | 168 KPH   - 955                       |
|                                    | 169 KPH   - 960                       |
| Stamina Range: 350 - 379           | 170 KPH   - 966                       |
| Result Range: 20.3% - 26.49%       |                                       |
|                                    | Stamina Range: 500 - 529              |
|                                    | Result Range: 41.83% - 51.2%          |

To understand the maths behind the above tables, you must first understand 
the formula behind it:
|                                                                            |
| Top Speed / Maximum Top Speed (176 KPH) = X                                |
| Stamina / Maximum Stamina (999) = Y                                        |
| X * Y = % of maximum possible stat values                                  |
|                                                                            |
| SO                                                                         |
|                                                                            |
| If a Chocobo had a Top Speed of 113 KPH, then X would be 64.2%.            |
| If a Chocobo had 362 Stamina, then Y would be 36.2%                        |
| 0.642 * 0.362 = 23.24% of maximum possible Top Speed and Stamina           |

I tried this method over 100 races, and I was able to win 40 of them. The 
main problem is that you cannot determine a Chocobos Run, Acceleration, 
Intelligence or Cooperation, so there is no way of accurately determining the 
Chocobo with the greatest stats.

It is speculated that the rank of the jockey has an affect on the outcome of 
the race, and there are 4 ranks that can be determined by the colour of the 
Jockey - Platinum, Gold, Silver and Bronze. If in doubt, try betting on the 
highest ranking Jockey; again this is only speculation.

  PRIZES: |__________________________________________________________________

Here are the prizes that are up for grabs:
                    _____                     _____                     _____ 
                   |     |                   |     |                   |     |
       CLASS C:    | GP  |       CLASS B:    | GP  |       CLASS A:    | GP  |
   ________________|_____|   ________________|_____|   ________________|_____|
  |                |     |  |                |     |  |                |     |
  | Potion         |   5 |  | Phoenix Down   |  10 |  | Phoenix Down   |  10 |
  | Phoenix Down   |  10 |  | Hyper          |  10 |  | Hi-Potion      |  15 |
  | Hyper          |  10 |  | Tranquilizer   |  10 |  | Hero Drink     |  15 |
  | Tranquilizer   |  10 |  | Hi-Potion      |  15 |  | Antarctic Wind |  20 |
  | Hi-Potion      |  15 |  | Hero Drink     |  15 |  | Bolt Plume     |  20 |
  | Antarctic Wind |  20 |  | Antarctic Wind |  20 |  | Fire Fang      |  20 |
  | Bolt Plume     |  20 |  | Bolt Plume     |  20 |  | Ether          |  30 |
  | Fire Fang      |  20 |  | Fire Fang      |  20 |  | Ice Crystal    |  50 |
  | Ether          |  30 |  | Ether          |  30 |  | Fire Veil      |  50 |
  |________________|_____|  | Ice Crystal    |  50 |  | Swift Bolt     |  50 |
                            | Turbo Ether    | 150 |  | Elixir         | 200 |
   **********************   | Elixir         | 200 |  | Counter Attack | 300 |
                    _____   | Enemy Away     | 300 |  | Enemy Away     | 300 |
                   |     |  |________________|_____|  | Sneak Attack   | 300 |
       CLASS S:    | GP  |                            | Cat's Bell     | 500 |
   ________________|_____|                            | Sprint Shoes   | 500 |
  |                |     |                            |________________|_____|
  | Potion         |   5 |                                                     
  | Phoenix Down   |  10 |  NOTES - Counter Attack will be spelt 'Counter'     
  | Hero Drink     |  15 |          whilst in the lobby screen. Do not confuse 
  | Bolt Plume     |  20 |          this with the Support (blue) Counter       
  | Antarctic Wind |  20 |          Materia.                                   
  | Ether          |  30 |                                                     
  | Ice Crystal    |  50 |        - Enemy Away will only become available from
  | Fire Veil      |  50 |          Disk 2 onwards                            
  | Swift Bolt     |  50 |                                                     
  | Turbo Ether    | 150 |  Prizes that are unique to the Chocobo Square:     
  | Elixir         | 200 |                                                     
  | Counter Attack | 300 |   - Enemy Away Materia                              
  | Enemy Away     | 300 |   - Precious Watch                                  
  | Megalixir      | 300 |   - Sneak Attack Materia                            
  | Precious Watch | 300 |   - Chocobracelet                                   
  | Sneak Attack   | 300 |   - Cat's Bell                                      
  | Chocobracelet  | 400 |   - Sprint Shoes (One of these can also be obtained 
  | Cat's Bell     | 500 |                   from the Battle Square)           
  | Magic Counter  | 500 |                                                     
  | Sprint Shoes   | 500 |  In Class S, you will have a 7.95% chance of one 
  |________________|_____|  of the 10 rare items appearing (Elixir downwards). 

The prizes you get for betting are the exact same prizes that you get for 
racing. You first get a taste of what the Chocobo Racing experience is like 
when you attempt to leave Corel Prison; you have to win in order to be 
allowed to leave (although you won't win a prize, other than that of 
freedom). If you lose then you will be able to re-try as many times as you 
like until you win, just be sure to pick up the Ramuh Materia whilst in the 
Jockey's Room as you'll never again be able to re-visit that area.

You won�t be able to race in the Chocobo Races again until you have completed 
the Lifestream events in Mideel on Disk 2 (the Gold Saucer won't have re-
opened until that point). You can then catch and breed your own Chocobos to 
race in the Chocobo Square. It is much safer to race your own Chocobo as 
opposed to betting at the Bookmaker's Office seeing as all you will need to 
do to guarantee a prize is to win the race. When you do win a race either 
through betting or racing you will be able to choose your reward; you can 
take either the Item or the GP. One of the main incentives to spend time 
racing your Chocobos in the Chocobo Square is to gain high amounts of GP, 
aswell as to help with the Chocobo breeding quest.
  BREEDING: |_________________________________________________________________

Racing your Chocobos in the Chocobo Square is actually a requirement of the 
breeding process. Every time your Chocobo wins its third race it'll be ranked 
up to the next class, and a couple of highly ranked Chocobos will be more 
likely to breed a 'special' Chocobo. Also, the higher the ranking of the 
parents, the greater the racing stats will be of the new-born Chocobo.

For more details on Chocobo breeding see section E.14.
  ESTER: |____________________________________________________________________

To enter into a race you must talk to Ester who will be standing outside of 
the Staffroom. She will only be present from Disk 2 onwards. Here you will be 
able to choose which Chocobo you wish to race followed by which track you 
would like to race on. For what it's worth, always pick the short track; 
there is nothing worth noting about the long track other than the fact that 
you'll be able to see a recurring Final Fantasy easter egg - The Moai Face.

If you have either Tifa or Cid in your party then there'll be a 50% chance 
that they'll want to be the one to ride on the back of a Chocobo. It's 
completely optional of course but it can be quite refreshing to see someone 
else riding a Chocobo for a change, however it makes absolutely no difference 
whatsoever to the Chocobos performance. If both Cid and Tifa are in your 
party then Tifa will always be the one to ask.

 NOTE - I suspect that the developers chose Tifa and Cid to be the ones to 
        partake in the races (and also the Snowboarding game) due to the fact 
        that they are the two characters that you take control of whilst 
        Cloud is 'unavailable' in Mideel. Perhaps originally the Gold Saucer 
        was intended to be open for business during that time...
  {CHOCOBO RACING}: |_________________________________________________________

   Left   | Left
   Right  | Right
   X      | Slow Down
   Sq     | Speed Up
   O      | Sprint (drains stamina)
   Start  | Pause
   Select | Toggle between Manual and Automatic
   R1+R2  | Holding together will slowly refill stamina

As soon as the race begins you're going to want to press Select to toggle 
from Automatic to Manual. Then, you're going to want to hold down R1+R2 for 
the remainder of the race so that you consistently replenish you stamina bar. 
Then tap Square a number of times to speed up your Chocobo all the way, you 
can even sprint if you like (with O) to get in the lead, just make sure to 
save enough stamina for the final hurdle.

If you have a Green or Blue Chocobo then you'll find that you won�t struggle 
as much at particular points in the race. Due to hurried programming, the 
'ability' of each Chocobo has been reversed - The Green Chocobo will find it 
easier to traverse through the water section of the long course as well as 
the space section at the end of the short course, while a Blue Chocobo will 
make short work of the spiralling climb at the beginning of the short course. 
Naturally the Black and Gold Chocobos won't struggle at all while a Yellow 
Chocobo will struggle will all parts.

**Once the first two Chocobos have crossed the finish line you can end the 
  race by pressing Start; you don't have to wait for all 6 Chocobos to cross 
  the finishing line.

For information on how the racing stats work whilst breeding Chocobos, see 
section E.10 E.
  TEIOH: |____________________________________________________________________

Every so often you be up against the well-known jockey Joe and his Black 
Chocobo Teioh. Teioh's stats are always faster than yours and can be very 
tough to beat at times. His Speed is always 10% higher than yours and his 
Stamina is always 25% higher than yours, regardless of whether your Chocobos 
stats are maxed out or not. And obviously being a Black Chocobo he can make 
short work of the tracks environmental hazards.

It is extremely difficult to beat Teioh without the use of a Gold, Black or 
Green Chocobo, so don't waste too much time trying. You'll have to really 
exhaust your sprint to stay ahead of him, just make sure to save enough for 
the final sprint otherwise you're screwed. Using the R1+R2 trick here is 

Teioh will never appear in Class C, however his encounter rate for the other 
Classes are as follows:

 Class B - 12.5%
 Class A - 25%
 Class S - 50%
  SPECIAL PRIZES: |___________________________________________________________

If you manage to win 19 races with a single Chocobo then Ester will reward 
you with five prizes that are available in Class S (but unfortunately not the 
Magic Counter Materia):

Precious Watch, Chocobracelet, Cat's Bell, Sprint Shoes and Counter Attack

                                                               {Wonder Square}
--E.08 C - Wonder Square

--Items of Interest - Gil Plus Materia, EXP Plus Materia, Speed Source

  The Wonder Square will be your main source of GP whilst on Disk 1, and 
although there are 9 games to choose from the only game that will really make 
an impact on your GP wallet will be the Super Dunk game. It's recommended 
that you play the Mog House game and the G-Bike game to win some one off 
prizes - 30 GP and a Speed Source, respectively. The Snowboarding game is 
also worth a blast as it's probably the most fun game to play, followed by G-

 NOTE - When you first enter the Wonder Square you will automatically recruit 
        Cait Sith onto your team, who will also come equipped with the mighty 
        Manipulate Materia.

When you enter the 1st floor of the Arcade itself you will have three games 
to choose from. In the 2nd floor you will have 6 games to choose from. Also, 
there is a staff member on the 1st floor who will trade your GP for prizes:
 __________________ ________     
|                  |        | - The Gold Ticket is a waste of GP and is much 
|      PRIZE:      |  Cost: |   more easily obtained by paying 30,000 gil at
|__________________|________|   the Ropeway Station.
|                  |        |                                                 
|           Potion |    1GP | - The Carob Nut will be displayed as '????' and 
|            Ether |   20GP |   can be easily obtained by stealing from the 
|         X-Potion |   80GP |   Vlakorados near Bone Village. They are used 
|      Turbo Ether |  100GP |   for breeding Chocobos.
|      Gold Ticket |  300GP |                                                 
|        Carob Nut |  500GP | - The Gil Plus Materia and the EXP Plus Materia
| Gil Plus Materia | 1000GP |   will both appear as '????'. There is only one
| EXP Plus Materia | 2000GP |   available of each and neither will become   
|__________________|________|   available until you have reached Disk 2.    

  1ST FLOOR - {ARM WRESTLER} - COST 100 GIL |_________________________________

This game is situated to the left of the staff member. It is very easy to win 
and only requires you to tap O as quickly as you can. There are two 
difficulty settings:

 Sumo Wrestler (Easy) - Prize = 1GP
      Wrestler (Hard) - Prize = 2GP
  1ST FLOOR - {SUPER DUNK} - COST 200 GIL |___________________________________

This game is situated on the lower right hand side and is considered by many 
to be the best source of GP for Disk 1. The game will require you to hold O 
down for approximately 1/2 a second and timing it right will score you 1GP, 
the idea is to chain as many baskets as you can to maximise your GP count.  
Holding O down for too long or too short will result in a miss, the game will 
then pay-out the GP that you've earned.

 NOTE - Thank xPsychoMantis a huge amount for this!
        Go to and set it to 120 BPM. It will 
        take a while to get used to but eventually you will start to find a 
        rhythm where you'll be scoring every time. It also helps greatly if 
        you mute the Gold Saucer backing music. Simply push O for one beat. 
        Try not to over think it; in fact try to think about something else 
        while you are playing. Look away from the screen, but don't close 
        your eyes and nod your head  slightly to the beep.

Every time you net a basket you will earn 1GP. Once you have scored 10 
consecutive points you will be given the option to 'Double Down'. If you land 
that shot then you will double your current score, if you fail the shot then 
your score will be reduced to 1GP and the game will end. The highest chain 
possible is 44 baskets which will land you a whopping 300GP, so it really is 
worth investing a small amount of time into the game.
  1ST FLOOR - {WONDER CATCHER} - COST 100 GIL |_______________________________

On the back wall you'll find two machines that are good for eating up your 
gil and that's about it. Each machine will spit out a random prize, the 
prizes are as follows:
 _______________________   __________________  
|                       | |                  | 
|     LEFT MACHINE:     | |  RIGHT MACHINE:  |   
|______________ ________| |_________ ________|   
|              |        | |         |        | 
|    PRIZE:    | CHANCE | |  PRIZE: | CHANCE | - The right machine is slightly
|______________|________| |_________|________|   better than the left machine,
|              |        | |         |        |   but only marginally.
|       Potion | 39.06% | |  Potion | 39.06% |   
|      Nothing |  29.3% | | Nothing |  29.3% | - The Phoenix Down and the 
|         1 GP | 19.53% | |    1 GP | 19.53% |   Ether are glitched. When you
|         3 GP |  8.99% | |    3 GP |     8% |   receive the Phoenix Down the
| Phoenix Down |  1.95% | |   Ether |  2.94% |   game will tell you that you 
|    Megalixir |  0.78% | |  Elixir |  0.78% |   have received an Ether, and
|        80 GP |  0.39% | |  100 GP |  0.39% |   vice-versa.
|______________|________| |_________|________|
  2ND FLOOR - {G-BIKE} - COST 200 GIL |_______________________________________

G-Bike is situated at the northern end of the room and is basically the same 
game as the one played whilst escaping Midgar on the Highway. Press O to 
swing the Buster Sword to the right and Square to swing it to the left. For 
every enemy biker that you knock down you'll score 500 points, and you'll 
lose 50 points every time the truck is hit.

The orange bikers shouldn't pose too much of a threat, it's the red bikers 
you need to be wary of as their main strategy is to lure you away from the 
truck, and while you are pre-occupied the orange bikers will then damage the 
truck as much as they can. Don't forget that you can knock down an enemy by 
colliding into him enough times, you can also create a domino effect if you 
line them up right.

You will receive 2 GP for scoring between 5000 - 9999 and you'll receive 10 
GP for scoring over 10,000. You'll also be rewarded with a one-off Speed 
Source the first time you score over 10,000 points, which makes the G-Bike 
game worth playing at least until you have acquired the bonus prize.

On the PS4 version, you can unlock the Corel's Angel Trophy by scoring 10,050 
points or more on the G-Bike game. You'll also notice blue bikes amongst the 
orange bikes; these appear to act in the same way as the orange bikes.
  2ND FLOOR - {CRYSTAL FORTUNE} - COST 50 GIL |_______________________________

Just to the right of the G-Bike machine you'll find the Crystal Fortune 
machine. Each time you reach a milestone within the story the fortune will 
change to match your current circumstances. The fortunes that will be given 
are as follows:
                          ________________________ __________________________
                         |                        |                          |
                         |        FORTUNE:        |         REFERENCE:       |
|                        |                        |                          |
| First Visit to Gold    | �Use caution in        | Cait Sith's betrayal     |
| Saucer                 |  relationships.�       |                          |
| After you obtain the   | �Your lucky colour is  | The colour of the buggy  |
| buggy                  |  red�                  |                          |
| After you complete     | �You may meet someone  | The possible recruitment |
| Cosmo Canyon           |  new.�                 | of Vincent Valentine     |
| After you complete     | �You have ties with    | The recruitment of Cid   |
| Nibelheim              |  those that fly.�      | Highwind                 |
| After you obtain the   | �What you are looking  | The Keystone which is in |
| Tiny Bronco            |  for is near.�         | the Battle Square        |
| After you obtain the   | �Use caution in        | Cait Sith's betrayal     |
| Keystone               |  relationships.�       |                          |
| After you have been    | �What you search for   | The location of the      |
| on the date            |  is in the southeast.� | Temple of The Ancients   |
| After you complete     | �Beware of the north.� | Sephiroth and the        |
| Temple of The Ancients |                        | Reunion                  |
| After you complete     | �A great turning point |    ...(*spoilers*)...    |
| the Forgotten Capitol  |  is near.�             |                          |
| After you obtain the   | �Never give up.�       | The impending doom that  |
| Highwind               |                        | is Meteor                |

Also take note of the fortune that Cait Sith read out to you when he forced 
his way into your party - �What you pursue will be yours. But you will lose 
something dear�. I can only imagine that the 'pursue' part was relating to 
the Black Materia and the 'losing' part is an obvious reference to the events 
that take place at the end of Disk 1.
  2ND FLOOR - {MOG HOUSE} - COST 100 GIL |____________________________________

This machine is positioned on the right hand side and is worth playing just 
once as you'll net a quick one-time-only 30GP. All you have to do is feed Mog 
5 Kupo Nuts when prompted, and then 3 Kupo Nuts the second time. It's a 
little boring to watch, but definitely worth it for the GP. Be sure to talk 
to the person next to the machine to claim your reward.
  2ND FLOOR - {3D BATTLER} - COST 200 GIL |___________________________________

This machine is positioned in the centre of the room and is pretty much a 
rock, paper, scissors type game that yields five opponents, each increasing 
in difficulty as you progress. So difficult in-fact that many people stay 
clear of this game altogether.

 Press  X for a Low Attack (Beats Mid, loses to High)
 Press Sq for a Mid Attack (Beats High, loses to Low)
 Press Tr for a High Attack (Beats Low, loses to Mid)

After you have successfully hit your opponent a number of times they will 
drop to their knees, progressing you to the next round. Here are the prizes 
up for grabs alongside the chances you have of winning:
 ______ _______________ ________ ___________________ ___________ ____________
|      |               |        |                   |           |            |
|      |               |        | Chance of         | Chance of | Cumulative |
| Rnd: | Opponent:     | Prize: | winning per hit   | beating   | chance     |
|      |               |        |                   |           |            |
|      |               |        | 50% Win,          |           |            |
| # 1  | Ninja Girl    |   0 GP | 25% Loss, 25% Tie | 93.5234%  | 93.5234%   |
|      |               |        |                   |           |            |
|      |               |        | 33.3% Win, 33.3%  |           |            |
| # 2  | Masked Man    |   3 GP | Loss, 33.3% Tie   | 50%       | 47%        |
|      |               |        |                   |           |            |
|      |               |        | 25% Win,          |           |            |
| # 3  | Afro Pimp     |  30 GP | 50% Loss, 25% Tie | 6.4766%   | 3%         |
|      |               |        |                   |           |            |
|      |               |        | 25% Win,          |           |            |
| # 4  | Red Spaceman  | 300 GP | 75% Loss, 0% Tie  | 0.08903%  | 0.0003%    |
|      |               |        |                   |           |            |
|      |               |        | 0% Win            |           |            |
| # 5  | Invisible Man |  N/A   | 75% Loss, 25% Tie | 0%        | 0%         |

The 5th and final battle is more of a joke enemy than a real one seeing as he 
is completely invisible, and it is completely impossible to defeat him. Due 
to the terrible chances that you have of even making it past the third round, 
the most you can hope to regularly win whilst playing 3D Battler is 3GP.
  2ND FLOOR - {SNOWBOARDING} - COST 200 GIL |_________________________________

The snowboarding machine is situated on the left hand side and is only 
available once the Gold Saucer has re-opened on Disk 2. Snowboarding is 
definitely the most challenging of all of the Wonder Square games and is also 
regarded as the most enjoyable. You'll have experienced it before seeing as 
it's basically the same mini-game as the one at the Icicle Inn, but with 
different courses.

As with Chocobo Racing, Tifa or Cid may occasionally ask to have a try on the 
snowboarding machine (37.5% of the time). It makes no difference whatsoever 
to the performance of the snowboard and is completely optional. If both Tifa 
and Cid are present then Tifa will always be the one to ask.

   Left    | Left
   Right   | Right
   Down/Sq | Slow Down 
   X       | Jump     
   L1/R1   | Lean into corner (helps for a tighter angle)
   Start   | Pause/Skip intro


There are 3 course to choose from - A (Beginner), B (Expert) & C (Crazy). 
Scoring 70 or more on course A will unlock course B, and scoring 70 or more 
on course B will unlock course C. Scoring 90 or more on any course will net 
you a one-time-only prize of GP and an item:           (Maximum Score = 100)
             _______ ________________                                          
            |       |                |  - Score is calculated by 3 things:     
 90+ Points |  GP:  |     PRIZE:     |    Technique (30 Points), Balloons  
  __________|_______|________________|    (40 points) and Time (30 points).  
 |          |       |                |                                         
 | Course A |  30GP | Safety Bit     |  - Technique points are deducted        
 |__________|_______|________________|    whenever you crash into something.   
 |          |       |                |    You'll start off with 30 points.
 | Course B | 100GP | All Materia    |                                         
 |__________|_______|________________|  - Red balloons earn 1 point, Blue 
 |          |       |                |    earn 3 points and Green earn 5.    
 | Course C | 300GP | Crystal Bangle |                                         
 |__________|_______|________________|  - 1 point of Time will be deducted
                                          for every 2 seconds you fall behind 
               RANKINGS:                  par time:
+-------------------------------------+  +-----------------------------------+
|  Rank | BAD  | AWFUL | GOOD  | COOL |  | Course A: | Course B: | Course C: |
|-------+------+-------+-------+------|  |-----------+-----------+-----------|
| Score | 0-29 | 30-69 | 70-99 | 100  |  | 01'30"000 | 01'45"000 | 02'00"000 |
+-------------------------------------+  +-----------------------------------+
 Awful and Bad are swapped in the PC      As with Technique, you'll start off 
 version.                                 with 30 points.


In order to unlock the Time Attack mode you must first score 70 points or 
more (GOOD ranking) on a particular track, thereby unlocking Time Attack for 
that track (you also must have also set a score on every track). Time Attack 
is activated by grabbing the Yellow balloon at the beginning of the race, and 
there are some additional options available in the menus. You can change the 
floor to a chequered grid, change the ghost Mog's snowboard to a sleigh, you 
can even replace Mog with a running Cactuar, but to do that you must first 
unlock rank 'Super', which is no easy feat (Time Attack rankings differ from 
the normal rankings).

To assist with obtaining a 'Super' ranking you must first obtain a 'Good' 
ranking which will unlock the Silver balloon at the beginning of a track, 
granting you a speed bonus and thereby making it possible for you to decimate 
your old records.

Here are the Time Attack Rankings for each version of the game:

 NOTE - The correct display should be 01'29"999 as opposed to 1'29"99, I just 
        didn't have room to fit everything in. Sorry!

 |                          European 'PAL' Version                          |
 |___________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________|
 |           |                    |                    |                    |
 |   RANK:   |      COURSE A:     |      COURSE B:     |      COURSE C:     |
 |           |                    |                    |                    |
 |    Freak  | 1'01"99 or below   | 1'18"99 or below   | 1'23"99 or below   |
 |    Super  | 1'02"00 - 1'04"99  | 1'19"00 - 1'26"99  | 1'24"00 - 1'29"99  |
 | Excellent | 1'05"00 - 1'06"99  | 1'27"00 - 1'28"99  | 1'30"00 - 1'35"99  |
 | Very Good | 1'07"00 - 1'11"99  | 1'29"00 - 1'30"99  | 1'36"00 - 1'41"99  |
 |      Good | 1'12"00 - 1'17"99  | 1'31"00 - 1'44"99  | 1'42"00 - 1'53"99  |
 |   Average | 1'18"00 - 1'29"99  | 1'45"00 - 1'59"99  | 1'54"00 - 2'09"99  |
 |      Poor | 1'30"00 - 1'44"99  | 2'00"00 - 2'14"99  | 2'10"00 - 2'29"99  |
 |      Fail | 1'45"00 or above   | 2'15"00 or above   | 2'30"00 or above   |

 |                         American 'NTSC' Version                          |
 |___________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________|
 |           |                    |                    |                    |
 |   RANK:   |      COURSE A:     |      COURSE B:     |      COURSE C:     |
 |           |                    |                    |                    |
 |    Freak  | 0'51"99 or below   | 1'05"99 or below   | 1'09"99 or below   |
 |    Super  | 0'52"00 - 0'53"99  | 1'06"00 - 1'09"99  | 1'10"00 - 1'14"99  |
 | Excellent | 0'54"00 - 0'55"99  | 1'10"00 - 1'12"99  | 1'15"00 - 1'19"99  |
 | Very Good | 0'56"00 - 0'59"99  | 1'13"00 - 1'15"99  | 1'20"00 - 1'24"99  |
 |      Good | 1'00"00 - 1'04"99  | 1'16"00 - 1'19"99  | 1'25"00 - 1'34"99  |
 |   Average | 1'05"00 - 1'15"99  | 1'20"00 - 1'39"99  | 1'35"00 - 1'49"99  |
 |      Poor | 1'16"00 - 1'29"99  | 1'40"00 - 1'59"99  | 1'50"00 - 2'09"99  |
 |      Fail | 1'30"00 or above   | 2'00"00 or above   | 2'10"00 or above   |

 |                                PC Version                                |
 |___________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________|
 |           |                    |                    |                    |
 |   RANK:   |      COURSE A:     |      COURSE B:     |      COURSE C:     |
 |           |                    |                    |                    |
 |    Freak  | 0'52"99 or below   | 1'07"99 or below   | 1'14"99 or below   |
 |    Super  | 0'53"00 - 0'53"99  | 1'08"00 - 1'09"99  | 1'15"00 - 1'16"99  |
 | Excellent | 0'54"00 - 0'54"99  | 1'10"00 - 1'11"99  | 1'17"00 - 1'20"99  |
 | Very Good | 0'55"00 - 0'59"99  | 1'12"00 - 1'14"99  | 1'21"00 - 1'24"99  |
 |      Good | 1'00"00 - 1'04"99  | 1'15"00 - 1'19"99  | 1'25"00 - 1'34"99  |
 |   Average | 1'05"00 - 1'14"99  | 1'20"00 - 1'39"99  | 1'35"00 - 1'49"99  |
 |      Poor | 1'15"00 - 1'29"99  | 1'40"00 - 1'59"99  | 1'50"00 - 2'09"99  |
 |      Fail | 1'30"00 or above   | 2'00"00 or above   | 2'10"00 or above   |

 |               Original and International Japanese Versions               |
 |___________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________|
 |           |                    |                    |                    |
 |   RANK:   |      COURSE A:     |      COURSE B:     |      COURSE C:     |
 |           |                    |                    |                    |
 |    Freak  | 0'51"99 or below   | 1'05"99 or below   | 1'12"99 or below   |
 |   *Godly  | 0'52"00 - 0'52"99  | 1'06"00 - 1'07"99  | 1'13"00 - 1'14"99  |
 |    Super  | 0'53"00 - 0'53"99  | 1'08"00 - 1'09"99  | 1'15"00 - 1'16"99  |
 | Excellent | 0'54"00 - 0'54"99  | 1'10"00 - 1'11"99  | 1'17"00 - 1'20"99  |
 | Very Good | 0'55"00 - 0'59"99  | 1'12"00 - 1'14"99  | 1'21"00 - 1'24"99  |
 |      Good | 1'00"00 - 1'04"99  | 1'15"00 - 1'19"99  | 1'25"00 - 1'34"99  |
 |   Average | 1'05"00 - 1'14"99  | 1'20"00 - 1'39"99  | 1'35"00 - 1'49"99  |
 |      Poor | 1'15"00 - 1'29"99  | 1'40"00 - 1'59"99  | 1'50"00 - 2'09"99  |
 |      Fail | 1'30"00 or above   | 2'00"00 or above   | 2'10"00 or above   |

  *Godly rank was removed from all other versions.
  2ND FLOOR - {TORPEDO ATTACK} - COST 200 GIL |_______________________________

The Submarine machine can be found on the very left hand side next to the 
Snowboarding machine. I'll be honest, the game is pretty boring and the 
prizes are dull, although the Dragon Fang and the Dragon Scales will come in 
handy at the Battle Square. You won't be able to play the game until you have 
completed the submarine events mid-way through Disk 2. This is basically the 
same mini-game as the one you'll have played at the end of that mission.

   Up     | Descend         The aim of the game is to destroy all enemy 
   Down   | Ascend          submarines, and there are 5 difficulty settings 
   Left   | Left            to choose from. The higher the setting, the more 
   Right  | Right           subs you will have to destroy and the more HP 
   X      | Slow Down       each enemy sub will have. The easiest way to win 
   Tr     | Speed Up        is to use your sonar to locate enemy Subs, then 
   Sq     | Fire Torpedo    simply lock onto them and fire with Square. Your 
   R1     | Sonar           score will be affected be the speed in which you 
   R2     | Change View     destroy the enemy subs, the amount of damage you 
   Select | Quit            take along with the current difficulty setting 
                            you are on.

 NOTE - It doesn't matter in the slightest how high of a score you get, all 
        that you need to do to win the prize is to beat the game. You will 
        lose the game if the timer runs out and there are still enemy subs 
        left to destroy, or you are destroyed yourself.
            __________ ______________________                            
           | TARGETS: |        PRIZE:        | 
|          |          |                      | The prize doesn't exactly 
| Level 1: | 7        | 20GP + Ink           | correlate to the difficulty 
| Level 2: | 10       | 20GP + T/S Bomb      | setting as shown; all you have 
| Level 3: | 8        | 20GP + Dragon Fang   | to do to win all 5 prizes is 
| Level 4: | 12       | 20GP + Dragon Scales | to win 5 times on any setting. 
| Level 5: | 10       | 20GP + Cauldron      | Prizes can only be won once.

                                                               {Battle Square}
--E.08 D - Battle Square

--Items of Interest - Final Attack Materia, W-Summon Materia, Omnislash,
                      Speed Plus Materia, Enemy Lure Materia, Champion Belt,
                      Pre-Emptive Materia, Sprint Shoes, Ribbon

  The first time you enter the Battle Square you will be accused of 
committing a massacre, you will then be thrown into Corel Prison (Provided 
you have first recruited Cait Sith, which will happen automatically the first 
time you enter the Wonder Square). You'll then have to wait until you have 
obtained the Buggy before you can then enter the Battle Square properly, and 
as you've probably figured by the name this is a place where you can put your 
battle skills to the test for the chance to win some great prizes!

The only attraction at the Battle Square is the Battle Arena which will cost 
10GP to participate in, and although competing is completely optional, you 
will have to take part in one mandatory battle as per the story line. This 
takes place just after you receive the Tiny Bronco and your reward for this 
battle will be the Keystone. If you manage to win all of these 8 battles 
within the Battle Arena then Dio (The owner of the Gold Saucer) will throw in 
a Protect Vest and a Choco Feather as a bonus. You can also enter into a 
'special' battle', the reward being the Final Attack Materia. See below for 
more details.
  PRIZES: |___________________________________________________________________

You reward for winning at the Battle Square will be dispensed in the form of 
BP (Battle Points), and the BP you obtain can then be exchanged for prizes at 
the two consoles to the left and right of the entrance. The further into the 
game you progress the better and cheaper the prizes will be.

 NOTE - **When you leave the Battle Arena your BP count will be reset to 0.**
          You must make sure to have enough GP (and time) on your hands to
          be able obtain the prizes that you are after; if you run out of
          GP then you will be forced to spend all the current BP you have,
          as you will lose all of it the second you step outside. 200GP+
          should be a sufficient amount, always remember to save your game
          just before coming to the Arena.

                 ______________ ______________ ___________
                |              |              |           |                 
                |    BEFORE    |    AFTER     |   AFTER   |                
                | TINY BRONCO: | TINY BRONCO: | HIGHWIND: |   
|               |              |              |           |
|        Potion |  ----80 BP   |  ---------   | --------- | - Certain prizes
|  Phoenix Down |  ---160 BP   |  ---100 BP   | --------- |   have been mis-
|      Shrapnel |  ---320 BP   |  ---------   | --------- |   spelt on the
|         Ether |  ---640 BP   |  ---------   | --------- |   prize board.
|        Remedy |  ---------   |  ---200 BP   |    100 BP |
| Mimett Greens |  --1280 BP   |  ---400 BP   | --------- | - The Champion 
|     Fury Ring |  --2560 BP   |  ---------   | --------- |   Belt is an
|    Enemy Lure |  --5120 BP   |  ---800 BP   |    250 BP |   amazing piece of
|     Bird Wing |  ---------   |  --1600 BP   | --------- |   kit and is worth
|        S-Mine |  ---------   |  --3200 BP   | --------- |   getting hold of
|     Right Arm |  ---------   |  ---------   | ---500 BP |   as soon as you 
|   Pre-Emptive |  10,240 BP   |  --6400 BP   | --1000 BP |   can.
| Reagan Greens |  ---------   |  ---------   | --2000 BP |
|    Speed Plus |  20,480 BP   |  12,800 BP   | --4000 BP | - There is only
|      Stardust |  ---------   |  ---------   | --8000 BP |   one Omnislash
| Champion Belt |  40,960 BP   |  25,600 BP   | 16,000 BP |   and W-Summon
|     Omnislash |  ---------   |  51,200 BP   | 32,000 BP |   available.
|      W-Summon |  ---------   |  ---------   | 64,000 BP |

You can also obtain a pair of Sprint Shoes for free which is a really cool 
accessory that will automatically put your character in Haste. To obtain the 
Sprint Shoes you must first talk to the NPC that you see standing at the very 
bottom of the stairs at the entrance to the Battle Square. After she has 
commented on how she doesn't like fighters that are all talk, you can then 
compete in the Battle Arena. Be sure to win all 8 battles, when you do you 
will be able to talk to her again to receive the Sprint Shoes. This can only 
be done once.
  {BATTLE ARENA}: |___________________________________________________________

The Battle Arena mini-game consists of 8 fights, each becoming more difficult 
than the last. Most of the enemies that you engage here are ones that you 
will already have fought before, however there are 2 enemies that are unique 
to the Battle Square, and these are Ho-chu and Tonberry.

Only one player can fight at a time, and the HP, MP, Limit gauge status etc. 
of the player when he/she went into the battle will be exactly same when they 
come out of the battle, regardless of what happens inside the Arena. Because 
of this, it's always advisable to make use of the Inn in North Corel before 
ascending the Ropeway to the Gold Saucer. I would also recommend having your 
Limit bar roughly halfway filled.

There are some enemies that will teach you particular Enemy Skills whilst 
battling away, however once the battle has finished and you have returned to 
the Battle Arena lobby you'll find that the Enemy Skills that you had learnt 
will no longer be available on your skill list. You won't gain any EXP, AP or 
gil and nor will any of the kills that you make count towards you Limit Break 
levels, however the items that you consume *will* deplete as they normally 
would, and any items you obtain via stealing and morphing will be added to 
your inventory as normal.

 NOTE - Morphing the Ho-chu is the best way to obtain a third Ribbon after 
        acquiring the Highwind.

After each fight you will have the option to either continue on fighting or 
to finish the battle, retaining your currently accumulated BP. Should you 
choose to continue on, and then die before making it to the next round, you 
will lose all of the BP that you accumulated for the battle and the mini-game 
would be considered lost. Should this happen then you would receive the 
consolation prize, a 'Tissue' (which does absolutely nothing). The game is 
considered won if you win all 8 battles, or you decide to end the battle 
after a fight.

One of the biggest incentives to grind it out at the Battle Arena is for the 
'Omnislash' prize, which is Cloud's Ultimate Lv 4 Limit Break technique and 
is regarded as potentially one of the strongest attacks in the game. 
Obviously you'll need to rack up a large amount of BP for this, and the 
amount of BP you gain per battle is entirely based on which handicap you 
receive at the end of each individual fight.
  {HANDICAPS}: |______________________________________________________________

Very similar to Cait Sith's and Tifa's Limit Breaks, the handicap system 
works much like a fruit machine's 'slots'. After each battle (provided you 
have chosen to continue on) you will be presented with a spinning reel with 3 
symbols on, and each symbol correlates to a handicap. You can slow the reels 
down if you wish by tapping Square.

 NOTE - Timing is everything. Whilst slowing down the reels, try to press 
        Square on the symbol *before* the one you are after, it's the same 
        technique for rigging Cait Sith's 'Slots' (see section E.02 E).

The tougher the handicap, the bigger the BP reward. Below is a list of every 
handicap, note that receiving any of the 'Materia Broken' handicaps will also 
cancel any of the status effects of the equipped Materia i.e. Strength - 1 

|      SYMBOL:     |                        HANDICAP:                        |
|           Poison | Inflicts you with Poison.                               |
|             Frog | Inflicts you with Frog.                                 |
|      Small Cloud | Inflicts you with Small.                                |
|             Boot | 1/2 Speed (differs from Slow). Effects stack.           |
|       Item Pouch | Seals the Item Command.                                 |
|             Ring | Nullifies the effect of any Accessory you are wearing.  |
|            Sword | Attack power is decreased. Effects stack.               |
|         Bracelet | Defence is decreased.                                   |
|      Red Materia | Summon Materia is disabled.                             |
|   Yellow Materia | Command Materia is disabled.                            |
|    Green Materia | Magic Materia is disabled.                              |
|   Purple Materia | Independent Materia is disabled.                        |
|     Blue Materia | Support Materia is disabled.                            |
|      All Materia | All Materia is disabled.                                |
|     Clock - TIME | Deals damage equal to Game Time (hours) x 30.           |
|               HP | Cuts your Max HP by half. Effects stack.                |
|               MP | Cuts your Max MP by half. Effects stack.                |
|          HP + MP | Cuts your Max HP and MP by half. Effects stack.         |
|              0MP | Cuts your Current MP down to 0.                         |
| Lv (Small Arrow) | Decreases your level by 5. Effects stack.               |
| Lv (Large Arrow) | Decreases your level by 10. Effects stack.              |
|             CURE | Your HP is restored.                                    |
|          Lucky 7 | No handicap.                                            |

 NOTE - Use Ribbons or White Capes to help protect you from the Status 
        changing handicaps. Also, you can use Smoke Bombs or the Exit Materia
        to escape mid-battle whilst keeping your BP. If you try to escape
        using R1+L1 however then you would lose all of your BP.

You start each battle with 10 BP. Each handicap you obtain you will receive a 
small amount BP, however you'll only really start to see the big figures on 
the final two reels; aim to get the easy handicaps until then. Although 
aiming for the tougher handicaps for the final two fights can sometimes be 
challenging, the BP reward is definitely worth the risk. The highest possible 
amount that you can obtain in one battle is 12,576BP.

You do not need to try to 'preserve' the most rewarding handicaps for the 
final 2 reels either,  such as 'All Materia Broken' or 'Green Materia 
Broken'. The contents of each reel will be scripted in from the beginning of 
each battle; nothing you ever land on will affect the line-up for the 
following reels.

 NOTE - Whilst under 'Resist', you will still be able to undergo Status 
        changes via the handicaps. Should this happen then you will not be  
        able to remove the handicap unless you use White Wind or DeSpell.

Here are the BP rewards for each handicap, highest to lowest: 
                      |               ROUND & BP REWARDED:              |
 _____________________|_________ _______ ______ ______ _____ _____ _____|
|                     |         |       |      |      |     |     |     |
|      HANDICAP:      |    8    |   7   |  6   |  5   |  4  |  3  |  2  |
|                     |         |       |      |      |     |     |     |
|      All Mat Broken | 10,000  | 1866  | 463  |  --  | 59  | --  | --  |
|    Magic Mat Broken |   9425  | 1775  | 445  | 145  | --  | 28  | 15  |
|       Weapon Broken |   8246  | 1602  | ---  | 140  | 57  | 27  | 15  |
|         Item Sealed |   7201  | 1368  | 355  | 118  | 48  | 23  | 13  |
| Indpndnt Mat Broken |   6645  | 1196  | 301  |  99  | --  | 20  | 11  |
|    Accessory Broken |   ----  |  953  | 248  |  84  | 35  |  8  | 10  |
|         1/2 HP + MP |   3134  |  775  | 244  |  94  | 43  | --  | --  |
|       Armour Broken |   ----  |  654  | ---  | ---  | 33  | 17  | --  |
|              1/2 HP |   ----  |  591  | 204  |  84  | 40  | 22  | 13  |
|                Frog |   3069  |  520  | 130  |  44  | 19  | 10  |  6  |
|               Small |   2940  |  453  | 108  |  36  | 16  |  8  |  5  |
|             Zero MP |   1855  |  502  | 171  |  70  | --  | --  | 11  |
|              1/2 MP |   ----  |  485  | 173  |  73  | 36  | 20  | 12  |
|     Time x30 Damage |   1401  |  379  | 130  |  54  | 26  | 15  | --  |
|      Down 10 Levels |    968  |  308  | 118  |  53  | 28  | 16  | --  |
|              Poison |   ----  |   82  |  33  |  16  | --  |  6  |  4  |
|  Support Mat Broken |   ----  | ----  | 281  |  91  | 37  | --  | --  |
|   Summon Mat Broken |   ----  | ----  | ---  |  90  | 37  | 18  | 10  |
|  Command Mat Broken |   ----  | ----  | ---  |  41  | 17  |  8  |  5  |
|           1/2 Speed |   ----  | ----  | ---  |  19  | --  |  7  |  5  |
|      Down  5 Levels |   ----  | ----  | ---  | ---  | 13  |  8  |  5  |
|             Lucky 7 |      7  |    7  |   7  |   7  |  7  |  7  |  7  |
|                Cure |      1  |    1  |   1  |   1  |  1  |  1  |  1  |

So the top 5 handicaps to watch out for on the final two rounds will be the 
All Materia Broken, Magic Materia Broken, Weapon Broken, Item sealed and 
Independent Materia Broken. Having said that, be mindful of the Weapon Broken 
handicap as its effects will stack, leaving your physical attacks potentially 
harmless. Use the Enemy Skill Goblin Punch if this happens.
  ENEMIES: |__________________________________________________________________

As with the prizes, the enemies that you encounter will update firstly after 
you've received the Tiny bronco, and then again once you've received the 
Highwind on Disk 2. Seeing as the enemies on the first 'bout' are so weak, it 
is recommended that you utilise the opportunity to obtain the invaluable 
Champion Belt at an early point in the game.

**All enemies will have 200% of their normal HP along with 125% of their**
  Attack and Magic Attack.

There are two groups of enemies that will be selected at random, Group A and 
Group B, the latter of which is usually slightly more difficult than the 
former. Each group consists of 4 potential enemy formations for you to fight, 
again selected at random. The enemy line-up for the final fight will be the 
same for both groups.
|                                                                            |
|                      BEFORE OBTAINING THE TINY BRONCO                      |
|_____________________________________ ______________________________________|
|                                     |                                      |
|               GROUP A               |                GROUP B               |
| BATTLE 1:                           | BATTLE 1:                            |
|                     Sector 1 Rector |                     Sector 1 Rector  |
|                                     |                                      |
|  1x Guard Hound                     |  1x Grashtrike*                      |
|  2x Mono Drive                      |  2x Guard Hound                      |
|  2x Grunt                           |  2x Chuse Tank                       |
|  3x Grunt                           |  3x Grashtrike*                      |
| BATTLE 2:                           | BATTLE 2:                            |
|                    Sector 6, Sewers |           Sector 1, Sector 6, Sewers |
|                                     |                                      |
|  2x Hedgehog Pie                    | 1x Sweeper*                          |
|  2x Whole Eater                     | 3x Hedgehog Pie                      |
|  3x Blugu*                          | 3x Ceasar*                           |
|  2x Sahagin, 1x Ceasar*             | 2x Hedgehog Pie, 1x Whole Eater      |
| BATTLE 3:                           | BATTLE 3:                            |
|                     Train Graveyard |            Train Graveyard, Sector 7 |
|                                     |                                      |
|  1x Eligor*                         |  1x Eligor*                          |
|  2x Cripshay*, 1x Deenglow          |  2x Aero Combatant                   |
|  2x Ghost, 1x Deenglow              |  2x Deenglow                         |
|  3x Ghost                           |  3x Deenglow                         |
| BATTLE 4:                           | BATTLE 4:                            |
|                           Shinra HQ |                            Shinra HQ |
|                                     |                                      |
|  1x Moth Slasher                    |  1x Brain Pod                        |
|  2x Sword Dance                     |  1x Sword Dance                      |
|  2x Brain Pod                       |  2x Moth Slasher                     |
|  1x Vargid Police, 1x Zenene        |  3x Sword Dance                      |
| BATTLE 5:                           | BATTLE 5:                            |
|              Midgar/Grasslands Area |               Midgar/Grasslands Area |
|                                     |                                      |
|  1x Devil Ride                      |  2x Levrikon                         |
|  2x Elfadunk                        |  2x Custom Sweeper                   |
|  3x Levrikon                        |  2x Mu, 1x Levrikon                  |
|  3x Kalm Fang                       |  2x Elfadunk, 1x Levrikon            |
| BATTLE 6:                           | BATTLE 6:                            |
|                        Mythril Mine |             Cargo Ship, Mythril Mine |
|                                     |                                      |
|  2x Madouge*                        |  4x Scrutin Eye                      |
|  3x Castanets                       |  4x Castanets                        |
|  3x Crawler, 1x Ark Dragon          |  3x Crawler, 2x Madouge*             |
|  5x Crawler                         |  2x Castanets, 1x Ark Dragon,        |
|                                     |                1x Crawler            |
| BATTLE 7:                           | BATTLE 7:                            |
|           Junon Area, Costa Del Sol |                           Junon Area |
|                                     |                                      |
|  1x Zemzelett                       |  1x Zemzelett                        |
|  2x Nerosuferoth*                   |  2x Formula*                         |
|  4x Beachplug*                      |  2x Nerosuferoth*, 1x Formula        |
|  5x Capparwire                      |  2x Capparwire, 1x Nerosuferoth*     |
| BATTLE 8:                           | BATTLE 8:                            |
| Junon, Costa, Gold Saucer, Mt.Corel | Junon, Costa, Gold Saucer, Mt. Corel |
|                                     |                                      |
|  1x Hell Rider VR2                  |  1x Hell Rider VR2                   |
|  1x Grangalan*                      |  1x Grangalan*                       |
|  1x Harpy                           |  1x Harpy                            |
|  2x Bagnadrana*                     |  2x Bagnadrana*                      |
|  *Susceptible to L4 Suicide                                                |
|                                                                            |
| - Wind can sometimes be useful.                                            |
| - Be sure to make use of the White Cape.                                   | 
| - The Brain Pod and Zenene are 'Undead', so restorative items and spells   | 
|   will harm them.                                                          | 
| - Use L4 Suicide on the Grangalan to finish it off quickly.                |
| - Be wary of the Harpy & the 5 x Capparwire.                               | 
| - Make sure to have acquired the Enemy Skills Beta, White Wind and Big     | 
|   Guard.                                                                   | 
| - Items of Value: Turbo Ether - Stolen from the Land Worm - Corel Desert   | 
|                   Right Arm   - Stolen from the Bomb - Mt. Corel Bridge    |
|                   Smoke Bomb  - Stolen from the Slalom - Junon underground |

|                                                                            |
|                      AFTER OBTAINING THE TINY BRONCO                       |
|_____________________________________ ______________________________________|
|                                     |                                      |
|               GROUP A               |                GROUP B               |
| BATTLE 1:                           | BATTLE 1:                            |
|      Corel Prison, Gold Saucer Area |                     Gold Saucer Area |
|                                     |                                      |
|  1x Bullmotor                       |  1x Flapbeat                         |
|  2x Bullmotor                       |  2x Flapbeat                         |
|  2x Spencer                         |  2x Joker                            |
|  4x Flapbeat                        |  3x Spencer, 1x Flapbeat             |
| BATTLE 2:                           | BATTLE 2:                            |
|                        Gongaga Area |              Mt. Corel, Gongaga Area |
|                                     |                                      |
|  1x Crown Lance*                    |  2x Gagighandi                       |
|  1x Grand Horn                      |  3x Gagighandi                       |
|  2x Grand Horn                      |  3x Needle Kiss                      |
|  2x Gagighandi                      |  1x Needle Kiss, 1x Search Crown,    |
|                                     |                  1x Bagnadrana       |
| BATTLE 3:                           | BATTLE 3:                            |
|               Gongaga, Gongaga Area |                              Gongaga |
|                                     |                                      |
|  1x Flower Prong                    |  1x Flower Prong                     |
|  1x Heavy Tank                      |  1x Heavy Tank                       |
|  1x Kimara Bug                      |  1x Touch Me                         |
|  2x Touch Me, 1x Gagighandi         |  2x Kimara Bug                       |
| BATTLE 4:                           | BATTLE 4:                            |
|                   Cosmo Canyon Area |                    Cosmo Canyon Area |
|                                     |                                      |
|  1x Griffin                         |  1x Griffin                          |
|  1x Golem*                          |  2x Crown Lance                      |
|  2x Desert Sahagin*                 |  2x Desert Sahagin*                  |
|  3x Bagrisk***                      |  2x Skeeskee*, 1x Griffin            |
| BATTLE 5:                           | BATTLE 5:                            |
|                      Cave of The Gi |                       Cave of The Gi |
|                                     |                                      |
|  2x Gi Spector                      |  3x Gi Spector                       |
|  3x Skeeskee                        |  2x Heg, 1x Sneaky Step              |
|  3x Sneaky Step                     |  3x Heg, 1x Sneaky Step              |
|  4x Heg                             |  5x Heg                              |
| BATTLE 6:                           | BATTLE 6:                            |
|          Rocket Town/Nibelheim Area |           Rocket Town/Nibelheim Area |
|                                     |                                      |
|  2x Bahba Velamyu                   |  2x Bahba Velamyu**                  |
|  3x Nibel Wolf                      |  2x Velcher Task                     |
|  2x Nibel Wolf, 1x Velcher Task     |  3x Valron*                          |
|  6x Battery Cap*                    |  4x Battery Cap*, 1x Valron*         |
| BATTLE 7:                           | BATTLE 7:                            |
|           Shinra Mansion, Mt. Nibel |            Shinra Mansion, Mt. Nibel |
|                                     |                                      |
|  3x Twin Brain                      | 3x Black Bat                         |
|  2x Screamer, 1x Twin Brain         | 3x Sonic Speed                       |
|  2x Kyuvilduns*, 1x Sonic Speed     | 3x Kyuvilduns*                       |
|  4x Black Bat                       | 5x Kyuvilduns*                       |
| BATTLE 8:                           | BATTLE 8:                            |
|           Shinra Mansion, Mt. Nibel |            Shinra Mansion, Mt. Nibel |
|                                     |                                      |
|  1x Ghirofelgo                      |  1x Ghirofelgo                       |
|  1x Zuu                             |  1x Zuu                              |
|  1x Dragon*                         |  1x Dragon*                          |
|  1x Ying*, 1x Yang*                 |  1x Ying*, 1x Yang*                  |
|  *Susceptible to L4 Suicide.                                               |
| **Should you encounter 2x Bahba Velamyu in Group B in Round 6, then round  |
|   7 & 8 will be fought in Group A.                                         |
|***Always try to steal from the Bagrisk for the elusive Vagyrisk Claw.      |
|                                                                            |
| - The Black Bats and the Gi Spectors are 'Undead', so restorative items    |
|   and spells will harm them.                                               |
| - Use L4 Suicide against Ying Yang and the Dragon.                         |
| - Be wary of the Valron's Demi3, and also the 6x Battery Caps.             | 
| - Added Effect=Time on your weapon is a good idea.                         |
| - Remember Ying is resilient to physical attacks while Yang is resilient   |
|   to magical attacks.                                                      |
| - Items of Value - Swift Bolt     (Bought from Wutai)                      |
|                    Fire Veil      (Bought from Wutai)                      |
|                    Diamond Bangle (Bought from Bone Village)               |
|                    Ribbon         (Found in the Temple of The Ancients)    |
|                    Remedy         (Steal from Velcher Task - Rocket Town   |
|                                    Area, OR bought for 200BP)              |

|                                                                            |
|                        AFTER OBTAINING THE HIGHWIND                        |
|_____________________________________ ______________________________________|
|                                     |                                      |
|               GROUP A               |                GROUP B               |
| BATTLE 1:                           | BATTLE 1:                            |
|          Wutai Area, Da-chao Statue |       Woodlands Area, Da-chao Statue |
|                                     |                                      |
|  2x Foulander                       |  2x Dual Horn                        |
|  3x Foulander                       |  2x Garuda                           |
|  3x Razor Weed                      |  3x Garuda                           |
|  2x Jayjujayme*, 1x Bizarre Bug*    |  2x Jayjujayme*, 1x Garuda           |
| BATTLE 2:                           | BATTLE 2:                            |
|                Wutai/Woodlands Area |                 Wutai/Woodlands Area |
|                                     |                                      |
|  1x Adamantaimai                    |  1x Under Lizard                     |
|  1x Tonadu                          |  1x Tonadu                           |
|  2x Kelzmelzer                      |  2x Bizarre Bug, 1x Tail Vault*      |
|  2x Under Lizard                    |  5x Slaps                            |
| BATTLE 3:                           | BATTLE 3:                            |
|              Temple of The Ancients |               Temple of The Ancients |
|                                     |                                      |
|  1x Doorbull                        |  1x Doorbull                         |
|  2x 8 eye**                         |  2x 8 eye**                          |
|  3x Ancient Dragon                  |  2x Ancient Dragon                   |
|  3x Toxic Frog, 1x Jemnezmy*        |  2x Toxic Frog, 1x Jemnezmy*         |
| BATTLE 4:                           | BATTLE 4:                            |
|    Bone Village Area, Corral Valley | Mideel, Great Glacier, Corral Valley |
|                                     |                                      |
|  1x Vlakorados                      |  1x Hippogriff                       |
|  1x Acrophies                       |  2x Ice Golem*                       |
|  2x Trickplay*                      |  2x Jumping*                         |
|  3x Malldancer*, 1x Boundfat        |  2x Boundfat, 1x Trickplay*          |
| BATTLE 5:                           | BATTLE 5:                            |
|          Icicle Area, Great Glacier |                        Great Glacier |
|                                     |                                      |
|  1x Magnade                         |  1x Lessaloploth                     |
|  2x Lessaloploth                    |  2x Frozen Nail*                     |
|  3x Jumping*                        |  1x Snow*, 1x Lessaloploth           |
|  3x Shred*                          |  2x Shred*, 1x Frozen Nail           |
| BATTLE 6:                           | BATTLE 6:                            |
|        Gaea's Cliff, Whirlwind Maze |                         Gaea's Cliff |
|                                     |                                      |
|  1x Stilva*                         |  2x Cuahl                            |
|  2x Headbomber, 1x Cuahl            |  3x Headbomber                       |
|  2x Gremlin*, 1x Sculpture*         |  3x Evilhead                         |
|  2x Wind Wing*, 1x Ironite          |  2x Headbomber, 1x Zolokalter        |
| BATTLE 7:                           | BATTLE 7:                            |
|        Gaea's Cliff, Whirlwind Maze |                       Whirlwind Maze |
|                                     |                                      |
|  1x Malboro*                        |  1x Tonberry***                      |
|  1x Blue Dragon                     |  2x Ironite                          |
|  1x Gigas*                          |  2x Wind Wing*                       |
|  1x Dragon Rider                    |  3x Gremlin*                         |
| BATTLE 8:                           | BATTLE 8:                            |
| Mideel Area, Gelnika, Junon Reactor |  Mideel Area, Gelnika, Junon Reactor |
|                                     |                                      |
|   1x Sea Worm                       |  1x Sea Worm                         |
|   1x Serpent*                       |  1x Serpent*                         |
|   1x Ghost Ship*                    |  1x Ghost Ship*                      |
|   1x Ho-chu***                      |  1x Ho-chu***                        |
|  *Susceptible to L4 Suicide                                                |
| **Always Morph the 8 eye for some Magic Sources                            |
|***The Tonberry and the Ho-chu are enemies that are unique to the Battle    |
|   Arena. The Ho-chu was originally intended to be found within the Ancient |
|   Forest, and the Tonberry was intended to be encountered at the Whirlwind |
|   maze (not to be confused with the Master Tonberry at the North Crater).  |
|                                                                            |
| - L4 Suicide works well against a whopping 19 creatures.                   |
| - The Vlakorados has 66,666HP!                                             |
| - The Tonberry can kill you in one hit, so be sure to cast Death Force.    |
| - Use your characters Ultimate weapons if you have acquired them.          |
| - You can Morph the Ho-chu into a Ribbon.                                  |
| - Use armour such as the Mystile, Imperial Guard or Ziedrich.              |
| - Be sure to stock up on plenty of Smoke Bombs, Remedys, and Elixirs.      |
| - The Ghost Ship has a move that can eject you from battle, so disperse of |
|   it quickly using L4 Suicide.                                             |

Here is a list of every enemy that is susceptible to L4 Suicide:
 _____________________ ______________________ ___________________ 
|                     |                      |                   |
| Before Tiny Bronco: |  After Tiny Bronco:  |  After Highwind:  |
| Blugu         Lv  4 | Crown Lance    Lv 20 | Jemnezmy    Lv 24 |
| Grashtrike    Lv  8 | Desert Sahagin Lv 20 | Trickplay   Lv 24 |
| Ceasar        Lv  8 | Skeeskee       Lv 20 | Jumping     Lv 24 |
| Sweeper       Lv  8 | Golem          Lv 24 | Jayjujayme  Lv 28 |
| Cripshay      Lv  8 | Battery Cap    Lv 24 | Bizarre Bug Lv 28 |
| Eligor        Lv 12 | Valron         Lv 24 | Tail Vault  Lv 28 |
| Madouge       Lv 16 | Kyuvilduns     Lv 24 | Frozen Nail Lv 28 |
| Nerosuferoth  Lv 16 | Ying/Yang      Lv 24 | Malldancer  Lv 32 |
| Beachplug     Lv 16 | Dragon         Lv 32 | Shred       Lv 32 |
| Formula       Lv 16 +----------------------+ Snow        Lv 32 |
| Grangalan     Lv 16 |                      | Sculpture   Lv 32 |
| Bagnadrana    Lv 16 |                      | Gremlin     Lv 36 |
+---------------------+                      | Wind Wing   Lv 36 |
**Unknown 3 is only available in the         | Ice Golem   Lv 40 |
  special Battle (see below).                | Stilva      Lv 40 |
                                             | Gigas       Lv 40 |
Below is a list of valuable items that you   | Serpent     Lv 40 |
can steal and morph from the enemies within  | Malboro     Lv 44 |
the Battle Arena. Note that if an item has   | Ghost Ship  Lv 44 |
a low steal rate then I may not have         | Unknown 3** Lv 52 |
included it, such as an Ether.               +-------------------+
|                                                                            |
|                     VALUABLE ITEMS TO STEAL AND MORPH                      |
| Before Tiny Bronco:               (Cannot Morph at this stage in the game) |
| '''''''''''''''''''                                                        |
|                                                                            |
| GRASHTRIKE      - Battle 1 Group B                                         |
| Spider Web     - Inflicts Slow on all enemies - Steal (50%)                |
| CUSTOM SWEEPER  - Battle 5 Group B                                         |
| Atomic Scissors - Weapon for Barret (sell for 700 gil) - Steal (50%)       |
| After Tiny Bronco:                                                         |
| ''''''''''''''''''                                                         |
|                                                                            |
| BAGNADRANA      - Battle 2 Group B, Battle 3 Group A                       |
| Guard Source    - Permanently raises Vitality by 1 - Morph (900 HP)        |
| KIMARA BUG      - Battle 3 Group A & B                                     |
| Hourglass       - Inflicts Stop on all enemies - Morph (1400 HP)           |
| HEAVY TANK      - Battle 3 Group A & B                                     |
| Power Source    - Permanently raises Strength by 1 - Morph (3200 HP)       |
| BAGRISK         - Battle 4 Group A                                         |
| Vagyrisk Claw   - Inflicts Petrify on one enemy (extremely rare steal)     |
| Remedy          - Cures all abnormal Statuses - Morph (800 HP)             |
| SCREAMER        - Battle 7 Group A                                         |
| Power Source    - Permanently raises Strength by 1 - Morph (1600 HP)       |
| After Highwind:                                                            |
| '''''''''''''''                                                            |
|                                                                            |
| 8 EYE           - Battle 3 Group A & B                                     |
| Magic Source    - Permanently raises Magic by 1 - Morph (1000 HP)          |
| VLAKORADOS      - Battle 4 Group A                                         |
| Carob Nut       - Used to breed 'special' Chocobos - Steal (50%)           |
| ACROPHIES       - Battle 4 Group A                                         |
| Water Ring      - Absorbs Water (sell for 5000 gil) - Steal (12.5%)        |
| SNOW            - Battle 5 Group B                                         |
| Circlet         - Raises Magic +30 and Spirit +30 - Steal (12.5)           |
| MALBORO         - Battle 7 Group A                                         |
| M-Tentacles     - Casts Bio 3 on all opponents - Steal (50%) (50% Soft)    |
| GIGAS           - Battle 7 Group A                                         |
| Gigas Armlet    - Raise Strength +30, 0 growth - Steal (50%)               |
| DRAGON RIDER    - Battle 7 Group A                                         |
| Mind Source     - Permanently raises Spirit by 1 - Morph (7000 HP)         |
| SERPENT         - Battle 8 Group A & B                                     |
| Water Ring      - Absorbs Water (sell for 5000 gil) - Steal (50%)          |
| Mind Source     - Permanently raises Spirit by 1 - Morph (28,000 HP)       |
| HO-CHU          - Battle 8 Group A & B                                     |
| Circlet         - Raises Magic +30 and Spirit +30 - Steal (12.5)           |
| Ribbon          - Protects against most Status ailments - Morph (10,700 HP)|
| GHOST SHIP      - Battle 8 Group A & B                                     |
| Guide Book      - Traded for the Underwater Materia - Morph (12,000 HP)    |
| Special Battle:                                                            |
| '''''''''''''''                                                            |
|                                                                            |
| HO-CHU          - Battle 1                                                 |
| Circlet         - Raises Magic +30 and Spirit +30 - Steal (12.5%)          |
| Ribbon          - Protects against most Status ailments - Morph (10,700 HP)|
| UNKNOWN 3       - Battle 3                                                 |
| Magic Source    - Permanently raises Magic by 1 - Morph (30,000 HP)        |
| SERPENT         - Battle 4                                                 |
| Water Ring      - Absorbs Water (sell for 5000 gil) - Steal (50%)          |
| Mind Source     - Permanently raises Spirit by 1 - Morph (28,000 HP)       |
| MAXIMUM KIMAIRA - Battle 7                                                 |
| Guard Source    - Permanently raises Vitality by 1 - Morph (8000 HP)       |

  BATTLE STRATEGIES: |________________________________________________________

The first thing you should think about is preparation. Make sure to have 
healed yourself at North Corel before entering the Battle Square, and also 
make sure to have saved up a sufficient amount of GP. This is easily done at 
the Chocobo races once you can race your own Chocobos. Aim to have your Limit 
filled up halfway, and possibly even come equipped with Sadness to lessen the 
amount of damage you take. The idea is to have your Limit bar filled for the 
final fight, if it fills up sooner then you should rely on Deathblow (or 
Goblin Punch).

 NOTE - If you wanted to you could fill up you Limit gauge all the way prior 
        to entering the Battle Square, then equip the Mime Materia. Once the 
        battle has begun, cast Haste, Regen etc. then cast your Limit Break 
        and keep Miming it until you need to heal. Be sure not to equip any 
        Counter Attacks if you plan to use this method.

You'll want to make use of Big Guard and Regen in every battle. You're also 
going to want to use Materia such as Heal (Esuna), Counter Attack, HP Plus, 
Luck Plus, (Command) Counter=Deathblow, Added Cut=Deathblow and even Steal as 
Well=Deathblow. Ribbons are an absolute must, or failing that Added 
Effect=Hades in your amour works really well although I would recommend using 
that combo on your weapon. Before you obtain a Ribbon you'll need to rely on 
the White Cape which will protect you from Frog/Small.

One of the most used commonly strategies is to make it to the beginning of 
Round 8 (whilst aiming for the 'All Materia Broken' handicap), then use a 
Smoke Bomb to escape from the battle retaining all of your accumulated BP. 
You could also do the same with the Exit Materia, although it wouldn't be 
much use to you if you've received a handicap that disables it. Do not run 
away normally (by holding R1+L1) as it will register as a 'loss' and you'll 
lose all of your accumulated BP (for that battle).

 NOTE - When you do receive the 'All Materia Broken' handicap, remember you 
        can hold down confirm to auto attack, unless of course you need to 

Enemy Skills are a crucial element to the Battle Square and will really tip 
the tide in your favour. Aim to learn Big Guard, White Wind/Angel Whisper, 
Beta, L4 Suicide, Magic Hammer, Death Force, Dragon Force, Magic Breath and 
Goblin Punch. For info on how to obtain each Enemy Skill visit section G.02. 
Here's a top tip: If you were to receive the 'Weapon Broken' handicap 
multiple times then the effects would stack and your physical attacks could 
become useless. When this happens you can fall back on Goblin Punch which 
will hit for 75% of your normal physical attacks, for 0 MP.

Seeing as the enemies have twice their normal HP and 1.25x their normal 
attack and Magic, it's important to come prepared. Always have your player in 
the back row accompanied by a long ranged weapon, or the Long Range Materia 
(don't forget to move your player to the front row if you receive either the 
'Independent' or 'All Materia Broken' handicap). Slash All or Double Cut are 
a must, and make sure to have some solid armour equipped such as the Mystile, 
which will grant your player incredible evasion stats. Failing that, the 
Imperial Guard or the Ziedrich will fit nicely.

 NOTE - If you have been playing the game for a very long time then the 'Time 
        x30' handicap could ruin your day. If the resulting damage is higher 
        than your current HP then your HP will be reduced to 1, leaving you 
        extremely vulnerable.

Provided that it doesn't morally displease you, you could utilise the W-Item 
trick to duplicate yourself enough Elixirs, Smoke Bombs and other resources 
to make your Battle experience that much easier. If you don't wish to use 
glitches then be sure to spend any leftover BP on Remedies, as you'll need 
them should you lose your ability to cure negative Statuses through Esuna or 
White Wind/Angel Whisper. Also remember that Haste, Regen and Slow-Numb 
*will* carry over through to the next fight, Death Sentence will not.

Here is a list of useful Items that will help you in the Battle Arena:

                                           **The W-Item trick is recommended**
|      ITEM:    |            EFFECT:           |       WHERE TO OBTAIN:      |
| X-Potion      | Fully restores HP            | Steal from the Spiral       |
| Turbo Ether   | Fully restores MP            | Steal from Land Worm or     |
|               |                              | morph from Beachplug        |
| Elixir        | Fully restores HP + MP       | Morph from Vlakorados or    |
|               |                              | Harpy                       |
| Right Arm     | Explosive damage to all      | Steal from Bomb             |
|               | targets, medium damage       |                             |
| Dragon Fang   | Lightning damage to all      | Dropped from Schizo or won  |
|               | targets, heavy damage        | on the Torpedo Attack game  |
| Fire Veil     | Uses Fire3 on all targets    | Bought from Wutai - 800 gil |
| Swift Bolt    | Uses Bolt3 on all targets    | Bought From Wutai - 800 gil |
| Ice Crystal   | Uses Ice3 on all targets     | Morph from Bandersnatch     |
| M-Tentacles   | Uses Bio3 on all targets     | Steal from Malboro          |
| Dragon Scales | Uses Aqualung on all targets | Steal from Sea Worm or won  |
|               |                              | on the Torpedo Attack game  |
| Hourglass     | Inflicts Stop on all targets | Morph from Kimara Bug       |
| Remedy        | Cures you of most Statuses   | Steal from Velcher Task or  |
|               |                              | morph from Needle Kiss      |
| Hero Drink    | Increases Attack, Defence,   | Found at North Crater or    |
|               | and Spirit by 30%, stacks    | won at the Chocobo Square   |
| Smoke Bomb    | Escapes from battle          | Steal from Slalom           |

Here are a few load-out suggestions:
| First visit: |

 Cloud - Back Row

    Force Stealer - Heal, Restore, Enemy Skill
    Silver Armlet - All=Lightning, HP Plus, Long Range
    White Cape

| After Tiny Bronco: |

 Cloud - Back Row     

    Murasame       - Added Effect=Time, Elemental=Choco/Mog, Enemy Skill
    Diamond Bangle - Heal, Restore, Counter Attack, Long Range, HP Plus     
    Ribbon/White Cape

+-----------------+  (You're going to want to use Yuffie to morph a Ho-chu 
| After Highwind: |   into a Ribbon once you've obtained her Conformer from 
+-----------------+   the Sunken Gelnika)                                   
 Yuffie - Back Row
                                                              Slash-All, Morph
   Conformer      - Added Effect=Hades, Added Cut=Deathblow, Heal, Restore,
   Shinra Alpha   - Enemy Skill, Counter Attack, Counter Attack, Steal,  
   Ribbon                                                     HP Plus, MP Plus

 Cloud - Back Row      
                                       Added Effect=Hades, Added Cut=Deathblow
   Ultima Weapon - Master Magic, Master Command, Master Summon, Enemy Skill,
   Mystile       - Counter=Deathblow, Counter Attack, Counter Attack, Mega All
   Ribbon                                                             HP Plus,

  SPECIAL BATTLE: |___________________________________________________________

Towards the end of the game you are going to be given the opportunity to 
partake in a 'special' battle which is harder than normal battles. This 
battle won�t become available until you have in your possession the W-Summon 
Materia, Omnislash and Cloud's Ultima Weapon. The earliest point in the game 
that you can obtain all three items is just after you have defeated Diamond 
WEAPON (just before you parachute into Midgar), after which you'll be able to 
take out Ultimate WEAPON to receive the Ultima Weapon (which is Cloud's 
ultimate weapon).

Once you have met the above conditions you will be able to talk to the clerk 
behind the desk who will offer you the opportunity to fight in the special 
battle. If you win all 8 rounds then you will be rewarded with the Final 
Attack Materia, which can only be won once. You can also win some completely 
useless prizes such as the Combat Diary, Autograph and Gambler. These items 
serve absolutely no purpose whatsoever. Only Cloud will be able to 
participate in this 'special' battle.

 NOTE - The Final Attack Materia is extremely useful, especially when paired 
        with Revive. It's definitely considered 'essential' when going up 
        against either Ruby or Emerald WEAPON.

The enemies for this battle are pre-scripted and never change:
 ___________ _________________________
|           |                         | * = Susceptible to L4 Suicide.
| BATTLE 1: | Sea Worm                |
| BATTLE 2: | Ho-chu                  | The Sea Worm is vulnerable to Ice 
| BATTLE 3: | Unknown 3*              | The Ho-chu is vulnerable to Water 
| BATTLE 4: | Serpent                 | The Serpent is vulnerable to Wind 
| BATTLE 5: | Wolfmeister             | The Wolfmeister is vulnerable to Water
| BATTLE 6: | Behemoth                |
| BATTLE 7: | Maximum Kimaira         | Winning 10 battles will net you a 
| BATTLE 8: | Proud Clod, Jamar Armor | Ribbon, however it's much easier to 
|___________|_________________________| just morph a Ho-chu.

The last few bonus prizes to mention are the Sprint Shoes that can be won by 
first talking to the girl that is standing at the bottom of the stairway to 
the Battle Square, then winning all 8 fights in (any) battle, and then 
returning to her to claim your prize. You can also win two additional prizes 
when you take part in the 'mandatory' battle after acquiring the Tiny Bronco; 
win all 8 battles and Dio will reward you with a Protect Vest and a Choco 
Feather, aswell as the Keystone.

                                                                {Ghost Square}
--E.08 E - Ghost Square

--Items of Interest - Turtle Paradise Poster #3

  The Ghost Square basically serves as an Inn where you can rest for 5GP. In 
the 1st floor lobby on the left hand side you'll find the poster for the 
Turtle Paradise Mini-Game (section E.03). Through the opening you'll find Mr 
Hangman's shop, here's what he has to sell: (no variation between Disks)

|         ITEM SHOP         |
|        Potion |   50 gil  |  During Disk 1 the Ghost Square will act as a 
|  Phoenix Down |  300 gil  |  'catch up' point, where Cloud will run through 
|         Ether | 1500 gil  |  the story plot so-far with his comrades. 
|      Antidote |   80 gil  |  Shortly after this the Dating sequence will 
| Maiden's Kiss |  150 gil  |  begin (section E.01). You will never again step
|    Cornucopia |  150 gil  |  foot in the hotel bedroom once the dating 
|          Soft |  150 gil  |  sequence has finished, so be sure to pick up 
|   Echo Screen |  100 gil  |  the Elixir that is hiding in the northern 
|         Hyper |  100 gil  |  closet.
|  Tranquilizer |  100 gil  |

                                                                {Round Square}
--E.08 F - Round Square

  For 3GP you can ride the Gondola with a teammate of your choice. You'll see 
a few scenes that weren't shown on the date, other than that there isn't much 
point in spending too much time here. The date sequence itself is fairly 
interesting as you'll be spending some quality time with either Aeris, Tifa, 
Yuffie or Barret. Aeris's and Tifa's date will have a 'meaningful' feel to 
it, and Yuffie's and Barret's date will have a 'comical' feel to it.

If you want to view the dialogue that takes place here for each character, 
then you should visit section E.01 F.

                                                                {Speed Square}
--E.08 G - Speed Square

--Items of Interest - Umbrella, Flayer

  The Speed Square is home to one attraction only, and that is the 'Shooting 
Coaster' which is basically a rollercoaster style shoot-em-up. The first time 
you visits the Gold Saucer you'll be able talk to the owner, Dio, about the 
Black Materia and a man in a hooded cape. Heading down the tunnel will lead 
to the attraction itself. The ride costs 10GP to play, and isn't that great 
in the way of rewards seeing as most of the prizes do absolutely nothing, 
while the ones that are good for something require an insanely high score to 
| SCORE: |            PRIZE:            | - The Umbrella is a weapon for Aeris 
|________|______________________________|   that has 0 Materia slots but 
|        |                              |   incredibly strong attack power, 
|        | Masamune Blade (50% chance)  |   and is best used for Yuffie's 
| 3000+  | Super Sweeper  (25% chance)  |   sidequest.
|        | 1/35 Soldier   (25% chance)  |
|--------+------------------------------| - The Flayer is a weapon for Cid and
|        | Umbrella (once only, Disk 1) |   is the strongest weapon in the 
| 5000+  | Flayer (once only, Disk 2)   |   game to have normal growth. None 
|________|______________________________|   of its 7 Materia slots are linked.

While scoring 3000+ can be a challenge, scoring 5000+ can be near to 
impossible without using an emulator. I suggest sitting down with youtube to 
really learn the track and the position of every target, because as they say, 
practise makes perfect! Use confirm to shoot the targets as they appear, but 
be mindful of the power-bar to the left, the more it depletes the less power 
your shots will have.

 NOTE - Do not let your Power meter run below 4/5ths. Quick, short bursts is 
        what's required, especially for the big spaceship at the end!

Below is a list detailing each available target, along with how many points 
each is worth and how many times they appear:
 __________________ ________ _______ 
|                  |        |       | - The Cactus comes in two different 
|      TARGET:     | SCORE: | QNTY: |   forms.
|                  |        |       | - The Cacti on Rocks is the last cactus
|            Ghost |    40  |  10   |   target that drops on top of a boulder.
|           Cactus |    30  |   5   |
|   Cacti on Rocks |    50  |   1   | - To find the Yellow Boulder you must 
|       Blue Plane |    50  |   9   |   look out for the single Blue Plane in 
|       Grey Plane |    50  |  11   |   the Canyon, just before it passes 
|   Yellow Boulder |   200  |   1   |   you'll notice the Yellow Boulder at
|      Yellow Frog |    60  |   3   |   the top.
|  Red Water Wheel |   285  |   1   |
|      Yellow Star |    40  |  10   | - The Red Wheel appears just after 
|    Flashing Star |    70  |   6   |   Yellow Frogs, and the longer you shoot 
|           Icicle |    40  |  10   |   it the more points you accumulate with
|     Icicle Shard |    50  |   7   |   a  max of 285.
|          Balloon |    30  |  19   |
|    Large Balloon |    70  |   1   | - After the boss at the end you'll 
|              UFO |    60  |   9   |   encounter one more Helicopter, Blue 
|      Pink Rocket |    50  |   8   |   Plane and Grey Plane, each worth 10 
|     Lava Boulder |    70  |   7   |   points more than normal.
|       Helicopter |    40  |   8   |
|       Flashy UFO |    80  |   8   | - As you're pulling into the station you
|  Large Spaceship |  1000  |   1   |   can try to shoot the second from last
| Secret Headlight |   200  |   1   |   headlight on the left for an 
|__________________|________|_______|   additional 200 points.

There is also a 'Zeppelin Propeller' that can be shot for additional points, 
however this is only achievable in the Japanese original, the PC and the PS4 
release. Due to the amount of points available (30,440 total), this is 
believed to be a glitch. The Propeller appears for two brief moments, and can 
be found in-between the Pink Rockets and the Lava Boulders.

Again, you're really going to need some patience on this one. I suggest 
saving before attempting to gain the Flayer (let's face it, there's no real 
need for the Umbrella, unless you're going for 100%), and really memorising 
the youtube vids; there's plenty out there!

                                                                {Event Square}
--E.08 H - Event Square

  The Event Square is basically a theatre that has got absolutely nothing 
going on for the majority of the game, except for during the dating sequence. 
Whilst you are with your date you will be chosen as the 100th couple (unless 
you are with Barret, in which case this whole scene will be skipped entirely) 
and you will be asked to perform in the play. You will then have multiple 
dialogue options to choose from in which you can either aid the play to help 
it run smoothly (but also boringly), or you can purposely muck up the lines 
for a comical experience.

|                                                                            |
| {E.09} - Statuses                                                          |
|                                                                            |
|  A - About Statuses                                                        |
|  B - Added Effect Materia                                                  |
|  C - Additional Information                                                |
|  D - Negative Statuses  (15)                                               |
|  E - Positive Statuses   (7)                                               |
|  F - Supportive Statuses (4)                                               |
|  G - Unlisted Statuses   (9)                                               |
|  H - Battle Items, Accessories And Materia List                            |
|                                                                 {Statuses} |

--E.09 A - About Statuses

|                                                                            |
|  Death         Near-death     Sleep    Poison    Sadness     Fury          |
|  Confusion     Silence        Haste    Slow      Stop        Frog    Small |
|  Slow-numb     Petrify        Regen              Barrier     MBarrier      |
|  Reflect       Shield         Death-sentence     Manipulate                |
|  Berserk       Peerless       Paralyzed          Darkness                  |

  As with the Elements, Status changes are a recurring trait that is used in 
the Final Fantasy series. Very commonly a Status change will have a direct 
effect on the way in which either the player or the enemy behaves. Some 
Statuses will have positive effect, such as Haste, and some Statuses will be 
negative, such as Poison. There are 26 'main' Statuses but there are actually 
considered to be 35 in total.

 NOTE - The Ribbon is considered to be the best Accessory in the game, and it 
        will protect you from the majority of negative Statuses. One can 
        first be found in the Temple of The Ancients, the 2nd in Gaea's 
        Cliff, and final piece in the Battle Square by Morphing a Ho-chu. It 
        *won't* protect you from Death, Slow and Stop however.

Time based Statuses such as Death Sentence and Poison will usually affect 
your players at a rate based on how fast your Battle Speed settings are set 
to. My best advice is to set the ATB to 'Wait', and don't have the Battle 
Speed set too high. This way you won't be penalised for spending a long time 
selecting which command to use, or whilst watching the characters battle 
animations play out.

Unlike a lot of other Final Fantasy games, most Statuses will *not* carry 
over from battle to battle, the exceptions being Fury and Sadness. Both 
Statuses have positive and negative effects; Fury will make your Limits fill 
up quicker whilst making your attacks less accurate; Sadness will make your 
Limits fill up more slowly whilst receiving less damage from attacks.

White Wind is an incredibly useful Enemy Skill that is learnt from the 
Zemzelett in Junon Area, and becomes available as soon as you obtain the 
Manipulate Materia. It's effects will not only heal your HP but will also 
cure you of most Statuses! The same goes for Angel Whisper, which is learnt 
from the Pollensalta in the North Crater. Another great way to defend 
yourself from Status ailments is to level the Heal Materia up to level 2 for 
'Esuna', which will cure you of most bad afflictions.

There are three Statuses that will render you immune to all other Status 
changes, and these are Resist, Petrify and Peerless. Petrify is very similar 
to being K.O'd and Peerless is another term for Invincible (only Aeris's 
Limits can grant the Peerless Status). Note that whilst under Resist you can 
still undergo Status changes from the handicaps at the Battle Square. 

                                                                {Added Effect}
--E.09 B - Added Effect Materia

  Very much like the Elemental Materia, the Added Effect Materia will protect 
you from a Status change if you pair it with the associated Materia whilst 
placing it in your armour. Similarly, placing it on your weapon will make you 
attack with the associated Status.

There is only one piece of Added Effect Materia in the whole game, and you 
*must* obtain whilst traversing through the Cave of The Gi on Disk 1. If you 
miss picking it up then you'll have permanently missed out on it, see section 
D1.14 B for the walkthrough.

 NOTE - A Lv1 Time on your weapon paired with Added Effect *will* make your 
        attacks hit with Slow and Stop, whereas a Lv1 Time paired with, let's 
        say, Sneak Attack will only make your player caste Haste.

To see a full list of every Status that you are attacking with and defending 
against, go into the 'Status' screen, then use confirm to navigate to the 
Status tab (third one in). Not all available Statuses are shown within this 
window - only 26 of the available 35 are shown.

You won't be able to fully utilise the awesomeness of the Added Effect 
Materia until you manage to obtain the Hades Materia from the Sunken Gelnika. 
Pairing them together will make you attack with/protect from: Sleep, Poison, 
Confusion, Silence, Frog and Small. (Just) before you are able to grab the 
Hades Materia you will be able to get the Contain Materia from Mideel, which 
will make you attack/protect with/from: Confusion, Petrify and Stop 
(regardless of what level Contain is at).

Here is a list of every piece of Materia that is pairable with Added Effect:

              |                            |  
   Poison     |  Poison                    |  Hojo's Laboratory
   Choco/Mog  |  Stop                      |  Chocobo Ranch
   Seal       |  Sleep, Silence            |  Junon
   Transform  |  Frog, Small               |  Mt. Corel
   Mystify    |  Confusion, Berserk        |  Gongaga Village
   Time       |  Slow, Stop                |  Gongaga Village
   Destruct   |  Death                     |  Shinra Mansion
   Odin       |  Death                     |  Shinra Mansion
   Contain    |  Confusion, Petrify, Stop  |  Mideel
   Hades      |  Sleep, Poison, Confusion, |  Sunken Gelnika
              |  Silence, Frog, Small      |

>From what I can gather, each Status that is paired to you weapon will have a 
31% chance of inflicting the enemy with that Status when attacking. That's 
31% per each individual Status, not the Materia itself i.e. with Hades it 
*won't* hit with all or nothing if you catch my drift. Thanks to NFITC1 for 
clarifying that figure (31%).

This chart depicts the amount of enemies that are immune (IMM) and vulnerable 
(VUL) to each Status:                      
                                        (There are 295 enemies in total. 4 of
                                           these will be fully cured by Death)
 _________________________________     ______________________________________ 
|  STATUS   |  IMM  ||     VUL    |   |     STATUS     |  IMM  ||     VUL    |
+-----------+-------++------------+   +----------------+-------++------------+
| Death     |  102  ||  189 (64%) |   | Frog           |  216  ||   79 (27%) |
|-----------+-------||------------|   |----------------+-------||------------|
| Sleep     |   96  ||  199 (67%) |   | Small          |  171  ||  124 (42%) |
|-----------+-------||------------|   |----------------+-------||------------|
| Poison    |   77  ||  218 (74%) |   | Petrify        |  121  ||  174 (59%) |
|-----------+-------||------------|   |----------------+-------||------------|
| Confusion |  153  ||  142 (48%) |   | Death Sentence |  127  ||  168 (57%) |
|-----------+-------||------------|   |----------------+-------||------------|
| Silence   |   81  ||  214 (73%) |   | Manipulate     |  157  ||  138 (47%) |
|-----------+-------||------------|   |----------------+-------||------------|
| Slow      |   27  ||  268 (91%) |   | Berserk        |  127  ||  168 (57%) |
|-----------+-------||------------|   |----------------+-------||------------|
| Stop      |  111  ||  184 (62%) |   | Paralyzed      |  126  ||  169 (57%) |
+---------------------------------+   +--------------------------------------+

Slow is by far the best Status to equip on your weapon, followed by Silence, 
Sleep and then Stop. Dis-regard Poison as the Status isn't really effective 
enough to consider using it. Before you can acquire Hades and Contain, the 
two best pieces of Materia to link with Added Effect are Time and Seal, both 
of which you will have obtained by the time you acquire the Added Effect.

Seeing as you cannot exactly inflict Near-death on an opponent, there is no 
need to include it on this list. The same applies for Sadness, Fury, Slow-
Numb and Darkness. Saying that, Darkness *can* be inflicted on an opponent, 
but due to poor programming it will not have any effect on them whatsoever 
(rendering the item 'Ink' useless).

 NOTE - The only way to inflict Fury on an enemy is to have a player use a 
        Hyper in-battle, then inflict that player with Confusion before he's 
        managed to cast it, then hope that the enemy is hit with the Hyper. If 
        you are successful then the opponents accuracy will have dropped by 
        30%, which is the only way of inflicting the 'Darkness' effect.

--E.09 C - Additional Information


If your character is inflicted with a particular Status then he/she will 
sometimes turn a specific colour. If that character is inflicted with more 
than one Status then the game will choose which colour you character should 
be based on the colour priorities as follows:             (credit: TFergusson)

H  | Slow-numb | Poison | Berserk | Peerless | Darkness | Regen  | Manip. |  L
I  |___________|________|_________|__________|__________|________|________|  O
G  |           |        |         |          |          |        |        |  W
H  |   Grey    | Green  |   Red   |  Yellow  |  Black   | Orange |  Cyan  |


Some Status changes will cancel out certain other Statuses:

Death/K.O. - negates - All other Statuses (excluding Frog and Small)
Sleep      - negates - Manipulate
Stop       - negates - Manipulate
Paralyzed  - negates - Manipulate
Petrify    - negates - Manipulate and Slow-numb
Sadness    - negates - Fury
Fury       - negates - Sadness
Haste      - negates - Slow
Slow       - negates - Haste

 3) {DESPELL}:

DeSpell will clear Haste, Slow, Stop, Regen, Barrier, MBarrier, Reflect, 
Shield, Death Force and Resist. If you were to use a Holy Torch then you 
would *not* clear Death Force or Resist. DeBarrier will only clear Barrier, 
MBarrier, Reflect and Shield.

Gi Nattak is the only enemy that will cast DeBarrier, and only the Valron and 
Safer-Sephiroth will cast DeSpell, however Emerald WEAPON has several moves 
that act as DeSpell would.


There are two weapons that Tifa uses that are greatly enhanced when Tifa is 
inflicted with various de-buffs:

{Powersoul} - Found in a chest at Mt. Nibel. Attack= 28. 4 x unlinked slots, 
              double growth. When Tifa is inflicted with Death Sentence the 
              attack power is quadrupled, and when she is in Near-death the 
              attack power is doubled. Effects stack for a maximum of 8x 
              normal power.

{Master Fist} - Found in a chest in the Shinra HQ on Disk 2. Attack= 38. 6 x 
                unlinked slots, normal growth. When Tifa is inflicted with 
                either Near-death, Poison, Sadness, Silence, Slow or Darkness, 
                her attack power will be doubled, and when she is inflicted 
                with Death Sentence or Slow-numb her attack power will be 
                tripled. Effects stack for a maximum of 11x normal power.


Found on Disk 2 during the Mideel sequence (before it has been destroyed), 
and then again from Ultimate WEAPON by stealing from it (aerial fight only). 
It is possible to miss the Curse Ring completely.

The Curse Ring will grant the bearer +35 Strength, +35 Magic, +15 Vitality, 
+15 Spirit, +15 Dexterity and +10 Luck, but will also inflict Death Sentence 
at the beginning of each battle. This is easily overcome by casting Death 
Force, wearing Added Effect=Destruct or just by killing your foes quickly. 
Tifa is the best candidate for the Curse Ring as her aforementioned weapons 
will gain a considerable boost in attack power when under Death Sentence.


At level 1, Contain (Freeze) will potentially inflict Stop. At level 2 
(Break) it may inflict Petrify, at level 3 (Tornado) it may inflict Confusion 
and at level 4 (Flare) it will not cause a Status change. Pairing Contain 
with Added Effect will grant all 3 effects, regardless of the level of 


 - Esuna will not heal Slow or Stop.
 - Vincent in Limit Break mode and Sephiroth in the flashback gain immunity 
   to Berserk, Frog and Confusion.
 - If a target is immune to a Status then the word 'miss' will not appear 
   above their head when a Status changing move is cast on them.
 - Under the Peerless Status you will still be susceptible to Imprisoned.
 - White Wind and Angel Whisper will not cure Fury or Sadness, however 
   sleeping at an Inn will.
 - If a target is immune to either Slow or Haste then they will have immunity 
   to both Statuses. If a target is immune to Death then they are immune to 
   Death Sentence (but not vice-versa).
 - Some creatures are weak to Statuses and will take double damage when using 
   certain Status changing attacks, Such as Palmer who is weak to Sleep.
 - The Ribbon will protect against all negative Statuses excluding Death, 
   Slow and Stop. You will still be able to inflict yourself with Fury and 
   Sadness outside of battle using Hypers and Tranquilizers.
 - {Dual} is a dummied out Status and it is unclear what it was intended for, 
   although when using a gameshark, 'Dual' will be displayed as the name for 
   the Status Seizure.

--E.09 D - Negative Statuses (15)

  The Ribbon is the best Accessory to use to defend yourself against negative 
Statuses, as it will protect you against most of them excluding Death, Slow & 
Stop (but including Fury, Sadness and Berserk).

 NOTE - Seeing as Fury, Sadness and Berserk have attributes that, depending 
        on your battle style, could be considered as positive OR negative, I 
        have categorised them in their own section - Supportive Statuses. I
        have also included Manipulate in there.

Using Resist (Lv3 Heal) or a Vaccine will make your characters defend against 
any Status, good or bad. Unfortunately, if you already had a nasty Status at 
the time of Resist being cast, then that Status would be 'locked' onto your 
player until the end of battle (this is particularly bad during the Battle 
Square). Resist does not have a time limit, and can only be removed using 
DeSpell or White Wind. Positive Statuses do not get locked.

Due to the nature of the way in which Statuses work, I have decided not to 
list every enemy that is strong/weak against each Status area-by-area (as I 
have done with the Elements), as this would require 295 entries per Status 
over 16 Statuses (4720 entries). Noooooooo....

|   {DEATH}   |  Visual: Character lies lifeless, HP is in red.

If you are hit with Death then your HP will drop to 0 and you'll be instantly 
K.O'd. This differs from the K.O. Status slightly and would be better known 
as Instant-Death (or Sudden Death). There are 102 enemies that are immune to 
the Death Status and 189 enemies that are vulnerable. Unfortunately, the 
Ribbon will not protect you from Death.

The time to protect yourself from Death would be at the North Crater, where 
there are 8 different attacks that can inflict Death upon you. Also, some 
Undead creatures will be fully healed by casting Death upon them, namely the 
Ghost, Zenene, Ghost Ship and Dragon Zombie. Regen however will *not* 
gradually harm them as it is not of the Element Restorative. You first obtain 
a Death based Materia when you reach Nibelheim; Odin. Shortly after you'll 
receive the Destruct Materia.

The Resist Status will also protect you from (instant) Death, as will the 
Enemy Skill Death Force. Just remember that DeSpell or White Wind will remove 
the Death immunity. Also, when you are K.O'd you will be cured of every other 
Status, excluding Frog and Small.

 NOTE - If an enemy is immune to Death then some of the below attacks will 
        use an alternative attack that damages the opponent/s normally, such 
        as Vincent's Satan Slam, or Odin's Steel Blade Sword (Gunge Lance will 
        be used instead). Other attacks will simply miss.
|                                                                            |
|                 Associated Materia and Items that INFLICT:         (DEATH) |
|                                                   '''''''                  |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|      MAGIC     :  Destruct Lv3 (Death) - Inflicts Death on one target      |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|   ENEMY SKILL  :  L5 Death - Inflicts Death on targets with a level        |
|                :             divisible by 5                                |
|                :  Roulette - Inflicts Death on a random target             |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|     COMMAND    :  Slash-All Lv2 (Flash) - Inflicts Death on all targets    |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|     SUMMON     :  Odin - Inflicts Death on all targets                     |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|  BATTLE ITEMS  :  Kiss of Death - Inflicts Death on all targets (68%)      |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|  LIMIT BREAKS  :                                                           |
|                                                                            |
| Cloud      3-2  Finishing Touch - Inflicts Death on all enemies            |
| Barret     2-2  Hammerblow      - Inflicts Death on one enemy              |
| Vincent    Lv4  Satan Slam      - Inflicts Death on all enemies            |
| Cid        2-2  Hyper Jump      - Attacks all enemies, 20% chance of Death |
| Cid        3-1  Dragon Dive     - 6 attack, each with 28% Chance of Death  |
| Cait Sith  Lv2 *Game Over       - Inflicts Death on all enemies            |
| Cait Sith  Lv2 *Death Joker     - Inflicts Death on all allies             |
|                                                                            |
| *Note that Game Over and Death Joker are the only moves in the game that   |
|  ignore Death Immunity                                                     |
|                                                                            |
|                   Associated Materia and Items that CURE:          (DEATH) |
|                                                     ''''                   |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|      MAGIC     :  Revive Lv1 (Life)  - Revives player from K.O             |
|                :  Revive Lv2 (Life2) - Revives player from K.O and         |
|                :                       restores all HP                     |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|   ENEMY SKILL  :  Angel Whisper - Revives player from K.O and cures all    |
|                :                  negative Statuses                        |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|     SUMMON     :  Phoenix - Revives all players from K.O and inflicts all  |
|                :            enemies with Fire damage                       |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|  BATTLE ITEMS  :  Phoenix Down - Revives a player from K.O                 |
|                                                                            |
|                 Associated Materia and Items that PROTECT:         (DEATH) |
|                                                   '''''''                  |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|      MAGIC     :  Heal Lv3 (Resist) - Protects against all Statuses        |
|                :  Destruct          - Protects against Death (with Added   |
|                :                      Effect)                              |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|   ENEMY SKILL  :  Death Force - Protects against Death                     |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|     SUMMON     :  Odin - Protects against Death (with Added Effect)        |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|  BATTLE ITEMS  :  Vaccine - Inflicts one player with Resist                |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|   ACCESSORIES  :  Safety Bit - Protects against Death                      |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|  LIMIT BREAKS  :                                                           |
|                                                                            |
| Aeris  3-1  Planet Protector - Inflicts Peerless on all allies             |
| Aeris  4    Great Gospel     - Inflicts Peerless on all allies             |
|                                                                            |
|*=Enemy Skill             Associated Enemy Attacks:                 (DEATH) |
| Attack:             Enemy:                                                 |
| Joker             - Joker            (Gold Saucer Area)                    |
| Knife             - Tonberry         (Battle Square)                       |
|*L5 Death          - Parasite         (North Crater)                        |
| Knife             - Master Tonberry  (North Crater)                        |
| L4 Death          - Gargoyle         (North Crater)                        |
| L4 Death          - Allemagne        (North Crater)                        |
| Scissor Attack    - Scissors         (North Crater)                        |
| Suffocation Song  - Christopher      (North Crater Swamp Area)             |
|*Roulette          - Death Dealer     (North Crater Right Path)             |
| Hidden One        - Death Dealer     (North Crater Right Path)             |

|   {NEAR-DEATH}   |  Visual: Character kneels down, HP is in yellow.

When one of your characters HP falls below 25% they will be considered in the 
'Near-death' (or 'Critical') Status. The only way you can be cured is by 
healing your character as normal, this wouldn't really be regarded as a 
'traditional' negative Status. There are only a few ways in which this can 
affect the you other than aesthetically:

Tifa has two weapons that will double in attack power when her health is 
critical, these are the Master Fist and Powersoul. The attack power will also 
triple if she is inflicted with death Sentence (effects stack).

There are two weapons that have attack power that is proportionate to the 
wielders HP, and these are: Ultima Weapon (Cloud's ultimate weapon) and HP 
Shout (Cait Sith's ultimate weapon). The attack power of these weapons will 
drop considerably when in Near-death, and the Ultima Weapon will turn blue.

Strong Gravity based attacks such as Demi3 will place your characters into 
Near-death (unless you have Elemental counter-measures in place). Some of the 
final bosses in the game will use attacks that will drop your HP straight 
into critical. Should you wish to inflict Near-death upon an enemy then the 
only two moves you can consider are L4 suicide and Demi3.

|   {SLEEP}   |  Visual: Character kneels down, Zzz appears above head

Whilst inflicted with Sleep you won't be able to select a command. The Status 
will wear off after 12 turns (approx), or until you are hit with a physical 
attack (a magic attack won't count). You obtain your first Sleep based magic 
(Seal Materia) on your first visit to Junon.

 NOTE - It's pretty difficult to explain how the time units work, explore 
        TFergusson's Battle Mechanic FAQ for more info. You characters 
        Dexterity , the ATB settings ('Wait' or 'Active') and the Battle 
        Speed itself will vary the amount of turns your character is 
        affected by a particular Status.

There are 96 enemies that are immune to Sleep, and 199 enemies that are 
vulnerable, making the Seal Materia one of the best Materias to equip on your 
weapon at an early point in the game (you'll also hit with a chance of 
inflicting Silence). The Enemy Skill Frog can be used to cure you of Sleep 
but only if you are inflicted with Frog also.

Later on in the game when you have managed to obtain 3 copies of the Added 
Effect Materia (by mastering two of them), you could try equipping all three 
characters with Seal on their weapons to potentially keep your enemies in a 
state of permanent sleep!
|                                                                            |
|                 Associated Materia and Items that INFLICT:         (SLEEP) |
|                                                   '''''''                  |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|      MAGIC     :  Seal Lv1 (Sleepel) - Inflicts Sleep on one target        |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|   ENEMY SKILL  :  Frog Song  - Inflicts Sleep and Frog on one target       |
|                :  Bad Breath - Inflicts Sleep, Poison, Confusion, Silence, |
|                :               Frog and Small on all targets               |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|     SUMMON     : *Hades - Inflicts Sleep, Poison, Confusion, Silence,      |
|                :          Frog, Small, Slow and Paralyze on all targets    |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|  BATTLE ITEMS  :  Dream Powder - Inflicts Sleep on all targets (80%)       |
|                :  Cauldron     - Inflicts Sleep, Frog, Small, Poison,      |
|                :                 Confusion and Silence on one target       |
|                                                                            |
| *Hades will not inflict Slow or Paralyze when paired with Added Effect     |
|                                                                            |
|                   Associated Materia and Items that CURE:          (SLEEP) |
|                                                     ''''                   |
|                                                                            |
| Any Physical attack made to the afflicted player will cure them instantly  |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|      MAGIC     :  Heal Lv2 (Esuna) - Cures all negative Statuses           |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|   ENEMY SKILL  :  Frog Song     - Cures Sleep and Frog (together only)     |
|                :  White Wind    - Cures all negative Statuses              |
|                :  Angel Whisper - Revives player from K.O and cures all    |
|                :                  negative Statuses                        |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|  BATTLE ITEMS  :  Remedy - Cures all negative Statuses                     |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|  LIMIT BREAKS  :                                                           |
|                                                                            |
| Aeris  2-1  Breath of The Earth - Cures all negative Statuses              |
|                                                                            |
|                 Associated Materia and Items that PROTECT:         (SLEEP) |
|                                                   '''''''                  |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|      MAGIC     :  Heal Lv3 (Resist) - Protects against all Statuses        |
|                :  Seal              - Protects against Sleep (with Added   |
|                :                      Effect)                              |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|     SUMMON     :  Hades - Protects against Sleep, Poison, Confusion,       |
|                :          Silence, Frog and Small (with Added Effect)      |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|  BATTLE ITEMS  :  Vaccine - Inflicts one player with Resist                |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|   ACCESSORIES  :  Ribbon   - Protects against most negative Statuses       |
|                :  Headband - Protects against Sleep                        |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|  LIMIT BREAKS  :                                                           |
|                                                                            |
| Aeris  3-1  Planet Protector - Inflicts Peerless on all allies             |
| Aeris  4    Great Gospel     - Inflicts Peerless on all allies             |
|                                                                            |
|*=Enemy Skill             Associated Enemy Attacks:                 (SLEEP) |
| Attack:         Enemy:                                                     |
| Hell Bubble   - Blugu          (Sector 4 Platforms)                        |
| Sleepel       - Eligor         (Train Graveyard)                           |
| Sleepel       - SOLDIER:3rd    (Hojo's Laboratory)                         |
| Refuse        - Brain Pod      (Hojo's Laboratory)                         |
| Firing Line   - Heli Gunner    (Shinra HQ Elevators)                       |
| AB Cannon     - Heli Gunner    (Shinra HQ Elevators)                       |
| Smoke Bullet  - Marine         (Cargo Ship)                                |
|*Frog Song     - Touch Me       (Gongaga Area)                              |
| Pollen        - Flower Prong   (Gongaga Jungle)                            |
| Sleepel       - Crown Lance    (Beaches near Cosmo Canyon)                 |
| Smoke Bullet  - Attack Squad   (Wutai Side-Quest)                          |
| Sleepel       - Godo           (Wutai Pagoda)                              |
|*Frog Song     - Toxic Frog     (Temple of The Ancients)                    |
|*Bad Breath    - Malboro        (Gaea's Cliff)                              |
| Sleepel       - Ironite        (Whirlwind Maze)                            |
| Sleepel       - Goblin         (Goblin/Round Island)                       |
| Sleep Scales  - Crysales       (Mideel Area)                               |
| Big Pollen    - Ho-chu         (Battle Square)                             |
| Sleepel       - Helletic Hojo  (Mako Cannon)                               |
| Combo         - Lifeform Hojo  (Mako Cannon)                               |
|*Frog Song     - Christopher    (North Crater Swamp Area)                   |
|*Bad Breath    - Malboro        (North Crater Right Path)                   |

|    POISON    |  Visual: Character kneels down, flashes green 
+--------------+                                               {Poison Status}

If your character is afflicted with poison then they will periodically lose a 
small chunk of health, specifically 1/32 of their Max HP (3.125%) will be 
deducted every 1.5 turns (approx) until they are cured or the battle ends. 
Unlike other games in the Final Fantasy series, Poison will not remain with 
the character post battle. You first obtain the Poison Materia when you raid 
the Shinra HQ on Disk 1.

It's important to note that the Poison Element and the Poison Status differ 
from each other in the sense that while an attack may hit you with Poison 
Elemental damage, it may not inflict you with the Poison Status, and vice-
versa. 77 enemies are immune to Poison and 218 are vulnerable.

If you 'Nullify' Poison (Lv2 Elemental) then you would also by default be 
considered 'Immune' to the Poison Status. If you were to 'Absorb' Poison (Lv3 
Elemental) then being inflicted with the Poison Status would result in you 
being healed by the infliction instead of being injured by it. Similarly, 
being Immune to the Poison Status (Added Effect, Star Pendent) also means 
Nullifying any Poison based Elemental attacks.

The last few thing to mention are: Lucky 7's. If you are afflicted with the 
7777 Fever buff then you will receive 7777 HP worth of damage from the Poison 
Status (which will mean Death). Also, the damage from Poison is considered to 
be a self-inflicted hit, meaning your Limit gauge will not fill up nor will 
you Counter Attack. If you receive Poison damage whilst in 'Defend' mode then 
not only will you be taken out of defend, but also the damage will not be 
reduced as the Poison (Status) ignores all defences.

 NOTE - If an enemy�s HP is over 20,000 HP then they cannot be sensed. Their 
        HP can then be worked out by Poisoning them, or by using Chocobuckle.
|                                                                            |
|                 Associated Materia and Items that INFLICT:        (POISON) |
|                                                   '''''''                  |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|      MAGIC     :  Poison Lv1 (Bio)  - Inflicts Poison Damage and Poisons   |
|                :                      one target (48%)                     |
|                :  Poison Lv2 (Bio2) - Inflicts Poison Damage and Poisons   |
|                :                      one target (48%)                     |
|                :  Poison Lv3 (Bio3) - Inflicts Poison Damage and Poisons   |
|                :                      one target (72%)                     |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|   ENEMY SKILL  :  Bad Breath - Inflicts Poison, Sleep, Confusion,          |
|                :               Silence, Frog and Small on all targets      |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|     SUMMON     : *Hades - Inflicts Poison, Sleep, Confusion, Silence,      |
|                :          Frog, Small, Slow and Paralyze on all targets    |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|  BATTLE ITEMS  :  Deadly Waste - Casts Bio2 on all targets (20%)           |
|                :  M-Tentacles  - Casts Bio3 on all targets (48%)           |
|                :  Cauldron     - Inflicts Poison, Sleep, Frog, Small,      |
|                :                 Confusion and Silence on one target       |
|                                                                            |
| *Hades will not inflict Slow or Paralyze when paired with Added Effect     |
|                                                                            |
|                   Associated Materia and Items that CURE:         (POISON) |
|                                                     ''''                   |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|      MAGIC     :  Heal Lv1 (Poisona) - Cures Poison                        |
|                :  Heal Lv2 (Esuna)   - Cures all negative Statuses         |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|   ENEMY SKILL  :  White Wind    - Cures all negative Statuses              |
|                :  Angel Whisper - Revives player from K.O and cures all    |
|                :                  negative Statuses                        |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|  BATTLE ITEMS  :  Remedy   - Cures all negative Statuses                   |
|                :  Antidote - Cures Poison                                  |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|  LIMIT BREAKS  :                                                           |
|                                                                            |
| Aeris  2-1  Breath of The Earth - Cures all negative Statuses              |
|                                                                            |
|                 Associated Materia and Items that PROTECT:        (POISON) |
|                                                   '''''''                  |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|      MAGIC     :  Heal Lv3 (Resist) - Protects against all Statuses        |
|                :  Poison            - Protects against Poison (with Added  |
|                :                      Effect)                              |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|     SUMMON     :  Hades - Protects against Poison, Sleep, Confusion,       |
|                :          Silence, Frog and Small (with Added Effect)      |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|  BATTLE ITEMS  :  Vaccine - Inflicts one player with Resist                |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|   ACCESSORIES  :  Ribbon        - Protects against most negative Statuses  |
|                :  Start Pendent - Protects against Poison                  |
|                :  Fairy Ring    - Protects against Poison and Darkness     |
|                :  Poison Ring   - Protects against Poison, absorbs Poison  |
|                :                  Element                                  |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|  LIMIT BREAKS  :                                                           |
|                                                                            |
| Aeris  3-1  Planet Protector - Inflicts Peerless on all allies             |
| Aeris  4    Great Gospel     - Inflicts Peerless on all allies             |
|                                                                            |
|*=Enemy Skill             Associated Enemy Attacks:                (POISON) |
| Attack:            Enemy:                                                  |
| Smog             - Smogger            (Sector 5 Reactor)                   |
| Piazzo Shower    - Zenene             (Shinra HQ)                          |
| Refuse           - Brain Pod          (Shinra HQ)                          |
| Shady Breath     - Sample:H0512       (Hojo's Laboratory)                  |
| Firing Line      - Heli Gunner        (Shinra HQ Elevators)                |
| C Cannon         - Heli Gunner        (Shinra HQ Elevators)                |
| Poison Breath    - CMD. Grand Horn    (Fort Condor Battle)                 |
| Poison Breath    - Bagnadrana         (Mt. Corel)                          |
| Poison Storm     - Harpy              (Gold Saucer Area)                   |
| Bio2             - Flower Prong       (Gongaga Jungle)                     |
| Poison Fang      - Heg                (Cave of The Gi)                     |
| Bio2             - Lost Number        (Shinra Mansion)                     |
| Poison Blow      - Velcher Task       (Rocket Town Area)                   |
| Toxic Powder     - Bizarre Bug        (Wutai Area)                         |
| Scorpion's Tail  - Rapps              (Da-chao Statue)                     |
| Bio2             - Godo               (Wutai Pagoda)                       |
| Liquid Poison    - Kelzmelzer         (Forests Near Temple of Ancients)    |
| Bug Needle       - Slaps              (Forests Near Temple of Ancients)    |
| Scorpion's Tail  - Lessaloploth       (Great Glacier)                      |
| Toxic Barf       - Zolokalter         (Gaea's Cliff)                       |
|*Bad Breath       - Malboro            (Gaea's Cliff)                       |
| Smog Alert       - Gas Ducter         (Mt. Corel Train)                    |
| Smog             - Slalom             (Path to Junon's Underwater Reactor) |
| Acid Rain        - Epiolnis           (Ancient Forest)                     |
| Poison Fang      - Unknown 3          (Sunken Gelnika)                     |
| Northern Cross   - Maximum Kimaira    (Mako Cannon)                        |
| Bio Gas          - Helletic Hojo      (Mako Cannon)                        |
| Combo            - Lifeform Hojo      (Mako Cannon)                        |
|*Bad Breath       - Malboro            (North Crater Right Path)            |
| Abnormal Breath  - Dragon Zombie      (North Crater Right Path)            |
| Poison Fang      - Dragon Zombie      (North Crater Right Path)            |
| Bio2             - Jenova-SYNTHESIS   (Inside The Planet)                  |
| Stigma           - Bizarro-Sephiroth  (Inside The Planet)                  |
| Left Revenge     - Ruby Weapon        (Gold Saucer Desert)                 |
| Left Thrust      - Ruby Weapon        (Gold Saucer Desert)                 |

|   {CONFUSION}   |  Visual: Character spins around in circles (on axis)

Whilst under Confusion (or Confuse, or Confu), a character will act of his 
own accord and you'll lose complete control of him/her, very similar to 
Berserk . The difference being that the afflicted player could also attack an 
ally; whomever they happen to be facing at the time their ATB gauge fills up 
will be the confused players next target, including themselves. Similar to 
Sleep, the affliction can be cured by physically attacking the player.

Confusion is one of the worst Statuses in the game, and improper defences 
could very easily lead to a Game Over screen. The most notorious locations 
for having to deal with Confusion are the Shinra Mansion, where many 
inexperienced players meet their demise against the Dorky Face, and then at 
Gaea's Cliffs when you first meet the Malboro.

 NOTE - You can obtain a Peace Ring very early on in the game; by completing 
        (and winning) 2 Fort Condor Battles. The Peace Ring's info is 
        misleading as it will not tell you that it protects from Confusion, 
        however when you check the Stats screen you'll see that you are 
        indeed protected.

There are 153 enemies that are immune to Confusion and 142 that are 
vulnerable. The first time you can obtain a Confusion based Materia (Mystify) 
is on your first visit to Gongaga, you will also find that a Lv3 Contain 
(Tornado) will have a chance of inflicting Confusion, however you will be 
granted Confusion when pairing with Added Effect with Contain regardless of 
the level of the Contain.

If an enemy is inflicted with Confusion then the AI script will continue to 
run as normal, only the 'Enemy' and 'Ally' flags will be reversed. If an item 
is chosen by a player as their next move and that player then becomes 
inflicted with Confusion, they will still continue to cast the selected item 
only the target will now be chosen at random. This is the only way to inflict 
an enemy with Fury.
|                                                                            |
|                 Associated Materia and Items that INFLICT:     (CONFUSION) |
|                                                   '''''''                  |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|      MAGIC     :  Mystify Lv1 (Confu)   - Inflicts Confusion on one target |
|                :  Contain Lv3 (Tornado) - Deals Wind damage and inflicts   |
|                :                          Confusion (32%)                  |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|   ENEMY SKILL  :  Bad Breath - Inflicts Confusion, Poison, Sleep, Silence, |
|                :               Frog and Small on all targets               |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|     SUMMON     : *Hades - Inflicts Confusion, Poison, Sleep, Silence,      |
|                :          Frog, Small, Slow and Paralyze on all targets    |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|  BATTLE ITEMS  :  Loco Weed - Inflicts Confusion on all targets (80%)      |
|                :  Cauldron  - Inflicts Confusion, Poison, Sleep, Frog,     |
|                :              Small and Silence on one target              |
|                                                                            |
| *Hades will not inflict Slow or Paralyze when paired with Added Effect     |
|                                                                            |
|                   Associated Materia and Items that CURE:      (CONFUSION) |
|                                                     ''''                   |
| Any Physical attack made to the afflicted player will cure them instantly  |
|                                                                            |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|      MAGIC     :  Heal Lv2 (Esuna) - Cures all negative Statuses           |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|   ENEMY SKILL  :  White Wind    - Cures all negative Statuses              |
|                :  Angel Whisper - Revives player from K.O and cures all    |
|                :                  negative Statuses                        |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|  BATTLE ITEMS  :  Remedy   - Cures all negative Statuses                   |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|  LIMIT BREAKS  :                                                           |
|                                                                            |
| Aeris  2-1  Breath of The Earth - Cures all negative Statuses              |
|                                                                            |
|                 Associated Materia and Items that PROTECT:     (CONFUSION) |
|                                                   '''''''                  |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|      MAGIC     :  Heal Lv3 (Resist) - Protects against all Statuses        |
|                :  Mystify           - Protects against Confusion (with     |
|                :                      Added Effect)                        |
|                :  Contain           - Protects against Confusion (with     |
|                :                      Added Effect)                        |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|     SUMMON     :  Hades - Protects against Confusion, Poison, Sleep,       |
|                :          Silence, Frog and Small (with Added Effect)      |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|  BATTLE ITEMS  :  Vaccine - Inflicts one player with Resist                |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|   ACCESSORIES  :  Ribbon     - Protects against most negative Statuses     |
|                : *Peace Ring - Protects against Confusion, Berserk, Fury   |
|                :               and Sadness                                 |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|  LIMIT BREAKS  :                                                           |
|                                                                            |
| Aeris  3-1  Planet Protector - Inflicts Peerless on all allies             |
| Aeris  4    Great Gospel     - Inflicts Peerless on all allies             |
|                                                                            |
| *The Peace Ring's in-game description is incorrect as it'll only display:  |
|  'Protects against [Berserk/Fury/Sadness]'                                 |
|                                                                            |
|*=Enemy Skill             Associated Enemy Attacks:             (CONFUSION) |
| Attack:            Enemy:                                                  |
| Muyddle Mallet   - Hammer Blaster   (Shinra HQ)                            |
| Funny Breath     - Dorky Face       (Shinra Mansion)                       |
| Confu-scales     - Jayjujayme       (Da-chao Statue)                       |
| Fascination      - Jemnezmy         (Temple of The Ancients)               |
| Bite             - Bandersnatch     (Icicle Area)                          |
| Fascination      - Snow             (Great Glacier)                        |
|*Bad Breath       - Malboro          (Gaea's Cliff)                         |
| L2 Confu         - Hippogriff       (Mideel Area)                          |
| Confu Missile    - Rocket Launcher  (Path to Junon's Underwater Reactor)   |
| Neo Turk Light   - Reno III         (Sunken Gelnika)                       |
| Abnormal Breath  - Unknown 2        (Sunken Gelnika)                       |
| Uppercut         - Crazy Saw        (Midgar Sector 8)                      |
| Bewildered       - Elena            (Winding Tunnels Re-visited)           |
| Confu            - Helletic Hojo    (Mako Cannon)                          | 
| Confu            - Scissors         (North Crater)                         |
| Fascination      - Pollensalta      (North Crater)                         |
|*Bad Breath       - Malboro          (North Crater Right Path)              |
| Super Nova       - Safer-Sephiroth  (Inside The Planet)                    |
| Ruby Ray         - Ruby Weapon      (Gold Saucer Desert)                   |

|   {SILENCE}   |  Visual: Speech Bubble �........� appears overhead

Silence (also known as Mute) will have the effect of disabling all magical 
spells, Summons and Enemy Skill attacks and will last until the end of battle 
or until the affliction has been cured. 81 enemies are immune to Silence and 
214 enemies are vulnerable. You can first obtain a Silence based Materia 
(Seal) when you first visit Gongaga.

Due to the large quantity of enemies are weak to Silence, I would definitely 
say this is one of the better Statuses to whack on your weapon, as there are 
a large number of enemy attacks that would be better off 'Silenced'. The 
Ribbon is the only accessory that will defend against Silence.
|                                                                            |
|                 Associated Materia and Items that INFLICT:       (SILENCE) |
|                                                   '''''''                  |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|      MAGIC     :  Seal Lv2 (Silence) - Inflicts Silence on one target      |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|   ENEMY SKILL  :  Bad Breath - Inflicts Silence, Confusion, Poison, Sleep, |
|                :               Frog and Small on all targets               |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|     SUMMON     : *Hades - Inflicts Silence, Confusion, Poison, Sleep,      |
|                :          Frog, Small, Slow and Paralyze on all targets    |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|  BATTLE ITEMS  :  Mute Mask - Inflicts Silence on all targets (80%)        |
|                :  Cauldron  - Inflicts Silence, Confusion, Poison, Sleep,  |
|                :              Frog and Small on one target                 |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|  LIMIT BREAKS  :                                                           |
|                                                                            |
| Aeris  1-2  Seal Evil - Inflicts Silence and Paralyze on all targets       |
|                                                                            |
| *Hades will not inflict Slow or Paralyze when paired with Added Effect     |
|                                                                            |
|                   Associated Materia and Items that CURE:        (SILENCE) |
|                                                     ''''                   |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|      MAGIC     :  Heal Lv2 (Esuna) - Cures all negative Statuses           |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|   ENEMY SKILL  :  White Wind    - Cures all negative Statuses              |
|                :  Angel Whisper - Revives player from K.O and cures all    |
|                :                  negative Statuses                        |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|  BATTLE ITEMS  :  Remedy      - Cures all negative Statuses                |
|                :  Echo Screen - Cures Silence                              |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|  LIMIT BREAKS  :                                                           |
|                                                                            |
| Aeris  2-1  Breath of The Earth - Cures all negative Statuses              |
|                                                                            |
|                 Associated Materia and Items that PROTECT:       (SILENCE) |
|                                                   '''''''                  |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|      MAGIC     :  Heal Lv3 (Resist) - Protects against all Statuses        |
|                :  Seal              - Protects against Silence (with Added |
|                :                      Effect)                              |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|     SUMMON     :  Hades - Protects against Silence, Confusion, Poison,     |
|                :          Sleep, Frog and Small (with Added Effect)        |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|  BATTLE ITEMS  :  Vaccine - Inflicts one player with Resist                |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|   ACCESSORIES  :  Ribbon - Protects against most negative Statuses         |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|  LIMIT BREAKS  :                                                           |
|                                                                            |
| Aeris  3-1  Planet Protector - Inflicts Peerless on all allies             |
| Aeris  4    Great Gospel     - Inflicts Peerless on all allies             |
|                                                                            |
|*=Enemy Skill             Associated Enemy Attacks:               (SILENCE) |
| Attack:             Enemy:                                                 |
| Silence           - Eligor           (Train Graveyard)                     |
| Curses            - Dorky Face       (Shinra Mansion)                      |
| Silence           - Bahba Velamyu    (Forest Near Nibelheim)               |
| Ultrasound        - Evilhead         (Gaea's Cliff)                        |
|*Bad Breath        - Malboro          (Gaea's Cliff)                        |
| Silence           - Jenova-DEATH     (Whirlwind Maze)                      |
| Smog Alert        - Gas Ducter       (Mt. Corel Train)                     |
| Diamond Flash     - Diamond Flash    (Midgar Area)                         |
| Silence           - SOLDIER:1st      (Mako Cannon)                         |
| Silence           - Helletic Hojo    (Mako Cannon)                         |
| Silence           - Lifeform Hojo    (Mako Cannon)                         |
| Magic Extinguish  - Parasite         (North Crater)                        |
| Voice of Ages     - Gighee           (North Crater Swamp Area)             |
|*Bad Breath        - Malboro          (North Crater Right Path)             |
| Sun               - Death Dealer     (North Crater Right Path)             |
| Super Nova        - Safer-Sephiroth  (Inside The Planet)                   |

|   {SLOW}   |  Visual: Character animation speed is halved

The effect and the Status name are the same thing. You're characters ATB 
gauge will fill up at half its normal rate, and will last until you are cured 
or the battle ends. 27 enemies are immune to Slow and a staggering 268 are 
vulnerable, making the Time Materia one of the best choices to pair with 
Added Effect (which is first available in Gongaga).

Strangely enough, if you were to pair Time with Added Effect on your armour 
then you would also gain immunity to Haste, even though this would not be 
displayed on the Status screen. Equipping the Sprint Shoes would bypass this 
immunity. Slow is one of 3 Statuses not covered by the Ribbon (along with 
Stop and Death). Although Hades will inflict Slow when you summon him in-
battle, he will not grant Slow when using Added Effect. Esuna will not heal 

If you are inflicted with Slow then the benefit would be that some certain 
effects such as Barrier, MBarrier, Slow-numb and Death-sentence will take 
twice as long to wear off/count down. Slow can be cured by casting Haste on 
the afflicted player, as can DeSpell. The most notorious area in the game for 
having to deal with Slow is right at the beginning of the game in the Winding 
Tunnels when fighting the Grashtrike. It is recommended that you turn the 
Battle Speed up all the way for these encounters.
|                                                                            |
|                 Associated Materia and Items that INFLICT:          (SLOW) |
|                                                   '''''''                  |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|      MAGIC     :  Time Lv2 (Slow) - Inflicts Slow on one target            |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|     SUMMON     : *Hades - Inflicts Silence, Confusion, Poison, Sleep,      |
|                :          Frog, Small, Slow and Paralyze on all targets    |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|  BATTLE ITEMS  :  Spider Web - Inflicts Slow on all targets (100%)         |
|                                                                            |
| *Hades will not inflict Slow or Paralyze when paired with Added Effect     |
|                                                                            |
|                   Associated Materia and Items that CURE:           (SLOW) |
|                                                     ''''                   |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|      MAGIC     :  Time Lv1 (Haste)       - Inflicts Haste on one target    |
|                :  Destruct Lv2 (DeSpell) - Removes 10 various 'buffs'      |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|   ENEMY SKILL  :  White Wind    - Cures all negative Statuses              |
|                :  Angel Whisper - Revives player from K.O and cures all    |
|                :                  negative Statuses                        |
|                :  Big Guard     - Casts Haste, Barrier and MBarrier to all |
|                :                  targets                                  |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|  BATTLE ITEMS  :  Remedy      - Cures all negative Statuses                |
|                :  Speed Drink - Casts Haste on one target                  |
|                :  Holy Torch  - Casts DeSpell on one target                |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|  LIMIT BREAKS  :                                                           |
|                                                                            |
| Aeris     2-1  Breath of The Earth - Cures all negative Statuses           |
| Red XIII  1-2  Lunatic High - Casts Haste on all Allies and raises Defence |
|                                                                            |
|                 Associated Materia and Items that PROTECT:          (SLOW) |
|                                                   '''''''                  |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|      MAGIC     :  Heal Lv3 (Resist) - Protects against all Statuses        |
|                :  Time              - Protects against Slow (with Added    |
|                :                      Effect)                              |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|  BATTLE ITEMS  :  Vaccine - Inflicts one player with Resist                |
|                                                                            |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|   ACCESSORIES  :  Sprint Shoes - Automatically puts you in Haste           |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|  LIMIT BREAKS  :                                                           |
|                                                                            |
| Aeris  3-1  Planet Protector - Inflicts Peerless on all allies             |
| Aeris  4    Great Gospel     - Inflicts Peerless on all allies             |
|                                                                            |
|                          Associated Enemy Attacks:                  (SLOW) |
| Attack:           Enemy:                                                   |
| Silk            - Grashtrike         (Winding Tunnels)                     |
| Slow Dance      - Mandragora         (Chocobo Ranch Area)                  |
| Spider Web      - Mystery Ninja      (Forests)                             |
| Slow            - Bahba Velamyu      (Forest Near Nibelheim)               |
| Silk            - Jayjujayme         (Da-chao Statue)                      |
| Eyesight        - 8 eye              (Temple of The Ancients)              |
| Dance           - Malldancer         (Corral Valley)                       |
| Toxic Barf      - Zolokalter         (Gaea's Cliff)                        |
| Slow            - Killbin            (Whirlwind Maze)                      |
| Abnormal Shell  - Gun Carrier        (Junon Underwater Reactor)            |
| Support Beam    - Shadow Maker       (Midgar Sector 8)                     |
| Slow            - Lifeform Hojo      (Mako Cannon)                         |
| Stigma          - Bizarro-Sephiroth  (Inside The Planet)                   |
| Super Nova      - Safer-Sephiroth    (Inside The Planet)                   |

|   {STOP}   |  Visual: Character animation completely stops

There are 4 Statuses that render you incapacitated, and Stop is considered to 
be the 2nd worst of them. The afflicted players ATB gauge will stop filling 
up altogether and will last approximately 7 turns, or until the Status is 
cured. There are 111 enemies that are immune to Stop and 184 enemies that are 
vulnerable. The Time Materia can be bought from Gongaga.

A level 1 Time will still grant Slow and Stop when paired with Added Effect, 
and is a brilliant choice up until Hades and Contain become available. You 
cannot gain Stop from Hades, however you can gain it from Contain (along with 
Petrify and Confusion), and also Choco/Mog, however the C-Mog is best 
reserved for the Elemental Materia (I call it the 'C-Melemental', or even, 
'the C-Mental combo').

Along with Slow and Death, Stop is one of the 3 Statuses not covered by the 
Ribbon's effect. One of the slight benefits to Stop is that Barrier, 
MBarrier, Regen etc. will also halt. The only difference between Stop and 
Paralyze is the fact the you Limit Break *will* continue to fill whilst 
'Stopped', whereas under Paralyze your Limits won't continue to fill, 
although Paralyze does last roughly less than half the time of Stop. Esuna 
will not heal Stop.

|                                                                            |
|                 Associated Materia and Items that INFLICT:          (STOP) |
|                                                   '''''''                  |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|      MAGIC     :  Time Lv3 (Stop)      - Inflicts Stop on one target       |
|                :  Contain Lv1 (Freeze) - Deals Ice damage and inflicts     |
|                :                         Stop (68%)                        |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|     SUMMON     :  Choco/Mog - Deals non-elemental damage and inflicts      |
|                :              Stop (40%)                                   |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|  BATTLE ITEMS  :  Hourglass - Inflicts Stop on all targets (80%)           |
|                                                                            |
|                   Associated Materia and Items that CURE:           (STOP) |
|                                                     ''''                   |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|      MAGIC     :  Destruct Lv2 (DeSpell) - Removes 10 various 'buffs'      |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|   ENEMY SKILL  :  White Wind    - Cures all negative Statuses              |
|                :  Angel Whisper - Revives player from K.O and cures all    |
|                :                  negative Statuses                        |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|  BATTLE ITEMS  :  Remedy      - Cures all negative Statuses                |
|                :  Holy Torch  - Casts DeSpell on one target                |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|  LIMIT BREAKS  :                                                           |
|                                                                            |
| Aeris  2-1  Breath of The Earth - Cures all negative Statuses              |
|                                                                            |
|                 Associated Materia and Items that PROTECT:          (STOP) |
|                                                   '''''''                  |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|      MAGIC     :  Heal Lv3 (Resist) - Protects against all Statuses        |
|                :  Contain           - Protects against Stop, Petrify and   |
|                :                      Confusion (with Added Effect)        |
|                :  Time              - Protects against Slow (with Added    |
|                :                      Effect)                              |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|     SUMMON     :  Choco/Mog - Protects against Stop (with Added Effect)    |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|  BATTLE ITEMS  :  Vaccine - Inflicts one player with Resist                |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|  LIMIT BREAKS  :                                                           |
|                                                                            |
| Aeris  3-1  Planet Protector - Inflicts Peerless on all allies             |
| Aeris  4    Great Gospel     - Inflicts Peerless on all allies             |
|                                                                            |
|                          Associated Enemy Attacks:                  (STOP) |
| Attack:     Enemy:                                                         |
| Stop      - Jenova*BIRTH      (Cargo Ship)                                 |
| Stop Eye  - Grangalan Jr Jr   (Corel Area)                                 |
| Stop Web  - Kimara Bug        (Gongaga Jungle)                             |
| Thread    - Jayjujayme        (Da-chao Statue)                             |
| Freeze    - Maximum Kimaira   (Mako Canon)                                 |
| World     - Death Dealer      (North Crater Right Path)                    |
| Stop      - Jenova-SYNTHESIS  (Inside The Planet)                          |

|   {FROG}   |  Visual: Character turns into a small frog

Frog can be a real nasty Status if you're not adequately prepared, as you 
will pretty much lose the ability to do everything! All you'll be able to do 
is attack with 25% of your normal attack power (but not Limit Breaks), and 
use the Item command (including W-Item). There are 216 enemies that are 
immune to Frog, and only 79 that are vulnerable making Frog one of the worst 
Statuses to use against the enemies.

 NOTE - Unlike all other Statuses, Frog and Small will still be in effect 
        after the afflicted character is K.O'd.

Whilst inflicted with Frog you will still be able to use the command 'Toad' 
to cure yourself, so long as you have the Transform Materia equipped (bought 
from North Corel) or the Master Magic. The effect will last for as long as 
the battle does, or until you are cured. You could also use the Enemy Skill 
Frog Song to cure yourself, but you would have to be afflicted with Sleep 
also for the cure to work.

Without a White Cape to protect yourself you'll soon realise why Frog is such 
a pain when you first make your way through the forests of Gongaga. The Touch 
Me have a 6x formation (so no escaping), and will keep you in a state of 
permanent Frog. The Enemy Skill Frog Song is learnt here. Frog will also ruin 
your day at the Battle Arena as it seems to appear quite frequently, 
particularly in the lower rounds (Frog and Small have a chance of appearing 
on every reel).
|                                                                            |
|                 Associated Materia and Items that INFLICT:          (FROG) |
|                                                   '''''''                  |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|      MAGIC     :  Transform Lv2 (Toad) - Inflicts Frog on one target       |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|   ENEMY SKILL  :  Frog Song  - Inflicts Frog and Sleep on one target       |
|                :  Bad Breath - Inflicts Frog, Poison, Confusion, Silence,  |
|                :               Sleep and Small on all targets              |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|     SUMMON     : *Hades - Inflicts Frog, Confusion, Poison, Sleep, Small,  |
|                :          Silence, Slow and Paralyze on all targets        |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|  BATTLE ITEMS  :  Impaler  - Inflicts Frog on one target                   |
|                :  Cauldron - Inflicts Frog, Confusion, Poison, Sleep,      |
|                :             Silence and Small on one target               |
|                                                                            |
| *Hades will not inflict Slow or Paralyze when paired with Added Effect     |
|                                                                            |
|                   Associated Materia and Items that CURE:           (FROG) |
|                                                     ''''                   |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|      MAGIC     :  Heal Lv2 (Esuna)     - Cures all negative Statuses       |
|                :  Transform Lv2 (Toad) - Cures Frog                        |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|   ENEMY SKILL  :  Frog Song     - Cures Frog and Sleep (together only)     |
|                :  White Wind    - Cures all negative Statuses              |
|                :  Angel Whisper - Revives player from K.O and cures all    |
|                :                  negative Statuses                        |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|  BATTLE ITEMS  :  Remedy        - Cures all negative Statuses              |
|                :  Impaler       - Cures Frog                               |
|                :  Maiden's Kiss - Cures Frog                               |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|  LIMIT BREAKS  :                                                           |
|                                                                            |
| Aeris  2-1  Breath of The Earth - Cures all negative Statuses              |
|                                                                            |
| The enemy attack 'Frog Jab' can also cure you of Frog (Touch Me)           |
|                                                                            |
|                 Associated Materia and Items that PROTECT:          (FROG) |
|                                                   '''''''                  |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|      MAGIC     :  Heal Lv3 (Resist) - Protects against all Statuses        |
|                :  Transform         - Protects against Frog (with Added    |
|                :                      Effect)                              |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|     SUMMON     :  Hades - Protects against Frog, Silence, Confusion,       |
|                :          Poison, Sleep and Small (with Added Effect)      |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|  BATTLE ITEMS  :  Vaccine  - Inflicts one player with Resist               |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|   ACCESSORIES  :  Ribbon     - Protects against most negative Statuses     |
|                :  White Cape - Protects against Frog and Small             |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|  LIMIT BREAKS  :                                                           |
|                                                                            |
| Aeris  3-1  Planet Protector - Inflicts Peerless on all allies             |
| Aeris  4    Great Gospel     - Inflicts Peerless on all allies             |
|                                                                            |
|*=Enemy Skill             Associated Enemy Attacks:                  (FROG) |
| Attack:           Enemy:                                                   |
| Impaler         - Mystery Ninja    (Forests)                               |
| Frog Jab        - Touch Me         (Forests Near Gongaga)                  |
|*Frog Song       - Touch Me         (Forests Near Gongaga)                  |
| Petrified Frog  - Under Lizard     (Area Near Temple of The Ancients)      |
| Frog Jab        - Toxic Frog       (Temple of The Ancients)                |
|*Frog Song       - Toxic Frog       (Temple of The Ancients)                |
|*Bad Breath      - Malboro          (Gaea's Cliff)                          |
|*Bad Breath      - Malboro          (North Crater Right Path)               |
| Pale Horse      - Safer-Sephiroth  (Inside The Planet)                     |
| Right Revenge   - Ruby Weapon      (Gold Saucer Desert)                    |
| Right Thrust    - Ruby Weapon      (Gold Saucer Desert)                    |

|   {SMALL}   |  Visual: Character shrinks to roughly 20% of their normal size

Small (also known as Mini) isn't too detrimental provided you've got some 
form of counter measure such as Esuna or White Wind equipped. You will still 
be able to use every command as normal, only now your physical attacks will 
inflict no more than 1 HP of damage! The effects will last until the battle 
ends or the player is cured. 171 enemies are immune to Small and 124 enemies 
are vulnerable, the Transform Materia can first be obtain in North Corel.

If you are K.O'd whilst 'Small' then you will not revert back to normal, the 
same applies with Frog. There is only one point in the game that you need to 
be wary of Small and this is when you're fighting the Hungry in Corral 
Valley; they can remove a player from battle after that player has been 
reduced to Small. The most common way of inflicting Small on an enemy is with 
L4 Suicide, although Small usually isn't the desired effect.

Whilst traversing through the Cave of The Gi you will encounter a powerful 
spider-like creature called Stinger. Using Mini on him is the best way to 
deal with him, as his attacks are powerful enough to kill you in one blow. 
There are very few enemies that will inflict you with Small. If you happen to 
be inflicted with Petrify then you would be immune to every single Status 
change... except Small that is.

Casting Small on your characters is a strategy used to activate 7777 Fever. 
For more info use QSI Link [7777 Fever].
|                                                                            |
|                 Associated Materia and Items that INFLICT:         (SMALL) |
|                                                   '''''''                  |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|      MAGIC     :  Transform Lv1 (Mini) - Inflicts Small on one target      |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|   ENEMY SKILL  :  L4 Suicide - Inflicts Small and Critical on all targets  |
|                :               with a level divisible be 4                 |
|                :  Bad Breath - Inflicts Small, Frog, Poison, Confusion,    |
|                :               Silence and Sleep on all targets            |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|     SUMMON     : *Hades - Inflicts Frog, Confusion, Poison, Sleep, Small,  |
|                :          Silence, Slow and Paralyze on all targets        |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|  BATTLE ITEMS  :  Shrivel  - Inflicts Small on one target                  |
|                :  Cauldron - Inflicts Frog, Confusion, Poison, Sleep,      |
|                :             Silence and Small on one target               |
|                                                                            |
| *Hades will not inflict Slow or Paralyze when paired with Added Effect     |
|                                                                            |
|                   Associated Materia and Items that CURE:          (SMALL) |
|                                                     ''''                   |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|      MAGIC     :  Heal Lv2 (Esuna)     - Cures all negative Statuses       |
|                :  Transform Lv1 (Mini) - Cures Small                       |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|   ENEMY SKILL  :  White Wind    - Cures all negative Statuses              |
|                :  Angel Whisper - Revives player from K.O and cures all    |
|                :                  negative Statuses                        |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|  BATTLE ITEMS  :  Remedy        - Cures all negative Statuses              |
|                :  Shrivel       - Cures Small                              |
|                :  Cornucopia    - Cures Small                              |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|  LIMIT BREAKS  :                                                           |
|                                                                            |
| Aeris  2-1  Breath of The Earth - Cures all negative Statuses              |
|                                                                            |
|                 Associated Materia and Items that PROTECT:         (SMALL) |
|                                                   '''''''                  |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|      MAGIC     :  Heal Lv3 (Resist) - Protects against all Statuses        |
|                :  Transform         - Protects against Small (with Added   |
|                :                      Effect)                              |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|     SUMMON     :  Hades - Protects against Frog, Silence, Confusion,       |
|                :          Poison, Sleep and Small (with Added Effect)      |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|  BATTLE ITEMS  :  Vaccine  - Inflicts one player with Resist               |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|   ACCESSORIES  :  Ribbon     - Protects against most negative Statuses     |
|                :  White Cape - Protects against Small and Frog             |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|  LIMIT BREAKS  :                                                           |
|                                                                            |
| Aeris  3-1  Planet Protector - Inflicts Peerless on all allies             |
| Aeris  4    Great Gospel     - Inflicts Peerless on all allies             |
|                                                                            |
|*=Enemy Skill             Associated Enemy Attacks:                 (SMALL) |
| Attack:           Enemy:                                                   |
|*L4 Suicide      - Mu               (Chocobo Ranch Area)                    |
| Mini            - Godo             (Wutai Pagoda)                          |
| Mini            - Hungry           (Corral Valley)                         |
|*L4 Suicide      - Trickplay        (Icicle Area)                           |
|*Bad Breath      - Malboro          (Gaea's Cliff)                          |
|*Bad Breath      - Malboro          (North Crater Right Path)               |
| Pale Horse      - Safer-Sephiroth  (Inside The Planet)                     |
| Right Revenge   - Ruby Weapon      (Gold Saucer Desert)                    |
| Right Thrust    - Ruby Weapon      (Gold Saucer Desert)                    |

|   {SLOW-NUMB}   |  Visual: Character flashes grey, 30 second timer appears

Also known as Slow Petrify, or Gradual Petrify, Slow-numb is a countdown to 
the Status Petrify, which takes effect after approximately 6 turns. When you 
are afflicted with Petrify you are flagged as 'Dead', and if all three of 
your players become Petrified then you would be met with s Game Over screen, 
and as such Slow-numb is a forced to be reckoned with, use Jem Rings and 
Safety Bits.

There are no ways in which you can inflict Slow-numb, although there are 
several ways in which you can inflict Petrify. Due to the similarities 
between Slow-numb and Petrify I have combined the two 'associated Materia and 
item/enemy attacks' sections below. The timing mechanisms of the game result 
in Slow-numb being very dangerous at slow speeds, so it is recommended to 
have your Battle Speed bar at a minimum of half way.

If you become inflicted with Slow-numb in the Battle Arena then the countdown 
timer will carry through to the next round (Death Sentence however will not). 
You must cure yourself otherwise the battle will be lost, use a Soft to cure 
you from both Slow-numb and Petrify.

|   {PETRIFY}   |  Visual: Character turns grey, animation completely stops

Petrify (or Stone) is one of the worst Statuses to fall victim to for 
noobies, as a Petrified player is flagged as dead, which means 3 Petrified 
players results in Game Over. No change can happen to the players HP, MP or 
Status whilst Petrified, although funnily enough there is one exception; the 
player can still be inflicted with Small. The affliction will last as long as 
the battle lasts, or until they are cured. Petrified players will not receive 
any EXP or AP. 121 enemies are immune to Petrify, 174 are vulnerable. Petrify 
is first available on Disk 2 when you obtain the Contain Materia.

Of all 8 enemy attacks that inflict Petrify on you, only four of them 
actually inflicts actual 'Petrify'; the rest inflict you with Slow-numb 
(which helps). The Bagrisk is an enemy that holds an extremely rare item 
called the Vagyrisk Claw, which can inflict Petrify on one target. The higher 
your current level the lower the chance you'll have of stealing the item; 
past level 78 and you'll have lost it forever. The only other place to obtain 
one is from a Lv 19 or Lv 25 CMD. Grand Horn.

 NOTE - An opponent that is defeated through Petrification will yield no 
        battle spoils. This helps for low-level challenges.

The most iconic place in the game that people remember for being wiped out by 
Petrify is the Gagighandi in the forests near Gongaga, you won't have any 
protection at that point so make use of Softs and White Wind (where would we 
be without White Wind). Speaking of which, when you cast White Wind on an 
Undead enemy it will also inflict them with Petrify.
|                                                                            |
|                 Associated Materia and Items that INFLICT:       (PETRIFY) |
|                                                   '''''''                  |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|      MAGIC     :  Contain Lv2 (Break) - Deals Wind damage and inflicts     |
|                :                        Petrify (32%)                      |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|   ENEMY SKILL  :  White Wind - Inflicts Undead creatures with Petrify      |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|  BATTLE ITEMS  :  Vagyrisk Claw - Inflicts Petrify on one target           |
|                                                                            |
|                   Associated Materia and Items that CURE:        (PETRIFY) |
|                                                     ''''                   |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|      MAGIC     :  Heal Lv2 (Esuna) - Cures all negative Statuses           |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|   ENEMY SKILL  :  White Wind    - Cures all negative Statuses              |
|                :  Angel Whisper - Revives player from K.O and cures all    |
|                :                  negative Statuses                        |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|  BATTLE ITEMS  :  Remedy - Cures all negative Statuses                     |
|                :  Soft   - Cures Petrify and Slow-numb                     |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|  LIMIT BREAKS  :                                                           |
|                                                                            |
| Aeris  2-1  Breath of The Earth - Cures all negative Statuses              |
|                                                                            |
|                 Associated Materia and Items that PROTECT:       (PETRIFY) |
|                                                   '''''''                  |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|      MAGIC     :  Heal Lv3 (Resist) - Protects against all Statuses        |
|                :  Contain           - Protects against Petrify (with       |
|                :                      Added Effect)                        |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|  BATTLE ITEMS  :  Vaccine  - Inflicts one player with Resist               |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|   ACCESSORIES  :  Ribbon     - Protects against most negative Statuses     |
|                :  Safety Bit - Protects against Petrify and Death          |
|                :  Jem Ring   - Protects against Petrify, Slow-numb and     |
|                                Paralyze                                    |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|  LIMIT BREAKS  :                                                           |
|                                                                            |
| Aeris  3-1  Planet Protector - Inflicts Peerless on all allies             |
| Aeris  4    Great Gospel     - Inflicts Peerless on all allies             |
|                                                                            |
|                          Associated Enemy Attacks:               (PETRIFY) |
|                                                                            |
| Attack:           Enemy:                                                   |
| Triclops        - Grangalan Jr.    (Corel Area)                            |
| Petrify Smog    - Cokatolis        (Mt. Corel)                             |
| Stone Stare     - Gagighandi       (Forests Near Gongaga)                  |
|*Stone strike    - Bagrisk          (Cosmo Canyon Area)                     |
|*Deadly Needles  - Crown Lance      (Beaches Near Cosmo Canyon)             |
| Petrified Frog  - Under Lizard     (Area Near Temple of The Ancients)      |
| Petrif-Eye      - Demons Gate      (Temple of the Ancients)                |
| Rock Finger     - Gargoyle         (North Crater)                          |
|*Petrif-Eye      - Gighee           (North Crater Swamp Area)               |
|*Break           - Safer-Sephiroth  (Inside The Planet)                     |
| Left Revenge    - Ruby Weapon      (Gold Saucer Desert)                    |
| Left Thrust     - Ruby Weapon      (Gold Saucer Desert)                    |
|                                                                            |
|*Inflicts Petrify. All other attacks inflict Slow-numb.                     |
|                                                                            |

|   {DEATH SENTENCE}   |  Visual: Character kneels down, timer appears

Also known as Doom, Death Sentence will act in virtually the same way as Slow-
numb, the main difference being that the countdown timer will be set to 60 
(12 turns approx) as opposed to 30 (6 turns approx). If you are in Haste then 
the timer will be set at 30. When the timer hits 0 you will be inflicted with 

The only way in which you can inflict or be inflicted with Death Sentence is 
via the Enemy Skill of the same name, which can be learnt in the Cave of The 
Gi from the Gi Spector and Sneaky Step, and also in Corral Valley from the 
Boundfat. Using Death Sentence on a character that is inflicted with the 
Status Death Sentence will not cure your character of that Status, in fact 
there is no way to cure a character that has been placed in Death Sentence.

The Curse Ring will increase all of your stats considerably, but will also 
put your character in Death Sentence at the beginning of each battle. This 
can be easily overcome by using the Enemy Skill Death Force, or by using 
Added Effect=Destruct. If you have Tifa equipped with either the Master Fist 
or Powersoul then her attack power will be tripled or quadrupled, 

As with Slow-numb, setting the Battle Speed to slow will make Death Sentence 
very dangerous, and as such it is recommended that you have the speed set to 
halfway (minimum). Whilst in the Battle Square Death Sentence will not carry 
over from one fight to the next (unlike Slow-numb). Although a Ribbon will 
not protect you from Death, it will protect you from Death Sentence. If an 
enemy is immune to Death then they are also immune to Death Sentence.

|   {PARALYZED}   |  Visual: Character animation completely stops

Paralyzed acts like Stop in almost every way, the two differences being that 
you won't be able to act for roughly 2 rounds (as opposed to 7), and also 
your Limit gauge won't fill up. There are 126 enemies that are immune to 
Paralyze and 169 that are vulnerable.

 NOTE - Using Dazers on Ruby WEAPON is one of the best ways of defeating her.

There are very few attacks that can inflict Paralyze on your enemies. 
Although Hades will inflict Paralyze when summoning him in battle, he will 
not grant the Paralyze ability when paired with Added Effect.
|                                                                            |
|                 Associated Materia and Items that INFLICT:     (PARALYZED) |
|                                                   '''''''                  |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|     SUMMON     : *Hades - Inflicts Paralyze, Frog, Confusion, Poison,      |
|                :          Small, Sleep, Silence and Slow on all targets    |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|  BATTLE ITEMS  :  Dazers - Inflicts Paralyzed on one target                |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|  LIMIT BREAKS  :                                                           |
|                                                                            |
| Cloud  1-2  Cross-slash - Single attack also inflicting Paralyze (100%)    |
| Aeris  1-2  Seal Evil   - Inflicts Silence and Paralyze on all targets     |
|                                                                            |
| *Hades will not inflict Slow or Paralyze when paired with Added Effect     |
|                                                                            |
|                   Associated Materia and Items that CURE:      (PARALYZED) |
|                                                     ''''                   |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|      MAGIC     :  Heal Lv2 (Esuna) - Cures all negative Statuses           |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|   ENEMY SKILL  :  White Wind    - Cures all negative Statuses              |
|                :  Angel Whisper - Revives player from K.O and cures all    |
|                :                  negative Statuses                        |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|  BATTLE ITEMS  :  Remedy - Cures all negative Statuses                     |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|  LIMIT BREAKS  :                                                           |
|                                                                            |
| Aeris  2-1  Breath of The Earth - Cures all negative Statuses              |
|                                                                            |
|                 Associated Materia and Items that PROTECT:     (PARALYZED) |
|                                                   '''''''                  |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|      MAGIC     :  Heal Lv3 (Resist) - Protects against all Statuses        |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|  BATTLE ITEMS  :  Vaccine  - Inflicts one player with Resist               |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|   ACCESSORIES  :  Ribbon     - Protects against most negative Statuses     |
|                :  Safety Bit - Protects against Petrify and Death          |
|                :  Jem Ring   - Protects against Paralyze, Petrify and      |
|                                Slow-numb                                   |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|  LIMIT BREAKS  :                                                           |
|                                                                            |
| Aeris  3-1  Planet Protector - Inflicts Peerless on all allies             |
| Aeris  4    Great Gospel     - Inflicts Peerless on all allies             |
|                                                                            |
|                          Associated Enemy Attacks:             (PARALYZED) |
|                                                                            |
| Attack:             Enemy:                                                 |
| Electro-Mag Rod   - Reno I           (Sector 7 Support Tower)              |
| Needle            - Vargid Police    (Hojo's Laboratory)                   |
| Paralaser         - Laser Cannon     (Hojo's Laboratory)                   |
| Death Claw        - Death Claw       (Corel Prison)                        |
| Halt Whip         - Heg              (Cave of The Gi)                      |
| Hell Spear        - Gi Spector       (Cave of The Gi)                      |
| Stare Down        - Twin Brain       (Mt. Nibel)                           |
| Stare Down        - Chekhov          (Wutai Pagoda)                        |
| Paralyzer Needle  - Slaps            (Area Near Temple of The Ancients)    |
| Whip Sting        - Ho-chu           (Battle Square)                       |
| ? Needle          - Unknown 2        (Sunken Gelnika)                      |
| Bone              - Dragon Zombie    (North Crater)                        |
| Havoc Wing        - Safer-Sephiroth  (Inside The Planet)                   |
| Big Swing         - Ruby Weapon      (Gold Saucer Desert)                  |

|   {DARKNESS}   |  Visual: Character kneel down, starts flashing black

Darkness (aka Blind) will halve the accuracy of all physical attacks until 
the ailment is cured or the battle ends. The only commands that are affected 
are 'Attack', 'Morph', 'Deathblow', 'Mug', 'Slash-all', '2xCut' and '4xCut'. 
Due to the fact that absolutely no enemies use the aforementioned commands, 
inflicting Darkness upon an enemy is utterly pointless (rendering the Item 
'Ink' obsolete).

The only way to inflict an enemy with a Status that acts as Darkness would is 
to have a character us a Hyper in-battle. Before the character has been able 
to cast the item, have the character inflicted with Confusion. If you are 
lucky then the confused character will use the Hyper on the enemy inflicting 
them with Fury, dropping their Hit% by 30%.
|                                                                            |
|                 Associated Materia and Items that INFLICT:      (DARKNESS) |
|                                                   '''''''                  |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|  BATTLE ITEMS  :  Ink - Inflicts Darkness on one target                    |
|                                                                            |
|                   Associated Materia and Items that CURE:       (DARKNESS) |
|                                                     ''''                   |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|      MAGIC     :  Heal Lv2 (Esuna) - Cures all negative Statuses           |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|   ENEMY SKILL  :  White Wind    - Cures all negative Statuses              |
|                :  Angel Whisper - Revives player from K.O and cures all    |
|                :                  negative Statuses                        |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|  BATTLE ITEMS  :  Remedy   - Cures all negative Statuses                   |
|                :  Eye drop - Cures Darkness                                |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|  LIMIT BREAKS  :                                                           |
|                                                                            |
| Aeris  2-1  Breath of The Earth - Cures all negative Statuses              |
|                                                                            |
|                 Associated Materia and Items that PROTECT:      (DARKNESS) |
|                                                   '''''''                  |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|      MAGIC     :  Heal Lv3 (Resist) - Protects against all Statuses        |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|  BATTLE ITEMS  :  Vaccine  - Inflicts one player with Resist               |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|   ACCESSORIES  :  Ribbon         - Protects against most negative Statuses |
|                :  Silver Glasses - Protects against Darkness               |
|                :  Fairy Ring     - Protects against Darkness and Poison    |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|  LIMIT BREAKS  :                                                           |
|                                                                            |
| Aeris  3-1  Planet Protector - Inflicts Peerless on all allies             |
| Aeris  4    Great Gospel     - Inflicts Peerless on all allies             |
|                                                                            |
|                          Associated Enemy Attacks:              (DARKNESS) |
|                                                                            |
| Attack:               Enemy:                                               |
| Smog                - Smogger          (Sector 5 Reactor)                  |
| Erupt               - Hell House       (Sector 6)                          |
| Swamp Shoot         - Madouge          (Mythril Mine)                      |
| Smoke Bullet        - Marine           (Cargo Ship)                        |
| Darkeye             - Grangalan        (Corel Area)                        |
| Sandstorm           - Land Worm        (Corel Desert)                      |
| Sandgun             - Desert Sahagin   (Cosmo Canyon Area)                 |
| Great Gale          - Zuu              (Mt. Nibel)                         |
| Seed Shot           - Battery Cap      (Forests Near Nibelheim)            |
| Smoke Bullet        - Attack Squad     (Wutai Side-Quest)                  |
| Great Gale          - Tonadu           (Beaches Near Temple of Ancients)   |
| Eyesight            - 8 eye            (Temple of The Ancients)            |
| Dance               - Malldancer       (Corral Valley)                     |
| Dark Needle         - Boundfat         (Corral Valley)                     |
| Isogin Smog         - Acrophies        (Corral Valley Cave)                |
| Great Gale          - Blue Dragon      (Gaea's Cliff)                      |
| Sandstorm           - Sea Worm         (Mideel Area)                       |
| Smog                - Slalom           (Path to Junon's Underwater Reactor)|
| Abnormal Shell      - Gun Carrier      (Junon Underwater Reactor)          |
| Autumn Leaves       - Rilfsak          (Ancient Forest)                    |
| Evil Poison         - Bad Rap          (Sunken Gelnika)                    |
| Combo               - Lifeform Hojo    (Mako Cannon)                       |
| Dark Dragon Breath  - Dark Dragon      (North Crater)                      |
| Sun                 - Death Dealer     (North Crater Right Path)           |
| Havoc Wing          - Safer-Sephiroth  (Inside The Planet)                 |

--E.09 E - Positive Statuses

  It's worth pointing out that if you're characters had the 'Resist' Status 
active then they would also be immune to positive Statuses, which isn't a 
good thing. To remove Resist you must cast DeSpell or White Wind.

DeBarrier will clear Barrier, MBarrier, Reflect and Shield whereas as DeSpell 
will clear all of the above barriers plus Haste, Slow, Stop, Regen, Death 
Force and Resist. Every one of Emerald WEAPON's attacks will have its own 
'Status removing' property.

|   {HASTE}   |  Visual: Character's animation speed is doubled

Haste is probably the best positive Status in the game, and is the main 
reason that you'll want to obtain the Enemy Skill Big Guard as soon as you 
can. Making your ATB gauge fill at twice its normal rate, Haste really does 
turn the tide in your favour, however certain other Statuses will then run 
down more quickly, such as Regen, Death Sentence etc. Swings and roundabouts 
I guess...

The Sprint Shoes are considered to be one of the best accessories in the game 
(2nd to the Ribbon), and will set your characters up into auto-haste at the 
beginning of each battle, with the added bonus of granting immunity to Slow. 
They can be acquired in the Chocobo Square by winning 10 S Class matches in a 
row, and at the Battle Square by talking to the woman at the bottom of the 
stairs. Win 8 matches in the Arena then talk to her again.

Big Guard will grant Haste, Barrier and MBarrier to your party, and while 
Barrier and MBarrier will drain over time, Haste will last for the entire 
battle. You can obtain Big Guard by manipulating a Beach Plug found on the 
beaches of the Gold Saucer Area after you've obtained the buggy. The earliest 
point in the game that you can use Haste is by using Red XIII's 1-2 Limit 
Break, Lunatic High. An immunity to Slow will also result in an immunity to 
|                                                                            |
|                   Associated Materia and Items that CAST:          (HASTE) |
|                                                     ''''                   |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|      MAGIC     :  Time Lv1 (Haste) - Casts Haste                           |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|   ENEMY SKILL  :  Big Guard - Casts Haste, Barrier and MBarrier on all     |
|                :              targets                                      |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|   ACCESSORIES  :  Sprint Shoes - Automatically puts you in Haste           |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|  BATTLE ITEMS  :  Speed Drink - Casts Haste on one target                  |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|  LIMIT BREAKS  :                                                           |
|                                                                            |
| Red XIII  1-2  Lunatic High - Casts Haste on all Allies and raises Defence |
|                                                                            |
|                  Associated Materia and Items that REMOVE:         (HASTE) |
|                                                    ''''''                  |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|      MAGIC     :  Destruct Lv2 (DeSpell) - Removes all Positive Statuses   |
|                :  Time Lv2 (Slow)        - Inflicts Slow                   |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|  BATTLE ITEMS  :  Holy Torch - Casts DeSpell on one target                 |
|                :  Spider Web - Inflicts Slow on all targets                |

|   {REGEN}   |  Visual: Character flashes orange

Regen is one of the best ways of healing yourself, as your HP will 
continuously refill whilst under its effect. The Status will last roughly 10 
turns, and is far more effective than using Cure3 in terms of MP consumption. 
The rate is which your HP recovers works out to roughly 10% of your max HP 
every turn.

The only way to cast Regen is through a Lv3 Restore, and the only way to 
remove it is through DeSpell or Holy Torch (and also Emerald WEAPON's 
attack - Emerald Beam). Casting Regen on an Undead enemy will *not* make 
their health gradually deplete over time seeing as Regen is not of the 
restorative Element (whereas moves such as Cure will harm the Undead).

|   {BARRIER}   |  Visual: Grey shield surrounds character, Barrier bar filled

Whilst under the influence of Barrier you will halve all physical attacks. 
Every time the player gets hit and the Status takes effect a grey shield will 
surround the character, as the effect wears off the shield will get smaller. 
Barrier will last approximately 10 turns, and won't last as long if you are 
under Haste, but will last twice as long if you are under Slow.

The Barrier 'gauge' is situated to the right of the character�s name and is 
the upper of the two bars; it's colour is red. Big Guard is the most 
favourable way to set up Barrier, failing that you can use Wall.
|                                                                            |
|                   Associated Materia and Items that CAST:        (BARRIER) |
|                                                     ''''                   |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|      MAGIC     :  Barrier Lv1 (Barrier) - Casts Barrier                    |
|                :  Barrier Lv4 (Wall)    - Casts Barrier and MBarrier       |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|   ENEMY SKILL  :  Big Guard - Casts Haste, Barrier and MBarrier on all     |
|                :              targets                                      |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|   ACCESSORIES  :  Protect Ring - Automatically puts you in Barrier and     |
|                :                MBarrier                                   |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|  BATTLE ITEMS  :  Light Curtain - Casts Barrier on all target              |
|                                                                            |
|                  Associated Materia and Items that REMOVE:       (BARRIER) |
|                                                    ''''''                  |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|      MAGIC     :  Destruct Lv1 (DeBarrier) - Removes Barrier, MBarrier,    |
|                :                             Reflect and Shield            |
|                :  Destruct Lv2 (DeSpell)   - Removes all Positive Statuses |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|  BATTLE ITEMS  :  Holy Torch - Casts DeSpell on one target                 |

|  {MBARRIER}  |  Visual: Pink shield surrounds character, MBarrier bar filled

Almost identical to Barrier, the only difference being that MBarrier will 
halve all Magical attacks as opposed to physical attacks. MBarrier will last 
as long as Barrier; 10 turns (approx). The main drawback to MBarrier is that 
it will also halve the effects of healing spells such as Cure. As with 
Barrier, the effect will last longer if the player is inflicted with Slow, 
and won't last as long if the player is under Haste.

The Barrier 'gauge' is situated to the right of the character�s name and is 
the lower of the two bars; it's colour is yellow. Big Guard is the most 
favourable way to set up MBarrier, failing that you can use Wall.
|                                                                            |
|                   Associated Materia and Items that CAST:       (MBARRIER) |
|                                                     ''''                   |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|      MAGIC     :  Barrier Lv2 (MBarrier) - Casts MBarrier                  |
|                :  Barrier Lv4 (Wall)     - Casts Barrier and MBarrier      |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|   ENEMY SKILL  :  Big Guard - Casts Haste, Barrier and MBarrier on all     |
|                :              targets                                      |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|   ACCESSORIES  :  Protect Ring - Automatically puts you in Barrier and     |
|                :                MBarrier                                   |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|  BATTLE ITEMS  :  Lunar Curtain - Casts MBarrier on all targets            |
|                                                                            |
|                  Associated Materia and Items that REMOVE:      (MBARRIER) |
|                                                    ''''''                  |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|      MAGIC     :  Destruct Lv1 (DeBarrier) - Removes Barrier, MBarrier,    |
|                :                             Reflect and Shield            |
|                :  Destruct Lv2 (DeSpell)   - Removes all Positive Statuses |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|  BATTLE ITEMS  :  Holy Torch - Casts DeSpell on one target                 |

|   {REFLECT}   |  Visual: Green 'boomerang' appears in front of character

Reflect will make most magic spells bounce off of its target and reflected 
back at the caster for up to 4 times. This can make healing quite tricky, 
which is why most people avoid Reflect. If both parties have Reflect set-up 
then the spell will bounce backwards and forwards 4 times, unless auto-
reflect is set-up in which case it will just bounce back once.

Reflect will last until the battle ends or until DeBarrier or DeSpell is 
cast. The Mirage in the Shinra Mansion will always have auto-Reflect on, and 
enemies that use Reflect are Jenova-LIFE, Gorkii and Proud Clod.

Moves that *can* be reflected:         | Moves that *cannot* be reflected:
Cure, Cure2, Regen, Cure3              | Demi, Demi2, Demi3
Barrier, MBarrier, Wall                | Reflect
Death                                  | DeBarrier, DeSpell
Fire, Fire2, Fire3                     | Escape, Remove
Ice, Ice2, Ice3                        | Comet, Comet2
Bolt, Bolt2, Bolt3                     | Full Cure
Quake, Quake2, Quake3                  | Shield
Bio, Bio2, Bio3                        | Ultima
Sleepel, Silence                       | 
Confu, Berserk                         | Enemy Skills:
Mini, Toad                             | 
Haste, Slow, Stop                      | White Wind, Big Guard, Angel Whisper,
Poisona, Esuna, Resist                 | Dragon Force, Death Force, Bad 
Life, Life2                            | Breath, Beta, Trine, Magic Breath, 
Freeze, Break, Tornado, Flare          | ????, Goblin Punch, Chocobuckle, L5 
                                       | Death, Death Sentence, Roulette
Enemy Skills:                          | 
                                       | All Summons and Items cannot be 
Frog Song, L4 Suicide, Magic Hammer,   | reflected.
Flame Thrower, Laser, Matra Magic,     | 
Aqualung, Shadow Flare, Pandora's Box  | 
|                                                                            |
|                   Associated Materia and Items that CAST:        (REFLECT) |
|                                                     ''''                   |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|      MAGIC     :  Barrier Lv3 (Reflect) - Casts Reflect                    |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|   ACCESSORIES  :  Reflect Ring - Automatically puts you in Reflect         |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|  BATTLE ITEMS  :  Mirror - Casts Reflect on all targets                    |
|                                                                            |
|                  Associated Materia and Items that REMOVE:       (REFLECT) |
|                                                    ''''''                  |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|      MAGIC     :  Destruct Lv1 (DeBarrier) - Removes Barrier, MBarrier,    |
|                :                             Reflect and Shield            |
|                :  Destruct Lv2 (DeSpell)   - Removes all Positive Statuses |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|  BATTLE ITEMS  :  Holy Torch - Casts DeSpell on one target                 |

|   {SHIELD}   |  Visual: Brown shield envelops character

Costing a whopping 180MP, Shield isn't very often used. Lasting approximately 
6 turns, Shield will nullify all 5 'physical' Elements (Cut, Punch, Shoot, 
Shout and Hit) as well as the Restorative Element, and it will absorb all 9 
'main' Elements (Fire, Ice, Lightning, Earth, Poison, Gravity, Water, Wind 
and Holy).

Shield will not defend against (non-elemental) physical attacks, nor will it 
defend against Item damage (unless used through W-Item). This is a good thing 
seeing as you'll still be able to heal yourself through the use of Items. No 
enemies use Shield and the only way to remove Shield is through DeBarrier, 
DeSpell and a Holy Torch.

You can obtain the Shield Materia in the Northern Cave, and you won't be able 
to use it until it has reached Lv2 (which will require 10,000 AP). One of the 
main problems with Shield is that there is no visible way of telling when it 
has worn off, also you cannot pair it with All.

|   {PEERLESS}   |  Visual: Character flashes yellow

Peerless is basically the 'invincible' Status and can only be cast through 2 
of Aeris's Limit Breaks:- 3-1 Planet Protector and Lv4 Great Gospel. Peerless 
will last appropriately 6 turns and whilst under the Status you will also be 
immune to all Status changes, whilst also locking any existing Statuses in 
(similar to Resist). Peerless cannot be removed using DeSpell.

The only Status the you will be vulnerable to whilst under Peerless is 
Imprisoned, however the only enemies that can inflict Imprisoned are Reno I, 
Bottomswell and Jamar Armor, and it is unlikely you will have unlocked 
Aeris's 3-1 Limit for the first two battles (although possible), and Jamar 
Armor is on Disk 2.

--E.09 F - Supportive Statuses

  There are four Statuses that act slightly differently to the conventional 
'Positive' and 'Negative' Statuses, these are Sadness, Fury, Manipulate and 

|   {SADNESS}   |  Visual: Limit bar turns blue

The virtual opposite to Fury, Sadness will act in both positive and negative 
ways. The bonus being that it will reduce all damage taken by 30%, the 
downside being that it will reduce the speed your Limit gauge fills by half. 
This is especially helpful for certain bosses such as the Midgar Zolom, or 
Emerald WEAPON.

Sadness and Fury are the only two Statuses in the game that will remain with 
your player after the battle has ended. You can self-inflict Sadness by using 
a Tranquilizer (which will also cure Fury, but not simultaneously). If you 
have a Ribbon equipped then you will be protected from Sadness during a 
battle but you will still be able to inflict it upon yourself outside of 

Self-inflicting Sadness is particularly useful once you have acquired Tifa's 
Master Fist towards the end of Disk 2, as it will double her attack power. 
Using White Wind or Angel Whisper will *not* cure you of Sadness/Fury, but 
sleeping in an Inn will.

It is possible to inflict Sadness on an enemy by casting Confusion on a 
player that is about to use a Tranquilizer, but seeing as an enemy has no 
Limit bar, there would be absolutely no point in doing this as you would just 
be aiding the enemy by giving them a defence boost.
|                                                                            |
|                 Associated Materia and Items that INFLICT:       (SADNESS) |
|                                                   '''''''                  |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|  BATTLE ITEMS  :  Tranquilizer - Inflicts Sadness on one target            |
|                                                                            |
|                   Associated Materia and Items that CURE:        (SADNESS) |
|                                                     ''''                   |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|      MAGIC     :  Heal Lv2 (Esuna) - Cures all negative Statuses           |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|  BATTLE ITEMS  :  Remedy - Cures all negative Statuses                     |
|                :  Hyper  - Cures Sadness                                   |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|  LIMIT BREAKS  :                                                           |
|                                                                            |
| Aeris  2-1  Breath of The Earth - Cures all negative Statuses              |
|                                                                            |
|                 Associated Materia and Items that PROTECT:       (SADNESS) |
|                                                   '''''''                  |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|      MAGIC     :  Heal Lv3 (Resist) - Protects against all Statuses        |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|  BATTLE ITEMS  :  Vaccine  - Inflicts one player with Resist               |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|   ACCESSORIES  :  Ribbon     - Protects against most negative Statuses     |
|                :  Peace Ring - Protects against Sadness, Fury, Confusion   |
|                :               and Berserk                                 |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|  LIMIT BREAKS  :                                                           |
|                                                                            |
| Aeris  3-1  Planet Protector - Inflicts Peerless on all allies             |
| Aeris  4    Great Gospel     - Inflicts Peerless on all allies             |
|                                                                            |
|                          Associated Enemy Attacks:               (SADNESS) |
|                                                                            |
| Attack:          Enemy:                                                    |
| Lick           - Aps               (Sector 6 Sewers)                       |
| Shower         - Elfadunk          (Chocobo Ranch Area)                    |
| Triclops       - Grangalan Jr      (Corel Area)                            |
| War Cry        - Screamer          (Mt. Nibel)                             |
| War Cry        - Staniv            (Wutai Pagoda)                          |
| Bug Needle     - Slaps             (Forests Near Temple of The Ancients)   |
| Bad Mouth      - Gremlin           (Whirlwind Maze)                        |
| Smog Alert     - Gas Ducter        (Mt. Corel Train)                       |
| Creepy Touch   - Unknown 3         (Sunken Gelnika)                        |
| Para Tail      - Parasite          (North Crater)                          |
| Teardrop       - Allemagne         (North Crater)                          |
| High/Low Suit  - Christopher       (North Crater Swamp Area)               |
| Absorb         - Jenova-SYNTHESIS  (Inside The Planet)                     |
| Pale Horse     - Safer-Sephiroth   (Inside The Planet)                     |

|   {FURY}   |  Visual: Limit bar turns red

The opposite to Sadness, Fury will double the speed in which your Limit bar 
fills, making Fury a very popular choice when it comes to Leveling up your 
Limit Breaks. The flip-side being that all of your attacks will drop in 
accuracy by 30%.

As with Sadness, you will not lose the Status once the battle has finished. 
White Wind and Angel Whisper will not cure you of Fury, although Esuna will, 
along with seeping in an Inn. A hyper will cure you of Sadness but will also 
inflict you with Fury (but not simultaneously).

The only way to inflict an enemy with Fury is to cast Confu on a player, then 
have that player select the command 'Hyper' before he/she is inflicted with 
Confusion. If successful, the confused player will through the Hyper at an 
enemy, dropping their accuracy by 30%. This is the only way to imitate the 
Status 'Darkness' seeing as Darkness will have no effect whatsoever on the 
enemy (due to poor programming).

You can still inflict yourself with Fury by using a Hyper whilst wearing a 
Ribbon, provided that you do so outside of battle.
|                                                                            |
|                 Associated Materia and Items that INFLICT:          (FURY) |
|                                                   '''''''                  |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|  BATTLE ITEMS  :  Hyper - Inflicts Fury on one target                      |
|                                                                            |
|                   Associated Materia and Items that CURE:           (FURY) |
|                                                     ''''                   |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|      MAGIC     :  Heal Lv2 (Esuna) - Cures all negative Statuses           |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|  BATTLE ITEMS  :  Remedy       - Cures all negative Statuses               |
|                :  Tranquilizer - Cures Fury                                |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|  LIMIT BREAKS  :                                                           |
|                                                                            |
| Aeris  2-1  Breath of The Earth - Cures all negative Statuses              |
|                                                                            |
|                 Associated Materia and Items that PROTECT:          (FURY) |
|                                                   '''''''                  |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|      MAGIC     :  Heal Lv3 (Resist) - Protects against all Statuses        |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|  BATTLE ITEMS  :  Vaccine  - Inflicts one player with Resist               |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|   ACCESSORIES  :  Ribbon     - Protects against most negative Statuses     |
|                :  Peace Ring - Protects against Fury, Sadness, Confusion   |
|                :               and Berserk                                 |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|  LIMIT BREAKS  :                                                           |
|                                                                            |
| Aeris  3-1  Planet Protector - Inflicts Peerless on all allies             |
| Aeris  4    Great Gospel     - Inflicts Peerless on all allies             |
|                                                                            |
|                          Associated Enemy Attacks:                  (FURY) |
|                                                                            |
| Attack:           Enemy:                                                   |
| Slap            - Sword Dance       (Shinra HQ)                            |
| Flaming Peck    - Levrikon          (Chocobo Ranch Area)                   |
| Rage Bomber     - Skeeskee          (Cosmo Canyon Area)                    |
| Spaz Voice      - Razor Weed        (Wutai Area)                           |
| Rage Bomber     - Shake             (Wutai Pagoda)                         |
| Extreme Bomber  - Headbomber        (Gaea's Cliff)                         |
| Slap            - Corvette          (Paths to Junon's Underwater Reactor)  |
| Slap            - Unknown 3         (Sunken Gelnika)                       |
| Guitar Slap     - Gighee            (North Crater Swamp Area)              |
| Repeating Slap  - Jenova-SYNTHESIS  (Inside The Planet)                    |

|   {MANIPULATE}   |  Visual: Enemy turns Cyan and faces the opposite way

Manipulate is easily one of the most useful Statuses in the game, and can 
only be inflicted upon the enemy. Whilst the target is under Manipulate, the 
caster will have (almost) total control of the enemies commands, and will 
continue to do so until the target has been hit with a physical blow. 157 
enemies are immune to Manipulate and 138 are vulnerable. The easiest way to 
identify as to whether or not an enemy is immune or vulnerable is to take 
note of the 'miss' sign that may or may not appear above the enemies head; If 
it doesn't appear then the enemy is immune.

Regardless of how many commands the enemy has to use, you will only be able 
to utilise the top three commands; because of this you will not be able to 
learn White Wind from the Wind Wing in the Whirlwind Maze (unless you cast 
Confusion on it). Using manipulated enemies to attack your players is the 
best way to fill their Limits up; the Valron near Nibelheim (on the World 
Map) is the ideal enemy for this as his Dive kick will deal damage equal to 
1/4 of your max HP (Fury helps also).

You can first lay your hands on the Manipulate Materia when you first enter 
the Gold Saucer on Disk 1 (Cait Sith will have it equipped on him). It is 
only then will you be able to access certain Enemy Skills such as Big Guard 
(learnt from the Beach Plug) and White Wind (learnt from the Zemzelett). The 
other Enemy Skills that cannot be learned without the use of Manipulate are 
Death Force, Angel Whisper and Dragon Force.

If the caster is wearing a HypnoCrown (found in the City of The Ancients) 
then the succession rate of manipulating an enemy would be 100%, provided the 
enemy wasn't immune. Otherwise, the higher the level difference between the 
caster and its target, the higher the chance the caster has of manipulating, 
which is why Cloud is always the best character to use Manipulate. An enemy 
cannot be Manipulated if it is already inflicted with Paralyzed, Sleep, Stop, 
Petrify or Resist (or is already Manipulated). Casting Paralyzed, Sleep, 
Stop, Petrify or White Wind on the target will clear the Manipulate Status.

The enemy Skill 'Dragon Force' can be found on the Blue Dragons attack list, 
however cannot be learned due to the fact that he cannot be inflicted with 
Manipulate nor Confusion. The SOLDIER:2nd has a slightly amusing glitch; have 
a Manipulated SOLDIER:2nd attack a fellow SOLDIER:2nd and the result will be 
a stand-off between the two SOLDIERs until one of them dies!

The colour priority of Manipulate is at the bottom of the scale, so if 
another Status was to be inflicted onto the manipulated enemy then the colour 
would likely change to suit the new Status. 

|   {BERSERK}   |  Visual: Character flashes red

Berserk can be a very useful Status to have inflicted upon your players. 
Similar to Confusion, you will lose all control over the affected player, and 
when their ATB gauge fills up they will use the 'Attack' command 
automatically. The biggest difference being that the 'Berserked' player will 
only attack the enemy (as opposed to potentially harming your teammates), and 
their attack power will increase by 50%.

The Status will not be cured by a hit from a physical blow as Confusion is; 
it will last until it is cured or until the battle ends. There are 127 
enemies that are immune to Berserk, and 168 that are vulnerable. Although 
inflicting an enemy with Berserk may sound like a bad idea, Berserk will 
actually limit the amount of attacks that an enemy will use, and can render 
some powerful foes not-so-powerful. If an enemy doesn't have a specific 
attack to use whilst Berserked then they won't be able to attack you at all! 
Also, an enemy that hits for 150% of his normal attack power could help with 
Limit Break Leveling.

The Fury Ring can be bought from Gongaga Village and will place your 
character in Auto-Berserk. This strategy can be very advantageous when placed 
on your strongest attacker, such as Barret or Vincent; Vincent's Limit Breaks 
work very similar to Berserk, also. Whilst Vincent is in his transformed 
state he will be immune to the Berserk Status. The Fury Ring is best used 
when you are undergoing Yuffie's Sidequest in Wutai.

Lastly, whilst a character is inflicted with Berserk they will never have 
critical attacks, meaning a character with very high Luck will be of more 
value to you than a player inflicted with Berserk. Added Cut=Deathblow is a 
better game plan, although the Added Cut Materia isn't available until you 
reach the Great Glacier on Disk 2. 
|                                                                            |
|                 Associated Materia and Items that INFLICT:       (BERSERK) |
|                                                   '''''''                  |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|      MAGIC     :  Mystify Lv2 (Berserk) - Inflicts Berserk                 |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|   ACCESSORIES  :  Fury Ring - Automatically puts you in Berserk            |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|  BATTLE ITEMS  : *War Gong - Inflicts Berserk on all targets (80%)         |
|                                                                            |
| *When used on allies Berserk will be inflicted 100% of the time            |
|                                                                            |
|                   Associated Materia and Items that CURE:        (BERSERK) |
|                                                     ''''                   |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|      MAGIC     :  Heal Lv2 (Esuna) - Cures all negative Statuses           |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|   ENEMY SKILL  :  White Wind    - Cures all negative Statuses              |
|                :  Angel Whisper - Revives player from K.O and cures all    |
|                :                  negative Statuses                        |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|  BATTLE ITEMS  :  Remedy       - Cures all negative Statuses               |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|  LIMIT BREAKS  :                                                           |
|                                                                            |
| Aeris  2-1  Breath of The Earth - Cures all negative Statuses              |
|                                                                            |
|                 Associated Materia and Items that PROTECT:       (BERSERK) |
|                                                   '''''''                  |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|      MAGIC     :  Heal Lv3 (Resist) - Protects against all Statuses        |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|  BATTLE ITEMS  :  Vaccine  - Inflicts one player with Resist               |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|   ACCESSORIES  :  Ribbon     - Protects against most negative Statuses     |
|                :  Peace Ring - Protects against Berserk, Fury, Sadness and |
|                :               Confusion                                   |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|  LIMIT BREAKS  :                                                           |
|                                                                            |
| Aeris  3-1  Planet Protector - Inflicts Peerless on all allies             |
| Aeris  4    Great Gospel     - Inflicts Peerless on all allies             |
|                                                                            |
|                          Associated Enemy Attacks:               (BERSERK) |
|                                                                            |
| Attack:           Enemy:                                                   |
| Berserk Needle  - Slaps  (Forests Near Temple of The Ancients)             |
| Crazy Claw      - Shred  (Great Glacier)                                   |

--E.09 G - Unlisted Statuses

  There are 9 Statuses that are not listed on the 'Status' menu:


~Death Force~   ~Resist~   ~7777 Fever~   ~Lucky Girl~   ~Back Row~   ~Defend~


~Imprisoned~   ~Seizure/Dual~   ~K.O~

Some of these unlisted Statuses would be better described as 'conditions', as 
they act more passively than the main 'listed' 24 Statuses. Note that using 
DeSpell will remove Resist and Death Force, whereas using a Holy Torch will 
not. Resist will not protect you from any of the unlisted Statuses.

|   {DEATH FORCE}   |

Whilst under the influence of Death Force your character will gain immunity 
to Death until the end of battle, or until DeSpell or White Wind is cast on 
the character, or the character is K.O'd. If a move that inflicts Death is 
cast upon the player under Death Force, the player will still have Death 
immunity for the remainder of the battle. If Death Sentence is cast on a 
player immune to Death then the countdown will continue to run down, but the 
player will not die once the countdown has finished. A Holy Torch will not 
remove Death Force.

Death Force can be cast using the Enemy Skill of the same name, and can be 
learned from the enemy Adamantaimai which can be found lurking on the shores 
of Wutai. The Adamantaimai will never use Death Force, and the only way for 
you to learn it is through use of the Manipulate Materia. To utilise Death 
Force properly all three players must have learned the Enemy Skill, otherwise 
a player that has used Death Force on themselves would lose their immunity to 
Death should they then cast Death Force on another player. Death Force costs 
3MP to use.

There are only two moves in the game that override the Death immunity, and 
both can be found on Cait Sith's 'Slots' Limit Break - Death Joker and Game 
Over. The only times that you'll need to use Death Force is against the Joker 
in Gold Saucer Area, the Tonberry in the Battle Square, and up in the North 
Crater: Parasite, Master Tonberry, Gargoyle, Allemagne, Scissors, Christopher 
and Death Dealer. Death Force is also very useful if you are using the Curse 

|   {RESIST}   |

Resist will protect you from all Statuses, good or bad, and can be used via a 
level 3 Heal Materia (costing 150MP), or from a 'Vaccine'. Resist will also 
lock in any current Status that you currently have applied on you, excluding 
Barrier, MBarrier, Reflect, Shield, Regen and Peerless. This can be a very 
bad thing seeing as Resist will last either until the end of battle, or until 
it is cured which can be done using either by using White Wind or DeSpell. 
Using a Holy Torch will *not* remove Resist.

Resist can be disastrous in the Battle Arena, as it will *not* protect you 
from Status changes received from handicaps. Resist will instead lock those 
Statuses in place, making it potentially very difficult to remove the 
inflicted Statuses once they have been applied.

|   {7777 FEVER}   |

 NOTE - This is basically a condensed down version of section E.18 A.

7777 Fever, or All Lucky 7's is an easter egg that occurs when a character's 
current HP falls on precisely 7777. When this happens, the character will 
enter into a Berserk-like Status where they will begin attacking the enemy 
non-stop for 7777 HP worth of damage each attack. After 64 attacks the buff 
will end, resulting in a total of 497,728 HP worth of damage. The 'attack' is 
considered to be one move, and the enemy will not be able to use their 
commands until you have finished attacking. 

If more than one player enters into 7777 Fever in a battle, then the result 
would *not* be an additional 64 attacks; All Lucky 7's can only yield a 
maximum of 64 attacks per battle, regardless of whether the attacks come from 
just one or all three players. You will regain normal control of your 
characters once they have finished attacking, the only difference being they 
will now heal for 7777 HP every time a healing move/item is used (Potions, 
Phoenix Downs etc.). Also, every time they hit the enemy they will do so for 
7777 HP worth of damage. These effects will last until the battle ends or the 
characters HP changes. Once the battle has finished, the affected player's HP 
will be reduced to 1, restricting 7777 Fever's re-usage.

Whilst inflicted with 7777 Fever, the character's name will flash the same 
rainbow colours as the 'Limit' command, and the message bar will turn the 
same shade of purple as if a Limit Break was being used. Similarly, as soon 
as the player enters into the 7777 state, they will begin attacking without 
delay. Critical hits will never be used and all Elemental and Status changing 
properties will be suspended. There are only a few enemies that will be left 
standing once the bombardment of attacks have finished, namely some of the 

It is possible for an enemy to enter into 7777 Fever, if this happens then 
consider escaping from the battle as your whole team would be in danger of 
being wiped out. If a player enters into 7777 Fever whilst Poisoned, then the 
result would be 7777 HP worth of damage (killing  them instantly), seeing as 
the damage taken from Poison would count as self-inflicted damage. Also, 
during the very final battle with Sephiroth, 7777 Fever is disabled. This is 
the only battle in the game where this will occur.


1.) If the last two digits of your HP fall on 77 then you can use Hi-Potions 
    and Potions to bring your HP to 7777. One method of doing this would be 
    to equip the following:

 A  Manipulate, Transform (or 2x 'Shrivel') and Goblin Punch Enemy Skill x 2. 
    Don't equip Mega-All or Slash-All, don't have your Limit Breaks filled up 
    and don't have the player with Manipulate equipped with Transform or 
    Enemy Skill. Speed up the Battle Speed all the way.

    Enter into a battle and immediately Manipulate the enemy, killing off any 
    of its companions. Cast Haste (or Big Guard) and then have all two of 
    your players inflicted with Small (using Shrivels or the Transform 
    Materia). Goblin Punch will always inflict 8 HP, so long as your players 
    are the same level as each other, so you can keep using that until the 
    last two digits are lower than 85 but above 77; if they fall on 85 
    exactly then you can use Goblin Punch one more time to bring it down to 
    exactly 77. Otherwise, you can have your players attack one another for 
    1HP of damage until their HP lands on precisely 77.

 B  Another method of doing this would be to equip the Cat's Bell, which will 
    recover 2HP per step. You would then need to run around until the last 
    three digits fall on 154, 354, 554, 754 or 954. You would then need to 
    cast Demi2 or Laser to reduce your HP by half, resulting in the final 2 
    digits being 77.

 C  If you find that the last two digits of your *Max* MP are sitting on 77, 
    then you can quickly swap HP<->MP on and off again to bring the last two 
    digits of your HP to 77.

2.) Whilst fighting Emerald WEAPON, it will occasionally use the move AIRE 
    TAM (Materia spelt backwards). This move will inflict 1111 HP worth of 
    damage for every piece of Materia you have equipped on one character. The 
    damage does not stack; if Yuffie had 3 pieces and Cid had 5 pieces, the 
    resulting damage would *not* be 8888 HP. Yuffie would receive 3333 HP and 
    Cid would receive 5555 HP.

    Go into battle with just 2 pieces of Materia equipped on one of your 
    characters, making sure that one of the pieces is HP Plus, as to bring 
    your Max HP to 9999. Making sure that the player's HP is always topped to 
    the max, when Emerald uses Aire Tam Storm the resulting damage would be 
    2222, bringing the player's HP down to bang on 7777, activating 7777 

3.) Every time you escape from battle (using L1&R1), or by using the Exit 
    Materia), Chocobuckle will gain 1HP worth of damage. If you were to 
    escape from a total of 2222 battles then Chocobuckle will deal 2222 HP 
    worth of damage with every hit, making it possible to bring your Max HP 
    of 9999 down to 7777.

5.) You can manipulate your Max HP stats by using Materia that increases and 
    decreases your Max HP, such as Summons, Magic Materia, HP Plus Materia 
    etc. You can try to figure out using trial and error a way to have your 
    Max HP sitting xx77. This can be very difficult and long-winded to do....


    You have a walkthrough!!!! See section E.18 A - Lucky 7's for a quick and 
    easy reference on how to modify your HP accordingly to achieve 7777 Fever 
    using Magic and Summon Materia. All credit for that section goes to James 

|   {LUCKY GIRL}   |

Lucky Girl is activated by using Cait Sith's level 2 Limit Break 'Slots'; 
lining up 3 Hearts will have Cait Sith inflict the party with Lucky Girl. 
Whilst under the Status, all characters will hit for Critical Hits until the 
battle ends, or until the character is K.O'd.

Use QSI Link [Slots] to find out how to manipulate the reels to land on 3 

|   {BACK ROW}   |

To place your characters in the back row you must go into the Menus, select 
'Order' and then double-press confirm to move your characters from the front 
row to the back and vice-versa. A character positioned to the right hand side 
is placed in the back row. You can also arrange your characters position mid-
battle by pressing left on the D-pad, then confirm.

Whilst placed in the back row, characters will deliver and receive half 
damage from all physical attacks, whilst characters in the front row will 
deliver and receive normal damage. Magic remains completely unaffected by 
which row you are in. The enemy will also conform to row patterns, and an 
enemy that is in the back row will receive 1/4 damage from one of your 
characters that is placed in the back row. If the enemy has three rows, then 
all enemies in the back two rows will be considered in the back row. If a 
character has the Cover Materia equipped, then they will still receive half 
damage even if they are defending someone in the front row.

For the start of the game I recommend keeping all of your characters in the 
front row, seeing the extra damage incurred will help towards Leveling up 
your Limit Breaks early on. There are four characters who yield long ranged 
weapons - Yuffie, Vincent, Barret and Red XIII. Whilst equipped with a long 
ranged weapon, a character will do the same damage in the back row as they 
would in the front, but still receive half damage from physical attacks. The 
Long Range Materia also has the same effect of equipping a long ranged weapon.

There are certain creatures that are considered to be 'flying', such as 
Hundred Gunner, Zuu, or Bottomswell. These creatures will not be able to be 
hit by physical attacks, unless the attacker is long-ranged. The Hell Rider 
VR2 uses a move called Electromag which will swap your characters 'row' 
positions around. Also, When you fight the boss Motor Ball (at the end of the 
Midgar Highway) your rows will be reversed.

Uncommonly you will find that the 'column' formation of the enemy will result 
in you being unable to attack an enemy that is in the back row, although this 
occurs infrequently.

|   {DEFEND}   |

By pressing right on the D-pad during battle followed by confirm, you can opt 
to 'defend' for one turn, halving all physical damage taken during that time. 
If you were placed in the back row then you would receive 1/4 damage. Do not 
opt to Defend if you are Poisoned; the Poison damage would take you out of 
Defend. You will not receive 1/2 Poison damage.

|   {IMPRISONED}   |

Imprisoned is one of the worst Statuses in the game, and luckily there are 
only 3 attacks in the whole game that can Imprison a character; all being 
Bosses. Whilst inflicted with Imprisoned, the character will no longer be  
able to act, nor will they be flagged as a target, and instead a new enemy 
will take the characters place. The new enemy must then be killed, usually by 
a single physical blow, in order to free the inflicted character.

An Imprisoned player is flagged as dead, so if all three players become 
Imprisoned then it's Game Over. Like Petrify, your current HP is maintained.

The first of the three bosses that use Imprisoned is Reno I fought at the top 
of the Support Tower in Sector 7. He will use an attack called Pyramid, which 
will cast a Pyramid like structure around the inflicted player. A single 
physical blow to the pyramid will cure the player.

The second enemy to use Imprisoned is Bottomswell, although he will also 
inflict Seizure using an attack called Waterball. More details on Seizure 
below. The Waterball must attacked with a magical attack in order to destroy 

The last Boss to use Imprisoned is Carry Armor in Junon's Underwater Reactor. 
Both the Left Arm and the Right Arm can imprison a character using their move 
Arm Grab, and then when Carry Armor uses either arm to attack, the Imprisoned 
character will also take damage. If two players are Imprisoned and the third 
is killed, then it'll be Game Over. The only way to free the character is to 
kill the arm holding it, or if the afflicted character is killed.

|   {SEIZURE}   |

Seizure basically acts as a 'reversed-Regen', slowly draining your HP over 
time at the exact same rate as Regen; casting Regen on a character under the 
effect of Seizure would completely negate both effects.

Thankfully only one enemy in the game uses Seizure, and that is Bottomswell 
which is fought on your first visit to Junon. Using an attack called 
Waterball, Bottomswell will also inflict Imprisoned on you, and unlike Reno's 
'Pyramid', you must free the afflicted character with a magical attack as 
opposed to a physical attack.

'Dual' is a dummied out Status and serves no purpose whatsoever, although 
using hacking devices Dual will sometimes be the Status name displayed in 
place of Seizure.

|   {K.O}   |

If a player's HP runs down to 0, or if a player is inflicted with Death, then 
they will be met by the condition 'K.O'. Whilst K.O'd, the character will lie 
dead on the ground, their HP bar will be red and their ATB gauge will never 
fill up. Also, the 'dead' flag will be checked for that character; if all 
characters are flagged as dead then you will be met with a Game Over screen. 
When a character is K.O'd, their Limit gauge will be reset to 0.

The only ways to heal someone from K.O is to use a Phoenix Down, Life, Life2, 
Phoenix, Angel Whisper or sleeping in an Inn. K.O is one of three Statuses 
that will carry over from battle to battle, the other two being Fury and 
Sadness. If a character is not cured of K.O before a battle has finished then 
they will not gain any EXP or AP.

 NOTE - Being K.O'd and being dead are two very different things. That's why 
        you can't simply use a Phoenix Down on certain characters that die 
        within the game...

--E.09 H - Battle Items, Accessories And Materia List

|                                                                            |
|               ALL STATUS CHANGING MAGIC, ITEMS & ACCESSORIES:              |
|                                                                            |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|      MAGIC     :                                                           |
|'''''''''''''''''                                                           |
| Barrier Lv1  (Barrier)   - Casts Barrier                                   |
| Barrier Lv2  (MBarrier)  - Casts MBarrier                                  |
| Barrier Lv3  (Reflect)   - Casts Reflect                                   |
| Barrier Lv4  (Wall)      - Casts Barrier and MBarrier                      |
| Contain Lv1  (Freeze)    - Deals Ice damage and inflicts Stop (68%)        |
| Contain Lv2  (Break)     - Deals Wind damage and inflicts Petrify (32%)    |
| Contain Lv3  (Tornado)   - Deals Wind damage and inflicts Confusion (32%)  |
| Destruct Lv1 (DeBarrier) - Removes 4 various barriers                      |
| Destruct Lv2 (DeSpell)   - Removes 10 various 'buffs'                      |
| Destruct Lv3 (Death)     - Inflicts Death on one target                    |
| Heal Lv1     (Poisona)   - Cures Poison                                    |
| Heal Lv2     (Esuna)     - Cures all negative Statuses                     |
| Heal Lv3     (Resist)    - Protects against all Statuses                   |
| Mystify Lv1  (Confu)     - Inflicts Confusion on one target                |
| Mystify Lv2  (Berserk)   - Inflicts Berserk                                |
| Poison Lv1   (Bio)       - Inflicts Poison Damage and Poisons a target 48% |
| Poison Lv2   (Bio2)      - Inflicts Poison Damage and Poisons a target 48% |
| Poison Lv3   (Bio3)      - Inflicts Poison Damage and Poisons a target 72% |
| Restore Lv3  (Regen)     - Casts Regen                                     |
| Revive Lv1   (Life)      - Revives player from K.O                         |
| Revive Lv2   (Life2)     - Revives player from K.O and restores all HP     |
| Seal Lv1     (Sleepel)   - Inflicts Sleep on one target                    |
| Seal Lv2     (Silence)   - Inflicts Silence on one target                  |
| Shield Lv2   (Shield)    - Casts Shield on one target                      |
| Time Lv1     (Haste)     - Inflicts Haste on one target                    |
| Time Lv2     (Slow)      - Inflicts Slow on one target                     |
| Transform Lv1 (Mini)     - Inflicts Small on one target                    |
| Transform Lv2 (Toad)     - Inflicts Frog on one target                     |
|                                                                            |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|   ENEMY SKILL  :                                                           |
|'''''''''''''''''                                                           |
| Angel Whisper  - Revives player from K.O and cures all negative Statuses   |
| Bad Breath     - Inflicts Sleep, Poison, Confusion, Silence, Frog and      |
|                  Small on all targets                                      |
| Big Guard      - Casts Haste, Barrier and MBarrier to all targets          |
| Death Force    - Protects against Death                                    |
| Death Sentence - Inflicts Death Sentence on one target                     |
| Frog Song      - Inflicts Sleep and Frog on one target                     |
| L4 Suicide     - Inflicts Small and Critical on all targets with a level   |
|                  divisible be 4                                            |
| L5 Death       - Inflicts Death on targets with a level divisible by 5     |
| Roulette       - Inflicts Death on a random target                         |
| White Wind     - Cures all negative Statuses                               |
|                                                                            |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|     COMMAND    :                                                           |
|'''''''''''''''''                                                           |
| Slash-All Lv2 (Flash) - Inflicts Death on all targets                      |
| Manipulate            - Manipulates one target                             |
|                                                                            |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|     SUMMON     :                                                           |
|'''''''''''''''''                                                           |
| Choco/Mog - Deals non-elemental damage and inflicts Stop (40%)             |
| Hades     - Inflicts Sleep, Poison, Confusion, Silence, Frog, Small, Slow  |
|             and Paralyze on all targets                                    |
| Odin      - Inflicts Death on all targets                                  |
| Phoenix   - Revives all players from K.O and inflicts all enemies with     |
|             Fire damage                                                    |
|                                                                            |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|  BATTLE ITEMS  :                                                           |
|'''''''''''''''''                                                           |
| Antidote      - Cures Poison                                               |
| Cauldron      - Inflicts Sleep, Frog, Small, Poison, Confusion and Silence |
|                 on one target                                              |
| Cornucopia    - Cures Small                                                |
| Dazers        - Inflicts Paralyzed on one target                           |
| Deadly Waste  - Casts Bio2 on all targets (20%)                            |
| Dream Powder  - Inflicts Sleep on all targets (80%)                        |
| Echo Screen   - Cures Silence                                              |
| Eye drop      - Cures Darkness                                             |
| Holy Torch    - Casts DeSpell on one target                                |
| Hourglass     - Inflicts Stop on all targets (80%)                         |
| Hyper         - Inflicts Fury on one target, cures Sadness                 |
| Impaler       - Inflicts Frog on one target                                |
| Ink           - Inflicts Darkness on one target                            |
| Kiss of Death - Inflicts Death on all targets (68%)                        |
| Light Curtain - Casts Barrier on all target                                |
| Lunar Curtain - Casts MBarrier on all targets                              |
| Loco Weed     - Inflicts Confusion on all targets (80%)                    |
| M-Tentacles   - Casts Bio3 on all targets (48%)                            |
| Maiden's Kiss - Cures Frog                                                 |
| Mirror        - Casts Reflect on all targets                               |
| Mute Mask     - Inflicts Silence on all targets (80%)                      |
| Phoenix Down  - Revives a player from K.O                                  |
| Remedy        - Cures all negative Statuses                                |
| Shrivel       - Inflicts Small on one target                               |
| Soft          - Cures Petrify and Slow-numb                                |
| Speed Drink   - Casts Haste on one target                                  |
| Spider Web    - Inflicts Slow on all targets (100%)                        |
| Tranquilizer  - Inflicts Sadness on one target, cures Fury                 |
| Vaccine       - Inflicts one player with Resist                            |
| Vagyrisk Claw - Inflicts Petrify on one target                             |
| War Gong      - Inflicts Berserk on all targets (80%)                      |
|                                                                            |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|   ACCESSORIES  :                                                           |
|'''''''''''''''''                                                           |
| Curse Ring     - Automatically puts you in Death Sentence, boosts stats    |
| Fairy Ring     - Protects against Poison and Darkness                      |
| Fury Ring      - Automatically puts you in Berserk                         |
| Headband       - Protects against Sleep                                    |
| HypnoCrown     - Grants 100% Manipulation rate                             |
| Jem Ring       - Protects against Petrify, Slow-numb and Paralyze          |
| Peace Ring     - Protects against Confusion, Berserk, Fury and Sadness     |
| Poison Ring    - Protects against Poison, absorbs Poison Element           |
| Protect Ring   - Automatically puts you in Barrier and MBarrier            |
| Reflect Ring   - Automatically puts you in Reflect                         |
| Ribbon         - Protects against most negative Statuses                   |
| Safety Bit     - Protects against Death                                    |
| Silver Glasses - Protects against Darkness                                 |
| Sprint Shoes   - Automatically puts you in Haste                           |
| Start Pendent  - Protects against Poison                                   |
| White Cape     - Protects against Frog and Small                           |
|                                                                            |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|  LIMIT BREAKS  :                                                           |
|'''''''''''''''''                                                           |
| Cloud      1-2  Cross-slash         - Single attack also inflicting        |
|                                       Paralyze (100%)                      |
| Cloud      3-2  Finishing Touch     - Inflicts Death on all enemies        |
| Barret     2-2  Hammerblow          - Inflicts Death on one enemy          |
| Aeris      1-2  Seal Evil           - Inflicts Silence and Paralyze on all |
|                                       targets                              |
| Aeris      2-1  Breath of The Earth - Cures all negative Statuses          |
| Aeris      3-1  Planet Protector    - Inflicts Peerless on all allies      |
| Aeris      Lv4    Great Gospel      - Inflicts Peerless on all allies      |
| Red XIII   1-2  Lunatic High        - Casts Haste on all Allies and raises |
|                                       Defence                              |
| Cait Sith  Lv2  Lucky Girl          - Casts Lucky Girl on all allies       |
| Cait Sith  Lv2  Game Over           - Inflicts Death on all enemies        |
| Cait Sith  Lv2  Death Joker         - Inflicts Death on all allies         |
| Vincent    Lv4  Satan Slam          - Inflicts Death on all enemies        |
| Cid        2-2  Hyper Jump          - Attacks all enemies, 20% chance of   |
                                        Death                                |
| Cid        3-1  Dragon Dive         - 6 attack, each with 28% Chance of    |
|                                       Death                                |
|                                                                            |
| *Game Over and Death Joker are the only moves in the game that ignore      |
|  Death Immunity                                                            |
|                                                                            |
| *Hades will not inflict Slow or Paralyze when paired with Added Effect     |
|                                                                            |
| *The Peace Ring's in-game description is incorrect as it'll only display:  |
|  'Protects against [Berserk/Fury/Sadness]'. It also protects against       |
|  Confusion.                                                                |

|                                                                            |
| {E.10} - Obtaining Vincent Valentine                                       |
|                                                                            |
|  A - Shinra Mansion                                                        |
|  B - Lost Number                                                           |
|  C - Vincent                                                               |
|                                                       {Recruiting Vincent} |

--E.10 A - Shinra Mansion

  Vincent Valentine is one of two 'hidden' characters that can be recruited, 
along with Yuffie Kisaragi. See section E.07 for details on how to recruit 
Yuffie. Vincent can be recruited from the point at which you visit Nibelheim 
in Disk 1, and can be obtained at any point during the game thereafter. You 
will unlock the 'Won't You Be My Valentine?' Trophy when you do recruit him.

Before anything else, make sure to have protection from Confusion when 
navigating the Shinra Mansion (Peace Ring). Section D1.15 B will give you the 
full walkthrough, whereas this section will only cover the recruiting process.

In order to recruit Vincent, you must open a safe located on the western wing 
of the second floor. To work out the combination, you must first find the 
note that can be found on the first floor in the south eastern room. The four 
clues are as follows:

Clue 1: 'The lid of the box with the most oxygen.'

         On the second floor in the western-most room you will find a 
         treasure chest. Examine it (after opening it) to receive the 
         first combination.                                         - Right 36

Clue 2: 'Behind the ivory's short of tea and ray.'

         On the first floor in the western-most room you will find a grand 
         piano. On the floor behind it you will find second combination.
                                                                    -  Left 10

Clue 3: 'The creek in the floor board near the chair on the second floor... 
         Then to the left five steps, up nine steps, left two steps and up six 

         On the second floor eastern wing. Search the corridor, you'll find 
         the clue in a spot that is almost in-line with the chest (overhead 
         perspective).                                              - Right 59

Clue 4: 'The fourth has been written in invisible ink....'

         The fourth combination is hidden in plain sight. When selecting 
         which clue to read, bring the finger cursor down to the fourth line 
         to reveal the fourth combination.                          - Right 97

|/\/\/\/\/\/\/| RIGHT 36     LEFT 10     RIGHT 59     RIGHT 97 |/\/\/\/\/\/\/|

When you're ready, save the game and head up to the second floor western wing 
to try the safe combo. Be warned, when you have successfully opened the safe 
you will be met with a Boss!

 NOTES - Left 10 means that you have to go left to the number 10, and *not* 
         left 10 spaces from 36 (to 26).

       - If you accidentally went past the number required then you will have 
         failed and you'll have to try again.

--E.10 B - Lost Number

  Before fighting this Boss, equip Added Effect with either Time or 
Choco/Mog, as he is vulnerable to Stop. Equip Elemental defence from 
Lightning, Earth and/or Poison also.
|                                                                            |
| If you are fighting Lost Number on your first     ------Lv: | 35---------- |
| visit to Nibelheim, then you'll be in for a bit   ------HP: | 7000-------- |
| of a challenge, as he is quite a high level. Be   ------MP: | 300--------- |
| sure to cast Big Guard first and foremost, then   -----EXP: | 2000-------- |
| just keep spamming heavy hitting magic moves,     ------AP: | 80---------- |
| such as Beta.                                     -----GIL: | 2000-------- |
|                                                   ----DROP: | Cosmo Memory |
| Once his health has dropped below 50%, one half   -NULLIFY: | GRV--------- |
| of him will die. If the last move that hit him                             |
| was a magical attack, then his purple half will die, leaving just his red  |
| half. This red half will be weak against physical attacks but strong       |
| against magical attacks, and is the side that we wish to be left with. If  |
| you had last hit him with a physical attack as his health dropped below    |
| 50%, then you will be left his purple side which is weak against magical   |
| attacks but strong against physical attacks. This half is more challenging |
| than the red half.                                                         |

When he is finished, you'll be rewarded with the 'Key to the Basement', which 
you'll have to manually pick up from within the safe itself. You'll also be 
able to pick up the Odin Materia on the floor to the left of the safe, and 
you'll receive the Cosmo Memory after battle has finished, which is Red 
XIII's Lv 4 Limit Break Manual.

--E.10 C - Vincent

  Now that you have the key to the basement, you can unlock Vincent. Head 
down into the basement, and before heading into the laboratory, head north 
into the previously locked room. Here you will find a coffin. Interact with 
it, then choose to talk about Sephiroth when prompted.

When you regain control of Cloud, interact with the coffin a second time and 
select 'Who are you?' when prompted. After you have named Vincent, you will 
learn about a woman named Lucrecia, and a little bit about Vincent's past. 
When he resides back into his coffin, simply head towards the staircase 
leading to the mansion and Vincent will decide to join you.

Vincent's starting level is worked out accordingly: Average party level + 3.

Very little is known about Vincent's past, if you wish to learn more about 
him the you must wait until Disk 2 when you have obtained either the 
Submarine, or a Green/Black/Gold Chocobo. You can then visit Lucrecia's cave 
situated in North Corel and Gongaga.

Vincent is quite a powerful character to have on your team, as all of his 
weapons are long-ranged. Two of his weapons have 255 Attack%, which means 
they will hardly ever miss. This is especially handy when using Deathblow. 
These weapons are the Sniper CR and the Long Barrel R.

|                                                                            |
| {E.11} - Yuffie's Materia 'Pick List'                                      |
|                                                       {Yuffie's Pick List} |

  When you embark on Yuffie's sidequest, she will steal up to 48 pieces of 
Materia from you. If you happen to be holding more than 48 pieces of Materia, 
then you will be left with some pieces to play with.

The order of Materia that she will take are as follows:
 _____________________ __________________ ___________________ _______________
|                     |                  |                   |               |
| 01 Master Summon    | 22 Slash-All     | 43 Odin           | 64 Cover      |
| 02 Knights of Round | 23 EXP Plus      | 44 MP Turbo       | 65 Destruct   |
| 03 Master Command   | 24 Alexander     | 45 Titan          | 66 Gravity    |
| 04 Master Magic     | 25 Kjata         | 46 Ramuh          | 67 Time       |
| 05 Bahamut ZERO     | 26 Bahamut       | 47 Deathblow      | 68 Barrier    |
| 06 W-Summon         | 27 W-Item        | 48 Ifrit          | 69 Exit       |
| 07 W-Magic          | 28 Contain       | 49 gil Plus       | 70 Transform  |
| 08 Mega-All         | 29 HP<->MP       | 50 Counter Attack | 71 Mystify    |
| 09 Counter          | 30 Morph         | 51 Shiva          | 72 Seal       |
| 10 Typoon           | 31 Steal As Well | 52 Long Range     | 73 Revive     |
| 11 Hades            | 32 Added Cut     | 53 Pre-emptive    | 74 Earth      |
| 12 Quadra Magic     | 33 Final Attack  | 54 Chocobo Lure   | 75 Poison     |
| 13 Mime             | 34 Manipulate    | 55 Choco/Mog      | 76 Sense      |
| 14 Magic Counter    | 35 Sneak Attack  | 56 Enemy Away     | 77 Steal      |
| 15 Ultima           | 36 Added Effect  | 57 Luck Plus      | 78 Heal       |
| 16 Shield           | 37 Comet         | 58 Magic Plus     | 79 Restore    |
| 17 Full Cure        | 38 Elemental     | 59 Speed Plus     | 80 Lightning  |
| 18 Neo Bahamut      | 39 Throw         | 60 Enemy Lure     | 81 Ice        |
| 19 Phoenix          | 40 Leviathan     | 61 All            | 82 Fire       |
| 20 Enemy Skill      | 41 HP Absorb     | 62 HP Plus        | 83 Underwater |
| 21 Double Cut       | 42 MP Absorb     | 63 MP Plus        |               |

|                                                                            |
| {E.12} - Bone Village Digging Mini Game                                    |
|                                                                            |
|  A - About Bone Village                                                    |
|  B - Bone Village Map                                                      |
|  C - How The Game Works                                                    |
|  D - Glitches                                                              |
|                                                   {Bone Village Mini Game} |

--E.12 A - About Bone Village

  The foreman to the left of the entrance will sell the following: (ALL DISKS)

|         ITEM SHOP          |                        
| Diamond Bangle | 3200 gil  |  You'll be able to find Bone Village on the 
|    Rune Armlet | 3700 gil  |  south side of the Northern Continent, and 
|         Potion |   50 gil  |  you'll first be able to visit the place once 
|      Hi-Potion |  300 gil  |  you have obtained the Tiny Bronco. Even 
|          Ether | 1500 gil  |  though the game will not demand that you 
|   Phoenix Down |  300 gil  |  visit Bone Village until after the Temple of 
|       Antidote |   80 gil  |  The Ancients sequence, you should still visit 
|       Eye Drop |   50 gil  |  the place as soon as possible in order to 
|          Hyper |  100 gil  |  obtain the Diamond Bangle and the Rune Armlet.
|   Tranquilizer |  100 gil  |  The Rune Armlet is the only double growth 
|           Tent |  500 gil  |  armour in the game.

Just outside of Bone Village you'll be able to encounter the Vlakorados, 
which is a red dragon of sorts. He has 33,333 HP and can take a very long 
time to kill. The main incentive to fight them is the fact that they carry 
the Carob Nut, which is an essential item for Chocobo breeding. Note that you 
will not encounter enemies in the forest area surrounding Bone Village itself.

Past Bone Village you will find the Sleeping Forest. Every so often you will 
notice a red orb floating upwards. Stand at the base of a tree and 
continually press confirm to eventually obtain the red orb - the Kjata 

If you were to head north you would encounter a never ending screen-loop. The 
only way to pass through is by using the Lunar Harp, and to do that you must 
partake in the digging mini game.

--E.12 B - Bone Village Map

  O.K., PLEASE DON'T criticise my ASCII art skills (or lack of), this image 
does what it says on the tin - Displays each 'Dig Point':
|\@#\\#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@______  _ __@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@|
||#@| |#/#@#______#@ /  | | \   \    \#@\@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@/|#@#|
|#\#| | |  |      | (   / |  \   \    \#@\@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@/\#@#@#_____/  \#@|
|  || | |  | __   | |\ /  \  |\   \__  \  |_______________/  |#@_/         \#|
|  || | |  | \/   | | \ \  \ |       \  \_|                 /__/            ||
|  || |_|__|      |/\  \ \__\|   ___  \    \                                ||
|  ||/            / /\  \_  _   |\  |  \  |_\                               ||
|_/               |/  |   /| |  | | |   \ |                                 ||
|                 /  /|  / | |  | | |    \|                   _            / |
|                  \/_| /__|_| /| | |                        / \          |  |
|              _      |/     |/ | |                         ( 5 )         |  |
|             / \                                            \_/          |  |
|            ( 8 )                                                        |  |
|             \_/                                                         |  |
|                  _           _                                          |  |
|                 / \         / \          ___               ____        /___|
|_____     _     ( 7 )       ( 6 ) _______/SSS|        |\___/    \_________  |
| \SSS\___/ \____ \_/       **\_/ /        /SS|========|       /SSS\       \_|
|  \SSS\   /     \________  ***  /      __/SSS|        |     /SSSSSSS\       |
|\  \SSS\/       /SSSSSSSS\_____/      /SSSSS/|========|   /SSSSSSSSSSS\     |
|S\  \S/ \_    / \SSSSSSSSS\___      _/SSSS/  |        |  |SSSSSSSSSSSSS\    |
|\S\ /     \ / \/SSSSSSSSSSSSSS\____/SSSS/ \  |========|  \SSSS ___SSSSSS\   |
| \/ \_    /S\/SSS\-----\S\--\ SSSSSSSS/    \ |        |   \SSS/   \SSSSSSS\ |
|/     \ /\SSSSSSSS\     \S\  \SSSSSS/  __\  \|========|    \S/     \SSSSSSSS|
|\_    /\/SSS/---\SS\  ___/ \  \SSS/   |   |  |        |     /       \SSS/\SS|
|  \ /\SSSSS/     \SS\/      \  \SS    |===|  |========|             /SS/  \S|
|  / \SSS/ S|      \S|       /\__|_____|   |__|        |     __     /SS/    \|
|/SS\/SS/    |      \|      | /                         __   \S\   /SS/      |
|SSSSSS/     |       \ _____|/         _                \ \   \S\ /SSSSS/\   |
|/-----\      |       /               / \               / \SSSSSS/SSSSS/  \ /|
|__     \     |      /    _          ( 4 )            _/_  \SSSSSSSSSS/   /  |
|  \_    \    |_____/    / \          \_/            /      \SSSSSSSS/  /  / |
|    \    \   |         ( 3 )                  _____/       |SSSSSSS/ /  / / |
|     \    \ /           \_/                  /             /       /  /  /  |
|\     |    |         _                   ___/             /      /  /   /  /|
||     |    |        / \                 /                /     /  /    /  /S|
||_____|     \      ( 2 )               /____    ______   |            /  /SS|
|#@#@#@#@#@#@#|      \_/            _      | \  /     /   /    _______/  /SSS|
|@#@#@#@#@#@#@|                    / \     |  \/     /  //    /          |SSS|
|#@#@#@#@#@#@#|                   ( 1 )   /  /|     /  /   __/   |       |SSS|
|@#@#@#@#@#@#@|                    \_/   /  / |     |  /  /    __|       |SSS|
|#@#@#@#@#@#@#\                         /  /  |     |  / / /==/          |SSS|
|@#@#@#@#@#@#@#\                       /  /   |    / \  / /==/           /SSS|
|#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#\                     /  /     \  /___\/|/==/           /SSSS|
|@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#\                   |  /       \|\||||||__/           /SSSSS|
|#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#\          __       \/         \|    |/             /SSSSSS|
|@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#\______   \/                  /'    '              |SSSSSS|

 *Available on Disc 2, after the Lifestream events
**Available on Disk 3 only.

| Spot 1     Normal Treasure. Just to the right of the entrance.             |
|                                                                            |
|        1) Elixir          (14%, unlimited supply)                          |
|        2) Nothing         (85%)                                            |
|       *3) Key to Sector 5 (100%, once only)                                |
| Spot 2     Normal Treasure. Just to the left of the entrance.              |
|                                                                            |
|        1) Potion  (50%, unlimited supply)                                  |
|        2) Nothing (50%) [default]                                          |
| Spot 3     Good Treasure. Just to the right of where the foreman sits.     |
|                                                                            |
|        1) Megalixir    (100%, once only)                                   |
|        2) Nothing      (100% afterwards)                                   |
|      **3) Bahamut Zero (3.91%, once only) Must have already obtained the   |
|           Megalixir and have missed Bahamut Zero via Huge Materia          |
| Spot 4     Good Treasure. Base of the ladders and to the left on the 'X'.  |
|                                                                            |
|        1) Mop            (100%, Once only)                                 |
|        2) Nothing        (100% afterwards)                                 |
|      **3) W-Item Materia (100%, once only) Must have already obtained the  |
|           Mop and have missed the W-Item Materia in Midgar Re-visited      |
| Spot 5     Good Treasure. Top of the ladders and to the right.             |
|                                                                            |
|        1) Buntline        (100%, once only)                                |
|        2) Nothing         (100% afterwards)                                |
|      **3) Phoenix Materia (100%, once only) Must have already obtained the |
|           Buntline and have missed the Phoenix Materia in Fort Condor      |
| Spot 6     Normal Treasure. Top of the ladders, right of the black mound.  |
|                                                                            |
|        1) Turbo Ether (8%, unlimited supply)                               |
|        2) Ether       (92%, unlimited supply)                              |
| Spot 7     Normal Treasure. Just to the left of the black mound.           |
|                                                                            |
|        1) Ether   (30%, unlimited supply)                                  |
|        2) Nothing (70%)                                                    |
| Spot 8     Lunar Harp. Just NW of spot 7.                                  |
|                                                                            |
|        1) Lunar Harp (100%, once only)                                     |
|        2) Nothing    (100% afterwards)                                     |

If you reckon you can do a better job of the artwork than myself, then by all 
means do so! Send your ASCII Art to [email protected], and if I decide to 
replace my map with yours I will be sure to give all credit where it is 

--E.12 C - How The Game Works

  Firstly, talk to the foreman. He will be sitting to the left of the 
entrance near dig spot 3 (you can also buy the aforementioned armour here). 
You will have the option of selecting Lunar Harp, Good Treasure or Normal 
Treasure. Once you have selected your choice, you will be allowed to place up 
to 5 workers in locations of your choice. Each worker will cost 100 gil.

Once you have placed your workers, select 'done' to detonate a bomb. Then, 
each worker will face the direction of the chosen treasure. Using the map 
above, you will then be able to triangulate the position of the treasure. 
Once you have confirmed which position you would like to dig, you will spend 
the night at Bone Village (also restoring you HP/MP). The treasure can then 
be collected from the chest to the left of the entrance.

The interesting thing about the digging game is that you don't actually have 
to place down any workers! So long as you know the locating of each treasure, 
you can simply select 'done' before placing down any workers. The bonus to 
doing this will be that you can select any search spot, regardless of which 
treasure type you had selected i.e. you could select 'Normal Treasure', then 
search spot 8 and you'll still receive the Lunar Harp, provided that you 
hadn't placed any workers (and you hadn't already obtained it).

Using this knowledge, you could use the digging game to infinitely farm 
Ethers on Spot 6 for free!

--E.12 D - Glitches

  There are 3 known 'bugs' related to the Bone Village digging game:

1) Phoenix. If you failed to obtain the Phoenix Materia from the Fort Condor 
   mission then you will be able to dig one up from Bone Village (Spot 5). It
   is possible to obtain two un-mastered Phoenix Materias by simply not 
   collecting the Materia after the Fort Condor Huge Materia quest, until 
   after you've dug one up. You'll still be able to grab the Huge Materia, 
   and you'll still be able to return to the shack to grab the Materia at any 
   point in the game. Provided the Phoenix is not in your Materia inventory, 
   you'll be able to dig it up on Disk 3.

2) Kjata. Under normal circumstances, when you attempt to pick up a piece of 
   Materia with a full inventory, the game will not allow you to pick up that 
   piece until you have either discarded or sold some of your Materia. Kjata, 
   however, is bugged. If you attempted to pick it up with a full Materia 
   inventory, the game will still allow you to remove it from the field 
   without adding it to your inventory, thereby losing it permanently.

3) Steal Materia/Catastrophe. Written into the games coding is the ability to 
   dig up a Steal Materia and Barret's Lv 4 Limit Manual, Catastrophe. Seeing 
   as neither item is missable, it is suspected that these items were placed 
   as test dummies. There have been claims that the Steal Materia has been 
   dug up on a PSX version, although these claims may be untrue.

|                                                                            |
| {E.13} - Ultimate Weapons                                                  |
|                                                                            |
|  A - About Ultimate Weapons                                                |
|  B - Cloud's Ultima Weapon                                                 |
|  C - Barret's Missing Score                                                |
|  D - Tifa's Premium Heart                                                  |
|  E - Aeris's Princess Guard                                                |
|  F - Red XIII's Limited Moon                                               |
|  G - Yuffie's Conformer                                                    |
|  H - Cait Sith's HP Shout                                                  |
|  I - Vincent's Death Penalty                                               |
|  J - Cid's Venus Gospel                                                    |
|                                                         {Ultimate Weapons} |

--E.13 A - About Ultimate Weapons

  All ultimate weapons have a few things in common:

1) They will all have 0 growth, excluding Aeris's.

2) The all have 8 paired Materia slots, excluding Aeris's.

3) They will all have a special quality, gaining additional power when a 
   certain condition is met.

Due to the fact that your Materia will never level up whilst equipped to your 
ultimate weapons, it is fair to say that they are not the most favourable of 
weapons to use, although there aren't many weapons that surpass them in the 
way of strength. The only weapons that can match up to these Ultimate Weapons 

 - Barret's Max Ray           - Attack = 97  (found in Midgar Sector 8)
 - Cloud's Ragnarok           - Attack = 97  (prize for defeating Proud Clod)
 - Cid's Flayer               - Attack = 100 (prize in Speed Square)

The most used Ultimate Weapon has to be the Conformer for Yuffie. This is 
because it will deal regular damage whilst using Morph (as opposed to 12.5% 
normal damage). This is particularly useful when it comes to farming valuable 
items such as Sources and Elixirs.

The following characters power will be increased when certain conditions are 

  Cloud     - Gains more power the higher his current HP is.
  Barret    - Gains more power the more AP is equipped to his weapon.
  Tifa      - Gains more power the higher her Limit bar is filled.
  Aeris     - Gains more power when her allies are K.O'd
  Red XIII  - Gains more power the higher his current MP is.
  Yuffie    - Gains more power the higher the enemies average level is.
  Cait Sith - Gains more power the higher his current HP is.
  Vincent   - Gains more power with every enemy he kills.
  Cid       - Gains more power the higher his current MP is.

Here is a chart depicting how powerful each weapon will become whilst 
influenced by its Power-Up condition:
             ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________
            |            |            |            |            |            |
            | .5x DAMAGE | 1x DAMAGE  | 2x DAMAGE  | 3x DAMAGE  | 4x DAMAGE  |
| Cloud     | HP at 1/6  | HP at 1/3  | HP at 2/3  | HP at full | N/A        |
| Barret    | 80,000 AP  | 160,000 AP | 320,000 AP | 480,000 AP | 640,000 AP |
| Tifa*     | Bar @ 1/8  | Bar @ 1/4  | Bar @ 1/2  | Bar @ 3/4  | Bar @ full |
| Aeris     | N/A        | 0 Ally KO  | 1 Ally KO  | 2 Ally KO  | N/A        |
| Red XIII  | MP at 1/6  | MP at 1/3  | MP at 2/3  | MP at full | N/A        |
| Yuffie    | Enemy Lv8  | Enemy Lv16 | Enemy Lv32 | Enemy Lv48 | Enemy Lv64 |
| Cait Sith | HP at 1/6  | HP at 1/3  | HP at 2/3  | HP at full | N/A        |
| Vincent   | N/A        | 768 Kills  | 2816 Kills | 4864 Kills | 6912 Kills |
| Cid       | MP at 1/6  | MP at 1/3  | MP at 2/3  | MP at full | N/A        |
 *If Tifa's Limit level was set to level 4.

--E.13 B - Cloud's Ultima Weapon

 ____________________ _____________________________________ _________________
|                    |                                     |                 |
|  {ULTIMA WEAPON}   | Materia Slots  -  �=� �=� �=� �=�   | Growth - NONE   |
|                    |                                     |                 |
|    Attack : 100    |    Buy : N/A                        | Magic  + 51     |
|  Attack % : 110    |   Sell : 1 gil                      | Spirit + 21     |
|     Range : Normal |   Drop : Ultimate WEAPON            |                 |
|   Element : Cut    |  Steal : N/A                        |                 |
|________ ___________|_____________________________________|_________________|
|        |                                                                   |
| OBTAIN | Ultimate WEAPON, final battle (Disk 2)                            |
|                                                                            |
| Notes:                                                                     |
|                                                                            |
| - Cloud will deliver 3x normal power when his health is full, 2x when his  |
|   health is at 2/3's and 1x when his health is at 1/3.                     |
|                                                                            |
|     Damage = [3 * 16 * CURRENT HP / MAX HP + 1 / 16] * DAMAGE              |

The Ultima Weapon is considered to be one of the strongest weapons in the 
game. When Cloud's HP is in critical the Sword will glow dark blue, and when 
Cloud's HP is full it will glow a bright white.

The Ultima Weapon is required in order to partake in the optional battle at 
the Battle Square, and as such you cannot obtain the Final Attack Materia 
(prize for optional battle) before obtaining the Ultima Weapon.

Cait Sith's Ultimate Weapon, the HP Shout, shares the same Power-Up 
properties as the Ultima Weapon.

--E.13 C - Barret's Missing Score

 ____________________ _____________________________________ _________________
|                    |                                     |                 |
|  {MISSING SCORE}   | Materia Slots  -  �=� �=� �=� �=�   | Growth - NONE   |
|                    |                                     |                 |
|    Attack : 98     |    Buy : N/A                        | Magic + 49      |
|  Attack % : 108    |   Sell : 1 gil                      |                 |
|     Range : Long   |   Drop : N/A                        |                 |
|   Element : Shoot  |  Steal : N/A                        |                 |
|________ ___________|_____________________________________|_________________|
|        |                                                                   |
| OBTAIN | Midgar Mako Cannon (Disk 2, screen after save point)              |
|                                                                            |
| Notes:                                                                     |
|                                                                            |
| - The chest will *ONLY* appear if Barret is in your party.                 |
| - Barret will deliver 3x damage for having 500,000 AP equipped on his      |
|   weapon, 6x for having 1 million AP and 9x for having 1.5 million AP.     |
|                                                                            |
|     Damage = [TOTAL AP ON WEAPON / 10,000 + 1 / 16] * DAMAGE               |

The more AP the weapon has equipped on it, the higher its attack power will 
be. Master Magic, Master Command, Master Summon, Enemy Skill and Underwater 
do not contribute to the total. A piece of Materia will not store any more AP 
once it has been mastered.

If Barret's Strength was high enough, you could equip 5 x mastered Knights of 
The Round Materias to send Barret's damage counter into overflow, being able 
to one-hit kill Emerald (also using 4 Hero Drinks).

--E.13 D - Tifa's Premium Heart

 ____________________ _____________________________________ _________________
|                    |                                     |                 |
|  {PREMIUM HEART}   | Materia Slots  -  �=� �=� �=� �=�   | Growth - NONE   |
|                    |                                     |                 |
|    Attack : 99     |    Buy : N/A                        | Magic + 32      |
|  Attack % : 112    |   Sell : 1 gil                      |                 |
|     Range : Normal |   Drop : N/A                        |                 |
|   Element : Hit    |  Steal : N/A                        |                 |
|________ ___________|_____________________________________|_________________|
|        |                                                                   |
| OBTAIN | Broken machine in the ITEM hut in the Wall Market (Disk 2)        |
|                                                                            |
| Notes:                                                                     |
|                                                                            |
| - You'll first need to obtain the Key to Sector 5 from Bone Village.       |
| - Item cannot be thrown.                                                   |
| - If Tifa's Limit is set to Level 4, then she would deliver 4x damage with |
|   a full Limit gauge, 2x damage with a half filled gauge, and 1x damage    |
|   with a 1/4 filled gauge. At Limit Level 2 she would 1x damage with a 1/2 |
|   filled gauge.                                                            |
|                                                                            |
|     Damage = [LIMIT LEVEL * LIMIT BAR UNITS / 16 + 1 / 16] * DAMAGE        |
|     (A Full Limit bar would be 255 units, a half filled bar would be 127)  |

Anything less than a 1/4 filled bar would deal less than normal damage, and 
an empty Limit bar could deal as little as 200 HP.

Due to this peculiar formula, most people stay well away from the weapon, 
favouring other weapons such as the God Hand (which has 255 Attack%) or 
Master Fist (which gains damage when under status afflictions).

Alternatively, you could equip Tifa with Added Cut and Deathblow, let her 
gauge fill up and never use her Limit.

If you enter the ITEM hut in the Wall Market with Cid in your party then a 
slightly amusing additional scene will play out.

--E.13 E - Aeris's Princess Guard

 ____________________ _____________________________________ _________________
|                    |                                     |                 |
|  {PRINCESS GUARD}  | Materia Slots  -  O=O O=O O=O O     | Growth - NORMAL |
|                    |                                     |                 |
|    Attack : 52     |    Buy : N/A                        | Magic    + 22   |
|  Attack % : 111    |   Sell : 3750 gil                   | Vitality + 12   |
|     Range : Normal |   Drop : N/A                        | Spirit   + 20   |
|   Element : Hit    |  Steal : N/A                        |                 |
|________ ___________|_____________________________________|_________________|
|        |                                                                   |
| OBTAIN | Temple of The Ancients, room IV                                   |
|                                                                            |
| Notes:                                                                     |
|                                                                            |
| - Aeris will deliver 2x damage if one ally is K.O'd, and 3x damage of two  |
|   allies are K.O'd.                                                        |
|                                                                            |
|     Damage = [1 + NUMBER OF K.O'D ALLIES] * DAMAGE                         |

The Princess Guard is unique for 3 reasons - It is the only Ultimate Weapon 
available on Disk 1, it is the only Ultimate Weapon to have 7 slots as 
opposed to 8, and it is the only Ultimate Weapon to have normal growth.

It's Power-Up effect is identical to that of Cloud's Yoshiyuki - It will 
double in attack power if one ally is dead and it will triple in attack power 
if two allies are dead.

--E.13 F - Red XIII's Limited Moon

 ____________________ _____________________________________ _________________
|                    |                                     |                 |
|   {LIMITED MOON}   | Materia Slots  -  �=� �=� �=� �=�   | Growth - NONE   |
|                    |                                     |                 |
|    Attack : 93     |    Buy : N/A                        | Magic + 31      |
|  Attack % : 114    |   Sell : 1 gil                      |                 |
|     Range : Normal |   Drop : N/A                        |                 |
|   Element : Hit    |  Steal : N/A                        |                 |
|________ ___________|_____________________________________|_________________|
|        |                                                                   |
| OBTAIN | Bugenhagen's Laboratory (After defeating Diamond WEAPON)          |
|                                                                            |
| Notes:                                                                     |
|                                                                            |
| - Red XIII must be in your party when visiting the laboratory.             |
| - Red XIII will deliver 3x normal power when his MP is full, 2x when his   |
|   MP is at 2/3's and 1x when his MP is at 1/3.                             |
|                                                                            |
|     Damage = [3 * 16 * CURRENT MP / MAX MP + 1 / 16] * DAMAGE              |

The Limited Moon is only available towards the end of Disk 2 after having 
defeated Emerald WEAPON.

Cid's Ultimate Weapon, the Venus Gospel, shares the same Power-Up properties 
as the Limited Moon.

--E.13 G - Yuffie's Conformer

 ____________________ _____________________________________ _________________
|                    |                                     |                 |
|    {CONFORMER}     | Materia Slots  -  �=� �=� �=� �=�   | Growth - NONE   |
|                    |                                     |                 |
|    Attack : 96     |    Buy : N/A                        | Magic + 42      |
|  Attack % : 112    |   Sell : 1 gil                      |                 |
|     Range : Long   |   Drop : N/A                        |                 |
|   Element : Shoot  |  Steal : N/A                        |                 |
|________ ___________|_____________________________________|_________________|
|        |                                                                   |
| OBTAIN | Sunken Gelnika                                                    |
|                                                                            |
| Notes:                                                                     |
|                                                                            |
| - Yuffie will deliver 1x damage if the enemies average level is Lv16, 2x   |
|   damage if it is Lv32 and 4x damage if it is Lv64.                        |
| - The Conformer will hit for normal damage when using Morph.               |
|                                                                            |
|     Damage = [AVERAGE ENEMY LEVEL / 16] * DAMAGE                           |

The average enemy level takes into account every enemy that is targeted by 
the attack. If Yuffie is only targeting one enemy, then only that enemy's 
level is taken into account.

The Conformer is one of the best weapons on the game seeing as it will 
completely ignore the reduced damage effects of Morph, hitting each opponent 
for 100% damage (as opposed to 12.5%). This is particularly useful for the 
Sunken Gelnika, as you can Morph every enemy in there into Sources.

If you were to attack an ally whilst wielding the Conformer, then you would 
hit your comrades for 1HP of damage, although no damage counter would be 
displayed. You will still be able to negate the effects of Sleep and 

--E.13 H - Cait Sith's HP Shout

 ____________________ _____________________________________ _________________
|                    |                                     |                 |
|     {HP SHOUT}     | Materia Slots  -  �=� �=� �=� �=�   | Growth - NONE   |
|                    |                                     |                 |
|    Attack : 95     |    Buy : N/A                        | Magic + 44      |
|  Attack % : 110    |   Sell : 1650 gil                   |                 |
|     Range : Normal |   Drop : N/A                        |                 |
|   Element : Hit    |  Steal : N/A                        |                 |
|________ ___________|_____________________________________|_________________|
|        |                                                                   |
| OBTAIN | Shinra HQ, Floor 64 (Disk 2)                                      |
|                                                                            |
| Notes:                                                                     |
|                                                                            |
| - Cait Sith will deliver 3x normal power when his health is full, 2x when  |
|   his health is at 2/3's and 1x when his health is at 1/3.                 |
|                                                                            |
|     Damage = [3 * 16 * CURRENT HP / MAX HP + 1 / 16] * DAMAGE              |

Cloud's Ultima Weapon shares the same Power-Up properties as the HP Shout.

--E.13 I - Vincent's Death Penalty   

 ____________________ _____________________________________ _________________
|                    |                                     |                 |
|  {DEATH PENALTY}   | Materia Slots  -  �=� �=� �=� �=�   | Growth - NONE   |
|                    |                                     |                 |
|    Attack : 99     |    Buy : N/A                        | Magic + 34      |
|  Attack % : 115    |   Sell : 1 gil                      |                 |
|     Range : Long   |   Drop : N/A                        |                 |
|   Element : Shoot  |  Steal : N/A                        |                 |
|________ ___________|_____________________________________|_________________|
|        |                                                                   |
| OBTAIN | Lucrecia's Cave                                                   |
|                                                                            |
| Notes:                                                                     |
|                                                                            |
| - Either the Submarine or a Green/Black/Gold Chocobo is required to access |
|   Lucrecia's Cave.                                                         |
| - After your first visit, fight 10 battles then return.                    |
| - Vincent will deliver 1x damage once he has killed 768 enemies, 1.5x      |
|   damage once he has killed 1792, 2x damage once he has killed 2816, 3x    |
|   damage once he has killed 4864, and 4x damage once he has killed 6912.   |
|                                                                            |
|     Damage = [KILLS / 128 + 10 / 16] * DAMAGE                              |

Due to the programming of Vincent's Death Penalty, it is possible to active 
the overflow glitch. You can one-hit Emerald by reaching an absurd amount of 
kills (16,896), raising Vincent's Strength up to 255 and then use four Hero 
Drinks, Berserk and land a critical hit (and strangely enough, Vincent would 
also need to be in the front row). 

Roughly every 200 kills Vincent gets his damage multiplier increases by 1. 
Vincent's damage output cannot be less than 62.5% of it's normal attack power.

--E.13 J - Cid's Venus Gospel

 ____________________ _____________________________________ _________________
|                    |                                     |                 |
|   {VENUS GOSPEL}   | Materia Slots  -  �=� �=� �=� �=�   | Growth - NONE   |
|                    |                                     |                 |
|    Attack : 97     |    Buy : N/A                        | Magic + 42      |
|  Attack % : 103    |   Sell : 1 gil                      |                 |
|     Range : Normal |   Drop : N/A                        |                 |
|   Element : Punch  |  Steal : N/A                        |                 |
|________ ___________|_____________________________________|_________________|
|        |                                                                   |
| OBTAIN | Rocket Town, after Huge Materia mission (Disk 2)                  |
|                                                                            |
| Notes:                                                                     |
|                                                                            |
| - Talk to the old man gazing into the sky 3 times to receive the weapon.   |
| - Cid will deliver 3x normal power when his MP is full, 2x when his MP is  |
|   at 2/3's and 1x when his MP is at 1/3.                                   |
|                                                                            |
|     Damage = [3 * 16 * CURRENT MP / MAX MP + 1 / 16] * DAMAGE              |

Red XIII's Ultimate weapon, the Limited Moon, shares the same Power-Up 
properties as the Venus Gospel.

|                                                                            |
| {E.14} - Chocobo Breeding                                                  |
|                                                                            |
|  A - About Chocobo Breeding                                                |
|  B - How To Catch A Chocobo                                                |
|  C - The Chocobo Ranch                                                     |
|  D - Where To Find The Chocobo Tracks                                      |
|  E - Greens, Nuts And The Chocobo Sage                                     |
|  F - How To Breed A Gold Chocobo                                           |
|  G - Breeding The 'Ultimate' Racing Chocobo                                |
|  H - Extras                                                                |
|      - Obtain A *Free* Gold Chocobo                                        |
|      - Chocobos That Give Us Stuff                                         |
|      - Esters Chocobo Stats                                                |
|      - Chocobuckle                                                         |
|      - Personalities                                                       |
|      - Random Number Generation                                            |
|      - Obtaining A Gold Chocobo *Without* Having To Race                   |
|      - Miscellaneous Info                                                  |
|      - More Nuts                                                           |
|                                                         {Chocobo Breeding} |

--E.14 A - About Chocobo Breeding

  Welcome to perhaps the longest side-quest of Final Fantasy VII - Chocobo 
Breeding. If you wish to skip straight to the breeding process, then jump 
down to section E.10 F. Otherwise, I recommend taking the time to familiarise 
yourself with the mechanics of breeding, especially if you are new to the 

You won't be able to begin the Chocobo Breeding process until you have 
obtained the Highwind, and the Gold Saucer has re-opened (after the 
Lifestream events) on Disk 2. While the Chocobo Breeding side-quest is 
optional, there are some great benefits to partaking in it:

 1.) Chocobos act as a mode of transport, and breeding 'Special' Chocobos 
     will enable you to access secret locations on the World Map, such as the 
     'Materia Caves' (see section E.15), the Ancient Forest and Lucrecia's 
 2.) Breeding Special Chocobos will result in better racing Chocobos to 
     race at the Chocobo Square at the Gold Saucer. Having a better racing 
     Chocobos will mean that you will be able to compete in the higher 
     classes, and the higher the class the greater the reward!

 3.) The Battle Square at the Gold Saucer yields the greatest prizes of all 
     Gold Saucer Prizes, and in order to compete in the Arena you must pay 10
     GP per battle. The only way to accumulate a sufficient amount of GP is 
     via Chocobo racing.

 4.) The WEAPON super bosses are extremely difficult to defeat, and the 
     Materia that you can acquire from the Materia Caves will probably mean 
     the difference between success and defeat.

There are 4 'Special Chocobos' that you can breed:


    A Mountain Chocobo can soar across all mountains, and can be used to 
    access the Materia Cave in Wutai.


    A River Chocobo can cross shallow water and rivers (the Buggy and the 
    Tiny Bronco combined), and can be used to access the Materia Cave near 


    A Mountain and River Chocobo is the second best Chocobo available, and 
    can be used to access the Materia Cave near Corel.


    An Ocean Chocobo can go pretty much anywhere on the map except for 
    underwater, and can be used to access the Materia Cave on Round Island 
    (unmarked island located at the north-eastern corner of the map).

 NOTE - Chocobo Breeding will cost in the region of 500,000 gil, and will take 
        approximately 3 1/2 hours to complete.

--E.14 B - How To Catch A Chocobo

To catch a Chocobo you must first equip the Chocobo Lure Materia. You must 
then locate a set of Chocobo tracks that can be found in various places 
scattered across the World Map. Run around until you engage in a battle, you 
may not encounter a Chocobo on your first battle; the higher the level of the 
Chocobo Lure Materia the higher the chance of you encountering a Chocobo.

You'll know if you have encountered a Chocobo from the music that plays. 
Whilst in-battle, the Chocobo must not be hit, or it'll run away. After 
roughly 2 turns, the Chocobo will run away unless you have defeated all of 
the surrounding enemies. You can stall the Chocobos departure by feeding them 
Greens, the better the quality of the Green the longer they'll stay. Greens 
can be bought from the Chocobo Ranch or from the Chocobo Sage. Once the 
battle has finished and you have successfully caught the Chocobo, you will 
find that you will be riding on the back of one when you return to the Word 

Whilst traversing on a Chocobo, random battle encounters will be disabled. 
Also, equipping a level 1 Chocobo Lure Materia will give you a 75% chance of 
encountering a Chocobo near the Chocobo Ranch, 50% near Junon and 25% 
everywhere else. A level 3 or 4 Chocobo Lure will give you 100% chance at the 
Chocobo Ranch and Junon, 50% everywhere else. 2x level 3/mastered Chocobo 
Lures would tack to give you 100% encounter rate on any Chocobo track.

--E.14 C - The Chocobo Ranch

The Chocobo Ranch can be located south west of Midgar, and can first be 
visited early on in Disk 1. During your visit you will need to buy the 
Chocobo Lure Materia for 2000 gil, then you will need to catch a Chocobo in 
order to cross the Marsh that is home to the Midgar Zolom. Although you can 
catch Chocobos at this early stage in the game, you will not be able to store 
them at the Chocobo Ranch until you reach Disk 2; You will find that when you 
disembark from a Chocobo you will be prompted to either 'send it back to the 
stables' or 'turn it loose'. On Disk 1 this option will not be available.

When you send a Chocobo back to the stables, it will be kept in the outside 
pen. The maximum you can store there is 4, when a fifth one is caught the 
first one will be let go. To move your Chocobos into the stables you must 
first rent the stables from Chocobo Bill who can be found in the Inn to the 
left of the ranch. Each stable will cost 10,000 gil to rent, and there are a 
total of 6 to rent.

Once you have rented at least one stable, you can talk to Chocobo Billy in 
the ranch to be prompted to select from the following:

'Buy'                  - Buy various Nuts and Greens
'Get some information' - Learn some more about Chocobos
'Moving Chocobos'    - Move your Chocobos from the pen to the stable
'Feeding Chocobos'   - Feed your Chocobos Greens to improve their racing stats
'Mating Chocobos'    - Mate a female and a male Chocobo together
'Releasing Chocobos' - Release a Chocobo back into the wild
'Riding Chocobos'    - Ride a Chocobo you've caught around the World Map

 NOTE - A lot of the names for the Greens and the Nuts are mis-spelt whilst 
        navigating through the available options at the Chocobo Ranch.

Select 'Moving Chocobos' to bring a Chocobo you've caught into the stables. 
At this point, a Chocobos gender will be determined at random (it's always 
advisable to save your game beforehand). You will then be given the option of 
naming your Chocobo; I suggest naming your Chocobos in accordance with their 
gender to make things a little easier i.e. Green F, Blue M etc.

You will also be able to view the Chocobos rating, and there are 8 ratings 

| RATING:      POSTURE:              CHOCOBO BILLY'S COMMENT:                |
|                                                                            |
| Wonderful  | Dashing, head down  | �This... is a wonderful Chocobo!�       |
| Great      | Running             | �This is a great Chocobo�               |
| Good       | Walking             | �Mmm, this seems like a good Chocobo�   |
| So-So      | Standing still      | �Mmm, this one's not bad�               |
| Average    | Standing still      | �This is a pretty average Chocobo�      |
| Poor       | Standing still      | �This Chocobo's so-so�                  |
| Bad        | Trotting, head down | �I really can't recommend this one�     |
| Terrible   | Trotting, head down | �This one doesn't seem to be very good� |
|                                                                            |
| Only the Good, Great and Wonderful Chocobos are used for breeding.         |

 NOTE - If you were to take your chocobo on board the Highwind, you could 
        talk to the NPC to find out which 'type' of chocobo it is.

When you first enter the Chocobo Ranch you will be able to obtain the 
Choco/Mog Materia. This is done by talking to the nearest Chocobo, and 
selecting option 1 ('Wark') when prompted. The Chocobos will then perform a 
little dance, which is nice, you'll then be presented with the Materia. If 
you didn't do this on Disk 1 then you'll still be able to obtain the Materia, 
you'll just need to catch a few Chocobos first to fill your pen. You'll also 
be able to find a Chocobo Lure Materia when you enter the area on Disk 2 at 
the south side of the pen lying on the ground.

                                                              {Chocobo Tracks}
--E.14 D - Where To Find The Chocobo Tracks

  Each set of Chocobo tracks will have a pre-determined set of encounters, 
and there are 7 Chocobo tracks scattered throughout Gaia:
|                                                                            |
| 1) {GRASSLANDS AREA TRACKS} (Near Chocobo Ranch)                           |
|                                                                            |
|  Encounters:-                                                              |
|               1x Mandragora, 1x Levrikon - Terrible Chocobo Lv 13          |
|               2x Mandragora              - Terrible Chocobo Lv 13 (25%)    |
|               2x Levrikon                - Bad Chocobo Lv 16 (25%)         |
|               2x Elfadunk                - Bad Chocobo Lv 16 (25%)         |
|                                                                            |
| None of the Chocobos found here are used for Chocobo breeding, although    |
| the bad Chocobos can be used to acquire the Enemy Skill Chocobuckle.       |
|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
|                                                                            |
| 2) {JUNON AREA TRACKS}                                                     |
|                                                                            |
|  Encounters:-                                                              |
|               2x Nerosuferoth - Terrible  Chocobo Lv 19 (25%)              |
|  (Front view) 2x Capparwire   - Terrible  Chocobo Lv 19 (25%)              |
|   (Side view) 2x Capparwire   - So-so Chocobo Lv 19 (25%)                  |
|               3x Capparwire   - So-so Chocobo Lv 19 (25%)                  |
|                                                                            |
| None of the Chocobos found here are used for Chocobo breeding.             |
|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
|                                                                            |
| 3) {GOLD SAUCER AREA TRACKS}                                               |
|                                                                            |
|  Encounters:-                                                              |
|               1x Harpy     - Average Chocobo Lv 22 (34.25%)                |
|  (Front View) 2x Flapbeat  - Average Chocobo Lv 22 (34.25%)                |
|   (Side View) 2x Flapbeat  - Average Chocobo Lv 29 (15.75%)                |
|               2x Spencer   - Good Chocobo*   Lv 29 (15.75%)                |
|                                                                            |
| *Used for Chocobo Breeding.                                                |
|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
|                                                                            |
| 4) {ROCKET TOWN AREA TRACKS}                                               |
|                                                                            |
|  Encounters:-                                                              |
|           1x Velcher Task, 1x Kyuvilduns - Poor Chocobo Lv 22 (34.25%)     |
|           2x Velcher Task                - Poor Chocobo Lv 22 (34.25%)     |
|           2x Valron                      - Great Chocobo*   Lv 22 (15.75%) |
|           2x Kyuvilduns                  - Great Chocobo*   Lv 22 (15.75%) |
|                                                                            |
| *Used for Chocobo Breeding.                                                |
|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
|                                                                            |
| 5) {WUTAI AREA TRACKS}                                                     |
|                                                                            |
|  Encounters:-                                                              |
|               3x Tail Vault - Average Chocobo Lv 30 (25%)                  |
|  (Front view) 2x Tail Vault - Average Chocobo Lv 30 (25%)                  |
|   (side view) 2x Tail Vault - So-So Chocobo    Lv 30 (25%)                 |
|               3x Razor Weed - So-So Chocobo    Lv 30 (25%)                 |
|                                                                            |
| None of the Chocobos found here are used for Chocobo breeding.             |
|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
|                                                                            |
| 6) {ICICLE INN AREA TRACKS}                                                |
|                                                                            |
|  Encounters:-                                                              |
|            1x Bandersnatch, 1x Jumping - Bad Chocobo       Lv 33 (40.25%)  |
|            2x Bandersnatch             - Bad Chocobo       Lv 33 (40.25%)  |
|            1x Jumping                  - Wonderful Chocobo* Lv 33 (9.75%)  |
|            2x Jumping                  - Wonderful Chocobo* Lv 33 (9.75%)  |
|                                                                            |
| *Used for Chocobo Breeding.                                                |
|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
|                                                                            |
| 7) {MIDEEL AREA TRACKS}                                                    |
|                                                                            |
|  Encounters:-                                                              |
|               3x Head Hunter - So-So Chocobo   Lv 36 (22%)                 |
|               2x Head Hunter - So-So Chocobo   Lv 36 (22%)                 |
|               1x Spiral      - Great Chocobo* Lv 36 (28%)                  |
|               2x Spiral      - Great Chocobo* Lv 36 (28%)                  |
|                                                                            |
| *Used for Chocobo Breeding. The Chocobo that appears here can be used to   |
|  acquire the Enemy Skill Chocobuckle.                                      |

So then, just to re-cap:
|                                                                            |
| {Wonderful Chocobo}                    Dashing Chocobo with it's head down |
|                                                                            |
| Caught from:                                                               |
|  Lv 33 - Icicle Inn Area alongside 1x or 2x Jumping.                       |
|                                                                            |
| Max Sprint  - 121 KPH                                                      |
| Max Stamina - 463                                                          |
|                                                                            |
| {Great Chocobo}                                            Running Chocobo |
|                                                                            |
| Caught from:                                                               |
|  Lv 36 - Mideel Area      alongside 1x or 2x Spiral                        |
|  Lv 22 - Rocket Town Area alongside 2x Valron or 2x Kyuvilduns             |
|                                                                            |
| Max Sprint  - 110 KPH                                                      |
| Max Stamina - 383                                                          |
|                                                                            |
| {Good Chocobo}                                             Walking Chocobo | 
|                                                                            |
| Caught from:                                                               |
|  Lv 29 - Gold Saucer Area alongside 2x Spencer                             |
|                                                                            |
| Max Sprint  - 101 KPH                                                      |
| Max Stamina - 363                                                          |
|                                                                            |
| {So-So Chocobo}                                              Still Chocobo |
|                                                                            |
| Caught from:                                                               |
|  Lv 36 - Mideel Area alongside 2x or 3x Headhunter                         |
|  Lv 30 - Wutai Area  alongside 3x Razor Weed or 2x Tail Vault (side view)  |
|  Lv 19 - Junon Area  alongside 3x or 2x Capparwire (side view)             |
|                                                                            |
| Max Sprint  - 92 KPH                                                       |
| Max Stamina - 343                                                          |
|                                                                            |
| {Average Chocobo}                                            Still Chocobo |
|                                                                            |
| Caught from:                                                               |
|  Lv 30 - Wutai Area       alongside 3x or 2x Tail Vault (front view)       |
|  Lv 29 - Gold Saucer Area alongside 2x Flapbeat (side view)                |
|  Lv 22 - Gold Saucer Area alongside 1x Harpy or 2x Flapbeat (front view)   |
|                                                                            |
| Max Sprint  - 86 KPH                                                       |
| Max Stamina - 263                                                          |
|                                                                            |
| {Poor Chocobo}                                               Still Chocobo |
|                                                                            |
| Caught from:                                                               |
|  Lv 22 - Rocket Town Area alongside 1x or 2x Velcher Task or 1x Kyuvilduns |
|                                                                            |
| Max Sprint  - 71 KPH                                                       |
| Max Stamina - 213                                                          |
|                                                                            |
| {Bad Chocobo}                         Trotting Chocobo with it's head down |
|                                                                            |
| Caught from:                                                               |
|  Lv 33 - Icicle Inn Area alongside 1x Bandersnatch & 1 x Jumping or        |
|                                    2x Bandersnatch                         |
|  Lv 16 - Grasslands Area alongside 2x Levrikon or 2x Elfadunk              |
|                                                                            |
| Max Sprint  - 63 KPH                                                       |
| Max Stamina - 143                                                          |
|                                                                            |
| {Terrible Chocobo}                    Trotting Chocobo with it's head down |
|                                                                            |
| Caught from:                                                               |
|  Lv 19 - Junon Area      alongside 2x Nerosuferoth or                      |
|                                    2x Capparwire (front view)              |
|  Lv 13 - Grasslands Area alongside 1x Mandragora & 1x Levrikon or          |
|                                    2x Mandragora                           |
|                                                                            |
| Max Sprint  - 57 KPH                                                       |
| Max Stamina - 113                                                          |

 NOTE - A Chocobo with the highest top speed will always have the lowest 
        Stamina, and Vice-versa.

--E.14 E - Greens, Nuts And The Chocobo Sage

|   {GREENS}   |

Greens serve two functions, firstly they are used to distract enemy Chocobos 
long enough for you to catch them. The second purpose they serve is to boost 
your Chocobos racing stats, and you're going to need to spend upwards of 
500,000 gil on Greens in order to get your Chocobos to where you'll need them 
to be. Talk to Chocobo Billy to feed your Chocobos.

The stats that are affected by using Greens are:

Dash         - How quickly you sprint whilst holding O
Run          - How fast the Chocobos normal running speed is
Stamina      - How much stamina the Chocobo has
Acceleration - How quickly the Chocobo accelerates
Cooperation  - How obedient the Chocobo is under Manual control
Intelligence - How intelligently the Chocobo performs under Automatic control

The best Greens you can buy are the Sylkis Greens, and they cost a whopping 
5000 gil each. The best way to obtain an abundance of Sylkis Greens is by 
using the W-Item trick, however you won't gain access to the W-Item Materia 
until late in Disk 2. The easiest way make the require amount of money early 
on is to sell one of your mastered All Materias; the area around Mideel is a 
great source of AP. A mastered All sells for 1.4 million gil!

As with the Nuts, many Greens have been mis-spelt, not only in the 'feeding' 
menu but also in the Battle Square and in Mideel. Here are the Greens 
available, along with their stat values and battle effects:
 ________________ _______________ __________ __________________ _____________
|                |               |          |                  |             |
|     GREEN:     |   MIS-SPELT:  |   COST:  |  BATTLE EFFECT:  | STAT BOOST: |
|                |               |          |                  | Dash + 0-3  |
|{Gysahl Greens} | Gizzard Green |  100 gil | Occupies Chocobo | Run  + 0-2  |
|                |               |          | for two turns    | Stam + 0-3  |
|                |               |          |                  | CoOp + 1    |
|                |               |          | Reduces Chocobos | Intl + 1-2  |
|{Krakka Greens} | Karaka Green  |  250 gil | chances to run   | CoOp + 1    |
|                |               |          | by 66.6%         |             |
|                |               |          |                  | Dash + 1-4  |
|                |               |          |                  | Run  + 1-4  |
|{Tantal Greens} | ------------- |  400 gil | Occupies Chocobo | Stam + 1-2  |
|                |               |          | for 3 turns      | Intl + 1    |
|                |               |          |                  | CoOp + 1    |
|                |               |          | Reduces Chocobos | Intl + 1-8  |
|{Pahsana Greens}| Pasana Green  |  800 gil | chances to run   | CoOp + 1-2  |
|                |               |          | by 80%           |             |
|                |               |          |                  | Dash + 0-3  |
|{Curiel Greens} | Kurie Green   | 1000 gil | Occupies Chocobo | Run  + 0-3  |
|                |               |          | for 5 turns      | Stam + 3-10 |
|                |               |          |                  | CoOp + 2    |
|                |               |          | Occupies Chocobo | Dash + 1-16 |
|                | Memmet Greens |          | for 1 turn,      | Run  + 0-3  |
|{Mimett Greens} | Samolen Green | 1500 gil | enables use of   | Stam + 3-10 |
|                | Memit Green   |          | Chocobuckle      | Accl + 0-1  |
|                |               |          |                  | CoOp + 2    |
|                |               |          | Occupies Chocobo | Dash + 5%   |
|                |               |          | for 8 turns and  | Run  + 5%   |
|{Reagan Greens}*| Regan Green   | 3000 gil | Reduces Chocobos | Stam + 1%   |
|                |               |          | chances to run   | CoOp + 3    |
|                |               |          | by 87.5%         |             |
|                |               |          | Occupies Chocobo | Dash + 10%  |
|                |               |          | for 1 turn,      | Run  + 10%  |
|{Sylkis Greens}*| ------------- | 5000 gil | enables use of   | Stam +  2%  |
|                |               |          | Chocobuckle      | Intl + 1-4  |
|                |               |          |                  | CoOp + 4    |
 *Bought from the Chocobo Sage's House.

  Mimett Greens can also be won form the Battle Square costing 1280BP before 
  the Tiny Bronco, and 400BP after the Tiny Bronco. They will not be 
  available after you obtain the Highwind. They are the only Greens that will 
  increase your Acceleration.

Greens will have a healing effect if used on an ally in battle. Each Green 
will have the same effect, which is to restore 100 HP. For a more in-depth 
look at how we can manipulate the racing stats to breed the perfect Chocobo, 
see section E.14 G below.

|    NUTS    |

Nuts are only used for breeding Chocobos, and the only two nuts you are 
interested in are the Carob Nuts and the Zeio Nuts. When you talk to Chocobo 
Billy, you must select 'Mating Chocobos' to mate two Chocobos together 
(obviously), then once you have selected the two Chocobos that you wish to 
mate you will be given the choice of which Nut you wish to use.  The better 
the nut, the better the racing stat of the new born!

When buying from the Chocobo Ranch, the names of the Nuts will be displayed 
correctly in the 'purchase' screen, however when you are selecting Nuts to 
mate with, some of the name will have been mis-spelt:
  _____________ ____________ __________ 
 |             |            |          | 
 |    NUT:     | MIS-SPELT: |  COST:   | 
 |-------------+------------+----------|   CAROB NUT
 | Pepio Nut   | Pipio Nut  |  100 gil | 
 |-------------+------------+----------|  The Carob Nut can be obtained in two 
 | Luchile Nut | Ruchin Nut |  200 gil |  places, the first being the Wonder 
 |-------------+------------+----------|  Square; talk to the receptionist to 
 | Saraha Nut  | ---------- |  400 gil |  trade 500GP for the Carob Nut (prize 
 |-------------+------------+----------|  ????). The much easier way of 
 | Lasan Nut   | ---------- |  600 gil |  obtaining a Carob Nut would be to 
 |-------------+------------+----------|  fight the Vlakorados near Bone 
 | Pram Nut*   | Param Nut  | 1500 gil |  Village on the World Map. Be sure to 
 |-------------+------------+----------|  have the Steal Materia equipped as 
 | Porov Nut*  | Porofu Nut | 2000 gil |  Carob Nuts can be stolen from them. 
 |-------------+------------+----------|  They do have a whopping 33,333 HP, 
 | Carob Nut   | ---------- |  500 GP  |  so come prepared. The Carob Nut is 
 |-------------+------------+----------|  used to breed a Green, Blue or Black 
 | Zeio Nut    | ---------- | -------- |  Chocobo, so steal 3 of them.
  *Bought from the Chocobo Sage's House


The Zeio Nut can be obtained by stealing from the Goblin found on Goblin 
island, just to the north east of the Chocobo Ranch. The Goblin can only be 
found in the Forests, and they also contain the Enemy Skill Goblin Punch. The 
Zeio Nut is only used to breed a Gold Chocobo, so you'll just need to steal 
one of them.

 NOTES - After you have mated two Chocobos you won't be able to mate them 
         again until you have battled 3-10 times. The new born won't be ready 
         to mate until you have battled 3-18 times. Escaping doesn't count.

       - There is an incredible amount of variation in the effects of each 
         Nut. For a full run-down on each Nuts effect, scroll down to the 
         bottom of the Chocobo breeding Section, or use QSI Link [Nuts]. 
         It's fascinating to know that Nuts other than the Carob can yield a 
         Black Chocobo!

|   {CHOCOBO SAGE}   |

Just to the north west of Bone Village (east of Icicle Inn) you will find a 
lone house that is only accessible (initially) via the Highwind. This is the 
Chocobo Sage's house. When you first arrive be sure to interact with the 
Green Chocobo that you see to obtain the fourth and final Enemy Skill Materia.

When you talk to the Chocobo Sage he will either sell you some Greens or tell 
you some information about Chocobo Breeding. The Nuts here are useless, and 
the Sylkis Greens are twice as good as Reagan Greens in terms of their stat 
boosting effects, and also cost less than twice the price, so just stay away 
from Reagan Greens altogether.

If you ask the Sage if he remembers anything, he will begin to divulge 
information on how to breed Chocobos, and this was the only way in which you 
would've been able to learn how to breed a Gold Chocobo without the use of a 
guide. After revealing a short amount of info, he will lose track of what he 
was saying and you'll have to fight 4 - 7 battles before he will remember 
anything else. 

For a complete run-down on everything you have learnt from the Chocobo Sage 
so-far, you must talk to Chloe who can be found in the Chocobo Ranch. She 
will then give you a step-by-step guide on how to breed a Gold Chocobo. 
She'll also tell you which Chocobo has the best racing stats.

There are 9 pieces of information in total:

       ___________________________________ __________________________________
      |                                   |                                  |
      | CHOCOBO SAGE'S ADVICE:            | CHLOE'S ADVICE:                  |
|     |                                   |                                  |
| 1.) | I remember now! That's the one    | Other than regular Chocobo,      |
|     | they call... It's a Mountain      | there are �Mountain Chocobo� and |
|     | Chocobo. And just like the name   | �River-Chocobo�.                 |
|     | says, he can cross any mountain.  |                                  |
|     | There was another one that could  |                                  |
|     | cross rivers, too. They called    |                                  |
|     | him 'River Chocobo'.              |                                  |
|     |                                   |                                  |
| 2.) | Oh, oh yeah! That Chocobo was...  | In order for the �Mountain       |
|     | ......was bred from a 'Great      | Chocobo� and �River Chocobo� to  |
|     | Chocobo' and a 'Good Chocobo'.    | be born, you feed the �Carob     |
|     | When they're given �Carob Nuts�   | Nut� to a �Great Chocobo� or a   |
|     | while breeding, there's a chance  | �Good Chocobo� and have it       |
|     | you'll get one of these Chocobos. | produce an egg. But we don't     |
|     |                                   | sell any �Carob Nuts�.           |
|     |                                   |                                  |
| 3.) | Oh, OK. I remember! That Chocobo..| A �Great Chocobo� and a �Good    |
|     | .....It's on an island southeast  | Chocobo� are found... On an      |
|     | of here, In a place called Corel  | island Southeast of the Chocobo  |
|     | surrounded by greenery. You       | Sage's dwelling at Corel. And in |
|     | should be able to catch one just  | the area west of Corel. The      |
|     | west of Corel. And some 'Carob    | �Carob Nut� can be found south   |
|     | Nuts', too...... There used to be | of the Chocobo Sage's dwelling.  |
|     | some monsters just south of here  | Monsters carry them. Let's see,  |
|     | that had them.                    | is Bone Village just south of    |
|     |                                   | there?                           |
|     |                                   |                                  |
| 4.) | Oh right! It was about the        | One surprise If you get the      |
|     | Mountain Chocobo and the River    | �Mountain Chocobo� and the       |
|     | Chocobo I told you about. When    | �River Chocobo� to produce an    |
|     | you mate these two together...    | egg, you'll get a Chocobo that   |
|     | get one that can cross     | can cross mountains and rivers.  |
|     | rivers AND mountains.             | I bet that the right nut for     |
|     |                                   | that is the �Carob Nut�.         |
|     |                                   |                                  |
| 5.) | Oh, yeah! And also... There's one | Bigger surprise: There seems to  | 
|     | that can cross oceans, too!       | be a Chocobo that can cross the  |
|     |                                   | ocean. If you could cross the    |
|     |                                   | ocean, mountains, and rivers,    |
|     |                                   | there'd be no place you couldn't |
|     |                                   | go.                              |
|     |                                   |                                  |
| 6.) | Oh, I remember! The Ocean-        | In order to get an Ocean Chocobo |
|     | crossing Chocobo is... The        | you need to get a Mountain-and-  |
|     | Mountain-and-River-crossing       | river Chocobo to mate with       |
|     | Chocobo is Oh, what   | something else.                  |
|     | was I saying?                     |                                  |
|     |                                   |                                  |
| 7.) | Right, right! I remember! You     | If you mate the Mountain-and-    |
|     | take the Mountain-and-River-      | River Chocobo with a �Wonderful  |
|     | crossing Chocobo... Mate it with  | Chocobo�, you'll get an Ocean    |
|     | a 'Wonderful Chocobo' you can     | Chocobo. But to do that you      |
|     | catch right around here... And    | can't use an ordinary Nut.       |
|     | you'll get...                     |                                  |
|     |                                   |                                  |
| 8.) | Oh, right! You'll need a...       | The �Nut� that produces Ocean    |
|     | 'Zeio Nut'. Now let me see, as I  | Chocobos is the �Zeio Nut�. This |
|     | remember, the Zeio nut... Where   | is the first I've ever heard of  |
|     | was it you could find those       | it. I wonder where you get them? |
|     | things?                           |                                  |
|     |                                   |                                  |
| 9.) | Oh yeah! Zeio nuts were... The    | Zeio Nuts are found on a little  |
|     | favourite of goblins. There's a   | island east of the Chocobo Sage. |
|     | small island east of here where   | �Goblins� have them. With this,  |
|     | the goblins have a bunch of them. | you can produce an �Ocean        |
|     |                                   | Chocobo�. According to my        |
|     |                                   | research, Mountain, river, and   |
|     |                                   | ocean Chocobos are hard to       |
|     |                                   | produce. But, if you take the    |
|     |                                   | right care of the Chocobo, and   |
|     |                                   | increase their Class ranking by  |
|     |                                   | winning at the races, it'll      |
|     |                                   | increase your chances of getting |
|     |                                   | one.                             |

--E.14 F - How To Breed A Gold Chocobo


 - 6 x Stables costing 10,000 gil each
 - 3 x Carob Nuts
 - 1 x Zeio Nut
 - 500,000 gil+ for Sylkis, Mimett, Pahsana and Curiel Greens
 - Chocobo Lure Materia
 - Golden Ticket (at the Gold Saucer)
 - Highwind
 - Cloud (After the events at Mideel)
|                                                                            |
|  TIPS BEFORE YOU START:                                                    |
|                                                                            |
| - It is recommended to complete the breeding sidequest in stages. Due to   |
|   the fact that you are required to complete between 3 to 9 battles before |
|   you can mate two adults again, and between 3 to 19 battles before you    |
|   can mate a new-born, you should consider continuing on with the story    |
|   in-between breeding.                                                     |
|                                                                            |
| - The story-line quests / side quests for you to complete that will rack   |
|   up some battles on Disk 2 are as follows:                                |
|                                                                            |
|    - Junon's Underwater Reactor Quest                                      |
|    - Return to Sector 5 (for Tifa's Premium Heart)                         |
|    - Da-chao Fire Cavern                                                   |
|    - Sunken Gelnika                                                        |
|    - Ancient Forest (Mountain Chocobo required)                            |
|                                                                            |
|   If done correctly then you should have managed to breed a Gold Chocobo   |
|   before the Midgar events towards the end of Disk 2.                      |
|                                                                            |
| - Sell your Mastered All Materias. Requiring 35,000 AP to master (which is |
|   low), you will bank a nifty 1.4 million gil, which should see you        |
|   through to the end of the game, let alone the Breeding process. If       |
|   you're on Disk 3 then the Swamp Area in the North Crater is the best     |
|   place for AP, failing that the Sea Worm or the Spiral near Mideel.       |
|                                                                            |
| - To ride a Chocobo that you've caught/bred, you must first talk to        |
|   Chocobo Billy and select 'Riding Chocobos'. Your Chocobos posture will   |
|   be relevant to which Class he/she is ranked as at the Chocobo Square:    |
|                                                                            |
|    - Dashing        - Class S                                              |
|    - Running        - Class A                                              |
|    - Walking        - Class B                                              |
|    - Standing still - Class C                                              |
|                                                                            |
| - When you are navigating on the World Map on your Chocobo, you can run up |
|   to the Highwind and press confirm to bring the Chocobo on board the      |
|   Highwind with you. This way you can bring a 'Special' Chocobo to a       |
|   different continent. Whilst on-board the Highwind you can pet your       |
|   Chocobo if you wish in the stables to the right of Operations.           |

So then, let's begin breeding!


In order to breed a Mountain Chocobo you must first catch two chocobos. The 
'Good' Chocobos can be found on the Chocobo tracks near the Gold Saucer 
alongside 2x Spencer (15.75% encounter rate). The 'Great' Chocobos can either 
be found near Rocket Town alongside 2x Valron or 2x Kyuvilduns (31.5% total), 
or near Mideel alongside either 1 or 2x Spirals (56% total).

 UPDATE - You could use 2 Good Chocobos, 2 Great Chocobos, or 1 Good + 1 Great
          Chocobo to mate, they would all have the same 'mating potential'.

Before you enter the Chocobo Ranch SAVE YOUR GAME! A gender will be chosen at 
random when you move your Chocobos in from your pen, and you'll need them to 
of opposite sex to breed them. Although it doesn't matter which gender the 
Chocobos are for breeding, some (incorrect) sources have stated that a Great 
female and a Good male is required. This is untrue; it doesn't matter what 
the gender is as long as they are opposite.

Now that you have your 2 Great Chocobos of opposite sex, you must feed them 
an un-predetermined amount of Greens to max out their stats. Feed them both 
somewhere in the region of:

11 x Sylkis  Greens to max out Speed
15 x Pahsana Greens to raise Intelligence
60 x Curiel  Greens to raise Stamina
25 x Mimett  Greens to raise Acceleration

The last thing that you have to do before you can breed them is to race them 
at the Chocobo Races in order to improve their class. Head over to the 
Chocobo Square and talk to Ester to partake in the races. Once a Chocobo has 
won three races he/she will move up one rank. All Chocobos start off as Class 
C, and you only need to rank your Good and Great Chocobo up to Class B, 
although a higher ranked Chocobo will have a better chance of breeding a 
'special' Chocobo, so I recommend getting both Chocobos up to Class A 
(technically, you just need 4 wins in total).

You are now ready to breed! Head over to the Chocobo Ranch and save your 
game! Talk to Chocobo Billy to 'mate' Chocobos, selecting the Carob Nut as 
your choice of Nut. There will be a 50/50 chance you will get a Mountain 
Chocobo or a River Chocobo. The parents will not be able to mate again until 
you have fought between 3 - 10 times, and the new-born will not be able to 
mate until you have fought between 3 - 18 times (escaping from battle doesn't 

 NOTE - Due to poor programming, the Chocobos environmental 'abilities' have 
        been reversed in the Chocobo Races; a Blue Chocobo will make short 
        work of the steep slope on the short track; and a Green Chocobo won't 
        be hindered by the water on the long track, and the space section at 
        the end of the short track. A Black or Gold Chocobo will breeze 
        through both tracks.

Now that you have a Mountain Chocobo, you can obtain the Materia hidden 
within the Materia Cave south of Wutai, which is the Mime Materia. You can 
also access the Ancient Forest just east of Cosmo Canyon, which you would not 
normally be able to access until Ultimate WEAPON had been defeated. You can 
also access Lucrecia's Cave near Gongaga, and accessing it via Chocobo is far 
less of a pain than accessing it via Submarine.


Breeding a River Chocobo requires following the exact same steps as the 
Mountain Chocobo; however if you have already obtained a Mountain Chocobo 
then all you need to do is to mate the same parents again; you do not need to 
catch another wild 'Good' and/or 'Great' Chocobo. You must make sure that the 
sex of the River Chocobo is opposite to that of the Mountain Chocobo.

If you have not yet obtained a Mountain Chocobo then refer to the steps above 
to learn how to breed a River Chocobo, as the steps are exactly the same. 
Once you have a River Chocobo then you can access the Materia Cave north east 
of Mideel, which contains the Quadra Magic Materia.

 NOTE - If you find that you keep breeding the same breed and/or sex of 
        Chocobo, then you'll need to reset the RNG (Random Number Generator). 
        To do this you must either perform a soft reset, and/or enter the 
        Chocobo Ranch to feed a random Green to a random Chocobo, then save 
        again. This should 'jog' the RNG.


In order to obtain a Black Chocobo you must first breed a Green and Blue 
Chocobo of opposite sex (see above). Feed each Chocobo somewhere in the 
region of:

11 x Sylkis  Greens  to max out Speed
20 x Pahsana Greens  to max out Intelligence
60 x Mimett  Greens  to max out Acceleration
60 x Curiel  Greens  to max out Stamina

As with your 'Good' and 'Great' Chocobos, you are going to have to race your 
Green and Blue Chocobos at the Chocobo races in order to rank them up to 
Class A. It is highly unlikely that you'll be able to get them to Class S, 
especially if Teioh if on the track! They'll 9 wins between them to have a 
100% chance of breeding a Black Chocobo

Using the last of your 3 Carob Nuts, mate your Green and Blue Chocobos 
together (remembering to save beforehand) to breed a Black Chocobo! Hoo-rah! 
A Mountain-and-River Chocobo can access the cave near Corel, which contains 
the HP<->MP Materia.


Breeding an Ocean Chocobo is the ultimate Chocobo available, and it can 
access every part of Gaia including Round Island in the North eastern corner 
of the map, but excluding the ocean floor (it's not really an Ocean Chocobo 
then, is it? It should be called a 'Jesus Chocobo' [because it can walk on 

 NOTE - You can now release your 'Good' and 'Great' Chocobos back into the 

Before doing anything else, you must first catch a 'Wonderful' Chocobo. These 
can be found on the Chocobo tracks to the west of Icicle Inn, and will only 
be present alongside 1 or 2x Jumping (19.5% total encounter rate). Once you 
have caught one you can move him into your stables, making sure that it is of 
the opposite gender to the Black Chocobo (save first).

Now that you have your two Chocobos, feed each of them roughly:

21 x Sylkis  Greens to max out Speed
30 x Pahsana Greens to max out Intelligence
75 x Mimett  Greens to max out Acceleration
75 x Curiel  Greens to max out Stamina (or Kurie Greens)

Although you won't be able to rank your Wonderful Chocobo up higher than 
Class A, you should be able to get your Mountain-and-River Chocobo up to 
Class S. You'll need 12 wins in total. When they are ready to breed, save 
your game and then mate them using a Zeio Nut. Viola! A Gold Chocobo! You can 
now obtain the Knights of The Round Materia from the Materia Cave on Round 
Island (NE on map).

I suggest feeding you Gold Chocobo 25 Sylkis Greens and 99 Mimett Greens just 
to be sure that you've maxed out its stats. You should never again lose in 
the Chocobo Races, unless of course you're up against Teioh, whose stats are 
always better than yours (ignoring the 'cap'). You can speak to Chloe at in 
the Chocobo Stables to find out which Chocobo has the best stats.

                                                     {Ultimate Racing Chocobo}
--E.14 G - Breeding The 'Ultimate' Racing Chocobo 

  Big thank you to gmo7897 for clarifying up a lot of questions with his 
  Chocobo Breeding guide! 

  The following information should clarify exactly how to breed the ultimate 
racing Chocobo! You must firstly aim to get the 'perfect' parents, as the 
stats of the parents will directly reflect the stats of their offspring, and 
understanding how the stats work is paramount to perfecting your breeding 

 Here are the various stats that are in use:

| STAT:        | DESCRIPTION:                                      |    MAX: |
| Max Dash     | The maximum speed a Chocobos Dash can reach       |    6000 |
|*Dash         | The speed at which a Chocobo will sprint          |Max Dash |
| Max Run      | The maximum speed a Chocobos Run can reach        |    5900 |
| Run          | The speed at which a Chocobo will run             | Max Run |
|*Stamina      | The amount of stamina the Chocobo has             |    9999 |
| Acceleration | The speed at which a Chocobo accelerates          |      80 |
| Intelligence | The Chocobos ability to perform in Automatic mode |     100 |
| Co-Operation | The Chocobos ability to perform in Manual mode    |     100 |


  These are the two visible stats that you can see when you are in the lobby 
  screen just before a race:

  Speed   = Dash/34. This gives a maximum of 176 KPH (6000/34 = 176)
  Stamina = Stamina/10. This gives a maximum of 999  (9999/10 = 999)

When you catch a wild Chocobo, a random figure will be generated for each 
stat. These figures will generate themselves at the point in which you move 
the Chocobo from the pen into the stables. Each figure will have a 'range' as 

             (Max Dash)  (Max Run)  (Dash)   (Run)
| Wonderful | 99 - 121  | 91 - 112 | 50-97 | 38-91 | 337-463 | 60-70 | 50-60 |
| Great     | 85 - 110  | 76 - 100 | 42-88 | 30-82 | 287-393 | 60-70 | 50-60 |
| Good      | 79 - 101  | 67 - 95  | 39-81 | 28-75 | 247-363 | 50-60 | 30-40 |
| So-So     | 67 - 92   | 55 - 86  | 33-74 | 22-68 | 247-343 | 50-60 | 30-40 |
| Average   | 55 - 86   | 40 - 80  | 17-70 | 17-64 | 167-263 | 30-50 |  0-20 |
| Poor      | 49 - 71   | 35 - 66  | 15-58 |  0-52 |  87-213 | 30-50 |  0-20 |
| Bad       | 40 - 63   | 26 - 57  | 12-51 |  0-45 |  67-143 | 20-50 |  0-20 |
| Terrible  | 35 - 57   | 20 - 51  | 10-46 |  0-40 |  37-113 | 20-50 |  0-20 |

 NOTES - Co-Op will always be set to 0 when first caught.
       - Acceleration and Intelligence will always land on a figure divisible 
         by 10. 
       - Usually, the higher the Max Sprint is when the stats are first 
         generated, the lower the Stamina will be, and vice-versa.

 Max Dash and Dash are worked out accordingly:
 Max Sprint*34 = Max Dash
     Sprint*34 = Dash

 Max Run and Run are worked out accordingly:
 Max Speed*34 = Max Run
     Speed*34 = Run


 - Max Sprint and Max Speed are the only values we care about when catching 
   wild Chocobos, although there's no real way to determine the Max Speed 
   (Sprint can be viewed in the Chocobo Races).

 - Always bring Speed up to Max Speed and Sprint up to Max Sprint straight 
   away using Sylkis Greens.

Unfortunately, there is now way of determining your exact stats, other than 
Speed and Stamina. If you are looking for the ultimate Chocobo, then I 
suggest catching a Great Chocobo, feeding it Sylkis Greens to max out its 
Speed, and then checking to see what his/her Speed is within the Chocobo 

If it is 85 then you have the worst possible 'Great' Chocobo, if it's 110 
then you have the best possible 'Great' Chocobo. Stamina won't matter as 
there is no 'cap' on Stamina (or any other stat for that matter, excluding 
Max Dash and Max Run).

All stats apart from Max Sprint (Max Dash) and Max Speed (Max Run) can be 
increased using Greens:

| GREEN:         | STAT BOOST:                                         |
| Gysahl Greens  | Dash         + 0 - 3                                |
|''''''''''''''''' Run          + 0 - 2                                |
|                  Stamina      + 0 - 3                                |
|                  Co-Operation + 1                                    |
| Krakka Greens  | Intelligence + 1 - 2                                |
|''''''''''''''''' Co-Operation + 1                                    |
| Tantal Greens  | Dash         + 1 - 4                                |
|''''''''''''''''' Run          + 1 - 4                                |
|                  Stamina      + 1 - 2                                |
|                  Intelligence + 1                                    |
|                  Co-Operation + 1                                    |
| Pahsana Greens | Intelligence + 1 - 8                                |
|''''''''''''''''' Co-Operation + 1 (25%) OR + 2 (75%)                 |
| Curiel Greens  | Dash         + 0 - 3                                |
|''''''''''''''''' Run          + 0 - 3                                |
|                  Stamina      + 3 - 10                               |
|                  Co-Operation + 2                                    |
| Mimett Greens  | Dash         + 1 - 16                               |
|''''''''''''''''' Run          + 0 - 3                                |
|                  Stamina      + 3 - 10                               |
|                  Acceleration + 0 (75%) OR + 1 (25%)                 |
|                  Co-Operation + 2                                    |
| Reagan Greens  |                                                     |
|'''''''''''''''''           Co-Operation + 3                          |
| x = [Dash/20],  y = [between 0-10] Dash + x+y (50%) OR x-y (50%)     |
| x = [Run/20],   y = [between 0-10]  Run + x+y (50%) OR x-y (50%)     |
| x = [Stam/100], y = [between 0-10] Stam + x+y (50%) OR x-y (50%)     |
|                                                                      |
| Sylkis Greens  |           Intelligence + 1 - 4                      |
|'''''''''''''''''           Co-Operation + 4                          |
| x = [Dash/10], y = [between 0-10]  Dash + x+y (50%) OR x-y (50%)     |
| x = [Run/10],  y = [between 0-10]   Run + x+y (50%) OR x-y (50%)     |
| x = [Stam/50], y = [between 0-10]  Stam + x+y (50%) OR x-y (50%)     |
|                                                                      |

  If Dash = 4000, then (X) would be 400 (4000/10 = 400) (Sylkis Greens)
  Let�s say the random number (Y) was 8.
  You would have a 50/50 chance of you Dash being increased by 408, or 392

    A 'simpler' way at looking at those formula's would be:

         Reagan Greens:       |  Sylkis Greens:
         Dash + 5% (approx)   |  Dash + 10% (approx)
          Run + 5% (approx)   |   Run + 10% (approx)
         Stam + 1% (approx)   |  Stam + 2%  (approx)
         CoOp + 3             |  Intl + 1 - 4
                              |  CoOp + 4

So, the main thing that we can see is that the Sylkis Greens are precisely 
twice as good as the Reagan Greens. The Pahsana Greens are great for 
Intelligence, and the Mimett Greens are the only Green to increase 
Acceleration, which it will only do 25% of the time. Curiel Greens are good 
for Stamina, also.

The next thing you need to know about 'Ultimate' Chocobo breeding are the 
Nuts; each nut will have a varying effect on the new-born: 

(Only the Zeio and Carob Nut are shown here, scroll down to the 'More Nuts' 
section below for each Nuts' effect)

           /                            ZEIO NUT                             \
|*Max Dash | 21.5% - Max Dash will be 10% *HIGHER* than the parent with the  |
|          |         highest Max Dash, capped at 6000                        |
|          | 78.5% - Max Dash will be the *AVERAGE* of its parents           |
|  Max Run | 31.3% - Max Run will be 12.5% *HIGHER* than the parent with the |
|          |         highest Max Run, capped at 5900 or Max Dash             |
|          | 62.9% - Max Run will be the *AVERAGE* of its parents            |
|          |  5.9% - Max Run will be 5% *LOWER* than the parent with the     |
|          |         highest Max Run                                         |
|  Stamina | 68.4% - Stamina will be 5% *HIGHER* than the parent with the    |
|          |         highest Stamina, capped at 9999                         |
|          | 31.6% - Stamina will be the *AVERAGE* of its parents            |
|     Dash | Dash will be the *AVERAGE* of its parents                       |
|      Run | Run  will be the *AVERAGE* of its parents                       |
| Acclertn | Accl will be the *AVERAGE* of its parents                       |
| Intllgnc | Intl will be the *AVERAGE* of its parents                       |
| Co-Oprtn | CoOp will always be *0* when born                               |
| Breeding | Black and Wonderful Chocobo:                                    |
|          |                                                                 |
|          | 100% - Gold Chocobo if parents have *WON* a total of 12 races   |
|          | 3.1% - Gold Chocobo if parents have won *LESS* than 12 races    |
|          |                                                                 |
|          | If you AREN'T breeding a Black and Wonderful Chocobo, or you    |
|          | are but you FAILED to obtain a Gold Chocobo, then its breed     |
|          | will have a 50/50 chance of being its fathers or mothers.       |
|   Obtain | Buy  : N/A                      Drop : Goblin                   |
|          | Steal: Goblin                   Morph: N/A                      |
|   *Bonus : *IF* the Chocobo that was born was a Gold Chocobo, and its Max  |
\,,,,,,,,,,, Dash was less than 5000, then the following bonus will apply:   |
           |                                                                 |
           | 43.8% - Max Dash will be set to 5000                            |
           | 12.5% - Max Dash will be set to 5100                            |
           | 12.5% - Max Dash will be set to 5200                            |
           |  6.2% - Max Dash will be set to 5300                            |
           |  6.2% - Max Dash will be set to 5400                            |
           | 12.5% - Max Dash will be set to 5500                            |
           |  6.2% - Max Dash will be set to 5950                            |
           |                                                                 |
           | *THEN* (Random Number between 0 & 26). There is a 50% chance    |
           | Max Dash will be increased by that figure, and a 50% Max Dash   |
           | will be reduced by that figure.                                 |
           |                                                                 |
           | *IF* the Chocobo that was born was a Gold Chocobo and its Max   |
           | Run was below 4000, then it will receive a 1000 bonus to Max    |
           | Run.                                                            |
           \                                                                 /

           /                            CAROB NUT                            \
|*Max Dash | 23.4% - Max Dash will be 10% *HIGHER* than the parent with the  |
|          |         highest Max Dash, capped at 6000                        |
|          | 76.6% - Max Dash will be the *AVERAGE* of its parents           |
|  Max Run | 15.6% - Max Run will be 10% *HIGHER* than the parent with the   |
|          |         highest Max Run, capped at 5900 or Max Dash             |
|          | 62.9% - Max Run will be the *AVERAGE* of its parents            |
|          | 21.5% - Max Run will be 10% *LOWER* than the parent with the    |
|          |         highest Max Run                                         |
|  Stamina | 19.5% - Stamina will be 5% *HIGHER* than the parent with the    |
|          |         highest Stamina, capped at 9999                         |
|          | 80.5% - Stamina will be the *AVERAGE* of its parents            |
|     Dash | Dash will be the *AVERAGE* of its parents                       |
|      Run | Run  will be the *AVERAGE* of its parents                       |
| Acclertn | Accl will be the *AVERAGE* of its parents                       |
| Intllgnc | Intl will be the *AVERAGE* of its parents                       |
| Co-Oprtn | CoOp will always be *0* when born                               |
| Breeding | Blue and Green Chocobo:                                         |
|          |                                                                 |
|          |  100% - Black Chocobo if parents have *WON* a total of 9 races  |
|          |  3.9% - Black Chocobo if parents have won *LESS* than 9 races   |
|          |   50% - Blue  Chocobo if parents have won *LESS* than 9 races   |
|          | 46.1% - Green Chocobo if parents have won *LESS* than 9 races   |
|          |                                                                 |
|          | Good and Great Chocobo: (or 2x Good or 2x Great)                |
|          |                                                                 |
|          |   50% - Green  Chocobo if parents have *WON* a total of 4 races |
|          |   50% - Blue   Chocobo if parents have *WON* a total of 4 races |
|          | 17.2% - Green  Chocobo if parents have won *LESS* than 4 races  |
|          |   18% - Blue   Chocobo if parents have won *LESS* than 4 races  |
|          | 64.8% - Yellow Chocobo if parents have won *LESS* than 4 races  |
|          |                                                                 |
|          | *IF* you are mating a Great or Good Chocobo with a Chocobo that |
|          | *ISN'T* Great/Good (i.e. Wonderful), then there is a 25% chance |
|          | that the above formula for mating Good/Great Chocobos will      |
|          | apply, so long as you select the Great/Good Chocobo first.      |
|   Obtain | Buy  : 500GP Wonder Square      Drop : Vlakorados               |
|          | Steal: Vlakorados               Morph: N/A                      |
|   *Bonus : *IF* the Chocobo that was born was a Black Chocobo and its Max  |
\,,,,,,,,,,, Dash was less than 4000, then the following bonus will apply:   |
           |                                                                 |
           | 43.8% - Max Dash will be set to 4000                            |
           |   25% - Max Dash will be set to 4200                            |
           |  6.2% - Max Dash will be set to 4300                            |
           |  6.2% - Max Dash will be set to 4400                            |
           | 12.5% - Max Dash will be set to 4500                            |
           |  6.2% - Max Dash will be set to 4800                            |
           |                                                                 |
           | *THEN* (Random Number between 0 & 51). There is a 50% chance    |
           | Max Dash will be increased by that figure, and a 50% Max Dash   |
           | will be reduced by that figure.                                 |

I will detail all other Nuts further down in section E.14 H.

You should now have all the tools necessary to start breeding your prize-
winning Chocobo. Here's how:


Before Starting:

 - It's worth noting that you can very easily reach the maximum stat value 
   for Stamina, Acceleration, Intelligence and Co-Operation. The only two 
   figures that we need to try to manipulate are Max Dash and Max Run.

 - Co-Operation always starts at 0 for a new-born, and caps at 100, so 25 
   Sylkis Greens will do the trick. Intelligence will max out at 100 and can 
   be maxed using Pahsana Greens, and Stamina can be maxed out using Curiel 
   Greens which will max out at 9999 (or 999 in the races).

 - Acceleration is the biggest pain in the backside to max as a Mimett Green 
   will have a 25% chance of increasing Acceleration by +1, so just keep 
   feeding it Mimett Greens (around 100+) until you are happy that it value 
   has reached 80.

 - Run and Dash can very easily be maxed (to Max Run and Max Dash) by using 
   9 Sylkis Greens. Remember that if you have two Chocobos with maxed out 
   Stamina (9999), Intelligence (100) and Acceleration (80), the offspring 
   will be born with all three of these stats maxed.

 STEP 1:

Catch two Great Chocobos. Before moving them into the stables, SAVE YOUR 
GAME! Remember that the stats are generated for the Chocobo at the point in 
which you move them across from the pen, so don't move both in at the same 
time. Remember that Chloe will tell the 'best' Chocobos stats for Max Dash, 
Max Run, Acceleration and Intelligence.

You won't be able to determine the Acceleration or Intelligence (which 
shouldn't matter too much at this stage), however you will be able to measure 
the Stamina, Dash and Max Dash. Co-Operation is always set to 0 to begin with.

After feeding the Chocobo as many Sylkis Greens as is necessary to max out 
its Speed (bringing its Dash value to the same as its Max Dash - 11 or so), 
head over to the Gold Saucer (don't worry about maxing its other stats). If 
its Speed isn't above 105 (ish), reset your game and try moving the Chocobo 
into the stables again. The max speed you can have from a great Chocobo is 
110 KPH.

 NOTES - The Max Run is always proportionate to the Max Dash, so a Chocobo 
         with a high 'Top Speed' should also have a fairly high running speed.

       - Every time you reset, make sure to do a soft reset as to keep the 
         RNG from being reset, unless it gets stuck and keeps giving you the 
         same stats, in which case perform one hard reset, followed by soft 
         resets from there on out.

Once you are happy with your Great Chocobos Max Dash stats, save the game and 
repeat the process with your other Great Chocobo. The down side here is that 
you'll also have a 50/50 chance of it being the wrong gender, but the plus 
side is that it won't matter if the second Chocobo isn't all that great, you 
only have to have one great 'Great' Chocobo (although it will help down the 
line if you have two). You'll be ready to continue when you have two Great 
Chocobos, one of which with great Max Dash (Top Speed) stats!

  STEP 2:

Using Sylkis, Mimett, Curiel and Pahsana Greens, max out both Chocobo stats 
completely. Then race them and then save your game. *Make note of which 
Chocobo has the best stats by talking to Chloe*. Breed the two Chocobos 
together using a Carob Nut. You will have a 23.4% chance that the new-born 
will have higher Max Dash and 15.6% that it will have higher Max Run than the 
parents with the highest Max Dash/Run (Stamina won't matter), giving you a 
cumulative 3.65% chance of getting a Chocobo with better Max Run and Max Dash.

Don't worry too much about getting a better Max Run (Speed) at this stage, 
just concentrate on getting a Chocobo with better Max Dash (Sprint) than its 
parents. A Chocobos Speed can never exceed its Sprint, so focus first on 
maxing out Max Dash, which is 6000 (or 176 KPH).

Now talk to Chloe in the Chocobo Ranch (you don't have to feed the newborn 
any Greens), and she will tell you which Chocobo has the fastest Sprint 
(MDash) and which is the fastest runner (MRun), if the new-born doesn't have 
Dash that surpasses its parents, reload your save and try again, we'll focus 
on Run later on when we breed a Gold Chocobo (the Zeio Nut has a much better 
chance than the Carob Nut of breeding a Chocobo with higher Run than its 

Don't forget about that pesky RNG - if it gets stuck and keeps spitting the 
same stats, then try feeding Greens to your Chocobos.

  STEP 3:

Let's say you'd just obtained a Green Chocobo with better Max Dash and better 
Max Run than its parents. You'll obviously want to breed a Blue Chocobo next 
using the same parents, however it doesn't matter whether this new Chocobo 
has better stats than its parents or not. You won't be able to tell anyway, 
seeing as Chloe can only tell you who has the 'best' stats, and the new 
Chocobos stats can only be equal to or less than its sibling.

 NOTE - If a Chocobo succeeds in gaining a boost in stats (say, Max Dash), 
        then it will be boosted using the parent *with the highest (Max Dash) 
        stats.* This means that your 'secondary' Chocobo doesn't have to be 
        as 'optimal' as you first Chocobo. Most other stats will take an 
        average of both parents, so be sure to try to max Stamina, 
        Acceleration and Intelligence on both choc's, just remember that Co-
        Op is always set to 0 when a new-born is hatched.

Go ahead and mate the two parents again. Make sure to max out all of the 
stats that you can for both Chocobos, then race them both to Class A. Save 
the game, then mate the Green and Blue together using a Carob Nut. Then check 
with Chloe to see if his/her 'Sprint' (and hopefully 'Speed') has surpassed 
his/her parents. If they haven't, reload your save; if they have, max out its 

Once you have a Black Chocobo, you can release the 'weakest' Great Chocobo 
back into the wild.

  STEP 4:

Now catch a Wonderful Chocobo. It doesn't matter in the slightest what the 
Chocobos Max Dash is, just be sure to max out its stats before breeding. Also 
be sure to check with Chloe to see which Chocobo has the highest Max Dash and 
Max Run before doing anything else.

One you are content that you have the best Black Chocobo 'for the job', go 
ahead and save the game. Then mate the two together using a Zeio Nut (after 
racing, obviously), you'll now have a 22% chance of the new-born having a 
higher Max Dash, 32% chance of it having higher Max Run and 68% chance of it 
having higher Stamina (see Zeio Nut details above). The cumulative chance of 
getting better Max Dash and Max Run is 7.04%.


If the Chocobo receives the 'average' of its parents Max Run/Dash, then the 
drop could be quite considerable. Remember to 'jog' the RNG from time to 
time. If done correctly, the Chocobo should have the number one spot for all 
of Chloe's inspections. Now max out all of your Gold Chocobos stats, then 
check to see if its Max Dash has been maxed to 176KPH by competing in the 

  STEP 5:

Breed another Gold Chocobo using the same parents. Again, this Chocobos stats 
won't matter, all that'll matter is that it is of the opposite sex to the 
first Gold Chocobo, and that its current stats have been maxed out using 
Greens before breeding it. Once you've done this, check with Chloe to confirm 
which Chocobo has the greatest at this stage (it should be the first Gold 

Breed the two Gold Chocobos together, ensuring that the new Chocobos stats 
are the greatest for *both* Dash and Run by talking to Chloe (before feeding 
it Greens to max out its stats). Then release the 'parent' gold Chocobo of 
the same sex as the new-born into the wild, so you can mate mother and 
son/father and daughter together (ugh!).

Keep repeating this final process until you are content you have the 'best' 
racing Chocobo possible.

  Max Speed   - 176KPH
  Max Stamina - 999
 (Max Run     - 173KPH)

Although you cannot see how fast your Run is, the fastest it can goto is 
173KPH, so you'll know when you have the optimal Max Run stat because 
there'll be little difference in speed when you push down O to sprint.

| So what can you do now?                                                    |


You still need to watch out for Teioh, as Teioh's Max Dash will always be 10% 
greater than yours, and his Stamina will always be 25% greater than yours. 
These figures will ignore all 'caps'. As long as you have a very high Run you 
should be fine.

  Special Prizes:

Winning 10 Class S races in a row will reward you with a special bundle of 
prizes: Counter Attack Materia, Sprint Shoes, Cat's Bell, Precious Watch and 
Chocobracelet. These prizes can only be won once.

  Stamina Refill:

Just to make it that bit easier, you can hold down R1+R2 to slowly refill 
your Stamina bar. This shouldn't be necessary seeing as your Run and your 
Dash should be near enough the same, meaning you won need to sprint.

  Make a cup of tea:

With Automatic mode enabled!?!

| O.K., so not a phat lot!!                                                  |

--E.14 H - Extras

If you defeat Ruby WEAPON then you will be rewarded with the Desert Rose. You 
can then present this to the Kalm Traveller (found in... Kalm) and he will 
trade it with you for a Gold Chocobo. The catch-22 is that you need the 
Knights of The Round Materia to defeat Ruby, and you need a Gold Chocobo to 
obtain the Knights of The Round Materia..... Of course there are other ways 
of defeating Ruby (see section E.16).

The 'Kalm Chocobo' is an absolutely terrible racing Chocobo by the way, it 
stats are as follows:

Max Dash - 3000 (Top Sprint = 88 KPH)
    Dash - 1000
 Max Run - 2500 (Top Speed = 74 KPH)
     Run - 500
 Stamina - 1000 (Stamina = 100)
Acclertn - 60
Intllgnc - 30
Co-Oprtn - 0

At any point during the game you can talk to the Chocobos that are sitting in 
the pen at the Chocobo Ranch. When prompted, select option 1 �Wark� to see a 
little dance. You will then be presented with the almighty Choco/Mog Materia! 
This little bad-boy is best paired with the Elemental Materia on your weapon, 
as it is Wind based and a large amount of enemies in the game are weak 
against Wind.

When you visit the Chocobo Sage on Disk 2 (or Disk 3), you will notice a 
Green Chocobo sitting in its stable. Interact with it and it'll give to you 
an Enemy Skill Materia! Cheers Chocobo!

If you talk to Chloe before she has obtained any information about the 
Chocobo Sage then she will tell you that 'the white Chocobo likes to be 
scratched behind its ears, anywhere else and it'll get mad'. This is a 
reference to the White Chocobo in Mideel; be sure to feed it a Mimett Green 
(although it'll read Samolen Green), then tickle it behind its ears to 
receive the incredible Contain Materia!

When you attempt to race for freedom just after the Corel Prison events on 
Disk 1, you will be given a Chocobo in which to race with from Ester. If you 
lose on this Chocobo then the Chocobo you will be given for the next race  
will be slightly better. You will keep getting a better Chocobo until the 
fourth Chocobo, you'll then be stuck with that one until you win (which in 
all fairness should be pretty easy seeing the 4th Chocobo is fairly slick).

The four Chocobos are as follows:

Chocobo 1:                             | Chocobo 2:
'''''''''                              | '''''''''
    Dash - 3000 (Top Sprint = 88 KPH)  |     Dash - 3200 (Top Sprint = 94 KPH)
     Run - 2200 (Top Speed  = 65 KPH)  |      Run - 2500 (Top Speed  = 74 KPH)
 Stamina - 3200 (Stamina = 320)        |  Stamina - 3400 (Stamina = 340)
Acclertn - 50                          | Acclertn - 50
Intllgnc - 50                          | Intllgnc - 60
Co-Oprtn - 50                          | Co-Oprtn - 60
Chocobo 3:                             | Chocobo 4:
'''''''''                              | '''''''''                  
    Dash - 3700 (Top Sprint = 109 KPH) |     Dash - 4500 (Top Sprint = 132KPH)
     Run - 3000 (Top Speed  =  88 KPH) |      Run - 3500 (Top Speed  = 103KPH)
 Stamina - 4000 (Stamina = 400)        |  Stamina - 6000 (Stamina = 600)
Acclertn - 50                          | Acclertn - 50
Intllgnc - 80                          | Intllgnc - 100
Co-Oprtn - 80                          | Co-Oprtn - 100

Chocobuckle is a fairly useless Enemy Skill that can be first obtained when 
you visit the Chocobo Ranch on Disk 1. The enemy Skill will basically 
increase by 1HP worth of damage (ignoring defences) for every time you have 
escaped from battle. So, potentially you could do 9999 worth of damage for as 
little as 3MP, although escaping that many times would take an unrealistic 
amount of time to accomplish. A better use of Chocobuckle would be to escape 
2222 times in order to active 'All Lucky Seven's' (9999HP - 2222 = 7777).

To learn the Enemy Skill, you must first encounter a wild Chocobo. You must 
then feed the Chocobo either a Mimett Green or a Sylkis Green; this will 
activate the Chocobos use of Chocobuckle. You must then knock the Chocobos 
health down to 3.125% (1/32) in one hit, the Chocobo will then retaliate by 
casting Chocobuckle as a counter attack on its attacker. There is only one 
move that can perform this - L4 Suicide.

Due to the fact that only a Chocobo with a level divisible by 4 can be hit 
with Chocobuckle, you can only learn Chocobuckle in two places - the 
Grasslands Area (near Chocobo Ranch) alongside either 2x Elfadunk or 2x 
Levrikon (Lv 16), or Mideel Area alongside 1x or 2x Spiral (Lv 36). You can 
learn L4 Suicide from Mu in the Grasslands Area, and he will have a 7% chance 
of casting it.

There are also three 'obscure' ratings which can be attributed to a Chocobos 
'Personality' (or 'Run Type'):

   Personality 0 = Running Chocobo at the lobby screen in the races
   Personality 1 = Running Chocobo at the lobby screen in the races
   Personality 2 = Dashing Chocobo at the lobby screen in the races

Other than aesthetically, the personality of a Chocobo will not modify the 
Chocobos performance in any way; the Chocobo will behave exactly the same in 
a race as it normally would, regardless of its personality. The information 
regarding Personalities is hazy, and from what I can gather personality 0 
would be considered the 'normal' or 'primary' personality, while 1 & 2 would 
be considered the 'lower-ranking' or 'secondary' personalities.

  Wonderful or Great Chocobo - 87.5% chance of Personality 0
                               6.25% chance of Personality 1
                               6.25% chance of Personality 2

       Good or So-So Chocobo - 75%   chance of Personality 0
                               12.5% chance of Personality 1
                               12.5% chance of Personality 2

     Average or Poor Chocobo - 50%   chance of Personality 0
                               25%   chance of Personality 1
                               25%   chance of Personality 2

    Weak or Terrible Chocobo - 50%   chance of Personality 0
                               25%   chance of Personality 1
                               25%   chance of Personality 2

It is possible to remove the current personality of your Chocobo to set it to 
0, this is done by feeding a Chocobo enough Pahsana Greens. Chocobo Billy 
will comment �their personality's improved!� if done correctly. There is no 
ascertain way of being able to tell the difference between personality 0 and 

|  {RANDOM NUMBER GENERATION}  |                                         {RNG}

  Shout out to BrutalAl for his extensive knowledge on how the RNG works!

The Random Number Generator (or RNG) is the computers way of generating an 
outcome; nothing is actually random, and by knowing how to manipulate the RNG 
you will be able to breed the exact breed and sex of Chocobo you are after, 
without even having to race!

There are multiple RNG�s in the game, for example the Battle RNG. This will 
have 256 possible outcomes (0-255), and performing various things can advance 
the marker to the next outcome. For example, when you use Choco/Mog, you will 
have a 241/256 chance of getting DeathBlow (94.1%) and a 15/256 chance of 
getting Fat Chocobo (5.95%). If the marker has landed on one of the 15 
squares that has Fat Chocobo against it, then Fat Chocobo will be used. The 
marker will advance 1 or more places every time certain actions are performed.

Seeing as we are only looking at Chocobo Breeding, I am only going to focus 
on the actions that advance the Chocobo RNG:

Feeding Chocobo Krakka Greens - 1 marker per Krakka Green
Mating Chocobos - 1 marker
Moving Chocobos - 1 marker
Entering the area outside the stables (screen with pen) - 2 markers
Standing outside the stables (screen with pen) - 1 marker per second
Hard Reset - resets marker back to 0.

As far as I can tell, the Chocobo RNG has 256 numbers (0-255).
|                                                                            |
| When you perform a Hard Reset, the marker will move back to position 0.    |
| When you perform a Soft Reset (L1 R1 L2 R2 Start + Select) the marker will |
| stay where it is. This knowledge is crucial for manipulating the RNG.      |

When you enter the 'pen' area, the marker will advance two places. With the 
RNG at 002, you'll need to feed a Chocobo 23 Krakka Greens to bring it to 
025, resulting in a Blue Female.

After lengthy testing, I can safely say that the Greens used to capture the 
Chocobo, the personality (or Run Type) of the Chocobo, and the location in 
which you caught the Chocobos makes no difference whatsoever; the RNG 
sequence is always constant. It does however make a difference which Chocobo 
you select first when mating, unless they are both the same rank (Great, Good 

Lastly, if you spend too long getting into the stables from the screen 
outside of it, then the RNG will be at 003 instead of 002. The marker will 
automatically increase two places when you enter the screen with the pen, and 
then the marker will start to increase by 1 every second thereafter. There is 
a delay before the 'second' marker will begin however, and if you run into 
the barn quick enough then you should be able to safely keep the RNG at 002. 
Just don't hang about.

Using the above info, you should be able to obtain the desired breed of 
Chocobo, so long as you know the outcome of the RNG' positions:

2x Great Chocobos with 0 wins:                              

@RNG-004 = Green Male
@RNG-006 = Green Female
@RNG-032 = Blue Male
@RNG-025 = Blue Female


 - Works on both PS1 and PS4 versions. I cannot confirm for PC versions.

If you've read the previous section pertaining to RNG then you should be 
equipped with the knowledge of how to manipulate the RNG as to obtain a 
Chocobo of your choice. Here is the method to gaining a Gold Chocobo, without 
having to race:
                                                 (Credit - BrutalAl & gmo7897)

Capture 1x Great Chocobo (Mideel - alongside Spiral)
Capture 1x Wonderful Chocobo (Icicle Inn - alongside Jumping)
Steal   2x Carob Nuts
Steal   1x Zeio Nut
Buy     1x Saraha Nut
Buy    62x Krakka Greens

Using the RNG sequence below, you should be able to breed a Gold Chocobo in 
less than an hour (without having to race once):

@RNG-002 Move Great                      = Great Female.
@RNG-003 Move Wonderful                  = Wonderful Male.
@RNG-003 Mate Great + Wonderful          = Blue Female.  Then fight 6 battles
@RNG-052 Mate Great + Wonderful          = Green Male.   Then fight 8 battles
@RNG-007 Mate Blue  + Green (Saraha Nut) = Black Female. Then fight 3 battles
@RNG-008 Mate Black + Wonderful          = Gold Female

Remember to save and Hard Reset just before you're about to breed. This 
method will require you to participate in 0 races at the Chocobo Square, and 
17 battles outside the Chocobo Ranch.


Here is a step-by-step guide on how to do this:

1.)  With a Great and Wonderful Chocobo in your pen, save your game and 
     perform a hard reset. The RNG should now be at 000.

2.)  Run into the stables without hanging about outside, the RNG should now be 
     at 002.

3.)  Move your Great Chocobo. This should be a Female. The RNG should now be 
     at 003.

4.)  Move your Wonderful Chocobo. This should be a Male. Now save your game 
     and perform a hard reset. The RNG should now be at 000.

5.)  Run into the stables without hanging about outside, the RNG should now be 
     at 002. Feed one Krakka Green to a Chocobo. The RNG should now be at 003.

6.)  Mate the Great and Wonderful Chocobos (selecting Great first). You 
     should get a Blue Female. 

7.) Now fight in 6 random battles, then save and perform a hard reset.

8.)  Run into the stables without hanging about outside, the RNG should now be 
     at 002. Feed 50 Krakka Greens to a Chocobo to bring the RNG to 052.

9.)  Mate the Great and Wonderful Chocobos. You should get a Green Male. 

10.) Now fight in 8 random battles, then save and perform a hard reset.

11.)  Run into the stables without hanging about outside, the RNG should now 
      be at 002. Feed 5 Krakka Greens to a Chocobo to bring the RNG to 007.

12.) Mate the Green and Blue Chocobos using a Saraha Nut (it doesn't matter 
     which one you pick first). You should get a Black Female. 

13.) Now fight 3 random battles, then save and perform a hard reset.

14.) Run into the stables without hanging about outside, the RNG should now be 
     at 002. Feed 6 Karaka Greens to a Chocobo to bring the RNG to 008.

15.) Mate the Black and Wonderful Chocobo using a Zeio Nut (you need to 
     select the Black Chocobo first). You should get a Gold Female. 

After trying it myself, I can safely say that this method works perfectly on 
both the PS1 version and the PS4 version. You must remember to select the 
Great Chocobo first when breeding a Blue/Green Chocobo, and you must remember 
to enter the barn rather quickly.

Using the battle glitch as mentioned in the section just below, combined with 
this technique of RNG manipulation, BrutalAl was able to breed a Gold Chocobo 
in under four minutes (having first caught the Great & Wonderful Chocobo)!

 - There is a glitch that will occur after you reach a ridiculously high 
   amount of battles - 32,767. The game cannot use a number higher than 
   32,767, and if you were to battle your 32,768th battle, then the game 
   would revert you to minus figures, and would consider your battle count to 
   be -32,768. You would then need to fight a whopping 32,768 battles for the 
   count to reset back to 0, in which time you would not be able to breed 
   Chocobos at all!

   If you were to attempt to breed on you 37,767th battle, the game would 
   permanently regard the battle count required for breeding as 0 (because it 
   cannot calculate a figure higher than 32,767), meaning you could breed 
   Chocobos endlessly without having to battle in-between breeding!

 - Although many guides will claim that you can only mate a Great and a Good 
   Chocobo together to breed a Green/Blue Chocobo, this is false. You could 
   also us 2x Good Chocobos or 2x Great Chocobos. I have conformed this 

 - Lucrecia's Cave is situated near Gongaga and North Corel. It can be 
   accessed via the Submarine, but it can also be accessed via a Green, Black 
   or Gold Chocobo before you can obtain the Submarine. It can take quite a 
   long time to find Lucrecia's Cave using the Sub, so the Chocobo route is 
   by far the best route. Vincent's Ultimate Weapon and L4 Limit Break Manual 
   can be found in there.

 - The Ancient Forest is situated just east of Cosmo Canyon on a ledge that's 
   just out of reach... unless you have a special Chocobo of course! Through 
   the course of natural game-play, the Ancient Forest will become available 
   to you when you kill Ultimate WEAPON, however through Chocobo breeding you 
   can gain early access to this little treasure cove. Note-worthy items 
   include the Slash-All Materia and the Apocalypse (triple growth weapon).

 - When you visit Sector 6 playground at the beginning of the game, you will 
   notice Tifa being escorted on a Chocobo-and-carriage. This is the same 
   design as the carriage that will escort you out of Corel Desert after 12 
   screen of being lost!

 - The only way to determine what your Chocobos stats Top Speed and Stamina 
   is to enter it into a race at the Chocobo Square - the stats will be 
   displayed in the top right corner of screen.

 - A Green and Blue Chocobo will have their abilities reversed when racing at 
   the Chocobo Square. There are two environment hazards on the short track - 
   The hill section will be overcome by the Blue Chocobo, and the space 
   section at the end will be overcome by the Green Chocobo. The long track 
   has one environment hazard, the water section, which is overcome by the 
   Green Chocobo. The Black and Gold Chocobo will plough through all hazards.

 - Teioh is the only AI Chocobo that has environmental abilities.

Earlier on in the 'Ultimate Racing Chocobo' section I began listing in-depth 
descriptions of how each Nut worked, however I'd decided to only show the 
Zeio and Carob Nut seeing as those were the only two nuts that we were using. 
I've now decided (for what it's worth) to list every single Nut here:

|   MORE {NUTS}   |

     IN ALL CASES:                             (Credit: GMO7897 & TFergusson))

 - Acceleration and Intelligence will always be the average of the parents.

 - Cooperation will always be set to 0.

 - The Gender chosen will always be a 50/50 chance, or thereabouts.

 - Every Chocobos will be born as a Class C Chocobos.

 - If a Chocobo is born with Max Run that is equal to or higher than Max Dash, 
   Max Run will reduce by 100 repeatedly until it is lower than Max Dash.
 - If a Chocobo is born with Run that is equal to or higher than Max Run, Run 
   will reduce by 100 repeatedly until it is lower than Max Run.

 - The 'Rating' of the Chocobo (Great, Good etc.) will always have 50% of 
   being its fathers, and 50% chance of being its mothers.

 - You will be able to breed a Black Chocobo using any Nut except for the 
   Zeio Nut, and only the Carob Nut will breed a Blue or Green Chocobo.

                                           (Best Nut first to Worst Nut last)
           /                           {ZEIO NUT}                            \
|*Max Dash | 21.5% - Max Dash will be 10% *HIGHER* than the parent with the  |
|          |         highest Max Dash, capped at 6000                        |
|          | 78.5% - Max Dash will be the *AVERAGE* of its parents           |
|  Max Run | 31.3% - Max Run will be 12.5% *HIGHER* than the parent with the |
|          |         highest Max Run, capped at 5900 or Max Dash             |
|          | 62.9% - Max Run will be the *AVERAGE* of its parents            |
|          |  5.9% - Max Run will be 5% *LOWER* than the parent with the     |
|          |         highest Max Run                                         |
|  Stamina | 68.4% - Stamina will be 5% *HIGHER* than the parent with the    |
|          |         highest Stamina, capped at 9999                         |
|          | 31.6% - Stamina will be the *AVERAGE* of its parents            |
|     Dash | Dash will be the *AVERAGE* of its parents                       |
|      Run | Run  will be the *AVERAGE* of its parents                       |
| Breeding | Black and Wonderful Chocobo:                                    |
|          |                                                                 |
|          | 100% - Gold Chocobo if parents have *WON* a total of 12 races   |
|          | 3.1% - Gold Chocobo if parents have won *LESS* than 12 races    |
|          |                                                                 |
|          | If you AREN'T breeding a Black and Wonderful Chocobo, or  you   |
|          | are but you FAILED to obtain a Gold Chocobo, then its breed     |
|          | will have a 50/50 chance of being its fathers or mothers.       |
|   Obtain | Buy  : N/A                      Drop : Goblin                   |
|          | Steal: Goblin                   Morph: N/A                      |
|   *Bonus : *IF* the Chocobo that was born was a Gold Chocobo, and its Max  |
\,,,,,,,,,,, Dash was less than 5000, then the following bonus will apply:   |
           |                                                                 |
           | 43.8% - Max Dash will be set to 5000                            |
           | 12.5% - Max Dash will be set to 5100                            |
           | 12.5% - Max Dash will be set to 5200                            |
           |  6.2% - Max Dash will be set to 5300                            |
           |  6.2% - Max Dash will be set to 5400                            |
           | 12.5% - Max Dash will be set to 5500                            |
           |  6.2% - Max Dash will be set to 5950                            |
           |                                                                 |
           | *THEN* (Random Number between 0 & 26). There is a 50% chance    |
           | Max Dash will be increased by that figure, and a 50% Max Dash   |
           | will be reduced by that figure.                                 |
           |                                                                 |
           | *IF* the Chocobo that was born was a Gold Chocobo and its Max   |
           | Run was below 4000, then it will receive a 1000 bonus to Max    |
           | Run, possibly causing it to go above Max Dash!                  |
           \                                                                 /

           /                           {CAROB NUT}                           \
|*Max Dash | 23.4% - Max Dash will be 10% *HIGHER* than the parent with the  |
|          |         highest Max Dash, capped at 6000                        |
|          | 76.6% - Max Dash will be the *AVERAGE* of its parents           |
|  Max Run | 15.6% - Max Run will be 10% *HIGHER* than the parent with the   |
|          |         highest Max Run, capped at 5900 or Max Dash             |
|          | 62.9% - Max Run will be the *AVERAGE* of its parents            |
|          | 21.5% - Max Run will be 10% *LOWER* than the parent with the    |
|          |         highest Max Run                                         |
|  Stamina | 19.5% - Stamina will be 5% *HIGHER* than the parent with the    |
|          |         highest Stamina, capped at 9999                         |
|          | 80.5% - Stamina will be the *AVERAGE* of its parents            |
|     Dash | Dash will be the *AVERAGE* of its parents                       |
|      Run | Run  will be the *AVERAGE* of its parents                       |
| Breeding | Blue and Green Chocobo:                                         |
|          |                                                                 |
|          |  100% - Black Chocobo if parents have *WON* a total of 9 races  |
|          |  3.9% - Black Chocobo if parents have won *LESS* than 9 races   |
|          |   50% - Blue  Chocobo if parents have won *LESS* than 9 races   |
|          | 46.1% - Green Chocobo if parents have won *LESS* than 9 races   |
|          |                                                                 |
|          | Good and Great Chocobo: (or 2x Good or 2x Great)                |
|          |                                                                 |
|          |   50% - Green  Chocobo if parents have *WON* a total of 4 races |
|          |   50% - Blue   Chocobo if parents have *WON* a total of 4 races |
|          | 17.2% - Green  Chocobo if parents have won *LESS* than 4 races  |
|          |   18% - Blue   Chocobo if parents have won *LESS* than 4 races  |
|          | 64.8% - Yellow Chocobo if parents have won *LESS* than 4 races  |
|          |                                                                 |
|          | If you are mating a Great or Good Chocobo with a Chocobo that   |
|          | *ISN'T* Great/Good (i.e. Wonderful), then there is a 25% chance |
|          | that the above formula for mating Good/Great Chocobos will      |
|          | apply, so long as you select the Great/Good Chocobo first.      |
|   Obtain | Buy  : 500GP Wonder Square      Drop : Vlakorados               |
|          | Steal: Vlakorados               Morph: N/A                      |
|   *Bonus : *IF* the Chocobo that was born was a Black Chocobo and its Max  |
\,,,,,,,,,,, Dash was less than 4000, then the following bonus will apply:   |
           |                                                                 |
           | 43.8% - Max Dash will be set to 4000                            |
           |   25% - Max Dash will be set to 4200                            |
           |  6.2% - Max Dash will be set to 4300                            |
           |  6.2% - Max Dash will be set to 4400                            |
           | 12.5% - Max Dash will be set to 4500                            |
           |  6.2% - Max Dash will be set to 4800                            |
           |                                                                 |
           | *THEN* (Random Number between 0 & 51). There is a 50% chance    |
           | Max Dash will be increased by that figure, and a 50% Max Dash   |
           | will be reduced by that figure.                                 |

           /                           {POROV NUT}                           \
| Max Dash | 27.3% - Max Dash will be 6.6% *HIGHER* than the 'first'         |
|          |         selected Chocobos Max Dash, capped at 6000              |
|          | 72.7% - Max Dash will be the *AVERAGE* of its parents           |
|  Max Run | 19.5% - Max Run will be 6.6% *HIGHER* than the 'first' selected |
|          |         Chocobos Max Run, capped at 5900 or Max Dash - 100      |
|          | 70.7% - Max Run will be the *AVERAGE* of its parents            |
|          |  9.8% - Max Run will be 5% *LOWER* than the 'first' selected    |
|          |         Chocobos Max Run                                        |
|  Stamina | 19.5% - Stamina will be 5% *HIGHER* than the 'first' selected   |
|          |         Chocobos Stamina, capped at 9999                        |
|          | 80.5% - Stamina will be the *AVERAGE* of its parents            |
|     Dash | Dash will be the *AVERAGE* of its parents                       |
|      Run | Run  will be the *AVERAGE* of its parents                       |
| Breeding | Green and Blue Chocobo:                                         |
|          |                                                                 |
|          | 25% - Black Chocobo                                             |
|          |                                                                 |
|          | If you AREN'T breeding a Green and Blue Chocobo, or you are     |
|          | but you FAILED to obtain a Black Chocobo, then its breed will   |
|          | have a 50/50 chance of being its fathers or mothers.            |
|   Obtain : Buy  : 2000 gil Chocobo Sage    Drop : N/A                      |
\,,,,,,,,,,  Steal: N/A                      Morph: N/A                      |
           \                                                                 /

           /                           {PRAM NUT}                            \
| Max Dash | 19.5% - Max Dash will be 5.5% *HIGHER* than the 'first'         |
|          |         selected Chocobos Max Dash, capped at 6000              |
|          | 70.7% - Max Dash will be the *AVERAGE* of its parents           |
|          |  9.8% - Max Dash will be 3% *LOWER* than the 'first' selected   |
|          |         Chocobos Max Dash                                       |
|  Max Run | 19.5% - Max Run will be 5.5% *HIGHER* than the 'first' selected |
|          |         Chocobos Max Run, capped at 5900 or Max Dash - 100      |
|          | 80.5% - Max Run will be the *AVERAGE* of its parents            |
|          |  9.8% - Max Run will be 3% *LOWER* than the 'first' selected    |
|          |         Chocobos Max Run                                        |
|  Stamina | 19.5% - Stamina will be 5.5% *HIGHER* than the 'first' selected |
|          |         Chocobos Stamina, capped at 9999                        |
|          | 66.8% - Stamina will be the *AVERAGE* of its parents            |
|          | 13.7% - Stamina will be 10% *LOWER* than the 'first' selected   | 
|          |         Chocobos Stamina                                        |
|     Dash | Dash will be the *AVERAGE* of its parents                       |
|      Run | Run  will be the *AVERAGE* of its parents                       |
| Breeding | Green and Blue Chocobo:                                         |
|          |                                                                 |
|          | 50% - Black Chocobo                                             |
|          |                                                                 |
|          | If you AREN'T breeding a Green and Blue Chocobo, or you are     |
|          | but you FAILED to obtain a Black Chocobo, then its breed will   |
|          | have a 50/50 chance of being its fathers or mothers.            |
|   Obtain : Buy  : 2500 gil Chocobo Sage    Drop : N/A                      |
\,,,,,,,,,,  Steal: N/A                      Morph: N/A                      |
           \                                                                 /

           /                           {LASAN NUT}                           \
| Max Dash | 19.5% - Max Dash will be 5% *HIGHER* than the 'first' selected  |
|          |         Chocobos Max Dash, capped at 6000                       |
|          | 70.7% - Max Dash will be the *AVERAGE* of its parents           |
|          |  9.8% - Max Dash will be 5% *LOWER* than the 'first' selected   |
|          |         Chocobos Max Dash                                       |
|  Max Run | 19.5% - Max Run will be 5% *HIGHER* than the 'first' selected   |
|          |         Chocobos Max Run, capped at 5900 or Max Dash - 100      |
|          | 70.7% - Max Run will be the *AVERAGE* of its parents            |
|          |  9.8% - Max Run will be 5% *LOWER* than the 'first' selected    |
|          |         Chocobos Max Run                                        |
|  Stamina | 19.5% - Stamina will be 5% *HIGHER* than the 'first' selected   |
|          |         Chocobos Stamina, capped at 9999                        |
|          |  70.7%- Stamina will be the *AVERAGE* of its parents            |
|          |  9.8% - Stamina will be 5% *LOWER* than the 'first' selected    |
|          |         Chocobos Stamina                                        |
|     Dash | Dash will be the *AVERAGE* of its parents                       |
|      Run | Run  will be the *AVERAGE* of its parents                       |
| Breeding | Green and Blue Chocobo:                                         |
|          |                                                                 |
|          | 50% - Black Chocobo                                             |
|          |                                                                 |
|          | If you AREN'T breeding a Green and Blue Chocobo, or you are     |
|          | but you FAILED to obtain a Black Chocobo, then its breed will   |
|          | have a 50/50 chance of being its fathers or mothers.            |
|   Obtain : Buy  : 600 gil Chocobo Ranch    Drop : Mandragora               |
\,,,,,,,,,,  Steal: Mandragora               Morph: N/A                      |
           \                                                                 /

           /                          {SARAHA NUT}                           \
| Max Dash |  9.4% - Max Dash will be 3% *HIGHER* than the 'first' selected  |
|          |         Chocobos Max Dash, capped at 6000                       |
|          | 81.2% - Max Dash will be the *AVERAGE* of its parents           |
|          |  9.4% - Max Dash will be 3% *LOWER* than the 'first' selected   |
|          |         Chocobos Max Dash                                       |
|  Max Run |  9.4% - Max Run will be 3% *HIGHER* than the 'first' selected   |
|          |         Chocobos Max Run, capped at 5900 or Max Dash - 100      |
|          | 81.2% - Max Run will be the *AVERAGE* of its parents            |
|          |  9.4% - Max Run will be 3% *LOWER* than the 'first' selected    |
|          |         Chocobos Max Run                                        |
|  Stamina |  9.4% - Stamina will be 3% *HIGHER* than the 'first' selected   |
|          |         Chocobos Stamina, capped at 9999                        |
|          | 81.2% - Stamina will be the *AVERAGE* of its parents            |
|          |  9.4% - Stamina will be 3% *LOWER* than the 'first' selected    |
|          |         Chocobos Stamina                                        |
|     Dash | Dash will be the *AVERAGE* of its parents                       |
|      Run | Run  will be the *AVERAGE* of its parents                       |
| Breeding | Green and Blue Chocobo:                                         |
|          |                                                                 |
|          | 50% - Black Chocobo                                             |
|          |                                                                 |
|          | If you AREN'T breeding a Green and Blue Chocobo, or you are     |
|          | but you FAILED to obtain a Black Chocobo, then its breed will   |
|          | have a 50/50 chance of being its fathers or mothers.            |
|   Obtain : Buy  : 400 gil Chocobo Ranch    Drop : Spencer                  |
\,,,,,,,,,,  Steal: Spencer                  Morph: N/A                      |
           \                                                                 /

           /                          {LUCHILE NUT}                          \
| Max Dash | 50% - Max Dash will be the *AVERAGE* of its parents             |
|          | 50% - Max Dash will be [random number between 0 - 255] *LOWER*  |
|          |       than the average Max Dash, capped at 300                  |
|     Dash | 50% - Dash will be the *AVERAGE* of its parents                 |
|          | 50% - Dash will be [random number between 0 - 255] *LOWER* than |
|          |       the average Dash, capped at 300                           |
|  Max Run | 50% - Max Run will be the *AVERAGE* of its parents              |
|          | 50% - Max Run will be 2*[random number between 0 - 255] *LOWER* |
|          |       than the average Max Run, capped at 300                   |
|      Run | 50% - Run will be the *AVERAGE* of its parents                  |
|          | 50% - Run will be 2*[random number between 0 - 255] *LOWER*     |
|          |       than the average Run, capped at 300                       |
|  Stamina | Stam will be the *AVERAGE* of its parents                       |
| Breeding | Green and Blue Chocobo:                                         |
|          |                                                                 |
|          | 25% - Black Chocobo                                             |
|          |                                                                 |
|          | *IF* you AREN'T breeding a Green and Blue Chocobo, or you are   |
|          | but you FAILED to obtain a Black Chocobo, then its breed will   |
|          | have a 50/50 chance of being its fathers or mothers.            |
|   Obtain : Buy  : 200 gil Chocobo Ranch    Drop : Nibel Wolf               |
\,,,,,,,,,,  Steal: Nibel Wolf               Morph: N/A                      |
           \                                                                 /

           /                           {PEPIO NUT}                           \
|*Max Dash | Max Dash will be 100*[random number between 1 - 2] *LOWER* than |
|          | the average Max Dash, capped at 300                             |
|     Dash | Dash will be 100*[random number between 1 - 2] *LOWER* than the |
|          | average Dash, capped at 300                                     |
|  Max Run | Max Run will be 100*[random number between 1 - 4] *LOWER* than  |
|          | the average Max Run, capped at 300                              |
|      Run | Run will be 100*[random number between 1 - 2] *LOWER* than the  |
|          | average Run, capped at 300                                      |
|  Stamina | Stamina will be will be [random number between 0 - 255] *LOWER* |
|          | than the average Stamina, capped at 300                         |
| Breeding | Green and Blue Chocobo:                                         |
|          |                                                                 |
|          | 25% - Black Chocobo                                             |
|          |                                                                 |
|          | If you AREN'T breeding a Green and Blue Chocobo, or you are     |
|          | but you FAILED to obtain a Black Chocobo, then its breed will   |
|          | have a 50/50 chance of being its fathers or mothers.            |
|   Obtain | Buy  : 100 gil Chocobo Ranch    Drop : Dual Horn                |
|          | Steal: Dual Horn                Morph: N/A                      |
|   *Bonus : *IF* the Chocobo that was born had Max Dash that was less than  |
\,,,,,,,,,,, 4000, then there will be a 0.19% chance that the following      |
           | bonus will apply:                                               |
           |                                                                 |
           |  0.78% - Max Dash will be set to 4000                           |
           |  0.78% - Max Dash will be set to 4100                           |
           |  1.56% - Max Dash will be set to 4200                           |
           |  2.34% - Max Dash will be set to 4300                           |
           |  0.78% - Max Dash will be set to 4500                           |
           | 93.75% - Max Dash will not alter                                |
           |                                                                 |
           | *THEN* (Random Number between 0 & 255). This figure will then   |
           | be subtracted from Max Dash. This process will happen 6 times,  |
           | potentially dropping Max Dash by an amount of up to 1530.       |
           \                                                                 /

|                                                                            |
| {E.15} - Materia Caves                                                     |
|                                                                            |
|  A - Wutai Cave                                                            |
|  B - Mideel Cave                                                           |
|  C - Corel Cave                                                            |
|  D - Round Island Cave                                                     |
|  E - Extras                                                                |
|                                                            {Materia Caves} |

Whilst inside one of the four Materia Caves that are scattered across Gaia, 
random battle encounters will be disabled.

                                                          {Wutai Materia Cave}
--E.15 A - Wutai Cave

  Probably the most rewarding of the four rewards, the cave near Wutai holds 
the Mime Materia, and can be accessed via a Green, Black or Gold Chocobo. The 
Green Chocobo cannot access any other Materia Cave.

The Mime Materia will allow you to mimic the previous command that an ally 
used. This includes things such as counter attacks, summons, almost anything 
really, except Limit Breaks. You can however mimic your own Limit Break, 
which will help out in the Battle Square. Mime is often used in conjunction 
with Knights of The Round Materia as an effective strategy for defeating 
Emerald and Ruby WEAPON.

If you are planning on using a KOTR chain with Mime, then be sure to remove 
all counter attack based Materias, as a character will also mimic a counter 
if it was the last attack to have been used. Also, if you were to pair HP 
Absorb with KOTR, then the person miming would also receive HP from the 
attack. When using Mime, no MP will be consumed.

                                                         {Mideel Materia Cave}
--E.15 B - Mideel Cave

  The cave near Mideel can be found on the very north peninsula of the South-
Western Continent, and can only be accessed via a Blue, Black or Gold 
Chocobo. You must park the Highwind on the small patch of grass just south of 
Mideel, then ride your Blue Chocobo all the way north to the cave. Inside the 
cove you will find the Quadra Magic Materia.

                                                                {Quadra Magic}
Quadra Magic is best used when combined with other Support Materia i.e. 
Quadra Magic=Lightning, Magic Counter=Lightning and MP Turbo=Lightning etc. 
Magic Counter, Final Attack and Sneak Attack are the only three Materias that 
can be combined with Quadra Magic to enable an automatic 4x hit. If an enemy 
dies during the four castings, then any unused casts would be discarded.

All magic spells will have their power reduced by 50% when paired with Quadra 
Magic, and this includes % based attacks such as Demi and Full Cure. This is 
why MP Turbo comes in handy. Even though you are hitting 4 times, your MP 
consumption will be as if you had cast the spell but once. If you were to 
equip two Quadra Magics to a spell then you would increase the amount of 
casts by 1 to give you 5 casts. This can be repeated up four times for a 
total of 8 casts. Knights of The Round cannot be paired with Quadra Magic.

There is a glitch which involves you landing you Highwind in a particular 
spot to enable you to enter the Materia Cave without the use of a Chocobo. 
>From the Materia Cave, follow the peninsula down until you see a green bit of 
grass leading from a cliff. Hover over the green land facing south, so the 
dirt area is to your left. Now you must side-strafe left (by holding Square) 
and press X just before you leave the grass area, whilst still holding left..

You probably won't do it on your first attempt; jump back in your Highwind, 
position yourself so your facing South, and try again. Try strafing further 
over to the right, then back again pressing X just before you leave the 
grassy area. Once performed correctly you'll have landed the Highwind on the 
very edge of the cliff, with Cloud on the dirt track. I was able to achieve 
it after 2 dozen or so tries.

                                                          {Corel Materia Cave}
--E.15 C - Corel Cave

  Near the entrance to Mt. Corel you will notice the Materia Cave surrounded 
by desert. This cave is only accessible via a Black or Gold Chocobo. The 
HP<->MP Materia can be found within the cove, and it is probably the worst of 
the four rewards.

HP<->MP will basically swap your HP figure for your MP figure, so your HP 
will max at 999 and your MP will max at 9999. Useless.

One of the most practical ways of using HP<->MP is to manipulate you MP as so 
that it lands on 7777. When you remove HP<->MP your HP will be 7777, meaning 
that the next battle you go into you'll activate All Lucky 7's.

To do this, you must first ensure that your characters MP is maxed out to 
9999. Then equip the Shield Materia (or Phoenix Materia), Transform Materia 
and a Lv 3 Fire Materia onto that character. Use Shield (or Phoenix) 12 
times, to leave you with 7839 MP. Then use Mini to bring it down to 7829, 
then finally use Fire3 to bring it down to 7777.

Good Fire based creatures to battle would be the Ark Dragon in the Mythril 
Mines, the Bagnadrana in Mt. Corel or the Dragon in Mt. Nibel.

Another use of HP<->MP would be to use it to bring your HP down as to fill 
your Limit gauge more quickly, although enemies that use gravity based 
attacks such as the Valron's Dive Kick, or the Death Claw's Laser are more 
effective ways of filling your Limit bar.

                                                   {Round Island Materia Cave}
--E.15 D - Round Island Cave

  Round Island is an unmarked location situated on the far north-east corner 
of the map. The only Chocobo that can get you to this island is the Gold 
Chocobo, and the prize here is the greatest summon of them all - Knights of 
The Round. The enemies fought on this island are the Goblins.

                                                        {Knights of The Round}
The Knights of The Round (or KOTR) summon is a total of 13 separate attacks, 
and pairing Steal as Well with KOTR would yield 13 steal attempts. Pairing 
Quadra Magic with KOTR will not work, unless you were to pair Quadra Magic 
with Master Summon, and then Magic Counter with a second Master Summon. This 
would give you a small chance of countering with 4x KOTR attacks.

The highest combined damage you can do with KOTR is 129,987 HP (9999 * 13). 
Costing 250MP, KOTR is the most expensive spell on the game, and as such a 
lot of people tend to pair it with MP Absorb. A character that mimes this 
attack will also receive the MP, although using Mime will cost 0MP in the 
first place.

The only creatures that will be left standing after using KOTR would be 
Emerald WEAPON, Ruby WEAPON and Safer-Sephiroth. KOTR requires the most 
amount of AP to master - 500,000. Lasting 1:20, it's safe to say that KOTR is 
by far the longest (and strongest) spell on the game.

--E.15 E - Extras

  There are a few extra areas that you can visit once you have bred a 
'special' Chocobo:


Once you have a Green, Black or Gold Chocobo you will be able to visit 
Lucrecia's cave which is situated in-between North Corel and Gongaga (or 
Corel Prison and Nibelheim). This small lagoon is also accessible via a 
submarine, but can take a rather long time to reach given the slow pace of 
the sub.

Make sure that Vincent is in your party when you enter the cave. You'll meet 
a woman called Lucrecia, and a small scene will play out which teaches you a 
little about Vincent's past. You must then fight in 10 battles, after which 
you'll be able to return to the cave to receive Vincent's Ultimate Weapon, 
the Death Penalty, and his Lv4 Limit Break Manual, Chaos.


The Ancient Forest is situated slightly east of Cosmo Canyon, and can 
initially only be accessed via a Green, Black or Gold Chocobo. Once you have 
defeated Ultimate WEAPON (which can be done just after defeating Diamond 
WEAPON), the forest will become available to you, but that will be sometime 
after you are able to breed Chocobos.

See section D2.10 J for the walkthrough. Notable items of interest here are 
the Slash-All Materia, and Cloud's Apocalypse, which is one of two triple 
growth weapons.


Not that you would need to visit this place on disk 2, but you can also visit 
the Sleeping Man's cave near Junon. You can also visit the Great Glacier 
again; without a Chocobo you would need to go through the Icicle Inn and then 
partake in the snowboarding once more, however with a Green, Black or Gold 
Chocobo you'll be able to enter the Great Glacier straight from the entrance.

And that just about wraps up everything that you can do with a Chocobo (other 
than racing them, of course)!

|                                                                            |
| {E.16} - Defeating Emerald, Ruby and Ultimate WEAPON                       |
|                                                                            |
|  A - About The WEAPONs                                                     |
|  B - Emerald WEAPON                                                        |
|  C - Ruby WEAPON                                                           |
|  D - Ultimate WEAPON                                                       |
|                                                                   {WEAPON} |

--E.16 A - About The WEAPONs


  The WEAPONs are creatures that have been created by the planet to protect 
itself from dangers that threaten its very existence, such as Jenova, or 
Meteor. When they were first created nearly 2000 years ago to destroy Jenova, 
they were never called upon to protect the planet seeing as the Cetra were 
able to subdue lobotomise Jenova, and thereby ending the crisis. Sensing no 
impending danger, the WEAPONs lay dormant for two millennia.

When Sephiroth used the Black Materia to summon Meteor, the WEAPONs sensed 
imminent danger, and awoke to try to protect the planet from chaos. However, 
instead of targeting Sephiroth, they instead headed out to destroy Junon and 
Midgar, the main location of the Shinra.

There are five WEAPONs in total, plus an additional two that exist within the 
FF VII Universe:

Emerald  - Landed in the ocean, leaving a large crater upon impact. This 
           WEAPON was presumably targeting the underwater reactor near Junon, 
           although this isn't definite. Emerald is said to be the 2nd hardest 
           boss in the game, and can only be fought once you have obtained the 
           Submarine. Fighting Emerald isn't mandatory, although it will 
           unlock the Emerald WEAPON Trophy.

Ruby     - Landed in the desert near the Gold Saucer, and it is unclear what 
           Ruby's intentions are. It appears as a small fin poking out of 
           the sand. When you approach it either by Chocobo or in the 
           Highwind, it will jump out at you, provoking a battle. Ruby is the 
           hardest boss in the game, and isn't compulsory to fight, although 
           doing so will unlock the Ruby Trophy.

Ultimate - Landed near Junon, then sets its sights on the small village of 
           Mideel. Why? The reason is unknown. You will have one mandatory 
           battle with Ultimate before it flies off, not to be seen again 
           until later on. When you do see him again, he will be in an 
           attacking stance hovering over specific landmarks, namely places 
           where reactors are. Defeating him is optional.

Diamond  - Landed in the ocean near the North Crater. Diamond only shows his 
           face when the Mako Cannon begins to fire up, and sensing the 
           immense amount of Lifestream consumed to power the cannon, he 
           emerges from the ocean to destroy Midgar. Diamond is the only 
           WEAPON that has to be defeated as per the story line.

Sapphire - Landed in the ocean near Junon. Sapphire is the first WEAPON to go 
           on a rampage, setting its sights on the Shinra town of Junon. It 
           is the only WEAPON that you do not have to battle, seeing as the 
           Mako Cannon will finish the job for you.

Jade     - Is only seen in 'Before Crisis FF VII'. It is an insect-like 
           creature, and is the first of the seven WEAPONs to be awakened by 
           the planet. When a powerful Summon, Zirconiade, is used, the 
           planet senses danger and awakens Jade to deal with it. In the end, 
           the Turks were able to defeat Zirconiade, but Jade then decided to 
           target the Turks as they were deemed 'too powerful' in the eyes of 
           the planet, and needed to be destroyed .

Omega    - Is only seen in 'Dirge of Cerberus FF VII'. It is the supreme 
           WEAPON, and will only rear itself if the planet senses imminent 
           destruction (which doesn't happen during the course of the game 
           we're playing). Its purpose is to gather and seal up all of the 
           planets Lifestream, and to then leave the baron planet in search 
           of a new home within the galaxy.

It is recommended that you utilise the W-Item glitch whenever going up 
against one of the WEAPONs. Using this glitch you will be able duplicate 
yourself enough of the necessary items to suit, such as Megalixirs, Hero 
Drinks, Dazers etc. See section E.18 B for more info on the W-Item glitch and 
how it works.

                                                              {Emerald Weapon}
--E.16 B - Emerald WEAPON


  Emerald will be found lurking in the depths of the ocean, and can only be 
fought once you have obtained the submarine. There will be a 20 minute 
countdown timer whilst fighting it, and this can removed using the Underwater 
Materia which is obtained from the Kalm Traveller. You must exchange the 
Guidebook for it, which can be obtained by morphing a Ghost Ship in the 
underwater tunnel leading to the rector underneath Junon.

Whenever you submerge into the ocean, Emerald will have one of 3 locations it 
could spawn in. Simply collide into it to battle it. One needs to be 
extremely careful when entering/exiting the Sunken Gelnika as Emerald could 
be sitting directly outside it! If this happens, submerge then dive and he'll 
have spawned somewhere else (7/8 chance). A useful tip: navigating whilst at 
maximum height will enable you to avoid Emerald altogether!

Defeating Emerald WEAPON will net you a whopping 50,000 AP, which will triple 
to 150,000 if using Cloud's Apocalypse or Cid's Scimitar. This will help 
tremendously if you are trying to master all of your Materia. The other thing 
that you will obtain upon its defeat is the Earth Harp. You can trade the 
Earth harp with the Kalm Traveller for a set of Master Materia!

 NOTE - Emerald is not present in the Japanese original of the game.

                                                      ____________ __________
 Alongside Emerald WEAPON there will be four Eyes    |            |          | 
 resting on Emerald's shoulder pads. These Eyes can  |   EMERALD  | EYE X 4  | 
 be revived by Emerald, and it will use different    |   WEAPON   |          | 
 attacks if its eyes are alive or dead.  ____________|____________|__________| 
                                        |            |            |          | 
 The most feared move that Emerald will | -------Lv: | 99-------- | 50------ | 
 use is Aire Tam Storm, which is        | -------HP: | 1,000,000  | 25000--- | 
 actually maTeriA backwards! This move  | -------MP: | 100------- | 100----- | 
 will cause 1111 HP to each character   | ------EXP: | 50000----- | -------- | 
 per Materia that each character has    | -------AP: | 50000----- | -------- | 
 equipped on them. So 9 or more pieces  | ------GIL: | 50000----- | -------- | 
 of Materia would result in 9999        | -----DROP: | Earth Harp | -------- | 
 damage! The only way to survive this   | ---ABSORB: | ICE--WTR-- | ICE--WTR | 
 attack is to equip Final Attack with   | --NULLIFY: | ERT------- | ERT----- | 
 Revive, or to equip less than 9 pieces | ----HALVE: | GRV------- | -------- | 
 of Materia. That's 9 pieces per        | ---DOUBLE: | LHT------- | FRE----- | 
 character, not 9 in total!             | ------ATK: | 180------- | 50------ | 
                                        | --MAG ATK: | 180------- | 50------ | 
 It is also worth noting the Emerald    | ------DEF: | 180------- | 2------- | 
 is Vulnerable to Slow, as well as      | --MAG DEF: | 180------- | 2------- | 
 being one of the few bosses on the     | ----DEF %: | 1--------- | 1------- | 
 game that doesn't nullify Gravity, so  | DEXTERITY: | 230------- | 150/250- | 
 even though Emerald will halve Demi,   | -----LUCK: | 1--------- | 1------- | 
 it'll still deal 9999 HP of damage.    |____________________________________| 

Avoid casting things such as Haste, Big Guard, Regen etc. as Emerald will 
just end up cancelling them out. The reason Emerald is much easier than Ruby 
is due the fact that Emerald has a strict pattern in which it'll always 
conform to, so you'll always know what's coming.
|                                                                            |
|  Emerald WEAPON only has five attacks:                                     |
|                                                                            |
| FOOT STAMP     - (Unnamed attack) Used when all eyes are shut. Will cause  |
|                  around 2500 damage to all characters.                     |
|                                                                            |
| EMERALD SHOOT  - Used when all eyes are shut. Will cause around 7000       |
|                  damage to one character whilst also removing Barrier,     |
|                  MBarrier, Shield, Death Force and Resist.                 |
|                                                                            |
| EMERALD BEAM   - Used when at least one eye is open. Will hit all players  |
|                  for 63% of their current HP whilst also removing Regen.   |
|                                                                            |
| REVENGE STAMP  - Used as a counter attack and will hit all players for     |
|                  roughly 2500 HP whilst also removing Haste. Will be used  |
|                  every time it is hit, unless hit with a Limit Break or a  |
|                  Bahamut Summon, or if all of its eyes are shut.           |
|                                                                            |
| AIRE TAM STORM - (Materia spelt backwards) Uncommonly used as a counter    |
|                  attack, Aire Tam will hit all players for 1111 HP PER     |
|                  MATERIA EQUIPPED! It will also remove nearly all positive |
|                  Statuses.                                                 |
|                                                                            |
|  Emerald's Eyes have only two attacks:                                     |
|                                                                            |
| BLUE EYE   (A & D) - EMERALD LASER - Damages one player for 4000 HP approx.|
|                                                                            |
| YELLOW EYE (B & C) - EMERALD LASER - Damages one player for 650 MP approx. |

|                                                                            |
| Emerald's Battle Schematics:-                                              |
|                                                                            |
| 1.) Emerald WEAPON will use Emerald Shoot between 2 - 5 times, possibly    |
|     using Foot Stamp in between attacks.                                   |
| 2.) Emerald will then open its four eyes, as well as using Emerald Beam.   |
| 3.) Emerald will now use its eyes to attack you. After 8 attacks, Emerald  |
|     will use Emerald Beam once more.                                       |
| 4.) Emerald will now use its eyes for 4 attacks, after which it will use   |
|     Aire Tam Storm.                                                        |
| 5.) Then it will use its eyes another 4 times, after which it will use     |
|     Emerald Beam.                                                          |
| 6.) Sequence 4 & 5 will repeat themselves until all eyes are destroyed,    |
|     then the pattern will repeat itself from sequence 1.                   |

Revenge Stamp will only be used while its eyes are open, and will be used 
every time it takes a hit, unless it has been hit with one of the three 
Bahamut Summons or a Limit Break.

Aire Tam Storm will also be used as a counter attack if Revenge Stamp has 
been used 10 times, or if his HP is less than 50% after using Knights of The 
Round (at least one eye must be open).



There are many strategies for defeating Emerald, and they don't all share the 
same level of preparation. The following list is a set of must-haves, 
regardless of which strategy you use:

 - Underwater Materia
 - Limit Breaks at full
 - Slow down the Battle Speed to 1/4 or less
 - Time Materia or Spider Web (at the top of the item list) to inflict Slow
 - A healthy stock of Megalixirs
 - All players in the back row
 - Final Attack Materia linked to Revive or Phoenix Materia
 - (Optional) Roughly 12 Hero Drinks, arranged at the top of the Item list
 - (Optional) Sadness inflicted on all 3 characters as to reduce damage taken
 - (Optional) 3 x Sprint Shoes

A Hero Drink will raise ones Atk, Mag Atk, Def and Mag Def by 30%, and can 
stack for a total of 100%. These aren't necessary to defeat the WEAPON, but 
will help massively. They can be obtained from the Icicle Inn, the North 
Crater or as a prize from the Chocobo Square. Spider Webs can be stolen from 
the Kimara Bug in Gongaga Jungle.

Also, spending some time in the Sunken Gelnika to farm as many sources as you 
can will help out loads. Remember that the Heavy Tank by the reactor in 
Gongaga can also drop Power Sources, and it is the only enemy that is 
encountered there.

You should probably use your characters Ultimate Weapons, unless you wish to 
level up your Materia using the 50,000 AP reward. In terms of armour, I 
personally recommend using Wizard Bracelets, but feel free to use the 
Mystile, Ziedrich or Imperial Guard if you wish. There is no need to use a 
Ribbon against Emerald, so I recommend using Sprint Shoes, failing that 
Champion Belts and/or Circlets work a treat.

 NOTE - If you are Lv 99 when fighting Emerald, then Goblin Punch will deal 
        9999 damage for 0MP.


With this strategy, you shouldn't actually need the Underwater Materia, I was 
able to defeat Emerald in 13 minutes using this method. 

 |  This is by far the easiest way to defeat Emerald, but also takes the    |
 |  longest to prepare for, and isn't entirely 'necessary'; there are       |
 |  easier and quicker ways to this super boss, keep reading below. This    |
 |  is just my favourite way of taking care of Emerald.                     |

Here is the check list:

 - Mastered Final Attack x 3 
 - Mastered Revive x 3 (or Phoenix)
 - Mastered Counter x 4
 - Mastered Deathblow x 4
 - Mastered Counter Attack x 9
 - Mastered Quadra Magic x 2
 - Mastered MP Turbo x 1
 - Mastered Magic Counter x 3
 - Mastered Lightning x 3
 - Mastered Gravity x 2
 - Mastered Contain x 1
 - Mastered Mega All x 3
 - Mastered HP Plus x 3
 - Mastered Magic Plus x 1
 - (Optional) Sprint Shoes x 3

This is the 'Ultimate' list, so don't worry if you don't master all of the 
pieces. For example, 2 Mastered Mega Alls will yield a third piece, so you 
could get away with mastering one less than the amount stated above 
(Lightning and Gravity being the exceptions).

Here is the set-up for this strategy:

! Player 1: (Back Row)                                                       !
!- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ! 
!  Ultimate Weapon:                  ;  Wizard Bracelet:                     !
!                                    ;                                       !
!  Final Attack = Revive             ;  Quadra Magic  = Lightning            !
!  Counter      = Deathblow          ;  MP Turbo      = Lightning            !
!  Magic Plus                        ;  Magic Counter = Lightning            !
!  Counter Attack                    ;  Mega All                             !
!  Counter Attack                    ;  HP Plus                              !
!  Counter Attack                    ;                    Acc: Sprint Shoes  !
! Player 2: (Back Row)                                                       !
!- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ! 
!  Ultimate Weapon:                  ;  Wizard Bracelet:                     !
!                                    ;                                       !
!  Final Attack  = Revive            ;  Added Cut = Deathblow                !
!  Magic Counter = Contain           ;  Counter   = Deathblow                !
!  Enemy Skill                       ;  Counter   = Deathblow                !
!  Counter Attack                    ;  Mega All                             !
!  Counter Attack                    ;  HP Plus                              !
!  Counter Attack                    ;                    Acc: Sprint Shoes  !
! Player 3: (Back Row)                                                       !
!- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ! 
!  Ultimate Weapon:                  ;  Mystile:                             !
!                                    ;                                       !
!  Final Attack = Revive             ;  Quadra Magic  = Gravity              !
!  Counter      = Deathblow          ;  Magic Counter = Gravity              !
!  Mega All                          ;  W-Magic                              !
!  Counter Attack                    ;  HP Plus                              !
!  Counter Attack                    ;                                       !
!  Counter Attack                    ;                    Acc: Sprint Shoes  !
  Bear in mind that when you defeat Emerald you will be rewarded with 50,000 
  AP, so you may wish to juggle your load out to suit. If you wish to make 
  use of the triple growth weapons then you'll probably want to explore the 
  other strategies below.

If Player 1's Magic is below 200, then equip him/her with a Circlet to boost 
the power of Bolt3. You will not need Ribbons as he cannot inflict any Status 
changes upon you (he can just clear them).

Using the Phoenix Materia over the Revive Materia is sometimes advised, as 
not only will it completely Revive all fallen teammates, it will also hit 
Emerald with Fire damage. The downside is that a level 1 Phoenix can only be 
used once per battle, even if the Final Attack is at level 5!

There's no point in casting Big Guard, as Emeralds attacks will negate Big 
Guards effect, do however cast Slow on him. All you really need to worry 
about is keeping your HP topped up. Try to use three Hero Drinks on each 
character. Other than that, this strategy speaks for itself; all you need to 
do is sit back and watch as your characters go into a frenzy of counter 
attacks every time they are hit. There's nothing else to it! Just keep using 
Megalixirs and you'll be fine.


This strategy requires the least amount of preparation, but is also quite a 
hard method to accomplish. There is 0 chance of Emerald using Aire Tam Storm 
if his eyes are closed. So, the idea is to take out the eyes as quickly as 
possible. To do this you are going to want to use your strongest Limit Breaks.

Make sure to have all characters Limit Gauges filled before the battle 
begins, you don't need to worry about Final Attack, just be sure to have the 
Sprint Shoes equipped to all three characters, and equip yourself with the 
strongest load-out you have. Also have all players in Fury, and choose 
characters that have Limit Breaks that attack all enemies, such as Barret or 

Equip yourselves with things such as Lightning, Trine, Laser/Demi, and be 
sure to have a suitable replacement for the 'Attack' command as you won�t be 
using it too often. Magic Counter with Restore is also a good idea. Also, 
Mega All and Deathblow go together nicely, perhaps even Added Cut and 

As soon as the battle begins cast Slow on Emerald. The main thing is to save 
your Limit Breaks until the eyes have opened. In the meantime, try to consume 
as many Hero Drinks as possible (up to 4 per character). A soon as the eyes 
open, unleash your Limit Breaks upon them. You will have 3 full turns before 
he uses Aire Tam Storm, which should be ample time to destroy the eyes. When 
he reverts back to his original state, kick his butt, although this may take 
a long time to do so. The best moves to use would be Bolt3, Trine, Demi/Laser 
or just simply Deathblow.

When your limits fill back up simply save them for the next time the eyes 
open. Just stay away from Knights of The Round and you'll be fine.


There are three mime chains that we can perform that will effectively deal 
with Emerald. Just remember to have no Counter Attacks, Counters or Magic 
Counters equipped when using these strategies (unless intended):

 CHAIN 1 - Mime and Knights of the round

Perhaps the oldest strategy in the book. Master two Mime Materias so that you 
have three copies. Simply cast Knights of The Round (after having used a few 
Hero Drinks each), then have each character mime the move thereafter. Having 
the W-Summon Materia equipped helps also. Pairing KOTR with HP Absorb and/or 
MP Absorb is a good idea, or if you wanted to you could use MT Turbo to deal 
extra damage. If you do equip HP Absorb, then anyone miming the attack will 
also receive HP.

You will need to be mindful of Aire Tam Storm when using this strategy, and 
remember that healing/reviving will break the chain, so make sure the KOTR is 
higher than Level 1 so that you can re-cast it. Either equip less than 9 
pieces of Materia, or set up Final Attack with Revive/Phoenix.

Using this strategy, you can defeat Emerald in 11.5 minutes, if each KOTR hit 
was dealing 9999 damage.

 CHAIN 2 - Mime and Quadra Magic with Gravity

Set yourselves one character up with Quadra Magic = Gravity, HP Absorb = 
Gravity, MP Absorb = Gravity, W-Magic & Mime. Set the other two characters up 
with Mime, and make sure that all of the Gravitys are at least level 3. This 
strategy speaks for itself.

Cast Slow, then use 3-4 Hero Drinks each, then just keep miming this combo on 
Emerald. Make sure not to equip more than 8 pieces of Materia (unless you 
have Final Attack=Revive), and be sure to keep your HP topped up prior to it 
using Aire Tam. Remember that healing will break the miming chain.

 CHAIN 3 - Mime and Omnislash

This strategy requires a bit of preparation. First master 7 Mimes and 7 
Counters (so you have 8 of each). Then fill up Cloud's Limit bar (making sure 
that you have obtained Omnislash), then kill off the other two characters. 
Equip the 8 Counters with the Mimes, then save your game.

When you enter into battle, be sure to use Omnislash before Emerald hits you. 
Then just sit back and watch as Cloud unleashes 8 uses of Omnislash against 
Emerald every time he is hit. It's unlikely, but you may need to break the 
chain to heal, although by that time your Limit should have filled back up. 
Inflict yourself with Fury just to be safe.


This is probably the most fun method of all. Equip each character with HP 
Plus and one other Materia of your choice. I suggest KOTR and Mime x 2. The 
idea is to keep your HP topped up at 9999, then when Emerald uses Aire Tam 
Storm, your HP will be dropped by 2222 bringing it to 7777, activating All 
Lucky Seven's. This will deal 64 hits * 7777 = 487,728 HP.

OK, so it isn't enough to take out even half of Emeralds HP, but it is enough 
to give you a fighting chance, whilst also looking super-cool in the process. 
The easiest way to get Emerald to use Aire Tam is to wait until it has opened 
its eyes, then kill off three of them, leaving a yellow one alive. Then just 
wait, after using Emerald Beam twice it'll use Aire Tam; just be sure to keep 
your HP topped up at all times. Don't attack it whilst waiting for Aire Tam 
as he'll likely counter with Revenge Stomp, and this could mess things up for 

You'll still have to do a fair bit yourself, that's what KOTR and Mime is 
for. And no, you cannot activate 7777 Fever twice in one round, although if 
you do land on 7777 HP for a second time then all of your attacks and healing 
spells will deliver 7777 HP! I was able to defeat Emerald this way in roughly 
15 minutes, meaning there is no need to equip the Underwater Materia.

If you wanted to learn how to activate All Lucky 7's in the shortest possible 
time, visit section E.18

Strategy 5 & 6 for Emerald are the exact same as strategy 5 & 6 for Ruby.


There are two ways in which you can defeat Emerald in one hit. One of them is 
legit. The other isn't so legit.

 METHOD 1 - Cait Sith's 'Game Over'

Use QSI Link [Slots] to learn how to manipulate Cait Sith's Slots to achieve 
the desired outcome. If you have mastered the art of manipulating the reels 
then you'll be able to land on three Cait Siths, which will result in the 
'Game Over' attack. Although this strategy could take a while to get the hang 
of, it could save you a lengthy amount of time in the long run, as this 
method requires no mastered Materia.

Game Over will kill all enemy instantly, ignoring all Death immunities. The 
only other spell in the game that ignores Death immunity is Cait Sith's 
'Death Joker' (Cait Sith - Cait Sith - BAR), which will kill all allies 
instantly, unless they are attacking from different sides.

 METHOD 2 - Barret or Vincent's' 'Overflow Glitch':

To activate 'Overflow' for Barret, you must first max out his Strength to 255 
by farming for Power Sources from the Heavy Tank in Gongaga. You must then 
master 8 Knights of The Rounds, although this figure can be reduced if you 
use Hero Drinks. Then equip his Ultimate Weapon, the Missing Score, and equip 
all of the KOTR Materia onto his weapon; the more AP equipped onto the weapon 
the more powerful it'll become. 

Enter into battle, then use a few Hero Drinks to bring Barret's attack up to 
highest possible value, then attack Emerald. If done correctly, the game will 
register that a bug has occurred, and will correct itself by killing Emerald 

For Vincent, you must first need to kill somewhere in the region of 28,000 
enemies. This will bring the power of his Ultimate Weapon, the Death Penalty, 
up to the desired figure, as the weapon will increase in power with the more 
kills Vincent gets. Using Hero Drinks, Vincent will be able to send his 
damage into overflow, killing Emerald instantly.

The glitch occurs because the game cannot configure a damage count higher 
than (approximately) 262,144. Even though your damage output is capped at 
9999, it will still have a base figure which must be below 232,144 for the 
machine to be able to process correctly. If it exceeds this figure, then the 
figure will enter into minus figures, and the games natural presumption is 
that you have dealt enough damage to kill the enemy, and by default it will 
then kill it for you.

For a closer look at exactly why this occurs, refer to section E.18.


                                          (Thanks to Death_Unites_Us for this)
Equip the following:
Final Attack=Revive, Final Attack=KOTR, Final Attack=KOTR, HP Plus, HP<->MP. 
Now use an Elixir. Make sure that all three Final Attacks and both KOTR are 
mastered, this won't work otherwise.

Get into battle. Make a cup of tea. Watch the TV for a bit. Come back. 

                                                                 {Ruby Weapon}
--E.16 C - Ruby WEAPON


  Ruby WEAPON will only be available to fight once you have defeated Ultimate 
WEAPON, *AND* have fought in one random battle. This can be as early as the 
Midgar re-visited section (or prior to). To find Ruby, you must head over to 
the desert surrounding the Gold Saucer; here you will see a small red fin 
poking out of the ground. Should you collide into it either with the Highwind 
or a Chocobo, Ruby will jump out at you, initiating a battle. Ruby is said to 
be the hardest boss on the game, and defeating it will reward you with the 
Ruby WEAPON Trophy.

As with Emerald, defeating Ruby will net you a staggering 50,000 AP! This can 
be tripled to 150,000 using a triple growth weapon. Upon its defeat, you will 
receive the Desert Rose, which can be traded with the Kalm Traveller for a 
Gold Chocobo. This Chocobo is completely useless in the races, and it's 
recommended that you obtain a Chocobo the 'normal' way, as a Gold Chocobo 
that has been bred will be a much better racing Chocobo.

 NOTE - Ruby is not present in the Japanese original of the game.

\>~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~</           ______________ _____________
                                                |              |             |
 Ruby is extremely tough, and unlike Emerald it | RUBY WEAPON  |    RUBY'S   |
 does not have a fixed sequence of attacks that |              | TENTACLE x2 |
 it will conform to. When the       ____________|______________|_____________|
 battle begins, Ruby will be       |            |              |             |
 completely impervious to all      | -------Lv: | 59---------- | 37--------- |
 attacks until it has buried its   | -------HP: | 800,000----- | 40000------ |
 tentacle in the ground, which it  | -------MP: | 2560-------- | 1000------- |
 will not do unless but one        | ------EXP: | 45000------- | ----------- |
 character is either alive or      | -------AP: | 50000------- | ----------- |
 in-play. If more than one         | ------GIL: | 30000------- | ----------- |
 character is alive, then Ruby     | -----DROP: | Desert Rose- | ----------- |
 will use an attack called         | -ABSORB 1: | FRE--ICE---- | ----------- |
 Whirlsand which will permanently  | -ABSORB 2: | LHT--ERT---- | ----------- |
 remove a character from the       | --NULLIFY: | GRV--WTR---- | GRV--WTR--- |
 battle. It will continue to use   | --E-SKILL: | SHADOW FLARE | ----------- |
 this move until one character is  | ------ATK: | 100--------- | 100-------- |
 left alive or in-play, then it    | --MAG ATK: | 200--------- | 150-------- |
 will bury its tentacles in the    | ------DEF: | 480--------- | 100-------- |
 ground thereby becoming           | --MAG DEF: | 500--------- | 100-------- |
 susceptible to damage. Because of | ----DEF %: | 100--------- | 100-------- |
 this, it is recommended that you  | DEXTERITY: | 253--------- | 253-------- |
 enter into battle with two        | -----LUCK: | 10---------- | 10--------- |
 characters K.O'd.                 |_________________________________________|

When Ruby has its tentacles buried, you should revive your other two players. 
*Do not* then destroy the two tentacles, as doing so would provoke Ruby to 
take them out of the ground, and although she would not become invincible 
again, she would be programmed to use Whirlsand until one character is either 
left alive/in-play, and it would not bury its tentacles again until this had 

Ribbons are mandatory when fighting Ruby, as its tentacles can inflict some 
nasty Status changes upon you on every attack. It's also handy to know that 
the tentacles themselves cannot kill you as all of their attacks are % based. 
Unlike the eyes of Emerald, the Tentacles of Ruby are *not* independent; the 
moves that they cast on you come from Ruby itself (meaning that there is just 
one ATB gauge for all three targets).

When the battle begins, the game will register that a 'back attack' is in 
play, and the first time your players are hit they will be hit for x2 damage. 
Tapping L1 & R1 will not negate this effect (as it would do in a regular 

The best way to defeat Ruby is to exploit its weaknesses - Slow and Paralyze. 
Remember that Ruby has the highest Dexterity of any creature in the game, so 
casting Slow is essential. It also has ridiculously high Defence and Magic . 
|                                                                            |
|  Ruby WEAPON has 12 attacks:                                               |
|                                                                            |
| * = Only used when tentacles *aren't* buried.                              |
|** = Only used when tentacles *are* buried.                                 |
|                                                                            |
| *BIG CLAW      - (Unnamed attack) Attacks one target for 63% of their      |
|                  current HP.                                               |
|                                                                            |
| *BIG SWING     - Attacks all targets for roughly 5000 HP and inflicts      |
|                  Paralyzed (63%).                                          |
|                                                                            |
| *COMET 2       - Attacks 4 random targets for roughly 2500 HP per attack.  |
|                                                                            |
|  WHIRLSAND     - Only used when more than one character is alive. Removes  |
|                  one random target from battle. Also used as a counter     |
|                  attack if more than one player is alive, see below for    |
|                  details on when this attack is used.                      |
|                                                                            |
|**RUBY FLAME    - Attacks one target for roughly 5000 HP.                   |
|                                                                            |
|**RUBY RAY      - Attacks one target for roughly 4000 HP and inflicts       |
|                  Confusion (100%).                                         |
|                                                                            |
|**SHADOW FLARE  - Attacks one target for roughly 8000 HP.                   |
|                                                                            |
|**ULTIMA        - Attacks all targets for roughly 7500 HP.                  |
|                                                                            |
|**RIGHT THRUST  - (Right Tentacle 'A' - Unnamed attack)                     |
|                  Drains 94% of current HP from one target and inflicts     |
|                  Frog and Small (100%).                                    |
|                  Used as a counter attack (100%).                          |
|                                                                            |
|**RIGHT REVENGE - (Right Tentacle 'A' - Unnamed attack)                     |
|                  Drains 47% of current HP from one target and inflicts     |
|                  Frog and Small (100%).                                    |
|                                                                            |
|**LEFT THRUST   - (Left Tentacle 'B' - Unnamed attack)                      |
|                  Drains 78% of current MP from one target and inflicts     |
|                  Poison and Slow-Numb (100%). Used as a counter attack     |
|                  (100%).                                                   |
|                                                                            |
|**LEFT REVENGE  - (Left Tentacle 'B' - Unnamed attack)                      |
|                  Drains 47% of current MP from one target and inflicts     |
|                  Poison and Slow-Numb (100%).                              |
|                                                                            |
| NOTE - The right and left Tentacles are named according to our             |
|        perspective, and not Ruby's actual right and left tentacle. The     |
|        right tentacle (Ruby's Tentacle A) will always drain HP, and the    |
|        left tentacle (Ruby's Tentacle B) will always drain MP.             |

|                                                                            |
| Ruby's Battle Schematics:-                                                 |
|                                                                            |
| BEFORE BURYING TENTACLES:                                                  |
|                                                                            |
| 1.) If one character is alive when the battle begins, Ruby will bury it's  |
|     tentacles immediately.                                                 |
| 2.) If 2 or more characters are alive when the battle begins then Ruby     |
|     will use Big Claw, Big Swing, Whirlsand, Big Claw, Big Swing,          |
|     Whirlsand.                                                             |
| 3.) If you fall down to one party member within those 6 turns, Ruby will   |
|     bury its tentacles immediately.                                        |
| 4.) If you fall down to one character after those 6 turns, Ruby will not   |
|     bury its tentacles until after its 15th turn. During that time it will |
|     use:                                                                   |
|       1/3 - Big Claw                                                       |
|       1/3 - Big Swing                                                      |
|       1/3 - Comet 2                                                        |
| 5.) After the 15th turn, Ruby will use:                                    |
|       1/5 - Bury Tentacles                                                 |
|       1/5 - Big Claw                                                       |
|       1/5 - Big Swing                                                      |
|       2/5 - Comet 2                                                        |
So basically, if Ruby completes its cycle of using 2 Whirlsands, you could 
end up waiting a fairly long time for it to eventually bury its tentacles. If 
at any point you do destroy the tentacles, Ruby will resort back to sequence 
two until one character remains. It will then resort to sequence three, four 
or five, respectively (depending on what turn you're on).

If you were to attack Ruby with its tentacles un-buried, then it will counter 
with Whirlsand provided that there is more than one player left alive/in-play. 
|                                                                            |
| AFTER BURYING TENTACLES:                                                   |
|                                                                            |
|  NOTE - The act of digging its tentacles counts as 1 turn.                 |
|                                                                            |
| 1.) Between turns 1 - 10, Ruby will use:                                   |
|       1/4 Ruby Flame                                                       |
|       1/4 Ruby Ray                                                         |
|       1/4 Left Revenge                                                     |
|       1/4 Right Revenge                                                    |
| 2.) Between turns 11 - 24, Ruby will use:                                  |
|       1/6 - Ruby Flame                                                     |
|       1/6 - Ruby Ray                                                       |
|       1/6 - Shadow Flare                                                   |
|       1/6 - Ultima                                                         |
|       1/6 - Left Revenge                                                   |
|       1/6 - Right Revenge                                                  |
| 3.) On the 25th turn Ruby will use Whirlsand if there are 3 players        |
|     alive/in-play.                                                         |
| 4.) After turn 25, Ruby will use:                                          |
|       2/12 - Ruby Flame                                                    |
|       2/12 - Ruby Ray                                                      |
|       2/12 - Shadow Flare                                                  |
|       2/12 - Ultima                                                        |
|       1/12 - Right Thrust                                                  |
|       1/12 - Right Revenge                                                 |
|       1/12 - Left Thrust                                                   |
|       1/12 - Left Revenge                                                  |
| 5.) On the 32nd turn Ruby will use Whirlsand if there are 2 or 3 players   |
|     alive/in play. Ruby will then continue using the moves in sequence 4.  |

With the tentacles are buried, Ruby will always counter using either Right 
Thrust or Left Thrust (50% chance) against any attack. If KOTR was cast 
(while its tentacles were buried), then it will retaliate by using Ultima.



The following is a list of must-haves prior to engaging Ruby:

 - 3 x Ribbons
 - 2 x K.O'd characters
 - At least 12 x Dazers, Megalixirs and Hero Drinks
 - 1 x Spider Web (or Time Lv 2)
 - Limit Break at full
 - Final Attack Materia linked to Revive or Phoenix Materia
 - Battle Speed set to 0 and ATB set to Wait

Dazers are used to inflict Paralyze and can be stolen from the Battery Caps 
in the forest near Nibelheim, or from the Boundfat in Corral Valley. The 
Spider Web is used to inflict Slow and can be stolen from the Kimara Bug in 
Gongaga Jungle. Remember that the Slow status will prolong the Paralyze 
Status, so be sure to use the Spider Web first. Also make sure to slow the 
Battle Speed down all the way, and also be sure to arrange your battle items 
to the top of the inventory list.

I would personally recommend using your characters Ultimate Weapons, however 
if you are looking to gain the huge AP reward then feel free to use 
alternative 'normal growth' weapons. In terms of armour, I suggest the Fire 
Armlet to help with the Ruby Flame attack, although anything such as the 
Mystile, Ziedrich or Imperial Guard will suffice (you could even use the 
Wizard Bracelet, just remember that it has low Defence stats).

If your character's defences aren't high enough then you may find yourselves 
getting eradicated by Shadow Flare or Ultima. To avoid this, use Hero Drinks, 
Barriers, MBarriers, Dragon Force and Wall. You can even use Reflect to 
counter Shadow Flare if you wish. Also, 26 uses of Magic Hammer will deplete 
its MP entirely, rendering Ultima and Shadow Flare unusable.

 NOTE - Ruby is also vulnerable to Darkness, although Darkness will have no 
        effect whatsoever on any enemy, as Darkness will only affect commands 
        that are used by ourselves. It is possible to inflict Ruby with Fury, 
        although doing so seems to have no effect. Use QSI Link [Fury] to 
        find out how to inflict Fury on an enemy.

  STRATEGY 1 - THE 'KOTR' METHOD (Recommended):

This method probably takes the longest to prepare for, but is also the 
easiest (and oldest) strategy for taking care of Ruby. Here is the Materia 

 - MP Turbo x 1 (Mastered)
 - Knights of The Round x 1 (Mastered)
 - Mime x 2 (Mastered)
 - W-Summon x 1
 - W-Item x 1
 - HP Plus x 3 (Mastered)
 - Final Attack x 1 (minimum)
 - Revive x 1 (minimum)
 - Mega All x 1
 - (Optional) Mastered Magic Plus
 - (Optional) Sneak Attack (with Time Lv2)

All figures are exact; if I state 2 x mastered Mimes it's because I intend 
for you to have 3. Also, seeing as not much Materia is required for this 
strategy I suggest filling your slots up with Materia that you wish to gain 
50,000AP. Here is the Load-Out I recommend:

! Player 1: (Back Row, KO'd)                                                 !
!- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ! 
!  Double Growth Weapon:             ;  Wizard Bracelet:                     !
!                                    ;                                       !
!  W-Summon                          ;  MP Turbo  = Knights of the Round     !
!  Mime                              ;  HP Absorb = Knights of the Round     !
!  Materia of your choice            ;  Enemy Skill                          !
!                                    ;  Magic Plus                           !
!                                    ;  HP Plus                              !
!                                    ;                          Acc: Ribbon  !

! Player 2: (Back Row)                                                       !
!- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ! 
!  Ultimate Weapon:                  ;  Ziedrich / Fire Armlet               !
!                                    ;                                       !
!  Final Attack = Revive             ;                                       !
!  Sneak Attack = Time Lv 2          ;                                       !
!  Enemy Skill                       ;                                       !
!  Mime                              ;                                       !
!  Mega All                          ;                                       !
!  HP Plus                           ;                          Acc: Ribbon  !

! Player 3: (Back Row, KO'd)                                                 !
!- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ! 
!  Double Growth Weapon:             ;  Mystile:                             !
!                                    ;                                       !
!  Materia of your choice            ;  Final Attack = Revive                !
!                                    ;  W-Item                               !
!                                    ;  Enemy Skill                          !
!                                    ;  Mime                                 !
!                                    ;  HP Plus                              !
!                                    ;                          Acc: Ribbon  !

Before going into battle be sure to have filled up player 2's Limit all the 
way, slow down the Battle Speed to 0, and place your Dazers, Spider Web, and 
Megalixirs at the top of the inventory list. Then kill off players 1 & 3.

The level of the Time Materia is up to you; at level 1 the player will cast 
Haste on themselves as soon the battle begins enabling you to revive the 
other two players faster, whereas a level 2 Time will cast Slow on Ruby, 
eliminating the need for the Spider Web. Both strategies have their 
advantages. When you are ready to battle Ruby, head over the Gold Saucer Area 
then save your game.

As soon as the battle begins (and after Ruby has buried its tentacles), 
revive the two KO'd players. The Mega All should see them both revived in one 
fell swoop. Also, if you had a Lv 2 Time with Sneak Attack then Ruby would 
already be slowed. If not, use player 3 to W-Item Spider Web and Dazers to 
Slow and Paralyze Ruby. Then cast Big Guard from Player 1, followed by player 
2's Limit Break.

You can now use a few Hero Drink on each character if you wish, just remember 
that you're going to want to kill Ruby within 25 turns, otherwise it will use 
Whirlsand thereby removing one of your players from battle, and a removed 
player will not receive any battle rewards. 

Now have player one cast W-Summon KOTR. Combined with the Magic Plus and MP 
Turbo, the players attacks should be hitting for 9999 damage (or there 
abouts) with every attack. The HP Absorb will save you from having to break 
the Mime chain to restore your HP, and the only time that you will need break 
the chain is if Ruby breaks free of its paralysis. After 7 uses of KOTR, Ruby 
should start flashing red. Congratulations!


This is a much, much tougher strategy than the KOTR method, but also takes 
much less time to prepare for. You're going to want to equip your strongest 
magic, such as Quadra Magic = Comet 2/Ultima, Sneak Attack = Time Lv 2 works 
well, W-Magic, Mime etc. Also be sure to have obtained the Enemy Skill Magic 
Hammer, and make sure that you have the W-Item Materia equipped. Lastly, 
equip a level 2 Throw.

As a precautionary, you could equip Elemental with Fire/Ifrit to protect you 
from Ruby Flame (or a Fire Armlet), but it won't be too necessary. Ribbons 
are mandatory, but everything else is optional; for real protection try using 
the Ziedrich. Although it has no Materia slots, it will halve all incoming 

As before, fill player 2's Limit, kill off players 1 & 3, slow the Battle 
Speed down to 0, set the ATB to wait and arrange your inventory as so that 
the Dazers and Megalixirs are at the top. 

When the battle begins, do exactly as you would've done in the first 
strategy; Revive the other two players, then cast Spider Web and Dazers 
followed by Big Guard. Now it's just a case of simply throwing down 
everything you've got! Every other turn have the W-Item holder use Dazers and 
a Megalixir, and you should be completely safe. If Ruby does break free of 
Paralysis, then you should be Ok so long as your HP was topped up to begin 

 NOTE - If you use Dazers on a Paralyzed Ruby, the Status will *not* reset; 
        you must wait for her to break free first. With Ruby in Slow and your 
        characters in Haste, you should get 3-4 turns in before she breaks 

One way to deal with Ruby's Shadow Flare and Ultima attacks would be to use 
Magic Hammer 9 times per character; this would see its MP drained to 0. This 
would leave Ruby only being able to use its tentacles, Ruby Flame and Ruby 
Ray! Just remember that you do have to kill it within 25 turns, or it'll cast 
Whirlsand on you, so if you do plan on doing this then forget about using 
Hero Drinks.

Another way to deal with Ruby's Ultima, Comet 2 and Shadow Flare attacks 
would be to inflict Ruby with Fury, thereby dropping her accuracy by 30%. 
This is a very risky strategy, as you would need to have one player enter the 
battle *without* a Ribbon equipped*; the only way to cast Fury on an enemy is 
to cast 'Confu' on an ally, then have that ally use a Hyper before the 
Confusion takes effect. If done correctly, Ruby will be the one to be 
inflicted with Fury, and you'll then need to cure the ally of Confusion. Then 
either cast Resist (Lv 3 Heal) or use a Vaccine to grant that ally 
invulnerability to Status changes, just bear in mind that if the player 
already has a negative Status in place, then the Resist Status would 'lock' 
that negative Status in place.

Finally, you can use the 'Coin' command to throw 99,000 gil at Ruby for 9999 
damage. This will ignore all defences (but not invulnerability). Seeing as 
you'll start at 600,000 gil, you'll have to bring the gil down manually to 
99,000 as to not waste gil, and the main problem with that is that the ATB 
will not be set to wait, meaning Ruby will hit you during this time. So, to 
speed things up a little you may have to consider just throwing 600,000 gil a 
pop! The best way to farm gil is to sell mastered Alls or by selling Sylkis 
Greens using the W-Item Glitch.


Ok so this strategy is a combination of the previous two strategies, plus 
this time you'll be activating 7777 Fever, which will take out over half of 
Ruby's health before Ruby has done anything other than dig its tentacles in 
the ground! Here's how:-

Before killing off any of your characters, you�re going to want to get your 
chosen characters HP to 7767. There are various methods in which you can do 
this, use QSI Link [Lucky 7's] to view the % chart that will bring you to 
7767 the quickest (credit to James Baxter).

If you don't wish to jump from this section then here is an alternative (and 
slightly longer) method:

 NOTE - Have the chosen players Limit bar filled before setting this up! Also 
        make sure that the players Limit Break is one that attacks multiple 

Equip the chosen character with Manipulate, one with Enemy Skill that has 
Goblin Punch, and one with Goblin Punch and Transform (or 2x Shrivel). Make 
sure not to have Mega-All or Slash-All, and don't have any Limit Breaks 
filled (other than the chosen character). You must then bring the chosen 
player's HP down to below 7777; you can do that quite easily by equipping 
then un-equipping HP<->MP.

You're then ready to enter into battle; kill off all but one enemy which (you 
guessed it) you can then manipulate. Have the two characters that aren't 
manipulating inflicted with Mini. You'll then find that Goblin Punch will 
deal precisely 8 HP of damage, provided that your characters are the same 
level as each other; if not then it'll just deal 1HP of damage per hit. It 
may take a while, but you can then keep attacking the chosen player until 
their HP lands on xx77. When this happens simply flee from battle.

Now using Hi-Potions and Potions bring that characters HP to 7677. Save the 
game and swap the chosen character out of your party. Now it's time to kill 
off your other two characters, then slow the Battle Speed right down and 
arrange your inventory so that Dazers and Megalixirs (and Spider Webs if 
you're not using Time) are at the top, along with a Potion this time. Swap 
your chosen character back into your party and equip you Materia and armoury 
according to which of the first two strategies you prefer.

When the battle begins, Ruby will dig its tentacles into the ground. As soon 
as this happens, unleash your Limit Break on the tentacles, thereby un-
burying them. Then feed the character a Potion (and throw Dazers if W-Item is 
equipped) to bring his/her HP to 7777. Sit back, relax, and enjoy as you hit 
Ruby for a total of 497,728 HP. If you had activated 7777 Fever whilst the 
tentacles were still buried, then you wouldn't have hit Ruby with all 64 
attacks, as the tentacles themselves would likely have be targeted.

Provided that both characters are still KO'd, and it is before turn 6, Ruby 
will automatically dig her tentacles back in the ground. After reviving the 
fallen two players, you can then use Dazers, Big Guard and Hero Drinks, 
followed by whichever ass-whooping tactics you desire. Bye-bye Ruby.

 NOTE - The 64 attacks from All Lucky 7's classes as one turn.


This is one of the quickest and most simplistic ways of defeating Ruby, and 
there are slight variations on how this can be performed. What makes this 
strategy so effective is that all of your Materia can be at level 1. Equip 
the following:

W-Summon, Hades, HP Absorb = Knights Of The Round & Mime. A cheeky Magic Plus 
and HP Plus wouldn't go amiss, either.

Open with Hades which will Paralyze Ruby, then follow with KOTR. Ruby will 
not counter with Ultima because it will be Paralyzed, and you will not need 
KOTR to be higher than level 1 because Mime can be used countless times, 
costing 0 MP. The only thing you would need to worry about is the one attack 
that Ruby will be able to throw in every so often; as long as you can survive 
this attack you should be fine, as KOTR will heal your HP if paired with HP 

An adaptation of this strategy would be to revive your players at the last 
hurdle, as so that they receive all of the battle spoils. To do this, you 
would have to have KOTR at level 2, and also to have the Phoenix Materia 
equipped. On the last use of KOTR, instead of using Mime you can W-Summon 
Phoenix to revive your fallen comrades, then KOTR to finish it off. Make sure 
to have at least 830MP when going into battle.

You need to know how many uses of KOTR are required to finish it off:

 Between 8792 - 9999 HP per attack - 7  uses of KOTR
 Between 7693 - 8791 HP per attack - 8  uses of KOTR
 Between 6838 - 7692 HP per attack - 9  uses of KOTR
 Between 6154 - 6837 HP per attack - 10 uses of KOTR
 Between 5595 - 6153 HP per attack - 11 uses of KOTR

 Variable - Hades will damage Ruby for no more than 500HP, even with 255 
            Magic, and Phoenix will heal Ruby by no more than 500; so the 
            above figures won't be exact, although but they won't be too far 
            off at all.

Strategy 5 & 6 for Ruby are the exact same as strategy 5 & 6 for Emerald.


There are two ways in which you can defeat Ruby in one hit. One of them is 
legit. The other isn't so legit.

 METHOD 1 - Cait Sith's 'Game Over'

Use QSI Link [Slots] to learn how to manipulate Cait Sith's Slots to achieve 
the desired outcome. If you have mastered the art of manipulating the reels 
then you'll be able to land on three Cait Siths, which will result in the 
'Game Over' attack. Although this strategy could take a while to get the hang 
of, it could save you a lengthy amount of time in the long run, as this 
method requires no mastered Materia.

Game Over will kill all enemy instantly, ignoring all Death immunities (but 
not invincibility). The only other spell in the game that ignores Death 
immunity is Cait Sith's 'Death Joker' (Cait Sith - Cait Sith - BAR), which 
will kill all allies instantly, unless they are attacking from different 

 METHOD 2 - Barret or Vincent's' 'Overflow Glitch':

To activate 'Overflow' for Barret, you must first max out his Strength to 255 
by farming for Power Sources from the Heavy Tank in Gongaga. You must then 
master 8 Knights of The Rounds, although this figure can be reduced if you 
use Hero Drinks. Then equip his Ultimate Weapon, the Missing Score, and equip 
all of the KOTR Materia onto his weapon; the more AP equipped onto the weapon 
the more powerful it'll become. 

Enter into battle, then use a few Hero Drinks to bring Barret's attack up to 
highest possible value, then attack Ruby. If done correctly, the game will 
register that a bug has occurred, and will correct itself by killing Ruby 

For Vincent, you must first need to kill somewhere in the region of 28,000 
enemies. This will bring the power of his Ultimate Weapon, the Death Penalty, 
up to the desired figure, as the weapon will increase in power with the more 
kills Vincent gets. Using Hero Drinks, Vincent will be able to send his 
damage into overflow, killing Ruby instantly.

The glitch occurs because the game cannot configure a damage count higher 
than (approximately) 262,144. Even though your damage output is capped at 
9999, it will still have a base figure which must be below 232,144 for the 
machine to be able to process correctly. If it exceeds this figure, then the 
figure will enter into minus figures, and the games natural presumption is 
that you have dealt enough damage to kill the enemy, and by default it will 
then kill it for you.

For a closer look at exactly why this occurs, refer to section E.18.


                                          (Thanks to Death_Unites_Us for this)
Equip the following:
Final Attack=Revive, Final Attack=KOTR, Final Attack=KOTR, HP Plus, HP<->MP. 

Now use an Elixir. Make sure that all three Final Attacks and both KOTR are 
mastered, this won't work otherwise.

Get into battle. Make a cup of tea. Watch the TV for a bit. Come back. 

                                                             {Ultimate Weapon}
--E.16 D - Ultimate WEAPON


  Ultimate WEAPON is the first WEAPON in the game that you fight, and is a 
mandatory battle whilst visiting Mideel. During this battle, Ultimate will 
flee after using 3 attacks. Battling him is completely optional thereafter, 
and he will not appear until you have defeated Diamond WEAPON towards the end 
of Disk 2. Defeating it unlocks the Ultimate WEAPON Trophy.
 NOTE - Be sure to steal the acclaimed Curse Ring from the Mideel encounter.

When you are ready to fight Ultimate, you will find him hovering above the 
crater near Junon. Collide into him to fight him. After 4 turns, he will flee 
from the battle as he did in Mideel. You must then chase him in the Highwind 
as he flies off in random directions, and colliding into him 4 or 5 times 
will make him fly to one of 7 different locations around the map. Depending 
on the location he goes to, the fight will either be a ground battle or an 
aerial battle. Remember to use long ranged players, or the Long Range Materia 
when fighting Ultimate in the air:

 Near Gongaga      - Ground Battle                                          
 Near Fort Condor  - Ground Battle                                          
 Near Midgar       - Ground Battle                                          
 North Crater      - Ground Battle                                          
 Near Junon        - Aerial Battle                                          
 Near Mideel       - Aerial Battle                                          
 Near North Corel  - Aerial Battle                                          
 Near Cosmo Canyon - Final, Aerial Battle.           

After each battle, be sure to quickly view which direction Ultimate flew off 
in. If you lose track of it then it can be a real pain in the backside to 
find again.

Once Ultimate's HP is low enough he will head over to Cosmo Canyon, there you 
will have your final battle with Ultimate WEAPON. Once he has been defeated 
he will drop Cloud's Ultimate Weapon, the Ultima Weapon, he'll then crash 
into the cliff face near Cosmo Canyon which will allow you to gain access to 
the Ancient Forest. This forest was previously accessible via a Green, Black 
or Gold Chocobo. Defeating Ultimate will also trigger Ruby's appearance, 
however you must fight in one random battle first.

If you do intend on defeating Ultimate prior to the Midgar events, then be 
very careful when searching for Ultimate as flying over the North Crater, 
then Midgar (respectively) will trigger the point-of-no-return for Disk 2. 
Also, if you finish a battle with Ultimate, and he is no-where to be seen, 
then there stands a good chance that he has spawned back at the crater near 

 NOTE - Ultimate is vulnerable to Slow.

\>~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~</                    _______________
                                                             |               |
 Ultimate won't drop any battle rewards until                |   ULTIMATE    |
 the final fight (at Cosmo Canyon), and that                 |    WEAPON     |
 fight will not occur until Ultimate's HP has    ____________|_______________|
 been lowered to 20,000 or less:- Ultimate's    |            |               |
 current HP will not replenish from battle to   | -------Lv: | 61----------- |
 battle. If you were to deplete its HP to 0     | -------HP: | 100,000------ |
 prior to the final fight, then Ultimate would  | -------MP: | 400---------- |
 enter into that battle with 20,000 HP,         | ------EXP: | 35000-------- |
 otherwise its HP would be carried over from    | -------AP: | 3500--------- |
 the previous battle.                           | ------GIL: | 25000-------- |
                                                | --STEAL 1: | Curse Ring--- |
 It is possible to fully deplete its HP in the  | --STEAL 2: | Circlet------ |
 first encounter at Mideel by casting Knights   | --STEAL 3: | Reflect Ring- |
 of The Round on it. If you were to do this     | -----DROP: | Ultima Weapon |
 then you would find Ultimate waiting at Cosmo  | --NULLIFY: | GRV---------- |
 Canyon as the first battle after defeating     | --E-SKILL: | SHADOW FLARE- |
 Diamond. This way you would be missing out on  | ------ATK: | 100---------- |
 the chance to steal Circlets and Reflect       | --MAG ATK: | 170---------- |
 Rings, so this may not be the wisest thing to  | ------DEF: | 120---------- |
 do. And, if you're wondering how KOTR is       | --MAG DEF: | 100---------- |
 obtainable prior to the Gold Saucer            | ----DEF %: | 3------------ |
 re-opening, refer to the 'Obtaining A Gold     | DEXTERITY: | 120---------- |
 Chocobo *Without* Having To Race' segment in   | -----LUCK: | 50----------- |
 section E.14.                                  |____________________________|

 UPDATE - If you deplete all of Ultimate's HP in the first fight, then you'll 
          still have to fight it in the crater near Junon first before it'll 
          flee off to Cosmo Canyon. Thanks to Aerinhikari for the correction.

While most of Ultimate's stats are fixed, it will have varying things that 
can be stolen from it. Curse Ring aside, these items can be stolen more than 
once (1 per battle):

Mideel Battle - Curse Ring
Aerial Battle - Circlet
Ground Battle - Reflect Ring

Lastly, Ultimate will use an attack called Ultima Beam, which is the only 
attack in the game that uses the 'Hidden' element (that causes physical 
damage). To protect yourself from Hidden, simply pair the Elemental Materia 
to any 'non-elemental' Materia, excluding Restore and every Support Materia. 
If done correctly, you will halve/nullify/absorb the Ultima Beam attack. An 
example of this set-up would be Elemental=HP Plus.

 NOTE - Ultimate will not use Shadow Flare until the final battle above Cosmo 

Here was my load-out going into the following fights, bearing in mind that 
it's worth swapping your weapons from 0 growth weapons to double or even 
triple growth weapons for the final fight. This load-out does not apply to 
the first battle:

 1) Cloud  (Back Row)
                                                                       MP Plus
    Heaven's Sword - Ultima, Contain, Enemy Skill, Long Range, Magic Plus,
    Shinra Alpha   - Elemental=HP Plus, All=Restore, Sneak Attack=Mug       
    Sneak Gloves                                                        

 2) Yuffie  (Back Row)
                                                                Revive, Typoon
    Conformer      - Enemy Skill, Double Cut, MP Turbo=Comet, All=Barrier,
    Crystal Bangle - Elemental=HP Plus, Steal, Counter Attack, MP Plus,     
    Champion Belt                                                 Bahamut Zero

 3) Vincent  (Back Row)
                                                    Speed Plus, Counter Attack
    Death Penalty - Steal as Well=Steal, All=Time, Enemy Skill, Mime,
    Shinra Alpha  - Elemental=HP Plus, Added Cut=Deathblow, Luck Plus, MP Plus
    Champion Belt

  FIRST FORM - MIDEEL                                     (Steal - Curse Ring)

There is no need for extensive preparation for this battle as it will only 
last three turns. Ultimate will use Quake2, Claw (unnamed attack) and then 
Ultima Beam before finally fleeing from battle. Be sure to steal the Curse 
Ring before this happens, as there are only two places in the game that you 
can acquire these bad-boys, and this is one of them. If you take out more 
than 20,000 HP, Ultimate will flee.

Just make sure to have Steal equipped, and also to have protection from the 
Hidden element. There's really not much else to this battle, other than the 
fact that the more HP you drain from it now, the less HP he'll have in the 
forthcoming battles. Again, if you were to use KOTR in this battle then the 
next two battles would be the final battles.

  SECOND FORM - AERIAL                                       (Steal - Circlet)

When fighting the aerial form of Ultimate, it will also gain immunity to 
Earth and Water. The following locations will provoke an aerial fight:
 Near Junon        - Aerial Battle                                          
 Near Mideel       - Aerial Battle                                          
 Near North Corel  - Aerial Battle     

Whenever you encounter Ultimate in this form you'll be able to steal a 
Circlet from it, so try to obtain 3 in total. Remember that these are also 
steal-able from the Snow in the Great Glacier, which *is* re-

As with the previous battle, Ultimate will have a fixed set of commands that 
it will use before escaping - Ultima Beam, Thunderball (unnamed attack), 
Ultima Beam and finally Thunderball again. It will always flee on its fifth 
turn, unless you have knocked off 20,000 HP, whichever comes first.

Having long ranged players here is mandatory, or failing that the Long Rang 
Materia. Remember that your steal attempts will be voided otherwise. 

  THIRD FORM - GROUND                                   (Steal - Reflect Ring)

The following locations will provoke a ground battle with Ultimate:

 Near Gongaga      - Ground Battle                                          
 Near Fort Condor  - Ground Battle                                          
 Near Midgar       - Ground Battle                                          
 North Crater      - Ground Battle     

Always make sure to steal a Reflect Ring as there is only one Reflect Ring 
available besides Ultimate, so try to steal two before the final fight. I 
recommend saving before each battle, if you don't successfully steal then 
just re-load your save.

There is absolutely no need to swap your load out from the previous set-up, 
as these fights are short and sweet. Ultimate's attacks will be Claw (unnamed 
attack), Ultima Beam, Claw, Quake2 then flee, unless you deal 20,000 HP, in 
which case it'll flee straight away. Note the Midgar Battle background is the 
same as the one when you fought Motor Ball on the Midgar Highway.


Once Ultimate's HP has dropped to below 20,000, it will makes its way 
immediately over to Cosmo Canyon after the previous battle. If you managed to 
deplete its HP to 0 in that battle, then the final fight will be fought with 
20,000 HP, otherwise its HP will be whatever it was from the previous fight. 
Remember that this is also an aerial battle, so it'll be immune to Earth and 
Water again.

You should think about equipping all Enemy Skill Materias onto one character, 
along with the Reflect ring. The reason being is the fact that Ultimate will 
retaliate upon death with the Enemy Skill Shadow Flare, and you won�t be able 
to obtain it again until Disk 3 (which won't be too far away). Also, Shadow 
Flare can be reflected whilst still learning the Enemy Skill, so equip the 
Reflect ring onto that character.

You will receive the battle rewards for defeating Ultimate in this battle, so 
it's worth swapping your load out to suit. Also, there are no steal-able 
items, so you don't need to worry about equipping the Steal Materia. Here is 
my recommended load-out:

 1) Cloud  (Back Row)                                                     
    Apocalypse     - Double Cut, Your choice...                           
    Crystal Bangle - Enemy Skill, Enemy Skill, Enemy Skill, Enemy Skill,   
    Reflect Ring                                               All=Restore 
 2) Yuffie  (Back Row)                                                     
    Rising Sun  - Sneak Attack=Deathblow, Luck Plus, Speed Plus            
    Rune Armlet - Your choice...               
    Champion Belt                                                          
 3) Cid  (Back Row)                                                        
    Scimitar    - Your choice...                          
    Rune Armlet - Comet, Contain, Slash-All, Counter Attack                
    Champion Belt                                    

 NOTE - To obtain the Apocalypse prior to defeating Ultimate you must first 
        have obtain a 'special' Chocobo to gain early access to the Ancient 

Ultimate's attack pattern is constant - it will have a 50% chance of using 
Ultima Beam and a 50% chance of using Thunderball. Make sure that the Enemy 
Skill carrier is the person to deliver the final blow as Shadow Flare will be 
used on the last person to attack it. 

Once it has been defeated you will be rewarded with Cloud's Ultima Weapon, 
which is a necessary item to have obtained if you to take part in the 
optional battle at the Battle Arena, along with the W-Summon Materia and 
Omnislash (both of which are obtained from the Battle Square). The prize for 
winning the special battle will be the Final Attack Materia.

|                                                                            |
| {E.17} - Ultimate Materia Set-Ups                                          |
|                                                                            |
|  A - Basic Materia Combo's                                                 |
|  B - Complex Materia Combo's                                               |
|                                                          {Materia Combo's} |

 - If you were to pair Steal as Well with Steal, then only one animation will 
   play out, although 2 steal attempts will occur.

 - Using Quadra Magic will not quadruple the MP cost.

 - If you were to pair Master Command with either HP Absorb, MP Absorb, Steal 
   as Well or Added Cut then the Support Materia's effect would also apply to 
   every available command, such as Attack, Magic, Summon and Item.

 - Final Attack, Sneak Attack, Counter, Magic Counter and Counter Attack all 
   occupy the same counter 'limit', which is 8.  If any more than 8 of any of 
   the above are equipped to one character, then the surplus combo's would be 
   disregarded, in chronological order that they were equipped.

--E.16 A - Basic Materia Combo's

>                                                                            >
>                           BASIC MATERIA COMBO'S                            >
>                                                                            >

~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~ 

   Combine with:- Every Magic except Escape, and every Summon except KOTR.
         Effect:- Attacks with paired Magic/Summon 4 times. Lv1 = 1 use per 
                  battle, Lv5 = 5 uses per battle.

~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  

   Combine with:- Every Magic, Every Summon, plus Master Command, Mime, 
                  Manipulate, Deathblow, Morph, Throw, Sense and Steal.
         Effect:- Attempts to Steal from the enemy when paired Materia is used
      Suggested:- Steal as Well = Comet / Deathblow / Morph / Mug / Steal 

~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  

   Combine with:- Every Magic, every Summon, plus Master Command, Mime, 
                  Manipulate, Deathblow, Morph, Throw, Sense and Steal.
         Effect:- Performs an additional attack when paired materia is used.
      Suggested:- Steal as Well = Deathblow / Morph / Mug / Steal 

~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  

   Combine with:- Every Magic, every Summon, plus Master Command, Mime, 
                  Manipulate, Deathblow, Morph, Throw, Sense and Steal.
         Effect:- Uses paired Materia as a finishing move when character is 
                  KO'd. Lv1 = 1 use per battle, Lv 5 = 5 uses per battle.
      Suggested:- Final Attack = Revive / Phoenix                

~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  

   Combine with:- Every Magic, every Summon, plus Master Command, Mime, 
                  Manipulate, Deathblow, Morph, Throw, Sense and Steal.
         Effect:- As the battle begins, the paired Materia will have a chance 
                  of being cast - Lv1 = 20%, Lv2 = 35%, Lv3 = 50%, Lv 4 = 65%
                  and Lv 5 = 80%.
      Suggested:- Sneak Attack = Deathblow / Morph / Mug / Steal 

~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  

   Combine with:- Every Magic, every Summon, plus Master Command, Mime, 
                  Manipulate, Deathblow, Morph, Throw, Sense and Steal.
         Effect:- Absorbs HP when paired Materia is used.
      Suggested:- HP Absorb = Deathblow / Morph / Mug / Steal / KOTR

~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  

   Combine with:- Every Magic, every Summon, plus Master Command, Mime, 
                  Manipulate, Deathblow, Morph, Throw, Sense and Steal.
         Effect:- Absorbs MP when paired Materia is used.
      Suggested:- MP Absorb = Ultima / Comet / Deathblow / Morph / Mug /   
                  Steal / KOTR

~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  

   Combine with:- Every Magic and every Summon.
         Effect:- Uses additional MP to deliver more damage. Lv1 = 10% higher 
                  MP cost, 10% higher damage output. Lv5 = 50% higher MP 
                  cost, 50% higher damage output.
      Suggested:- MP Turbo = Ultima / Contain / Comet / KOTR

~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  

   Combine with:- Every Magic and every Summon.
         Effect:- Chance of counter attacking with paired Materia. Lv1 = 30%, 
                  Lv2 = 40%, Lv3 = 60%, Lv4 = 80%, Lv5 = 100%.
      Suggested:- Magic Counter = Ultima / Comet / Restore

~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  

   Combine with:- Master Command, Mime, Manipulate, Deathblow, Morph, Throw, 
                  Sense and Steal.
         Effect:- Chance of countering with paired Materia. Lv1 = 30%, 
                  Lv2 = 40%, Lv3 = 60%, Lv4 = 80%, Lv5 = 100%.
      Suggested:- Counter = Deathblow / Morph / Mug / Steal

~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  

   Combine with:- Master Magic, Destruct, Time, Barrier, Gravity, Poison, 
                  Transform, Mystify, Seal, Revive, Heal, Restore, Lightning, 
                  Earth, Ice and Fire.
         Effect:- Paired Materia will target all opponents for 2/3 damage. 
                  Lv1 = 1 use per battle, Lv5 = 5 uses per battle.
      Suggested:- All = Time / Barrier / Heal / Restore

~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  

* = recommended

*ADDED EFFECT = CONTAIN   - Adds Status:- Confusion, Stop and Petrify
 ADDED EFFECT = DESTRUCT  - Adds Status:- Death
*ADDED EFFECT = TIME      - Adds Status:- Slow and Stop
 ADDED EFFECT = TRANSFORM - Adds Status:- Frog and Small
 ADDED EFFECT = MYSTIFY   - Adds Status:- Confusion and Berserk  
*ADDED EFFECT = SEAL      - Adds Status:- Sleep and Silence   
 ADDED EFFECT = POISON    - Adds Status:- Poison
 ADDED EFFECT = ODIN      - Adds Status:- Death 
 ADDED EFFECT = CHOCO/MOG - Adds Status:- Stop  
*ADDED EFFECT = HADES     - Adds Status:- Sleep, Poison, Confusion, Silence,
                                          Frog and Small

If paired on one's Weapon, then the following Statuses will have a 20% chance 
of being inflicted upon the enemy when attacking.
If paired on one's Armour, then the following Statuses will be defended 

A large number of enemies are vulnerable to Slow and Stop, which is why the 
Added Effect=Time combo is recommended until you obtain the Contain and Hades 
Materia. The next best thing after Time is Seal.

~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  

* = recommended
 ELEMENTAL = GRAVITY   - Adds Element:- Gravity
 ELEMENTAL = POISON    - Adds Element:- Poison
 ELEMENTAL = LIGHTNING - Adds Element:- Lightning
 ELEMENTAL = EARTH     - Adds Element:- Earth 
 ELEMENTAL = ICE       - Adds Element:- Ice   
 ELEMENTAL = FIRE      - Adds Element:- Fire  
 ELEMENTAL = TYPOON    - Adds Element:- Wind  
 ELEMENTAL = PHOENIX   - Adds Element:- Fire  
 ELEMENTAL = ALEXANDER - Adds Element:- Holy  
 ELEMENTAL = LEVIATHAN - Adds Element:- Water  
 ELEMENTAL = TITAN     - Adds Element:- Earth 
*ELEMENTAL = RAMUH     - Adds Element:- Lightning
 ELEMENTAL = IFRIT     - Adds Element:- Fire  
 ELEMENTAL = SHIVA     - Adds Element:- Ice   
*ELEMENTAL = CHOCO/MOG - Adds Element:- Wind  

If paired on one's Weapon, then the following Elements will do double damage 
when attacking against an enemy that is weak to paired Element.
If paired on one's Armour, then the following Elements will be defended 

A level 1 Elemental paired in you Armour will halve the Elemental damage 
taken, a level 2 Elemental will nullify the damage and a level 3 Elemental 
will absorb the damage.

Many enemies are weak against Lightning, particularly in Midgar. Also, many 
enemies are weak against Wind, top. Most enemies in the Great Glacier are Ice-
based, so equipping Fire onto your weapon, or Ice onto your armour is advised.

Pairing Elemental with a Summon is preferable to pairing it with Magic, as 
Magic *usually* penalises your physical stats more than a Summon would.

--E.16 B - Complex Materia Combo's

>                                                                            >
>                          COMPLEX MATERIA COMBO'S                           >
>                                                                            >

~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~ 

 ^^^^^^^^^^ ALL = LIGHTNING
With every cast of Lightning, you will hit all enemies whilst also draining 
HP/MP. If one of the Lightnings was at level 3, and one of them was at level 
2 then only Bolt2 could be used in this way.

~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~ 

 ^^^^^^^^^ ALL = ICE
With every cast of Ice, you will hit all enemies whilst also attempting to 
Steal from them.If one of the Ices was at level 3, and one of them was at 
level 2 then only Bolt2 could be used in this way.

~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~ 

       MP TURBO = FIRE
For additional MP, you can cast a more powerful Fire attack to in-turn drain 
more HP / MP from the target. If one of the Fires was at level 3, and one of 
them was at level 2 then only Bolt2 could be used in this way.

~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~ 

Comet will strike with 4 gits hitting random targets, each hit will result in 
a steal attempt.

~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~ 

Every time a character is hit, he/she will retaliate by casting Cure on 
themselves. This combo will not pair with All or Mega All; the counter Cure 
can only be cast on themselves.

~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~ 

Every time a character is hit, he/she will retaliate by casting Comet2 4 
times, unless one of the Comet Materias was only at level 1.

~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~ 

Every time you use your basic attack, you will follow up with an additional 
attack, basically turning it into Double Cut. With Double Cut equipped, you 
turn into triple cut, and with 4x Cut equipped you attack for 5 hits.

~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~ 

Every time you cast Deathblow, you will also attempt to steal from the enemy, 
whilst at the same time following up with a basic attack. 

~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~ 

Less of a combo and more of a strategy, this is a great strategy for Limit 
Break levelling.

~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~

Every time the character is hit, he/she will retaliate with 8 potential 
counter attacks! You could also try pairing Counter with Deathblow. 	

~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~ 

You could, if you wished replace Comet with Ultima, Contain or Gravity for 
equally devastating effects. With this combo, you will retaliate to being hit 
with 4 castings of Comet2. Note that if you were to replace Sneak Attack with 
Added Cut, you would not follow up Magic Counter/Final Attack/Sneak Attack 
with Cut; Added Cut only applies to the paired magic when it is selected as a 
command. The same applies to HP/MP Absorb, and Steal as Well.

~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~ 

You can cast KOTR dealing extra damage, and in-turn replenishing more MP with 
each casting. Use Mime to continue casting KOTR for 0 MP.

~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~ 

At the start of every battle the character will have a chance of hitting all 
characters with Deathblow. If you are using Yuffie then you can equip her 
with the Conformer, and swap out Deathblow for Morph to morph all enemies 
into an item each battle. 

~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~ 

You will be able to use any magic spell 8 times, attacking all targets. Bliss!

~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~ 

 ELEMENTAL = ANY MATERIA that ISN'T Support Materia, Restore, or have any 
 ^^^^^^^^^               Elemental properties

There is a 'Hidden' Element in the game that has been dubbed the '10th 
Element', and every single piece of Materia that doesn't have an Elemental 
attribute linked to it will conform to the Hidden Element, unless it is a 
Support Materia. Restore has it's own properties.

There are several Status changing attacks in the game that have the Hidden 
element, but because no direct damage is taken, it cannot be defended 
against. There is only one move in the game that uses Hidden that we can 
actually defend against by pairing Elemental with any Materia, and that is 
Ultimate WEAPON's 'Ultima Beam'. In the Japanese original, more of the 
enemies attacks used Hidden. See section E.05 C for more info.

~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  

|                                                                            |
| Send in your 'Materia Combo' suggestions to -  [email protected]       |

|                                                                            |
| {E.18} - Lucky 7's, W-Item and Other Tricks and Exploits                   |
|                                                                            |
|  A - Lucky 7's                                                             |
|  B - W-Item                                                                |
|  C - Easter Eggs                                                           |
|  D - Exploits                                                              |
|  E - Glitches                                                              |

                                                   {All Lucky 7's} {Lucky 7's}
--E.18 A - Lucky 7's

  Lucky 7's, or All Lucky 7's has to be one of the coolest easter eggs in the 
game, and as such it deserves its own sub-section! Whenever one of your 
characters HP lands on precisely 7777, they will enter into the Status 7777 
Fever, which will then result in the player attacking random targets for 7777 
HP per hit! This frenzy will last for a total of 64 hits, in which time the 
enemy will not be able to attack. The total damage will be 497,728, and the 
only enemies that can withstand this much damage are Ruby and Emerald WEAPON.

In many ways, All Lucky 7's is similar to a Limit Break; as soon as it is 
activated it will take priority over all other commands; the same rainbow 
scrolling colours that can normally be seen on the Limit gauge can be seen 
over the players name; and the command bar at the top of the screen will turn 
purple. When attacking, all Elemental and Status changing properties will be 
suspended, and all of the enemies defences will be ignored.

Once the flurry of attacks has finished, the character will not leave 7777 
Fever mode until his/her HP has been changed, and any subsequent attacks or 
healing spells made will deal 7777 HP. The initial 64-attack rampage cannot 
be activated twice during one battle, however a character can go into 7777 
Fever more than once, attacking and healing for 7777. If two or more 
characters activate All Lucky 7's at the same time, then the result would 
still be 64 attacks, only they would be split between the characters as they 
take it in turns to mutilate the enemy.

If a battle finishes with a characters HP still at 7777, then the game will 
restrict All Lucky 7's re-usage by bringing your HP down to 1. Be very 
mindful of this. Also, if an enemy were to enter into 7777 Fever then it may 
be wise to flee from battle as you would be in grave danger of being wiped 
out; the enemy cannot initiate the 64-attack bombardment, but they will hit 
for 7777 each hit. Lastly, should you enter into 7777 Fever whilst Poisoned 
then you would instantly kill yourself, as the Poison damage would inflict 
7777 HP.

 NOTE - The only battle in the game that disables All Lucky 7's is the final 
        battle against Sephiroth.


There are 6 methods that I know of to enable 7777 Fever (all credit for the 
final 2 methods goes to James Baxter):

  , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 
@',',',',',' The Easy-To-Explain Yet Difficult-To-Set-Up Methods ',',',',',',@
 ` ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 

1.) Chocobuckle

Every time that you escape from battle, either by using L1 & R1, using the 
Exit Materia or by using a Smoke Bomb (Battle Arena doesn't count), 
Chocobuckles attack power increases by 1 HP (ignoring defences). If one were 
to escape from 2222 battles, then you would be able to bring your HP down 
from 9999 to 7777, activating All Lucky 7's. You could also try escaping 1111 
times and using it twice, just be sure the enemy doesn't hit you in that time.

2.) Aire Tam Storm

Emerald WEAPON will use an attack called Aire Tam (Materia) Storm that will 
deal 1111 HP per Materia that its target has equipped. If you were to equip 
just two pieces of Materia, one of them being HP Plus, then your HP would be 
brought down to 7777, provided you keep your HP topped up. Emerald will use 
Aire Tam Storm in three different circumstances:

 - After opening its eyes, it will use Emerald Beam, Eyes x8, Emerald Beam, 
   Eyes x4, Aire Tam Storm. Try to keep one yellow eye alive.
 - After using Revenge Stamp 10 times.
 - As a counter attack to Knights of The Round if its HP is less than 50% 
   after the summon has finished. Eyes must be open.

|                                                                            |
| xx77                                                                       |
|                                                                            |
| All of the following methods for activating All Lucky 7's require you to   |
| understand something that's relatively simple to grasp: If the final 2     |
| digits of your current HP were to land on 77 (xx77), and your HP was lower |
| than 7777, then you would be able to bring your current HP to 7777 by      |
| using Potions and Hi-Potions.                                              |
|                                                                            |
| All references to xx77 will be displayed as '77.                           |

3.) Mini

Equip one player with Manipulate, and the other two with Enemy Skills with 
Goblin Punch on them (unless your characters are not the same level as each 
other). Make sure to equip Transform onto one of the two characters with 
Enemy Skill. Make sure not to have Mega-All or Slash-All equipped on these 
two characters, and make sure their Limits are not full. Speed the Battle 
Speed up to the max, and make sure that each players current HP is lower than 
7777 (equip HP<->MP then un-equip it).

Enter into a random encounter and then use Manipulate on one enemy whilst 
killing the rest. Then, cast Haste if you wish, otherwise inflict Mini on the 
two characters that aren't manipulating (you can also use Shrivels). If your 
characters are the same level as each other then you can use Goblin Punch for 
8 HP worth of damage every hit, otherwise just attack normally for 1 HP until 
they reach '77.

4.) Cat's Bell

The Cat's Bell will recover 2 HP per step that you take. You could use this 
to make the final 3 digits land on 154, 354, 554, 754 or 954. Then, enter 
into battle making sure to either have Demi2 equipped, or the Laser Enemy 
Skill. Cast either move, and your HP will be reduced by 50%, landing on '77.

  , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 
@',',',', The Super-Duper-Quick And Easy But Long-To-Explain Methods ',',',',@
 ` ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 
     to his 7777 FAQ on GameFaq should you wish to view the source of the 
                     following data. Used with permission.                   

5.) Modifying the 'Base' Max HP

Using the HP Data Table below, you will be able to modify your Max HP to 
reach '77. Firstly, you must find your 'Base' Max HP (or Base HP). To do that 
you must first remove any Materia from a character that would modify their 
HP. If your character's Base HP is below 3889 (around Level 50) or above 
9970, then you will not be able to modify your HP to reach '77. 

Next, equip the relevant Materia modifiers required to reach '77. For 
example, if your Base HP was  5254, then your entry would appear as:

 5254 : +29%  -11%  -70% |

To reduce your Base HP by 11%, you would need to equip Magic or Summon 
Materia that reduce your HP. The 3 variations of the - modifiers are -2%, -5% 
and -10%. So, 3 Materias would be required: 1x -5% and 2x -2% to reach -11%.

To increase your HP by 29%, you would need to use HP Plus Materia, which will 
raise your Max HP by 10%, and then 10% thereafter with each level that the HP 
Plus gains, for a maximum of 50%. These can stack for a total of 100%. So, 
either using a combination of 4 Lv 1 HP Plus's, or one Lv4 HP Plus, you can 
bring your Max HP up to 40%, then you can bring your HP down by -5% followed 
by 3x -2% to reach +29%.

 Recommended Materia quantity for each modifier:
   2x  HP Plus Mastered OR 10x HP Plus Lv 1
   6x -10% modifiers
   7x -5%  modifiers
   8x -2%  modifiers

Once you have obtained an xx77 figure for your Max HP, you must then bring 
your current HP to Max HP if it isn't already (X-Potion, etc.) Then, making 
sure that no adjustments are made to any Materia that could reduce your Max 
HP, remove the -% modifiers until your Max HP is above 7777. As mentioned, 
you can then use Hi-Potions and Potions to bring your HP up to 7777 (or 7767 
if you wished to activate Lucky 7's mid-battle).

Of all 6111 possible Base HP values above (and including) 3889, 75% (4548) 
can be modified to reach '77. If you find that your Base HP value isn't 
listed, then refer to method 6:

6.) Modifying the 'Base' Max MP, then using HP<->MP

Quite simply, refer to the MP Data Table to find the required modifier to 
manipulate your Base MP as so that you can reach x77. Then equip and un-equip 
the HP<->MP Materia to bring your HP down to your MP, provided that your 
current HP was higher than your Max MP to begin with.

You cannot do this if your Base MP is higher than 977, as there are no 
modifiers that decrease MP. The only + modifiers are +2%, +5%, and +10%. MP 
Plus will increase your Max MP by multiples of 10%, up to 50% as per the 
level of the Materia. Effects can stack up to 100%.

You also cannot do this if your Base HP is lower than 3889, as the most you 
can increase your HP by is 100% (7777 / 2 = 3888.5). Because of this, there 
will be no listings for Base MP lower than 300, as you cannot have more than 
300 Base MP with less than 3889 Base HP. Of all 678 possible Base MP values 
between 300 and 977, 310 (46%) can be modified to reach '77.

Again, all credit for the data contained within the following charts goes to 
James Baxter; I have simply consolidated the information to make it more 
aesthetically pleasing, and to take up less space. None of the calculations 
are my own.

|                                                                            |
|                             HP '77 DATA TABLE                              |
|                                                                            |
| <+25%> = If you see a figure presented this way then it means that you can |
|          jump directly to 7777! There are 104 varying Base HP values that  |
|          can do his.                                                       |

 3889 :<+100%> +46% +10% |  5706 : +03%             |  7741 : -06%  -37%      
3892  : +69%             |  5707 : +17%  +10%       |  7745 : -28%            
 3893 : +33%  -03%       |  5708 : +31%  +24%       |  7747 : -59%            
 3894 : -21%             |  5719 :<+36%> +29%  +22% |  7748 : -59%            
 3895 : +74%             | 5720  : +08%  -06%  -13% |  7749 : -19%            
 3896 : +56%  -39%       |  5721 : -20%  -27%       | 7752  : -10%            
 3897 : +97%  +38%       |  5722 : -34%             |  7753 : -50%            
 3898 : +79%  +20%  -57% |  5723 : -41%             |  7754 : -01%  -50%      
 3899 : +61%  -57%       |  5724 : -48%             |  7756 : -41%            
3900  : +02%  -57%       |  5725 : -48%  -55%       |  7757 : -41%            
 3901 : +84%  -16%       |  5726 : -55%             |  7759 : -32%            
 3902 : +66%  +25%       |  5727 : -62%             | 7760  : -32%            
 3904 : +48%  +07%  -34% |  5728 : -62%             |  7761 : -90%            
 3905 : +71%  -75%       | 5730  : +27%  -69%       |  7762 : -23%  -90%      
 3906 : +94%  +30%  -11% |  5731 : +20%  -69%       |  7763 : -14%  -90%      
 3907 : +53%  -75%       |  5732 : +13%  -69%       |  7764 : -90%            
 3908 : -75%             |  5734 : -01%  -76%       |  7765 : -05%  -90%      
 3909 : +35%  -52%       |  5735 : -08%  -76%       |  7766 : -90%            
3910  : +58%  -29%  -52% |  5736 : -76%             |  7767 : -90%            
 3911 : -06%  -29%       |  5737 : -15%  -76%       |  7768 : -90%            
 3912 : +17%             |  5739 : -22%             |  7769 : -81%  -90%      
 3915 : +91%  +68%       | 5741  : -29%             | 7770  : -81%  -90%      
 3916 : +22%  -01%  -24% |  5742 : +25%  -29%  -83% |  7771 : -81%            
 3917 : +96%  -24%  -47% |  5743 : -83%             |  7772 : -72%  -81%      
 3918 : -47%             |  5744 : +18%  -36%  -83% |  7773 : -63%  -72%  -81%
 3919 : +27%             |  5745 : -36%  -83%       |  7774 : -54%  -63%  -72%
3920  : +78%             |  5746 : -83%             |  7775 : -45%  -54%  -63%
 3921 : +04%  -19%  -70% |  5747 : -83%             |  7776 : -09%  -18%  -27%
 3922 : +32%  -19%  -70% |  5748 : +04%  -43%       |  7777 :  All Lucky 7's  
 3923 : -70%             |  5749 : -03%  -43%       |  7788 : -04%            
 3924 : +88%  +09%       | 5752  : +30%  -10%       |  7789 : -13%            
 3925 : +37%  -42%       |  5753 : -50%             | 7790  : -22%            
 3926 : +93%  +65%  -14% |  5754 : +23%  -50%       |  7791 : -22%            
 3928 :<+98%> +42%  +14% |  5755 : -17%             |  7792 : -31%            
3930  : +75%  +47%  -09% |  5758 : -24%             |  7794 : -40%            
 3931 : +19%  -37%       |  5759 : +09%  -24%  -57% |  7795 : -40%            
 3932 : +80%  -65%       | 5760  : -57%             |  7797 : -49%            
 3933 : -65%             |  5761 :<+35%> -90%       |  7798 : -49%            
 3934 : +85%  -04%  -65% |  5762 : +02%  -90%       | 7801  : -08%  -58%      
 3935 : +57%             |  5763 : -31%  -90%       |  7802 : -58%            
 3936 : +29%  -32%       |  5764 : +28%  -90%       |  7803 : -17%            
 3937 : +95%  +62%       |  5765 : -05%  -90%       |  7806 : -26%            
 3938 : +01%             |  5766 : -90%             |  7807 : -67%            
3940  : -27%             |  5767 : -64%  -90%       |  7808 : -67%            
 3941 : +06%  -27%  -60% |  5768 : -38%  -64%  -90% |  7809 : -67%            
 3942 : +77%  -60%       |  5769 : -12%  -38%  -64% | 7810  : -35%            
 3943 : +44%  -93%       | 5770  : +14%  -90%       |  7811 : -03%            
 3944 : +11%  -22%  -93% |  5773 : +07%  -19%       |  7814 : -12%            
 3945 : +87%  -93%       |  5774 : -19%             |  7815 : -44%            
 3946 : +16%  -93%       |  5775 : -45%             |  7816 : -44%            
 3947 : -17%  -55%  -93% |  5776 : +26%  -45%       |  7817 : -76%            
 3948 :<+97%> +21%  -17% |  5777 :    Lucky 7's     |  7818 : -21%  -76%      
 3949 : -93%             |  5779 : +19%  -26%       |  7819 : -76%            
3950  : +64%  -93%       | 5780  : -71%             | 7820  : -76%            
 3951 : +69%  -12%  -93% |  5781 : -07%  -71%       |  7822 : -53%            
 3952 : +31%  -93%       |  5782 : -71%             |  7823 : -30%  -53%      
 3953 : -07%  -50%  -93% |  5784 : +31%  -52%       |  7824 : -07%  -30%      
 3954 : +36%  -50%  -93% |  5785 : -52%             |  7829 : -16%            
 3955 : +84%  -93%       |  5786 : -33%             | 7830  : -39%            
 3956 : +41%  -02%  -93% |  5787 : -14%             |  7831 : -39%            
 3957 : +46%  -45%  -93% |  5788 : +24%  +05%       |  7832 : -62%            
 3958 : -45%             | 5792  : -02%             |  7833 : -02%  -62%      
 3959 : +03%             |  5793 : +17%  -21%       |  7834 : -62%            
3960  : +56%             |  5794 : -40%             |  7835 : -25%            
 3961 : +61%  +08%  -40% |  5795 : -40%             |  7836 : -25%            
 3962 : +13%             |  5796 : -59%             |  7839 : -11%  -48%      
 3964 : +18%  -35%       |  5797 : -59%             | 7840  : -48%            
 3966 : -30%             |  5798 : +10%  -09%       |  7841 : -85%            
 3967 : +28%  -30%  -88% | 5801  : +22%  -28%  -78% |  7842 : -85%            
 3968 :<+96%> +33%  -88% |  5802 : -78%             |  7843 : -34%  -85%      
 3969 : +38%  -25%  -88% |  5803 : +03%  -78%       |  7844 : -85%            
3970  : +43%  -88%       |  5804 :<+34%> -47%  -78% |  7845 : -85%            
 3971 : +48%  -20%  -88% |  5805 : -16%  -47%       |  7846 : -20%  -85%      
 3972 : +53%  -15%  -88% |  5809 : +27%  -04%       |  7847 : -06%            
 3973 : +58%  -88%       | 5810  : -35%             |  7849 : -71%            
 3974 : +63%  -10%  -88% |  5812 : -66%             | 7850  : -71%            
 3975 : +68%  -05%  -88% |  5813 : -23%  -66%       |  7851 : -71%            
 3976 : +78%             |  5814 : -23%  -66%       |  7852 : -57%            
 3977 :    Lucky 7's     |  5815 : +20%             |  7853 : -43%  -57%      
 3978 : +93%  -83%       |  5816 : +32%  -11%       |  7854 : -29%  -43%      
 3979 : +05%  -83%       |  5818 : -54%             |  7855 :<-01%> -15%      
3980  : +10%  -83%       |  5819 : +01%  -54%       | 7863  : -10%            
 3981 : +20%  -83%       | 5821  : +13%  -42%       |  7864 : -24%            
 3982 : +25%  -78%  -83% |  5822 : +25%  -42%       |  7865 : -38%            
 3983 : +35%  +30%  -78% |  5823 : -30%             |  7866 : -38%            
 3984 : +40%  -78%       |  5824 : -30%             |  7867 : -52%            
 3985 : +50%  -78%       |  5825 : -18%             |  7868 : -52%            
 3986 : +60%  -73%  -78% |  5826 : -06%             | 7870  : -05%            
 3987 : +75%  +70%  -73% |  5828 : +18%  +06%       |  7871 : -66%            
 3988 : +90%  -68%  -73% |  5829 : +30%             |  7872 : -19%  -66%      
 3989 : -68%             |  5835 : +23%  -13%  -25% |  7873 : -66%            
3990  : -63%  -68%       |  5836 : +11%  -25%  -37% |  7875 : -33%            
 3991 : -58%  -63%       |  5837 : -49%  -61%       |  7876 : -33%            
 3992 : -53%  -58%       |  5838 : -61%  -73%       | 7880  : -14%  -47%      
 3993 : -43%  -48%  -53% |  5839 : -73%             |  7881 : -47%  -80%      
 3994 : -38%  -43%  -48% | 5840  : -73%             |  7882 : -80%            
 3995 : -23%  -28%  -33% |  5841 : -85%             |  7883 : -80%            
 3996 : -03%  -08%  -13% |  5842 : +28%  -85%       |  7884 : -28%  -80%      
 3998 : +42%  +22%  +12% |  5843 : +16%  -85%       |  7885 : -80%            
 4009 :<+94%> +89%       |  5844 : +04%  -08%  -85% |  7886 : -09%            
4010  : +79%  +74%       |  5845 : -85%             |  7888 : -61%            
 4011 : +59%             |  5846 : -20%  -85%       |  7889 : -61%            
 4012 : +49%  +44%       |  5848 :<+33%> -32%       | 7890  : -42%            
 4013 : +34%             |  5849 : +21%             |  7891 : -23%  -42%      
 4014 : +24%             | 5851  : +09%  -44%       |  7892 : -04%  -23%      
 4015 : +19%  +14%       |  5852 : -03%             |  7898 : -18%            
 4016 : +09%             |  5855 : +26%  -15%  -56% |  7899 : -37%            
 4017 : +04%  -01%       |  5856 : -56%             | 7900  : -37%            
 4018 : -06%  -11%       |  5858 : -27%             |  7901 : -56%            
 4019 : -11%             | 5860  : +02%             |  7902 : -56%            
4020  : +86%  -16%       |  5861 : +31%             |  7904 : -13%            
 4021 : -21%             |  5863 : -10%  -39%  -68% |  7905 : -75%            
 4022 : +71%  -26%       |  5864 : -68%             |  7906 : -32%  -75%      
 4023 : +61%             |  5865 : -68%             |  7907 : -32%  -75%      
 4024 : +56%  -31%       |  5867 : +07%  -22%  -97% |  7908 : -75%            
 4025 : +51%             |  5868 : -97%             |  7909 : -08%            
 4026 : +46%  -36%       |  5869 : +24%  -97%       | 7911  : -51%            
 4028 : -41%             | 5870  : -05%  -51%  -97% |  7912 : -51%            
 4029 : +31%             |  5871 : -51%  -97%       |  7913 : -27%            
4030  :<+93%> +26%  -46% |  5872 : -97%             |  7914 : -03%            
 4031 : +21%  -46%       |  5873 : +12%  -34%  -97% |  7918 : -22%            
 4032 : +16%             |  5874 : +29%  -34%  -97% |  7919 : -22%  -46%      
 4033 : +73%  -51%       |  5875 : -17%  -97%       | 7920  : -46%            
 4034 : +68%  +11%  -51% |  5876 : -97%             |  7921 : -70%            
 4035 : +63%  +06%       |  5877 :    Lucky 7's     |  7922 : -70%            
 4037 : +01%  -56%       |  5878 : +17%  -97%       |  7923 : -17%  -70%      
 4038 : -04%  -56%       |  5879 : -97%             |  7924 : -17%            
 4039 : +48%             | 5880  : -97%             |  7926 : -41%            
4040  : +43%  -09%       |  5881 : -80%  -97%       |  7927 : -41%            
 4041 : +90%             |  5882 : -12%  -29%  -46% |  7928 : -12%            
 4042 : +38%  -14%  -61% |  5883 : +05%  -29%  -46% | 7932  : -07%  -36%  -65%
 4043 : +33%  -14%  -61% |  5884 : -80%  -97%       |  7933 : -65%            
 4045 : +28%  -19%       |  5885 : -80%  -97%       |  7934 : -65%  -94%      
 4047 : +65%  +23%       |  5886 : -97%             |  7935 :<-02%> -94%      
 4048 : -24%  -66%       |  5887 : -97%             |  7936 : -94%            
 4049 : +18%  -66%       |  5888 : +27%  -97%       |  7937 : -31%  -94%      
4050  : +55%  -66%       |  5889 : +10%  -07%  -97% |  7938 : -94%            
 4051 :<+92%> +13%  -29% | 5890  : -24%  -97%       |  7939 : -94%            
 4052 : +87%  +50%  -29% |  5891 : -97%             | 7940  : -94%            
 4053 : +08%             |  5892 :<+32%> -41%  -97% |  7941 : -26%  -60%  -94%
 4055 : +77%  -34%       |  5893 : -41%  -97%       |  7942 : -60%  -94%      
 4056 : +03%  -34%  -71% |  5894 : -02%  -97%       |  7943 : -94%            
 4057 : -71%             |  5895 : -97%             |  7944 : -94%            
 4058 : -02%  -71%       |  5896 : -58%  -97%       |  7945 : -21%  -94%      
4060  : +62%  +30%  -39% |  5897 : -19%  -58%  -97% |  7946 : -94%            
 4061 : -07%             |  5898 : +20%  -97%       |  7947 : -55%  -94%      
 4062 : +89%  +57%  +25% |  5899 : -97%             |  7948 : -16%  -55%  -94%
 4064 : +84%  +52%  -12% | 5900  : -97%             |  7949 : -94%            
 4065 : +20%  -44%       |  5901 : -36%             | 7950  : -94%            
 4066 : +47%  -44%       |  5902 : +25%             |  7951 : -11%            
 4067 : +15%  -76%       |  5903 : -14%             |  7953 : -50%            
 4068 : -17%  -76%       |  5905 : +08%  -75%       |  7954 : -06%  -50%      
 4069 : +42%  -76%       |  5906 : +30%  -75%       |  7957 : -45%            
4070  : -76%             |  5907 : -53%  -75%       |  7958 : -45%            
 4071 : +37%  -49%       |  5908 : -09%  -31%  -53% | 7961  : -40%            
 4072 :<+91%> -22%  -49% |  5909 : +13%             |  7964 : -35%  -89%      
 4073 : -22%             | 5913  : +18%  -04%       |  7965 : -89%            
 4074 : +59%  +32%  +05% |  5914 : -26%             |  7966 : -30%  -89%      
 4076 : +81%  +54%       |  5916 : -48%             |  7967 : -30%  -89%      
 4077 :    Lucky 7's     |  5917 : +23%  -48%       |  7968 : -89%            
 4078 : +76%  -27%       |  5918 : +01%             |  7969 : -25%  -89%      
 4079 : +49%  -54%       |  5919 : -21%             | 7970  : -89%            
4080  : +22%  -54%       | 5920  : +28%  -21%       |  7971 : -20%  -89%      
 4081 : -05%             |  5921 : -70%             |  7972 : -15%  -89%      
 4083 : +66%  +17%  -32% |  5922 : +06%  -70%       |  7974 : -10%            
 4084 : +88%             |  5923 : -43%  -70%       |  7975 : -05%            
 4085 : -10%  -81%       |  5924 : -16%  -43%       |  7976 : -84%            
 4086 : +83%  -81%       |  5925 : -16%             |  7977 : -84%            
 4087 : +12%  -81%       |  5926 : +11%             |  7978 : -84%            
 4088 : +56%  +34%  -59% |  5929 : +16%  -11%       |  7979 : -84%            
 4089 : -37%  -59%  -81% | 5930  : -38%             | 7980  : -84%            
4090  : -15%  -37%  -59% |  5932 : +21%  -06%  -65% |  7981 : -79%  -84%      
 4091 : +51%  +29%  +07% |  5933 : -65%             |  7982 : -79%            
 4094 : +68%  +46%       |  5934 : -65%             |  7983 : -79%            
 4095 : +24%             |  5935 : -33%             |  7984 : -79%            
 4096 : +85%  +02%  -20% |  5936 : -01%             |  7985 : -74%  -79%      
 4097 : -42%             |  5937 :<+31%>            |  7986 : -74%            
 4098 : -42%             |  5939 : -28%             |  7987 : -74%            
 4099 : +19%  -03%       | 5940  : +04%  -28%       |  7988 : -69%  -74%      
4100  : +58%  -03%       |  5941 : -60%             |  7989 : -64%  -69%      
 4101 : +36%  -64%       |  5942 : -60%             | 7990  : -64%  -69%      
 4102 : -25%  -64%       |  5943 : +09%  -23%       |  7991 : -59%  -64%      
 4103 : +53%  +14%       |  5944 : -23%             |  7992 : -54%  -59%      
 4105 : +31%  -08%       |  5945 : +14%             |  7993 : -44%  -49%  -54%
 4106 : -47%             |  5947 : -18%  -55%       |  7994 : -34%  -39%  -44%
 4107 : -47%             |  5948 : -55%             |  7995 : -24%  -29%  -34%
 4108 : +09%             | 5950  : +24%  -13%       |  7996 : -04%  -09%  -14%
 4109 : +26%  -30%       |  5951 : -92%             |  8017 :<-03%>           
4110  : +43%  -30%       |  5952 : -92%             |  8018 : -08%            
 4111 : +60%  -13%       |  5953 : -08%  -50%  -92% |  8019 : -13%            
 4113 : +04%             |  5954 : -50%  -92%       | 8020  : -18%            
 4114 : +38%  +21%       |  5955 : -03%  -92%       |  8021 : -23%            
 4115 :<+89%> +72%  -86% |  5956 : -92%             |  8022 : -23%            
 4116 : -86%             |  5957 : -45%  -92%       |  8023 : -28%            
 4117 : -35%  -52%  -69% |  5958 : +02%  -45%  -92% |  8024 : -33%            
 4118 : -01%  -18%  -35% |  5959 : -92%             |  8025 : -33%            
 4119 : -69%  -86%       | 5960  : +07%  -92%       |  8026 : -38%            
4120  : -86%             |  5961 : -40%  -92%       |  8027 : -38%            
 4121 : -86%             |  5962 : +12%  -92%       |  8029 : -43%            
 4122 : +62%             |  5964 : +17%  -35%       | 8031  : -48%            
 4123 : +28%             |  5965 : +22%             |  8032 : -48%            
 4124 : +11%  -06%       |  5966 : -30%             |  8035 : -53%            
 4125 : +74%  -23%       |  5967 : -30%             |  8036 : -53%            
 4126 : +57%             |  5969 : -25%             |  8039 : -07%  -58%      
 4127 : +40%  -40%       | 5970  : -87%             | 8040  : -58%            
 4128 : +23%  -40%       |  5971 : -20%  -87%       |  8041 : -12%            
4130  : +52%  +06%       |  5972 : -15%  -87%       |  8042 : -12%            
 4131 : +81%  -11%  -57% |  5973 : -87%             |  8044 : -17%  -63%      
 4132 : -57%             |  5974 : -10%  -87%       |  8045 : -63%            
 4134 : -28%             |  5975 : -05%  -87%       |  8047 : -22%            
 4135 : +76%             |  5976 : -87%             | 8050  : -27%            
 4136 : +01%             |  5977 :    Lucky 7's     |  8051 : -68%            
 4137 :<+88%> +59%       |  5978 : -82%             |  8052 : -68%            
 4139 : +42%  +13%  -16% |  5979 : +05%  -82%       |  8053 : -32%  -68%      
4140  : -45%  -74%       | 5980  : +10%  -82%       |  8054 : -32%            
 4141 : +54%  -74%       |  5981 : +20%  -82%       |  8058 : -37%            
 4142 : +25%  -04%  -74% |  5982 : +25%  -82%       | 8060  : -06%  -73%      
 4143 : +66%             |  5983 :<+30%> -77%  -82% |  8061 : -73%            
 4144 : +37%  -33%       |  5984 : -77%             |  8062 : -73%            
 4146 : +49%  +08%       |  5985 : -77%             |  8063 : -11%  -42%      
 4147 : -21%             |  5986 : -72%  -77%       |  8064 : -11%            
 4148 : +20%  -21%  -62% |  5987 : -72%             |  8067 : -16%            
 4149 : +73%  -62%       |  5988 : -67%  -72%       |  8068 : -47%            
4150  : +32%  -09%  -62% |  5989 : -67%  -72%       |  8069 : -47%            
 4151 : +44%             | 5990  : -62%  -67%       | 8071  : -21%            
 4152 : +56%             |  5991 : -57%  -62%       |  8072 : -21%            
 4153 : +68%  +03%  -50% |  5992 : -52%  -57%  -62% |  8073 : -78%            
 4154 : +80%  +15%  -50% |  5993 : -47%  -52%  -57% |  8074 : -78%            
 4155 : -38%             |  5994 : -37%  -42%  -47% |  8075 : -78%            
 4156 : -38%             |  5995 : -22%  -27%  -32% |  8076 : -26%  -52%  -78%
 4157 : +51%  -26%       |  5996 : -02%  -07%  -12% |  8077 : -26%  -52%  -78%
 4158 : +63%  -26%       |  5998 : +28%  +18%  +08% | 8081  : -05%            
 4159 :<+87%> -14%       | 6014  : +26%             |  8082 : -31%            
4160  : -02%             |  6015 : +16%             |  8084 : -57%            
 4161 : +10%             |  6016 : +11%             |  8085 : -10%  -57%      
 4162 : +34%  +22%       |  6017 : +01%  -04%       |  8086 : -57%            
 4163 : +70%  +58%  +46% |  6018 : -09%             |  8088 : -36%            
 4168 : +53%  -07%  -19% |  6019 : -14%             |  8089 : -36%            
 4169 : +05%  -19%  -31% | 6020  : -19%             | 8090  : -15%            
4170  : -43%  -55%  -67% |  6022 : -24%             |  8095 : -41%  -62%  -83%
 4171 : -55%  -67%       |  6023 : -29%             |  8096 : -20%  -41%  -62%
 4172 : -67%  -79%       |  6025 : -34%             |  8097 : -62%  -83%      
 4173 : +72%  -79%       |  6027 : -39%             |  8098 : -83%            
 4174 : +48%  -79%       |  6029 :<+29%> -44%       |  8099 : -83%            
 4175 : +36%  -79%       | 6030  : +24%  -44%       | 8100  : -83%            
 4176 : +12%  -79%       |  6032 : -49%             |  8101 :<-04%>           
 4177 :    Lucky 7's     |  6033 : +14%  -49%       |  8102 : -25%            
 4178 : +67%  -12%  -91% |  6034 : +09%             |  8104 : -46%            
 4179 : +55%  -24%  -91% |  6035 : -54%             |  8105 : -46%            
4180  : +43%  -24%  -91% |  6036 : +04%  -54%       |  8106 : -09%            
 4181 : +31%  -91%       |  6037 : -01%             |  8109 : -30%            
 4182 : -36%  -91%       |  6039 : -06%             | 8110  : -30%  -67%      
 4183 : +19%  -91%       | 6040  : -59%             |  8111 : -67%            
 4184 : -91%             |  6041 : -11%  -59%       |  8112 : -14%  -67%      
 4185 : +50%  +07%  -48% |  6043 : -16%             |  8115 : -51%            
 4186 : -05%  -48%  -91% |  6044 : -16%             |  8116 : -51%            
 4187 : -91%             |  6045 : +27%  -64%       |  8117 : -35%            
 4188 : +69%  -17%  -91% |  6046 : -21%  -64%       |  8118 : -35%            
 4189 : -17%             |  6047 : +22%  -64%       |  8119 : -19%            
4191  : +14%  -60%       |  6049 : +17%  -26%       |  8127 : -08%  -24%  -40%
 4192 : +76%  -29%  -60% | 6050  : -26%             |  8128 : -40%  -56%      
 4194 : +02%             |  6051 : +12%             |  8129 : -56%  -72%      
 4196 : +52%  +21%  -10% |  6052 : -69%             | 8130  : -72%            
 4197 : -41%             |  6053 : -31%  -69%       |  8131 : -72%            
 4198 : +40%  -41%       |  6054 : +07%  -69%       |  8132 : -72%            
4200  : +59%  +09%       |  6056 : +02%             |  8134 : -13%  -88%      
 4201 : +28%  -22%  -72% |  6057 : -36%             |  8135 : -88%            
 4202 : -72%             |  6058 : -03%             |  8136 : -29%  -88%      
 4203 : -03%  -72%       | 6061  : -08%             |  8137 : -88%            
 4204 :<+85%>            |  6062 : +25%  -41%  -74% |  8138 : -88%            
 4205 : +16%  -53%       |  6063 : -74%             |  8139 : -45%  -88%      
 4206 : +54%  -53%       |  6064 : -74%             | 8140  : -45%  -88%      
 4207 : -34%             |  6065 : +20%  -13%  -74% |  8141 : -88%            
 4208 : -15%             |  6067 : +15%  -46%       |  8142 : -18%            
 4209 : +23%  +04%       |  6068 : -46%             |  8144 : -61%            
4210  : +80%             |  6069 : -18%             |  8145 : -61%            
 4213 : +68%  +49%       | 6073  : -23%             |  8146 : -34%  -61%      
 4214 : +11%  -08%  -27% |  6074 : +05%  -23%  -51% |  8147 : -07%            
 4215 : -27%  -46%       |  6075 : -51%             | 8151  : -23%            
 4216 : +75%  -46%       |  6076 :<+28%>            |  8153 : -50%            
 4217 : +37%             |  6077 :    Lucky 7's     |  8154 : -50%            
 4218 : +18%  -65%       |  6078 : -28%  -79%       |  8155 : -12%            
 4219 : -01%  -65%       |  6079 : +23%  -28%  -79% |  8157 : -77%            
4220  : -65%             | 6080  : -79%             |  8158 : -39%  -77%      
 4221 : -20%             |  6081 : -05%             |  8159 : -39%  -77%      
 4222 : +70%  +25%       |  6082 : -56%             | 8160  : -77%            
 4223 : -39%             |  6083 : +18%  -56%       |  8162 : -28%            
 4224 : +06%  -39%       |  6084 : -33%  -56%       |  8164 : -17%            
 4226 : +58%  -13%  -84% |  6085 : -10%  -33%       |  8165 : -17%  -66%      
 4227 :<+84%> -84%       |  6086 : +13%             |  8166 : -06%  -66%      
 4228 : +13%  -84%       | 6090  : +08%  -15%       |  8167 : -06%  -66%      
 4229 : +65%  -58%  -84% |  6091 : -38%             |  8169 : -55%            
4230  : -06%  -32%  -58% |  6093 : +26%  -61%       | 8170  : -55%            
 4231 : +46%  +20%  -84% |  6094 : -61%             |  8171 : -55%            
 4233 : +79%             |  6095 : +03%             |  8172 : -44%            
 4234 : +27%             |  6096 : -20%             |  8173 : -44%            
 4235 : +01%  -25%       |  6097 : +21%             |  8174 : -33%            
 4236 : +60%  -25%       |  6098 : -02%             |  8175 : -22%            
 4237 : +34%  -51%       |  6099 : -43%             |  8176 : -11%            
 4238 : +67%  +08%  -51% | 6100  : -43%             |  8186 :<-05%> -16%      
4240  : +74%  -18%       |  6101 : +16%  -84%       |  8187 : -27%            
 4241 : +15%             |  6102 : -25%  -84%       |  8188 : -38%            
 4243 : -11%  -44%       |  6103 : -84%             |  8189 : -49%            
 4244 : +22%  -44%  -77% |  6104 : -07%  -84%       | 8190  : -49%            
 4245 : -77%             |  6105 : -84%             |  8191 : -60%            
 4246 : +29%  -04%  -77% |  6106 : +11%  -66%  -84% |  8192 : -60%            
 4247 : +69%  -77%       |  6107 : -66%             |  8194 : -71%            
 4248 : +36%  -37%       |  6108 : -48%  -66%       |  8195 : -71%            
 4249 : -37%             |  6109 : -30%  -48%       |  8196 : -10%  -71%      
4250  :<+83%> +43%  +03% | 6110  : -12%  -30%       |  8198 : -21%            
 4252 : +50%  +10%  -30% |  6111 : +24%  +06%       | 8201  : -32%  -82%      
 4253 : +57%             |  6116 : +01%  -17%       |  8202 : -82%            
 4254 : +17%  -70%       |  6117 : -35%             |  8203 : -82%            
 4255 : -23%  -70%       |  6118 : -35%             |  8204 : -43%  -82%      
 4256 : +71%  +24%  -70% | 6120  : -53%             |  8205 : -43%  -82%      
 4257 : +78%             |  6121 : +14%  -04%  -53% |  8208 : -15%            
 4258 : +31%  -16%       |  6124 :<+27%> -22%       |  8209 : -54%            
 4259 : +38%             |  6125 : -71%             | 8210  : -54%            
4260  : -09%  -63%       |  6126 : +09%  -71%       |  8211 : -26%            
 4261 : -63%             |  6127 : -40%  -71%       |  8212 : -26%            
 4262 : -02%  -63%       |  6128 : -09%  -40%       |  8216 : -09%  -37%      
 4264 : +05%  -56%       |  6129 : +22%             |  8217 : -37%            
 4265 : -56%             | 6132  : +04%  -27%       |  8218 : -65%            
 4266 : +12%             |  6134 : -58%             |  8219 : -65%            
 4267 : +19%  -49%       |  6135 : +17%  -14%  -58% | 8220  : -65%            
 4268 : +26%  -49%       |  6136 : -14%             |  8221 : -20%            
 4269 : +33%  -42%       |  6138 : -01%             |  8224 : -48%            
4270  : +40%  -42%       |  6139 : -45%             |  8225 : -48%            
 4271 : +54%  -35%       | 6140  : -45%             |  8227 : -31%            
 4272 : +61%  -35%       |  6141 : +12%             |  8228 : -14%            
 4273 : +75%  -28%       |  6142 : +25%  -32%       |  8229 : -14%  -93%      
 4274 : -21%             |  6144 : -19%             | 8230  : -93%            
 4275 : -14%             |  6145 : -06%             |  8231 : -93%            
 4276 : -07%             |  6146 : -89%             |  8232 : -93%            
 4277 :    Lucky 7's     |  6147 : +07%  -89%       |  8233 : -93%            
 4278 : +07%             |  6148 : +20%  -89%       |  8234 : -76%  -93%      
 4279 : +28%  +21%       |  6149 : -89%             |  8235 : -08%  -25%  -42%
4280  : +49%  +42%  +35% | 6150  : -89%             |  8236 : -25%  -42%  -59%
 4281 : +77%  +70%       |  6151 : -76%  -89%       |  8237 : -76%  -93%      
 4289 : +79%  +72%       |  6152 : -63%  -76%  -89% |  8238 : -93%            
4290  : +51%  +44%  +37% |  6153 : -11%  -24%  -37% |  8239 : -93%            
 4291 : +09%  -05%  -12% |  6154 : +15%  +02%  -50% | 8240  : -93%            
 4292 : -12%  -19%  -26% | 6161  : +10%  -03%       |  8241 : -93%            
 4293 : -26%  -33%       |  6162 : -16%             |  8242 : -19%  -93%      
 4294 : -33%  -40%       |  6163 : -16%             |  8243 : -19%            
 4295 : -40%  -47%       |  6164 : -29%             |  8244 : -36%            
 4296 : -47%  -54%       |  6166 : -42%             |  8245 : -36%            
 4297 :<+81%> -54%       |  6167 : +18%  -42%       |  8247 : -53%            
 4298 : +67%  -61%       |  6169 : +05%  -55%       |  8248 : -53%            
 4299 : +53%  -61%       | 6170  : -08%  -55%       |  8249 : -13%            
4300  : +46%  -61%       |  6171 : -55%             | 8252  : -30%            
 4301 : +32%  -68%       |  6173 :<+26%> -21%       |  8254 : -07%  -70%      
 4302 : +25%  -68%       |  6175 : +13%             |  8255 : -70%            
 4303 : +18%  -68%       |  6176 : -34%  -68%       |  8256 : -70%            
 4304 : +11%             |  6177 :    Lucky 7's     |  8257 : -47%            
 4305 : +04%  -75%       |  6178 : -68%             |  8258 : -24%  -47%      
 4306 : +69%  -03%  -75% | 6180  : +21%  -13%       |  8259 : -24%            
 4307 : +62%  -10%  -75% |  6182 : -47%             | 8264  : -18%            
 4308 : +55%  -75%       |  6183 : +08%  -47%       |  8265 : -41%            
 4309 : +48%  -17%       |  6184 : -26%             |  8266 : -41%            
4310  : +41%             |  6185 : -26%             |  8267 : -64%            
 4311 : -24%             |  6186 : -05%             |  8268 : -64%            
 4312 : -82%             | 6190  : -81%             |  8269 : -12%  -64%      
 4313 : +78%  +27%  -82% |  6191 : -18%  -39%  -60% | 8271  : -35%            
 4314 : -31%  -82%       |  6192 : +03%  -60%  -81% |  8272 : -35%            
 4315 : +20%  -82%       |  6193 : -81%             |  8273 :<-06%>           
 4316 : +13%  -82%       |  6194 : -81%             |  8277 : -29%  -58%  -87%
 4317 : +57%  -38%       |  6196 : +11%  -10%       |  8278 : -58%  -87%      
 4318 : +06%             |  6198 : -31%             |  8279 : -87%            
4320  : +43%  -01%       | 6200  : +19%             | 8280  : -87%            
 4321 :<+80%> -45%       |  6201 : -02%  -52%       |  8281 : -23%  -87%      
 4322 : +73%  +36%  -08% |  6202 : -52%             |  8282 : -87%            
 4324 : +66%  +29%       |  6203 : -23%             |  8283 : -87%            
 4325 : -15%             |  6205 : +06%             |  8284 : -52%  -87%      
 4326 : +22%  -52%       |  6208 : +14%  -15%  -44% |  8285 : -17%  -52%      
 4327 : +52%  -52%       |  6209 : -73%             |  8288 : -11%            
 4328 : +15%  -89%       | 6210  : -73%             |  8289 : -46%            
 4329 : +45%  -22%  -89% |  6211 : +22%  -07%  -73% | 8290  : -46%            
4330  : +75%  -89%       |  6213 : -36%             |  8294 : -40%            
 4331 : +08%  -89%       |  6214 : -36%             |  8295 : -40%  -81%      
 4332 : +68%  -59%  -89% |  6215 : +01%             |  8296 : -81%            
 4333 : -29%  -59%  -89% |  6217 : -28%             |  8297 : -34%  -81%      
 4334 : +31%  +01%  -59% |  6218 : +09%  -28%  -65% |  8298 : -34%  -81%      
 4335 : -89%             |  6219 : -65%             |  8299 : -81%            
 4336 : +54%  -89%       | 6220  : +17%  -65%       | 8300  : -81%            
 4337 : +24%  -06%       |  6221 : -20%             |  8301 : -28%            
 4338 : -36%             |  6222 :<+25%>            |  8303 : -22%            
 4339 : -36%             |  6223 : -12%             |  8305 : -16%  -75%      
4340  : +70%  +17%       |  6224 : -57%             |  8306 : -75%            
 4341 : +40%  -13%       |  6225 : -57%             |  8307 : -10%  -75%      
 4342 : +63%  -66%       |  6226 : -04%             |  8308 : -75%            
 4343 : +10%  -66%       |  6228 : +04%  -49%       | 8310  : -69%            
 4344 : +33%  -43%  -66% |  6229 : -49%             |  8311 : -69%            
 4345 :<+79%> -43%       | 6230  : +12%             |  8312 : -69%            
 4346 : -20%             |  6231 : +20%  -41%       |  8314 : -63%            
 4347 : +49%  +26%  +03% |  6232 : -41%             |  8315 : -63%            
4350  : +65%             |  6233 : -33%             |  8316 : -63%            
 4351 : +19%  -04%  -27% |  6234 : -33%             |  8317 : -57%            
 4352 : -27%             |  6235 : -25%             |  8318 : -57%            
 4353 : +58%  -50%       |  6236 : -25%             |  8319 : -51%            
 4354 : +35%  -50%       |  6237 : -17%             | 8320  : -51%            
 4355 : +74%  +12%       |  6238 : -09%             |  8321 : -45%            
 4356 : +51%  -11%  -73% |  6239 : -01%             |  8322 : -39%            
 4357 : -73%             | 6241  : +15%  +07%       |  8323 : -33%            
 4358 : +67%  -34%  -73% |  6242 : +23%             |  8324 : -27%            
 4359 : -34%  -73%       | 6252  : +18%  +10%  -06% |  8325 : -15%  -21%      
4360  : +05%             |  6253 : -38%  -46%  -54% |  8326 : -09%            
 4361 : +60%  -18%       |  6254 : -54%  -62%  -70% | 8344  : -08%            
 4362 : +76%  -18%       |  6255 : -62%  -70%  -78% |  8345 : -14%            
 4363 : +37%  -57%       |  6256 : -70%  -78%       |  8346 : -20%  -26%      
 4364 : -02%  -57%       |  6257 : -78%             |  8347 : -26%            
 4365 : -57%             |  6258 : -78%  -86%       |  8348 : -32%            
 4366 : +14%             |  6259 : -78%  -86%       |  8349 : -38%            
 4367 : +30%  -41%       | 6260  : -86%             | 8350  : -38%            
 4368 : +46%             |  6261 : -86%             |  8351 : -44%            
 4369 : +62%  -25%       |  6262 : +21%  -86%       |  8353 : -50%            
4370  : -09%             |  6263 : +13%  -86%       |  8354 : -50%            
 4372 : +39%  +23%       |  6264 : +05%  -03%  -86% |  8355 : -56%            
 4373 : +71%             |  6266 : -11%             |  8356 : -56%            
 4377 :    Lucky 7's     |  6267 : -19%  -94%       |  8358 : -62%            
 4378 : -48%  -64%       |  6268 : -94%             |  8359 : -62%            
 4379 : -64%             |  6269 : -27%  -94%       | 8360  : -62%            
4380  : +73%  -64%       | 6270  : -94%             |  8362 :<-07%>           
 4381 : +41%  -80%       |  6271 : -35%  -94%       |  8363 : -68%            
 4382 : +25%  -80%       | 6272  :<+24%> -35%  -94% |  8364 : -13%  -68%      
 4383 : +09%  -07%  -80% |  6273 : -94%             |  8365 : -68%            
 4384 : +66%  -80%       |  6274 : +16%  -43%  -94% |  8366 : -19%            
 4385 : +50%  -23%  -80% |  6275 : -43%  -94%       |  8369 : -25%            
 4386 : +34%             |  6276 : -94%             | 8370  : -74%            
 4387 : +75%  -39%       |  6277 :    Lucky 7's     |  8371 : -74%            
 4388 : +18%  -39%       |  6278 : -51%  -94%       |  8372 : -31%  -74%      
4390  : +43%  +02%       |  6279 : -08%  -51%  -94% |  8373 : -74%            
 4391 : -14%             | 6280  : -94%             |  8375 : -37%            
 4392 : +27%  -55%       |  6281 : -16%  -94%       |  8376 : -37%            
 4393 : +52%  -55%       |  6282 : -16%  -94%       |  8379 : -43%            
 4394 :<+77%> +11%       |  6283 : -59%  -94%       | 8380  : -43%            
 4395 : +36%  -30%       |  6284 : +19%  -59%       |  8381 : -80%            
 4396 : +61%  -05%       |  6285 : -24%  -59%       |  8382 : -12%  -80%      
 4398 : +45%  +20%       |  6286 : +11%             |  8383 : -80%            
4401  : +04%  -21%  -46% |  6289 : +03%  -32%       |  8384 : -80%            
 4402 : -71%  -96%       | 6291  : -05%  -67%       |  8385 : -49%  -80%      
 4403 : -71%  -96%       |  6292 : -67%             |  8386 : -18%  -49%      
 4404 : +38%  -96%       |  6293 : +22%  -67%       | 8390  : -24%            
 4405 : +13%  -12%  -96% |  6294 : -40%             |  8392 : -55%            
 4406 : -96%             |  6295 : -13%  -40%       |  8393 : -55%            
 4407 : -37%  -96%       |  6296 : +14%             |  8395 : -30%            
 4408 : +22%  -96%       |  6299 : -21%             | 8401  : -11%  -36%  -61%
 4409 : -03%  -96%       | 6300  : +06%  -21%       |  8402 : -61%  -86%      
4410  : +31%  -96%       |  6301 : -48%             |  8403 : -86%            
 4411 : -62%  -96%       |  6303 : -02%             |  8404 : -86%            
 4412 : -28%  -62%  -96% |  6305 : -29%  -75%       |  8405 : -17%  -86%      
 4413 : +06%  -62%  -96% |  6306 : -75%             |  8406 : -17%  -86%      
 4414 : -96%             |  6307 : -10%  -75%       |  8407 : -42%  -86%      
 4415 : +15%  -19%  -96% |  6308 : -75%             |  8408 : -42%            
 4416 : +58%  -19%  -96% | 6310  : +09%  -56%       | 8411  : -23%            
 4417 : +24%  -96%       |  6311 : -56%             |  8413 : -67%            
 4418 : -10%  -53%  -96% |  6312 : -37%             |  8414 : -67%            
 4419 :<+76%> +33%  -53% |  6313 : -18%             |  8415 : -67%            
4420  : -96%             |  6314 : +01%             |  8416 : -48%            
 4421 : +42%  -01%  -96% |  6315 : +20%             |  8417 : -29%  -48%      
 4422 : +51%  -44%  -96% |  6319 : +12%  -07%  -26% |  8418 : -10%  -29%      
 4423 : -44%  -96%       | 6320  : -26%             | 8424  : -16%            
 4424 : +08%  -96%       |  6321 : -45%             |  8425 : -16%  -35%      
 4425 : +17%  -35%  -96% |  6323 :<+23%> -64%       |  8426 : -35%            
 4426 : -35%             |  6324 : -64%             |  8427 : -54%            
 4428 : +35%  -26%       |  6325 : +04%  -15%  -64% |  8428 : -54%            
 4429 : +44%  -17%       |  6328 : +15%  -34%       | 8430  : -73%            
4430  : +53%  -17%       | 6330  : -04%  -83%       |  8431 : -22%  -73%      
 4431 : +71%  -08%  -87% |  6331 : -83%             |  8432 : -22%  -73%      
 4432 : -87%             |  6332 : -53%  -83%       |  8433 : -73%            
 4433 : +01%  -87%       |  6333 : -23%  -53%  -83% |  8434 : -41%            
 4434 : +10%  -87%       |  6334 : +07%  -53%  -83% |  8435 : -41%            
 4435 : +19%  -87%       |  6335 : -83%             |  8436 : -09%            
 4436 : +37%  -87%       |  6337 : +18%  -12%       |  8439 : -28%            
 4437 : +55%  -78%  -87% |  6338 : -42%             | 8440  : -28%            
 4438 : +73%  -78%  -87% |  6339 : -42%             |  8441 : -60%            
 4439 : -69%  -78%       | 6340  : -01%             |  8442 : -60%            
4440  : -69%  -78%       |  6343 : +10%  -31%  -72% |  8443 : -15%            
 4441 : -51%  -60%  -69% |  6344 : -72%             |  8446 : -47%            
 4442 : -33%  -42%  -51% |  6345 : +21%  -72%       |  8447 : -47%            
 4443 : -06%  -15%  -24% |  6346 : -20%  -72%       |  8449 : -34%            
 4444 : +48%  +30%  +03% |  6348 : -09%             | 8450  : -34%            
4451  : +68%  +59%       |  6349 : -61%             |  8451 : -21%  -92%      
 4452 : +50%  +41%       | 6350  : -61%             |  8452 : -92%            
 4453 : +32%  +23%       |  6351 : -61%             |  8453 :<-08%> -92%      
 4454 : +14%             |  6352 : +13%             |  8454 : -92%            
 4455 : +05%  -04%       |  6353 : -50%             |  8455 : -92%            
 4456 : -13%             |  6354 : -50%             |  8456 : -92%            
 4457 : -22%             |  6355 : -39%             |  8457 : -92%            
 4458 : +61%  -31%       |  6356 : -28%             |  8458 : -79%  -92%      
 4459 : +52%  -31%       |  6357 : -17%             |  8459 : -66%  -79%  -92%
4460  : +43%             |  6358 : -06%             | 8460  : -53%  -66%  -79%
 4461 : +34%  -40%       | 6360  : +16%  +05%       |  8461 : -14%  -27%  -40%
 4462 : +25%             |  6368 : +08%  -03%  -14% |  8462 : -92%            
 4463 : +16%  -49%       |  6369 : -25%  -36%       | 8471  : -20%            
 4464 : -49%             | 6370  : -36%  -47%       |  8472 : -33%            
 4465 : +63%  +07%       |  6371 : -47%             |  8473 : -33%            
 4466 : +54%  -02%       |  6372 : -58%             |  8475 : -46%            
 4467 : +45%  -58%       |  6373 : -58%             |  8479 : -13%  -59%      
 4468 : -11%  -58%       |  6375 :<+22%> -69%       | 8480  : -59%            
 4469 : +36%  -58%       |  6376 : +11%  -69%       |  8482 : -26%            
4470  :<+74%>            |  6377 :    Lucky 7's     |  8486 : -39%  -72%      
 4471 : +65%  -20%       |  6378 : -11%             |  8487 : -72%            
 4473 : +56%  -67%       | 6380  : -22%             |  8488 : -72%            
 4474 : -29%  -67%       |  6381 : -80%             |  8489 : -19%  -72%      
 4475 : +09%  -67%       |  6382 : -80%             | 8490  : -19%            
 4477 :    Lucky 7's     |  6383 : -33%  -80%       |  8492 : -52%            
 4478 : -38%             |  6384 : +14%  -80%       |  8493 : -52%            
 4479 : +29%  -38%       |  6385 : -80%             |  8495 : -32%            
4480  : -09%             |  6386 : +03%  -44%       |  8496 : -12%            
 4481 : +20%             |  6387 : -08%  -44%       | 8502  : -25%  -45%      
 4483 : -18%             |  6388 : -08%             |  8503 : -45%  -65%      
 4484 : +40%  -18%  -47% | 6391  : +17%  -19%       |  8504 : -65%            
 4485 : -76%             |  6392 : -55%             |  8505 : -65%            
 4486 : +60%  -76%       |  6393 : -55%             |  8507 : -85%            
 4487 : +31%  -76%       |  6394 : +06%             |  8508 : -18%  -85%      
 4488 : +02%  -27%       |  6395 : -30%             |  8509 : -85%            
 4489 : -27%             |  6396 : -05%             | 8510  : -38%  -85%      
4490  : +71%  +22%       |  6398 : +20%             |  8511 : -38%  -85%      
 4491 : +42%  -07%  -56% | 6401  : +09%  -16%  -41% |  8512 : -85%            
 4492 : +62%  -56%       |  6402 : -66%  -91%       |  8513 : -11%  -85%      
 4493 : +13%  -56%       |  6403 : -91%             |  8515 : -58%            
 4494 : +33%  -36%       |  6404 : -91%             |  8516 : -31%  -58%      
 4495 : +53%  -36%       |  6405 : -02%  -91%       |  8517 : -31%            
 4496 : -16%             |  6406 : -27%  -91%       | 8522  : -24%            
 4498 : +44%  +24%  +04% |  6407 : -91%             |  8523 : -51%            
4502  : +15%  -05%  -25% |  6408 : -91%             |  8524 : -51%            
 4503 : -45%  -65%       |  6409 : -52%  -91%       |  8526 : -17%            
 4504 : -65%             | 6410  : -13%  -52%  -91% |  8528 : -78%            
 4505 : +46%  -65%       |  6411 : -91%             |  8529 : -10%  -44%  -78%
 4506 : +26%             |  6413 : +01%  -38%       | 8530  : -10%  -44%  -78%
 4507 : +06%  -14%  -85% |  6414 : -38%             |  8531 : -78%            
 4508 : +57%  -14%  -85% |  6415 : +15%             |  8534 : -37%            
 4509 : +37%  -85%       |  6416 : -24%             |  8538 : -30%  -71%      
4510  : -34%  -85%       |  6417 : -24%             |  8539 : -71%            
 4511 : +17%  -85%       |  6418 : -10%  -77%       | 8540  : -71%            
 4512 : +48%  -03%  -85% |  6419 : -77%             |  8541 : -23%  -71%      
 4513 : -85%             | 6420  : -77%             |  8543 : -16%            
 4514 : +59%  +28%  -54% |  6421 : +04%  -77%       |  8544 : -16%            
 4515 : -23%  -54%       |  6422 : +18%  -63%       |  8545 : -64%            
 4516 : +70%  +39%  +08% |  6423 : -63%             |  8546 :<-09%> -64%      
 4519 : +19%  -12%       |  6424 : -49%  -63%       |  8547 : -64%            
4520  : +61%  -43%       |  6425 : -35%  -49%       |  8549 : -57%            
 4521 : +30%  -43%       |  6426 : -07%  -21%  -35% | 8550  : -57%            
 4522 :<+72%> -01%       |  6428 :<+21%> +07%       |  8551 : -57%            
 4523 : +41%             | 6434  : +10%  -04%       |  8553 : -50%            
 4524 : -32%  -74%       |  6435 : -18%             |  8554 : -50%            
 4525 : +10%  -32%  -74% |  6436 : -32%             |  8555 : -43%            
 4526 : +63%  -74%       |  6438 : -46%             |  8556 : -43%            
 4527 : +21%  -21%       | 6440  : +13%             |  8557 : -36%            
 4529 : -10%             |  6441 : -01%  -60%       |  8558 : -29%            
4530  : +43%  -10%  -63% |  6442 : -60%             |  8559 : -22%  -29%      
 4531 : +54%  -63%       |  6443 : -15%             | 8560  : -22%            
 4532 : +65%  +01%  -63% |  6446 : +16%  -29%       |  8561 : -15%            
 4534 : -52%             |  6447 : -74%             |  8577 : -14%            
 4535 : -52%             |  6448 : -74%             |  8578 : -21%  -28%      
 4536 : +45%  -41%       |  6449 : +02%  -74%       |  8579 : -28%  -35%      
 4537 : +56%  -41%       | 6450  : -43%  -74%       | 8580  : -35%  -42%      
 4538 : -30%             |  6451 : -12%             |  8581 : -42%  -49%      
 4539 : -19%             |  6452 : +19%             |  8582 : -49%  -56%      
4540  : -08%             |  6455 : +05%  -26%       |  8583 : -56%            
 4541 : +03%             |  6456 : -57%             |  8584 : -56%  -63%      
 4542 : +36%  +25%  +14% |  6457 : -57%             |  8585 : -63%            
 4543 : +69%  +58%       |  6458 : -09%  -57%       |  8586 : -63%            
 4548 :<+71%>            | 6461  : +08%  -40%       |  8587 : -70%            
 4549 : +38%  +27%  -06% |  6463 : -23%             |  8588 : -70%            
4550  : +05%  -06%  -17% |  6464 : -06%             |  8589 : -70%            
 4551 : -28%  -39%       |  6466 : +11%             | 8590  : -70%            
 4552 : -39%             |  6467 : -88%             |  8592 : -77%            
 4553 : -50%             |  6468 : -88%             |  8593 : -77%            
 4554 : +62%  -50%  -61% |  6469 : -71%  -88%       |  8594 : -13%  -77%      
 4555 : -61%             | 6470  : -37%  -54%  -71% |  8595 : -77%            
 4556 : +29%  -61%       |  6471 : -03%  -20%  -37% |  8596 : -20%            
 4557 : +18%             |  6472 : -71%  -88%       |  8598 : -27%            
 4558 : +07%  -72%       |  6473 : -88%             | 8601  : -34%  -84%      
 4559 : -04%  -72%       |  6474 : -88%             |  8602 : -84%            
4560  : -72%             |  6475 : -88%             |  8603 : -84%            
 4561 : -15%             |  6477 :    Lucky 7's     |  8604 : -41%  -84%      
 4563 : +31%  -26%       |  6478 : -17%             |  8605 : -41%  -84%      
 4565 : +66%  +20%  -83% |  6479 : -34%             |  8606 : -84%            
 4566 : +55%  -37%  -83% | 6480  : -34%             |  8608 : -48%            
 4567 : -83%             |  6481 :<+20%>            |  8609 : -48%            
 4568 : +44%  -02%  -83% |  6482 : -51%             | 8610  : -12%            
 4569 : -83%             |  6483 : +03%  -51%       |  8613 : -19%            
4570  : +68%  -48%  -83% |  6484 : -14%             |  8614 : -55%            
 4571 : -13%  -48%       |  6487 : -31%             |  8615 : -55%            
 4572 : +22%             |  6488 : +06%  -31%  -68% |  8617 : -26%            
 4574 : +11%  -24%       |  6489 : -68%             | 8621  : -33%            
 4575 :<+70%> -24%       | 6490  : -11%  -68%       |  8622 : -33%  -62%      
 4576 : +35%  -59%       |  6491 : -11%             |  8623 : -62%  -91%      
 4577 :    Lucky 7's     |  6493 : +09%  -48%       |  8624 : -91%            
 4578 : -59%             |  6494 : -48%             |  8625 : -11%  -91%      
 4579 : +24%  -35%       |  6495 : -28%             |  8626 : -91%            
4580  : -11%  -35%       |  6496 : -08%             |  8627 : -40%  -91%      
 4582 : +61%  +37%  +13% |  6498 : +12%             |  8628 : -40%  -91%      
 4585 : +50%  +26%  -22% | 6502  : +15%  -05%  -25% |  8629 : -91%            
 4586 : +02%  -46%       |  6503 : -45%  -65%       | 8630  : -18%  -91%      
 4587 : -46%  -70%       |  6504 : -65%             |  8631 : -91%            
 4588 : +39%  -70%       |  6505 : -65%             |  8632 : -91%            
 4589 : +15%  -70%       |  6506 : +18%             |  8633 : -69%  -91%      
4590  : -09%  -70%       |  6507 : -02%  -85%       |  8634 : -47%  -69%      
 4592 : +28%  -33%       |  6508 : -22%  -85%       |  8635 : -25%  -47%  -69%
 4594 : +41%  +04%       |  6509 : -85%             |  8636 : -25%            
 4596 : +17%  -20%  -57% | 6510  : -85%             | 8641  :<-10%>           
 4597 : -57%             |  6511 : -42%  -85%       |  8642 : -32%            
 4598 : +30%  -07%       |  6512 : +01%  -42%  -85% |  8644 : -54%            
4600  : +43%             |  6513 : -85%             |  8645 : -54%            
 4601 : +56%  +06%  -44% |  6514 : -19%             |  8646 : -17%            
 4602 :<+69%> -94%       |  6516 : -62%             | 8650  : -39%            
 4603 : +19%  -31%  -94% |  6517 : +04%  -62%       |  8651 : -76%            
 4604 : +32%  -31%  -94% |  6518 : -62%             |  8652 : -76%            
 4605 : +45%  -18%  -94% |  6519 : -39%             |  8653 : -24%  -76%      
 4606 : +58%  -18%  -94% | 6520  : -16%             |  8654 : -76%            
 4607 : -05%  -94%       |  6521 : +07%             |  8657 : -61%            
 4608 : -94%             |  6525 : +10%  -13%       |  8658 : -61%            
 4609 : +08%  -94%       |  6526 : -36%             | 8660  : -46%            
4610  : +34%  -94%       |  6527 : -59%             |  8661 : -31%  -46%      
 4611 : +60%  -81%  -94% |  6528 : -59%             |  8662 : -16%  -31%      
 4612 : -81%  -94%       |  6529 : +13%  -10%  -59% |  8663 : -16%            
 4613 : -68%  -81%  -94% | 6530  : -10%             | 8671  : -23%  -38%      
 4614 : -42%  -55%  -68% |  6532 : +16%  -33%       |  8672 : -38%            
 4615 : -03%  -16%  -29% |  6534 : -07%  -82%       |  8673 : -53%            
 4616 : +49%  +23%  +10% |  6535 : -82%             |  8674 : -53%            
4621  : +51%             |  6536 :<+19%> -82%       |  8676 : -68%            
 4622 : +25%             |  6537 : -56%  -82%       |  8677 : -68%            
 4623 : +12%  -01%       |  6538 : -04%  -30%  -56% |  8678 : -15%  -68%      
 4624 : -14%             | 6542  : -01%             | 8681  : -30%            
 4625 : +66%  -27%       |  6543 : -27%             |  8683 : -83%            
 4626 : +53%  -27%       |  6545 : -53%             |  8684 : -45%  -83%      
 4627 : +40%  -40%       |  6546 : -53%             |  8685 : -45%  -83%      
 4628 : +27%  -40%       |  6547 : +02%             |  8686 : -83%            
 4629 : +14%             |  6548 : -24%             |  8687 : -83%            
4630  : -53%             | 6550  : +05%             |  8688 : -22%  -83%      
 4631 : +01%  -53%       |  6552 : -21%             | 8691  : -60%            
 4632 : +42%  -12%       |  6553 : +08%  -21%  -50% |  8692 : -60%            
 4634 : +29%             |  6554 : -50%  -79%       |  8693 : -37%            
 4635 : -25%             |  6555 : -79%             |  8694 : -14%            
 4636 : +16%  -25%  -66% |  6556 : +11%  -79%       |  8699 : -29%            
 4637 : +44%  -66%       |  6557 : -18%  -79%       | 8700  : -29%            
 4638 : +03%  -66%       |  6559 : +14%  -47%       |  8701 : -52%            
 4639 : +31%  -38%       | 6560  : -47%             |  8702 : -52%            
4640  : +59%  -38%       |  6561 : -15%             |  8704 : -21%            
 4641 : -10%             |  6562 : +17%             |  8705 : -21%  -75%      
 4642 : +46%  +18%       |  6564 : -12%             |  8706 : -75%            
 4645 : +05%  -23%  -51% |  6565 : -44%             |  8707 : -75%            
 4646 : -51%             |  6566 : -44%             |  8708 : -44%  -75%      
 4647 : +48%             |  6567 : -76%             |  8709 : -13%            
 4648 : +20%  -08%  -79% |  6568 : -09%  -76%       | 8713  : -36%            
 4649 : +63%  -79%       |  6569 : -76%             |  8714 : -36%            
4650  : +35%  -79%       | 6570  : -41%  -76%       |  8716 : -67%            
 4651 : -36%  -79%       |  6571 : -06%  -41%       |  8717 : -28%  -67%      
 4652 : +50%  +07%  -79% |  6574 : -03%             |  8718 : -28%  -67%      
 4653 : +65%             |  6575 : -38%             | 8721  : -20%            
 4654 : +22%  -21%       |  6577 :    Lucky 7's     |  8722 : -59%            
 4655 : +37%             |  6578 : -73%             |  8723 : -12%  -59%      
 4656 : +52%  -06%  -64% |  6579 : -35%  -73%       |  8724 : -59%            
 4657 :<+67%> -64%       | 6580  : +03%  -35%  -73% |  8727 : -51%            
 4658 : +09%  -64%       |  6581 : -73%             |  8728 : -51%            
 4659 : +24%  -49%       |  6583 : +06%  -32%       | 8730  : -43%            
4660  : +39%  -49%       |  6585 : +09%             |  8731 : -43%            
 4661 : +54%  -34%       |  6586 : -29%             |  8733 : -35%            
 4662 : -19%  -34%       |  6587 : +12%  -29%  -70% |  8735 : -27%            
 4663 : -04%             |  6588 : -70%             |  8736 : -19%            
 4664 : +11%             |  6589 : +15%  -70%       |  8737 : -19%            
 4665 : +56%  +41%  +26% | 6590  : -26%  -70%       |  8738 :<-11%>           
 4669 : +58%             |  6591 :<+18%>            | 8752  : -18%  -26%  -34%
4670  : +13%  -02%  -17% |  6593 : -23%             |  8753 : -34%  -42%  -50%
 4671 : -17%  -32%       |  6594 : -67%             |  8754 : -50%  -58%  -66%
 4672 : -32%  -47%       |  6595 : -67%             |  8755 : -66%  -74%      
 4673 : -47%             |  6596 : -20%  -67%       |  8756 : -74%  -82%      
 4674 : +45%  -62%       |  6598 : -17%             |  8757 : -74%  -82%      
 4675 : +30%  -62%       | 6601  : -14%  -64%       |  8758 : -82%            
 4676 : +15%  -62%       |  6602 : -64%             |  8759 : -82%            
 4677 :    Lucky 7's     |  6603 : -11%             | 8760  : -82%            
 4678 : -15%             |  6605 : -08%             |  8761 : -82%  -90%      
 4679 : -77%             |  6606 : -61%             |  8762 : -90%            
4680  : +32%  -77%       |  6607 : -05%  -61%       |  8763 : -90%            
 4681 : -30%  -77%       |  6609 : -02%             |  8764 : -90%            
 4682 : +17%  -77%       | 6610  : -58%             |  8765 : -90%            
 4683 : +49%             |  6611 : +01%  -58%       |  8766 : -90%            
 4684 : +02%  -45%       |  6613 : +04%             |  8767 : -17%  -90%      
 4685 :<+66%> +34%  -45% |  6614 : -55%             |  8768 : -90%            
 4686 : -13%             |  6615 : -55%             |  8769 : -25%  -90%      
 4687 : +51%  +19%       |  6616 : +10%             | 8770  : -90%            
 4689 : +36%  -28%       |  6617 : +13%  -52%       |  8771 : -33%            
4690  : +04%  -28%       |  6618 : -52%             |  8773 : -41%            
 4691 : +53%  -60%       | 6620  : -49%             |  8774 : -41%            
 4692 : +21%  -60%       |  6621 : -49%             |  8777 : -49%            
 4693 : -11%             |  6623 : -46%             |  8778 : -49%            
 4694 : +38%             |  6624 : -46%             | 8781  : -16%            
 4695 : +55%  -43%       |  6625 : -43%             |  8782 : -16%  -57%      
 4696 : +06%  -43%       |  6626 : -43%             |  8783 : -57%            
 4697 : +23%             |  6627 : -40%             |  8785 : -24%            
 4698 : +40%  -26%       |  6628 : -40%             |  8789 : -32%  -65%      
 4699 : +57%  -09%       |  6629 : -37%             | 8790  : -65%            
4700  : -09%             | 6630  : -37%             |  8791 : -65%            
 4701 : +08%  -92%       |  6631 : -34%             |  8794 : -40%            
 4702 : +25%  -92%       |  6632 : -31%             |  8795 : -40%            
 4703 : +59%  -92%       |  6633 : -31%             |  8796 : -15%            
 4704 : -92%             |  6634 : -28%             | 8801  : -23%  -48%  -73%
 4705 : -58%  -75%  -92% |  6635 : -25%             |  8802 : -73%  -98%      
 4706 : -07%  -24%  -41% |  6636 : -22%  -25%       |  8803 : -73%  -98%      
 4707 : +10%  -58%  -75% |  6637 : -22%             |  8804 : -98%            
 4708 : -75%  -92%       |  6638 : -19%             |  8805 : -98%            
 4709 : -92%             |  6639 : -16%             |  8806 : -31%  -98%      
4710  : +63%  -92%       | 6640  : -13%             |  8807 : -31%  -98%      
 4711 : +29%  -92%       |  6641 : -07%  -10%       |  8808 : -98%            
 4712 : +12%  -05%  -92% |  6642 : -04%             |  8809 : -98%            
 4713 : -22%             |  6643 : -01%             | 8810  : -14%  -56%  -98%
 4714 : -22%             |  6645 : +05%  +02%       |  8811 : -56%  -98%      
 4715 : -39%             |  6646 : +11%  +08%       |  8812 : -98%            
 4716 : +31%  -39%       |  6647 : +14%             |  8813 : -98%            
 4717 : +14%             |  6676 : +15%  +12%       |  8814 : -39%  -98%      
 4718 : -03%             |  6677 :    Lucky 7's     |  8815 : -98%            
 4719 : -56%             |  6678 : -09%  -12%  -15% |  8816 : -22%  -98%      
4720  : +33%  -56%       |  6679 : -18%  -21%  -24% |  8817 : -98%            
 4721 : -20%             | 6680  : -24%  -27%       |  8818 : -98%            
 4722 : +52%  +16%       |  6681 : -30%  -33%       |  8819 : -98%            
 4724 : +35%  -01%  -37% |  6682 : -33%  -36%  -39% | 8820  : -98%            
 4725 : -37%             |  6683 : -39%  -42%       |  8821 : -98%            
 4726 : -73%             |  6684 : -42%  -45%       |  8822 : -81%  -98%      
 4727 : +18%  -18%  -73% |  6685 : -45%  -48%       |  8823 : -13%  -30%  -47%
 4728 : +37%  -18%  -73% |  6686 : -48%  -51%       |  8824 : -13%  -30%  -47%
 4729 : +56%  -73%       |  6687 : -51%  -54%       |  8825 : -64%  -81%  -98%
4730  : +01%             |  6688 : -54%             |  8826 : -81%  -98%      
 4731 : +20%  -54%       |  6689 : -54%  -57%       |  8827 : -98%            
 4732 : +39%  -54%       | 6690  : -57%             |  8828 : -98%            
 4733 : -35%             |  6691 : -60%             |  8829 : -98%            
 4734 : -16%             |  6692 : -60%  -63%       | 8830  : -98%            
 4735 : +03%             |  6693 : -63%             |  8831 : -21%  -98%      
 4736 : +60%  +41%  +22% |  6694 : -63%             |  8832 : -98%            
 4739 : +62%             |  6695 : -66%             |  8833 : -38%  -98%      
4740  : +24%  -14%       |  6696 : -66%             |  8834 : -98%            
 4741 : -33%             |  6697 : -66%  -69%       |  8835 : -98%            
 4742 : -52%             |  6698 : -69%             |  8836 : -55%  -98%      
 4743 : +45%  -52%       |  6699 : -69%             |  8837 :<-12%> -55%  -98%
 4744 : +26%             | 6700  : -69%             |  8838 : -98%            
 4745 : +07%  -71%       |  6701 : -72%             |  8839 : -98%            
 4746 : -12%  -71%       |  6702 : -72%             | 8840  : -29%  -98%      
 4747 : -71%             |  6703 : -72%             |  8841 : -98%            
 4748 : +28%  -31%  -71% |  6705 :<+16%> -75%       |  8842 : -98%            
 4749 : -31%             |  6706 : +13%  -75%       |  8843 : -72%  -98%      
4750  : +49%  +09%       |  6707 : +10%  -75%       |  8844 : -72%  -98%      
 4752 : +30%  -10%       |  6708 : +07%  -75%       |  8845 : -46%  -72%  -98%
 4753 : +51%  -50%       |  6709 : +04%             |  8846 : -20%  -46%  -72%
 4754 : -50%             | 6710  : +01%  -78%       |  8847 : -98%            
 4755 : -29%             |  6711 : -02%  -78%       |  8848 : -98%            
 4756 : +32%  -29%       |  6712 : -05%  -78%       |  8849 : -98%            
 4757 : -08%             |  6713 : -78%             | 8850  : -98%            
 4759 : +34%  +13%       |  6714 : -08%             |  8851 : -37%            
4760  : +55%             |  6715 : -11%             |  8852 : -37%            
 4761 : -90%             |  6716 : -81%             |  8855 : -63%            
 4762 : -06%  -27%  -48% |  6717 : -14%  -81%       |  8856 : -28%  -63%      
 4763 : +15%  -27%  -48% |  6718 : -81%             | 8860  : -19%            
 4764 : -69%  -90%       |  6719 : -17%  -81%       |  8861 : -54%            
 4765 : -90%             | 6720  : -81%             |  8862 : -54%            
 4766 : +59%  +38%  -90% |  6721 : -20%  -81%       |  8863 : -54%            
 4767 : +17%  -04%  -90% |  6723 : -23%             |  8866 : -45%            
 4768 : -90%             |  6725 : -26%             |  8867 : -45%            
 4769 : -25%  -90%       |  6726 : -84%             |  8869 : -36%            
4770  : +40%  -90%       |  6727 : -29%  -84%       | 8870  : -36%            
 4771 : +19%  -46%       |  6728 : -29%  -84%       |  8872 : -27%            
 4772 : -02%  -46%       |  6729 : -84%             |  8873 : -89%            
 4773 : +42%             | 6730  : -32%  -84%       |  8874 : -18%  -89%      
 4775 : +21%  -23%       |  6731 : -84%             |  8875 : -89%            
 4776 : +44%  -67%       |  6733 : -35%             |  8876 : -89%            
 4777 :    Lucky 7's     |  6735 : +14%             |  8877 : -89%            
 4778 : -67%             |  6736 : -38%             |  8878 : -89%            
 4779 : +46%  -44%       |  6737 : -38%             |  8879 : -89%            
4780  : -21%  -44%       |  6738 : +08%             | 8880  : -89%            
 4781 : -21%             |  6739 : -41%  -87%       |  8881 : -80%  -89%      
 4782 : +48%  +25%  +02% | 6740  : -41%  -87%       |  8882 : -80%            
 4785 : +50%             |  6741 : -87%             |  8883 : -71%  -80%      
 4786 : +04%  -19%       |  6742 : -87%             |  8884 : -71%  -80%      
 4787 : -42%             |  6743 : +02%  -44%  -87% |  8885 : -62%  -71%  -80%
 4788 : +52%             |  6744 : -01%  -44%  -87% |  8886 : -44%  -53%  -62%
 4789 : +29%  -65%       |  6745 : -87%             |  8887 : -17%  -26%  -35%
4790  : +06%  -65%       |  6746 : -04%  -87%       | 8901  : -16%            
 4791 : -17%  -65%       |  6748 : -47%             |  8902 : -25%            
 4792 : +31%             |  6749 : -07%  -47%       |  8904 : -34%            
 4793 : +56%             | 6752  : -10%             |  8906 : -43%            
 4794 : +08%  -40%       |  6753 : -50%             |  8907 : -43%            
 4795 : +33%  -40%       |  6754 : -50%             |  8909 : -52%            
 4796 : +58%  -15%       |  6755 : -13%             | 8910  : -52%            
 4798 : +35%  +10%       |  6758 : -16%  -53%       |  8913 : -15%  -61%      
4801  : +62%  +12%  -13% |  6759 : -53%             |  8914 : -15%  -61%      
 4802 : -63%  -88%       | 6761  : -19%  -90%       |  8915 : -61%            
 4803 : -88%             |  6762 : -90%             |  8916 : -24%            
 4804 : +39%  -88%       |  6763 :<+15%> -90%       |  8917 : -24%            
 4805 : +14%  -11%  -88% |  6764 : -56%  -90%       | 8920  : -33%            
 4806 : -88%             |  6765 : -22%  -56%  -90% |  8921 : -70%            
 4807 : +41%  -36%  -88% |  6766 : +12%  -90%       |  8922 : -70%            
 4808 : +16%  -88%       |  6767 : -90%             |  8923 : -70%            
 4809 : -09%             |  6768 : +09%  -90%       |  8925 : -42%            
4811  : -61%             |  6769 : -25%  -90%       |  8926 : -14%            
 4812 : +45%  -61%       | 6770  : -90%             | 8930  : -23%            
 4813 : -07%  -34%       |  6771 : +06%  -59%       |  8931 : -23%  -51%      
 4815 : +20%             |  6772 : -59%             |  8932 : -51%            
 4817 : +49%  -05%       |  6773 : -28%  -59%       |  8934 : -79%            
 4818 : +22%  -32%       |  6774 : +03%             |  8935 : -79%            
 4819 : -32%             |  6777 :    Lucky 7's     |  8936 : -32%  -79%      
4820  : -59%             |  6778 : -31%             |  8937 : -79%            
 4821 : -03%  -59%       |  6779 : -62%             |  8938 :<-13%> -79%      
 4822 : +53%             | 6780  : -03%  -62%       |  8939 :<-13%>           
 4823 : -30%             |  6781 : -62%             | 8941  : -60%            
 4824 : +55%  -30%       |  6782 : -34%             |  8942 : -60%            
 4825 : -01%             |  6783 : -06%  -34%       |  8943 : -41%            
 4826 : +28%             |  6784 : -06%             |  8944 : -22%  -41%      
 4828 : -28%  -57%       |  6787 : -09%             | 8951  : -31%            
 4829 : +30%  +01%  -28% |  6788 : -37%             |  8952 : -31%            
4830  : -57%  -86%       |  6789 : -65%             |  8953 : -50%            
 4831 :<+61%> -86%       | 6790  : -65%             |  8954 : -50%            
 4832 : -86%             |  6791 : -12%  -65%       |  8955 : -69%            
 4833 : +03%  -26%  -86% |  6792 : -12%             |  8956 : -69%            
 4834 : +34%  -86%       |  6794 : +13%  -40%       |  8957 : -21%  -69%      
 4835 : -86%             |  6795 : -40%             |  8958 : -21%  -69%      
 4836 : +05%  -55%       |  6796 : -15%             | 8961  : -40%            
 4837 : -24%  -55%       |  6798 : +10%             |  8966 : -30%  -59%      
 4838 : -24%             | 6801  : +07%  -18%  -43% |  8967 : -30%  -59%  -88%
 4839 : +38%  +07%       |  6802 : -68%  -93%       |  8968 : -59%  -88%      
4841  : +40%             |  6803 : -68%  -93%       |  8969 : -88%            
 4842 : +09%  -22%       |  6804 : -93%             | 8970  : -88%            
 4843 : +42%  -53%       |  6805 : +04%  -93%       |  8971 : -20%  -88%      
 4844 : -53%             |  6806 : -21%  -93%       |  8972 : -88%            
 4845 : +11%             |  6807 : -93%             |  8973 : -49%  -88%      
 4846 : -20%             |  6808 : -46%  -93%       |  8974 : -49%  -88%      
 4847 : +13%             |  6809 : +01%  -46%  -93% |  8975 : -88%            
 4849 : -18%  -51%       | 6810  : -93%             |  8978 : -39%            
4850  : +48%  -18%  -51% |  6811 : -24%  -93%       | 8981  : -29%            
 4851 : -51%  -84%       |  6812 : -93%             |  8982 : -78%            
 4852 : +50%  -84%       |  6813 : -02%  -93%       |  8983 : -19%  -78%      
 4853 : -16%  -84%       |  6814 : -71%  -93%       |  8984 : -78%            
 4854 : -84%             |  6815 : -71%             |  8985 : -78%            
 4855 : +19%  -49%  -84% |  6816 : -49%  -71%       |  8986 : -78%            
 4856 : -14%  -49%  -84% |  6817 : -05%  -27%  -49% |  8988 : -68%            
 4859 : +58%             | 6822  :<+14%> -08%       |  8989 : -68%            
4860  : +23%  -12%       |  6823 : -30%             | 8990  : -68%            
 4861 :<+60%> -47%       |  6824 : -30%             |  8991 : -58%            
 4862 : +25%  -47%       |  6826 : -52%             |  8992 : -58%            
 4863 : -10%             |  6827 : +11%  -11%  -52% |  8993 : -48%            
 4864 : +27%             |  6828 : -11%             |  8994 : -38%  -48%      
 4866 : +29%  -08%  -45% | 6830  : -33%             |  8995 : -28%  -38%      
 4867 : -45%  -82%       |  6831 : +08%  -33%  -74% |  8996 : -18%            
 4868 : +31%  -82%       |  6832 : -74%             |  9008 : -17%            
 4869 : -06%  -82%       |  6833 : -14%  -74%       |  9009 : -27%            
4870  : +33%  -82%       |  6834 : -74%             | 9010  : -37%            
 4871 : -04%  -43%  -82% |  6836 : +05%  -55%       |  9011 : -37%            
 4872 : +35%  -82%       |  6837 : -55%             |  9012 : -47%            
 4874 : +37%  -02%       |  6838 : -36%             |  9013 : -47%            
 4875 : -41%             |  6839 : -17%  -36%       |  9014 : -57%            
 4876 : +39%  -41%       | 6841  : +02%             |  9015 : -57%            
 4877 :    Lucky 7's     |  6845 : -01%             |  9016 : -57%            
 4878 : +41%             |  6846 : -20%  -39%       |  9019 : -67%            
 4879 : -39%             |  6847 : -39%             | 9020  : -16%  -67%      
4880  : +02%  -39%       |  6848 : -58%             |  9021 : -67%            
 4881 : +45%  -80%       |  6849 : -58%             |  9022 : -26%            
 4882 : +04%  -80%       | 6850  : -58%             |  9026 : -36%            
 4883 : -37%  -80%       |  6851 : -04%             |  9027 : -77%            
 4884 : +06%  -37%  -80% |  6852 : -23%             |  9028 : -77%            
 4885 : -80%             |  6853 : -23%  -77%       |  9029 : -77%            
 4886 : +51%             |  6854 : -77%             | 9030  : -46%  -77%      
 4887 : +53%  +08%  -35% |  6855 : +12%  -77%       |  9031 : -15%  -46%      
 4889 : +55%  +10%       |  6856 : -07%  -42%  -77% |  9035 : -25%            
4890  : +57%  -33%       | 6860  : +09%  -26%       |  9036 : -25%            
 4891 : +12%  -33%  -78% |  6862 : -61%             |  9037 : -56%            
 4892 : -78%             |  6863 : -10%  -61%       |  9038 : -56%            
 4893 : -31%  -78%       |  6864 : -61%             | 9041  : -35%            
 4894 : +16%  -31%  -78% |  6866 : +06%  -45%       |  9042 :<-14%>           
 4895 : -78%             |  6867 : -45%             |  9043 :<-14%>           
 4896 : +18%  -29%       |  6868 : -29%             |  9047 : -87%            
 4897 : -29%             |  6869 : -13%  -29%       |  9048 : -24%  -45%  -66%
 4898 : +20%             | 6870  : -13%             |  9049 : -45%  -66%  -87%
 4899 : -27%             |  6871 : +03%             | 9050  : -66%  -87%      
4900  : +22%  -27%       |  6877 :    Lucky 7's     |  9051 : -87%            
 4901 : +24%  -76%       |  6878 : -48%  -64%       |  9052 : -87%            
 4902 : -25%  -76%       |  6879 : -64%             |  9053 : -87%            
 4903 : +26%  -76%       | 6880  : -64%             |  9055 : -34%            
 4904 : +28%  -23%  -76% |  6881 : -80%             |  9056 : -34%            
 4905 : -23%             |  6882 : -80%             |  9058 : -55%            
 4906 : +30%             |  6883 :<+13%> -03%  -80% |  9059 : -55%            
 4907 : +32%  -21%       |  6884 : -19%  -80%       | 9060  : -23%  -55%      
 4908 : -74%             |  6885 : -19%  -80%       |  9061 : -23%            
 4909 : -19%  -74%       |  6887 : -35%             |  9065 : -44%            
4910  : +36%  -74%       |  6889 : +10%             |  9066 : -44%            
 4911 : +38%  -17%  -74% | 6890  : -06%  -51%       |  9067 : -76%            
 4912 : -17%             |  6891 : -51%             |  9068 : -76%            
 4913 : -15%             |  6893 : -22%             |  9069 : -33%  -76%      
 4914 : +42%  -15%       |  6895 : +07%             | 9070  : -33%  -76%      
 4915 : +44%  -13%  -72% |  6897 : -09%  -38%  -67% |  9072 : -22%            
 4916 : +46%  -13%  -72% |  6898 : -38%  -67%       |  9073 : -22%            
 4917 : +48%  -11%  -72% |  6899 : -67%             |  9075 : -65%            
 4919 : -09%             | 6900  : -67%             |  9076 : -65%            
4921  : -07%  -70%       |  6901 : +04%  -96%       |  9077 : -65%            
 4922 : -70%             |  6902 : -25%  -96%       |  9079 : -54%            
 4923 : -05%  -70%       |  6903 : -96%             | 9080  : -54%            
 4924 : -03%             |  6904 : -96%             |  9081 : -43%            
 4926 : -01%  -68%       |  6905 : -12%  -54%  -96% |  9082 : -43%            
 4927 : -68%             |  6906 : -54%  -96%       |  9083 : -32%            
 4928 : +01%  -68%       |  6907 : -96%             |  9084 : -21%            
4930  : +03%  -66%       |  6908 : +01%  -96%       |  9096 : -20%  -31%      
 4931 : +05%  -66%       |  6909 : -41%  -96%       |  9097 : -31%  -42%      
 4932 : +07%  -66%       | 6910  : -41%  -96%       |  9098 : -42%  -53%      
 4934 : -64%             |  6911 : -96%             |  9099 : -53%            
 4935 : +11%  -64%       |  6912 : -28%  -96%       | 9100  : -53%            
 4936 : +13%  -64%       |  6913 : -15%  -96%       |  9101 : -64%            
 4937 : +15%  -62%       |  6914 : -15%  -96%       |  9102 : -64%            
 4938 : +17%  -62%       |  6915 : -02%  -96%       |  9105 : -75%            
 4939 : +19%  -62%       |  6916 : -96%             |  9106 : -75%            
4940  : +21%             |  6917 : +11%  -96%       |  9107 : -19%  -75%      
 4941 : +23%  -60%       |  6918 : -83%  -96%       |  9108 : -75%            
 4942 : +25%  -60%       |  6919 : -83%  -96%       |  9109 : -30%            
 4943 : +27%  -58%       | 6920  : -83%  -96%       | 9110  : -30%            
 4944 : +29%  -58%       |  6921 : -57%  -70%  -83% |  9112 : -41%            
 4945 : +31%  -58%       |  6922 : -18%  -31%  -44% |  9113 : -41%            
 4946 : +35%  -56%       |  6923 : -05%  -18%  -31% |  9115 : -86%            
 4947 : +37%  -56%       |  6924 : +08%  -96%       |  9116 : -86%            
 4948 : +39%  -54%       |  6925 : -96%             |  9117 : -52%  -86%      
 4949 : +43%  -54%       | 6931  : +05%  -08%       |  9118 : -18%  -52%  -86%
4950  : +45%  -54%       |  6932 : -21%             |  9119 : -86%            
 4951 : +47%  -52%       |  6934 : -34%             | 9120  : -86%            
 4952 : +51%  -52%       |  6936 : -47%             |  9121 : -86%            
 4953 : +55%  -50%       |  6937 : -47%             |  9122 : -29%            
 4954 :<+57%> -48%  -50% |  6939 : +02%             |  9125 : -63%            
 4955 : -48%             | 6940  : -11%             |  9126 : -63%            
 4956 : -46%             |  6941 : -60%             |  9127 : -40%  -63%      
 4957 : -46%             |  6942 : -60%             |  9128 : -17%  -40%      
 4958 : -44%             |  6943 : -24%             | 9134  : -28%            
 4959 : -42%             |  6944 :<+12%>            |  9135 : -51%            
4960  : -42%             |  6946 : -01%             |  9136 : -51%            
 4961 : -40%             |  6947 : -37%             |  9139 : -16%  -74%      
 4962 : -38%             |  6949 : -14%  -73%       | 9140  : -74%            
 4963 : -36%             | 6950  : -14%  -73%       |  9141 : -39%  -74%      
 4964 : -34%  -36%       |  6951 : -73%             |  9142 : -39%  -74%      
 4965 : -32%  -34%       |  6952 : +09%             |  9146 : -27%            
 4966 : -30%  -32%       |  6953 : -50%             |  9148 : -62%            
 4967 : -28%  -30%       |  6954 : -27%  -50%       |  9149 :<-15%> -62%      
 4968 : -26%  -28%       |  6955 : -04%             | 9150  : -62%            
 4969 : -24%             | 6960  : +06%  -17%       |  9153 : -50%            
4970  : -22%             |  6961 : -40%             |  9154 : -50%            
 4971 : -18%  -20%       |  6963 : -63%             |  9155 : -38%            
 4972 : -16%             |  6964 : -07%  -63%       |  9156 : -38%            
 4973 : -12%  -14%       |  6966 : -30%             |  9157 : -26%            
 4974 : -08%  -10%       |  6967 : -30%             |  9158 : -26%            
 4975 : -06%  -08%       |  6968 : +03%             |  9169 : -25%  -37%  -49%
 4976 : -02%  -04%       | 6971  : -20%  -53%       | 9170  : -49%  -61%      
 4977 :    Lucky 7's     |  6972 : -53%  -86%       |  9171 : -61%  -73%      
 4978 : +04%  +02%       |  6973 : -86%             |  9172 : -73%            
 4979 : +08%  +06%       |  6974 : -10%  -86%       |  9173 : -73%            
4980  : +14%  +12%  +10% |  6975 : -86%             |  9174 : -73%  -85%      
 4981 : +20%  +18%  +16% |  6976 : -43%  -86%       |  9175 : -85%            
 4982 : +26%  +24%       |  6977 :    Lucky 7's     |  9176 : -85%            
 4983 : +34%  +32%  +30% |  6978 : -86%             |  9177 : -85%            
 4984 : +42%  +40%  +38% | 6980  : +10%  -33%       |  9178 : -85%            
 4985 : +52%  +50%  +48% |  6982 : -23%             |  9179 : -24%  -85%      
 5018 :<+55%> +53%  +51% |  6983 : -23%             | 9180  : -24%  -85%      
 5019 : +47%  +45%  +43% |  6984 : -13%  -76%       |  9182 : -36%            
5020  : +39%  +37%       |  6985 : -13%  -76%       |  9185 : -48%            
 5021 : +33%  +31%  +29% |  6986 : -03%  -76%       |  9186 : -48%            
 5022 : +27%  +25%  +23% |  6987 : -76%             | 9190  : -23%            
 5023 : +21%  +19%       |  6988 : +07%             |  9191 : -60%            
 5024 : +15%  +13%       |  6989 : -66%             |  9192 : -60%            
 5025 : +11%  +09%       | 6990  : -66%             |  9194 : -35%            
 5026 : +07%  +05%       |  6991 : -56%  -66%       |  9195 : -35%            
 5027 : +03%  -01%  -03% |  6992 : -56%             | 9201  : -22%  -47%  -72%
 5028 : -05%  -07%       |  6993 : -46%  -56%       |  9202 : -72%  -97%      
 5029 : -07%  -09%       |  6994 : -36%  -46%       |  9203 : -72%  -97%      
5030  : -11%  -13%       |  6995 : -26%  -36%       |  9204 : -97%            
 5031 : -13%  -15%       |  6996 : -06%  -16%       |  9205 : -97%            
 5032 : -17%             |  6998 : +04%             |  9206 : -97%            
 5033 : -19%  -21%       |  7007 :<+11%> +01%  -09% |  9207 : -34%  -97%      
 5034 : -21%  -23%       |  7008 : -19%             |  9208 : -97%            
 5035 : -23%  -25%       |  7009 : -29%             |  9209 : -97%            
 5036 : -25%  -27%       | 7010  : -39%             | 9210  : -59%  -97%      
 5037 : -29%             |  7011 : -39%v            |  9211 : -21%  -59%  -97%
 5038 : -29%  -31%       |  7012 : -49%             |  9212 : -59%  -97%      
 5039 : -31%  -33%       |  7013 : -49%             |  9213 : -97%            
5040  : -33%             |  7015 : -59%             |  9214 : -97%            
 5041 : -35%             |  7016 : +08%  -59%       |  9215 : -46%  -97%      
 5042 : -37%             |  7017 : -02%  -59%       |  9216 : -46%  -97%      
 5043 : -39%             |  7019 : -12%             |  9217 : -97%            
 5044 : -39%             | 7020  : -69%             |  9218 : -33%  -97%      
 5045 : -41%             |  7021 : -22%  -69%       |  9219 : -33%  -97%      
 5046 : -43%             |  7022 : -69%             | 9220  : -97%            
 5047 : -43%             |  7024 : -32%             |  9221 : -20%  -97%      
 5048 : -45%             |  7025 : -32%             |  9222 : -97%            
 5049 : -45%             |  7026 : +05%             |  9223 : -97%            
5050  : -47%             |  7028 : -05%  -42%       |  9224 : -97%            
 5051 : +52%  -49%       |  7029 : -42%  -79%       |  9225 : -97%            
 5052 : +50%  -49%       | 7030  : -79%             |  9226 : -84%  -97%      
 5053 : +46%             |  7031 : -15%  -79%       |  9227 : -84%  -97%      
 5054 : +44%  -51%       |  7032 : -79%             |  9228 : -71%  -84%  -97%
 5055 : -51%             |  7033 : -79%             |  9229 : -58%  -71%  -84%
 5056 : +38%  -53%       |  7034 : -52%             | 9230  : -19%  -32%  -45%
 5057 : +36%  -53%       |  7035 : -25%  -52%       |  9231 : -71%  -84%  -97%
 5058 : +34%  -55%       |  7036 : -25%             |  9232 : -97%            
 5059 : +32%  -55%       |  7037 : +02%             |  9233 : -97%            
5060  : +30%  -55%       | 7040  : -08%             | 9240  : -18%            
 5061 : -57%             |  7041 : -35%             |  9241 : -31%            
 5062 : -57%             |  7043 : -62%             |  9242 : -31%            
 5064 : -59%             |  7044 : +09%  -18%  -62% |  9243 : -44%            
 5065 : +20%  -59%       |  7045 : -18%             |  9244 : -44%            
 5066 : +18%             |  7047 : -01%             |  9247 : -57%            
 5067 : +16%  -61%       |  7048 : -45%             |  9248 : -57%            
 5068 : +14%  -61%       |  7049 : -45%             |  9249 : -17%            
 5069 : +12%  -61%       | 7051  : -28%             | 9252  : -30%            
5071  : -63%             |  7052 : -11%             |  9254 : -70%            
 5072 : +08%  -63%       |  7054 : +06%             |  9255 : -70%            
 5073 : +06%             |  7055 : -89%             |  9256 : -70%            
 5075 : +04%  -65%       |  7056 : -89%             |  9257 : -43%            
 5076 : +02%  -65%       |  7057 : -89%             |  9258 :<-16%>           
 5077 :    Lucky 7's     |  7058 : -55%  -72%  -89% | 9262  : -29%            
 5078 : -02%             |  7059 : -04%  -21%  -38% |  9263 : -29%            
 5079 : -67%             | 7060  : -55%  -72%  -89% |  9264 : -56%            
5080  : -04%  -67%       |  7061 : -89%             |  9265 : -56%            
 5081 : -06%  -67%       |  7062 : -89%             |  9269 : -42%            
 5083 : -08%             |  7063 : -89%             | 9270  : -42%            
 5084 : -69%             |  7066 : +03%  -14%       |  9271 : -83%            
 5085 : -10%  -69%       |  7067 : -31%             |  9272 : -83%            
 5086 : -69%             |  7068 : -31%             |  9273 : -28%  -83%      
 5087 : +47%  -12%  -69% | 7070  : -48%             |  9274 : -83%            
 5088 : +45%             |  7071 : -07%  -48%       |  9275 : -83%            
 5089 : +43%  -14%       |  7072 : -07%             |  9276 : -83%            
5090  : -71%             |  7074 : -24%             |  9278 : -69%            
 5091 : -16%  -71%       |  7075 : -24%  -65%       |  9279 : -69%            
 5092 : +39%  -71%       |  7076 : -65%             | 9280  : -69%            
 5093 : +37%  -18%  -71% |  7077 :    Lucky 7's     |  9281 : -55%            
 5096 : +33%  -20%       |  7078 : -41%             |  9282 : -41%  -55%      
 5097 : +31%  -73%       |  7079 : -41%             |  9283 : -27%  -41%      
 5098 : -22%  -73%       | 7080  : -17%             | 9292  : -26%            
 5099 : +29%  -73%       |  7082 : +07%             |  9293 : -26%            
5100  : -73%             |  7085 : -10%  -34%       |  9294 : -40%            
 5101 : -24%             |  7086 : -34%  -58%       |  9295 : -40%            
 5102 : +25%             |  7087 : -58%             |  9296 : -54%            
 5103 : -26%             |  7088 : -58%             |  9297 : -54%            
 5104 : +23%  -26%       |  7089 : -03%  -82%       | 9301  : -68%            
 5105 : +21%  -75%       | 7090  : -82%             |  9302 : -25%  -68%      
 5106 : -28%  -75%       |  7091 : -27%  -82%       |  9303 : -68%            
 5107 : +19%  -75%       |  7092 : -82%             |  9305 : -39%            
 5108 : -75%             |  7093 : -82%             |  9306 : -39%            
 5109 : +17%  -30%       |  7094 : +04%  -51%  -82% |  9311 : -24%  -53%      
5110  : -30%             |  7095 : -51%             |  9312 : -53%  -82%      
 5111 : +15%             |  7096 : -20%             |  9313 : -82%            
 5112 : -32%             |  7099 : -13%             |  9314 : -82%            
 5113 : +13%  -32%       | 7100  : -13%             |  9315 : -82%            
 5114 : -77%             |  7101 : -44%             |  9316 : -82%            
 5115 : +11%  -77%       |  7103 : -06%             |  9317 : -38%            
 5116 : -34%  -77%       |  7105 : -37%  -75%       | 9320  : -23%            
 5117 :<+52%> +09%  -77% |  7106 : +01%  -37%  -75% |  9322 : -67%            
 5119 : +07%  -36%       |  7107 : -75%             |  9323 : -67%            
5120  : +48%  -36%       |  7108 : -75%             |  9324 : -67%            
 5121 : +05%             |  7109 : +08%  -30%       |  9326 : -52%            
 5123 : +44%  -38%       | 7110  : -30%             |  9327 : -37%  -52%      
 5124 : +03%  -38%  -79% |  7112 : -23%             |  9328 : -37%            
 5125 : +42%  -79%       |  7113 : -68%             |  9329 : -22%            
 5126 : +01%  -79%       |  7114 : -68%             |  9337 : -21%            
 5127 : +40%  -40%  -79% |  7115 : -16%  -68%       |  9338 : -36%            
 5128 : -01%  -40%  -79% |  7117 : -09%             |  9339 : -36%  -51%      
5130  : -03%             |  7118 : -61%             | 9340  : -51%            
 5132 : -42%             |  7119 : -02%  -61%       |  9342 : -66%            
 5133 : -05%             | 7120  : -61%             |  9343 : -66%            
 5136 : -07%  -44%       |  7121 : +05%             |  9344 : -66%            
 5137 : -44%  -81%       |  7122 : -54%             |  9346 : -20%            
 5138 : -81%             |  7123 : -54%             |  9348 : -35%  -81%      
 5139 : +28%  -09%  -81% |  7125 : -47%             |  9349 : -35%  -81%      
5140  : -81%             |  7126 : -47%             | 9350  : -81%            
 5141 : +26%  -46%  -81% |  7127 : -40%             |  9351 : -81%            
 5142 : -11%  -46%  -81% |  7128 : -40%             |  9352 : -81%            
 5143 : +24%             |  7129 : -33%             |  9353 : -50%            
 5145 : -13%             | 7130  : -26%             |  9354 : -19%  -50%      
 5147 : -48%             |  7131 : -19%  -26%       |  9358 : -34%            
 5148 : +20%  -48%       |  7132 : -12%  -19%       |  9359 : -34%            
 5149 : -15%             |  7133 : -05%             | 9361  : -18%  -65%      
5152  : -17%             |  7135 :<+09%> +02%       |  9362 : -18%  -65%      
 5153 : +16%  -17%  -50% |  7148 : -01%  -08%       |  9365 : -49%            
 5154 : -50%  -83%       |  7149 : +06%  -15%  -22% |  9366 : -49%            
 5155 : +47%  -83%       | 7150  : -22%  -29%       |  9368 : -33%            
 5156 : +14%  -19%  -83% |  7151 : -36%  -43%       |  9369 :<-17%>           
 5157 : +45%  -83%       |  7152 : -43%             |  9377 : -32%  -48%      
 5158 : -83%             |  7153 : -50%             |  9378 : -48%  -64%      
 5159 : +43%  -52%       |  7154 : -50%  -57%       |  9379 : -64%            
5160  : -21%  -52%       |  7155 : -57%             | 9380  : -64%            
 5161 : +41%  +10%       |  7156 : -64%             |  9381 : -80%            
 5164 : +39%  +08%  -23% |  7157 : -64%             |  9382 : -80%            
 5166 : +37%  -54%       |  7158 : -64%             |  9383 : -80%            
 5167 : +06%  -54%       |  7159 : -71%             |  9384 : -80%            
 5169 : -25%             | 7160  : -71%             |  9385 : -80%            
5171  : +33%  +04%       |  7161 : -71%             |  9386 : -31%            
 5173 : -27%  -56%       |  7162 : -71%             |  9389 : -47%            
 5174 : +02%  -56%  -85% |  7163 : +03%  -04%       | 9390  : -47%            
 5175 : -56%  -85%       |  7164 : -78%             |  9395 : -30%  -63%      
 5176 : +29%  -85%       |  7165 : -11%  -78%       |  9396 : -63%            
 5177 :    Lucky 7's     |  7166 : -18%  -78%       |  9397 : -63%            
 5178 : -29%  -85%       |  7167 : -18%  -78%       | 9401  : -46%  -96%      
 5179 : +27%  -85%       |  7168 : -78%             |  9402 : -96%            
5180  : -02%  -85%       |  7169 : -25%             |  9403 : -29%  -96%      
 5181 : -58%             | 7171  : -32%             |  9404 : -29%  -96%      
 5182 : +25%  -58%       |  7172 : -32%             |  9405 : -96%            
 5183 : -31%  -58%       |  7174 : -39%  -85%       |  9406 : -96%            
 5184 : -04%  -31%       |  7175 : +07%  -39%  -85% |  9407 : -96%            
 5185 :<+50%> +23%       |  7176 : -85%             |  9408 : -96%            
 5188 : +21%  -06%       |  7177 :    Lucky 7's     |  9409 : -96%            
 5189 : -33%             |  7178 : -46%  -85%       | 9410  : -79%  -96%      
5190  : +46%             |  7179 : -07%  -46%  -85% |  9411 : -45%  -62%  -79%
 5191 : +19%  -60%       | 7180  : -85%             |  9412 : -28%  -45%  -62%
 5192 : -08%  -60%       |  7182 : -14%             |  9413 : -62%  -79%  -96%
 5193 : +44%             |  7183 : -53%             |  9414 : -79%  -96%      
 5194 : -35%             |  7184 : -53%             |  9415 : -96%            
 5195 : -35%             |  7185 : -21%  -53%       |  9416 : -96%            
 5196 : -10%             |  7186 : -21%             |  9417 : -96%            
 5198 : +40%  +15%       |  7189 : -28%             |  9418 : -96%            
5201  : +13%  -12%  -37% | 7190  : +04%  -28%       |  9419 : -96%            
 5202 : -62%  -87%       |  7191 : -60%             | 9420  : -27%  -96%      
 5203 : -87%             |  7192 : -03%  -60%       |  9421 : -96%            
 5204 : +36%  -87%       |  7194 : -35%             |  9422 : -44%  -96%      
 5205 : +11%  -14%  -87% |  7195 : -35%             |  9423 : -44%  -96%      
 5206 : -87%             |  7196 : -10%             |  9424 : -96%            
 5207 : +34%  -39%  -87% | 7201  :<+08%> -17%  -42% |  9425 : -96%            
 5208 : -39%             |  7202 : -67%  -92%       |  9426 : -61%            
 5209 : +09%             |  7203 : -67%  -92%       |  9427 : -61%            
5210  : +32%  -16%       |  7204 : -92%             |  9428 : -26%  -61%      
 5212 : -64%             |  7205 : +01%  -92%       | 9432  : -43%            
 5213 : +07%  -64%       |  7206 : -24%  -92%       |  9433 : -43%            
 5214 : -41%             |  7207 : -92%             |  9435 : -25%            
 5215 : -18%  -41%       |  7208 : -49%  -92%       |  9436 : -25%            
 5217 : +28%  +05%       |  7209 : -06%  -49%  -92% |  9437 : -78%            
5220  :<+49%> +26%       | 7210  : -92%             |  9438 : -78%            
 5221 : +03%  -20%       |  7211 : -92%             |  9439 : -78%            
 5222 : -43%             |  7212 : -31%  -92%       | 9440  : -78%            
 5223 : +47%             |  7213 : -31%             |  9441 : -60%            
 5224 : +24%  -66%       |  7214 : -13%             |  9442 : -42%  -60%      
 5225 : +01%  -66%       |  7216 : -74%             |  9443 : -24%  -42%      
 5226 : +45%  -22%  -66% |  7217 : +05%  -74%       | 9450  : -23%            
 5229 : +43%  -01%       |  7218 : -74%             |  9451 : -41%            
5230  : -45%             |  7219 : -56%  -74%       |  9452 : -41%            
 5231 : +20%             | 7220  : -38%  -56%       |  9454 : -59%            
 5232 : +41%  -24%       |  7221 : -02%  -20%       |  9455 : -59%            
 5233 : -03%             |  7227 : -09%             |  9456 : -59%            
 5234 : -03%             |  7228 : -27%             |  9457 : -22%            
 5235 : +18%             | 7230  : -45%             | 9461  : -40%  -77%      
 5237 : -89%             |  7233 : +02%  -63%       |  9462 : -77%            
 5238 : -05%  -26%  -47% |  7234 : -16%  -63%       |  9463 : -77%            
 5239 : +16%  -26%  -47% |  7235 : -63%             |  9464 : -21%  -77%      
5240  : -68%  -89%       |  7237 : -34%             |  9465 : -77%            
 5241 : -89%             |  7238 : -05%             |  9467 : -58%            
 5242 : -89%             | 7242  : -23%  -52%       |  9468 : -58%            
 5243 : +14%  -89%       |  7243 : +06%  -52%  -81% |  9469 : -39%  -58%      
 5244 : -07%  -89%       |  7244 : -81%             | 9470  : -39%            
 5245 : -28%  -89%       |  7245 : -81%             |  9471 : -20%            
 5246 : +33%             |  7246 : -12%  -81%       |  9477 : -19%            
 5248 : +12%  -49%       |  7247 : -81%             |  9478 : -38%            
 5249 : -09%  -49%       |  7248 : -41%             |  9479 : -38%            
5250  : +31%             |  7249 : -01%  -41%       | 9480  : -57%            
 5252 : +10%  -30%       | 7252  : -30%             |  9481 : -57%            
 5254 : +29%  -11%  -70% |  7254 : -70%             |  9483 :<-18%>           
 5255 :<+48%> -11%  -70% |  7255 : -19%  -70%       |  9484 :<-18%> -76%      
 5256 : -70%             |  7256 : -70%             |  9485 : -76%            
 5257 : +08%             |  7257 : -08%             |  9486 : -37%  -76%      
 5258 : +27%  -51%       |  7259 : -59%             |  9487 : -37%  -76%      
 5259 : -32%  -51%       | 7260  : +03%  -59%       | 9491  : -56%            
5260  : -13%  -32%       |  7262 : -48%             |  9492 : -56%            
 5262 : +44%  +25%  +06% |  7263 : -48%             |  9493 : -56%            
 5266 : +42%  +23%  -15% |  7264 : -37%             |  9494 : -36%            
 5267 : +04%  -15%  -34% |  7265 : -26%  -37%       |  9495 : -36%            
 5268 : -34%             |  7266 : -15%  -26%       | 9502  : -35%            
 5269 : -53%             |  7267 : -04%  -15%       |  9503 : -35%  -55%      
5270  : +40%  -53%       |  7269 :<+07%>            |  9504 : -55%            
 5271 : +21%             |  7277 :    Lucky 7's     |  9505 : -75%            
 5272 : +02%  -72%       |  7278 : -22%  -33%       |  9506 : -75%            
 5273 : -17%  -72%       |  7279 : -33%  -44%       |  9507 : -75%            
 5274 : -72%             | 7280  : -44%             |  9508 : -75%            
 5275 : +19%  -72%       |  7281 : -55%             | 9510  : -34%            
 5276 : -36%             |  7282 : -55%             |  9514 : -54%            
 5277 :    Lucky 7's     |  7283 : -66%             |  9515 : -54%            
5280  : +17%  -19%       |  7284 : -66%             |  9517 : -33%            
 5281 : -55%             |  7285 : -66%             | 9521  : -95%            
 5282 : +34%  -02%  -55% |  7286 : +04%             |  9522 : -95%            
 5284 : -38%             |  7287 : -07%  -77%       |  9523 : -95%            
 5285 : +15%  -38%       |  7288 : -18%  -77%       |  9524 : -32%  -53%  -74%
 5286 : +32%             |  7289 : -18%  -77%       |  9525 : -32%  -53%  -74%
 5287 : -21%             | 7290  : -77%             |  9526 : -74%  -95%      
 5288 : -04%             |  7291 : -29%  -77%       |  9527 : -95%            
 5289 : -91%             |  7294 : -40%             |  9528 : -95%            
5290  : +13%  -91%       |  7295 : -03%  -40%       |  9529 : -95%            
 5291 :<+47%> -91%       |  7298 : -14%  -51%       | 9530  : -95%            
 5292 : -91%             |  7299 : -51%             |  9531 : -31%  -95%      
 5293 : -74%  -91%       | 7300  : -51%             |  9532 : -95%            
 5294 : -06%  -23%  -40% |  7301 : -88%             |  9533 : -95%            
 5295 : +28%  -40%  -57% |  7302 : -25%  -88%       |  9534 : -52%  -95%      
 5296 : -74%  -91%       |  7303 : -88%             |  9535 : -52%  -95%      
 5297 : -91%             |  7304 : +01%  -88%       |  9536 : -95%            
 5298 : -91%             |  7305 : -88%             |  9537 : -95%            
 5299 : +43%  -91%       |  7306 : -62%  -88%       |  9538 : -30%  -95%      
5300  : +26%  -91%       |  7307 : -10%  -36%  -62% |  9539 : -95%            
 5301 : -08%             |  7308 : -88%             | 9540  : -95%            
 5302 : -25%             | 7312  : +05%  -21%       |  9541 : -73%            
 5303 : +41%             |  7314 : -47%             |  9542 : -73%            
 5304 : -42%             |  7315 : -06%  -47%       |  9543 : -51%  -73%      
 5305 : -42%             |  7318 : -32%             |  9544 : -29%  -51%  -73%
 5306 : +07%             |  7319 : -32%  -73%       |  9545 : -29%            
 5307 : -10%             | 7320  : -73%             | 9551  : -28%            
 5308 : -59%             |  7321 : -17%  -73%       |  9553 : -50%            
 5309 : -59%             |  7322 : -73%             |  9554 : -50%            
5310  : -27%             |  7323 : -02%             |  9557 : -27%            
 5312 : +37%  +05%       |  7324 : -58%             |  9558 : -72%            
 5314 : -12%             |  7325 : -58%             |  9559 : -72%            
 5315 : +20%  -44%       |  7326 : -58%             | 9560  : -72%            
 5316 : -44%             |  7327 : -43%             |  9561 : -49%            
 5317 : +35%  -76%       |  7328 : -28%  -43%       |  9562 : -49%            
 5318 : +03%  -76%       |  7329 : -13%  -28%       |  9563 : -26%            
 5319 : -29%  -76%       | 7331  : +02%             |  9569 : -25%            
5320  : +18%  -76%       |  7337 :<+06%> -09%  -24% | 9570  : -48%            
 5321 : -14%             |  7338 : -24%  -39%       |  9571 : -48%            
 5322 : -14%             |  7339 : -39%             |  9573 : -71%            
 5324 : +01%  -61%       | 7340  : -54%             |  9574 : -24%  -71%      
 5325 : -61%             |  7341 : -54%             |  9575 : -24%  -71%      
 5326 : +31%  -46%       |  7342 : -69%             |  9578 : -47%            
 5327 :<+46%> -46%       |  7343 : -69%             |  9579 : -47%            
 5328 : -31%             |  7344 : -05%  -69%       | 9580  : -23%            
 5329 : -16%             |  7345 : -69%             |  9585 : -22%            
5330  : -01%             |  7346 : -20%             |  9586 : -46%            
 5331 : +14%             |  7348 : -35%             |  9587 : -46%  -70%      
 5336 : +42%             |  7349 : -35%             |  9588 : -70%            
 5337 : +12%  -03%  -18% | 7350  : -01%             |  9589 : -70%            
 5338 : -33%             |  7351 : -84%             | 9590  : -21%  -70%      
 5339 : -48%             |  7352 : -84%             |  9591 : -21%            
5340  : -48%             |  7353 : -16%  -50%  -84% |  9593 : -45%            
 5341 : +40%  -63%       |  7354 : -50%  -84%       |  9594 : -45%            
 5342 : +25%  -63%       |  7355 : -84%             |  9596 : -20%            
 5343 : +10%  -63%       |  7356 : -84%             | 9601  :<-19%> -44%  -69%
 5344 : -05%             |  7357 : +03%  -31%       |  9602 : -69%  -94%      
 5346 : +38%  -20%  -78% | 7360  : -12%             |  9603 : -69%  -94%      
 5347 : -78%             |  7361 : -65%             |  9604 : -94%            
 5348 : -35%  -78%       |  7362 : -65%             |  9605 : -94%            
 5349 : -35%  -78%       |  7363 : -46%             |  9606 : -94%            
5350  : +08%  -78%       |  7364 : -46%             |  9607 : -94%            
 5351 : +36%  -07%       |  7365 : -27%             |  9608 : -43%  -94%      
 5353 : +21%  -50%       |  7366 : -08%             |  9609 : -94%            
 5354 : -22%  -50%       | 7371  : -04%             | 9610  : -94%            
 5355 : -22%             |  7372 : -23%             |  9611 : -94%            
 5356 : +34%  +06%       |  7373 : -42%             |  9612 : -94%            
 5359 : +19%  -09%  -37% |  7374 : -42%             |  9613 : -68%  -94%      
5360  : -37%             |  7375 : -61%             |  9614 : -42%  -68%  -94%
 5361 : -65%             |  7376 : -61%             |  9615 : -42%  -68%  -94%
 5362 : +32%  -65%       |  7377 :    Lucky 7's     |  9616 : -94%            
 5363 : +04%             |  7378 : -19%             | 9621  : -41%            
 5364 :<+45%> -24%       |  7379 : -19%             |  9622 : -41%            
 5365 : +17%             | 7381  : -38%  -80%       |  9625 : -67%            
 5367 : +30%  -11%  -52% |  7382 : +04%  -38%  -80% |  9626 : -67%            
 5368 : -52%             |  7383 : -80%             |  9627 : -40%  -67%      
 5369 : +43%             |  7384 : -15%  -80%       |  9628 : -40%            
5370  : +02%             |  7385 : -80%             | 9633  : -39%            
 5371 : -39%             |  7387 : -57%             | 9634  : -39%            
 5372 : +15%  -39%  -93% |  7388 : -34%  -57%       |  9636 : -66%            
 5373 : +28%  -26%  -93% |  7389 : -11%  -34%       |  9637 : -66%            
 5374 : +41%  -26%  -93% | 7394  : -07%             |  9638 : -66%            
 5375 : -13%  -93%       |  7395 : -30%             |  9639 : -38%            
 5376 : -93%             |  7396 : -53%             | 9640  : -38%            
 5377 :    Lucky 7's     |  7397 : -53%             |  9645 : -37%            
 5378 : +13%  -93%       |  7398 : -03%             |  9646 : -37%  -65%      
 5379 : +26%  -93%       | 7401  : -26%  -76%       |  9647 : -65%            
5380  : -93%             |  7402 : -76%             |  9648 : -65%            
 5381 : -80%  -93%       |  7403 : +01%  -76%       | 9651  : -36%            
 5382 : -67%  -80%  -93% |  7404 : -49%  -76%       |  9656 : -35%  -64%      
 5383 : -54%  -67%  -80% |  7405 : -49%             |  9657 : -64%            
 5384 : -02%  -15%  -28% |  7406 : -22%             |  9658 : -64%  -93%      
 5385 : +24%  +11%  -80% |  7407 :<+05%>            |  9659 : -93%            
 5391 : +35%  +22%       | 7410  : -18%             | 9660  : -93%            
 5392 : +09%  -04%       |  7411 : -45%             |  9661 : -34%  -93%      
 5393 : -17%             |  7412 : -45%             |  9662 : -34%  -93%      
 5395 : -30%             |  7414 : -14%             |  9663 : -93%            
 5397 : -43%             |  7415 : -14%  -72%       |  9664 : -93%            
 5398 : +20%  -43%       |  7416 : -72%             |  9665 : -63%  -93%      
5400  : +07%             |  7417 : -41%  -72%       |  9666 : -33%  -63%  -93%
 5401 :<+44%> -06%  -56% |  7418 : -10%  -41%       |  9667 : -33%  -63%  -93%
 5402 : -56%             | 7422  : -06%             |  9668 : -93%            
 5403 : +31%  -19%       |  7423 : -37%             |  9669 : -93%            
 5405 : +18%             |  7425 : -02%             | 9670  : -93%            
 5406 : -32%             |  7426 : -68%             |  9671 : -32%  -93%      
 5407 : +42%  +05%  -32% |  7427 : -33%  -68%       |  9672 : -32%            
 5408 : -69%             |  7428 : -33%  -68%       |  9674 : -62%            
 5409 : +29%  -08%  -69% |  7429 : +02%             |  9675 : -62%            
5411  : -45%             | 7431  : -29%             |  9676 : -31%  -62%      
 5412 : +16%  -45%       |  7432 : -29%             | 9681  : -30%            
 5413 : -21%             |  7434 : -64%             |  9683 : -61%            
 5415 : +27%  +03%       |  7435 : -25%  -64%       |  9684 : -61%            
 5418 : -10%             |  7436 : -25%  -64%       |  9685 : -29%            
 5419 : +14%  -34%       |  7438 : -21%             |  9689 : -28%            
5420  : -58%             |  7439 : -21%             | 9690  : -28%            
 5421 : -58%             | 7441  : -17%  -60%       |  9691 : -60%            
 5422 : +25%             |  7442 : -17%  -60%       |  9692 : -60%            
 5423 : +01%  -82%       |  7444 : -13%             |  9694 : -27%            
 5424 : -23%  -82%       |  7446 : -56%             |  9698 : -26%  -59%      
 5425 : +36%  -82%       |  7447 : -09%  -56%       |  9699 : -59%            
 5426 : +12%  -82%       |  7449 : -05%             | 9700  : -59%            
 5427 : -47%  -82%       | 7451  : -01%  -52%       |  9701 : -92%            
 5428 : -12%  -47%       |  7452 : -52%             |  9702 : -25%  -92%      
 5429 : +23%             |  7454 : +03%  -48%       |  9703 : -92%            
5431  : +34%  -01%       |  7455 : -48%             |  9704 : -92%            
 5432 : -36%             |  7458 : -44%             |  9705 : -58%  -92%      
 5434 : +10%             | 7461  : -40%             |  9706 : -24%  -58%  -92%
 5435 : -25%  -71%       |  7463 : -36%             |  9707 : -58%  -92%      
 5436 : +21%  -25%  -71% |  7464 : -36%             |  9708 : -92%            
 5437 : -71%             |  7465 : -32%             |  9709 : -92%            
 5438 : -14%             |  7466 : -32%             | 9710  : -23%  -92%      
 5439 :<+43%>            |  7467 : -28%             |  9711 : -92%            
5440  : -03%             |  7468 : -28%             |  9712 : -57%  -92%      
 5441 : -60%             |  7469 : -24%             |  9713 : -22%  -57%      
 5442 : +08%  -60%       | 7471  : -20%             |  9714 : -22%            
 5443 : +19%             |  7472 : -16%             |  9717 : -21%            
 5444 : +30%  -49%       |  7473 : -12%             |  9719 : -56%            
 5445 : +41%  -49%       |  7474 : -08%             | 9720  : -56%            
 5446 : -38%             |  7475 : -08%             |  9721 :<-20%>           
 5447 : -27%             |  7476 : -04%             |  9725 : -55%            
 5448 : -16%             |  7477 :    Lucky 7's     |  9726 : -55%            
 5449 : -05%             |  7478 :<+04%>            | 9731  : -54%            
5451  : +28%  +17%       | 7502  : +01%  -07%  -15% |  9732 : -54%            
 5458 : +37%  +26%       |  7503 : -35%  -39%  -43% |  9734 : -91%            
 5459 : +15%  +04%  -07% |  7504 : -51%  -55%  -59% |  9735 : -91%            
5460  : -29%             |  7505 : -63%  -67%  -75% |  9736 : -91%            
 5461 : -40%             |  7506 : -67%  -71%  -75% |  9737 : -53%  -91%      
 5462 : -51%             |  7507 : -75%  -79%  -83% |  9738 : -53%  -91%      
 5463 : -51%             |  7508 : -75%  -79%  -83% |  9739 : -91%            
 5464 : -62%             |  7509 : -79%  -83%  -87% | 9740  : -91%            
 5465 : +35%  -62%       | 7510  : -83%  -87%       |  9741 : -91%            
 5466 : +24%             |  7511 : -83%  -87%       |  9742 : -52%  -91%      
 5467 : +13%  -73%       |  7512 : -87%  -91%       |  9743 : -52%  -91%      
 5468 : +02%  -73%       |  7513 : -87%  -91%       |  9744 : -91%            
 5469 : -09%  -73%       |  7514 : -87%  -91%       |  9747 : -51%            
5470  : -73%             |  7515 : -87%  -91%       |  9748 : -51%            
 5471 : -20%             |  7516 : -91%             | 9753  : -50%            
 5472 : +33%             |  7517 : -91%             |  9754 : -50%            
 5473 : +22%  -31%       |  7518 : -91%             |  9757 : -49%            
 5475 : +11%             |  7519 : -91%             |  9758 : -49%            
 5476 : -42%  -84%       | 7520  : -91%             | 9761  : -90%            
 5477 :<+42%> Lucky 7's  |  7521 : -91%  -95%       |  9762 : -48%  -90%      
 5478 : -84%             |  7522 : -91%  -95%       |  9763 : -48%  -90%      
 5479 : +31%  -11%  -84% |  7523 : -95%             |  9764 : -90%            
5480  : -84%             |  7524 : -95%             |  9765 : -90%            
 5481 : +20%  -53%  -84% |  7525 : -95%             |  9766 : -90%            
 5482 : -53%             |  7526 : -95%             |  9767 : -47%  -90%      
 5483 : -22%             |  7527 : +02%  -02%  -95% |  9768 : -90%            
 5484 : +40%  +09%       |  7528 : -06%  -95%       |  9769 : -90%            
 5486 : -02%             |  7529 : -10%  -95%       | 9770  : -90%            
 5487 : -33%             | 7530  : -10%  -95%       |  9771 : -46%            
 5488 : -33%             |  7531 : -14%  -95%       |  9772 : -46%            
 5489 : +18%  -64%       |  7532 : -18%  -95%       |  9775 : -45%            
5490  : -13%  -64%       |  7533 : -95%             |  9776 : -45%            
 5491 : +38%  -64%       |  7534 : -22%  -95%       |  9779 : -44%            
 5493 : +07%  -44%       |  7535 : -95%             | 9780  : -44%            
 5494 : +27%  -44%       |  7536 : -26%  -95%       |  9782 : -89%            
 5495 : -24%             |  7537 : -95%             |  9783 : -43%  -89%      
 5496 : -04%  -24%       |  7538 : -30%  -95%       |  9784 : -43%  -89%      
 5498 : +36%  +16%       |  7539 : -95%             |  9785 : -89%            
5502  : +05%  -15%  -35% | 7540  : -34%  -95%       |  9786 : -89%            
 5503 : -35%  -55%       |  7542 : -38%             |  9787 : -42%  -89%      
 5504 : -55%             |  7543 : -38%             |  9788 : -89%            
 5505 : -75%             |  7545 : -42%             |  9789 : -89%            
 5506 : -75%             |  7546 : -42%             | 9790  : -41%  -89%      
 5507 : +14%  -06%  -75% |  7549 : -46%             |  9791 : -41%            
 5508 : -75%             | 7550  : -46%             |  9794 : -40%            
 5509 : -26%             |  7551 :<+03%>            |  9795 : -40%            
5510  : +23%             |  7552 : -01%             |  9797 : -39%            
 5512 : +03%  -46%       |  7553 : -50%             |  9798 : -39%            
 5513 : +32%             |  7554 : -05%  -50%       | 9801  : -38%  -88%      
 5514 : -17%             |  7557 : -09%  -54%       |  9802 : -88%            
 5516 :<+41%> +12%       |  7558 : -54%             |  9803 : -88%            
 5518 : -08%  -37%  -66% |  7559 : -13%             |  9804 : -37%  -88%      
 5519 : +21%  -37%  -66% | 7562  : -17%  -58%       |  9805 : -88%            
5520  : -66%             |  7563 : -58%             |  9806 : -88%            
 5521 : +30%  -95%       |  7564 : -58%             |  9807 : -36%  -88%      
 5522 : +01%  -95%       |  7565 : -21%             |  9808 : -88%            
 5523 : -28%  -95%       |  7569 : -25%  -62%       | 9810  : -35%            
 5524 : -95%             | 7570  : -62%             |  9813 : -34%            
 5525 : +10%  -95%       |  7571 : -62%             |  9815 : -33%            
 5526 : -19%  -57%  -95% |  7572 : -29%             |  9816 : -33%  -87%      
 5527 : +19%  -19%  -57% |  7573 : -29%             |  9817 : -87%            
 5528 : -95%             |  7577 :    Lucky 7's     |  9818 : -32%  -87%      
 5529 : +28%  -10%  -95% |  7578 : -66%             |  9819 : -32%  -87%      
5530  : -10%  -95%       |  7579 : -66%             | 9820  : -87%            
 5531 : +37%  -48%  -95% | 7580  : -04%             |  9821 : -31%  -87%      
 5532 : -01%  -48%  -95% |  7581 : -37%             |  9822 : -87%            
 5533 : -95%             |  7582 : -37%             |  9823 : -30%  -87%      
 5534 : -95%             |  7583 : -08%             |  9824 : -30%            
 5535 : +08%  -39%  -95% |  7587 : -12%  -41%  -70% |  9826 : -29%            
 5536 : +17%  -39%  -95% |  7588 : -41%  -70%       |  9828 : -28%            
 5537 : -95%             |  7589 : -70%             |  9829 : -28%  -86%      
 5538 : +26%  -30%  -95% | 7590  : -70%             | 9830  : -86%            
 5539 : +35%  -95%       |  7591 : -16%             |  9831 : -27%  -86%      
5540  : -21%  -95%       |  7593 : -45%             |  9832 : -86%            
 5541 : -12%             |  7594 : -45%             |  9833 : -26%  -86%      
 5542 : -12%             |  7596 : -20%             |  9834 : -86%            
 5543 : -03%  -86%       | 7601  : +01%  -24%  -49% |  9835 : -25%  -86%      
 5544 : -86%             |  7602 : -74%  -99%       |  9836 : -25%            
 5545 : +06%  -86%       |  7603 : -74%  -99%       |  9837 : -24%            
 5546 : +24%  +15%  -86% |  7604 : -99%             |  9838 : -24%            
 5547 : +33%  -86%       |  7605 : -03%  -99%       |  9839 : -23%            
 5548 : -77%  -86%       |  7606 : -28%  -99%       | 9840  : -23%            
 5549 : -77%  -86%       |  7607 : -99%             |  9841 : -85%            
5550  : -77%  -86%       |  7608 : -99%             |  9842 : -22%  -85%      
 5551 : -68%  -77%       |  7609 : -07%  -53%  -99% |  9843 : -85%            
 5552 : -59%  -68%  -77% | 7610  : -53%  -99%       |  9844 :<-21%> -85%      
 5553 : -32%  -41%  -50% |  7611 : -99%             |  9845 : -85%            
 5554 : -05%  -14%  -23% |  7612 : -32%  -99%       |  9846 : -85%            
 5555 : +22%  +13%  +04% |  7613 : -32%  -99%       | 9851  : -84%            
5564  : +29%             |  7614 : -11%  -99%       |  9852 : -84%            
 5565 : +20%  +11%       |  7615 : -99%             |  9853 : -84%            
 5566 : +02%  -07%       |  7616 : -99%             |  9854 : -84%            
 5567 : -16%             |  7617 : -99%             |  9855 : -84%            
 5569 : -25%             |  7618 : -99%             |  9856 : -84%            
5570  : -34%             |  7619 : -15%  -36%  -57% |  9859 : -83%            
 5571 : -34%             | 7620  : -15%  -36%  -57% | 9860  : -83%            
 5572 : +36%  -43%       |  7621 : -78%  -99%       |  9861 : -83%            
 5573 : +27%  -43%       |  7622 : -78%  -99%       |  9862 : -83%            
 5574 : +18%             |  7623 : -99%             |  9863 : -83%            
 5576 : +09%  -52%       |  7624 : -99%             |  9864 : -83%            
 5577 :    Lucky 7's     |  7625 :<+02%> -19%  -99% |  9867 : -82%            
 5579 : -09%             |  7626 : -99%             |  9868 : -82%            
5580  : +34%  -61%       |  7627 : -40%  -99%       |  9869 : -82%            
 5581 : -18%  -61%       |  7628 : -40%  -99%       | 9870  : -82%            
 5582 : +25%  -61%       |  7629 : -02%  -99%       |  9871 : -82%            
 5584 : +16%  -27%       | 7630  : -99%             |  9872 : -82%            
 5586 : +07%             |  7631 : -61%  -99%       |  9874 : -81%            
 5587 : -70%             |  7632 : -23%  -61%  -99% |  9875 : -81%            
 5588 : -02%  -36%  -70% |  7633 : -61%  -99%       |  9876 : -81%            
 5589 : +32%  -36%  -70% |  7634 : -99%             |  9877 : -81%            
5590  : -70%             |  7635 : -06%  -99%       |  9878 : -81%            
 5592 : -11%             |  7636 : -44%  -99%       | 9881  : -80%            
 5593 : -45%             |  7637 : -44%  -99%       |  9882 : -80%            
 5594 : +14%  -45%       |  7638 : -99%             |  9883 : -80%            
 5595 :<+39%>            |  7639 : -27%  -99%       |  9884 : -80%            
 5596 : -20%             | 7640  : -99%             |  9885 : -80%            
 5598 : +30%  +05%       |  7641 : -10%  -99%       |  9886 : -79%            
5601  : +21%  -04%  -29% |  7642 : -99%             |  9887 : -79%            
 5602 : -54%  -79%       |  7643 : -99%             |  9888 : -79%            
 5603 : -79%             |  7644 : -99%             |  9889 : -79%            
 5604 : +37%  -79%       |  7645 : -82%  -99%       | 9890  : -79%            
 5605 : +12%  -13%       |  7646 : -65%  -82%  -99% |  9891 : -78%            
 5607 : -38%             |  7647 : -14%  -31%  -48% |  9892 : -78%            
 5608 : -38%             |  7648 : -48%  -65%  -82% |  9893 : -78%            
 5609 : +03%             |  7649 : -82%  -99%       |  9894 : -78%            
5611  : +19%  -22%  -63% | 7650  : -82%  -99%       |  9895 : -78%            
 5612 : -63%             |  7651 : -99%             |  9896 : -77%            
 5613 : +35%  -06%  -63% |  7652 : -99%             |  9897 : -77%            
 5616 : +10%  -47%       |  7653 : -01%  -99%       |  9898 : -77%            
 5617 : +26%             |  7654 : -18%  -99%       |  9899 : -77%            
 5618 : -31%             |  7655 : -99%             | 9900  : -77%            
 5619 : -15%             |  7656 : -35%  -99%       |  9901 : -76%            
5620  : -15%             |  7657 : -99%             |  9902 : -76%            
 5621 : +01%             |  7658 : -99%             |  9903 : -76%            
 5622 : +33%  +17%       |  7659 : -05%  -52%  -99% |  9904 : -76%            
 5627 : +08%  -08%  -24% | 7660  : -05%  -52%  -99% |  9905 : -75%            
 5628 : -40%  -56%       |  7661 : -99%             |  9906 : -75%            
 5629 : -56%  -72%       |  7662 : -22%  -99%       |  9907 : -75%            
5630  : -72%             |  7663 : -99%             |  9908 : -74%  -75%      
 5631 : -72%             |  7664 : -99%             |  9909 : -74%            
 5632 : +31%  -72%       |  7665 : -69%  -99%       | 9910  : -74%            
 5633 : +15%  -01%       |  7666 : -09%  -39%  -69% |  9911 : -74%            
 5634 : -17%  -88%       |  7667 : -09%  -39%  -69% |  9912 : -73%            
 5635 : -88%             |  7668 : -99%             |  9913 : -73%            
 5636 :<+38%> -33%  -88% |  7669 : -99%             |  9914 : -73%            
 5637 : +22%  -33%  -88% | 7670  : -99%             |  9915 : -72%            
 5638 : -88%             |  7671 : -26%  -99%       |  9916 : -72%            
 5639 : +06%  -88%       |  7672 : -99%             |  9917 : -72%            
5640  : -49%  -88%       |  7673 : -56%  -99%       |  9918 : -71%            
 5641 : -10%  -49%  -88% |  7674 : -13%  -56%  -99% |  9919 : -71%            
 5644 : +13%  -26%       |  7675 : -56%  -99%       | 9920  : -71%            
 5645 : +36%             |  7676 : -99%             |  9921 : -70%            
 5646 : -03%  -65%       |  7677 :    Lucky 7's     |  9922 : -70%            
 5647 : -65%             |  7678 : -43%  -99%       |  9923 : -69%  -70%      
 5648 : +20%  -65%       |  7679 : -99%             |  9924 : -69%            
 5649 : -42%             | 7680  : -99%             |  9925 : -69%            
5650  : -19%  -42%       |  7681 : -30%  -99%       |  9926 : -68%            
 5651 : +04%             |  7682 : -17%  -99%       |  9927 : -68%            
 5655 : +34%  +11%  -12% |  7683 : -17%  -99%       |  9928 : -67%  -68%      
 5656 : -35%             |  7684 : -04%  -99%       |  9929 : -67%            
 5658 : -58%             |  7685 : -99%             | 9930  : -66%  -67%      
 5659 : +18%  -05%  -58% |  7686 : -86%  -99%       |  9931 : -66%            
5660  : -05%             |  7687 : -86%  -99%       |  9932 : -65%  -66%      
 5662 : +25%  -28%       |  7688 : -86%  -99%       |  9933 : -65%            
 5664 : +02%  -81%       |  7689 : -73%  -86%  -99% |  9934 : -64%  -65%      
 5665 : +32%  -81%       | 7690  : -73%  -86%  -99% |  9935 : -64%            
 5666 : -21%  -51%  -81% |  7691 : -34%  -47%  -60% |  9936 : -63%  -64%      
 5667 : +09%  -21%  -51% |  7692 : -08%  -21%  -34% |  9937 : -62%  -63%      
 5668 : -81%             |  7693 : -99%             |  9938 : -62%            
5670  : +16%  -14%       |  7694 : -99%             |  9939 : -61%  -62%      
 5672 : -44%             |  7695 : -99%             | 9940  : -61%            
 5673 : +23%  -44%       |  7696 : -99%             |  9941 : -60%  -61%      
 5674 : -07%             |  7697 : -99%             |  9942 : -59%  -60%      
 5675 : +30%             |  7698 : -99%             |  9943 : -58%  -59%      
 5677 :<+37%> Lucky 7's  |  7699 : -99%             |  9944 : -58%            
 5678 : -74%             | 7700  : -99%             |  9945 : -57%  -58%      
 5679 : -74%             |  7701 : -12%             |  9946 : -56%  -57%      
5680  : +07%  -74%       |  7702 : -25%             |  9947 : -55%  -56%      
 5681 : -30%             |  7704 : -38%             |  9948 : -54%  -55%      
 5682 : +14%             |  7707 : -51%             |  9949 : -53%  -54%      
 5684 : +21%  -23%       |  7708 : -03%  -51%       | 9950  : -53%  -54%      
 5685 : -67%             | 7710  : -16%             |  9951 : -52%  -53%      
 5686 : -16%  -67%       |  7712 : -64%             |  9952 : -51%  -52%      
 5687 : +35%  -67%       |  7713 : -29%  -64%       |  9953 : -49%  -50%  -51%
 5688 : -09%             |  7714 : -29%             |  9954 : -48%  -49%  -50%
 5689 : -09%             |  7717 : -07%             |  9955 : -47%  -48%      
5690  : -02%             |  7718 : -42%             |  9956 : -46%  -47%      
 5691 : -60%             | 7721  : -20%             |  9957 : -45%  -46%      
 5692 : -60%             |  7722 : -77%             |  9958 : -43%  -44%  -45%
 5693 : +05%             |  7723 : -77%             |  9959 : -42%  -43%      
 5694 : +12%  -53%       |  7724 : -77%             | 9960  : -41%  -42%      
 5695 : +19%  -53%       |  7725 : -55%  -77%       |  9961 : -39%  -40%  -41%
 5697 : +33%  -46%       |  7726 : -11%  -33%  -55% |  9962 : -37%  -38%  -39%
 5698 : -46%             | 7731  : -02%             |  9963 : -36%  -37%      
 5699 : -39%             |  7732 : -24%             |  9964 : -34%  -35%  -36%
5700  : -39%             |  7734 : -46%             |  9965 : -32%  -33%  -34%
 5701 : -32%             |  7735 : -46%             |  9966 : -30%  -31%  -32%
 5702 : -25%             |  7737 : -15%             |  9967 : -28%  -29%  -30%
 5703 : -18%             |  7738 : -68%             |  9968 : -26%  -27%  -28%
 5704 : -11%             |  7739 : -68%             |  9969 : -23%  -24%  -25%
 5705 : -04%             | 7740  : -37%  -68%       | 9970  :<-22%> -23%      

|                                                                            |
|                             MP '77 DATA TABLE                              |
|                                                                            |
 300  : +26%             |  442 : +76%  +08%       |  596 : +64%             
  301 : +92%             |  443 : +98%  +53%       |  597 : +47%             
  302 : +58%  +25%       |  444 : +30%             |  598 : +30%             
  304 : +90%  +57%       |  446 : +52%  +07%       | 600  : +63%  +13%       
  306 : +56%             |  447 : +74%             |  601 : +46%             
  307 : +88%  +23%       |  448 : +29%             |  603 : +29%             
  308 : +55%             |  449 : +51%             |  605 : +45%  +12%       
  309 : +87%             | 450  : +95%             |  607 : +61%             
 310  : +54%             |  451 : +28%             |  610 : +11%             
  312 : +85%  +53%  +21% |  452 : +72%  +50%       |  611 : +60%             
  314 : +84%  +52%       |  455 : +49%  +27%  +05% |  612 : +27%             
  315 : +20%             |  457 : +92%             |  615 : +59%             
  316 : +51%             |  458 : +48%  +26%       |  616 : +10%             
  317 : +19%             |  459 : +04%             |  617 : +26%             
  319 : +81%             | 460  : +69%             |  618 : +42%             
 320  : +18%             |  461 : +47%             |  622 : +41%  +25%  +09% 
  321 : +80%             |  462 : +90%  +25%       |  627 : +40%  +24%  +08% 
  323 : +17%             |  463 : +68%             |  631 : +39%             
  325 : +47%             |  464 : +46%             |  632 : +23%             
  326 : +77%             |  466 : +24%             |  633 : +07%             
  327 : +46%             |  467 : +88%  +45%       |  635 : +54%             
  328 : +76%  +15%       |  468 : +02%             |  636 : +38%             
  329 : +45%             |  469 : +87%             |  637 : +22%             
 330  : +75%             | 471  : +65%             |  639 : +53%  +06%       
  331 : +14%             |  472 : +86%             |  643 : +52%             
  332 : +74%             |  473 : +22%             |  645 : +36%  +05%       
  334 : +73%  +43%  +13% |  474 : +64%  +43%       |  648 : +20%             
  336 : +72%  +42%       |  477 :    Lucky 7's     | 650  : +35%             
  337 : +12%             | 480  : +62%             |  651 : +04%             
  338 : +71%             |  481 : +20%             |  652 : +50%             
  339 : +100% +41%       |  482 : +82%             |  653 : +19%             
 340  : +70%  +11%       |  483 : +61%             |  655 : +34%             
  341 : +40%             |  484 : +40%             |  656 : +49%             
  342 : +98%  +69%       |  485 : +81%  +19%       |  659 : +18%             
  343 : +10%             |  486 : +60%             |  660 : +33%             
  344 : +97%  +68%       |  489 : +100% +59%  +18% |  664 : +02%             
  346 : +67%  +38%  +09% | 490  : +79%             |  665 : +47%  +32%       
  348 : +66%             |  491 : +99%  +38%       |  670 : +31%  +16%       
  349 : +94%             |  492 : +58%             |  674 : +45%             
 350  : +65%  +08%       |  493 : +78%             |  675 : +30%             
  351 : +93%  +36%       |  494 : +17%             |  676 : +15%             
  352 : +64%             |  495 : +57%             |  677 :    Lucky 7's     
  353 : +92%  +07%       |  496 : +97%  +77%       |  679 : +44%             
  354 : +63%  +35%       |  498 : +36%  +16%       |  680 : +29%             
  356 : +34%  +06%       | 502  : +35%  +15%       |  682 : +14%             
  359 : +61%  +33%       |  504 : +94%             |  688 : +13%             
 360  : +05%             |  505 : +54%             |  691 : +27%             
  361 : +60%             |  507 : +73%  +14%       |  693 : +41%             
  362 : +32%             |  508 : +53%             |  694 : +12%             
  363 : +59%  +04%       |  509 : +92%             |  698 : +40%             
  364 : +86%             | 510  : +72%             | 702  : +25%             
  366 : +85%             |  511 : +13%             |  703 : +39%             
  367 : +30%             |  512 : +91%             |  707 : +10%             
  368 : +84%  +57%       |  513 : +71%  +32%       |  708 : +38%  +24%       
 370  : +56%  +29%  +02% |  515 : +51%             |  713 : +09%             
  372 : +82%             |  516 : +70%  +12%       |  719 : +36%  +22%       
  373 : +28%             |  517 : +89%  +31%       |  720 : +08%             
  375 : +54%             |  519 : +69%             |  724 : +35%             
  376 : +27%             |  520 : +88%  +11%       |  725 : +21%             
  377 :    Lucky 7's     |  521 : +30%             |  727 : +07%             
  379 : +26%             |  522 : +49%             |  731 : +20%             
 380  : +52%             |  525 : +29%  +10%       |  735 : +33%             
  382 : +25%             |  529 : +47%  +28%       |  737 : +19%             
  383 : +77%             | 530  : +09%             |  744 : +18%             
  385 : +76%  +50%  +24% |  531 : +84%             |  746 : +31%             
  387 : +75%             |  532 : +65%             |  748 : +04%             
  388 : +23%             |  534 : +83%             | 750  : +17%             
  389 : +100%            |  535 : +64%  +08%       |  752 : +30%             
 390  : +48%             |  536 : +45%             |  758 : +29%             
  391 : +22%             |  537 : +82%             |  762 : +02%             
  393 : +47%             |  538 : +26%             |  763 : +15%             
  394 : +72%             | 540  : +81%  +44%  +07% |  764 : +28%             
  395 : +21%             |  542 : +25%             |  770 : +27%  +14%       
  396 : +71%             |  543 : +80%             |  776 : +26%             
  398 : +45%  +20%       |  544 : +43%             |  777 :    Lucky 7's     
 401  : +69%  +44%  +19% |  545 : +61%  +06%       |  782 : +25%             
  403 : +93%  +68%       |  546 : +79%  +24%       |  788 : +24%             
  404 : +43%             |  549 : +78%             |  795 : +23%             
  405 : +92%  +18%       | 550  : +05%             |  798 : +10%             
  407 : +91%  +42%       |  551 : +23%             | 801  : +22%             
  408 : +66%  +17%       |  552 : +77%  +59%       |  805 : +09%             
  409 : +90%             |  555 : +22%  +04%       |  808 : +21%             
 412  : +16%             |  559 : +57%  +39%       |  815 : +20%             
  413 : +64%             | 560  : +21%             |  820 : +07%             
  415 : +15%             |  562 : +74%             |  828 : +18%  +06%       
  416 : +87%             |  565 : +73%  +20%       |  836 : +05%             
  418 : +86%  +62%       |  566 : +55%  +02%       |  843 : +16%             
  419 : +14%             |  569 : +19%             |  844 : +04%             
 421  : +61%             | 570  : +54%             |  850 : +15%             
  423 : +13%             |  572 : +36%             |  860 : +02%             
  425 : +83%  +36%       |  574 : +18%             |  865 : +13%             
  426 : +59%  +12%       |  575 : +70%             |  873 : +12%             
  427 : +82%             |  576 : +35%             |  877 :    Lucky 7's     
  428 : +35%             |  577 :    Lucky 7's     |  881 : +11%             
  429 : +58%             |  579 : +17%             |  889 : +10%             
 430  : +11%             | 580  : +34%             |  897 : +09%             
  431 : +34%             |  581 : +51%             | 905  : +08%             
  432 : +80%             |  582 : +68%             |  914 : +07%             
  434 : +56%  +33%  +10% |  584 : +16%             |  922 : +06%             
  437 : +78%  +55%       |  585 : +50%             |  931 : +05%             
  438 : +09%             |  589 : +49%  +32%  +15% |  940 : +04%             
  439 : +100% +77%       | 593  : +48%             |  958 : +02%             
 440  : +54%             |  594 : +14%             |  977 :    Lucky 7's     
  441 : +99%  +31%       |                         |

                                                                {W-Item Trick}
--E.18 B - W-Item

  , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 
@',',',',',',',',',',',',',' Normal W-Item Trick ',',',',',',',',',',',',',',@
 ` ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 

  Perhaps the oldest trick in the book, the W-Item glitch will allow you to 
duplicate any item, so long as it is usable in-battle, and so long as you 
have the W-Item Materia, which is obtained from the raid on Midgar towards 
the end of Disk 2. Here's how it works:

It is recommended that you have the ATB set to 'Wait' whilst performing the W-
Item trick. Whilst in-battle, have the character with W-Item equipped select 
the item that you wish to duplicate (say, a Megalixir). Then, select any item 
as your second item, but instead of confirming a target for that item, cancel 
the second item and you will have noticed that the initial item will have 
increased by one.

You can now press O, X, O, X etc. until you have 99 of the desired item. This 
is useful for things like Sylkis Greens, as not only do they sell for a lot 
of money but they will also help you with the Chocobo breeding process. 
Elixirs are useful too, as they can be fed to the Magic Pots for high amounts 
of AP and EXP.

Be warned - If you only have one item left then you could end up accidentally 
losing that item if you cancel out the W-Item command before selecting the 
second item.

                                                       {Extended W-Item Trick}
  , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 
@',',',',',',',',',',',',', Extended W-Item Trick ,',',',',',',',',',',',',',@
 ` ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 

  This is slightly more tricky method than the normal W-Item trick, and it 
allows you to duplicate items that aren't usable in battle, such as Sources 
and Weapons. There are a few variation to the way the trick works.


First make sure that you have *one* expendable item at the top of the 
inventory list (such as a Potion), then make sure that you have 0 of the item 
you wish to duplicate. For my example, I'm going to be duplicating Power 
Sources from the Screamers in Mt. Nibel. Note that using Yuffie's Conformer 
is the best way to Morph an enemy.

 NOTE - This trick works best when faced with multiple enemies. You can still 
        dupe items from single enemies, however it's a lot trickier and takes 
        much longer to set-up.

Set Yuffie up with Morph, Cloud with Manipulate and player 3 with W-Item. You 
can only battle the Screamer on the winding path leading towards the reactor, 
or at the reactor itself (you'll have a higher chance of encountering them at 
the reactor). When you encounter them, kill off all but the two Screamers, 
then Manipulate one of them.

Now have Yuffie cast Morph. Before the move is executed, have player 3 use W-
Item, and use the single Potion as your first item. Now wait for the Screamer 
to be Morphed into a Power Source. If done correctly, the Power Source will 
fill the same inventory slot that was occupied by the Potion. You can now 
select and cancel another item, thereby duplicating the Power Sources up to 

For Magic Sources you can encounter 2x 8 Eye in the Battle Arena in round 3. 
For this battle you must set Yuffie up with Counter=Morph. It is imperative 
that you cast Stop, Sleep or Paralyzed on one of the 8 Eyes. When the other 
attacks, select the single Potion then wait for Yuffie to counter with Morph. 
So long as the other 8 Eye cannot attack, you will be able to dupe yourself 
99 Magic Sources.

Luck Sources and Speed Sources can be duped from Bad Raps and Poodlers, 
respectively (Sunken Gelnika), and Guard Sources can be duped from the Spiral 
near Mideel. Mind Sources are the hardest to farm seeing as they can only be 
obtained from the Serpent (once you've obtained the W-Item Materia), and they 
only ever come in single formations.


First make sure that you have *one* expendable item at the top of the 
inventory list (such as a Potion), then make sure that you have 0 of the item 
you wish to duplicate. For this example I am going to be morphing Mind 
Sources from the Serpent on the Sunken Gelnika. Set Cloud up with Final 
Attack=Revive and Quadra Magic=Revive. Set Yuffie up with Final Attack=Morph, 
and lastly set player 3 up with W-Item. *MAKE SURE* that Yuffie is player 1 
(at the top) so that she uses Morph before Cloud uses Life2.

Enter into battle with the Serpent. Make sure that Cloud's and Yuffie's HP 
are in critical, then start bringing the Serpent's HP down using L4 Suicide; 
It is more likely to cast Aqualung that way. The idea is to have Cloud and 
Yuffie KO'd at the same time. Yuffie will then retaliate by Morphing the 
Serpent into a Mind Source, and Cloud will cast Life2 four times.

Prior to Yuffie using Morph, make sure that player 3 is sitting in the W-Item 
screen with the Potion 'used', awaiting input of the second item. If done 
correctly, the Potion's inventory slot will be filled with the Mind Source, 
you will then have time to dupe yourself 99 of them while Cloud casts Life2.

The Serpent's attacks are dependent on your party's average current HP and 
the Serpents Current HP. If the Serpent's HP is:
 -  0% -  20% of party's current HP, Dragon Dance is used. 
 - 21% -  40% of party's current HP, Huge Tidal Wave is used.
 - 41% -  80% of party's current HP, Aqualung is used.
 - 81% - 100% of party's current HP, Viper Breath is used.
Using L4 Suicide and Cure, you should be able to regulate the Serpent's HP 
until it uses Aqualung.

 NOTE - If you happen to be playing on a Playstation console, then you can 
        simply open the lid, thereby not allowing the battle to finish. This 
        way you can dupe the Source without having to go through the Final 
        Attack method.


This works similarly to the previous two methods, only this way could take 
much, much longer seeing as an element of luck is involved. The plus side is 
that you will be able to duplicate virtually any piece of armour or weapon 
using this method.

Similar to the previous methods, you must have *one* expendable item at the 
top of your inventory list (such as a Potion), and only one of the item that 
you wish to duplicate in your inventory. For this example I am going to be 
duplicating myself 99 Mystiles. First I'll make sure to have equipped all but 
one Mystile, then I'll get into battle with an enemy that can steal from me. 
These locations include:

 - Vice, Sector 5
 - Prowler, Midgar Area (World Map)
 - Magic Pot, Swamp Area North Crater.

I shall be battling the Vice in Sector 6. Be sure to encounter them in their 
2x formation, they'll only be found in the first 2 screens from the church. 
Manipulate one and wait for the other to steal from you, if you are lucky 
then it will steal the item that you wish to dupe. Now kill it to have your 
item returned to you, but not before having the player with W-Item select the 
Potion. When the item is returned to you you'll be able to duplicate yourself 
99 of the item. You'll be able to stock up on Potions easily in Sector 5, 
aswell as save your game.

If you had more than one of the desired item in your inventory, then you 
would not be able to duplicate it seeing as it would return to the inventory 
slot it came from, as opposed to filling up the inventory slot that was 
occupied by the Potion. The following items *cannot* be duplicated this way:

 - ALL Limit Break Manuals
 - Battery
 - Save Crystal
 - Combat Diary
 - Autograph
 - Gambler
 - Desert Rose
 - Earth Harp
 - Buster Sword
 - Gatling Gun
 - Seraph Comb
 - Silver Barrette


Using the same methods as above, you can have one character kill another mid-
battle. Before the character is killed, have him/her use the Throw command to 
throw one of your valuable weapons, then quickly have the W-Item holder use 
up the single Potion. When the character is K.O'd, the weapon will be 
returned to the first empty available slot, unless you had more than one to 
begin with. The best way to kill off a character is to have another character 
use W-Magic and Contain.

--- STEALING 198 ITEMS ---

It is possible to fill two inventory slot with the same item, thereby being 
able to hold up to 198 of that particular item. The main condition is that 
the item is steal-able or morph-able. For this example I'm going to be 
stealing an Elixir from the Gighee in the Swamp Area in the North Crater.

Equip one player with Steal and another with W-Item. Make sure to have the 
top item slot filled with a single Potion, and the second from the top being 
the Elixir. It is important that the Potion is above the Elixir, and that you 
also only have one Elixir in stock.

During battle, use up the Potion, then have your character Steal the Elixir 
from the Gighee. Before the item is added to your stock, have the W-Item 
holder use up the single Elixir that is in your inventory. When the Elixir is 
stolen, the top inventory slot will be filled with the new Elixir. You can 
the dupe yourself 99 Elixirs in the second slot, then use the normal W-Item 
trick to dupe another 99 Elixirs in the top slot.

                                                                 {Easter Eggs}
--E.18 C - Easter Eggs

  , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 
@',',',',',',',', Negating the damage taken from back-attacks ,',',',',',',','
 ` ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 

It is unclear whether or not this little trick has been intentionally 
included, or is a 'bug' of the escape feature. Throughout the game you will 
come across enemies that have surprise attacked you, or 'back attack' as it 
is referred to in-game. When this happens you will receive double damage from 
the first physical attack you receive. By tapping L1 and R1, you can turn to 
face the enemy, thereby negating the double damage taken.

Note that when you receive a back attack, your rows will be reversed. If this 
bothers you, press left on the D-Pad to change back to their original rows. 
If you decide not to, then when the battle finishes your rows will be back to 

If a character has the Sprint Shoes equipped then they will never have their 
back to the enemies when the battle begins.

  , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 
,',',',',',',',',', Refilling Stamina in the Chocobo Races ',',',',',',',',','
 ` ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 

This one is very well known about - simply hold down R1 and R2 whilst racing 
in the Chocobo Square to slowly refill the Stamina bar of your Chocobo. 
That's all there is to it!

  , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 
,',',',',',',',',',',',',' Slowing down the 'slots' ,',',',',',',',',',',',','
 ` ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 

When using Tifa's Limit Breaks, Cait Sith's Slots Limit Break, or selecting a 
handicap in the battle Arena, you can slow down the rate at which the reel 
spins by tapping Square. This is most effective in the Battle Arena; pressing 
confirm on the handicap that is *2* prior to the desired handicap is the 
easiest way to manipulate the reels.

To see an in-depth explanation on manipulating Cait Sith's Slots, visit 
section E.02 E, or use QSI Link [Slots].

  , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 
,',',',',',',',',',',',',',',' Farming Sources ',',',',',',',',',',',',',',','
 ` ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 

There is one weapon in the game that ignores the damage penalty when using 
the command Morph. Usually, Morph will attack for 1/8 of normal damage, but 
Yuffie's Conformer has a damage modifier that overrules the damage penalty 
when using Morph. And where can this morphing weapon be found? In the same 
place where the enemies can be morphed into Sources - the Sunken Gelnika!


 Poodler - 6000 HP - 70 AP - Morph: Speed Source - Steal: Turbo Ether
 Bad Rap - 9000 HP - 70 AP - Morph: Luck Source  - Steal: Ink

  CARGO ROOM/RESEARCH ROOM: (The Serpent can only be fought in the Cargo 

 Unknown   - 10,000 HP - 150 AP - Morph: Power Source - Steal: Fire Armlet
 Unknown 2 - 13,000 HP - 300 AP - Morph: Guard Source - Steal: Aurora Armlet
 Unknown 3 - 15,000 HP - 200 AP - Morph: Magic Source - Steal: Bolt Armlet
 Serpent   - 14,000 HP -  70 AP - Morph: Mind  Source - Steal: Water Ring 

I suspect that the morphing abilities of the Conformer were unintentional, 
but given the fact that the developers were unable to fix it, they decided to 
work it into the mechanics of the games 'reward system', which is why the 
Conformer is found in the same place where Sources can be morphed. Just a 
                                                               {Red Submarine}
  , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 
,',',',',',',',',',',',',',',', Red Submarine ,',',',',',',',',',',',',',',','
 ` ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 

Have you ever wondered what was behind barking dog when you first travelled 
through Junon's underground pathways on your way to the Reactor? Have you 
also ever wondered what would've happened if you had failed the underwater 
mini game in which you had to sink the Red Sub? Well, aside from losing the 
Huge Materia, you would also lose the Grey Submarine, which means you 
wouldn't be able to access the Sunken Gelnika, fight Emerald WEAPON, or 
obtain the key to the Ancients.

Wait a minute, wouldn't that prevent you from finishing the game? Well, 
technically no, seeing as you would be able to obtain the Red Submarine by re-
visiting Junon's underground pathways. This time you'll have to defeat two 
weak Shinra Guards that are standing by the dog, once they're out of the way 
you can interact with the dog to open up the passageway. As with the grey 
sub, you'll have the option to take the crew on board as hostage.

The red Submarine looks cool, and in my opinion it should've been the main 
sub, and the Grey Sub should've been the secondary sub. Oh well. In the Red 
Sub you'll be able to do everything that you could've with the Grey Sub, 
aside from getting the Huge Materia.
                                                                   {Moai Face}
  , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 
,',',',',',',',',',',',',',',',',' Moai face ',',',',',',',',',',',',',',',','
 ` ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 

A recurring easter egg of the Final Fantasy series, the Moai Face can usually 
be seen in extremely remote locations on the World Map. in FFIV the Moai Face 
can be seen on the moon, in FFV it can be seen on the seabed, and in FFVIII 
it can be seen during a battle on the World Map during PuPu's sidequest.

FFVII is the first Final Fantasy to put the Moai Face in a location that 
isn't on a World Map, and it can be seen in 2 different locations. The first 
place that it can be spotted at is in the Chocobo Races during the long 
track, and the second Moai Face can be found camouflaged into the rock face 
on the north-western most screen in the Great Glacier.
                                                               {Aeris's Ghost}
  , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 
,',',',',',',',',',',',',',',',' Aeris's Ghost ',',',',',',',',',',',',',',','
 ` ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 

After you have completed the Mideel events on Disk 2, you be able to dig for 
the Key to Sector 5 in Bone Village. Once you have obtained this key item, 
you will be able to return to Midgar, namely Sectors 5 & 6. Should you return 
to the church where you first met Aeris, you'll find Aeris praying on the 
flower beds, at least for a short while anyway. When you approach her, she'll 
flicker and vanish. Should you speak to the girl there, she will ask �Hey! 
Where's the flower lady??�

It has been speculated that this was some sort of glitch, and that this scene 
wasn't supposed to occur. That is false; Aeris's Ghost is programmed to 
occur, although there is a slight glitch involving a glimpse of Aeris for 
just a few frames as you enter and the screen fades from black. Aeris won't 
be in her usual spot neither, she will be in the dead centre of the screen, 
just south of the flower bed. This is a glitch, and isn't supposed to have 
been seen.

  , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 
,',',',',',',',',',',',',',' Additional dialogue ',',',',',',',',',',',',',','
 ` ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 

If you bring Aeris and/or Tifa along with you during your first visit to 
Gongaga, then you'll have some additional dialogue with them that can raise 
or lower their affinity towards you, depending on the choices you make and 
the dialogue options you choose.  

What isn't widely known is the fact you will get slightly different dialogue 
if either Aeris and/or Tifa's affection value is higher than 120:
 _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _
'                                                                            '
' Tifa:                                                                      '
'                                                                            '
'     Tifa: �You must really be something making it in SOLDIER out of a      '
'             group like that.                                               '
'            I really respect you��                                          '
'                                                                            '
'  NORMAL DIALOGUE:                                                          '
'                                                                            '
' CHOICE 1: �I just got lucky�                                               '
'     Tifa: �Don't be so humble!                                             '
'            Cloud, thanks for caring.�                                      '
'                                                                            '
' CHOICE 2: �I worked hard for it�                                           '
'     Tifa: �Hard work pays off, huh.                                        '
'            Cloud, thanks for caring.�                                      '
'                                                                            '
'  EXTRA DIALOGUE (if Tifa's affection points are higher than 120)           '
'                                                                            '
' CHOICE 1: �I just got lucky�                                               '
'     Tifa: �Don't be so humble!                                             '
'            You know�                                                       '
'             I'm as proud of Cloud joining SOLDIER as if it were me.        '
'            Cloud, thanks for caring.�                                      '
'                                                                            '
' CHOICE 2: �I worked hard for it�                                           '
'     Tifa: �Hard work pays off, huh.                                        '
'            You know�                                                       '
'             I'm as proud of Cloud joining SOLDIER as if it were me.        '
'            Cloud, thanks for caring.�                                      '
'_  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _' 

 _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _
'                                                                            '
' Aeris:                                                                     '
'                                                                            '
'    Aeris: �He loved women, a real lady's man. He probably found someone    '
'             else�                                                          '
'            Hey? What's wrong?�                                             '
'                                                                            '
'  NORMAL DIALOGUE:                                                          '
'                                                                            '
' CHOICE 1: �Poor guy�                                                       '
'    Aeris: �I don't really mind that I haven't heard from him. But I feel   '
'             for his parents.                                               '
'            Let's go, Cloud.�                                               '
'                                                                            '
' CHOICE 2: �(�jealous�envious�)�                                            '
'    Aeris: �Are you�jealous? Hmm?  Hmmm? Are you, Cloud?                    '
'             I'm kidding. I'm sorry.�                                       '
'    Cloud: �Aeris...�                                                       '
'    Aeris: �Let's go, Cloud.�                                               '
'                                                                            '
'  EXTRA DIALOGUE (if Aeris's affection points are higher than 120)          '
'                                                                            '
' CHOICE 2: �(�jealous�envious�)�                                            '
'    Aeris: �Are you�jealous? Hmm?  Hmmm? Are you, Cloud?�                   '
'             I'm kidding. I'm sorry.                                        '
'             I was hoping maybe you were��                                  '
'    Cloud: �Aeris...�                                                       '
'    Aeris: �Let's go, Cloud.�                                               '
'_  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _| 

It is impossible to reveal Aeris's bonus dialogue without using some sort of 
cheat device, however you can raise Tifa's affection to above 120 by making 
use of the exploit as listed below.

Additionally, if tifa's affection rating is above 50 after the Midgar Events 
on Disk 2, then a very slightly different scene will play out during the time 
Cloud and Tifa spend together.

What isn't very well known about is the dummied out content that was supposed 
to have taken place just outside of Gongaga village, on the same screen as 
the Deathblow Materia. This would have occurred after Cloud had remarked �A 
ruined reactor�, had Barret in your party, and you had spoken to at least one 
NPC within Gongaga.
 _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _
'                                                                            '
' Barret:                                                                    '
'                                                                            '
'   BARRET: �The Shinra build reactors to make money. And this is what       '
'             happens.                                                       '
'            You saw that village. It's always the powerless that get        '
'             victimised by tyrants like Shinra.                             '
'            The one's with the power control those without it. That's just  '
'             the way of the world now.                                      '
'            I can't let 'em do that. That's why I formed AVALANCHE to fight '
'             em.                                                            '
'                                                                            '
'   BARRET: ��yo, Cloud.                                                     '
'              You still gonna fight with us, right?                         '
'             We need you, man.�                                             '
'                                                                            '
' CHOICE 1: �You got it� (+3 Affection points)                               '
'   BARRET: �Thanks, man.�                                                   '
'                                                                            '
' CHOICE 2: �Not interested� (-8 Affection points)                           '
'   BARRET: �����!!                                                          '
'             ���!!                                                          '
'            I was a foo', to believe you.�                                  '
'_  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _| 

--E.18 D - Exploits   

  , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 
,',',',',',',',',',',',', Boosting affection ratings ',',',',',',',',',',',','
 ` ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 

There are four characters in the game that have affection values, of which 3 
can be exploited - Barret's, Tifa's and Yuffie's. Aeris's cannot be exploited.


During your raid on the Shinra HQ during Disk 1, you'll be able to talk to 
Tifa multiple times to keep boosting her affection values indefinitely (max 
255). Every time you choose option 1, �Leave it to me� to boost her affection 
by 1. Choosing �Kinda hard� will lower her affection by 1, and can be 
repeated to bring her value down to 0.


When you first arrive at Cosmo Canyon, male sure to have Barret in your 
party. Enter the back of Tiger Lily's weapon shop, and talk to Barret. Choose 
option 1 to boost his affection by three, then choose option 2. Run out of 
the screen, and repeat the process to continually boost his rating by 3. When 
you do choose option 1 on the second choice, you'll increase Barret's 
affection by another three, and the glitch will no longer be exploitable.

Do not spam this too heavily if you are trying to obtain the Best Bromance 
Trophy, as doing so will prevent the trophy from popping.


When you recruit Yuffie, you will have 5 dialogue choices, each correct 
answer boosting her affection towards you by two. When you correctly answer 
the fifth choice, she will have joined your party and you won't be able to 
make use of the exploit. Instead, purposely fail the fifth choice, then 
battle her again to repeat the process. You cannot raise her affection more 
than 30 by doing this. See section E.07 for more info on the recruiting 
                                                            {Infinite Elixirs}
  , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 
,',',',',',',',',',',',',',',' Infinite Elixirs ,',',',',',',',',',',',',',','
 ` ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 

Normally, when you pick up an item the main playable character is frozen, and 
the menu is disabled. Then you'll hear the sound effect, followed by the item 
being added into your inventory. Then a flag is enabled which signifies the 
item has been picked up, and then the text box appears. When you close the 
text box, the item disappears and you regain full control.

In the case of the Elixir and the Potion in the Great Glacier, this is not 
the case. The first thing that takes place is the item is added to your 
inventory, as opposed to disabling control of the character and menu. Then 
you hear the sound, then you receive the text box, but because you can still 
move your character, you can simply leave and re-enter the screen to repeat 
this process as many times as you like. So long as you don't press confirm to 
close the dialogue box, the Elixir/Potion will not be removed from the field.

The Mind Source has a similar bug, where movement will not be disabled when 
you pick it up, although the item isn't programmed to add itself to your 
inventory until after you close the dialogue box, so if you were to exit and 
re-enter the screen again the item would still be there, but your Mind Source 
count will still be the same.

  , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 
,',',',',',',',',',',',',',', Repeat Boss Glitch ',',',',',',',',',',',',',','
 ` ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 

**PLACEHOLDER** Section Under Construction!

--E.18 D - Glitches   

  , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 
,',',',',',',',',',',',',',',                   ,',',',',',',',',',',',',',','
 ` ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 

**PLACEHOLDER** Section Under Construction!

|                                                                            |
| {E.19} - Modes of Transport                                                |

**PLACEHOLDER** Section Under Construction!

|                                                                            |
| {E.20} - Optional Places to Visit                                          |

**PLACEHOLDER** Section Under Construction!


|<:                                                                        :>|
|<:                                                                        :>|
|<:  {F}                       FF VII WORLD MAP                            :>|
|<:                                                                        :>|
|<:                                                                 {Maps} :>|
|                                                                            |
|                                  CONTENTS                                  |
| - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  |
| {F.01} - Eastern Continent                                                 |
| {F.02} - Central Continent                                                 |
| {F.03} - Western Continent                                                 |
| {F.04} - Northern Continent                                                |
| {F.05} - South-Eastern Continent                                           |
| {F.06} - Ocean Floor                                                       |
| {F.07} - Great Glacier                                                     |
| {F.08} - Bone Village                                                      |

|                                                                            |
| {F.01} - Eastern Continent                                                 |
|                                                    {Eastern Continent Map} |

* = See notes

 +------------------+                   +-----------------------+
 +------------------+                   +-----------------------+
  A = {MIDGAR}                         * 1 = MIDGAR ZOLOM
  B = {KALM}                           * 2 = SLEEPING MAN
  C = {CHOCOBO RANCH}                  * 3 = GOBLIN ISLAND
  D = {MYTHRIL MINES}                  * 4 = ULTIMATE WEAPON            
  F = {JUNON}

|                                               ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
|  KEY:                                         ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
|                                               ||||||||||| ~ ~ ~ ~|||||||||||
| \/\ - Mountains          S - Steal            |||||||||||~ ~ ~ _ ~   |||||||
| ### - Forests           ES - Enemy Skill      ||||||||||||| ~ | \_ES-6||||||
| === - River             SD - Submarine Dock   |||||||||||| ~ /####\~ |||||||
| ||| - Deep Ocean        MA - Midgar Area      ||||||||||||| ~|__3__\~ ||||||
|  ~  - Shallow Ocean     GA - Grasslands Area  |||||||||||||~ ~ ^^^_~ ~ |||||
| ^^^ - Landmark          JA - Junon Area       ||||||||||||||||~ ~| |~ ~ ||||
| \|/ - Chocobo Tracks    WA - Woodlands Area   |||||||||||||||||| \_\ ~ ~||||
|  |                                            ||||||||||||||||||~ ~\| _ ~|||
|_______________________________________________|||||||||||||||||| ~ _~/_\ ~||
~ ~/    �|||||||||||||~ ~ _ ~ ~ ~_~ ~ ~ ||||||||||||||||||||||||||| /_| ~ ~|||
 ~| __  �||||||||||||| ~ | \_~ ~/ |~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~|||||||||||||||||||||~ ~ ~||||||
~/_/~ |/.||'||||||||||~ ~_\  |__| | ~ ~ __~ ~ ||| ~ ~ ~ ||||||||||||||||||||||
 ~ ~ ~ ||| ~ ||| ~ ~ ~ ~|___     B\~ __/  |~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ |||||||||||||||||||
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~__ ~ ____\   ^^^|=\    |__ ~ ___ ~ ~_~ ~|||||||||||||||||||
 ~  To ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~/  |_/            \=\_     | /   \ ~/ |~ ~ ~||||||||||||||||
~  Bone ~ ~ ~ ~ ~|          MA       \==\_   |/    | /  | _ ~ ~|||||||||||||||
  Village  ~ ~ ~ \     ___             \==|        /~|  || | ~ |||||||||||||||
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ |\___/    /   \             \=\     __/~/  // _|~ ~|||||||||||||||
|||||| ~ ~ ~\        |  A  |   S-1              \__/  |/ /____ ~ ~ ~|||||~ ~ ~
||||||| ~ ~ / ____   | ^^^ |  ES-1          \  \__            \ ~ ~ ||||~ _ ~ 
|||||||~ ~ ~\| ~ _|   \___/        __        \___    MA        \ ~ ~|||~ | \ ~
||||||||~ ~ ~ ~ |   _   ____     _|\/\___                       \ ~ ~ ~ ~_\ | 
|||||||||| ~ ~ ~|  |/|_|/\/\\____\/\/\/\/|___________      GA    \______/   |~
||||||||||||~ ~ ~\ \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\|                      /~ 
|||||||||||||~ ~ ~\ \\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\|       ___  ES-2      | ~
||||||||||||||||| ~| \/\/\/\/\/| 2  ___/=/|\/\/\/__/_  \|/ (   ) ES-3     / ~ 
|||||||||||||||||| ~\/==\\/\  / ^^^/====/ |\/\/\|    \  |  ( C )          |~ ~
||||||||||||||||| ~ ==/\=\_______/==/    //\/\//      \    (___)  \|/     | ~ 
||||||||||||||_||| ~| |/\==========/     |/\/\|       |_           |      /~ ~
||||||||||||'/ |___/  |/\|               |/\/\|    1     \_            __|~ ~ 
||||||||||| � F       |/\|#####  S-2    /\/\//    ^^^      \  __      /~ ~ ~ ~
||||||||| SD\^^^       \/|####  ES-5   //\//\    ES-4       |/\/    __| ~ ~|||
|||||||||||  |          \|##        ___|/\/  \         _____|/\|   //\|~ ~||||
||||||||||||~ \   _   4  '#  #     //\/\/\\ D \      _/\/\/\/\/___|\/_| ~|||||
|||||||||||||~ | /~| ^^^           |/\/\/\/\__/_____/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/~ ~ |||||
|||||||||||_~ ~|/~/    ___  ##     |__/  |/\/\/\/\/\/\/|~ ~ ~\/\/ ~ ~ ~ ~|| |_
||||||||||/ \~ _ |     \ ~| #          D |/\/\/\/\/\/\/~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~|||~ _/ 
||||||||||\  \/ \|      | |        JA     \_/\/\/\/|~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~|||||| ~ / _/
|||||||||_/  \|/  ___   |~|___     ___       \/\/\/| ~ ~ ~ ||||||||||||~ / / ~
||||||||/ __  | _/_~ \ _| ~ ~/    (   )      |/\/\/|~ ~ ~ ||||||||||||| ~|/ | 
||||||_/ | ~\  | /_|~//~ ~ ~ |    ( E )      / \/\_| ~ ~ ||||||||||||| ~// ~|~
      \_/ ~ ~|/ ~ ~ //~/|~__/     (___)     | ~ ~ ~ ~ ~|||||||||||||||| ~ ~|| 
  To     _ ~ ~ ~ ~ |/~// /                _/ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~||||||||||||||||||||||||
Gongaga / \__________|| ~\        __     |~ ~ ~ ~     ||||||||||||||||||||||||
       /    \/\/\/\/\//~ ~|   ___/ ~\|\_/~ ~ ~ ~   To    ~|||||||||||   ||||||
~ ____/  ########/\  |~ ~ |  /~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~||||  Mideel ~ ||||||||||     |||||
 ~\ WA ##### G ###   | ~ ~|_/~ ~ ~ ||~ ~ ~ ||||~       ~ ~ ||||||||   N   ||||
~ / __    ##^^^##    \||~ ~ ~ ~ ||||||||||||||| ~ ~ ~ ~/\ ~ _ ~|||    |    |||
 /_/  \_    __/\     _\| ~ ~|||||||||||||||||||__~ ~ ~ \|__| \/||  W--+--E  ||
|/~ ~ ~ \  /~_~ | __| |||||||||||||||||||||||_/  \~ ~ ~/ ___   |||    |    |||
 ~ ~|||_/  \ \|~|/ ~ ~|||~ ~||||||||||||||||/    | ~ ~ \ \ ~\__||||   S   ||||
~ ||||/_____\ ~ ~ ~ ~ ||| ~ ~  ___    _  __/      \ ~ ~ \|~ ~ ||||||     |||||
|||||||||||||||||||||||||| ~ ~|_  \__/ \/  ######  |_~ ~__|||||||||||   ||||||
||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||\         ########   \ / /~ ~ ~|||||||||||||||


  S-1 = Encounter the Custom Sweeper to steal the Atomic Scissors.
  S-2 = Encounter the Formula to steal the Boomerang.


  ES-1 = Encounter the Custom Sweeper to learn Matra Magic.
  ES-2 = Encounter the Mu to learn L4 Suicide.
* ES-3 = Encounter the Lv 16 chocobo to learn Chocobuckle.                   
* ES-4 = Encounter the Midgar Zolom to learn Beta.               
* ES-5 = Encounter the Zemzelett to learn White Wind. Must Manipulate.
  ES-6 = Encounter the Goblin to learn Goblin Punch.


GRASSLANDS AREA:-                       
   Lv 13, TERRIBLE Chocobo:                Lv 16, BAD Chocobo:
    (25%) - 1x Mandragora, 1x Levrikon      (25%) - 2x Levrikon
    (25%) - 2x Mandragora                   (25%) - 2x Elfadunk
JUNON AREA:-                            
   Lv 19, TERRIBLE Chocobo:                Lv 19, SO-SO Chocobo:
    (25%) - 2x Capparwire (Front View)      (25%) - 2x Capparwire (Side View)
    (25%) - 2x Nerosuferoth                 (25%) - 3x Capparwire 



  Dirt  - Prowler, Kalm Fang, Devil Ride, Custom Sweeper
  Grass - Prowler, Kalm Fang, Devil Ride
  Beach - Prowler, Kalm Fang


  Grass - Levrikon, Elfadunk, Mandragora, Mu
  Beach - Levrikon, Elfadunk


  Grass  - Formula, Zemzelett, Nerosuferoth
  Dirt   - Formula, Zemzelett, Hell Rider VR2
  Forest - Formula, Capparwire, Mystery Ninja (12.5%)
  Beach  - Nerosuferoth, Capparwire


  Grass  - Under Lizard, Dual Horn
  Dirt   - Under Lizard, Tonadu
  Forest - Slap, Kelzmelzer, Mystery Ninja (50%)
  Beach  - Tonadu


  Grass  - Dual Horn, Under Lizard
  Beach  - Dual Horn, Under Lizard
  Forest - Goblin, Mystery Ninja (50%)

 | *NOTES* |

ES-3 - CHOCOBUCKLE - Encounter the chocobo alongside 2x Levrikon or 2x 
         Elfadunk (Lv 16), then throw a Mimett or Sylkis Green at it. Use L4 
         Suicide and the chocobo will counter with Chocobuckle.
   1 - MIDGAR ZOLOM - Catch a chocobo to evade having to battle it.
ES-4 - BETA - There is a strong chance that you won't be powerful enough to 
         defeat the Zolom on your first encounter, so it is recommenced that 
         you return once you have acquired the buggy.
ES-5 - WHITE WIND - Must have the Manipulate Materia which you won't have 
         acquired until you have obtained the buggy.
   2 - SLEEPING MAN - Make the last two digits of your battle count match to 
         receive either the Bolt Ring or the Mythril. Cannot be visited until 
         you have obtained the buggy.
   G - THE TEMPLE OF THE ANCIENTS - Cannot be accessed until you have 
         obtained the Tiny Bronco.
   3 - GOBLIN ISLAND - Battle the Goblin in the forests to Steal the 
         valuable Zeio Nut. Cannot be visited until you have obtained the 
   4 - ULTIMATE WEAPON - Cannot be fought until Diamond WEAPON has been 
         defeated. Will spawn in near the crater near Junon. Can learn the 
         Enemy Skill Shadow Flare.

|                                                                            |
| {F.02} - Central Continent                                                 |
|                                                    {Central Continent Map} |

* = See notes

 +------------------+                   +-----------------------+
 +------------------+                   +-----------------------+

  A = {COSTA DEL SOL}                  * 1 = BLACKSMITH
  B = {MT. COREL}                      * 2 = SHORTCUT
  C = {NORTH COREL}                    * 3 = CACTUS ISLAND        
  D = {GOLD SAUCER}                    * 4 = LUCRECIA'S CAVE
  E = {COREL PRISON}                   * 5 = ANCIENT FOREST
  F = {GONGAGA}                        * 6 = MATERIA CAVE
  G = {COSMO CANYON}                   * 7 = SUNKEN GELNIKA
  H = {NIBELHEIM}                      * 8 = RUBY WEAPON 
  I = {MT. NIBEL}

|                                                                            |
|  KEY:                                                                      |
|                                                                            |
| \/\ - Mountains          CA - Corel Area                S - Steal          |
| ### - Forests           GSA - Gold Saucer Area         ES - Enemy Skill    |
| === - River              GA - Gongaga Area             SD - Submarine Dock |
| ||| - Deep Ocean        CCA - Cosmo Area                                   |
|  ~  - Shallow Ocean      NA - Nibel Area                         N         |
| ^^^ - Landmark          RLA - Rocket Launch Pad Area             |         |
| ::: - Mt. Nibel         NCA - North Corel Area                W--+--E      |
| \|/ - Chocobo Tracks                                             |         |
|  |                                                               S         |
|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||~ ~ ~ ~
||||| ~ ~ ~ ~ ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 
|| ~ ~_~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
||~ ~/ |~ |\ _~ ~ ~ ||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~  To Bone  ~ ~ ~ 
 ~ ~|   \_|   \~ ~ ~ ||||||||||||||||||~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~.. ~ ~ ~   Village   |||||
~ ~ | \|/      |~ ~ ~ ||||||||||||||~ ~ ~ __~ ~ ~ ~ ||~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~|||||||||
 ~ / __|__  \|/ \_ ~ ~ ~ ~|||~ ~ ~ ~ ~  _|/\\______/_| ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~||||||||
~ |/~ ~ ~ \  | __/~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ___|/\/\/\/\/\/\/|~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~|||||||
 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~|   |_ ~ ~ ~|\ ~ ~ ~_~ ~ //\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~||||||
| ~ ~ ~ ~ |_    \_~ ~/ |~ ~ _/ \~ |__\/\/\/\/\/\/_\/\/| ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~|||||
|||||~ ~ ~ ~|_    \_|  |___|  /~ ~ ~ \/\/\/\/\/\/ \/\/\\ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~||||
||||||| ~ ~ ~ \              |~ ~ ~ ~ \      |   6    _|~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ||||||
|||||||| ~ ~ ~ |      RLA   |~ ~ _____|     //  ^^^  | ~ ~ ~ ||||~ ~ ~ |||||||
||||||||~ ~ ~ _|   ___      |_~ ~\         ||        �||||||||||||||||||||||||
|||||| ~ ~ ~ /    (   )       |~ |   NCA   \\     ___| ~ ||||||||||||||||||_||
||||~ ~ ~____\    ( J )      _| ~|_         \\,,,/ _____|||||||||||||||||_| \|
 ~ ~ ~ _|         (___)     |~ ~ ~_|     ____\====/     |_ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~/   /|
~ ____/                 __  | ~__|\/\   //\/\\''/         | ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~|   |||
 ~\                  __//\/\|_|/\/\/\\ /\/\/\/\/         / ~ ~ ~ ~ ___/   /~||
~ /          _______/\/\/\/\/ \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/|   CA     |~ |\    /  ___  | ||
 ~\_____    /\/\/\/\/\//::::::::::\/\/\//  \\/\ B       _/ /  |__|  (   ) |~||
~ ~____/   //\/\/\/\/::::::::::::::\\/\/  C \/\|^^    _|~ ~|    |   ( A ) | ||
 ~/       |\/\/\/\//:::::: I :::::::\/\| ^^^ |\/\  \_/__ ~ |    |   (___) |~||
~ \        \/\/\/:::::::::^^^::::::/|/\| GSA \\/\\  \/\/|__|/   |   _____ \ ||
 ~/      RLA /\/::::|::::::||::::/ \|/\/\    /\/\/\  \\/\/\/ /  /  / ~ ~ \_|||
~ | __  ##  /NA  I  |::::::||___/  ||/\/|    \\/\/\\  \___/ /  /  / ~ ~ ~|||||
 ~|_\ | ###/    ^^^ \___:::|       \|/\/|     |/\/\/\ _____/     | ~ |||||||||
~ ~ ~ \   /  ##     | ~ \_/ H    __/\/\/\\    |/\/\/\/\/|=\ CA   |~ ~|||||||||
 ~ ~ ~ \_/  ####   _/~ _|  ^^^  //\/ 4 /\/\    \\/\/\/\/|\=\,,   | ~ |||||||||
||||~ ~ ~|  ####  / ~ |        |\/\/^^^\\/\|    \/\/\/\/  \===\ _/~ ||||/�||||
|||| ~ ~ | ####  / ~ ~|        |\//=====\/\/\    \/     GSA '\ ~ ~ ~|||| �||||
||||~ ~ ~| #### | ~ ~/         |\|======|/\/|         .       / ~||||||/ �||||
|||~ ~ ~/  ###  /~ ~/   NA   __/\/\====/\/\/|     ___/ \     /|||||||||  �||||
||~ ~ ~|       |~ ~ \__,,,,,,|\/\/\ || /\/\/|    /     /    | SD |||||\  �||||
|| ~ ~ ~\__  __/ ~ ~ 2 =======\,,,\/==\/\/\/   _/      \    \__|||||||/  /||||
||| ~ ~ ~ ~\| ~ ~ ~ ^^^\'''''\====\|==|/\/|   /  ___    \ ES-1 \||||||  �|||||
|||| ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ __/ CCA |\/\\====\/\/|  |  (   )    \     || 7 |/  �|||||
||||| ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~\        \/\/\/\==\\/   |  ( D )  8  \    \|^^^|   |_||||
|||||~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~\           \/\|=|     |  ( E ) ^^^  \    \___|     �|||
||||||~ ~ ~ ____|\~ ~ |           |/\\==\_   \  (___)  _____)         \|/ �|||
|||||||~ ~ ~\     |___|           |/\/|\==\   \    ___/            \|/ |  �|||
||||||~ ~ ~ ~\                    |/\/|  |=|   \__/      __         |     \|||
  To ~ ~ ____|          ___     __//\/|  \=\   GSA    __|~ |_     ES-2    /|||
~ Wutai |         /\   (   )   / \\/\/|   \=\,,,,,,,,|~ ~ ~ ~\___        /||||
 ~ ~ ~_/  S-1     \__  ( G ) _|  /\/\/\    \=========~ 2 ~ ~ ~ ~ |___   �|||||
~ ~ ~/   __          \_(___)/   //\/\/\\     \========^^^ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~|__�|||||
 ~ ~ |  |~ \___                 \/\/\/\/\__   ''''''''|__________~ ~ ~ ~||||||
~ ~ ~|_ \ ~ ~ ~\__           |   |\/\/\/\/\\     GA           1  |~ ~ ~ ||||||
 ~ ~ ~|  \ ~ ~____|   ______/    | 5  /##\\/\                ^^^ | ~ ~ ~||||||
~ ~ ~ |__/~ _|\    \_/          /\^^^/|######   ES-3        ___  \~ ~ ~ ||||||
|||||||| ~ �                 __/##\/\/\\#####    _____     | ~ \_/ ~ ~||||||||
|||||||||||�_    __  CCA    /##########|\       /#####\    |~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ||||||||
|||| ~ ~ ~ ~ |  _  \_______/###########||#     |#######|  /~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~|||||| ~
||||| ~ ~ ~ ~|_|~\_  GA     ##########_||##    |## F ##|  |_  ~ ~ ~ ||||~ ~ ~ 
|||||~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~\_______####_____/=/####   \#######/    |~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
||||||~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ======\__/======/####     \#####/    /_ ~   To Temple ~ 
|||||||||~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ |   ###\===/#########        ___________| ~  of The   ~ ~
||||||||||| ~ ~ ~ ~ ~\_  ###############         |~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~   Ancients  ~ 
|||||||||||||| ~ ~ ~ ~ \  #############      ___/~ ||| ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
||||||||||||||| ~ ~ ~ ~ \         __      __| ~ ~|||||||||||||||||||||||| ~ ~ 
|||||||||||||||| ~ ~ ~ ~ \_____  / ~\____| ~ ~||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||\/ ||~ ~ ~ ~|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
|||||||||||||||||||||||||/ \||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
||||||||||||||||||||||||/   \|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
||||||||||||||||||||||||  3  |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
|||||||||||||||||||||||| ^^^ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
|||||||||||||||||||||||| ___ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||


* S-1 = Encounter the Bagrisk to steal the Vagyrisk Claw.


* ES-1 = Encounter the Beach Plug to learn Big Guard. Must be Manipulated.
* ES-2 = Encounter the Harpy to learn Aqualung.
* ES-3 = Encounter the Touch Me to learn Frog Song.


GOLD SAUCER AREA:-                          
   Lv 22, AVERAGE Chocobo:                    Lv 29, GOOD Chocobo:        
    (34%) - 2x Flapbeat (Front View)           (16%) - 2x Spencer             
    (34%) - 1x Harpy                                                      

   Lv 29, AVERAGE Chocobo:                                                   
    (16%) - 2x Flapbeat (Side View)                                          
ROCKET LAUNCH PAD AREA:-                    
   Lv 22, POOR Chocobo:                        Lv 22, GREAT Chocobo:
    (34%) - 2x Velcher Task                     (16%) - 2x Valron         
    (34%) - 1x Velcher Task, 1x Kyuvilduns      (16%) - 2x Kyuvilduns         



  Grass         - Grangalan
  Beach         - Grangalan, Beach Plug
  Mountain Path - Grangalan, Needle Kiss, Cokatolis


  Grass  - Spencer, Flapbeat, Joker, Harpy (chocobo tracks only)
  Beach  - Grangalan, Beachplug
  Desert - Harpy, Flapbeat (must be driving in buggy)


  Grass  - Gagighandi, Grand Horn
  Forest - Gagighandi, Touch Me, Mystery Ninja (25%)
  Beach  - Grangalan, Beachplug


  Grass  - Gagighandi, Grand Horn
  Dirt   - Desert Sahagin, Griffin, Bagrisk
  Canyon - Desert Sahagin, Griffin, Skeeskee, Golem
  Beach  - Crown Lance


  Grass      - Valron, Nibel Wolf
  Big Forest - Valron, Battery Cap, Bahba Velamyu, Mystery Ninja (25%) 
  Beach      - Crown Lance


  Grass        - Velcher Task, Nibel Wolf
  Small Forest - Velcher Task, Valron, Kyuvilduns, Mystery Ninja (99.6%)
  Beach        - Crown Lance


  Grass  - Dual Horn, Under Lizard
  Desert - Cactuer


  Desert - Sea Worm, Tonadu, Cactuer  

 | *NOTES* |

ES-1 - BIG GUARD - Can be learnt from the shores of Corel Area, Gold Saucer 
         Area or Gongaga Area. Must acquire the Manipulate Materia first.
ES-2 - AQUALUNG - To encounter the Harpy you must drive around the desert in 
         your buggy (World Map), or equip Chocobo Lure and battle around the 
         chocobo tracks.
   1 - BLACKSMITH - The first time you visit the weapon sellers house there 
         will be no-one home. You must return after having acquired the Tiny 
         Bronco, you can then exchange the Mythril for either a Gold Armlet 
         or the Great Gospel.
ES-3 - FROG SONG - Be sure to have protection from Frog, such as a White Cape.
 S-1 - VAGYRISK CLAW - The Bagrisk can only be fought in the area just west 
         of Cosmo Canyon, as the 'sunset effect' begins to fade. Also, the 
         higher the level of the person stealing, the lower the chance you 
         have of stealing the Vagyrisk Claw.
   2 - SHORTCUT - Once yo have obtained the Tiny Bronco you will be able to 
         cut through the river near Nibelheim to emerge near Gongaga, and 
   3 - CACTUS USLAND - Once you have obtained the Highwind you will be able 
         to visit this small island to encounter the Cactuer. You can steal 
         the Tetra Element from them.
   4 - LUCRECIA'S CAVE - Once you have obtained either a Green chocobo or the 
         submarine, you can access Lucrecia's cave for some hidden story-line 
         secrets and some goodies.
   5 - ANCIENT FOREST - You will be able to access the Ancient Forest once 
         you have a Green chocobo, alternatively you can wait until Ultimate 
         WEAPON has been defeated.
   6 - MATERIA CAVE -  Once you have a Black or Gold chocobo you can access 
         the Materia Cave near North Corel.
   7 - SUNKEN GELNIKA - If you are having trouble finding it then bring your 
         submarine to the point shown on the map and submerge to find the 
         Gelnika. Be careful as Emerald could be sitting directly in front of 
   8 - RUBY WEAPON - Will appear as a small red fin sticking out of the 
         desert. It'll only appear once Ultimate WEAPON has been defeated, 
         and you have engaged in one random battle.

|                                                                            |
| {F.03} - Western Continent                                                 |
|                                                    {Western Continent Map} |

* = See notes

 +------------------+                   +-----------------------+
 +------------------+                   +-----------------------+

  A = {WUTAI}                            1 = DISEMBARK FROM THE TINY BRONCO
                                         2 = CROSS BRIDGE NO. 1
                                         3 = CROSS BRIDGE NO. 2
                                         4 = CROSS BRIDGE NO. 3
                                       * 5 = MATERIA CAVE
|                         ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
|  KEY:                   |||||||||||||||||||||||||| ~ ~ |||||||||||||||||||||
|                         ||||||||||||||||||||||||~ ~ ~ ~ ||||||||||||||||||||
| \/\ - Mountains         |||||||||||||||||||||| ~ _/\ ~ ~ |||||||||||||||||||
| ||| - Deep Ocean        ||||||||||||||||||||| ~ / _/~ ~|||||||||||||||||||||
|  ~  - Shallow Ocean     |||||||||||||||||| ~ ~_/ / ~ ~ |||||||||||||||||||||
| ^^^ - Landmark          ||||||||||||||||~ ~ _/   |~ ~ ||||||||||||||||||||||
| \|/ - Chocobo Tracks    |||||||||||||||| ~ /    /~ ~ |||||||||||||||||||||||
|  |                      ||||||||||||| ~ __|    _| ~ ||||||||||||||||||||||||
|   S - Steal             |||||||||| ~ __/     _|~ ~ |||||||||||||||||||||||||
|  ES - Enemy Skill       ||||||| ~ ~ /     __/ ~ ~ ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
|  WA - Wutai Area        |||||~ ~ _/     _/ ~ ~ ~ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
|_________________________||||| ~ |      |~ ~ ~ ~|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ~ /       | ~ ~ ~||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ~ ~|       /~ ~|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||~ ~ |     _/~ ~||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
||||||||||||||||||||||||||||~ ~ /     | ~ ~|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
|||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ~ /     / ~ ~||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
||||||||||||||||||||||||||~ ~ |     / ~ ~|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
|||||||||||||||||||||||||| ~ /      |~ ~||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
||||||||||||||||||||||||~ ~ /      /~ ~ ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
|||||||||||||||||||||| ~ ~ /     _/~ ~ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
||||||||||||||||||||| ~ ~ /     | ~ ~ ~|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
|||||||||||||||||||||~ ~ /      |~ ~ ~ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
||||||||||||||||||||~ ~ |       | ~ ~ ~|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
|||||||||||||||||||| ~ /        \~ ~ ~ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
||||||||||||||||||||~ |          \~ ~ ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
|||||||||||||||||||~ /   ___      |~ ~||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
||||||||||||||||||  /   (   )     | ~ ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
|||||||||||||||||| ~|   ( A )    _|~ ~||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
||||||||||||||||| ~ \   (___)   / ~ ~|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||~ 
|||||||||||||||~ ~ ~/            \ ~ ~|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ~ ~
||||||||||||| ~ ~ _|            / ~ ~ ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 
|||||||||||| ~ ~ /      ___    / ~ ~ ~ ||||||||||||||||||||| ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
||||||||||||~ ~ /      |  ~|__| ~ ~ ~ ||||||||||||||||| ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 
|||||||||||~ ~ ~|       \~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~|||||||||||||||~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
||||||||||| ~ ~ |  WA   / ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ||||||||||||||||| ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 
|||||||||||~ ~ /       | ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ||||||||||||||||||~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
||||||||||| ~ /        |~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ||||||||||||||||||||~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 
||||||||||~ ~ |       /~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ||||||||||||||||||||| ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
|||||||||~ ~ ~|      /~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ||||||||||||||||||||||~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 
||||||| ~ ~ ~ |     |~ ~ _ ~ ~ ~|||||||||||||||||||||||~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
|||||||| ~ ~ /      |___| | ~ ~ ||||||||||||||||||||||||| ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 
||||||| ~ ~ | ES-2        |~ ~ ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
|||||||~ ~ ~|             | ~ ~|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ~ ~ ~ ~ 
||||||| ~ ~_|             |~ ~ ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ~ ~ ~ ~
|||||||||~ |              / ~ ~|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ~ ~ ~ 
||||||||||_/             | ~ ~ ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ~ ~ ~
|||||||||/   /\___       \~ ~ ~|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ~ ~ 
|||||||'/   /\/\/\\       \~ ~||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
||||||�|   //\/\/\/|       \||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
||||||�|   |/\/\/\/\        \|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
||||||�|    \\/\/\/\|        \||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
|||||||.\   |\/\/\/\|        _\~ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
|||||||| |  |\/\/\/\|        |~ ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
|||||||| |_//\/\/\/\|       /~ ~||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||~ ~ 
|||||||~ ~ \_\/\/\/\|____  /~ ~ ~||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||~ ~ ~ ~
||||||| ~ ~ ~\/\/\/\|\/\/|\\ ~ ~ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 
|||||||| ~ ~ ~\\/\/\| \\/|~\\ ~ ~||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
||||||| ~ ~ ~ ~\/\/\|  \/~ ~\\___~ ~||||||||||||||||||||||||||||~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 
|||||||~ ~ ~ ~_|/\//    \ ~ | 4  \~ |||||||||||||||||||||||||~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
||||||| ~ ~ ~//\/\|     |~ ~|^^^ / |||||||||||||||||||||||||| ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 
|||||| ~ ~ ~/\/\/\|     | ~ \   / ~||||||||||||||||||||||||||~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
||||||~ ~ _//\/\/\|     \~ ~ \  |~ ~||||||||||||||||||||~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 
|||||~ ~ //\/\/\//     __|~ ~ \  \~ ___________||||||| ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ To  ~ ~ ~ ~
||||~ ~ /\/\/\/\|     |~ ~ ~ ~|   |/ \/\/\/\/\ \||||| ~ ~ ~ ~ Rocket Town ~ ~ 
|||| ~ //\/\/\/\|    |~ ~ ~ ~ |       |\/\/\/|  \_________ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 
||||~ ~|/\/\/\/\|   /~ ~ ~ ~_/       //\/\/\/|         5  | ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 
|||| ~ \/\/\/\/\|  |~ ~ ~ ~ |_ _     \/\/\/\/|________^^^_|~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
||||| ~ |\/\/\//   | ~ ~ ~ ~ ~|/|    |/\/\/\/|/ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 
|||||| ~|\/\/\/|   |~ ~ ~ ~ ~/\//    \/\/\/\_| ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 
||||||~ |\/\/\/|   | ~ ~ ___|/\/      \\/\//~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 
|||||| ~|\/\/\/     \___//\/\//___     \__|~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
||||||| |\/\/|      //\/\/\__/   /|    /~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ||||||~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 
|||||||~|\/\//     |\/\/\//     / | ___\ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ||||||||||||~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
||||||| /\/\|      |__\/\/\    /   //\/\\__ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~|||||||||| ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 
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|||||~|\/\/\/\|          |\/   |//    |\/\/\//     \~ ~ ~|||||||| ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 
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|||�|\/\/\/\/      3    /______|/       |\/       / ~ ~ ||||||||||||||||||||||
|||�|_/\/\/\|     ^^^  ________         |/       | ~ ~ |||||||||||||||||||||||
||||.�|\/\/\|    \ |  //\|     |\        \__    / ~ ~ ~|||||||||||||||||||||||
|||||�|_/\/\|   __\| |\/_|  .  |/\          \ _| ~ ~ ~||||||||||||||||||||||||
||||||.�|\/\|_        \|   /|\ |/\\         |/~ ~ ~ ~ |||||||||||||||||||||| ~
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|||||||||||||~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ \   |/\/\/\|  \ \      \_ ~ ~ ~ ||||||||||||||~ ~ ~
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||||||||||||||| ~| \~ ~ ~ ~/   |/\/\/\/\/\__\ \_____ \~ ~ ~ ~ ||||||||||| ~ ~ 
|||||||||||||||~ |  \_ ~ ~/    |/\/\/\/\/|   ____   \_|~ ~ ~ ~ ~|||||||||| ~ ~
||||||||||||||| ~|    \___|    |/\/\/\/\/|__/   \\_   | ~ ~ ~ ~ ||||||||||| ~ 
|||||||||||||||~/ \|/          //\/\/\/\/\\      //   |~ ~ ~ ~ ~||||||||||||||
||||||||||||||| |  |   _      |\/\/\/\/\/\/\    |/    | ~ ~ ~ ~ ||||||||||||||
|||||||||||||||/_   __/~\      \/\/\/\/\/\/\\  WA    / ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~||||||
|||||||||||||||||\_/~ ~ ~| \|/  \\__/\/\/\/\_____  1 \~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ||||
|||||||||||||||||||~ ~ ~ |  |    | ~|___/\// ~ ~_|^^^ |~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ |
||||||||||||||||||| ~ ~ ~|        \ ~ ~ \_/ ~ ~|____  \_  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~___~ ~ ~ ~ 
|||||||||||||||||||~ ~ ~/  \|/     \ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~\   \  ~ ~ ~ ~/   \~ ~ ~ ~
||||||||||||||||||| ~ ~ |   |   \|/ \ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _|   \_______/   _ \~ ~ ~ 
|||||||||||||||||||| ~ ~\____    |   \ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~|      S-1     _/~\ |~ ~ ~
||||||||||||||||||||||~ ~ ~ ~\________| ~ ~ ~|||| ~_|     ES-1 ___/ ~ ~|/ ~ ~ 
||||||   ||||||||||||||||~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~|||||||./          _/~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
|||||     ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||�|         _/ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 
||||   N   |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||�|        /~ ~ ~ ~ ~ To  ~ ~ ~
|||    |    ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||�|     __|~ ~ ~ Cosmo Canyon  
||  W--+--E  ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||\  __/~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
|||    |    |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||.|/~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 
||||   S   ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
|||||     ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 
||||||   ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


  S-1 = Encounter the Adamantaimai to steal the Adaman Bangle.      


  ES-1 = Encounter the Adamantaimai to learn Death Force. Must be Manipulated.
  ES-2 = Encounter the Razor Weed to learn Magic Hammer. Must be Manipulated.


WUTAI AREA:-                    
   Lv 30, AVERAGE Chocobo:                 Lv 30, SO-SO Chocobo:
    (25%) - 2x Tail Vault (Front View)      (25%) - 2x Tail Vault (Side View)
    (25%) - 3x Tail Vault                   (25%) - 2x Razor Weed



  Grass - Tail Vault, Razor Weed, Edgehead
  Dirt  - Tail Vault, Thunderbird, Bizarre Bug, 
  Beach - Adamantaimai

 | *NOTES* |

   1 - MATERIA CAVE - Once you have a Green, Black or Gold chocobo you can 
         access this cave.

|                                                                            |
| {F.04} - Northern Continent                                                |
|                                                   {Northern Continent Map} |

* = See notes

 +------------------+                   +-----------------------+
 +------------------+                   +-----------------------+

  A = {BONE VILLAGE}                   * 1 = CHOCOBO SAGE                     
  B = {CORRAL VALLEY}                  * 2 = ROUND ISLAND
|                                                                            |
|  KEY:                                                                      |
|                                                                            |
| \/\ - Mountains           ^^^ - Landmark               S - Steal           |
| ### - Forests             \|/ - Chocobo Tracks        ES - Enemy Skill     |
| ||| - Deep Ocean           |                          IA - Icicle Area     |
|  ~  - Shallow Ocean                                                        |
|                                                                            |
||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||           |||
||||     ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||  /\/\/\/\/  ||
|||   N   ||||||||||||||||||| _ || _ |||||  |||||||||||||||||  /\/## 2 #\/\  |
||    |    ||||||||||||||||| //|  /\| ____/| |||||||||||||||| \/\###^^^##/\/ |
|| W--+--E |||||||||||  ||| /\/|_//\\|/\/\/\ |||||||||||||||| \/\########/\/ |
||    |    |||||||||  /\___//\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\| ||||||||||||||| \/\ #######/\/ |
|||   S   |||||||||  _\/\/\/\     /\/\/\/\/\|  ___ ||||||||||| /\/######\/\ ||
||||     |||||| ____|/\/\//   ___   /\/\/\/\|_/\/\\ |||||||||||  /\/\/\/\  |||
|||||||||||||| /\/\/\/\/\/   (   )  /\/\/\/\_\/\/\/| |||||||||||          ||||
||||||||||||| /_____\/\/\/   ( H )  /\/\/\/| \_____/ |||||||||||||||||||||||||
||||||||||||||  .....\\/\/   (___)  /\/\__/..       ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
||||||||||||||| __...|\/\/\        //\//.... |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
|||||||||||||| /\/\__|\/\/\\/\/\/\/\/\/.../| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
||||||||||||| |/\/\/\/\/\/\\/  G     /.../ | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
|||||||||||| /\/\/\/\/\/\/\|\ ^^^   /___/ /  |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
||||||||||  //\__/\/\/\/\/\\.\            |  |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
|||||||| __/\_|  \ /\/\/\/\/�.\__          \ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
|||||||| \\/|   | |/\/\/\/__�....\_  F  ___/ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
||||||||| |/\  || |/\/\/\/.... ____\^^^/.... |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
||||||||| |__| || |/\/\//.. __//\_/   /......  |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
|||||||||      || |/\/\/.._/\/\_/    /../\/\/\  ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
|||||||||||||||||| \__/._/\/\//    _/.._|\/\/\|   __ |||||||||||||||||||||||||
|||||||||||||||||||   _/\/\/\/   /\.'_|\/\/\/\|__//\|   __ |||||||||||||||||||
||||||||||||||||||| _/\/\/\/\|  |/\.|\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\|__//\| ||||||||||||||||||
||||||||||||||||||  \/\/\/\/\/  |/|.|_/\/\|     \\/\/\/\/\\ ||||||||||||||||||
|||||||||||||||||||      /\/|  /\/....\\/\|      |/\/\/\/\/| |||||  ||||||||||
|||||||||||||   ||||||| //\/|  |\...__|\/\| 1    |/|\\/\/\/\\__ || | |||||||||
||||||||||||| | ||||||| |/\/\  /\.|\/\/\/\/^^^  /\/| \/\/\/\/__\.._|\_ |||||||
||||||||||||| |\ ||||  _|/\//E |/\/\/\/\/|_____|/\/  D \/\/\/..../   _| ||||||
||||||||||||| | \_____|     ^^^|/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\| ^^^|/\//____/   /  |||||||
||||||||||||| | \|/      _____/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/   /\/\/\/\/\_  / |||||||||
|||||||||||  /   |     _/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/      //\/\/\/\/\/\_| |||||||||
||||||||| __| \|/ _   |\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\|       /\/\/| C\   |\/\  ||||||||
|||||| __/  ___|_/ \      |_/\//        \\/\|      //\/\/|^^^|  |\/\| ||||||||
|  ____| __|        |      //\/          \_/      /\/\// |   \  |\/\| ||||||||
|| \____/   ||||||| |      \_/                    |\/\/  |    | |\/\| ||||||||
|||      |||||||||| |     ______         IA      _/\//    \_B_|_|\/\| ||||||||
||||||||||||||||||| | ___/      \___         ___/\/\/ ___  |/\/\/\/\/\  ||||||
|||||||||||||||||| /_/    ||||||    \    ___/\/\/\/| (   ) |/\/\/____\| ||||||
||||||||||||||||||    ||||||||||||| |   /\/\/\/\/\/| ( A ) |/\/_/    \| ||||||
|||||||||||||||||||||||||| ________/   //\/\/\/\/\// (___) |/\/  ||||   ||||||
||||||||||||||||||||| ~ ~ / __________/\/\/\/\/\/_/__      \// |||||||||||||||
|||||||||||||||||~ ~ ~ ~ ~\/ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~\\/\/\/_/~ ~ \  S-1 \| |||||||||||||||
||||||||||~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~/\ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~\/\/\/ ~ ~ ~ |ES-1 /  |||||||||||||||
|||||||||~ To  ~ ~ ~/ |~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ||| ~ ~ ~\__| ~ ~ ~__/     | ||||||||||||||||
||| ~ Rocket Town ~|  / ~ ~ ~ ~ ~|||||~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~/  IA   / |||||||||||||||||
 ~ ~ ~ ____________| | ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ||||||||~ ~ ~ ~ ~/______ / ||||||||||||||||||
~ ____/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/|~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~|||||||||||~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~  |||||||||||||||||||
 ~\\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/| ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ||||||||||~  To ~ ~ ||||||||||||| ~ ~ ~||
~ ~\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\\ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ||||||||| Midgar  ||||||||||||||~ ~ ~ ~ 


  S-1 = Encounter the Vlakorados to steal the Carob Nut.          


  ES-1 = Encounter the Trickplay to learn L4 Suicide.                         


ICICLE AREA:-                           
   Lv 33, BAD Chocobo:                      Lv 33, WONDERFUL Chocobo:
    (40%) - 1x Bandersnatch, 1x Jumping      (10%) - 1x Jumping               
    (40%) - 2x Bandersnatch                  (10%) - 2x Jumping   



  Grass - Vlakorados, Trickplay            
  Snow  - Bandersnatch, Jumping                 
  Beach - Tonadu           


  Forest - Goblin, Mystery Ninja (50%)

 | *NOTES* |

   1 - CHOCOBO SAGE - Can only be accessed once you have obtained the
   2 - ROUND ISLAND - Can only be accessed once you have obtained a Gold 
         chocobo. Is situated in the far north east corner of the map, un-
   3 - NORTH CRATER - Can only be accessed once you have reached Disk 3.

|                                                                            |
| {F.05} - South-Eastern Continent                                           |
|                                              {South-Eastern Continent Map} |

* = See notes 
|                                                           / ~ ~ ||||||||||||
|  KEY:                      +-----------------------+     | ~ ~ ~|||||||  |||
|                            | SECRETS AND LANDMARKS |      \ ~ ~ |||||| /| ||
| \/\ - Mountains            +-----------------------+      |~ ~ ~||||| / | ||
| ### - Forests                                             _\~ ~ ||||~ | | ||
| ||| - Deep Ocean          * 1 = Accessible on Disk 1  ___/ ~ ~ ~ ||| ~/3|~ |
|  ~  - Shallow Ocean       * 2 = Land Highwind here   /~ ~ ~ ~ ||||| ~|^^| ~|
| ^^^ - Landmark            * 3 = Materia Cave        |~ ~ ~ ~|||||| ~ /  |~ |
| \|/ - Chocobo Tracks      * 4 = Highwind Glitch     | ~ ~ ||||||||~ ~|  | ~|
|  |                                                   \ ~ ||||||||| ~ |  /~||
|  MA - Mideel Area                    ___           __|~ ~|||||||__~ /  |~ ||
|   S - Steal                       __/ ~ |_  ____/ ~ ~ ~ ~||||| /_ \/  / ~ ~|
|                                 _/ ~ ~ ~ ~|/ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~|||~ ||~ |  _/ _ ~ |
| +------------------+        ___/~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~|||| ~_____/ _/~_//~ ~|
| | CITIES AND TOWNS |       | ~  To ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~|||||| ~/4 ___\/ _| |~ ~||
| +------------------+       | Chocobo  ||~ ~|||||||||||| ~/^^/ ~ ~ |   | ~|||
|                       _    |  Ranch  ||||||||||||||||| ~/  _|~ ~ ~/  / ~||||
|  A = {MIDEEL}       _/~\   |~ ~ ~ ~ ~|||||||||||||||||~ | / ~|~ ~/   |~ ||||
|                    | ~ ~\  | ~ ~ ~ ~|||||||||||||||||| ~|/ ~|| ~/    | ~||||
|                    |~ ~ ~\_|~ ~ ~ ~|||||||||||||||||||~ ~ ~ ||~ |  _/ ~ ||||
|                ____| ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~|||||||||||||||||||||___ ||||| ~/ /~ ~ ~||||
|             _ |~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~(_)~ ~ |||||||||||||||||| / _/ ||||__|  |~ ~ |||||
|     __/\___|~|/ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~/| ~ ~ ~ |||||||||||| /_/ |||__/  __/~ ||||||||
|  __| ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~/_|~ ~ ~ ~||||||||||||||||||_|  | /~ ~ |||||||||
| / ~ ~ ~ To  ~ ~ ~ ||||| ~ ~ ~___~ ~ __||||||||||| _ || /   _|/~ ~ ~|||||||||
|/ ~  Fort Condor  ~|||||~ ~ ~ \  |~_/  \~|||||||| / \__/___/~ ~ ~ ~ ~ |||||||
~ ~ ~ ||||||||||||||||||||~ ~ ~ \/~|   _/ ~ ~ ~ ~ |\/\ _/ ||| ~ ~ ~____ ~ ||||
 ~ ||||||||||||||||||||||||| ~ ~ ~ /  /_ ~/\_____//\/ /~ ~ ||~ ~ _/   _| ~||||
~|||||||||||||||||||||||__||~ ~ ~ /  1  \/           _| ~ ||| ~ /    /~ ~|||||
||||||||||||||||||||||_/  \  ~ ~ /  ^^^ _| MA ______|~ ~|||| ~ |    /~ ~||||||
~||||||||||||||||||||/     \~ ~ /_/\_  |~\___/~ ~ ~ ~ ||||| ~ _\   |~ ||||||||
 ~|||~ ~ ~ ~__ ~ ~ ~/  S-1  |~ ~ ~ ~ \_| ~|||~ ~|||||||~ ____/   _/~ |||||||||
~ ~ ~ _____/  \____/###   ##| ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~|||||||||~ ____/      _/ ~ ~|||||||||
 ~ ~ |_        ES-1 #########\__/| ~|\ ~|||| ~ _ ~ /          /~ ~ |||||||||||
||||||~\__  \|/    ######   #####|__\ \_______/ \__|   ______/~ ~ ||||||||||||
|||||| ~ ~\_ | \|/ ###### A ###_/                _____/~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ||     ||||
||||||~ ~ ~ \___|   /\__#^^^#_/\    MA        __/ ~ ~ ~ ||||| ~ ~ ~|   N   |||
|||||||||||| ~ ~\  / ~ ~\___/~ ~|       _____/ ~ ~ ~ ~ ||||||||||||    |    ||
||||||||||||||~ ~\| __~ ~ ~_~ ~ | _____/~ ~ ~ ~|||||||||||||||||||| W--+--E ||
|||||||||||||||| ~ ~\/ ~ ~ \\__/ / ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ||||||||||||||||||||||    |    ||
||||||||||||||||~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ \_2_/ ~ ~|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||   S   |||
|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||^^^|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||     ||||


  S-1 = Encounter the Spiral to morph into a Guard Source.


* ES-1 = Encounter the Lv 36 Chocobo to learn Chocobuckle. 



   Lv 36, SO-SO Chocobo:                    Lv 36, GREAT Chocobo:
    (22%) - 2x Head Hunter                   (28%) - 1x Spiral 
    (22%) - 3x Headhunter                    (28%) - 2x Spiral 



  Grass  - Spiral, Head Hunter, Hippogriff  
  Dirt   - Spiral, Hippogriff                    
  Forest - Crysales, Head Hunter
  Beach  - Sea Worm

 | *NOTES* |

   1 - SMALL ISLAND - This small island can be accessed once you have 
         obtained the Tiny Bronco. Large amounts of Gil and EXP can be earned 
ES-1 - CHOCOBUCKLE - Encounter the chocobo then throw a Mimett or Sylkis 
         Green at it. Use L4 Suicide and the chocobo will counter with 
   2 - HIGHWIND LANDING - This is where you should land the Highwind if you 
         are trying to access the Materia Cave with a Blue chocobo.
   3 - MATERIA CAVE - Can only be accessed once you have a Blue or Gold 
   4 - HIGHWIND GLITCH - Face South in you Highwind, so the Materia Cave is 
         to your left. Now strafe to the left pressing X at the last minute. 
         If you time it right you'll land the Highwind on the grass whilst 
         Cloud is on the dirt track below.

|                                                                            |
| {F.06} - Ocean Floor                                                       |
|                                                          {Ocean Floor Map} |

|                                                                            |
| +-------------------+                             ____                     |
| | PLACES OF INTERES |                            /  E |  Bone Village      |
| +-------------------+                       ____/__^^^|                    |
|                                        ____/____/  \__|                    |
| A = RED SUBMARINE (HUGE MATERIA)  ____/..__/                               |
| B = SUNKEN GELNIKA               /...___/                                  |
| C = JUNON UNDERWATER REACTOR    |...|                           N          |
|     (INACCESSIBLE)              |...|__                         |          |
| D = LUCRECIA'S CAVE             |......\_                    W--+--E       |
| E = KEY TO ANCIENTS              \___....\____                  |          |
|                                      \........|                 S          |
|                                      |......./                             |
| +---------------------------+        |.......|                             |
| | EMEARLD'S SPAWN LOCATIONS |        |.......|                             |
| +---------------------------+       /........\                             |
|                                    /......__..\                            |
| 1 = In the middle of the crater   |....._/  |..\_                          |
| 2 = Circulating clockwise     ___/...../   /.....|______            Midgar |
| 3 = Sat in front of Gelnika  /......../    |............\                  |
|                            _/........|    /..............\                 |
|         North            _/........_/     |...............|                |
|         Corel           /.......__/      /.............../                 |
|                        |......_/   Costa |...............\___              |
|       _________________/.....|      Del  |...................|_            |
|      /_________________...../       Sol  |.....................\__         |
|     //                 \___/             \........................|        |
|    ||                                     \_________..............|_       |
|    ||                                     /;;;;;;;;;|...............|__    |
|    \\                                ____/;;;;;;;;;;|..................\   |
|    /.\                             _/.....\_;;;;;;;/.2.................|   |
|   /...\                           /.........\;;;;;;|...2...............|   |
|   | D |                          |.../|__....\;;;;;2\..................|   |
|   |^^^|                          |../    \....|;;;;;;|..2........__..../   |
|   \.../                       __/...|    |....|;;;2;;|..........|  \__/    |
|    \_/             Submarine /...../     |....|;;;;;;;\__2...   |          |
|                       Dock  |...../      |.....\;2;;;;;;;;|.  C | Junon    |
|            Gold             |... .|      /.....|;;;;;;;;;2|___^^\          |
|            Saucer           \.. 3 |     /......\2;;;;;;;;;;;;;\_/ Submarine|
|                              |  B/      \.......\;;;;;;_2_______| Dock     |
|                               \_^|       |.....2.\____/.........|          |
|                                 \|       ..............2.........\         |
|                                          |...__2............../\..\        |
|                                          /../   \.....2....../  \__\       |
|                                          \ /  1 2\..2........|             |
|                                           \\ ^^^ /....... ___/             |
|                                           /.\___/......../                 |
|                                          /............../                  |
|                                        _|...............|                  |
|                                     __|................_|                  |
|                                    |..................|                    |
|                  Blacksmith         \................/                     |
|                                     /..............__|                     |
|                                    |............__/                        |
|                                    /.........._|                           |
|                                ___/........../                             |
|                                \.........   /                Temple of     |
|    Gongaga                      \.......  A|               The Ancients    |
|                                 |________^^/                               |

|                                                                            |
| {F.07} - Great Glacier                                                     |
|                                                        {Great Glacier Map} |

      (A) Mind Source, (B) Potion, (C) Safety Bit, (D) Added Cut Materia,      
               (E) All Materia, (F) Alexander Materia, (G) Elixir              

 Every 544 steps you take  |          10          |                   N
 you'll pass out. This  >>>| Base of Gaea's Cliff |                   |   
 is where you'll wake up.  |_________    _________|                W--+--E
              _____________|  /\  /\      /\  /\  |___________        |     
             |  \/  \/  \/   /  \/  \/  \/  \/  \   \/  \/  \/|       S     
             |  /\  /\  /\  /\  /\  /____\  /\  /\  /\  /\  /\|   __________ 
             |\/  \/  \/  \/  \/  \// 8  \\/  \/  \/  \/  \/  |__|          |
  ___________|/\  Snow Fields /\  /\| E  |/\  /Snow Fields/\   __ \      9  |
 | __________|  \/  \/  \/  \/  \/  \____/  \/  \/  \/  \/  \ |  |\\    __  |
 |/      ____   /\  /\  /\  /\  /\  /\  /\  /\  /\  /\  /\  /\|  | \\  /  \_|
 | Moai |    |_\/_\/__\/__\/__\/__\/_    _\/__\/__\/__\/__\/__|  |  \\/ ()  | 
 | Face  \___                        |  |      ___________       |___|   F \|_
 |__ ______  \                       |  |_____|''''\      | 6 D  |__________ |
   //       \ \                      |________ ___  \     |< < < < < < < < <||
  //         \ \____________                  |   \  \____|       __________||
 //_______    \   \         |                 |7 * \ Hot  |______|______    ||
 |  __|\  |    |   |     ___|                 |    /Springs______ ___   \  / |
 | |   |  |    |   |____/   |     ______      |___/_______|     _|___\   \/ /|
 | | G |  |__  |   .----.   |____/ ____ \    ___________       /_ ____      _|
 |  \_/ 11 __\ |   |    |    _____/    \ \__| Lone Tree |_____// |    \    /|
 |___  ___|  \\|   |    |   |           \___      ,      _____/  | 5   \  / |
     \ \      \___/______\__|     ________  |    /_\    |        |______|/__|
  ____\ \_____                   | / __ \ | | 4   |  RL |               ||
 |         |  |                  |/C(__) \| |_______ ___|               //
 |\__     /   |                  |___  3  |_____    ||                 //
 |   \___\  __|                      |     B |  |__//                 //
 |     __\\/  |__    ___________    _|    __/    __/                 //
 | ___/        __\  |     A     |  /_  __/      |                   //
 |/_  ________|  \\_|__Forest___|_// |/       2 |                  // 
   / /            '-:-.\    /.--:-'  |________ _|                 //
   | |              |LL\\__//   |             \\____________     //
   | |              |   \\//  1 |              \       \____|___//
   | |              |____\\_____|               | \      ___ __ /
   | |                    \\                    | |      \__|   
   | |                     \\                   | |       __ \   ______
   | |                  ____\\_____________     | /   RR /__|\\ /    _\\__
   |  \__              |                   |    |/__      __| \\|    |\\  \__ 
    \__  \____         |                   |________\    /    |\   __| ||    |
       \____  \________|          LR        ____________/     |_______/||\___|
            \__________  ____              |       ____________________||_____
                       | |__| Entrance     |                                  
                       |_________  ________|       To World Map and Icicle Inn

                    To World Map and Icicle Inn


                             If you'd taken the :-                             

    Left + Right path you would have landed at the entrance. Head north to
    continue on from the forest.                          

    Right + Left path you would have landed at the Lone Tree. Head south, 
    then west to continue on from the forests.

    Left + Left path (as advised) you would have landed in the forest.

    Right + Right path you would have landed east of the entrance. Make your 
    way through the south screen to arrive at the entrance then continue 
    north to come to the forest

 1.) At the very north of the screen in the forests, you'll be able to pick up 
     (A), the [MIND SOURCE]. Now head east two screens to 2.

 2.) To the north east of the screen you'll be able to pick up (B), the 
     [POTION]. By not pressing O a second time, you can add one to your 
     inventory whilst retaining the Potion's 'source'. Meaning, it'll still 
     be there when you run back. Now head north west to 3.

 3.) You'll have to step on the ice blocks in a certain sequence here to be 
     able to get to the other side. The same goes for on the way back. In the 
     cave ahead you'll be able to find (C), the [SAFETY BIT] (be sure to get 

   Heading North:
    Up, Left, Down, Left, Up, Right, Up, Up, Up, Left, Down, Right, Right , Up

   Heading South:
    Left, Down, Right, Right, Down, Left, Down, Right, Down, Left

 4.) Picking a second 'infinite' potion as you return through section 3, make
     your way east two screens to the Lone Tree.

 5.) Heading east, make your way 4 screens up to the far eastern mountainside 

 6.) Now head through the far eastern exit, this is a one way path that can 
     only be travelled on from screen 5. Along the path on the second screen 
     to the right you'll just about to be able to make out (D), the [ADDED 
     CUT MATERIA] in the snow.

 7.) You should now emerge at the hot springs. MAKE SURE to examine the left 
     side of it to 'touch it' as you won�t be able to grab the Alexander 
     Materia otherwise. Then make your way 3 screens to the north to come to 
     the snow fields.

 8.) Every second or so press O to lay down a marker. When the wind throws 
     you off direction, stop moving. Use the markers that you have placed to 
     pick up your orientation. Firstly, head north to find and igloo type 
     cavern containing (E) the [ALL MATERIA].

 9.) Now head out of the igloo and head east. After you've travelled through 
     4 screens you'll find yourself on more mountain side paths. Head into 
     the eastern cavern and remove Counter Attack. As long as you touched the 
     hot springs earlier then you can fight the Snow here, and even though 
     the music suggests a boss battle it's actually just the same Snow as 
     listed above. Make sure to steal a Circlet from her. Once she has been 
     defeated she'll leave behind (F), the [ALEXANDER MATERIA]. 

 10.) As long as you've managed to grab the Alexander Materia without passing 
      out then you'll have succeeded in grabbing as much as I intended for 
      you to grab. You can attempt to make your way over to the remaining 
      Elixir on the far west side, but it's highly doubtful that you'll make 
      it in time (although it is possible). There is an exploit you can make 
      use of here, however. I suggest at this point either making your way 
      back to the Snow Fields and then north to find Holzoff's cabin, or just 
      running around until you pass out, you'll then awaken in his cabin.

      Once at the cabin, you'll have to listen to Holzoff's story to 
      continue. After spending the night there head outside to hear Barret 
      embarrass himself, then your teammates will join you. Head south back 
      to the Snow Fields. When you head back out you'll have a fresh 544 
      steps to play with.

 11.) From the Snow Fields head all the way to the west 3 screens to arrive at 
      more cliff sides. Now make your way west 3 screens to arrive at a 
      cavern that can be entered from both sides. the final item here, the 
      [ELIXIR] (G) can be duplicated as many times as you please, as long as 
      you don't pick up the source (exactly like the Potion we saw earlier, 
      but unfortunately not the Mind Source). 

      Press O once to have the message 'Received Elixir' appear, but DON'T 
      press O a second time. Instead, run out of the cavern and back in 
      again. The Elixir will still be there, and you'll have added one to 
      your count. As long as you don't accidentally pick up the source of the 
      eternal Elixir, then you'll be able to keep coming to this spot as many 
      times as you like.

|                                                                            |
| {F.08} - Bone Village                                                      |
|                                                         {Bone Village Map} |

|\@#\\#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@______  _ __@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@|
||#@| |#/#@#______#@ /  | | \   \    \#@\@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@/|#@#|
|#\#| | |  |      | (   / |  \   \    \#@\@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@/\#@#@#_____/  \#@|
|  || | |  | __   | |\ /  \  |\   \__  \  |_______________/  |#@_/         \#|
|  || | |  | \/   | | \ \  \ |       \  \_|                 /__/            ||
|  || |_|__|      |/\  \ \__\|   ___  \    \                                ||
|  ||/            / /\  \_  _   |\  |  \  |_\                               ||
|_/               |/  |   /| |  | | |   \ |                                 ||
|                 /  /|  / | |  | | |    \|                   _            / |
|                  \/_| /__|_| /| | |                        / \          |  |
|              _      |/     |/ | |                         ( 5 )         |  |
|             / \                                            \_/          |  |
|            ( 8 )                                                        |  |
|             \_/                                                         |  |
|                  _           _                                          |  |
|                 / \         / \          ___               ____        /___|
|_____     _     ( 7 )       ( 6 ) _______/SSS|        |\___/    \_________  |
| \SSS\___/ \____ \_/       **\_/ /        /SS|========|       /SSS\       \_|
|  \SSS\   /     \________  ***  /      __/SSS|        |     /SSSSSSS\       |
|\  \SSS\/       /SSSSSSSS\_____/      /SSSSS/|========|   /SSSSSSSSSSS\     |
|S\  \S/ \_    / \SSSSSSSSS\___      _/SSSS/  |        |  |SSSSSSSSSSSSS\    |
|\S\ /     \ / \/SSSSSSSSSSSSSS\____/SSSS/ \  |========|  \SSSS ___SSSSSS\   |
| \/ \_    /S\/SSS\-----\S\--\ SSSSSSSS/    \ |        |   \SSS/   \SSSSSSS\ |
|/     \ /\SSSSSSSS\     \S\  \SSSSSS/  __\  \|========|    \S/     \SSSSSSSS|
|\_    /\/SSS/---\SS\  ___/ \  \SSS/   |   |  |        |     /       \SSS/\SS|
|  \ /\SSSSS/     \SS\/      \  \SS    |===|  |========|             /SS/  \S|
|  / \SSS/ S|      \S|       /\__|_____|   |__|        |     __     /SS/    \|
|/SS\/SS/    |      \|      | /                         __   \S\   /SS/      |
|SSSSSS/     |       \ _____|/         _                \ \   \S\ /SSSSS/\   |
|/-----\      |       /               / \               / \SSSSSS/SSSSS/  \ /|
|__     \     |      /    _          ( 4 )            _/_  \SSSSSSSSSS/   /  |
|  \_    \    |_____/    / \          \_/            /      \SSSSSSSS/  /  / |
|    \    \   |         ( 3 )                  _____/       |SSSSSSS/ /  / / |
|     \    \ /           \_/                  /             /       /  /  /  |
|\     |    |         _                   ___/             /      /  /   /  /|
||     |    |        / \                 /                /     /  /    /  /S|
||_____|     \      ( 2 )               /____    ______   |            /  /SS|
|#@#@#@#@#@#@#|      \_/            _      | \  /     /   /    _______/  /SSS|
|@#@#@#@#@#@#@|                    / \     |  \/     /  //    /          |SSS|
|#@#@#@#@#@#@#|                   ( 1 )   /  /|     /  /   __/   |       |SSS|
|@#@#@#@#@#@#@|                    \_/   /  / |     |  /  /    __|       |SSS|
|#@#@#@#@#@#@#\                         /  /  |     |  / / /==/          |SSS|
|@#@#@#@#@#@#@#\                       /  /   |    / \  / /==/           /SSS|
|#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#\                     /  /     \  /___\/|/==/           /SSSS|
|@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#\                   |  /       \|\||||||__/           /SSSSS|
|#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#\          __       \/         \|    |/             /SSSSSS|
|@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#\______   \/                  /'    '              |SSSSSS|

 *Available on Disc 2, after the Lifestream events
**Available on Disk 3 only.

| Spot 1     Normal Treasure. Just to the right of the entrance.             |
|                                                                            |
|        1) Elixir          (14%, unlimited supply)                          |
|        2) Nothing         (85%)                                            |
|       *3) Key to Sector 5 (100%, once only)                                |
| Spot 2     Normal Treasure. Just to the left of the entrance.              |
|                                                                            |
|        1) Potion  (50%, unlimited supply)                                  |
|        2) Nothing (50%) [default]                                          |
| Spot 3     Good Treasure. Just to the right of where the foreman sits.     |
|                                                                            |
|        1) Megalixir    (100%, once only)                                   |
|        2) Nothing      (100% afterwards)                                   |
|      **3) Bahamut Zero (3.91%, once only) Must have already obtained the   |
|           Megalixir and have missed Bahamut Zero via Huge Materia          |
| Spot 4     Good Treasure. Base of the ladders and to the left on the 'X'.  |
|                                                                            |
|        1) Mop            (100%, Once only)                                 |
|        2) Nothing        (100% afterwards)                                 |
|      **3) W-Item Materia (100%, once only) Must have already obtained the  |
|           Mop and have missed the W-Item Materia in Midgar Re-visited      |
| Spot 5     Good Treasure. Top of the ladders and to the right.             |
|                                                                            |
|        1) Buntline        (100%, once only)                                |
|        2) Nothing         (100% afterwards)                                |
|      **3) Phoenix Materia (100%, once only) Must have already obtained the |
|           Buntline and have missed the Phoenix Materia in Fort Condor      |
| Spot 6     Normal Treasure. Top of the ladders, right of the black mound.  |
|                                                                            |
|        1) Turbo Ether (8%, unlimited supply)                               |
|        2) Ether       (92%, unlimited supply)                              |
| Spot 7     Normal Treasure. Just to the left of the black mound.           |
|                                                                            |
|        1) Ether   (30%, unlimited supply)                                  |
|        2) Nothing (70%)                                                    |
| Spot 8     Lunar Harp. Just NW of spot 7.                                  |
|                                                                            |
|        1) Lunar Harp (100%, once only)                                     |
|        2) Nothing    (100% afterwards)                                     |

                                                Section F Finished 21/Oct/2015

|<:                                                                        :>|
|<:                                                                        :>|
|<:  {G}                          GAME DATA                                :>|
|<:                                                                        :>|
|<                                                             {Game Data} :>|
|                                                                            |
|                                  CONTENTS                                  |
| - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  |
| {G.01} - Characters                                                        |
| {G.02} - Enemy Skill List                                                  |
| {G.03} - Materia                                                           |
| {G.04} - Items                                                             |
| {G.05} - Weapons                                                           |
| {G.06} - Armour                                                            |
| {G.07} - Accessories                                                       |
| {G.08} - Shops                                                             |
| {G.09} - Enemies and Encounters                                            |
| {G.10} - Useful Stuff                                                      |

|                                                                            |
| {G.01} - Characters                                                        |

**PLACEHOLDER** Section Under Construction!

|                                                                            |
| {G.02} - Enemy Skill List                                                  |

**PLACEHOLDER** Section Under Construction!

|                                                                            |
| {G.03} - Materia                                                           |

**PLACEHOLDER** Section Under Construction!

|                                                                            |
| {G.04} - Items                                                             |

**PLACEHOLDER** Section Under Construction!

|                                                                            |
| {G.05} - Weapons                                                           |

**PLACEHOLDER** Section Under Construction!

|                                                                            |
| {G.06} - Armour                                                            |

**PLACEHOLDER** Section Under Construction!

|                                                                            |
| {G.07} - Accessories                                                       |

**PLACEHOLDER** Section Under Construction!

|                                                                            |
| {G.08} - Shops                                                             |

**PLACEHOLDER** Section Under Construction!

|                                                                            |
| {G.09} - Enemies and Encounters                                            |

**PLACEHOLDER** Section Under Construction!

|                                                                            |
| {G.10} - Useful Stuff                                                      |

**PLACEHOLDER** Section Under Construction!


|<:                                                                        :>|
|<:                                                                        :>|
|<:  {H}                            RANTS                                  :>|
|<:                                                                        :>|
|<:                                                                {Rants} :>|

  As much as I love Final Fantasy VII, I have to admit that the game is like 
Cloud in so many ways; it's virtually broken, and very few people know! (or 
should I say knew...) This section is my way of moaning about the things that 
need moaning about. Feel free to add your own rant by e-mailing me -  
[email protected]. I will be sure to mention your name should you 
contribute to this section.

!!SPOILER ALERT!! Be sure not to read this section unless you have completed 
the game already.

     D1.01 B - �This isn't just a reactor!�

During the first Boss sequence you will be told to 'Attack while its tails 
up'! So, I attacked whilst its tail was up and it killed me. What gives?

O.k, so this is probably the oldest rant in the games history

     D1.03 B - Sector 4 Platforms

When you first meet President Shinra on the bridge of the reactor, he will 
claim that Cloud was previously in Soldier... even though Cloud never was in 
Soldier! Maybe he was just mistaken from the glow in Cloud's eyes, but 
something about the way he said it suggests otherwise.

     D1.06 B - Hojo's Laboratory 

So what exactly was Hojo planning with Aeris and Red XIII??? It seems he was 
trying to mate them to make a, erm, Red Cetra? Or Aeris XIII...

     D1.06 C - Escaping From Shinra

Sephiroth, upon meeting the Midgar Zolom - �Dammit! I left the damn Masamune 
Blade back in the Shinra HQ! I'll just double back to fetch it...� Was 
(Jenova) Sephiroth just very forgetful, or was he able to spawn more copies 
of the Masamune blade as he did the first time (remember that it was actually 
Jenova in the form of Sephiroth).

     D1.07 B - The Nibelheim Incident

How does Cloud remember so much of something if he wasn't actually there to 
see it for himself? I'm talking about the part where Cloud waits outside the 
reactor to guard Tifa whilst Zack and Sephiroth venture inside.

     D1.09 C - Cargo Ship

Not a huge rant, but how exactly did the rest of Cloud's companions make it 
onto the Cargo Ship? I just though, imagine if they made a FF7 spin off where 
they basically made the same game but through the eyes of another character, 
say, Tifa! That would be cool...

     D1.10 B - Mt. Corel/North Corel

When Barret and Dyne look out to the village of Corel, they are supposed to 
be looking at a desert followed by a horizon. So why then are they looking at 
forests surrounded by mountains? Plus, Corel is half a continent away!!

Bumb - one speculation is that what they were supposed to be looking at, 
before the story line had changed during development, was Gongaga. 'There was 
an explosion at a reactor' doesn't specify which reactor exploded, and 
originally this could have been referring to the ruined reactor in Gongaga. 
Either way, the cinematics makes little sense whatsoever.

     D1.11 A - Gold Saucer

When you board the Ropeway 'cart' you'll notice that the propellors are on 
the upper side of the cart, but whilst the cinematics are playing on your 
first visit you'll see that they are on the lower side. Then they'll be on 
the upper side again when it boards at the Gold Saucer.

When you first approach the Battle Square (after recruiting Cait Sith) you 
will be lead to believe that Barret has shot the place up. This will later be 
clarified as being Dyne. WHY OH WHY (and how) would Dyne just 'hop' out of 
prison, shoot a few people in the Battle Square, and then just jump back down 
into the prison again? What the hell's all that about??

     D1.15 B - Shinra Mansion

This one has bugged me for a long, long time. When we see Sephiroth in the 
basement of the Shinra Mansion (where we obtain the Destruct Materia), he 
tells us to go through Mt. Nibel. Why? Sephiroth's next destination was the 
Temple of The Ancients, and there is absolutely nothing waiting for us (that 
Sephiroth knows about) on the other side of Mt. Nibel.

My personal theory of this has been that there was meant to be an additional 
scene within the reactor itself, but due to the limitations of the PS1 disks, 
they were forced to edit it out. Perhaps a small encounter with Sephiroth and 
Cloud in the rooms with all the 'monster' tanks, where Sephiroth reveals a 
small insight into Cloud's past, and mentions the Temple of The Ancients as 
his next destination...

     D1.16 A - Meet the Astrona.... errr, I mean Captain, Cid!

...How  did the plane just take off all by itself?? That whole scene seems 
pretty far-fetched.

     D1.19 B - The Date

How exactly did Cloud work out that Sephiroth was after the Black Materia? As 
I recall, the first mention of the Black Materia was upon Cloud's first 
arrival to the Gold Saucer. If you speak to Dio, he will mention that a boy 
of Cloud's age was asking about it. The second reference to the Black Materia 
comes from the weapon seller south of Gongaga (where you exchange the 
mythril). He talks about 'Ultimate Destructive Magic'. Cloud was then able to 
piece the two together... how exactly? He must be a detective of some sorts 
(Hot-Blooded Detective Joe).

During the date sequence, we learn of Cait Sith's true nature. We know that 
he has Marlene held captive somewhere... but that whole side-story never 
concludes! Do you think it's possible that Reeve just forgot about poor old 
Marlene and she starved to death? And yes I'm aware that the little girl in 
Kalm in the final cinematics is supposed to be Marlene, but that isn't 

     D1.21 B - Corral Valley/City of The Ancients

I'm not sure where to begin here.

1) When you approach the alter Aeris is facing the stairs, but while the FMV 
   is playing she has her back to the stairs. Once the FMV has finished she 
   is facing the stairs again.

2) Whilst Sephiroth is descending on to of Aeris he has no gloves, but right 
   at the end as he plunges his sword in he is wearing gloves.

3) When we first approach the alter the floor is almost transparent. Then 
   when the FMV begins we see that it is chequered like a chess board. Then it 
   changes to being hard brown, like marble, then it changes back to 
   transparent after the FMV has finished.

4) As Holy falls out of Aeris's hair, her Ribbon falls off, then it (the 
   ribbon) is back in her hair afterwards.

5) The only line that Jenova has in the entire game has a spelling mistake - 

6) When Cloud picks Aeris up she has her head to the right of Cloud, then 
   when he drops into the water her head is to his left.

7) Did Cloud actually kill Aeris? I mean, she may have just been unconscious?? 
   Also, it seems weird how Cloud can float whilst carrying Aeris.

     D2.11 A - The Final Frontier

Cloud and his companions went out of their way to stop the Shinra from 
getting their hands on the Huge Materia as so that they could use them for 
their own deeds. But... what if the Shinra's plan had succeeded? I mean, it 
was a pretty good plan after all, and the Huge Materia isn't really necessary 
for Cloud to defeat Sephiroth.

     D2.12 A - Bugenhagen's Laboratory

When you board the Highwind you can talk to Yuffie about her travel sickness. 
This is quite hilarious as Cloud will talk to Yuffie as though he still 
believes he was previously in Soldier! Maybe he was having a relapse, and his 
mind is still sick and twisted (or maybe the dev's made (another) mistake).

     D3.03 C - Bizarro

When you kill Sephiroth you see blood dripping down his face. Why would they 
show blood on Sephiroth but not Aeris?

Contribute to this section - [email protected].


|<:                                                                        :>|
|<:                                                                        :>|
|<:  {I}                      QUICK-SEARCH INDEX                           :>|
|<:                                                                        :>|
|<:                                                                 {Link} :>|

  Welcome to the Quick-Search Index. Here you will find a reference to every 
Quick-Search Index Link contained within the guide.

How to use the Index:

Should you wish to learn more about (for example) 3D Battler, then type 3D 
Battler into the search field (using Control + F) AND SURROUND THE CRITERIA 
WITH BRACES {}. These are the keys above []. You will then be taken directly 
to the relevant part of the guide that teaches you about 3D Battler!

Current unique entries: 401
Current  total entries: 581



7777 FEVER (1)






CUT (1)


DICE (1)
DISK 1 (1)
DISK 2 (1)
DISK 3 (1)
DUAL (1)




FIRE (1)
FROG (1)
FURY (1)


G-BIKE (1)


HIT (1)
HOLY (1)
HP<->MP (1)


ICE (1)




K.O (1)
KALM (1)


LINK (1)
LUCKY 7'S (1)


MAPS (1)
MIME (1)


NUTS (1)








RNG (1)


SLOW (1)
STOP (1)








WIG (1)
WIND (1)







D1    [DISK 1] (2)
D1.02 [SECTOR 7 SLUMS] (3)
D1.04 [SECTOR 6 & WALL MARKET] (3)
D1.05 [RETURN TO SECTOR 7] (3)
D1.06 [SHINRA HQ] (3)
D1.07 [KALM] (3)
D1.09 [JUNON] (3)
D1.13 [GONGAGA] (3)
D1.14 [COSMO CANYON] (3)
D1.15 [NIBELHEIM] (3)
D1.16 [ROCKET TOWN] (3)
D2    [DISK 2] (2)
D2.01 [ICICLE INN] (3)
D2.04 [ESCAPE!] (3)
D2.06 [MIDEEL] (3)
D3    [DISK 3] (2)
E.02  [LIMIT BREAKS] (3)
E.05  [ELEMENTS] (3)
E.08  [GOLD SAUCER] (3)
E.09  [STATUSES] (3)
F     [FF VII WORLD MAP] (2)
F.06  [OCEAN FLOOR] (3)
F.08  [BONE VILLAGE] (3)
G     [GAME DATA] (2)
G.01  [CHARACTERS] (3)
G.03  [MATERIA] (3)
G.04  [ITEMS] (3)
G.05  [WEAPONS] (3)
G.06  [ARMOUR] (3)
G.08  [SHOPS] (3)
G.10  [USEFUL STUFF] (3)
H     [RANTS] (2)
K     [LEGAL] (2)


|<:                                                                        :>|
|<:                                                                        :>|
|<:  {J}                        SPECIAL THANKS                             :>|
|<:                                                                        :>|
|<:                                                                        :>|

This section is dedicated to all of the people who have influenced this 
guide. Thank you people, this guide wouldn't have been the same without you!!

All listings are arranged alphabetically.

* = Extra special thanks!!

 * Absolute Steve for the immense amount of content contained within his 

 - Bover 87 for excellent layout and enemy-by-area descriptions:

 - BrutalAl for his help with Random Number Generators and other glitches.

 - sithlord48 for his Black Chocobo tool:

 - Death_unites_us for info on certain glitches, and methods on defeating the 

 - Ex-SOLDIER-13 for finding a hidden Potion in Sector 7.

 - GideonD for his excellent Limit Break Mechanics Guide:

 - for some of the ASCII artwork:

 * gmo7897 for his fantastic Chocobo Breeding Guide:

 - Gregory Fiori for general help with proofreading, and such.

 * James Baxter for his 7777 guide:

 - JBedGames for Great Glacier help and infinite Elixir trick:

 - LaSaiaV2 for pointing out some of the Steam variations to me.

 - Dating script:

 - Little Chiba for his FF7 Script faq.

 - Master Epyon for Fort Condor Battles:

 * MGSB for his Training/Random Encounter FAQ:

 * myst6re for his Makou Reactor tool:

 * NFITC1 for helping out tremendously with the games mechanics, particularly 
   with his Proud Clod tool, and Wall Market tool:
   PC -
   WM -

 - Shadow666 for helping out consistently on the forums.

 * TFergusson's has definitely done the most to help the FFVII community, and 
   subsequently my guide with all of his Mechanic FAQs:
   Battle Mechanics:
   Enemy Mechanics:
   Party Mechanics:
   Dating Mechanics:
   Chocobo Mechanics:   

 - trueOgre_Killer for pointing out to me that the Trickplay is a *great* 
   source of gil as an alternative to power Leveling up against the Sea Worm.

 - xPsychoMantis for his metronome idea on the Super Dunk game.

And of course, the games developers:

 * Hironobu Sakaguchi - Producer
 * Yoshinori Kitase   - Director, Writer      
 * Kazushige Nojima   - Writer
 * Nobuo Uematsu      - Composer


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|<:  {K}                            LEGAL                                  :>|
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Final Fantasy 7 Copyright 1997, 1998 Square Co., Ltd.  Final Fantasy and
Squaresoft are registered trademarks of Square Co., Ltd.

This document has been written entirely by myself, Josh Thomson, under the 
alias of DynamixDJ, and is, in its absolute entirety, copyrighted. 
Reproduction is permitted for personal, private use ONLY, and reproducing, 
duplicating or copying for commercial gain is strictly prohibited. This 
document is intended as non-profitable, and any selling or hiring without 
prior written consent is prohibited. Any unauthorised publication of this 
document will constitute an infringement of copyright, unless my expressed 
written permission has been given and I am clearly identified as the owner of 
the document in all concerning places as appropriate. In all cases this 
notice must remain intact. The websites that I authorise to host this 
document are, as of 31st Jan 2016:


All rights reserved.


Should you wish to host my guide, or you have noticed my guide being hosted 
on a website that is not listed above, then please contact me:
[email protected]

As of 31/Jan/2016 the only site that my guide SHOULD be found on is 
neoseeker. I am today attempting to upload v1.03 onto ign and supercheats. I 
shall attempt to submit my guide onto gamefaq when my walkthrough is 
completely finished.

|                                                                            |
|                                 DONATIONS:                                 |
|                                                                            |
|   Although this guide is intended to be non-profitable, should you feel    |
|  inclined to make a contribution then feel free to do so. You can make a   |
|      paypal donation to [email protected]. Thank you for your      |
|                               consideration!                               |
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                             [email protected]                  

              Final Fantasy VII Strategy Walkthrough by DynamixDJ              
                � Copyright Josh Alexander Thomson 2015 - 2016                