Florence Optional Events
Assassin's Creed II Walkthrough and Guide
Assassin's Creed II Guide - Optional Events
Florence Optional Events
Florentine Sprint
Unlocked After: Sequence 1 - Memory 4: Nightcap
Florentine Sprint
San Marco Scuttle
Unlocked After: Sequence 4 - Memory 1: Practice What You Preach
San Marco Scuttle
Unlocked After: Sequence 1 - Memory 5: Paperboy
You have four minutes to deliver letters to two recipients. Both recipients are “guarded,” and you must get the letters to them without being detected. Go for the north-most recipient first; she's only guarded by a single person, so you can simply climb up onto the roof of the building and drop down to her.
The other recipient is at the south end of the district, and she is standing on a balcony surrounded by several guards. Make your way to the building and grab hold of the ledge below the balcony. There is one guard standing on the platform next to the balcony. To avoid being detected, shift yourself over to the balcony while hanging from the ledge. When the guard on the platform turns away, climb up onto the balcony and hand the lady her letter.
video to follow (v5) Casanova
Beat Up
A Woman Scorned
Unlocked After: Sequence 1 - Memory 6: Beat a Cheat
Travel to the green circle on the Mini-Map and climb onto the roof of one of the buildings in the area. You must use Eagle Vision to locate the cheating husband. Hold the Y/Triangle button to activate Eagle Vision and search around for the target marked in gold.
Once you've spotted the target, switch off Eagle Vision, drop down to street level, immediately lock on to him and begin whaling away with your fists. Grab hold of him with the B/Circle button, press B/Circle again to Throw him to the ground and use the X/Square button to kick him while he's down. Deplete his health to complete the event.
Assassination Contracts
Day at the Market
Unlocked After: Sequence 5 - Memory 1: Four to the Floor
Your target is a merchant, who can be found wandering around the market district. He isn't marked on the Mini-Map, though; you'll have to use Eagle Vision to find him first. He'll be somewhere within the green circle on the Mini-Map. Search the area with Eagle Vision active -- deactivating it periodically to ensure that you're still within the circle -- until you spot the target marked in gold. Once you've located the target, switch off Eagle Vision and take to killing him.
Fallen Archers
Unlocked After: Sequence 5 - Memory 1: Four to the Floor
You're tasked with assassinating three archers, all of whom have been marked on the Mini-Map. They're all patrolling along the river at the southeast end of the city. Follow the red targets on the Mini-Map and assassinate each of the three archers with your Hidden Blade.
Political Suicide
Unlocked After: Sequence 5 - Memory 1: Four to the Floor
The target is somewhere near the Church of San Lorenzo. Follow the green target on the Mini-Map to reach the area. He's easy enough to spot -- he's the guy surrounded by a boatload of guards. Activate Eagle Vision and look in the tunnel that has a red blip at either end to identify the target.
Getting at the target is easy enough. First, look for a group of Courtesans to hire. Then, lock on to one of the guards on either side of the tunnel and order the Courtesans to distract him. The guards gathered on this side of the target will move away to socialize with the Courtesans -- now's your chance! Move in there and use your Hidden Blade to assassinate the target.
Political Suicide
Caveat Emptor
Unlocked After: Sequence 5 - Memory 1: Four to the Floor
The target is somewhere near the Santa Maria Novella. He should be standing with some guards just southeast of the building. Use Eagle Vision to identify the target. You must not be detected before making the killing; if you are, the memory will be desynchronized. As long as you the guards aren't already after you, you can simply walk up to the target and end him with the Hidden Blade. Be careful not to arouse the suspicion of nearby guards by bumping into civilians.
Meeting Adjourned
Unlocked After: Sequence 5 - Memory 1: Four to the Floor
The five targets you're tasked with killing are having a meeting. First, you must locate a corrupt official, then follow him to the meeting place and kill everyone involved. Follow the green target on the Mini-Map to reach the area where the corrupt official can be found. Activate Eagle Vision and search around for the target marked in gold. Once you've spotted him, switch off Eagle Vision and begin following him. Don't follow too close, as doing so is likely to make him suspicious.
When your lead reaches the meeting place, equip your Hidden Blades and perform a double kill on the two guards blocking the entrance. Then just slaughter everyone in the yard to complete the memory. You're facing armed targets as well as unarmed targets, so you may want to switch to your Long Sword.
Meeting Adjourned
Needle in a Haystack
Unlocked After: Sequence 5 - Memory 1: Four to the Floor
You're hunting a single target, located somewhere near the Santa Maria Novella. Follow the target marker on the Mini-Map to reach the building. The green circle on the Mini-Map denotes the area where the target can be found, so you must activate Eagle Vision and continue searching the area until you spot him marked in gold.
Since you're searching quite a large area, it might help to take to the rooftops and look down at the streets below. You must assassinate the target without being spotted, so keeping to the rooftops might help you remain undetected as well. Once you've found the target, try to get in a position to Air Assassinate him if you're on a rooftop, otherwise drop down to the street, sneak up behind him, and use your Hidden Blade to finish the job.
Unlocked After: Sequence 5 - Memory 1: Four to the Floor
Kill 10 Brutes within one minute -- it's easier than it sounds. Make your way to the bridge that the Brutes are stationed on and equip your Hidden Blades by pressing up on the D-pad. The first set of Brutes should be facing the north, and the second set further up should be facing south. If they are walking around, wait until both groups have their backs turned to each other. Walk past the first set of Brutes and use your Hidden Blades to score double kills on the second group of Brutes while their backs are turned. With any luck, you should be able to wipe them all out without being detected.
Take to killing the second group once the first has been dealt with. Attempt to do the same by approaching the group from behind and going for double kills. If one or two Brutes are on to you, you should still have enough time to dispatch of them some other way. You can easily kill a single Brute if you happen to have the Disarm skill: unequip your weapon by pressing down on the D-pad, then hold RT/R2 and tap X/Square just as the Brute attacks -- the same as you would to perform a Counter Kill. Then you can use his own weapon to quickly end him.
Leader of the Pack
Unlocked After: Sequence 5 - Memory 1: Four to the Floor
Your target is the leader of a garrison at the north end of Florence. First, you must locate a lead and tail him to the garrison. Follow the green target on the Mini-Map to reach the area where the lead can be found. Activate Eagle Vision and search the zone for the guard marked in gold. Once you've located the lead, keep your distance and begin to follow. If you get too close, the guard will become suspicious; if he turns to you and the arrow above his head begins to fill with yellow, back off immediately and wait for him to forget about you and continue on his way.
Continue following the guard until you reach the garrison. Hire the Courtesans outside and use them to distract the guards blocking the entrance. When the guards move to socialize with the Courtesans, slip past them and enter the garrison. The troops are gathered inside, and your target is among them. Grab hold of the wall and use Eagle Vision to identify your target. Then, climb up onto the wall, lock on to the leader and press the X/Square button to perform an Air Assassination. If that fails, just slash him to death and then get the heck out of there.
Leader of the Pack
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