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Gold is the most basic currency in Boom Beach. You receive them for most tasks, and they are required for upgrades and training units. You will also need them for expanding your empire as you have to pay to expand your field of vision through the fog of war on the map screen. Another frequent use is having to pay Gold to attack other players. Finally, cutting down trees to generate Wood requires a not insignificant amount of Gold early on.

Generating Gold

Gold is generated in your base through Residences. These deliver Gold every hour, though you can always collect them more frequently if you need to. You will also receive Gold by boat from liberated villages. You should concentrate on Building more Residences as soon as the option becomes available, however, and upgrading them when the opportunity arises. Use the information below to see what level Residence produces what amount of Gold.

Gold is required to chop down Mangrove Trees
Gold is required to chop down Mangrove Trees

Residence statistics

Level 1

Health: 1,000

Holds Max Gold: 500

Gold per hour: 120

Cost: 150 Wood

Build time: 2 minutes

HQ Level Required: 1

Level 2

Health: 1,200

Holds Max Gold: 1,450

Gold per hour: 210


Wood: 350

Upgrade Time: 5 minutes

HQ Level Required: 1

Level 3

Health: 1,400

Holds Max Gold: 3,500

Gold per hour: 360


Wood: 1,140

Upgrade Time: 45 minutes

HQ Level Required: 2

Upgrade your Residences to bring in more Gold
Upgrade your Residences to bring in more Gold

Level 4

Health: 1,700

Holds Max Gold: 7,500

Gold per hour: 590


Wood: 3,800

Upgrade Time: 1 hour 45 minutes

HQ Level Required: 3

Level 5

Health: 2,000

Holds Max Gold: 14,700

Gold per hour: 900


Wood: 7,800

Upgrade Time: 2 hours 15 minutes

HQ Level Required: 4

Level 6

Health: 2,400

Holds Max Gold: 26,800

Gold per hour: 1,300


Wood: 19,800

Stone: 3,500

Upgrade Time: 3 hours 30 minutes

HQ Level Required: 6

Level 7

Health: 2,900

Holds Max Gold: 45,000

Gold per hour: 1,800


Wood: 57,000

Stone: 13,500

Iron: 3,600

Upgrade Time: 4 hours

HQ Level Required: 9

Level 8

Health: 3,500

Holds Max Gold: 70,000

Gold per hour: 2,400


Wood: 227,000

Stone: 136,000

Iron: 39,000

Upgrade Time: 8 hours

HQ Level Required: 13

Get more Gold and you can in turn get better units by researching at the Armory
Get more Gold and you can in turn get better units by researching at the Armory

Level 9

Health: 4,200

Holds Max Gold: 100,000

Gold per hour: 3,000


Wood: 760,000

Stone: 680,000

Iron: 298,000

Upgrade Time: 12 hours

HQ Level Required: 16

Level 10

Health: 5,000

Holds Max Gold: 130,000

Gold per hour: 3,500


Wood: 1,480,000

Stone: 1,440,000

Iron: 1,000,000

Upgrade Time: 20 hours

HQ Level Required: 19

Multiple Residences

You are able to construct multiple residences in Boom Beach, which obviously multiply the amount of Gold that you receive every hour. The most Residences you can currently get is 6, unlocked at HQ Level 15. Below is a breakdown of how many Residences you can build at each level of HQ:

Level 1 HQ: 1 Residence

Level 2 HQ: 2 Residences

Level 3 HQ: 3 Residences

Level 4 HQ: 3 Residences

Level 5 HQ: 3 Residences

Level 6 HQ: 3 Residences

Level 7 HQ: 4 Residences

Level 8 HQ: 4 Residences

Level 9 HQ: 4 Residences

Level 10 HQ: 4 Residences

Level 11 HQ: 5 Residences

Level 12 HQ: 5 Residences

Level 13 HQ: 5 Residences

Level 14 HQ: 5 Residences

Level 15 HQ: 6 Residences

Level 16 HQ: 6 Residences

Level 17 HQ: 6 Residences

Level 18 HQ: 6 Residences

Level 19 HQ: 6 Residences

Level 20 HQ: 6 Residences

How to generate more Gold

As well as Residences, you also earn Gold from liberating villages. These villagers provide you with a tribute by boat, which turns up at the docks on your island. Not only that, for every village that you defeat, you earn a healthy amount of Gold. While attacking the enemy costs a small amount, what you stand to gain is significantly more.

You will receive more Gold depending on how many villages you have liberated
You will receive more Gold depending on how many villages you have liberated
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Comments for Gold

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17 comments, latest first.
Feb 14th 2016 Guest
How do you collect all your gold/wood/iron ect from your home base all st the same time without clicking on each one separately?
ID #635327
Jul 25th 2015 Guest
I too keep getting destroyed I am at level 15 , when I attack its always a lose....ugh
ID #589165
Jul 25th 2015 Guest
I keep getting attacked and wiped off the mat, losing huge resources, when I attacked its like a pea habour ....I read about strategy but yikes this is becoming boring.had do you last and still play to level up...seems hopeless
ID #589164
Jun 30th 2015 Guest
WhKing do people keep talking about having too much Gold and not knowing what to do with it? Gold is one of the most useful items on the game besides diamonds! people below level 30 should save questions like this for later in the game because they will be self answered very soon!
ID #577987
Jun 15th 2015 Guest
I upgraded two of my four residences to Level 5 but my max gold capacity is stuck at 72,000. What gives??
ID #570764
Jun 15th 2015 Guest
I answered this question on my own; never mind. The residences only hold it until you add it to your storages. Duh.
ID #570881
Apr 30th 2015 Guest
I'm Always trying to get my storages to maximum capacity because im always wasting it
ID #549963
Apr 25th 2015 Guest
If gold storage is full does it mean that i will lose the produced gold?
ID #547717
May 24th 2015 Guest
ID #560404
Feb 18th 2015 Guest
Boats do have a maximum capacity.
ID #517518
Jan 24th 2015 Guest
My gold storage is always full too, no matter what I do
ID #506281
Dec 22nd 2014 Guest
How to upgrade all my boom beach
ID #488215
Nov 5th 2014 Guest
It won't be full if your troops need to upgrade level 5 above^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
ID #467548
Oct 26th 2015 Guest
Lol I nead a hack
ID #619883
Oct 27th 2014 Guest
If you have more gold than you know what to do with send your sub on missions. Something doesn't sound right. I've never come close to this problem.
ID #463750
Sep 16th 2014 Guest
if we attack a base and destroy anf take all the gold bht do not destroy the headquarters and retreat or lose, will we be able to take back the gold?
ID #448344
Jul 16th 2014 Guest
My gold storage is always full. There is not enough stuff to use gold on.

ID #419561
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