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Hints & Tips

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Before you begin a level make sure you know what your objective is as there is no point trying to clear all the cake pieces out there if what is required from you is more specific. Focus on completing your task first before racking up the points.


On the levels where you have to create a path between your character and the door you will sometimes find you are better off pursuing a longer route that you can clear in fewer steps.

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Find Your Friends

On the 'Find Your Friends' levels where the objective is to uncover your friends from underneath piles of cakes your best approach is to be methodical until you uncover one piece of them and then keep chipping away around them until they are in the clear.

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Don't waste your moves combining tiles that have not been iced as you will not spread anything doing this. It is more beneficial to focus on adding icing to tiles, even if it's only on one tile at a time.

Extra Moves

Although it is tempting it is not worth using the premium Diamonds to buy extra moves, you are better off saving them to unlock new areas.

Work your Way Up

When the best area to go for is not immediately obvious the best strategy is to start from the bottom and work your way up and hope you are lucky enough to set off a chain reaction that will take out other areas.

Get Friends Involved

One way that you can unlock new areas faster is to get your friends involved so you all help each other.

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1 comments, latest first.
Jun 22nd 2018 Lvnvrock
Cake swap level 1135. I need help please. I can't this level for anything. I have tried everything. Please help.
ID #760816
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