How do I add a new sim in the town?
I want to complete this next goal, but I can not figure out how to add a new sim. It just takes me to the same two that are already existing.
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I can't add a new sim when I try it takes me to my iPod menu
Go to your town where all the Houses are. Above vacant houses is a + sign. If the sign is blue, you can add a sim. If it's grey, it either means a house is building and you cannot build two at one time, or your not a high enough level. Click on the + button if it is blue, and pick the house you want the sim to live in. It varies, sometimes the cheapest house is 10,000 and sometimes 15,000. Or buy a empty lot for half the price. But you don't actually get a house with the empty lot you have to build it yourself.. And then it says how long it'll take to build the house above, if you didn't Notice that part when the house is building click on it and it will tell you how longs left! If the + sign is grey, click that to find out why you are unable to build a house at that time. If you cannot build the house because your level is too low it should tell you what levell you need to be to build another house, therefore another sim. If not, where the icons such as the amount of Simoleons you have, there will be a icon with a little person on, click it, and see what level you need to be when your next sim is unlocked, it should say "Your Town's Sim Count is: 10/10 for example. Underneath a picture of a random sim it should say "Next Sim Unlocked At" and then a level. Hope this helped! Happy FreePlaying!
To get a new sim you have to buy a new house but if you don't have to money then go to super Cheats page on how to get money fast!
I think you need to have the money as well, as I am having the same problem .. So I am trying to save money first.
Well, I am having the same problem also. It probably just means that you either sent have enough money, or you just aren't ready for another one yet. Just wait till the next level and wait to see what happens. If that doesn't work, you may want to watch a video of a walk through to see how it's done. I hope you find this helpful!!!
All you have to do is complete challenges until you come to the one that says add a sim go to Town Map and get one and you will be able to get one forever
This is not true. I have been able to get up to 3 more Sims but have been unable to do so, no matter where I go on The Town Map or any where else. And I have been on the challenge "add sim to town" for 3-4 days now.
This is what you do, go to The Town Map click on a house that isn't already built and click on a house style of your choice then wait until it is done construction, then when it is done just simply click on the house and click on the first option. When you are done making a sim I think there will be a check sign/button at the top right corner, and finally you click that and now you have added a new sim in town! (See it is not that hard, it's just like how you made your second sim!)
You have to buy a house or an empty lot in order to add a new sim.
I have an empty house and I'm in level 12 so I can have 9 Sims but when I tap on that house on the house option menu the "add new sim" is inactive(gray) what should I do?
Complete the add sim to town goal and you can be able to add Sims.
Yup, same as the others. I already built a house, in fact it's even earning now. But the add sim button is still gray. I'm lvl 6. Sim Population is 2/6. The answers stated here really didn't help with the issue.
Same like me, I level 8, my Population 2/7, I already built a house, in fact it's even earning now. But the add sim button is still gray. Please help me..
You have to build a new house or move another sim out (by deleting or partnering them up)
Okay first things first.
You must save up for lots and lots of simeleons.
You then go to The Town Map and click or tap the plus house with no avatar on top and pay your simeleons.
It will then give you some options of course but you can speed them up with life points.
Sooner or later when you tap the house it will come up with add new sim.
I hope this works.
you need to have an empty house with no sim living in it. Tap the house and press add a sim
Let one sim visit other then tap one until they become a partner or best friend (for 2 same sex Sims)... If they become partners, one option would be "ASK to move In" then tap it.... Visitor sim would then move in with existing sim of the house... You can have like 5 sims in 1 house as long as they have Relationships.....
Let one sim visit other then tap one until they become a partner or best friend (for 2 same sex Sims)... If they become partners, one option would be "ASK to move In" then tap it.... Visitor sim would then move in with existing sim of the house... You can have like 5 sims in 1 house as long as they have Relationships.....
1. Go to your town.
2. Buy a new house.
3. It should say, create a new sim.
4 Create a new sim.
5. Have fun with your new sim.
6. Enjoy.
I'm on nine and I cannot get those big Houses by the oceans and I cannot build the real estate to work there
Well first they only let you add a sim to town when you have a task to add a sim then click on a house then the house type and add a sim thats all you have to do
There are two ways;
1. To get the Sims to move in together and then just create a nether sim for that house.
2. LEVEL UP!!!!!!!
If it's grey!! It means you need to complete more tasks!! I had that at level 6 and now I can make more Sims! Your welcome! Now back to finishing my sims marriage.
Go to an empty building space and it will give you three choices chose one then wait for the house to finish building then tap on it, it will give a choice to add a sim, tap there and bulid your sim
Go to an empty building space and it will give you three choices chose one then wait for the house to finish building then tap on it, it will give a choice to add a sim, tap there and bulid your sim
Have two people move in together, than it open a empty house which needs a occupant.
I think that we should make two Sims are maariage to have a new baby ....but How to Have a Baby
Does anyone responding to this post actually read the comments? We get how to add a's that the Quest won't complete when we do that!
The answer is... Nobody knows! It must be a bug! Now we can't earn keys anymore! PLEASE fix this!
The answer is this game has a MAJOR bug... It basically forces you to spend the 5LP to skip this task because no matter how many damn Sims you add the task WILL NOT DISAPPEAR. UGH.
First get to sim sto get romantic until they reach partners then on the click on the sim then it says ask to move in it takes about 6seconds
U have to be a lvl8 to have 3 Sims if you lower then you can't add a sims to add a sim click on the person which tells you how many Sims you have
If you r stuck on the add Sim stage you have 2 update game I was having the same issue but came on here 4 the solution n it worked so if you stuck on the task update the game
If you r stuck on the add Sim stage you have 2 update game I was having the same issue but came on here 4 the solution n it worked so if you stuck on the task update the game
Just go to an empty house on The Town Map and press on the house and then click, "Add new sim".
You need to build a house then click make new sim and then design a new sim
Go to you're map on you're show Sims thing then tap on a house you have to buy it's house able to add a sim and there's alot of diff Houses so pick whitch on then after you're house is finished loading then click it again and it will say add new sim so you a lick that and you're can create you're sim.. If any more questions just ask me XD
If you have a house that has only one Sims living there, you can make that sims(who's living alone) to date the other sims(from the other house). If so, there will be an action that says *Ask To Move in, it means that you're going to live together with the other sims you date.. After that, the previous house of your sims who lives alone will be occupied. Then CLICK THE EMPTY HOUSE THAT SAYS *ADD NEW SIMS..
This just don't work, I have tried almost everything on here and I have not seen anything work yet
You can add a sim by adding a house and tapping on the house. It will give the option of adding a sim from there. I you have unlocked the baby Quest you can also add a baby by buying a crib and tapping the add baby button above the crib.
You need to build a new house but if you have two peple get them together and move then into the Same house then you can get another sim
U can move Sims into others Houses by making two sims good friends and the hit Ask to move in when you tap the other sim and you will have empty house and you can add sim
Build a new house or marry two Sims which means they move out you can add a new sim.
Just make sure you have empty house or just empty lot. Then you click the lot/house and choose add Sims.
Maybe you're currently adding a new sim, a baby sim ( an icon on the crib) rather.. You cannot add two Sims at the same time
1.You go to the home menu
2.There will be a + sign with a house next to it
3.You will want to press the + sign with the house next to it
4.Then you should be able to create your sim
5.Have fun! Enjoy!
All you have to do is buy a house and press create sim and voilà a new sim is added in the town
If you can't add a new Sim then you need to select an empty house and it should give you the option to add a new Sim.
Try clicking on a house, or you if have married Sims, try clicking on a crib and adding a baby (it'll take 24 hours)
Adding a sim is super easy . First you have to buy a house . But one you can afford . Once you’ve bought it , it will automatically come up with an option to add sim , move a sim there or demolish . So you click add sim and then customise it to your likening .
Hope this has helped
Build Car Lot. After completion, buy a car, have your SIM drive the car; Go for a Drive. Once selected, click on your maps to follow it on The Town Map. Depending on what system you're using; I'm using an Android tablet, you'll see music notes , click on them. Voila!
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