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How do I add a second floor to my house on the sims freeplay?

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Question for The Sims FreePlay

How do I add a second floor to my house on the sims freeplay

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The Sims FreePlay Guide

Guest answered:

You can add right now because of the new Sims freeplay update! ^^

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Guest said: 8th May 2018 | REPORT
Hello everyone. ..I m new to this game ...add me as your neighbour ..
Username : lazybear
Guest said: 12th May 2018 | REPORT
I am on level 17, and I have 6 quests waiting in my queue. The last quest is the multi-story renovations. I have yet to get to that quest until I finish the other quests that need to be completed first and for most. If you finish the multi-story renovations quest then it says it unlocks poles, stairs, and much more
Guest said: 12th May 2018 | REPORT
I am on level 17, and I have 6 quests waiting in my queue. The last quest is the multi-story renovations. I have yet to get to that quest until I finish the other quests that need to be completed first and for most. If you finish the multi-story renovations quest then it says it unlocks poles, stairs, and much more
Bear49 said: 12th May 2018 | REPORT
I am on level 17, and I have 6 quests waiting in my queue. The last quest is the multi-story renovations. I have yet to get to that quest until I finish the other quests that need to be completed first and for most. If you finish the multi-story renovations quest then it says it unlocks poles, stairs, and much more
Guest answered:

Go onto updates on your phone or tablet and update it, you will not lose your previous game, afterwards, as far as I know, buy the Sports Centre and do a task there, which unlocks additional floors Smile

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Guest said: 9th Jul 2018 | REPORT
Im still very stuck on how to getthe multi story
How can i get a built house already
Guest said: 16th Aug 2018 | REPORT
How I can add new neighbour?
Guest said: 17th Aug 2018 | REPORT
All you do to add a new neighbor is build a house and then add a sim
Guest said: 1st Jan 2019 | REPORT
You need to add someone on facebook the connect ur acc
Guest answered:

Ok you need 220 cc (construction coins) then you go to the house you want to add the second floor to go to the furniture store thing then click on the house button then click on the house click the check mark yes and if you wanna add stairs click on the button where it takes you to the second floor then click on the add room button while on the second floor then after you add the rooms click on the button that takes you down one floor then you're stairs cost at least 10 cc so go get that then go back to that house go to the first floor then add your stairs where ever it doesnt say red, it wont say red if you put it under the rooms you just built on the second floor!

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Guest said: 9th Apr 2018 | REPORT
How do you get construction coins?
Guest said: 8th May 2018 | REPORT
Why wont my sim eat the pizza boxes on the table
Guest said: 8th May 2018 | REPORT
Because the pizza boxes are on the decoration tab on the home store which means you can’t eat it
Guest said: 18th Jul 2018 | REPORT
You are right
Guest answered:

All I know about adding a 2nd floor on Sims freeplay is that you have to be level 10+ I personally am getting frustrated with there being no help with the floors

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Guest said: 19th Oct 2016 | REPORT
What is the quest
Guest said: 23rd Sep 2017 | REPORT
I think you have to complete a quest to unlock stairs I think it's called something like house renovating.
Guest said: 16th Jul 2018 | REPORT
Ok anyone know what level you have to be on for the quest???
Guest said: 2nd Sep 2018 | REPORT
I think level 17
Guest answered:

Go to where you buys things the click on house where you see the three looking types of paper click on it then lots of blue things will come up then you click on one of them then there you are.

You will need a sim freeplay which has stairs on it

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La_la_girl06 said: 20th Apr 2017 | REPORT
Hahaha agreed
Guest said: 9th Sep 2017 | REPORT
Lol yes it was
Guest said: 16th Jul 2018 | REPORT
Yeah I didn't even get an answer...
Guest said: 16th Jul 2018 | REPORT
Yeah I didn't even get an answer... And what is "a sim freeplay" ?
Haiimlazy answered:

You go to the chair/lamp button, click on the house, go to the orange button that has 3 squares on top of each other (it will say floor construction) , after that you will see another floor (it will appear as blue) appear on top of your house and there is your second floor!

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Guest said: 5th Jul 2017 | REPORT
What level do you have to be on
Guest said: 28th Aug 2017 | REPORT
You have to be on level 17 to complete the multi story renovations quest
Guest said: 3rd Sep 2017 | REPORT
How do I get a two story house
In sims free play
Guest said: 27th Nov 2017 | REPORT
You have to complete a all the quests before the multi story renovations quest to be able to find that option in the home store.
Guest answered:

Go to the home store and you will see a section call floor construction. Don't forget to put stairs as well which is also in the home store.

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Guest said: 30th Oct 2017 | REPORT
I am level 15 and I can't build a second floor!!!!!
Guest said: 13th Nov 2017 | REPORT
It needs to be level 17
Guest said: 1st Dec 2017 | REPORT
I'm level 18 and I can't build a 2nd floor, omg it's confusing 😭
Guest said: 16th Jul 2018 | REPORT
Ok thx guys
Guest answered:

You need to reach level 10 when you reach it it will give you steps and Goals to building you're 2 or 3 story house

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Guest said: 4th Jul 2017 | REPORT
did not work for me because im at level 12
Guest said: 5th Jul 2017 | REPORT
I can't find it and I'm on level 11
Guest said: 6th Aug 2017 | REPORT
I am also at level 12 and I don't see that option you are confusing me
Guest said: 29th Oct 2017 | REPORT
I'm at lv 17 and still cannot build a two storey house and I don'the have this particulartwo storey house quest in queue with my other quests. I'be read other posts and it just says something about gettingstairs at a DIY Store, nothing about a house with two floors. I am seriously confused...
Guest answered:

The construction coins are the Simoleons?

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Guest said: 7th Nov 2015 | REPORT
There is multiple sim versions everyone is answering for different updates or different games.
Guest answered:

I'm łevel 21 and have seen nothing about this in missions. Any help or ideas would be awesome.-Thanks

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Guest said: 5th Jun 2016 | REPORT
But first you must complete the quests at hand to access the multi story renovation quest
Guest said: 20th Mar 2017 | REPORT
What quests? Im level 26 and still haven't gotten any stairs😭
Guest said: 27th Aug 2017 | REPORT
Thx guest so level 17 Quest MUTLI STORY RENOVATIONS
Guest said: 29th Apr 2018 | REPORT
I’m at level 30 and Just completed the quest. I didn’t do it in the time alotted and didn’t receive the elevator but it still lets you do the quest. The first thing it ask me to do was build the community center.
Guest answered:

You have to buy Community Center and be lvl 15

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Guest said: 30th Apr 2014 | REPORT
Where is the community centre? I cant find it on my map?!
Guest said: 22nd May 2014 | REPORT
The community center is in the left side of your house.To build a 2 or 3 story house you need to reach level 17 and complete the mission'MUTLI STORY RENOVATIONS' and you can build it

JLeigh answered:

I have recently finished the multi-story task and can add a second floor. When I come to purchasing it costs 1,000,000 simeleons yet when I have looked to find a cheaper way people mention construction points which although I have completed work at the community centre yet don't receive CC. What's the catch?

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Guest said: 10th Jun 2014 | REPORT
Ccs are gone sadly now here is an idea if a sale in the childrens store comes up to get stuff for free buy as much as you can then when the sale is over sell it all but you HAVE to wait for the sale to end because if you sell the stuf be fore the sale ends you get 0 dollers Igot 500000000 dollers this way
Guest said: 7th Nov 2015 | REPORT
Try building a second floor on a smaller house that way the cost will be less.
Guest said: 20th Oct 2016 | REPORT
How to get a cheat for dollars?
Guest answered:

I have a Community Center and it says multi story task is complete but no option to build the center. What do I do now? :(

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Guest said: 27th Dec 2016 | REPORT
Quit playing
Guest answered:

You have to be at level 17 and complete the " Muti-story Renovations and if your at level 17 and finished with the task you can build stairs at The Community Center next to the bridge that is over the ocean.

Guest answered:

It is a level 17 Quest. It's that simple! I'm currently on level 26 but I have the quest qued.

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Guest said: 9th Nov 2015 | REPORT
Thanks a lot that really helped (I was stuck on Level 15)
Guest said: 25th Mar 2017 | REPORT
Thanks so much
Guest answered:

You have to get to level 16 and complete the task " multifloor renovation " which allows you to build stairs,escalators, elevators, etc. Smile

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Guest said: 16th Aug 2015 | REPORT
You have to go at level 17 and complete the quest I have done the quest and also got a second floor and the second floor coast 1,000,000 pherhaps I was having 666,000,000 and 50,000,000 lp now I am at level 87
Guest said: 14th Feb 2016 | REPORT
How did you get so much lp
Guest said: 4th Jun 2017 | REPORT
I don't have them
Guest said: 30th Sep 2017 | REPORT
What is lp?
Guest answered:

Ok thank youq

Guest answered:

Ok, so go to the house you want to add a level to, select the build option thingy where you can select 'Inventory', 'Garden' etc. But select the 'House' option, select the 2nd floor option from the top right of the screen so you can then see the roof and then select the 2nd tab in the bottom left of the 'House' menu = 'Floor Construction'. It will then show you your second floor. Confirm action and voila... Your second floor is added... Then you'll need to add a room so then you can add stairs...

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Guest said: 21st Sep 2015 | REPORT
How do you get the second floor option?
Bonkerslazydog answered:

If you want to build a second floor first you need to complete the Quest that will give you the option to build other floors. Once you have done this go on tour chosen house and clicked on the icon that takes ou to the shop. After completing the quest you should see a button saying floor construction. Click on that and then click on the blue lines that appear where the second floor of your house wil be. It should cost 300,000 simolians so make sure your stocked up. I hope this helps.

Bonkerslazydog answered:

If you want to build a second floor first you need to complete the Quest that will give you the option to build other floors. Once you have done this go on tour chosen house and clicked on the icon that takes ou to the shop. After completing the quest you should see a button saying floor construction. Click on that and then click on the blue lines that appear where the second floor of your house wil be. It should cost 300,000 simolians so make sure your stocked up. I hope this helps.

Guest answered:

You need to do the multi-story renovation Quest witch you can after level 17 the building is to the left of the bridge if you can not do maybe your quest is in a Q and you need to finish other Quests first

Guest answered:

You have to be level 17+ to get the Quest but if you still have some Quests you are doing or in queue then it will join the queue so you will have to complete the earlier quests before you reach the newer ones xx I am on level 21 and I am still doing the pools quest😂👏🏼 I have 11 quests waiting in queue😑💁🏽

Guest answered:

You have to be on level 17+ and complete the "Multi-story Quest" and build The Community Center to be able to get a second floor☺️hope this helps!1!1!1

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Guest said: 15th May 2016 | REPORT
I'm at level 21 and I try it it has the second floor and everything but it won't turn green only red help
Guest said: 25th Sep 2016 | REPORT
I don't see the button but I watched a video you only need 3'000 or something !💩💩
Guest answered:

U have ro be on level 15 and then it will give you the Quest to do it I'm on level 30 already

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Guest said: 12th Jul 2017 | REPORT
Makes sense
Guest answered:

Get to level 17 and do the upward expansions Quest, if it dosen't pop up immediately do all the Quests until it pops up. And you will need to have a sim do the Woodworking Hobby so be ready for that. Oh and be ready to have a house you wand to expand up.

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Guest said: 18th Feb 2017 | REPORT
thanks for all of the information
Guest said: 29th Mar 2017 | REPORT
I don't know
Guest said: 9th Apr 2017 | REPORT
Thanks guys it worked
Guest said: 15th Dec 2018 | REPORT
I don’t know what upward expansions mean.
Guest answered:

Complete multi story renovate tasks and reach lvl 10

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Jakayla said: 3rd Sep 2017 | REPORT
After I learned from here to find my answers but you do need to kinda of read between the lines I checked other places this is no#1 thanks Love you all like family
Guest said: 29th Jul 2018 | REPORT
Guest answered:

Click the rooms button then click the roof the just add like normal

Guest answered:

In Sims Freeplay if you are wishing to get a two floored house all you have to do is read this carefully,
Step 1-Go To Build,Keep scrolling till you find stairs then It will then allow you to build a new floor

Hope this helped


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