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How do I get into the Blackthorn City gym?

Question asked by Marc5011 on
Last Modified:

Question for Pokemon Crystal

How do I get into the Blackthorn City gym? It is blocked by a guy.

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coreyjm13 answered:

Defeat team rocket when they are in Goldenrod

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Guest said: 15th Mar 2016 | REPORT
bogo ka
Guest said: 4th Nov 2016 | REPORT
Wa ka malipong?!
Guest said: 16th Nov 2022 | REPORT
I did
darkboarder_77 answered:

You have to defeat the Rockets invading the Goldenrod City Radio Tower, I believe.

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Guest said: 16th Dec 2017 | REPORT
But how there's a guard
rockinangels answered:

What you need to do is defeat team rocket in glodenrod city in the radio tower and then once thats done then you can go in the gym.
Hope this helps :D

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Guest said: 20th Jun 2015 | REPORT
But theres a guard blocking the stairs in golden rod :3 Help pls.
Guest said: 29th Nov 2015 | REPORT
Did you figure it out yet? I got the same problem
Guest said: 18th Sep 2017 | REPORT
How can i go to blackthrone city plz help
Guest said: 19th Jan 2019 | REPORT
I beat them and its still blocked. I also have the 7th badge and captured mew two at new island
Guest answered:

When I reach radio tower boss he is telling object event pls help

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Guest said: 4th Mar 2018 | REPORT
Why is everyone saying beat goldenrod?! You can just beat team rocket secret hideout then beat the gym leader that's on the lighthouse. You just got to get her medicine.

I'm at blackthorne city now searching for skarmory. I'm yet to do the radio tower.
Guest said: 16th Oct 2018 | REPORT
good job and good luck for all
good job and good luck for all

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