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How do I get my baby's toilet bar green?

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Question for The Sims FreePlay

How do I get my baby's toilet bar green

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The Sims FreePlay Guide

Guest answered:

A: There is no action to bring the baby's bladder meter back up. When the bladder meter runs low, the baby will dirty it's diaper. When this happens, it's bladder meter will fill and their hygiene meter will go down. The user can then change the baby's diaper to increase it's hygiene meter.

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Guest said: 4th Feb 2018 | REPORT
Yes does make the clean bar-thing green but not the toilet bar
Guest said: 8th Apr 2018 | REPORT
YeAh u cannot make the toilet bar green the baby has to go on it’s own!!!!!
Guest said: 30th May 2018 | REPORT
I think win the baby needs to play it will then you need to change the baby bro it will be ok
Guest said: 26th Aug 2018 | REPORT
Lololol wow
Guest answered:

My baby won't go to bathroom I change diaper but baby stays filthy and won't potty

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Guest said: 24th Oct 2017 | REPORT
It won't work
Guest said: 22nd Dec 2017 | REPORT
Guest said: 21st Jan 2022 | REPORT
Guest said: 1st Feb 2022 | REPORT
I need a neighbor, also my baby’s toilet bar is getting low so that why im here looking for answers
Guest answered:

Welll on my game occasionly when I change the diaper the toilet Bar will go down. So you MIGHT be able to speed up the process.

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Guest said: 22nd Aug 2017 | REPORT
I keep looking around "toddler" for a potty!!!!
Guest said: 3rd Nov 2017 | REPORT
My baby is gonna wet its self and smell bad soon they should add an update so you're baby could g o to the loo my baby will be sad if she wets her self.
Guest said: 16th Feb 2018 | REPORT
Ummm... i understand you are probably single and lonely but babys LITERALLY pee their diapers because they cannot go to the bathroom yet. Of course the babys are sad about that but its life
Guest said: 27th Feb 2018 | REPORT
When your child is a toddler they use the adult toilet
Guest answered:

Changing it's diaper adds to the washing Bar rather than the toilet bar. I'm still waiting for the Code Brown as I suspect that's how this is resolved.

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Guest said: 23rd Mar 2016 | REPORT
Guest said: 1st Jun 2016 | REPORT
Ill tr du y this
Guest said: 21st Jul 2016 | REPORT
I noticed I cleaned the diaper TOO MUCH if there is such a thing but now that I have an understanding of how it works, I feel better knowing he's okay. LOL
Guest said: 5th Jun 2018 | REPORT
i dont understand im pressing change the ciaper and its not turning green
Guest answered:

When the toilet Bar is going down you cannot do anything about it. Keep the baby awake a little bit and watch their other needs to be sure everything is green. If the baby is always sleeping their needs won't change they will stay the same. Once the baby is awake their needs decrease. Hence the toilet bar when the baby is awake is when they go to the bathroom so when the baby uses the bathroom change the diaper and have them go to sleep and keep their needs met when they are awake but it's okay if their toilet bar is decreasing. Just wait for them to go.

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Guest said: 30th Jul 2017 | REPORT
I use both parents , swaping back and forth, but it seems each child has,like a code to Unlock,by doing things in different order, changing,feeding,playing,sleeping ,calling..or calling,feeding,changing,sleeping, or feeding,changing,sleeping, maybe im way off, but it sure makes each child different.🙄might be wishful thinking and IM just really and it makes each child different!! Lol and it's parents or navy's job to figure it
Guest said: 13th Aug 2017 | REPORT
That's what I don't get... I keep trying to change the diaper but every time I try, it doesn't seem to get green. It stays red! 😖 Can someone help me figure this out because I don't understand anything including the codes... 😞🙏
Guest said: 3rd Nov 2017 | REPORT
Changing the nappy puts up the cleaning bar
Guest said: 2nd Aug 2018 | REPORT
Or just give the baby a rainbow cake slice 😀
Guest answered:

all you do is: when the toilet Bar is SUPER LOW the baby will... Pee. Lol. THEN you change their diaper. Its pretty obvious. In real life, if a baby needs to go take a dump, they do it then you change their diaper..

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Guest said: 9th Apr 2017 | REPORT
I had to pay 100000 for the stable on the need for steed quest 😩
Guest said: 22nd Jun 2017 | REPORT
Im going to get that quest. WHAT!!!
Guest said: 7th Jul 2017 | REPORT
After the toilet meter went all the way red, I had my sim baby's mom change the diaper and the toilet meter went green, hygiene went red. diaper again & baby Sim was good Smile
Guest said: 3rd Nov 2017 | REPORT
Guest answered:

When the baby's diaper is always showing "smelly" you need to keep cuddling the baby until you become baby's friend. Once you are tthe baby's friend, you then change the diaper. Basically the baby does not allow I to change it's diaper until you are there friend. I have been trying to get my babys green Bar for the toilet up and nothing seems to work.

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Guest said: 20th Jul 2015 | REPORT
Changing the baby's diaper will increase the cleanliness bar -.-
Guest said: 27th Jul 2016 | REPORT
You don't need to
Guest said: 25th Nov 2017 | REPORT
You need it wait for it to go red then you change the diaper, it has to be Best Friend with the baby, I use it’s Mother and had her Best Friend with the baby
Guest answered:

My baby's bladder level stays in green all the time with no problem!

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Guest said: 26th Sep 2015 | REPORT
How do you complete the love is in the air challenge?? I am growing onions right now, how do inspired things up???
Guest said: 25th Mar 2016 | REPORT
With the quests it asks you to do, I've done it.
TheMagicTrap said: 26th Oct 2016 | REPORT
I completed the love is in the air quest. If ur having trouble with the 'be romantic' to another sim, a problem u may come across is u can 'be romantic' to another sim from the party boat all u want, u will be romantic to them but the thing is it won't count that u 'been romantic' to another sim because to make it count for the quest you have to 'be romantic' to another sim IN YOUR CITY and not in the party boat city, BTW u have to be at least a lvl 8 to unlock the love is in the air quest. I hope this helped at least one person. PEACE OUT SON!!!!! 😜😜😜
Guest said: 24th May 2017 | REPORT
I completed it and they gave cool wedding suits
Guest answered:

My baby's bladder level stays in green all the time with no problem!

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Guest said: 28th Dec 2014 | REPORT
What's yo secret how it stay green
Guest said: 22nd Jun 2015 | REPORT
It probably sleeps all the time...
Guest said: 22nd Jun 2017 | REPORT
it probably stays in a crib.
Guest answered:

You have to wait until it gets to red and then it poos it's nappy and you have to change it's diaper you can't control when it goes to the toilet.

Guest answered:

I think when they notify you when it's on red you can change it and bring it back up.Like a real baby you don't change the babies diaper until it's dirty so we just wait.

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Guest said: 18th Oct 2015 | REPORT
That is a good example.
Guest answered:

The baby does it him/herself when they do it they are crying and have brown clouds all over them so click change diaper and thier toilet Bar will go up

Guest answered:

You just have to wait till him/her need a toilet so bad and they go then change there diper it should work

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Guest said: 12th Feb 2017 | REPORT
I have a girl named Lucifer Williams and another girl named Wisteria Williams.
Guest said: 28th Feb 2017 | REPORT
By babies are called Alby, poppy and Isabelle
Guest said: 5th Mar 2017 | REPORT
i have a girl named Audrey Rahadian
Guest said: 2nd Apr 2017 | REPORT
i have a baby girl thats named Susan Moody!!! :D but seriously.. how do you make the baby pee :(
Guest answered:

The baby goes by itself.It may take some time, but it will go.You'll know it went if the cleanliness Bar goes down.The toilet icon is only filled if it went.Only your baby can do that. Hope this helps.

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Marceline_Lover998 said: 23rd Aug 2014 | REPORT
Um, I think not..Because I've waited and sometimes, I click on the toilet with the green diamond on top of the baby, But It's can't......My baby's toilet bar is red..I heard that it'll go to the toilet when it's a toddler...
Guest said: 13th Dec 2014 | REPORT
You need to be friends with your baby if your not it won't work
TheMagicTrap said: 26th Oct 2016 | REPORT
Yeah u can only start to use the toilet when ur toddler+ Lots of love from TheMagicTrap 🍩🍧🍿🎂🍰🍦🍤🌭🍕🍝🍟🍔🌮
FunnySem answered:

Hè must pee in his diaper, then you change the diaper.

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Puppy2509 Caramelcorn! said: 7th Aug 2014 | REPORT
*she *her
Guest answered:

I change the baby clothes and it works with me

Guest answered:

Yeah what they say, it works! Just wait till it's red then it will... Well go then you change the diaper then it's nice and clean!!

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Guest said: 7th Nov 2014 | REPORT
Yeah!The baby will go itself. Smile
Guest said: 15th Nov 2014 | REPORT
ok got it
Guest answered:

All you have to do is change the babies diaper. Trust me, I've had this problem.

Guest answered:

I have changed the baby's diapers it was on red and it's still not doing anything

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Guest said: 7th Sep 2015 | REPORT
It will go up to green itself then the hygiene goes down so you change the diapee
Guest answered:

It's very simple, when the Bar goes red your baby will then go to the toilet but in their nappy and that's when you change their nappy/diaper. You will know when this happens because the bar will go green after going red.
(Hope this helpsSmile

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Guest said: 4th Feb 2015 | REPORT
Thx man I needed that!:-)
Guest answered:

I tried all of the suggestions that I had read on this site, but none of them worked. Finally, I gave my baby a cupcake to get the red toilet Bar to turn green, and it worked.

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Guest said: 8th Aug 2015 | REPORT
A cupcake just to turn a red bar green is quite expensive
Guest answered:

Thanks that was really helpful you should do more 😝😊😝😊😝

Guest answered:

You must wait for the babies toilet Bar to go down then after it is right at the bottom red bit the baby will wet themselves (you can't prevent this from happening) when they have finished wetting themselves there toilet bar goes all green and then you must change there diaper!

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Guest said: 3rd Jun 2015 | REPORT
I thought you had to do that but then thought "nah" and went looking for a answer.
Guest answered:

Take control of the baby and tap a toilet. Then click use the toliet.😀

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Guest said: 9th Mar 2017 | REPORT
No the baby can't use the toilet
Guest answered:

Use the cupcakes on the infant it will take 5 LP points put the Bar will go green again.

Rottygirl1 answered:

You can buy a tub and while holding the baby tap the tub and bathe baby. While it won't help the toilet issue it will keep the baby clean.

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Guest said: 26th Mar 2016 | REPORT
What level do you have to be on?
Guest answered:

Keep the baby always cudling and Change diapers. 3 to 4 times I hope it helps.

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Guest said: 4th Oct 2015 | REPORT
How do I get sound effects on sim
Guest answered:

What is the nanny there for if she can't touch the baby

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psychkittie said: 15th Oct 2016 | REPORT
Lol exactly
La_la_girl06 said: 19th Apr 2017 | REPORT
She is basically someone to make your sims feel good about being a parent. I know a little cheesy but it's true. The sims freeplay game is a game for you to role play in, so YOUR meant to be the nanny helping your sim. She gets quite irritating as she follows you everywhere you go, even to she shower. PRIVACY PLEASE!! She also keeps making silly faces at my baby and each time my baby makes a weird face back. She needs to be stopped!!
Guest answered:

My baby's toilet Bar goes red then when the brown clouds appear my baby's toilet bar goes green,then the hygiene bar goes low

Guest answered:

I tried that but it does not work. It does not fill up the green Bar

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Guest said: 12th Feb 2017 | REPORT
by switching to the baby and clicking on be changed.
Alicia Lee Livingston said: 19th Dec 2017 | REPORT
Did not work
boogerchichi answered:

Feed the baby brussels sprouts. If she won't eat them, grind them up in a blender until liquid and feed them with a bottle. When the baby looks a little green herself, hold her so her mouth is near the toilet Bar, and VERY GENTLY rock the baby back and forth. Soon the toilet bar will be green.
Hope that helps!

La_la_girl06 answered:

If your babies Bar is in the orangish colour, you need to wait until the bar is very low and in the dark red colour. When it is there, that means your baby has wet it's nappy. If it is in the orangish colour, that means it needs to go to the bathroom but it hasn't wet it's self yet. You can't change a diaper if it's not dirty, there is no point.
I hope this helps and makes sense!!!

Guest answered:

You can't but eventually the baby will need to change it's diper again and the Bar will grow green

Guest answered:

You have to wait until the baby dirties it's diaper (that's when the meter is low) then change the diaper, and then the meter will go up

Guest answered:

You can either wait for your baby to go on it's own or you can use rainbow cakes or cupcakes

Guest answered:

There is nothing you can do for an infant to make that full. Wait patiently when the Bar is empty so it will become full. Every Sim gets inspired when you update the whole app.

Guest answered:

From what I understand, the toilet Bar will just keep going down, even with diaper Changes. For them to actually use the bathroom you'll need to Age them up to a toddler.


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