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How do I get my sims to practice guitar in a neighbors town on free play..

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Question for The Sims FreePlay

How do I get my sims to practice guitar in a neighbors town on free play sims

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The Sims FreePlay Guide

Tirzah answered:

You have to go to a neighbor's town, then find a house with a Guitar in it. Then click on the guitar and play it. It takes an hour to complete. Good luck!

Showing latest replies - show all (437)
Guest said: 17th Jul 2018 | REPORT
What if none guitar in neighbor town?
Guest said: 28th Jul 2018 | REPORT
Theres not guitar in my sim town :(
Guest said: 20th Jan 2020 | REPORT
Mine too
Guest said: 31st Oct 2021 | REPORT
Same I can’t find a guitar
Tirzah answered:

First you go to a neighbor's town, then you look for a house with a Guitar in it. Click on the guitar and play it. This action takes an hour to complete. Good luck! 。◕‿◕。

Showing latest replies - show all (178)
Guest said: 21st Jun 2018 | REPORT
Same Here!

Guest said: 22nd Jun 2018 | REPORT
Me too
Guest said: 1st Jan 2019 | REPORT
Guest said: 20th Feb 2019 | REPORT
Mine still won't play.
Guest answered:

What if there are no guitars in a Neighbors house? Do I need to level up more before I can begin this Quest, or are there certain requirements?

Showing latest replies - show all (87)
Guest said: 1st Jun 2017 | REPORT
How do you add people
Guest said: 28th Jun 2017 | REPORT
Add me guys
Guest said: 29th Jul 2017 | REPORT
Add me mookula83.... or how do you add ppl plz
Guest said: 14th Sep 2017 | REPORT
How do you add players who aren't on Facebook?
Guest answered:

My sim keeps refusing to play my neighbours Guitar a red circle with a line in it ?? Anyone know a way around this ?

Showing latest replies - show all (46)
Guest said: 29th Dec 2017 | REPORT
Add me ashley cozza I have a guitar
Guest said: 19th Jan 2018 | REPORT
add mee anissa mitchell
Guest said: 20th Jan 2018 | REPORT
I need a guitar please
Guest said: 20th Jan 2018 | REPORT
add me sabella chingu no profile picture
Guest answered:

Needs to be Adult Sim and acoustic Guitar not electric.

Showing latest replies - show all (24)
Guest said: 8th May 2017 | REPORT
I need someone with a guitar add me plz @~gabby💯
Guest said: 23rd Jun 2017 | REPORT
Ad me
Guest said: 24th Jun 2017 | REPORT
Please help me I jees guitar to play with
Guest said: 17th Jul 2019 | REPORT
Please add me if you have a house with a guitar please.
Guest answered:

Seems ridiculous that only a teenager can play Guitar; especially when it takes ages to get a teenager!

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Guest said: 4th May 2014 | REPORT
I agree about getting a teen is so long.
Guest said: 18th Apr 2017 | REPORT
What! Only teens play guitar!😱
Guest said: 24th Aug 2018 | REPORT
Guest answered:

I found a Guitar in my neighobors and now it's not even an option to click it.

Showing latest replies - show all (19)
Guest said: 21st Jul 2016 | REPORT
Add me beautifuljay14 I need someone with guitar
Guest said: 31st Oct 2016 | REPORT
Please anybody do add me Zacqeus James, i need neighbor with guitar, TQ..
Guest said: 23rd Sep 2017 | REPORT
How do you add people as neighbors
Guest said: 2nd Oct 2017 | REPORT
Wait until next uptake till you can join other neighbors
Guest answered:

Have no friends on games centre add me shaunacoogan<3

Showing latest replies - show all (19)
Guest said: 25th Jun 2016 | REPORT
Please add me on facebook my name Jayrajsinh Sarvaiya
Guest said: 2nd Sep 2016 | REPORT
Help I need a neighbor with guitar
Guest said: 3rd Sep 2016 | REPORT
i need neighbor with guitar
Guest said: 18th May 2019 | REPORT
I dont have a guitar
Guest answered:

Add me. I have Guitar xxAriana

Showing latest replies - show all (15)
Guest said: 22nd Aug 2016 | REPORT
Hi emma .it's me rakibul .please accepted my request
Guest said: 28th Dec 2017 | REPORT
If any on earth has a guitar in their house my name is - moella - on Game Center please add me
Guest said: 7th Jan 2018 | REPORT
If you have a guitar.. add me - Skyllex - on Game Center
Guest said: 17th Feb 2019 | REPORT
I need a guitar someone please help!!
AnnaDahmer answered:

If anyone has or can get a Guitar in their town, add me on game centre, my game centre is Anna.the.Person

Showing latest replies - show all (8)
Guest said: 9th Dec 2015 | REPORT
I have lot of guitars
Guest said: 19th Feb 2017 | REPORT
I need neighbor with guitar 😢
Guest said: 24th Aug 2018 | REPORT
Neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed guitar😠😡😱😵
Guest said: 28th Oct 2018 | REPORT
My sims are refusing to play the guitar
Peechez82 answered:

Hi you need a neighbour with an acoustic Guitar and your sim needs to be an Adult. It will take about 3 hours to complete. If your neighbour has electric guitar then you're sim needs to be a teen. I NEED A NEIGBOUR WITH AN ACOUSTIC GUITAR PLS ADD ME ON GAME CENTRE I HAVE OTHER Hobby Items AVAILABLE. MY NAME IS PEECH82

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Guest said: 7th Dec 2014 | REPORT
I need a friend with an acoustic guitar please add me Shaniachandra thx😙
Crazykr said: 12th Jan 2015 | REPORT
How do you add people on game centre lol x
Guest answered:

You guys can add me I have plenty!! My name is Moultrie_Love

Showing latest replies - show all (10)
Guest said: 4th Jun 2015 | REPORT
Can someone add me with a guitar please Sarah morin aka s shine morin
Guest said: 19th Feb 2016 | REPORT
you need to find a guitar, and then make another sim play it in a neighbors town
Guest said: 10th Jun 2016 | REPORT
Please add me in game center i need guitar
Guest said: 21st Oct 2016 | REPORT
How to add in game centre? Please tell your fb username.
Guest answered:

Everyone says that you need to use a gitar for this Quest, but most people's neighbour don't have one, so what I did was skipped the quest. It took away 5 simolions but it was worth it - hopefully!!![

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Guest said: 19th Jan 2015 | REPORT
Where do you find the guitar, in which house?
Guest said: 8th Feb 2020 | REPORT
I had to spend 10 Simoleons because I was too young to have Facebook!
Guest answered:

I have a Guitar. Please add me in the game centre boo1503

Guest answered:

I have a Guitar - please add me in Game Centre :-) perste20

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Guest said: 28th May 2015 | REPORT
i add yoz plise accept :D
Guest said: 5th Apr 2016 | REPORT
How do u add people
moninaminimi answered:

I'm using an Android phone it only connect on Facebook Please add me I need Neighbors with the Guitar. My Facebook name is Am-am Encarnacion. Thank you.

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Guest said: 12th Mar 2016 | REPORT
Add me please fb name Stephanie Richards Vashon my Lil pony pic. Stuck on guitar quest
Guest said: 13th Mar 2016 | REPORT
If its OK I'll add you .I'm stuck on that part fb page Valerie Allen
Guest answered:

I have a Guitar in my beach house add me pls In game center I'm rach1800 be great if you had one 2

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ohhkkkaelin said: 16th Nov 2015 | REPORT
Where do you purchase guitars?? I can't find it in any of the categories in the shop.
tiasweet answered:

I need a neighbour who has a Guitar..add me plz..player686707297

Guest answered:

Can someone please add me leannegoddard I need a Guitar to practice and some neighbours

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Guest said: 18th Jul 2016 | REPORT
Guest answered:

@MVTalavera I have a Guitar. It is at the First house. Sims123.

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ohhkkkaelin said: 16th Nov 2015 | REPORT
Where do you purchase guitars?? I can't find it in any of the categories in the shop.
Guest answered:

Plz add me on GameCenter if you have a Guitar for this task: martinabbey

Showing latest replies - show all (5)
Nety said: 18th Apr 2016 | REPORT
Hello. I use the game as can I add someone and visit his town?
Guest said: 19th Apr 2016 | REPORT
@Nety add me on game center lets see if that works user: candyariels I dont use fb so I wont use that option.
Guest said: 8th May 2016 | REPORT
I need someone with a guitar. Anyone have one
Llama123 said: 8th May 2016 | REPORT
I need someone with a guitar. Anyone have one
Guest answered:

What if your sim neighbor town doesn't have a Guitar and you need to practice guitar?

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Guest said: 10th Dec 2015 | REPORT
My neighbor added a guitar, but it doesn't show up when I go there. What's wrong?
Guest said: 15th Feb 2016 | REPORT
Guest said: 18th Apr 2016 | REPORT
I need a guitar in my neighbors place.please help me
hashani harees said: 18th Apr 2016 | REPORT
Help me to have a guitar at my neighbors place
Guest answered:

I want to be able to help my friends out by buying a Guitar. How do you get/buy a guitar?

Showing latest replies - show all (5)
Nety said: 19th Apr 2016 | REPORT
Hello. Can you help me please. How can I add someone to Sims and visit his town. I have some neighbours but they haven't guitar in their towns.
Guest said: 17th Jun 2016 | REPORT
What if know one had one
Maddy_0218 said: 6th Jul 2016 | REPORT
You can buy a guitar but you have to build the promotions r us store because it's in there. I have a guitar add me at 🌊maddy🌊
Guest said: 10th Jul 2016 | REPORT
I have a guitar and i need a neighbor with a guitar KaLex214
Guest answered:

Add me on fb at Agoziem Isaac if you have a Guitar please

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Guest said: 29th May 2016 | REPORT
I don't get it
Guest said: 5th Jan 2017 | REPORT
Me neither
Maddy_0218 answered:

I have a Guitar at my house add me at 🌊maddy🌊 I have not finished the Quest because none of my Neighbors have a guitar tho

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Guest said: 18th Jul 2016 | REPORT
I have a guitar in my neo Tokyo house... Add me in game center KassPrepon i trued adding you
KassPrepon said: 18th Jul 2016 | REPORT
I have a guitar in my neo Tokyo house add me KassPrepon i tried adding you
Guest said: 31st Jul 2016 | REPORT
Added please accept
Guest said: 21st Oct 2016 | REPORT
Fb account?
Guest answered:

Add me on the google play thing for android - bewarethewolf1

I have a Guitar and I want to finish this Quest.

DeeDeeB89 answered:

Add me, daily Smile) gamecenter DeeDeeB89
I play daily, in love with the game, but need neighbours :( I've added some people from this post, but to be honest, I don't know if you guys got the request, Added with my GameCenter account

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Guest said: 14th May 2017 | REPORT
How do you add someone? I'm an android user.
Guest answered:

You simply go to the neighbours house which is down at the bottom of the Sims neighbourhood and click on the persons house with glass and an upstairs floor

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Guest said: 3rd Jul 2017 | REPORT
It's pretty complicated – first you need to buy a sword from the Traveling Eskimo in the park. Then you need to use the sword to kill the Sam who owns the guitar. Then click on "practice guitar". It might just be easier to spend the money to skip the step.
Guest said: 15th Mar 2020 | REPORT
Where is the traveling Eskimo? And what Sam?
Guest answered:

I need a Guitar! Can someone add me on Facebook "Jasmine Saunders" I'm the one with the SnapChat filter

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Guest said: 23rd Mar 2018 | REPORT
Maybe you write a song and then practice it but still how do you get to the guitar
Guest answered:

I’ve got a Guitar in my town add me on game centre chezza


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