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How do you build interior walls to separate rooms?

Question asked by Guest on
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Question for The Sims FreePlay

How do you build interior walls to separate rooms?? I select walls, and it only lets me choose colors, etc.

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The Sims FreePlay Guide

Guest answered:

It is kind of tricky. In build mode try adding a room by clicking on the outside of the outter wall and try to connect it to the existing wall. Then you could resize the interior wall without costing you. I'd you reduce a room first to make room for a new one then it costs you for the reduction and the adding of the room. So I try to add a small room and try to expand it by moving the interior wall. That way one room gets larger and the other gets smaller. Ur it doesn't cost me money.

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Guest said: 6th Mar 2018 | REPORT
this review is weird and not up to date

Not up to date
Guest said: 22nd Jun 2018 | REPORT
Don't get it...
Guest said: 21st Nov 2018 | REPORT
sn't work I found my own way! B-)
Guest said: 24th Feb 2019 | REPORT
How did you do it?
Guest answered:

I forgot you have to click on the last option in build store that is called Rooms.

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Guest said: 26th Aug 2017 | REPORT
I tried it and when I expanded it again it was the same as when I started but I had lost 2,000 simoleons
Guest said: 9th Oct 2017 | REPORT
I wish I could screen record this, but all you have to do is drag down from the other opposite wall of where you’re door is did that make any sense?
Guest said: 26th Dec 2017 | REPORT
How to make a wall in your your home
Guest said: 29th Jun 2018 | REPORT
So can't put up a single wall ...but perhaps the smallest slim room may work? Yes Im trying to figure out how to take down a single wall
Guest answered:

You can't 😐
I'm pretty shore it doesn't work :(

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Guest said: 19th Sep 2016 | REPORT
Guest said: 27th Sep 2016 | REPORT
Kind of confusing but it was OK
Guest said: 28th Jun 2017 | REPORT
None of these worked
Guest said: 11th Jul 2017 | REPORT
Yes it works
Guest answered:

It does work but the thing I am confused on is that there is no wall between the rooms . Someone plz help'!

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Guest said: 10th Jun 2015 | REPORT
Didn't help I already did that
Guest said: 13th Aug 2015 | REPORT
i just want to know that, if i already build 2 separate room with different size, can i combined both room to become a room without the divided wall?
Guest said: 1st Apr 2016 | REPORT
U can!!!
Guest said: 7th Jul 2017 | REPORT
I don tell get it?
Guest answered:

Yes!!! You just have to start on the grass and then drag your finger to the house!!!

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Guest said: 15th Mar 2015 | REPORT
Thx soooo much I built it for my child because didn't want to share rooms
Guest said: 26th May 2015 | REPORT
Guest said: 20th Nov 2015 | REPORT
its not letting me
Guest said: 1st Jul 2016 | REPORT
Thanks that helped I just don't have the money
Guest answered:

This isn't much of a cheat but it does save money. Click on a spare block of land and then click View house. Because there will be no house there, you start to construct one. Build a small room as small is it can get then pick what exterior walls you want. You only pay for the size of the room that it covers. Then once you have purchased it, you can expand your room without paying up to 5,000 Simoleons for the exterior. Hope it helps!!

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Guest said: 1st Feb 2014 | REPORT
Instead of dragging wall to expand a room ( which only expands the room, doesn't put a wall) drag from the grass to the house. That creates a new entire room with a separate wall.
Guest said: 5th Nov 2016 | REPORT
Wait what
Guest said: 12th Dec 2017 | REPORT
No it doesn’t it just makes the room smaller and it costs a fortune
Guest answered:

To get a separate room, go on to the house option to the wall extending tab. Then, in an area that can be built on drag the room to the size you want and press the tick when you are happy with the size.

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Guest said: 22nd Jan 2015 | REPORT
Thank you that helped me a lot
Guest answered:

The easiest way, even though it will cost you, is to reduce the room you want to separate to make space for the new room, and then drag on the grass outside the reduced room and make it into whatever size you want. A wall should come up between the 2 rooms. You might need a door. I hope this helps!!!! Smile

HippieLifestyle21 answered:

There is no way to add interior walls... But if you select the shopping option and then selecreate " rooms " you'll be able to add a room by holding on an empty space of grass and dragging your finger.

Guest answered:

If you click on the grass and then drag it adds another room

Guest answered:

In order to make a completely new room with a wall separating it from every other room, you don't drag the wall of an existing room because that makes a room bigger. Press on the area that you want your room to be and make it into a box. For example, press and hold a corner of your garden/grass area move your finger or mouse diagonally to make a box. When you have made it into the size you want then take your finger or mouse off the screen. A new room should be created.

Guest answered:

What you wanna do is go to the room building thing and pic where you wanna build it make sure the wall is tocching the wall your goin to build and then just drag to how ever big you want the room you just have to add a door in the wallls and ther you go a sperate room.

Guest answered:

Simply delete what of all you made And make it how it first was. Then you... Start making a room from the other side(opper site side from the house) and build it and pay, then add a door and done

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Guest said: 23rd Sep 2018 | REPORT
How do you get money without working and quickly
Guest answered:

To build a new room, first build a room that is not connected to the house, then drag it to connect.


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