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How do you clone pokemon?

Question asked by HALFxDEVILx333 on
Last Modified:

How do you clone pokemon?

I was wondering if there is a way to clone Pokemon on FireRed
Does anyone know a way??

HalfxDevil ;)

Comment:(Jan 19 2009) thanks to anyone who answered
it really helped

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helllow answered:

You cannot clone in Firered cause there is no building or event to make you save and continue your game.[E.G. Battle Frontier]

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Guest said: 8th Dec 2015 | REPORT
Look o
Guest said: 25th May 2017 | REPORT
Yes you can if you have a sp you can trade tern of the power and you have two pokemon
tails93 answered:

You cannot clone Pokemon exactly, but you could put a Pokemon in daycare with a ditto to get an egg.

Rangerman answered:

No but you can breed the pokemon.

berbatovspurs answered:

Put the Pokemon you want to clone in daycare with a ditto to get an egg.
It will hatch into a level 5 copy. e.g. Charizard and ditto =level 5 Charmander. You see. Please rate this answer.

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Guest said: 29th Apr 2014 | REPORT
and as I can by two Pokemon in day-care in cerulean city
Guest answered:

im sorry to say this but there is no way to clone pokemon in fire red but if you put the pokemon you want to clone in the daycare with a dotto and you will get the first form of that pokemon

Guest answered:

No. But if you have Emerald you can clone at the battle frontier and Trade to fire red

Guest answered:

No,but if you have friend with Emerald you can have clone the selected Pokemon at battle frontier.then you can Trade it back to fire red.

Guest answered:

You can by when saving after trading Pokemon when the box says Saving don't turn off the power,turn off one of the gbas then the other one then after you resume your game you both get the traded Pokemon =) XD

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lordofevil said: 29th Apr 2014 | REPORT
and as I can by two Pokemon in day-care in cerulean city
Guest answered:

No but you can go to Four Island and put a Pokemon and a ditto in the daycare and when the man says something about an egg always have a space in your party or he will take it and you will have to do it again good luck :-)

Guest answered:

No I'm sorry you can not but you can use the daycare and ditto trick on Four Island

Guest answered:

Trade the Pokemon to another system after turn it off and on then the Pokemon will be on both systems and it will be holding the same item!


Guest answered:

Yes there is a way you go to the Elite Four you click on the pc and Pokemon and shut your gameboy off and then turn it back on and you will have towo Pokemon

Robot_Assasin answered:

Translation for the guest. Go to elite 4 take out Pokemon you want to clone save and turn off when it says DO NOT TURN OFF POWER. Load it up and enjoy.
I have not tried this I am only translating it
For the guest.

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Guest said: 10th Nov 2014 | REPORT
bro i just tried it it didnt not work ok ill tell you if it does
Guest said: 24th May 2017 | REPORT
it didn't work for me.but i clone pokemon on a another trick.not the trade trick,it is different.go to your pc and place your cloning pokemon on box 7 on the last save your game again go to pc and put that on your party.connect siller on the s.p and reset the game you have the pokemon on box 7.that pokemon is cloned X30 now.
Notes:that box 7 is emty and have the clone pokemon didnt hold a get 30 bad egg on pc.U can get the Siller in Following Places: Adlide All in 1 Store,Maxima Prods,Australia Amuiesma.Yeah i Live in Australia at Adlide.
Shad0w1986 answered:

I have firered in one sp and leafgreen in another and am currently duplicating as many of any Pokemon I want by trading them in the union room Wirelessly, and once the Trade is complete and they have both saved, leaving the room with the one I want the valuable Pokemon on, and saving it, but turning the other sp off whilst still in the union room.

When switched back on, both are at the centre with the same Pokemon in the party. Catch unwanted Pokemon on main game save and Trade back to donor sp for target Pokemon til your hearts content! Smile hope this works for you guys too

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Guest said: 1st Jul 2014 | REPORT
Please note that when trading using this method, I will often have a level 2-5 caterpie/pidgey/rattata or something you don't care about, as a pokemon will be lost in the transfer. The donor keeps the pokemon you want to copy too, but the pokemon sent from the main account that is to receive the copied target pokemon is lost in the trade
Guest answered:

Yes there is a way by putting your Pokemon in a pc and then save but before it finishes saving restart it. Hope it helps..... Thanks


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