How do you get more LP points on iPad/iPhone sims freeplay app?
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I had the same problem. Until you can reach the 20 LPs needed to build the cinema, you can either complete the Goals, use the dog, or simply wait each day to collect the xps given each day. Use the xps to level up and each level up gives you LP points. Hope it helps!
Work,look after dog,wait each day,complete Goals and level up!
You get them for all!
Hope it helps!!!!
Planting for a long time gives you lots of xps which help you level up. Put all you're Sims to plant overnight and not only will it help withhe xps but u'll get lots of money!
Also every time you meet a reward for Town Value you get LPs. So plant and save and then buy Houses, when you're town value goes up, you get LPs.
Last time I got 10 LPs and am trying to reach $2 millions in Town Value to get more LPs. Am at $1,800,000 on level 23 but I only got 17 LPs and I want that Vampire den! Darn it!
You look after the dog and shake hands with him
And you will get XP
Then when you go up a level you will get LP!
Easiest way to achieve life points is to reach one of the town reward levels. It awards five to ten life points. Then sell off some furniture to drop below the award level. Close the app (double click home button and press app until it shakes and then close it). Re-open the app and it will tell you how far away from the reward level (about the amount of furniture you sold), buy a piece of furniture that puts you over the reward=more LP. Sell off piece of furniture again. Close app, repeat as many times as you want to get all the lp's you want.
Example: next town reward 500,000. Get to 500, 000 then sell off a couch for 100 and drop to 499900. Exit game completely. Rebut couch. Reached 500,000 town reward. Sell couch, etc.etc.
To get unliminted LP and money :just start the game the close it.hold the icon untill it starts to shake. Press the home button .start the app. Click on the store to get lp and money . It may take a couple of mins. But every thing will cost 0$ hope it helps!!!!!!!;);)
I leveled up to the max. Level 30 is all the levels they made for the game. I can't complete the rc boat goal till I have 50 LPs. I wish the Sims on the game had free will to do what they need to do. The only way I can get LPs is to have the dogs dig them up. I can't get more XPs to level up.
Go to The Town Map then press the store then press the circle on the iphone wait for a few seconds and then go on Sims freeplay and press cancel and press store again and everything 0.00
By changing wallpapers and buying commodities for your Sims, get the worth of your city to ten simolians short of your next 'award target'. It's important that while getting close to the figure, you don't exceed it.
Once you are only 10 simolians short, buy a gardening plot of land from the garden menu. This will grant you the 5/10/25 LP for hitting the target. Once claimed, sell the gardening plot, then purchase another. You will be awarded your LP again and again, as long as you don't go over the target value.
Every time you collect the reward, it costs you 10simolians, but the value of each LP is 250simolians.
Just complete the Goals or you can go to the store an buy them sometimes dogs will even dig them up
Here is how to get more money...
1. Go to the Sims freeplay
2. Click on the purple store button
3. While it says loading click the home button
4. Wait about 10 seconds
5. Now go onto the Sims freeplay and click cancel
6. Now go to the store again
7. Everything is $0.00
8. Buy as much as you want
Note: if you went to the store a few minutes before you do this it will not say loading so click out of the game, double click the home button, hold down the Sims freeplay, hit the minus sign and then do it.
Hitting the minus sign will not delete the game it will just delete it from the toolbar. Hope It Helps!
You can get lots of simeleons and LP by doing this:
Go to where you view your businesses and Houses
Click on the purple circle (store)
When it is trying to open (you'll see cancel but don't hit it)
Click the circle button on your phone to close the app.
Then wait 10 seconds
Go back to the app, and it will still try and connect you to the store
Now click cancel
This will bring you back to where you see your businesses and Houses
Click back on the purple circle to bring you to the store
Now everything g should say 0 dollars.
Good luck
XPs are very annoying to get hold of.
All you need to do it a very long activity. (Such as a Deep Sleep). A Deep Sleep takes 8 hrs. Do it overnight. When you wake up, your SIM should be awake. Collect your XPs and there you have it!
I tried to do all the ones with going into the store then going home then going back in but when I went to go back in It got out of the store WTF!!!!
I just wasted $4 for 20 LPs. -__-
I had the same problem. Until you can reach the 20 LPs needed to build the cinema, you can either complete the Goals, use the dog, or simply wait each day to collect the xps given each day. Use the xps to level up and each level up gives you LP points. Hope it helps!
You can also drive a Car around, better if it is a nicer car like the one you get when you buy the mansion. Just click on the car, hit, go for a ride, then go to The Town Map and follow the car taping on the music symbol that it emits as it drives about. The car will have a green diamond above it. You can locate it in town by tapping on the Sims person you sent for a drive on the sims locator. You get 20 music bubbles as your sims drives for 3 minutes in town. They have money or LP points. The nicer the car the better the money amounts but all cars give money and LP points.
I have an inspire and moneycheat
1.go to simsfreeplay
2.exit out
3.double tap on the home button then press and hold the simsfreeplay the red minus and then exit out and go to settings
5.go to genral then go to date and time then turn off set automatically
6.set it one year forward then go back to simsfreeplay
7.let it load,once it loads go back to setting and change the year back to what it was
8.go back to simsfreeplay and your Sims should be fully enspired and you should have 10,000 more simoleans.hope this helped you guys
Alright I ASSURE you this will help .
So first plant for a LOONG time use the beans .
Press the home button (On you're iPod) to get to you're main screen
Press it twice.
There will be a Bar popping out .
Click on The Sims Freeplay (In The Bar) Hold it till a red Minus pops out on the sims freeplay click it and the press the home button
Click on the Sims freeplay and wait for it to load
When it loaded click the home button and go to settings
Go to general
Click on date and time and turn the 'Set Automaticly' button off And click Change Time . Change it to a year before .
Press the home button the press it twice .
Click on the Sims and wait for it to load
3d step
Once it loaded click the home button then click it twice
Go to Settings (on the pop up ) change the time to 12 hrs later for example it's 2:44 pm change it to 2:44 am
And click the home button then click it twice and go to Sims freeplay wait for it to load
4th step
Once it loaded click the home button then click it twice and got to settings again
Change it 12 hours later for example the first time you changed it you changed it to am now change it to pm
Click the home button and then click it twice then go to Sims wait for it to load and then TA the !! Crops are done
5th step
Go to settings and click the set automatically on
Go to the Sims and you have even MORE money and you're health is full
If you read and do the stepsECXACTLY the way I told you ull be rich in NO TIME !
Hope I helped bye
My dog gives me all different types of money 1 to 100 if you play with it it will get you more .
The Goal Name ( Inspire Two Sims ) And The Goal Is ( Fast Track Your Sims "Earning Power!" Make Two Sims "Inspired" By Satisfying Their Needs
Tap On Objects, Sims Or Pets And Choose Action To Satisfy Needs
Pleaaaaaase Heeeelp
Heres how to get money
Plant somthing
Setting turn set off
Add 12 hours +
Go back
worked 4 me
On Sims freeplay I have tried toe "click store, go home for 10 secs, open, free" thing alot of times And every time it just doesn't work! Help!
If you have The Party Boat and a FB account do this cheat:
Make sure you are logged in to fb, you're settings and the Sims Freeplay is open when you double tap the home button.
1: go to The Party Boat, collect any rewards you have.
2: Double tap the home button and open settings.
3: Go to General > Date and ( turn automatically off) time and change the year, month a year an month later.
4: Hit the button in the top left hand corner.
5: Double tap the home button and open the Sims Freeplay and it speeds up which makes you get rewards such as LP and money.
Keep doing this until you get LP and the desire amount of money
This is how to get lots of simalons/money
1.go to Sims free play make all your sims plant something at one house and click the home button
2. Dubble click the home button then hond the Sims icon and touch the (-) mines icon
3. Go to settings >general>time and date forward the year by one
4.go back to the game and all your plants will be done.
(the Sims might be frozen so just click on them and click the cross and it will be fine)
Sorry for the bad spelling I'm only 11
Hope this helped
( yeah...but using the dog really helps.. TTY it! XD
Cats work as well :3
Ok here we go:
Plant some beans
Praise your dog
Wait for him to find money or LP
DO NOT use LP to inspire Sims... Its a waste!!!
Try not to make to many Sims unless you have more than 10,000s and 10LP- you need money and LP to look after your first sim!! It may be expensive!!
----Hope this helped
By the way I am a level 11 with no LP...yet
Does the trick for getting $0.00 in store works for iPad too?
This is so easy so to get more LP you can level up and to level up you can hibernate and speed time up
1. Go to Sims freeplay
2. Go to settings under general
3. Go to time and set it a day later
4. Go back to Sims freeplay and you get the points
5. Do it over and over to earn enough to level up
Use this for other things like Christmas thingy challenge change time to December 13 and you can start I already have ps I guarantee this will work on I touches everything else idk
When the goal told me to make four people I did and now the guy I made is just standing there in a blue background and the game wont go back to normal
C'mon you guys you can do this quite easily and keep your wifi on.
Step 1. Open Sims free play and plant how much of what ever you want.
Step 2. Once they have all started to plant exit out of Sims.
Step 3. Double tap the home button, now hold your finger or stylus on the icon until it starts to shake.
Step 4. Press the red circle with the white dash in the middle (it officially exits out of the game but it doesn't delete it).
Step 5. Go into settings and set the date to 1970 (the furtherest as you can go) and change the hours (not minutes) by 3 or more.
Step 6. Open Sims free play again and let it load completely.
Step 7. Press the home button then go back into settings.
Step 8. Change the date back to the original time and date.
Step 9. Go into Sims free play and collect all of your rewards.
Note: your Sims will be stuck after collected so press the home button and then re-open sims free play.
Simply repeat for more money and XP
Ghost hunting raises money and LP points pretty quickly.
I built a house & filled it with Haunted furniture. Then I put 5 or 6 of my Sims out ghost hunting at the same time. When a ghost pops, every time you hit them they generate money, experience, or lifestyle points. As you "collect" them, each collection generates more of the same. After you collect them all, you can reset the hunt.
I have found the most common way is by using your Pets and also getting up levels and completing goal however I have found that driving and clicking on the musical notes that sometimes you get LP (you do this by buying a Car then clicking on it ) another way is by how much your town is worth when you reach a check point then you get many LP depending on how much you town is worth
Hope it helped
The dog is not a answer. Go to the purple button . Above the selling things there is a blue tab that says 'free' . Select that . It will show you some ways to win LP free ( not much). Watching a video , like on Facebook installing an app and an offer. When you see the video you get 1 LP when you install the app you get 2 LP when you like on Facebook 2 LP and on the offer you have to put the e mail and they send you something like an offer for selling . When you check your e mail you will receive 1 LP
Hope it helped ))
Wait until you power up on your xps and tht will trigger the lifestyle points
If your device is jailbrokenn you can get unlimited LPS and Simoleons here:
If you don't have a jailbrroken device use this cheat:
Click on the LP yellow thing which is at the top. At the top left corner,it will say 'free'. There you can get LP ofr free just by completing offers or downloading apps. But here's the thing: Sometimes you have to PAY real money to DO stuff to get free LPs. Or level up faster. Use the first dog that came with your first character; he will give you LPs. Only if you praise him a lot.
Hey guys there's a lot more easy way to get more LP , try this one to get free lifepoints and a huge Town Value. (You need to have at least seven Neighbors.)
First make sure you have an empty house by making two Sims move in or just clear all the furniture out until you have finished.
Next go on the furniture menu and go on the 'Social' tab.
Choose the one that is on the far left and looks kind of like a CD player.
Fill your house! As you do it, you will Notice your Town Value rapidly increasing.
As your Town Value goes up the levels, you will be rewarded with LP!
Once your rooms fill up, simply put the furniture in your inventory or if your inventory is full just delete the furniture (your Town Value will go down but your LP won't.)
After your dog has dug LP
Praise it
Praise it EVERY time it digs LP or simoleans if you want
I tried this every time my dog digs up something and tried it for about a month and nearly ever minute it digs something
Easy. By joining via Facebook you can get bonus LP via The Party Boat, but to be 100% certain, just add Items from the neighbour inventory (free) to your homes and then just inventory them. Your town price will increase gaining LP as you go to the value of the item you add. (Do not sell, inventory)
Better read this use the dog, always praise the dog and after that the dog will be digging then you see!!you get LP!!
A way that I earn LPs is at the top of your device it will have a picture of a trolley click on that then it will come up with all the things you can buy , but there is a button that says free on it click that then it will say ' Connecting to the store ' wait for that to load then there is a load of videos you can watch then at the end of the video it will say 'Congratulations you earned a life point ' Some of them will have more than 1 LP some have 3 or 4 ! That is one of the ways I earn my LPs . I hope I have helped every1 that needs some LPs !
All you have to do is .......
1- go on to the map
2- click on the purple button that's the store
3- whilst it is still loading press your home button to get of your game
4- click the home button twice and hold the Sims free play utill it starts shaking delete it of the multitasking Bar (it won't deleat your game )
5- go back on the Sims and wait
If it does not work you must have made a mistake hope this helped
I Have a Facebook account and I have 14 people on my friend list that play freeplay and I buy stuff with the NBR points (14) I just buy like 12 of the same thing then I go to accounts manger and I logout of facebook and sell the stuff I buy. The most I ever had was 109,888 sinelones or wateva :P
Then I do this whenever I need money but it doesn't work for LP
If you have problems click your house and click any sim at the same time and tipe in solve.if that does not work try deleting it an reinstalling should not make you start over
You earn 1 LP every time you complete a goal and sometimes you can get 1 LP as a gift on The Party Boat
Hey, I got my dog to earn 3 life points for me in the same day and all you have to do is praise it whenever it digs something up, even if it is $1. The dog will dig more often and will usually find $20, $50, $100, $125 or 1lp! Hope this helped!!!!
If you keep doing missions I once got 23 LP for 2 missions but normally you get 1 also of when ever your dog digs up something the always praise it and it will start to dig up lp so I hope this helped you x
You can wait till the dog gives you some LP or leveling up will give you Lp r with my case I just buy them with real money.
The simpelest way to get LP is to complete a level
How you do that is do actions alot until you complete the level
Hope this helps
To get Simoleons and LP you sweep the floor mop it an clean up your room then once you get 5-10 bucks you buy the dang things hello.
Hi I've been reading these comments and they only get you a little bit of money- they way to get loads of money on the iPhone/iPad is..........
1. Gomto the App Store and search for - Cheats for Sims freeplay-
2.the first one that comes up should be BLUE with a GREEN DIAMOND on it it and wait
4. Open the app and it will come up saying Cheats or quiz - click on cheats
5. Go to money Cheats on-10,000 simeleons and inspired Sims
It is the normal time cheat thing but by the actual sim creators
This app also has many other Cheats and ways to fix the time cheats
I have tried Cheats like this many times but none have worked for me but when I got this app and followed the instructions it worked and you can keep doing it and doing it over and over again!!! This IS worth it
NOTE: to fix the time cheat you need to have the competition centre
I hope I helped guys
Love y'all
Car rides make Simoleons and sometimes bonus LPs. More info under " I had the same problem" as I made a comment
The easiest way to earn life style points is that when you acheive your town goal you get some LP but after you achieve it start selling stuff to make it go down then buy some other stuff and acheive your town goal again you will get the same amount of LP as you did before that way keep doing it over and over again and you will get alot of LP.
This one for LP
This cheat works with all updates of 2013 and 2014
First open Sims freeplay.
Go onto the settings option.
Then change the language, my device is apple I pad. The language Italiano works best in mine.
Then if you don't know the language, then after changing the language press the green button which means yes.
Then click on a garden patch and while it's loading hit the back button. Do it several times then the life point lotus which is $1.99 would be $0.00.
Hope it works.
Note this cheat only works if you ve finished the goal money grow on trees which is attained at level 8, and your settings should be in set automatic.
This one for Simoleons. And inspires all your Sims
Works with all updates of 2013 2014
Go to Sims.
Make all your Sims gardening oinions or beans
Exit the Sims.
Go to settings.
Set airplane mode.
Change one year forward and day and month. As you like. 2 3 4 how much ever months or days or years you can change.
Then go to Sims.
It may say cannot connect to server. And say to reload.
Then hit the reload and as fast as you can go to settings and off the airplane mode and go to Sims.
It may not work in first but in second time it actually works.
100% guaranty I can give for these two Cheats.
Enjoy with lots of Simoleons and lps.
Click the shopping cart icon in the corner on town view then switch to LP. There's a blue button in the left corner that says free. Click on it. There will be different options like watching videos for 1 or 2 or answering surveys for 30+. Don't do the surveys- they're a scam and take forever. I did one and it took over an hour, and I didn't get any lp. Just watch the videos, and check every day for new ones.
You can go to settings, change to Japanese or any other language, go back to your Sims garden patch and keep tapping on it until you see the LP lotus with a blank. This only works if you have unlocked your simoleon sprout. You have to keep repeating this or after ten minutes or so, the LP lotus will have the amount of money you need to pay for it!
You can go to settings, change to Japanese or any other language, go back to your Sims garden patch and keep tapping on it until you see the LP lotus with a blank. This only works if you have unlocked your simoleon sprout. You have to keep repeating this or after ten minutes or so, the LP lotus will have the amount of money you need to pay for it!
Hello. You may need a lot of patience for this to work, good things come to those who are patient.
First, make sure you have The Community Center built. If you are a newbie, then THIS IS WHAT YOU WANT TO BUILD.
Engage your Sim in there Woodworking Hobby. This is the part where it takes awhile. I recommend having 3 Sims doing the hobby.
When you complete a set, it'll give you rewards, but after awhile, it will start giving out Town Value bonuses or LP (I'm not entirely sure about the LP) but when you get the town value bonus you will reach a milestone and earn LP. The higher your town value, the more LP the milestone will award you. Of course, this works with any Hobby, and if you have a teen, then do the Teen Idol hobby. Also remember, the higher you town value, the more money it will give you in your mailbox... This is a daily thing.
For the Simoleons, I suggest going on your account at night, and then plant beans. In the morning, you will recieve a lot of money ($1200-inspired Sim) and then let them plant beans again. Then, check at night, rinse wash and repeat.
These both take time, but right now I have $303,000 by doing this trick.
1.) Go to the app
2.) Go to options
3.) Change the Language
4.) Go to the store
5.) Off your device for 10 seconds
6.) Close the store
7.) Go to the store again (IT SHOULD BE ALL PAID)
8.) Translate it back to ENGLISH
9.) Repeat Step 4
10.)Repaet Step 5
11.)Then it should be no paid
12.) Go to the plant thingy
Go to the store and just change between Simoleons,SP and LP and then it will say free in top right corner and you can get about 7 lp in some minutes. I get much lp because I do many missions and I go to work so I lvl up fast and gain lp for every lvl.
If you want Simoleons grow tomatoes. Even if it's possible you lose one/two it doesnt matter because you fet much from them.
Cars and dogs gives LP too but much less times. Hope this helps
If you make you're Town Value get higher at least one or two times it will give you more LP.for example
Trust me I have noticed it hope I helped 😏
I have 2 favorite ways of gaining XP to level up quickly, therefor receiving my LP more quickly. (1) I take 10 Sims to The Nightclub. Have one become DJ and have the rest Dance. The more times you do it, the higher XP points you get.
(2) I put 9 garden plots at one Sim's house, call the Neighbors over and have everyone plant & Grow Garlic. It takes 8 hours and gives something like 1600 XP. That is 1600 XP times 9 Sims. I leveled up in 36 hours, but I didn't stay with it that long. When I pay attention, it's much quicker even. This is my Sim over night Grow Party. Works like a charm... I am level 28 with 22 Sim's in a town just barely shy of it's $7,000,000.00 value mark. I hope this helps.
If you are patient, then this WILL WORK.
You know how you can watch ads to get free LPs? Well, once you do, they never come back. Here's how to make them reappear.
1. Do whatever you need to do, because you will not be able to play this game for 5-10 mins in a bit.
2. Upload your save file to the cloud. If you don't know how, press the ... Button at the bottom of the screen, then click on the blue cloud button. This is why you need either fb or gc. If you don't have one, either make one or stop reading.
3. Once you have uploaded it, DELETE THE GAME. Don't worry, if everything goes well, you should get all your stuff back when you download it again.
4. (Optional) Back up your device's data on a computer. If you are really paranoid about losing your stuff, do this.
5. Re-download The Sims. I shouldn't have to say much more. While it's downloading, go do something else! Watch TV, go outside, whatever the heck you do in your spare time, other than play The Sims.
6. Once it's done, open the game, but DO NOT CLICK CREATE NEW GAME. There should be a button that says Download from Cloud, or something like that. Tap it and proceed.
7. Watch the videos.
8. Rinse and repeat as many times as you like.
I may have said not to worry, but it can happen, although rarely; your saves might get lost. That's why you might want to back it up onto a computer, too. But, I have deleted my game many times, about 15 or so, and it has never lost the saves. Even so, I am not responsible for loss of save files.
Hope this helps! Try it!
Save your Simoleons so you can buy a Car. Then have a Sim go for a drive. It only takes a few minutes and you get LP on occasion. Hope this answer helped.a
Get a sim to do Cooking as a Hobby (could be any hobby to be honest but cooking is the fastest one) make them reach 100% in the hobby and gain all of the collection Items (spatulas, chefs knives, whisks, graters, measuring spoons and rolling pins). Each time you get all of them you can restart and start collecting them again and again and eventually your LPs will stock up! I've been doing this for a while and I'm at 90LP.
Hope this helps.
If you have money, build the competition centre. There is a new competition everyday, but it requires you to have a high level in hobbies to actually win anything.
1st place-3LP
2nd place-1LP
3rd place-1000$ and 1000XP
4th place-500$ and 500XP
Competing takes 24 hours, but if you have a high level in the competition, you can earn 3LP every single day! I've been using the completion centre and now I have 90 LP without buying any from the store.
You can now get free LP points on upgraded Sims freeplay app by watching some ads on it. It gives you the option on the top left side of the screen when you open the app. I have an iPad so I don't know if it's the same for iPhones and Other devices. Hope this helps.
What I did was, two different things. The first thing was, I got all my Sims to be at level 6, of what ever Hobby and Career they were doing. Then, I entered them into different Competitions, at the Competition Centre. If your sim is at level 6, of their hobby or career, then they get first place, which rewards you with 3 LP. You simply keep on doing this and then, you have hundreds of lp.
The second thing is, on the new update, if you go into your tasks, at the top left corner of the screen, there is a square with a LP symbol in it. You then click on that and, it takes you onto a video, advertising a game. You then keep on doing this and then you get lots of lp. I hope this helped you.
This is NOT a cheat but gets you 5 LP in about an hour. Take about four Sims who are maxed at Cooking.
Put four ovens and four toasters in one kitchen.
Have them repeatedly cook the one minute toast.
You will fairly quickly get all sets of Cooking utensils and earn 5 LP when you do.
Reset the collection and repeat!
U can get 4 LP daily by watching videos. It takes about 5 mins to get 4 lp. U can watch the videos in the button on the top left hand corner when your looking at the tasks
1. Go to Competitions in the Competition Center to compete and get more LP
2. If you have a Car, drive it and also have an Adult/ teenager to drive it and there will be a music note.
3. Pets can dig up Simoleons and lps, if you are lucky.
4. Complete Goals.
5. Watch a video from the goal box. You will see the icon at the left-top corner.
How do you get the Sims to go talk to the other sims
Cook a lot.When you complete collection, you get chopping boards. For each next collection ( there is a reset button) you will get 5 LP.
This isn't really an answer, but I could not find the question box, so here is my question: I am doing the toddler supersim Quest, I have two hours left and I need to speed the last task up a bit, Help?
Ask for iTunes cards and buy stuff. I know it can become a problem but it works fast. And it works. Then you're spending someone else's money not your own. I do it. I buy a few songs then game
Currency, there's a 14.99 package of both Simoleons and LP
Listen, build 3 places than complete a goal which takes at least a couple days, but don't you want LP?
Be funny two times be romantic then do a simoleon sprout after that have a fancy coffee then watch news then it should come up with free Simoleons click yes then you will have to watch vid then you will get unlimited lps
So what you have to do is start working on a Hobby a suggest Cooking but that's optional so what you have to do is work really hard on completing the collection and then ones you complete it for the first time when you complete it again it gives you 5 LPs
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