How do you star gaze or cloud watch in a neighbours house? I can't find a telescope
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I'm stuck in this too and it sucks, have no idea how to pass it because some how out of 40 Neighbors none of them have a Telescope .-.
Well I asked a buy one and he did and placed it at one off his Houses but when I visit him I still can't see the Telescope. And he says when he visits me he can't see mine either. What it's really going on?
I have the Telescope. Add me on Game Center (Ehannan815)
I have a Telescope game center Lorena912, looking for someone with one I can use please
Please anyone add me as I am unable to add people for some reason and am stuck with no friends with a Telescope
My game centre nickname is pimms1974
Thanks x
Please add me as a game centre friend, my id is pimms1974 as I have no friends with a Telescope,
Thanks x
I have Telescope . Kusumlata
I don't have a Telescope, but would be a help if you could add me if you do, I have been stuck on this tasks for ages and is doing my head in now...
My game centre is d0n d0n 56
I have a Telescope in the back yard of my house that's to the right of the bridge. Game Center: nihch
Can you guys put the Telescope in the Park instead? Easier to search add me moksha.D on game center I have mine in the park you're all wc ;) ;)
Hey guys need someone with a Telescope fb name is Shelby St.Just I have a telescope if you need it
Plz add me need Telescope , can't seem to find one at Store to buy.... So plz add me landon0430 game
I have a Telescope .. Add me in Game Center id: Tot10099
I have a Telescope my id in Game Center is Tot10099
Please someone add me my game center username is sabrinazd219 someone add me if you have a Telescope
Hi. I'm stuck on the Telescope level and NON of my friends play so I have no neighbours!!! Please add me same centre Oh_that_bunny I play daily!! Thank you so much in advance to those to add me.. Again if anyone else gets stuck please add me and let me know and il see what I can do to help
I have 2-3 telescopes .. Add me in Game Center ( anoo50 )
I have 2-3 telescopes .. Add me in Game Center ( anoo50 )
How do you add people not through Facebook, on an android device? None of my friends have a Telescope and I can't pass this Quest :(
I have the Telescope if anyone still needs it, I also need to beat the task my game center is chiseyamanari
I NEED SOMEONE WITH A Telescope D: I have one as well for others
I have a Telescope and I need a neighbour who has one
Game Centre: pp246
I have Telescope, Soccer Ball, Fashion studio, Podium and more. Add me on Game Center *~j4m1e~*
Add me on Game Center, I have a Telescope. I need to use a neighbor's telescope! Daisy*74
I need someone to add me please! I need to borrow someone's Telescope.
Lakegurl83 thank you
Hey guys can you help me, I can't stargaze or cloudwatch using a neighbor's Telescope I have just one friend on The Party Boat , I can't add becase I'm logged with Facebook can you help me what I must do?
I have a Telescope, it's in the house in the far left corner near the bridge; my Game Center is maya_44
I would like to ask, where to buy a Telescope? I'm stuck on this task as well. Please add me my gamertag is icebirth
I need a Telescope to stargaze but can seem to find one in my neighbours house. Please add me on game centre melissajadee
I have everything in my first house:D Add me on Game Center:Boooghi
If people are still looking for friends with a Telescope, I have one. Add me. Jtrel67. If you have one too, that would be awesome!
Plz add facebooks names .... Add me Shalonda akinsanya
Plz add facebooks names .... Add me Shalonda akinsanya
If you have a Telescope please add me on game center it's RaRaTurnUp or RaaRa TheBoss QueenWife on Facebook I need Neighbors...!!!
Im stuck On This Task As Well ... Please Add Me on Facebook ( Monica Serratos ) And Message me " Add me on Sims " please that will be really helpful , thank you.
I have a Telescope add me on game centre (zoeyandme)
I'm stuck on it too! If anyone has a Telescope please add me on Game Center Lauraa87635 xx
I have a Telescope if anyone would like to add me - willysid
I have purchased the Telescope from the Hobby store befriended other Sims in Social area but still not getting prompted to use the telescope can someone please help it's infuriation!
Am stuck here 2 I need friends my name is marianita monita can I add some of you plz 😁
Am stuck here 2 I need friends my name is marianita monita can I add some of you plz 😁
Everyone else has a Game Center account (I do too) but I need one for people with google games.... Add me on google games it's AngelicaPierrot04
I have Tips for you guys, if you don't have a Telescope , log out your Facebook account on the application Sims freeplay , then log in with another facebook account ( make friends with your first facebook account), then back to your first facebook acount, and see your neighbour .. You have same sims freeplay in two account facebook..
Note : buy Telescope for your Sims freeplay before
Add me rafika ida saputri by Facebook..inbox me
I have Tips for you guys, if you don't have a Telescope , log out your Facebook account on the application Sims freeplay , then log in with another facebook account ( make friends with your first facebook account), then back to your first facebook acount, and see your neighbour .. You have same sims freeplay in two account facebook..
Note : buy Telescope for your Sims freeplay before
Add me rafika ida saputri by Facebook..inbox me
I have Tips for you guys, if you don't have a Telescope , log out your Facebook account on the application Sims freeplay , then log in with another facebook account ( make friends with your first facebook account), then back to your first facebook acount, and see your neighbour .. You have same sims freeplay in two account facebook..
Note : buy Telescope for your Sims freeplay before
Add me rafika ida saputri by Facebook..inbox me
Does anyone have a play game account. Please add me so I can do the Telescope thing. Khalia1989
You need to look at differnt house and you can see one 😀
I have a Telescope, my username on Game Center is charliexlauren, feel free to add me, I'll accept all as I know this Quest can be a pain
Feel free to add my Game Center for a Telescope, my username is charliexlauren and the telescope is in the home with the pool in the mountain world, I accept anyone as I know this Quest can really be a pain, good luck!!
I have a Telescope and I need a neighbor with a telescope add me on Game Center: Kara🐶 64
Please add me on Facebook TIN ROSAL. I need use a Telescope from a neighbor's house. I do have a telescope too.
I have a Telescope in my town someone can use! Add me on Facebook @ Naliyah Whitfield if you want to use it and you have one I can use
Hi I have one actually, but I need to complete the task to so if you want we can help each other. Add me on bbm for more D5A027C9 we can make it easier
I have a Telescope. Add me on Game Centre: ASDA Actor (:
I also need someone with a Telescope. Thank you!
To get the Telescope you need to buy it at Promotions R Us for 3,490 then it will appear in the new Items of the home section. X
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Add me on fbook gifty nana Efya Annan
Or Game Center Efya Minaj 💕