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Question for The Sims FreePlay


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The Sims FreePlay Guide

Guest answered:

In order to make them nemesis you have to continue to make the same two Sims complain or be rude to each other pass enemies...did it this morning.....

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Guest said: 3rd Aug 2015 | REPORT
Thnx !
Guest said: 12th Aug 2015 | REPORT
Yea thx but I hate it so great thx
Guest said: 18th Oct 2015 | REPORT
Add me. Wednesdayoctober on game center
Guest said: 18th Jan 2017 | REPORT
eh? i did that but i'm playing on phone and it's not sims 4 it's sims freeplay it's girl and boy fight but they thorw up to floor yuck.when it say they are disliked when i get them fight again when it's nemesis now.
Guest answered:

Find 2 Sims that are just friends and keep being rude then when the Bar is red it will keep going up red and then it will say disliked then complete that and the bar will be red it will then come up as enemy then when you complete the enemy bar they will become nemesis

Comment if this helped

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Guest said: 1st Aug 2015 | REPORT
how do you be a nemesis
Guest said: 17th Jul 2016 | REPORT
it does not let me become nemesis evreytime i be rude the bar gies down the nemesis bar i am allready nemesis but i want the bar to get full and every time kind it goes up and once its full it goes back to disliked... plz help
Guest said: 21st Aug 2016 | REPORT
After my Sims became nemesis I made one be funny and the red part became more
Guest said: 30th Jul 2017 | REPORT
You have to Complain in till they be come. Nemesis
Guest answered:

On my phone I have a couple. And the guy gets jealous every time the girl dances with him. Now I'm up tho the point where they just hate each other, and I now have the option to make them slap each other! =D AWESOME!

Guest answered:

I have a pair that are nemesis but the Bar doesnt move after that

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cutepuffie2 said: 29th May 2014 | REPORT
That's because nemesis is the last stage. Same with best friends is the last stage for the friendship relationship. If you want them to have a romantic relationship, use the purple icons. Welcome!!
Guest said: 21st Jul 2014 | REPORT
You can also complain to make best friends bar go up. Lol
Guest said: 2nd Aug 2015 | REPORT
When best friends complain, yes the bar will go up but that means they are about to dislike each other. Same thing when two people are nemesis the bar will go up when their nice to each other.
Guest answered:

Right. You have to get a pair of strangers if possible and make them be so so rude and complain so much that they dislike each other. Then fill the Bar up with negative reactions and they will be enemies. Fill THAT bar and they are nemesises. Hope it helped Smile xxx

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Guest said: 26th Apr 2013 | REPORT
I know !!! I can't slap the other!! πŸ‘ΏπŸ‘‹πŸ˜ˆ
Guest said: 24th Nov 2013 | REPORT
Thank you for the information

Guest said: 29th Jan 2014 | REPORT
Mine just keeps going up as friends not enemy's?
Guest said: 27th Mar 2015 | REPORT
Mine is nemesis and they slap each other btw nemesis is the last stage
Guest answered:

I have done it all you have to do is just keep repeating that

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Guest said: 3rd Aug 2016 | REPORT
How to get 5 sims to read fine literature
Guest answered:

I'd already built the Night Club before I got the 'Slap a Sim' goal--everybody was already best friends with everybody. It took me FOREVER to get them from Best Friends down to Nemesis. You just have to keep on keepin' on with the negative interactions. They'll eventually get there.
And yes, the friendship Bar keeps going up, bit that's just to signify that something is happening. For instance, if they're Best Friends, keep going with the negative interaction.. When the bar fills up, they go down a friendship Status. Confused me at first too.
Good luck and happy playing!!

xoxo baby boo xoxo answered:

Yeah just make them keep being negative to each other by doing negative actions like being rude,complain, ETC! Then the more mean they Re to each other hey will soon become nemesis!

Let me know if this helped, duh I know it helped!

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Guest said: 22nd Apr 2013 | REPORT
once they are nemesis can they be anymore than that like can they start a fight?
bellzas23 answered:

All you have to do is to make them "complain" of other negatives actions (speech bubbles in red) . And you are able to "slap" the two Sims when they reached the "neimisis" Status.

Guest answered:

Just be rude to another sim, carry on with this and you will do the task

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Guest said: 21st Mar 2014 | REPORT
I have tried everything and nothing b is working
Guest answered:

We'll you get them to hate each outher soo much that they become each other's nemisis

Guest answered:

We'll you get them to hate each outher soo much that they become each other's nemisis

TheWebbiegirl answered:

When you try to chat with a sim, (you can do that by tapping or clicking on another sim) there are things you can do with it and one of the things is "be rude." You can tap or click on that a bunch of times, (you will get updates and you can check on relTionships) and then they will finally become nemesis es. Hope this helps!πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒ

Dalina Key answered:

You just be funny to the Sims that nemesis

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Guest said: 29th Nov 2014 | REPORT
It doesn't work
Guest answered:

Mine are two "good friends" that live with each other, but I want to move them out: to do that I have to make them dislike each other, but I have made them "complain" 34 times and they still don't hate each other! 😳

Guest answered:

guys if your reading this you need to stop being so negitive your self .And it's not very excting when they slap eacch other. Please no negtive commets I hope you do the right thing.

Guest answered:

First of all calm yourself please. So, get two Sims to dislike each other. Keep making the same one sim complain or be rude to the other same sim. If you do this many times the two sims will become nemesis. I apologize if this didn't help or did not work. -Kawaii Kittens.

Guest answered:

To get the nemisis Bar full slap/ be rude then be nice then slap again the be nice then be nice again then slap and so on .

Guest answered:

How do I go back to best friends/ good friend I'm in nemeis right now??

Flaming NSB answered:

Keep making 2 Sims Be Rude or Complain, And you’ll get Nemesis! I tried it and yet I got it!


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