Unlocking Enlisted Ranks in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2019 through normal gameplay will enable you to level up. Check out our How to Level Up guide to find out everything you need to know about leveling up.
To level up rank in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2019 requires XP and aside from Multiplayer Matches this can be earned doing Special OPs Missions and Challenge Missions by playing the objectives. When you level up your rank you will unlock various things that can be used in the different multiplayer game modes to help you gain more XP, amongst them are weapons, perks, and killstreaks. Once you have reached Enlisted Rank 4 you will unlock the Loadout menu which is where you will be able to experiment with different equipment and perks so you can create your own loadouts.
Surviving in multiplayer for a long period of time will ensure you are rewarded with a decent amount of XP. Destroying Killstreaks such as the UAV or VTOLs will give you bonus XP. You may want to consider mounting a weapon such as the M19 LMG on choke points so you create a killzone designed to mow down the enemy when they reach it. Yet another way to earn plenty of XP is to complete matches, you will also earn bonus XP if you win the match. You may want to cosider playing 20 Player Team Deathmatch as it gives you plenty of opportunities to kill enemies and earn XP.
• Complete Multiplayer Matches, and Special Ops Operations and Missions.
• Complete Daily Challenges, these are short objectives that you will be able
to complete within a play session.
• Completie Challenge Missions; multi-step objectives that also result in other rewards.
• Complete Camo Challenges; which unlock variations of base weapon camos
and also offer you XP boosts.
• Once Officer Ranks are unlocked, there are additional Officer Rank Challenges
Check out our Perks Guide to find out how the different modifiers in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2019 affect the game.