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Question for The Sims FreePlay


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The Sims FreePlay Guide

Guest answered:

Get three Sims all in one room.

Showing latest replies - show all (83)
Guest said: 30th May 2017 | REPORT
Guest said: 1st Jun 2017 | REPORT
i try but cant
Guest said: 1st Jun 2017 | REPORT
How do u make 3 sims speculate
Guest said: 12th Jun 2017 | REPORT
What time should I put cause it's still it working?
nicsknacks answered:

You can go to The Community Center and call on 3 Sims there. Click on the black chairs in the first floor and choose Speculate.

Showing latest replies - show all (57)
Guest said: 16th Apr 2017 | REPORT
The park one works but do it with the chess chairs!!πŸ‘ Good luck! (This DOES work!!)
Guest said: 15th May 2017 | REPORT
OMG !!! It does work .Thank you !!!!
Guest said: 2nd Jun 2017 | REPORT
It work! Thank youuu
Guest said: 4th Jun 2017 | REPORT
Yep thanks
nicsknacks answered:

You can go to The Community Center and call on 3 Sims there. Click on the black chairs in the first floor and choose Speculate.

Showing latest replies - show all (12)
Guest said: 30th Jul 2016 | REPORT
I do not care
Guest said: 3rd Dec 2016 | REPORT
3 sims go tov community center up and down stair with black chairs click works
Guest said: 3rd Feb 2017 | REPORT
It's not necessary to have the community center, you can take them to the park and click on the chairs next the chess tables
Guest said: 10th May 2017 | REPORT
Go to the park where the chess boards are. Tap on the chair and choose 'speculate'
Bluetigers answered:

If you don't have The Community Center, get 3 Sims to the pool. Click on the chairs and choose "speculate". You'll have to click on the chairs 3 times to get the needed amount of Sims. It takes 8 minutes to "speculate".

Showing latest replies - show all (15)
Fawad881 said: 8th Jul 2016 | REPORT
I am still struggling with spectulate , pls tell me how can I do I did twice on the chess chairs 12m still not works...
Guest said: 24th Jan 2017 | REPORT
Guys help me plz i have 3 sims in one house (4 including the baby) and i have 4 chairs but i still cant speculate! Only ponder and i dont have the community center or pool!
Guest said: 24th Jan 2017 | REPORT
Its ok now i went to the park and used the chessboardsni am the person from above btw
Guest said: 18th Nov 2017 | REPORT
You can go to the park, and speculating takes 12 mins. On, windows.
Guest answered:

The sofas don't work, I got the cinema house and did out the 11 to speculate and don't work, also with the parks chess tables,still not work

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Guest said: 5th Feb 2015 | REPORT
Add me
Guest said: 23rd Mar 2016 | REPORT
I buy black leaving chair in the living room store, because the quest is for 3 sims do speculate, and yes i buy 3 chair, and it works to speculate, just in our house, it's don't need to go to community center
Guest said: 21st Jun 2016 | REPORT
Thanks that is all I need
Guest said: 2nd Sep 2016 | REPORT
Yes this works great!!! Thank you for posting Smile
Guest answered:

Go to the Park and click on three chairs and on each chair you willnsee speculate don't tap the chess table

Showing latest replies - show all (6)
Guest said: 2nd Apr 2016 | REPORT
How many people does that
Guest said: 24th Sep 2016 | REPORT
I already do it for 3 times but it still not work on mine please help me
Guest said: 23rd Oct 2016 | REPORT
What do I do wen done speculating
Guest said: 26th Mar 2017 | REPORT
I got the 3 chairs as soon as it clocked 9am but didn't work for me, but I went to the park, then clicked ont the chess chairs and they showed me "speculate". So you can try that as well.
Guest answered:

The chairs at the chess tables in the Park work!! Just send your Sims there if the above Tips do not help Smile

Showing latest replies - show all (7)
zinck said: 23rd Aug 2015 | REPORT
set your time manually at
Guest said: 24th Oct 2015 | REPORT
Guest said: 22nd Jan 2017 | REPORT
How do I set manually time to do that
Guest said: 17th Aug 2018 | REPORT
How to make 3 sims
Guest answered:

If you want to complete it but can't get on Sims between 9 and 12 if that's what your task says then you can change the time on your device and it will work😊

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Guest said: 16th Aug 2015 | REPORT
I tried that it didn't work
Guest said: 24th Jan 2017 | REPORT
Because since many ppl were cheating and doing this Sims now runs on real world time
Guest answered:

I did it at the Park but it won't telle what to do next .

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Guest said: 20th Feb 2016 | REPORT
Any body have camera ? Add my fb rani rosita
Guest said: 26th Mar 2017 | REPORT
My 3 sim won't move
Guest answered:

If you go to the Park and call three Sims to go get the to sit on the chess chairs because when you click on them you can speculate Smile

Guest answered:

Go to The Community Center. Click the black chair and choose spaculate

Fawad881 answered:

Pls add me guys fawad881

Fawad881 answered:

Pls add me guys fawad881

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Guest said: 14th Jul 2016 | REPORT
Tried it twice but the task is not completed
Guest answered:

Buy 3 single chairs. Not chairs at a dinning table, chairs in a living room. Call 3 Sims over and tap the chair and click 'speculate'

Guest answered:

To spectate you need specific chairs, I found the cheapest quickest way to complete this is by going to the Park and using the chairs from the chess area.

Guest answered:

Update your Game!
I have been try what the task say for about 5 times, even in the Park too, and didn't work, then I just play the game for 1 day like always then update it, after I update the game and play it again suddenly it shows that the task is complete. Well it works on me.

Guest answered:

You must have a seat of the living room (not the dining room)

Guest answered:

In the swim center, the pink and blue chairs have the option to speculate.

simsfreeplay0808 answered:

Let the sim sit on the living room chair and click speculate.

Guest answered:

I jus took 3 Sims to the Park and clixjed on the chair by the chess board then the option came up. Do it for 3 indivual sims.


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