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Game shark code for Pokemon FireRed

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Hey, this code will help you catch your opponent's pokemon.

I mean that if you are in a battle with any trainer, you can catch the opponents Pokemon by using this cheat.

Note: Press L+R before using the Pokeball.

Cacth Opponent's Pokemon During Battle

4D83B1BF E0F5F507

8E883EFF 92E9660D

B6C5368A 08BE8FF4

90B4977C C0151DC2

Detailed Instructions

Step 1.

Make sure the code is off

Step 2.

Fight trainer.

Step 3.

Go to the pokeballs pocket then turn on code.

Step 4.

Press L+R at same time.

Step 5.

Use the pokeball you have selected.

Step 6.

Turn off the code after using it correctly.

This code is reall cool as you can catch the Charizard of Gary!!!!!!!! It's pretty useful against your rival or The Elite 4.

Once you have caught the opponent's Pokemon the match ends there.

We have had some reports of people getting bad eggs when using this code, here is a tip to try to avoid this:

How not to get Bag Eggs

Some people are getting bad eggs with this code, to avoid this have the both the mastercode and the code above on before the fight, do the fight, press on ball press L+R at the same time, throw ball, once the pokemon is caught TURN OFF THE CODE DO NOT PROCEED AFTER CATCHING IT WITHOUT TURNING IT OFF, proceed on naming etc. the pokemon should be as expected now.

Head back to our Pokemon FireRed cheats page for a load more cheats and tips for Pokemon FireRed.

Added by: latiaslatios_dv
ID#12390 | REPORT..
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