A long-awaited and much anticipated sequel of the highly-acclaimed Persona series, part of the much larger Shin Megami Tensei franchise. Players take the role of the silent protagonist who must balance his life in two alternating worlds: the real world and the metaverse, where otherworldy beings called Shadows reign. Similar to Persona 3 and 4, the game follows a strict timeline coursing through an entire year. The staple features of the last two titles are also included in the game like personal traits / stats that determine the player’s character in the real-world, alternating day/night cycle that trigger scripted and random events, strategic turn-based battles, etc. Social Links also return to the game as the Confidant system.
Welcome to Supercheat's unofficial guide to the game. Please use the menu on the right to navigate. The guide will be actively updated so please don't mind the clutter. Upon completion, this guide aims to cover the following:
New sections will be added as we play the game so stay tuned!
Is it possible that I missed something? I thought I did everything right, but I'm unable to talk to Tae on the 4th unless I have level 4 charm. Was I suppose to use the luck reading too?