The story revolves around the Samurai, protectors of the Eastern Kingdom of Mikado. The kingdom’s denizens are divided into two groups; the nobles known as Luxurors and the peasants called Casualries. After completing the Ceremony of the Gauntlet, players will have to prove their worth as a newly chosen Samurai, along with four other youths.
The Samurai’s main task is to protect the populace from the ever-growing threat of Demons. Aside from eliminating them, players can also make demons their allies, to further strengthen their party. The game will allow players to grow by Leveling Up their characters and their demons, even allow their characters to learn Skills from allied demons. Players can even combine demons to create more powerful ones!
The game offers an engaging Battle System, interesting story, solid Exploration and good game mechanics. This guide will assist players grasp the basics and mechanics of the game, help them through detailed maps and walkthroughs, as well as interesting tips to give them a distinct advantage.