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In this sequence, you’ll be controlling Leonidas and his men in the historic battle of Thermopylae. This will also serve as a tutorial of the game’s combat system. Keep fighting until you get familiar with the skill activation, parrying, and attacking. The enemies will be endless so if you’re ready to move on, defeat the heavy enemy with the marker then approach the other one by the cliff.

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In this sequence, you’ll be fighting an elite Kurush soldier in a one-on-one battle. Lock-on to him to make it easier to track his movements then follow the prompts to dodge and break guard. When the kurush emits a red light, get out of the way by holding the dodge button longer as he will perform a powerful, unblockable attack. Use all defensive manuevers like parrying and dodging to build stamina, then break his guard first before performing a special attack. Keep doing this until the Kurush falls. After the scene, the intro mission will be over.

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