Jaynistown: Cleaning Up Your Mess
Borderlands Walkthrough and Guide
by swaggers
Jaynistown: Cleaning Up Your Mess
Location: New Haven
GIVER: Helena Pierce
LVL: 29
$: 20062
EXP: 13391
So Helena wants you to clean up this mess and go eliminate Taylor in Jaynistown. Fast Travel over there and head into town. Taylor is a little more security aware then his brother so there a few gattling guns to take care of before entering the town the whole way. Pick them, and a few bandits off, from the entrance before heading into town completely. Taylor has set up in a small arena to the back and left side of town. Luckily there is a large rock right in the middle for cover. Take out the 2 bruisers fast, then pop out and take out the 2 turrets. After these 4 enemies are dead Taylor will come out. Use the rock as cover and work him down until he's dead. Return to Helena in New Haven for your reward.
when do you get this mission!????? ^_^