Jean Kirstein is a character in the manga and anime series Attack on Titan. Jean hails from Wall Rose's Trost District and is a graduate of the 104th Training Corps, he joined the military with hopes of obtaining a peaceful life as part of the Military Police Brigade but would instead find himself joining the Survey Corps where he currently serves as a commanding officer leading a squad during the Raid on Liberio.
Jean is a young man with spiky, light-brown hair shaved into an undercut style, with the shaved portion being black. He is of average height and muscular build. During the series, he can usually be seen wearing the uniform of the Survy Corps. His main purpose in Attack of Titans is to serve as Eren's rival, who he is often at odds with on certain subjects. Jean was best friends with Marco Bodt until he died during the reclamation of Trost District. Although Jean presents himself as self-centered, he places high value on the lives of his comrades and is horrified and ashamed when he must leave helpless allies behind to save himself and others. Initially jean is greatly averse to taking human lives, his moral principles prevent him from killing enemy soldiers, he does in time reluctantly sets aside his conscience for the sake of his friends and allies. Jean has a crush on Mikasa and has dreamt of a life where he would have a child with her after the war was over. Jean saved Mikasa's life when her ribs were crushed by a Titan and was nearly devoured.
19 (854)
April 7th
190 cm (854)
65 kg
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