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by theboar

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                    T H E   O R I G I N A L   T R I L O G Y

                Frequently Asked Question by John Lau (theboar)
              Start: September 14, 2006 - End: November 8, 2006
                      E-mail: jl.raiden(at)rogers(dot)com
                               TABLE OF CONTENTS
     Table of Contents                                                         
     Introduction .................................................. 01-00     

     Main Menu ..................................................... 02-00
        New Game ................................................... 02-01
        Load Game .................................................. 02-02
        Options .................................................... 02-03
        Trailers ................................................... 02-04

     Screen Layout and Controls .................................... 03-00

     Walkthrough - Mos Eisley Cantina .............................. 04-00
        Episode IV Chapter 1 ....................................... 04-01
        Episode IV Chapter 2 ....................................... 04-02
        Episode IV Chapter 3 ....................................... 04-03
        Episode IV Chapter 4 ....................................... 04-04
        Episode IV Chapter 5 ....................................... 04-05
        Episode IV Chapter 6 ....................................... 04-06

        Episode V  Chapter 1 ....................................... 04-07
        Episode V  Chapter 2 ....................................... 04-08
        Episode V  Chapter 3 ....................................... 04-09
        Episode V  Chapter 4 ....................................... 04-10
        Episode V  Chapter 5 ....................................... 04-11
        Episode V  Chapter 6 ....................................... 04-12

        Episode VI Chapter 1 ....................................... 04-13
        Episode VI Chapter 2 ....................................... 04-14
        Episode VI Chapter 3 ....................................... 04-15
        Episode VI Chapter 4 ....................................... 04-16
        Episode VI Chapter 5 ....................................... 04-17
        Episode VI Chapter 6 ....................................... 04-18

     Shop .......................................................... 05-00
        Hints ...................................................... 05-01
        Characters ................................................. 05-02
        Extra ...................................................... 05-03
        Enter Codes ................................................ 05-04
        Gold Bricks ................................................ 05-05
        Story Clips ................................................ 05-06

     Full Characters List .......................................... 06-00
     Collecting 100% and 99 Gold Bricks ............................ 07-00
        True Jedi in Story Mode .................................... 07-01
        True Jedi in Free Play Mode ................................ 07-02
        Episode IV, V & VI Bonus ................................... 07-03
        Minikits ................................................... 07-04
        Bounty Hunter Mission ...................................... 07-05

        Extra and Power Bricks ..................................... 07-06
        Lego City .................................................. 07-07

     Contact and Credits ........................................... 08-00

     Introduction                                                   [01-00]    

Star wars Legacy.  My favourite movies all time.  I have six movies DVD
plus two Clone Wars DVD.  I like Lego and I used to build a train a long time
ago and much more.  So, I played Lego Star Wars and finished everything, 
especially I unlocked and bought all characters.  
Now, this is Lego Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy.  I made this FAQs and
walkthrough because I would like to help.  Let's the story begins...
By the way, this is my first FAQs/Walkthrough
     Main Menu                                                      [02-00]    

The main menu has four selections:  
New Game, Load Game, Options and Trailers

- New Game  [02-01]

Start a new game.  There are three files each memory card.  You only save once,
then it save automatically after you complete any chapter or shop.

- Load Game  [02-02]

Load a save-game.  There's a description about auto-save. 

- Options  [02-03]

Game configuration options.  There are seven options you can configure:
Vibration, Surround Sound, Audio Volume, Music, Widescreen, Screen left/right 
and up/down.

   - Vibration       [On / Off]
   - Surround Sound  [On / Off]
   - Audio Volume    [ 1 to 10]
   - Music           [On / Off]
   - Widescreen      [On / Off]
   - Screen left/right  [-64 to 64]
   - Screen up/down     [-20 to 20]

- Trailers  [02-04]

There are three trailers you can watch:

      - BIONICLE Heroes
      - Star Wars
      - Thrillville

     Screen Layout and Controls                                     [03-00]

- Screen Layout

   - On the top left of the screen; for first controller, it has a character 
     and four heart bars.
   - On the top center of the screen; number of studs you currently collect.
   - On the top right of the screen; for second controller, it has a character
     and four heart bars, too.  Push Start to play.

- Pause menu (Press Start button)

   - Resume: Resume the game
   - Option: See Option section [02-03] above.
   - Extras: On or Off any kind of Extra, see Extra section [06-03] below.
   - Drop Out:  For second controller, to quit playing and A.I. take over.
   - Quit  : Quit the game?  Yes or No 
             (If Yes, progress since last saving will be lost.)
   - Mos Eisley Cantina:  For in any chapter, to quit and back to the 
     selection place. (If Yes, All progress in this level will be lost.)

Note:  On top left, it show the character's name (Same as top right if anyone 
play).  And the bottom center, it show number of gold bricks you collect.  
There are 99 gold bricks (See Gold Bricks [07-00] information below).
However in any chapter, it show number of minikits you collect.  There are 10
minikits (See Minikits [07-03] below).  Also it show Power Brick if you found
and collected.  There are 18 Power Bricks in the game, each power brick each
chapter (See Power Brick [07-04) below).
Controller Description: 

Note: Select, L2, R2, L3 and R3 button are nothing to use.
      L1 and R1 is for switching character/vehicle in Free Play Mode only.
>> Character Controls

Start       - Pause Menu   Square   - Use weapon/Attack
                           Triangle - Switch character nearby
Directional                Circle   - Unuse weapon/Special (like Force, cable,
Button      - Movement     Cross    - Jump                                etc.)
Left Analog - Movement     Right Analog - Camera movable
>> Vehicle Controls

Start       - Pause Menu   Square   - Shoot
                           Triangle - Spin/Roll
Directional                Circle   - Shoot/Special (Torpedo/Cable)
Button      - Movement     Cross    - Spin/Roll
Left Analog - Movement     Right Analog - Camera movable

     Walkthrough - Mos Eisley Cantina                                 [04-00]

Let's get it start!  You started with Princess Leia on your first controller
and your partner is Captain Antilles (whatever A.I. or your friend plays).
You're in Mos Eisley Cantina, a menu place.  There's a percent and time total
on the screen, a shop is next to it.  There's "IV" hanger on the right, 
"V" and "VI" hanger is on the right too but locked.  A door between "IV" and
"V" is locked also.  When you see down arrow with blue flashes, that mean a 
door to outside.  At outside, you see empty place.  
Collect all the LEGO canisters in each level to build minikit models.  You can 
view these outside the cantina.

If you're ready, go to "IV" hanger and enter the first chapter!

Episode IV - A New Hope, Chapter 1 - Secret Plans [04-01]
First cutscene appears...

Ojective:  Find C-3PO and R2-D2, then go to escape pod.

Once again you start with Princess Leia and your partner is Captain Antilles.
Their weapon is a blaster gun, that�s all.  There are two shaking sets of Lego 
next to you, press O to build a complete set to unlock the door and studs 
appear you to collect, build one more set next to you is to open the door and 
another studs appear you to collect again.  I'll type it simple and you collect
many studs yourself.  A switch on the left is for studs, whatever you like.  
Proceed to another door, press O to turn a switch and your partner will turn
another switch to open the door.  Go to the left, enemies blast the door and 
start attacking you, shoot them all until smoke is clear to next area.  

Now, you see a red target circle, step on it.  With blaster you arry, press O
to shoot the target to go up.  Go around and shoot the target to go up again.  
There are two shaking sets of Lego, build these up, the bridge will extend and
proceed to next area.  

Darth Vader appears and is watching you.  If you get 
close to him, he use the Force to push you back.  There are two switches on
left and right.  You can use one or two, doesn't matter.  Throw a switch (and
your partner will throw a switch too.) to place a detonator next to Vader.
Shoot the detonator four times to blow and interrupt Vader (He'll leave).  Go
to the left and enemies is attacking, shoot them all and proceed to next area.

You can push any object that have black and yellow stripe.  Push two boxes to
red flashing things to unlock the big door.  You see C-3PO up ahead and the
shield blocks us.  Get close and switch to C-3PO by press Triangle button.
And go to setting for C-3PO to turn off the shield.

A cutscene appears and Princess Leia left...

You have C-3PO and Captain Antilles, and R2-D2 join you.  The door is lock and 
R2-D2 requires to unlock it.  When you're done, go to next area.  

Your ally Rebel Friend is under attack by enemies, use the crane controller to
catch two enemies and drop a hole.  Then your ally turns the switch to lower 
the bridge for you to across and join you.  The door is lock again and C-3PO 
requires to unlock it.  One problem - It cannot jump.  Use the crane controller
to grip C-3Po and release it next to locked door.  Get off the crane 
controller, go to the door, switch to C-3PO and unlock it to next area.  

Drag, enemies captured your ally, shoot them down.  After you rescue your ally,
more enemies appear again and again, shoot them all!  There's a shaking set of 
Lego before the gap, build it to across the gap (for droids).  Go to the right 
and build a Lego pieces to across.  At the end, the exit is on the right but 
it's locked and has a shield.  First, use R2-D2 to open two door.  Then pull 
two switches to move a shield.  Use C-3PO to open the last door and use R2-D2 
to escape!

A cutscene appears and first chapter ended.

You unlocked:    Characters available in shop:
Episode V        Rebel Trooper
Episode VI       Stormtrooper
Rebel Friend     Imperial Shuttle Pilot

Episode IV - A New Hope, Chapter 2 - Through The Jundland Wastes  [04-02]
A cutscene appears...

Objective:  Find R2-D2 and C-3PO again, and escape to Luke's house.

You start with Luke Skywalker (Tatooine) and your partner is Ben Kenobi.  Go 
right all the way down to hill.  However you can't go uphill because of 
slipping.  Switch to Ben and use the Force on escape pod to make a path to go 
up the hill to next area.  

There's a mud up ahead and you need to jump over it.  Build a set of Lego, 
push it to the end, jump over the stone to across and go all the way.  

Ah, a large vehicle is there and you need to go in.  First, with Ben you use, 
use the Force on two boxes to make a pillar, next build a target, then switch 
to Luke and shoot the target to go up, after that pull a switch to open two 
platforms, lastly jump and pull another switch to open the lift to reach the 
top of large vehicle.  Pull two switches at same time to release the vacuum 
hole under a large vehicle, get down and go in.

You're inside a large vehicle.  Go to the door and uh... it's locked.  There
are many valves on the left and right, destroy five cages and use Force on 
five valves to unlock the door to go in.  Now, R2-D2 is on the left and in 
cage.  Unfortunely you cannot destroy the cage.  Go to the right and pull the
switch to release the moving box, and push it to the left to blow up the cage.
Now, use R2-D2 to open the door and go up to next area.  

Step four fans to release the switch.  Do it again at another side to release 
another swtich.  Pull two switches to open the cage to go in.  C-3PO is in the 
cage also.  Push the green bar around to move a vacuum and set above C-3PO and 
use R2-D2 to release it.  Then use it to open the door to go in.  Shoot four 
rods to open the big door to escape.  

Go all the way and enemies appear and attack you, defend yourself.  There's a 
mud, stay away from it.  Use C-3PO to absorb mud into canister.  Do it again 
on second mud to proceed.  Oh there's a big gap.  Use Ben to double jump on 
higher stone and use Force on the left to make a bridge.  Next, look like you 
can't reach the controller.  There's a light yellow box above, push it to the 
end to break, then use the Force to make a path to use the controller, absorb 
the mud.  

You're almost there and your vehicle is lying next to you, build it, hop it and
across to the right.  However, your partner can't across.  Build a set of Lego 
next to mud river and pull a switch to rise the bridge.  Step on red switches 
close to your home to release the switch, pull it then go in.

A cutscene appears and second chapter ended.

You unlocked:                Characters available in shop:
Luke Skywalker (Tatooine)    Tusken Raider
Ben Kenobi                   Jawa

Episode IV - A New Hope, Chapter 3 - Mos Eisley Spaceport  [04-03]
A cutscene appears...

Objective:  Find Han Solo, then search his ship Millennium Falcom.

So, you are in town and you can play wherever you want.  For the fastest way,
go to the end.  A enemy is patroling somewhere.  If he saw you, he will alert 
and call his backup to attack you.  You better stop him before he alert.  
Anyway go up until you see a door locked, suddenly enemies are attacking you, 
slay'em all until you are clear.  So, the door locked and require C-3PO to open
it.  However it can't climb or jump.  Use Ben Kenobi to use the Force on stair 
to move close to control panel.  Then use C-3PO to go up and open the door and
enter to next area.

Keep going to the left until you see the things are blocked.  You need to get 
in.  Blaster gun, lightsaber and the Force won't help to break these.  Let's
build a bigger gun.  First, collect Lego pieces from inside the doors nearby 
and destroy trash cans.  Build and use the Force all these together to AT-ST.
Obviously.  A enemy appears and hop into AT-AT to shoot you.  I recommend you 
to use Luke, that has a blaster gun and shoot it quickly.  After that, hop
into AT-AT and fires at the blocking things then proceed to the door at the 
end to next area.

The 4 blue beams are blocking droids from entry, shoot them.  Then step all red
buttons at same time to open the door and enter.

A cutscene appears...

Luke and Ben were replaced and you start with Han Solo and your partner is 
Chewbacca.  They are in port where Millennium Falcon is located, you will meet 
him.  See the green arrow to exit, go there.  

Shoot the target to go up.  Build a target to go up too and go to next area.  

Go to the left and shoot the target to jmup the other side.  Pull a switch and
push the box to the right off the platform and push up to the door, shoot it 
and enter.

Ah more enemies, take them down.  Hop on green creature to the left and jump 
higher over the building to the door.

At last, you're finally reach to Millennium Falcom and your ally.  Before you
go, take all enemies down include Imperial Spy, which is the boss.

A cutscene appears and third chapter ended.

You unlocked:    Characters available in shop:
Han Solo         Sandtrooper
Ben Kenobi       Greedo
                 Imperial Spy

Episode IV - A New Hope, Chapter 4 - Rescue The Princess  [04-04]
A cutscene appears...

Objective:  Find Princess Leia.

You start with Han Solo and your partner is Luke Skywalker, rest of four are
Chewbacca, Ben Kenobi, R2-D2 and C-3PO.  In first area, nothing else there but
to collect studs if you want.  Switch to Ben Kenobi and use the force on big
black board on the right to make a um... spaceship, whatever.  Proceed to the 
door and require Stormtropper to open it.  There's a helmet dispatch on
the left and use to wear it as Stormtrooper as disguise.  Go to the door and
say "Hi" to cam to enter.  Ah, enemies is not checking on you.  Better take 
them down before you build two set of Lego.  Then use R2-D2 to locate Princess

A cutscene appears...

Ben Kenobi left to check something, C-3PO and R2-D2 went to hiding.  Only Han,
Luke and Chewbacca can do well, procceed to next area, which is first hall.

Go all the way to the end, go left to second hall.

Go all the way again to the bridge which is cut off.  Ben is under attack, help
him and shoot all enemies.  After that he use Force on Lego pieces to make a 
bridge for you and turn off the triple beams, proceed.  There are six black 
boxes which blocked you, Shoot these to make way and go to the end.  Then go
right to first hall.

Go right, the door is locked and require Stormtrooper to open it.  If you lost
the helmet, go back and search a helmet dispatch nearby.  When you have it, go
to the locked door and say "Hi" to cam to enter.

Go right and build Lego pieces, then push clockwise to move the bridge to the
right, and then make your way to the door.

Now, go left to the door.  I recommend you to shoot all enemies first before
build Lego pieces.  Again, require Stormtrooper to open it to enter.  Go all 
the way to the end.  There are two doors - one on the right is a shower room
with double score zone.  And one on the left is a prison control room, go

Enemies are there, take them down.  However more enemies from two elevators.
All you do is to shoot two cameras above elevators, so that enemies would not
bother you.  If you go to elevator that lead to cannon tower.  Jump on it and 
shoot 10 Fighters to receive lot of studs, return when you're done.
Now build Lego pieces on the white circle and pull two switches to open the
door.  Now, Princess Leia is in there somewhere, pull any switches.  When you
see her, step two buttons to turn off the shield.

A cutscene appears and fourth chapter ended.

You unlocked:                    Characters available in shop:
Han Solo (Stormtrooper)          Beach Trooper
Luke Skywalker (Stormtrooper)    Death Star Trooper
                                 TIE Fighter Pilot
                                 Imperial Officer

Episode IV - A New Hope, Chapter 5 - Death Star Escape  [04-05]
A cutscene appears...

Objective:  Find Millennium Falcon to escape.

You're in garbage dump, ew.  Anyway, build Lego pieces next to door and pull a
switch to open.  Then go all the way and take care enemies.

That is kind of maze.  Go up and pull a switch; first switch goes nothing and
you'd fell as trap if you shoot a target, second switch is to collect studs and
last switch is to get the other side, but close.  Now, push the stand with blue
platform to red flashing to connect.  Then push counterclockwise to extend the
blue platform.  Now go to the right and shoot the target to go up and get the 
other side.  Go up and pull a switch to release small heavy box.  Push it off
the bridge to break the panel on the floor.  Hop a vehicle, go up and step five
lights... oh, two boxes is in your way, destory these.  Step five lights 
quickly to extend the platform in front of locked door.  Make sure you have a 
Stormtrooper's helmet to access the door to next area.

Go to the right, build Lego pieces and pull a switch to open the door.
Pull two switches to open the door.  The blue box is like battery or cell. 
Push it to the end to active the switcher, pull it to open the door to enter
and go all the way.

Go to the right, pull three switches to release a rotating platform.  Jump
carefully and  go to the right.  Shoot a target to go up, pull a switch to 
release Lego pieces.  Build these to activate a lift.  The Stormtrooper's 
helmet is on the left at second level, get it.  Then go to the door to access
it and enter.

Take care of enemies and go around to the door.

Pull two switches to close the door to avoid interfere and shoot some enemies.
Build a target to get the other side.  Inside the door has a stormtrooper's
helmet, use it.  Anyway build another target to get another side also.  Then 
go to the door to access it and enter.

One stormtrooper is running away and the door is close.  Shoot the red light 
device to open it.  He does it again, shoot the red light device to open it.
Again!?  That's the last door, shoot the device.  A mass of stormtroopers
appear and attacking you.  I hate these guys and they annoy me.  SLAY'EM ALL.
But they keep coming.  There's Lego pieces, build it.  I recommend you to close
both door to avoid interrupt you.  After you build it, shoot the blue board to
next area.  

At final area.  Millennium Falcon is in down there.  Four switches require to
release the ship.  Go to the right till you see Lego pieces, build these and
push.  R2-D2 and C-3PO would join you.  Go up and use R2-D2 to lift the ship
shortly, next the blue thing next to you - push it to the right, build and
shoot the target to go up and pull a switch to lift the ship shortly.  Then go
to the left and use R2-D2 to lift a vehicle.  Hop a vehicle, go right and step 
five lights to lift the ship shortly, one more to go.  Go up and pull a switch
next to door to release the gust.  Switch to C-3PO, go up and use it to life 
the ship.  End?  Not yet until you take care all enemies.  When the Falcon's
door is open, go in to escape!

A cutscene appears and fifth chapter ended.

You unlocked:    Characters available in shop:
Nothing          Grand Moff Tarkin

Episode IV - A New Hope, Chapter 6 - Rebel Attack  [04-06]
A cutscene appears...

Objective:  Destroy all shields and shoot the big hole to end.

You ride with X-Wing.  A glowing purple ball is a torpedo, collect and you only
carry three.  When you see a purple target, fire a torpedo (Press O) to bring
a shield down.  Proceed until you see next shield.  You can destroy towers if
they bother you and shoot enemy ships if you can.  Now, destory four targets 
to bring the shield down. and shoot the blocking thing in your way.

Next shield contains eight targets, destory these.  Also shoot the blocking

Another shield contains eight targets again, destory these.  Also shoot the 
blocking thing.

A cutscene appears...

Vader's ship and other two are attacking you, evade these and shoot some cannon
if you can.  Make your way to the end.

A cutscene appears...

You're in final step and there's a big hole cover with shield.  To shut down a
shield, destory 12 cannon tower.  Then fire a torpedo to end it! 

A cutscene appears and final chapter ended.

You unlocked:    Characters available in shop:
X-Wing           TIE Fighter
Y-Wing           TIE Interceptor
Super Story      TIE Fighter (Darth Vader)

Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back, Chapter 1 - Hoth Battle  [04-07]
A cutscene appears...

Note:  Lots of people stuck in this chapter and couldn't find to reach the next
area.  That's because they didn't explore carefully.

Objective:  Reach the last area and destroy all enemy vehicles like AT-AT,
AT-ST and enemy droids as Imperial probe droid.

You ride with Snowspeeder, go up.  Grab a red detonation by press O close to 
it.  Then carry it to go up until you see a cave, there's a ice wall.  But 
first you need to clear the way, like destroy the walls, towers and rocks.
So bring a red detonation to destroy the ice wall to next area.  Beware, droids
might grab a red detonation also to prevent you from it.

There are two AT-ATs, a giant vehicle walker is quite a bit of annoy.  There's
big rocks up ahead, which you can't go over or destroy it.  Destory two AT-ATs
first which is bothering you.  How?  Press O next to AT-AT to shoot a wire on
its leg and go around AT-AT to tie it up until it fell.  Then grab a red
detonation to destroy AT-AT quickly before it get up any moment.  Another AT-AT
next to big rocks, destroy it to bring down the rocks.  Bring red detonation to
destory the wall.  There's another wall on the back, also there's narrow ledge 
in front of wall, across carefully and destroy the wall.

In the last area.  First wave contains 11 Imperial probe droids, destroy
these.  Second wave contains 11 AT-STs, destroy these.  Third wave contains two
AT-ATs, tie and destory these.  And the final wave contains one AT-AT, four
Imperial probe droids and six AT-ST.

A cutscene appears and first chapter ended.

You unlocked:    Characters available in shop:
Snowspeeder      Nothing

Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back, Chapter 2 - Escape From Echo Base  [04-08]
A cutscene appears...

Objective:  Make your way to the ship Millennium Falcon to escape.

You start as Han Solo, your partner is Princess Leia and the base is 
collapsing.  Go right to the door and Lego pieces and rock fell next to it.
Build Lego bricks to blow up the door and rocks itself.  Proceed the hall and
enemies are nearby, take them down.  Ah there's an ice covers the door, so 
cold.  Build Lego pieces and shoot it three times to melt the ice and go
through the door to next area.

Go right and take down two enemies.  Again the door is covered with ice.  Push
the heater close to the door to melt the ice and go through the door.  Enemies
are in the hall, take them down.  The door is blocked by two things; covered
by fence and C-3PO droid.  Build Lego pieces in front of door and shoot the
fence down.  The pathway on the left is blocked by pile of rocks.  So, go right
and shoot all boxes to go in.

Build Lego pieces to run gas vehicle around and push counterclockwise to cut
off the trail of gas vehicle to blow up pile of rocks.  

Go back and go straight to another room, C-3PO is in there and join you.  
Return to interesection, switch to C-3PO, go up and unlock the door to next

Oooh this one is tricky, again the door on the right is blocked by fence and 
C-3PO.  Take down all enemies.  You know how to destory the fence, but the 
problem is C-3PO can't jump.  Here's what to do is push two batteries on two 
red flashing things between the fan to operate it.  Next, destory two boxes and
build Lego pieces to make a Snow vehicle.  C-3PO itself walk on the fan to 
float.  You drive to the fan and C-3PO should land on snow vehicle.  Drive 
close to the door and press O to eject C-3PO higher to get and unlock the door
to the hall.  White square on the floor is a trap, don't step on it.  Proceed
to the door and Lego pieces fell in front of door.  Build these to blow up the
door to next area.

Another door is locked and you need five buttons to press.  Go left to go
around and you'd see five red button.  There's sliping on ice, be careful.
Once five red buttons is pressed, the door is open.  Proceed to next area.

Another door is locked and you need four buttons to press.  Destroy all boxes
in front of door, push two batteries on any two red buttons, and you and your
partner press other two.
Once four red buttons is pressed, the door is open.  Proceed to the hall to
the door to next area.  

In the last area, Millennium Falcon is in sight.  Take down all enemies.
Build Lego pieces and shoot two shield panels; one is on the left and one is on
the right.  Next, you need to repair the shipl one is on the side and one is on
the top.  Build Lego pieces on the side of ship, but you can't jump higher.
You need a creature to jump higer.  Starting at the right, pull two switches at
same time to open the door and push two batteries to the left on two red 
flashing things to open the door.  Hop on the creature, go near the ship and 
eject to jump higher on the ship.  Build Lego pieces and the door of the ship
is open, get in.

A cutscene appears and second chapter ended.

You unlocked:           Characters available in shop:
Han Solo (Hoth)         Han Solo (Hood)
Princess Leia (Hoth)    Rebel Trooper (Hoth)
                        Rebel Pilot
                        Luke Skywalker (Hoth)

Episode V  - The Empire Strikes Back, Chapter 3 - Falcon Flight  [04-09]
A cutscene appears...

Objective:  Destroy 16 Star Destroyers' gunners and blow up piles of rocks to

Your allies are under attack and need your help!  You ride as Millennium 
Falcon.  Simply shoot all gunners in four star destroyers, so that your allies 
can escape.

A cutscene appears...

Now, you're in astroid area and enemies are attacking you.  Shoot the rock with
blue things to get torpedo or studs randomly.  When you reach to big rock's 
hole, shoot four targets to clear the way to next area.

Same as above, when you reach to big rock's trend, shoot four targets to clear
the way.  Again up ahead, shoot another four targets to clear the way to next

In the last area, there's a big rock at the end contains six targets, shoot'em
all and escape.

A cutscene appears and third chapter ended.

You unlocked:        Characters available in shop:
Millennium Falcon    TIE Bomber
                     Imperial Shuttle

Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back, Chapter 4 - Dagobah  [04-10]
A cutscene appears...

Objective:  Search Yoda, defeat Darth Vader and raise your ship X-Wing.

You start as Luke with blaster gun and your partner is R2-D2.  For your
information, don't jump on poison slime, only R2-D2 can dive.  There are no 
enemies in this place but two creatures; bats and snakes.  Now, build Lego
pieces to make a ramp for R2-D2 then proceed.  When you reach the pond, shoot
green tall grass to reveal a target, shoot it to get other side and R2-D2 can
across the pond.  Go left until you see a gap.  Switch to R2-D2 and press and 
hold X to float to other side.  Use the switcher to rise the bridge for Luke.
Switch back to Luke and shoot brown tall grass to clear the way and proceed to 
next area.  

Build Lego pieces nearby and press a red button to rise another red button,
that's far.  Switch to R2-D2, float and press another red button.  When you 
reach the land, go right to Yoda's home.

A cutscene appears...

Now you have a lightsaber instead of blaster gun.  You can use the Force but
not strong enough.  Approach to Yoda, press Triangle to carry Yoda on Luke's
back, which mean you can use the Force fully.  Destory and use the Force on
flower to clear thrre Lego pieces.  Then use the Force on these to rise the
bridge for you to across.  There's a red button ahead, you know what to do.
When you reach the land, there's a gate and R2-D2 require to open it.  The
switcher is up there.  Use the Force on two poles to sink temporaily, 
starting on the right.  Then switch to R2-D2 and step on red platform.  When
one platform rise, float to other platform to rise soon.  And then unlock the
gate to go in.

A cutscene appears...

Your training is complete and may now use the Force anything.  Also Yoda joins
you to cooperate.  Proceed and use the Force on something in poison slime.
A tractor!  Use the Force on wagon to make a ramp.  There's a switcher on the
left.  Switch to R2-D2 and float to other side.  Use the switcher to rise a
platform for Luke and Yoda.  Go left and destory the fence to enter next area.

Proceed, jump and press a button to descend platform and bridge appears for 
R2-D2.  Jump and press another button to descend it again.  Up ahead and one
more button to descend it again.  Proceed all the way until you see Darth
Vader.  He has eight heart bars.  When you hit twice, he vanish to up there.
Step on blue box and use the Force together to rise to reach Darth Vader.
When you hit twice again, he vanish to other side.  Build Lego pieces into box.
and Use the Force on three boxes to jump to reach Darth Vader.  When you hit 
twice again, he vanish to the ground.  Hit twice again and he vanish forever
and the gate opens to next area.  Oh course, Darth Vader isn't real, it's an 

In the last area, go up and use the Force on all leaves to remove.  Then build
Lego pieces and push clockwise to rise the bridge to across.  When you reach
land, use the Force next to you to make a ramp for R2-D2.  Almost there.
Go left until you see two black boxes, use the Force together to rise to get
on platform, push the black box with yellow/black stripe off the platform to
shatter Lego pieces and build these into... Motorcycle?  Er... Another Lego 
pieces on the left of the gate, use the Force to bring washer on the ground.  
Use the Force on motorcycle to washer and use the Force on washer to shatter 
Lego pieces, build it, switch to R2-D2 to blow up the gate, finally!
One more thing to do is switch to Yoda and use the Force on X-Wing to rise!
Luke can't just like in movie.
A cutscene appears and fourth chapter ended.

You unlocked:               Characters available in shop:
Luke Skywalker (Pilot)      Nothing
Luke Skywalker (Dagobah)

Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back, Chapter 5 - Cloud City Trap  [04-11]
A cutscene appears...

Objective:  Find and defeat Darth Vader.

Well is it obvious?  You start as Luke Skywalker with lightsaber and your 
partner is R2-D2.  Use the Force on your ship to make a platform.  Switch to
R2-D2, go up and float to other side and use the switcher to rise the platform
also.  Then return, go right and jump to platform.  Build Lego pieces and use
R2-D2 to open the door to enter next area.

Enemies appear and attack, take them down.  The hall on the right is block by
fence which is strong.  Use R2-D2 to open another door and enemies appear
again, take them down.  Next push the box to red flashing thing, build Lego
pieces on the left and use the Force on these - A big blaster set.  Hop on it
and shoot the fence to enter.  Go to hallway and use R2-D2 to open the door to
next area.

Ah, stormtrooper helmet is nearby, whatever.  Go right onto big platform and
Darth Vader appears to attack you, beat him.  When he is standing by, use 
R2-D2 on switcher to release a steam to stun him for a while.  It's not really
hard to beat him.  When you beat him, he will escape, follow him!  Lego pieces
fell next to you, build these to make a crane controller.  Hop in and grab
R2-D2 to get other side.  Then R2-D2 automatically use switcher to release the
platform.  Get off, get Stormtrooper helmet, go and jump to other side and 
say "Hi" to cam to enter the next area.

Darth Vader is there, follow him.  Use the Force on the wall to make a fan for
you to go up higher.  But first, use R2-D2 on switcher to active moving 
platform.  Jump on another platform to descend shortly, so that R2-D2 can
float to you.  Use the Force on fan for you to go higher.  Use R2-D2 to ascend
platform to reach the hallway to next area.

Darth Vader is going to fight you again, beat him.  When he jump on higher 
platform, there are two ways to stun him, starting on the left.  You might
want to take enemies down first to avoid interrupt you.  Use the Force to
release two ramps and use R2-D2 on switcher to stun him to get down.  When he
jumps again to the right.  Build two Lego sets to active the platform.  Push
clockwise to rise the platform for R2-D2 to use switcher to stun him to get 
down again (If he jumps again, lower the platform for R2-D2 first, then rise 
it).  Keep going until you beat him.  When you beat him, he will escape again.
Go to next area.

Go right and Vader is there.  Two stormtroopers appears and attacks you.
Switch to R2-D2, float to other side and turn two switcher off.
Lego pieces fell and Vader uses the Force to toss you.  Counter it with the 
Force.  Then he jumps on next to you, attack him.  When he jumps back and turns
the switcher on.  Do it again two more times.  When you counter for last time,
the window shatters.  Use the Force on these to make a platform for you to 
jump.  Then jump out of the window to next area.

In the last area, which you beat him once more.  When Vader jumps back, use the
Force to make a platform for you to jump.  Keep fighting and go right.  When
you land on lower platform, use R2-D2 to rise it.  The last thing is to finish
him off.

A cutscene appears and fifth chapter ended.

You unlocked:              Characters available in shop:
Luke Skywalker (Bespin)    Nothing

Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back, Chapter 6 - Betrayal Over Bespin  [04-12]
A cutscene appears...

Objective: Follow Bounty Hunter and find your ship Millennium Falcon to escape.

You start as Lando Calrissian and your partner is Princess Leia and Chewbacca.
Civilians are in panic, so you can shoot them anytime.  There's Bounty Hunter 
named Boba Fett, attacking you and some enemies appear too, take them down
and follow Boba Fett.  He turns a switch to change a stair into ramp, which is 
slipping.  Ok, what next?  Shoot the wall on the left and you'll see the 
switcher, pull it to change back to stair, proceed and follow Boba Fett to 
room.  Beware, he use big blaster to shoot you, be careful and shoot him down
if you can.  After that he will escape, follow him.  Enemies appears, take them
down.  Keep following Boba Fett to next area.

A cutscene appears...

Boba Fett escaped, damn!  Meanwhile, R2-D2 joins you, go back to previous
area.  Enemies encounter, take them down.  The poison gas released in the hall,
Use R2-D2 to turn it off, go straight the door and use it to open the door to
enter the room.  Shoot all boxes and a trash on the ground, the push the
object with black and yellow stripe to the left to active the switcher, pull it
to release some Lego pieces.  Lastly build these into C-3PO (Who damaged it
anyway).  Go back to the hall and use C-3PO to open the door to enter next 
area.  Take down the enemies.  Go left the hall to the elevator.  "Only
Stormtroopers can access these areas"  Ahh, get a Stormtrooper helmet (You know
where to find it).  Then say "Hi" to cam to go up to next area.

There are enemies up ahead also there's more.  Shoot'em all!  When you're done,
Lego pieces fell on the ground, build it.  Shoot it to get other side.  Hop in
the crane controller to bring C-3PO and R2-D2 with you.  Go right and shoot the
target to go up, build Lego pieces and pull a swtich to active lift for R2-D2
and C-3PO to go up.  As you see the convoyer and the beam.  If you touch the
beam, the convoyer move you back.  Press a white button to deactive the 
convoyer temporaily.  Proceed and switch to R2-D2 and fly to other side.  Use
R2-D2 to rise the platform for Lando, Leia and Chewbacca.  There's one
character that left behind is C-3PO (Note:  C-3PO can't jump).  So shoot the 
target to go up, go left and shoot an object on the left to destory a thing for
C-3PO to pass.  Go right and move the object away to make way for C-3PO to
open the big door to enter.  Enemies attack, shoot'em all.  Go to the hall,
go right and you'll see the poison gas.  Use R2-D2 to turn it off.  Then go up
to next area to do something.

Go left or right, press two red buttons to active the switcher, do it again on
the other side to active another switcher.  Pull two switchers to rise the
bridge to across the ship Millennium Falcon.  Go back to previous area.

Go down and left, use R2-D2 to open the door.

Go across and only one task to do before you leave; shoot all enemies to clear
the way.

A cutscene appears and final chapter ended.

You unlocked:             Characters available in shop:
Lando Calrissian          Lobot
Princess Leia (Bespin)    Ugnaught
Super Story               Bespin Guard

Episode VI - Return Of The Jedi, Chapter 1 - Jabba's Palace  [04-13]
A cutscene appears...

Objective:  Rescue Han Solo and defeat a giant monster.

You start as Princess Leia (Boushh) and your partner is Chewbacca.  Proceed
to the big door and build Lego pieces.  Get close to the door to show a gun,
go around show more guns.  When three guns appear, shoot them to open the door
and enter.  Gamorrean Guard as enemies appear to annoy you.  Build Lego pieces
on the left to keep them busy.  Then pull a switch to close the pipe end to
avoid enemies appear.  There's another switch on the right, close it.  Proceed
and there's a fence which is locked by Bounty Hunter.  Go left and close the
pipe end first, then get a helmet, which mean you disguise as Bounty Hunter.
Go back and say "Hi" to cam to open the fence to enter.  

A cutscene appears...

Luke Skywalker join you and you better close two pipe ends.  Then take down two
enemies and say "Hi" to cam to open another big door to next area.

There's a pipe end on the left, close it fast.  Go right, shoot the big box,
build it, step on it (make sure Chewbacca is with you) and Luke would use the 
Force to lift you up.  Go left, get down and pull two switches to open the big
big.  "Shiny metallic objects can only be destroyed with Bounty Hunter
Thermal Detonators"  Make sure you have a Bounty helmet.  And simply press O
to throw and blow up metallic objects.  Proceed and go right as you see
another door.  To open it, shoot all orange bars in both side to enter.
Careful, there's traps on the floor, proceed with caution.  Then go d to the
room.  Ah, C-3PO and R2-D2 are trapped.  Pull two switches on the right and 
build these as a controller.  Switch to Luke and use the Force on the left
and build these as a floating platform.  Use the button to move a platform
(not your controller, in the game).  When a platform close to C-3PO, use 
double jumps as Luke to jump higher into the box to release C-3PO.  Do the same
thing to rescue and release R2-D2.  Now use C-3PO and R2-D2 to open the big 
door.  Proceed to the hall and build Lego pieces to keep the enemies busy.
Then go to next area.

A big room... ok.  First, close the pipe end on the right.  There is one more
but it's too high to close it.  Push three boxes on the right to make a ramp.
Start with tall box, medium box and short box, then use the Force to unfold 
all.  Go up, destory object and build Lego pieces to made a platform, and use
the Force to make another platform to across.  Then close the pipe end!  Switch
to R2-D2 and float to other side and use the switcher to make a bridge.  Lastly
use C-3PO to open the door to next area.

Go down, close two pipe ends and slay all enemies before the door is open.
There's bounty's helmet on the right, wear it and proceed to next area.

More enemies again, first close two pipe ends again then slay them.  If you
lost bounty's helmet, go back and get it.  Up ahead and start releasing Han

A cutscene appears...

A monster!  We cannot defeat it!  How?  Switch to R2-D2, go right and use 
the switcher to open the pipe end to release Gamorrean Guard as a bait.  When
a monster grabs and eats it.  Shoot the blue box which contains an explosion.
It's the only way to hurt it.  Do it again on second time.  For last time,
after a monster eats a guard, pull two switches to stomp it to end.

A cutscene appears and first chapter ended.

You unlocked:             Characters available in shop:
Princess Leia (Boushh)    Gamorrean Guard
Luke Skywalker (Jedi)     Bib Fortuna
Han Solo (Skiff)          Palace Guard

Episode VI - Return Of The Jedi, Chapter 2 - The Great Pit Of Carkoon  [04-14]
A cutscene appears...

Objective:  Find Princess Leia and destroy this large ship you're at.

You start as Lando (Palace Guard) and your partner is Luke Skywalker (Jedi).
Shoot two enemies down and go to the right.  Build Lego pieces then pull two
switches at same time to extend a bridge to next transport.  Go there and Han
Solo and Chewbacca join you.  Enemies on the back is shooting at you, watch 
out.  At the end, switch to Luke and use the Force to make two switchers and
pull these to extend a bridge to next transport.  More enemies include Boba
Fett appear.  Slay'em all.

A cutscene appears...

Another transport rotates and gets close to you, go there.  At the end, use 
the Force to make a platform, jump and go to the left.  Take care of enemies.
At the end, there are three platform need a extension.  The first one is the
switcher close to the end.  The second one is beind the white panel somewhere.
And the third one is up there.  Use the Force on white panel next to switcher
near the end, then jump on it and on platform.  Push the box off the platform
to shatter then build Lego pieces.  Shoot a target to go up, go in and to the
right then pull a switcher.  Go back and across three platforms.  There's a
back door, to open it, you need a matching color.  Use the Force on both side
to view it.  The correction color is red, yellow and blue.  In case the
rotation is in front of back door is for bottom of three colors.  Use the Force
is for middle of three colors.  When you're done, go in to next area.

There is five bars blocked, so destory objects at the left or right, build Lego
pieces and destroy five bars to clear.  R2-D2 and C-3PO joins you.  Destory an
object on the left, use the Force on an object on the right to move and Lego
pieces to connect.  Use c-3PO to active the lift.  

Go right and use the Force at the left to make a mixer and build Lego pieces as
speaker.  Destroy small orange things on the right then use the Force to make
a white ball.  Switch to Lando or Han and shoot a target to go up.  Build Lego
pieces and push the box off the platform and build Lego pieces as another 
speaker.  Lastly use the Force on white ball to the top.  The floor is open and
step two lights at same time.  When all lights are on, let's the music begin!
*Dances*  The door is open, go in.  Nothing in the room, go to another room.

A cutscene appears...

Finally Princess Leia join you, you're at top of vehicle and enemies is
attacking.  Go to the right, switch to C-3PO and use the switcher to remove the
box of speaker.  Switch back to whatever as human and push a battery next to
speaker.  There's a blue square on the left, destory it to summon a battery, 
push it next to speaker to remove the box.  Build Lego piece at the above right
to make a stair but not fully.  Destory an object below to go underground.
Go up, right and up to go up.  Pull a switcher to open the door.  Destory the
blue wall and push an object next to stair.  Then use the Force to unfold a
ramp.  So that your ally can go up.  At the end, destory the ladder locker in
both side and use the Force on these to make a ramp.  Destory inside big square
hole, then use the Force to put these together.  Lastly go up to get the 

Sometime enemies interrupt, you got to clear the way.  Oh, switch to R2-D2 and
use the switcher to reload cannon's ammo.  Then switch to any human and hop
into cannon and destroy two speakers.  If your ammo is out, reload then shoot

A cutscene appears and second chapter ended.

You unlocked:            Characters available in shop:
Lando (Palace Guard)     Skiff Guard
Princess Leia (Slave)    Boba Fett

Episode VI - Return Of The Jedi, Chapter 3 - Speeder Showdown  [04-15]
A cutscene appears...

Objective:  Destroy four speakers and four towers

You start with Princess Leia and your partner is Luke Skywalker.  Shoot all
plants to receive Lego pieces.  Switch to Luke and use the Force on these to 
make a platform.  Switch back to Leia and step on platform, so that Luke will 
lift you up.  Jump over the log and shoot the plant on the right, build Lego
pieces and shoot a target to go up.  Go down and jump on the platform nearby
to lift another platform for Luke to jump.  Go over the log, switch to Luke and
use the force to make a ramp and proceed to next area.

There's Lego pieces nearby, which is not necessary.  Go to the right and two
enemy speeders appears, slay two enemies.  As you see the strong shield is on
the right.  To bring it down, you need to destroy four speakers.  So jump on
the speeder and the shield next to you is vanished.  

Now, the first wave contains two enemy speeders, shoot them.  Then you will be
taken to first speaker.  Enemies and AT-ST appear, take'em down.  When you're
clear, hop in the AT-ST and shoot first speaker, then get back to speeder.

The second wave contains three enemy speeders, shoot them.  Then you will be 
taken to second speaker.  Take enemies down and no wonder where is AT-ST.
Anyway shoot the plants to receive Lego pieces.  Use the Force on Lego thing
and jump to the left, use the Force again to combine and Leia can approach you.
Switch to Leia, shoot a target to go up and pull a switch to move the big cage
and release Lego pieces.  Switch to Luke and use the Force on these to make
an AT-ST.  Hop in and shoot second speaker, then get back to speeder.

The tird wave contains four enemy speeders, shoot them.  Then you will be
taken to third speaker.  AT-ST is here, first take enemies down.  Hop in and
shoot third speaker, then get back to speeder.

The final wave contain five enemy speeders, shoot them.  Then you will be 
take to last speaker.  Go down, across the bridge and you'll see parts of
AT-ST.  Shoot the plants nearby, build Lego pieces and push counterclockwise
to release the cage.  Switch to Luke and use the Force on Lego pieces to make
an AT-ST.  Hop in and shoot two small cages on the left to release Lego pieces.
Get off and use the Force on these to make a big bridge for AT-ST to across.
Finally shoot the last speaker and go to the right to next area.

There's a big platform up ahead, go there.  On the right, pull two switches to
open the door to go in and up.

Go to the left to go up to the top of big platform.

AT-AT is attacking you!  Ignore it.  There are four towers with shield on it.
There are two switches on the left and another two switches on the right. 
Pull all switches to turn off all shields each.  Then go to white platform at 
the top center to hop in and control AT-AT.  Lastly, shoot all four towers,
get off and pull two switches at same time at the center.  

A cutscene appears and third chapter ended.

You unlocked:             Characters available in shop:
Princess Leia (Endor)     Nothing
Luke Skywalker (Endor)    

Episode VI - Return Of The Jedi, Chapter 4 - The Battle Of Endor  [04-16]
A cutscene appears...

Objective:  Make your way to the Imperial base and use detonators to blow it.

You start with Han and your partner is Leia.  The rest of your group are Luke,
Chewbacca, R2-D2, C-3PO and Wicket.  Go to the right to the hatch.
"Small characters can crawl through access hatches."  Switch to Wicket and 
press O in front of hatch to crawl to other side.  Then build Lego pieces twice
to lift the bridge for your allies to across.  Go to the right until you see
C-3PO's panel.  Destory woods, switch to C-3PO and use the switcher to release
the box.  Switch to Han, Leia or Chewbacca, build Lego pieces, and shoot a
target to go up.  Pull a switch to lift a bridge to across, go to the right
and going down.

Go to the right and enemies appear to attack.  Shoot the red hook to stop 
enemies getting in.  Shoot all objects, build Lego pieces and push the object
to the left.  Switch to Wicket and crawl the hatch to go up.  Pull a switch to
bring an object to go up, then push and combine it to rise the bridge.
Get down and step six red buttons at same time to go down.

Enemies appears nearby, take them down.  Shoot all plants, build Lego pieces
and push counterclockwise to lift a hatch for Wicket.  Use Wicket to crawl the 
hatch to go up and press red button to move the hook, so that character with
blaster gun shoots the target to go up and pull a switch itself to rise the
ramp and retract row of logs.  Proceed until you see two big fences.  Shoot the
white panel in the center between two big fences to shatter Lego pieces.  Build
these, switch to c-3PO and use the switcher to release buttons.  step six 
red buttons at same time to open two big fences.  Build Lego pieces on the 
right to make a ramp.  Go to the left, switch to Wicket and crawl the hatch to
go up, pull a switcher to release the box to shatter Lego pieces, build these
for last time, then switch to R2-D2 or C-3PO, go to the right and step six red
buttons at same time to open another two big fences.  And proceed to next area.

As you see the catapule is up ahead, press Triangle to hop in and press [] to
fire a cannon to destroy the blockage.  Enemies even AT-ST ambush you, take
them down fast.  Hop in AT-ST and destroy another blockage.  Look like you at
outside of Imperial Base.  Enemies are everywhere, take cover!  When you're 
clear, build Lego pieces near the entrance to make a ramp.  Hop in AT-ST and 
shoot small blockage at up ahead and eject to jump on the platform.  Press
red button to move a hook, so that character with blaster gun shoots the target
to go up and pull a switch to release the box to shatter Lego pieces.  Build
these and shoot a target to go up, again shoot another target to get other
side on top of Imperial Base.  Shoot all objects except moving thing, build
Lego pieces then push the moving thing off the Base to shatter another Lego 
pieces, build it and use R2-D2 to open the front door of the Base to next area.

Proceed to another door, which is locked.  Shoot the red lights to open it.
Enemies in there, take them down.  Ah, the shield is protected by four colored
switches; blue, purple, green and yellow.  There's blue switch on the left,
pull it.  One down, three to go.  There's a door on the left, shoot it to open.
Again enemies in there, take them down.  Purple switch is up there, hmm.
There's a red button on the left, press it and one platform appear.  Shoot the
all walls next to platform until you see another red button.  Press it and
another platform appear, one more.  There's white objects on the right, shoot
them until you see another red button.  Press it and another platform appear
at last.  Go up and C-3PO require to turn off the shield before purple switch.
Which mean all three platforms need to change a ramp.  Something on the white
walls, shoot these.  Ah there's a moving object, push it to the left and all
three platforms change into a ramp.  Switch to C-3PO and turn the shield off.
Finally switch back to Han, Leia, etc. and pull a Purple switch.  Two down,
two to go.

Go back to previous room and shoot the door on the right.  Take enemies down
first.  There's Green switch up there with shield on it.  Use R2-D2 to active 
the lift.  Switch to Han, Leia, etc. to go up, jump to the right and build Lego
pieces to make a platform.  Switch to C-3PO and turn the shield off and switch
back to any human and pull a Green switch.  Three down, one to go.  The last
yellow is in other side of glass.  Switch to R2-D2, go up and left, float left
to near a panel and use a switcher to release Lego pieces.  Build it to make
a hatch, switch to Wicket and crawl the hatch to get other side of glass.
Take two enemies down and pull a Yellow switch.

Go back to previous room also, and pull two switches on the control panel at
same time to shut down the final shield.  The last thing to do is build four
detonators quickly to end.

A cutscene appears and fourth chapter ended.

You unlocked:       Characters available in shop:
Han Solo (Endor)    Ewok

Episode VI - Return Of The Jedi, Chapter 5 - Jedi Destiny  [04-17]
A cutscene appears...

Objective:  Defeat The Emperor.

You start as Luke Skywalker and your partner is Darth Vader, that's odd.
Darth Vader betrays The Emperor and joins you to fight.  Let's attack him!

When The Emperor jumps moves to another area.  Two Imperial Guards appear and
attack you, take them down.  Go left, build Lego pieces, switch to Vader and
use the Force to remove a fan from the wall to shatter Lego pieces.  Build
these and use the Force on these to place together to active a fan to go up.
Follow the path to meet The Emperor.  Whoa, he use electric on the floor, so
Proceed carefully and try not to get zap and don't jump.  When you reach to
the end of electric floor, attack him.  When he tries to stun you switch to
your partner and attack him easily.

When The Emperor jumps moves to another area again.  Another two Imperial
Guards appear and attack you, take them down.  Follow where The Emperor is and
attack him.  When he jumps on higher platform, another two Imperial Guards
appear and attack you agian, take them down.  On the lift, build Lego pieces
and use the Force together to go up, you must hold until you reach the higher
platform.  Then attack and finish him off.

A cutscene appears and fifth chapter ended.

You unlocked:    Characters available in shop:
Darth Vader      Imperial Guard
                 The Emperor

Episode VI - Return Of The Jedi, Chapter 6 - Into The Death Star  [04-18]
A cutscene appears...

Objective:  Destroy four Star Destroyers, make your way to Death Star core,
            destroy it and escape fast!

You ride as Millennium Falcon, two targets are at top of Star Destroyer.
Torpedo can be found after you destroy enemy ships.  Then shoot two targets
of Star Destroyer to destroy it.  There are three more Stay Destoryers and you
know how to destroy these.

A cutscene appears...

You're inside of Death Star two, and there's lot of poles and cannon towers. 
Shoot or evade, and go all the way.  A blue shield with four targets around.
Look for torpedos and destroy four targets to go into next area.

Go right then up all the way and make sure you have some torpedos.  At the end
there's two rocket cannons, destroy these to go in.  

You're in the core, however there's a shield protects the core.  To bring the
shield down, shoot all white things around.  Careful these would stun you when
you're close at these.  Next shoot the core's wall and finally use torpedo to
destroy the core!  There's one more thing, get the hell out of here!  Shoot or
evade, and go all the way to exit!

A cutscene appears and final chapter ended.

You unlocked:    Characters available in shop:
Super Story      Admiral Ackbar
                 Ben Kenobi (Ghost)
                 Anakin Skywalker (Ghost)
                 Yoda (Ghost)

     Shop                                                           [05-00]

There are six sections of the shop:  
Hints, Characters, Extras, Enter Code, Gold Bricks and Story Clips
Hints  [05-01]

There are fourteen hints total, five hints are free and nine hints are buyable.
They are very cheap and cost 100 studs, buy these all.  Here's the description:

- Double-jump and press [] when in the air to do a special Jedi attack.

- Press [] to attack.

- Press X to jump.  Press X when in the air to double jump.

- The more LEGO studs you collect, the more things you will be able to buy

- Collect all the LEGO canisters in each level to build minikit models.
  You can view these outside the cantina.

- Many areas of the levels can only be reached by certain characters.  Go back
  to these levels in Free Play, and try to find all the secrets!

- Once you have defeated an enemy character in a level, you will be able to buy
  it here.  Try to collect all the characters!

- Astromech droids can hover for a limited time.  Press and hold X to activate
  the boosters.

- Watch out for black LEGO objects.  Dark Force characters can use the Force on

- Free Play mode means you can go back and play a completed level with any
  character that you have unlocked!

- To take other characters into the levels in Free Play, simply tag them in the
  Cantina and go through the door of the level you wish to play.

- Fill up the Jedi meter in each level to receive a gold brick.  The more gold
  bricks you have, the more levels you will be able to unlock!

- The True Jedi meter appears at the top of the screen in each level.  Fill it
  up by collecting LEGO studs.  Taker care - you lose studs if you die!

- Shiny metallic objects can only be destroyed with Bounty Hunter Thermal

Characters  [05-02]
There are fourty-four characters buyable in the shop.
Here's the list of character names, cost and how to unlock:

Characters:                 Studs:  Unlock by complete...
Rebel Trooper ............. 10,000  Episode IV Chapter 1
Stormtrooper .............. 10,000  Episode IV Chapter 1
Imperial Shuttle Pilot .... 29,000  Episode IV Chapter 1
Tusken Raider ............. 23,000  Episode IV Chapter 2
Jawa ...................... 24,000  Episode IV Chapter 2
Sandtrooper ............... 14,000  Episode IV Chapter 3
Greedo .................... 60,000  Episode IV Chapter 3
Imperial Spy .............. 13,500  Episode IV Chapter 3
Beach Trooper ............. 20,000  Episode IV Chapter 4
Death Star Trooper ........ 19,000  Episode IV Chapter 4
TIE Fighter Pilot ......... 21,000  Episode IV Chapter 4
Imperial Officer .......... 28,000  Episode IV Chapter 4
Grand Moff Tarkin ......... 38,000  Episode IV Chapter 5
Han Solo (Hood) ........... 20,000  Episode V  Chapter 2
Rebel Trooper (Hoth) ...... 16,000  Episode V  Chapter 2
Rebel Pilot ............... 15,000  Episode V  Chapter 2
Snowtrooper ............... 16,000  Episode V  Chapter 2
Luke Skywalker (Hoth) ..... 14,000  Episode V  Chapter 2
Lobot ..................... 11,000  Episode V  Chapter 6
Ugnaught .................. 36,000  Episode V  Chapter 6
Bespin Guard .............. 15,000  Episode V  Chapter 6
Princess Leia (Prisoner) .. 22,000  Episode V  Chapter 6
Gamorrean Guard ........... 40,000  Episode VI Chapter 1
Bib Fortuna ............... 16,000  Episode VI Chapter 1  
Palace Guard .............. 14,000  Episode VI Chapter 1
Skiff Guard ............... 12,000  Episode VI Chapter 2
Boba Fett ................ 175,000  Episode VI Chapter 2
Ewok ...................... 34,000  Episode VI Chapter 4
Imperial Guard ............ 45,000  Episode VI Chapter 5
The Emperor .............. 275,000  Episode VI Chapter 5
Admiral Ackbar ............ 33,000  Episode VI Chapter 6
Gonk Droid ................. 1,550  None, availabe in shop
Ben Kenobi (Ghost) ..... 1,100,000  Episode VI Chapter 6
Anakin Skywalker (Ghost) 1,000,000  Episode VI Chapter 6
Yoda (Ghost) ........... 1,200,000  Episode VI Chapter 6
IG-88 .................... 100,000  Episode VI Chapter 6
Bossk ..................... 75,000  Episode VI Chapter 1
Dengar .................... 70,000  Episode VI Chapter 1  
4-LOM ..................... 45,000  Episode VI Chapter 2
TIE Fighter ............... 30,000  Episode IV Chapter 6
TIE Interceptor ........... 40,000  Episode IV Chapter 6
TIE Fighter (Darth Vader) . 50,000  Episode IV Chapter 6
TIE Bomber ................ 60,000  Episode V  Chapter 3
Imperial Shuttle .......... 25,000  Episode V  Chapter 3

For whole character's info, see Characters [07-00] below.

Extras  [05-03]

There are twenty-five extras, there are seven extras buyable and eighteen power
bricks need to unlock before you can buy.
Here's the list of extra names and cost:

Extra:                               Studs:
Use old save .......................... 250,000
Extra toggle ........................... 30,000
Fertilizer ............................. 10,000
Disguise ............................... 10,000
Daisy chains ............................ 5,000
Chewbacca carrying C-3PO ............... 10,000
Tow Death Star .......................... 5,000

Power Brick  1 - Super blasters ........ 30,000
Power Brick  2 - Fast Force ............ 25,000
Power Brick  3 - Super lightsabers ..... 26,000
Power Brick  4 - Tractor beam .......... 40,000
Power Brick  5 - Invincibility ........ 900,000
Power Brick  6 - Score x2 ........... 2,000,000
Power Brick  7 - Self destruct ......... 20,000
Power Brick  8 - Fast build ............ 40,000
Power Brick  9 - Score x4 ........... 6,000,000
Power Brick 10 - Regenerate hearts .... 390,000
Power Brick 11 - Minikit detector ..... 500,000
Power Brick 12 - Score x6 .......... 12,000,000
Power Brick 13 - Super zapper .......... 15,000
Power Brick 14 - Bounty hunter rockets ..75,000
Power Brick 15 - Score x8 .......... 20,000,000
Power Brick 16 - Super Ewok catapult ... 50,000
Power Brick 17 - Infinite torpedos ..... 90,000
Power Brick 18 - Score x10 ......... 30,000,000

Extra description:
Adeptive difficulty is free and it makes any chapter more challenge.
Use old save          - To appear old characters from Lego Star Wars.
Extra toogle          - To appear hidden droids/creatures in L or R button.
Fertilizer            - TO press O when riding any creatures to waste.
Disguise              - To wear glasses and moustache for all characters.
Daisy chains          - When using grapple, a wire is covered by flowers.
Chewbacca carrying C-3PO - To carry C-3PO on Chewbacca's back.
Tow Death Star        - A detonator during the flight is replacc to small
                        Death Star.

Super blasters        - Double damages for blaster gun.
Fast Force            - To use the Force quickly.
Super lightsabers     - Double damages for lightsabers.
Tractor beam          - On flight, enemy ships are confused when close to you.
Invincibility         - Unlimited health and never lose studs.
Score x2              - To get double the studs.
Self destruct         - For droids, press O to blow up.
Score x4              - To get four times the studs.
Regenerate hearts     - To heal itself a few seconds.
Minikit detector      - To show a arrow to locate a minikit.
Score x6              - To get six times the studs.
Super zapper          - To add effect of zapper like zap to variable characers.
Bounty hunter rockets - To press Triangle to fire a rocket.
Score x8              - To get eight times the studs.
Super Ewok catapult   - With Ewok's ammo is rock, but change to powerful pink
                        ball that can destroy any metallic objects.
Infinite torpedos     - Unlimited ammo for torpedos.
Score x10             - To get ten times the studs.

Note: For one stud, score x 2 x 4 x 6 x 8 x 10 = 3840 studs, wow.
For your information, the maximum studs are 4,000,000,000.

Enter Code  [05-04]

Password     Effect
UCK868	     Beach Trooper
BEN917       Ben Kenobi (Ghost)
VHY832       Bespin Guard
WTY721       Bib Fortuna
HLP221       Boba Fett
BNC332       Death Star Trooper
TTT289       Ewok
YZF999       Gamorean Guard
NFX582       Gonk Droid
SMG219       Grand Moff Tarkin
NAH118       Greedo
PEJ821       Greedo
YWM840       Han Solo (Hood)
NXL973       IG-88
MMM111       Imperial Guard
BBV889       Imperial Officer
VAP664       Imperial Shuttle Pilot
CVT125       Imperial Spy
JAW499       Jawa
UUB319       Lobot
SGE549       Palace Guard
CYG336       Rebel Pilot
EKU849       Rebel Trooper (Hoth)
YDV451       Sand Trooper
GBU888       Skiff Guard
NYU989       Snow Trooper
PTR345       Stromtrooper
HHY382       The Emperor
HDY739       TIE Fighter
NNZ316       TIE Fighter Pilot
QYA828       TIE Interceptor
PEJ821       Tusken Raider
UGN694       Ugnaught

I never use this, not worth to entering the codes.

Gold Bricks  [05-05]

There are eight gold bricks buyable and how to unlock:

Gold Brick #:  Studs:  Unlock by...
Gold Brick 1 - 10,000  None, availabe in shop.
Gold Brick 2 - 15,000  Have  3 gold bricks you collect.
Gold Brick 3 - 20,000  Have  7 gold bricks you collect.
Gold Brick 4 - 25,000  Have 10 gold bricks you collect.
Gold Brick 5 - 30,000  Have 14 gold bricks you collect.
Gold Brick 6 - 35,000  Have 16 gold bricks you collect.
Gold Brick 7 - 40,000  Have 21 gold bricks you collect.
Gold Brick 8 - 45,000  Have 24 gold bricks you collect.

Note:  This can be collect gold bricks by completing the Story Mode and True
Jedi only in any chapter.  Bonus and in shop are not include.

Story Clips  [05-06]
No need to pay for these clips, they're FREE!. You can watch whatever you like!
There are 53 clips, about two to four clips unlock after you beat every level 
in story mode, include ending.

Clip  1 - Secret Plans                 Clip 27 - Dagobah
Clip  2 - Secret Plans                 Clip 28 - Dagobah
Clip  3 - Secret Plans                 Clip 29 - Dagobah
Clip  4 - Through The Jundland Wastes  Clip 30 - Cloud City Trap
Clip  5 - Through The Jundland Wastes  Clip 31 - Cloud City Trap
Clip  6 - Mos Eisley Spaceport         Clip 32 - Betrayal Over Bespin
Clip  7 - Mos Eisley Spaceport         Clip 33 - Betrayal Over Bespin
Clip  8 - Mos Eisley Spaceport         Clip 34 - Betrayal Over Bespin
Clip  9 - Rescue The Princess          Clip 35 - The Empire Strikes Back
Clip 10 - Rescue The Princess          Clip 36 - Jabba's Palace
Clip 11 - Rescue The Princess          Clip 37 - Jabba's Palace
Clip 12 - Death Star Escape            Clip 38 - Jabba's Palace
Clip 13 - Death Star Escape            Clip 39 - Jabba's Palace
Clip 14 - Rebel Attack                 Clip 40 - The Great Pit Of Carkoon
Clip 15 - Rebel Attack                 Clip 41 - The Great Pit Of Carkoon
Clip 16 - Rebel Attack                 Clip 42 - The Great Pit Of Carkoon
Clip 17 - Rebel Attack                 Clip 43 - The Great Pit Of Carkoon
Clip 18 - A New Hope                   Clip 44 - Speeder Showdown
Clip 19 - Hoth Battle                  Clip 45 - Speeder Showdown
Clip 20 - Hoth Battle                  Clip 46 - The Battle Of Endor
Clip 21 - Escape From Echo Base        Clip 47 - The Battle Of Endor
Clip 22 - Escape From Echo Base        Clip 48 - Jedi Destiny
Clip 23 - Falcon Flight                Clip 49 - Jedi Destiny
Clip 24 - Falcon Flight                Clip 50 - Into The Death Star
Clip 25 - Falcon Flight                Clip 51 - Into The Death Star
Clip 26 - Dagobah                      Clip 52 - Into The Death Star
                                       Clip 53 - Return Of The Jedi

     Full Characters List                                           [06-00]

There are 116 characters totals; 68 characters can be obtain in this game,
46 characters can be obtain from Lego Star Wars and 2 characters can be edited.

29 Characters can be unlock in Story Mode:

   Name:                            Type:            Weapon:        Special:   
 01 Princess Leia                   Shooter          Blaster gun    Grapple
 02 Captain Antilles                Shooter          Blaster gun    Grapple
 03 Rebel Friend                    Shooter          Blaster gun    Grapple
 04 R2-D3                           Astromech Droid  Key            None
 05 C-3PO                           Protocol Droid   Key            None
 06 Luke Skywalker (Tatooine)       Shooter          Blaster gun    Grapple
 07 Ben Kenobi                      Jedi             Lighsaber      Force
 08 Han Solo                        Shooter          Blaster gun    Grapple
 09 Chewbacca                       Shooter          Blaster gun    Grapple
 10 Han Solo (Stormtrooper)         Shooter          Blaster gun    Grapple
 11 Luke Skywalker (Stormtrooper)   Shooter          Lightsaber     Force
 12 Han Solo (Hoth)                 Shooter          Blaster gun    Grapple
 13 Princess Leia (Hoth)            Shooter          Blaster gun    Grapple
 14 Luke Skywalker (Pilot)          Shooter          Blaster gun    Grapple
 15 Luke Skywalker (Dagobah)        Jedi             Lightsaber     Force
 16 Luke Skywalker (Jedi)           Jedi             Lightsaber     Force
 17 Yoda                            Jedi             Lightsaber     Force
 18 Lando Calrissian                Shooter          Blaster gun    Grapple
 19 Princess Leia (Bespin)          Shooter          Blaster gun    Grapple
 20 Luke Skywalker (Bespin)         Jedi             Lightsaber     Force
 21 Princess Leia (Boushh)          Bounty Hunter    Blaster gun    Detonator
 22 Lando (Palace Guard)            Shooter          Blaster gun    Grapple
 23 Han Solo (Skiff)                Shooter          Blaster gun    Grapple
 24 Princess Leia (Slave)           Shooter          Blaster gun    Grapple
 25 Princess Leia (Endor)           Shooter          Blaster gun    Grapple
 26 Luke Skywalker (Endor)          Jedi             Lightsaber     Force
 27 Han Solo (Endor)                Shooter          Blaster gun    Grapple
 28 Wicket                          Small            Slingshot      Grapple
 29 Darth Vader                     Sith             Lightsaber     Dark Force

39 Characters can be bought in shop:

 30 Rebel Trooper                   Shooter          Blaster gun    Grapple 
 31 Stormtrooper                    Shooter          Blaster gun    Grapple
 32 Imperial Shuttle Pilot          Shooter          Blaster gun    Grapple
 33 Tusken Raider                   Shooter          Blaster gun    Grapple
 34 Jawa                            Small            Stun gun       None
 35 Sandtrooper                     Shooter          Blaster gun    Grapple
 36 Greedo                          Bounty Hunter    Blaster gun    Detonator
 37 Imperial Spy                    Shooter          Blaster gun    Grapple
 38 Beach Trooper                   Shooter          Blaster gun    Grapple
 39 Death Star Trooper              Shooter          Blaster gun    Grapple
 40 TIE Fighter Pilot               Shooter          Blaster gun    Grapple
 41 Imperial Officer                Shooter          Blaster gun    Grapple
 42 Grand Moff Tarkin               Shooter          Blaster gun    Grapple
 43 Han Solo (Hood)                 Shooter          Blaster gun    Grapple
 44 Rebel Trooper (Hoth)            Shooter          Blaster gun    Grapple
 45 Rebel Pilot                     Shooter          Blaster gun    Grapple
 46 Snowtrooper                     Shooter          Blaster gun    Grapple
 47 Luke Skywalker (Hoth)           Shooter          Blaster gun    Grapple
 48 Lobot                           Fighter          Hands          None
 49 Ugnaught                        Small            Stun gun       Grapple
 50 Bespin Guard                    Shooter          Blaster gun    Grapple
 51 Princess Leia (Prisoner)        Shooter          Blaster gun    Grapple
 52 Gamorrean Guard                 Creature         Axe            Guitar
 53 Bib Fortuna                     Fighter          Hands          None
 54 Palace Guard                    Shooter          Blaster gun    Grapple
 55 Skiff Guard                     Shooter          Blaster gun    Grapple
 56 Boba Fett                       Bounty Hunter    Blaster gun    Detonator
 57 Ewok                            Small            Slingshot      Grapple
 58 Imperial Guard                  Fighter          Staff          None
 59 The Emperor                     Sith             Lightsaber     Dark Force
 60 Admiral Ackbar                  Shooter          Blaster gun    Grapple
 61 Gonk Droid                      Droid            None           None
 62 Ben Kenobi (Ghost)              Jedi             Lightsaber     Force
 63 Anakin Skywalker (Ghost)        Jedi             Lightsaber     Force
 64 Yoda (Ghost)                    Jedi             Lightsaber     Force
 65 IG-88                           Bounty Hunter    Blaster gun    Detonator
 66 Bossk                           Bounty Hunter    Blaster gun    Detonator
 67 Dengar                          Bounty Hunter    Blaster gun    Detonator
 68 4-LOM                           Bounty Hunter    Blaster gun    Detonator

2 Character can be created in any kind:

 69 Custom Character 1              Unknown, depend which weapon you use.
 70 Custom Character 2              Unknown, depend which weapon you use.

46 Character can be import from Lego Star War in your memory card:
 71 Obi-Wan Kenobi                  Jedi             Lightsaber     Force
 72 Obi-Wan Kenobi (Episode III)    Jedi             Lightsaber     Force
 73 Obi-Wan Kenobi (Jedi Master)    Jedi             Lightsaber     Force
 74 Jango Fett                      Bounty Hunter    Double gun     Detonator
 75 General Grievous                Droid            Lightsabers    None
 76 Darth Maul                      Sith             Lightsaber     Dark Force
 77 Mace Windu                      Jedi             Lightsaber     Force
 78 Mace Windu (Episode III)        Jedi             Lightsaber     Force
 79 Grievous' Bodyguard             Droid            Electrostaff   None
 80 Droideka                        Droid            Double gun     None
 81 R4-P17                          Droid            Key            None
 82 Battle Droid                    Droid            Blaster gun    None
 83 Battle Droid (Commander)        Droid            Blaster gun    None
 84 Battle Droid (Geonosis)         Droid            Blaster gun    None
 85 Battle Droid (Security)         Droid            Blaster gun    None
 86 TC-14                           Droid            Key            None
 87 Wookiee                         Shooter          Blaster gun    Grapple
 88 Chancellor Palpatine            Civilian         None           None
 89 Padme                           Shooter          Blaster gun    Grapple
 90 Padme (Battle)                  Shooter          Blaster gun    Grapple
 91 Padme (Clawed)                  Shooter          Blaster gun    Grapple
 92 Padme (Geonosis)                Shooter          Blaster gun    Grapple
 93 Queen Amidala                   Shooter          Blaster gun    Grapple
 94 Super Battle Droid              Droid            Blaster gun    None
 95 Ki-Adi Mundi                    Jedi             Lightsaber     Force
 96 Kit Fisto                       Jedi             Lightsaber     Force
 97 Luminara                        Jedi             Lightsaber     Force
 98 Shaak Ti                        Jedi             Lightsaber     Force
 99 Clone                           Shooter          Blaster gun    Grapple
100 Clone (Episode III)             Shooter          Blaster gun    Grapple
101 Clone (Episode III, Pilot)      Shooter          Blaster gun    Grapple
102 Commander Cody                  Shooter          Blaster gun    Grapple
103 Clone (Episode III, Swamp)      Shooter          Blaster gun    Grapple
104 Clone (Episode III, Walker)     Shooter          Blaster gun    Grapple
105 Disguised Clone                 Shooter          Blaster gun    Grapple
106 Anakin Skywalker (Boy)          Small            None           None
107 Boba Fett (Boy)                 Small            None           None
108 Geonosian                       Shooter          Blaster gun    None
109 Anakin Skywalker (Jedi)         Jedi             Lightsaber     Force
110 Anakin Skywalker (Padawan)      Jedi             Lightsaber     Force
111 Captain Panaka                  Shooter          Blaster gun    Grapple
112 Jar Jar Binks                   Civilian         None but Jumps Higher 
113 PK Droid                        Droid            None           None
114 Royal Guard                     Shooter          Blaster gun    Grapple
115 Count Dooku                     Sith             Lightsaver     Dark Force
116 Qui-Gon Jinn                    Jedi             Lightsaber     Force

Note:  If one or more characters is not on your list, which mean you're missing
       something in Lego Star Wars.

Bonus - There are 10 vehicles;
4 vehicles can be unlock any chapter in Story Mode:

    Name:                      Weapon:
01  X-Wing                     3 Torpedos
02  Y-Wing                     5 Torpedos
03  Snowspeeder                3 Torpedos, Grapple
04  Millennium Falcon          3 Torpedos

05 TIE Fighter                 3 Torpedos
06 TIE Interceptor             3 Torpedos
07 TIE Fighter (Darth Vader)   3 Torpedos
08 TIE Bomber                  5 Torpedos
09 Imperial Shuttle            3 Torpedos

10 Slave 1                     3 Torpedos
(To unlocked, have all minikits in this game you collect; 180 minikits total.)

     Collecting 100% and 99 Gold Bricks                             [07-00]

Would you like to collect everything to get 100%?
This would help to get 99 Gold Bricks easily, let's start...

When you completed first chapter of Episode IV, you get gold brick.  
There are 18 chapters include Episode IV, V and VI.  Complete all chapter and
you get 18 gold bricks.

True Jedi in Story Mode  [07-01]

To get a True Jedi status, collect many studs as possible.
Grey stud worth 10, Gold stud worth 100 and Blue stud worth 1,000.
There are many studs hidden elsewhere you build many sets of Lego (Sometime it
appears or not).  Meanwhile, it could be kind of objects like cups, flowers,
tall grass, and much more.  It could be inside the wall, boxes, trash cans, 
metal objects and much more.  ALL YOU DO IS TO EXPLORE.
Beware, you lose studs if you die, be careful.

Here's the number of studs each chapter:

Episode IV Chapter 1 -  40,000 Studs
Episode IV Chapter 2 -  75,000 Studs
Episode IV Chapter 3 - 165,000 Studs
Episode IV Chapter 4 -  60,000 Studs
Episode IV Chapter 5 -  55,000 Studs
Episode IV Chapter 6 -  20,000 Studs
Episode V  Chapter 1 -  70,000 Studs
Episode V  Chapter 2 -  40,000 Studs
Episode V  Chapter 3 -  50,000 Studs
Episode V  Chapter 4 -  50,000 Studs
Episode V  Chapter 5 -  11,000 Studs
Episode V  Chapter 6 -  45,000 Studs
Episode VI Chapter 1 -  38,000 Studs
Episode VI Chapter 2 -  50,000 Studs
Episode VI Chapter 3 -  55,000 Studs
Episode VI Chapter 4 -  90,000 Studs
Episode VI Chapter 5 -  55,000 Studs
Episode VI Chapter 6 -  30,000 Studs

If you got a True Jedi each chapter, you got one gold brick!  Do it again every
chapter.  Complete 18 Chapters to get 18 gold bricks.

True Jedi in Free Play Mode  [07-02]

Same as above, but increase stud amount in Free Play Mode.

Here's the number of studs each chapter:

Episode IV Chapter 1 -  70,000 Studs
Episode IV Chapter 2 - 120,000 Studs
Episode IV Chapter 3 - 200,000 Studs
Episode IV Chapter 4 -  80,000 Studs
Episode IV Chapter 5 -  65,000 Studs
Episode IV Chapter 6 -  30,000 Studs
Episode V  Chapter 1 - 100,000 Studs
Episode V  Chapter 2 -  80,000 Studs
Episode V  Chapter 3 -  60,000 Studs
Episode V  Chapter 4 -  70,000 Studs
Episode V  Chapter 5 -  16,000 Studs
Episode V  Chapter 6 -  60,000 Studs
Episode VI Chapter 1 -  45,000 Studs
Episode VI Chapter 2 -  66,000 Studs
Episode VI Chapter 3 -  70,000 Studs
Episode VI Chapter 4 - 110,000 Studs
Episode VI Chapter 5 -  67,000 Studs
Episode VI Chapter 6 -  40,000 Studs

If you got a True Jedi each chapter, you got one gold brick again!  Do it again
every chapter.  Complete 18 Chapters to get 18 gold bricks.

Episode IV, V & VI Bonus  [07-03]
Episode IV Bonus

To access this, collect eight gold bricks and complete all the chapters in this
episode.  The bonus have three missions - Super Story, 
Character Bonus (Mos Eisley) and Minikit Bonus (Death Star)

- Super Story

A bonus mission is to play all the chapters in this episode.
Objective:  Complete under one hour and collect at least 100,000 studs.

Don't lurking or fooling around and complete all chapter as soon as possible.
Good thing is you won't lose studs when you die.

- Character Bonus (Mos Eisley)

Another bonus mission is to collect one million studs, within five minutes.
Objective:  Collect 1,000,000 studs under 5 minutes.

You got to collect many many many studs in five minutes.  It could be on the
floor, it could be in small and large trash cans, it could be in metal objects.
*Note:  Purple stud worth 10,000.

- Minikit Bonus (Death Star)
How to unlock:  At least collect all minikits in any chapter once.

Another bonus mission is to collect one million studs, within five minutes.
Objective:  Collect 1,000,000 studs under 5 minutes.

It's like same as Character Bonus, however you will ride vehicles that you
collect minikits. You got to collect many many many studs in five minutes.

The speaker tower worth tons of blue and purple studs, and make sure you have
a fighter like X-Wing, Y-wing, TIEs, etc.  Look for a torpedo and use it to
destroy speaker tower to collect.

Episode V Bonus

To access this, collect sixteen gold bricks and complete all the chapters in 
this episode.  The bonus have three missions - Super Story, 
Character Bonus (Bespin) and Minikit Bonus (Hoth)
*Same function from above.

- Super Story

Objective:  Complete under one hour and collect at least 100,000 studs.

- Character Bonus (Bespin)

Objective:  Collect 1,000,000 studs under 5 minutes.

It could be on the floor, it could be in boxes and fences, it could be in
metal objects.

- Minikit Bonus (Hoth)

Objective:  Collect 1,000,000 studs under 5 minutes.

The wall worth tons of blue and purple studs, and make sure you have a 
Snowspeeder minikit set.  Bring a detonator to destroy the wall to collect.

Episode VI Bonus  

To access this, collect thirty-two gold bricks and complete all the chapters 
in this episode.  The bonus have three missions - Super Story, 
Character Bonus (Endor) and Minikit Bonus (Endor)

- Super Story

Objective:  Complete under one hour and collect at least 100,000 studs.

- Character Bonus (Endor)

Objective:  Collect 1,000,000 studs under 7 minutes.

It could be on the floor, it could be in boxes and in metal objects.
Note:  Purple stud worth 10,000.

- Minikit Bonus (Endor)

Objective:  Collect 1,000,000 studs under 5 minutes.

If you complete any one bonus, you got one gold brick.
Complete 9 Bonus to get 9 gold bricks.

Again the speaker tower worth tons of blue and purple studs, look for a torpedo
and use it to destroy speaker tower to collect.

Minikits  [07-04]
Having trouble looking for minikit?  Need some help?  This will help you to 
find the right location and requirement.

There are eight different types in order to get minikit: 
(See above for characters list and type)

Shooter:  To shoot a red target to go up or other side wherever.
Jedi:  Force (Blue and Green (and Purple for Mace Windu)).
Sith:  Dark Force (Red).
Small:  To access hatch to other side wherever, such as Wicket.
Bounty Hunter:  To destory metallic objects and access the door.
Astromech Droid:  To open locked door or fly, such as R2-D2.
Protocol Droid:  To open locked door, such as C-3PO. 
Stormtrooper:  Well, same as shooter, but need to access the door.
               (Darth Vader can access it too)

Episode IV Chapter 1

# 1 - Require: Sith

First area; go forward to the end, then turn right.  The door shuts before you
enter.  Use a Sith to blow up the door, enter and get a minikit.

# 2 - Require: Bounty Hunter

Second area; use a detonator to blow up the metallic
object nearby to go down then get a minikit.

# 3 - Require: Jedi/Sith

When you reach at the top, there's Lego pieces on the wall, use the Force on
these to make a platform, jump and get minikit above you.

# 4 - Require: Bounty Hunter and Jedi/Sith

Third area; go forward to the end, then turn right and use Bounty Hunter to
open the door, proceed and go to the end.  Go left and right to receive Lego
pieces from both side.  Build these and get minikit.

# 5 - Require: Any Attacker and Protocol Droid

Find three purple icons, this can be found by destory white objects.
One is next to Bounty Hunter access, another one is at the hall on the left
of fourth minikit located. and last one is at the far end, you need a Protocol
Droid to turn off the shield first before you search.  Then a minikit appears
close to fourth minikit located.

# 6 - Require: Jedi/Sith

Fourth area; go to the right and use the Force on two big boxes to place
together, then go jump higher to get a minikit. 

# 7 - Require: Jedi/Sith

After turning off the shield, use the Force on upper left to open the panel
to get a minikit.

# 8 - Require: None but Lego vehicle.

Fifth area; Do you know a room where lots of showers to grow plants?  If not,
look at #5, after turning off the shield, go to the door to enter.  Anyway use
the Force on all showers to grow plants, destroy all these unless you see Lego
pieces, build and use the Force on these to place together into a vehicle.
Hop in and drive to fifth area where crane controller is located.  Go to the
thing that can lift shorty next to crane controller, and a minikit appear above
you, get it.

# 9 - Require: Bounty Hunter, Darth Vader

Sixth (Last) area; Find three hidden objects.  One is inside the white wall 
somewhere, another one is inside the metallic object on the right, and last one
is inside the white box after you access the Stormtrooper door.  Sadly you 
don't have a stormtrooper to access it, but Vader can.  Once you found all 
three, a minikit appears at the end.

#10 - Require: Jedi/Sith

At the very end, a pod where two stromtroopers are taking a bath.  Use the
Force inside the tub to get a minikit.

Episode IV Chapter 2

# 1 - Require: Sith

First area; there's a big black door after over a gap, use the Force to destory
the door to go in.  Use the Force on these and make way to get a minikit

# 2 - Require: Shooter, Astromech Droid, Small

There's Lego pieces next to a big black door, build these.  Go up, use 
Astromech Droid to float the other side and use Small to access a hatch to go
down and get a minikit.

# 3 - Require: Astromech Droid, Bounty Hunter

Go to the right at the beginning.  When you see a gap, go right and you'll see
metallic objects.  Use an astromech droid to float close to these.  Use Bounty
Hunter to detonate these and use an astromech to float back before it blow up.
Proceed and go to the end until you see a cave.  Next to a cave is Lego pieces.
Use the Force on these to go up, go left and use an astromech to float the 
other side to get a minikit.

# 4 - Require: Bounty Hunter, Small

Second area; make your way to the top of large vehicle.  As you see many 
metallic objects on the left.  Destroy all until you see two red buttons.  
Press these to rise the hatch.  Use Small to access a hatch to go down and get
a minikit.

# 5 - Require: Any character except droid.

Third area; remember to receive object, push it, rescue R2-D2?  There's a
minikit on the right, do the same thing to get a minikit.

# 6 - Require: Sith, Small and Astromech Droid

Fourth area; go to the left and use the Force on the wall, then use Small to 
access a hatch to the other side and the door is open.  Press two buttons to
open another door.  Use the Force on valve and thing on the wall to stop
flowing the lava.  Then use Astromech Droid to float to get a minikit.

# 7 - Require: Jedi/Sith, Shooter

Sixth area; an area where the mud is.  Go to the right, build Lego pieces and
use the Force on hook.  Then switch to shooter to go up and get a minikit.

# 8 - Require: Sith, large creature

The opposite direction of #7 minikit.  Use the Force to bring down the rock and
go up.  There's two button need to press.  One is small and another one is 
large.  You or your partner cannot press a large button, but large creature 
can.  Hop on a creature, walk onto a large button.  Then get off and press
a small button to get a minikit.

# 9 - Require: Jedi/Sith, Astromech Droid

After you passed on a Lego bridge, there's a minikit on the left.  So, jump
to the top on the rock platform at the right, switch to Astromech to float the
other side of the rock.  Then float on the tall rock platform near a minikit to
lower to get a minikit.

#10 - Require: Shooter

Seventh (Last) area; build a hover car, hop in and go to the north until you
see a minikit.  Build a target, go up and get a minikit.

Episode IV Chapter 3

# 1 - Require: Stormtrooper, Jedi/Sith

First area; at the beginning, go to the right and use Vader to access the door
to enter.  Use the Force on four valves on the left to get a minikit.

# 2 - Require: Bounty Hunter, Astromech Droid

There are two things you need - open the door with Bounty Hunter access and
find three carrots hidden inside the trash can.  It's not hard and you can
find three carrots hidden in this area, just destroy all trash cans until you
found all three.  At the beginning, go up and go to the bridge with gap. 
Use Astromech Droid to float the other side and use Bounty Hunter to open the
door.  Then build Lego pieces to make a fan, hop in and you get a minikit.

# 3 - Require: Sith

Somewhere in the middle of this area, look for a stair on the right to go up.
Use the Force on black square to blow up and go in and get a minikit.

# 4 - Require: um... Vader

At the end of first area, there's a door for Stormtrooper, open it to next 
area.  Double-jump to get other side.  Build Lego pieces, hop in and shoot ten
creatures to get a minikit.

# 5 - Require: Bounty Hunter.

Second area; there's a metallic object on the left, blow it.  Build Lego pieces
and push counterclockwise to make a big building straight.  Then build a target
and go up to get a minikit.

# 6 - Require: Jedi/Sith

Three grays boxes next to a big building, use the Force on these to place
together to jump higher, then get a minikit.

# 7 - Require: Small

Third area; there's a minikit blocked by a shield, go left and use Small to 
access hatch to get a minikit, then turn off a shield.

# 8 - Require: Bounty Hunter, Jedi/Sith

Fourth area; find three vegetables hidden in three trash cans as well.  One is
nearest where you enter in this area.  Another one is, well open the door with
Bounty Hunter, go in and look for it.  Last one is in next are where many 
Stormtroopers are.  Look for trash cans and find it.  When you found all three.
A minikit appears at previous area, go and get it.

# 9 - Require: Jedi/Sith

After you access the door with Bounty Hunter, go to the end until you see blue
and orange circles.  Use the Force on these to open the cage and go in to get
a minikit.

#10 - Require: Astromech, Shooter, Jedi/Sith

Sixth area; approach to theater and use Astromech to open it to enter.  Shoot
four spotlights to open the curtains.  Use the Force on correction puzzle to 
view a clips, enjoy!  If your time's run out, shoot the screen and get a

Episode IV Chapter 4

# 1 - Require: Any character except droids

First area; when you enter the hall, go right and hop into crane controller.
Grabs any enemy and drop him into a hole.  Do it again 10 times to get a

# 2 - Require: Protocol Droid

After you open the door with Stormtrooper access, go right and use Protocol
Droid to open and go in to get a minikit.

# 3 - Require: Astromech Droid

Second area; at the end of first hall, use Astromech to float the other side.
Then go left to get a minikit.

# 4 - Require: Astromech Droid, Shooter, Small

Continue from #3, go forward and you'll see a minikit up there.  Clear the
handle on the right, use Astromech to float the other side, use Shooter to go
up and use Small to access a hatch to get a minikit.

# 5 - Require: Jedi/Sith, Shooter

Continue from #4, go all the way to next area.  Use the Force on beam panel to
make a bridge at the other side.  Pull three switches to turn off the beams
and use Shooter to go up and get a minikit.

# 6 - Require: Sith

Continue from #5, go to next area.  At the end, use the Force on the door to
make two platforms on the right then jump and jump higher to get a minikit.

# 7 - Require: Astromech Droid

Fourth area; make your way to the top platform before enter to next area.
Float above the door to reach a platform to get a minikit.

# 8 - Require: Shooter

Fifth area; shoot all screens in this room to get a minikit.

# 9 - Require: Jedi/Sith

At the very end, use the Force on these boxes to jump higher to get on
platform.  Push the object to break the cage to get a minikit.

#10 - Require: Astromech Droid

Sixth (Last) area; go to the end and use Astromech Droid to open the door on
the left, enter and get a minikit.

Episode IV Chapter 5

# 1 - Require: Bounty Hunter

First area; at the end of first hall, there's a metallic object on the left.
Blow it and get a minikit.

# 2 - Require: Small

Second area; there's a vehicle under you, next to vehicle is a hatch.  Use
Small to access a hatch to get a minikit.

# 3 - Require: Any character except droids

Third area; hop into crane controller and move around and around repeatly so
that the window will break.  Get off and get a minikit next to you.

# 4 - Require: Sith

After opening three doors, go forward and use the Force on the right to blow
up and get a minikit.

# 5 - Require: Jedi/Sith

Fourth area; make your way to the top, use the Force at up there to make a
platform and jump higher to get a minikit.

# 6 - Require: Any character except droids

Seventh area; go south and jump to the left to get a minikit.

# 7 - Require: Shooter or Jedi/Sith

Find three purple icons, this can be found by destory three round panels in
this hall.  Then a minikit appears at the end of third door.

# 8 - Require: Jedi/Sith

At the very end, use the Force on two boxes to go up and go left to get a

# 9 - Require: Any character except droids

Eighth (Last) area; remember a room where R2-D2 and C-3PO is held? A minikit 
is in there, push to open the wide door and get it.

#10 - Require: Bounty Hunter

A minikit is inside where Ben Kenobi and Darth Vader are fighting each other.
Use Bounty Hunter to open the door and get a minikit.

Episode IV Chapter 6

# 1 - Require: Any fighter

First area; approach the rotation on the left after destroy first barrier.
Shoot the green bar and ever more to rise a minikit.  Shoot it to collect.

# 2 - Require: Any fighter

When you reach the second barrier, go to the far right until you see four blue
bars.  Shoot these all and get a minikit.

# 3 - Require: TIEs (Fighter, Interceptor, Bomber)

On the left before second barrier, note the red and black panel is locked and
require TIEs to open it.  When you go in, shoot a target to get a minikit.

# 4 - Require: Any fighter

Second area; keep to the left until you see a red wall for TIE, another
rotation rises, shoot the green bar and ever more to rise a minikit.  Shoot it
to collect.

# 5 - Require: TIEs (Fighter, Interceptor, Bomber)

A red and black panel next to #4 minikit, use TIEs to open it.
When you go in, press all green lights quickly to get a minikit.
(I use Y-Wing to get it.)

# 6 - Require: Any fighter

After you collect #4 minikit, go forward and far right until you see four blue
bars.  Shoot these all and get a minikit.

# 7 - Require: Snowspeeder, TIEs (Fighter, Interceptor, Bomber)

At the beginning of second area, go to far right and use TIEs to open red and 
black panel.  There's a detonator.  Another red and black panel next to #6
minikit, use TIEs to open it also.  When you go in, you'll see four shockers
barrier.  There are two electric panels on the left and on the right.  Use a
Snowspeeder and bring a detonator to destroy two electric panels on the left 
or right.  Bring one more to destory the other side and get a minikit.

# 8 - Require: Any fighter

Third area; go straight until another rotation rises, and you know how to 
obtain a minikit.

# 9 - Require: Any fighter

After taking down third barrier before you enter to hallway, there are four
blue bars on the left.  Shoot these all and get a minikit.

#10 - Require: Any fighter

Fourth (Last) area; at the very end to the left, there's a rotation.  Obtain a

Episode V  Chapter 1

# 1 - Require: Snowspeeder

First area; there are many AT-STs in this area, pull AT-ST by using cable gun.
Pull ten AT-STs to get a minikit at the end.

# 2 - Require: Any fighter

There's a minikit behind a white wall close to ice cave at the end, get it.

# 3 - Require: TIEs (Fighter, Interceptor, Bomber)

There's red and black panel on the left at the beginning, go there to open.
Make your way to the end, don't fell and there's a Lego rock, shoot it to get
a minikit.

# 4 - Require: Snowspeeder

There's a white wall next to Lego rock from #3, bring a detonator carefully
and destroy the wall to go in.  Double Score Zone!  In this area, shoot all
AT-STs and enemy racers to get a minikit.

# 5 - Require: Snowspeeder

Second area; again pull ten AT-STs to get a minikit somewhere.

# 6 - Require: Any fighter

At the end and there's a valley. go there and get a minikit.

# 7 - Require: TIEs (Fighter, Interceptor, Bomber)

There's red and black panel next to detonator refiller, go there to open. Go
to the cave, stick to the left until you see a minikit.  Shoot and get it.

# 8 - Require: Any fighter

Continue from #7, after you exit a cave, go down and left, and shoot a Lego
rock to get a minikit.

# 9 - Require: Any fighter

At the starting point, go right and there's a minikit behind the rocks, shoot
and get it.

#10 - Require: Any fighter

There's another minikit behind the rocks close to detonator refiller.

Episode V  Chapter 2

# 1 - Require: Jedi/Sith

First area; use the Force on four screen to receive a minikit, get it.

# 2 - Require: Jedi/Sith

Second area; at the end of the door for C-3PO, go to the right to the door,
double jumps on the right to get a minikit.

# 3 - Require: Bounty Hunter

Another room where C-3PO is held, need four buttons to press, but you only
press two.  Use detonators to destroy two metallic objects, build these and
shoot to heat up to defrozen two skeletons.  Build two skeletons, so they join
you to press four buttons altogether and a minikit appear, get it.

# 4 - Require: Astromech Droid, Jedi/Sith

Third area; go down and right to get the door, use Astromech Droid to open it 
and go in.  Use the Force on Lego pieces in the hole and build these to get a

# 5 - Require: Jedi/Sith

Go back and there's a minikit at the high on the center of this room.  Push
the moving box and place close to minikit.  Then double jump to get a minikit.

# 6 - Require: Bounty Hunter

A white box is on the right, use a detonator to blow it up.  Go and get a

# 7 - Require: Sith

At the end of the door, hop on a platform next to the door and your ally would
use the Force for you to go up.  use the Force to remove the cage and get a 

# 8 - Require: Protocol Droid, Bounty Hunter

Fifth area; there's a door on the left and use Protocol Droid to open it to 
enter.  Go right and up, use a detonator to destroy the blocking thing to enter
another room.  Then build Lego pieces to get a minikit.

# 9 - Require: Sith, Shooter, Small

After you pressed four buttons to open the door, there's a slipping ice on the
left.  Use the Force on black things to make a path to go up.  At the end, go
left, enter the door and shoot the target to go up.  Lastly use Small to access
a hatch to get a minikit.

#10 - Require: Sith, Astromech Droid

Continue from minikit #9, go back and go to the door and use Astromech to open
the door.  The switch on the right, press it many time until the door is open.
Go down to next area and go straight to get a minikit.

Episode V  Chapter 3

# 1 - Require: Any fighter

First area; a Star Destroyer on the right, go behind it and get a minikit.

# 2 - Require: TIEs (Fighter, Interceptor, Bomber), Snowspeeder

Second area; a red and black panel is somewhere on the left, use TIEs to enter.
There are two red buttons - one is on the left and one is on the right.  Grab
a detonator to destroy a red button to get a minikit.

# 3 - Require: TIEs (Fighter, Interceptor, Bomber), Snowspeeder

Continue from minikit #2, do it again on the other side.

# 4 - Require: Any fighter

A minikit is on the left of first piles of rocks, get it.

# 5 - Require: Any fighter

Third area; another minikit is somewhere on the right, search and get it.

# 6 - Require: Any fighter

There's a big rock before second piles of rocks that a minikit is hidden, shoot
to get.  If you can't find, shoot all rocks in this area if you can.

# 7 - Require: TIEs (Fighter, Interceptor, Bomber), Snowspeeder

After you destroyed second piles of rocks, stick to the left until you see a 
red and black panel, use TIEs to enter.  There's one target alone, fire a
torpedo to get a minikit.

# 8 - Require: Any fighter

Go to big hole next to third piles of rocks, don't be afraid and it won't 
devour you.  Proceed and there's a minikit on the right, shoot to get it.

# 9 - Require: Any fighter

Fourth area; at the beginning, go right and you'll see a rock's hole, shoot to
get a minikit.

#10 - Require: Any fighter

Somewhere close to minikit #8, there's a minikit hidden somewhere in the rock.
Search and shoot to get a minikit.

Episode V  Chapter 4

# 1 - Require: Jedi/Sith

First area; at the beginning, use the Force on three blue boxes to place 
together to go up and jump to the right to get a minikit.

# 2 - Require: Astromech Droid, Jedi/Sith or Shooter

A big swamp up ahead and you'll see a blue box on top of the rock.  Move left
and use Astromech Droid to float on the lower rock, then switch any character,
jump and destroy the blue box to get a minikit.

# 3 - Require: Sith, Bounty Hunter

Second area; on the right of Yoda's base and you'll see a red box.  Destory it
and build Lego pieces to make a platform to get other side.  Go straight to
reach the metallic objects.  Use a detonator to destroy these and get a 

# 4 - Require: Small, Sith

Use Small to enter Yoda's base.  Go left and use the Force on Widescreen TV to
get a minikit.

# 5 - Require: Any character

Go to next area where Luke is training; find and open three brown hatches in
this area to get a minikit.

# 6 - Require: Shooter

Second area; before leave to next area, there's a red circle next to Astromech
Droid's panel.  Shoot it to go up to get a minikit.

# 7 - Require: Sith, Bounty Hunter

Third area; when entering this area, there's a black thing on the side of 
cliff, use the Force to make a platform to go right and use the Force on black
thing again on the wall to make a complete set of bridge.  Use a detonator to
destroy metallic objects, build Lego pieces and shoot it to go up and get a

# 8 - Require: Protocol Droid, Shooter

There's a minikit held by a cage after you across the second bridge.  Make your
way to the top, use Protocol Droid to open the bars, get close to cage, shoot 
it and get a minikit.

# 9 - Require: Bounty Hunter

Before you fight Vader, there's metallic objects on the right.  Use a detonator
to destory it to enter.  Make your way to get a minikit up ahead.  If you step
a wrong platform, you'll fall, so be careful.

#10 - Require: Small, Shooter, Jedi/Sith

Fourth area; there's a hatch on the bark after you across the bridge, access it
to go up, jump to the left and pull a switch to blow the black box below you.
Get down, build Lego pieces and shoot it to go up and switch to Jedi or Sith
for double-jump to get a minikit.

Episode V  Chapter 5

# 1 - Require: Astromech Droid, Bounty Hunter

First area; use Astromech Droid to float to a platform and use the switcher to
rise the platform.  Oh, there's a minikit next to switcher.  Use a detonator
to blow up the metallic objects and get a minikit.

# 2 - Require: Bounty Hunter

Second area; after you clear the first door, go to the door with Bounty Hunter 
access.  Open it and get a minikit.

# 3 - Require: Sith

Third area; After you fight Vader, use the Force on red thing on the left to
open a hole, use a crane controller and grab one Stormtrooper and drop him into
a hole.  Build Lego pieces to get a minikit.

# 4 - Require: Jedi/Sith, Shooter

Fourth area; after you use the Force to move and active a fan to go up.  
There's a minikit at very high.  Shoot the wall then jump to get a minikit.

# 5 - Require: Astromech Droid

Another minikit is above the second fan, use Astromech Droid to active a 
platform first, then float to get a minikit.

# 6 - Require: Small

Fifth area; look for a hatch to get a minikit.

# 7 - Require: Jedi/Sith or Shooter

Sixth area; on the center platform and there's a minikit below.  Destroy a blue
and black square to bring and get a minikit.

# 8 - Require: Any character

Seventh area; after you jumped out of circle window, go left to get a minikit.

# 9 - Require: Any character

Somewhere there's a minikit in front of you, jump to get it.

#10 - Require: Stormtrooper

There's a door with Stormtrooper's access at the end, switch to Vader, open it 
and get a minikit.

Episode V  Chapter 6

# 1 - Require: Protocol Droid

First area; at the beginning, go left and use Protocol Droid to open the door
and get a minikit.

# 2 - Require: Any character

Find and build three white Lego pieces to get minikit; one is at the beginning,
one is before Boba Fett takes off and one is in hallway in other building.
When you build three, a minikit appears next to you.

# 3 - Require: Jedi/Sith

The area where you fight Boba Fett, use the Force on white tree and go into
the hole to get a minikit.

# 4 - Require: Astromech Droid, Jedi/Sith

A door next to a door with Bounty Hunter access, use Astromech Droid to open
it.  Pull a switch and use your partner as Jedi/Sith to hold a platform then
jump and get a minikit.

# 5 - Require: Jedi/Sith

On the right of the elevator with Stormtrooper access.  Use the Force on all
chairs to pack on tables to get a minikit.

# 6 - Require: Bounty Hunter, Jedi/Sith

Another elevator next to elevator with Stormtrooper access, use Bounty Hunter
to active to go up.  Destory everything with detonator and use the Force to
get a minikit.

# 7 - Require: Any character

Second area; go down and right to get a minikit simply.

# 8 - Require: Shooter, Astromech Droid

Right before you enter a big door, shoot a target to go up, switch to Astromech
Droid and float to get a minikit.

# 9 - Require: Sith, Shooter

An area with poison gas, there's a door on the right.  Use the Force on black
thing to open the door to enter.  There's a white thing hanging above, shoot it
to get a minikit.

#10 - Require: Jedi/Sith

Last area; there's a minikit at top of Millennium Falcon ship, double-jump to
get a minikit.

Episode VI  Chapter 1

# 1 - Require: Bounty Hunter

There's a metallic object next to big front door.  Destroy it, shoot a target
to go up and jump to get a minikit.

# 2 - Require: Sith, Shooter

On the left and you'll see a black lego.  Use the Force to remove and shoot a
target to go up, shoot again and jump to get a minikit.

# 3 - Require: Shooter, Protocol Droid

Before you open the door with Bounty Hunter's access, go to the right, build
Lego pieces and use Protocol Droid to open the cage and get a minikit.

# 4 - Require: Astromech Droid

When you enter another room, a big door is on the left, use Astromech Droid to
open and get a minikit. 

# 5 - Require: Protocol Droid

Second area; on the right, use Protocol Droid to open the cage to get a 

# 6 - Require: Shooter

After you destoryed metallic door, go left and build Lego pieces.  Shoot four
times to blow up the wall and get a minikit.

# 7 - Require: Jedi/Sith

A room where R2-D2 and C-3PO is held, there's orange tiles on the floor,
destroy it and follow the path to get a minikit.

# 8 - Require: Sith

Third area; there's a minikit on the wall, use the Force to remove two red
red things, then remove the cage and get a minikit.

# 9 - Require: Stormtrooper

Fourth area; before you release Han Solo, there's a minikit on the left.
Use Stormtrooper or Vader to open and get a minikit.

#10 - Require: Shooter, Jedi/Sith

Last area; build Lego pieces on the right, shoot a target to go up, switch
character and double-jump to get a minikit.

Episode VI  Chapter 2

# 1 - Require: Jedi/Sith

First area; build four Lego gunners.  Two is in first ship, another two is in
second ship.  When all four gunners is built, a minikit appear at very high.
Use the Force at the end of second ship to go up and get a minikit.

# 2 - Require: Astromech Droid

There's a minikit in front of on second ship, float to get it then return.

# 3 - Require: Sith, Shooter

Like use the Force to make a platform to go left of giant vehicle, as for other
way, use the Force on black things to make a platform to go right, go there.
Go around and shoot a target to go up, pull two switches and shoot the blue 
things to receive Lego pieces.  Build these to get a minikit.

# 4 - Require: Jedi/Sith, Bounty Hunter, Astromech and Protocol Droid

Continue from minikit #3, go right and use the Force on all white panel to 
reveil switches.  Pull every switch to open black panels above.  Go back and
shoot a target and go all the way to get a minikit.  Oh wait, there's a 
metallic cage, use detonator to break it and grab a minikit.

# 5 - Require: Sith, Shooter

Before enter to back door, there's a red box on the left, use the Force to
break, build Lego pieces and shoot a target to go up.  Pull two switches and
use the Force on last switch to receive a minikit, get it.

# 6 - Require: Small

Second area; at the end, use Small to access hatch and pull two switches to 
receive a minikit, get it.

# 7 - Require: Shooter

Third area; a room after you setup a music party, shoot all windows in the 
room, build Lego pieces to get a minikit.

# 8 - Require: Sith, Shooter

Fourth area; behind you there's a box, use the Force to break, build Lego 
pieces, switch to shooter and shoot a target to go up, switch to Sith and
double-jump to get other side, switch to shooter to go up again and switch back
to Sith and double-jump to get a minikit.

# 9 - Require: Small

At the back of the giant vehicle, use Small to access hatch to get a minikit.

#10 - Require: Any character

Last area; a big gun is at the back of the giant vehicle.  What you do is shoot
one speaker tower (don't shoot both or the game end).  Get off and go to
speaker tower's hole and get a minikit before you shoot one more and the game

Episode VI  Chapter 3

Note: There are five minikits during the race, recommend to collect these 
before taking down enemy racers.

# 1 - Require: Speeder

Second area; at the beginning of race, at left lane, step a white platform to
rise the ramp, smash the cage to get a minikit.

# 2 - Require: Speeder

On the right lane, step three white platforms to release a cage and smack it to
get a minikit.

# 3 - Require: Speeder

On the right lane, step two white platforms to rise the ramp and release a 
cage, smack it to get a minikit.

# 4 - Require: Speeder

On the left lane, step four white platforms to release a cage and smake it to
get a minikit.

# 5 - Require: Speeder

On the right lane, step a white platform to rise the ramp, then step three 
white platforms to rise another ramp and smack a cage to get a minikit.

# 6 - Require: Speeder

Another cage is lying and close to minikit #5, smack it to get a minikit.

# 7 - Require: Sith, Small, Astromech Droid

First stop of speaker tower; hop into AT-ST, go to the right, jump off the 
ledge, use the Force on dark grass to clear the way, use Small to access a
hatch to go up and use Astromech Droid to float the other side.  Pull a switch
to release a cage, hop into AT-ST and shoot it to get a minikit.

# 8 - Require: Jedi/Sith, Bounty Hunter

Second stop of speaker tower; go to the right and build Lego pieces to go up.
Use Bounty Hunter to destory two metallic objects and use the Force on three
brown boxes and place together to go up.  Pull a switch to release a cage.
Make sure AT-ST is built, hop in and shoot a cage to get a minikit.

# 9 - Require: Jedi/Sith, Bounty Hunter

Third stop of speaker tower; hop into AT-ST, go to the right, jump off the
ledge, use the Force on brown platform to move closer to the cage.  Destroy a
metallic object, build a Lego pieces, shoot a target to go up and pull a 
switch to release a cage.  Hop into AT-ST again an shoot it to get a minikit.

#10 - Require: Stormtrooper, Bounty Hunter

Third area; a metal cage is under the bridge, go up and use Stormtrooper or 
Vader to release a cage.  Go down and use detonator to blow up the cage to get
a minikit.

Episode VI  Chapter 4

# 1 - Require: Shooter or Jedi/Sith, Astromech Droid

First area; shoot two purple boxes, build Lego pieces and push counterclockwise
to rise the lift.  Switch to Astromech Droid and float onto the lift to go up
and get a minikit.

# 2 - Require: Jedi/Sith, Astromech Droid

After you across the bridge, there's a minikit inside the bark.  Go to the lift
at the right to go up and pull a switch to rise the lift.  Switch to Astromech
Droid to float the other side.  Switch back and use the Force on a white ball
to lower the lift, hop in, pull a switch to open the cage and get a minikit.

# 3 - Require: Jedi/Sith

When you're pulling another switch to rise the second bridge.  Use the Force
on the right to move down the platform.  Jump to high platform and use the
Force again to move up and get a minikit.

# 4 - Require: Shooter

Third area; go down and destroy two purple boxes, build Lego piece and shoot
a target to go up.  Shoot the woods in front of minikit to remove and get a 

# 5 - Require: Any character with Tractor

At the river, there's a minikit behind the waterfall, however you cannot reach
because of slipping.  All you do is to build a tractor and drive it to the
waterfall to get a minikit.

# 6 - Require: Small, Astromech Droid

After you opened two big gates, destroy all grass area on the left, use Small
to access a hatch to go up and use Astromech Droid to float the other side to
get a minikit.

# 7 - Require: Shooter, Jedi/Sith, Astromech Droid

Fourth area; when you enter the war zone, go straight to the bark, clear the 
grass, build Lego pieces and push counterclockwise to unfold the lift.  Then
shoot a target to go up.  Use the Force on a white ball to ascend the lift and
jump to other side.  Again use the Force on another white ball to ascend
another lift.  Switch to Astromech quickly and float to the left to get a 

# 8 - Require: Bounty Hunter, Small, Jedi/Sith

On the right of the building, use a detonator to destroy two metallic object,
build Lego pieces, use the Force on a white ball to ascend the lift, use Small
to access a hatch to go up, use the Force on platform to move down and jump
to other side.  Use the Force again to move up, jump and get a minikit.

# 9 - Require: Shooter, Jedi/Sith

Fifth area; a room where you pulled a yellow switch.  At below, shoot all white
walls and use the Force on all white panels to receive Lego pieces.  Build
these and get a minikit.

#10 - Require: Small, Astromech Droid

Continue from minikit #9, use Small to access a hatch on the left to the other
side.  And use Astromech Droid to float to get a minikit.

Episode VI  Chapter 5

# 1 - Require: Jedi/Sith

At the beginning, go left and use the Force on white thing and double-jump to
get a minikit.

# 2 - Require: Bounty Hunter

On the right, use a detonator to destory a metallic object, build Lego pieces,
shoot a target to go up and get a minikit.

# 3 - Require: Bounty Hunter

After the Emperor moves to another location, go across the bridge then turn 
left as you see a metallic object, use a detonator to destory it and get a

# 4 - Require: Bounty Hunter, Sith, Astromech Droid

Go to the area where the Emperor is, at the lower floor, clear the things on
right, build Lego pieces and use Bounty Hunter to access the panel to lower the
platform nearby.  Then use the Force on black thing above, build Lego pieces 
and jump onto a platform.  Then switch to Astromech Droid and float to the 
other side to get a minikit.

# 5 - Require: Any character

Continue from minikit #4, go to the door and enter.  Step all black square 
around to receive a minikit, get it.

# 6 - Require: Sith

At the upper floor, use the Force on all ten white lights quickly and double-
jump to get a minikit.

# 7 - Require: Protocol Droid, any character.

When the Emperor is moved again, stick to the right and go across the bridge.
Ah you see Bounty Hunter's access, meanwhile build Lego pieces nearby, use
Protocol Droid to open the door at the right.  Go and build Lego pieces to get
a minikit.

# 8 - Require: Sith, Bounty Hunter

Go to another area where the Emperor is, at the lower floor, use Small to
access a hatch at the right to go up and push the box off the platform to
shatter.  Shoot it to blow up the door and enter.
Go up and use the Force on black bars on the wall to blow.  And use a detonator
to blow up a metal fan then get a minikit.

# 9 - Require: Bounty Hunter, Protocol Droid, Jedi/Sith

Continue from minikit #8; use a detonator to blow up the metallic objects
nearby.  Shoot a target to go up and pull a switch to release Lego pieces.
Build these and push it on black circle.  Shoot two chairs nearby, build Lego
pieces and push counterclockwise to rotate the object.  Then push the object to
the right to active the lift.  Before you go up, go to the door and destory
objects next to it, build Lego pieces and use Protocol Droid to move the 
platform from the other side.  Then go to the lift, go up, left and press a
switch to release the shield below you.  Get down and jump to get a minikit.

#10 - Require: Jedi/Sith, Small

Continue from minikit #9; use the Force on three chairs and place together to
go up.  Use Small to access a hatch to exit, destory a fan and get a minikit.

Episode VI  Chapter 6

# 1 - Require: Any fighter

First area; there's a minikit on the left of Star Destoryer on the front,
get it.

# 2 - Require: Any fighter

Again there's a minikit on the right of another Star Destroyer on the back,
get it.

# 3 - Require: Any fighter

Second area; there are three targets on red multiple pipes, shoot them to get
a minikit.

# 4 - Require: TIEs (Fighter, Interceptor, Bomber)

Before destroy the first shield, go right, use TIEs to open the red and black
panel and get a minikit.

# 5 - Require: Any fighter

Third area; go straight to the end of the wall with red lights, turn left a 
bit and approach to get a minikit.

# 6 - Require: TIEs (Fighter, Interceptor, Bomber)

In the hallway, look carefully on the left to see the red and black panel,
use TIEs, approach to open it and get a minikit.

# 7 - Require: Any fighter

Fourth area; when entering into the core, go right to get a minikit.

# 8 - Require: Any fighter

Fifth area; after the core is destroyed, stick to the right to get a minikit

# 9 - Require: Any fighter

Sixth area; again stick to the right to get a minikit somewhere.

#10 - Require: Any fighter

Seventh (Last) area; again and the last, stick to the right get a minikit

Bounty Hunter Missions  [07-05]
To access this, you need to unlock and buy all Bounty Hunter characters:
Boba Fett, Bossk, Dengar, Greedo, IG-88, and 4-LOM.  When you have them, 
approach to Bounty Hunter's door to open, enter and talk to Jabba to select
a mission.

Having trouble looking for right character?  Need some help?  This will help 
you to find the right location within three minutes.
There are ten bounty hunter missions:

Mission  1: R2-D2

The following takes place inside the ship at Secret Plan (EPIV-CH1).

Go up to next area.  After you passed the white door, go right and open the
door with Bounty Hunter access, go straight to the end, go right and left to
receive Lego pieces and build these to get R2-D2.

Mission  2: Obi-Wan Kenobi

The following takes place inside the large vehicle at Through The Jundland 
Wastes (EPIV-CH2).

Go to the door at the end and use IG-88 to open it to go up.  Press 8 buttons
then pull two switches to open the cage.  Go to the door and use IG-88 to open
the door again, then turn right and clear the gray boxes to get Obi-Wan Kenobi.

Mission  3: Chewbacca

The following takes place outside the cafe at Mos Eisley Spaceport (EPIV-CH3).

Go up to next area, go to the door at the end and use a detonator to blow up
the door.  Go left and shoot the brown door on the left to get Chewbacca.

Mission  4: Princess Leia

The following takes place somewhere at Rescue The Princess (EPIV-CH4).

Remember the prison cell where Princess Leia is held in the story?  Well, 
simply she is on left side.

Mission  5: Admiral Ackbar

The following takes place somewhere at Escape From Echo Base (EPV-CH2).

Go to the left and use IG-88 to open the door, up ahead and destroy the 
blocking thing, enter and build Lego pieces to get Admiral Ackbar

Mission  6: Yoda

The following takes place on Ewok's base at The Battle Of Endor (EPVI-CH4).

Go left and build Lego pieces to rise the bridge, keep go left and you'll see
Yoda.  Destory two purple boxes nearby, build Lego pieces and push
counterclockwise to rise the lift.  Use Boba Fett to fly onto the lift and get

Mission  7: C-3PO

The following takes place in the beginning at Betrayal Over Bespin (EPV-CH6).

Make your way to the door and open it with Bounty Hunter access.  Go straight
and use IG-88 to open the door.  Go left to the lift and access it to go up
and get C-3PO.

Mission  8: Lando Calrissian

The following takes place somewhere at Betrayal Over Bespin (EPV-CH6).

Make your way to big door and use IG-88 to open it.  Stay with IG-88 and go
all the way, through the poison gas and go to next area to get Lando.

Mission  9: Luke Skywalker

The following takes place somewhere at Mos Eisley Spaceport (EPIV-CH3).

Go to the left, use a detonator to blow up the metallic object, build Lego
pieces and push counterclockwise to adjust the tall building straightly.
Build Lego pieces again and shoot a target to go up and get Luke Skywalker.

Mission 10: Han Solo

The following takes place in the beginning at Escape From Echo Base (EPV-CH2).

Go to next area, after you defrozen the door and at intersection.  Go right,
use a detonator to blow up boxes and go in.  Build a yellow canister to active
and move around, hop on the canister and wait to the right, jump and get Han.

Lastly, buy 8 gold bricks in shop.

99 Gold Bricks checklist
Complete by all chapters:
[] 18 Levels
[] 18 True Jedi in Story Mode
[] 18 True Jedi in Free Mode
[] 18 Sets of 10 Minikits

[]  9 Bonus modes of Episode IV, V & VI
[] 10 Bounty Hunter Missions
[]  8 Gold Bricks in shop
[] 99 Gold Bricks total

Outside of Mos Mos Eisley Cantina, there are two Lego objects; 
Lego City and Infinite Stud Fountain.

60 Gold Bricks require to build and access Lego City, see [07-04] for info.
99 Gold Bricks require to build a Infinite Stud Fountain, ton of studs appear 
in three seconds (You can leave your game for a hour or two.  When you return,
you get huge amount of studs, pretty simple).

There are three things to get 100%:
- Collect 18 Power Bricks 
- Collect 1,000,000 studs in Lego City
- Lastly, buy EVERYTHING in shop

Extra and Power Bricks  [07-06]
Having trouble looking for Power Brick?  Need some help?  This will help you to
find the right location and requirement like above.

Episode IV Chapter 1 - Power Brick 1
Require: Bounty Hunter, Protocol Droid and Jedi/Sith

Look for a door can be access by Bounty Hunter, go forward then turn left all 
the way the hall.  Use Protocol Droid to turn off the shield and go to the
door.  There's a shower on the right very close to door, use the Force on it
to grow plants, destroy these and get a Power Brick.

Episode IV Chapter 2 - Power Brick 2
Require: Bounty Hunter, Astromech Droid and Jedi/Sith

Go to the right at the beginning.  When you see a gap, go right and you'll see
metallic objects.  Use an astromech droid to float close to these.  Use Bounty
Hunter to detonate these and use an astromech to float back before it blow up.
Proceed and go to the end until you see a cave.  Power brick is in there but 
blocked by some woods and cannot destroy these.  Go back and switch Jedi/Sith
and use the Force on three white boxes to place together to go up and jump on 
the big rock, then use astromech droid to float the other side and then switch
any except droids and push the object off the rock, watch it to blow up the 
woods and get a Power Brick.

Episode IV Chapter 3 - Power Brick 3

Require: Jedi/Sith, Astromech Droid

Go north and left until you see four small trash cans.  FYI do not destroy 
these!  Use the Force on these to bring out all Lego pieces, then build these
to make a door and use Astromech Droid to open it and get a Power Brick.

Episode IV Chapter 4 - Power Brick 4

Require: Astromech Droid, Shooter

After opening the door with Astromech Droid in first area, go to first hall.
Then go to second hall, forward and use Astromech Droid to open the door on the
left.  At outside, float to other side, then use Shooter to go up and get a
Power Brick.

Episode IV Chapter 5 - Power Brick 5

Require: Protocol Droid, Jedi/Sith

After you opened the first door, use Protocol Droid to open a door on the left,
build Lego pieces and use the Force to open it to get a Power Brick. 

Episode IV Chapter 6 - Power Brick 6

Require: Any fighter

At the last area where the primary target is, there's a path on the right at
the end, go right to get a Power Brick.

Episode V  Chapter 1 - Power Brick 7

Require: TIEs and Snowspeeder

A red and black panel next to detonator refiller, use TIEs to open it and go
in.  Wipe all enemies in this area and next area too.  Then bring a detonator
to next area, go right and forward to blow up a white wall to get a Power
Brick.  (I expect you to destroy AT-AT first.)

Episode V  Chapter 2 - Power Brick 8

Require: Sith, Astromech Droid

Before go to last area, go left and use the Force on black things to make a
path to go up.  At the end, go right and use Astromech Droid to open the door.
Enter, go left and pull a switch many times until the door is open.  Go down
and go to last area, search and get a Power Brick.

Episode V  Chapter 3 - Power Brick 9

Require: Any fighter

A Star Destoryer on the back, go behind it and get a Power Brick.

Episode V  Chapter 4 - Power Brick 10

Require: Sith

A dark grass between two big trees on the right before enter to big swamp in
first area.  Use the Force on it to blow up and make way.  Double-jump to get 
other side and you'll see a race track.  Destroy blue box and build Lego pieces
to make a tractor.  Hop in and step all red lights into green and a Power Brick
appears, get it.

Episode V  Chapter 5 - Power Brick 11

Require: Any character

At the beginning, there's a Power Brick behind X-Wing, get it.

Episode V  Chapter 6 - Power Brick 12

Require: Any character with high jumper

An area where Boba Fett's ship is, although it would not leave.
Jump on top of the ship to get a Power Brick.

Episode VI Chapter 1 - Power Brick 13

Require: Shooter

A room after you open the door with Bounty Hunter in first area, build Lego
pieces at the right, push onto red button to hold.  Then shoot a target to go
up and get a Power Brick.

Episode VI Chapter 2 - Power Brick 14

Require: Shooter, Astromech Droid

As close to the back of giant vehicle, there's a brown box.  Shoot it, build
Lego pieces and shoot a target to go up.  Use Astromech Droid to float the
other side to get a Power Brick.

Episode VI Chapter 3 - Power Brick 15

Require: Small

After destroyed four speaker towers and enter to next area, to the left and 
push an object to the end and access a hatch to go up to get a minikit.

Episode VI Chapter 4 - Power Brick 16

Require: Sith, Small, Astromech and Protocol Droid

A room where you pulled a purple switch.  Use the Force on black thing on the
floor to bring a object, push it to the wall to move the other side.  Go up
and use Astromech Droid to float to get a panel above and use Protocol Droid
to open a hatch.  Use Small to access it to other side and finally push the 
object to the end to get a Power Brick.

Episode VI Chapter 5 - Power Brick 17

Require: Sith

At the beginning, use the force on all eight red lights then get a Power Brick.

Episode VI Chapter 6 - Power Brick 18

Require: Any fighters with torpedos

In the core, at the left, shoot two targets to get a Power Brick.

Lego City [07-07]

Welcome to Lego City!  The objective is to collect 1,000,000 studs.
These could be inside the every houses, destroy or use the Force to receive 
studs. Destory all trees and objects, build a flowers and use the Force on the 
fans to get more.  Hop on any creatures or any vehicles and the blue studs 
appear nearby, follow these to collect more.  I think that's it, explore more 
if its unfinish and collect remain studs, and it's not hard.

    Contract and Copyright 2006                                       [08-00]  

History - How I get 100%:
When starting new game, I quickly explored around Mos Eisley Cantina.
1. Completed all level and True Jedi in all Story Mode.
2. Completed all another True Jedi, Minikits and Power Bricks in all Free Mode.
3. Completed all bonus modes.
4. Bought all Bounty Hunter characters and completed all missions.
5. Bought everything in shop.
That's it, the end.

This document is the hard work of me John Lau (theboar). And I don't want
anyone to take this guide and rip it off. This document cannot be changed or 
altered in any way, shape or form. You are welcome to ask permission if you 
would like this guide posted on your website. This document is for private use
only. You are free to print it out but you don't have permission to sell it for
profit. This document is not to be published in any form of media publication
unless you have the permission of me before hand. The websites listed below
have permission to have this guide published on their sites. Use of this guide
on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly
prohibited, and a violation of copyright. That is all, thank you.

All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their
respective trademark and copyright holders.

Copyright 2006 John Lau (theboar)

Thanks for the support.

GameFAQs     -
Neoseeker    -
Super Cheats -

Version History

Version 1.0 - Finished up the guide. Main game is fully finished, 
              even 100% complete.

Version 1.1 - Update new sites for permission.

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