"Excellent! Let us now explore our surroundings a little better"
Tap anywhere on the ground to make the ninja walk to that spot. This is very much self explanatory! (Reward: 5 XP, 5 Coins)
Find the stalls on the right and make the ninja walk there. You need to reach the far right of the set of stalls to complete this mission (Reward: 20 XP, 5 Coins)
Throw the ninja onto a roof in the market area. For this task, tap and hold the ninja and sling him onto one of the roofs (Reward: 35 XP, 5 Coins)
"Great work! Oh, the ninja has placed a photo on the house. Let us examine it more closely"
Find the small phot on the side of the house, then tap it (Reward: 70 XP, 10 Coins)
Once you tap the picture you are told a story. Essentially, our ninja's sweetheart Kira has been kidnapped. We need to find her - that is our main goal in this game. In order to be able to do this, we have to train hard.
"the ninja must follow the Path of the Ninja to reach his friend Kira. For this he must train!
Get the Old Rice Sack from the ninja Kit. Beware: the ninja will be very clumsy at first! Tap the arrow and then the punch bag before selecting the Old Rice Sack. This costs 140 Coins, but rewards you with 100 XP and 5 Coins upon completion of your training. (Reward: 5 XP, 5 Coins)
Tap where you want the punchbag to appear, then lift so that it is suspended in middair. It will take quite a few goes before your ninja hits the bag successfully, and even more before the meter fills up enough to complete the training session and learn the Light Jab move. (Reward: 15 XP, 5 Coins)
As with this mission before, wait for your Sensei to repair the Punch Bag to complete this goal. (Reward: 25 XP, 5 Coins)
Get the ninja to hit the punch bag twice in a row. He can do it! You may have achieved this already during the "Try It Out" mission. Nonetheless, you will need to do it again - so position the punch bag in a decent location and hold it steady so your ninja can hit it easily - remember, he has to do this twice in a row to complete the mission (Reward: 40 XP, 5 Coins)
"the ninja must earn belts in order to travel the Path of the Ninja"
There is a large poster on the wall - tap it to see the path of the ninja. This poster is by the photograph that we tapped on earlier. It allows you to see how you are faring on your journey in the game. You can tap this poster whenever you like to check your progress(Reward: 25 XP, 5 Coins)
Keep training on the trampoline or the punch bag until you earn your first belt. This will be your Blue Belt, awarded at Level 3 by your Sensei. (Reward: 70 XP, 10 Coins)
Where is the site poster